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tv   Face the Nation  CBS  November 27, 2016 10:30am-11:30am EST

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captioning sponsored by cbs >> dickerson: today on face the nation, death of a dictator and we give thanks to some americans who help others. >> the americans celebrated in the streets of miami after commi died friday. his rule spanned 10 u.s. presidents. what impact will his death have? we'll devote time to people we're grateful for on this holiday weekend. and our reporters panel in weigh-in how the trump transition is going. it's all ahead on face the nation. good morning and welcome i'm john dickerson.
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fidel castro was america's most persistent adversary. castro handed off to his brother raul eight years ago he was a symbolic force in cuba and around the world. we begin with our correspondent who joins us from havana. what is the reaction to castro's death? >> good morning. the usually busy and bustling streets of quiet this morning. yesterday afternoon at his alma mater students held a remembrance for their leader. mourners will have a first opportunity to publicly pay their respects starting tomorrow. with the largest gathering expected on tuesday at havana's revolution square. the scene of some of castro's most fiery speeches. his remains will be taken down a
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santiago cuba, retracing in everse the victory march he took with the revolutionary army in 1959. his funeral will be held next sunday in santiago known as the cradle of castro's revolution. john? >> dickerson: thank you. florida republican senator marco rubio is the son of cuban immigrants and join us us from miami. what wouou change in u.s.-cuba relations now? >> i would like to see more of a democratic opening on the island of cuba, free press stop putting people in jail because they do not agree with you and stop helping nort north korea. and a lou the parties to be able to function. the things that you find in the country in the western
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increasingly venezuela. and i would like to see our foreign policy geared towards that. >> president-elect trump has called fidel castro a brutal dictator. and then he did not renew his promise to reverse president obama's executive order reopening relations. he did not talk about an embargo. was that a sufficient response by your likes? >> it's no different than the one i put out. what we need to do is understand our number one obligation is to act in the national interest of un i believe it is in our national interest to see democracy take hold on the island of cuba. all the changes that president obama made, in that lens and through that lens. >> and why not reverse? >> well, as i said, there are key elements more important. here is the thing people do not understand. i am not against changes in u.s. policy towards cuba. i want to make sure the changes
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government that is not part of what president obama did and they are the things that help create a pathway towards democracy in cuba. while fidel castro was 90 years old his brother is 85. there is going to be a generational leader change in cuba over the next five to 10 years and hopefully sooner and we need to insure that our policy makes it easier for there to be a democratic transition. that is how i would examine our foreign policy towards >> why is this such an for americans and the cold war? >> it's important for three reasons. cuba is a source of stability in the region. historic numbers are fleeing cuba putting pressure on the united states and they are anti-american. they allow the chinese and the russians to conduct electronic espionage from the island of
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american justice there are people living there who violated american law including those who have stolen millions of dollars in medicare fraud and are living in cuba. and cuba is 90 miles from our shores a neighboring country. >> and president-elect trump his position towards countries like cuba, i want to get you sense of it. because he was asked about the u.s. force overseas and he said co problems. when the world looks how bad the united states is and then we talk about civil liberties i do not think we are a good messenger. i don't know that we have a right to lecture. we are not in a position tore more aggressive we have to fix our own mess. that seems like retreating with dealing with the and pros at that time you outlined in cuba and let's speak about syria, russia and other countries with whom you have disagreements and president-elect trump does not
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>> i can say as i would, number one he has been elected, i want to give him a chance to succeed. if i agree with him on a foreign policy matter i look forward to working with his administration. if i do not agree on a foreign policy matter, i will disagree and try to offer an alternative and do what we want from the senate. >> dickerson: and your objections to cuba you mentioned meddling in american affairs, russians attempted to in the united states election. what is your assessment of russian efforts? >> if you recall during the election i was up for reelection and i would not talk about wikileaks because i do not i believe it is the work of a foreign intelligence agency and i believe americans need to know. i do not believe they change the outcome of the election but i think it is -- some of the things that we saw
