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tv   Fox Morning News  FOX  September 4, 2012 9:00am-10:00am EDT

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about statehood. a third of teen drivers text behind the wheel. allstate is here with tips to help reduce the dangerous problem. r&b singer tamia is live in studio. she just released a new cd. she is here to perform and find out what this jill of all trades -- get it, jack and jill -- has been up to recently. good morning. i'm allison seymour. >> that's quite a video. >> mm-hm. >> i'm tony perkins. welcome to the show. >> did i say allison? >> yes, did you. >> goodness. >> it's now 9:00. and tucker barnes is standing by with word on what we can expect today. it's another muggy day out there, tucker. >> i want to see more of the video. >> we'll show more of it. [ laughter ] >> i guess i got to do weather. warm, humid conditions expected once again today. yeah, shower or thunderstorm certainly a possibility later this afternoon but right now we're quiet. don't be fooled by the radar.
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a lot of cloud cover. you can see heaviest showers now pushing up into central new jersey and offshore but again, very warm very muggy air mass in place and it won't take a lot it kick up more showers and storms. temperatures is part of the story warm 78 degrees, lots of sunshine, dew point temperatures in the low 70s. 80 in annapolis. 73 in manassas this morning. here's your forecast for today -- first temperatures. 64 in boston where the cooler air is. a couple of more days of this and it will be cooler this week. today showers and storms this afternoon. back to you. more details in just a minute. >> thank you. some of the top stories we're following the search the for a missing boater in maryland picked up at dawn this morning. a man and a woman fell overboard when a gust of wind tilted their sailboat around noon yesterday near bayside
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beach. that's near pasadena. the boat's operator was able to rescue the woman but couldn't get to 27-year-old jason rye man. the coast guard and local officials searched until nightfall. a viewing will be held today for a fallen navy seal from anne arundel county. patrick feeks was killed in afghanistan august 16th. his helicopter crashed during a firefight with insurgents. monday his body was returned to his hometown of edgewater while fellow county residents stood along the road waving american flags. today's viewing will be in edgewater. his funeral will be tomorrow at the fort myer memorial chapel next to arlington national cemetery. he will be buried there. our big story this morning, hundreds of thousands of students in northern virginia are back to school for the first time today. >> in arlington county the first day of school means the first day of a new controversial transportation policy. melanie alnwick is live in arlington with details on how this could affect your child.
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good morning, melanie. >> reporter: more students walking longer distances, that will be the new norm here in arlington county for the coming school year and the years beyond. the school transportation department will be stricter in enforcing the rules in terms of who can walk and who can ride the bus. and many say that the tougher rules mean more parents and cars driving their students to school because they don't want to have their kids trying to navigate arlington's busy roads. now, the notice to parents about the changes came out in july for the 2012 school year, arlington strictly enforcing its walk zone, a mile for elementary school a mile and a half for middle and high school. 12 bus stops within those walk zones have been removed. the superintendent said that two years of parent complaints about bus overcrowding, delays and long traffic times had the system reevaluate its policy. an outside consultant did that
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and said there were growing pains, as well. >> facing an enrollment increase increasing approximately 800 to 508 students a year and so we have to begin to make adjustments not only with our transportation system but also with our capital improvement plan, look at enrollment and making some modifications within our schools. >> reporter: the system says no one is going to get left behind this morning. they will still take all the kids but they sent out these vouchers that them the kids to show this week and then the coming weeks, and very soon they will then issue a hard pass for kids to get on the owever, provide some exceptions for kids who do have some issues for their walk like having to cross major highways, some students have to cross lee highway, others crossing glebe road. there are working out kinks in the weeks to come, basically how it's going to work.
