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tv   Fox Morning News  FOX  January 26, 2012 9:00am-10:00am EST

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move through overnight parts of the area got wet during the overnight hours. now you are looking live hd radar, lots of shower activity north and west a cold front later this afternoon, hit and miss showers, generally a cloudy day, mild with temperatures upper 40s to 50 and then the main event will get in here later tonight and overnight with a cold front which will bring us more widespread rain as we get into the morning commute. temperatures regan national, 42 degrees not bad, 37 win chester, ocean city, 44, here is your forecast today, on again off again showers, bring along an umbrella just in case highs upper 40s low 50s. 51 city, 54 late this afternoon in frederiksburg. more details on the forecast in just a minute tony back the you. all right tucker thank you new this morning, three people are in the hospital after they were exposed to carbon monoxide in northwest, fire crews have been on the scene in the 1700
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block of p street since 6:00 a.m. this morning traffic around the area has been impacted so, you might want to allow extra time this as well. >> meantime one person suffered minor injuries when a vehicle crashed into a home in davidsonville this happened early this morning, central avenue west someone does live in the house it appears the owner was not home at the time the cause of the accident is under investigation. another big story we are following this thursday morning potential game changer for the structure of the dc school system. >> the mayor recommends transforming or closing more than 3 dozen public schools, fox 5s stacey cohan is following that story she joins us live from the school board headquarters northeast. >> reporter: good morning tony. this is certainly a school system that has been through a lot. certainly under the former school chancellor, michelle reid and now under chancellor
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henderson who said this may be a game changer washington post obtained an advanced copy of this report that is how we learned some of this information that these schools, three dozen of them may be targeted for closure or a dramatictransformation the school system does have a problem with under population there are at least 40 schools in the system that have fewer than 300 students which does mean they don't have a sufficient student population they have divided the school system in this report into various tiers, 4 would be under performing it is those schools that are targeted for potential closure they fall in some of the most needy neighbourhoods, most economically challenged neighbourhoods in the city out of the 39 schools 2 the are in -- 22 are in ward 7 and 8. i will give you a list of the schools, center city, congress
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heights, imagine southeast, fair view hope elementary school, terrell, peterson -- patter son elementary school and simon elementary school those are among the schools on the list also, a bunch of high schools around this report done by the iff recommends that there be more of an investment in charter schools that has drawn criticism because this group based out of illinois apparently has a vested interest in charter school programs they have made more than $60 million in loans to charter schools, and so some are saying they have an interest in charter schools that is why they are pushing for an expansion of that program rather than traditional schools we will learn more when the report in full is released later today as well as reaction from city officials i am stacey cohan back to you. >> thank you. when president obama arrived in arizona yesterday he was met at the airport by governor jan brewer but they reportedly exchanged heated words over her latest book you can see the finger pointing in
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a still picture we are about to show you the president complained she had described him as not treating her cordially in the the book there is that photo they have disagreed in the the past about immigration reform. >> immigration is a big campaign issue in the republican debate in florida. newt gingrich and mitt romney are pounding each other in rival attack ads the latest shows romney with a slight lead ahead of next tuesday's primary. florida is a win or take all primary and has more voters. taking a look now at our top stories ex-marine from alexandria expected to plead guilty the charges he fired shots at a handful of military related targets including the pentagon and marine corps museum, the 24-year-old is due in court today, for a plea agreement hearing prosecutors say they have evidence linking
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him to the 2010 shooting. arlington cemetery is missing $12 million of taxpayer money at a senate hearing yesterday, cemetery officials said there is no documentation on where the funds were spent. the money is about a quarter of the cemetery's annual budget meantime the cemetery is making progress accounting for every grave, the effort is still going on but so far a new total shows more than 400,000 military personnel are buried on the grounds. dc police searching for a gunman accused of violently assaulting a woman and stealing all her belongings in the shaw neighbourhood late tuesday night, q street northwest a man grabbed a woman by the neck forcing her down an alley then put a gun to her head and sexually assaulted her before taking off with her purse, brief case and backpack residents are shocked this happened on a street pee dustry januarys use at all hours. i go to the safeway down
