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tv   Fox Morning News  FOX  February 23, 2012 9:00am-10:00am EST

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some showers moving inin overnight, and we have clouds out to the west. it's not going to beg oiperfectly sunny, but winds frm the south ahead of the coldd front, we should be enjoying the unseasonably high temperatures,m in the peupper 60s and low 70s. so even warmer than yesterday, and the best part, we'll be dryy today. showers get back in heree tonight, and changes for the day tomorrow. i'll have details coming up. 68 in washington, 71 in fredericksburg, 70 in waldorf, cooler towards pennsylvania, 63y your afternoon lvhigh inin hagerstown. tucker, thiser morning's big story, geoe huguely could spend 26 yearsen d behind bars. >> that is the recommendedr sentence from jurors who foundud huguely guilt tiff of second degree murder and grand larceny. paul has more on this.
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>> reporter: allison and tony,on it was a avery, very long day here in charlottesville, and in this circuit court, the juryjury spent nine hours deliberatingde and litalking about what they ft george huguely deserved. they had the ability, basically, because of the indictment, tocte find him guilty of first degreee murder, but they declined onned that and found him guilty ofuilt second degree murder, and they also had the ability based onse the indictment to find himhim guilty of robbery, breaking and entering, and assault andd battery. they chose not to find him guilty of those, but it find him guilty of grand larceny. the part before grand larceny i interesting in that they had the ability also to find him guiltyt of petty larceny, based onon taking yeardley love's computeru after he killed her in her apartment over on 14th street back in may of 2010.201 the jury had to decide whetherdi
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or not dethat computer was worth more than $200. they did decide that, and that's why they found him guilty oflty grand larceny, and they assigned a penalty of one year. they also assigned a penalty for the second degree murder of 25 years. there's truth in sentencingenci here, so 26 years means 26 years. however, what will happen is there will be a sentencing phasn further down cithe line. the judge will sentence,ente formerly sentence george huguelr on april ge16th.16th he can lower that sentence or h can impose the sentence, but he cannot raise it.. now, everything happened here late in the the verdict came down justt before 7:00, and the jury wentwn back to the sentencing phase and they decided what they were going to give george huguely, and then late last night, just after 10:00, the prosecutor whoo had not spoken to the media at
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all ever about this case finally came out to the podium and made some >> what we do in court is a very rough approximation of justicesc in any given case. we hope that they feel some solace from the outcome that's's been achieved here.ed >> we are, of course,urse disappointed with this verdict. we look forward to somesom corrections in what happened here tonight. >> reporter: francis lawrenceis the defense attorney just spoke moments, just spoke very briefle at rythe podium, so we walked d and on to the street, and tried to talk to him as they weret walking up the street, and thiss is what francis lawrence had to say to night question about what he meant about correcting here.r >> mr. lawrence, what did youha mean t by correcting?c caorn you expand on that?
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>> no, thank you. >> how's george doing? courageous and >> -- time has not made us miss yeardley any less. quite of opposite, it is trulyly devastating to wake up each dayc and realize she is no longerer here. we will continue to keep her spirit alive by performing workg of kindness in her name. we would like to thank thethe commonwealth, and particularly dave chapman for his tirelesses efforts on our behalf. so this two and a half week trial is now over.. allison and tony? >> paul, the next, what doesha happen as far t as the actual te george huguely does get? and is that real-time there in virginia? >> reporter: yes, truth intr septembering here, allison,
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there is no parole in virginia,v so whatever the jury decides to do, to give george huguely is what he has to serve. and the jury did know that. dave chapman told them that, and so did the defense, so they wer very aware.ry but however, before they went to deliberate, one jurors asked the judge can we consider his timetm served, which is basically twoly years he's been locked up virtually, has been locked up since the day of the murder, so the judge said if you want to consider that, go back in the jam and send us a note. -- in the jury room and send us a note.. 26 years is what they recommend. >> thank you for your comments. alarming spike in robberiesr in the focus of a community safety meeting.g. ward 3 council member is hosting the event, it starts at
