tv Fox Morning News FOX October 11, 2010 9:00am-10:00am EDT
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here with a look at this warm day. >> going to be hot around here. and high temperatures topping the mid to upper 80s so a good 15-20 degrees above normal in some spots. other than that a fine afternoon with sunshine. gets get to temperatures. a warm-up after a cool night. 63 in downtown washington. 63 in fredericksberg. still in the 50s in places like baltimore. dulles is 57. and in oceany city it is 53. i should think the temperatures will warm up rapidly and you'll notice the heat around here this afternoon as i mentioned with temperatures in the mid- 80s. that's a good 10 degrees warmer than yesterday. here is our satellite radar, very quiet conditions and we do have a cold front off to the north. and we'll increase cloudiness and bring us a chance of showers overnight and into the daytime hours tomorrow. but for today it's high pressure and with winds out of the southwest, we're in for one
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day of summertime temperatures until a gradual cooldown which will leave temperatures in the mid-60s. beautiful for a holiday. 86 degrees. more details on the forecast and a look at the five-day in a couple of minutes. allison and tony, back to you upstairs. our big story this monday morning, a devastating accident in rockville under investigation this morning. two men struck and killed while trying to cross rockville pike. >> that happens to be one of the county's rather so-called hot spots where officials are concentrating on safety upgrades. sarah simmons joins us live from the scene now. sarah? >> reporter: well tony and allison, this is rockville pike and marinelli road where the accident occurred yesterday morning just after 3:00 a.m. as you mentioned, police say the driver they believe is -- they suspected alcohol was a factor in that crash and he has been arrested. of course not charged right now. the two men that did die, adam hasin ski and rory white rod
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were crossing when the accident occurred and were hit by that car. now at this point, it's still unclear whether or not those two pedestrians were in the crosswalk, whether or not the driver was at fault here. that is something they're going to be investigating. but obviously this is' very dangerous intersection of road and that's why we want to talk today with the montgomery county pedestrian safety coordinator because they are doing some work along rockville pike, one of the places here in montgomery county. jeff dunkle is here with me today. tell me about -- this is one of the spots you're looking at trying to make improvements. explain what you would like to see done to make it safer? >> that's correct. we're concerned about the stretches of roadway with we have a higher incidents. and that's one reason we are here, to try to address these issues. this section of roadway is on the southern edge of the high end areas to make it safer. but one important thing to note
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is these are state roads. we have seven hood rai that's are high incident that we are working on now and five of those are state roadways. so we must work in partnership to make the improvements and that allows us to make changes which are now in the work and we can expect those to be implemented over the next year or two. >> reporter: talk to me about technology. a signal looking like a driver. >> clearly when you cross the road is when you are at risk and that's what happened the previous night. and so we're trying to improve our crosswalk situation and the one you mentioned is on our websitem it's an scaremental signal that is pushed and the lights flash and it stops the traffic for the pedestrians to cross. we're now testing that. so far it's proven to be fairly
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successful. we're evaluating it to see if we can use it in other places in the county. the state is working with us on that. and we are trying to make these intersections to cross and state has a program in place that we're working with them on to put the accessible signals like you hear right here. and we are trying to improve the markings and do comedian treatment that will encourage pedestrians to go to a safe location to cross. >> reporter: and it's very crucial that people use the signals as well. we don't know what happened the other night but it's important to use the signals and crosswalk and not try to cross against the signal. >> you make a good point. we think of it as the three e's, which is engineering, education and enforcement. and if people fail to use them or cross against the light then they are still at risk. so education is a big part of
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what they must do, along with traffic laws and posting speed limits. that's part of what they are pushing forward. >> reporter: thank you for talking with us this morning. ands can see -- and you can see, things they are working on to make rockville pike safer. sunday morning incident, they are still looking into that now. back to you. the search is on for a missing woman from bethesda. montgomery county police say 60- year-old he's us gang was last seen yesterday afternoon outside of her home. she's described as an asian female, 105 pounds, brown eyes and salt and pepper colored hair. her family said she frequently visited dupont circle. anyone with information is asked to call montgomery county police.
