tv CBS Overnight News CBS November 28, 2016 2:30am-4:00am EST
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that they want to better their life and they call this number d they register for my event, i am gonna take them through a process that i know, because of the success we're having with our students, that will allow them the same opportunity that i had but a levelhat i don't think anyone's ever seen before. guys, i'm taking you on a little ride now. this is a nehborhood that i personally have four properties under contract. this is a secret little cherry patch in a market that is booming right now. it's a secret hyper market. anwe're driving ound this market, and i'll tell you what. most folks, if you were driving in this market right now and didn't have the knowledgthat i have in real estate, you would not understand the potential that's right here in this neighborhood. look at some of these houses. they don't look like much, but i'm gonna show you, through my step-by-step, ne-by-line system, how you're gonna be able to, in your market, find little secret hyper cherry patches like this that you can go out there and create revenue from flipping properties -- anywhere from
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depending on t neighrhood. and i'm gonna show you how to do that. i'm gonna show you how to do that with no money out oyour poet. that's right. i will show you how to do it with no money out of your pocket. if you have a lot of money and you just want to take this to another level, i'm gonna show you how to do this at another leveand create massive wealth, okay? so, here's the one thing i can't do for you, and that is take action. so i want you to see this number right here. you see this 800 number? dial it. take action. call now and reserve a couple call now. get your sea. come and let me show you some of these secrets to investing, and i'll see you there. [ applause ] you guys made it. can you believe that? >> yes! >> from all parts of the nation. this is so cool. make me feel like you want it. all right. all right. look, there'lot of these infomercials out here talking about real estate and training, and let's face it, this has been going on for years. and one of the differences that i know is i'm running my company.
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and my team of mentors and coaches and myself, we're gonna show youowo see this opportunity and how to see that in this particular property, there's a $60,000 prof to be made by you. we use a phrase within our company, but we use it because it's really valid, is that i'm gonna bring reality to you. i'm not nna bring reality tv to you. what i'm gonna tell you is what it's gonna be. >> announcer: if you're looking to make money while taking control of your financial nick vertucci, self-made millionaire, has a life-changing opportunity for you. as the host of l.a.'s number-one real-estate radio show, author, and one of tv's most trusted real-estate investment experts, nick is hosting a unique, free two-hour workshop, teaching people like you how to build wealth in today's re-estate market. you'll learn how to flip and hold income-generating prerties. whether you have great ct,
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little to no money, nick's system can work for you. nick and his power team of real-estate experts e loing to wk with a select group of motivated individuals right here. so, if you're looking to start a career in real estate, or if you're already working in real estate, then this is your chance to learn how to get in, geout, and get paid using nick's easy three-step system. nick's "fortunes in flipping" system has created some of the newest and most successful real-estate entrepreneurs today. they're making money while changing their financial future for themselves and those the love, and now so can you. so if you're tired of the daily grinthat nev seems to get you ahead, it's time to take action. so pick up the phone and call right now. receive three v.i.p. tickets to nick's real-estate workshop, and nick will send you disc one of
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then, when you attend, you'll be treated to a free meal and receive nick's v.i.p. tech package, with a gps smartphone watch, a usb power charger, and usb flash drive preloaded with nick's flipping guide and flippingd set -- a $599 lue, yours free of charge -- as nick's gift to you. but that's not all. ch registered guest will also automatically be entered to win a $5,000 cash prize. nick's "fortes in flipping" system is designed to make money in today's real-estate market. it's time to take action so you can learn how to get in, get out, and get paijust like nick. he found the success he was looking fothrough real estate, and so can you. so don't wait another second. pick up the phone and make the call right now. >> let's facit, guys.
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i don't ve to tell you. i'm sure you look your bills or bank accounts and know that something has to change. that's why i started the it so exciting to know that we can give back and really help good people like yourself get out from under the burdensnd stress of our current economy. >> i lost my job. i'd been working as a dental assistant for about 12 years. and weere dual-income family. we had two bs, and i was pregnant wou if these people were making millions of llars and they had information, if we wanted to make millions of dollars, we needed all the information that they had, and so we needed to have that, too, to be successful. >> we graduated last septemb, so threeonths ago, and we're standing in front of got under contract.that we've >> and for us, is an infinite return on our money because we've used none of our own on this property. >> when my trainers and speakers and myself say, whether it's on a cd or a tape or we're saying
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this business with no money, that's not hook just to get people to sign up. that's something you're experiencing. >> so that's absolutely true. >> yeah. >> we have done deals without any money out of our pocket. >> 'cause the return on your investment is like infinity because you have nothing in your als. it's great. doing four deals in a year, and let's say they all made 25 grand, that's $100k doing almost really kind of thing, which is kind of hard for most people to believe. >> working my day job, still. >> working your day job. i mean, that's ridiculous. >> i get to stay home with the kids now. i don't have to go back to work. >> yeah. >> guys, we're now inside of this property, and let me tell you somethg. if y walk around this property and you see what shape it's in, this house here is a bank-owned foreclosure that is in really bad shape. but i got to tell you something. this right here is a $65,000 profit after i touch this up and do a full rehab on it, becau i know how to do it step by step and line by line. so, i want you to understand that these are the things that, when you come to my free live
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you're gonna learn, and you' nna understand. it's not what you see. it's not what you smell. come to my free live event, guys. dial that number. come, take action. it's in your area. and i'm gonna show you the abc's of real estate, and i'm gonna help you be able to find properties just like this in your area so you can take advante of one of the st real-estate markets that we've >> what can someone expect when they attend ur free workshop? >> you're going to learn what opportunities are out there in real estate. there's a lot of economic principles that we talk about in the person coming in knowing nothing aboureal estate and i have a lot of folks coming in that are very savvy and been in the business a while, d the's always something for somebody there. now, not to mention, we give away some really cool gifts, and we got the best trainers and crew in the business. and so when you come, you're gonna learn something. there'a whollot of things that make us different and more real, and i want people to come and see that and tn make a decision for themselves if they want to change their life or
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and if not, you're still gonna gain. it's a win-win forhem. as you continue to watch this show, you're going to learn a few strategiese teach at my free two-hr real-estate workshop. things like how you can access your 401(k) and your ira to invest in real estate. u dot have to keep making small rerns onour money, and you can direct those funds into secure androfitable real-estate deals. listen, most people don't even know that you can do that. it's the best-kept secret, and these are secrets that you're gonna get. that's just one of them. come to the event, and we're gonna show you more. >> one of the best this, i think, that i've enjoy out of this whole deal is nick showing me how to use my ira money as a self-directed ira to buy real estate. before, you know, i was dendent on the stock market and i was watching it. and it'd go up, it'd go down. i'd lose $20,000, $30,000, $40,000 in a week, and it was li -- it was driving me crazy.