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they are look at about 250 appeals that parents have filed. they will all get it worked out until the weeks to come. >> thank you. starting today, fairfax county schools are also back in session. this is video of students arriving earlier this morning at the brand-new south county middle school in lorton. parents and kids are impressed so far. >> i'm so excited. it's so beautiful inside. >> i am just thrilled. the keepers, they're good, and i'm -- the teachers, they're good and i'm excited by the principal. >> everything is new. >> the new school cost $22 million built to alleviate overcrowding at south county secondary school which now is south county high school. we invite you to sharer back-to-school photos with us. this is karilyn. >> look at the backpack. >> it matches the dress. >> this is the first day of
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third grade. have a great school year and we thank you for second the photos. send your photos to a former campaign aide to d.c. mayor vincent gray is due back in court today for a status hearing in his criminal case. thomas gore was the first of three gray campaign aides to plead guilty to corruption charges. this as part of an ongoing federal investigation into gray's 2010 mayoral campaign. today's court appearance could set a sentencing date for gore, who faces 12 to 18 months in prison. mayor gray has not been accused of any wrongdoing. last week, it was the republicans. now the democrats take their turn. the democratic national convention kicks off in north carolina today. first lady michelle obama is tonight's headline speaker. san antonio mayor julian castro is the keynote speaker, the
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first latino keynote speaker ever at a democratic gathering. maryland governor marco mallie and former virginia governor tim kaine will also address delegates. president clinton speaks tomorrow. president obama will accept the nomination thursday. democrats from the district are in charlotte this week pushing for voting rights. congresswoman eleanor holmes norton joins us live on the phone from charlotte to tell us about what's going on there. good morning, congresswoman. are you there? >> reporter: good morning. and, of course, traffic in charlotte is very crowded here but a joyful set of delegates waiting to renominate barack obama for a second term. >> hopefully you'll get through the traffic issues there. let me start with something that we have all been talking about for the last week or so. are you frustrated by the lack of progress made regarding d.c. voting rights or d.c. statehood on the since the last democratic convention in 2008 and during the obama administration? >> on the contrary.
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we have made great progress since the last democratic national convention. if you will recall, it was only when democrats came to power that we were finally able to move that bill for a house seat. we moved the bill in the house. we moved the bill in the senate. we got a majority vote in the house and in the senate, we got -- -- [ telephone disconnected ] >> are you there? sounds like we lost her. she was joining us by phone. we were supposed to have her from the convention site. obviously there are traffic problems there. we'll try to reestablish that connection with her or perhaps get her to the site and talk to her in a little bit. >> thank you. in the meantime, mitt romney will spend much of this week in new hampshire and vermont getting ready for the upcoming presidential debates. running mate paul ryan will be campaigning in the battleground state of ohio this morning and will speak about the economy at a rally.
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he will then head to iowa in the afternoon for two days of campaigning there. a blackhawk makes a surprise landing in a backyard. it's all caught on camera. hear what the homeowner has said happened. that's straight ahead. >> first, though, distracted driving. your teenager may be using his cell phone behind the wheel. so how do we curb this problem? and keep young drivers safe on the roads? mike williamtate farm insurance is here with some tips. that's when we come back. huh 
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anncr: it'll start out as concrete and steel... but it'll become so much more. a new world-class resort casino in prince george's county.
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two thousand construction jobs to build it. four thousand permanent, good-paying jobs when it's done. hundreds of millions for maryland schools... real oversight to make sure the money goes... where it's supposed to. but none of it will happen unless we vote for... question seven this november. vote for question seven. and help build a better future for maryland.
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one-third of teenagers will admit to texting while driving according to a new survey but the majority say they also speak up when they are in a car with another driver who is texting or distracted. with school going back into session, we'll see more teens on the road so how do you make sure your kids aren't at increased risk for being in an
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accident this school year? joining us in morning, mike williams within agency field executive with state farm. thanks for being with us today. >> thank you very much, allison. >> so we have been saying it's terrible traffic tuesday, and part of that is that everybody is back on the roads now and that includes these young drivers going to and from school and other places. man, the parents out there, they must be so concerned every time they head out of the driveway. >> they are. what parents can do to help their children on the road is make sure they talk to them because studies show that when parents counsel their kids about driving, kids listen more than even the driver's ed teachers and peers. >> it's not just teens texting. it's everybody. >> one of the best ways we know for kids to learn good behavior when they are behind the wheel is for their parents to be good stewards as far as how they
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conduct themselves on the highways. kids learn what they live. >> what is research telling you as far as although that message is out there about kids getting that smartphone out and texting anyway? >> research tells us kids when they are passengers in a cars with other kids who may be texting that 83% of those kids are telling those other drivers, hey, that's distracted driving. will you stop that? you ever who, the information also tells us -- however, the information also tells us that kids often times don't practice what they preach, one-third of those kids also admitting to doing the same thing while they were driving. >> but they knew it was wrong? >> absolutely knew it was wrong. >> okay. are there other behaviors on the radar of agencies like yours as far as what we should be telling our teenagers? >> well, yes. of course. i mean, texting and phone use. to dial numbers basically fundamentally the same thing is texting. we know that the music can be
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also a very distractive -- loud music can be distracting to kids, as well. >> that's my jam might turn into that's my jam-up. what are other common mistakes you want to tell parents about? >> kids think their first year of driving with learner's permit or have their license they are ready for the road. the truth is, they are just not ready for every situation that may come along while they're driving. it takes many years to get the real experience and be in many different situations before they actually in are ready to handle what happens to them. it's good for parents to teach their children how to drive at night, when it's raining and snowing. >> there's that invincible -- when you're young you don't think you could get into a trash, not a terrible crash.
