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tv   Fox Morning News  FOX  April 9, 2012 9:00am-10:00am EDT

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>> he looks fantastic. >> yes, he does. big guy. thousands of people will take over the white house lawn, south lawn today, for the annual easter egg roll. holly takes us to festivities ahead. and looks like a good day for the weather. turker barnes has more. >> i >> -- tucker barnes has more. >> let's get right to the temperature at reagan national. we are 55 degrees. check out that humidity. way down. we've had very dry air moving through the past couple of days. we have increased risk for fire. already report of wildfires near winchester. we have to look out for that. winds at 8 miles per hour. and pressure, 29.95 inches. that is generally going to be falling today as the front moves through. lots of sunshine today. will cloud up a little later. and at least the possibility of a few needed showers here late this afternoon and during the evening hours as a cold front
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approaches from the north and west. you can see the rain showers in western ohio at the moment. and again, we'll see clouds increase here around midafternoon. and a few showers with that cold front passage a little later. nice and mild. highs in the 60s to about upper 70s. will be breezy. winds gusting to about 30 miles per hour during your day. and again, a few showers late this afternoon. that's a look at forecast, allison. i'll toss it back to you. >> thank you, tucker. the big story this morning. crunch time for maryland lawmakers. the current legislative session for the general ark sembly -- assembly is scheduled at midnight. there are still hundreds of bills hanging in the balance, including a new budget. fox 5's melanie alinn wick. >> a bill to allow public- private partnerships and the governor's proposal to subsidize wind farms. but the two big issues are gambling and the state's $35
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billion budget. first, there will be conferences to try to iron out differences in income tax increases. a bill to build a casino in prince george's county. and legalize game tables. late saturday might, the senate -- night, the senate approved a bill to double the flush tax. the money goes to the bay restoration fund to continue sewer treatment plant upgrades. the government's gas tax proposals, appear all but dead. but things have a way of popping up at the moment. opponents have been able to install legislation to bring a casino to the county. they have concerns. but there is a new proposal to punt and put the issue to voters in november instead. now, any bill that doesn't pass the assembly by midnight is dead, except for the budget. and there is a possibility of a rare, extended session to -- if lawmakers can't come to an agreement. >> they still have to come to some kind of agreement on the
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budget. they left late saturday evening, after a pretty long day at work. still some disagreements over tax exemptions for residents making less than $100,000. but they have come to some budget agreements over hiking taxes for most marylanders. and also on a plan to shift the teacher pension costs. half of those, onto local jurisdictions. >> and as we mentioned at the top, it is also do or die day for governor o'malley's bill to kick start offshore wind power. this is the second year that the government tries to get the subsidies passed. lawmakers are resistant because it would mean yet another fee added on. back to you. >> melanie, thank you. and making headlines this morning. a group of people are expected to march in d.c. this afternoon in honor of trayvon martin. the walk will go from gallery place to freedom plaza, as part of the national day of absense,
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action -- absence, action, and solidarity. meanwhile, a special prosecutor is expected to decide legal george zimmerman should face charges in the teenager's death. that prosecutor could direct file the charges or recommend that a grand jury indict him. if that happens, the grand jury also has the option to ask for more evidence or decline to indict him. in court today, two oklahoma men accused in a shooting rampage friday that left three people dead and two others injured and terrorized tulsa's african american community. police say one of the suspects, jake england, may have been trying to avenge his father's shooting death two years ago, by a black man. still, authorities say it's too soon to say whether the attacks were racially motivated. the navy will begin compensating residents whose homes were destroyed or damaged friday, when a navy jet crashed into a virginia beach complex. pavements will -- payments will begin at $2300 for an
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individual resident. families will receive more. dozens of apartments were destroyed in the crash. remarkably, no one died. we are following a developing story overseas, where according to south korean intelligence officials, north korea may be getting ready for a third nuclear test. a new report states recent satellite images show north korea is digging a new underground tunnel, at the site where two nuclear tests have been conducted. this comes as north korea prepares to fire a long-range rocket they say is for an observation satellite. but experts believe this could also test long-range technology to strike the united states and other targets. iran's nuclear chief is hinting at a compromise offer from tehran over its controversial atomic program. the willingness to reach an agreement comes as the u.s. gets ready for a new round of talks with iran next week, focusing on nuclear weapons.
