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tv   Fox Morning News  FOX  February 5, 2010 7:00am-9:00am EST

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morning to help you prepare. first the schools and federal government. city schools, arlington, clark are closed. >> king george, madson county, orange county sools. >> now in maryland -- now the early dismissals. the federal government plans to let out four hours early today. it has an unscheduled leave policy. dc public school, you will
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dismiss at noon. >> carroll, two hours and 4 minutes early. >> make sure you continue to watch the top of your screen and check our website for the latest up sates. and you can see the delay, dismissals, very widespread. >> but you're probably affected regardless. >> this is one where we're going the see similar amounts pretty much everywhere. yeah, we're going to see in tomorrow snow fall, yeah, similar amounts athe region. if you're well south and west of the city, more snow. and in the south other east, a littleless. but whenever you are, you're going to see significant snow fall before this thing is all
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over. let me show you the winter storm warning just a few hours from now at 10:00 this morning. it includes the entire region, tall counties you see there in pink. it also includes queen anns and talbot. they don't show up in pink for a technical reason. more of the area may go into a blizzard warning tonight and early tomorrow because of the strong winds we expect to see. here's your satellite radar. where's the snow? there it is across south western winch winch, cull pep -- south western virginia, cullpepper. also a lot of rain across the south eastern united states. we're talking about snow. down there, heavy rain and thunderstorms that will cause travel problems there today.
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right now, reagan national airport, updated and it has. we're back to 35 degrees. and that's going to be our high for day we believe. 35degrees, relative humidity 59% winds 5 miles per hour. forecast for the daytime hours today, snow develops roughly speaking around 11:00 a.m. or 12:00 noon. daytime accumulation, 3 to 6 inches. for your total accumulations, generally speak at 10 to 20 inches to that total. i know that sounds insane. now what's happening with traffic. not a lot happening right now. 301 at pointer, we have reports of an accident there. the top stretch of the beltway, the lanes are open. they're checking out the commute along 270. and lanes are open headed towards the spirit. nighness did he want to report. but notice this, these trucks
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are willing, ready and able to do their thing. a number of salt trucks out there around the capital beltway in various location as well. and once the precipitation starts to fall, you don't want to try to pass them. they are out there to help them. actually, it's better to stay mind them. they're plowing a path and giving you traction. this is going to be on the top stretch of the beltway here. we noticed a couple of the trucks along 270. meanwhile, for on the beltway here, more of the trucks lined up on both sides of the roadway. no incidents to report among new york avenue. earlier, problems with the traffic lights. that situation has been resolved. >> thank you. crews are across the area spent the night prepping the roads ahead of today's snow storm. a convoy of trucks are bringing
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in additional salt. nearly 700 workers will be on the roads. they'll launch 1800 truck on northern virginia roads by noon teat. and in maryland, workers will be on 12-hour shifts around the clock trying to keep the roads open. drivers are being warned to stay out of their way. >> we really, really appreciate if people can stay off the roads tomorrow night. when they are dodging around the plow, it makes it hard for us to plow. >> and you want to be aware of the routes in dc. the snow emergency kicks in at 9:30 this morning. driver can say face fines in hundreds of dollars if they don't move their cars from des ignited streets. if you are rerye lying on metro it shuts down above ground stations. only under ground trains will be providing service. and amtrak has canceled most of its service from dc south. you can get travel updates on
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our website. flights canceled at local airports and travelers are rushing to change last minute plans. we have been down at reagan national airport this morning. and i'm guessing it was a busy place. 4:00 this morning? >> reporter: that's right. i wasn't the only one here at the airport early this morning. it's hustling and bustling here at reagan national airport. when i arrived at 4:00 a.m., people were rolling in, even though the first flight didn't take off for almost four hours. passengers here are not taking any chance. they want to get out before they get snowed in. it's been a busy morning all day long. some people spent all day yesterday and all night trying to reschedule travel plans for the weekend. the major airlines have canceled flights starting early this morning and all day saturday. now those who haven't rebooked yet may have a hard time as
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thousands with flights are trying to do the same thing. thosleaving this morning are the lucky ones. right now, all flights are ontime, but later today that will change. and some passengers have rebooked more than once. >> i tried to get on the 1:00 yesterday and then the 5:00 yesterday, the 7:00 yesterday. i got on the 10:00 today. and then i heard the storm is coming early. >> it was not bad actually. i just called the airline. and i actually wasn't thinking they would change me, but they said no problem. >> reporter: you're heading home? >> yeah. >> and that gentleman said he would rather get home than stuck in washington, altugh he does have friends here, it's nicto get home. a lot of people heading out now, but the window is starting to get closed as the flights
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are canceling for later today. airlines said they would waive the usual change fees within a certain window of calling the airlines. the airline say they'll re- evaluate on sunday morning. but if the storm back in december is any indication, it could take several days to get back on schedule. back to you. >> thank you. that's the deal at the airport. now to the grocery stores where long lines and empty she wills continue. >> reporter: good morning. if you want tot give me that grocery list, you better do me now and i might have it to by 11:00 today. the lines in there are so long. people are fighting over parking spaces and early this morning. they have been restocking the shelves. take a look inside. this was earlier this morning where there was no produce,
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almost no bread or baked goods. the meat aisle was empty. anything to do with super bowl, chips and sodas, they were all gone. i will say this this has a full contingent of workers. i have been told by some of the shoppers that have fled here that some stories that are not well stocked have even longer lines. here's what some of the shoppers said this morning. >> i think it's a general overreaction that we like of the. we only get snow like this once a decade and the fact that we're getting it twice in one winter is unusual. >> reporter: did you find everything you need? >> short on vegetables. the only left is cool hard greens. >> reporter: her menu is for the super bowl party she's having. she got up just after 3:00 this morning to get here. and she already couldn't find what she needed. she last left on a search for
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squash. if you don't, get a little creative and make due. it will just be a snowy weekend, hot chocolate, bag of children you'll be fine. >> think of all the new menu creations this morning. >> there you go. the hardware store is feeling the shopper frenzy. shovels and ice melt are selling out. if you are headed out, give yrself extra time to deal with the long lines today. although we have heard from a couple of stores that said they just received shipments in. so call ahead. we are giving you the chance to contribute to our coverage. there are lots of ways to let us know how the weather is affecting you in our area. you can up load your pictures on our website, accepted us a tweet or post video on our wall. and maybe live broadcast from your smart phone. go to our website and click on
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share snow video. and stay us. our coverage is far from over. >> hasn't even starts as far as the snow fall, but it will soon. we're going to run down the forecast and important news regarding snow emergency. the toyota nightmare. the latest coming up. 
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♪ [ female announcer ] discover black silk from folgers...