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there, it is open 24 hours aday. usually i walk. no one grab me up you have to walk past the street to get back to my apartment building. >> officers are describing the suspect as a black male, about 25 years old they say he is between 5'8" and 5'10" and weighs any where from 150 to 170 pounds. >> in the lululemon murder, brittany norwood's family wants her to get paroled, they begged the the judge to give her life in prison with the possibility of getting out some day but also wrote they don't understand the brutal killing of murray back in the store and can't explain all the lies she told after the attack. public memorial scheduled for joe paterno. organizers say more than 10,000 free tickets were made available to the public they were snatched up in 7 minutes. yesterday, thousands lined the streets of state college
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pennsylvania for the funeral row session the actual service was private he was the winningest college football coach of all time he died sunday age 85 following a brief battle with lung cancer. time running out to pay your outstanding tickets without a penalty, dcs ticket amnesty program, does end tomorrow anyone with a parking or driving ticket issued before january 1st, 2010 can take part in this you can pay your ticket online, by phone in person drivers who paid more than $3 million worth of tickets so far. >> you know what that is a pretty good thing i need to check to make sure i don't have any. >> that is good money coming in. >> sure. >> $3 million collected. >> check around and make sure nothing has not been paid >> on your account. >> yep okay. well, in the meantime you know, we are talking about driving there but there is a new way to get around in the dc area a fleet of private cars available for a fee to anyone with a
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mobile phone. >> fox 5s. lauren demarco joins us from the smart phone zone to talk about uber. >> hey, guys, uber is a free ap that connects you to cars in the area that are available for hire and it is getting a lot of buzz it is run successfully in san francisco, new york seattle, chicago, boston paris. here in dc there are still some kinks to be worked out with local officials but the ap is currently up and running. >> a ride with style and convenience, a few taps on your phone and a professional driver in a sleek black car arrives at your curb side. rachel holt general manager of uber dc. >> so how does it work you pull out your phone. >> open up your ap indicate your location, and you request a car. at that point you can see all the cars around you and an estimate how long it will take for the nearest car to get to you. >> it is able the track where people are opening up the ap most often, and the company urges drivers to hover around
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those areas, so what if there are no cars near you. >> you can make the decision on your own is it worth waiting 8 minutes or am i better off you know riding metro. >> it keeps your credit card information on file no cash exchange and a tip is always included. >> very nice in here. there is candy. >> all of that convenience will cost you. >> in dc we are about 1.5 to 2 times a taxi certainly more expensive in terms of where we fall based on limos, no one is really ever able to get a limo for 22 minutes before so it is really hard to make that comparison. >> here is the break down a $7 base fare then they use gps data to calculate speed when the car is travelling over 11 miles an hour it is a distance fee when it is below 11 miles per hour there is a time fee you can estimate but won't know the exact fare until you arrive
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at your destination that is something the dc taxi cab commissioner takes issue with. >> you get a receipt in e-mail shortly there after you have no meter recording,. he re¢ly took uber for a test drive and slapped the drier with several fines he said it ignores the reciprocity agreement. reps have a meeting scheduled for february to hammer things out meantime, dc councilmember, stated on her website if our laws do not allow for ubers motto for metered fares, for limousine service i hope we can work together. >> our revenue here is what we were in san francisco after 9 months we have been launched
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about a month in dc. >> now once you order an uber car you can track that driver as he heads toward you and you can call them as well if you want to check and make sure they are willing to go to your destination they said they service the entire area it is free for iphone, android users but tony listen up even if you just have a regular cell phone tuck use uber through text messaging. >> they have not forgotten those of us slow to make the technology transition thank you. >> or who choose the basic phone. >> which perhaps you have done. >> all right. >> coming up a local family waking up this morning with four new additions. >> nicole and her husband conceived naturally now they have quadruplets we will check with that family and look at adorable photos of this. it is like an instant family. stay with us time now 9:11 a.m. 
