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tv   Fox Morning News  FOX  January 9, 2012 9:00am-10:00am EST

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>> yes. >> i like how you thought about that. >> he is untiger like in other ways. >> we didn't know what tiger was like until we knew what tiger was like. we had no idea about tiger. >> he was like a shield hood prodigy. >> the other stuff. >> yeah, -- he was like a childhood prodigy. >> the other stuff. >> my mom knows about tebow. >> i only get a minute let's go right to radar, showers in the forecast, best chance south of the city, right now we've got one lonesome shower, at 66 north of manassas, and you know, a cloudy day, cooler day than yesterday, as we watch the storm system pass to our south. let me show you a bigger picture satellite radar, storm system across the carolina, virginia border that will carry most of our energy to the south. frederiksburg, colonial beach, maybe a few ice pellets or
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snowflakes mixed in particularly out to the west, mountains west virginia south and west virginia. washington there are your winds, cool one, clouds 44 afternoon showers, more details on the forecast alison in a couple minutes back to you. thank you tucker. new in overseas news, this morning, a court in iran convicted an american man of working for the cia and sentenced him to death. he is 28-year-old amir, he is a former u.s. marine born in arizona grew up in michigan he has dual u.s. and iranian citizenship. iran claims he got special training and served in iraq and afghanistan before heading to iran to spy his trial took place as the u.s. slapped stiffer sanctions on iran for its nuclear program. in the meantime new reports show iran is enriching uranium at a new under ground site that
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can with stand an air strike. center finals are buried under ground the uranium can be turned into a nuclear bomb it is another show of defiance against u.s. and european pressure. tony. >> here in the district police are trying to figure out why robbers stole a cab last night with a passenger in it. detectives are looking into the kidnapping and saying the cab stopped 1st and atlantic street southeast just before 11:00 p.m. last night, the cabbie got out to help another passenger but another car pulled up and a man jumped into the cab and drove off. dc police are hunting for the person who killed a teenager early yesterday morning 19-year-old david lee robinson was shot at 58th and foot streets northeast washington, he was taken to a local hospital where he died from his injuries. police have no leads in this case yet but thing the shooting may have been over a pair of
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shoes. there is a reward if you help catch the killer you can remain anonymous please contact district police. a group of hunters in maryland including one who got shot face charges this morning, four friends have been charged after a hunting accident that left a man in the hospital, in fort washington. the victim was hit in the chest and stomach with buck shot, hunting is illegal in that area. so everyone in the group will be charged. congress will honor a month golly county police officer today for his -- montgomery county police officer today for his role in the shooting at the discovery channel building. he will receive the congressional badge of bravery he was off duty when he heard about the gunman and hostage situation he went inside helped hostages and provides details to officers at the scene. an emotional night in tucson arizona as gabrielle giffords took to the stage the
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mark the one year anniversary of the deadly tucson shooting rampage. thousands gathered at a candlelight vigil honoring the live offs the six people killed and the 13 others injured last year. giffords lead the crowd in the pledge of allegiance before the vigil, the congress woman greeted people outside the tucson safeway where she was shot in the head january 8th last year. jared lee loughner the accused shooter is in a medical facility being forcibly medicated until he is competent to stand trial. back in the district, people held their own vigil honouring local victims of gun violence. they asked the public to do something tangible to help stop the violence. the police chief praised the city for helping get guns off the streets but vincente grey said we need to do more. >> bring the opportunity here
