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tv   Fox Morning News  FOX  September 12, 2012 9:00am-10:00am EDT

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>> ambassador stevens had gone to the consulate to try and rescue workers who had come under another attack from armed protestors last night. fox's doug luzader is live on capitol hill with more on the attack. >> reporter: we are hearing from the white house this morning that the president was told that ambassador stevens was unaccounted for last night. and then he learned this morning that he had been killed. the big concern right now for the administration, where does this all stop? into the darkness the violence raged on. protestors targeting the u.s. consulate in benghazi, libya, and apparently u.s. citizens, as well. killed in the rampage, the u.s. ambassador to libya, christopher stevens, as well as at least three other americans. stevens had been a key figure helping libyans overthrow moammar qaddafi all of this over a video produced by a u.s. citizen and uploaded on youtube that depicts mohammed as among
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other things a womanizer. >> don't make our people angry because they will kill! they will fight! they will do such a situation. >> reporter: it mirrors the scene in egypt where protestors stormed the u.s. embassy in cairo. the embassy's first response was to condemn the video which brought a stinging rebuke from administration critics. >> mob of al qaeda sympathizers in egypt forcing the united states into making a statement essentially of apology. on 9/11 of all days, for something which we are not responsible for. i would say to the mob, go to hell. >> reporter: the administration later disavowed its own embassy's response saying the statement by embassy cairo was not cleared by washington and does not reflect the views of the united states government. the ultimate fear for the administration, that libya and egypt may be just the beginning. will this be contained in those two countries or there will be
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uprisings in other countries, as well? that's something we obviously don't know. but u.s. embassies around the globe have been told to on high alert. back to you guys. >> thank you. in a statement this morning, secretary of state hillary clinton identified one of the other americans killed. he is shaun smith a foreign service information management officer. he was a husband and a father of two. the secretary of state added that diplomats and development experts stand on the front lines every day for our country. she said we are honored by their service. to get more insight into all of this, we are joined by j.j. green, wtop radio's national security correspondent. j.j., thanks for coming in on this. before we get to where this could be headed what some of the ramifications could be, first the very fact that a u.s. ambassador has been killed in this way, other staffers killed, is shocking and it is
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really extraordinary. >> well, one of the things that we don't often think of is that our diplomats are a part of the u.s. national security apparatus just like troops in any war zone, these ambassadors and their staffers are out there in a foreign country. at any moment, anything could happen, such as was the case here. these folks are indeed instruments of u.s. national security. they too run the same risk that any other person whether they're carrying a gun or documents run when they represent the u.s. overseas and this is something that's brought painfully clear to us today by this killing of ambassador stevens and the others with him. >> i think it highlights how very fragile this all is today including the response the -- early response out of washington, then the condemnation by political
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people out there, and then the official condemnation from president barack obama. it just speaks to how these diplomatic ties are so fragile and, sadly, can be deadly. >> it's very, very important to be very careful what you say and what you do because things can get out of control very quickly. there have been a number of experts that have warned about treading very carefully in libya because after the ouster and the killing of muammar qaddafi, there were concerns even before that about a lot of missiles, a lot of rockets, a lot of weapons, that were basically floating around out there that were dispersed into the black mart. there were concerns as late as yesterday about some of these rockets being used to attack commercial airliners. this is another one of those situations that's been probably borne out of the chaos from the
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air of uprisings in the middle east and have to be monitored and have to be dealt with and thought about and approached with great care. >> indeed, some of the reports are indicating that a rocket launch grenade has been used in the attack on the consulate in libya. all right. you mentioned that things can spiral out of control. quickly -- well, they have now in libya. in egypt we have problems, as well. how far might this go? >> hard to say. what i will say to you, though, the u.s. is at this point based on what i have heard so far today is not taking any chances. it's stepping up security at all of its diplomatic posts anywhere and the reason for that is because as you say, how far you ask the question how far can this go? no one knows of the and no one knows where the next vulnerability might show up so diplomats around the world will be going over their schedule a little more carefully.
