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tv   Fox Morning News  FOX  February 3, 2012 9:00am-10:00am EST

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high pressure reeling in from the west. it's going to be a very, very nice afternoon for you, although cooler than what we had, of course, around here the last few afternoons. talking about the weekend coming up. you might want to stay tuned because of the possibility of a mild wintry weather this weekend. more details on that forecast. we'll talk weekend, coming up, allison. back to you. >> tucker, back to you. developing in egypt this morning, two american women tourists are kidnapped. gunmen stopped a minivan they were in as they returned to the resort town of sharm al sheik. the gunmen also kidnapped their tour guide but let the other three go free. a helicopter is now leading a search mission to the southern mountains. there has been a surge in crime iney gym since president mubarak was ousted last year.
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new this morning, the search for a missing 14-year- old girl and her baby shanee cox and her baby, nevaeh is ongoing. shanee was wearing a pink shirt, ripped genes with legins with black boots. shanee cox may be in need of medical attention. police are searching for a man involved in a stab that go left a man in critical condition. they found the victim lo was a man dressed in women's clothing lying around on the ground with a tab stab wound to the head. a fox 5 followup on an ape ledged sexual assault. we now know that the suspect
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did not just walk in and assault a student. police say that the little girl was asked to escort her attacker through the building. >> this happened at ketcham elementary school in southeast. sherry li is live at the d.c. school board with more. >> good morning. >> good morning, allison and tony. police tell us they are looking at security cameras in the area around that school to see if they capture that had suspect who touched that young girl. and the school system say they are now reviewing the security measures and protocols to make sure that something like this did not happen again. this did happen at ketcham elementary school around 4:00 wednesday afternoon. police say that man came to the school and asked to see someone there. the girl was asked to escort him some time during that time. police say he touched the girl inappropriately. school officials say that the 11-year-old is okay and was well enough to tell an adult after ward. city officials are outraged that something like this could
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happen in one of their schools. >> can anybody pretty much just walk on in there? >> not really, because usually in the morning time, you have to buzz in. usually in the evening time, you have to buzz in. so it was just one thing that just happened out of the blue, you know. >> reporter: now, ward 8 council member marion barry also expressed his concern that they discovered this through the media, not from police report or through the school system. and parents tell us that they are also concerned they had heard about this special assault, but did not get any sort of notification from the school. that's the latest here in northeast. back to you. >> sherry, thank you very much. a look at the morning's other top stories now. sentencing today in two high- profile cases. carlos montano was con investigated of felony murder in a drunken driver case that killed one nun and injured two
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others. montano is an illegal immigrant. the case has prompted calls for stricter immigration enforcement. a d.c. officer who was con vicked for stealing money from an elderly was convicted. she stole more than $40,000 from an 83-year-old woman after having told bank officials that the woman had memory loss and did not remember writing the checks. another arrest now in the murder of an alexandria community activist. yesterday, prince george's county police arrested 20-year- old ivan newman of waldorf, maryland. he and 9-year-old lynnwood jackson are charged with the murder of lany harris. harris disappeared last november. his body was found in the bottom of a well just last
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week. more arrests are expected to come. something for parents and children to listen to. school principals in charles county, maryland, are talking about a dangerous game that some of them are playing. it's game that sent some of their classmates to the hospital. three children were rushed to the emergency room yesterday after they called a game called knock out or pass out. it's when kids hold their breath until they are unconscious. it cuts oxygen to the pain and can cause severe injuries when kids fall down. two student were from henry lackey high school and a third student from a middle school. several other students were seen by school nurses planned parenthood getting a lot of support this morning after the susan g. komen foundation for the cure cut their funding. among one of them is congressman jim moran who called on the foundation to restore funding. congressman moran is live to talk to us about this issue. >> good morning, allison? you are calling on the komen
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foundation to reverse its decision. can you tell us your position, sir? >> well, planned parenthood provides 170,000 screenings. that's how many they conducted so far with race for the cure money. and it seems to me that that's wholy consistent with the intent of the komen foundation. you know, they created an industry that makes the entire nation aware of the need for breast cancer screenings, but, now, they splittickized by cutting off money to one organization -- they politicized by cutting off money to one organization. i know women whose lives were saved because they were able to get screening from planned parent hood.