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into this self-directed ira, i can buy real estate like this use i bought with my ira. doing all the rehab comes out my ira. and what i make on it goes back into my ira, and i'll make about $55,000 on this house. so, that's 30% in three months. my ira, say, if i had $150,000 in there, w it $210,000 in there, so i can go g a bigger house, or i can get two houses or three houses or four houses going at one time with my own money d make, you know, 120% a year on my money. >> it was surprising for me to find out we could use ou retirement to invest in real estate, like our ira and also 401(k). >> do you know that 90plus of the populaon does not know that? they do not know that you can take your 401(k) and your ira and actually invest within it. you can loan witn it, you can flip houses, you can hold cash-flow property. so, for instance, let's say you
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you find a property that's $100,000 even. that ira can hold that property inside of it. and you can grow your retirement with brick-and-mortar assets that instead of being in the stock market, that's where you choose not to be -- 'cause let's face it. if you have your money in cash, at a cash position, with depreciation and inflation, you are not gonna be able to outlive your money, unless you have an exuberant amount or you're really high earner. and in most cases, that's not the way it is for most people, soou have to invest. if you own aiece of property, it's an appreciating asset that, for example, all the rents that come in go back into your ira. and let's say the market goes from $100,000 to $150,000 inhe next five years -- that property gains $50,000 in equit well, that means yr ira just went up by $50,000, and all that income that comes in is tax-deferred until you deal with taking the income later. it a major vehicle of investing that minvestors learn coming through my
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free event, theye gonna know more about that. and the reason why your financial planner does not want you to know that is because if you do not invest in stocks, then they don't make commission. ey don't make money on your money. so they don't wantour money, which is the key word -- your money to be able to be shifted somewherthat you can ld real estate and make money elsewhere. so it really is the best-kept secret, and i'm here to let that secret out because i think people need to know it and then make a decision for themselves. does that make sense >> that's amazing. really -- it amazed me -- that i found out is that close to 90% to 95% of the people listening to my show and my students that come through my academy do not and 401(k) to invest inour ira real estate. ? >> announcer: if you're looking to make money while taking control of your financial future, then listen up. nick vertucci, self-made millionaire, has a life-changing
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real-estate radio show, author,e and one tv's most trusted real-estate investment experts, nick is hosting a unique, free two-hour workshop, teaching people like you how to build wealthn today's real-estate market. you'll learn how to flip and hold income-generating prerties. whether you have great credit, no credit, lots of money, or little to no money, nick's system can work for you. nick and his per tm of real-estate experts are look to wk with a select group of motivated individuals right here. so, if you're looking to start a career in real estate, or if you're already working in real estate, then this is your chan to learn how to get in, get out, and get paid using nick's easy three-step system. nick's "fortunes in flipping" system has created some of the newest and most successful real-estate entrepreneurs today. they're making money while
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for themselves a those they love, and now so can you. so if you' tired of the daily grind that never seems to get you ahead, it's time to take action. so pick up the phone and call when you register, you'll receive three v.i.p. tickets to nick will send you disc one ofnd set.ortunes in flipping" cd then, when you attend, you'll be treated to a free meal and receive nick's v.i.p. tech package, with a s smtphone watch, a usb power charger, and usb flash drive preloaded with nick's flippg guide and flipping cd set -- a $599 value, yours free of charge -- as nick's gift to you. t th's not all. each registered guest will also automatically be entered to win a $5,000 cash prize. >> are you tired of depending on a job where you live paycheck to paycheck?
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quality ti wityour family and friends? or maybe you're ju tired of having small returns on investments like your 401(k) and your iras. if so, stay right here, because i'm gonna show you how you can have all of that and more in a career in real estate. >> the game plan is in place, and all you have to do is foll the steps to get where you want to go. >> you have to be able to tu it into dollars, 'cause that's why we're here. i mean, we are here to learn ho is that right? >> yes! >> correct? we want toetteour lives. >> he showed us within 30 mines how to make $90,0 a month. >> what really got us excited was the fact that we would learn how to make money right away, which none of the other yostart showing me how to make money right away [snaps fingers] m in. >> i know u're watching at home right now, and i'm sitting with preston morrison from deer, colorado. preston has an amazing story.
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business, to help people like you get into this business. and for you, you transitioned from the military, and i'm gonna let you ta about that for a coupleinutes. but take a second and share your story and share the deals that you've done. >> all right. my name is preston morrison. i'm from denver, colorado. >> yeah. and i just went from a in a limbo of my life and notg that.y knowing how to get out of i was workg overseas for years. i was working in the middle eas of needing a change in my life, to come across your radio ad.ned >> yeah. >> listened to it. and justo be from that position of what i was doing, into the facthat i have successfully made money in real estate now, using your system, after having zero knowledge to start with it. >> tell us about that first deal that you did and what you made on it, just in your own words. >> so, i went through nick's training. i followed the system that he
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and going back to denver, it's an area that everyone tells you you can't even do real estate in right now. there's no market for it. >> yeah, don't you love that, especially when you know better? >> just following with whayou told me, you say to follow these steps, you're gonna get a certain tcome. and with that, i made just over $27,0 on my first deal. >> wow, man. >> it was by myself. didn't have any partners going in on it, and so... >> that'grea >> it's pretty incredible. >> well, i'm happy for you. i'm going to tell you, thais going totart. and you know this, because now in your pipeline that you shared momentum. and your first door is always the toughest, and you've done that, and happened pretty quick for you. and now we're just gonna have nothing but momentum. and we're gonna know each other for a very long time. and m very pro of you and i appreciate your service, and thank you for doing it. look, there you have it. preston is, and has, changed his life with this training and this business. if you're at home watching this, call that mber call that number and take action. that's thene thing you d that i couldn't make you do.