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the egress and ingress routes will be reviewed. the military will be paying closer attention to hotspots and also, the compounds, the places where they live will get a lot more u.s. national security scrutiny. >> j.j. green, a friend of the show, good to see you. sad to be talking about this tragic turn of events. >> we'll listen to your updated reports on wtop. thank you. in some of our other top stories this morning, a killer is still on the loose after shooting a prince george's county teenager. the 18-year-old was walking to central high school in capital heights yesterday morning when he was shot. that's where fox 5's melanie alnwick is live with the latest on this investigation. melanie. >> reporter: good morning, tony. certainly another difficult day here outside of central high school of the we have seen a couple of police cars this morning going into the entrance
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of central high school. a half mile from here earlier this morning there were police cruisers stationed there. that's the extent of the police activity this morning. prince george's county police really don't have a lot to go on in this case that we know of. 18-year-old high school junior marckel ross was an honor roll student said to be an outgoing energetic kid a member of the modeling club, track and field team, rotc. no one can imagine why someone would want to kill him. ross was walking to school along old central avenue tuesday morning. police got calls shortly before 7 a.m. about someone lying on the ground. then they arrived to find ross dead on a well traveled sidewalk halfway between his home and school. he had a gunshot wound to the upper body. police searched the area for evidence. this is devastating to his friends and family. >> i knew marckel. i had a bright spirit. he not only was a strong student but he also participated in our modeling team so he was very popular
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amongst the staff and students. >> he made honor roll every quarter last year and we had been talking about him going to college and i told him i also would like to see him go in the reserve. >> reporter: police investigators did spend some time yesterday at central high school as did grief counselors. marckel's mother elizabeth ross says her son was bullied last year in school but she felt that things were getting better. she was also not happy about him having to walk that mile and a half to school. now, ross is the second prince george's county high school student to be murdered in the last three weeks. you may remember, amber stanley that flowers high school honors student who was murdered in her bedroom just exact same week school started, yesterday two county council members senting out a letter saying basically they are going to do whatever they can to work with law enforcement, the school community and also with the community at large to try to keep these students safe. >> melanie alnwick, thank you. this year's west nile virus outbreak has hit close to home
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for people in virginia as the state's health department confirms one person now has died from the virus. officials say the person was a senior who lived in northwest virginia but they haven't released any more information. nine virginians have come down with the virus so far this year. in maryland, officials have reported 21 cases, one of which was deadly. and the district has reported one case which also killed its victim. crews are spraying throughout the region to get rid of as many mosquitos as possible. federal health officials say the worst year for the west nile in this country since it was first discovered in the late '90s is this year. some 350,000 students in chicago are missing a third straight day of school because of the teacher strike. thousands of teachers marched through the streets of chicago yesterday. the two sides met for more than 10 hours but they are deadlocked on issues like performance evaluations and recall rights for laid-off teachers. talks are expected to resume at
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11 a.m. president obama and gop nominee mitt romney are back out on the campaign trail after taking yesterday off to honor the victims killed in the 9/11 attacks. romney is back in florida today holding an event at his own campaign office in jacksonville. the president is heading to nevada this afternoon to talk about the economy in las vegas. we are just eight weeks away now from the election and the race is still very close. a new "washington post"-abc news poll of likely voters has president obama with 49% of the vote and mitt romney with 48%. that's a tie. but in a wider poll of registered voters the president has a six-point lead. commuters concerned about the proposed toll hike for the dulles toll road can attend a public hearing tonight, the latest in a series of meetings where representatives from the metropolitan washington air force authority are attempting to reach out to the community for some feedback. the toll is likely to increase by 50 cents at the beginning of
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next year. it would double from $2.25 to $4.50 by 2015. tonight's hearing begins at 5 p.m. at southlake high school in reston. you may have seen allison's picture popping up around town. >> what? >> it's all for a good cause. >> no, i didn't post them myself. local celebrities are showing off their library cards and yes, we are going to tell you why this woman is a super celebrity. we're going to talk to her in just just a moment. they hope you'll get a new book. the district's chief librarian talks about it after the break. all quiet out here outsideof the apple store in bethesda. we'll talk about the expectations and rumors coming up next. >> thank you very much. and how sweet the sound. a national choir competition is
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in d.c. and later this hour celebrity judge erica campbell of mary mary joins us in studio along with the sounds of the host choir. we'll be back. ♪ [ music ] i'm barack obama, and i approve this message. mitt romney's position on women's's dangerous. vo:mitt romney and paul ryan would get rid of planned parenthood funding. and allow employers to deny coverage for cancer screenings and birth control. we can't afford to let him take away our choices... to take away basic health care. vo: both backed proposals to outlaw abortions...even in cases of rape and incest. i don't think that women's health issues have faced a crisis like this in decades.
