tv Fox Morning News FOX April 7, 2010 9:00am-10:00am EDT
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>> thank you very much. all right, let's get to it. will be, another hot -- listen, another hot day today. high temperatures will surge into record territory. we're going to be in this department again in just a couple of hours. we have record temperatures at both dulles and bwi marshall. i think at dulles we're pretty much guaranteed to shatter the record today. right now we're still in the 60s. if you want cool weather, get out there in the next couple of hours. it's really going to warm up by late morning. 69 at dulles, bwi marshall 66 degrees. these temperatures are going to jump a good 20 to 25 degrees before this afternoon is done with. as we continue to be under the influence of this very unusual weather pattern. we don't usually see high pressure anchored off the carolina coast this early in april. just a few clouds to start the day, but you can see we're going to be mostly sunny throughout the day. rain will get in here tomorrow,
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that will bring us some needed rain and much cooler air for friday and the beginning of the weekend. i'll have more on that in just a couple of minutes. sunny skies, hot again this afternoon, 90 degrees. i'll with have more details in just a moment. rescue crews are desperately trying to reach four miners trapped underground in west virginia. 25 miners died at the explosion in west virginia. now crews are cleaning -- clinging to hope the remaining miners have survived. >> their families are facing a harrowing ordeal waiting to hear word on their loved ones. will, good morning. >> reporter: good morning to you. crews are now focused on drilling these ventilation holes to get rid of this methane that's built up so they can get rescuers back inside the mine and get to these four
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missing miners. they're digging about a thousand feet deep, a total of four holes and they're concentrating on an area that's about 20 feet wide by about a thousand feet long. officials tell us there is a chamber in this general area and if one or more of these missing miners were able to make it inside of this chamber and seal themselves off they could sur five for four days. >> the worst thing in the world we could do now is put rescue teams in harm's way. the bravest people in the world and the hardest working. but so, yeah, we want to make sure that they don't get themselves in a situation to where it's very dangerous. >> reporter: rescue teams are waiting around the clock for the green light to re-enter the section of the upper big branch mine where the four missing miners are believed to be. the methane levels are too dangerous, so the ongoing efforts is to drill holes and use high-powered exhaust fans to remove the air. >> they're pulling together
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from family to families they're pulling together now because they're going through the same type of agony. >> reporter: the focus now, four holes side by side. one of them already penetrated the area where the missing men remain. but that hasn't resulted in good news. >> they'll put the -- and start sucking air out and they'll be testing and measuring that air as it comes out, the methane content, the co content. until they start getting clearer or cleaner readings, they won't allow the rescue teams to go back in there. >> reporter: once again, hole one has penetrated the area where these four miners are believed to be. at that point about 4:45 this morning they stopped making all sound up there. they stopped all drilling for about 15 minutes, so they can conduct a sound check or a seismic check. eventually what they'd hoped to hear is some type of banking from these -- some type of banging from these miners. the men's -- men at the top of
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the hole bang on the pipes, and the men down in the hole give a sound if they hear it. they're still calling this a rescue mission. let me share some of the headlines in the local papers. the register herald, clinging for hope. the charlotte gazette, rescuers hope for a americale. and let me tell you, the entire state of west virginia rallying around these four families waiting for good news, waiting for a miracle. back to you. >> will, we sure are, too. thank you so much for that report. >> we should say that officials are locking into whether any safety rules were overlooked in the mine explosion. the same mine has had three previous fatalities in the last 15 years. and the federal mining safety and health administration has fined the massey energy site nearly $2 million since 2007.
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another big story we're following. shots fired, four people in the hospital. police in laurel are trying it figure out if the shootings are connected. >> just after 1:00 police found two victims on alma avenue and a mile away two more people on hitching post lane. that's where stacy cohan is live this morning with more details. >> reporter: good morning. it has been a very frustrating morning, i can tell you, it's now 8 hours after the shooting. we have had a very difficult time getting any information from the howard county police department. i just got off the phone with them and there is just a little bit that i can add. right here at this location hitching post lane i'm told at 12:51 am they got a call for shots fired. there were two people wounded, they were found i believe right on the grassy area behind me. two people that were shot, one in critical condition, one in serious condition, both transported to shock trauma. i'm also told these subjects were juveniles.
