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tv   Fox Morning News  FOX  April 10, 2012 9:00am-10:00am EDT

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and winds around yesterday, will make a return performance as we see winds gusting 25, 30 miles per hour out of the west and northwest, let's start off cool 50 regan national humidity 63% winds out of the south, 6 miles per hour wheeling around to the west and picking up here intensity, and duration, as the day progresses let's look at our satellite radar look how quiet, nice and eye yet lots of sunshine to start your day a few clouds filling in later this afternoon no rain in sight kentucky and ohio, we have fairly quiet conditions not expecting any rain another dry one, we have only picked up a tenth of an inch of rain for the month of april, none of the forecasts will be rainy, more details on that forecast, including we will take a peek at the weekend in a minute back
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to you. big story this morning three people have come forward with the mega million winning ticket in maryland. >> melanie alnwick is live in baltimore with more on the big winners hey, melanie. >> reporter: hi tony, well, it wasn't anybody at fox 5 but three employees who worked together, at what we are told is a maryland public school they wouldn't tell us even which county, which school system, these three employees were from but we know the lottery director described them as modest, as humbled by their stroke of luck and also as you can imagine a bit overwhelmed they will each take a lump sum payment of $35 million, lottery officials say the trio is calling themselves, the three amigos a woman in her 20s man in his 40s and a woman in her 50s. one is an elementary teacher one a special education teacher one we are told provides
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administrative support it is the first time these three have come together and pooled their money each put in $20 the tickets were purchased at three locations in the baltimore area, with the winning ticket sold at that 7 eleven in milford mills the night of the drawing the 20-year-old woman had all 60 tickets spread out in front of her watching as the numbers came across and then she had to frantically call and wake up her friends the other two, when she realized they had won. >> they made a copy of the ticket and they each signed a copy of the ticket from there, the woman who purchased the ticket, took it to a relatives house, where it was placed in a safe, the next day or actually i think late that night, so maybe three, four in the morning one participant contacted a baltimore area financial advisor, and made connection
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with him, to begin the process of planning how they were going to claim this money and what they were going to do with it,. >> reporter: we are told one plans to pay for a child's college tuition, they are talking about backpacking together through europe to celebrate their win another wants to go to italy all plan to buy new homes at some time in the future and the lottery director said for now, all of them do plan to stay at their jobs they want to continue teaching he said because they didn't want to leave the kids and the lottery director added if you couldn't win yourself these are the kind of people you would want to see win this jackpot back to you >> sounds like they have done the smart thing hire add financial advisor, gotten a lawyer involved good for them. in other news this morning maryland lawmakers may have to go back to work this week in a
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special session. they adjourned their 90 day regular session last night without approving a revenue plan needed to avoid big budget cuts that would kick in in july that included whether to raise taxes on people making more than $100,000 a year lawmaker failed to take action on a bill for gambling in the state we will take a closer look at this at 9:15 a.m. >> eric holder has said numerous times there is no proof our elections are marred with voter fraud so a group decided to do an experiment and get the evidence they needed on primary day in the district take a listen. >> do you have an eric holder. >> okay. there. >> i actually forgot my id. >> you don't need it, it's all right. >> you don't need it as long as you are here on our list that is who you say you are. >> the video showed a perfect
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stranger walks in and just asked if they had an eric holder the poll worker placed a mark next to eric holders name and offered him his ballot to vote this is all part of project veritop, investigates voter fraud in america. james o'keefe of the project thanks for joinings. >> good morning. >> so you targeted eric holders precinct on primary day in the district what led you to do this, under cover investigation? >> we wanted to expose the vulnerabilities of the voting system to potential fraud, weaknesses in the system we have done this in new hampshire, minnesota, vermont in two of those states, state legislature changed the law after our videos, and we decided to go after the belly of the beast so to speak and start going after -- exposing government officials in the
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district and their ballots being compromised. >> so do you feel, sir there is widespread voter fraud? what is your pro significance on this topic? >> -- position on this topic? >> you can see the system is broken and needs to be reformed some how, the analogy i like to make is a bank, a bank of all the doors just swung wide open and anybody can go in there and take money out take other people's money and i think, any other situation it would be changed in this situation something needs to happen it is not right for someone to just walk in there and almost obtain the attorney general's ballot there needs to be some type of security provision to secure people's voting ballots. >> do you feel this is widespread, was this done i know you did it in other states but here in the district for example was it done other than with the video we are seeing? >> yes, there is more tapes more instances of other people, not just attorney general eric