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for us to be able the control guns in the way they need to be controlled. dc leaders are lobbying for the nations capital to become the 51st state to control its own guns. newt gingrich's former spokesman lost his battle with stomach cancer over the weekend he was also an editor for washington times and author of two books, gingrich responded to his death calling him a caring and loving person. he was 63 years old. >> just one day left until the new hampshire primary, polls show mitt romney has a solid lead but some other candidates are making head way. stacy cohen has more. >> good morning alison down to the final hours now in the granite state. mitt romney is battling an expectations game as much as anything else. >> my goodness what a welcome i can't get over this thank you so much for being here tonight. what excitement. you can't deny that mitt romney does in fact, feel
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welcome here in new hampshire and the polls bear it out. the average of polls show his lead is formidable almost 20 points above his nearest competitor, texas congressman ron paul but he may be trending down. can we drop a little bit of piassaba loney >> his lead mean -- pious, baloney. >> his lead he is gaining every day. >> hunts man has to do well here all of his eggs are in the new hampshire basket but the others, rick santorum, newt gingrich and rick perry are looking ahead to south carolina. romney has to at least meet expectations which means he can't just eke out a win he needs a commanding performance from a some times unpredictable state. >> the thing that would be
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surprising this time if this is no upset. this time the surprise may be no surprise. >> the reason there could be no surprise, undecided new hampshire voters more than 60%, according to one poll have yet to make up their minds. >> thank you very much. looking ahead to the rest of january gop candidates will battle it out in three state primaries, first new hampshire, that is tomorrow, then in south carolina january 21st and florida january 31st. well, some great action on wild card weekened. >> denver broncos quarterback stealing the headlines once again dave ross is here for a little tebow time. >> it was an incredible game. >> man. >> yesterday. one of the best playoff games kind of nice being impartial. there is no local attachment to it you can sit back and watch and understand now why the
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country really is rivetted by this guy because again, aesthetically pleasing from a quarterback perspective not so much to the eye he doesn't look like payton manning doesn't stand up like your traditional great quarterback yet figures out a way to get it done. sensational we saw yesterday tim tebow again he is not your prototypical quarterback okay you are seeing the big touchdown behind me you can't see it enough. this is it they talk about his wind up delivery is slow and yeah, it takes him awhile to get it out but when he gets it out, there it goes. then tony this is what we have come to expect from him the quarterback sneak, runs it in, lowers head and shoulder, probably gets the fat lip in the process, news steelers were going to rally this team was in the super bowl a year ago. here comes roethlisberger to cautery we are going to overtime, everybody thought oh, tebow time is over right?
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>> wrong. >> 11 seconds is all it took the fastest overtime in the history of football. look at that. john ellway had the famous drive tebow said what took you so long i don't need a drive i need a play. there is john ellway. >> happy to see ellway. >> where did he get that tan. >> i don't know. >> he wasn't hanging around in denver long. after the game tebow tried to sum it up. >> just trying to you knowa go out there and play hard, play fast and be aggressive and you know, trust my teammates and trust the line, and you know get an opportunity, they make me look better than i really am >> i want to know apparently system of our facebook fans have written in to talk about the hat. >> yeah, they did >> i called it a skull cap but janet says it is a watchman's cap that looks like a skull cap too i think it has a little bill on the back flipped it around, i mean, please. >> what do you think.
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>> i do like it but you have to be special to pull this off. >> can tony and i pull it off. >> you have to be real special. >> real special. >> oh, no, don't say it again. >> you can't spell. >> this is really good >> i am not sure. >> manning played great. >> i mean looked like the three stooges, going through the falcon's defense goes through six guys to get to the defense. manning was far from -- >> running. >> did you like it >> i don't know what that was. >> manning could have a sandwich back there in the pocket he was back there so long. >> mario, giants move on to play green bay a game you can see here on fox 5. 4:30 p.m. let's look at ely.
