tv CBS Overnight News CBS November 30, 2016 2:30am-4:00am EST
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how to make money. is that right? >> yes! >> correct? we want toetteour lives. >> he showed us within 30 mines how to make $90,0 a month. >> what really got us excited was the fact that we would learn how to make money right away, which none of the other yostart showing me how tmake money right away [snaps fingers] i'm in. >> i know u're watching at home right now, and i'm sitting with preston morrison from denver, colorado. preston has an amazing story. the reason i started this business, to help people like you get into this busiss. and for you, you transitioned from the military, and i'm gonna let you ta abo that for a couple minutes. but take a second and share your story and share the deals that you've done. >> all right. my name is preston morrison. i'm from denver, colorado. >> yeah. and i just went from in a limbo of my life and notg really knowing how to get out of that. i was working overseas for
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middle eas and just going from a position of needing a change in my life, to come across your dio ad.pened >> yeah. >> listened to it. and justo be from that position of what i was doing, into the fact that i have succsfully made money in real estate now, using your system, after having zero knowledge to start with it. >> tell us about that first deal that you did and what you made on it,ust in your own words. >> so, i went through nick's training. i followed the system that he lays out for you in hiac and going back to denver, it's an area that everyone tells you you can't even do real estate in right now. there's no market foit.. >> yeah, don't you love that, especially when you know better? >> just following with whayou told me, you say to follow these steps, you're gonna get a certain outcome. and with that, i made just over $27,0 on my first deal. >> wow, man. >> it was by myself. didn't have any partners going in on it, and so... >> that'grea >> it's pretty incredible. >> well, i'm happy for you. i'm going to tell you, thais going totart. and you know this, because now
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in your pipeline that you shared withe, and you're gonna gain momentum. and your first door is always the toughest, and you've done that, and happened pretty quick for you. and now we're just gonna have nothing but momentum. and we're gonna know each other for a very long time. and m very proud of you and i appreciate your service, and ank you for doing it. look, there you have it. preston is, and has, changed his life with this training and this business. if you're at home watching this, call that mber call that number and take action. that's thene thing you did that i couldn't make everything else -- >> never imagined i'd be here right now. >> i know. i get it. and that's just th one thing that i can't do for you. but make the call and dial that number. you really have solutely nothing to lose. it's a free event. it's two hours. you're gonna learn some incredible sects tthis market and some things you don't know. so call the number right now, and i will see you on the other side of success. as a former police officer with only a k-through-12 education, it didn't take me
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find something to ensure my family's financial future. and like my law-enforcement backgrnd, i realized that you needed a system. and as a police officer, you save lives.tem meant that it's the same thing for succeeding ireal estate. if you follow my systems, you'll save your financial life. this easy-to-follow three-step system will provide the guidance and protection that you'll need to safely create the financial security that your family needs and deserves one of the things that i gon bring you is reality, not reality tv. let me tell you what i mean by that. started this nv real estate academy because i want to give back to someone just like me. owned a technology busess. i mentioned that earlier. and i lost my business between the year 2000 and about 2004. tohest years of my life. i lost, guys, everything. i had two daughters, a wife, and a daughter on the way. and i had lost all my wealth.
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much real estate, one door at a time. and i've created millions of dollars of wealth for me and generations to come. and i want to give that back to you now. it means a lot to me, and i really want to help you. come to the event. i'll show you how to do that. i'll show you how to dit safely. and i'll show you how to do it with integrity. now, i kw many of you are still thinking that you need great credit or loads of money to do this business in real estate. well, that's jt not true. in fact, a large number of my most successful students have used private money l they have gained access through my trainin making large profits and never using a penny of their own money. >> best return i got in a year, i think, was 10%, 11% in the stock market. >> and one thing about the stock any control over things because it's all decisions in people at e top of the companies that you have no control over, so it's very volatile. like she said, on a good year, if we made 10% to 12%, we were ecstatic.
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up to 60%. we have done 60% on deals. money are always searching for the right investments. once you plug in to my system, you'lle introduced to investors that are looking to fund real-estate deals. they are in almost every city in our country, looking to put their capital to work thugh people just like you. >> they walk you through a plan of how you can retire in three years. >> whatever you do, whether it's real-estate investing, whatever business you get in, you have to have a passion for it and u have to believe. your mind is the most powerful and strongesmuscle that we have. and if we believe inometng and see it, then all you have to have is the system and the right approach to it, and there's nothing that can stop you. >> announcer: time is running out. if you are looking to make money while taking control of your financial future, it's time to take action just like nick. you can learn to get in, get out, and get paid.
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looking for through real estate, and now canou. so don't wait another second. pick up the one and make the opportunity passes you by. >> our minds -- i told you ts on day one -- they are so powerful. they hold the key to our success. i'm teing you guys, this isn't just an emotional ride for you. this is the real deal, 'cause i want you to dersnd there's more to this than just real estate. you need to plug in to us. >> [ voice breaking ] this means more to me than you realize, you kn? i want to make money, ye but really, i want tbe ae to give back to my mily and to other soldiers. >> it can't even be said enough that just a few months ago, we'd never considered being associated with real estate an investing in it. because of your system, you have allowed us to rease this cap that's been placed on society
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to make money. we can't appreciate it enough that now our ceiling is the heavens and we can support our family and enjoy the time that we have with them through doing something that we like doing. it's just great. so thank you. >> thank you. i would st say thank you to him. >> one of the most important things i could tell you during this show is this right now. the one thing that i can't provide is you taking action. 10 years ago, that's the one thing that i did that chged i took action. i made the call. and now we are living a life and leaving a legacy for our children thawe never could have imagined. if you come to my two-hour free event, i promiseou ts -- you're gon learn something, and you're gonna be given opportuny to change your life for the better, regardless if you're doing great or you're in a position where it has to work. we've created an environment
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you at this even pick up the phone right now and call that number. >> thank you so much for inviting me into your beautiful home and sharing your inspiring sty. >> well, it was our pleasure and it was great having you here. >> if you're out there right now watching this,his your chance, so pick up the phone for this life-changing opportunity. this is a proven system that nick has developed for you. pick up that phone and call. takectioand get started today, because i know i sure will. >> and i want people just like out there and get a piece of this pie, the american dream. ? >> announcer: this was a id presentation of the nick vertucci real estate academy's "fortunes in flipping"
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part of the cartier marketing so we have these lit panthers climbing up the building sitting on the ledges. we have thousands upon thousands of florals and ribbons and it puts us in position to always offer unique custom displays to all of our clients. >> organization is key. >> i think our ability to organize all of these different materials and elements is critical to our success. >> the company was a present of sorts from his father when he was just a month away from graduating college.
