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tv   Fox Morning News  FOX  January 18, 2013 7:00am-8:59am EST

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put away the shovel, the ice scraper, all that kind of stuff. the storm skipped us. we've got clear to partly cloudy skies out there this morning. not a bad start to the day. tucker barnes will have the complete forecast, what i've left for him, in just a moment. it's friday, january 18th. good morning, i'm tony perkins. >> i'm alison seymour. i didn't pull out any of that stuff. tucker told me where i live i wasn't going to see snow anyway. while old man winter chose to spare the d.c. region, part of virginia didn't fare as well. this is a picture of snow falling in charlottesville further south and west. forecasters say 13 inches of snow fell in one county. >> giles county. >> 82,000 appalachian power customers are without electricity. so it did hit where we thought it would, just not here.
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>> nonetheless, we have cold out here. >> something is going to happen this morning at 7:24 that we haven't seen much of this week. do you know what that is? >> sun. >> thank you, allison. thank you. yeah, going to see the sun later today. should be a good looking friday and good looking weekend for us with bright sunny skies during the day, and cool conditions around here later this afternoon. current temperature reagan national is 38 degrees. 38 at reagan national. 34 at both dulles and bwi marshall. it will be a chilly day. winds out of the north and west, but with a lot of sunshine, should be a quiet day. and quiet conditions the next several days. few leftover clouds from the storms from yesterday. light snow flurries north and west of town this morning.
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the trend will be clearing. today, sunshine, upper 30s to about 40. this will be breezy. let's get to julie wright. >> everyone waking up to dry pavement this morning. we dodged that weather snowball, if you will. eastbound along 66, live shot from the crew in skyfox. accident activity over to the shoulder. tieups on the eastbound side backing up before 234 south heading to the accident scene. additional time needed for those traveling inbound from the west. outer loop of the beltway arlington, stalled car over to the shoulder. northbound 395 coming across the 14th street bridge, no problems here crossing over the potomac. accident activity 14th street blocked off each way at spring
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veto. that's a check of the fox 5 on- time traffic. thank you. our top story, lance armstrong comes clean after a decade of denial. >> in a candid one-on-one interview with oprah winfrey he admitted doping and he didn't hold anything back. sarah simmons is here with the details. >> we have known that the former tour de france champ admitted he used performance- enhancing drugs. last night he told oprah he used blood transfusions, testosterone and human growth hormones. >> i made my decisions, they are my mistake, and i am sitting here today to acknowledge that. >> years of accusations and explanations, lance armstrong has come clean. >> yes or no, did you ever take banned substances to enhance your cycling performance? >> yes. >> the admission comes after more than a decade of denial. time and time again rerebuffed
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claims he used performance- enhancing drugs to catapult him to the top of his sport, winning the tour de france seven times in a row. >> to the skeptics, critics, i'm sorry, and i'm sorry you don't believe in miracles. >> he now admits that feat wouldn't be possible watt drugs. >> in all seven of your tour de france victories did you ever take bad substances or blood dope? >> yes. >> in your opinion was it humanly possible to win the tour de france without doping seven times in a row? >> not in my opinion. >> armstrong was stripped of all his titles, banned from competing in triathlons and other sanctioned events for life. and most recently the international olympic committee stripped him of his 2000 bronze medal. he also lost nearly all of his endorsements and was forced to cut ties with his charity
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organization livestrong. >> i'll spend the rest of my life trying to earn back trust and apologize to people for the rest of my life. >> now, the disgraced cyclist adds he never felt like he was cheating, only as he puts it, leveling the playing field. he also refused to name any other names during this. meanwhile, his future is still up in the air. the u.s. anti-doping agency has said only a confession under oath could prompt it to lift the lifetime cycling bans. it shows you, all these years he didn't think he was cheating. he was just leveling the playing field. >> what's extraordinary is the number of different ways. i mean, blood transfusions? and for something like that, there are other people involved. you don't give yourself a transfusion. >> exactly. >> thanks, sarah. in other news, in algeria,
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more questions than answers after an ill fated raid to rescue dozens of hostages. it began wednesday night when a group of al-qaida linked terrorists took over the plant. the hostages included at least seven americans and dozens other foreigners. yesterday the algeria stormed the site. several are reported dead. the whereabouts of dozens of others are unknown. but algeria news sources say there are still hostages live inside and the standoff continues. u.s. officials say algeria's government has so far rejected offers for help. four u.s. officials have arrived in japan to help investigate a 787 that made an emergency landing earlier this week. the boeing fleet has been grounded world wide after a series of incidents, including battery problems. tony? closer to home, d.c -- a
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d.c. police officer could face life in prison for the murders of his mistress and their baby daughter. a prince george's county jury convicted richmond phillips yesterday. the panel took less than two hours to find him guilty. officers say he shot his mistress amid a paternity dispute and left the 11-month- old girl to die in the car. he'll be sentenced in march. happening today, maryland governor martin o'malley is set to elaborate on his proposals for gun safety and violence prevention. he's expected to propose a ban on military style assault weapons and school safety issues. the governor will also propose expanding early voting in the state. preparations are in full swing for the 57th presidential inauguration. >> for the latest on all the plans leading up to the big
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day, let's head live to fox 5's sherri ly along the parade route at freedom plaza. if you stay there, you'll have the best seat ever come monday. >> rorter: i know, right? except i might get a little bit cold by then. if you'll bring me food and water, maybe i'll stay. >> all right. >> reporter: you know, just about all the pieces are in place now for the presidential inauguration. we can see right behind me here we have a generator set up. they have large speakers. one of the most important things, the porta potties, they're here already. and the viewing stands for people who will be coming in watching the parade coming down pennsylvania avenue here. all the preparations of course leading up to the four days of events which start tomorrow. later today 6,000 national guard troops from 25 states will begin arriving at the d.c. armory to help with the 57th presidential inauguration. they'll be deployed inside the district to assist with control, crowd management and logistics.
