tv Fox Morning News FOX May 1, 2012 9:00am-10:00am EDT
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street corridor she released her debut album last year she will perform for us at 9:45 a.m. and talk about her latest product she has a weekly gig at joe joes downtown. >> looking forward to it. tucker barnes is sitting over there with the latest weather. >> rain showers, getting gradual clearing northwest washington and we will be in for a nice afternoon beautiful temperatures 80 degrees or so, something to look forward to after some more needed rain overnight a tenth of an inch at regan national sat rad showers, fading east if you are watching down across the lower eastern shore. salisbury ocean city, not quite done with it yet but i think it will be out of here shortly then you can see back into washington we are starting to see breaks in the overcast, partial sunshine that is the theme during your course of the day not a perfectly sunny afternoon but more and more sunshine. all right, temperature right
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now, regan national, 63 degrees, humidity up, overnight rain 90% winds out of the south and west at 12. forecast tuesday, warm temperatures here to stay get out the shorts 81 washington, 84 this afternoon in fredericksburg and more warm temperatures on the 5 day. details on that in just a couple minutes tony allison back the you. all right thank you very much new this morning a deadly night in district as police continue to investigate two stabbings, first happened on northeast, 1:20 a.m., the other an hour later 5th and florida northwest. that is where fox 5s melanie alnwick is live with the latest good morning melanie. >> reporter: good morning tony we are still waiting for dc police to finally release their report, we are told the report is available so they have all the information they need right now, they are just waiting for someone to sign off on it and release it to the media so we can get you a little more information. what i can tell you as you can
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see on florida avenue everything is clear except for that orange cone and that is where, the car that the victim of this stabbing was in, came across the street, hit the sidewalk, hit a light post and then came to rest, on the side of this building let's look at video from when we arrived on the scene early this morning again a light post in the middle of the sidewalk here, in front of shaw's tavern 520 florida avenue, back behind in the darkness we were able to see, a black bmw sedan, with the back doors open the roof crushed by what appeared to be that light post which hit the top and bounced off and landed on to the street. information we had from dc police there was an adult male, stabbed in the neck, when they arrived on the scene that victim was said to be unconscious, transported to hospital, howard university hospital, just about two blocks from where i am standing, and
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the victim was then just -- the victim then died at the hospital some time later again we don't know what transpired there was early information that led everyone to believe perhaps this adult male victim was stabbed in another location and was trying to drive himself to the hospital. and then ended up here obviously not able to control the vehicle any longer, we are again waiting for dc police to release that information, to us, i did ask, whether they had any suspect information and i am told there is no suspect information at this time, which would lend to that theory perhaps this person was stabbed at another location, however i will tell you of these two stabbing scenes, the other one on quarrel street northwest dc police are telling us at this point they do not have information that would lead them to believe those two scenes are connected. that is the latest here in northwest. >> melanie thank you. >> also new dc police hope you
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can help them find a missing teenager take a look at your screen 13-year-old alexis mccain last seen sunday 300 block anacostia road southeast, the you know anything about where alexis is, please contact dc police. search is on for two armed robbers officials say staged five fake car crashes to trap vick testimonies police just released surveillance pictures -- victims, police just released surveillance pictures of one of the suspects wearing glasses and a hat. jones lane potomac maryland, in one of them, the driver was assaulted placed in the trunk of his car and taken to atms to get money triple-a is giving advice to worried neighbors. >> here is what you should do if your car is bumped you don't feel comfortable then turn your blinkers on and go to a lighted area, or go to the nearest fire station or police station, and then, fill out the accident
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report there. >> i don't feel unsafe but yes, i think it is a good thing to know that when you get hit in the middle of the night, or when it is very dark and no body is around, not to stop. >> crime solvers is offering a $1,000 reward for information on either of these incidents tony>> one year ago today president barack obama, made a gut ski call ordering the raid that killed osama bin laden. >> reporter: there is no debate here that osama bin laden's death was a clear victory for the united states but the anniversary is touching off an election year battle here. one year later there isn't much to see at osama bin laden's one time compound in pakistan people still take pictures at the place where the terrorist leader and arch enemy of the united states met his demise. john brennan says it was part of a turning point. >> if a decade before 9/11 was
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the time of al qaeda's rise and the decade after was the time of its decline, then i believe this decade will be the one that sees its demise. >> reporter: president obama meantime raised some eyebrows at the white house yesterday when he used osama bin laden's death to take a not so vailed swipe at mitt romney during an official visit by the prime minister of japan >> i said i would go after osama bin laden if we had a clear shot at him and i did, if there are others who have said one thing and now suggest they would do something else, then, i would go ahead and let them explain it. >> reporter: an obama campaign ad once said, romney once said he wouldn't move heaven and earth to hunt down osama bin laden. romney says it was a no brainer. >> you would have given the order? >> yep. >> is it criticism from the obama campaign ... >> reporter: as far as the anniversary is concerned there are no specific threats that coincide but recognize it is a