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you may start seeing posters of some of your favorite local celebrities posing with their library card around metro stations, buses, movie theaters, facebook. it's designed to get more people to read by signing up for a library card. joining us with the details is jenny cooper chief librarian for the district of columbia. it's good to see you again. >> glad to be here, thank you. >> so this is national library card signup month. what a great month. tell us about it and how d.c. is responding. >> now, people tune in to this
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television station to hear stories. they can also come to their library and check out stories, they might get them in book form, a dvd, downloadable movie they're interested in. my favorite way is something that goes in my ears, some kind of an audio format. but you can get all those at your library and more. and we want to highlight that this month. >> okay. and encouraging everybody to go out and get that library card and also, i was talking to my mom about this very thing and she said did you know that you don't have to be a d.c. resident to get a d.c. library card? and honestly, i didn't really even know that. >> i'm glad your mom told you. it's true. if you live, work, pay taxes, go to school, in the district of columbia, you're welcome to have a library card because you help to support the library system. >> certainly. >> you don't even have to go into a physical building as long as you live within that parameter i discussed you can get your library card online. i'll give you a few reasons why. if you have a child maybe a teenager with a math problem,
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you can get live online one on one homework help from 2 p.m. until 11 p.m. every day. that means somebody -- a teacher somewhere in north america with experience with that age level and that subject will help your child with that homework. >> that's fans. >> another reason, you can download music from the library. the sony catalog and many others through a service we subscribe to, you can find details on the library's website. in addition, that audio book that i listen to, indownloaded, you might download something for your kindle or a nook or maybe your phone or maybe an ipad or another tablet, all those are available at your library, as well. >> just evolving as we all have had to do in this age. i love that. okay. >> exactly. >> i want to talk to you about the new mount pleasant library that's open but i want to show you for this campaign, i am a cardholder. you were the first one that popped up and your picture is
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lovely. >> thank you. >> let's show ginie's picture again. this is the way these look and you're proudly holding that library card and it's a line you're going to see all over town, i'm a cardholder, get your card. you also have familiar faces, ted with his. you were kind enough to include me in this. and there's mine. so i have to tell you i'm really proud to be part of this. channel 5 is proud to be part of this because when you pick up a book, i'm preaching to the choir here, it's just endless. the possibilities are endless. i don't care where you live, what community you're in you could learn about every community all kinds of people, stories you can escape into a book and i would encourage you if you haven't, especially as adults, it has so much to
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offer. now that we have gotten through with that, let's talk about the mount pleasant library having a big re-opening if you will. >> yes. today's a very exciting day. at noon, the mayor and councilmember graham from that ward will be with me and members of the community to cut the ribbon for the newly renovated and expanded library. we expect it will be a busier library and we so pleased to open it with additional computers, lots of space for children and wonderful special effects. >> i le, i love when you come by. thanks so much again for including channel 5 in this campaign and we look forward to this month, yes, but every month to follow. >> exactly. thank you. >> okay. very good. like the picture, too. thanks, allison. all right. the tech world is all abuzz today as we prepare to get our first look at the highly anticipated iphone 5. lauren demarco will be live with details. first, we want to check in with
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holly. good morning. >> reporter: hey, tony. we are live this morning hanging out on "h" street in northeast because "h" street is part of a new heritage trail put on by cultural tourism d.c. this is a chance for you to learn about the history of the neighborhood and to come in and check out some of the new places that are here now. we're doing both and we'll show you how you can, too, live later, tony. >> thank you. now, you think your pets are spoiled? check this out! a cat owner england felt bad forgiving his cat rufus ear drops. so he built him a cardboard maze. it's made of 40 boxes and lots of colorful duct tape. and from the looks of it, we think rufus approves! that's amazing. >> we'll be right back.
