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tv   CBS Overnight News  CBS  March 22, 2016 2:37am-4:00am EDT

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done, walking them through the entire process, and giving them finance options so that they can afford dental implants. it's all about taking control of your dental health and joining the smile-freedom movement, isn't it? >> shari, i couldn't agree with you more. it really is. you mentioned fear. many of our patients are very fearful. they've had the fear of having a bad smile, the fear of not being able to really show their teeth in public. they don't feel like they've had any control over what their smile looks like, any control over what all these expenses have cost them and their family, both in time and money. and while we do help these patients regain their dental health, and we do have to talk about implants and we have to talk about teeth, really, at the end of the day, it's not about any of that at all. it's about freedom -- freedom from dentures, freedom from worrying about your smile again, the freedom to walk into a restaurant, order anything that you want, the freedom of getting
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continued failed "denturations." it's really about freedom, and we're very proud to set these smiles free. >> well, thank you, dr. adams, for being here and giving us your perspective. and thank you all for joining us for this episode of
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hat now. >> even so, over the last week at this day's inn, a 23-year-old from hawaii died from a drug overdose. a 20-year-old from indiana after a day of drinking fell to his death from a parking garage. but this year the address for spring break has changed. places like miami beach. how many kids here? couple hundred thousands is a guess. drinking that ninth beer. the real number no longer matters. except to miami beach cops. fewer than 400 of them trying to keep the lid on. they're still going to to what
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ain't going to stop it. >> bobby jenkins, president of the miami beach fraternal order of police. >> when kbhun communities, ban drink og in the beach. get tougher. do you see those who clamped down and flooding in here. >> yes. making comments. beach. harassed the time they got off the airplane to the time they left. >> reporter: cops here feel ha harassed. seven partiers were arrested. >> i guess people got too rowdy. >> you can deem with one or two, not thousands of them. >> worse than in years past? >> yes. >> how so? >> people leave when you want them to leave. here they challenge you and take you on about it. >> reporter: miami beach also has a ban on beach drinking. but it is widely ignored. overwhelmed cops say they have too many other issues. mark strassmann, miami beach.
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recovering from first degree burns he suffered during a student pep rally at a school. ricky charles was spitting fire when something went horribly wrong. >> the fire breathing act was planned to rally kids ahead of standardized test. but it likely did not have intended effect. we should warn you this story contains graphic images. >> reporter: the stunt man was spitting a fire ball as a performer leaped overhead when things got out of control. flames shot across the performer's face. then spread almost instantly. he appeared to try to put out the fire with his hand. >> at firest we thought it was the act. then we realize the it was real. all of a sudden, throwing the fire everywhere. we are lake okay he is on fire. >> everybody was panicking. trying to evacuate the area. it was crazy. >> the former circus performer
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runs a performance group called inferno's challenge. rushed to the hospital with burns to his face but is expected to recover. several students were also treated for respiratory injuries. >> imed me yacht meed jumped out of the car looking for my daughter. there was kids on the ground. they were treating the kids. >> palm beach county called the incident inexcusable saying it is violation of district policy and district rules are cleared that fire and pyrotechnics are forbidden inside the buildings. >> right now. glad the kids are okay. i don't think it was a wise desix. i am glad my daughter is okay. >> the "cbs overnight news" will be right back. one pac cleans tough food better than 6 pacs of the bargain brand combined.
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terry bollea who used to wrestle under the name hulk hogan was back in a florida courtroom in his multimillion dollar lawsuit against gawker media. a jury awarded bollea $115 million in damages over a sex tape gawker posted on its website. the same jury was considering punitive damages of up to $345 million. either way, gawker plans to appeal. erin moriarty spoke to gawker's founder about the case. nick denton is not a household name.
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denton founder of gawker media, a collection of seven online blogs that feed on sensational stories. often having to do with celebrities. >> i think it is a good name. a famous name. >> reporter: but it means to stare stupidly. >> it means to stare. stupidly might be in one of the definitions. we have a little sense of humor about what we do. >> reporter: with the internet largely unregulated denton and his crew have been able to gawk at just about anything. until one of their celebrity targets took them on in a saint petersberg, florida, courtroom. >> i was completely humiliated. >> terry bollea seen here when he was still wrestling professionally under the name hulk hogan. >> hulk hogan riding the motorcycle! sued denton and gawker for invasion of privacy. he says his life has not been the same since 2012 when gawker
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featuring bollea. >> it turned my world upside down. >> reporter: there is a lot at stake. bollea sued for $100 million. denton's entire digital media company is at risk. and some fear so is freedom of speech on the internet. >> i have a phrase -- nothing is ever as good or as bad as it seems at the time. and i think often the tests bring out the best in people. and in companies. >> reporter: just days before the trial began, nick denton seemed confident. >> it is a good story. it's true. it's a matter of public concern. he is a very public figure. if we were going to have a story to go to trial, i am actually pretty glad it is this one. >> reporter: since 2002, the british born, oxford educated denton has built gawker media with stories just like this.