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welcoming a new baby can be a great joy as well as a big adjustment for a local mom, it is a little more complicated the mother of a 6-year-old daughter already, nicole is now a mom five times over just like that she joins us now from the local hospital where she is adjusting of becoming mom of newborn quadruplets nicole how are you? >> doing well thank you. >> oh, my -- how -- okay, what are you thinking now when you really understand that you just had four babies. >> um, a bit overwhelmed but yeah, i feel very blessed and happy. >> let's get this out of the way how is big sister adjusting. >> big brother. >> i'm sorry we had it as a big sister how is big brother adjusting. >> he will be a tremendous
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help. >> so wonderful a big part of this story we are looking at the babies right now beautiful can you tell us boy girl boy girl how does it break down. >> two girls, two boys, mia and nia. dad, we should also say, congratulations to dad as well proud papa today a big part of this story and the part we were just like wow this is a super mom is the fact that you did this naturally, right? you hear a lot about fertility treatmentthis and that but this is all you. >> yeah all us. >> wow. so how were you when you got the -- i was going to say diagnosis but how were you when you got the news you were having four not just one. >> it was definitely a shock to our family, but we have a tremendous support system everyone was onboard and excited and we just feel blessed and fortunate all four babies have been born healthy and are prospering. >> they were born at 37 weeks
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which is. >> no, 32 weeks. >> my goodness let me say this we are going to have a chat with some body after this segment, born at 32 weeks but am i right to say they were each about 3 pounds. >> 3 pounds each. >> so healthy babies. >> yes. >> did they say when you might be going home? or will you be there for awhile because this is just like so amazing. >> well, i won't be here for awhile i am being discharged the babies will be under the care of the nicu unit here at holy cross they will go home when they feel they have met all the needs for us to take care of them. >> right we mentioned your husband how is he feeling? >> well, you know, like a new dad would feel times four. >> it is just amazing and also when you got this news, when you do finally take the babies home, what is the set up like? because one child is overwhelming with everything you need. >> well, we have had so many
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blessings come from so many directions where we have had everything kind of different baby showers and friends and family giving us things so the girls have a nursery to share the boys have a nursery to share and all of their needs and supplies ready for them. >> well, you know what, we are hoping that you will stay in touch with us through the years we have this picture i was hoping we had a couple more pictures to show we have this picture we are showing hopefully through the years we can check in when the babies turn 1, 2, 3 we just wish them all the success in the world we really do. >> thank you so very much. >> get some rest. >> i definitely will i want to thank all my friends and family, for all the support they have given us. >> definitely, that is a new mom times four and now five all together nicole, and father lunear probably in the background trying to catch a nap too chef >> thank you. what a blessing times -- i can't even -- honestly i can't imagine. >> yeah, it is just like she
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said overwhelming. >> but she sounds very happy. >> she does. >> awake and alert and all that. >> we wish them the best. >> great idea i hope we do check in on them. >> our producer pat suggested that. >> stay tuned a big department store wants to offer you, sales all yearlong. we will tell you which one. >> how a county jail is giving folks a chance to visit inmates without leaving their homes. first we want to check with annie yu. >> good morning. in case you didn't know, 2012 is the year of the dragon and i found a baby dragon. but it is in mama's belly she is expecting the baby in april and this little girl right here is the year of the tiger and her fortune says she is going to be famous some day remember this cute little face. coming up we have been learning all about the chinese celebration and food is a big focal point of the celebration coming up we will talk about
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the special dishsignificance behind each one. >> beautiful annie. >> so cute. >> here is today's trivia question what did the first vending machine in the united states dispense? was it post cards, water, gum or bagged snacks? coming up later, if you want to guess now, head to our facebook page. fox 5 morning news is back after the break. here's a friendly reminder.
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it's your last chance to get verizon's reliable high speed internet and phone for small business for only $84.99 a month. call now or visit only $84.99 for high-speed internet and phone. plus your choice of either no annual contract or a two year price guarantee. call or visit today. hurry -- this offer won't last long. contact the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 1-800-974-6006
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just in, egypt is preventing the son of the u.s. transportation secretary from leaving that country. sam la hood who heads the international republican institute in egypt was stopped from getting on a plane he is being banned with several other americans as tensions rise over the work of rights organizationraising concerns about egypt's transition to democracy after mubarak was ousted last year.