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we played him tough here did somethings, offensively scored some points and our defense is playing great football hopefully they can continue to do that. offensive we will have to play strong, play good, score some points can't make mistakes and hopefully, get off to a faster start than we did today. i will say this, ely is taking a beating on my twitter they don't think that suit is his they thing it is payton's a hand me down. >> look at that thing. >> hen he turns 16 it will fit. >> when he gets his license. >> looks like a little boy >> he is just not wearing it well. >> the suit is okay he is just not wearing it properly. >> i had to do that myself this morning >> i don't like that shirt and tie combination. >> the bottom line, both those quarterbacks, this is a quarterback driven lead all jokes aside you will go as far as your quarterback takes you. i said this before you lose
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more games than you win, ie rex grossman when you do that you are worth your weight in goal that is why tom brady and payton manning, they can go out and win football games. >> speaking of quarterbacks, got to give props to ben roethlisberger bad ankle. >> i heard a lot of clam morring at half time, put in charlie. he has a super bowl ring for a reason he got beat yesterday by a guy no body thought could beat him tim tebow it is astounding when you thing about it, they lost their best wide receiver, running back their defense gave up two 4th quarter touchdowns yet they still won >> i like tebow i am getting sick of the tebow haters. >> they will be out in full force if they lose to new
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england. >> they won't lose. >> we will find out. >> coming up tips to make and reach your career goals in 2012. like winning the super bowl. >> we will be back 
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welcome back 9:16 a.m., 2011 ended on a positive note for jobs, friday u.s. bureau of labor statistics announced december 2000 jobs were created the national unemployment rate fell 6 .8%. barry downs branch manager for the staffing firm, robert half international joins us to talk about setting your own career resolutions for 2012 thanks for coming in. thank you for having me. >> before we talk resolutions let's talk about the job market right now. good numbers for the month of december is this generally -- does it look like this will be a good time for people the look for jobs again or transition to
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a different job. >> we talk about both of those a lot of professionals have decided to be patient and wait through the recession and so we figure a lot of people will be looking to move around this year, try to advance their careers i think it is an exciting time. >> there may be opportunity for them to do that. >> absolutely. >> let's talk about career resolutions you thing about that word you don't thing about your job situation but what are tips for developing career resolutions. >> well, you look at it a couple different ways one you don't want to aim too high. goals that are unattainable. if you haven't been able to advance your skills maybe get a certification you want to make it not vague. you want to break down going to get a job. to smaller steps, fix up your resume, update your social
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media status, let people know you are back in the job market, things like that you know, you are out there, people can see. >> more specific. >> yes. >> avoid resolutions that are beyond your control. >> yes, i want to raise in today's market companies still hold the purse strings if you thing to put yourself in position for a raise, understanding what new opportunities are happening inside the organization, doing job searches next step in your career. also understand what salaries are in today's job market. >> do your homework. >> absolutely. >> there is a lot of competition out there >> still a lot of competition. >> all right. what challenges do people face when it comes to sticks to their career goals? >> you know, goes back to setting them too high they fade away they are very ambitious beginning of the year and all of a sudden they let them fall
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by the wayside or create too many steps you want to prioritize things and then again knock one down at a time celebrate it, make sure you feel good about it and take the next step on the next opportunity. >> i think you've already answered this next question in one of your other questions but for people who have been out of the job market for awhile what are the things they must doob voicely you said update their resume -- obviously you said update their resume and social networks. >> very big. most companies you know, i was listening before twitter, you know, linked in also identifying a mentor someone who has been in themarket who can tell you what is going on, partnering up, going after toast master events, looking for a job. all right. well, during the next year obviously, you are not a psychic don't have a crystal ball but how optimistic are you. very, you know you are right, i thing what we saw
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through 2011 was exciting, the report from in december shows a positive direction so we hope to just continue on that momentum. >> very good, barry downs branch manager, with robert half international. >> coming up in just a little bit obama's, a new book hits store shelves tomorrow, while it focuses on the couple and the the strain in their relationship it highlights tug- of-war between the first lady and the president's staff. we will take a closer look. >> first today's trivia question what is the least popular month for u.s. weddings, january, march, november or december. good question answer later but if you want to guess now head to our facebook page. fox 5 morning news is back after the break [ female announcer ] what would you call an ordinary breakfast pastry
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that's been wrapped in a flaky crust stuffed with a gooey center toasted up all golden brown then given a delicious design? a toaster strudel. pillsbury toaster strudel. so fun. guys... [ female announcer ] pillsbury cinnamon rolls with cinnabon cinnamon are an irresistible sunday morning idea. nothing calls them to the table faster. sunday morning ideas made easy.
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never in my lifetime did i think i could walk 60 miles in 3 days. 60 miles in 3 days is-- is huge. if my mom can fight and beat breast cancer, i can walk 60 miles. you just put one foot in front of the other, and you know that you're walking for such a great cause that you just keep going. (man) that you have all these people coming together for one common goal. (woman) the goal is to bring an end to breast cancer. (woman) the fund-raising was the easiest part. people were very giving. complete strangers wanting to help. if i can do this, you definitely can do this. (woman) i'll never stop walking, not till we find a cure. (woman) and it has to end, but it starts with us. i knew someday i was gonna do this walk. it is the most rewarding experience i have ever had in my entire life.
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we can do this. you can do this. we can all do this together. (man) register today for the... and receive $25 off your registration fee. because everyone deserves a lifetime.