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i'm barack obama, and i approvoe this message. mitt romney's position on women's's dangerous. vo:mitt romney and paul ryan would get rid of planned parenthood funding. and allow employers to deny coverage for cancer screenings and birth control. we can't afford to let him take away our choices... to take away basic health care. vo: both backed proposals to outlaw abortions...even in cases of rape and incest. i don't think that women's health issues have faced a crisis like this in decades. a warning for owners of tablet computers, listen up. some researchers recommend that you stop using it before you go to bed. they say that the bluish light the screens emit can prevent
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users from getting a good night's sleep. the light mimics daylight convincing the brain that it's still daytime. >> very interesting. >> the same for the old- fashioned digital clock we were just showing? it's a blue light. fair question. okay. all right. some exciting day or an exciting day for tech junkies and those of how love apple products. in just a few hours we could get our first look at the iphone 5. the company is expected to unveil the device today and fox 5's lauren demarco is live outside an apple store in bethesda with the details. good morning. >> reporter: good morning to you. well, you guys, remember earlier this year when they first announced the new ipad? we had been calling it the ipad 3. so i was kind of wondering are they really going to call this the iphone 5? we have this invitation that came out and when apple sent out the invitation to the media and everyone who will be at the big announcement today, you see the 12 for today, september 12th, and in the shadow of it is that
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shape of a five. so kind of a little clever nod to what we are expecting to be the big announcement for the iphone 5. now, there's within a ton of rumors a lot of photos and videos supposed prototypes popping up online. we are expecting according to the rumors that there will be a slimmer design and bigger screen on the iphone 5, also that it will work with the 4-g lte network and there will be a smaller connection for it forcing people to buy some new accessories. but there's been speculation that apple is trying to change to the smaller connection port across all its devices. this would be the first using that. also possibly different camera placement for the front of your phone, that little camera will be moved to the center. and that the camera on the back would actually have a little microphone next to it so if you are recording video you could use the meek phone. there's all of that back and forth between google and apple
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the feud between them intensifying and google maps no longer going to be incorporated into the iphone. also, the google youtube app will not be pre-installed on the new iphone 5 according to all the rumors. there's also been some rumor about a mini ipad being announced today. not sure whether that will happen. that's sort of under question. apple dominates the market for tablet computers shipping 7 out of every 10 tablets worldwide in the 2nd quarter. rivals have been trying to compete producing smaller cheaper models. we know the kindle fire we just recently got the updates hd coming out, so a mini ipad would of course challenge all of those newcomers. and then the big thing, jpmorgan's chief economist said that sales of the new iphone could increase america's gdp by half a percent so kind of huge news there if that is the case and the iphone 5 is expected to fly off store shelves at a rate
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of more than 46,000 an hour if of course it is the iphone 5. so apple is very secretive. we have a lot to be seen. the press conference takes place at 1 p.m. eastern time in san francisco. so we'll be watching and, of course, we'll have the latest on that tonight on fox 5 and then tomorrow morning, as well. back to you guys. >> hm. all right. we'll see. thank you, lauren. watch out, nasa. a 19-year-old takes incredible photos of space and it cost him less than $400. find out how he did this next. >> and erica campbell from mary mary is in studio with us this morning judging the national choir competition. coming up at 9:45 we'll learn more about this event and we'll hear more from the host choir. stay with us. it's 9:27. hey scott. kinda late in the year to be feedin' your lawn, isn't it?