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in the meantime, according to a washington post report, the white house is trying to convince israel that the ci a's use of drones and intelligence on the ground has given them a pretty good idea where iran's nuclear program stands. to peru. urgency is expected to trap nine miners underground. peru's mining min ministers is asking for experts to help with that rescue. thursday's collapse occurred, following a blast set off by miners in something that had been shut down since the 1980s. there are signs now that the republican presidential field could soon get smaller. newt gingrich could admit that mitt romney could be a potential candidate. and he talked about his candidacy in past tense. >> if i end up not being the nominee, i'm glad i did this.
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it turned out to be much harder than i thought it would be. but it was the right thing for me in my life and where the country was. >> romney has garnered 660 delegates. santorum has just 281. friends, fans and colleagues are remembering a legend in tv news. mike wallace died at a care facility in connecticut late saturday night. wallace began his broadcast career on radio in the 1940s. made the move to tv in the early 1950s. he is best known for his 38 seasons as host and hard- hitting interviewer on cbs's "60 minutes." mike wallace was 93 years old. well, every year, thousands of people lined up in the emergency room because of accidental poisoning. coming up, a local doctor joins us to talk about the everyday dangers and how you can avoid them. the time is 9:07. we'll be right back. !
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♪ [ female announcer ] if whole grain isn't the first ingredient in your breakfast cereal, what is? now, in every box of general mills big g cereal, there's more whole grain than any other ingredient. that's why it's listed first on the side. from honey nut cheerios to cinnamon toast crunch to lucky charms, get more whole grain than any other ingredient... without question. just look for the white check.
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those spots are actually leftover food and detergent residue that can redeposit on your dishware during the rinse cycle. gross. jet-dry rinse agent helps wash them away so the only thing left behind is the shine. jet-dry rinses away residues for a sparkling shine.
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a health alert to pass on to you this morning. new research says obesity during pregnancy may increase the chances of having a child with autism. while authorsie it doesn't prove anything yet. it does raise health concerns because of high levels of obesity in the u.s. they say the possible link between obesity and autism adds another incentive to maintain a healthy weight. >> thank you very much. spring cleaning. seasonal allergies and the need to get started on lawn care. they're all things associated with this time of year. and all of them need to be approached with some caution because of the potential risks of poisoning. joining us now with tips is dr. tony thompson chittim, who is the director of tlc pediatrics in bowie, maryland. >> thanks for having me. >> from what i see, the cdc
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says the level of unintentional poisoning is rising, right? >> it is absolutely rising. the most common cause of poisoning, of course, occurs in the homes when parents are very distracted, going to the phone, answering the door. your watchful eye is always the first line of defense. >> and it's something that can happen quickly. children make up what? about 50% of the poisonings? >> absolutely. >> let's talk about specifics. you have a lot of things you want to talk about. how to prevent poisoning in the first place. obviously, watching the kids to begin with. >> correct. children often get into household cleaning products. that's because we traditionally maintain them in a lower cabinet. and if we're going to do that, make sure we use safety latches on those cabinets. a great thing parents can do is label all of their household cleaning products with labels that children can identify with.