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how do you get that message home that you are flesh and bone, this can be hurt, slow down, take your time or what have you? >> well, what's interesting about that is we found some kids very anxious to get their driver's license and all of them reach that milestone as far as their license, they want to get their license right away. but we also found huh females are more likely to say -- but we also found that females are more likely to say i'm not ready, 50% of them. they were fearful of getting their driver's license. but you know, young men tend to be more eager and think they are invincible and so we need more counseling of young males obviously. >> we are out of time and i'm serious about it, we don't have anytime but let me let you say september 15th you do have an event. can we go online and check it out and see locally where state farm will be? >> go online to where we have tens of thousands of young teenagers across the nation and
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here locally at tyson's corner september 15 from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. we'll have young teen drivers celebrate their new driving record. >> their new privileges. >> yes. >> mike williams is agent field executive with state farm. thanks for coming in. >> my pleasure. we have reestablished contact now with d.c. delegate eleanor holmes norton in charlotte, north carolina, for the democratic national convention. she joins us by phone. good morning, delegate, once again. thanks for joining us. >> good morning. >> so we were talking about what i had characterized as a lack of progress that's been made during the last three years or so when it comes to d.c. voting rights and statehood, and you were saying that's not the case. >> it's a fair question. the fact is that four years ago, we had a bill that had been introduced by a republican tom davis. i was a cosponsor because democrats have been in the
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minority. we were unable to get that bill passed until we got a democratic president and a democratic majority. since barack obama has been president, we have had a vote where the voting rights bill passed the house and passed the senate and for the first time in memory, we got all of the riders off our appropriations because we had a democratic president and senate. the republicans when they came back to power in the house, returned one of those riders and have attempted to return others. so the progress that has been made has been made precisely because we had democrats in power and because barack obama was the president of the united states. >> as i understand it, a call for d.c. statehood is not part
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of the democratic platform this time around. have you -- what are your feelings about that? have you been able to express any concerns to the dnc chairwoman? >> actually, for the first time, all of the elements of d.c. statehood for the first time ever are in the platform. the platform says that the district of columbia is entitled to full and equal congressional rights [ indiscernible ] the economy and to a local government with no interference from the house or senate. that is the sum total of statehood, the words statehood for technical reasons -- i hope it's only for technical reasons -- are not in the platform but we have never had statehood spelled out in this way in the platform before. so that is not a real grievance this time of the we would like
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to get actual word "statehood" in, but in many ways it's more important to spell out what it means. >> so i may be being a bit too picky then because of the word statehood is not there. >> you're not. there are, of course, some people who would have preferred to see the word statehood and that would have been enough. and we tried that. we tried it too late. but we were able to get all the elements in. and that's for the first time. the first time ever that we spelled out what statehood meant to the district of columbia. the disappointment is that for the first time in 20 years, we're not able to speak from the podium. >> do you feel that you have been snubbed in that way? >> we have not been given the priority we always had. for 20 years, it turns out because i'm the one who represents the district, i have been able to have a few minutes at the podium.