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r mayor's drug use, hillary clinton's server, and accusations against bill cosby and of course the hulk hogan sex tape. >> is that really news or just entertainment and appealing to our most voyeuristic instincts? >> we find it interesting. and that particular story, millions of people found interesting. gossip is the version of news that the authorities, or the celebrities or the officials, don't want team people to know. the other unauthorized version. i think people have the right to know the unauthorized version as well as the the authorized version. >> there are also gawker's internet pranks. denton's crew created havoc by getting republican candidates, donald trump, to repeat this quotation on twitter. it is bet tire live one day as a
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the problem -- fascist leader benito mussilini said it first. >> it is okay to know it was mussilini, look, it is a very good quote. >> reporter: tormenting public figures may seem an odd career choice for a journalist who once worked for the lofty financial times. but denton says as a gay man and a brit trying to make it in america, he has felt like an outsider. >> and then itch you f you an outsider, there are fewer social consequences to running the kind of stories that, gawker ran in the early days, or that -- journalists, good journalists run, a lot of the stories make you unpopular. if you care less about being accepted by an establishment, you are more likely to run the stories, more likely to allow journalists fuller freedom. >> reporter: denton employs 200 people working in a manhattan
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expected to post 12 stories a day, can be grueling. a large central board continually ranges the pop raert of stories by the number of readers clicking on. >> what's a good story. how many clicks do you need. >> anister that gets over a million views is a big story for us. >> for the record, the hogan sex tape reportedly got 8 million views. which made it a huge story. and then, last year, nick denton announced he was toning down his web sites. to focus more on politics. he insists that change has the nothing to do with the current lawsuit. >> i could just be getting older. i turn 50 this year. so, some of the mellowing may just be aging. >> reporter: last summer denton did something he had never done. he polled a damaging -- pulled a damaging story involving a man who wasn't famous but happened to hatch ape have a brother who was.
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believe we should have done. didn't think the point merit the hurt kauptzed to ed to caused to the man's family. >> does the fact you drew a line with one line. pull the post. make it difficult to defend putting on a sex tape of hulk hogan. >> i think the -- the journalists make judgment calls all of the time. and i think, what people want to know from us is that we do apply standards. >> but in the end. the man who made a career out of pushing limits, may have gone too far. the jury came down decisively against him. giving the professional wrestler even more than he asked for. $115 million. nick denton might be on the ropes. but even before the trial he was predicting he would win on appeal. >> i wonder whether i will look back and look at this trial as
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case as being the, the prompt, that actually caused us to -- to focus on what we do, what we believe in, and be serious about
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the e-class has 11 intelligent driver-assist systems. it recognizes pedestrians and alerts you. warns you about incoming cross-traffic. cameras and radar detect dangers you don't. and it can even stop by itself. so in this crash test, one thing's missing:
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the vietnam war may be fading from memory for most americans. for those who fought in vietnam and though who were there to document the war, the conflict lives on. dean reynolds sat down with some of the soldier photographers whose work is now on display at a museum in chicago. >> this is a wounded -- >> soldier. >> yes. he got hitten the leg real bad. was being evacuated. >> this is how soldiers saw the war, through the lens of his camera. >> happened to bethere right place, right time. i took the shot. >> reporter: enlisted member of the department of the army's special photographic office.
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unvarnished look at the war. >> you want out in the middle of the fighting? >> yes. >> ted atchinson was one of the cameramen. >> i was drafted. a junior in college. >> did you think boy if i could just get over there and take pictures. >> no. >> reporter: their access to the battlefield was far greater than press photographers. many assignments were classified. >> we shot every conceivable subject in vietnam. everything. bill was their commander. was your criteria for sending people this looks like it is going to be really active? >> yes. hot. >> hot. >> yes. washington likes us to get combat footage. >> reporter: among the scenes atchinson recorded. army assault on a village 45 years aguy. >> you are just shooting. >> yes. >> i'm out there with my camera
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i'm thinking, what the hell am i doing here? >> more than 200 of them deployed over a decade. two were killed in action. many were wounded. few more helmets. >> they got in the way. >> no way i could put a camera on my shoulder. standing there. if you shake, it is no good. awe wlaut >> what they shot was for training, a quarter was available to newspapers and networks. the rest was archived. now on display at the museum in chicago. >> just wondering what you hope people will fake away from take away from this exhibit? >> i would like the people to understand what the photographer went through to take these pictures. and what -- he was thinking. what he had to go through to get pictures. chicago. that's the "cbs overnight
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for some of you, the news continues. for others, check back with us a bit later for the morning news and cbs this morning. from the broadcast center here in new york city. i'm michelle miller. this is a new day -- un nueva dia. >> and an historic day -- the first meeting between u.s. and cuban presidents in havana in nearly 09 years. >> also tonight -- new electronic gear shifts are blamed for more than 100 accidents. >> the little known law that is taking this 6-year-old away from the only family she has ever known. >> with very heavy hearts, comply with order, and we will be waiting here for them to come take her. >> and the untold story behind one of the most famous stories of all time. >> this is the "cbs overnight news."