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bringing the abortion issue is wrong. 92% of what planned parent hood does has nothing to do with abortion. a lot has to do with screenings. >> i think it's going to back fire on them >> as for komen, they say one of the reasons is that they would prefer to put that funding in the hands of organizations that do the actual mammograms, versus that screening. what's your response to that? >> that was never an issue before. the fact is that planned parenthood made sure that the women do get mammograms. that's not what the issue is. they brought that up. i think that's a phony excuse. it's because they brought in a politician to be in charge of public policy who ran as a republican governor -- as the republican candidate for governor of georgia on a platform of eliminating funding for planned parenthood and she just felt in her position, she
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had to be consistent. we are told that that's the reason why they did it. but it's very unfortunate. these kinds of things should not be politicized. the other problem is that 75% of the people who are served by planned parent hood are of lower income. they don't have the access, can't afford to go to the traditional means of health services. those women are being represented in a way that is vital to the extension and betterment of the their lives. and, you know, komen foundation is indicating it's out of touch with that sector of people. and it affects men as well. you know, these are our mothers, our daughters, our sisters that have access to this organization throughout the country. and the funding should not be cut off. i think it's very unfortunate and it's going to hurt the komen foundation because they're going to be seen as a
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political organization and fewer people are going to participate. as a result, less attention will be given to where the attention should be, the need for breast cancer screening. so they brought it upon themselves. i think they may regret it now, but the best thing to do would be to restore funding and let's get on with the serious work, the apolitical work of keeping women healthy, living longer, better lives. >> representative jim moran of virginia joining us today with your opinion. we appreciate it. a big snowstorm pounds denver. we're going to take a live look at the conditions which are deteriorating there. that's coming up. and a nine-year-old girl really lucky to be alive. she is now home from the hospital after six organ transplants. we'll hear from her family. and we hit a new low for mortgage rates. we'll talk about the new mortgage refinance program. the time is 9:09. we'll be right back. 
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former penn state assistant football coach, jerry sandusky will learn the names of his alleged victims today. the name of ten young men will be given to his lawyer. the document will provide information including time and location of more than 50 criminal counts against sandusky. still no snow here. folks in colorado, though, dealing with a major snowstorm and in some areas, blizzard conditions. snow started falling last night to continue through tomorrow. the area could get up to two feet of snow. many schools are canceled today and some 150 flights have been canceled as well. grocery stores say they have been slammed with customers stocking up on food. one very tough little girl finally back at home in maine after a massive operation. nine-year-old alana underwent a transplant of six organs in
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october to remove a tumor that was spreading through her abdomen. doctors replaced her stomach, liver, spleen, small intestine, pancreas and parts of her esophagus. it's thought to be the first transplant of an esophagus and also the largest number of transplants. is still swollen from all the things that they had to use from the beginning from the initial rejection. she has not rejected since then. >> the family was told there was a 50% chance that she would not survive this procedure. she battled infections and complications from the surgery for three months before finally being discharged from the hospital. it there has been a big drop in the unemployment rate. a surge in hiring in january pushed the nation's jobless
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rate to 8.3%, down from 8.5% in december. the labor department says them employers added 243,000 jobs in january. that's the most in nine months. and it's a sign that the u.s. economy is slowly improving. stock futures have been trading higher this morning ahead of the opening bell on wall street which happens in just about 15 minutes. mortgage rates hit a new historic low this week as the annual 30-year fixed rate fell to 32.87%. this morning, clifford rossi, the from the robert h school joins us to talk about the drop and the plan from the president let's talk about the help from homeowners to refinance. who is he targeting with this >> there are two sets of bore