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day that carries a great deal of significance for remnants of al qaeda in washington doug luzader fox news. in the race for the white house, mitt romney is looking to pick up endorsements from former rivals he will meet with rick santorum friday and expects to hear from gingrich some time this week before they back romney both are looking for assurances senator rum wants to make sure -- santorum wants to make sure conservative priorities are reflected in romney's campaign and gingrich wants to repair his reputation in the party and pay down millions in campaign debt. >> today is election day in cities and towns across virginia, municipal elections for town councilmayors, mayor races or mayoral races in fairfax vienna, fredericksburg voters are hitting the polls in every county in the common wealth today polls are open until 7:00 p.m. tonight. drones similar to ones used by the military, could soon be
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used for civilian purposes right here in the dc region. the smaller unmanned aircraft systems would help authorities do things like monitor traffic on the belt way, fight forest fires, monitor hazardous situations and guide first responders through widespread flooding faa hopes to have the program running by 2015. big protests planned for today's may day celebrations some are here in our area, occupy protestors in union are gathering at malcolm x park, meridian hill park in northwest, 3:30 p.m. so it coincides with hundreds of demonstrations around the world today in new york, occupy protestors are planning to block subways tunnels and the stock exchange and rallies are planned in chicago, houston and los angeles, huge protests started in the philippines overnight mass protests are gettingened way in greece, france and spain all pushing
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for workers rights. report issued today by uk lawmakers says executives of news corp. mislead parliament over the phone hacking scandal this comes a few months after news corp. chairman rupert murdoch and his son james murdoch testified before a particle meantry committee, the findings say -- particle meantry parliamentary committee, findings say they ignored evidence, covered up wrong doing it also says rupert murdoch is unfit to lead a major global company. news corp. is the parent company of fox 5. >> traffic alert to bring you now with information just in, to fox 5, there are some back ups happening, right now, as cars come off the 14th street bridge near 14th and independence, southwest, as they come off the 14th street
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bridge, coming into washington, this is due to an investigation of suspicious powder reported at the department of agriculture. if we get more information we will bring it to you. coming up, dc judges answering your questions today, how you can take part. >> and miss america, laura kefler is in studio, she is in town for the annual power of a dream gala once the daughter of an incarcerated parent she is here to tell us her story and we say good job after the break i can't stand d these spots.
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memorial in pennsylvania where the last of the 9/11 planes went down. >> today is law day courts in the district are letting people tweet questions to the chief judge from 1 to 2:00 p.m. this afternoon dc court of appeals eric washington is superior court chief judge will be answering questions through the court's twitter account today if you want to tweet a question there is a link on our website, allison. >> tony thank you. the u.s. dream academy empowers at risk children in hopes of maximizing their potential, the organization provides academic and social enrichment through supportive mentoring tonight special people will be honored the 11th annual power of a dream gala one of those special people is with us, miss america, 2012, the beauty queen, laura, joins us now. good morning to you. >> good morning. >> i had beauty queen in my notes that seems so 1958. >> well, thank you because i
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like to think of it that way too. we try and stray away from that. >> yes, let's get away from that. any way congratulations on the win you are our queen. >> thank you. >> we are happy you are here from wisconsin, 23 years old the platform, is the national platform always the children's miracle network ambassador. >> it is, i serve as national goodwill ambassador for children's miracle network but then we also compete with a platform mine advocates for children who have parents in prison i wear a lot of different hats throughout the year, for numerous fundraisers charities and nonprofits. >> when i saw your background i thought not a typical perhaps background for a lot of people who would go this path and compete for miss america but you chose to be upfront with your past and you chose to be an advocate for young people,
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who are in similar situations >> right having been a child of an incarcerated parent, i have walked in those shoes and i know what that feels like, and if i were blessed enough become miss america as a way to raise loud awareness for them and speak about a topic often very left behind in our society something that happens on an every day basis and millions of people are effected by and i use this as a way to raise awareness for them and not only raise awareness for millions of children who experience this but let them know they are not alone and that adversity doesn't have to define them. i hope to be living proof they can mikaelian come of their life -- they can make anything come of their life, whether it is miss america or anything. >> what do you expect tonight?