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right now. >> i know. i get it. and that's just th one thing that i can't do for you. but make the call and dial that number. you really have absolutely nothing to lose. it's a free event. it two hours. you're gonna learn some incredible sects to this market and some things you don't know. so call the number right now, and i will see you on the other side of success. as a former police officer with only a k-through-12 education, it didn't take me long to realize that i needed to find something to ensure family's financi future. and like my law-enforcement backgrnd, i realized that you needed a system. and as a police officer, following a system meant that you save lives. it's the same thing for succeeding ireal estate. if you follow my systems, you'll sa your financial life. this easy-to-follow three-step system will provide the guidance and protection that you'll need to safely create the financial
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one of the things that i gonna bring you is reality, not reality tv. let me tell you what i mean by that. started this nv real estate academy because i want to give back to someone just like me. owned a technology business. i mentioned that earlier. and i lost my business between the year 2000 and about 2004. toughest years of my life. i lost, guys, everything. i had two daughters, a wife, and a daughter on the way. and i had lost all my wealth. and i took mysel in 10-year period, and i've invested in so time. and i've created millions of dollars wealth for me and generations to come. and i want to give that back to you now. it means a lot to me, and i really want to help you. come to the event. i'll show you how to do that. i'll show you how to do it safely. and i'll show you how to do it with integrity. now, i kw ma of you are still thinking that you need great cred or loads of money to do this business in real estate. well, that's jt not true. in fact, a large number of my most successful students have
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my trainin makg large profits and never using a penny of their own money >> best return i got in a year, i think, was 10%, 11% in the stock market. >> and one thing about the stock market, you really don't have any control over things because it's all decisions in people at e top ofhe companies that you have no control over, so it's very volatile. like she said, on a good year, if we made 10% to 12%, we were ecstatic. but with this program, 30% if very realistic, and you can make up to 60%. we have done 60% on deals. >> you see, inveors and their money are always searching for thright investments. once you plug in to my system, you'lle introduced to investors that are looking to fund real-estate deals. they are in almost every city in our country, looking to put their capital to work thugh people just like you. >> they walk you through a plan of how you can retire in three years. >> whatever you do, whether it's real-estate investing, whatever
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have a passion for it and u have to believe. your mind is the most powerful and strongt muscle that we have. and if we believe in something and see it, thenll you have to have is the system and the right approach to it, and there's nothing that can stop you. >> announcer: time is running out. if you are looking to make money while taking control of your financial future, it's time to take action just like nick. you can learn to get in, get out, and get paid. he found the success he was and now canou. so don't wait another second. pick up the phone anmake the call before this life-changi opportunity passes you by. >> our minds -- i told you ts on day one -- they are so powerful. they hold the key to our success. i'm telling you guys, this isn't just an emotional ride for you. this is the realeal, 'cause i want you to understand there's more to th than just real estate. you need to plug in to us.
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>> [ voice breaking ] this means more to me than you realize, you know? i want to make money, yes, but really, i want to be able to give back to my family and to other soldiers. >> it can't even be said enough that just a few months ago, we'd never considered being associated with real estate an investing in it. because of your system, you have allowed us to rease this cap that'seen placed on society and their understanding of how to make money. that now our ceiling is the heavens and we can support our family and enjoy the time that we have with them through doing something that we like doing. it's jt great. so thank you. >> thank you. i would st say thank you to him. >> one of the most important things i could tell you during this show is this right now. the one thing that i can't provide is you taking action. 10 years ago, that's the one thing that i did that changed our lives.
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i made the call. and now we are living a life and leaving a legacy for our children that we never could have imagined. if you come to my two-hour free event, i promise you this -- you're gonna learn something, and you're gonna be given opportuny to change your life for the better, regardless if you're doing great or you're in a position where it has to work. we've created an environment whe that can happen. so i'm looking forward to seeing you at this event. call that number. >> thank you so much for inviting me into your beautiful home and sharing your inspiring story. >> well, it was our pleasure and it was great having you here. >> if you're o there right now watching this, this is your chance, so pick up the pne for this life-changing opportunity. this is a proven system that nick has developed for you. pick up that phone and call. takectioand get started today, because i know i sure will. >> and i want people jt like
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out there and get a piece of this pie, the american dream. ? >> announcer: this was a paid presentation of the ni vertucci real estate academy's "fortunes in flipping" academy's "fortunes in flipping" system why do protein drinks taste chalky? then get worse? introducing protein shots from 5-hour energy. protein shots from 5-hour energy
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they're great for workouts. so great that if you don't get up to fifteen percent more reps, more laps, more distance, we'll give you your money back - period. squad total just over 3,100, according to the non-profit think tank cuba archive. human rights watch reports 6,200 arbitrary detentions during the first eight months of last year. and there's that flood of cuban refugees to the united states to
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president-elect donald trump is already getting pushback from congress over his immigration plans. mr. trump has vowed to build a wall along the u.s.-mexico border, have mexico pay for it, and deport medals of people in the u.s. illegally. the federal gove large-scale deportations twice in the past century. carter evans has the story. >> reporter: huge numbers. unbelievably huge numbers. >> reporter: immigrants are joining the anti-trump protest worried that the president-elect will soon follow through on his promise to deport millions who came here illegally. sisters fluor and victoria martinez were brought here illegally when they were just 1 and 3 years old. they're allowed to attend school and work, protected under president obama's dream act.
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because their two younger brothers are u.s. citizens by birth. >> if we have to go back, we wouldn't want them to go back with us because they made it here. >> reporter: former u.s. congressman esteban torres knows the pain of being separated from family. >> it's a tough feeling not to know the person that was your father. >> reporter: his father was one of an estimated 2 million immigrants who were part of a government campaign called mexican repatriation. were herded onto trains and kicked out of the country. it was an effort to save american jobs. >> rounded them all up and shipped them back to their home country. >> reporter: just 3 years old, torres was allowed to remain in the u.s. with his mother and brother because they were born here. >> i remember living in shacks, you know. my mother couldn't afford anything better. you know, all the days of standing in line for relief, of
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shoes and canned food. >> reporter: torres never saw his father again. >> it's a really dark part of u.s. history. >> reporter: ucla professor raul hin joes o. ojeda said it happened again in the 1950s when a quarter million more immigrants were sent back across the border during operation wetback. >> these round-ups did break up families that have consequences even today. >> reporter: torres not only lost a father. his brother had to be raised by family friends. >> my mother had choice really. the economy was so bad that she couldn't sustain us both. you know, it scares me because it could happen again. >> reporter: but he's hoping that dark chapter of american history will remain in the past. carter evans, los angeles. that's the "overnight news" for this monday. for some of you the news continues. for others check back with us a little later for the "morning news" and "cbs this morning." from the broadcast center in new
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cuba's farewell to fidel castro. we're in havana as the island nation begins a week of rallies and tributes to its father figure. but here in the u.s. some cuban americans say history will not absolve the man they call a brutal dictator. >> he says history will absolve him. history will condemn him. also tonight, president-elect trump slams election recount efforts as a scam. the young victims of the chattanooga school bus tragedy are laid to rest. concerns were raised about the driver weeks ago. and the online holiday shopping rush is on. could cyber monday shatter an internet sales record?