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holder but other political people as well as media people in the washington dc area who live in dc, their ballots compromised we are going to release those video tapes shortly. >> we will look forward to that. department of justice official responded to the video i will read it for you he said it is no coincidence the examples of rampant voter fraud, continue to be manufactured ones what do you say to that? >> first of all the department of justice required id to get into their buildings, but i guess they are having problems people in their buildings but i think it is funny the only way you can actually catch voter fraud according to them if you video tape yourself and have a full confession and put it on youtube that is the only way we can catch people committing voter fraud even when you do that they will say those tapes are manufactured yes, they are produced you create them and put them on youtube but it is a ridiculous cop out and we are
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going to continue experimenting. >> there are strict penalties for anyone trying to really do this, go through with it, five years in prison, $10,000 fine and the stakes are the same at the federal level when they are presidential or congressional, contests up for grabs, do you thing that is not enough of a safety net as far as voter fraud goes? >> well, in society we have a lot of different ways of deterring crime, preventing it i don't think we should wait until people are you know, have committed these crimes and some type of large scale you know heist before we -- we should still secure like i said secure the bank vault door make sure the money isn't just dangling out there for anybody to take. i think just the fact that our federal election system is so compromised, so vulnerable, that on its face is reason enough to reform it i don't think i need to show you, you know thousands and thousands of
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video tapes i have already shown four states where dead people are registered to vote in new hampshire, tim tebow and tom brady getting registered to vote in minnesota where they don't live, i think that is enough to show you the system is compromised. >> james o'keefe, we appreciate you joining us by phone. >> thank you very much. thank you allison. there appears to be a gender gap for the likely presidential candidates president obama is having a hard time attracting male voters, mitt romney's deficit with female voters is even deeper 43% of men approved of the job the president was doing, 51% disproved, the numbers are practically flipped for women, usa today gallup poll in 12 vital swing states shows president obama leading mitt romney with women voters 54-36. president's health care overhaul could add billions of
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dollars to the federal deficit officially health care laws projected to reduce red ink but it will increase it by $340 billion the study which will be released today could ignite a debate on the government's bottom line impact. >> some other stories making headlines now, a man is dead after police involved shooting this happened last inland over maryland authorities say a prince georges county police officer approached three suspects acting suspicious they all ran off the officer caught up with one suspect a struggle began the officer tased that suspect but had no effect that is when the suspect reached for a gun and the officer shot him police recovered the suspect's weapon at the scene the officer is now on routine administrative leave, pending further investigation. >> charges may soon be filed in the death of a 6-year-old in clinton maryland who
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accidentally shot himself the little boy found that gun in a book bag he later died at local hospital, this all unfolded yesterday afternoon at the home he was staying in arbutus lane this morning friends and family members are trying to come to term s with what happened. >> i don't know what to say. i don't know like i really don't know -- i am devastated, he was a good kid. i was playing football with him every day. >> police say the book bag was owned by an unrelated 20-year- old man also staying at that house. there are new developments in the trayvon martin case george zimmerman the neighbourhood watch captain who said he shot the unarmed teen in self-defense will not be charged with first degree murder but could still face manslaughter charges after the special prosecutor assigned to the case decided not to take it to a grand jury. meantime, zimmerman put out a public plea for help with his
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legal defense he has a website called the real george, in it he is asking for donations and giving his side of the story, his attorneys have confirmed authenticity of the site on that site he calls the february shooting a quote life altering event he writes quote as a result of the incident and subsequent media coverage i have been forced to leave my home my school my employer my family and ultimately my entire life. end quote. he says he needs help paying for his attorneys and his living expenses. still ahead, tuesday morning maryland general assembly comes to a close but there is a lot unresolved. >> coming up after the break i am going to chat with david hill political reporter for washington times about what passed what didn't pass and what needs to be done 12 minutes after 9:00 a.m. stay with us on average 5,000 people a day switch from cascade to finish -
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over two million so far. with finish quantum you get incredibly clean, sparkling dishes without rinsing first. see for yourself why millions have switched.