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what they say, of course, is that the time this year has been down to three days instead of four days. and we believe that for that reason, the district was eliminated. that's not acceptable to us because it indicates that we're not the priority that we should be. the republican platform expressed absolute hostility to the district even with a new plank for statehood but it's not acceptable either for the democrats to be indifferent to our rights or to give us any lower priority than they have in the past 20 years. >> all right. d.c. delegate eleanor holmes norton, we're short on time. i hear what you say, what they are saying about the time constraints. but i look through the schedule of speakers and there are
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dozens and dozens of speakers scheduled. so it's odd. see you at the convention. >> thank you. former navy seal who helped bring down osama bin laden releases his tell-all book today. why he may face more battles. ahead. >> reporter: we are all about being creative this morning. we have one artist, david, working on a masterpiece since 6:30 this morning. we are going to see what he has come up with. then we have another artist patrick who says he could paint me in 60 seconds. both of these artists are here because we are live at the torpedo factory previewing the 10th annual art festival. coming up. 
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the highly anticipated book detailing the death of osama bin laden hits stores today and for the former navy seal who
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penned "no easy day" may not be his last battle. his real name was leaked and now matt bisonette fears for his safety. >> he is in dade county for sure. al qaeda has -- he is in danger for sure. al qaeda has -- they doesn't have a short-term memory, they will remember forever that a seal took out their leader and now we know who he is. >> bisonette may see legal action from the united states government. the pentagon says he is in violation of non-disclosure agreements because he didn't submit the book for a prepublication security review. a blackhawk helicopter landed in a woman's backyard doing a drug bust by the national guard. she said no idea that 60 marijuana plants were growing behind her house. >> just right through here. i saw it coming this way. and it was low. and i was like oh, my gosh...
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[ laughter ] >> going to crash in my backyard. i got a bunch of men with guns and i'm home alone. >> well, the national guard troops told her what they were doing and then they seized the evidence and left. whole thing -- >> a lot of questions about that. >> odd. season 2 of the jeremy kyle show starts in less than a week. >> coming up after the break, the witty british host joins us live in studio with a preview of what to expect next. >> later, you don't want to miss -- there she is, r&b singer tamia perform a song from her new album beautiful surprise. heavy load in america. butut mit romney plan, a middle class to $2,000 more a year in taxes. multi-millionaires like himself hits the middle class harder... bigger break. forward for america? this message.
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♪[ music ] ♪ raindrops are falling on my head ♪ >> isn't this a happy little song? >> tune is upbeat and happy but
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that picture certainly is not. ♪ [ music ] [ inaudible ] >> couple days ago? >> what? >> i don't know. >> searching my mind. now with burt bachrach -- >> thomas? >> hal davis? >> hal davis died? >> he did. >> you weren't here yesterday. >> i didn't know that. >> oh, i didn't know that. >> now you've taken this and made it sad. >> celebration. great song. >> i didn't know hal davis died. >> we credited him. >> i think he cowrote it perhaps with burt bachrach. >> your source for information. [ laughter ] >> hang in there in the 9:30. [ laughter ] >> the real show. >> all right. on that note i hope i get the weather right. 79 at reagan national right now. a warm and humid and hazy start to your day, more of the same in store for your afternoon, i'm afraid, as we have the risk of showers and storms back in
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the forecast. it's not going to rain every minute today but much of the day here could feature some showers and potentially some storms out there as we continue to be dealing with the possibility of some stormy weather. 81 now in quantico. 73 in manassas. 75 this morning at dulles. all right. let me show you the satellite and radar. couple of light sprinkles out there, lots of clouds to start your day. it's the remnants of isaac. you can see much of the eastern seaboard covered in clouds and showers. later this afternoon, very soggy air mass in place. it's not going to take a lot to fire up showers or storms. so be ready for the possibility but much of the day cloudy, overcast, warm and humid. off to the west, that's our relief. that's a cold front that we'll tell get in here as we get into late tomorrow and during the day on thursday. and eventually, that will dry things out so gradually things will get better out here. and by the end of the week, it will actually start to feel like september around here. here's your futurecast. put it in motion.