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♪ with bold rich flavor that's exceptionally smooth. wake up to black silk. terrorists. they're trying to kill americans at home, and our troops abroad. and who's footing the bill for the attacks against us? oil money. filtered through secret organizations in the middle east, and countries like iran. when oil money ends up in the hands of our enemies, americans pay the ultimate price. we've got to protect ourselves. and do all we can to end our dependence on foreign oil. tell congress to pass the clean energy and american power act, now.
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all right. welcome back. let's take a look at the radar right now. and you can see what's headed our way. the bottom of the screen. starting to get a little bit of color on the radar. the monster that's soon going to be upon us it makes its way to washington. we're going to see 16 to 24 inches of snow in the dc area.
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it all starts at noon. and from this picture, the tip of the iceberg. >> oh, yeah. >> when you see the giant science of the storm. >> yeah, that's nothing. light snow falling in in there. the leading edge. but yeah, the bulk of it is not even on this screen. we'll get more later on. and it will intensify intensely tonight. intensify intensely. i didn't mean to say that. >> just adds to the emergency. >> we want to let you know, you need to get your car off the road if you park on a snow emergency route. a full emergency is in if he can. cars parked on any emergency routes are going to be towed now. so get them out of the way. same thing in dc where the snow emergency gets into effect at 9:30 this morning. and getting big tickets there. a couple hundred dollars and having your car towed. in maryland, snow emergency kicks in at 8:00.
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ou can park in downtown parking decks for free though. and they are opening up two shelters at noon for residents who lose power or heat. both run by the red cross who advise you, don't wait until it's dane enough medicine and fly supplies to last for up to three days. good morning to our friends at the imagining center. they are going to get hit oh, s the entire region as steve just said, 16 to 4 inches. >> no one is immune. >> do you think it's going to be more 24 or 16 one was asking me? well, does it matter? >> psychologically? >> 18 threes or 14 degrees. >> psychologically, it does. >> we're going to get a lot of snow. let's start by going to the back to the radar. what we're seeing here in the washington area. we have some indications that
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there's a little bit of precipitation leaving the clouds, but nothing hitting the ground at this point a. cross southern maryland, light snow showers and as steve pointed out, light snow showers out to the west. in western maryland and the panhandled of western virginia, maybe sleet. am of that is light if you're getting it at all. more likely that most of that is not hitting the ground at this time. now the bigger picture. and this will do it more justice, but still doesn't do it complete justice because part of the storm still has not developed. the bulk of the storm system bringing heavy rain to portions of alabama, georgia, places like that. snow and rain pushing into the carolina and then freezing preacceptation into south western virginia. a look at the temperatures at the airports. reagan national back up to 35 degrees. that's where we were a couple
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of hours ago. dwi, 32. snow begins generally speaking around noontime. some of you south and west will see it earlier. north and east will see it a little earlier. tonight, it intensify, snows at a rate of 1 to 2 inches an hour, if not more sometimes. tomorrow, blizzard-like condition, heavy snow. although it gradually tapers off. and ends saturday evening. at the end of this, most will see 16 to 24-inch, more south and west of the city. less south and east. and cold if he remembers the next several days. and yes, the chance of snow on tuesday, possibly a few inches. we have to wait and see. >> a few inches. >> yeah, that's nothing. >> i don't care at that point. >> thank you.
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check in, this might be be the early part of your day. >> yeah, right now, nice and easy. no incidents to report. problems with signal lights, new york,s that situation has been resolved. this is the slowest patch, 3 # 5, but no accidents. just volume and that's it. 270, nice and clear headed out to the split. >> thank you. first toyota recalled millions of cars because of pedals that stick, and now another problem for the prius has the car maker considering another recall. the latest spring of bad news for toyota. >> reporter: it looks like the 2010 toyota prius could be recalled. more than 270,000 vehicles would be affected. workers are finding it hard to believe. >> i think because of the other kearns the other pedals it may have caused confusion, with the prius, it's a hybrid and the
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braking system works differently. >> reporter: toyota has yet to comment on the report. but if it's true, it comes just hours after a toyota spokesperson said the company wasn't convinced that a recall was messy. however an inquiry into the prius might have forced them to reconsider. >> have been taken action. >> reporter: the prius issue is just the latest in the string of bad news for toyota. eight models including the best selling camry have already been recalled. >> i'm a little concerned. basically, you know, safety, my wife drives the car. i'm hoping they're being honest about the fix. and i'm going to give them an opportunity to prove themselves. >> reporter: and if you thought there was bad, there's word that they are investigating possible problems with the brakes in its luxury lexus hybrid. >> as for the sticking gas pedals, toyota dealers are now
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installing parts to reenforce the accelerator pedals. and starting today, they are mailing out letters to owners telling them when to gulf of mexico com in for service. the president of toyota usa says the push is on to get all of the cars fixed as soon as possible. >> the parts began arriving tuesday night or wednesday. all of the training has been completed. we are starting to see the first flow of customers starting to arrival. the ceo of toyota worldwide is holding his first news conference. he's apologized for the issues and strows set up a committee to raise quality control. on this friday morn, we know what lead to the death of actresses brittney murphy and new details. later, out live to the nosh science center where we have a exhibit that shows you how experts predict weather. including this weather. stay with us. hi. - hi. okay if we look around?
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sure. you thinking weights, ellipticals, yoga? uh, we're looking to... up our game. we can do that. let's take a walk through. we offer the latest, most innovative machines. we're tough to beat.
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the doctor who administratorred the fatal dose of med saying to michael jackson is expected to surrender today. the district attorney's office has not said if they'll charge him with involuntary manslaughter. turns out it was a combination of health related mishaps that killed actrses brittney murphy. the coroner says that her death was caused by pneumonia and drug intoxication. murphy died in december after collapsing in her hollywood hills home. she was 32 years old. health problems also lead to the death of a social lite. the 30-year-old johnson saw comed to diabetes related illness. she died from lack of insulin
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and dangerously high blood sugar levels. 7:25 right now on this friday morning. the monster winter storm making its way to washington. this is a look at the leading edge of the storm right there on the virginia/west virginia border. the latest forecast coming up next. this is just a sample. and we want to let you know that fox 5 will have special coverage all weekend long. on the air from 2:00 this afternoon until 8:00 tonight. and log onto the 10:00 news. and from 6:00 tomorrow morning until 11:30 tomorrow night. stay home, let us do the work for you and tune in. and a programming note for my fellow nascar fans out there. the b shootout, we were going of the it tomorrow. still going to air it, but because of the snow, we're going to move it to my 20. you can still watch nascar on my 20 tomorrow night. stay with us. 
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♪ [ female announcer ] discover black silk from folgers...
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♪ with bold rich flavor that's exceptionally smooth. wake up to black silk. like 2009 h1n1, wash your hands and get your flu shot. regularly disinfect surfaces. and talk to your friends about doing the same. let's help spread protection against flu viruses like 2009 h1n1.
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welcome back. it's 7:30 right now. we want to check in with tony and a look at the storm. >> doesn't seem like it's changed a lot from the models the last couple of days.