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when you get there. it is a wonderful entertainment, some serious mission and you are in good company with the other honorees. >> i am so excited for tonight it is the 11th annual power of a dream gala, u.s. dream academy i sort of found them as miss wisconsin i was researching the national programs that serve children who have parents in prison that coincided with my personal platform >> there you are. >> in baltimore dc and so i am thrilled to be there tonight, it is such a nice event and one that i am probably -- it probably will be one of the highlights of my year so far. >> i love that. the mission is just so important because you hit on it these kids can often feel marginalized and not important this speaks to all sort of factions of society, as you said, business people, ceos miss america it can be any of
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us and should not stop >> it really can. everyone knows someone who has been to prison and one of those more than likely those people are bound to have children and those children often get left behind and fall in the cracks they are often more likely to fall behind in school and more likely 6 to 9 times more likely to repeat that cycle of incarceration the dream academy, as a way to learn characters building, skill building and dream building to really know that they can make something of their life, it is so crucial. >> right before we let you go i know the plan used to be, to be a speech pathologist was that the goal before. >> yes. >> what is the plan now? >> through this i have come to realize what i am called to do in this world and the work i have set out to do and i have learned throughout this experience and this journey that i am on, that i hope to be a child advocacy attorney, so amway provide as $50,000 scholarship to miss america i am fortunate that will go
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towards law school. >> excellent we expect big things you are already on that path i am happy you stopped by. if you are interested in going to the gala there are tickets available we have the information to show you do we have that full screen ready. the power of a dream gala, tonight i will get you the information and there it is. slow on the giddy up but there it is. tonight 7:00 p.m., marriott, wardpark in northwest dc thanks for stopping by. >> thank you. >> tony over to you. >> very nice to have her here thanks for coming in. >> coming up a landmark ocean city restaurant wins its case against a national resort chain. >> how virginia is rewarding visitors holly. >> you can get an internash that will award, come this weekend and the whole month of may as passport dc is about to kick off it is a chance for you
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and your family to experience all the international flavour you can find here in the district of columbia, right now we are being entertained by a africa frican drummer and the will join us as well, why think it is so important for them to be a part of this special event plus how to take advantage of the free entertainment later on fox 5 morning news stay with us
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never in my lifetime did i think i could walk 60 miles in 3 days. if my mom can fight and beat breast cancer, i can walk 60 miles. (woman) the fund-raising was the easiest part. people were very giving. complete strangers wanting to help. i knew someday i was gonna do this walk. if i can do this, you definitely can do this.
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we are officially on panda pregnancy watch once again. she was artificially inseminated sunday and yesterday after her more natural mating effort didn't go as they hoped the zoo will watch her hormones and behaviour to see whether she is expecting but could take months before the zoo knows for sure whether there will be the pitter patter of new baby panda feet. in just a few hours prince georges county police are
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expected to announce a new traffic safety initiative the plan is called take 30 for traffic. police say the traffic and pedestrian safety enforcement will cover 10 locations. popular ocean city mega club win as federal trademark infringement case against a brand of luxury resorts, secrets in ocean city is being given permanent protection the club was awarded $50,000 in punitive damages. tourism officials are hoping free give aways will help draw one million visitors to the website virginia dog, for the month of may for the month of may, they are giving away prizes to people who check out the site, for everyone 100,000 visitors new prizes will be unlocked some gifts include hot air balloon rides kayak excursions and gas cards enter to win up to 10
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times. waffles, hash browns, bacon and tornadoes believe it or not they have something in common we will tell you how your favorite breakfast foods or maybe your favorite breakfast place is helping emergency officials. >> plus, better late than never. vienna man get as post card from his mother turns out it was sent more than five decades ago he is here, this is the gentleman you look great mr. mcmurray he is here to tell his story and reaction after he opened the mail after the break 9:25 a.m.