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there is another crime scene and we have video of that. that's on alma avenue, just two minutes after the shooting here on hitching post. they got the call for shots fired on alma avenue. it is a mobile home community, two subjects were found there both shot. i'm told that they were in serious condition and they were also transported to shock trauma. the question all morning is whether or not these two shootings were related. they occurred within two minutes of one another, less than a mile apart. the short answer is at this point we just don't know. howard county police have told us that they will give us more information. there is a briefing at the moment i understand and we are waiting. people in this community are very concerned. they haven't even had a homicide in howard county all year. here's what some of the folks in this area in hitching post lane had to say this morning. >> and we drove up past here, we actually saw one of them, i don't know if it was one of the victims or just somebody that was on the ground, i don't know if they were somebody being
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arrested or whatever. >> activity in the neighborhood. people running around here, people running in here just like crazy. >> this is a car you're looking at, a honda civic at hitching post lane, obviously suffered some injury during the gun shootout. the rear driver side window is blown out, glass shattered. four people in total shots, all transported to the hospital. none fatally yet. for suspects, motives and updates, we are still waiting. we'll of course bring that to you throughout the day on fox 5 news and on our website back to you. well, the man who poured himself a cup of coffee in the buff is scheduled to go on trial today. police arrested eric williamson last december saying he intentionally exposed himself. but he says he was inside his own home in springfield and someone walking by with a young child spotted him through his
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window and called police. this morning leaders of d.c.'s teachers union will gather with the mayor and the schools chancellor to announce a new contract deal. if approved, it marks the end of more than two years of contentious negotiations that played out before the public. >> reporter: good morning, tony. yes, the deal has to still be ratified by union members and approved by the d.c. security council, but -- the d.c. city council. whether teachers like this deal or not, one thing's for sure, they've got to be pleased that two years of this fighting is over. here's what we can tell you. let's take a look. first of all, it calls for a 20% pay increase over the next five years. for school teachers. it includes a voluntary pay for performance program, in essence, teachers whose students see increases in their
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standardized test scores may receive bonuses. it also offers extensive training for teachers and it gives the chancellor and school principals more power in deciding which teachers stay if budget cuts or fallen rollment force school closures. we are live outside of wilson high school this morning. a couple of other notes. this is a really important deal for mayor adrian who is entering an election year battle. so undoubtedly he's got to be happy that at least this contract is over with. then secondly a lot of people may be wondering where in the world that money is going to come for for these 20% pay increases for school teachers over the next five years, especially since the mayor recently announced pay cuts as well as layoffs in some areas it teal with the city's budget short -- to deal with the city's budget shortfall. it will be paid for through private foundations which have now agreed to come up with $65 million in donations.
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so there you go. it's got to be ratified by the union members and then approved by the d.c. city council. that again just a technicality. >> that is very unusual. thank you very much. we appreciate it. it appears the man charged with threatening virginia congressman eric cantor is not competent enough to stand trial. the 38-year-old seen here is being sent to a prison hospital for psychiatric testing. prosecutors say he has multiple personalities. investigators say that he made a video last month threatening. two of the most powerful men in the world scheduled it make history tomorrow. president obama leaves for prague today to sign a landmark nuclear treaty with the president of russia. it is a complicated agreement, it includes a promise not to unleash nuclear weapons on countries that don't have any. nation that is do not participate in international
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weapons agreements will not be protected. the president of afghanistan could find himself shut out of the white house. the obama administration does not like some of his recent statements, including a threat to join the taliban. >> reporter: hamid karzai is supposed to meet with president obama here in washington next month but the white house is making it clear karzai may not be welcome. what is hamid karzai thinking. he raised eyebrows when he blamed the west for election problems in his country. what may have pushed u.s. officials over the edge was his threat to join the taliban. >> we certainly would evaluate whatever continued or further remarks president karzai makes as to whether that's constructive to have such a meeting. >> reporter: it would be an extraordinary snub to disinvite karzai from the white house. president obama was there just
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over a week ago and clearly was trying to press karzai to do more to root out corruption. some think it may have been too much pressure. >> if you go right in his face publicly, you tend not to get good response and frankly we should know that by now. >> reporter: it leaves the u.s. military in afghanistan in an awkward position. they need karzai, especially now. when a new taliban spring offensive could be on the horizon. >> i would say that the remarks he's made, i can't imagine that anybody in this country found them anything other than troubling. >> reporter: troubling to be certain, but if the u.s. can't work with karzai, what are the options? none of them are all that appealing. the one factor that could be at play, karzai may be trying to build his own reputation at home by standing up to the u.s. we have a programming note. be sure to tune into fox 5 morning news tomorrow, steve goes one-on-one with first lady michele obama. since moving into the white
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house the obamas have made headlines for their outings in and around d.c. we're going to talk with the first lady about some of their favorite haunts and how they're adjusting to life in washington. a magnitude 7.7 earthquake struck the indonesian island this morning. it sent panicked residents rushing for higher ground. the tsunami watch was called off after about two hours. there are reports 17 people are being treated. damage is said to be minor, largely because the epicenter was in a less' populated area. coming up, needless to say the economy has left many in a tough financial spot. there's one organization that is work to go help answer your financial questions for free. the details coming up next. and an amazing story about a little boy who saved his mother's life after a man broke into their home.