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police say richard boyd, jr., paid an acquaintance $1,000 and a handful of oxycontin at his home to have his estranged wife kills. he tipped off cops. and the charges are attempted murder, and distribution of a controlled substance. the 33 men trapped in a chilean mine are set to be free on wednesday. crews put the finishing touches over the escape tunnel. all men are being closely upon forked. precautions have been taken to prevent blood clots and nausea. karzai has told larry king live that discussions with the taliban is ongoing. police have arrested the director of the company that
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owns the metals plant where a reservoir flooded several continues with toxic red sludge. the prime minister said the government is taking over direction of the company, is freezing its assets. pen people died and one is still missing in the wake of the red flood deluge from a storage pool where a byproduct of aluminum production is kept. and residents are being told to wear protective gear because the air is not safe. candidate carl paladino said he does not discriminate against gays in his business or personal life but does oppose gay marriage. he spoke on a network this morning. he said he doesn't want children brain washed into thinking homosexuality is acceptable. >> i just think my children and your children will be much better off and much more
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successful getting married and raising a family and i don't want them brain washed into thinking that homosexuality is an equally valid on the because it isn't. >> he is trailing andrew cuomo in the polls. a spokesman for cuomo show that he has a basic disregard for human equality. turning to the race for the maryland governor, the two candidates who are running in a rehatch of the 2006 gubinatorial race will hold their first debate today in baltimore. and president obama is stepping up the pressure on republicans. the without hopes a slew of campaign stops and fundraiser will create tractions for democrats leading into the mid- term elections. luzs will has the story. >> the president is going to florida today to help raise
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money for endangered democrats, part of a final campaign push with just 22 days to go. >> on 2nd i need you as fired up as you were in 2008. >> reporter: that may not happen but it won't by for lack of effort by the president. this was in philadelphia over the weekend and the campaign push continues today with the president and democrats setting their sites on a big republican supporter, the u.s. chamber of commerce. >> now that's not just a threat to our democrats, it's a threat to our democracy. and he accuses the campaign for targeting key players. the came ber and republicans deny it and neither the president nor the white house could back up the claim. >> do you have any evident that it's anything other than peanuts? >> well do you have any evidence it's not, bob?
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>> the president of the united states accused the chamber of commerce and new ad accused ed gillespie and i of a criminal -- of a criminal investigation and they have not one shred of evident to bake up that base also lie. and this week the president will go to massachusetts and ohio. and even make a presence on national tv. fox 5 news. work is taking place on the blue and orange line, gay gut west and mcphearson square stations will be closed until tomorrow's morning rush. and the red line will not beected. for more information we have a link at a columbus day celebration in the district today. the national park service and
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the national columbus celebration. a replaying is taking place at 11:00 this morning at the columbus fountain in front of union station. columbus day was declared a fashion alcohol day in 1971. into cold and flu season is getting underway. the average child will catch 6- 10 colds this school year. but parents need help. >> a segment you don't want to miss. some easy steps to take to keep your kids healthy. and the redskins pull out another hart-stopping win. how did they do it? we'll look at it with dave ross and look at some of the unsung heroes. it's 9:11.
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and flu creep into schools. , the workplace and our homes. you can reduce your risk for getting sick and how do you keep illness away from kids when they spend hi days at school with -- when they spend their days at school about hundreds of germs. and the former doctor of the first lady laura bush. >> thank you for having me. >> we were talking the break. you make very good points about cold, flu, some of the problems and some of the things that make us more susceptible to it. and they go beyond the typical things that we hear about covering your mouth, washing your hands and all of those. can we go through those and we'll have some graphics. >> very quickly, there are three main points that i try to tell parents to focus on to keep kids from getting sick and if we keep our kids from getting sick then it keeps us from getting sick.
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so a lot of people don't realize that nutritional deficiencies can weaken our immune system and make us available to colds and flus. and so when people say you are what you eat, that is true when it comes to your immune system. and so foods that i brought today are able to help feed your immune system. >> so this will build us up. >> it can. and if it doesn't prevent you from getting sick, it can alleviate the symptoms and severity. and i talk about all of these wonderful foods but i can my kids to eat beets and cabbage all of the time and so this is one of my supplements because it combines the nude rents in single containers or multiple foods. and my son who came in sick the
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other day, i was able to give him a supplement and i was able to alleviate his symptoms. >> so these are for children and adults. >> absolutely. and when kids are expressed and it weakens their immune system. and just like we are overscheduled and our kids get over scheduled as a consequence. that causes stress. not sleeping enough. kids need 9-10 hours of sleep every night to stay healthy. so focus on not overscheduling and sleep. and then the last point that i always make is we live in a wonderful world of technology where we are all sharing and passing our iconology but when i touch an iphone and pass it on to you or my child or my child is passing it on to them, we're passing the same bugs.