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there is your cloud cover. we're doing fine this morning but by later this afternoon, spotty showers or maybe a thunderstorm firing up here by 4:00 p.m. it will be with us for the evening commute. there we are at 5:00 and then overnight, more of the same. cloud cover, couple of showers, 2:00 a.m. and we'll do it again tomorrow with some warm temperatures before the cooldown begins to the end of the week. 85 today, cloudy, humid, storms likely. here's your accuweather seven- day forecast. tomorrow 87 degrees with showers and storms. thursday showers and storms less numerous. friday sunshine and drying out temperatures in the mid-80s. right now the weekend looks cooler with highs in the upper 70s and low 80s. that's a look at your weather forecast. back to you. >> thank you. family disputes, fraternity scandals and accusations of bad
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parenting. it's all in a day with jeremy kyle's second season. >> you need to come over here and be a man. >> he looks about the most disinterested human being i have ever met in my life. how could he get the energy? >> if you loved the woman you would chase her. >> i'm not going to walk away. >> go and talk to her. >> because all this [ bleep ] here y'all just going to follow me. >> what do you expect me to do? it's called a television show. >> that is what is different about your show. joining us in studio this morning is jeremy kyle. >> how are you? nice to see you again. >> good to see you again. this is what i love. you -- you -- you -- you take it that one step further and you really -- and you're hard on these people. you tell them what you think. >> you get a certain amount of time and here's the thing. we have come back to season 2 and everybody that we have --
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you have to be honest. we chased people up 57th street in new york. come back, we can sort it out. it's about getting to the point where they face up to it. that's the point. >> you do get in their faces. you speak "the truth" as you see it about some of these relationships, whatever. do you have any fear in doing that? >> no. i think the big point is and i have learned a lot doing it in america because everybody said at the beginning is it going to be different? i mean, it's a pond in the middle but it's the same story. the same people, the same issues. for me it's important if somebody says i want to come on the show. i tell them the truth. people doesn't like it. but this is what i think, you're not going to be popular the whole time. if i'm honest to myself, i'm not right the whole time. that's all i can do to these people. this season just for me, uhm, it's -- you come to this country last year where this show was great and it was a
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massive thing then go back to england, making 400 shows a year and back here it's a massive emphasis. watching it like that i'm excited about seeing it. i make four or five a day and it becomes a continual thing. >> we get to start seeing the new shows on september 10 next week. you have already shot a whole bunch of them. what can we expect to see so far this year besides you running? >> it's the same thing as before but there's a pace about it. it's a journey. i say it every time and i never quite know what to say to people but sometimes funny, sometimes sad, sometimes emotional, ups, trying to get people to a point where they try and make it better. sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. but it is a [ bleep ] journey. where's she gone? that particular one you saw, the guy, you know, he disappears down the road and doesn't want to face up to it. he says i'm not going to go because they are following me. it's a tv show.
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but we have had some real breakthroughs, as well. there's been hysterical moments. a woman's wig fell off in the middle of filming. she picked it up and put it back on. i have been around that building like anything. but it's been really good and i'm looking forward to it. >> you must enjoy it because you do hundreds of these shows a year. >> 400 a year. >> wow. [ laughter ] >> do you ever go home and just think, i can't do this anymore? because the problems are crazy and people are -- >> i think as i have said before, i did radio for years late night radio and you learned to do it and then you switch off. i'm very privileged to do this job, happy and proud to do it in america and other countries. i always wanted to do it here. i think the kids putting this show together working 18 hours 7 days a week, the presenter can give his all and go home -- you switch off. of course. i have had the family with me in new york for the summer which is great. they have gone back to school. so that's the bachelor lifestyle with my mate in an apartment ordering in every night and all that and watching
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repeats of "house" from 1934. like that. i don't sit and warm the jeremy kyle show but you lot please do. >> starting september 10, the second season, it is amazing television. it thank you for being with us. >> i love this city and people say you say that when you go but i said it last year. >> we love having you here. there is the information on your screen. see you again someti soon. >> stay with us. we'll be right back. i'm barack obama, and i approve this message. mitt romney's position on women's's dangerous. vo:mitt romney and paul ryan would get rid of planned parenthood funding. and allow employers to deny coverage for cancer screenings and birth control. we can't afford to let him take away our choices...
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to take away basic health care. vo: both backed proposals to outlaw abortions...even in cases of rape and incest. i don't think that women's health issues have faced a crisis like this in decades. better phone, better internet. [ male announcer ] it's time to get more for your money. upgrade to verizon fios internet, tv and phone with our best price online: just $84.99 a month, guaranteed for one year with no annual contract. internet is absolutely imperative for school nowadays.
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. opening the buzz bin this morning with the loss of actor michael clarke duncan, the green mile actor died monday morning in los angeles after nearly two months of treatment following a heart attack. he appeared in dozens of box office hits. he was nominated for an oscar for his performance in "the green mile." duncan was 54 years old. very sad news. >> mm-hm. michael phelps is setting the record straight. his poker skills are not up to par with his swimming skills.