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>> yeah, everything has pretty much come together that's why we have a high confidence level in this. as you look on different website, you are seeing a forecast that's pretty consistant pretty much everywhere you go. most of us have a high confidence level in the forecast. i mentioned during the earlier show, tucker and i took the approach today of thinking, what would keep this storm from being as big as we think it's going to be? there's just not a lot out there that would do that. we were seeing thunderstorms earlier this morning down to the south that would rob it of some of the energy, but not now. and there's still a slight chance of sleet south and east which will keep those still totals down a little bit. but as the hours go by, it looks like less and less sleet. the warnings, we will be under a winter storm warning starting
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at 10:00 this morning. now, warning goes into effect at 10:00. it last until 10:00 saturday night. does that mean it's going to be snowing solid heavy snow for the entire time? no, it will start around 10:00, primarily south and west of the district. and it will linger perhaps until 9:00, 10:00 saturday night. some places north and east. for the washington area, our snow will be stopping around 6:00 tomorrow evening. that's how things are developing. temperatures across the region. 35 in washington. anap lis, 34 degrees. these are our highs for the day. once the snow starts, the temperatures dropping throughout the day. satellite radar, this is not hitting the ground now. we are seeing the live shot from portions of south western virginia into western virginia. there's snow down there. as far as totals go, this is
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what we think. first i'll show you the rest of the storm. there's the heavy rain. now this was a line of thunderstorm activity there. may be still thunderstorm embedded in there, but not a lot of lightning. now the snow fall total tell us, by the end of the whole event saturday evening, we believe the washington area will get 16 to 24 inches of snow. this is going to put it in the top ten for washington snow fal. down to the south and west, that's the sweet spot, 22- inches and more. but that's well south and west of our area. and off to the south and east, somewhat lighter amount, but still major, 8 to 167 inches. that could -- 8 to 16 inches. that could be held down by sleet. snow during the late morning, early afternoon, 3 to 6 inches during the day, 35 for the high. tonight and then end this here, tonight winter storm warning in effect. snow very heavy tonight. accumulations tonight and
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overnight, 10 to 15 inches. 28 for the low and the winds pick up. back to you. >> all right. thank you so much. this weekend, sarah palin will make her first sunday talk show appearance. she will join chris wallace on fox news sunday. if you're heading to nashville, you better get out so. well, i am headed to nashville. can tony hear me? >> yes. >> am i going to be able to get back in dc on sunday afternoon so i can watch the super bowl at home? >> i suspect we'll make arrangements somehow. >> it may involve a parachute. >> that's right. >> at least you are and i are thinking along the same lines. >> absolutely. first things first. no, i'm leaving at 110 today. i have take tennessee forecast into account. probably the last plane out of dc down to the national tea party convention in nashville. and not only going to talk to sarah palin. and we have been trying to get her ever since she was named
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the vice presidential running mate in 2008. and also i'm going to attend the tea party convention because i want to see what's on their minds. and then sunday, we're going to do the show from there. after the show, back here for the super bowl. my wife is preparing a feast. >> good for you. you've got the day set up. and watching you, we'll be here as well enjoying the snow on the ground. have a good time we'll see you sunday morning. look for your interview. >> let me say, for i can't get back, go over to our house because there will be plenty of food and nobody to eat it. >> thank you for the invite. have a safe trip. a special snow edition of fox 5:00 sundat 5:00. a couple of extra hours of bonus coverage. and chris will joins from a nashville with far less snow on the ground. >> fill trip at the wallace mansion. >> we like that. right now, the roads. you think most people sort of
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stayed home this morning. >> that's the impression we're getting. not a lot of volume in some places. more of a hit and miss, but more volume at the grocery stores than the parking lots. but again, we showed you this picture a few moments ago. we just wanted to kind of give you a preview of what to expect later on this morning. and this is on 64 headed out southwest toward the west virginia line. and again, this is what we are trying to warn you of. the roads are going to get covered and quickly with the amount of snow that's coming down. and it's going to be difficult to see lane markings and read the exit numbers and such. and see your off and on-ramps as well. that's why we're encouraging you to stay put and not get out. the road crews need the space to do their job and they do it if you're in their way. we urge you to stay put unless you absolutely have to be out there. right now, close to home, this
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is what it looks like. nice and clear with no incidents to report. and make note that the bridge, ramps and overpasses freeze before anything else. nighness did he wants to report southbound 270, still in the clear. that's a check of the fox 5 ontime traffic. >> thank you very much. it's 7:36 on this friday morning. a lot going on this weekend rather. and on capital hill, up next, house house majority leader is going to join us lye from the hill. plus, we want to see what the storm will do at your house. we want to see what's going on there, share your weather photos with us. go to and up load your pictures. we'll be right back. now, the key to a really good family calendar is sticky notes.
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right now, tony is the man of the five hours, isn't he?
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>> yeah, he is. >> working hard. i say you and tucker. >> yes, of course. i just want to give him his props. >> tucker, working hard for five hours today. >> i doubt he leaves me. >> cry all morning. listen, we want to put things in perspective. >> please do. i want to show you where the storm stands in terms of the history of snowstorms in washington. the worst one ever? no, we don't think so. but it could get dicey here. january1922, 28-degree, steve remembers that one. the valentine's day storm of 1899, 20 inches then. february '79, i remember this one, 18.7 inches. >> yeah? >> yeah, that was good. >> yeah, okay. >> january '96, 17.3.
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2003. i walked home in that storm from downtown dc. >> wow. >> yeah, quite a morning. >> i'm surprised we haven't gotten to like 30 inches. >> that's thing. when people say are we really going to get 30? no, we don't get that. >> these totals are airport totals. >> yes, these are all airport totals. this storm will be n the top ten. we're coy confident about that. right now, 35 here in washington. 32 in baltimore. ocean city at 30 degrees. here's a look at the satellite. precipitation, it's out there. take a look at the eastern u.s., stormy innocence the south. it's rain. in some places, a little bit of sleet. and in the mid-atlantic, it's snow. that snow not yet here for us. for today like this, 35 degrees for the high. that's where we are now.
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once the snow fall, temperatures start dropping. daytime accumulation p to 6 inches. the winds pick up tonight as the winter storm warning continues and we go to the tonight page. winds out of the northeas
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plus, maybe their take on the n stormth today. since peopleda are talking abou it. it's live next. stay with us.
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time was, if you got into trouble out here, chris collins, volunteer firefighter, would be there to save your lif then one night, hit by a car at an accident scene,
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it was his turn to ride in the ambulance. after years of rehab, chris has learned to take care of himself. but money is so tight, he has trouble staying warm. he just can't afford heating oil. nice to meet you, chris. nice to meet you, and thanks for theil. you look like you're a fighter, chris. well, i guess i have to be. chris is among the millions of americans who risk their lives each and every day to keep us safe -- our firefighters, our police officers, our emts and first responders -- men and women who sacrifice for others and sometimes need our help. chris: thanks, joe, and thanks to citgo and the people of venezuela. hi, i'm joe kennedy from citizens energy, your nonprofit oil company. if you need help staying warm this winter, give us a call at... because no one should be left out in the cold.