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undermine the government or individual politicians in foreign countries. >> dickerson: should the u.s. retaliate if there is evidence that the russians were involved? >> i will not speak to specifics of what the u.s. should do. but if there is evidence that these are active measures on the part of the russian government the american people deserve to know. i do not believe what they did changed the outcome of the election but the american people evidence that a foreign government tried to influence the direction of our politics. >> donald trump is looking at his secretary of state without getting into the personalities what should he look for in a secretary of state? >> first of all, someone who is capable, capable of being the chief diplomat of the united states, a deep rooted commitment in human rights and strong national security on the part of our country and has an understanding of the
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understands that the world is a better place when america place a role in leading the free world in confronting the challenges of the 21st century. he has a bevy of people to pick from. and he has to choose someone he is comfortable with. he has the right to pick someone that he feels comfortable with and there are a number of candidates that can fit the bill. >> dickerson: senator marco rubio thank you for joining us. for some analysis we turn to julia sweig, a senior research public affairs and the author of cuba what everyone needs to know and is an analyst and has been advising american companies doing business in cuba and joined by jeffrey goldberg and the last journalist to interview fidel castro. you both were with fidel castro what was that like? 2010? >> it was very, very strange. you know, he still he was in retirement but he still
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maximum leader if you will. he called me down to cuba to discuss an issue, the iranian nuclear program, the threat of nuclear war in the middle east. having a conversation with one of the most insend area figures of the cuban missile crisis. i had julia with me on the trip. one of the key memories is when i asked him if he in 1962 to annihilate the united states with nuclear weapons and he paused and he said that was probably a bit too much. it was continued that entire week to be a very, very strange week. >> did he mellow with old age? >> considerably. with jeff and a couple days later i spent a day with him talking about the history of the 1950s, and i found him to be conversational which was not his
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subsequently, after 2010, as he became weaker he did mellow and he was pointedly at least directly stayed out of his brother's way as his brother raul advanced a modest reform process. >> he mellowed but not to the degree that he was happy with barack obama's opening to cuba. fidel castro for 50 plus years needed the confrontation of the united states in order to -- that was his reason for ng and obama subverted in a very obvious way the fidel castro narrative. and raul in power who is in power, changed in a more pragmatic way by taking away the boogie man. >> dickerson: let's historically look back at the career of fidel castro where what should history think of him? >> well, it is a long and complex career.
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shutdown speech and put people in prison had a human rights legacy that was quite challenging and difficult for many people who were on the other end of it. he rewrote the social contract in cuba in a small island nation which he put healthcare, education, culture, and the capacity for cuba to have an independent foreign policy front and center as part of his legacy. and in cuba and we have to understand there are 11 million people in cuba that be digested as giving cuba a place on the world stage. >> but there are three things that cubans will say he did well, healthcare, education and culture and the joke is there are three things that he did not do well. which is breakfast, lunch and dinner. and so you are looking at a guy who kept his country in an impoverished state because he refused to open up to capitalist reforms and we will remember him
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suppressed freedom. there is no way around the fact it is a single party communist state and remains so. >> dickerson: what does u.s. policy look like? >> what the obama administration is trying to do is lock in some of the changes before donald trump comes in and threatened to reverse some of these changes. so i think what the obama administration is trying to do is make sure that the openings continue their best ally is american business. a lot of interested in turning cuba into the bahamas on steroids. it is a separate issue that is worrisome to cubans but there are a lot of people in the chamber of commerce universe who would like to keep this opening going. >> dickerson: where do you see it going and how does it play out? >> look, president-elect trump is a business guy, when he takes the white house he will hear from a number of american