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>> tmz posted a photo of the olympic athlete in las vegas this past weekend celebrating his retirement. the website reported he won $100,000 at caesar's palace but he tweeted "i wish i won $100,000. ha ha, not true though." >> hm. >> that's what they said. britain's prince harry in the public eye for the first time since the las vegas pictures. he spoke monday at an awards program for a group that works with sick children. he spoke with a 6-year-old boy who had gone on tv earlier to say that he would tell the prince that he was glad he had his clothes on. [ laughter ] >> the prince said i heard you said something cheeky but let's not talk about that here. >> do want to mention you and tucker were right earlier about
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hal davis died. he and burt bachrach did write that and many other songs. a heavyweight in the business. sad. holly is live at the torpedo factory in alexandria for the 10th annual alexandria king street art festival. >> tamia joins us live in studio it perform and will talk about a major health challenge she has been dealing with and how she is coping with it. 9:43. we'll be right back. 4g lte has the fastest speeds. so let's talk about coverage. based on this chart, who would you choose ? wow. you guys take a minute. verizon, hands down. i'm going to show you guys another chart. pretty obvious. i don't think color matters. pretty obvious. what's pretty obvious about it ? that verizon has the coverage. verizon. verizon.
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we're going to go to another chart. it doesn't really matter how you present it. it doesn't matter how you present it. verizon. more 4g lte coverage than all other networks combined.
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. if you like fashion and art and, hey, who doesn't, right, you might be interested in this week's main event in alexandria. >> holly morris is live at the
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torpedo arts factory center. what that is? >> reporter: this is my fascinator. this was commissioned just for fashion night out that's going to be this thursday here in old town. it's the tenth annual king street art festival. claire with the alexandria convention and visitors association and has been adjusting my fascinator so it is just so, how's it look? >> very dramatic. >> we want drama. we don't center nudge drama. >> but you are going to have some wonderful dramatic scenes come this weekend with the street festival. tell me about it. >> on saturday and sunday we have over 200 artist booths on king street transforming old town into an outdoor art gallery and the weekend is packed with activities presented by local arts groups including art activated which is an event here at the torpedo
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factory. >> reporter: it's fun that you're having the fashions night out on thursday and then goes right into the weekend event and it does celebrate the whole fashion and art combination. >> it does. and we're celebrating 10 years of the art festival actually and so special for the 10 years we have a drawing marathon presented by the art league and we also have a special scavenger hunt presented by the torpedo factory which used your smartphone to play. >> cool. >> i tell you what else is also cool, claire, thank you so much, the fact that we have been watching david work all morning. david cochran has a studio here for 25 years. >> 25 years. >> reporter: and you have been a part of all 10 of the street fessingtives. >> correct. i was in the first one 10 years ago. and i have done it every year since. it's a great event and lots of people, the artists love it and the people seem to love it as well. >> reporter: tell me about the masterpiece you have been working on this morning. i recognize that fascinate area masterpiece i don't know but this is tara.