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by a thin margin on capitol hill, the house votes to let the government get $2 trillion more in debt. some house hearts and conservative democrats say the only way it's tolerable is by coupling it with a pay as you go rule. now is house majorityleader of maryland. good morning. >> good morning. good to be with you. >> first of all, we want to
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know if there's anything congress can stop the snow from coming this weekend in. >> well, if there was, we would be a lot more popular. >> okay. that's out of the way. let's talk about the house passing this $1.9 trillion more. basically, it ils down to some $6,000 for each american. my question is, how do you sell this to the american public during hard times? >> well, the vote yesterday was not to incur additional debt, but pay the debt that we have incur. and over the last decade, we have gone deeply into debt. they were $5.6 trillion in surplus project for those ten years in fact, unfortunately over the last ten year, policies lead to very substantial deficits. we owe the money and we've got to pay it. that's all the vote was yesterday. not to incur new debt, but to pay for the new debt. going forward, for the first
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time in a decade, we have reinstated pay as you go which says, you got to pay for what you buy and notifies cost along. in the five times during the last decade or six times that we upped the debt, there was no fiscal contract attached to it. yesterday as you point out, we adopted a provision that will provide constraints, discipline to spending to try to bring spending down. when that was in effect in the '90s, we created the most historic run of surpluses that we had in this country in my lifetime. so yesterday was a day dedicated fiscal discipline, frankly. and going forward, the president has indicated we're going to freeze domestic spending. and he's going to appoint a commission to look at how we can take further steps to bring this deficit down which we need to do. >> and that pay go legislation alouse congress to send pieces of legislation to the
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president's desk one at a time for approval. >> well, one at a time as well. butwhat it says if you're going to spend money on mandatory spending or cut revenues, you got to make it a zero sum gain. pay for what you buy so you're not asking somebody down the line, some of the younger people who have to pay that debt. it's a step to reinstate fiscal responsibility which as i said many the '90s, enacted with george bush the first and the congress agreeing and then secondly in 1997, bill clinton and congress agreeing, which leads to substantial surpluses. we want to return to that era of discipline. >> we want to want to health care now. that is for such a longtime, it was at the forefront of what we were talking about. and now it seems to be on the back burner. you a quoted as saying, the house leadership is waiting for
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the senate to come to you for a compromise. where do we stand? is it a dead issue right now? that's the status? >> definitely not a dead issue. we have and continue believe that getting health care cost under control for familiar police businesses and foreign nation -- for families and businesses and our nation is essential. it's essential not only for individuals, but for the health of our country. we are very focused on jobs, job creation, economic growth in our communities and country. we know that people are hurting throughout this land. and without job, we've got to get jobs moving. in addition, as we did yesterday, our focus going forward is going to be fiscal discipline so. our challenge is to grow the economy, but at the same time, ensure fiscal responsibility. >> might be easier to stop
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mother nature, congressman. we appreciate you spending time with us today. the senate majority leader. thank you. >> thank you. tony and tucker not the only ones keeping an eye on weather. >> so too are the folks at the noah, you know it. holly is live from the headquarters in silver spring with a look at a new exhibit that's open to the public. good morning. >> reporter: and the exhibit happens to include the latest look at the storms. there it is. that's what i would call a doosey. i'm not sure that's an official term. troy is the chief science officers for noah. what would you call that? >> a very significant winter storm headed our way. >> there's the official jargon here this morning. thank you so much for having us here. >> thank you for coming out and seeing the noah di have for you. and that's why we are he.
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we want to move and groove. it's called the treasures of noah's ark and it showcases all you do. you fly into hurricanes? >> yes, i have flown into some of the most recent very big hurricanes like katrina and rita and ike. >> a little experience. >> yes. >> it can be at times. fors the most part, when you're on a commercial airline flight. experience tush lance, lens, but to a -- turbulence but to a greater degree. >> we're talk about the tools that noah uses to get their information. tell me about the other things. >> the aircraft is just one aspect for collecting data.
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and the p-3 flies into the hurricane at mid-level, maybe 5,000 to 10,000 feet. we have the high altitude jet and gulf stream 1. >> and this will help with storms we're having now. >> absolutely. right now, they're flighting out of japan. that information goes into the models to predict them system several days in advance. and this one on the bottom was flown. >> yeah, brand new aircraft. storm assessment. go out and take pictures and the government agencies can look at the pictures and see the latest on the ground. >> a lot of time people give meteorologist a hard time. you guys have a good pulse on the planet so to speak. >> absolutely. our scientists are keeping their finger on the pulse of the plan and it the latest tools are really helping out to produce better model forecast and subsequently forecast for the public. >> sometimes you use the good
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ole weather balloon. so what are you going to show for us? >> how we typically set up the package to go up in the air and take the measurements. what i would like for you to do is take this, this is the radio. this has the temperature, pressure sensors in it. and it transmits back to the weather service office. we're going to tie it in. this is typically, since we're inside, this is typically 50 feet below the balloon. >> i guess it works well. >> asolutely. >> it's perfect. >> absolutely. so this is the parachute there. is how we get these back. what happens is, we tie this n right up here, and when the balloon reaches its breaking point or begins to deflate. that's when the parachute will open up and bring back down this radio to safety. >> that's very cool. unfortunately, we are out of time right now.
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this special exhibit absolutely free and open to the public, runs through next saturday, the 13th. they are closing this afternoon because of the weather and closed tomorrow. and then listen to what the federal government does, they follow that schedule. but they have something special for you all today and for tucker back in the studio. february5th is national weatherman's day. >> i forgot about it. >> i didn't know that. >> i know a thing or two about weather. i remember this day, february 5th. bring it. we have a cake for you at the studio. >> oh, that is so nice. >> i brave store with all the crazy people just so i could bring you cake because i do not think people appreciate you enough. they just take for granted that we're going of the a forecast. give you a hard time if it's not perfect. and you get it right most of thtime. happy weatherman's day, february 5th.
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how about that. >> that's wonderful. and we're hungry too. >> share with everybody. >> there you go. >> yeah, that's great. >> that's nice. >> we have issues for tucker. he's choked up. >> we're sorry we didn't remember that day. >> we do the best we can. and it's tough. it's tough to get day after day to make the forecast that are 100% accurate. >> good gig if you can get it. >> good thing we have cake now and not tomorrow night. >> we get cake? >> no, no cake for us. >> congratulation boys. >> pay attention. the time right now is 7:57. on the 8:00 this orning, things have not change. our big story continues to be the massive winter storm. you get to use any of our
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concierge claim centers. so i can just drop off my car and you'll take care of everything? yep, even the rental. what if i'm stuck at the office? if you can't come to us, we'll come to you in one of our immediate response vehicles! what if mother won't let me drive?