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these mr. yuck stickers have been around for ages. and when children see those mr. yuck stickers, they know to stay away from certain products. and plus, it's a reminder for parents of that poison control number as well. because it's right on the label. >> all right. very good. medicine. let's talk about this. we have a whole bunch of tips here. you can look on the screen. we'll also have these online. one of the most important things to me, keep medicine in its original bottle. >> absolutely. absolutely. and parents should really start using those child resistant caps. make sure you turn them to hear that click. because they do save lives. most studies have shown that 80% of children find it very difficult to get into those child resistant packages. and when medication is not in use, all medication should go into a locked container, up and away, and out of sight of children. that's the ultimate protection. >> the other thing that you stress is that whenever we, as
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adults or children. if we're adding a new medication, we really need to check with our doctor before we start taking it. even if it's something that you buy in the store. >> even if it's something that you buy in the store, there's a lot of interaction that parents certainly don't know if prescription drugs. and that's why you have your local pediatrician, as well as your pharmacist. ask about it before. and really understand and know the dose before you dispense any medications. because some medications could be the same. but they're a little more concentrated than other medications. and don't mix dosing devices with different medications. use the dosing device that is recommended for that medication. i guess you could, at very least, when you're buying some of this over-the-counter stuff, talk to the pharmacist. we were talking about the household dangers and keeping stuff locked up. but i understand, there are some things thing that you really don't want to mix together. ask you have other tips on
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making sure their house is being aired out. tell us about that. >> well, first and foremost, make sure that you maintain products in their original containers. some products. you know, like this particular product in the front. looks like your favorite sports drink. so it's so important for parents parents to maintain those products in their original container. often times, we have children that come to the emergency room. and they thought they were drinking their first sports drink. and it turned out to be a household product. antifreeze is a good example. >> uh-huh. >> all right. very good. lso, i understand that mixing -- this is something that people sometimes do. mixing ammonia and bleach. that's extremely toxic. >> extremely toxic. the windows should certainly be up. and children should not be around. and you should have -- you should afford a certain protection, too. >> uh-huh. >> because that can cause problems with respiratory issues. some kids, you know, have
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allergy tendencies. and asthma tendencies. you can imagine, if you mix those particular products, that can cause them to have a severe bronco spasm or asthma. >> let's talk about some of the outdoor dangers. we're talking about gardening now. season started earlier this year. there are a lot of products that people have when it comes to doing some of their outdoor work. what do you have to say about that? >> well, lawn care products are among the most poisonous products. and we don't know the short- and long-term effects of these products. but what we do know is they can potentially affect a child's neurological system. therefore, before you even place them on your lawn, make sure you read and understand that label. and do not have young children in the lawn while you're placing these products. and keep them off the lawn for at least 48 to 72 hours. >> i know some of these companies now that come out and work on people's lawns and stuff. they actually poet signs now to -- post signs now to say stay off the lawn.
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>> absolutely. >> and i guess the number 1 tip with all of this. anything that has chemicals, as you said in the very beginning, lock it up. >> lock it up. >> thank you for coming in. hopefully save somebody's life out here. this is again, dr. tony thompson. chittim's tlc pediatrics in bowie. >> thank you very much. >> important information, tony. thank you. coming up, easter festists are still going on for some -- festivities are still going on for some 35,000 people at the white house this morning. we'll go back to holly. she'll take us back to the white house for a look at all of the fun. we'll be right back. it's 9:17 now. 9:17 now. 
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♪ so, this is delicious okay... is this where we're at now, we don't care anymore? we just eat whatever tastes good? excuse me? [ man ] like these sweet honey clusters, they're awesome so no way they're good for you.
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but i guess that's okay right? actually there's a half a day's worth of fiber in every ... why stop at cereal? ya know? cancel the gym membership. bring on the pork chops and the hot fudge. fantastic. are you done sweetie? yea [ male announcer ] fiber beyond recognition. fiber one.
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thousands of families are taking part today in an easter egg extravaganza. >> they're going to join the first lady on the south lawn of the white house for the annual easter egg roll.
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that's where we find holly morris this morning, with a preview of the day's festivities. allison and tony, being at the white house easter egg roll is all about making memories. and i have to say, i think there are few things that are probably more memorable than having a little storytime with sesame street, elmo and abbey, just two of the celebrity readers that are reading stories to the masses. and you can see, the crowds have already gathered. but the storytime stage is just one of the many events here. in fact, there are events spread out across the lawn for kids and families to be a part of and enjoy on this easter monday. of course, this is a long- standing tradition here in the d.c. area. in fact, one of the longest presidential traditions that is in existence. in fact, this is the 134th easter egg roll. and while they have tons of activities, the activity that everyone has to be a part of is the actual roll itself. so as we make our way up closer
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to the white house itself, you will see that there is lots of rolling that is going on. and there are lots of families that are just taking it all in. so let's see if we can find a family or two who might want to talk to us. would you guys be willing to talk to us on tv? come on. you look so pretty. tell me your name. >> zeran. >> and? >> leila. >> and where are you all from? >> maryland. >> you are local guys, right? this is your first time to the white house? >> yes. >> what do you think of it some. >> it's okay. it's pretty good. >> it's okay? what do you think? >> i say it's really exietdzing that we get to see the president and doing different things on trips and stuff. >> i think it's really exciting to get to see the president, too. i think you guys look wonderful. happy easter to all four of you. you enjoy your day. let's see who else is in and around. >> i got some girl scouts, right here. i gotta talk to the girl scouts. it me your name.