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7:00 p.m. in the cafeteria at alice deal middle school.scho police chief kathy lanier will be on hand to talk about measures being taken. there have been nearly 6000 robberies this year alone a 55% increase. many in cases armed men are targeting people for their smart phones and other electronice devices. we're following tragicowin breaking news out of arizonaar this morning. reports now that 7 marines weree killed when two helicopterscopt collided during a trainingaini exercise. this happened near umeh,, arizona, last. the marines are from the third marine air wing in southernther a marine corps official is now confirming that accident.iden now to iraq, where at least 250 people are dead in a stringt of a-- 50 people are dead in ai string of attacks. most appeared to target police, the worst blast was in a shi'ite
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neighborhood during rush hour shaking buildings, and windowsos blocks away. thousand to breaking newsre crows error akto police in prince george are one the hunt for a suspect in early morning home invasion, twotw suspects burst into a home inin the 12000 block of henderson chapel lane in by i. that was around 5:30 thisis morning. they took money, property, and gold colored jaguar.guar three people in the home were tied up during the ordeal, butra no one was seriously in theus race for the republican nomination, the presidential hopefuls clashed ih the debate in arizona. it was the last debate before primaries in that state, and michigan next tuesday. rick santorum who is surging inu the polls was on the defensiveei about his support for the no child left behind education lawo >> and i n will not make that mistake again. you have someone who is look, i'm a home-schoolingme father of seven, i -sknow the
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importance of customizedc education for our children.. i know the importance ofof parental control of education, know the importance of localloc control of education.n. >> the whole school of education theory that you don't have to learn, you have to learn about how you would learn so when you finish learning about how you learn you have self esteem because you are told you have self esteem, facebook,er -- even if you can't read the wordsrds self-esteem. one big political issue inse the u.s. right now, gas prices.. >> it affects all of us. according to aaa, the average price for our gallon of regular unleaded stayed steady in dc at $3.78. the prices did go up a penny in maryland to $3.63, and inin virginia, where the average isis now $3.56. later, we should hear from president obama for ideas addressing rising gas prices.ic
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melanie is live in silverlvr springs with more on that. good morning.g. >> reporter: good morning.oo that's right, the president isd going to speak at the universitr of miami later today. he says energy policies have led to increased energy production,i and a greater mix of energyergy sources. white house advisors do believe the president needs to say something to anxious consumers.o gas prices have soared 31% since december. republicans have seized on the issue, saying the president'spr decision to kill the keystoneyso pipeline is evidence ofof misguided policy. white house officials say mr. obama's policies areare working, and will lead to greater energy independence, bud they admit that today's prices spikes are beyond their control. >> if you're suggesting thatng there's responsibility for ay fo rise in the global price of oil,
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it certainly not because ofse anything he hasn't done to expand domestic oil and gass >> reporter: high gas prices have often hurt sittingg presidents and this is noo exception. associated press polls foundnd that 58% of those surveyedsurv disapproved of what presidentt obama is doing, or not doing ond gas prices.p tony and allison? >> thank you very much. coming up, a tennessee pastor's book on how to raise children is stirring up >> this instrument is not goinnn to break any bones, it's not going to cause deep bruising, it's not going to tear theth flesh, but it stings child advocate groups say the books is responsible for three deaths in the united states. 