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then you probably wouldn't have had an accident in the first place. and we're walkin'! and we're walkin'... making it all a bit easier -- now that's progressive! call or click today.
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a live look of i-77. it's creeping closer. and closer to the dc area. the fox 5 weather team says we're going to see 16 to 24 inches plus of snow. maybe more in the district starting at noon today. that will be the plus part. good morning and thank you for joining thus morning. >> we have a lot to get to this morning to help you prepare for the monster storm. first schools. in virginia:
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make sure you continue to watch the top of your screen, check out our website, for the latest updates. >> of course, we're getting latest up grace tony and tuck working hard throughout the morning. certainly had a lot of warning about this storm. so hopefully most people are
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prepared for it. >> it looks like it will. we get new model runs every couple of hours. and if anything, the models want to make it more extreme. and we're going to try to use caution and judgment here. we still think we're on tap for a major winter storm. and most areas, over a foot of snow. some area, over two feet of snow. across the region n the district, not much happening. but the clouds are getting thick. there is some precipitation showing up, not in the district, but well to the south and east and out to the west. some of that is now likely beginning to hit the ground, not most of it, but hitting the ground as we start to see the first flakes. not here in washington. but around the time where we expected to see some of it begin to get close tore the
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region. the bulk of the storm. we'll pull it out and show you. there's the storm system. now, it's bringing heavy rain to parts of the southeast. southeast getting hit with thunderstorms, areas of hea rain and sleet associated with this system now in extreme south western virginia, western portions of north carolina in the mountains out there. and some of that sleet could make its way in not here, but south and east of the washington area across portions of southern maryland, south eastern virginia. right now, 35 at reagan national. that is likely our temperature for the day. 31 at bwi. temperatures begin to fall once the snow begins to fall. today, snow develops late morning early afternoon. daytime accumulation 3-s to 6. that will be fine. but overnight, 10 to 15-inches and more snow tomorrow during the day . five-day forecast,
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snow develops this afternoon. no, five day here. i'm sorry. and we'll have colder temperatures over the course of the weekend. more about that coming up. >> that clears the roads in virginia. in just a couple of hours, all the government workers are going to be going home. and we got through showing you, and i'm going to pop it back up. out in the blacksburg area, this is what we're talking about, this is what's moving in. what we're deal in south western virginia trying to make your way around town. and this is why we want to keep you off of the roads there. snow coming down is going to be very difficult to keep up and the crews are going to work hard. but it's not going to be easy with the amount of snow fall coming down and the time frame that's coming. very difficult to clear a path. and it's simply fogging the tracks of the person in front of you. and this is blacksburg, not close to where we are.
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this is what you can expect to see beginning after noon today. and it's only going to get worse before it gets better. if you're on road, to clear a path. it's going to be difficult for you to see the lane marking, the exit ramp and things of that nature. and any kind of debris in the roadway, a tough ride around town. ifyou an stay put, we suggest you do so. 270, you guys are still on dry pavement looking good headed for the split split. >> thank you very much. crews have been working around clock ahead of the record snow fall. in dc, here are some of the numbers. nearly 300 pieces of equipment along with 700 workers on the roads. v-dot will launch an assault of 1800 truck on the road by noon today. and in maryland, workers on 12- hour shifts trying to get the
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roads open. drivers are being urged to stay off of the roads. make sure you avoid parking on the snow routes as well. no need to be on the road tonight. and if you're relying on metro, once more than 8 inches of snow fall, which we're going to get, metro shuts down the above ground rail stations. from the end of one of the lines that's above ground, be aware that you might get stranded if you don't time this right. only the underground trains will provide service past 8- inches and amtrak has canceled most of its service in the dc. you can get updates on from the ground to the skies with a monster winter storm headed our way, it's going to be a tough task getting into and out of town. this approaching storm is a headache for some travelers. we've got complete coverage. we are live from reagan national with more.
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good morning. >> reporter: good morning. headache is absolutely right. we talked to several passengers this morning. some had been watching the storm come in. they rebooked. i checked the board, it looks like we have a few delace on departures already. and things are only going to get worse as the snowstorm hits. take a look on the runways. flights at the gate. and they are taking off. the lucky ones that have rebooked the flights are getting out now. the same story. long lines but flights still taking off this morning at the airport. most flights are running ontime for now, but starting early this afternoon and all day saturday, the major airlines have canceled all flights into baltimore and washington. passengers scrambled to rebook flights. at reagan national, people started arriving two hours before the first flight left. no one is taking any chance.
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people said all day and all night trying to get onto flights this morning. some rebooked more than once. and for many, it's get out now or never. and that's a risk one super bowl-bound passenger wasn't going to take. >> i thought it would come in on saturday. when i saw it was gulf of mexico coming in on friday, i was scrambling to get the flight rescheduled and rearranged. >> now most of the the people we talked to say the airlines have been accommodating as far as rearranging flights and getting them out. we only have a few hours left before the flights end up ground. the airlines are waiving their usual change fees if people decide that they want to change flights now or late. and what we're being told is once they ground those flight, they'll re-evaluate the situation on sunday morning. some flights could be canceled and they're hoping to get flights out sometime that day. live at reagan national airport, fox 5 news.
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back to you. >> thank you. and the airport isn't the only place you're going to encounter log lines today. grocery stories also feeling the effects. i could hardly believe the empty shelves. >> reporter: i know. thank goodness they got some of the shipments in hee at this 24-hour giants. and now, there you go. smile everybody. there we go. we found some nice people here today. look at, that smile, we saw some nice folks despite the long lines. a lot of good cheer. i don't know what, somebody is baking a cake right here. that looks good. what do we have? laury during snow? >> definitely. >> when made you come out and brave this? >> well, i came yesterday and it was really, really, crazy. and but we're here now. >> not too bad? >> worse than yesterday. really bad. >> thank you.
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good luck to you. with this storm seems to be better. come on out. we don't want to hold anybody up longer than they are being held up today. they got their produce so if yo you can come out now. the bread is here, milk there. is a 24-hour giant grocery store so. folks. and you know, i have seen a lot of people getting yummy stuff. >> really yummy. >> is that what you do during the storm? >> sure, why not? >> just buy some treats, right? >> yeah, definitely. >> does anybody here shop for super bowl party? >> no. >> there was a lot of that. no chips, no dip, no so gaseous stores are stocked. and well the parking lot, it's not great. at's why i came in here. good luck. if you're heading out now, pack a little patient. it's going to be a long morning. >> this is unbelievable. thank you. and stay with us, our coverage
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of this monster storm far from over. way, way far from over. >> up next, a look at the forecast. and i don't get it. i will never understand, maybe it's just me. and tony and tucker. he brave storm. he's going to join us with more on how local governments are dealing with the storm. snow budgets are gone by this point. it is now 8:12. 