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>> my name is zoe,. >> katherine,. >> mckenna. >> where are you from? are you local? >> yes, capitol hill. >> are you working on a badge whale you're here -- while you're here? >> yes. >> oh you are. what are you working on? >> i don't know. >> wait. i don't think we are. >> oh. you just decided you are not working on a badge. >> we're just visiting. >> what have you done so far. >> we went hula hooping. >> you went hula hooping? i hula hooped earlier. that's pretty fun, right? >> yes. >> what do you think about being on the president's lawn? >> pretty cool. >> we have been looking for beau. >> did you guys hear that there is an actual egg with beau on it? >> no. >> okay. that's my tip to you. you want to try to get the wooden egg with beau on it. and if you get that, you get a special beau badge. no, i just made that up. okay. you guys have a good time. enjoy this. enjoy this. and as you can see, everyone is
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indeed doing just that, enjoying the 2012 white house easter egg roll. we'll have more coming up later in the hour. >> oh. look at that time -- at that baby. >> all right, holly. thank you very much. still ahead. a look at sarah on her big day. plus, which of our guests we put to use. i hope it's mine. >> i wasn't here to give a gift, unfortunately. and raw and super stars taking over. wwe champion cm punk is in studio. he's coming up after the break. he'll sit down with dave ross. and we'll see if dave challenges him to a match. we'll be right back. we believe keeping kids healthy can start with healthy hands. with the lysol no-touch hand soap system healthy hands can be automatic. for healthy tips and more, visit
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[ female announcer ] cheeserburger macaroni hamburger helper. now even cheesier and tastier. helpers. forty dishes, all delicious. gives us the most nutritious of gifts. but only when they are ready to be given. that's why green giant picks vegetables at their peak. ...and freezes them fast, locking in nutrients ...for you to unwrap. ♪ ho, ho, ho. green giant never in my lifetime did i think i could walk 60 miles in 3 days. 60 miles in 3 days is-- is huge. if my mom can fight and beat breast cancer, i can walk 60 miles. you just put one foot in front of the other, and you know that you're walking for such a great cause that you just keep going.
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(man) that you have all these people coming together for one common goal. (woman) the goal is to bring an end to breast cancer. (woman) the fund-raising was the easiest part. people were very giving. complete strangers wanting to help. if i can do this, you definitely can do this. (woman) i'll never stop walking, not till we find a cure. (woman) and it has to end, but it starts with us. i knew someday i was gonna do this walk. it is the most rewarding experience i have ever had in my entire life. we can do this. you can do this. we can all do this together. (man) register today for the... and receive $25 off your registration fee. because everyone deserves a lifetime.
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can i have the definition? swapportunity: the opportunity to swap a higher calorie snack for a yoplait light. can you use it in a sentence? mmm. swapping a 300 calorie donut for this 110 calorie strawberry shortcake is a good swapportunity. that's not a real word. oh haha it's real. [ female announcer ] delicious, creamy, yoplait light. over 30 flavors each around 100 calories. do the swap today. beautiful. look at this congratulations are in order for a member of our family. for fox 5's sarah simmons. here is a picture of the beautiful sarah on her wedding
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day, saturday. sarah is off this week because she is enjoying her honeymoon. but she'll have more photos. and by the way, the pop-tarts were your something blue. because on friday, we did something borrowed. new. >> you know how it goes. >> i knew it was something special for her. >> it was probably special energy food. and she was probably like, where are those pop-tarts. >> she looked lovely. >> she looked beautiful. >> congratulations to her and her husband sean mcgarvey, who used to work here at channel 5. >> she looks beautiful. >> isn't that pretty? >> gorgeous. >> a little energy boost now. >> i wonder if she misses us now. >> i doubt it. >> i bet she's not thinking a lot about work. what have we got for us? >> am i doing weather now? >> oh, no. we have a story first. [ laughter ] >> somebody has been on
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vacation. >> yeah. >> that's right. national heat records were shattered during march. the average during the lower 48 states was 58.1. that is 8.6 degrees higher than normal. and 6 degrees higher than the average first three month the. year. first three quarters broke the record for january to march by 1.4 degrees. normally, records are broken by just 1 or 2/10ths of ray degree. >> we just shattered that record. >> and i can't wait for that kind of summer weather. >> really? i thought saturday's weather was perfect. kind of cool. >> no. i miss like 80 degrees. >> we'll get there again. >> don't worry. it will arrive march 10th and won't leave again until september 20th. soaking wet humidity and you'll be complaining about your hair. >> you're right about that. here in washington, we're
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about 10 degrees above normal for the month of march. obviously i don't need to tell you what you already know. it's unseasonably warm around here. >> guess what? >> what, tuck. >> we're going to trend a few degrees below normal. >> beautiful warning. of course, we have been out at the white house this morning. and great day for the easter egg roll. we've had rain, cold. we've done it all. just perfect. pench now in washington. here we go. we're warming up. 50s to the south. and quantico, virginia. 62 degrees. you can see these temperatures, very comfortable. off to the north and west, cool in frederick. and 52, hagerstown. temperatures are going to warm up to the upper 50s 50 to 70. got a front moving through. late this afternoon and tonight. that's going to do a few things. here are your wind gusts. and out of the west now, at about 22 miles per hour. check out gaithersburg. baltimore, 28. martinsburg, 28.