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>> and now they have touchscreens. >> exactly. and i put in handy wipes or hand sanitizers and encourage my kids to not pass your phones, if you do need to share or in computer lab, use the hand sanitizer and keep your hands away from your mouth. >> and we all get colds. when you take medicines like over-the-counter medicines, do they help you get better or just alleviate the symptoms? >> that's a perfect question. it only helps to alleviate your systems. in many cases when you are talking about viral illnesses and colds and blues it has to run its worse. but headlines like anti-hist mean, they'll treat you but they don't kill the illness. >> and we're looking at symptoms for flu. and one of the things here, it seems like we all just make each other sick constantly. what is the uncubation period.
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how long are you contagious, for example, with the flu. >> you can be contagious for even up to after a week. so the best thing is if you feel ill and some of the symptoms, you need to stay home. now we're all type a personalities and driven and want to come to work but many times that's the worse thing we can do because we expose others. so you really feed to stay home. >> there you go. we may need you to write some notes for us. >> be glad to, tony. >> thank you very much. we appreciate it. we'll have all of this information on our website at you can check there as well. >> wonderful, thank you. >> allison, back to you. >> don't we dread the season coming up. thank you so much. that helps a lot. "saturday night live" getting some buzz after mocking one of the most bizarre lines ever spoken in a political ad. >> hi, i'm christine o'donnell and i'm not g like you heard.
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i'm you and just like you, i have to constantly deny i'm a witch. if elected to the hunan senate, i promise to fly straight down to washington, on a plane, and do what you would do, not spell. >> that's kristin wig playing a tea party candidate christine o'donnell. this weekend she addressed her now infamous talk show appearance where she said she dabbled in witchcraft as a kid. it was said to be funny. who is the first guest host of tv's saturday night life? the answer is just ahead. and more representation for the united states on the list of noble price winners. new announcement just out this morning.
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americans peter diamond and dale mortenson and one british man won the 2010 noble economics prize. they won the award for developing theories that helped to explain how economic policies can effect unemployment. diamond is an economist at m.i.t. and mortensen is an economics professor at northwestern university in illinois. paperwork problems are complicating a foreclosure crisis. this week the attorneys general from 40 states are expected to launch a join investigation of allegations that banks used fraudulent paperwork to foreclosure on struggling homeowners. and banks try to figure out what -- what went wrong with their documents. more than 58 million people who get social security
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benefits will go through another year with no cost of living adjustment for next year. they sparking interest from those still recovering from reception. this is the second year of going without an increase due to inflation since years ago. and dave ross joins us with more on how the burgundy and gold did it straight ahead on monday morning quarterback. and then we have a cutie in studio. fox 5 morning news will be right back. blah
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another victory for the burgundy and gold this time in overtime and they remain atop the nfc east. joining us now with your monday morning quarterback is fox 5's dave ross. dave, if you had told me at the beginning of the year it would be 3-2 and they would have baten the teams that they beat, i would have said, really. >> let's go back three weeks and you see the big loss and then at philadelphia and then the green bay packers and then the indianapolis colts and then at time they would have to go to the then undefeated bears. you're like it's going to be 0- 4. and now 3-2 and on top of the division and now you say bring on the colts. >> not to get arrogant. and they played terribly for three quarters but they can beat almost any team. >> and just like a fan, he hung in there. and you wait all day for them to make a play and finally in
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the fourth quarter, down 13-3 and who makes the play? anthony armstrong. he's a second year guy and miami didn't want him and the redskins took him. they cut devon thomas this week and you wonder why. well this is a guy probably playing his position and stepping up to make a huge play to make a deficit with points and the thing of the day was defense. the defense finally picked up the pace. again donovan mcnabb you look up and he has 350 yards. the first three quarters you thought they couldn't do anything and then they look up and they had a good day. but the defense held them in check. and i thought there was a couple of guys that we need to talk about. one being lorenzo alexandria. there was a huge play in the first half, redskins are down 7- 0 and it's a fourth and goal from the 1 yardline and lorenzo alexandria is out here on an island and makes a great play,
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knocking the ball away. if he doesn't make that play it's 14-0 and who knows what happens there and from the looks of that you thought, oh, no. and probably things they wouldn't have gotten done, they got done yesterday. and how big was leron landry on this day? 13 tackles and the game-winning interception here in over time. this is earlier in the game. first drive of the game, a huge hit -- a huge hit and they didn't score but you're keeping the packers off the field. you can't say enough about the defense. they said in training camp, we're going to make more plays this year. they're making a key play to keep the offense off of the deal. >> and if we have him, brian orakpo.