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commercial planes starting this week to cuba, building hotels. american people universities, museums across the board cuban-americans investing in their family's businesses voting with their feet and marco rubio constituents on the island taking advantage of the obama opening. president-elect trump has a choice to make: does he want to go back to the cold war and pick a fight and punish 11 million people for the trespasses of two guys opportunity coming in 2018 when raul castro says he will step down to shape the direction of the two countries' relationship. >> i would not be surprised if 10 years ago there was not a trump golf course at the bay of pigs. mark my words. >> dickerson: we will be back to check on that. when we come back we will set aside politics and look at people we are grateful for this
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>> dickerson: as americans celebrated thanksgiving this week, we wanted to take a break from politics to show our appreciation and present the work of those who devote their lives to helping others. we begin with a report from cbs news foreign correspondent holly williams who spent thanksgiving with u.s. troops in erbil, iraq. >> they spent months away from home fighting against isis on the other side of the world. shared with family but with their brothers and sisters in the armed forces. and when we asked some of the roughly 6,000 u.s. service members currently in iraq what they are thankful for many of them spoke of their loved ones. major rebecca white and captain jeremy white were grateful to be
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military staging area around 10 miles east of mosul. they have been married five months. >> so you are intentionally together in iraq this is the only place that you could be together. >> yes, somewhat, yes. >> it worked out that way. >> at camps where the u.s. military shares a command center with the iraqi army watching air strikes against isis, steven bryant serves ministering to the spiritual needs of soldiers of all religions of the but on his third tour of duty in iraq, he is thankful for something practical. cellphones. >> i think what is different this time is communications. it gives me the opportunity to express that to my girls and to my wife and my mom and dad and
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appreciate their support. >> others waxed poetic like private first class bean from fontana, southern, california. >> i'm 19. i turn 20 in january and i turn 20 in iraq. >> he told us he had never been outside of california until he enlisted a year ago. now he is a guard at the camp in a country that could not be anymore foreign. >> this is a humbling experience. the experience to be able to come and be humbled and see how other people live and people think they need in the states kids this is all they know. so no socks, no shoes running around playing soccer crazy. but i'm thankful for. >> his life no country will ever be perfect and america will always have its problems but in
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million people forced from their homes those of us who do not live in despair count ourselves lucky. specialist monique from north carolina has the relentless optimism that is infectious. one of a team of three cooks she feeds 150 soldiers everyday from this small kitchen. >> something i'm passionate about. food else can. i love it. >> dickerson: holly williams in iraq. vin scully spent 67 years as the voice of the los angeles dodgers. >> it's time for dodger baseball! >> before he retired this year. last week, the president awarded him the medal of freedom and we caught up with him outside the
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game. if you had to teach me? >> i would quote lawrence olivier. apparently some actor asked him about his success and he said my success comes from a humility to prepare and a confidence to bring it off. and i think the more you prepare, the more confidence you have and they go hand in hand. that is the best of all. >> and you also have a joy in what you do and wonder how do you get that every time? you've watched so many games? >> i have a secret. when i was eight years old, we had a big radio four-legged radio, crosspiece, i would get a pillow and crawl under the radio and the loud speaker would be over my head and listening to tennessee alabama. which meant nothing to a kid in new york. but what i loved was the roar of the crowd.
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my philosophy is do it quickly. call the play accurately and shut up. and for a little while when that crowd is roaring, i am eight years old. >> when hank aaron hit that famous home run you called that. >> yes. >> remember that for us. what was that like? >> it was building up all year long and now here we are in atlanta and our left-hander henry aaron is al downing and you are wondering about the home run. but i did not want to prepare anything. i did not want to think of all the home runs he hit or how many against the dodgers. so when he hit the home run, i did what i really do best, i shut up. and i went back of the booth and the crowd was roaring it was magnificent. and while i stood there it dawned on me, so when i went back to the microphone i said.