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there is a push for amazon to stop selling controversialli book that has ngbeen linked to t deaths of three children in then united states, and some child advocacy groups question if it is leading parents to take thess drastic measures. >> jill spoke with the authors. and here's what they had to saya about the book and d the childr that died.d >> reporter: pastor pear land and his wife live on a farm in pleasantville, tennessee. the remote location doesn't mak' them immune from death threats. >> this guy said your whole family should die, everybody in your church ought to so we get letters like that from time to time. >> reporter: they have comer: under fire since their book tok train up a child has been linked to the deaths of three childrene across the country. the book teaches parents to useo a switch, along with other
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techniques to make theirak children obey. they say it's as easy asa training a dog or a horse. >> yeah, i compare childmpar training to animal training. >> reporter: page one starts with the word switch your kid.y ouother chapters are titled the rod, safety training, child labor and religious whips.elig the iopearls say the book isis guided by the teachings of the bible. the book and others they have written are stacked a warehouse on their more than 670,000 copies have been sold. >> tree switch to >> this would be a rod, got ag little rubber thing, and thist
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little piece of flexible tubinge would be a rod as well. very light, this instrument -- it's not going to break a bone,o cause any deep bruising, notuisi going to tear the flesh, buth, that stings. >> reporter: but in the book, michael pearl writes if you havo to sit on him to spank him, do not hesitate, and holds him there until he has surrendered. you are to rule over him.ove pearl compares his children toch proud soldiers, and brags about using word association to potty train their children, including, their 3-month-old, our children were so well trained to thetrai voice command we had to be careful not the say the words at the wrong time.the we could go bragging to our neighbor, say the magic word,mag and possibly produce a release. in a chapter on safety training, pearl talks about coaxing hisaxn toddlers over to see the flames of a fire. he writes they always wanted to touch it, so i held them off until the stove got hot enough
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to inflict pain without deep burning. i would open the the child would run to the stovh to touch it. just as his hands touched theth stove, i would say it ways so effective thereafter, if i wanted to see them do ado back flip, all i had to do waso say hot, and they would turn loose a glass of iced tea. barbara king, the executive director of the exchange clubge that deals with child abuse in memphis read the book. >> this is child abuse to me. if they did this to an adult, iu would be assault. the total submission of these children to an adult's will especially when they are justjut infants and have no concept of what is being done to them or why. >> reporter: but the pearls sayr their children have no issues on how they were raised. >> my children are in totallyn delighted with how they were
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brought >> it stings, oh, my. yeah.ah >> reporter: the pearl's niece says she was raised by the book and grew up with the pearlt children. >> i think there is a largel misconception with everything that is said, and i come from a cheerful, happy home and i waswa raised among the pearl it was l never like, you know, thinking you were going to get abused. >> reporter: but investigatorsut say there are some across the country who may have taken the pearls' advise too far.r. according to investigators, all three children who allegedly died at the hands of their parents were regularly hit withi plastic tubes. the children were all adoptedl and home schooled, andsc investigators say their parentsr all owned the book by the pearls. the pearls say it's unfair to blame the extreme actions of aa few on their book. >> the parents that killed theil children were not acting in good
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faith. my book is filled with cautions and warnings. what they were doing was venting their own anger and frustration in ways that would have occurred whether that book hwas presents in the home or not.or >> reporter: the pearls say atea rlthe take no more responsibiliy for the deaths as kellogg's shog for cereal being found in the -- should for cereal being funds in the home. >> the parts didn't pay attention to -- the parentest didn't pay attention to the contents. the supposition they read ourn book, and just spanked them too much is a great leap. >> our experience after working in this fields with master andm doctor level students and staff, interns, that's not a leap at all. >> close to 11,000 people haveha
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signed a petition online to hav amazon remove the book and others like it. >> we've had some feedback. tanya says physical disciplineds and abuse or killing are entirely different things.eren i think, you know, to discipline your child and kill a child isci an entirely different thing, and ryan writes he says if you needs to read a book to know how to discipline your children, you shouldn't be having any.ving just two of the responses on on facebook fan page. >> indeed shedding pounds with a prescription, a new weight losse igdrug is a step closer to bein available with a prescription. p. it is 9:20. it is 9:20. the word is swapportunity.
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can i have the definition? swapportunity: the opportunity to swap a higher calorie snack for a yoplait light. can you use it in a sentence? mmm. swapping a 300 calorie donut for this 110 calorie strawberry shortcake is a good swapportunity. that's not a real word. oh haha it's real. [ [ female announcer ] deliciou, creamy, yoplait light. over 30 flavors each around 100 calories. do the swap today.