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you wouldn't expect penny there to puggle through winter without being fed? well i'm not a vet but she'd starve probably! and so will your lawn, man!
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fall is the most crucial feeding of the year. it's the time when roots rebuild and store up nutrients for winter. now's the time to feed it with scotts turf builder winterguard. [ scott ] that's it man! feed your lawn now and she'll be green and lush as the banks of bonny doon come springtime! and a "bonny doon" to you! [ scott ] get scotts turf builder winterguard. it's guaranteed. feed your lawn. feed it!
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but it makes millions off west marylanders every year. now they're running dishonest ads. why? because voting for question seven is a vote to build a... world-class resort casino in maryland. creating thousands of jobs and... ...according to the official department of legislative... services, hundreds of millions for our schools. while saving taxpayer money by cutting casino subsidies. question seven. good jobs and better schools in maryland. not west virginia. he is taking the do it yourself philosophy to new
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heights. look at these pictures. 19-year-old adam cudworth launched a camera on a helium balloon and got incredible pictures. he used a standard cannon camera a gps tracking device, radio transmitter and a microprocessor in an unsigh late weather protected box. he spent 40 hours and $320 on the project and only had the knowledge he learned from some physics courses. the device went more than 20 miles into the sky in about 2.5 hours, these photos are comparable to ones that nasa teams produce with million- dollar satellites. >> that's amazing. >> isn't that great? >> unbelievable. >> some of these young people with their smarts, i mean, this kid is going to go on to great things. we may never know about all the things he contributes to but he is going to be an engineer of some type or something. that's incredible. >> because his mind -- >> i love the pictures because you see the camera gets going higher and higher and then it's
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crazy. >> remarkable. >> but is it safe? >> well, for what? >> safe for the camera. >> you have a balloon lifting probably aviation and you know -- >> you mean when i falls ? >> when wewould it get in the way of something in. >> well, then there's that. >> something to think about. >> thanks for the downer. >> what's going on in weather? >> lousy kid. [ laughter ] >> weather is perfect. >> meddling kids. >> weather is perfect. you know, the reason we think of it is because for weather day when we had a nationals member we couldn't launch that balloon because of concerns about aviation. >> that's a good point. >> we'll look into it. going to warm up into the low 80s later today. yesterday upper 70s wasn't bad. today even warmer than that.
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low dew point temperatures, low humidity, no higher than 40s and 50s today which is fantastic. that's what you call a very quiet weather pattern. high pressure off to our west keeping things nice and dry around here for a couple of more days. our next weathermaker you can see it there in omaha see the green light rain showers and that cold front will get in here. i think for the start of the weekend. it's not going to rain all weekend. i don't think saturday when we do get some showers it will be a washout but we'll have at least the possibility of some scattered showers around here by saturday. and until then, just more sunshine each afternoon, temperatures in the upper 70s and low 80s and overnight lows in the 50s. nice and dry for the next couple of days, big dome of high pressure keeping things dry across the eastern half of the country. that will break down this weekend. then we'll have an area of low pressure. looks like showers back by saturday. 81 today, more sunshine, gorgeous afternoon, winds south and east here at about 5. clear
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and cool tonight open the windows for a time and let the nice air in. clear skies, calm winds. here's your fox 5 accuweather seven-day forecast. 84 tomorrow. it will be a little warmer by tomorrow afternoon. and as we get into the weekend here, looks like some showers and clouds saturday and perhaps again on monday. cooler, look at that, beat middle of next week, next tuesday, only upper 70s for highs. feels like fall. that's a look at weather. let's toss it back to tony and allison. thank you very much. we continue to follow breaking news and a story that's developing minute by minute out of libya this morning where the american ambassador to the country christopher stevens was killed in a rocket attack. there are reports that two of the four americans who died in a rocket attack were u.s. marines. it is not clear if those marines were protecting the ambassador at the time and we now though that the fourth victim was a foreign service
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officer. the united states is also now reportedly sending marine reinforcements to the city of benghazi. at 10:35 this morning, president obama is due to make a statement from the rose garden. we'll bring you live coverage of that statement from fox news when it happens. >> we'll be right back. [ woman ] dear chex cereal,
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i've never written a fan letter before, but you've done what i thought was impossible: you made good-for-you, gluten-free cereals in a whole bunch of yummy flavors. cinnamon chex and honey nut chex are two of our favorites. when my husband rob found the chocolate one, we were in cereal heaven. the only problem is, with so many great flavors you're making it very hard to choose. so thanks. from your fans, the mcgregor family. 'cause we love chex.