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another 2,000 troops will be on alert outside the city. metro is gearing up, too. it's selling a $15 all-day pass just for inauguration day. the card features president obama. 600 to 800,000 riders are expected to use metro to get to the swearing in parade and other events. many will celebrate at official and unofficial balls. at this warehouse they'll be holding a young person's ball geared to the 18 and 35-year- olds. the event is one of many drawing thousands to the city to be a part of u.s. history. >> very excited about the inauguration. unique experience and glad to be part of it. >> it's a unique experience that most people don't get to see, so we're excited about it. >> reporter: it all starts with that national day of service tomorrow to honor dr. martin luther king, jr.. the president's family and vice president, cabinet members will be participating in service
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projects throughout the area. back to you. >> thank you very much. >> stay with fox 5 for all of the latest on the inauguration. we have it all on air and online. also at online. just reminder, we will be on the air beginning at 4:00 a.m. inauguration morning on monday, of course. first lady michelle obama celebrated her 49th birthday last night in georgetown. >> she used the occasion to debut a new twitter account, and a new hairstyle. let's check it out. she posted this picture yesterday of her meeting with one of the eight citizens named cochairs of the inauguration. sporting bangs right there. the first lady hasn't been seen in public since she returned from hawaii earlier this month. >> i like the look. >> i like it, too. without her there would be no oprah, dr. ruth or dr. phil. now the advice world has to say
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goodbye to dear aby. we'll look back at the life and legacy of the woman behind the column. >> plus a starry weekend in the district. later we're going to check out which celebrities will be in town for the presidential party this weekend. also to perform and just here in general. >> big weekend in town. first, thousands of d.c. students will head to different schools next year. we'll tell you which schools will shut down, how much it could save the city and where the money will be spent instead. ♪ here comes the sun ♪ >> love it. this song never sounded so good. a live look outside. we'll get the latest weather and traffic from tucker and julie next. maybe a little singing from tony perkins? >> you don't want that. ♪ little darling ♪ 
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amazing. dunkin's new turkey sausage breakfast sandwich. surprisingly great sausage taste with under 400 calories. try one today. america runs on dunkin'.
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it is the end of the line for 15 d.c. public schools. yesterday school chancellor
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henderson released her latest consolidation plan. 13 will close at the end of this school year. two more will close the year after. so here we go, on the chopping block, mcfarlane middle, marshall elementary, choice ed hamilton, spin garn high school, spingarn stay, shaw middle school, prospect learning center, davis elementary, kenilworth elementary, winston education campus, ron brown elementary. henderson says the money saved will be reinvested into the system and speed up reform. >> ultimately we're paying too much and offering too little. we will be able to expand opportunities that some of our most sought after schools -- at some of our most sought after
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schools in the district. >> henderson says despite strong reaction from parents, her duty is to look out for the students. to see that full list of schools again, go to tony, tucker, over to you. thank you very much. hello, there. >> good morning. something our students haven't seen much of this year, snow days. >> i know. >> we're trying. >> tried to get it in here. it wouldn't cooperate. >> today is going to be beautiful. sunshine back. haven't seen sun since last saturday. >> wow. >> almost a week. should be a good looking day. sun is up at 7:24. and it will be a cool afternoon. definitely still considered winter time with highs in the upper 30s to about 40 with a bit of a breeze. 19 now in boston. off to the north and west,
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chicago 20 degrees. 0 international falls. most of the country seasonable. the weekend we'll get arctic air into the mid-atlantic, and that means much colder air is going to be set up for next week, with highs only near freezing by next tuesday and wednesday, believe it or not. quiet weather pattern. traveling today, most of the country not a lot going on. warm temperatures continue in florida. that's where you want to go if you need 70s and 80s. here, 39 today with plenty of sunshine. weekend highs in the 40s, mid- 40s. cool down by monday. a lot of people will be out and about. monday will be cold and brisk with highs in the mid-30s. and bit of a breeze from the north and west. maybe few flurries in the afternoon. highs tuesday and wednesday, near freezing. >> yikes. those are the highs? >> those are the highs. >> boo. >> hey, hey, we don't boo. >> wasn't me, that was allison. thank you. you're likely to get more boos now from julie wright.