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power, and the waffle house index is helpful in the south where tornadohurricanes are an annual threat and where waffle houses are in abun dense. >> absolutely right. >> now i am ready for a -- >> me too i want a waffle. >> let me endorse waffle house as being delicious. >> power of suggestion. >> there are some in virginia, route one places like that. >> yes. >> some in nary land. >> the -- maryland. >> the raisin toast. >> field trip? >> yes. >> wonderful. >> waffle house we are coming to get you. >> only a couple minutes, rainfall totals not terribly impressive, never drop counts you still need the rain picked up about, well, a tenth of an inch dulles and a little less bwi marshall and officially, 15/100ths of an inch of rain at regan national, 5 and 7:00 a.m., rain out of here looking at a quieter afternoon as we don't have any activity right
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now and want to set it up off to the south and east, rain showers moving at a pretty good club a few left over showers across the lower eastern shore, bethany you still have showers to deal with, otherwise breaks in the clouds now and partly sunny afternoon expected, as our actual cold front comes through, cold front, off to the north and west, wind shift out of the west here, during your day and what it is really going to do not cool things off a whole lot but dry out the atmosphere for us, the afternoon, it will be a nice looking afternoon and a lot warmer with high temperatures expected to be 80 degrees later today 65 washington quantico, good morning 71 for you, 68 leonard town feels like, certainly feels like may, 68 annapolis, as well. all right showers and thunderstorms generally out of here, unless you are watching along the lower eastern shore. winds pick up out of the west, gusting to 17 miles per hour
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mostly cloudy mild overnight, dry this evening 62, overnight low but the rain showers return tomorrow at least the possibility of scattered rain showers return tomorrow with a high temperature of 82 degrees, bouncing a little on thursday back door cold front friday looks hot, upper 80s near 90 degrees, might be lonesome storm friday, a little cooler kick off your weekened, sunshine 80 degrees. that is a look at your weather forecast, tony i will toss it over to you. >> tucker thank you very much. this is fascinating we are here with a story making headlines around the world a post card sent from a mother to her son back in 1958 has finally made it to him, some 54 years later that post card was addressed to scott mcmurray who now lives in vienna virginia he joins us here in studio that is the post card which he has brought with him mr. mcmurray thank you for coming in it is wonderful to meet you we heard about this story last week you have the post card.
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>> yes >> in your hand. here is my first question we will talk about where maybe it has been all this time when you finally got it, did it come to you just like a post card comes to anybody else in the mail box? >> not exactly. the lady in daytona beach, whose mail box, sent it to me but she did it in a large white envelope,. >> to protect it. >> and make sure it didn't go somewhere else and then, a lady who i believe was the post master in vienna personally brought it over to my apartment. >> did they know what was in it? >> yes, i think they did. >> all right. >> here is the post card sent to you how old were you when this was sent to you by your mom in 1958. >> probably, well, probably a junior in high school, so,. >> so here it is, sent to you this address is in decatur georgia that is where you lived
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at the time obviously. >> yes. >> does that address still exist. >> yes. >> so no one knows where this post card was for all these years. >> only an additional post mark a recent one april 12th this year and indicates it was in a small town in michigan. >> okay so perhaps it was stuck in a bag or something. >> at one time. >> right and then, it was finally delivered but delivered to a claire mount lane in florida. >> that's correct. >> not sure how that happened. >> well, claire mount you can explain that but why daytona no idea >> it went to this woman in daytona beach and she -- how did they get in touch with you. >> well, the gentleman who actually found me for her, they are not related he left several
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calls on my answering machine so i thought he must have something to say if he is this persistent. >> me made a bet with her he could find you chevy that impression. >> i thought well, if he is going to be that persistent i should call him he explained what happened. >> wow she posted a picture of the post card on facebook. >> yes. >> so when you saw the card what emotions did you have. >> i was just very pleasantly surprised, you know, i can't say i was overwhelmed with emotion but just very pleasantly surprised and glad to have it. >> you recognized the handwriting right away >> yes. >> was it a little bit -- i guess if it just showed up in your mail box that would have been very bizarre but the fact some people reached out and kind of tracked you down you knew what was coming. >> yes. >> what are you going to do with it now. >> i think i am going to frame