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would live to see the day. an american president meeting with a communist president named castro in havana. 55 years after eight u.s. aircraft bombed the bay of pigs in an attempt to overthrow the castro dictatorship, air force one flew the last mission of the cold war with russia. once the world held its breath over cuba, president obama arrived in a country still waiting to exhale. margaret brennan is in havana. >> reporter: it was a striking image -- president obama in havana's revolution square with a giant outline of communist icon looking down. a gesture to a troubled past on the day president obama focused on the future. >> this is a new day. >> reporter: since arriving yesterday the president delighted the cuban people by touring old havana and reviewing cuban troops. but after their meeting today,
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discussion with raul castro about cuba's human rights record. >> to the extent we can have a good conversation about that and to actually make progress that i think will allow us to see the full flowering of a relationship that is possible. in the absence of that i think it will continue to be a very powerful irritant. >> castro got a taste of american freedom of the press when he was asked about cuban political prisoners. clearly frustrated, he denied there were any. >> translator: what political prisoners he said? >> reporter: just yesterday the regime arrested more than two dozen protesters. activist antonio rodiles was among them. >> allow him to do these violations and at the same time giving economic possibilities. for sure they're getting the
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can do whatever they want. the obama administration argues the best way to improve human rights is to invest in cuba's future by strengthening economic ties. >> push down with the heel. horace clemmons and saul berenthal will open the first american owned factory in havana since the communist revolution. they'll sell this tractor to cuban farmers still reliant on live stick to plow their fields. berenthal fled cuba as a child. >> i have made peace with the past i have been able to not only understand what happened and even figure out that the best way to heal is exactly to do what we're doing. >> american executives are also here as part of the president's delegation. starwood hotels just inked a daily to be the first american hotel operator in havana in nearly 60 years. and scott, google is in talks to increase internet access on the
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>> margaret brennan, our woman in havana tonight. margaret, thank you very much. our polls show that most americans support diplomatic relations with cuba, but not the americans that david begnaud talked to today in miami's little havana. >> reporter: cafe versailles in little miami has been ground zero for anti-castro demonstrations to. day protesters knew they would find cameras here. they stomped on and steam rolled pictures of president obama. presence in cuba betrayal. for 76-year-old, emilio izquierdo it is personal. he spent two years jailed in cuba before escaping during the mariel boat landing. our president. down the road? i am very mad. >> you can call me an extremist if you want to.
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viniello escaped the communist regime as a child. >> the president is a sellout, sir. was left out of, the cuban >> we are going to have more eyes over there. >> abe riviera left cuba with his family when he was a year old. now 49 this investor is ready to do business in cuba. >> now we are going to have an island 90 miles away from the united states, that everybody is going to go and visit. what obama has done for cuba -- it is great. >> over the last 30 years when there was a concern about something happening in cuba this is the spot where thousand would gather to protest. 10,000, 20,000 people. in a sign of the times, today there were less than 30. david. thank you. in havana today, mr. obama
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for u.s. marine staff sergeant lewis cardin. killed in a rocket attack in iraq. several other u.s. marines were wounded. his remains were returned today. cardin was from california. he died on saturday which was the 13th anniversary of the u.s. invasion. there is a dragnet tonight for a previously unknown suspect in the paris terror attacks. 130 people were killed last november. charlie d'agata is in belgium where another suspect was captured on friday. >> reporter: new video appears to show salah abdeslam making a run for it. even though belgian security forces were just outside. he had didn't before evading police for months before being caught last friday. investigators believe abdeslam played a central role in the paris attacks and intended to
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mind. now, there is a new suspect, laachraoui, his dna found, and his whereabouts are unknown. prosecutors admitted they aren't close to solving the puzzle. >> translator: we're working on an enormous amount of cases, said frederick van hoy, they're becoming more and more worrying and violent. authorities can't explain how abdeslam was able to disappear for months only to be captured a few blocks from his home in brussels neighborhood. the interior minister, jan jambon told us isis is growing more sophisticated. what took so long? they know everything about arms. they know everything about communication techniques. they hide. they have a network. it is professionals against professionals. >> reporter: another reason, abdeslam may have been able to hide in plain sight according to ann speckert, an expert who interviewed dozens of islamic
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>> these are really brutal horrible people that went to paris and gunned people down. it's not beyond them to also punish anyone that would turn
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now there are 33 weeks before the presidential election. most americans believe that hillary clinton and donald trump will be the nominees, and they're not happy about that. our new cbs news/"the new york times" poll out tonight shows that 57% have an unfavorable opinion of trump. and for clinton, it's 52% unfavorable. in an election match up, clinton would beat trump by ten points. bernie sanders would beat trump by 15. here is julianna goldman. >> this was considered one of the great buildings of washington one of the great in the country.