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have you been to hawaii? >> no. >> he went last year to the probowl. and he's probably going back this year. he's been held countless times. not sure about the celebration dance but he has to work on that and he can do that in hawaii. >> i've been to hawaii but not the bowl game. and i said landry won the game, but it put us in position, but gano did win the game. >> and the kick returner for the redskins, is that the smallest player in nfl history. >> i love him. because when i interview him, i can look down on him. brandon, what are you thoughts on the game? he's my go-to guy in the locker room. i think he's 140 pounds. >> no. i weigh that. >> about a buck 47. >> thank you, dave. tucker barnes is with us
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now. >> beautiful weather. if you're outside playing football or golf. but other than that, everything is good to go today. as we're going to have some record heat later this afternoon and places out to the west, that toward dollars and we might see temperatures in the mid-80s. 66 now at reagan national. 60s and 70s not too far away. frederick is 72 degrees. that's nice and warm. fredericksberg is 73. 71 out to the west in chin chester 63 in martinsberg. and it is only 70 year. yesterday's daytime highs were in the 60s -- excuse me, mid- 70s and so today mid-80s. so so degrees warmer than yesterday. and all because of high pressure. there is a little bit of cloud cover, there are clouds -- clouds rolling through the area. and it should by a mostly sunny afternoon as this area of low
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pressure moves in. it's just a one-day heat wave. we have a storm sagging off the 95 corridor during tonight and tomorrow. so we are in for a cool down today. there is the cold front and for columbus day it couldn't be nicer. and the possibility of scattered showers tomorrow with high temperatures as mentioned in the mid-80s today and mid- 70s tomorrow with highs only in the 60s toward the end of the week. so we are in for a cooldown later. 86 this afternoon and a lot of sunshine. winds out of the west at 5-10 miles per hour. could be a few showers tonight. 10-20% chance we'll be dry if you have outdoor plans. and tomorrow only 30-40% chance of rain. and here is the five-day forecast. highs only in the 60s and we could see more rain on thursday night into friday. we'll fine tune that for you. that's a look at the weather. and i'm going to throw it over
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to allison and some very cute dogs. >> we have four really cute dogs today. there are millions of pets waiting for forever homes. and if you're thinking about a don'ting a cuddly friend -- if you're thinking about giving a cuddly friend a home, these are the ones. >> this baby is 3 and a half months old. they don't know they are not big dogs. >> look at how sweet they are. >> they are labrador shepherd mixes probably. and the sweetest laps. >> and their haley and heath? >> haley is the girl and heath is the boy. he said i'm a happy boy.
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>> and i have corky? and she's a pap illon. >> she's a pill illon and that's the french word for butterfly and she came from a backyard breeder so living outside. and the reason i brought her to show there are so many pure bred dogs in rescue and they don't know that. we have tons. you know the poodle from last time and pap illon and chihuahuas. >> and we have good news about our poodle pups? >> they all got adopted. the little boys were sad to be separated. but inky and whitey and scamp. >> i had that patch at the bottom. and we have some others. hi, simon. you can sit? simon is very sweet. a boxer-lab mix. you can sit for us. >> nose are two great breeds.
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>> and so many people think that their inferior but they are not. they are smarter -- smarter and healthy and will live longer. and he was confiscated from a cruelty case so he's happy to be with other dogs and people. >> and already listening to commands and all of that. >> yeah. >> reporter: and tell us about this adoption event and you have one every saturday. >> come on out and meet the dogs and we have 50-60 puppies and if i could do a quick ask for fosters. if anybody is interested in taking care of a dog we provide the food and crates and we need some love. >> do you think they will all be there. if you just fell in love, you can meet everybody at the petco in chantilly. thank you so much. >> thank you so much. >> i don't want to say goodbye.
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tony over to you. >> they are cute. thank you allison. for years it's the main gateway to concerts but now ticket master is facing a challenge from the man who steered it to success. what it means for you coming up next after the break. a tift of hollywood comes to d.c. and it sounds like fun but alerts into bad traffic. an alert about several road closures today. it's 9:38. we'll be right back.