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we have a fox 5 consumerco alert, honda is recalling 46,00l odyssey minivans, at least
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twice, the reach hatch doorsh have -- the rear hatch doorsea have collapsed on people. the ntsb says gas can leak outt of the support on the lift gatee honda says they will sends t letters heto odyssey owners nex month with instructions aboutns the recall, and how to handlehn it. move over, smart phones,art check this out. google is getting ready to sell smart glasses. they will screen real-timereal information right -to ei lenses. one blogger reports they will bi and tried based with a built in cam -- android based with a built in camera.came they will cost between 250 and50 $600, and hit the market later this year. thanks, health alert foral those of us looking to shed a few pounds.poun fda is taking a second look at the new diet pill that's called -- the fda rejected the pill
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once over safety concerns after getting some new data, showing the drug causes significantgnif weight loss. glue chem i can control, they are reconsidering it now. if approved, it would become the new prescription diet pill onpil the market in ten years. the fda decision is expected to come in april. i hope i'm pronounces that right. that's all we can do. anyway, a play with a powerful message hits the stage athe emergency university.y it shines the spotlight on the struggles that gay studentsstud face. the director and one actor willa be ctwith us to explain. in the meantime, here's aa live picture, what's going ono outside, man, that's pretty, it's shaping up to be a gorgeouo day. temperatures in the upper 60s,6, some of you in the lower 70's tucker tells us how long theth spring-like weather will stickl around when we come back. ome ba. -dad, why are you getting that? -that's my cereal.
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is there a prize in there? oh, there's a prize, all right. is it a robot? no. is it a jet plane? nope. is it a dinosaur? [ laughs ] [ male announcer ] inside every box of heart healthy cheerios are those great tasting little o's made from carefully selected oats that can help lower cholesterol. stickers? uh-uh. a superhero? ♪ kinda. [ male announcer ] and we think that's the best prize of all. ♪
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we're not even throughev winter, but we're enkeeping ain close eye on possible tornadoest a storm system will move through the southeast today, and there is fear it could spawn some tornadoes, due to an unseasonably warm winter, weinte could see a lot of tornadic activity this year. tornado season typically beginsl in march, but this year, we saw them in january. there will be some efforts inn making a long term prediction.p they've been trying to did thata for years. we know the conditions.di >> often, we only get about 15 minutes notice, if that, so it's hard to do long-term.lo >> i hope it's a mild season. >> conditions later today, wet had thunderstorm activity in southeast virginia last night,t, and --nd >> that time of year.
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any time you talk about 60s and low 70s around here inin february, you know something'sso going to give. colder air is not that far away. we'll see that clash laterl tonight. let's take it up to live shot,o, gorgeous. >> 54 degrees.>> 5 >> 54 degrees now in washingtona and you know what?at? we'll be hitting the 60s in an hour or so, and everybody will take the afternoon off. >> just look at that picture. >> what a great city.grea >> we live in the best city in the world.. >> hey, let's do the numbers,mbe reagan national, now 54 degrees5 4 and just looking, okay, one st in the 0's, manassas, 48, but you get the idea. any time you look at 50s ats 9:00 in february, that's a goodd thing, 56 in annapolis, off tois the north and west, break frombr the cold, hagerstown, 51, andan afternoon highs, talking abouttl
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all morning, upper 60s and lowlo 70s. best chance for 70s is a little south of washington.wa but if we get a nice afternoonce the asun, i think we'll get cle to 70. mix of sun and clouds, partlyy sunny, but we should be drydry later. we have one or two sprinkleswo breaking out down to the s sout and west, and that's about this is a very weak cold frontrt that started to come through. didn't really make it. high pressure out to the west, but we have more in the way of cooler temperatures lurking offu to the northwest, and that will get in later tonight and during the day tomorrow. future cast, worry about the showers during the -- don't worry about showers during thee course of the day. tonight, a cold front will come through, tomorrow morning, iw think conditions will bemo veryv blustery, we'll have a lot of wind from the north and west. winds gusting 30, 40 miles anle hour as that front comes through during the overnight, early tomorrow morning, and cooler temperatures behind t so enjoy the afternoon, tomorrow'stomo
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daytime high energy the 60s as well, but the temperature willar e be falling. act look. snow showers for mountains toin s the west.. that gives you an idea how muchh cooler the air will be. 68 degrees, we should see 70se here, south of the city. west winds gusting to 25, partlr sunny, that's unseasonably warm for the end of february february, couple showersower developing, i showed the showers on future, i think there's are's good chance to see the showerses overnight. winds ovsouth and east 5-10. they will pick up during thehe early morning hours tomorrow.w. that 65 you see will get thatt early in the morning, temperatures will be falling f during the course of the day, saturday and sunday's highs,ghs that's where we should be, lotso of sunshine.hi that's a look at the weather. now let's do some, no, we're doing tony. and this weekend, is not the end of february. >> not yet, not yet.
