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tv   10 News at 1100pm  CBS  November 21, 2016 11:00pm-11:35pm EST

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ten news at 11:00 starts right now. dramatic images. take a look at this. a tree literally sliced a school bus in half killing kids and hurting dozens. the investigation into the crash. >> think you're getting a discount deal, you may need to think again before you buy into black friday bargains. >> order up an uber or lyft. you may be inviting the one issue these companies sometimes kick to the curb. simple fixes are being ignored by the people you pay to get around. 10 investigates an alarming number of recalls in taxi cabs as well as uber and lyft nationwide. hazards for hire. while the fixes are easy, many don't want to lose business. and tonight, investigative reporter, noah, teams up with tech nay owned television and
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country. they tell us too many professional drivers are neglecting the cars you ride in. >> fresh off the plane in tampa, they were anxious to get on the road. so they could start their five- day cruise through the caribbean. >> they aren't uber people. they figured a cab was the most reliable way to get across town, any town. >> even though we don't know where he's going. >> they also had no idea if the parked being recalled by the federal government. parts like takata air bags, gm ignition switches, or sticky accelerator pedals. while every city has oversight on taxis, almost none of them bother to check if those same vehicles have dangerous defects that need replacing. >> safety recalls pose some kind of safety risk, in many cases, it can be serious.
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television stations to examine how often the vehicles that drive you around had risky recalls that got ignored. recalls that may not affect every ride, but significant enough for the federal government to mandate postcards and letters, urging immediate fixes. it's just that the taxi industry didn't get the memo. >> it's really like playing the lottery. when you are getting into cars. a one in four chance, basically, that these taxi cabs might have an >> we checked with some of the country's biggest taxi cab regulators and many did not include recalls in the required vehicle inspections. from tampa, to houston, to seattle, a startling inspection of the taxis were driving around with outstanding recalls. some have been ignored for up to seven years. where the taxi limousine required recalls to be repaired before each vehicle's annual inspection, they forgot how to check.
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looked up never got the work done. can you imagine if a builder just forgot how to inspect your home for recalled screws? we took our findings to a representative for tampa's largest taxi company. >> how does something fall through the cracks when it comes to engine shut off issues? they don't get done. >> well, you said they don't get done, but we haven't seen the data. we don't know what you're in piece of paper. >> i'm sure it's probably not. >> it wasn't blank. we provided yellow cab that list so they could get those recalls fixed. others were potentially catastrophic. in their defense, recalls getting ignored by uber and lyft, too. >> make a level playing field for everyone.
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>> lyft and uber leave those up to individual owners. and plenty that needed work. from air bags that can explode, to door latches that can open mid ride. how widespread is it, though, we don't really know. uber took us to court in seattle to block the release of a public data base. we found the outstanding recall rate on ride shares around that same 25%. the same lousy lottery you hope to never win, because without access to the vehicl passengers have no way to tell. >> get in and be very safe when you're inside the car. buckling up, sitting in the backseat. >> the kicker in it all, the fixes are typically free and checking could not be easier. get your car's vine, go online, and type it in. do to right now. 10 investigates. >> the editor it is at, which share a
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elected officials. tell them you want to force cars for hire in your city to get outstanding recalls fixed. we put a lot of information about recalls at and on our free 10 news app. at least six children are dead and some 23 other hospitalized fighting for their lives after a school bus crash in chattanooga, tennessee, the bus went off the road and crashed less than a mile and a half from a woodmore em courtney robinson has been monitoring our live feeds and social media all evening. courtney, what a horrible, tragic story. >> it is horrifying. this involves so many young children and we can all relate to the pain of these parents because this could happen anywhere. i want to walk you through what you're seeing. and really, help you understand what happened. this is before 3:00. 35 children, kindergarten through 5th grade, loaded on to their school bus and headed
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slammed into the tree, split in half, neighbors who heard the crash ran to help. they described a gruesome scene. the children who could, well, they scrambled out through this right here. the roof hatch. parents rushed to the scene and you can see the fortunate walking away clutching their young children. reporters say some of the children they saw walking away had blood smeared on their faces. that young girl is one example. this rescue effort was intense. two hours to get all the children off this bus. investigators right now are still there. they are still trying to figure out what happened. at this point, they are pointing in part to speed. i also want you to look at this road where it happened. it's two lanes. it's residential. there are curves. i spoke with reporters and they say that it is a well known road in the area. one boy did tell reporters that the bus was going really, really fast, and the driver lost control.