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former maryland governor bob ehrlich will formally kick off his re-election campaign this morning. the republican lost to martin o'malley back in 2006. they have already scheduled their first debate for this weekend. it will be on ehrlich's radio show. a recent poll found o'malley with a 6% lead. montgomery county is said to be a key battleground. if you're looking for a better financial future, the first step may be a stop at the reeves center in downtown washington this weekend. that's where a financial fair will take place to help low and moderate income area residents with issues such as financial planning and debt management. joining us now is executive director of capital area asset builders, the nonprofit group that's sponsoring saturday's event. >> thank you for having me. >> i think the first thing, when you hear about financial planning you think about talking to a financial planner, i think a lot of folks think that that's something that rich
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people do. that if you're low or moderate income that you don't need oh do it. >> absolutely not the case. it's been around d.c. for about 13 years helping low and moderate income people to learn all of the basics of financial education, money management, making sure you put a certain amount of money into your savings account, checking your credit scores, i don't know if people realize how much more you can pay for a home the same home if you have good credit versus poor credit. we have an example of that. a 150,000-dollar home which you would never find around washington today, but how you can pay, someone with poor credit can end up paying $77,000 more for that same home than someone with good credit. so we make it a point to make sure that low and moderate income people have the same kinds of pools that people have who have their own personal financial planner. we make that available through
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cab. >> so tell us a little bit. this happens on saturday interest 10:00 until 2:00. tell us what kinds of things people will be able to take advantage of and what they'll learn when they go? >> we have certified financial planners on site who will be able to talk to people about putting together financial plans, you can have your credit report pulled for free. >> while you're there. >> and have someone go over it with you and give you a strategy for correcting any errors on your credit report, eliminating debt and doing whatever is necessary to improve your credit score. we're also going to have tax preparers there, people who want their taxes prepared should call or get on our website in advance to make sure they qualify balls the tax preparation programs are income based. but the other programs, the financial planning, the money management programs, they're all free and they're available to the entire community. >> if i'm coming to the event, what kind of information should i bring with me that will be
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helpful? >> well, you need it bring your id in order to get into the center. >> you have to be a district resident? >> no, you have don't have to be a district resident. but you need to bring your id to get into the reed center, and if you're having your taxes prepared you need to call in advance to make sure you bring your w-2 or 1099, social security number, those kinds of things. but other than that, just bring yourself and bring an open mind and think about this is financial literacy, national financial literacy month. we want people to get into the habit of thinking in april to get in the habit of checking their credit scores, putting together a savings plan. we have throughout the year money management courses, the next one starts if you can't make it to the fair, the next money management courses start on april 17 and april 20, we have them five weeks at two hour sessions either saturday mornings or tuesday evenings. so we want you to come by the
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fair. i ran into i told you marcus johnson and told him about the fair so he's going to be there. taylor thomas is going to be there. we're having a number of financial planners and credit counselors and we also have ralphs for savings bonds, we have giveaways. we're doing this in conjunction with bank line dc, this is a huge effort that the city administrator and deputy mayor santos and district commissioner purcell are putting together a campaign to get 10,000 new bank accounts and direct savings -- direct deposit accounts from washingtonians by the end of the year. this is to address some of the what you call the we're calling the unbanked and junk banked washingtonians who don't really have bank accounts because of either experiences they have.