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join the finish revolution. ♪ [ female announcer ] if whole grain isn't the first ingredient in your breakfast cereal, what is? now, in every box of general mills big g cereal, there's more whole grain than any other ingredient. that's why it's listed first on the side. from honey nut cheerios to cinnamon toast crunch to lucky charms, get more whole grain than any other ingredient... without question.
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just look for the white check.
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welcome back maryland general assembly ended its 90 day session without approving a revenue plan needed to avoid $250 million in budget cuts. the lack of action meant a sew called doomsday budget is in place for the fiscal year beginning july 1st balanced entirely through hundreds of millions of dollars in cuts, house and senate leaders said they would ask governor o'malley to call a special session to resolve financial issues, joining us now david hill with the washington times. >> good morning. >> first let's talk about this special session how likely are we to see a special session. >> it is clear that no one in charge really is happy with the cuts, the governor had the authority to call the special session and you know he was a little coy about it last night, but the president called on him to do it, the assumption is that it is -- >> in all likelihood it will
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happen. >> mm-hmm. >> we talked about the cuts that would happen with this doomsday budget by july 1st, i guess the sense is no one really wants that to happen. all right. let me ask you this, this is something that we are used to seeing now on capitol hill where they can't come to an agreement, it is not something we commonly see in the maryland legislature. >> a little surprising, capitol hill is a little more balanced between democrats and republicans, generally there is a consensus over issues like this a real stale mate. >> do we think that they will be able to find some agreement, in essentially how to raise revenue, that seems to be what the stale mate is about. >> it appeared there was momentum yesterday, that puts it off to later in the evening but, the representative from both chambers did agree tentatively to a set of income
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tax agreements they were almost there. >> so if a special session is convened, it seems possible they will be able to get something done. >> likely a lot of these proposals that failed at the last minute will come back and be top priority. >> let's talk about other thing that is are high focus over the last couple months, lack of action on expanding gambling in maryland, whether that involves adding table games to some of the existing casinos or even adding and building a new casino in prince georges county what happens next on that front? >> if the special session comes up that might be one of the first things out there, there was a lot of people in the senate and also people in prince georges wanted this to happen it would have to go to referendum in 2012 if they pass it. if they don't pass it at all you have to wait for 2014. >> there is a desire to at least see something happen to get it to referendum. >> yes. >> let's talk about something important to the governor, his
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offshore energy bill, that failed to pass. >> yes. >> all right. so tell me what the repercussions from that will be? >> well, this is a relatively new technology a lot of states on the east coast, kind of jockeying for position but still concerns about cod last year it didn't pass either chamber, this year it passed the house. so the governor, i would imagine he might introduce it again next year in hopes of taking it one more level. >> the flush tax that went through, do we know now how that is likely to effect the typical maryland resident. >> pays $30 each year, that will be $60 starting next fiscal year. >> that is done, no stepping back from that. >> done. >> all right, finally, want to talk a little about gay marriage we know that passed, however, there is still the
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issue of it possibly going to referendum. >> yes. been an assumption on both sides almost certain to go they need 55,000 signatures and if they get them by june 30th, then it will be on the ballot in november. >> all right very good so that is what we know we will keep our eyes open and see if we get this special session thing going on david hill maryland reporter from washington times thank you very much allison. >> coming up tony, metro riders could soon have a new unlimited option plus how cell phone companies want to protect you, if your phone is ever stolen first let's check back with holly. >> good morning allison we are helping chaw celebrate its 40th anniversary, and they are doing so with a special moment this weekend, it has to do with a hand dance we are going to get through the lesson in this hour plus some other things they have a part of the celebration live later fox 5 morning news stay with us l an ordinary breakfast pastry
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that's been wrapped in a flaky crust stuffed with a gooey center toasted up all golden brown then given a delicious design? a toaster strudel. pillsbury toaster strudel. so fun. mom, we're dying. no you're not, you're just hungry. make some totino's pizza rolls. we don't have any! front... left, totino's. [ male announcer ] well done mom! less drama, more fun! totino's pizza rolls.