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it, and just keep it. you know, it is such anen usual thing i don't know -- such an unusual thing i don't know what the problem ct is of an individual experiencing something like this. >> she sent it to you, from a museum in chicago. >> an aquarium. >> and they've offered you the chance to come visit the aqualm yum. >> yes. >> are you going to take them up on that. >> certainly i am supposed to go wednesday evening. >> very good that is wonderful scott mcmurray thank you for coming by and bringing the card very nice to meet you. >> thank you very much. >> allison back to you. >> what great story tony thank you. coming up your chance to be a part of hollywood history, stars like will smith, tommy lee jones putting items in a time capsule, kevin mccarthy needs you to help him, decide what he should add. we will talk live after the break
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>> tracking over the buzz bin with a chance for you to weigh in on a hollywood event vote on what item should represent the nations capital in a new time capsule, our movie reviewer, kevin mccarthy from 106.7 the fan joins us via skype with details are you in los angeles? oh, tyson's corner. >> no, i head to l.a. thursday to interview will smith and tommy lee jones and josh brolin for men and black flee. >> explain it to us, men in black folks these guys are putting in their own items into this time capsule. >> right the cast is going to take out items personal to them and drop them into the capsule in 2012 and years later we will dig this up the whole point each market across the country, now washington dc we need to have something that will rep rest. our market one item that --
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represent our market one item that represents washington dc that will be put in the capsule. >> do we know when. >> we don't know the exact date but something that needs to represent dc now in 2012 we can look back on and say that was definitely us. >> well, we have come up with some ideas, that we will show you on the screen, as a possibility of what you could you are the man charged with doing this, you will be put this into the time capsule, possibly a red skins souvenir, a miniature washington monument although that is pointy, maybe a political bumper sticker, protest sign from occupy dc, photo of the 4th of july fireworks do you like those >> i do how about an rg 3 jersey that would be cool. >> oh, yeah. >> that would be epic that is a huge thing right now i do want to say this, i want to throw this out to viewers i am sitting down with will smith,
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tommy lee jones and josh brolin this coming friday that is the same day i will be dropping the item into the time capsule so i want to -- i am a huge will smith fan, throw this out to viewers i just came up with this if there is one question you want to ask will smith, you can send that to me i usually ask five questions i will pick one question from one viewer and ask that question for you. >> very cool, great to open it up to our viewers if you have an idea what kevin should put in the time capsule to represent dc area leave your idea on our facebook page or go to twitter at wttg morning news and kevin will also select a question, to ask will smith. kevin, have a great trip out there,. >> looking forward to it, and seriously, when you submit your idea, submit your question andly throw it in there.
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>> very good kevin mccarthy, thank you very much we can't wait to see what we come up with to put in the time capsule see you soon. his enthusiasm is so contagious. >> how about that, sitting down with the whole cast that is great. >> okay. 9:41 a.m., holly is showing us how you can visit countries around the world without ever leaving dc she is previewing passport dc after the break ♪[ music ] >> cole williams born and raised in the bronx but calls dc her home, there she is, she will tell us about her weekly performance and sing a song for us and tell us about her cd she will be right back does your phone give you all day battery life ? droid does. and does it launch apps
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by voice while learning your voice ? launch cab4me. droid does. keep left at the fork. does it do turn-by-turn navigation ? droid does. with verizon, america's largest 4glte network and motorola, whatever you want to do... droid does. is there a prize in there? oh, there's a prize, all right. is it a robot? no. is it a jet plane? nope.