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we'll show you the winds. they're going to be with us much of the day for much of our frontal system. and it will be a breezy day. in addition, we have very low humidity. and increased risk for fires. so if you're going to be working with fire, you know, that kind of thing. you want to be very cautious with it later today, as we've got increased risk for fire here with the winds and very dry conditions. good news, maybe a few showers later today. we'll see if we can get those moving in later this afternoon. here's your sentinel sat-rad. clouds will increase here shortly. and the possibility, at least the possibility we can squeeze out a few showers later this afternoon, as this little band of rain arrives. and that's in the form of a cold front that will be moving through later today. and behind it, behind a few showers, we will see some cooler temperatures for the middle of the week. there's your future cast. put it in motion. clouds on the increase. partly sunny afternoon. and a few showers. and you can see, they're not very numerous around here later this afternoon and during the evening hours. and we'll clean up the whole
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thing, kick it out of here by tomorrow morning. tomorrow should be a dry day if not cooler. here come your clouds this afternoon with a possibility of showers. winds out of the west. gust, 30 to 35 miles per hour at times. mostly cloudy and cool overnight. 45 degrees, your overnight low. winds out. west at 5 to 10. and the all-important five-day forecast. there you go. cooler temperatures. only a couple of days. not going to last forever. tuesday, wednesday and thursday. then we'll bounce back into the mid-50s. if you need rain. got another chance for a few showers on wednesday. just a few showers. could really use a good, soaking rain. okay. that's weather, allison and tony. back to you at the desk. >> thank you, sir. coming up, a local theater that helped launch the careers of some famous musicians is reopening its doors. we're going to have a look inside. next. plus, bobby christina weighs in on a biopick about whitney houston. what she told her friends, next in the buzz bin. and cm punk is on the way in.
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wwe champion. we'll have him as well. stay with us. i don't even know what a casserole is,
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but it's really good. it's crunchy and noodle-y. what they mean is, it's french's french fried onions in my crunchy noodle casserole. french's french fried onions. available in the french's stay-fresh can.
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a big event planned today at historic d.c. theaters that helped launch the careers of super stars, ella fitzgerald, and marvin gaye. >> they will cut the ribbon. the theater has been undergoing a $29 million restoration since september 2010. it opened in 1910. as a first of its kind showcase for black artists. today's events will also unveil a new duke ellington statue, which we preview for you. that will be nearby. >> the hunger games is tops at the box office for the third straight weekend. it raked in another $33.5 million, switching the total domestic sales past the $300 million mark. american reunion came in second
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with $21.5 million, rounding out the top five. titanic 3d. wrath of the titans and mirror mirror. bobby christina says she wants to play whitney houston, her mom, if a biopick is made about her mother. tmz reports bobbie christina told her friends no one knew her mother better than she did and she is the best person to play her. pop star rihanna has also expressed interest in playing the part. and i'm certain many others will as well. and i'm sorry, bobbie christina, you won't be. >> don't you think people may want to see her, though? >> maybe if she is, she'll get it. coming up, the annual easter egg roll is under way today. holly is showing us the inter -- entertainment. >> you have a different take on that earlier. >> no need to bust me out. two dogs looking for
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forever homes. annie is here with a local shelter after the break. it's 9:37. >> that's called throwing you under the bus.  only $79.99 for a lucid by lg ? i can get a smartphone with verizon 4g lte ? it'd be so easy to check facebook, send emails. and the screen is easier to read in sunlight ! the universe is practically telling me to get a smartphone. it's like, "lisa, it'd be super cool if you got a smartphone. also, i like your outfit." thanks universe, let's get me a lucid. come in and say hello to your new, easy to use smartphone. the lucid by lg for only $79.99. verizon.