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artist, specializing in plant and flower arrangements. he had a small christmas division. >> were you one of those kids i am not going in the family business? >> as a kid it was not my intention. even while i was in college it was not my intention. >> reporter: for years, he worked hard to build american christmas. >> i literally walked to every block of manhattan. and called every one that i could possibly call. it took a number of years, but slowly but surely, i started >> reporter: he got his big break in 1997, when radio city and rockefeller center got on board. >> reporter: you know what you could have said, fred? take a look around me, why wouldn't they hire me? >> we try to give our cleents a sense for what we are capable of. and talk a little bit about our experience. and hopefully that will provide comfort and, and, influence them to engage with us.
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>> reporter: mark metric is president of saks fifth avenue. what does american christmas bring? >> elevated energy. they know how to do it. goal was to bring joy. joy is the word this year. everyone needs it. >> reporter: including the hamp family. >> fantastic. only see something like this in new york city. it's beautiful amazing. >> it gives you that christmas feeling. that, that, that feeling of good feeling on the inside. >> reporter: employees enjoy seeing their works on display, just as much as anyone else. >> reporter: it must be thrilling when the lights turn on the onlookers are there and -- their response to what you and your team have created? >> yeah, for myself and for my entire team, watching the reaction of people on the streets and watching literally thousand of people taking
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displays it is a great thrill. ? ? the holiday season is a time to count your blessings. family, health, even your job if you love that. well, seth doane traveled to tokyo and caught up with a man who really loves his job. running the railroad. >> reporter: home to japan's super sleek bullet train. and it is a stop for nearly 2 million passengers riding 3700 trains every week day. this is tokyo station. at the center of this universe, clad in white, is the station master. like his trains, takishioto keeps a tight schedule the we raced around trying to keep up with him. it's vital for me to check on things with my own eyes, he said. let's make it nice and tidy he instructed this cleaner. on the platform, he told another worker, don't catch cold.
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>> i do, he agreed, adding well after my wife. but, i have been with trains longer. >> reporter: does your wife ever get jealous? >> no, he said. we have a saying in japan, it is good to have a husband who is healthy and absent. this station really is his second family. his emplyoyees call him japanes for parent. at the start of his day we found eto doing n, connection, his favorite word. from cradle to grave we encounter millions of people he said. the few we share our work place with are precious. get this, he bows whenever he enters or exits the station. it mentally prepares you for customers, eto told us, and shows them appreciation. we watched as he saluted trains.
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and monitored the cleaners who turn around these trains in 7 minutes flat. and no this video is not sped up. he has almost 500 employees, he says he considers them his kids, and one of the most important parts of each day is about to happen. >> yes. ? happy birthday to you ? >> reporter: he serenades each and every imp birthday. it creates a connection, he said. everyone's birthday is that person's most special day. the station itself built in 1914, recently celebrated its 100th birthday. it's looky to be standing. >> in the 1980s it came within a hair's breath of being demolished. >> reporter: asby brown, an architecture professor, lived in
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same station. >> reporter: he showed us how one side of the renovated nation is modern. the other is more traditional. and faces japan's imperial palace. >> it was really a symbol of the japanese empire. it has this, this grand oes, classical, kind of dignified appearance. the other side was really like the back side of the city. it was always a little dustier and just more business like. >> reporter: you have the super modern on one side meeting the almost-f other? >> definitely old-fashioned. and yet, when this building was built, this was the peek of modernism. >> reporter: today it boasts shops, its own hotel, and bar. even a signature tokyo station cocktail. and it is remarkably clean. save for some wrappers, eto snatched up. and a little dust he noticed behind a computer. >> reporter: we watched you go around and pick up the trash.
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picked up a piece of trash and showed it to the people nearby. why? >> i'm trying to set an example, he told us. tokyo is the gateway to japan. for the olympics we will have visitors from 200 countries. we can't speak the same language. but we can show a spanking clean station. >> reporter: all right. sipping one of the tokyo station cocktails, we toasted to the whole idea of this place. >> to connections. >> reporter: making a connection. the cbs "overnight news"
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(achoo!) did you know you can pick up cold & flu viruses from things in your home for up to 48 hours? it's like having a sick family member that you didn't even know was there. and we all know what happens when one family member gets sick. but lysol spray and lysol wipes kill 99.9% of germs including 8 common cold & flu viruses to help protect your home. this cold and flu season
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there is a little town outside detroit that is being reborn. with the help of a very dedicated resident. steve hartman found her on the road. highland park, michigan next to detroit has all the makings of ghost town. this was the library. this was the high school. much of the town just plain was. but as we first reported in july, that wasn't enough to stop this one imagination. >> i just felt that it was a space to build and do things on. >> reporter: one through your background in urban planning. >> i don't have anything in urban planning, sitting on this porch.