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nation's capital today, donald trump made time to plug his namesake hotel blocks from the white house. >> if people want to be smart they should embrace the movement. he had a message for republicans working furiously to stop him. >> they've don't want to be smart they should do what they're doing now and the republicans are going go down to a massive loss. >> reporter: as he confidently predicted he will secure the nomination the front-runner spent the day trying to make inroads with washington republicans. trump met with about two dozen current and former lawmakers including former house speaker newt gingrich and new york congressman chris collins. >> the grain unifier is hillary clinton for the republican party. and the need to defeat her. the other great unifier is people get behind a winner which is mr. trump. >> i will submit a list of justices potential justices of the united states supreme court. >> reporter: the billionaire businessman offered more substance saying he was working
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and unveiling a foreign policy team shortly before addressing the nation's largest pro israel lobbying group. >> it seems to be the all-time olympics in peace, in a deal. can you make that deal? between israel and the palestinians. i think the answer is, maybe. >> trump face is a skeptical audience. including the several hundred who plan to boycott his speech because they say his hateful rhetoric doesn't align with jewish values. so far, trump has gotten a warm reception here, scott. that's even though he previously said he would be a neutral broker between israel and the palestinians. it a statement that did not go over well with the crowd. >> thank you. hillary clinton also spoke to that same pro israel group. and nancy cordes has the that. >> reporter: at aipac, hillary clinton said the middle east is nowhere for trump to practice art of the deal. we need steady hands.
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pro israel tuesday. and who knows what is wednesday. everything is negotiable. >> reporter: it reflected the growing focus on the likely gop nominee. the latest cbs news/"the new york times" poll shows her national lead over sanders has shrunk to its smallest margin yet. just 5 points. >> let's have a record breaking turnout in idaho. sanders who is jewish was the only candidate to skip the aipac conference stumping instead in three western states that vote tomorrow. sanders staked a lot on the west which he insists will be his stronghold. >> now we are moving into territory where i think we go in as the favorites. a lot of the states that are out there are states that we can win. and we can win by large margins. >> reporter: the clinton campaign doesn't dispute that. admitting in a recent memo that sanders is likely to win a series of upcoming caucuses. why? because caucuses unlike primaries require a time commitment of a couple hours. so, they tend to reward
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enthusiastic supporters. >> feel the bern! >> with her big delegate lead, clinton is having to spend big to find off sanders. scott, she raised $30 million last month but ended up spend morgue than half of all it on ads. >> aipac, american israel public affairs committee. nancy cordes, thank you very much. today in california, a young girl was taken from the only family she has ever known. a native american tribe won a long, builter custody battle based on a law that few people know about. danielle nottingham reports from santa clarita. >> a painful scene outside the paige family home, as faulser daughter, 6-year-old lexy was taken by state authorities. earlier a devastated rusty paige acknowledged he and his wife lost a nearly four year legal battle to adopt the little girl all.
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comply with the order. >> reporter: lexy came to live with paige and his wife when she was 2 and they have been trying to adopt her since. but lexy is part native american. the indian child welfare act works to keep native american children with their tribal relatives. today the family learned lexi will live with her extended family in utah. >> like getting the phone call that your kid was hit by a car. how you cope. >> neighbors have the been camped out near his home friday in support of the family. court record show lexi's biological father has extensive criminal record and mother had a substance abuse problem. the choctaw tribe agreed to let lexi stay with the pages until she could be reunited. the choctaw nation desires the best for the choctaw child. attorney steve meister. >> whether it is a native american kid or not, have the same end goal which is to reunite a child with his or her
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so that they can be raised by the family they were born into. >> reporter: the paiges say they're the only family lexi knows. scott they tell me they plan to take this case to the california supreme court. >> danielle nottingham for us. thank you. its a new type of gearshift causing jeeps to crash? we'll have that story. the "cbs overnight news" will be
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someone's hacked all our technology. technology... say, have you seen all the amazing technology in geico's mobile app? mobile app? look. electronic id cards, emergency roadside service, i can even submit a claim. wow... yep, geico's mobile app works like a charm. geico. expect great savings and a whole lot more. let's get these dayquil liquid gels and go. but these liquid gels are new. mucinex fast-max. it's the same difference. this one is max strength and fights mucus. mucinex fast-max. flu liquid gel that is max-strength and fights mucus.