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that's been wrapped in a flaky crust stuffed with a gooey center toasted up all golden brown then given a delicious design? a toaster strudel. pillsbury toaster strudel. so fun. mom, we're dying. no you're not, you're just hungry. make some totino's pizza rolls. we don't have any! front... left, totino's. [ male announcer ] well done mom! less drama, more fun! totino's pizza rolls.
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there's a new masters champion in golf. the final day of the tournament in augusta came down to a two- man play bawfoff between bubba watson. and dave louison. watson on the green proved to be the difference. he went on to win his first green jacket. and the crowd was ecstatic. the 33-year-old from florida is now the fourth ranked player in the world. winning the masters will do that for you. wwe champion cm punk is in town for the wwe raw super show, tonight at the verizon
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center. but first, he joins dave ross live in studio. and i think dave said he is going to challenge him to a match. >> no, i don't think that's true. and he needs no introduction. he is the current raining wwe heavyweight champion of the world. and he has his belt to prove it. cm punk is in town. thank you very much. welcome back to d.c., my friend. >> everyone always does that. they put some poor person on the spot. >> right. like i gotta fight you. >> we're just here having a friendly conversation. >> and they're ready to start fisticuffs. >> what's it like having that belt around your waist? i know everywhere you go, around the world, that's how you're recognized. >> it's kind of daunting. to me, it's everything i wanted to do. but once you get there, number 1, it's harder to stay on top. but this thing is my life. this is my wife. >> wow. right there. >> i'm married to this.
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and it's funny. as i look and i see my naked knees. because of this title, i forgot my pants this morning. >> well, you can get away with it. >> that's why i'm wearing shorts right now. >> when you're the champion of the world, you can do that, right? >> i suppose. i didn't want to look like a beach bum here at fox 5 news. but i seriously misplaced my pants this morning. >> beerseeing you in some of your ring entrances behind us. when you come out, what's that like? what's the feeling like? you're getting the crowd into it. you're into it. it's a nightly deal. have you to do it around the country. you'll do it again tonight. what's that like? >> it's exciting. it's not like -- eye say what we do isn't really a ""job. because look at me. i'm throwing 35 pounds of gold and diamonds over my head. i'm kicking people in the face. >> sure. >> but it's extremely hard work. but it's still -- it's -- hearing the adulation from the crowd. or even if they hate you. they want to throw stuff at you.
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>> you don't mind -- >> to me, i'm still that kid that was 15, sitting on my couch, you know, drinking a case of pepsi, watching stone cold steve austin beat people up. and watching roddy rod piper smash coconuts over people's heads. i still get goose bumps every time i come out. >> you describe them, cm, as pipe bombs. that you're quite the orator when you get the microphone in hand. how did this come out? explain the origins of the pipe bombs? >> i guess i've been the guy who says what other people won't. >> whatever comes to mind. >> without fear of reprisal and the consequences that come with it. the microphone has always been my weapon. >> the weapon. >> yes. to me, more so than punching people or kicking people. >> what do you enjoy more? the physical aspect of it? the entertainment portion of it? >> i've always been a
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microphone guy. throughout the annals of pro wrestling, to be a top guy, as we call it, you have to be able to talk. and to me, growing up, watching and being such a fan of roddy rod piper. he was a guy who was smaller than everybody else around him. >> but not when he got to the mike. >> exactly. he talked a bunch of trash and got away with it. i was like, wow, this guy gets paid for this. >> i know you mentioned guys like that and guys like macho man randy savage. do you like carrying old school to new school? >> i love it. if you don't respect the past, obviously you're doomed to repeat the same mistakes and stuff like that. but i'm rooted firmly in the old school. guys like bret hart. you mentioned savage. you gotta teach the new kids about where all of this -- where this comes from, where i come from. >> yeah. >> and i definitely come from
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that old school. >> cm, obviously people are excited that you're in town. so much so that had some twitter followers that wanted to ask you some questions. >> lovely. >> if you don't mind. let's fire up questions. >> i don't mind. >> what would be your dream matchup. and how long do you think it will take before you are the main guy at wrestle mania? >> dream matchups are kind of weird for me because there's certain guys that i really like being in the ring with. william regal comes to mind. >> historically, too. >> daniel brien i would love to be in a ring with like on the stage wrestle mania. but kind of answers the question. stone cold steve austin. >> that's the guy. >> that's the guy. >> you can call him out a little bit, right? you call him steve? >> i think he calls me out. i don't think i'm in a position to call him out. because to me, that would be a step down right now. >> oh. >> might we see this altercation take place? >> it's not being inflammatory.