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the block. you have a better imagination than i do? this one-time school administrator is now architect of the most unlikely redevelopment project in michigan. >> we own the lot on the corner. >> reporter: several years ago she set up a nonprofit. got donations. >> on this lot here too. started reversing the decline on her block. >> reporter: are you paying all these people? i see a lot of people working. >> a couple. most are volunteers. >> she embraces everyone. she tries >> reporter: this is just some of her army. >> when she need something done she knows who to call and it is going to got done. that's why mama is so amazing. >> reporter: they call her mama shoe. she will put a boot in your behind if you don't help rebuild avalon street. plans to put a park and after school house here. basketball, volleyball, tennis courts here. a green house and cafe in this old garage. and much more. >> you are going to see this
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suburban blocks, grass, trimmed, flowers all of that. that's what you are going to see. >> reporter: mama shoe is driven to do all this partly for her community and partly as a tribute to her son, jacobi. in '07, he was killed by a hilt and run driver. he was 2 and is still very much in her heart and on her shoulder. >> go, mommy, go. he says that. go, mommy, go. >> reporter: he keeps whispering in your ear to do all this? >> all the time. >> reporter: talk abo 2s. >> demanding whatever. won't take no for an answer. that's my boy. >> reporter: since we first told the story workers have completed the park and most of the home workhouse. ellen dope nanated a building, village headquarters. mama shoe won an award for humanitarian of the year. >> the avalon village is for the people. >> reporter: she has much to be thankful for this weekend. and even more to look forward to.
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seatbelts are perhaps the most important safety feature on any car. but believe it or not. seatbelts can actually injure some drivers. especially senior citizens. drivers aged 85 or older are nine times more likely to be injured in a chest injuries are the most common. and, they're usually caused by the seatbelt. kris van cleave has that. >> reporter: seatbelts are credited saving 14,000 lives last year. but the seatbelts are designed for your average 40-year-old male. so the amount of force it takes to keep an average 40-year-old male in place that could actually be enough force to injury a smaller or older driver. >> i remember sitting there and my body was just flipping back and forth.
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after a jeep backed into her car. her seatbelt kep her in the seat. researchers bleep it may have contributed to her concussion and back injuries. >> probably would have went through the window the way i was moving on had i not had it on. would. >> reporter: the seatbelt pam and the rest use was not designed for the 60-year-old, 5'5" frame. >> if a car can drive without a person, controlling it, why can't we have a safety system that, that better save some one. >> reporter: using crash tests like this to study the amount of force needed to protect those with more fragile frames like smaller and older drivers. the goal is to have seatbelts that one day automatically adjust to the person they're protecting. >> going to take a lot more force to stop me from going into the steering wheel than it would a grandfather or grandmother. and so that force, against my thorax is not going to cause rip fractures in me potentially. but perhaps too much force for
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how seatbelts save lives. the driver at the top of your screen without a belt is launched forward. but when it comes to older drivers in particular, seatbelts are also blamed for a hyperrate of potentially serious even deadly chest injuries. as older drivers tend to be more easily injured in a crash. already, 43 million u.s. drivers are over 65. that's nearly one in every five drivers. their ranks are expected to swell by 77% by 2045. >> seatbelts do their they do their job very well. let's raise the bar higher. my job is to try to improve safety such that no one is being injured. >> to be clear, researchers say everyone, regardless of age, or size, should wear their seatbelt when they're in a car. but there are some things you can do the seatbelts are adjustable. you want to loper it down, so the seatbelt rests on your clavicle here, much stronger than your ribs. other thing, make sure you have 10, 12 inches between you and airbag in front of you.
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this wednesday. to for some, the news continues. for others check back later for the morning news and of course "cbs this morning." from the broadcast center in new york city, i'm done dahler. a race against the flames. >> go, go, go, go, go! >> wildfires turn deadly in the great smoky mountains. thousand run. hotels and homes burn. >> this is a fire for the history books. >> also tonight -- a soccer team's cinderella story ends in tragedy. dozens killed when their jet went down. but there were survivors. donald trump makes more cabinet picks including the man who intend to blow up obamacare. and why would they put a mop bucket in a museum? >> seems like the proverbial
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when you do it 17 million times it really has an impact. ? ? >> announcer: this is the cbs "overnight news." the worst fire to hit tennessee in 100 years killed at least three and sent more than a dozen to the hospital. 14,000 fled as a wall of flames closed in on gatlinburg. one resort was destroyed. the dollywood theme park named for dolly parton was spared. demarco morgan in tennessee. >> hit the gas! hit the gas! >> reporter: cell phone video taken by two brothers as they escaped from a vacation resort area in the mountains of gatlinburg, tennessee. they had no warning as the wall of flame surrounded them last night. their only choice was to ride through it or die. >> please, lord, let us get off this mountain. >> reporter: by early evening, wind speed suddenly doubled turning into hurricane force winds that topped 87 miles per hour.
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down power lines. >> this is so close to the resort. >> reporter: this community is at the edge of great smoky mountains national park, the most visited national park in the country. >> the smoke is really bad in here. logan baker was at vista hilton hotel when flames came right up to the building. >> they're keeping us in here for now. >> reporter: bruce wilson is the sullivan county fire chi i mean it is just, devastating to, you know, all of the people lost their homes and businesses. and everything else. things they worked hard for. >> reporter: this is what's left. more than 100 businesses and homes destroyed. take a look at this. it was once an apartment building. neighborhoods were left in smoking cinders. at this red cross shelter more than 1,000 showed up anxiously waiting to see what's left. greg lanham and family escaped with their pets and clothes on
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>> possessions are possessions. as long as i've got my family. that's all that matters, really. >> reporter: norah, unfortunately, dozens of families will be returning to places like this behind me. this home that was completely destroyed. but firefighters may get some help tonight as heavy rains and thunderstorms are expected. >> let's hope for the rain. demarco morgan. thank you so much. >> now to the tragedy in south won the hearts of brazil was on its way last night to play for its first championship. but the chartered plane crashed in the mountains of colombia. 71 were killed. here is anna werner. >> reporter: video taken after the crash showed little remained of the jet. workers carried body bags over hilly terrain. the pilots requested a priority landing at 15,000 feet. while flying over a mountainous area of colombia in poor weather.