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more than 100 accidents blamed on a new high tech gearshift install in nearly a million american vehicles. the government is investigating. and so is kris van cleave. >> reporter: gary titus drives a 2014 jeep grand cherokee, a vehicle built with a new electronic shifter that changed the feel of changing gears. >> if i don't hit it just right and get night drive i could get
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that. >> reporter: it is known as a monostable electronic gearshift or e-shift. and lacks the typical grooves and sensation of moving the car into park, drive, or reverse. >> i thought it was in park. it was in reverse still. and i noticed the car was moving a little bit. so i got between the car and the garage and was able to, yell for my son, and, stop the car at the same time. titus its one of hundreds who filed complaints saying their vehicle rolled away when they thought it was in park. 121 accidents reported resulting in 30 injuries. national highway traffic safety administration is investigating more than 850,000 vehicles equipped with e-shift. most are 2014 and 2015 jeep grand cherokees. we drove one at the consumer reports test track in connecticut. here, i guess it is because there its also not, like i pushed all the way forward. doesn't mean i end up in park. >> locks the fail safe.
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or open the door, press the button to turn off the vehicle it stays in the mode doesn't go to park. >> jeep drivers do get a warning on the dashboard. the company says they are cooperating fully with the ntsa investigation. for 2016, the company changed the shifter to something that has the more traditional feel. but, fiat chrysler says they did that for customer satisfaction reasons not for safety concerns. >> kris van cleave. thank you very much. another big jury award for hulk hogan.
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pro wrestler, hulk hogan, has won the biggest match of his life against the online gossip site gawker. 48 hours correspondent erin moriarty has details. >> reporter: $25 million in punitive damages on top of the $115 million awarded on friday. terry bollea better known as hulk hogan accused gawker of violating his privacy four years ago when it posted a portion of a sex tape. >> given the key evidence. >> nick denton who also testified at trial is the british born oxford educated founder of gawker media, a company valued at $83 million. in the days before the trial he defended the hulk hogan story as
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>> gossip is the version of news that the authorities, or celebrities or the officials don't want people to know. it's the unauthorized version. i think people have all the rights to know the unauthorized version as well as the authorized version. >> reporter: nick denton vowed to appeal the verdict and damages if upheld could put him out of business. >> erin moriarty. thank you, erin.
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we end tonight with the story behind one of the most beloved children's stories of all time. "winnie the pooh." here is jim axelrod. >> reporter: when lindsay mattick was expecting son coal, she knew one day she would want to share family history with him. so she wrote a book about a soldier and a bear. >> my great grandfather's story was not famous. it was not known. >> reporter: but without his, you don't hatch the other? >> absolutely. >> reporter: that's right. before there was this one -- there was this one. >> reporter: your great
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names her what? >> he name her winnipeg. winnie for short. >> reporter: harry coburn was her grandfather's name. and winnipeg was his hometown the a veterinarian about to ship out. his train stopped in a small canadian town. >> he gets off the train. and there is a hunter there. and the hunter has killed a bear. he is selling the cub for $20. >> reporter: harry bought a young female cub and took her with him across the atlantic where winnie became the mascot for harry's regimen. that was fine when training in england. but when it came time to head to front lines in france. >> december 9, 1914, took winnie to zoo, london. >> reporter: harry knew he had to keep winnie safe. >> he planned to get winnie at the end of the war. but clearly the war lasted four years. and he realized at that pin the she had a new home.
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she became a star attract, at the london zoo. >> she did have a remarkable temperament. london zookeepers would let children in the enclosure to play. >> reporter: among the kids entranced by winnie, a buy named christopher robin. >> his father, the author starts writing children's stories. >> reporter: a.a. mill may have made the character famous but harry coburn made it all possible. as lindsay mattick's book "finding winnie" shows us. >> that's powerful, something you do in a moment can go on to have these incredible huge ripple effects that you would never have even imagined. >> reporter: in all her many versions, winnie has been making life sweeter for kids the world over for nearly a century now. not a bad return on a $20 investment. jim axelrod, cbs news, toronto. >> that's the "cbs overnight news" for tuesday. for some of you the news continues. for others check back with us a little later for the morning news and "cbs this morning."
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>> announcer: this is the "cbs overnight news." welcome to the overnight news. i'm michelle miller. president obama continues his historic visit to havana. he met with cuban president raul castro. and laid a wreath at the tomb of cuba's most famous poet and freedom fighter, jose marte, smiles and handshakes soon gave way to politics. president obama called this "a new day" for the u.s. and scuba. but insisted the u.s. will continue to stand up for democracy and human rights. castro said the chief road blocks to normalizing relations are the u.s. trade embargo and the military base at guantanamo bay.
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google struck a deal to expand wi-fi and internet servicen cuba. western union stepping up operations. later today, the tampa bay rays will take on cuban national baseball team. and air bnb is booking rooms if you want to make a trip. >> you would think spotty internet access and cash reliant economy would make it impossible for an online company to do business in cuba. quickly changing as the obama administration lifts restrictions for american companies to do business here. a room with an ocean front view anywhere in the caribbean would cost top dollar. but for as little as $45 a night. renters can reserve a suite like this using online booking tool, air bnb. experiences.