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baseball and what a marvelous moment for atlanta and the state of georgia and what a marvelous moment for the country and a the world. a black man is getting a standing ovation in the deep south for breaking a record of an all-time baseball idol. >> and to me of all the home runs that is the most important one. >> and you had not thought about that? >> not at all. >> you were quiet and said nothing for a minute and fu seconds. >> -- 44 seconds. >> i'm good at that. i did not want to get near it. >> what speaks baseball the crack of the bat or the snap of the glove? >> the roar of the crowd. i have been in love with that since i was a little boy. >> what would you tell that little boy he is under the radio, eight years old, what would you tell him now with the award that you received? >> i would tell him do not be afraid to dream. >> what are you grateful for?
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to allow me to do what i've done for 67 years. i'm grateful for my wife, my 16 grandchildren, by three great grandchildren for a life that has been beyond fulfillment of a dream. yes, i am deeply thankful. >> you wrote in your farewell letter to fans you said you would miss the fans. some people think when you miss the game and the excitement why the fans?>> when they roar, i get goose bumps and that is why i've kept yelling. when they roar i go back to being eight years old. the crowd fulfills everything for me. >> is there any other moment from your career that when you look back you say hank aaron home run would be one but is there another moment where you say that was great?
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i was in high school at the time. sitting in the back of the auditorium with the best athlete and 0 the campus. and we were chatting and he said what would you like to do when you get out i said i would love to be a baseball announcer and he said i would love to be a baseball player. and i said wouldn't it be amazing if i became an announcer and you become a major league player? it happened. three years into my career he came up to bat i was on the air an and i had to call my friend's home run in the big leagues and that is why i would always say to kids don't be afraid to dream because it can happen. >> vin scully pleasure thank you and happy thanksgiving. and happy thanksgiving. >> same to you and yours. >> everybody two seconds! ? "dear sebastian,
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and was recognized as america's teacher of the year. we heard vin scully talk about what brings him joy, what brings you joy? >> that is easy. my students. i meet them at 14 when they are not really sure who they are and the impact that they can have. so helping them find their gift and using it to improve the human condition to help others, i think that is what brings me joy. >> dickerson: and what is the secret to that? so many different students? >> relationships. just about them. showing them that you value them as people. and making them believe that they have the ability to do anything that they set their mind to and work hard at. >> dickerson: excellent and we will be back on the other side of the break and talk more with jahana hayes we will be right back. stay with us. for more than a third of energy-related carbon emissions.
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>> dickerson: welcome back to face the nation i'm john dickerson. and we continue our conversations with people we are grateful for including 2016 teacher of the year, jahana hayes. you were talking about students before. and you said there is no benefit to anyone if a student achieves high grades. knowledge of how to help others. what does that mean? >> it means i think that the purpose of education is more than just graduating students who get good grades. i think they need to be compelled to help out in their communities and improve society and that is how i focus my teaching. i want my students to feel connected to the communities to improve the places they live to use what they have learned in school to help out.
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teachers should do. that students should know that it is a privilege to be able to give and not everyone can do it. i really bring my students out and try to get them involved in their community. >> and how do you do that? >> wow. we do all kinds community service projects we are actively involved in habitat for humanity, the relay for life and autism and homeless awareness, cancer aware ands and food-dri have the ability to improve the things in our country and world that they see as challenges. no matter how young they are they can make an impact. >> and what does the student need to bring to you? what is the key quality that a student needs to learn? >> just -- actually i have so many students who come to me and they don't see anything in themselves. they don't realize that they have the capacity to achieve anything.
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>> why do they feel that way? >> there is a lack of self efficacy they have heard the reasons why they cannot do things and i try to remind them that you can do anything. young people in general see the world from where they are the position they are in today. they cannot see the future. and i think that teachers have the ability to lead student. we see so much far beyond today or tomorrow we look into the future and see the possibility >> why should someone become a teacher? >> it's the best job ever. i think i am uniquely positioned to impact the world the future you know. i have a front row seat to all the promise that we have. i believe in what teachers do. you know, i know that the world will be better and things will be better because i see students in front of me everyday who have the ability to make the changes. so i consider myself lucky.