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members of a brazilian soccer team, as well as 20 journalists. flying from bolivia to medellin. six people survived. this morning, the soccer club's vice president said, for a tragedy like this to happen, it is very difficult. the sadness is great. but we will have faith in god. the chapecoense real soccer team represented a cinderella story in brazil. a team that rose from the minor leagues to make it th this year's sudamericana finals. video posted to facebook live monday showed team members checking in for the flight. and some seated on board the plane, minutes before taking off. it is going to start, player felipe machado said, the trip to colombia is going to begin. another player seen in video yesterday, helio zampier neto one of three to survive the
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a photo making the round on social media today, appears to show a few team members who did not go on the trip. and on the team's twitter page, was this -- with the heading, let this be the last image of our warriors. three players, a journalist and two crew members survived. in a tribute to the players who died, the colombian team that was set to face them in play on wednesday, has asked that the brazilian team, norah, be declared tournament champion. anna werner, thank you very much. late today, president elect trump settled on four cabinet picks. major garrett covering the trump transition. >> reporter: cbs news confirmed that hollywood financier steve mnuchin president elect donald trump's nominee for treasury secretary. mnuchin was finance chairman but donated to democrats in the past. this will be mnuchin's first government position.
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to nominate billionaire business man wilbur ross to lead the commerce department. >> this is a system not working for the american people. >> reporter: mr. trump's pick to be the department of health and human services leader is a leading critic of obamacare, georgia congressman tom price was an early trump supporter and drafted comprehensive alternative to affordable care act. >> we want a system that is affordable for everybody, that is accessible for everybody of the highest quality and provide choices for patients. r abolish expansion of medicaid under obamacare provided insurance coverage to 15 million americans. price would also roll back guaranteed coverage for patients with pre-existing medical conditions. he would use tax credits and promote health savings accounts to help americans purchase insurance. the president elect also named elaine chao as transportation secretary. chao served eight years as labor secretary under president george w. bush and is married. >> the love of your life. mitch mcconnell. >> to senate majority leader,
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>> for secretary of state, mr. trump continues to deliberate among mitt romney, retired general david petraeus and rudy giuliani. senate foreign relations committee chairman bob corker was at trump tower today. the president elect is dining tonight with mitt romney. their second meeting in as many weeks. the president elect also took to twitter this morning to denounce burning of the american flag. and said it warranted prison sentences and revocation of norah, the supreme court ruled in 1989, that flag burning was symbolic protected free speech. >> the cbs "overnight news" will
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tonight growing evidence that the somali born student behind yesterday's car and knife attack at the ohio state university was inspired by terrorists. 11 people were injured before a police officer killed the attacker. dean reynold is in columbus. >> reporter: hours before his rampage, abdul razak artan went on facebook to praise radical muslim cleric, anwa al-alwaki whose sermons inspire attacks though killed by a u.s. drone five years ago. saying he had reached a boiling point, artan wrote, i am sick and tired of seeing my fellow muslim brothers and sisters being killed and tortured everywhere. i can't take it anymore.
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muslim. one of his victims yesterday, iraq veteran and current osu senior, anderson payne was trying to help car crash victims when he was slashed. >> i initially saw him thought he was angry because he wrecked this car. when i saw him starting to swing and saw the knife, i knew it was not just an accident. >> this man says he was a regular customer at his market. as recently as sunday. >> he seemer nice guy. i never suspected anything from him at all. he is very friendly. >> reporter: it certainly seemed that way at artan's graduation last year from a local community college. but this week, artan's neighbor, luann carnahan recalled seeing him with people she hadn't seen before and noticed some unusual behavior.
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with him on thanksgiving day. he had a gopro on his head and made a comment about the people that he was going into that house with that something was to happen to him, the gopro was his proof. in hindsight, you sort of, look back on that and it's look, what? >> reporter: now cbs news has learned that artan purchased the knives he used in the attack just hours before he carried it out. and while, no direct ties to terrorist organizations have been discovered so far, federal authorities are increasingly confident, norah, that he used the internet to help him inspire his actions. >> dean reynolds. thank you so much. in less than two months donald trump will inherit america's war against isis. the u.s. is training and assisting iraqi and kurdish forces in the liberation of mosul, the last major city in iraq controlled by isis. this operation is now six week old. holly williams surveyed the battlefield with the top general. lieutenant general steven
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iraq during the u.s. occupation ten years ago. >> what was the target? >> reporter: now he is back. the commander of the u.s. coalition against isis. visiting troops, manning a battery of howitzers in the desert. >> here is inside the city. eastside of city. >> reporter: a new generation of americans in iraq. this time around, aiding iraqi troops. who will do most of the fighting on the front line. how tough a battle is this? >> um, this fight would challenge any army. this fight would challenge the united states army. >> reporter: then he broke off our interview. >> they're about to fire over there. >> might be about to fire. >> reporter: should we have a look. >> because his men had isis in their sights. there are now around 6,000 u.s. troops in iraq. >> motivational isn't it? >> reporter: supporting over 40,000 iraqi fighters in the battle for mosul, an offensive criticized by president-elect
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>> whatever happened to the element of surprise? okay? we announce we are going after mosul. reading about going after mosul, how long is it, hillary, three months? >> is a battle that size something you can keep a secret? >> no, i don't think so. it is hard to move 40,000 troops and all their tanks and trucks and artillery into position and it not be noticed by somebody. really hard to do that. >> reporter: donald trump stated solution to isis is to "bomb the at this command center where they launch air strikes on isis, every strike must be approved by senior officers. >> do those look like people to to you? center screen? >> it could take minutes or several hours. sometimes they're refused permission. captain matt lyles explained why. >> we need how to get it right for us. we need to get it right for them. >> reporter: you want to avoid killing civilians at all cost. don't want to destroy a house? >> correct.