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otherrers, folks who are current on their mortgage but experiencing a situation where they pay more on the mortgage than what their house is currently worth. we call this underwater borrowers. in that sense, the program is expanding to allow people to refinance at much lower interest rates than in the past. people have said a 6% today and repraying rates are in the neighborhood of 4%, they can get a better deal to the supervise of something like about $3000 for the entire year according to the plan. the other segment of borrowers are folks that are distressed, folks who have experienced some level of delinquency in their mortgage and the program here is to try to improve the modification opportunities for those folks. >> does this target -- does it target the balks in terms of offering them incentives to make these deals now? or the mortgage helpedders? >> yes, what it is designed to do is expand those incentives to do a couple of things. one to provide to do a principal modification, forgiveness of the balance that
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the borrowers have to pay pack. those interest trip willed in size. they are looking at doing the same thing for fanny mae and freddie mac. they are triewg to expand that. >> let me ask you a question in general terp. if you refinance during the last few years, the rates have dropped and dropped and dropped, is it still a good time to consider refinancing even if you are not in distress? >> absolutely. if you can get a rate that's actually lower, at least by about a point or so, and you are not paying a lot of closing costs up front, in can actually significantly reduce your overall mortgage payment. >> with the mortgage rates at these historic lows, and home prices are down to, what, 2003 levels or something like that, is this a good time to buy a house? >> if have you good credit, equity that you can bring to the table because the banks still have fairly tight helping standards, you can get a great deal. >> by all accounts, people are
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not rushing to buy homes right now. why did you think that is? >> there are several things. again, first of all, tight credit underwriting is some of it. recuring that you come in with at least 20% down is one of the issues that we see. there is still a fair amount of uncertainty. even though we saw good unemployment numbers, people are still sitting on the sidelines weighing their decision. if i buy this house today, i might see it go further slip down into a lower home prices. >> the president's plan, are there any other things that people need to know out there that it does that might help them with their financial situations? >> there is a pilot program that's going on right now to basically take what's called real estate-owned properties and convert them in rental properties. that's a pilot program but that has the pest chance of having some impact on stabilizing the housing market. this is more of a stimulus program than it is a real
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stabilization program. very interesting. thank you very much. i understand it a little bit better now. thank you for the inside. clifford rossi with the robert h. school of business from the university of maryland a popular actress is throwing her hat in the ring. and the first lady takes on ellen. find out who wins the pushup challenge and annie yu is getting some tips for super bowl parties. annie? good morning, allison. it is not a super bowl party without some beer, right? and they have plenty of that here at mad fox brewing company in falls church, virginia, because they are one much few restaurants that has their own in-house brewery. if you come here for the big game, you will enjoy tasty beer and food. hope you stick around to find out what they have cooking up for sunday. nday. first, let's take a look at the day's trivia question. ion.
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reality tv show star donald trump and his announcement caught zombie surprise. this comes after staffers with the newt gingrich campaign said that donald trump would support that campaign. trump's reality show will come in two weeks. >> it is my privilege and honor to endorse mitt romney. mitt is tough, sharp, smart. he is not going to allow bad
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things to continue to happen to this country that we all love. so, governor romney, go out and get them. >> why don't we agree to not pay attention to dropped trump. >> his support could back fire and romney as many do not identify with the super rich. 27% said that trump's endorsement would make them less likely for a candidate. >> not what he had hoped actress comedienne roesanne barr is running for the green party nomination. barr says she is serious. first lady michele obama dishing some dirt about the president on ellen. >> >> that's the way he does. >> he does not take up his
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spots. he thinks he is neat but he has people who help him. i said that's not you who is neat. it's the people who pick up your socks. those are the neat people. >> well, ellen then challenged the first lady to a contest. and the first lady won. have you seen her guns? ellen likes to point out that she is six years older than the old lady. the first lady was in l.a. as part of the move and fitness. and coming up, a preview of this year's commercials and, yes, the e trade baby is back. and one bakery is taking the regular chicken wing to a whole other level. >> my goodness. >> how they have turned it into a cupcake. >> no? >> yeah. >> no. >> when we come back. 