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priceless stolen art work back in the right hands thanks to bureau of immigration and customs, two paintings were stolen from southeastern france in 1981, today one was returned. it is a francisco work found at an auction in 2003 we told you about this when it happened this is the follow up, the director says the art theft may not seem like the normal work they do but does not make it less significant. a county jail in kansas is giving people a chance to visit inmates without leaving their homes, family and friends can chat with people from their home computers, the online visits will cost 50¢ a minute or $10 for maximum 20 minute chat. no more waiting for sales at jc penny the department store is marking down all merchandise by 40%, permanently
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instead of holding hundreds of sales a year the company will offer the lower prices all the time. they are running ads about that very funny on tv. >> it is a good idea. >> oscar voting could go electronic next year academy of motion picture arts and sciences is working with a company called everyone counts in hopes of making the switch from paper. every year accountants hand tally ballots of theory 6,000 academy members they said security is the main concern. a city humiliated by a big mistake springs into action. derek thomas is here to show us some fun projects that involve the kids. good stuff. we will be back with that hey, derek. >> 9:25 a.m. 
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never in my lifetime did i think i could walk 60 miles in 3 days. 60 miles in 3 days is-- is huge.
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if my mom can fight and beat breast cancer, i can walk 60 miles. you just put one foot in front of the other, and you know that you're walking for such a great cause that you just keep going. (man) that you have all these people coming together for one common goal. (woman) the goal is to bring an end to breast cancer. (woman) the fund-raising was the easiest part. people were very giving. complete strangers wanting to help. if i can do this, you definitely can do this. (woman) i'll never stop walking, not till we find a cure. (woman) and it has to end, but it starts with us. i knew someday i was gonna do this walk. it is the most rewarding experience i have ever had in my entire life. we can do this. you can do this. we can all do this together. (man) register today for the... and receive $25 off your registration fee. because everyone deserves a lifetime.
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who could forget this embarrassing school sign we showed it to you yesterday. utility workers have removed
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the wrongly placed h and c. the words were created with tape that permanently sticks to asphalt the mistake happened when a contractor ripped up the street and it has been there since july 2010. >> it is a big deal. >> hayed to to butt some work into -- put some work into getting that fixed >> they got to do it >> can't you just cross it out with some big white out. >> that is the way i might have done it. >> i am sure if they could they would. >> make it cheaper. >> i don't know. >> any way. >> that is a good news story. >> it is. >> after how long is that? >> a couple months. >> no, 2010. >> a couple years. >> after some media attention. >> what is going on tuck. >> rain showers in the forecast today, not going to rain all day and hasn't been raining all morning just enough to wet the ground in spots here there is your sentinel radar you can see the shower activity, very
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intermittent here, and not going the amount to a whole lot during the course of the day today that said we will have more rain arrive later tonight and early tomorrow morning that will bring us measurable rain maybe we will pick up a half inch. a couple light sprinkles, showers i am not sure how much is touchling the ground -- touching the ground enough has touched the ground many of the area roadways on the wet side. >> this is why we have more rain in the forecast pretty good storm system much of the action early this morning is off to the north and west there is a cold front that will get, push the area here later today really tonight and tomorrow and as that gets closer it will seize out the atmosphere of all the post -- squeeze out the atmosphere of all the moisture. be ready for showers this afternoon otherwise clouds up there, with temperatures once again in upper 40s and low 50s. hard to believe it is end of january, temperatures continuing to be on the warm side. currently 42 washington, 42
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naval air station, 38 hagerstown. here is what will happen later today temperatures will creep up and start to jump late this afternoon and tonight as that warmer surge comes right before our cold front. >> here is your future cast 4:00 p.m. today scattered showers around and then as we get into night time scattered showers 10, 11 tonight, then the main event, we have widespread rain around for your morning commute and then clear things out and tart to cool things down, much colder, no machine kicks in out to the west during the day on friday temperatures will be tumbling tomorrow afternoon, 51, cloudy skies, occasional rain showers winds out of the east a miles per hour, cloudy with showers likely, becomes a widespread rain during the late night hours, early tomorrow morning as that front approaches and we get into the weekend our temperatures will be on the warm side saturday, 52, falling on sunday that is where we should be 44, but we should be dry both saturday and sunday nice dry weekend.