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>> if you don't need to. american air power is playing a decisive role in beating back the extremists. but the simple truth is there, there is no easy solution to isis. and norah, the battle for mosul will be long and deadly. >> holly williams, thank you. there was emotional testimony today in charleston south carolina when former police officer, michael slager took the stand in his own defense. he is charged with murdering walter scott, a man he had just pulled over for a broken tail light. did you shoot walter scott? >> i did. >> michael slager's voice cracked at times as he described the events that led to the death of walter scott 19 months ago. >> it is the only thing i could see. is that taser coming at me. i see that barrel, like this big, coming at me. >> reporter: a day that began with this routine traffic stop.
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it was captured on cell phone video by someone passing by. >> i was tired. >> reporter: slager's argument is self defense. >> i was in a fight on the ground. mr. scott was coming after me with the taser twice. in my mind, my mind was like spaghetti. >> reporter: prosecutor bruce durant. >> from watching the video, sir, do you concede at the time that you shot mr. scott he did not have your taser? >> yes, after learning information now, i do. >> reporter: one of the lingering questions is what slager may have picked up and dropped near scott's body. >> i don't remember dropping the taser. i don't remember anything. >> you have a pretty clear recollection of what went on here. seems like you are not remembering the thing that are bad for you. >> we need justice for walter.
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anthony says the video leaves no doubt. >> to me it is a man being shot in the back by a coward police officer. >> reporter: slager used his taser 14 times in five years. now the scott family was in the courtroom as slager testified. the family declined to comment. norah, the jury starts deliberations tomorrow morning. >> jericka, thank you. coming up next, cuban dissidents hope for a new cuba after fidel castro. thank you for dining with us. hope to see you again soon. whoa, whoa, i got this. just gotta get the check. almost there. i can't reach it. if you have alligator arms, you avoid picking up the check. what? it's what you do. i got this. thanks, dennis! if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. growwwlph. it's what you do.
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i pinky promised my little girl a fabulous garden party for her birthday. so i mowed the lawn, put up all the decorations. i thought i got everything. almost everything! you know, 1 in 10 houses could get hit by a septic disaster, and a bill of up to $13,000. but for only $7 a month, rid-x is scientifically proven to break down waste, helping you avoid a septic disaster. rid-x. the #1 brand used by septic professionals in their own tanks. my cold medicines' wearing off. that stuff only lasts a few hours. or, take mucinex. one pill fights congestion for 12 hours. guess i won't be seeing you for a while. why take medicines that only last 4 hours, when just one mucinex lasts 12 hours?
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thanks for loading, sweetie. ...oh, baked-on alfredo? ...gotta rinse that. nope. no way. nada. really? dish issues? throw it all in. cascade platinum powers through... your toughest stuck-on food. nice. cascade. if you take medication, you may sometimes suffer from a dry mouth. that's why there's biotene. and biotene also comes in a handy spray. so you can moisturize your mouth anytime, anywhere. biotene, for people who suffer from dry mouth symptoms. l?rise above joint discomfort with move free ultra's triple action joint support for improved mobility and flexibility, and 20% better comfort from one tiny, mighty pill... get move free ultra, and enjoy living well. ?when you've got...? ?...nausea, heartburn, indigestion, upset stomach, diarrhea!? ?nausea, heartburn, indigestion, upset stomach, diarrhea!? here's pepto bismol! ah.
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four days after fidel castro's death, some who oppose him, are dreaming of a better future for cuba. manuel bojorquez in cuba spoke with one. >> reporter: as thousand of outside his home, a government official, a warning not to use fidel castro's death to promote change. >> reporter: when you found out castro was dead how did you react? >> i was thinking that was the right moment of, for the death of this person. >> reporter: he hosts an opposition talk show that is distributed on dvds through an underground network. he says he was detained 50 times last year. and in 2014, was beaten and jailed. after opposing the u.s. deal to reopen relations with cuba.
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hopeful president elect trump will change course. >> you need to pressure the regime for that, you cannot give them the opportunity to decide if they are going to do or not. >> you think trump would do that? >> i think so. >> reporter: not all cubans feel that way. the society is slowly opening up. interaction with the u.s. is generally welcome here. economic opportunity could be the strongest catalyst for cubans to turn the page. from the castro era. >> he is part of the past. we need to pass over his name. we need to pass over his legacy. communist legacy. >> reporter: do you see a free election happening here, say in your lifetime? >> yeah, for sure, for sure. i am optimistic. >> reporter: you do? that will not be easy, judging by this crowd. norah, tens, perhaps, hundreds of thousands of cubans have gathered here at revolution square. joining heads of state for a massive tribute to their late leader. >> thank you.