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it's 100% truth. he's hunting and he's retired and doing straight to dvd movies. >> wow. >> i'm defending my title on a nightly basis. >> stone cold, that was definitely at you. >> no. >> one more tweet real quick. what have the past six months been? romo. and what do you think about guys like the rock coming back. >> of the last six months, been a complete whirlwind. i thought my world was busy prior to me re-signing and the promo and all of that. but it's been a new -- it's a completely different dynamic. it's extremely busy. and i love it. i love being busy. wrestle mania was last week. and every day, i was followed around by still photography camera crews. they're basically documenting my whole life. and then when it all died down every night and i was alone in my hotel room. >> you're like, what am i doing?
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>> literally, i was like, i started freaking out. i was like, i gotta go do something. it's hard to kind of teach yourself to calm down after all that was. rock and brock coming back? >> yeah. >> the rock has proved me wrong and him coming back is great. so i'm going to hold out judgment and see what brock does. brock, unfortunately, has that holding -- that cloud over his head of him kind of cracking under the pressure of being wwe champion and splitting before. so we'll just have to wait to see how he does. >> we'll have to have you back. and i know you're good buddies with chail sawn, mixed martial arts. i think you've given him tips because he's picked up the mike. this is the man, main attraction. you're in a tag team match, right? >> yes, sir. >> what do you have going on? >> myself against john sena. >> you can see john sena? >> i can. >> not many can. >> i think he's finally on my level. >> and we're cool, right?
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you're not going to punch me out. >> everything is cool. >> cm punk. >> too early for violence. >> no violence over here, tony and allison. i'm spared another day. >> i like cm. not what i expected. >> the late of the in the audience. >> it's fine if you leave your pants at home. am i right, ladies? where are the ladies in the audience? >> it's not ray problem. >> i expect -- you know, kind of gruff and growling and all that. >> i'm sure he gets like that. >> but you're very literate. and -- >> literate? >> shocking. [ laughter ] >> he's going to fight you now. >> thank you. >> high compliment. [ laughter ] >> you're digging a hole, brother. >> i know. i love you, man. i think you're great. all right. all morning long, holly has been taking us to the white house for a look at this morning's or today's easter egg roll. >> yes, she has been doing that. and thousands of people will
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take over the white house lawn today. she's going to take us there now. >> holly, save us. >> okay. so we're doing our best to do as many activities as we can. so we're making our way over to the egg-tivity zone. there's a lot going on. and you never know who you're going to run into. like dominique dawes. hello it is good to see you. of course, former u.s. olympic gymnast. but obviously, one of the things you're here is because you're key into the whole "let's move" initiative. >> i am. >> what are you doing? what's your message? and how are you making the most of today? >> well, i'm here with the sports nutrition. i'm excited to be here. part of the easter egg white house roll. and the first thing, today, it's about let's go, let's play, let's move. and it's all about combatting childhood obesity. i'll be part of the egg-tivity zone, which is all about
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getting kids active. and teaching them the importance of physical activity. >> and why is that such a challenge for us these days to get or children moving? >> there's a lot of reasons. but number one, as adults, we need to be positive role models. we need to be engaged in our own physical health. so our kids can watch us being physically active and making smart choices. >> do you find that once the kids get moving, it's hard to get them to stop at times. >> it is. you need to get them moving. but also get them to know it's fun to move. it's not going to be too difficult. but it's about having fun, enjoying what you're doing. though, of course being an olympic gymnast, i am an advocate of getting them involved in sports. i think that's a great way to get them involved. >> and what do you think, since you brought that up, in terms of an organized sport, like, say, soccer or something like gymnastics, where you have an individual component, but then