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welcome back at 8:15 right now. we nt to check in with a look at what's happening in a short time. >> yes. >> giant food, is this giant? i would like some of that money. >> take that shot. >> oh, we missed it. >> i gave you plenty of time. why are we still on the shot? >> i don't know. >> we're still on it. >> here we government would you like to do it again? >> no, it's never good. >> one chance. >> the phone ringing.
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>> no, thank you for trying. >> there you go. >> it wouldn't work. if the phone is ringing, i have to answer it. a look at the current temperatures. we're already getting a little punchy. >> all day tomorrow. if you're one of those people, you know, because there are some that say i don't care, just turn us on because we are going to be punchy and moody. a variety show. >> punchy and moody. >> yeah. take a look, current temperature park in washington. dulles, 33 degrees. all around the region. they'll slowly start to drop. here's a look at the satellite radar, yep, there's the storm. south and west of here. but charlottesville is getting snow. live pictures in south western virginia where they're getting snow and it's covered the roads. here it comes. snow fall total, this is what
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we think. and i want to say that we have high confidence in this. we don't always b. this time we do. 16 to 24 inches generally speak ago cross the area. there's a sweet spot to the south and west where you get 22- plus. and off to the west, 8 to 16 inches. because the totals culd be held down by some sleet. snow developing around late morning, early afternoon. daytime accumulations p to 6 inches. storm warning into effect at 10:00 a.m. and tonight and this will be the last graphic, heavy snow, 10 to 15 inches on top of what we get today. that's a look at the weather. more coming up shortly. now a look at traffic. punchy and moody, i'm glad i'm in a separate studio. >> come on over. bobbing and weaving here. >> yeah, it will be fun. >> we're hungered down.
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we've got the fridge going the only thing missing is an easy backache. inbound pennsylvania avenue, blocking the right lane at branch avenue. rolling down to hill, that's where we got the stalled car. eye net southeast. florida avenue, north of new york avenue, an incident. follow police direction. and dry pavement right now. looking good south on 270. local explains the main lain towards the split. that's a check of traffic. he i the chairman of the prince william board of county supervisors and he joins us to talk about the index in school's funding in prince william county. mr.stewart, good morning. >> good morning. let's talk about snow first. that's top story. and i'm sure the people in your area are concerned about it as well. what are the preparations in prince william county? >> i'm looking forward to it. as an old minnesota boy, i
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enjoy a good snowstorm. and the kids are old enough to shovel. but yeah, we're making preparations of course. v-dot plow plows the roads. but if you have an energy situation, you know, make sure you call 911. and be prepared to stay in your home for up to three days with enough food and especially water during that period of time. >> as far as the budget goes, we have been talking with other jurisdictions, the budge set blown on all these things and snow removal was one of them. how does that look in your part of the world? >> well, there's no some cost to. and obviously, the most significant cost, if we have to cancel county, that cost about $500,000 to do so. right now, we are on a liberal leave policy for today. and we're confident, we're prepared and ready to go. >> let's talk about the meeting that you had with the incoming
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governor. we're talking about the local composite index, a all important topic when you we talk about education. and in northern virginia verses the rest of state. could you bring us up to speed on the issue and the former governor's wanting to freeze it. >> yeah, unfortunately, he decided to freeze the local composite index adjustment that happens every two years. the formula has been in place for 40 years. northern virginia as a whole is a donor area. we provide a lot more money to the state for education than we receid back. and in fact, we've only received about 40% of what we send down. and every year, except for one year in the early 1980s, we're constantly been give more and more funding to richmond. but this year because of the decrease in housing values and because of the increase in the student population by 10,000 students, we were actually
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supposed to get a little bit more back. but this just happens to be the year that the assembly says we're going freeze. and of course, there's a fairness question there. >> when when you talked with the new governor, i'm sure that you raised this. and was there any indication that the freeze might be lifted? >> well, he's looking at it. and it's going to cost northern virginia school districts $122 million in a single year. and prince william, this means an elimination of 700 position, 200 lay-offs, most being teachers. and this would truly be a crisis to the school district. >> when can you do to try to fight this at this stage? will it only mean the new governor signing a piece of legislation that says, no, let it, let this old legislation, let this not go through. is it that simple?
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there are online postions. people are concerned about this. >> parents should be very concerned. it is that simple. it's up to the governor. i said, look, if you allow this to happen, if you tinker with this policy which has been a settled policy for the past 40 years every year you are not only fighting the level of funding for the state as a whole, you are going to be fighting the formula itself. if northern virginia which has accepted this policy for 40 years and now when it turns in our favor for once, for you're going to undermind that poll circumstances every year for the next four years, we are going to be down in richmond arguing about the fairness of the policy exist the formula. so i think it sets a horrible precedent for the governor had he allows it to stand. >> we look forward to updates on the future of the
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legislation. >> absolutely. happy to do it. >> thank you for joining us. be careful in the snow. >> there do. >> he's from minnesota. he can handle it. >> i grew up with lake effect snow and i'm tired already. toyota's troubles get getting bigger and bigger. the latest news when we come back. and we're going to go out live to no washington red skins science center -- live to noah science center. a new exhibit that shows you how they predict the weather. details from the experts when fox 5 morning news continues. 8:23.  bacon? gotta get that bacon!
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smokey bacon, crispy bacon, tasty bacon! (child laughing) where is it? where is the bacon? tv anchor: bacon popular, story at 11. yummy. crunchy. bacon. bacon. there, in that bag! mom: who wants a beggin' strip? me! i'd get it myself but i don't have thumbs! yum, yum, yum, yum, yum... it's beggin'! hm...i love you! i love bacon! beggin' strips! there's no time like beggin' time! toss 'em, fling 'em, zing 'em. have fun, with beggin' canadian cuts.
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terrorists. they're trying to kill americans home, and our troops abroad. and who's footing the bill for the attacks against us? oil money. filtered through secret organizations in the middle east, and countries like iran. when oil money ends up in the hands of our enemies, americans pay the ultimate price. we've got to protect ourselves. and do all we can to end our dependence on foreign oil. tell congress to pass the clean energy and american power act, now.
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toyota is starting to fix those sticky gas pedals this morning. the parts began arrivalling this week. dealers are sending notices to customers. toyota says the process should take about half an hour to fix pedal. >> how this fix works is we're actually reenforcing the pedal with the steel bar that helps to reduce the excess friction that causing the sticking pedal to begin with.