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[ male announcer ] love chex? connect with us on facebook. mitt romney's position onpprove women's's dangerous. vo:mitt romney and paul ryan would get rid of plann parenthood funding. and allow employers to deny coverage for cancer screenings and birth control. we can't afford to let him take away our choices... to take away basic health care. vo: both backed proposals to outlaw abortions...even in cases of rape and incest. i don't think that women's health issues have faced a crisis like this in decades.
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busy news day. rumors that randy jackson will indeed remain a judge on "american idol." >> all right. plus, i'm not sure if i'm ready for this. khloe kardashian is closer to being the host of the "x factor." let's check in with the latest headlines -- i can't believe it -- dax has the latest from tmz. good morning. >> good morning. >> tucker isn't a kardashian fan i guess. but we'll talk about that. >> apparently. >> talk about tht in just a second. so now the dog -- is the dog staying as a judge or is the dog not going to stay on
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"american idol"? what's going on? >> yes. rainey jackson back being a judge on "american idol," mariah carey being a judge and they are close to signing nikki minaj and keith urban. the fourth spot was supposed to go to enrique iglesias and the contract fell through. they have been scrambling because they go into production soon so what do we do? let's just bring randy jacksonn back. >> i feel fad bore them. they made it clear they didn't want him as a judge and we have no other option, let's make him a judge. let's go pay check to paycheck. >> by all accounts he was removed and now they need him so they're placing him back? he is a better person than i
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am. or that paycheck since it's so much better than mean makes it okay. >> probably. >> i get it. >> all right, let's talk about simon and his latest moves with "x factor." so we're going to get a new host, the english dude from last year didn't work out? >> guess not. >> and is khloe kardashian, is this true or a rumor? >> well, right now, this is what -- this is who simon wants to host the show. but he still has to et get permission from fox to hire khloe kardashian but is saying look, she brings in a great demographic. you have britney and demi on the show so you add khloe who is good friends with them and you're bringing in a huge young audience. and honestly, anything kardashian, people love. or love to hate. so you're going to have that. if you hire one kardashian you're going to get a lot of kardashians in the audience so really you get the whole lot when you buy one of the she is funny and goofy. i think she could be a good host. it could be a good job for her.
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i'm willing to give her a try. why not? >why not? as we sit and judge who will be on these national shows, why not? >> dax, i'd rather see you be the host. [ laughter ] >> well, i don't think i'd pull in the same audience that khloe kardashian will pull in. >> would you pull in us. you would have two more people watching. dax holt, thank you so many. >> thank yo tony, over to you. >> that's a mistake. dax would be a good host. >> he would be good. >> khloe will bring in people for one episode. >> maybe. >> maybe. all right. coming up, remembering swamp poodle. holly is live on the h street heritage trail taking us back in time to learn more about the many people who helped build the district. then, choirs from around the country are in d.c. tonight fortunate choir competition. they are sell -- for the national choir competition, they are celebrating the fifth year of the event.