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the impact of gay bullying is effect in a new jerseyjers courtroom. jury selection continues in thes trial of in a former rutgers university student accused ofof using a web cam to spy on andan broadcast his roommate'smate encounter with another man, thah roommate committed suicide a few days after learning the intimate moments had been seen by others. it's that case that played aat role in helping the local director choose a musical toical present at american university.s the show is called bear, a pop up a. it opened in 2000, but it speaks to today's issues. joining us is carl menninger atn american university, and matthew ingram, a some pore musicalusic student -- sophomore musical student that stars in the show.o >> thanks for having us. >> i had not heard of this showw before, bear, a pop opera. carl, tell us, before we get into a discussion about why you brought this show, tell bus thee
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show. >> it takes place in a catholic boarding school, and it is about two young men who are having a secret relationship, one of theh wants to come out. the other one feels as thoughhog the relationship needs to be kept in the closet. and realizes that the impact iss coming occupy out, and coming out in a catholic boardingding school, has some curiousriou implications for him. >> it's about struggle between the two of them to figure outfi what to do.. matthew, you're starring in theh show. what character do you play? >> my name is zach actually. i'm in the ensemble of the show, but i'm portraying jason, one of the boys in the show that iss struggling with his sexuality,s he parallels that norm he strives to be, and actually holds in the school, and whenen he's outed by his friends in the school, he loses that position.
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>> okay. so let's talk about this, you know, when you say your name is zach, the character is -- i got matthew here. okay. let's talk about the issues that the play brings up. these are issues that are, as we said alive and well ond throughout wethe community, but college campuses in particular,a tell me about, carl, you have some personal reasons to want t produce this production.duct >> i, two things happened. one was the incident at rutgers, and i thought wow, in ann university setting that, we're talking about rutgers outside ou new york city, in an urbann setting, how could somethings like this happen? how could this happen?hi and then last year, i had a student true a set of conversations who came to myme t office about an assignment, anda
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i asked how he was doing, hehe said his roommate was making homo phobic comments trying tog be funny, and he wasn't feelingn they were jokes.'tke throughout the semester, i justt kept checking in with him, it was clear that was going througg something, and then he said i web 0 wish i'd never come out. emergency university -- i wish - i'd never come out. [ indiscernible ]disc the institution itself is making efforts to be accepting of gay students and be welcoming to create an environment that iss supportive, and i felt wow,w, you're really naive carl in thinking because the institution is working that all the peoplepe within that institution areare accepting the values andand embracing those things. i thousand it's time to do something, it's time to say
9:37 am we have a platform, an avenue, n with which to do this. >> so we have the show, whichwhc opens tonight, matthew, you're part of an outreach effort.eff tell me about that. and what do you hope people take away froom the show? >> well, i'm carl's assistant,as and he asked me if i would beld part of this outreach campaign beginning the september, and that's what we were doing inin april, and i heard about the show before, but during thethe summer, i just started listenint to music and i fell in love with the story, and the beauty that the piece offers and then whatd he asked me to be a part of the outreach campaign, he was so excited. as a gay man myself, i struggleg with some of the same thingsth that jason struggles with in the show. and so i could connect with it. with this outreach campaign, we decided to use the production at
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a vessel for reaching out to the community, au community, as well as whoever would listen to what we have to say.say. we figured the more noise wee make, the more people that willw hear. >> we're almost out of time.. people, it's not just about, people can come see the show, but there will be opportunitiesp for people to ortalk about the issues raised, correct? >> yes.>> two matinees, we'll do a talk-back session.acn. >> we are seeing one clip.. the show is bear, a pop opera. the subjects are heavy, is it a heavy show?he are there moments of lightness with the musical, you expectyo some of that. how would you characterize it though? >> there's a lot of humor, a lot of humor, but ultimately, itit ends fairly tragically, but on a hopeful note.note >> all right. it sounds fascinating.cina i thank you both for coming. we have all the information onn the show.. i want to show that informationi to you on nfthe taking place at americaname
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university, beginning tonight, and many shows from now into th month of march as well at american university.n un we'll have ivmore in just a lite bit. the fox 5 morning news will bebe right back. ght back.