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it's the little things in life that make me smile. spending the day with my niece. i don't use super poligrip for hold, because my dentures fit well. before those little pieces would get in between my dentures and my gum and it was uncomfortable. even well fitting dentures let in food particles. just a few dabs of super poligrip free is clinically proven to seal out more food particles so you're more comfortable and confident while you eat. so it's not about keeping my dentures in, it's about keeping the food particles out. protesters near the dakota access pipeline in north dakota are ignoring orders to leave their camp despite bitter cold and snow. michelle miller is there and filed this a short time ago. conditions are brutal. that's why the governor of north dakota says he issued a mandatory evacuation for the more than 5,000 people who are camped out at here at the
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what we can tell you some of the people we spoke with are not budging. the governor's order comes days after the u.s. army corps of engineers managing the site set a december 5th deadline for the protesters to leave the area for a safer location. norah, with that evacuation deadline just six days away, the army corps of engineers and the sheriff's department here say they will not forcibly remove camp. but as they like to be called, these water protectors, if they do stay, the sheriff's department says they stay at their own risk. >> incredible. michelle miller there, thank you. today the world's oldest person celebrated her 117th birthday. emma morano lives in italy believed to be the last person alive who was born in the 1800s. get this -- she eats few fruits
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17 million people, friends and co-workers along with presidents, billionaires, and celebrities. all braving the ice bucket challenge that raised more than 200 million dollars to fight als. and it really got started with this. a blue plastic bucket jeannette senchchia used to mop her floors she did the challenge for husband anthony who suffers from the disease. >> the first documented connection between als and ice bucket. smithsonian museum of american history called giving in america. >> you look at this, you think why would the smithsonian collect a mop bucket? really helps us tell the story, objects can help us understand our history. >> reporter: it is displayed next to an alms box from the 1800s people would have used to raise money for charity. >> the march of dimes can some one would have marched around the community going door to door asking people to contribute to march of dimes, the money would go into a pool of money from
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pool, bigger pool. in some ways not that much different from the ice bucket challenge. >> reporter: it shows that one contribution, when put together with so many can make a huge difference. >> right. the proverbial drop in a bucket to do it once when you do it 17 million times it really has an impact. >> reporter: drops in a bucket or from a bucket. become a deluge of good. jan crawford, cbs news, washington. and that's the "overnight news" for this wednesday. for some of you the news continues. for others, check back with us a little later for the morning news and of course, join charlie, gale and me on cbs this morning. from the broadcast center in new
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>> announcer: this is the cbs "overnight news." and welcome to the "overnight news." i'm don dahler. firestorms continue to rage out of control in tenne' smoky mountains. bone-dry conditions and gale-force winds are driving the flames that devoured dozens of homes. and they're taking aim at the dollywood theme park. mandatory evacuations have been ordered. most people didn't have to be told to leave. demarco morgan is on the fire line. >> hit the gas. hit the gas. >> you are watching cell phone video taken by two brothers as they escaped from a vacation resort area in the mountains of gatlinburg, tennessee. they said they had no warning as the wall of flame surrounded
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their only choice was to ride through it or die. >> please lord let us get off this mountain. >> reporter: by early evening, wind speed suddenly doubled turning into hurricane force winds that topped 87 miles per hour. fires spread when burning embers flew and toppled trees ripped down power lines. >> this is so close to the resort. >> reporter: this community is at the edge of great smoky mountains national park, the most visited national park in the country. logan baker was at vista hilton hotel when flames came right up to the building. >> the sullivan county fire chief. what is it like to be there? >> horrible. i mean it is just, devastating to, you know, all of the people lost their homes and businesses. and everything else. things they worked hard for. >> reporter: this is what's left. more than 100 businesses and
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take a look at this. it was once an apartment building. neighborhoods were left in smoking cinders. at this red cross shelter more than 1,000 showed up anxiously waiting to see what's left. greg lanham and family escaped with their pets and clothes on their backs. >> possessions are possessions. as long as i've got my family. that's all that matters, really. >> reporter: norah, unfortunately, dozens of families will be returning to places like this behind me. this home that was completely destroyed. but firefighters may get some help tonight as heavy rains and thunderstorms are expected. president elect donald trump is launching a victory tour of sorts. mr. trump and vice president elect mike pence will hold a rally in cincinnati tomorrow night. mr. trump scored a surprise and decisive victory in ohio. other stops on the victory tour haven't been announced. but the runningmates have another rally scheduled for saturday in new orleans. meanwhile, the president-elect
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>> reporter: cbs news confirmed that hollywood financier steve mnuchin president elect donald trump's nominee for treasury secretary. mnuchin was finance chairman but donated to democrats in the past. this will be mnuchin's first government position. the president elect also intends to nominate billionaire business man wilbur ross to lead the commerce department. >> this is a system not working for the american people. >> reporter: mr. trump's peck leading critic of obamacare, georgia congressman tom price was an early trump supporter and drafted comprehensive alternative to affordable care act. >> we want a system that is affordable for everybody, that is accessible for everybody of the highest quality and provide choices for patients. >> reporter: price's plan would abolish expansion of medicaid under obamacare provided insurance coverage to 15 million americans.
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guaranteed coverage for patients with pre-existing medical conditions. he would use tax credits and promote health savings accounts to help americans purchase insurance. the president elect also named elaine chao as transportation secretary. chao served eight years as labor secretary under president george w. bush and is married. >> the love of my life, your senator, mitch mcconnell. >> to senate majority leader, mitch mcconnell. >> for secretary of state, mr. trump continues to deliberate among mitt romney, retired general david petraeus and rudy giuliani. senate foreign relations committee chairman bob corker was at trump tower today. the president elect is dining tonight with mitt romney. their second meeting in as many weeks. the president elect also took to twitter this morning to denounce burning of the american flag. and said it warranted prison sentences and revocation of citizenship.
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protected free speech. cyber monday turned out to be a smash hit. online retailers expect a final tally to approach $3.4 billion. that's up 10% from last year. internet sales for the holiday season are expected to top $91 billion. online payment giant, paypal expects 40% growth since last year. keeping those payments safe, is a big job. john blackstone paid a visit to paypal command center in san jose, california. >> reporter: we are here in the demo area at pay pal headquarters with an inside look how the company handles transactions around the world. paypal offers consumers a way to pay online without revealing personal information to retailers. but all the cyber monday payments represented on this globe have to be kept safe. and out of the hands of cyberthieves. >> this is the heart of our technology operations. >> reporter: this is paypal's command center, where purchase are monitored around the world,
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this is like a space shot, mission control, looks like it? >> it is exactly. my favorite place. mj austin, technology executive at paypal. >> we have risk mod lds that we have gotten better and better over the years from learning we have done to identify when we see fraudulent transactions. >> it is cyber monday. the team is monitoring a torrent of financial activity in 100 currencies in 200 countries. >> reporter: somebody human staring at a screen, better check up on this, this looks fishy? >> exactly what happens. there is a bunch of smarts behind the actual monitoring. and through that monitoring we are able to highlight only those things that seem unusual. >> reporter: the sheer volume of transactions makes combatting cybercrime a daunting task. cyber monday, 2015, pay pal processed $25,000 a second. so much traffic, paypal's
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>> we had a couple of small intermitent outages during that time. but the reality is that, most customers were not impacted. paypal was one of the companies that shut down last month after hackers struck a company whose servers route internet traffic. the hack infiltrated web cams, smart clocks, and digital recorders. seanet editor at large -- >> like attackers knocking at the door. they're not getting into the nk they're preventing any body else from getting into the bank. not necessarily a question of data being exposed or customers being at risk or data at risk, just that service itself being shut down. >> reporter: paypal says no customer information was stolen. still stevens wonders about the future. >> the next evolution of this attack is ultimately more devices. more and more smart devies are going forward they're going to be compromised in new ways. >> reporter: cyber monday following thanksgiving is of course, an american creation. which is why, paypal shows all
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to borrow a phrase it's beginning to look a lot like christmas on the streets of new york and, probably in your town too. michelle miller introduces us to some people who make the season come to life. ? ? >> reporter: in midtown manhattan, saks fifth avenue turned into the land of 1,000 delights. the theme of the show running every ten minutes each evening from now through the new year. the display of 225,000 programmable lights, strobes, foliage and crystals took 11 months to produce and six weeks to install. welcome to american christmas. >> reporter: this is it. this is my dream.