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>> we'll be right back. 4g lte has the fastest speeds. so let's talk about coverage. based on this chart, who would you choose ? wow. you guys take a minute. verizon, hands down. i'm going to show you guys another chart. pretty obvious. i don't think color matters. pretty obvious. what's pretty obvious about it ? that verizon has the coverage. verizon. verizon. we're going to go to another chart. it doesn't really matter how you present it. it doesn't matter how you present it. verizon. more 4g lte coverage than all other networks combined.
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head north, to someplace pristine like acadia national park. there is nothing like the parks this time of year. the falling leaves, the crisp air, the perfect inspiration for air wick's fall collection. yeah, when i smell all those things,
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i know fall is in the air. the fall collection brought to you by air wick and the national park foundation. something in the air wick.
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9:45 and thanks to cultural tourism d.c. you can walk through history at several sites throughout our area. >> their latest project will put you on a path through culture and industry in northeast. and holly morris joins us live from another stop on the greater "h" street heritage trail. holly. >> reporter: good morning, you guys. it's about a 3.2-mile trail and you're going to want to stop and take a break maybe come in and have some ethiopian traditional tea which we're doing this morning as we have moved into the ethiopic restaurant a wonderful restaurant. tom of the washington poles reviewed it twice gave it wonderful reviews and i am
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enjoying it with two wonderful ladies here, jane with cultural tourism d.c. who joins us once again as does mary one of the trail historians. good morning. >> good morning. >> reporter: so this is not a bad way to talk about a history lesson, right? >> no. >> reporter: it's perfect. when you go through this trail there are 18 stops, you really -- each one almost is this treasure-trove of information. so we thought it would be fun to talk about this place called swamp poodle which a lot of people probably never heard of because it was a neighborhood that existed over 100 years ago. >> yes. over 100 years, that's right. >> wiped out. >> it was absolutely wiped out over 100 years ago when we belt union station and that opened in 1908 so it is just over a century ago that we lost swamp poodle but the memory of it lingers on. >> reporter: we're talking about memories from it this morning. we have a couple of great pictures. the first is a view of the capital circa 1850. so this is kind of the time period we're talking about this
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particular neighborhood. >> right. and earlier it was irish immigrants settled there. it was a poor neighborhood. it was wet, a stream ran through there so that's where the name came from, swamp poodle. >> reporter: i think we have a sketch of the creek. so swamp poodle because it's puddled but their accent made it poodle. >> there were swamp puddles in other cities so that was a poor neighborhood you know wet needed. >> reporter: so this wasn't obviously a nice area so to speak of town. it was a rough area? >> it was a rough area. it was an area where irish immigrants came and found places to live and found work on the projects that they could work to like on capitol hill. we had freed african-americans who purchased their freedom or been man u mitted or had been walked away and hit out in the city. >> we have another photo of a family photo the lane family
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photo. tell me the significance of this. this is about 1896 i think. >> lane family was an irish immigrant family and they came to america because of the irish potato famine and they me because they were starving in ireland as were many irish in the 1840s. and they landed in this nabbed and this is the house that the gentleman in the middle of the picture who i think is the founder of the family actually built and it's at 515 "h" street and you can see it toda >> reporter: one of the houses still exists. we also have a picture of the old uline building which we were at earlier and there's a lot of history there. >> right. that was an ice -- that was built by an ice the -- iceman who had an ice manufacturing business next door and buil the ice arena. >> reporter: one of our viewers called in after we did the segment with you earlier and said don't forget they played hockey there.