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so we have banks there, you can put -- you can open a bank account there and these are accounts that will be low cost bank accounts for people to have. and that's all part of the bank line d.c. campaign that will be going on throughout the year. april is financial literacy month. >> clearly a lot going to be going on. it is this saturday, from 10:00 until 2:00. if you are interested in getting your tax returns done or looked at, you should call ahead. you as well. thank you very much for coming in. >> thank you so much for having me. coming up in just a few moments, honoring history or is it a painful reminder?
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39 delta. see you later. >> well, that conversation sounded normal, but the pilot had deadly plans. back in february, joseph stack crashed into a building in austin, texas, housing i.r.s. agents. he was upset over a tax audit. the national transportation safety board released a report saying air traffic control could not have prevented the crash.
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an 11-year-old chicago boy being called a hero this morning. for saving his mother from a man with a knife. the boy says the man opened the door to his room first, and then to his sister's room a short time later he heard his mother crying for help. he ran into her room and saw the man stabbing her. >> i just ran to him and i started punching him in the face, he was pushing me into the bathroom and he cut me. ave cut right here on my shoulder, and in my face. >> you can clearly see what the attacker did. the man got away. police are still looking for him. after eight years virginia's confederate history month is back. governor bob mcdonald is the first governor since 2001 to mick the designation. since then democrats have refused to the issue the proclamation. he said his intention was to draw attention to the state's civil war battlefields. we all know it was a very warm day yesterday, some might
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even say hot. get ready for another one. >> do you have to be a meteorologist to say 90 is hot? >> no, you do not. >> i say it's hot. okay, let's do this... it's a new year people, we have to hit the ground running. so, we're upgrading to verizon. they have the speed we need, plus rock solid tools like online storage and ironclad internet security. it was built for businesses like ours... now, nothing will stand... [ music fading ] stand in... [ sighs ] sit tight, i'll run and get some batteries. [ male announcer ] no matter what the day brings, be ready with verizon high speed internet and phone for your small business. call 877-network today and for just $84.99 a month for 12 months with a 3 year agreement, you'll get a best-in-class package: high speed internet with up to 7 meg speeds,
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unlimited nationwide calling, 25 gigs of online storage plus our internet security suite and free wi-fi access from thousands of hot spots nationwide. all backed by the reliability of the verizon network. it's a total business solution that you can't get from cable. call 877-network today and see how verizon call the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 800-974-6006 tty/v. offers so much more for less.
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did you really think the drama was over with john and kate plus eight? >> no. >> good, because we've got more for you. >> the discovery of another drug connected to michael jackson's death if you can believe that. >> tmz is with us live this morning with the latest on these stories. good morning. >> how are you doing today? >> more on the michael jackson death though. now they found a powerful
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stimulant. uppers and downers at the same time for michael jackson. >> they found this pill bottle, had about 13 pills and the pill, each would include it's got like 20 milligrams or something of ephedrine, caffeine and as principal. the amount of caffeine that was in this pill was like the equivalent of a six pack of coke. so there was a lot of caffeine. if you're popping pills that have that much caffeine, of course you're never going to fall asleep. they say with this, the makers of this pill, they say do not take it after noon or you will not go to bed, you will have insomnia. so it makes you think a little more, michael jackson one of those people that he would take whatever he wanted when he wanted it. he always liked coca-cola, could drink large amounts which would keep you up as well. so the combination of these pills, no one will ever sleep on all that stuff. >> that's really disappointing. also at the same time we have
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this ongoing case against dr. conrad murray. now he's saying that basically michael jackson, the state of his eyes when he was found might lead to believe that he himself shot himself up or whatever you would do to administer these drugs. tell us more. >> conrad murray said when he ran in the room and found michael jackson dead, that his eyes were open and that he was laying there on the bed motionless. well, ears the thing. if conrad murray would have injected him, he would have gone to sleep. if it was conrad murray, and it was just too much, he would have just died in his sleep and his eyes would have been closed. with conrad murray's theory that -- injected himself, would have died that instant by an overdose which would have meant his eyes would have been open. they're saying if his eyes were open, that means he did it to himself. if his eyes were closed, conrad murray did it. >> tell us about jon and kate.
