tv 10 News at 500pm CBS November 10, 2016 5:00pm-5:30pm EST
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with a closer look at the protests and who is involved. >> reporter: in cities across the country thousands took to the streets to voice their outrage over the election of donald trump. protesters set fires and faced off with police. in los angeles hundreds ran to interstate 101, temporarily shutting it down. >> up to 10,000 peoplek packed the streets of midtown, manhattan, holding anti-trump signs and blocking traffic. about 65 people were arrested near trump tower. mostly for disorderly conduct while there were some calls for
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rally around president trump. >> these are racist, homophobic, misogynist nightmares people. >> reporter: chants of not my president stretched from city. law enforcement expects many more protests around the country tonight and through the weekend, including in cities like cincinnati and indianapolis. michelle miller, cbs news new york. about two minutes ago we asked you what you thought. do you think these protests are uniting or dividing the country? and on the bottom of your screen you can see what many are saying. most saying, 85%, 84% saying
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believe that these are uniting the country. >> plenty of time to weigh in. all you have to do is go to >> trump protests are planned in our area tonight. 10news reporter shannon valladolid and eric glasser are live in downtown tampa bay where a protest is set to get underway in just about an hour. >> reporter: we wanted to give people a little bit of perspective on all of this. different perspective other th protests. we headed out here to actually speak with the protesters themselves and the police department today to get their perspectives on all of this before the protests even occur. it's very interesting what it is they had to say. shannon, you were with the protests. >> reporter: right. >> reporter: what did they tell you? >> reporter: they haven't slept. just preparing for tonight. there will be two protests happening today. i have spoken with both
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that's to make sure the people that are here tonight have their voices heard. now, today i followed around donna david with black lives matter. she says her in-box has been full with people who are sad, scared, and downright outraged what a trump presidency will bring to our country. she spent the day making posters and banners for the people that will be here tonight. i spoke with people from the muslim community who tell they will not tolerate any comments that trump has made and will possibly make in the future, but eric, that's not the only group that's down here tonight. the other group is law enforcement. >> reporter: it is their job, obviously, to protect the protesters, protest their first amendment to speech, protest the public, protect themselves. a and from their perspective, they don't see themselves as
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this one. yes, there have been shootings. yes, there have been protests earlier this year. the police are not the focus of these protests. we are talking about people who are not happy about the outcome of this week's presidential election. it's the police that have to keep order. they can be perceived an enemy by some. these are tense times. like everybody else, police officers want to go home to their families and loved ones at the end of the shift. later today we will with tampa pd top brass. what they do before and long before these sorts of protests take place to minimize the risks to protesters and themselves. you can tell you a lot of it has to do with two words. respect and communication. i know that's what people who come out here are looking for. >> reporter: right. these protesters are not angry with police officers. they simply want their voices to be heard, but peacefully. >> reporter: a couple of those protests happening. one at the courthouse scheduled for six.
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and then likely more to come. dion, back to you. >> yeah, undoubtedly more to come. eric glasser and shannon valladolid in downtown tampa. thanks to you. before the protests begin, we want to know what you think. we asked if you think these demonstrations are uniting or dividing the country. you see the poll at the bottom of your screen. that is the big question for tonight's big story. new at 5:30 10news political reporter mark rivera is giving you a chance to explain why you think the country is united or divided. you can and actually share your opinion because you see here he is live on facebook. on you can also weigh in at our live poll now. >> this is a big deal. this is the first presidential transition in eight years. today president obama met with donald trump in the white house for the very first time. outside demonstrations continued in washington.
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chanted. the president and president- elect spent about 90 minutes, as you can see, speaking together in the oval office. >> i very much look forward to dealing with the president in the future, including counsel. >> we now are going to want to do everything we can to help you succeed, because if you succeed, then the country succeeds. >> trump and vice president elect mike pence met with leaders on ryan. they got a look at the platform underconstruction for their inauguration. new video. how some pasco county deputies risked their lives. they jumped into a canal to save a man trying to get away from them.