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time for the fifth annual passport dc. >> holly morris is at the embassy of australia, to learn more. hey, holly. >> this is a wonderful thing so wonderful mayor grey has declared may internash tall cultural awareness month that is in large part because of passport dc and just five short years it really has become a premier event for families to come out and enjoy, throughout the springtime, and it is absolutely free that is what is so amazing each year, new embassies come onboard and it is a great pleasure i introduce to you the ambassador from south africa i understand this is the first year for you all to participate. >> yeah, wonderful, we just moved office temporarily to internash fall drive and we have taken -- international drive and we have taken up the invitation. >> what all will you provide for people to experience. >> obviously, the typical,
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african cuisine will be there. unknown gem to many americans, south african wine some of our great art collections we have within the embassy, the cultural variety that is come from the richness of southern africa. >> you have brought, obviously some wonderful things with us tell me what we are sharing here. >> the icon of south africa, architect of our change, the reconciliation, the forgiveness all the really great stuff south africa offers the world is encapsulated in the person of nelson mandela here we have a picture of nelson mandela on the day he was released from prison, making his first speech. to the people of south africa, and laying the basis for that great active reconciliation, that united south africa. >> does it seem 22 years since
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he was released. >> i think a lifetime ago yet it was only yesterday and i think that is why people have drive south africa changes, they can't understand it was only yesterday, the world declared it a crime against humanity and here 22 years later we stand up as a model community of peace, ruler of law and human rights. >> so how does your work stand here in dc for you? >> i think south africa sees its work in washington as very important in the sense we need to follow up the promise of democracy with the development, the u.s. contributing to fight against hiv and poverty and illiteracy, so that is an aspect of our work but also
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need to continue our access of our groups, through the african opportunities act but very importantly we share with the u.s. the qwest for civil rights the qu sectiont for high man rights and -- quest for humanity and this that regard, south africa has a lot to contribute to the debate in united states about a softer world more gentle world and we have constitutions which are fed off each other and south africans have learned to love from usa. >> a lot of cultural exchange while those are wonderful big concepts and will take time baby steps help and this community exchange opening your doors and allowing people from dc to come in is one way to start that. so you are opening your dooryou are letting us experience a lot of your culture one of which has to do with something that came out of the mines. >> yes, we have a wonderful
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example of the soli dance project you see them with the hard hats, worn in the gold mine and the boots and how they united the whole of the migrant work force, southern africa. >> take it away. >> awesome, so wonderful just one small example of all the amazing things to see throughout the month of may with cultural dc, cultural tourism dc putting on passport dc remember the big kick off around the world is this saturday the best thing to do is go to our website we have a link to theirs download the guide book they will have kiosks all the information about the buses to get you to the different embassies or the metro a lot of things are metro accessible that is the way to
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go travel the world never leave the district back to you all in studio. >> one of the great things about living here in dc thank you so much. >> our next guest was raised in new york but calls washington home now performs regularly at clubs here, cole williams cd is called light up the darkness she is here to talk a little bit sing a little bit good morning. >> looking beautiful. >> thank you. >> you brought the band with you we are so fortunate can you introduce >> mike prior on base. >> good morning. >> dick chase on drums, charles wright on guitar. >> this creates the whole sound that you are known for, up and down the u street corridor, mainly, joe joe restaurant. >> 1518 yew street. >> every wednesday. >> free and good food. >> free and good food. >> how can you -- >> and great band. >> and a great vocal list. >> describe your music to us.
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>> we call it holistic soul, a mix of jazz and r&b we have a reggae tune, a go go tune even since we are here in dc we like to mix it up and give all of music to give you holistic soul. >> the cd has been out for a little while but we are just really investigating it, we love, this is my cut that is my cut when you listen to it will you get the same holistic soul, jazzy bluesy all that stuff. >> yes, today we will do a tune passing down. >> i love that we will see you end of the show you will do another number for us too chef >> yes. >> this is cole williams take it away ♪ [ music ] [ female announcer ] with xfinity,
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you can always expect more. like more on demand shows and movies than ever. and more ways to discover them too. plus more speed from america's fastest internet provider. so you can run more devices at the same time. ♪ feel a firework [ female announcer ] and best of all, it keeps getting better. no wonder more people choose xfinity over any other provider. ♪ love can be so mystical ♪
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♪ love can be so mystical great. so, you're all set up. what's going on? installing cable. you know this is an ikea, right? yes, but look at this sofa! it's so comfortable. we don't want to leave. have you been living here? can i have dinner at michael's house? they're having meatballs. don't be back too late. you know it gets dark when they shut off the lights. okay. i can stay. you know, you can just buy the sofas and take them home, today. for a limited time, get up to 15% back on select seating. ikea, the life improvement store.
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the day. she goes to buoy state university where she is a yuan your she loves working with kids and would like to be a first grade teacher or open up a day care. congratulations to you. study hard. if you would like to be tomorrow's fan of the day post a comment under her photo. >> all right mr. barnes. >> quick look at the forecast done with the showers and thunderstorms temperatures will sore into the 80s warm out there and humid too, next couple days, warming trend into friday near 90 degrees >> love it. the only thing hotter been cole williams, at joe joe restaurant,. >> 9:00 p.m. check out cole and the band at joe joe. >> everywhere i go. >> all right ♪ [ music ]
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