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>> right. we didn't have time to say that but it was an ice arena. ice capades were there, too. but a lot of irishmen as they got pushed out of swamp poodle moved other here. >> reporter: that's the significance of the final picture union station being constructed. that's why swamp poodle went away. but it pushed people to where we are now. >> this neighborhood on "h" street that we are celebrating on the new heritage trail really happened because of transportation innovations. and the innovation that was probably the most significant was putting all the railroad lines that we had putting them into union station, having to do with unifying all the different railroad lines. >> reporter: thank you for your insight. this is the tip of the iceberg when it comes to these heritage trails. this saturday they are celebrating with the "h" street festival so come out and do that yourself. cheers to you with our tea. and the whole revitalization. "h" street area is what has
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piqued the interest of everyone learning about the history of the area so it's been a fascinating morning and it's a fascinating team if you come out and enjoy it yourself. back to you in the studio. >> thank you. wonderful stuff there. we have more for you, the most prestigious gospel music celebration in the country is here in d.c. for one night only. the 2012 howweet the sound gospel tour celebrating its fifth year. and it's hitting cities from coast to coast until november 4. this is a great show. you can still purchase tickets for tonight's show as choirs compete for a chance to win thousands in cash prizes and joining us now with more details is one of the celebrity judges and well known gospel artists member of the duo mary mary is here. >> good to be here. >> let me also mention the wonderful looking group hijacked me is
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behind me. thank you all for come in. we'll hear you sing in just a moment. first let's talk about the competition. there's something you're very excited about it. what are you looking for as a judge? >> it is an incredible gospel celebration that brings choirs from all over the country to show their stuff. it's been wonderful. the tickets are inexpensive 10 bucks. it's an amazing show. it's great to be part of it. as a judge i'm looking for precision and great vocals and more importantly the power of god in your voices and your music. that's the most important thing. >> obviously the music is uplifting and inspiring. when it comes to goes spell choirs it's a unique american art form and -- to gospel choirs it's a unique american art form and it's a great platform. >> it's a great platform for a
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bigger platform and brings unity to the community and puts a little change in the pocket or the offering plate i should say. so it's a good thing. >> the show is tonight. i think we have the information and it's on our website as well tonight at the verizon center. one show only and then the competition moves on. and how many choirs are involved in this? do we know? >> total i don't know i know there's 6 every night. so that's a whole lot of choirs. and then it boils down to one winner. >> very good. let's hear from the group now, the celebration choir of greater mount calvary holy church. jeremiah is the director. and what are they going to sing? >> we offer praise. >> good one. >> let's hear them sing "we offer praise." ♪ [ music ]
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i'm barack obama, and i approvoe this message. mitt romney's position on women's's dangerous. vo:mitt romney and paul ryan would get rid of planned parenthood funding. and allow employers to deny coverage for cancer screenings and birth control. we can't afford to let him take away our choices... to take away basic health care. vo: both backed proposals to outlaw abortions...even in cases of rape and incest. i don't think that women's health issues have faced a crisis like this in decades.
9:56 am
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but itit makes millions offest marylanders every year. now they're running dishonest ads. why? because voting for question seven is a vote to build a... world-class resort casino in maryland. creating thousands of jobs and... ...according to the official department of legislative... services, hundreds of millions for our schools. while saving taxpayer money by cutting casino subsidies. question seven. good jobs and better schools in maryland. not west virginia.
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we leave you with breaking news out of the middle east. the ambassador to libya was in the city of benghazi. let's go to hillary clinton now secretary of state. >> benghazi libya was attacked, heavily armed militants assaulted the compound and set fire to our building. americans and libyan security personnel battled the attackers together. four americans were killed. they included sean smith a foreign service information management officer and our ambassador to libya chris stevens.
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this is an attack that should shock the conscience of people of all faiths around the world. we condemn in the strongest terms this senseless act of violence and we sent our prayers to the families, friends and colleagues of those we have lost. all over the world, every day, america's diplomats and development experts risk their lives in the service of our country and our values because they believe that the united states must be a force for peace and progress in the world. these aspirations are worth striving and sacrificing for. along side our men and women in uniform, they represent the best traditions of a bold and


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