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they hit the tree. the driver is talking with police. they are not ruling out drugs or alcohol. and the next step for investigators, this is going to be a tough one. there are cameras on this bus. these investigators are going to have to go through all of that video to see what led up to the crash and what happened in the minutes after, regardless, a terrible tragedy. and if you are asking about seat belts, they aren't required in tennessee. but in florida, they certain buses. you can join in on that conversation. we have all of that information posted on our 10 news facebook page. reggie. >> developing tonight, japan lifted a tsunami warning after a powerful earthquake hit just off the islands north eastern coast. a 6.9 magnitude quake caused buildings in tokyo to shake. people along the coast were told to evacuate. a 2011 quake that struck the same area killed 18,000 people
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plant. and early tsunami warnings said the waves could be high. thankfully, there were no reports of serious damage or people hurt. new information tonight about a police officer killed in san antonio, right outside police headquarters. 31-year-old, otis tyrone mckane has been arrested after a day- long man hunt. he benjamin marconi. investigators say the detective was writing a ticket when the suspect walked up to the driver's side and shot marconi twice in the head. mckane got back into his car and drove off through the police headquarters parking lot. >> we can all breathe a little easier knowing the suspect who maliciously killed one of our officers is in custody. >> this afternoon, a s.w.a.t.
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in. police don't believe mckane had any relationship to the driver. no motive has been identified. prosecutors say they may pursue the death penalty. >> now sunday's shooting was one of several attacks against law enforcement over the weekend. in st. louis, a police sergeant was shot in the face twice while sitting in traffic. police are calling this an ambush. the sergeant was released from the hospital this morning. shot during a traffic stop last night. this one in gladstone a suburb of kansas city, missouri. the officer had surgery this morning and released from the hospital later in the day. and another shooting close to home. an officer in santa bell was shot in the shoulder. also during a traffic stop last night, he is now out of the hospital. well, it was violent enough to send pieces of porcelain this big across the room thr.
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over the floor. >> one bay area teacher isn't laughing at the shards of exploding porcelain infected her leg. shows you what she is now suing the city. >> toilets exploding in the middle of the school day. before you laugh, take a look at what is charred from this porcelain pot tie potty did. >> and boom. >> and it wasn't the first time. the media specialist says another toilet exploded earlier in the day, but students and teachers were never warned about the dangerous plumbing problem. >> they are not supposed to work on the lines while school is in session. they are not supposed to work on the lines without telling the principal. >> crews from the city were working on the lines. apparently allowing the
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with the toilet exploded, he had no idea how badly she was injured. >> the people behind me said you need to turn around. there was this big trail of blood. >> the incident took place in 2012, details just now emerging in a lawsuit filed by the attorney, details the painful injury, which led to infection. >> it was a tuberculosis strain of bacteria, and he need to get to an infectious doctor, as soon as possible. >> hopefully city crews will use more cautious when working on water lines. >> i lost a year of my life. it was an important year for me because it was the last year i taught. >> they had no idea on the lawsuit. suing for $15,000 in damages and hopes something like this never happens again.
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news,wtsp. >> literally melting inside the box. it was amazing. >> a toy truck pulled from store shelves after setting a pickup on fire. >> looking to buy bargains this black friday? beware. why some sales aren't as good as they seem. >> lots o talk about in the forecast.
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toy truck they bought for their grandchild spontaneously caught fire.. now..the toy store is looking to see if now..the toy store is looking to see if it's a bigger well when i shop, my coupons are in a neat little stack, and my weekly ad is folded like this. ready to go... that's how i save a lot at publix. how 'bout you? publix. where shopping is a pleasure.