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>> announcer: this is the "cbs overnight news." welcome to the "overnight news." i'm meg oliver. 21-gun salutes will fire in cuba's largest cities today as the island nation begins a week-long choreographed farewell to its long-time leader fidel castro. the communist dictator, who wore his animosity toward america as long as his trademark beard, died friday at the age of 90. manuel bojorquez is in havana. >> reporter: meg, cubans are grieving today as the death of fidel castro has started to set in. while a divisive figure abroad, on this caribbean island castro was admired by many. as flags flew at half staff over havana, some cubans could not hold back their tears. victor manuel said he felt like he had lost a patriarch. the father of our family, the
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havana's normally bustling revolution plaza was quiet. workers were busy preparing for two days of tributes to the dictator, who led the country for half a century. thousands of cubans will pay their respects in the shadow of the monument to national hero jose marti and a sculpture of revolutionary leader che guevara. inside the havana cathedral leticia fonseca prayed and reflected. "fidel was someone that always helped us a lot," she said. "especially the cuban community of the lower class." on saturday at castro's former university dozens of students chanted "i am fidel." pedicab driver lazaro alonzo said he hopes castro's death would not slow progress in cuba. "we continue to work hard," he said. "there will be great moments that will come for this country." people here will gather for official state memorials
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revolution square, where castro delivered some of his most fiery speeches. his remains will then be taken from havana to santiago, essentially retracing in reverse the steps he took in victory with the revolutionary army. meg, his funeral will be next sunday in santiago, known as the cradle of castro's revolution. >> manuel bojorquez, thank you. about 225 miles north of havana it's a very different mood. more like a party in miami's cuban-american neighborhood little havana. david begnaud is there. >> reporter: this is the second day that people have taken to the street here in little havana. as one woman said, we're not celebrating the death of fidel castro but we're celebrating the potential for freedom in cuba. it's still front-page news. i want to show you the front cover of the "miami herald." the picture of fidel with one word, "dead." it's still all people are talking about in miami. the streets are still closed and they're blaring music in front of cafe versailles. tanya madrigal came to the united states when she was 9
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tanya, why did you want to be here? your parents came with you. they are now deceased. why is it important for you to be on the streets tonight? >> to support my cuban family. to support -- all these people have come here today to celebrate. and to teach my daughter it is a moment in history. and the reason why i'm here, for freedom. i left when i was 9 years old and i've never gone back to cuba. and one day i will go back. when i can go there with my american passport because i'm an american. >> reporter: thank you, tanya. we appreciate it. we also spoke with the republican congresswoman iliana ros-lehtinen who herself came to the u.s. when she was a child. >> what's the rest of the country to make of all this happening outside of versailles? >> i know people are looking at these visuals and they're saying are these people nuts, they're celebrating someone's death? and we're not. we're celebrating an opportunity of a new beginning. a new dawn. and we're a hopeful, optimistic people. we're never going to stop dreaming of a free cuba and
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>> reporter: we noticed today that people were taking small cuban flags and bringing them to nearby graveyards where their relatives are buried. as one woman said, "i wanted to put a flag at the grave of my mother and father, who didn't live long enough to see this day come." meg? >> david begnaud in miami for us. thank you. top aides to president-elect trum administration will not make any decisions on u.s.-cuba relations until after mr. trump takes office in january. for now mr. trump is filling positions in his administration and keeping an eye on election recount efforts. errol barnett has the latest. >> reporter: president-elect donald trump fired off a tweet storm sunday over the pending vote recount in wisconsin, where he won by 27,000 votes. "hillary clinton conceded," he wrote, noting that after the election the democratic nominee said, "we owe him a chance to lead." clinton's general counsel said
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participate in the recount which was initiated by green party candidate jill stein. she has raised $6 million for the effort and may pursue recounts in michigan and pennsylvania. trump calls it a scam, and today his chief of staff went further. >> and it's ridiculous. this is a fund-raising notoriety-driven fraud by a person who won 33,000 votes in trump, who won 1.4 million. >> reporter: also today the transition team's debate over who should be secretary of state spilled into public view once again. governor mitt romney and mayor rudy giuliani are among those being considered. being considered.. trump campaign manager turned adviser kellyanne conway appeared on several sunday programs to slam governor mitt romney. >> he gave speeches against donald trump. he attacked his character. did he go and intervene in syria where they're having a massive humanitarian crisis? meaning when i say intervene, like offer to help. has he been helpful to mr.
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president-elect is wrapping up the family vacation at his mar-a-lago resort in florida, and his transition team says he's been contacted by more than 40 world leaders. meg, more cabinet and staff announcements are expected monday. >> all right. errol barnett, thank you. there were mass shootings in a number of cities this weekend including new orleans. one man is dead and nine others injured after an overnight shooting in the french quarter on bourbon street. two were arrested. it's not clear whether the victims were targeted. a civil rights group is calling for more police protection of mosques after threatening letters were sent to three mosques in california. investigators are trying to track down whoever sent the handwritten, photocopied letters. jury selection begins tomorrow in the trial of dylann roof.