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riders on metro rail may soon be able to buy an unlimited 28 day pass part of a plan that will come -- part of a plan that will come before the board of directors washington post reports the new pass would cost $230, and would be available only on electronic smart trip cards, the proposal also includes an average of 5% increases for both rail and bus service. they are working with the government to make it more difficult to sell stolen cell phones, senator schumer said they have agreed to set up a data base unique to each phone using the list the cell phone carrier will be able to permanently disable a phone once reported stolen until now carriers have only been able to disable similar card which is can be -- sim card which is can be swapped. national cherry blossom
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festival parade takes place saturday, 10:00 a.m., rain or shine. giant balloons, marching bands, an elaborate float will travel down constitution avenue,. >> they are still going to be in it that is great. >> and elaborate floats will travel down constitution avenue. that -- >> are they going to have balloons and elaborate floats though? >> this is year as honorary marshall, marie oz monday, buzz ailed en, and olympians, and entertainers, debbie gibson and from american idol, among others, katie couric and alex trebek will be co-host. >> also marie osmond. >> the alarm clock that just won't stop
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>> i already hate it. >> medical news you should know about, about fats absorbing into your body we are checking with a medical team after the break. i thought that was a turkey at first but it is your heart. >> that would be a problem. q every day, an average of 5,000 people
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switch from cascade to finish dishwasher detergent. that's about 150,000 a month - over 2 million people so far. with finish quantum you get incredibly clean, sparkling dishes without having to rinse them first. now see for yourself why millions have switched to finish. join the finish revolution. and for two years in a row, finish quantum was rated #1 by a leading consumer publication.
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forget the days of snoozing longer look at this handsome clock the solution for sleepy heads the ramos clock, a 24- year-old developed this it not only makes people get up to turn it off you must punch the day's date into a key pad to stop the ringing so you see what is happening you have to be awake enough to function, get up and go to the clock and punch it in. >> that wouldn't stop me from hitting snooze. >> he created a pro toe type and has more than 400 orders for the device it will cost
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$350. >> no way to turn it off. >> you have to get up and go over. what turns it off is you entering the day's date. >> okay and then it turns off. >> yeah. >> then i go back to sleep i just don't see it as foolproof unless you have a huge person in my room >> it is built like a safe >> what is your point tony. >> once you are awake enough to remember the date >> my alarm went off -- for some reason my clock was set an hour too early i reset the timer reset another time to get up and went back to sleep today. >> good for you. >> the best thing is put it across the room. >> when my alarm goes off each morning i can't wait to get up. >> you are such an enthusiastic young man tucker. >> not true. >> how do you know tony? >> he told me the truth. >> coney is the king of the bust out man he did it to me
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yesterday. >> cool out there to start your day. >> oh. >> temperatures upper 40s and 50s beautiful look at that. >> what kind of -- >> those are going to be likely, well, some kind of cumulis cloud i can't tell from the picture if it is regular or altos depends on height off the ground. but those are fair weather clouds. >> i call them cotton balliou clouds. some times you have to float a joke twice people. >> it is not going to rain today. still beautiful 53 washington, warming up but today the warm up will be more gradual and winds will start to pick up again and kind of lock in the relative chill for the day highs only 60, 58 quantico, 57 fredericksburg and let's see low 50s off to the north and west hagerstown 50 at the moment. all right, want to do the
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red flag warning for you i don't want to but we have another red flag warning issued combination low humidity, gusty winds they will pick up again let up overnight they will pick up again and be out of the west and northwest, gusting to 30, 35 miles an hour, we are at a high risk for fire, extremely dry across the mid-atlantic for the past several months since the beginning of the year, since march 1st, only an inch of rain in washington and only a tenth of an inch of rain since april 1st we could use the rain and not in the cards today as we will have more sunshine i mean, you know it will look beautiful but we could use rain showers the flow out of the west and north, upper level low you can see it there underneath the banner, spinning up north of the great lakes, spokes of energy will work down we thing a piece will get in here tomorrow and be strong enough they could kick up a few showers but that is about it, otherwise temperatures a little cooler than normal our average daytime high 65, in the low 60s today