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>> fastest growing. 4,000 homes. 2700 here in havana, cuba. >> reporter: since the u.s. loosened travel restrictions more than 3.5 million visitors have flooded into cuba. a country with only 63,000 hotel rooms. who is booking air bnb in cuba. >> 20% of all americans who come to cuba are staying in an air bnb. >> manuel and family live in los angeles. they decided to rent a room in playa miramar to experience cuba like the locals. >> in a hotel i will not have the opportunity i will take a tour. not end up getting contact with real people. the people that the cubans. >> reporter: cuba remains one of the few countries in the world left virtually untapped by american or racings due to the long running trade embargo. that is changing. starwood hotels will soon be the first u.s. hotel chain to operate in cuba in nearly 60 years. scuba scholar, peter kornblu says businesses are lobbying the obama administration to allow them in the market. let us go to cuba. make our money. get government out of the way of
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cuba is no threat off to the united states. their economy is opening. >> reporter: visitors like this one, fear an influx of biz businesses, will damage the unique charm. within the few years. so we want to take the last grasp how it was before the change. >> reporter: the authoritarian castro government has not made it easy for u.s. come pans to set up shop. especially for companies that operate primarily online. access to the internet remains state controlled. cuba is one of the top five restricted countries in the world. one internet hour of yus can cost 10% of monthly salaries. cubans have long traditions of renting their hems to visitors.
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introduced them to a platform. >> something that was familiar to the culture. tens of thousands of people sharing their homes. we felt like it wasn't that big of a risk. all we had to do was make sure the community embraced air bnb. >> pedro suarez and girlfriend gretel say it broadened their world view. >> thought it was a very good chance to be in talks with people from other countries and so. that wanted to have the experience to, live in cuba, with cuban family. the race for the white house head west today. nominating contests will be held in idaho, utah and arizona. arizona holds the biggest prize for the republicans. 58 winner-take-all delegates that could push trump closer to the nomination. >> i say it for everybody. especially for the media.
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>> reporter: speaking on his home turf of mar-a-lago, it was protester free. >> thank you, everybody. thank you, thank you. >> reporter: on saturday yet another trump rally erupted in violence. this time in tucson, arizona. video captured this protester getting repeatedly punched and kicked by one of trump's supporters as he was being escorted out of the arena. >> there is a disgusting guy, puts a ku klux klan hat on. thinks he is cute. >> a video appears to show trump's campaign manager. grabbing the collar of a protester. though the campaign denies this. on sunday, trump defended supporters and his top aide and complained there is a double standard. >> how come we are the bad people all of the time. what about the people using horrible profanity, horrible words and closing up highways. why are they never the bad people? >> senate majority leader mitch mcconnell again publicly called
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encourage people to have these debates. in a respectful way would be a very important addition to the conversation. >> behind the scenes, party leaders are frantically trying to stop trump's momentum. they're strategizing to force a contested convention. some like mitt romney say it is time to rally behind ted cruz. but john kasich says he is not convinced. >> why don't they drop out? i'm the one that can win in the fall. if nobody gets the delegates. which they've won't. we have to work it to convention. >> overseas, the interrogations continue for salah abdeslam, a suspect in the november terror attacks in paris. abdeslam was shot during his arrest in belgium last week. while he recovers, authorities are pressing him for information about another suspect. abdeslam will be in court tomorrow, fighting an extradition request from france.
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and charlie d'agata is there. >> reporter: the international house he grew up. in is thought to be him. shot in the leg. car. the belgian foreign minister have >> i said we have found a lot of weapons. heavy weapons. >> reporter: a lot of weapons at an earlier raid. and abdeslam's finger prints. [ gunfire ] french prosecutors accuse abdeslam of being key operative in the isis directed paris massacres in november stand that he admitted he was supposed to blow himself up at the stade de france but backed out. that triggered a complaint from sven murray, abdeslam's lawyer, saying it is a breach of confidentiality and could stop him from speaking in the future. >> now he is collaborating with
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matter, he has a lot of information that interests the judge and the police officers. like kwhu helped him slip away to the neighborhood of molenbeek, right under the nose >> the "cbs overnight news" will be right back. because i have used head and used regularly, it removes keeping you every week, every month, every year you ready ma? always life is unpredictable, so embrace it! head and shoulders. live flake free for life you can finally break up with bleach. lysol with hydrogen peroxide. for a tough clean with zero percent bleach. lysol that. degree motionsense is the world's first deodorant activated by movement.