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meeting in june of 2015. on friday a federal judge ruled that roof is mentally competent to stand trial and could face the death penalty if convicted. the "cbs overnight news" will be right back. why do protein drinks taste chalky? then get worse? introducing protein shots from 5-hour energy. protein shots from 5-hour energy are smooth and tasty, and still deliver 21 grams of protein with 100 calories. they're great for workouts. so great that if you don't get up to re laps, more distance,
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funerals were held in chattanooga, tennessee this weekend for two of the six children killed last week in a school bus accident. paula reid is following this. >> reporter: mourners gathered at the redemption point church in chattanooga to say good-bye to 9-year-old cor'dayja jones, one of six children killed in the crash. her pastor remembered her as a child who made everyone's day a little brighter. >> she was the most genuine child you could ever meet. you know when people say that oh man, they leave everyone smiling, they just say it. well, for cor'dayja they really meant that. >> reporter: the bus driver johnthony walker has been charged with vehicular homicide. newly released records show school administrators and
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him in the weeks before he crashed a bus carrying 37 children on their way home from woodmore elementary school. just ten days before the accident a principal reported walker for driving way too fast. in a handwritten report a student said "it feels like the bus is going to flip over." when confronted by school officials walker stated he did not care about the students and proceeded to tell the students he did not care about them. funerals for the young victims continue throughout the week. 10-year-old zyanna harris was laid to rest today. 9-year-old zoie pis scheduled for thursday. three students remain in the hospital in critical condition. a fund has been set up to help families affected by the bus crash. it's raised over $150,000. meg, they tell me they expect that number to be even higher after the two organizations have had a chance to count all the donations that came in over the holiday. >> such a sad story. paula reid, thank you so much. coming up next, cyber monday. it's expected to be the largest
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flocking to the internet in record numbers this weekend leading up to the big event known as cyber monday. here's mireya villareal. >> reporter: bargains on tvs, toys, and technology was enough temptation to draw in hordes of shoppers across the country on black friday. but crowded stores with limited product have some second-guessing whether braving black friday is worth it. >> walmart was crazy busy and people were trying to punch people in the face. >> reporter: this year online retailers got a jump start on cyber monday, posting deals on thanksgiving day. the savings so good savvy shoppers actually crashed macy's website. consumers research president joe colangelo. >> it's going to be a very strong cyber monday. you're looking at amazon of course as capturing the lion's share of cyber monday and walmart is close after. and then macy's, lord & taylor, home depot. these arethree of the other major players. >> reporter: sales from this
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that's 9% more than 2015 and a nearly 27% jump from 2014, when sales were at $2.6 billion. overall this year's holiday season could ring up at 117 billion. >> of the three main shopping days over this holiday weekend, that's thanksgiving, black friday, and cyber monday, cyber monday has been growing the fastest of all three of those. >> reporter: colangelo says the convenience of shopping at home combined with better bargains is what's fueling that gr courtney. >> we used to get up every morning on black friday, 3:00 in the morning and go everywhere. these days you get up on thanksgiving order online and you come out just out of habit really. >> reporter: on average families are expected to spend about $1,000 on gifts this holiday season, and millennials are leading the shopping pack, increasing their spending by 25% this year. meg? >> mireya, thank you. up next, help for the homeless.
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the streets more bearable.ed moy and flexibility, and 20% better comfort from one tiny, mighty pill... get move free ultra, and enjoy living well. looking for balance in your digestive system? try align probiotic. for a non-stop, sweet treat goodness, hold on to your tiara kind of day. get 24/7 digestive support, with align. the #1 doctor recommended probiotic brand. now in kids chewables.
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so i mowed the lawn, put up all the decorations. i thought i got everything. almost everything! you know, 1 in 10 houses could get hit by a septic disaster, and a bill of up to $13,000. but for only $7 a month, rid-x is scientifically proven to break down waste, helping you avoid a septic disaster. rid-x. the #1 brand used by septic professionals in their own tanks. there are nearly 120,000 homeless people in california. more than 2/3 of them live on the street. that's the highest rate of people without shelter in the country. john blackstone tells us about a
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their lives more bearable. >> reporter: the latest count of homeless in los angeles shows the city has more than 43,000 people living on the streets. on skid row in downtown los angeles makeshift dwellings spread for block after block. few outsiders regularly walk these forbidding streets. but raquel beard has. >> people are dying every day here. the drug trade and drug usage is just out of control. property thefts are through the roof. >> reporter: she worked with the association of business owners in the skid row area who are being overwhd >> and there's no community outcry about that. >> reporter: because other people don't see it. >> out of sight out of mind, let's just keep it there. >> reporter: but skid row also has those struggling to make better lives. they are helped at a warehouse called the bin. with nowhere to live, debra parra got a bin here to keep clean clothes, helping her hold down a job as a security guard. >> i leave a lot of stuff here. so depending what job i'm doing -- >> reporter: this makes it a little easier. >> oh, sure does.
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>> reporter: mark loringer is ceo of chrysalis, the homeless service organization that runs the bin. what does this represent? >> this represents the personal belongings and life history of about 1,500 residents of the skid row area. >> reporter: users must check in at least once a week. >> glass in there. >> yeah, it's a drinking glass. >> toothbrush. >> yeah, toothbrush. >> reporter: levelle liggins, living on the streets for 15 years, got a measure of safety when he got a bin. >> rule of the streets is whatever they find is theirs, they keep it, they can move on it. >> reporter: the bins provide order in often chaotic lives. >> when i come out and i roll out their bins, i'm treating it as a service to them. >> i got it. >> reporter: demetrious reid knows the bins from both sides. he was homeless until the job here helped him get a place to live. >> it kind of adds a little dignity back into the equation. >> reporter: it's part of l.a.'s latest plan to help the homeless. the city is looking to add thousands more bins, which can provide a modest step toward life off the street.
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syria this weekend. it comes as syrian and russian forces continue their assault to retake syria's largest city. across the border about 6,000 american troops are in iraq helping in the fight against isis. over the holiday weekend holly williams spent time with some of them. >> reporter: they've spent months away from home, aiding in the fight against isis on the other side of the world. >> happy thanksgiving. how are you? >> reporr: lunch wasn't shared with family. but with their brothers and sisters in the armed forces. >> stuffing? >> yes. >> reporter: and when we asked some of the roughly 6,000 u.s. service members currently in iraq what they're thankful for, many of them spoke of their loved ones. major rebecca de niro white and captain jeremy white were
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meeting up at a military staging area around ten miles east of mosul. they've only been married five months. so you're intentionally together here in iraq. this was the only place you could be together. >> yeah. kind of. >> it just worked out that way. >> reporter: major steven bryant serves as a chaplain. ? ministering to the spiritual needs of soldiers of all religions. but on his third tour of duty in iraq he's thankful for something rather practical. cell phones. >> i think what's different this time is communications. it's giving me an opportunity to express that to my girls and to my wife and to my mom and dad and different family members more frequently. that i miss them, that i love them, and i certainly appreciate their support. >> reporter: others waxed
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like private first class onay beam from fontana, southern california. >> this is a humbling experience. out here -- the experience to be able to like come and be humbled and see how other people live, stuff that people think they need back in the states. kids, as they grow up this is all they know. so no socks, no shoes. just running around playing soccer. just -- it's crazy. but -- that's what i'm thankful for. >> reporter: specialist monique frank from goldsboro, north carolina has the kind of relentless optimism that's infectious. one of a team of three cooks, she feeds 150 soldiers every day from this minuscule kitchen. >> it's something i love. something i'm very passionate about. food tells a story nothing else can. like you put your emotions in it. i love it. >> reporter: and you're putting your emotions into it even here in this tiny little kitchen in the middle of iraq? >> yep.