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hi there i'm ian wright and i'm investigating what makes aruba so happy. oh my word that's fantastic. ♪ row your boat gently down the stream... ♪ i'll tell you what; it's not aloe vera the main export. it's happiness. i haven't even got bait on the end of mine. i don't care; it's just nice sitting here. you're getting it. you're getting it. i have fallen in love with making bird houses. caw caw! [ director ] what is that? that's a horrible crow. here are some things that i'll make as little portals. honestly, i'd love to do this for the rest of my life so i've got to take care of my heart.
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for me, cheerios is a good place to start. [ male announcer ] got something you'll love to keep doing? take care of your heart. you can start with cheerios. the natural whole grain oats can help lower cholesterol. brrrbb... makes you feel ageless. [ male announcer ] it's time. love your heart so you can do what you love. cheerios. [ bob ] squak. movie madness in d.c. was going to translate into some traffic pains. filming for transformers 3 starts today near the capitol and the white house. that means there will be parking restrictions and several streets will be closed. including third street between constitution and independent
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where traffic enforcement is already aggressive. and maryland avenue between 3rd and 6th will be closed. >> we anticipate the impact will be minimal and the excitement high. >> there is low level hire -- pyrotechnic and some fires. >> and the stars will be here to too. the former chief executive for ticket master is about to take on his old company. frederick rosen is expected to be announced today as the ceo for a new u.s. subsidiary of canadian ticket agency outbox technology. they are planning to cut outed middle man, the so-called white label service will enable clients to sell directly from their own website. you endorse that.
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>> yes. well an online push toward healthy eating. coming up next, the editor and chief of one popular internet magazine joins us to talk about their message and to cook up some yummy delicious food and that is go for you, and us too. and then four performance venues, three visual art galleries and a 4,000 square football room. holly is live in roslyn when fox 5 morning news continues. [ dad ] good morning. [ male announcer ] grands! biscuits. now we're home. [ male announcer ] it's just not home without 'em. [ female announcer ] these are the crescents you love on a holiday and these are the ones you'll love on a school night pillsbury ham and cheese crescents with just a few ingredients, you have an easy to make dinner. they're crescents for the other 364. try them tonight.
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>> exactly. and i would like to stress that we try to get the fresh. the rock things out of the freezer are not that great. and so we start with the cornish hen that we split in half and i've done this here and seasons it with basil, oregano and thyme. and you put it in a pan with a little bit of olive oil. and cornish hens are typically low in fat. and you see the one here, there is very little fat on that. so it's a good -- a good -- >> it is a good bird. i haven't had one in a long time but they are tasty. >> and then after you brown this, you take the vegetables, you see i have porta bellow mushrooms and chopped onions, celery and carrots and this is a appreciate bay leaf.
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and you saute that and in a little bit of olive oil until it's tender. and then transfer it to something like this. i love this because you can put it in the oven. it's quick, especially for busy moms. >> and a assume you don't cook -- it doesn't cook thoroughly in the pan. >> no. you put it in the oven. and actually, you can do everything in this pan. you can brown it, throw the vegetables in, put the top on and stick it in the oven for 30 minutes for 350. >> and you have an apple sauce. that can be tough to make. >> this apple cider has no additional sugar so you don't have to add anything except the apple cider. you cook it until it is tender and you can puree it, the typical apple sauce. i like it chunky because it has nice texture. >> and tell me about the
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magazine. recipes for good living magazine and it's an online magazine. what is the philosophy. >> that we are more than just food. the theme is eat, live and thrive. and the idea is to create balance in our lives, such as sleeping properly and exercising properly and if we are doing all of the other things in our life, we typically don't overeat. and if i'm stressed i will overeat. and if we can create that balance -- and there is also a section called growing good for children and it's all things kids. so it -- it duplicates eating right. >> and the link is online at and we'll link you to bonnie's website. we'll taste this in a couple of
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moments. we'll be back with that. but first let's go to holly at the artisphere. is that what it is called. >> reporter: you are right. it's in roslyn. 56,000 square feet. it used to be a museum and now you have the artisphere which is a one-stop cultural center where you can get work done, grab coffee with friends, woman here with live music and do dancing and you name it and everything is available. jim beyers is our tour guide for the morning and joins us once again and my question for you this hour is what is the best way for people, be it a young single, a family, married couple, to come and take advantage of the offerings here. >> we're metro accessible and a block and a half from the roslyn metro and there is free parking on evenings after 6:00 p.m. and through the weekend. so it is a great accessible space where you can hang out