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road 52. they say the vehicle was wanted in a petit theft. he took off driving south and jumped out of the car at westport drive and sea breeze drive in port richey. casey cumley got his hands on a body camera video to show you how it went down. >> reporter: check out the top left of your screen. the man who was running from deputies is now pleading for them to save him. >> he went under. we got to go in there. >> take my come on. go. >> reporter: that's when the deputy jumped in and another deputy soon after. >> by the time i got to him he was unconscious. >> reporter: they got 40-year- old gerald bornstein back to shore. bornstein's lifeless body was pulled out of the water and
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>> get him on his side. let it drain out his mouth. >> get that liquid out to fill his lungs. >> reporter: seconds later bornstein starts breathing on his own. >> hey, bud. >> it was a relief. it was something i think we all start this job to do, to save lives. >> reporter: the group won't call themselves hero. they credit teamwork and cooperatation for saving bornstein's life. bornn way. >> he acknowledged had we not done that, we would have been debt. >> reporter: in pasco county, casey cumley, 10news wtsp. >> that is incredible right there. without even hesitating they jumped in and saved that man's life. nan is in the hospital recovering tonight. bornstein told deputies he drove away because he didn't have a license. he faces felony charges for trying to ram a deputy's cruiser and then running from law enforcement.
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facing complaints tonight. hear from a family who claims their sufficient is making them sick, and they are not alone. also, one wrong move during a traffic stop could lead to deadly consequences. we take a look at one incident we take a look at one incident to show you what to do an now at havertys furniture, it's our veterans day preview. where you can create the perfect home. you'll save an extra one-hundred to one-thousand ll it's our gift to you. plus, you'll enjoy twenty-four month, no-interest financing. with havertys, your home can be perfect, even when life isn't. mom...have you seen my iguana? the veterans day preview is owt havertys.
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over the past few years we brought you story after story of controversial police shootings. yeah, and they set off strong opinions from both sides. it takes a former police officer to really understand the situations that lead to those shootings. >> that is where 10news anchor reginald roundtree comes in.
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we could to dissect one of those shootings and talked to a team of law enforcement officers about what could have saved a 12-year-old's life. we look closer at the deadly shooting that happened in tulsa. ununarmed man refuse to go listen to officer's commands is shot and killed by a female officer. we once again bring back our team of experts and reenact as closely as possible that day from what we witnessed on we as civilians and what cops could and should have done differently. >> sir, you have to stop right there. you've got to stop right there. do not go to the car. >> stop moving now. get on the ground!
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on the ground. >> reporter: in the actual police video you see the suspect, 40-year-old terence crutcher, not responding to a tulsa officer's command. his hands are in the air walking slowly and no weapon is visible. a female officer is close behind him with another officer just behind her. but things are about to go from bad to worse as the suspect gets next to his vehicle. our law enforcement experts give their assessment of the apparent danger in >> what bothered you? >> allowing him to get to the car. proximity again. someone could have tackled him. >> reporter: the problem with allowing the suspect to get to a vehicle is the possibility of him or her having access to a weapon. >> there were too many commands given and he did not respond. at that point they should have taken him down. >> reporter: in our second reenactment we take down the
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vehicle. >> sir! sir, you have to stop! you've got to stop right there, sir! stop. >> sir, stop now! >> alan, we have to take him down. take him, take him. >> put your hands up on the car. >> reporter: now, the tulsa shooting ended with an unarmed person dead. she is now facing manslaughter charges and is awaiting trial. tonight at 11:00 welding deep near a shooting in -- we will dig deeper into another shooting. >> we talked about in these scenarios how important it is to listen and listen carefully. >> it's so important. a lot of people like to argue with the officers. they are already on heightened alert to begin with.
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will do nothing but raise that level of concern. you need to comply. comply, comply, comply. basically, i have got a thing. put your hands up and shut up. whatever is the confusion or the problem, it can be worked out later. let the officer get control of the situation. when everybody's safe then you can go from there. >> good advice, reggie. saving lives. >> >> great advice. all right. let's get started. weather-wise it is quiet out there today. man, it's gorgeous. obviously, no clouds in the sky. we will not see any rain out there. the frontal boundary is to the south. north-northeast winds changing a little more to the northeast. they are coming in. that's dragging in the cooler and drier air. man, it's going to be gorgeous this evening. now, it's starting to get a little bit on the cooler side once the sun goes down at 5:40
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out there. downtown st. pete, it's quiet as far as winds as well, too. st. pete 76. tampa's at 79. lakeland 75. one of the warm spots, as usual, is sarasota at 80 degrees. but 72 already in crystal river. new port richey is checking in with 71. tarpon springs at 70. the water's in the mid-70s still. that will take a hit in the next couple of days with the cooler air coming in. largo 74. all right. so that's lighter wind ou the north-northwest on the coast that kept the temperatures cooler. it's more northeasterly of i- 75. i think the winds will be calm tonight. then clear skies, light winds, 49 degrees tomorrow morning in crystal river. 50, just barely out of the 40s, brooksville. warmer hillsborough county. st. pete 63. upper 50s for bradenton and sarasota.