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>> all right guys that is a look at the forecast, want to remind you, you can download for free the fox 5 weather ap we've got thousands and thousands of people, getting good reviews on it download it at the apple store or if you have a droid at the marketplace it has all kinds of great features including a 10 day forecast and blog where you can get the latest tweets from tony and myself. >> over to you let's garden. >> all right tucker just because you can't get outside as much during winter does not mean you can't complete a few garden projects with your kids. that's right. fun projects to get the kids involved and teach them a little bit of science they won't even notice it. derek thomas joins us now. great idea you came up with this and pitched this it is fantastic let's talk about what you are going to do use some stuff you find around the house. >> stuff you will have in your kitchen. okay basically what it will do is help the kids a little bit with the doldrums of mid-
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winter, and also, yourself because you are going to be teaching the kids about nurture and a little bit about horticulture, a little bit of school. >> we want you to get your kids to do some of this stuff and then when they complete some of these experiments and fun tasks, send in pictures of the kid and experiments, to our facebook page we will show some on the air. >> please document it, send it to the facebook page and document it so we can you know, definitely let the viewers see what they were missing out on. >> you are doing fruits and vegetables. >> this happens a lot this time of year you get the onions, they have been grown and usually harvested in august or so and then stored and they are pumped into the grocery stores as needed. they start the grow what you can show the kids what we have done here this is a regular take out container, i have cut a hole in there so there thereby drainage we will -- so there will be drainage we will fill that with soil. it is a great, neat experiment what the kid can do and the roots are already starting to
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grow, will pop that in there like that. give it a little bit of water, and over the next several weeks, the onion will grow and it will bloom because once onions have gotten the bulb their next phase is actually produce a bloom which we don't usually see. >> oh. >> very cool. >> now pineapples you always have a pineapple you take it and one of the first things you do, is you know you cut the top off, and you throw it away. >> right. >> what you can do is right around that ring, pineapples are a vermiliad you take that off, let it sit for a few days,. >> okay. >> the reason being you want that fleshy part to dry. >> okay. >> because the roots will come out of here once again with the container, once again, let your kids, parents do this. >> pop a little hole in there for drainage with the pineapple it is better to do it with
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sand. >> sand >> because it has a vermiliad it doesn't want nutrients it wants something that will support its roots. >> okay. >> your pineapple will start to grow. >> what will grow from that. >> if you take this and plant it out in summer time by late summer you will have a miniature pineapple on this >> love it. >> garlic, same thing with garlic cloves if you get organic garlic you can go ahead and then create a little planting container, plant the garlic with the root side down,. >> mm-hmm. >> plant them like that, cover them over, and what you will end up with is a plant that looks a lot like an onion. >> okay. >> how long would that take? >> a couple weeks. >> very good. >> and as they are doing these things they are learning about the growth process and all of that. >> right same thing with avocado what you can do with an avocado is take >> take the seed out.
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>> pop holes in it flat side down put it into a vessel like that and fill it with water so it is submerged and you will have avocado your kids can also make this is a neat idea your kids can also make their own sprouts. you can take a package of seeds, you can sprinkle it in there, have them close it up and in a few days, it only takes a couple days, they will be gifted with sprouts. it goes from seed, to sprout. >> i love this. >> so far tell me about this here. >> you can also do that with the carrot tops you see here with the carrot tops this is photo synthesis i will challenge the kids and you know parents get behind the kids on this get two identical plants get them for a couple dollars at the store take one put it in the light take the other plant and put it in a dark closet and in two weeks you will be amazed to see the new growth that
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comes out of this will be absent of green because the plant won't be able to photo synthesize and able to produce chlorophyll. >> that is great good stuff these are things you can do rewatch this segment online and please work with your kids. >> facebook. >> send pictures to facebook derek great stuff. >> thank you tony. >> back to you. >> love all that. thanks. >> find out what will be different at this year's pro bowl. >> tense moments when a roof comes crashing in. who was inside, that building. yikes. first, here is today's trivia question, what did the first vending machines in the united states dispense was it post cards, water, gum, or bagged snacks. like the day. the abser coming up later if you want -- answer coming up later if you want to guess now head to our facebook page. it is 9:37 a.m. 