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>> but for different reasons. [ laughter ] >> checking for the crash northbound i-95 north of 216 at the rest area. heads up traveling northbound headed to baltimore. southbound lanes are open. to the west, 66 eastbound crash had business 234 cleared. down to about 41 miles per hour headed inbound from manassas. inbound new york avenue, easy ride so far. continuing from northeast to northwest. kenilworth avenue tapping the brakes approaching pennsylvania avenue. no problems to report now at the wilson bridge. traffic flowing between oxon hill and alexandria both ways. that's a check of your fox 5 on- time traffic. 7:18 on this friday morning. coming up, more questions for notre dame's star, and saying thank you to loyal caps' fans. >> later, a special patriotic performance by the united
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states air force band. holly is live at the ritz carlton with a look at some of the special events planned for the president's second inauguration. we'll be right back. ♪ day.
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now you can do it with dinner. introducing land o'lakes® sauté express®. the all-in-one sauté starter with butter, olive oil, herbs and spices... so dinner really sizzles. it's one step, no prep. and so good, they'll ask for more. and that little victory is a pretty big deal.
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land o'lakes® sauté express. find it in the dairy aisle.
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how about these fans? 10,000 fans packed the verizon center last night for the first time this season, actual 48 hours before the season begins. they were there for fan appreciation night. a free event thanking them for their patience during the lockout. >> how about the caps? >> that's the way you do it. during the event the crowd could watch mares practice, eat free food, and even got to meet the team's stars. today the caps leave for tampa and face off for the first time, for the first game,
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rather, tomorrow night. that's tricky. new details now involving the girlfriend hoax of -- >> let me say it, because i messed it up last time. manti te'o. >> that's right. >> the associated press reports the heisman trophy runner spoke up about his girlfriend at least twice after learning of the hoax. in the meantime, he seems to be handling the controversy well, riding it out, literally there, in florida. he was spotted driving a golf cart there, where he is training for the nfl scouting combine. he says he learned of the hoax on december 6th, but was recorded on december 8th and tenth speaking about his nonexistent girlfriend. >> riding with him in the cart is his new girlfriend. one quick note -- >> that was funny. >> league championship games kick off this weekend. in the afc, ray lewis and the baltimore ravens will travel to gillette stadium to face the
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patriots. should be quite a game. nfc, the falcons will host the san francisco 49ers. >> our viewer that watches all the time, jessie holt, good morning, says who are you rooting for now? i said somebody, but i'm not in it. >> i'm in it -- >> i'm in it for beyonce now. >> i will root for her. we're going to talk during the 9:00 hour. you have to make a pick. >> all right. still ahead, celebrity watching in the nation's capital. >> the inauguration the hottest ticket in town. we'll tell you which stars will be in town and where you can go to try to catch a glimpse. >> our guest looks like a star herself. >> she does. >> we'll join leslie in just a moment. remembering the life and legacy of dear abby. as we take you to break, a live look outside. we'll get the latest weather and traffic from tucker and julie. that's coming up next. it's 7:24. ♪ dear abby, dear abby ♪
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♪ dear abby, dear abby ♪ my hair is falling out and my rights are all wrong ♪ there are like two dear abby songs? >> i'm surprised there aren't
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more. >> dear abby paved the way for people like oprah and dr. phil with her advice on marriage and meddling mothers in law. >> her real name was pauline phillips. she passed away wednesday after a long battle with alzheimer's disease. dear abby first appeared in the san francisco chronicle in 1956. doling out advice was a family business. her daughter took over the column and phillips' twin sister wrote for rival papers under the name of ann landers. she was 94 years old. look how stylish in that picture. >> isn't that interesting both she and her sister were premier advice columnists of their time. >> yeah. we have an advice columnist coming in today.