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[ speaking foreign language ]. >> at the vatican today pope francis said special prayers for hurricane, earthquake, and flood victims in costa rica, nicaragua, and italy. vatican television broadcast the news worldwide. seth doan got a rare behind-the-scenes look at the high-tech operation. ? hallelujah ? >> reporter: though 70,000 people packed into st. peter's square in vatican city, an even larger audience watched on tv. this mass last sunday was covered by 12 cameras including two sweeping gibs, those cameras on long arms. specific moments including the
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carefully choreographed. it was all transmitted to the world at the highest quality possible, 4k hdr. you're broadcasting at a quality level that most of us cannot imagine. most of us have never seen because our tvs aren't that good. >> it's the very first time. >> reporter: a first for the va stefano d'agostini is the head of vatican tv. he explained how they're early adopters of the latest technology. you describe vatican tv almost like a laboratory for television. why? >> because it's easier for the companies, for the factors to work with us because we are small. >> reporter: vtv, its acronym in italian, has just 21 full-time employees. greg burke is a former fox news correspondent. he now runs the vatican press office. >> vatican television is like the mouse that roared. okay?
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look at the number of people. but the quality is really great. >> reporter: vatican tv is hardly an independent observer. rather it's part of the church's massive pr apparatus. reminders of its mission are on screen and off. the material is hard to beat in setting, scale, and sheer theatrics. whether it's the cardinals marching into the sistine chapel or that memorable good-bye flight over the eternal city when benedict xvi became pope >> this is an expensive operation, vatican tv. why dedicate so many resources to tv? >> i think the answer is this helps get the pope's message out. the better you can tell that story. and these days we're telling stories with pictures. >> reporter: seth doan, cbs news, vatican city. that's the overnight news for this monday. for some of you the news
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little later for the morning news and "cbs this morning." from the broadcast center in new york city, i'm meg oliver. welcome to the "overnight news." i'm meg oliver. president-elect donald trump is back at trump tower in new york city, steaming mad over efforts to overturn his election victory. hillary clinton has now joined green party candidate jill stein in calling for recounts in several states that went republican. clinton leads in the popular vote by nearly 2 million votes. but she lost the electoral college 290-232. and she'd need every state at issue to come close to toppling mr. trump. errol barnett reports. >> reporter: president-elect donald trump fired off a tweet-storm sunday over the pending vote recount in wisconsin, where he won by 27,000 votes.
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wrote, noting that after the election the democratic nominee said we owe him a chance to lead. clinton's general counsel said on saturday they would participate in the recount, which was initiated by green party candidate jill stein. she has raised $6 million for the effort and may pursue recounts in michigan and pennsylvania. trump calls it a scam, and today his chief of staff went further. >> and it's ridiculous. this is a fund-raising notoriety-driven fraud by a wisconsin to president-elect trump, who won 1.4 million. >> reporter: also today the transition team's debate over who should be secretary of state spilled into public view once again. governor mitt romney and mayor rudy giuliani are among those being considered. trump campaign manager turned adviser kellyanne conway appeared on several sunday programs to slam governor mitt
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donald trump. he attacked his character. did he go and intervene in syria where they're having a massive humanitarian crisis? meaning when i say intervene like offer to help? >> reporter: the president-elect is wrapping up the family vacation at his mar-a-lago resort in florida and his transition team says he's been contacted by more than 40 world leaders. meg, more cabinet and staff announcements are expected monday. >> all right. errol barnett, thank you. 21-gun salutes will fire in cuba's largest cities monday as week-long choreographed farewell to its long-time leader fidel castro. the communist dictator, who wore his animosity toward america as long as his trademark beard, died friday at the age of 90. manuel bojorquez is in havana. >> reporter: meg, cubans are grieving today as the death of fidel castro has started to set in. while a divisive figure abroad, on this caribbean island castro was admired by many.
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victor manuel said he felt like he had lost a patriarch, "the father of our family, the father of the revolution," he said. havana's normally bustling revolution plaza was quiet. workers were busy preparing for two days of tributes to the dictator who led the country for half a century. thousands of cubans will pay their respects in the shadow of the monument to national hero jose marti and a sculpture of revoluar guevara. inside the cathedral lettisia fonseca prayed and reflected. castro was someone who helped us a lot she said, especially the cuban community of the lower class. on saturday at castro's former university dozens of students chanted "i am fidel." pedicab driver lanzaro alonzo said he hopes cast troes death would not slow progress in cuba. "we continue to work hard," he
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"there will be great moments that will come for this country." people here will gather for official state memorials starting tomorrow, with the largest expected on tuesday at revolution square, where castro delivered some of his most fiery speeches. his remains will then be taken from havana to santiago, essentially retracing in reverse the steps he took in victory with the revolutionary army. meg, his funeral will be next sunday in santiago, known as the cradle of castro's revolution. >> manuel bojorquez, thank you. about 225 miles north of havana it's a very different mood. more like a party in miami's cuban-american neighborhood little havana. david begnaud is there. >> reporter: this is the second day that people have taken to the street here in little havana. as one woman said, we're not celebrating the death of fidel castro but we're celebrating the potential for freedom in cuba. it's still front-page news. i want to show you the front
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the picture of fidel with one word. "dead." it's still all people are talking about here in miami. the streets are still closed. and they're blaring music in front of cafe versailles. tanya madrigal came to the united states when she was 9 years old. tanya, why did you want to be here? your parents came with you. they are now deceased. why is it important for you to be on the streets tonight? >> to support my cuban family. to support -- all these people have come here today to celebrate and to teach my daughter there is a mo i and the reason why i'm here, for freedom. i left when i was 9 years old, and i've never gone back to cuba. and one day i will go back. when i can go there with my american passport because i'm an american. >> reporter: thank you, tanya. we appreciate it. we also spoke with a republican congresswoman, ileana ros-lehtinen, who herself came to the u.s. when she was a child. what's the rest the country to make of all that's happening outside of versailles? >> i know. i know people are looking at these visuals and they're thinking are these people nuts? they're celebrating someone's death. and we're not.