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look at this caught on camera. a roof collapsed on to an ice hockey rink this is in she vacca apparently leavej -- slovakia apparently heavy snow, made it come down. former nhl player was skating with kids when pieces of ice started falling from the roof. >> horrifying. >> glad everyone got out. >> look at that. >> i thought that was us. >> look at me i am so pretty. >> that is lark mccarthy and tim white with a fox 5 flash back that will hopefully put a smile on your face. >> 20 years ago today the red skins won the super bowl their last super bowl beat the buffalo bills, 27-34 since then red skins have only two playoff wins, in three post season
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appearances. >> so i was smiling and now i am not. >> but -- >> look at lark. >> i just talked to lark too. >> 20 years ago that was our third and last super bowl win. >> tweet away that is the message to nfl players headed to hawaii for the pro bowl. >> right now the league prohibits players from texting at any time during a game pro bowl players will be allowed to tweet from the sidelines to have game and during half time, computers will be set up near the benches and they will tweet with the hash tag pro bowl. >> that just tells you how unimportant that game is. >> you can smoke if you want to. >> okay. >> tweet us. >> yeah. >> right follow us on twitter at wttg morning news, be the first to find out about breaking news and find out which guests we will have on the show >> still ahead a local teacher
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auditions for american idol. >> an unlikely fairy tale ending on tonight's show the finder. >> we have been mentioning this, the year of the draw gone and annie yu is showing did you dragon and annie -- dragon and annie yu has been showing us how they celebrate 
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the star of foxes new hit show called the finder, to doubt you have seen the trailers and we are so excited to have you join the show good morning to you. good morning to you thanks for having me. >> can i just say one of my favorite shows of all time was magnum pi and this show looks very magnum pi there is a good reason why. >> thank you for saying that that is one of my goals is to kind of draw inspiration or i
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draw inspiration from magnum and yeah, it is kind of that is one of our goals is to go after kind of for this show to be a little bit of a throw back to the magnums and rock ford files and those sort of shows they were straight fun and entertaining. >> the shows that i love personally too. >> tell us about the finder what exactly every week are we going to see walter sherman do. >> well, the one thing we will see walter do every week is number one, find something, and the way he goes about that, is with a lot ofry jack bloop he is quirky, lacks social grace, he is certainly without a filter those things get him in a lot of trouble which is fun to play and it is very entertaining, we go on an interesting ride he is a guy who stops at nothing to find
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whatever it is he is looking for but he kind of leaves a little bit of hurricane damage in his wake. >> your co-star is michael clark duncan anybody -- for me anybody like opposite him it is just funny visually it is already a hit to me and you guys look like you work well together what is it like? >> yeah, it is funny i have heard people say that, when you are sitting there doing that you don't pay attention and then when i start seeing the promos you see mike just a physical presence and the way he -- we were just talking about it you can actually -- i can feel him talk before i actually hear him talk his voice is so powerful and res nates so much baritone and base he is great to work with, he is really -- and he will beed at me for saying -- bleep at me
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for saying it he is one of the softest guys they will walk around like they are talk and he is a teddy bear oh, god he hates that he has 7 cats for bleep sake. >> i still wouldn't talk about his mama. >> don't talk about his mama. >> that's right >> and i want to also say we of course love bones for those of us who love bones we know your characters is sort of a spin off now the show exists the finder can you tell us if we loved you on bones how much we will love you on the finder. >> well, i like to describe it as the creator of bones created this show the idea was i have this hit show let's piggy back off bone's success we are born from bones, certainly, but, definitely different tonally, bones is i should say the
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define is a little more quirky not quite as high tech we are not solving a murder every day it is -- so we are kind of all across the map and a little goofier first of all the actors on bones are a lot smarter than the actors on the finder we couldn't say those words number one. i kind of describe it when people says the a spin off of bones like it really was a show within a show it is all most like bones did a cross over with the show called the finder that didn't exist yet. >> well, it does exist now thursdays at 9 on fox and much continued success and thanks for joinings. >> thank you have a great day >> i really do love magnum pi and it reminded me of that. >> he seems like a nice guy. >> he does. >> 2012 is year of the dragon i got married in year of the dragon, and sidney was born in year of the dragon. >> don't try to do the math on