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and be and enjoy. >> it's and 11:00 to 11:00 and on the weekends open later? >> one of the things we wanted to accomplish and with the roslyn bid was to engage the community and change the landscape and bring life after hours. >> reporter: and the program is for all ages? you can find something for everyone. >> yes. we are partnering with kids euro-fest and it's all on our website. >> reporter: and all available for you. go to our website, and we'll have a link to theirs. we have moved up this hour to what is called the terrace gallery and i want to introduce you to richard vossler because he is one of the artists exhibiting in the gallery. and tell us what you are showing us. >> this is a piece i've been working on that i was commissioned to make for the show and it's based off the
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idea of skateboarding and skateboard ramps and giving structure to that expression. >> reporter: so take us through the process here because we have the drawings and the models and the full-scale thing. >> there were a lot of males on the way to execution and one of the final drawings came out of that. the technical drawing how we put it together and try to visualize it and different visualizations and things. >> and are you a skateboarder. >> yes. >> reporter: did you go to a lot of different parks? >> i've been out there and i think that influenced my work. and i think that's sort of what came out. >> reporter: well let's head on over so we can show everybody the finished piece. and what are you hoping that people will walk away from with this when they come and look at this piece of art? >> well i think -- i don't know if you can suppose what the viewer will pull away from it,
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but the ideas behind it and calling on my personal experience of architecture and being and interacting with that and being an artist and car penter -- carpenter i hope people look at architecture in a different way. >> reporter: i know it's not a totally functioning piece for a skateboarder to hop on. but is it out of the materials? >> absolutely. including masonite for the sheathing is what people cover ramps with. so they are there. and we had 10 people skateboarding on it last week. >> reporter: oh how cool is that. >> that's where the scuff marks come from. >> reporter: i thought you put them there? you have to make it look authentic. >> and what was reaction from the opening weekend? >> people like it very much. and especially the people that
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came and skateboarded it. they enjoyed it their view point and the public is enjoying it from an aesthetic point of view. >> reporter: and to do something in this space, what does that mean to you? >> it feels fantastic because i'm honored to be in the show and the accompany of the artists and the curator asking me to be a part of it. it's been fantastic. artisphere is a great place. >> reporter: where have you exhibited your creations before, prior to here? >> oh, well i have a residency in nevada last year. i've done a lot of the galleries around here so quite a few places. >> reporter: is this at the top of the list in terms of places you've been able to exhibit. >> so far, i would say this is the great one. >> reporter: what do you think this will mean to the cultural landscape here in the the roslyn area. >> think it's great they are
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consolidating everything into one venue so you can come here and take in advance or the visual arts and music. >> reporter: how long will your exhibit be here? >> it reasons until november 28th. >> reporter: bing your skateboard out. no, i didn't say that. we can go down and get coffee after this. that's the beauty of the artisphere. i love it. is our website. we have the link to theirs to find out more. 7 days a week. 12 hours a day, that's what the artisphere has to offer for us here in the greater washington area. we're going to offer you more fox 5 morning news when we come back. stay with us.
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[ female announcer ] it's never been easier to bring the family together on sunday mornings than with the warmth and aroma of freshly baked pillsbury cinnamon rolls. [ wink! ] [ wink! ] ♪ ♪ [ female announcer ] new pillsbury sweet moments molten brownie bowls rich fudge over a warm chocolate brownie like nothing you've ever had before ready made sweet moments in the refrigerated section
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of "saturday night live"? the answer is george carlin. the show prince williamureed 35 years today on october 11th, 1975. the announcer was don bardo. >> that was really good. >> thank you. very cool. >> wow, 35 years ago. >> you can believe that? >> we have blue sky working in. it will be hot. special hot for the middle of october with highs in the middle 80s. there you go. maybe some record high temperatures out to the west toward dulles. tomorrow some cloud cover and then cooling down on wednesday, thursday and friday, highs only in the 60s and it will start to feel like fall. bonnie mcdaniels here. the recipes for good living magazine online. we'll link you at and i must say we've had some cornish hen and i'm hungry. >> thi
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