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and a couple cool ones wednesday and thursday, our daytime highs only in the 50s don't put away the jacket quite yet. 62 today, lots of sunshine breezy, no rain showers this afternoon like yesterday winds out of the west 15 to 20 gusting to 30 miles per hour later today winds will be back partly cloudy tonight breezy, cold overnight 39 your overnight low winds out of the north and west 10 to 15 and your 5 day forecast, just cool tomorrow 55 lots of clouds around could be a few showers, thursday 57 then here comes another warm up, 70 with sunshine saturday, 80 by sunday and monday, plenty of sunshine our only chance of rain this week comes tomorrow your forecast tony and allison back to you. >> thank you very much. in our health alert this morning teenage birthrates continue to drop, new government data shows nearly every state saw a decline in
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teenage births between (200)713- 2010 only west virginia, montana -- only 2007 and 2010. only west virginia, montana and mississippi had rates at that stayed the same. the fox medical team's dr. joe joins us live from tampa to explain good morning dr. joe. >> good morning allison yeah, there were three studies came out in journal nature they had to do with the sequencing of the gee gnome and looking at the dna level one had to do with the paternal egg and then fathers over the age of 35, showed an increased risk and that you know, looked like double the risk when you compared a 30-year-old dad to a 50-year-old dad not a huge risk no reason for someone not to have a child at that age.
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they also looked at some other mutations these are things that occur spontaneously it is not handed down from generation to generation i think we are cracking to the code researchers say there is probably a thousand genes involved probably uncovered 10% so far. >> okay also, some new research deals with the mothers health during pregnancy and how that might contribute to autism and specifically obesity. >> mm-hmm i know we've talked so much about obesity and the metabolic conditions that can occur this particular study looks at moms who had metabolic conditions like hypertension, obesity, bmi other 30 when they looked at their children they found many had developmental delays and increased the risk when you looked at obese moms, 1.6 times the risk, to have a child with autism. diabetic moms 3.6 times the risk not sure about the cause
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and effect relationship but we see that trending upwards as we go from obese to diabetes we will see a lot more on this issue in future. >> the numbers are staggering 1 in 8 now kids have diagnosed with autism we talked to a family doing some tremendous therapy with their son can you tell us quickly. >> yes, statistics 1 in 88, 1 in 52 for boys this particular family is using ada therapy and what they told me was that they couldn't get a diagnosis for their son early on, but they knew something was wrong they knew something was happening, so they didn't initiate therapy but you can before a child gets a diagnosis when children are exposed to this therapy early on generally speaking they do better. i talked to another family their son under went ada therapy at about a year old and
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forward and he was running for president of his middle school class so, you know, that shows you what it can do. >> great. >> great success story. >> switching gears our remaining minutes together, learning that the food, in our system, acts much quicker than we first thought putting our heart and arteries, at risk we are talking about fatty foods dr. joe. >> yes, yes, you know, always talk about you know the direct effect on the lining of the blood vest system or the indoe theme yum this study was done in mice they were fed high fat foods in 6 weeks they saw changes not in the big arteries but smaller arteries and vessels they started to thicken and decrease? compliance they figure that is the start -- descreen in compliance they figure that is the start. it goes to show how quickly changes might occur, and when we look at humans we do
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autopsies on people who die accidentally you can find fatty streaks in their arteries at a young anal we know what is -- age, we know what is happening we know obesity is a life long problem. >> all right dr. joe thank you so much. >> thank you. very good information. >> mm-hmm. >> russell brand steps out in hollywood. >> his ex-wife katie perry looking to pursue new projects what she said soming up in the buzz bin. >> the attention she gets from putting out cds and making videoappearing on talk shows. >> there is a new king on broadway the lion king, now the highst grossing broadway hit of all times the pulled in rave reviews over the years and grossed more than $850 million, as of sunday. phantom of the opera was the
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previous title holder i am surprised it took this long we will be right back in the meantime some lion king music ♪ [ music ] 
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buying this juicer online was unbelievable. what a bargain! [ female announcer ] sometimes a good deal turns out to be not such a good deal. but new bounty gives you value you can see. in this lab demo, one sheet of new bounty leaves this surface cleaner than two sheets of the leading ordinary brand. so you can clean this mess with half as many sheets. bounty has trap and lock technology to soak up big spills and lock them in. why use more when you can use less? new bounty. the clean picker upper.