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>> toyota is adding extra staff to do the repair, working around the clock at some does he recalls. the company is trying to regain its reputation as a reliable car maker. and the ceo just held a news conference in tokyo. this morning the company is considering a recall of the prius hybrid, not because of sticking gas pedal, but bad brakes. toyota could recall 270,000 pree us here in the united states and japan. and as if that were not enough, toyota is now also looking into brake problems on the lexus hybrid as well. it's 8:27. temperature is, you know, around that freezing mark this morning on this friday morning. not the temperatures, 35 right now. it's the snow out there that we're worried about. here we see, the snow continues to get closer and close tore
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our region. we showed you i-77 before there. is i-81. we're going to check in with the weather team for the latest forecast up next. and fox 5 will have special coverage all weekend long. we will be on the air from 2:00 to 8:00 today. and 6:00 a.m. to 11:30 p.m. all day. stay at home. stay tuned. and a programming note for nascar fans. the bud shootout, the eent, nascar season set to air form night from 58 until 10:00 p.m. has been moved to my 20. we will air it, but on our sister station on my 20 because we will have more snow coverage right here. we will remind you. it's a fluid situation as we try to get an eye as to how much snow we're going of the.
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we're still wching the snow as it gets closer and closer. book 77 now. and you can see the snow is pile up. and not too many vehicles on i- 77. if you're not familiar, just southwest of blacksburg near the virginia tech area down toward the west virginia area. so-- >> is that hilly country? >> yeah, hills, no doubt. i-81 a short time ago. so checking the traffic here. we knew it would be moving down there and then move its way up. yesterday with the awhrert, 9:00, so, working its way back. >> light snow as we speak. isn't it nice that we have the equipment and we can pedict these things in days in advance. imagine 100 years ago, all of a sudden. >> except if you had an old dog howling. >> that's true.
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let's get to radar. >> here comes the snow. it's off to the south and west. we show you had the live shot. reported charlottesville now light snow out in the mountains. don't worry about the pink. i think it's the snow falling. and this is going to continue to close in on us. if you want to dry pavement, if you don't want it snowing in washington along the 95 corridor up to baltimore, next couple of hours, any time after noon, the snow flying in the washington area. winter storm warning in effect at 10:00 this morning. that's a blizzard warning in effect until tomorrow eveni at 10:00. we're expecting a monster yows storm here. just moistening up the at months fer. starting to touch the ground. a lot of real estate to cover.
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look at the rain and thunderstorms at this hour across eastern portions of florida. track off to the north and east. it's going to blow up when it hits the north carolina coastline. and it's going to deep and rapidly and throw a lot of snow back on the washington area over the next 36 hours. daytime accumulation, 3 to 6 inches expected. high temperature now. and here comes the snow tonight. snow fall rate 1-rbgs to 2 inches an hour. pbably a foot on the ground by tomorrow morning. knows most of the day on saturday. high temperature about 31 degrees, and knows early next week. the temperatures never warm. this is going to be a tough one. we're going of the trouble getting rid of the snow that sticks around at the end of the weekend. all right. that's a look at the forecast. back in a couple of minutes with more details. let's go to, back to the desk. >> you know, back to us. on the roads this weekend
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or shoveling snow, we got your snow survival guide this weekend. >> we continue our coverage of the winter weather alert. >> reporter: it's easy to get caught up in the craziness of a looming snowstorm and forget important things like making sure you have all of your med since. that. >> that brings people in the emergency room. either they don't have medication or suffering symptoms or they have run out and they feel that's the easiest way for them to get refly shrewd. >> reporter: he is the chief. and he says their emergency room will likely be busy with folks slipping and falling and overdoing it during the snowstorm. >> the sun will come cutout and eventually it will go away. >> reporter: yes, despite the warnings, some people out of necessity venture out on roads buried in snow. the experts say you better be prepare for the a dangerous ride. >> a blank net the car. it's good to carry in the car.
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that's true. carry road flairs in the car. >> reporter: how about snack sand to put fund tires and a fully charged cellphone. if you're not planning to go anywhere, just camping out at home, keep in mind, trouble may find you. >> there's going to be downed lines or. >> reporter: a home inspector says if have a portable generators, be careful. >> underneath the porch because they don't want it in the front yard and it puts off exhaust. >> reporter: which can fill yor home with deadly fumes. >> and be prepared for more headaches. >> there's going to be flooded basement when is the big melt comes. >> some things you don't want to think about. bob reminded us. >> be prepared. flooded basements. the city is working with volunteers to help residents unable to shovel their walk waist. if you're in need of help or
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you would like to volunteer, go to and look under web links. volunteers should be ready to go to work on short notice and need to supply their own shovel. it's 8:37. there are new unemployment numbers out for the month of january. they are just coming in. and we have western virginia hope they are better than the weekly data that sent stocks tumbling yesterday. we will have that plus our job of the day when we come back. it's 8:37 right now. boss: so word's gettin' out that geico customers could save even more on their car insurance
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by signing up for other things - like homeown's orenter's insurance. nice work, everyone. exec: well, it's easy for him. he's a cute little lizard. gecko: ah, gecko, actually - exec: with all due reect, if i was tiny and green and had a british accent i'd have more folks paying attention to me too... i mean - (faux english accent) "save money! pip pip cheerio!" exec 2: british? i thought you were australian. gecko: well, it's funny you should ask. 'cause actually, i'm from - anncr: geico. save even more with our new multi-policy discount.
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just in to the news room, surprisingly good news from the labor department. the unemployment rate has dropped to 9.7%, down from an even 10%. employers only cut 2000 jobs in january. economist thought we would lose a lot more last month. if you're looking for work, check out the job shop on today's job of the way is at federal bakers incorporated in virginia. looking for an accounts payable. pay is negotiable. for more on the job and many others gorkys to and click on the tab near the top of the home page. one guy came up with an old school tactic of getting a job. >> hello. i've been unemployeed for a year. if you happen to know of
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anybody that's hiring, would you let me know. > this chicago man is walking the streets wearing a sandwich board handing out his card. he says he decide it was time to do something different. and turned to this tact trick the depression. he tells people that he's willing to accept any job that will help him pay his bills. >> got to do what you got to do. credit for being out there. all right. the super bowl just two daysway. we forget about that with the storm coming. >> if you can get out of your house, there are a on the of options for places to go. and we have the dish when we come back. good morning. after you're done being stuck inside because of the weather, you can come outside and learn about the weather if you come to noah. we are live and they have a brand new exhibit that's all about how they do what they do. more specifically, an experiment. we're dropping that and
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explaining it all. next on fox 5 morning news. rge
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with the resurgence of h1n1...'s important to follow the cdc's guidelines to help protect your family. remember to wash your hands. and, to prevent the spread of influenza virus...'s important to keep surfaces clean by wiping them down with a household disinfectant according to directions on the product label. you can trust lysol, because products like lysol disinfecting wipes and lysol disinfectant spray... ...are proven to kill the h1n1 virus. for more tips, visit
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old man winter knock on the doorstep, getting closer and closer. this time we're looking at 64 in virginia down in the southwest part of the common wealth. they got hit hard earlier this morning and that's the same stuff headed this way. they're going to see it for a lot longer. >> i think we need to play the jaws music. >> closer and closer. might be really scary. >> yeah. it's a good idea to get your car off toughen road. if yuive in a snow emergency route. >> it started at midnight. the sheriff's department says cars parked on snow emergency routes will be towed. why go through that. take notice and heed the warnings. same thing in dc where snow emergency goes into effect at 9:30 this morning.