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welcome back.we time cowell could be considering big stars to fill the two vacant judge seats on the x-factor. cowell has said he wants to women and rumors he's beenen talking to britney spears, fergg and janet jackson. they have -- they had beenbe talking about whitney houstonout before she died.. cowell says he wants osts for the show, rather than one.e. perhaps allison see more andand tony perkins -- seymore, and tony perkins. >> i think he want to be there, too. >> there's fan favorite, shes landed her own show on
9:43 am the 14-year-old singer and tvv network are teaming up for ar comedy pilot developed aroundnd rachel. the episodes are to air in theth spring. she finished fifth in the first season of the x-factor.fa crow has signed to columbia records, >> if you cowonder if simon is a good person, notice the speed with which he ran to comfort his men tee. anyway, big night on "american idol."" 14 singers are a step closer too becoming its next "american idol." the judges revealed the lop 24 contestants during an emotionala episode. among those moving on, wedding singer erica van pelt, reed ritchie law, the cowboy who got on some people's nerves didn't make it. the rest will bebe announced tonight.un man, those two hour episodes,
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they are -- i read in tv guide, they said this is great, we're that much closer to the wrongwro people being cut. >> so still ahead, die spite a warm day ahead, we have -- despite a warm day ahead, we have a few weeks of winter, time to get your seeds planned forr your spring garden.rde it is time to start registration for summer camp for your little ones. annie yu has details on an expoo that will help you find the perfect program for your child. as you can see, i'm in a tricky situation here. i'm bidding on a 1979 dukes of hazzard lunchbox. my auction ends in 15 seconds ! even worse, my buddy's bidding on the same lunchbox !
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it's airbrushed ! but i've got verizon 4g lte. it's so fast, i can outbid him at the last second. i got it ! yes ! woo hoo ! it's got a thermos ! rely on verizon, america's largest 4g lte network. because only the fastest survive.
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sure enough,, not going togn feel like winter today, but we have a few weeks of winter leftt
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but now is the time to plant your seeds for your outdoorou vegetable garden and herb garden. we talk about what you need to do right now to insure greate growth during the spring anda summertime. >> you don't think about this is a good time to get a jump start on your garden. one of the things you need tod know before you get started inside. >> it is the right time to thinh about this. it's still winter, calendar wise, but what you need to benee thinking about is a lot of the plants that we have, a lot ofve the vegetables, the flower plants, they actually are in a 4-6 week jump start.jum if p you're not buying the big plants, seeds are a great way ty be economy savvy, to get aget really, really good start on the season, what you want to make sure when you do your seeds is that you start out with a seed, it's good to pay a little more for a seed starter soil.soil
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the soil has been properly neutralized, it has nono bacterial, and this happens toto also be organic, which is good. now, there's a differencefere between seeds and actuallyactu bulbs. some plants we do are bulbs, anb things like onion sets, which you can plant up like this indoors at this time of theth year, or if, the extended forecast looks like it's going to be warm enough, you can plant it outdoors, and garlic isar lianother plant. your garlic you divide up the cloves, and you want to plantpl each individual >> how much duwill that produceo >> what this will do, it willwi accepted up a shoot that lookinl like an onion, and by the end of summer, will produce its ownuc clove, so you'll have a full
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bulb of garlic. >> now, these are neat, because these are great if your space conscious, in a condo or something. these are pete pallets. once you add the water, they expand, and the great thing is they are already slotted so you can go ahead and put your seedsd in there, and it's got a nice little mini greenhouse cover soe that your seeds are hydrated. >> you haven't an easy way towa get the seeds some are so tiny. >> i wanted -- this is theis neatest thing, a mini seedin master, andi what you do, you make sure, on the inside,in there's a slot, what you want to do, and i'll put my hand now i've got just the four little seeds, and so you can go from each individual little cell and do that.and