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russell brand, literally burning money. the actor was caught outside a restaurant in west hollywood joking with a friend burning some of his money you remember earlier this year he divorced singer katie perry and declined to take any of her money it looks like he has enough of his own >> isn't that a federal offence? >> i believe it is. >> is he american? does it matter if you are an american. >> i don't know. >> seems it could still be illegal if you are not
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american. >> what is the point of it. >> with him who knows. all right meantime it appears his exkatie perry is fed up with the lime lights. >> the fireworks start recently told teen vogue she is tired of being famous she is taking on more acting roles to show her creativity but said she is annoyed with the extra exposure it would give her perry says she wants fan to approach her and relate to her life. >> i feel sad for her. >> i don't feel sad at all. whenever you hear these celebrities oh, the fame i don't really like it. well, stop making videos, stop making cds stop appearing on talk shows and all that stuff, just fade away and you won't be famous. >> i promise you won't be famous. >> this is continuing now maybe
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russell brand can ask jay lo for tips how to spend his money the star bought her boyfriend kasper smart a customized dodge ram pick up truck for his 25th birthday did i say he was 25 it didn't take long for smart to put his gift to use they were caught driving in his new ride on their way to a birthday dinner in west hollywood. >> now here is my question does it seem sadder when an older woman does this with a young man than an older man with a young woman? we are being honest does it seem sadder more desperate? >> not to me. >> glad. >> sugar mommas or sugar daddies. >> he is already dating and spending significant time with jay lo does he need a gift on top of that >> it is a birthday present. >> all right. >> he is very generous. >> all right. >> coming audio tape middle schooler spring -- coming up, a
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middle schooler springs into action when his school bus driver has a heart attack. >> holly is helping the capitol hill arts workshop separate their 40th anniversary she will show us -- celebrate their 40th anniversary she will show us coming up plus a war veteran who continues to make a difference >> my bad day doesn't some times measure up to their worst day. pgh >> coming up meet pup the nurse helping terminally ill patients, at children's hospital he takes care of kids who have cancer his story when we come back  only $79.99 for a lucid by lg ? i can get a smartphone with verizon 4g lte ? it'd be so easy to check facebook, send emails. and the screen is easier to read in sunlight ! the universe is practically telling me to get a smartphone. it's like, "lisa, it'd be super cool if you got a smartphone.
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also, i like your outfit." thanks universe, let's get me a lucid. come in and say hello to your new, easy to use smartphone. the lucid by lg for only $79.99. verizon. never in my lifetime did i think i could walk 60 miles in 3 days.
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60 miles in 3 days is-- is huge. if my mom can fight and beat breast cancer, i can walk 60 miles. you just put one foot in front of the other, and you know that you're walking for such a great cause that you just keep going. (man) that you have all these people coming together for one common goal. (woman) the goal is to bring an end to breast cancer. (woman) the fund-raising was the easiest part. people were very giving. complete strangers wanting to help. if i can do this, you definitely can do this. (woman) i'll never stop walking, not till we find a cure. (woman) and it has to end, but it starts with us. i knew someday i was gonna do this walk. it is the most rewarding experience i have ever had in my entire life. we can do this. you can do this. we can all do this together. (man) register today for the... and receive $25 off your registration fee. because everyone deserves a lifetime.