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every touch, gently intensified. a little touch is all it takes. k-y touch. it is spring break for millions of american college students. that means beaches, beer and some times trouble. some towns have taken to cracking down on the rowdy partiers only to discover that it can hurt local businesses. mark strassmann reports. >> reporter: panama city beach used to have its own version of march madness. spring break. and the final four once meant last call for 20,000 college kids a week. but a year later, beaches here look quaintly quiet. grownups stepped in and took control of the beach party. >> we are seeing a decrease in
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have here on spring break. >> dan rowe leads the panama city beach conventions and visitors bureau. >> the city leaders were compelled to make legislative changes. because of incidents of young people behaving badly. >> reporter: not just badly, criminally. this cell phone video allegedly shows the the gang rape of an unconscious woman. no one on the crowded beach stepped in. seven people were shot at a house party. police made more than 1,000 arrests in march alone. this year it is against the law to drink booze on the beach for the month of march. police chief, drew whitman. >> we are endorsing drinking on the beach. we try off to educate. officers have discretion. if you have an individual needed to be cited. cite them. they go to jail. >> police presence is the grownup supervision. roughly 50 beach drinkers have
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that is also how many business people feel. >> the people that want to get rid of spring break. >> he owned spinnakers since 19 # 6. he says this year's business has plummeted. >> between 80%, 90%. this time of year, approximately, 300 staff members. we have less than half that now. >> even so, over the last week at this day's inn, a 23-year-old from hoi thoi -- from ohio died from a drug overdose. a 20-year-old from indiana after a day of drinking fell to his death from a parking garage. but this year the address for spring break has changed. places like miami beach. how many kids here? couple hundred thousands is a guess. drinking that ninth beer. the real number no longer matters. except to miami beach cops. fewer than 400 of them trying to keep the lid on. they're still going to to what they're going to do. ain't going to stop it.
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of police. >> reporter: when communities like panama city beach, ban drinking on the beach, get tougher. do you see those who clamped down and flooding in here. >> yes. making comments. they couldn't go off to panama beach. harassed the time they got off the airplane to the time they left. >> reporter: cops here feel ha harassed. last weekend the beach party moved into street and out of control. seven partiers were arrested. >> i guess people got too rowdy. you can deal with one or two, not thousands of them. >> worse than in years past? >> yes. >> how so? >> people leave when you want them to leave. here they challenge you and take you on about it. >> reporter: miami beach also has a ban on beach drinking. but it is widely ignored. overwhelmed cops say they have too many other issues. mark strassmann, miami beach. >> stuntman in florida
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burns he suffered during a student pep rally at a school. ricky charles was spitting fire when something went horribly wrong. demarco morgan has the story. >> the fire breathing act was planned to rally kids ahead of standardized test. but it likely did not have intended effect. we should warn you this story contains graphic images. >> reporter: the stunt man was spitting a fire ball as a performer leaped overhead when things got out of control. flames shot across the performer's face. then spread almost instantly. he appeared to try to put out the fire with his hand. >> at firest we thought it was the act. then we realze the it was real. all of a sudden, throwing the fire everywhere. we are lake okay he is on fire. >> everybody was panicking. trying to evacuate the area. it was crazy. >> the former circus performer and coordinator, ricky charles, runs a performance group called
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rushed to the hospital with burns to his face but is expected to recover. several students were also treated for respiratory injuries. >> jumped out of the car looking for my daughter. there was kids on the ground. they were treating the kids. >> palm beach county called the incident inexcusable saying it is violation of district policy and district rules are cleared that fire and pyrotechnics are forbidden inside the buildings. >> right now. glad the kids are okay. i don't think it was a wise decision. i am glad my daughter is okay. >> the "cbs overnight news" will be right back. nothing will keep you from magnum double caramel.
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terry bollea who used to wrestle under the name hulk hogan was back in a florida courtroom in his multimillion dollar lawsuit against gawker media. a jury awarded bollea $115 million in damages over a sex tape gawker posted on its website. the same jury was considering punitive damages of up to $345 million. either way, gawker plans to appeal. erin moriarty spoke to gawker's founder about the case. nick denton is not a household name. but he is the bane of those who are.