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a new book out tomorrow is putting the spotlight on the first couple especially michelle obama. >> it is written by prominent new york times reporter,. the book is titled simply the obama's and it makes claims that life for the first family has not been totally rosy one revelation is that michelle wanted to stay in chicago for the daughters to finish the school year. cantor claims they moved to dc right away only because michelle obama wanted to p the family together not because she was excited to fulfill duties of first lady and it cites friction. rahm emanuel didn't trust first ladies because of his clashes with hillary clinton in the 90s cantor writes, michelle
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and rahm emanuel had almost no bond the relationship was distant and awkward from the beginning, cantor talks about how the president relayed his wife's unhappy dealings about the back room deals that were cut, telling aids quote she feels as if our rudder isn't set right. david axle rod says when the first lady thinks things have been mishandled or off the track she will raise it because she is hugely invested in him. she will send the president's scheduler nasty notes if she doesn't book him for certain meetings or events. she said only in the most private intimate sense not in the sense of i am coming to your senior staff meeting. cantor did not interview the obamas for this book she talked to more than 30 staffers but the white house says the
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emotions, thoughtprivate moments described in the book reflects little more than the authors own thought. in the book cantor does include positive portrayals of both obamas as committed parents and down to earth power couple who have not lost their perspective. >> certainly a lot of buzz around this book still. >> sure will be thank you so much. a bungee jumper falls more than 60 feet and survives next. >> plus they are hard to resist the humane society of charles county is here with a few animals looking for forever homes. >> meet them when we come back it is 9:26 a.m. what would youl an ordinary breakfast pastry
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that's been wrapped in a flaky crust stuffed with a gooey center toasted up all golden brown then given a delicious design? a toaster strudel. pillsbury toaster strudel. so fun. mom, we're dying. no you're not, you're just hungry. make some totino's pizza rolls. we don't have any! front... left, totino's. [ male announcer ] well done mom! less drama, more fun! totino's pizza rolls. ♪ [ female announcer ] if whole grain isn't the first ingredient in your breakfast cereal, what is? now, in every box of general mills big g cereal, there's more whole grain than any other ingredient. that's why it's listed first on the side. from honey nut cheerios
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to cinnamon toast crunch to lucky charms, get more whole grain than any other ingredient... without question. just look for the white check. oh, man caught on camera a bun joy jump that went houringly -- bungee jump that went horribly wrong.
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jumping in victoria falls, new years eve, africa, her rope snapped sending her into the river she came to in the water after falling 65 feet she struggled against the rapids of the river. >> went black, um, straight away and i felt like i had been slapped all over i had to swim down and yank the bungee cord out of whatever it was caught into. >> she was not seriously injured in the fall, you can see all these bruises here she did spend a week in hospital. >> she is lucky to be alive. >> she really is. my goodness. >> that is hard to watch. >> i didn't thing people were still doing that. or is it one of those things people did it for years it caught on and was trendy then we stopped and other people still do it. >> still, they do it at some resorts i see people doing it on vacation. >> no desire. >> me either. >> that is a miracle she survived. >> it is. someone told me that river
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has alligators or crocodiles in it. >> right. >> that is the least of your problems if you survive. >> but she came to in the water that moment of unconsciousness could have meant dinner for some body. >> absolutely. >> but she is right. >> one more reason not to bungee jump >> i did not hear her say she would not do it again >> i didn't hear that either. >> we will have to ask her next time. >> great story for later in life. >> right. >> and there were alligators all in the river. don't know why i am talking like that though. is she australian. >> that is your bad effort at a south african accident. >> is that what i was doing? >> let's get to it, light sprinkles around, ice off to the west and south. generally cool conditions although we are now up to 37 degrees, 37 now washington. so we are going to start that slow rebound cooler day today than yesterday. saturday, 68 was our daytime
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high we will be closer to normal today afternoon highs only low to mid-40s. i am not sure you need a rain jacket unless you are well south of the city, richmond the rain will be heavier here is your sentinel sat rad, generally we are doing a lot of cloud cover and cool conditions winds out of the east, that will look in cool for the day area of storminess, developing along the frontal system, most energy is south down toward virginia, north carolina border most rain shower activity or developing ice, develops during the course of the afternoon, will stay off to our west and to our south but you can see it is close enough we have the possibility of a few showers in the forecast, later today. just lookout for best chance late to mid-afternoon. we will time it out with the future cast. 9:00 a.m. this morning and 6:00 p.m. tonight suggesting we will get a few light showers maybe a few