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>> a children's hospital hero is making all the difference for sick kidtheir parents. anthony thomas is an airforce vet now working as an oncology
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nurse at children's national medical center i caught up with the man known to many as pup. >> reporter: anthony pup thomas has a way with his patients. >> you are kind of quiet. there is the smile. >> reporter: for 12 years he has worked as a pediatric oncology nurse at children's national medical center caring for some of the hospital's sickest kids. >> there is something about being able to actually come in here every day, put my scrubs on, whether i am giving chemo, i have to start iv, give blood, there is something that is very rewarding about this. >> reporter: his enthusiasm and special touch doesn't go unnoticed by his colleagues. >> he has a way of talking to the parents i think where he can joke around with them make them feel at ease and become their friends and in turn patients pick up on that he is just a really fun guy. >> he is great with -- he will come back into the nurses office, showing off the
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littlest patient because he thinks she is so cute his strength is with all age groups. >> reporter: from the smallest patients to senior teens like 18-year-old mayor. >> look at you. >> reporter: pup treated mayor for his leukemia since he was just a kid he is now a graduating high school senior, he calls pup a caring person who always looks out for your best interest. >> mostly kids are small, the whole hospital, built around that you feel more of a teenager more adult type thing he treats you like one. >> reporter: mayor sadly is no stranger to children's hospital but 10-year-old andre was just diagnosed with cancer in december. >> even when andre is not having a good day he ends up at least cracking up one smile pup keeps at it, until he feels like okay he is feeling a little bit better. >> reporter: on the bad days for this spirited young man pup is there. >> the days i was like mad i was just growling at him, i was
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happy he didn't growl back at me. >> reporter: pup can handle the occasional growl he knows behind it is the spirit of a fighter. >> my bad day some times doesn't measure up to their worst day and it puts things in perspective for me. >> great story. >> great person. >> all right thank you allison. this morning a middle school student in milton washington can call himself a hero after his daring rescue onboard a school bus he runs to the front of the bus to take control of the wheel the driver was having a heart attack while driving he slumped over, now the bus started swerving so the quick thinking 7th grader grabbed the wheel and steered the bus off the road. >> everyone was asking questions what happened there is a bus out there what did you do jeremy yeah, i am like oh, well, i just drove the bus to the side everyone is just all excited about that. >> now a school administrator
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happened to be driving by after the bus came to a stop, he performed cpr on the driver until paramedics arrived the bus driver was breathing when paramedics took him off the bus none of the other people onboard the bus were hurt. >> if you get the chance the really look at that he just springs right into action he really does. all right this morning holly is at the capitol hill arts workshop in southeast dc. >> where the arts now community moment w chaw is going on this saturday good morning. >> good morning everything, that happens here is chawsome that is what they say if you come here you will be yourself i have the button to prove it also the two singing here for us this morning, dean and brenda they were part of an event last weekend called chabaret but they are also going to have singers like them
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this weekend. joey is the president of the board he joins me good morning. >> good morning. >> happy anniversary. >> thank you. >> tell me how you got involved. >> i was friends with the executive director i am a big believer in arts we live in a world where we have less funding in our school system the idea we could have an organization like chaw to come together to provide arts education for everyone. >> you believe communities get stronger when there is arts available to them. >> absolutely. every study ever shown says if we have more art in our life we are better in school, our jobs,. >> well, they have been working on this mission 40 years now they are celebrating this weekend with a street festival,/flash mob dance we got a bit of a lesson last hour heidi is back she is the director of the dance institute here and so you are going to teach us the little moment that
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will happen. >> yes. >> where do we begin. >> ten claps of one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten and then five years of rain and then five years of sun and then come together left hand on top, resolve, resolve drop your right hand with the palm facing towards the center, left hand and then we will do ten pumps of celebration ♪ [ music ] >> and then say chawsome. >> that moment will happen 11:40 a.m. they are hoping to have 800 people to have the human chain to go around the block. thank you, you all each and everyone of you are chawsome a
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member of our human train bruce here is the photography chair good morning. >> good morning. >> there is a lot going on here tell me what you have going on >> showing a short time based piece basically i am having a challenge, with television, ♪ [ music ] ♪ >> you are also showing this at the phillips. >> thursday night. >> which is wonderful but even more, you teach photography classes here, so talk a little bit about coming and making the most of all this available here and signing up for our class >> when i started 12 years ago, we taught 12 years to adult classes, ♪ [ music ] >> well, as if that isn't enough, i told brenda we would end with a big finish she is going to give us our big
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finish. ♪ [ music ] >> now that is an event celebrating chaw going on this saturday our website we have a link to theirs to find out more. more fox 5 after the break i can't stand these spots.
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