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a team component as well. >> i think there's both. in gymnastics, yes, it's an individual sport. but at the same time, i learn so much about teams and working together with other people. not only working with my teammates that are training with me. but also my coaches. individuals, doesn't matter. just get your kids involved. >> as long as you're moving, right? >> yes. >> i know you get asked to do a lot of things. >> i'm nervous. >> no, no, no. where does this rate? i mean, come on. we're standing here on the white house, playing on the lawn. >> it's been pretty cool. i have to say, this has not been a difficult job for me to be the cochair of the council. the first lady and president are amazing people with good hearts. i'll come to this lawn any day. >> i'll come to the president's lawn any day as well. come out. enjoy the day. happy easter to you. as you can see, it's been another successful day for the annual easter egg roll. it's been out of the ordinary,
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egg-excellent. i'm done. no more egg puns. >> got a lot in, holly. thank you very much. there are many homeless an animals out there, unfortunately, looking for homes. >> hopefully you will be inspired to adopt a pet. >> good morning, tony and allison. thank you. if you are looking for a new addition, you should definitely adopt. and this week, we have two joining us from the animal welfare league. >> good morning. thanks for having us. >> here in my lap, vimilo. and you have kobe. they look like twins. >> they do. they have lived together all of their lives. milo is 9. and kobe is 6. he's codependent on his big brother. we want them to go together because they have lived together their whole lives. >> they are rat terriers. >> yes. >> so very smart boys.
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>> yes. as you can see, lap dogs. they love everyone of. >> they seem so mellow and totally not phased by all of this. >> very good. quiet boys also. >> they are. now, how old are they? >> milo is 9. and kobe is 6 years old. and rat terriers can live to be 15 to 18 years old. milo loves to play. he loves a game of fetch. he's just as active as his little brother here. >> do we know what their story is? >> they were surrendered because their owner was moving and could no longer care for these two. >> seems kind of common. >> yeah. move being is common. >> rat terriers love to please their owners. >> and they love to be around you. love affection. love petting. just very sweet boys. >> now, you all are gearing up for your annual big event. >> it's the walk for the animals. it's going to be saturday, may 12th. come rain or come shine. but of course, it's going to be a beautiful day. last year, we raised over
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$90,000. we had 500 people and 300 dogs. and everyone had just a fabulous time. but this year, we want to surpass that by over $100,000. >> great. >> we need people to register so they can go to our website. they can register online and start getting pledges. because it is a pledge walk. that's how we raise our money. so they can go online at our website and register and start collecting from their friends, family and coworkers. >> just a fun day. >> it's a three-mile walk. or if you don't want to do three miles, it's a leisurely, one-mile stroll. we have breakfast goodies for you. and demonstrations. and vendors giving away freebies. it's just a fun day for everyone of. >> thank you very much, carol ann. and we're releasing the website. if you are interested in milo or kobe, you can check them out there. along with registering for the event. >> and you can see all of the animals we have at the shelter.
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dogs, cats. >> hundreds of thousands of animals in our area need homes. definitely check it out. we'll have more for you on fox 5 morning. stay with us. ♪ so, this is delicious okay... is this where we're at now, we don't care anymore? we just eat whatever tastes good? excuse me? [ man ] like these sweet honey clusters, they're awesome so no way they're good for you. but i guess that's okay right?
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actually there's a half a day's worth of fiber in every ... why stop at cereal? ya know? cancel the gym membership. bring on the pork chops and the hot fudge. fantastic. are you done sweetie? yea [ male announcer ] fiber beyond recognition. fiber one.
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it is time to say good morning to our facebook fan of the day. kitty gonzalez is a mother of six and grandmother of five. these are some of her children on her profile picture. we thank you for watching, kitty. best of luck to you and your family. we thank you for taking part. for a chance to be tomorrow's fan of the day, head to our website. post a comment under kitty's photo. >> isn't it great when kids grow up and they look like that? quick look out. plenty of sunshine. we'll see clouds a little later today. and the breezes are going to continue for another day. so ot


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