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just shop for publix brand products, cuz they're great. and that's it. no really, that's it. that's how i save at publix. how 'bout you? publix. where shopping is a pleasure. a couple in washington state never expected their christmas shopping to destroy their pickup truck. they just bought their grandson a toy truck and set it in the truck bed to take during the drive, they noticed flames and smoke coming from the bed offed bed of their pickup truck. it's a motorized toy dump truck. a tonka mighty wheels. it's similar to ones they bought in the past. but they say never has anything like this happened before. there wasn't an explosion, but the couple says you could see the toy melting inside the box
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thinking, what if? >> had we stored that toy as we planned downstairs, if we were gone, the dogs. my granddaughter here. quite shocking. this whole thing, we didn't sleep a wink all night. >> toys r us says it is pulling the toy off the shelves and now the couple is hoping the company that makes the toy will help them get a new truck. >> as well, it's the final countdown to black friday and okay, let's face it, we all like to bag a bargain. but, listen to this, experts warn the hot deals may not be as good as advertised. tonight, 10 news reporter breaks down the best and worst black friday buys. the holiday shopping rush is here. many are checking apps and ads,
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friday deal. >> i am looking to get a good deal. >> vacuum. >> ut marketing professor says there are definitely deals on the nice list. >> play sets. >> research from wallet hub shows video games, appliances, and furniture will get you the most bang for your buck. the worst deals, high end apparel, accessories, and jewelry. >> jewelry, you can see with .4%. >> 17% of items will be more expensive on black friday some stores mark up prices just to slash them for black friday shoppers. burton suggests scouring store websites, signing up for e-mail list and following them on social media. also using apps like shop savvy, black friday 2016, and flip to compare the major deals. >> it takes homework and a lot of planning and it takes going to fight those crowds.
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hunt between your family and friends or skip the chaos and surf from the couch. >> i'm going to be there on friday trying to get the best deals online, not fighting crowds. >> if you can get things on clearance as opposed to waiting for the black friday, i always get better deals. >> time to make that list and check it twice. >> i want a kitty cat. >> i hope i get one. >> merry christmas. >> in tampa, >> burton says being prepared also means knowing the quantity a store may sell of that hot item and checking if retailers will price match their competitors. >> wallet hub breaks down the best deals and stores with the deepest discounts. that and other top deals and store ads, you can head to and our app. tracking storms, alerting you, protecting your family. it's time for 10 weather.
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out there this evening. it is cold. it looks nice, it's nice and dry. we had some of the driest air, not only this year, but that we ever see in this area. at times we had dew points in the teens today. now in the 30s, so things are starting to go back up a little bit. not much. there's a look at davis island. going off to the right there, and a beautiful evening out there. it's just cold. 38 right now in brooksville. and we're going to drop down right around that freezing mark. you protected the pets and plants last night, do it again tonight. 44. 46 in lakeland. 53 in bradenton. notice the green. that's the warmer air along the coast and around the bay. those will be our warmer spots. water temperature about 70 degrees. i mean, man, it's 41 in temple terrace. we're going to be flirting with the upper 30s. the dew point has come up to 42
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that number may drop out a little bit. but mid 40s for everybody. so we're not going to fall too much. tampa is one of the warm spots at 54 degrees. skies are nice and clear. that's a great recipe, light winds for radiational cooling. already at 38 degrees. this is the forecast for 7:00 a.m. tomorrow morning, we may be lower than that. most areas will be very cold, just like what we were first thing this morning. tomorrow starts the wa more of an east wind. so we'll go up to 77 degrees. travel weather, not too bad out west. the main issue is in parts of upstate new york. 2 to 3 feet of snow since saturday night and it is still coming down in places, especially syracuse northward. those places are getting hit hard. i have a buddy up there, a law enforcement officer, thanking
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sending this picture. that is beautiful. if it's going to be cold, it might as well look like that. that's the way i look at it and i don't mind having to fly to look at it. we like things green. there's your travel forecast for tomorrow. it's the midwest, but not necessarily chicago until wednesday. right now, it looks like you are through chicago, it will be mainly rain, for us, it's a warming trend and it's a fantastic forecast, hopefully we have family coming into town to 70 to 80 and dry through the weekend. >> the hits keep coming for chipotle. hundreds of people got sick. >> now this tonight, a class action lawsuit claims chipotle is misleading customers. it all centers around a sign that says a burrito is 300 calories. that is misleading because the
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customers on social media saying that the 300 calories only refers to the churizo itself. you may think this is ridiculous. if that suit is successful, you could be eligible for cash if you bought food at chipotle in the past four years. >> i eat there twice a week. i'm getting a lot of money back. >> i thought you were. >> wait. what about me? i >> moving on. well, things getting nasty. which some fans like that kind of action. oh yeah they do. they wouldn't go down without a fight. wait to see.