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there will be some patchy fog developing because of the light winds and clear skies. watch out for that tomorrow morning. i think we will see a little bit more than we have seen lately of the fbi moves south of the keys. so we are going to keep this dry air through tomorrow afternoon. that's 6:00. more sunshine than anything else. a couple of high clouds late late in the day. that's it. saturday is fantastic. a couple clouds north and east towards daytona. sunday a few clouds. i don't think we see any of that rain. i think we stay dry all the certainly going partly cloudy for sunday afternoon. now, temperature-wise we should be about 80 this time of year. 79 to 80. i think we will be close to that tomorrow. we will get close to 80. it would be brief. most of the day is spent in the 70s once we warm things up through late morning. the air mass will stay nice and dry. it will feel really good. 43 dew point in tallahassee. 50-degree dew point in tampa. yesterday we were in the lower 60s. you can see the brown here. that's that drier air in the atmosphere, and that's what's
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this is saturday into sunday morning. sunday afternoon see the moisture starting to build back? some of that is cloud cover, and eventually it's gonna be trying to drag moisture off the gulf of mexico into monday and tuesday. honestly, i hope we get it because we really need the rain. right now rain chance 20 to 30% for monday average. allergy forecast through the weekend into monday same thing. moderate level. ragweed, elm and grass the main allergens. ribfest, they have picked a hours. we are talking into the 60s for the evening hours. weekend forecast looks nice. partly cloudy on sunday. the seven-day forecast looks really good as well. there is that rain chance monday into tuesday. you have got to see this video. south africa is bracing for more rain, more flash floods like this. the video is just shocking. an entire highway overcome by water. you can see at one point that car right there spinning around
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it deeper. meanwhile, people in these cars, they are desperate to get out. the flash flooding has already killed at least four people in south africa. >> i have never seen a car spin like that before. if you are someone who likes to drink soda, how would you feel if you had to pay a tax on your favorite sugary drink. voters in four cities have approved the tax. we are talking about cities like san francisco along wi as well as boulder, colorado. now, supporters of the tax, they are argue the drinks are unhealthy and in the long run can lead to higher medical costs. opponents argue the tax hurts low-income families who already
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some of president-elect donald trump's campaign promises have many in the hispanic communities nervous. his immigration plan has been analyzed over and over again. a mexican immigrant and mother shared their fears with isabel mascarenas. >> reporter: president-elect donald trump is weeks away from trading places with president barack obama. but trump's victory has some concerned about their futures, leakage gel ka. she is a mexican immigrant with two american-born kids. >> i think we are all very scared, including those who will be deported, who will have to leave their children behind,
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all their work, their effort, and desires for a better life. have to forget all about it. >> reporter: i asked what she thinks about trump's plans to deport undocumented children. >> the children have their rights. you will have to take them with you. sadly, in our country they don't have what they need. >> reporter: she says deporting illegals will tear apart families, including hers. >> the they would be devastated. >> reporter: this mother and wife loves america. >> i am grateful to this country for what we have and been given, including our children. >> reporter: her message to president-elect trump? >> please have some compassion. i hope god softens his heart. >> reporter: in palmetto, isabel mascarenas, 10news wtsp. >> she says those sent back will have a hard time finding
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considered too old to work. well, they sacrificed so much for us every single day, and the least we can do is celebrate the birthday of the marines. [ applause ] the u.s. marine corps was established 241 years ago today. >> you hear reggie in the background cheering because he is a proud parent of a marine. and we know that you are proud to also be a marine or maybe have one in your family. but your reaction to this image we away. dozens of comments and a thousand shares. we asked if anyone that you know has served in the marines, and just look at the responses. >> now, veronica wrote, quote, my grand father-in-law, brother, cousin and son as well as my best friend's son. semper fi devil dogs. >> mary says i am deeply honored to share the same birthday with the marines. my husband was a marine.
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i could use a hand. hey! we hear you! it's why a-a-r-p is supporting lyarivers like you with free tools and resources. and we're making our community an even better place to live, work and play for people of all ages. if you don't think "this is right for me" "10news at 5:30" starts right now. >> good evening. i am courtney robi. protests have broken out all over the country and even right here in the bay area. >> from los angeles to knoxville, students marched and shouted protesting the outcome of this election. crowds gathered near usc while a love trump hate rally attracted others at ucla. university of tennessee students chanted. racism has got to fall.
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