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jahana hayes thank you for being with us. >> thank you for having me. dickerson: next we turn to brandon stanton a photographer and blogger behind humans of new york. it started as a personal photography project six years ago. since then, the presentation of simple but powerful personal reflections has grown into a social media phenomenon and two best selling books. in our political season of division his work was a reminder of our shared h brandon, thank you for being here. and you have interviewed thousands of people. when you took that first photograph what did you set out to do? >> well, the process of discovering humans of new york was incremental. i lost my job and was working in chicago and i knew i wanted to be a photographer. i loved taking photos. and i started naturally falling into to taking pictures of people and i would start stopping people and taking their
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have a good chance of being the best photographer in the world but maybe i had a chance of being one of the best people in the world stopping random strangers and taking random photographs and it grew from that into a storytelling project where i interviewed the random people that i stopped on the streets. >> why did you change to interviewing them? >> i think it was more interesting. because i had done it thousands of times, stopped random people to take their photo d realized what was so interesting is that people were curious about strangers around them. and i developed this skill where i could walk up to any random stranger and enter into a conversation to take their photograph and i knew what made my work interesting was the aspect of interacting with a stranger why not take that a step further and learn about this person. >> dickerson: and what have you learned overall the interviews you have done?
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everybody, i think my goal is to find something different about everybody. and you know one thing that i find is that we share so many philosophies. we share so many opinions. but the one thing that we have that is truly unique and makes us truly ourselves is our stories. and so when i interview somebody my questions tepid to follow the lines of trying to find out a story about this person that i have not heard from the other 10,000 people i have talked to. >> dickerson: and those stories are so powerful because they are so perm. one recently you were in the county and there was a husband and wife, his wife has dementia tell us that story. >> this was outside the box of what i do. because i was stopping random people on the street and i had a fan send me an e-mail and said my father-in-law has been taking care of my mother-in-law who has severe dementia.
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and so i did. and i got there and there was this man in the chair with his wife who he said he has he does not have her mentally but he has her. and i sat down with them for an hour-and-a-half learned the story of how they met and fell in love and then the story about her alzheimer's progressed and spent time talking to the man about the difficulties and if you would ask him the joys he is a joyful wife deteriorate and stepping in to a relationship of caretaker where the relationship to husband and wife subsided. but the relationship of caretaker came up. and you know, it was a very powerful conversation. >> dickerson: you went to ma common county and photographed a lot of people and did not mention politics. why? >> sometimes i did. i did not look for it and that
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that i think what makes humans of new york unique is the randomness of it. i've traveled to iran and traveled to pakistan. these are countries that have strong narratives told about them in the media. whether they are related to the nuclear deal or whether they are related to terrorism. so what you have, you have people being asked about thoughts and opinions on things such as that. and what i do and the same thing i did, is i stopped people struggles are. and you find that it was an important swing county being talked about a lot and every time it's being talked about it's being talked about in relation to the election. what is your opinion of trump? why did you vote for hillary? and we are framing the people based on political affiliations but if you actually stop the people and say what is your greatest struggle right now?
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and son's alcoholism and they do not identify themselves in the way we are identifying them. they see themselves as fathers or husbands. and humans of new york by stooping people randomly and -- stopping him randomly shows more of the identities that people see themselves as. >> dickerson: brandon stanton
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the surgeon general issued a report saying one in seven americans is expected to develop a substance abuse disorder at some points in their lives. mcshin and honesty liller are on the frontlines of this. what does it look like in terms of the uptick with opioid abuse that you see? >> right. well, at mcshin 80% of our participants in our program are recovering from opioid addiction. it's all around the country. it is opiates, prescription pain meds with the heroin, the heroin is cheaper after you are doing with the prescriptiontion pain meds so it's more and more people getting addicted at a younger age than on average and that is around the nation. >> tell me about your personal story. >> i am long-term recovery. i have been drug and alcohol free for nine-and-a-half years.