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a collection of seven online blogs that feed on sensational stories. often having to do with celebrities. >> i think it is a good name. >> reporter: but it means to stare stupidly. >> it means to stare. stupidly might be in one of the definitions. we have a little sense of humor about what we do. >> reporter: with the internet largely unregulated denton and his crew have been able to gawk at just about anything. until one of their celebrity targets took them on in a saint petersberg, florida, courtroom. >> i was completely humiliated. >> terry bollea seen here when he was still wrestling professionally under the name hulk hogan. >> hulk hogan riding the motorcycle! sued denton and gawker for invasion of privacy. he says his life has not been the same since 2012 when gawker
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featuring bollea. >> it turned my world upside down. >> reporter: there is a lot at stake. bollea sued for $100 million. denton's entire digital media company is at risk. and some fear so is freedom of speech on the internet. >> i have a phrase -- nothing is ever as good or as bad as it seems at the time. and i think often the tests bring out the best in people. and in companies. >> reporter: just days before the trial began, nick denton seemed confident. >> it is a good story. it's true. it's a matter of public concern. he is a very public figure. if we were going to have a story to go to trial, i am actually pretty glad it is this one. >> reporter: since 2002, the british born, oxford educated denton has built gawker media
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there have been posts about a toronto mayor's drug use, hillary clinton's server, and accusations against bill cosby and of course the hulk hogan sex tape. >> is that really news or just entertainment and appealing to our most voyeuristic instincts? >> we find it interesting. and that particular story, millions of people found interesting. gossip is the version of news that the authorities, or the celebrities or the officials, don't want team people to know. the other unauthorized version. i think people have the right to know the unauthorized version as well as the the authorized version. >> there are also gawker's internet pranks. denton's crew created havoc by getting republican candidates, donald trump, to repeat this quotation on twitter. it is bet tire live one day as a
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benito mussilini said it first. >> it is okay to know it was mussilini, look, it is a very good quote. >> reporter: tormenting public figures may seem an odd career choice for a journalist who once worked for the lofty financial times. but denton says as a gay man and a brit trying to make it in america, he has felt like an outsider. >> and then if you an outsider, there are fewer social consequences to running the kind of stories that, gawker ran in the early days, or that -- journalists, good journalists run, a lot of the stories make you unpopular. if you care less about being accepted by an establishment, you are more likely to run the stories, more likely to allow journalists fuller freedom. >> reporter: denton employs 200 people working in a manhattan
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expected to post 12 stories a day, can be grueling. a large central board continually ranks the popularity of stories by the number of readers clicking on. >> what's a good story. how many clicks do you need. >> any story that gets over a million views is a big story for us. >> for the record, the hogan sex tape reportedly got 8 million views. which made it a huge story. and then, last year, nick denton announced he was toning down his web sites. to focus more on politics. he insists that change has the nothing to do with the current lawsuit. >> i could just be getting older. i turn 50 this year. so, some of the mellowing may just be aging. >> reporter: last summer denton did something he had never done. he pulled a damaging story involving a man
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to have a brother who was. >> this is a story i didn't believe we should have done. didn't think the point merit the hurt caused to the man's family. >> does the fact you drew a line with one line. pull the post. make it difficult to defend putting on a sex tape of hulk hogan. >> i think the -- the journalists make judgment calls all of the time. and i think, what people want to know from us is that we do apply standards. >> but in the end. the man who made a career out of pushing limits, may have gone too far. the jury came down decisively against him. giving the professional wrestler even more than he asked for. $115 million. nick denton might be on the ropes. predicting he would win on appeal. >> i wonder whether i will look back and look at this trial as case as being the, the prompt,
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focus on what we do, what we believe in, and be serious about being a major force in digital media. >> the "cbs overnight news" will
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the vietnam war may be fading from memory for most americans. for those who fought in vietnam and though who were there to document the war, the conflict lives on. dean reynolds sat down with some of the soldier photographers whose work is now on display at a museum in chicago. >> this is a wounded -- >> soldier. he got hitten the leg real bad. was being evacuated. >> this is how soldiers saw the war, through the lens of his camera. >> happened to bethere right place, right time. i took the shot. >> reporter: enlisted member of the department of the army's special photographic office.
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unvarnished look at the war. >> yes. >> ted atchinson was one of the cameramen. >> i was drafted. a junior in college. >> did you think boy if i could just get over there and take pictures. >> no. >> reporter: their access to the battlefield was far greater than press photographers. many assignments were classified. >> we shot every conceivable subject in vietnam. everything. bill was their commander. was your criteria for sending people this looks like it is going to be really active? >> yes. hot. >> hot. washington likes us to get combat footage. >> reporter: among the scenes atchinson recorded. army assault on a village 45 years aguy. >> you are just shooting. >> i'm out there with my camera gear.
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doing here? >> more than 200 of them deployed over a decade. two were killed in action. many were wounded. few more helmets. >> they got in the way. >> no way i could put a camera on my shoulder. standing there. if you shake, it is no good. >> what they shot was for training, a quarter was available to newspapers and networks. the rest was archived. now on display at the museum in chicago. >> just wondering what you hope people will take away from this exhibit? >> i would like the people to understand what the photographer went through to take these pictures. and what -- he was thinking. what he had to go through to get to the place to take the
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it's tuesday, march 22nd, 2016. this is the "cbs morning news." foreign policy fight. as millions of voters in three states head to the polls today, the five remaining presidential candidates spar over the united states role in nato and israel. president obama says the relationship between the u.s. and cuba has entered a new day, but old wounds are still on display during an historic and sometimes contentious visit to


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