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ice pellets daytime highs mid- 40s. if you see it on your window i don't think it will amount to much. we will get it out of here 9, 10:00 p.m. tonight by early tomorrow morning we should wake up with sunshine. temperatures once again in the 50s tomorrow. we have a one day cool down and then bounce around before things get cooler end of the week. frederiksburg, best chance of showers today, partly cloudy, chilly overnight, 34 your overnight low winds out of the south, 5 and there is your 5 day forecast, 52 on tuesday, wednesday good chance of rain here particularly in the afternoon, out of here by thursday. cleared things out by friday, a couple question marks thursday and friday colder, highs 40 by friday. a look at the weather forecast now cute dogs alison has the latest. >> we have dogs and a cat in
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the crate. there are so many homeless animals in our area looking for forever homes joining us this week from the humane society of charles county, leah and julie, happy new year to both of you >> thank you. >> i was asking before the last time you were on the show my recollection we had cute puppies everybody adopted and found forever homes? that is awesome how is the shelter going now? what is the population like now. >> a lot of dogs adult cats right now this time of year you have more adult cats than kittens. >> we have some friends with us now one very shy friend you are such a beautiful girl tell us about freckles here to my right. >> freckles was turned over to us because she was in prince georges county she lived in prince georges county and she is a pit bull and pit bulls are illegal in prince georges county sox her owners turned her into us in charles county and she is up for adoption she is very sweet she is just terrified. >> tell us about her,.
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>> she is a year and a half. >> the whole pit bull thing is interesting they get a very bad reputation and we do stories where we see owners have made them do horrible things and then the dogs are blamed for that, so i guess tell us about what your feeling is about this dog in particular. >> freckles is a sweet heart. >> she is a little nervous at first but the shelter is a scary environment once she knows you, she is like velcro. pitts can be great dogs i have one at home he is the happiest thing i ever met in my life. >> she is sweet. >> we hope you get a good home. >> and you have almost like small and then a little bigger these two look like they would be in a movie together. this is corine an american bulldog 5 years old, she is -- >> is she a big girl? >> upper 90-pound range a little stronger than me but lucky for me she is good on a
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leash knows her commands if she wanted to she could go wherever she wanted. she listens. >> love it. >> i told tucker we have a cat the cat is veronica she is staying in here because she is a little shy but could you tell her about her? i don't know if we can get a shot of her. >> if you can't see her here she is on the home page of our website she is one of our -- >> oh, veronica. we have honey spun for animals that are sick or injured she was left in a foreclosed home for about a month from what the neighbors said when she came to us she was only 2 .1 pounds and her temperature didn't even register on the thermometer now she gained a pound in a week and getting better day by day >> she deserves another good home i think i know that it broke the homeowners hearts to do that but it is a tough economic time. up for adoption today, you are looking at corine the bulldog
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and freckles to my right and veronica in the crate go to the website to check out veronica in all her glory. tell us about march. >> a fun event march 30th, runs from 7 to 11:00 p.m., we are doing a roaring 20s theme. >> that's right. >> every year we do a different theme this year it is roaring 20s. >> get your flapper dresses. >>down . us for the charleston. >> -- join us for the charleston. >> the charleston in charles county love it. >> do you like me now? it is a pleasure to meet you miss freckles good luck to all of you. >> thank you. >> tony over to you. >> all right alison thank you very much. >> coming up which medicines may have other drugs inside the bottle mixed with them. >> plus where to get free help with your taxes first, today's
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trivia question the least popular month for u.s. weddings, january, march, november, or december, the answer coming up later if you want to guess now head to our facebook page we will be back in a moment [ female announcer ] ] what would you call an ordinary breakfast pastry that's been wrapped in a flaky crust stuffed with a gooey center toasted up all golden brown then given a delicious design? a toaster strudel. pillsbury toaster strudel. so fun. here's a better idea... pillsbury grands! flaky layers biscuits. in just 15 minutes, the light delicate layers add a layer of warmth to your next dinner.