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i stopped at 26. and the last nine years of my active addiction was opioids and heroin. and i came to the mcshin foundation when i was 26 years old with nothing, same day service. john and carroll his wife took me in. i had nothing i had a couple bags of clothes i did not have custody of my daughter and i was living out of my jeep. now my life is amazing because carroll taking a chance on me, i own a home i am a taxpayer, i -- i can vote i am a mommy and a wife and the c.e.o. of mcshin and i'm surrounded by people that i love and i get to see people's lives change because of the recovery. been there done that this is what life was and what life is today and be able to help the people and save their lives and heal their families. >> dickerson: what is the most
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needs that needs help? >> if you have an addiction there is help anybody can stop using drugs and find a new way to live and lose that desire. all you have to do is ask and hopefully you will find the right door to go through. >> a lot of people have trouble asking for help? >> god it's the hardest thing in the individual for an individual to come to grips with an addiction and say i need help and a lot of out for help to get their hands slapped. we have to start helping people the day they ask for it we have to give it to them instead of -- >> dickerson: what do you mean they will ask for help? >> and they ask for help and the next thing you know. we have to stop treating people and help them the day they ask
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people were going to the emergency rooms a place to get help for a medical condition to be told to get out of here. we have to stop that. we know better and we have to do better. >> dickerson: the most important thing that you mentioned when you are talking to somebody is you can say i was there. what about as a culture what do the rest of us do? >> just be a voice not just those addicted to drugs and alcohol it's the family members and the people in the that are affected. anyone can be able to help someone you know that has a struggling issue. i think it's important to continue to talk about it and if you have a voice in your local community with a policy maker give them our number we are good at what we do on the advocacy si piece it's not just help that individual. it's healing a community and that is the nation at large. so anyone can be a voice for
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educated on what you are talking about and been there done that that lived experience we have -- it's not just us in recovery but the family members that have been affected by the disease that are speaking up and going to the general assembly and doing what they have to do to fight for those that do not know about recovery and those that are changing their lives. >> dickerson: all right. we appreciate you being here. >> thank you. >> thank you very much this was amazing. thank you. >> dickerson: thank you for what you do. and we will be right back in a
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>> dickerson: and now back to politics and our political panel. joining us today is molly ball of the the "washington post", his colleague ruth marcus is a columnist and editor of the post and ramesh ponnuru is senior editor at the national review. ramesh ponnuru we will start with you. donald trump made staff picks. he is thinking about others. do you have a unified theory of what he is doing? is there a clear message to the picks he has made? >> i do not have a unified
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transition is going better than one might have expected a couple weeks ago when there was breathless coverage of what a disaster it was turning out to be. the interesting things going on is this public fight going on about who is going to be the secretary of state in a trump administration where you have top advisers like kellyanne conway like blasting that mitt romney might be that >> ruth, on some of the names that have been made. i was interested on the one hand you had donald trump say kelly ayotte former senator from new hampshire was not going to get anything because she said that donald trump was not a role model for her children. and niki haley is now the ambassador to the u.n. what do you make for the different decisions? >> well, sometimes he can be
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others. i have to say if this transition is going well, i would like to see one going poorly. i will channel tolstoy all transitions are chaotic and this is crazy. first of all we are having a transition by twitter. he is consume 8 indicating -- communicating with us. normal president-elects have press conferences and this one has a twitter account. and he is picking people that in the most haphazard way. usually you submit your national security team and then you domestic policy team it's kind of random people. you pick your un ambassador before you pick your secretary of state. and finally, this remarkable i know we are not getting it to it yet this public dissent that we cannot stop talking about. >> do you sign up for that? jeff sessions that was an obvious pick. mike flynn for the national security adviser.