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and you will also get a $250 ticket. in maryland, snow emergency kicks in at 8:00 tonight. residents can park in downtown parking decks at 8:00 to want. that's great. and for folk, and you hate to think about this, but be prepared, shelters opening up at noon for rsident who is happen to lose power or heat. one of the shelters at stafford high school. and don't wait until it's too late or too dangerous to leave home. and bring your medicine and supplies for three days. let's dig into the details a little bit about how we do this and predict storms. land, sea and sky, the themes of a brand new exhibit at no washington red skins' science center. >> -- exhibit at noah's science exhibit. >> you bring us the good stuff. >> well, ironically the exhibit won't be opening tomorrow
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because of weather. >> exactly. >> yeah, but after you are done being snowed in, you need to come here because they have an awesome exhibit. the you have the right to remain silent of no washington red skinss, -- the you have the right to remain silent of noah's ark -- the treasures of noah's ark. and this holly, i'm holly. nice to meet you. >> nice to meet you. >> she is with noah's national ocean service. >> good morning. tell me about the sea it's pulse of our ocean. explains how we do that through observations through space and on the water. we do it through things like. this is actually located in alaska and it takes a lot of fish observations, we can provide general information
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back to the public. the public can go and collect information on the fish throughout the united states. and we do nautical charts. no noah provides the charts. >> why they do everything for safety. not only for people, but for the planet itself. >> absolutely. and that's where we move to next. talk about when we take the ocean, we see hear areas that maybe the ocean isn't feeling well. we do the same thing and work on that. one thing i want to point out, marine debris, you really don't want to sit around cigarette butts. we develop programs to prevent and reduce the impacts. we like to advocate that people reduce, reuse and recycle
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products. and john, he's going to explain the changes. >> good morning. >> you had me throw some chalk in there. tell me the importance of the experiment. >> well, i think a lot of people are aware that's carbon dismissals ox side in the atmosphere. but gases have to dissolve in water too. if you put co2 in the atmosphere, you're going to change nit the ocean too. we measure it with ph. we have put chalk into two different jurors of liquid here there. is lemon juice. and chalk is the same material that's in the she is of things that live in the ocean. these things will change the metabolism. some won't survive well. and this is the basis of the food chain. little animals bigger eats
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those and eventually fish eat those things and that's what we eat. anything that's going to change the ph of the ocean could affect the fishing. >> we want to make sure that we get to the meat of the matter. >> put the she is of an animal in acid and loses weight. it gets smaller there. is a piece of chalk. this is one in water. she is dissolve. they go away. >> thank you so much. and thank you. i want to show you one more thing before i go. this is a cool thing. and the sea gallery as well. rht here here is steve. he's driving an interactive simulator. as if you were driving a submarine under the water. and they take pictures. and then they learn from the pictures and they can find out more. steve by the way is here and hoping to get back home as quickly as he can since two
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feet of snow is coming and all. what you need to know, it's gobbing on the through the 13th. it was obviously supposed to open tomorrow. it's not going to because of the weather. and follow the federal government schedule as far as it's open on monday or not. when the weather clears, this exhibit is absolutely free and we'll continue to show it off next hour. >> thank you so much. all right. thank you so much. the big question, are you ready for football? if it wasn't for storm, we would be talking about the super bowl sunday night. and we have plenty of game day advice for you whether you want to see the game out or bring friends in. whatever the case, we've got you covered. a full plate of events to help you get your game on. >> hi, how are you. >> you always bring us great advice. the list today, this sup my
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alley. i dot know if it's because, i'm easy to please, but i love the restaurants. >> thank you. >> let's start with barbecue. >> first of all, for you are snowed in, and you don't want to leave the house, we did a little bit of both for this list here, there are lots of places preparing food for you to bring in. the first place is rockland, they do incredible barbecue. they have been a part of meat week this week. but they have really -- >> i'm sorry, meat week. >> yeah, that's a whole other story. they have really football friendly specials. the lombardi special, the afc and nfc special. of course, lots of ribs, lots overwings, chick and my favorite, corn bred putting. put your order in and you can take it home. and you have of the dip at your party. >> and i ll say, this is my
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favorite, probably my favorite dip in dc. >> so they make some of the best in the city. table side. but they are making it for you to take home. you have to get your order in soon. bythe end of today or tomorrow morning. but they'll deliver it or you can pick it up. it coms with their house made up and corn tortillas and their own salsa. such a great thing. and to end the game with a bittersweet. >> not serve going to be happy. >> hello cup cakes is doing these fabulous cup cakes. one for the colts, one for the saints. emblems on each. and they have been trying to do their tremendous dictions by which timecelles more. >> a little be the of fun. >> what have we're heading out? >> well, the first huge party is hudson downtown. 7 tv screen, they are putting
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out all the good food, slider, ribs, nascar fans which he recollects you name it, it will be. >> there will it'll a party. special cocktails and there there will be saints and colts fans. and what i love, a part of the proceeds are going to go to the leukemia foundation. now if you are a saints fan, there's one place that you need to be at. >> i have learn that had there are more saints fans in the last -- >> who dat? >> who knew. >> they are everywhere. and, this is the place to be. it's a new orleans-style rest rapt downtown. passion food. they are rolling out all the new orleans treats. and lots of good eats there. only $29 a person. all the food you can eat. drink specials and it will be a party. >> good food. i was just down. >> there absolutely. one more place for you, if we
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have time. the duimportant grill. they were going to do an outdoor tailgating party. inside, lots of tv screen sausages, beer special, drink specials. if you want to party, this is the place. >> people will be warm enough. >> great fireplace. it will be fun. >> thank you so much. enjoy yourself. >> you too. >> back over to you. thank you. our 9:00 hour just around the corner now. of course, we are on top of the massive winter storm that's now just a few hoursway. plusw you're instead in on sunday, you will likely be checking out the super bowl and the ads. some the must-see commercials this year. and we could use a laugh said he haded into this weekend. she will be in this weekend. and i love here work too. we'll be right back.  whatcha doing, little bite?
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winter weather alert. our coverage of the huge snowstorm continues during the next hour of fox 5 morning news. you can see the radar there as the storm makes its way into the dc area. >> this the big box, a live look at i-81 in virginia down south. courtesy of traffic happened. we can see just how much snow is there on the right, getting an idea of what's coming. a preview for the rest of us. thank you for staying with us for the 9:00 hour of fox 5:00 news this morning. >> i'm alison seymour. first though, we want to tell you about today's early dismissals.


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