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of a new beginning. a new dawn. and we are a hopeful, optimistic people. we're never going to stop dreaming of a free cuba and working toward one. >> reporter: we noticed today that people were taking small cuban flags and bringing them to nearby graveyards, where their relatives are buried. as one woman said, "i wanted to put a flag at the grave of my mother and father, who didn't live long enough to see this day come." meg? >> david begnaud in miami for us. thank you. florida senator marco rubio is the son of cuban immigrants. he discussed his views of the death of fidel castro with john dickerson on "face the nation." >> senator, what would you like to see change in u.s.-cuba relations now? >> well, i'd like to see more of a democratic opening on the island of cuba. things like, i don't know, free press. stop putting people in jail because they don't agree with you politically. stop helping countries like north korea evade u.n. sanctions.
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from our shores. allow independent political parties to be able to function. you know, the kinds of things that you find in virtually every country in the western hemisphere except cuba and now increasingly venezuela. that's what i'd like to see, and i'd like to see our foreign policy geared toward accelerating that. i believe it is in our national interest to see democracy take hold on the island of cuba. and so we should examine our foreign policy including all the changes that president obama made in that lens and through that lens. >> why not just reverse? >> well, as i said, there are key elements that are more important than others. we'll look at all of them. here's the thing people don't understand, and i've said this repeatedly. i am not against changes in u.s. policy toward cuba. i just want to make sure that those changes are reciprocal, that they're reciprocated by the cuban government. that was not part of what president obama did. and i want to make sure they're the kinds of things that help create a pathway toward democracy in cuba because while fidel castro was 90 years old his brother's 85. there is going to be a generational leadership change
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ten years, hopefully sooner, and we need to ensure that our foreign policy toward cuba incentivizes and makes it easier for there to be a democratic transition. when the "overnight news" returns we'll look back at the life and legacy of fidel castro. rid-x helps break down waste. avoid a septic disaster with rid-x. ?living well? rise above joint discomfort with move free ultra's triple action joint support for improved mobility and flexibility, and 20% better comfort from one tiny, mighty pill... get move free ultra, and enjoy living well. ? rooms come in all sorts of shapes and sizes. with eight times more fragrance control,
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fidel castro was a thorn in the side of ten u.s. presidents. he died friday at the age of 90. martha teichner looks back at his life and legacy. ? >> this is the sierra maestra on cuba's southern coast. ? these are the jungle fighters, the rebels of sierra maestra. >> reporter: at first he charmed us. ? it's hard to believe now, more than 50 years after the fact. >> with fidel castro here are former clerks, technicians, students, townspeople and the simple campesinos.
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with his rebels fidel castro looked and sounded like a freedom fighter, a romantic hero. >> there are thousands of men who would gladly join us. >> reporter: not the bogey man he became to so many. >> we gladly suffer cold and rain and the hardship of life in the mountain. this is only the beginning. the last battle will be fought in the capital. you can be sure of it. >> reporter: but there was no battle. on new year's day 1959 cuban dictator general rogencio batista, the bloated corrupt embodiment of cuba's problems, fled the country. fidel castro was born in 1926, one of five children. his family was prosperous and owned this sugar plantation in eastern cuba. educated by the jesuits, he
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him, the inequality, turned him into a revolutionary. >> fidel castro, at the age of 32 you now have in your hands a great deal of power and a great deal of responsibility. >> reporter: a month after taking power, interviewed on cbs by edward r. murrow, castro said exactly what americans wanted to hear. >> tell me, fidel castro, are you concerned at all about the communist influence in cuba? >> oh, i'm not wor really there is not a threat about communism here in cuba. >> reporter: it's still not clear whether he changed or whether he lied. but when castro began executing opponents, when castro started nationalizing industries and appropriating u.s. property in cuba, it didn't matter.
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the economic embargo that exists to this day. since the early 1960s more than a million cubans have left. most of them landed in miami with nothing but their lives and the fierce determination to bring fidel castro down one way or another. in april of 1961 an army of cuban exiles backed by the cia tried to slip into the bay of pigs and liberate the island. e and embarrassing failure. with a jubilant castro playing david to the u.s. goliath, a role he fine-tuned for the rest of his life, with help from the soviet union. >> this is a cbs news extra. >> reporter: the following year, in 1962, u.s. spy planes spotted the russians installing nuclear
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missiles. >> reporter: this was the cold war in our own back yard. suddenly, cuba seemed very, very important. >> i have directed the armed forces to prepare for any eventuality. >> castro did not blink. it appealed to him to play this role that he would harbor these missiles that could threaten the great imperial -- that he could do this. >> reporter: jay taylor represented u.s. interests in cuba in the 1980s. >> the world teetered on the edge. teetered on the edge of a nuclear war. we're talking about the world. millions. millions dying. >> it shall be the policy of this nation to regard any nuclear missile launched from cuba or against any nation in the western hemisphere as an attack by the soviet union on the united states, requiring a full retaliatory response upon the soviet union.
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f. kennedy and soviet leader nikita khrushchev played chicken until khrushchev backed down and the missiles were removed. but that wasn't the end of soviet involvement in cuba. ? the russians pumped something like $5 billion a year into the cuban economy, propping it up, while the united states kept tightening the screws, toughening sanctions, with the expectation that one day castro would fall. the cia repeatedly plotted to kill him. but still he hung on, jailing dissidents, neutralizing political rivals, speaking for hours on end before vast crowds bused in to hear him.