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>> a christmas wonderland for sure. >> reporter: it really is. it started here, with fred schwaan and his company american christmas. >> this is 14-foot diameter wreath that will hang in the general motors building on fifth avenue. >> reporter: we visited back in october. just days before these treasures were trucked done to manhattan. >> the building is 110,000 square feet. and it is filled with every type of christmas decoration and display that you could imagine. >> reporter: candy canes. 57th street. >> these are 1 foot tall candy
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mounted on the facade, marquee at radio city. >> reporter: this is it? >> that's it. >> reporter: the tree is wired with 10,000 led lights. it took 25 people to build. and 40 people to install. >> reclose three lanes on sixth avenue and work overnight. overnight christmas happens at radio city. >> reporter: this clients are a who's who of retailers, up and down fifth avenue. and in 30 cities around the country. like cartier. >> we decorate the mansion on fifth avenue with a giant bow and ribbon. and the panthers are significant part of the cartier marketing so we have these lit panthers climbing up the building sitting on the ledges. we have thousands upon thousands of ornaments and novelties and florals and ribbons and it put us in position to always offer unique custom displays to all of our clients. >> organization is key. >> i think our ability to organize all of these different materials and elements is critical to our success. >> the company was a present of sorts from his father when he was just a month away from graduating college. marvin schwaam was a commercial artist, specializing in plant
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he had a small christmas division. >> were you one of those kids i am not going in the family business? >> as a kid it was not my intention. even while i was in college it was not my intention. >> reporter: for years, he worked hard to build american christmas. >> i literally walked to every block of manhattan. and called every one that i could possibly call. it took a number of years, but slowly but surely, i started to gain a clientele. >> break in 1997, when radio city and rockefeller center got on board. >> reporter: you know what you could have said, fred? take a look around me, why wouldn't they hire me? >> we try to give our cleents a sense for what we are capable of. and talk a little bit about our experience. and hopefully that will provide comfort and, and, influence them to engage with us. >> how far do you go? >> go big or go home.
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president of saks fifth avenue. what does american christmas bring? >> elevated energy. they know how to do it. goal was to bring joy. joy is the word this year. everyone needs it. >> reporter: including the hamp family. >> fantastic. only see something like this in new york city. it's beautiful amazing. >> it gives you that christmas feeling. that, that, that feeling of good feeling on the inside. >> reporter: employees enjoy seeing their works on display, just as much as anyone else. >> reporter: it must be thrilling when the lights turn on the onlookers are there and -- their response to what you and your team have created? >> yeah, for myself and for my entire team, watching the reaction of people on the streets and watching literally thousand of people taking pictures in front of our displays it is a great thrill. ?
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the holiday season is a time to count your blessings. family, health, even your job if you love that. well, seth doane traveled to tokyo and caught up with a man who really loves his job. running the railroad. >> reporter: home to japan's super sleek bullet train. and it is a stop for nearly 2 million passengers riding 3700 trains every week day. this is tokyo station. at the center of this universe, clad in white, is the station master. like his trains, takishioto keeps a tight schedule the we raced around trying to keep up with him. it's vital for me to check on things with my own eyes, he said. let's make it nice and tidy he instructed this cleaner. on the platform, he told another worker, don't catch cold. >> reporter: you seem to really
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after my wife. but, i have been with trains longer. >> reporter: does your wife ever get jealous? >> no, he said. we have a saying in japan, it is good to have a husband who is healthy and absent. this station really is his second family. his employees call him japanese for parent. at the start of his day we found eto doing caligraphy, painting n, connection, his favorite word. from cradle to grave we encounter millions of people he said. the few we share our work place with are precious. get this, he bows whenever he enters or exits the station. it mentally prepares you for customers, eto told us, and shows them appreciation. we watched as he saluted trains. stopped for a quick picture.
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minutes flat. and no this video is not sped up. he has almost 500 employees, he says he considers them his kids, and one of the most important parts of each day is about to happen. >> yes. ? happy birthday to you ? >> reporter: he serenades each and every employee on their birthday. it creates a connection, he said. everyone's birthday is that person's most special day. the station itself built in 1914, recently celebrated its 100th birthday. it's lucky to be standing. >> in the 1980s it came within a hair's breath of being demolished. >> reporter: asby brown, an architecture professor, lived in tokyo for 30 years.
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>> reporter: he showed us how one side of the renovated nation is modern. the other is more traditional. and faces japan's imperial palace. >> it was really a symbol of the japanese empire. it has this, this grand oes, classical, kind of dignified appearance. the other side was really like the back side of the city. it was always a little dustier and just modern on one side meeting the almost old-fashioned on the other? >> definitely old-fashioned. and yet, when this building was built, this was the peek of modernism. >> reporter: today it boasts shops, its own hotel, and bar. even a signature tokyo station cocktail. and it is remarkably clean. save for some wrappers, eto snatched up. and a little dust he noticed behind a computer. >> reporter: we watched you go around and pick up the trash.