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hey! is this enough? a little more... grandma! there's no more room. i know i had one more... hmmm... more. how's it looking? 20 more minutes... 8, 9... we need 1 more yes... let's enjoy.
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and she became friends with every animal she met. it's getting late, grandma should go. one more? in the end, all we really need more of, is each other. happy thanksgiving from publix.
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now live from the sun coast hyundai sports desk. it's time for 10 sports. >> i can't think of many places better to celebrate a birthday than nashville. music. the lightning's number 30 turned the big 3-0. he didn't get to eat his cake and eat it, too. three goals on his 30th birthday, two to the former canadian who has tormented the lightning. bolts finish up the five-game trip. didn't play a minute and went down with that injury. here's what you need. the lightning not going down
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he doesn't take too kindly to this. he starts wailing on ryan ellis. check this out. he starts going at him. lands on a few good shots in there. headed off to the showers. now while the bolts were in the music city, the florida gators were holding down the fort at the arena here in tampa. gators playing a home game while the o-done gets worked on. so, speaking of getting worked on, here's the play you play. here off the turnover, they are in transition and throwing it up for devon who slams it home. gators win by 17. they are up to a 4-0 start. here's what you need to know. two runs of 15 or more unanswered points, including a 15-0 lead. but the gators went on a 16-0 run to blow it open.
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points. he finished with 17. back in july, tennessee was picked to win the sec east championship by a wide margin. earning nearly 70% of the vote. the odds makers were wrong. the gators wrapped up, but they are champions, too. today, butch jones said the seniors won the quote, championship of life, as you can see here on twitter. the internet had fun with this. you see some photo shop there of the life game in players hands. then there's the championship of life ring. which that is just fantastic. and you have the champion banner. or the twitter sphere, got jones good, and good for gator fans, too, because everybody counted them out. they ended up winning that championship saturday. they are heading off to atlanta. we'll see how they do about alabama. >> we'll be right back, stay with us. >> tonight's lottery numbers are brought to you by chevrolet. see for yourself what hundreds
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zero really can be a hero. get zero down, zero deposit, zero due at signing, and zero first month's payment on select volkswagen models. this black friday at the volkswagen sign then drive event. carrabba's new meatball magnifico.
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and stuffed with delicious melted mozzarella. ? dramatic italian aria ? finally tonight, this glittery christmas tree is made
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42-pounds, to be exact, men, if you are interested, in stands over 6 feet tall, just wait for it. it's in tokyo. it's at a famous shopping district. the store's 90th year in business, for sale, it could be yours for $1.8 million. >> you were selling them short. i was delirious by the whole thing. >> honey, i'm bringing it home, don't you worry. >> i like christmas, but not that
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captioning sponsored by cbs >> on friday night, vice president elect mike pence went to see the musical "hamilton." the next day he saw "the lion king." ( applause ) the audience this evening. vice president elect mike pence. sir,, i have a message for you. we welcome you at the lion king. as scar, i want to say you being booed add "hamilton" does not represent all of broadway. you will always be welcomed here at the lion king because i believe, together, we can kill simba! hear me out! you will now have access to an


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