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the other thing you want to do is you want to put what this says. so we'll put -- >> what am i planting if.plan >> those are pepper speeds, and, you make sure you label this because, you know, if you're like me and you get completely out of control with what you plant, you want to make sure yoo have a little guide map of what it is that you planted. >> it's good to get a couple in there. it doesn't matter if you have more than one >> and perfect point.t when they sprout up, what you, want to make sure, so we havewe some seeds that are sprouted upp these happen to be broccoli. now, what you want to do before you plant these out into the garden, or even at this young stage, you want to take them oue and then you want to divide thee out and you see the roots pull apart pretty e >> and they are pretty sturdy.s >> yes. >> and it's going to help theel plant and you want to slowly
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pull it apart and get it down -- you can do one nice healthy plant and replant that into itso own pot. and that's a part of transplanting so you make sure they're nice and strong when yo do put them out.m >> there are a variety of seeds, these are things we can plant now inside and can go out, at at variety of different times. >> right. what you want to do, check, and, there's books out there you can ask your nursery, with things like dill and rosemary and arugula, you can, the arugulath you can plant out now.ou most herbs, you can transplant those out for your flowers and tomatoes and your hot season vegetables, wait.ta the total six weeks before you plant them.em wait until about mid-may. >> all right.
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thank you, derek thomas. this is good information becauso i always am the one that putsat stuff out, and i say grow, grow! >> i'm like please! i hope i have tomatoes in time. >> great information. >> thank you.y >> even derek for gets and goes please! it is already that time of year to start signing up your kidsyou for summer camp. >> annie yu has been learning more about the summer fun expo. she joins us from dulles town center. >> reporter: okay, so far, we'v shown you camps for those who might have a chef in the kitchen, or a mad scientist, and now if you have a kid who just loves the outdoors, and isand support at the, we have two inin one. you combined the 40 kids withid s the adventurous kid. >> exactly, like two camps in
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one, an adventure camp and sports camp.. >> so what activities are yout doing every day? >> we have lacrosse, sandbag,ss e,ultimate frisbee, basketball, soccer. so -- >> reporter: snorkeling.epor >> a day when tewe go to the beach. >> reporter: let's talk about overnight, how long is youryour camp? >> two weeks. >> and so out of the two weeks, there's one night where youw spend overnight.nd >> we go to the beach during thg day, and go out to -- where thee do tubing and get to camp out, campfire, smores, that wholet thing, talk about organic food. nutritional labels.utri so tiplea motoring health and -- promoting health and physical activity. >> reporter: healthy eating is definitely key. you're teaching good sportsmanship and how to be kind to each other.ot >> i heard from a -- talking about kindness and all theth
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health benefits kids get. that's a big goal for us isis teaching kindness and positivepo sportsmanship. we're trying to get a littleli education in there because i'm a teacher. >> what is the age requirement?r you have -- with the harness anr safety vest, talk about the requirements. >> the requirement is 60 poundso 60 poundss. they need to be at leastle 60 pounds, they don't need to be able edto swim, but that weighto they'll stay up right if they gr in the water. caylee is doing climbing, she has her harness and helmet on. she pick it up quickly. that's for you climbing >> very neat, thank you very much you can log on to our website,, the big camp and summer fun expo hosted by washington parent magazine, it's this weekend, saturday, 10-4, sunday 11-4, and it's
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free. you can bring the entire family because you'll see all these mascots and other funn activities. back to you in the studio.. >> we're going to break. break.
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>> i think it web fair to sayt e this could be the best day b ofo the week.ek >> how about the year.ow a >> so far. >> didn't we hit 70 in februaryr >> i think we did for a coupleco hours, a couple where it was briefly. >> you might be right. >> i'm asking. >> i think, yeah, this isth probably the best day of 2012 thus far. >> so far. >> and there's a lot of happy people. >> that's right. >> sun is beaming bright. >> you have the 5-day?5- >> 68 this


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