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trump camp? >> i have a rather that donald trump is running the transition the way he run his campaign which is the way he runs his business. he creates -- he likes to have under lings scrabbling for favor. he is in charge and he bestows his favor arbitraryly. and everyone is kept on their toes nobody knows where they stand with him. and there is no ideological consistency. somebody like a jeff sessions and steve bannon not a traditional republican paired with reince priebus who is and paired with someone like niki haley a traditional conservative. and i do not think we should expect consistency. because trump has little ideological consistency. he is much more interested in
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process is come to my tower and i shall evaluate you and he is making choices on that basis. >> and what molly describes is what people described fdr's management, battles and fights so there is a tradition of this. what do you make of it and we can talk to the secretary of state point which is this public debate going on between whether he is going to pick rudy giuliani or mitt romney or bob corker from >> look, everyone is exasperated get over it. this is the way it's going to be. this is the way he is. and i think this is the new normal in essence for presidential management. the idea that it has to be done a certain way is foolhardy because he has not done anything the normal way and he won. so don't be surprised by any of this is what i have been telling relatives and colleagues and
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my only question is: how can a republican controlled senate confirm someone like rudy giuliani given his business practices over the last few years when you have spent years prosecuting hillary clinton for doing the similar things? he has been the consultant to world leaders some of questionable degree and giving speeches all over the world. it can argue that it gives him vast experiencing but you know, i do not see how certain republican lawmakers can have spent the last few years saying what they said about her and confirm him when he was doing the same. >> the thing we need to talk about is the remarkable spectacle of his own campaign manager kellyanne conway differing with him on twitter and public interviews about the wisdom of romney as secretary of state. anybody has any precedent i
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kellyanne conway tweeted receiving deluge of social media and private communications, some loyalists warn against romney as secretary of state. so ramesh ponnuru some people see that as the former campaign manager arguing with her boss through twitter not in the boardroom? >> she has given the same advice privately and it's true this has not been done before but i assume that she is doing it her doing it. that he may like this kind of drama. and so she figures why not? i think some of the points she is making are reasonable. it is perfectly reasonable for an incoming president to want cabinet members who are loyal to him who will not make a big resignation in principle that hurts the administration. and given their history together one has to worry about that if you are a donald trump about mitt romney.
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herself as speaking for the grassroots and donald trump supporters. and i think there maybe a personal side to it for her as well but it is true that she is his connection in a way to the millions of people out there in america who are not part of any other political party or movement but who are loyal to trump. and if she is indeed sounding a signal that he does not want to turn against those people there would not be another voice in his ear or would be speaking for those people. and presumably that is important to him. >> and ed to the question of donald trump's con flibs of interest. conflicts of interest. he has businesses all over the world. and a lot of the campaign was about the conflicts between the clinton foundation and the secretary of state. where are we on the question of donald trump's private interests and president? >> he so far embraces the fact that he is a global businessman and made no publicly apparent
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of it all. it is a complicated thing. but we need to remember is that federal law would allow him to continue doing this. and the question is: will the country want somebody who is a part-time president who is also a part-time c.e.o. to some degree and if not how will the public react? if there's evidence that he or his family is ingrashiating himself of the presidency while things are not getting fixed then we will see a reaction. this is unchartered waters and we have to see. >> dickerson: he told the new "w york times" that presidents cannot have con flibs of interest. >> they can and he does. the federal law does not cover it but there's the constitution and there is the way presidents behaved in the past. this is i adangerous road. it's obvious that somebody with his holdings is going to have a problem. he should have planned for this remarkably unprepared for this
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to separate his business life from his presidential life. instead of separating his piling conflict on conflict inviting his children into the government and the business. > dickerson: should other republicans care about this? is this going to get in the way of business that the business thought they want to get done? >> there is no statutory problem. i do not think he has a political problem in the sense of the supporters in the polls turning against him. but i do think he trouble for himself and administration and for republicans down the line because there is the potential for any number of scandals. the potential that otherwise reasonable decisions get second-guessed because people wonder is there a private interest of the trump company that is biasing our decisions? i think they would be better off taking steps to prevent those conflicts. >> dickerson: any immediate steps? >> he could get rid of his business but he does not want to
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