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>> this is ridiculous. i just want them to go away. now jon is saying that he wants custody of the children, that he feels like kate is an absentee mother because she's doing dancing with the stars, she's never there. she's firing back. she's very upset about these allegation. she said, look, he's just being mean-spirited, of course i'm there, i'm not neglecting them whatsoever. jon's saying, look, i don't want to pay the 20 grand a month in child support, i think i could be there all the time. i just want them to go away. everyone knows that they're both good parents but that kate is obviously there and she's the number one right now. >> okay. thanks. that's a lot of news out of l.a. thank you so much. >> if you want more, you can 6:00. tmz on fox 5 after the now, are you going to do some weather for us? >> jon has never been a role
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model? >> does he want all of the eight kids? or not paying the money. >> he couldn't handle the eight kids. we're going to transition to weather. you can see we have a little bit of water in the atmosphere, but we're going to lose that. we're really going to watch the heat move in. but the trees are blooming, you can tell. pollen is up, too. let's talk temperature trend and today will be the last of our mini heat wave to start april. if you liked yesterday, you're going to love today. 90 degrees, we're a little concerned, we're going to have some fire danger a little later today. don't play with fire if you don't have to out there this afternoon as our relative humidity will be very low. tomorrow much cooler. that front will start to move in. then look what happens behind, a cold front. friday and saturday's daytime high, that's where we should be in the low to mid 60s this time of year. here come the warmer temperatures. 73 right now at reagan
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national, 75 in gaithersburg. remember, it's early april, already fredericksburg you're 77 degrees. so a very warm start of the day. it's going to be hot around here. no doubt about it as we continue to be influenced by this area of high pressure. you see the clouds kind of moving in from the south and west. our flow will be out of the south and west up ahead of this cold front which will get in here tomorrow afternoon and spark off some needed showers at this point. and then the cooler air behind it. up ahead of it, one more day record breaking heat certainly a possibility for much of the area, particularly west of the district. places like dulles, you're going to be in the 90s, frederick. behind it here comes the cooler air for the weekend as temperatures will fall back to where they should be. there you go, you don't see that too often in april. sunny skies, near record heat. winds out of the south and west
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bat 10 to 15 miles per hour. there's your forecast. here's another bright spot. it could be sunny and dry both saturday and sunday. get out and enjoy it. >> not a bad weekend. thank you. a big day for the washington redskins tuesday. >> without any further ado, the quarterback donovan mcnabb. >> what the former eagle had to say about becoming a washington redskin next. (woman) these are my mom's shoes. i walked in her shoes all 60 miles. (laughs)
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(man) when they first told us she had breast cancer, i was scared to death. i thought that i was gonna lose my best friend. (woman) the 3-day walk is-- is a life-changing experience. it's so filled with hope, with love and support. (man) i don't want my daughter to have to go through what she went through. i have to walk. i will walk. (man) register today for the susan g. komen 3-day for the cure. visit to request your informational dvd and receive free promise ring. (woman) i never really got to have a say in whether or not i wanted to lose my mom. and i feel like having done this walk and having had this experience, i feel like i have finally had my say. susan g. komen for the cure, the global leader of the breast cancer movement. register today for the komen 3-day for the cure, because everyone deserves a lifetime.
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dave feldman was there. >> without the any further ado, our quarterback donovan mcnabb. >> reporter: donovan mcnabb was formally introduced as a redskin on tuesday, an almost too conceivable concept is as recently as a couple of days ago, mcnabb thought he was an eagle for life. >> well, it was shocking, it definitely was shocking, but in this lifetime anything is possible, and for the right price i guess. but the whole thing about it is that the redskins came into it and offered what the eagles wanted. >> reporter: hat redskins wanted and got was a veteran quarterback who is a proven winner, a six time pro bowler, he played in five nfc championship games. mcnabb is 33, but according to his new head coach still has plenty in his tank. >> i think they are a surprise. they understand the game. a guy like donovan, too, he's a bigger guy, he can take the punishment.