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she looks like a model in real life, as well. so that's her with her outfit and this is your hat. >> reporter: fascinator, david. >> fascinator hat, yes. >> reporter: it is fascinating to watch you work. do you like working under a time constraint? >> i'm used to doing it and i like to paint spontaneous about big brushes in acrylic, not small brushes. >> reporter: you do unique family portraits. tell me with it. >> i'm known for doing a different kind of family portrait where people send me photos of their families and i do lots of -- like this is a print of one that i did. this is a family here in northern virginia. they send me photos of their parents, their grandparents, and this is their kids. >> reporter: like a photo of their beach house. this is a way to get a family portrait without a seating. >> correct. >> right. >> and then this is another one. this lady commissioned it her
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18-year-old daughter and then this is her back when she was a hill kid. so i do a lot of double portraits and triple portraits. >> reporter: nice. we thank you for working for us this morning. i have another artist that's working for me this morning, patrick kerwin an art league instructor. good morning. >> good morning. >> reporter: so david had the constraint of starting at 6:30 and finishing by 9:45. you have the constraint of doing me in 60 seconds. >> okay. >> reporter: you think you can do it? >> i don't know. [ laughter ] >> reporter: he is like i'm trying to paint. would you quit talking to me? tell me about the drawing marathon because you will be part of that this weekend. >> i'm going to be doing some demonstrations that people can participate in and there will be a lot of other artists from the art league and the torpedo factory doing demos and participatory events. >> reporter: art activated is some of the things you'll be doing here, thing going on here at the torpedo factory? >> yes. art activated will be interactive stuff you can do with artists and i'm going to
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be doing some stencil work. >> reporter: this is really funny because patrick said i saw you on the website and did some things but in person you don't look like that. >> you look better. >> reporter: i always want to look better in person. >> that looks good. >> okay. that's 60 seconds. can we do something in five seconds now? >> that was 60? >> reporter: it was more than 60. do this right here. take that one down because we have one more five-second art piece that he is going to do but i'll tell you is our website. we have a link to the two events going on in old town this weekend, thursday night at fashions night out and saturday and sunday is the tenth annual king street art festival. we have 80-plus boutiques thursday night, 200-plus artists this weekend. you're changing the background, too? i don't think we're going to get this on. we got go. nonetheless he is going to give
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me a wonderful andy warhol-like painting. she is a singer, songwriter, art collector, investor, devoted wife and mother of two daughters and she has won prestigious awards and nominated for multiple grammys. i think it's 6-time nominated artist and the talented tamia is out with a brand-new project called beautiful surprise that hits stores just days ago and r&b singer tamia is here. good to see you. >> and you. >> now we're out with a brand- new project. >> it's been five years, believe it or not, time flies. and yes, now it's a new project out called beautiful surprise which is also the name. single that i'll sing today. and i have gotten a chance to work with great producers again. shep crawford who i worked with several time.
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>> we listed all those things that you're into. >> you have your own music label. why the need to do this as an artist? >> my first project was an independent label. i feel like i have grown so much in the last five years as an art and business wise. it makes sense to be able to nurture a product and send it to the world as your complete full vision. >> we've listed your credits. you've been very public about your struggle with m.s. but you're sitting on top of that and you're looking as beautiful as ever. how are you feeling? >> i have m.s. it doesn't have me. through my sharing the story i met people struggling with m.s. themselves and i have gained some sort of courage and
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understanding about it from them, as well. so it's been a learning experience for me. >> of course you're an inspiration to those watching with any health challenge or without. tell us about beautiful surprise. what is the inspiration behind this song? >> well, beautiful surprise, we were in the studio around a lot of times quincy jones used to say that songs were given from god. a lot of times what happens is you're in there and talking and with this particular song, salaam started playing and it really just started to write itself. and so that's why i titled the album beautiful surprise because that's how it happened. it was organic. it wasn't like i wanted to come out with an album in august. we went in and started writing and it started to flow. >> this is tamia, beautiful surprise, in stores now. ♪ [ music ] alabama alabama
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♪for the first time in my life, i just might be tongue tied ♪ for me to wake up with you kissing me saying you've been missing me what a beautiful surprise ♪ ♪ cause i wasn't expecting you till late tonight, no and i didn't hear you come inside ♪ but there's nothing in this world that i want more than to have my baby back in my arms ♪ ♪ [ music ] all i can say is ♪ uh, ah, so happy that i could cry, what a beautiful surprise, uh, ah, my man is back on my side what a beautiful surprise ♪ i
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ain't that easy to shock but it looks like you hit the spot, for me to wake up with you holding me and tell me you're loving me you have avenue got my heart on love ♪ yeah... cause i wasn't expecting you till late tonight no and i didn't hear you come inside ♪ but there's nothing in this world that i want more than to have my baby back in my arms ♪ all i can say is, ooo, aaa, so happy... 
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i'm barack obama, and d i approe this message.  mitt romney's position on women's's dangero. vo:mitt romney and paul ryan would get rid of planned parenthood funding. and allow employers to deny coverage for cancer screenings and birth control. we can't afford to let him take away our choices... to take away basic health care. vo: both backed proposals to outlaw abortions...even in cases of rape and incest. i don't think that women's health issues have faced a crisis like this in decades.
9:59 am
all right, your seven-day forecast 85 this afternoon, showers and storms back, bring an umbrella. we will eventually get rid of this air mass, it will cool down


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