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pillsbury grands! dinner ideas made easy.
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is there a prize in there? oh, there's a prize, all right. is it a robot? no. is it a jet plane? nope. is it a dinosaur? [ laughs ] [ male announcer ] inside every box of heart healthy cheerios are those great tasting little o's made from carefully selected oats that can help lower cholesterol. stickers? uh-uh. a superhero? ♪ kinda. [ male announcer ] and we think that's the best prize of all. ♪
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we have a consumer alert, rising gas prices jumped 12% nationwide the national average for a gallon of regular is $3.37, $3.49 in dc, $3.37 maryland and $3.28 virginia experts predict prices will hit $4 a gallon by summer hopefully they are wrong. >> there is a voluntary recall this morning, excedrin, no doz, bufferin and gas can are on the list. novartis is concerned bottles
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could contain stray pills from other medicines or broken tablets they are working with the fda to identify all contaminated bottles for more details which dates are effected head to tax forms will be arriving in mail boxes over the next few weeks and starting today you can get free tax preparation at wal-mart the big box stores opening kiosk with tax preparers with pros from h and r block and jackson huet a simple tax preration, 1040 easy form will be offered at wal- mart's across the nation. >> coming up local chefs make over a traditional salad how to upgrade your meal. >> a super star couple welcomes their first baby. >> yeah, more on that. >> if you made a new years resolution to get fit, annie yu is live, she been cycling
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at zen fitness okay, people, let's get started. pete, did you forget yours? me pete, me use pen! (laughter) sorry i'm late, i was in the 16th century looking for pete's pen. (laughter)
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guys, guys. take it easy, ok? pete's mom is videochatting me, d she wants her pen back! , alright, well. i just got one. so... easy, ok? yeah, you've got a little... yep, i can feel the wet patch. don't look at it. when it's on your mind, it's on ebay. ♪ we were skipping stones ♪ and letting go ♪ over the river and down the road ♪ [ female announcer ] at nature valley, we know nature comes together in amazing ways. that's why we bring together natural ingredients, like dark chocolate with toasted oats, or sweet golden honey. perfect combinations of nature's delicious ingredients, from nature valley. ♪ ♪ i was thinking that i hope this never ends ♪ [ female announcer ] nature valley granola bars, nature at its most delicious.
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that's been wrapped in a flaky crust stuffed with a gooey center toasted up all golden brown then given a delicious design? a toaster strudel. pillsbury toaster strudel. so fun. mom, we're dying. no you're not, you're just hungry. make some totino's pizza rolls. we don't have any! front...
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left, totino's. [ male announcer ] well done mom! less drama, more fun! totino's pizza rolls. >> congratulations it is a girl for beyonce and jay z the supper couple welcomed their -- super couple welcomed their first child saturday night, her name is blue ivy carter. e online confirms the couple rented out the entire fourth floor of the hospital to deliver in peace. i wanted to do that too but they were like no. the hospital reportedly placed tape on security cameras and asked employees to turn in their cell phones in order to protect the couple's privacy. wow. all right. >> well, we may not be able to show you pictures of beyonce's baby but look at this video it has gone viral.
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[ snoring ] that is 2 month old baby jackson. baby jackson is a happy baby until he hears his dad snore then his eyes go wide open in shock. more than 130,000 people are watched jackson on his youtube page. he is so cute. what is that noise daddy. >> get me out of here. >> zengo fitness is the first dedicated cycling studio in the dc area. >> annie is showing us how to reenergize yourself after that work out she joins us from bethesda what are you eating annie? >> reporter: i will show you in just a sec but i want to tell you there is a way to get a little extra pep in your step and it involves smoothies doesn't this look artificial? these are real fruits and
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veggies, earless the founder of fruit and chocolate and -- elise the found or of fruit and chocolate and mark. >> wood dialan said 80% of success is just showing up we want to team up with elise and created the take charge challenge another way for people to get involved be a part of the community take what we are doing in the gym and extend it. this is about a healthy lifestyle mental emotional physical. >> elise comes into play you are the founder of kale and chocolate tell us about your organization. >> well, really a lot of my guiding prince principles we implement them in the program.