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the mariel boatlift that year was a huge repudiation of castro's claim that cubans were happy and content. told they were free to go, 125,000 did. risking their lives, piling onto small boats and makeshift rafts for the 90-mile crossing to florida. >> it did hurt his image. but in the end the fact that the united states then had to stop this flow having said we would not turn our backs on them, suddenly we did, and we said turn them back and stopped the boats, that castro then i think felt that he had emerged still even from that politically the victor. >> reporter: especially when it became clear that 10,000 to 15,000 of the refugees he sent our way were insane or criminals turned loose from prisons and asylums. if life in cuba was bad then, it got worse when the soviet union
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suddenly all that soviet money was gone, along with the oil cuba received in exchange for sugar. cubans were literally starving. anti-castro interests in the united states thought surely the end was in sight. but in 1993 fidel castro, the crafty survivor, did something startling to prop up the cuban economy. he legalized the u.s. dollar, which t relatives in miami sent you money you could afford to eat. today those payments bring in $3 billion a year. castro also invited foreign investment. suddenly cuba looked like one big construction site. you name the country. canada, france, spain, mexico, the netherlands, israel. everybody but the united states was there building massive
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2 million tourists who now visit cuba every year. in 1998 when fidel castro welcomed pope john paul ii and let the pictures do the talking, the world saw cuba surviving in spite of the u.s. trade embargo. it was political theater on a grand scale, the kind castro loved. remember the custody showdown over elian gonzalez? the small boy rescued at sea after his mother drowned trying to escape cuba with him. castro won. the boy was returned to his father in cuba. >> he milked it in every way to make the cuban community in miami look bad and the cuban community in miami frankly fell right into the trap.
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marisele perez estabele is a sociology professor at florida international university. >> the revolution was simply claiming a son for his father. >> reporter: the revolution does have its supporters, who give castro credit for raising the literacy rate in cuba to nearly 100% and for providing free health care to all. cuba turns out highly skilled doctors, respected throughout latin amera. in february 2008, after a long illness, fidel castro officially transferred cuba's presidency to his younger brother raul. >> today the united states of america is changing its relationship with the people of cuba. >> reporter: it was raul who agreed in 2014 to a restoration of diplomatic relations with the united states. it was raul who welcomed president obama to cuba in march of this year.
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faded fidel castro appeared at a communist party congress. "soon i will be 90 years old," he said, in what seemed like a farewell address. stating "everyone's turn comes. but the ideas of cuban communists will remain." he turned 90 on august 13th, the day of his last public appearan. but even in death he remains a bogey man to some. >> castro will always be remembered as the cuban, latin american revolutionary who stood up to the united states and won. won in terms of his health brought him down, not anything that the united states ever did.
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states tried so hard to topple tormented 11 american presidents and died on his own terms. because my dentures fit well. before those little pieces would get in between my dentures and my gum and it was uncomfortable. even well fitting dentures let in food particles. just a few dabs of super poligrip free is clinically proven to seal out more food particles so you're more comfortable and confident while you eat. so it's not about keeping my dentures in, r poligrip free. oh, that's lovely... so graceful. the corkscrew spin, flawless... ...his signature move, the flying dutchman. poetry in motion. and there it is, the "baby bird". breathtaking. a sumo wrestler figure skating? surprising.
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s. but just one mucinex lasts 12 hours. let's end this. how do you become america's #1? start by taking care of families for 70 years. earn the trust of 32 nfl teams. be there for america's toughest and help, when help is needed america's #1 isn't a status earned overnight. it's earned in every wash, and re-earned every day. so how will history judge fidel castro? is there good to weigh against the bad? according to the cia's latest
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mortality rate is 4.5 per 1,000 births. that's lower than the 5.8 recorded here in the united states. average life expectancy in cuba is 78.7 years. just a tenth of a year shorter than here. cuba has 6.72 doct people. more than double the number per thousand in our country. weighed against these pluses are the negatives of decades of political oppression. though there's no hard number, political executions by firing squad total just over 3,100, according to the non-profit think tank cuba archive. human rights watch reports 6,200 arbitrary detentions during the first eight months of last year. and there's that flood of cuban refugees to the united states to
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immigrants now live in the united states. that's roughly 1/10 of cuba's population. >> some facts and figures from >> some facts and figures from why do protein drinks taste chalky? then get worse? introducing protein shots from 5-hour energy. protein shots from 5-hour energy are smooth and tasty, and still deliver 21 grams of protein with 100 calories. they're great for workouts. so great that if you don't get up to re laps, more distance,
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president-elect donald trump is already getting pushback from congress over his immigration plans. mr. trump has vowed to build a wall along the u.s.-mexico border, have mexico pay for it, and deport medals of peopl the federal government used large-scale deportations twice in the past century. carter evans has the story. >> reporter: huge numbers. unbelievably huge numbers. >> reporter: immigrants are joining the anti-trump protest worried that the president-elect will soon follow through on his promise to deport millions who came here illegally. sisters flor and victoria martinez were brought here illegally when they were just 1 and 3 years old. they were allowed to attend school and work, protected under
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if they're deported, their family will be ripped apart because their two younger brothers are u.s. citizens by birth. >> if we have to go back, we wouldn't want them to go back with us because they made it here. >> reporter: former u.s. congressman esteban torres knows the pain of being separated from family. >> it's a tough feeling not to know the person that was your father. >> reporter: his father was one of an estimated 2 million immigrants who were part of a government campaign called mexican repatriation. during the great depression they were herded onto trains and kicked out of the country. it was an effort to save american jobs. >> rounded them all up and shipped them back to their home country. >> reporter: just 3 years old, torres was allowed to remain in the u.s. with his mother and brother because they were born here. >> i remember living in shacks, you know. my mother couldn't afford anything better. you know, all the days of
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shoes and canned food. >> reporter: torres never saw his father again. >> it's a really dark part of u.s. history. >> reporter: ucla professor raul hinojosa ojeda, said it happened again in the 1950s when a quarter million more immigrants were sent back across the border during operation wetback. >> these round-ups did break up families that have consequences even today. >> reporter: torres not only lost a father. his brother had to be raised by family friends. >> my mother h choice really. the economy was so bad that she couldn't sustain us both. you know, it scares me because it could happen again. >> reporter: but he'e's hoping that dark chapter of american history will remain in the past. carter evans, los angeles. that's the "overnight news" for this monday. for some of you the news
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captioning funded by cbs it's monday, november 28th, 2016. this is the "cbs morning news." grief and joy following the death of cuba's former leader as the communist nation prepares to say good-bye to fidel castro, cuban compiles are hoping for change. >> it's ridiculous. a fund-raising notoriety driven fraud. >> officials in wisconsin with are get ready to recount the ballots triggering a twitter
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