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a guy like john elway, steve young, they can play really as long as they want it play if they still have that desire and as you can see he's got a lot of passion. >> when you have that experience, it really rubs off on the rest of the guys. they have a lot of young guys here and they're looking for some veteran leadership. i've been through a lot of situations and know how to handle those. >> reporter: d.c. loves its football team and the fans and the media have a reputation for being a little easier on their team than their brethren from philly. >> i don't look at it that way. i just want to kind of do what i've been doing over the years and improve and that's just trying it play well and trying to get everyone involved on the offense, get the defense fired up and special teams. we have that ability. we just have to put it out on the field consistently and come out with wins. >> now, mcnabb has the third highest winning percentage of all active quarterbacks, only tom brady and peyton manning have other percentages. >> and you can see raw footage of dave's interview with mcnabb
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[ male announcer ] ready to make this year a great year for your small business? ♪ verizon is here to help with everything you need to make the most of every dollar -- and every opportunity. you'll get high speed internet with a dedicated line to your business for consistently fast speeds; free wi-fi access from thousands of hot spots nationwide; plus unlimited calling to customers and suppliers across the country. call right now and we'll include two free extras for an entire year: our advanced internet security suite, plus 25 gigs of online storage,
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enough to safeguard all your important busins files. it's a total business solution backed by the reliability of the verizon network, all for just $84.99 a month for 12 months. and you can't get it from cable. let's get to work. verizon wants to help your business succeed, starting with everything you need for just $84.99 a month. call 1-866-my-tools. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 800-974-6006 tty/v.
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"slumdog millionaire." 24 fans should be prepared to be surprised and the tensions will run high between his character and the lead character jack bauer. >> first of all, the entire team, they are completely against me, now the family as well as jack bauer. this is really a role of a lifetime role for me, and something which i've never done and i really, really enjoy doing this role. >> i loved it when he goes, who wants to be a millionaire. the final episodes of 24 air monday night right here on fox 5. >> i'll bet in a way they were both life tile roles, that's what made him. >> definitely knew him. ' top chefs and mixologists. isn't that a bartender? chefs and mixologists will come together to help raise money to
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fight against childhood hunger. >> sarah is spending the morning with some of the foodies who will be part of the taste of the nation event. was that the peas and carrots you showed there before? >> it was, a little earlier. this is the finish product of the peas and carrots. this won't feed an army of children, but it will give them an appetizer. the money that is raised that's coming up on monday will help feed children around the country. this is peas and carrots, a wonderful appear tightser you have developed for taste of the nation. something people will have if they head to this. >> they will. and the fun we just made it up this morning. so you did a lot of the work yourself. >> yeah, i don't know if i could take that much of the credit. it's green ravioli. >> there's really no pasta. it's kind of a skin around the liquid of the peas. of course carrots. what is better for kids than
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peas and carrots. >> and r.j. is the chef here, and he is one of 60 chefs, also you're going to have mixologists from around the region that are going to be at this. >> absolute thely. >> coming up with all kinds of fascinating things. >> derek being one of the great mixologists/bartenders. i call them bartenders. >> that's what he said. isn't that a bartender? >> i call myself a bartender. >> give us a little idea, we have the peas and carrots here, but you are coming up with your own cocktail for the event as well. tell us what you have here. >> absolutely. basically what i did is i wanted something that was very fresh. obviously we had to suffer through this winter. i wanted something where we're celebrating spring and have a lot of fruit and fresh taste. so basically i mixed a peco,
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chartreuse, lemon juice and gren dean with palms, or a pomegranite juice. >> so you are a mixologist. >> well, i don't have any advanced degrees in mixology. >> it tastes pretty good. >> we put in about an ounce of each of the spirits. so it's also not necessarily the best morning drink. >> no, you don't want this for breakfast. this taste of the nation perhaps, or maybe tonight. come by and request it. derek's drink maybe at the passport where you work. >> the passenger. >> the passenger, correct. >> this is a liquor sort of has a herb arabs caisht to it. fresh lemon juice. you should always use fresh juice. this is the gren a dean i made with -- gren dean i made with