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mark talked about the fitness it is not just coming and taking a 45 minute bike class how do you maximize your experience how do you get on the bike and make every single moment worth while. >> right. >> it is really a lifestyle change and the nutrition part is very important. so why don't we jump into it what did you make today. >> green smoothies a great way to replenish in this smoothie we are coconut water. >> talk about coconut water it has a lot of benefits. >> potassium, hydrating, it is better electrolyte replacement than more processed and commercial drinks it is all natural doesn't have food coloring and then we also put in the greens, which are filled with micro nutrients, plant nutrients and flood your body with energy i am so excited for you to try it. >> i am afraid of all the green
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>> we had someone here earlier who said i don't eat green vegetable this is a lovely way to make it accessible to your body we have banana and mango for sweetness to make the smoothie taste good add a lot of important nutrients and sugars from the fruit are good for a work out. natural sugar you asked me about adding sugar. >> when i think of smoothie i think of yoghurt, milk, sugar you used all natural and raw ingredients. >> right. >> when people at home are making smoothies you said what is key is that true you can throw anything in? >> you don't -- not anything we want to keep it to all these fresh foods from the earth, but i am trying to promote and get people away from thinking they need energy drinks or protein powder they can flood their body with nutrients, replenish
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and just use foods that are alive, colorful, and you really don't need a recipe, that is what is so great about it you just open -- >> i will try this real quick. >> okay. >> okay, that is really good it tastes like a real smoothie you get at the mall i can taste the banana tony back to you in studio. >> all right annie thank you. >> at least you know you will be super healthy. well, chef's often take a standard recipe and shake it up a little bit that is what our friends at wild fire in tyson's galleria have gone. >> they have taken the standard waldorf salad and turned it into the wildorf salad the chef recently showed me how. >> i am making a wildorf salad a twist on the call waldorf
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salad. i will take apple spider cider just reduce it -- cider just reduce it you have to watch out for apple cider, if you tend to go longer than a syrupy consistent is he it gets bitter. >> a minute or so. >> just to get it to a nice syrupy glaze. >> okay. >> you can get your favorite ranch dressing at the store, whatever it is. hidden valley kraft i will add fresh chopped parsley let's give that a whisk. ly take some of this reduced apple cider. >> mm-hmm. >> dump it in here to give it
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that ranch apple ranch flavour as we call it at the restaurant. >> it is similar to the traditional salad. >> yep we just -- traditionally the salad has grapes in it, we took the grapes out put dried cranberries, dried cranberries and dried raisins toss them in there and then took sun flower seeds and roasted pecans put them on a sheet pan roast them in the oven for a minute or so put some of those in there and crew tons, you can make your croutons at home or buy store bought. i will take that apple ranch dump it in there, give it a toss. >> i was thinking it would come out with the golden color but came out sort of green that was interesting. >> the parsley. >> the parsley. >> the parsley when you blend it together the parsley is going to give it that nice
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bright green color. >> okay. >> so give that a nice. >> is this an entree at the restaurant. >> you can get it as an appetizer or entree most people start off with first course salad, a lot of people add you know chicken to it and use it as a main course. >> that would make it more of a meal. >> all right. >> just plate it. voila. >> that is it? >> can we take a taste? once again we will of course encourage you to visit wild fire because if we just did the wildorf salad but check out some of the other menu items they are always so yummy. always a guaranteed call at wild fire trust me. find the recipe for the wildorf salad at it is really the waldorf salad but they changed it to wildorf. >> tucker has another check of
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the 5 day forecast when we come back. >> plus the answer to our trivia question of the day. time now 6 minutes before the hour 
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let's say good morning to our facebook fan of the day, netta adams this is a picture of her son marcus an honor roll student who receive add $50,000 dc achievers scholarship [ applause ] >> congratulations if you want to be tomorrow's fan of the day search fox 5 morning news and post a comment under nettas photo of her son marcus. today's trivia question the least popular month for u.s. weddings. >> january. >> i say that too the answer is january. no body has money after
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spending it on christmas. >> and so darned cold. >> yeah. >> okay. i have a tongue twister, police in was con son arrested a man named beazall do do do for violating his bail conditions. >> beazall do doozyappittbop bop bop he is charged with carrying a concealed knife and and drug paraphernalia. >> it may explain the name. i wonder if that is a family name [ laughter ] later today we will be on the high side, low to mid-40s. in


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