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all right. >> um-um. >> this treat will definitely make you stand out at your super bowl party. that's a chicken cupcake. a baker in new york took a corn bread cupcake -- that's per, coated it with blew cheese it frosting and put a chicken wing on top. >> the cupcake appeals to a whole lots of folks, though. >> coco dots bakery. >> coco dots bakery did the treat, posted the street. dozens of requests have come in. if you are not a fan of chick en wings, the company office takes looking luke pizza. >> thinks tony perkins. we know it from his days. he does not like spaghetti squash. >> looks like spaghetti but that's squash. even though the flavors go to,
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chicken, blue cheese and corn bread, you know, it looks like a cupcake. >> how do you eat snit. >> it must be boneless. >> no, that's a regular chicken wing. >> i think it's for display purposes. >> like a fun sort of novelty. you take it off at your party. >> obviously, it's making me very hungry. >> it is? when i look at that, it says sweet. that's what it says. to your mine, it says sweet. >> how do you feel about mashed califlower? >> no, leave it as it is. >> now you have seen the ugly underbelly. >> we'll give you the forecast. you know what, i was outside a few minutes ago, absolutely beautiful. it's cool but it's february
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cool. it should be cool this time of the year, feels great. i don't think we'll see more than a passing cloud throughout the course the day. so brace for cloud on your friday. 41 right at reagan national. >> it's friday. >> i know, allison, but it's been a long morning for me already. 47 in gaithersburg. 39 for you in red rick. we do have some cool temperatures to start the day. quite a nice rebound for you. expect afternoon high temperatures upper 40s and low 50s, much cooler than what we had around here. cooler than when we were in the 70s. but when all is said and done, a pretty good looking day for you. we are expecting quiet conditions here. afternoon commute should be nice and dry. as we get into the nighttime hours, and particularly tomorrow, we'll start to get some cloud cover. and we mentioned this snow in colorado. it will present an interesting scenario for us late saturday
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night into sunday. most of the energy will slide towards the south but it looks like it's going to be enough moisture when we get into early sunday among that we could get a wintry mix here. let's take a look. lots of those clouds come pouring in here early saturday. by late saturday night and early sunday among, there we are, rain showers south and east of the city and that wintry mix. things change but possibility of a little win tri mix out there late saturday night and again early sunday morning as that storminess passes to our south. here is the forecast. 50 the daytime high. clear skies, just chilly over night, 35 degrees in the city. fur off to the north and west, and your weekend forecast, most of tomorrow will be dry, we'll crowd up second half of saturday and we have to look at that area. wintry mix a possibility and there is the rebound. temperatures near 50 by
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tuesday. all right. that's your weather forecast. have a -- well, i'll be back in a few minutes. have a good weekend. allison, let's do some commercials that's my favorite part, after the half time show. a 30-second spot costs $3.5 million. rob shapiro is the executive creative director at the independent advertising agency bruener and rob joins us now to preview this year's commercial. >> how are you? >> i'm doing will, thank you. >> up this year? >> i think it's going to go down as a great year >> you hate to watch. i don't like football so i sit there and wait for the commercials and then i don't like. first, volkswagen, we love the first ad with the little kid where he goes out and he is darth vader. this year, the dog strikes back. >> volkswagen has the bigger
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challenge than everybody. they are competing against a ton of car shows. thinks a sequel and most sequels are not as good as the original although empire strikes back was very good. a very good movie, right? >> yes. >> let's take a look at it. he is getting in shape. ♪ ♪ >> and in, here is the payoff. [ laughter ]. and then he starts again. it's just great. i love it. >> they wept from a kid to a cute dog and that's a nice tie- in at the end to buy in darth vader which is a nice idea. >> another car ad for those of you who loves ferris buehler, we're going to have mat's day off. >> i love this commercial. they made a good choice.
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i love this movie. the movie has very broad appeal. i love it. i have five kids. they all love it. it reaches a large audience and if you have seen the movie, you're going to love the represents here and you're going to love how they took it from a hot ferrari to a honda crv. >> and look at the gray in matthew's hair. can i get my crv wrought up, please? i have a lot to do today. >> broderick. >> broderick. >> you have excellent taste in automobiles. >> oh, yeah. >> life is packed with things you love to do. >> sometimes you have to love a little. >> calm yourself. >> that's great. >> matthew broderick, it's great to appear in this commercial. this is the star of if i am manies. >> commercials have so much position at this. they can recharge careers.
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you can engage with the commercial after it runs and see how many references to the movie you got. >> that's a big strategy is to keep the conversation going. >> and one that's not a car ad, this one from h & m but it does star that beefy david beckham. let's look at it. don't even say anything. let's look at it. ♪ don't you know that's no life, you'll always be an angel. >> i don't know what this is even for but i'm buying it. is that the problem, though? at the end of the day, am i buying a tattoo or am i buying the body ware? i don't think so. i think they are very smart here. a lot of women at the event watching the commercials and this is sweet, sweet revenge for all those go commercials with danica patrick. >> right. >> i think the product is integral to the story here. a lot of women and maybe men will go out and check out the
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product. >> and women will buy those for their men because they are thinking of compute little david beckham. >> we love the etrade baby. he is back and he is the best man. >> the challenge with him, he is iconic, we love him. >> a little bit of a slide. >> no, no, he is on my back about buying for his little girl. >> e trade has a totally new page. everything is on. >> it's like the buffet last night >> whatever hems you understand that. >> i'm watching you. >> oh, yeah? >> no, i'm watching you watching him. >> it's getting a lot of laughs in the studio. the challenge for him, he is iconic, he is a precious kid, he has the attitude and vocabulary of a 28-year-old. you get less baby now. that's the challenge. >> is that even the same baby? i just noticed. that might not be the same baby. >> different baby, right?