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that. >> annie yu is learning all about the way the the chinese celebrate. >> hi sidney. >> she joins us now from china town gardens northwest hey, annie. >> hi tony and alison so we have been dabbling in a lot of celebrator things we have shown you traditions, customs, costumes, dances now it is for the food not a party until we have food but the thing about the chinese menu each dish has a special meaning and of course my personal guide joins me again, tell us a little bit about what kind of prep work goes into it? into making this this is a spread that a mom might make at home. >> absolutely. believe it or not we eat like that 15 days throughout the entire new year breakfast lunch and dinner this is only a portion what we usually eat. >> that is a lot of weight gaining going on. >> yeah. >> carbs in the asian diet. >> every dish has an auspicious
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meaning the fish upfront means animal of abundance when we eat every meal with a fish we cannot finish the fish we need to have left overs and extra so we can carry it forward so the prosperity is perpetual. >> is that a special type of fish? i know you said it in chinese our viewers might be curious >> actually we can use any fish it is meaning we atash to it. >> -- attach to it. >> so you always have to leave left overs. >> so we can be prosperous next year. >> what else do we have on the table. >> you see that green and brown mushroom. >> is that bob chow. >> yes, and mushroom. so we call it basically it rimes with the word vegetable, but it also means that is an abundance of wealth. chinese like we need a lot of wealth. >> more mushrooms and bok choy. >> what is the center dish. >> very special dish we call it
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is a sweet rice ball very typical dessert for chinese new year, so there is red bean stuffing inside or sesame inside but when you have it, symbolizes family and friends together. >> nice. >> yes. >> what is this here? looks like a little pancake. >> it is but actually special new years cake. so it is a rice cake but we only have it once a year. during chinese new year you can't really get it any other time. >> very unique. >> it is a treat. >> we hear a little bit of the drumming going on because we have the lion dance now talk about the lion dance let's have a seat we have to -- >> we are going to get some food right. we are going to get some food. >> what is lion dance symbolize. >> it is a traditional performance that is done through during the chinese new year and the lion symbolizes, good wealth and prosperity and
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it is kind of loud traditionally during new year we bring the lions in to greet the crowd entertain family and businesses especially like that every business must have them. >> so dragon dance symbolizes power what does the lion dance symbolize can they both go on same time >> absolutely lion symbolizes good fortune and prosperity, the dragon is power and auspiciousness and they don't usually come out as often but this is year of the dragon we bring out everything. >> i have here my red envelope the custom is to feed the lion the money right. so if he wants to make his way over here i will give him the money. >> here you go lion. >> we have a lot of fun. here at the china town garden thank you for losting us log on to our website for all details and events we have
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talked about today and stay with us on fox 5 morning news, more for you.  oh, i see. a throne for the tv... room for movies... your workout gear... non-stop football... it's a man cave! the boys next door will never leave. who says we want them to?
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time for the answer to today's trivia question we asked what did the first vending machines in the united states dispense? >> gum. >> the answer gum. >> yes. >> the machines now you know it couldn't have been dispensing water, they just weren't -- you couldn't do that and who would have bought it >> they were installed on new york city train platforms in 1888. post cards were introduce add few years earlier in london. >> that is a good one. >> yeah. >> virginia music teacher gets some love on american idol. ♪ your love is like a tidal wave, spinning over my head, driving me and your promises
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better left unsaid, you are the right kind of ♪ >> and you may kiss the judge. >> she impressed the judges last night she even got a kiss from steven tyler during the audition in aspen. >> i got to kiss steven tyler >> i think on the lips too. >> mm-hmm. >> wait until your students hear about this. >> you laid one on her there. i will get in trouble for that. >> he is engaged. >> all right she has a boyfriend but they have an agreement steven tyler was on her list of people she could kiss. >> she wanted to kiss. >> find out who will join jenny in hollywood when the auditions move to houston tonight. >> i don't know about you tony i never had any teachers like that going up. >> she looks so young. 51 today


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