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poms. gives it a little bit of sweetness. >> then you have, there's no shaking for this drink. >> no, no, i'll be shaking it in just a moment. there is, it is important to shake it thoroughly. i often see people sort of lazily kind of twirling like this. this is not blending ingredients. you have to put a little bit of effort into it to get a wellness drink. >> you got the wrist action. it's very important. you were explaining to me before. >> exactly. could i dance to that? so about 20 seconds. >> you do it for about 12 seconds. we already have a great cocktail made for you. the barry daisy, the daisy an old classic cocktail that comes from before prohibition. the margarita is based off the tulip. >> very good and very refreshing. i think a loft people are going to love this. at taste of the nation coming up on monday. tickets, more information, the
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v.i.p. tickets are gone so they're selling out quickly. so you're going to want to head to our website for more information on where you can get tickets. r.j. and derrick there be will. this morning we are bringing you the latest spring sneaker fashions. >> yes, the ?ieker man has joined us once again with shoes that show off the newest style trends and in some cases technology. >> nice to meet you. >> i need a sneaker to go with my outfight this season some of the coolest sneakers have been released. one of the sneakers i'm going start with is reebok. it actually helps you move forward using less of your own muscle. >> i love it. >> so as an athlete you're running, when you're jogging on the treadmill or if you're racing someone, as you step down, it kind of pushes you forward. >> or if you're walking in the
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mall. >> exactly. >> is that for comfort, don't you want to use your muscles? >> yeah, you want to use your muscles, but a the lot of times when you're competing we all need that edge, now -- you know what i mean. 99 bucks is not bad. >> that's in stores now. >> in stores everywhere. >> are you surprised at the variety of sneakers you can get out there. >> i think they've done a great job of producing sneakers that appeal to every demographic. so any demographic, any type of athlete depending on any type of foot, there's a shoe available for that. balls you have to smart business is appealing to everyone. just like these sneakers here, i got these from rock wear. i went into the office, these, they passed these on to me. these are actually boating sneakers. >> look at that. >> these are called rock the boat. >> notice the gucci-inspired. >> no doubt. >> love it. >> i wore them one day,
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obviously i'm probably the on one who has it, and people were going crazy trying to figure out where had a shoe is. >> this is a nice looking shoe. >> that is great shoe for activities outdoors. the trail attack 6 by asix. what's great about them is they're great for hiking and trailing which is kind of walking through the forest. >> i like how they look. >> i did it recently and had the wrong shoe. >> don't do that. >> i know. >> how many stones did you get in your shoe? >> leaches? >> go ahead. >> can i ask a quick question. how many pair of sneakers do you have? >> right now i'm playing down to 100. we did this huge giveaway where we sent a left shoes to haiti, then the year before that we actually did a huge giveaway, that was actually documented by some reporter did a whole thing on it. >> how much is this shoe?
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>> this is 89, about $85 which isn't bad. these are more of a style-based shoe. the bb 4600 by reebok, it's a classic basketball shoe. >> looks like a throw back. >> it's completely a throw back. what's great about this is the style and it comes in two other colors, a gray and a baby blue version, a royal blue, and these shoes are hot. this is just a great shoe to kind of blend into a cool urban outfit. >> this looks like a golf shoe to me. >> these are golf shoes. my buddies sent these to me. what's great about these shoes and sneakers is. >> great shoes. >> they breathe. sometimes you take your shoes off and you put your foot down and there's moisture. these shoes allow the moisture to seep out. but at the same time they don't allow water to seep in. wills really good. so when you're golfing, you're walking on the trails and you see a puddle, you can step right in and step right out and
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be fine. >> don't talk to me about that. i love this shoe. >> the prada shoe, i'm probably the only person in american who that is shoe. the america cup from a style point of view, hot, they have about five or six other really great color combinations that start at one color. i actually wear when i'm going to the club because they're sneakers and i can kind of get away with sneaking into a club wearing them. >> how much is that? >> about 400 bucks. >> i guess if you have to ask, tony. >> that's bad. >> give me my shoes. >> good to see you, man. >> you're great. >> thank you so much. >> i got to send you a huge box. >> a small box with two of these. >> you heard that, nate.
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