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>> yes. >> this car is from gm, the chevy happy trail. let's get into this because our time is fleet, sadly. >> same thing about rob, this is a regular person who sent in this idea, right? >> it was a way to get consumers engaged with the brand early on. i'm routing for this one. last one i saw, no movie references but a great story. don't miss the beginning. that's a great story that's built into this commercial. the over all story is that the car industry is back. 14-plus car herrings and it's good news for all of us. >> big time. >> that made me feel happy going into this weekend. >> this is rob shapiro, creative director of bruener. >> here is the problem. when do you take a bathroom break? >> for me, during the game. >> well, okay.
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[ laughter ]. madonna also, she is set to premiere the full video for her new single tonight but we have a sneak peek. that is coming up. of course, she is performing at the super bowl half time show. also, paula, nicole and steve. steve was the host, in case you don't know. all gone from the x factor. who is going to step in. who is simon cowell eyeing to be the next judge, after the break. really? >> and the trivia question first. answer coming up later. if you want to take a guess now, head to our facebook page. fox 5 mornings news is right back after the break. reak. 
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welcome back. simon cowell is now said to
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have her sights set on beyonci. reports suggests that he is ready to offer the new mom $500 million to join the show. >> that's an insane amount of money >> other names, mariah carey, perez hilton and allison seymour and tony perkins. yes, i've been waiting. >> cowell, i could do it. cowell recent gave the boot to steve jones and judges paula abdul and nicole sheringer. and we would do it for much less. >> yes, 5 million. >> much less. >> i would. >> auditions for hollywood come to a wrap as american idol handed out the final dwoald en tickets on last night's episode. it was a good one. we have a sneak peek of madonna's new song and video. take a look. ♪ you, me, madonna.
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♪ . . >> miki minaj is there. she promises no wardrobe malfunction. >> can you promise that? >> i don't know. right. as if janet wanted there to be a wardrobe malfunction? >> people are probably watching to see if there is one. >> the entire video will premiere tonight on her own youtube channel. >> all right. >> nobody promotes like madonna. i'm going to say that right now. it's always an event when you puts it out. >> are you ready for some baseball? >> wait until you hear about this. football season draws to an end. of course, the super bowl is this sunday. annie yu is live with some kids to make your party a hit. we'll be right back. ack.  i'm in a tricky situation here.
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i'm bidding on a 1979 dukes of hazzard lunchbox, but my auction ends in 15 seconds ! even worse, my buddy's bidding on the same lunchbox. it's airbrushed ! but i've got verizon 4g lte. it's so fast that i can outbid him at the last second. i got it ! yes, i won ! woo hoo ! it's got a thermos ! rely on verizon 4g lte. because only the fastest survive.
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the washington nationals are already trying to get people in the spirit. the coo andy feffer is here. i always say this to you. you come in and i think andy garcia is walking into the studio. but this is andy. this is cool. you all have responded to a concern and a criticism that -- or a situation that has existed that some fans have been very upset about. set this up for us. >> look. for years now, the phillies fans, our friends from the north have been invading our ballpark in droves. we heard it from the media, fans, blogs. as a washingtonians, i'm sick and tired of seeing them. today, we launched take back the park. we want our fans first to have an opportunity to buy tickets
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for the phillies series may 4th through 6th which is a weekend series. go online to and only those national fans who live in washington, maryland or virginia with an address tied to an address there can buy tickets. >> i love it. >> this is something that has happened. you know, you understand it. it is an easy drive down 95. you know, there has been some talk in the past about we appreciate those fans but you don't want to see them in your stadium. even the players, they are like, get these guys out of here. this is for the phillies series in may and the tickets have gone on sale this morning? >> tickets have gone on sale. people are already buying ticket on they will be on sale in a pre sale before we launch tickets to the general public in march. almost a full month that our fans here in the washington area will have a chance. i don't want fans calling up three days before the game and saying, i can't get seats
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anymore because phillies fans bought it. we're going to end that. the great thing is, for the first time, we feel like we are delivering a product on the field that's awesome to give people a compelling reason to come out. we beat the phillies last year 10-8 and the most exciting games were here in september in the parkable you did. and with any sport, but with baseball, it takes some time and every year, you put more and more elements in place. now, you guys, the big news today, you signed edwin jackson? >> that's right. he comes to us, gio gonzalez who we traded for from the a's. there was an amazing job done. stephen strasburg is back healthy, jordan zimmerman ace back healthy for a full year. young guys like ramos and he is
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by spinosa. >> we are dying to have a successful, winning franchise here in washington. >> max,/ourpark. check out the washington post post. dan steinberg wrote a great article about the whole promotion and what we are doing to lock the phillies out. we are linking the website right now. give it a couple of minute. if you go to, you can see it. >> fill our park. >> get the phillies fan out of there. >> you can't have a super bowl celebration without food and beer. apey is learning more about the popular beer from the master brewer at mad fox brewing company in falls church. >> this is -- mad fox is actually a restaurant in the area that has its unique brew.