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picked up a piece of trash and showed it to the people nearby. why? >> i'm trying to set an example, he told us. tokyo is the gateway to japan. for the olympics we will have visitors from 200 countries. we can't speak the same language. but we can show a spanking clean station. >> reporter: all right. sipping one of the tokyo station cocktails, we toasted to the whole idea of this place. >> to connections. >> reporter: making a connection. the cbs "overnight news"
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? rooms come in all sorts of shapes and sizes. with eight times more fragrance control, the air wick? scented oil warmer lets you dial up or down for the perfect amount of fragrance. no matter the size of the room. air wick?. home is in the air. my cold medicines' wearing off. that stuff only lasts a few hours. or, take mucinex. one pill fights congestion for 12 hours. guess i won't be seeing you for a while. why take medicines that only last 4 hours, when just one mucinex lasts 12 hours? let's end this. (achoo!) did you know you can pick up cold & flu viruses from things in your home for up to 48 hours? it's like having a sick family member that you didn't even know was there.
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er gets sick. but lysol spray and lysol wipes kill 99.9% of germs including 8 common cold & flu viruses to help protect your home. this cold and flu season help keep your home happy and healthy and lysol that. oh, that's lovely... so graceful. the corkscrew spin, flawless... .his signature move, the flying dutchman. poetry in motion. and there it is, the "baby bird". breathtaking. a sumo wrestler figure skating? surprising. what's not surprising? how much money heather saved by switching to geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. i did everything i could to make her party perfect. almost everything. you know, 1 i n 10 houses could get hit by an expensive septic disaster. but for only $7 a month,
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there is a little town outside detroit that is being reborn. with the help of a very dedicated resident. steve hartman found her on the road. highland park, michigan next to detroit has all the makings of a ghost town. this was the library. this was the high school. much of the town just plain was. but as we first reported in july, that wasn't enough to stop this one imagination. >> i just felt that it was a space to build and do things on. >> reporter: one through your background in urban planning. >> i don't have anything in urban planning, sitting on this porch. conjuring what i want to do on the block. you have a better imagination
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this one-time school administrator is now architect of the most unlikely redevelopment project in michigan. >> we own the lot on the corner. >> reporter: several years ago she set up a nonprofit. got donations. >> on this lot here too. started reversing the decline on her block. >> reporter: are you paying all these people? i see a lot of people working. >> a couple. most are volunteers. >> she embraces everyone. she tries to uplift everyone. >> reporter: this is just some of her army. >> when she need something done she knows who to call and it is going to got done. that's why mama is so amazing. >> reporter: they call her mama shoe. she will put a boot in your behind if you don't help rebuild avalon street. plans to put a park and after school house here. basketball, volleyball, tennis courts here. a green house and cafe in this old garage. and much more. >> you are going to see this whole block looking like suburban blocks, grass, trimmed,
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see. >> reporter: mama shoe is driven to do all this partly for her community and partly as a tribute to her son, jakobi. in '07, he was killed by a hilt and run driver. he was 2 and is still very much in her heart and on her shoulder. >> go, mommy, go. he says that. go, mommy, go. >> reporter: he keeps whispering in your ear to do all this? >> all the time. >> reporter: talk about terrible 2s. >> demanding whatever. won't that's my boy. >> reporter: since we first told the story workers have completed the park and most of the home workhouse. ellen donated a building, village headquarters. mama shoe won an award for humanitarian of the year. >> the avalon village is for the people. >> reporter: she has much to be thankful for this weekend. and even more to look forward to. >> i want it to be something infectious. i want other people to know what they can do to their
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seatbelts are perhaps the most important safety feature on any car. but believe it or not. seatbelts can actually injure some drivers. especially senior citizens. drivers aged 85 or older are nine times more likely to be injured in a crash. chest injuries are the most common. and, they're usually caused by the seatbelt. kris van cleave has that. >> reporter: seatbelts are credited saving 14,000 lives last year. but the seatbelts are designed for your average 40-year-old male. so the amount of force it takes to keep an average 40-year-old male in place that could actually be enough force to injury a smaller or older driver. >> i remember sitting there and my body was just flipping back and forth. pam ended up in a neck brace after a jeep backed into her car.
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researchers believe it nay -- may have contributed to her concussion and back injuries. >> probably would have went through the window the way i was moving on had i not had it on. didn't do what i thought it would. >> reporter: the seatbelt pam and the rest use was not designed for the 60-year-old, 5'5" frame. professor john bolty would look to see that changed. >> if a car can drive without a person, controlling it, why can't we have a safety system better save some one. >> reporter: using crash tests like this to study the amount of force needed to protect those with more fragile frames like smaller and older drivers. the goal is to have seatbelts that one day automatically adjust to the person they're protecting. >> going to take a lot more force to stop me from going into the steering wheel than it would a grandfather or grandmother. and so that force, against my thorax is not going to cause rip
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but perhaps too much force for some one older. >> reporter: crash tests show how seatbelts save lives. the driver at the top of your screen without a belt is launched forward. but when it comes to older drivers in particular, seatbelts are also blamed for a higher rate of potentially serious even deadly chest injuries. as older drivers tend to be more easily injured in a crash. already, 43 million u.s. drivers are over 65. that's nearly one in every five drivers. their ranks are expected to swell by 77% by 2045. >> seatbelts do their job. they do their job very well. let's raise the bar higher. my job is to try to improve injured. >> to be clear, researchers say everyone, regardless of age, or size, should wear their seatbelt when they're in a car. but there are some things you can do the seatbelts are adjustable. you want to loper it down, so the seatbelt rests on your clavicle here, much stronger than your ribs. other thing, make sure you have 10, 12 inches between you and airbag in front of you. >> that's "overnight news" for this wednesday. for some, the news continues.
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captioning funded by cbs it's wednesday, november 30th, 2016. this is the "cbs morning news." a firestorm e rumrupts in tennessee leaving people dead and destroying hundreds of home. president donald trump makes a deal that is giving workers hope in analysis and could be his administration's best victory. from enemies to allies mitt romney praises the president-elect as he waits to find out if he will be added to
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