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the master brewer on site joins us now. bill, talk to us about the brewing process pause we were able to take a visit down there. >> we mash it in the mon, with all the grapes that we are using for the brewery process, he can tract as much of the sugar as possible, boil it, with the hops, allow the yeast and fermentation to take place. two or three weeks after that, we'll have beer. the beer that you saw this morning will probably be on tap in about three weeks' time. >> do you constantly come up with new naive or how do you know it's going to come out. >> it's all up here. it's what the guests wants. i can tell by demand. we are coming up with new recipes, new beer and what sells best and what people want is what we brew. >> coming up sunday for the big game, what are people going to taste this sunday? >> we have our kolch, depepper
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apa, a heavy n s a song. >> we're going to sample some of those. we have our testers here, friends. >> thinks the ksh ale: would any-up like to try? >> sure, you would. >> german style golden ale from the cologne area of germany. >> you will get this to try. >> is this pretty strong? because i'm not -- >> light, crisp, refreshing. that's really good, right? >> what kind of beer do you normally drink, lisa? >> i'm more of a light beer fan. you are like me. >> marco. >> i lick heavy bitter beers. >> is that pretty good for you. >> it's light but it's pretty good. >> you want something heavier. >> i have one coming for him.
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>> what about you? i'm an ipa fan, the broad street i pa. i would love to try that. >> is this your first time here to mad fox? >> this is my first time. >> do you think you will be out here to this sunday's game. >> i'm going to try to make it out. >> i hope you all will, too. we are here in falls church, virginia. they are celebrating the big game on sunday. if you log on to our website, we have linked the recipes of all the delicious foods that we have. >> there you go, guys. >> cheers. cheers. >> we'll be right back. 
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we're gonna erase breast cancerr once and for all. once and for all. walking 60 miles... in three days. join us. join us. (woman) we're united.
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(woman) a family. (man) a movement. (woman) a coming together of thousands. (woman) thousands... (man) with one goal. join us. we're committed. relentless. (woman) we've refused to surrender. (woman) refuse to give up. (woman) we will never give up. (woman) never. never. never. join us. so that no one's life is cut short. no one has to suffer the agony of a loss. the agony of my loss. no one should have to experience what my family went through... go through what i went through. no one should have to experience that nightmare. no one. no one. we're going to erase breast cancer once and for all. (woman) walking 60 miles. (woman) in three days. join us. (man) register today for the... and receive $25 off your registration fee. because everyone deserves a lifetime.
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we want it update you on some information and we should have a photo to show you. do we have the photo? we want to update you on some information. we have been talking about the missing 14-year-old girl and her young baby. we were supplied with the wrong
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picture of the girl which we apologize about. this is, we are told, the correct picture of shanee cox. she is reportedly 14 years old, has a six month old daughter named nevaeh. they are missing. thinks the correct picture of shanee cox last seen wearing a blue coat, pink shirt, ripped genes. the baby had on a pink snow suit. shanee may be in need of medical attention. if you have any information, contact montgomery county police department or any police department if you see her somewhere else. sorry for the photo. we were supplied the wrong one. time now to answer the trivia question. tony, you had it right. the answer was 1920. >> african americans have
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played baseball professionally, did it before that, back in 1878 but fowler became the first black player to cross the color barrier for the lynn, massachusetts, black oaks. it was not until 1920 that pitcher rube foster organized the first national baseball league, the new grow national league. tucker and i are very excited about this. we want to show you some new images from space. nasa released video by the grail spacecraft captured from the far side of the moon. thinks something that we have never seen before. we see very rugged terrain, video was captured by what nasa calls the moon cam which means calls moon, knowledge acquired


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