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>> heloise is coming in and we'll ask her about her thoughts on dear abby. >> and we have someone -- >> who? >> ask allison. >> oh, in the tradition. >> quite in the tradition. i love that. thank you tucker. >> you're welcome. >> i could say the same about you. >> let's talk about the temperature -- >> go ahead. i'm playing with him. >> that's bad advice, allison. allison, ever give out advice and maybe you feel like you changed your mind? >> no, because it's very hard for me to give advice. >> what? >> i think about it -- >> we should tell people, you take it very seriously. >> good thing tony and i aren't giving out advice. cold temperatures to start your day. cold afternoon, with winds out of the north and west gusting to 15 miles per hour. will lock in that cool feeling for the day. here's the good news, lots of sunshine today. and i promise a lot more
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sunshine than anything we've seen all week. winds north and west at 15 now in washington. 16 annapolis. otherwise, should be quiet day. plenty of sunshine. did have a few flurries, couple of snow showers overnight. might have a leftover snow shower north of hagerstown. high pressure building in, saturday and sunday sunny with highs in the mid-40s. later sunday we'll get an arctic front. we'll be locked into a cold pattern to begin next week, with temperatures well low normal by next monday, tuesday and wednesday. sunshine today, about 39. winds north and west 5 to 15. breezy at times. 30 tonight. clear and cold overnight. should be dry if you're going to be out and busy with whatever activities you might be going to. weekend looks good. colder for the big day monday.
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37. lots of layers. breezy as well. check out your daytime high tuesday and wednesday, highs near freezing. overnight lows, teens and low 20s. even in the city. coldest air of the year. let's do traffic and get advice from julie wright about the roadways. julie? >> the best advice i can give you now avoid i-95 in maryland. the live shot from the crew in skyfox. crash involving this vehicle, which appears the front part of this vehicle is underneath the back of this tractor-trailer. we know one person has been extracted and been taken and transported away from the scene. northbound i-95, no one getting by at this time, traveling north of 216 at the car rest area. delays starting to building from before 198 headed to this accident scene. coming in from powder mill road in laurel this morning, stick with the baltimore washington parkway headed towards baltimore bwi marshall. southbound lanes are open. but this is wall to wall traffic northbound on i-95 in maryland headed to that accident accident, north of 216
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at the car rest area. traveling around -- signal light lanes only to the 3rd street tunnel. lanes open, no problems at the bridge. that's a check of your fox 5 on- time traffic. thanks, julie. the biggest party in america kicks off this week, from beyonce to kelly clarkson, celebrities are flocking to the district. while president obama's second inauguration will be slightly smaller than his first, the tickets for the event are the hottest in town. we turn to senior editor at capital file magazine. tony and i were saying, you have the best gig in town, especially now. >> i do. it's a great, great time. we're excited to see all the things happening in the city. we're really on display, the nation's capital. time to go. time to party. >> what is the headline here?
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we've been saying it's not going to be as grand as it was. the official ball, or the balls the president and the first lady are expected to go to, much smaller. like two this year. >> two. but they will have quite a few people. armed service members will be at one of them, and there will be more than 30,000 people at another one. >> wow. >> they're not very small gigs. however, there are a few things happening around town. tickets for those two sold out early for the public. there are great things happening. we've heard about the hip-hop ball on sunday. that's important, because it benefits the hip-hop community that gave to voter registration over this past cycle. st.jude is having a great reception this evening benefiting them at hamilton live. that will be great, because it's an opportunity to give back and celebrate. >> sure. >> we make sure we do charitable contributions and that kind of thing in d.c. finally, the green ball. we've reported on this at capitol file magazine. great for people who love the environment, celebrating the
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efforts of the people in the last four years in the energy and environmental sector. that's supposed to be a great party, too. >> something for everybody? >> something for everybody. >> what we want to know, also, besides that great information, the celebrities coming in town. we don't really get it that often. it's new york, l.a. what about us? it's our turn. >> we're getting celebrities. we do get a few with some of the movie premiers. "argo" recently. beyonce, she'll be here. people are really excited about that. she's set to do the national anthem at the inauguration. lots of people will be tuning in. katy perry is in town. the cast of "glee" for all the people who watch that show. kelly clarkson will perform. the list goes on. eva longoria will be here as well. >> showing james taylor, too. taking us back, like we saw aretha franklin perform that famous hat that's now on display at the museum
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somewhere, so star power is the same, it's just maybe a little bit smaller as far as the number of stars that we can expect in d.c.? >> i don't know. you sort of hear many stars to be expected. we can never predict until they get here. marc anthony is another one. there are about 30 state balls. dozens of unofficial balls. never know who you're going to see. >> if you are not really going to a ball, there are places where we see celebrities like to go? because they forget something. maybe they have to pop into a shop in georgetown or wherever. where is the best place you think to star gaze a little bit? >> i would say georgetown is a really good pick. the georgetown bid is actually doing a presidential promotion, so they're highlighting the restaurants that presidents have gone to, including bourbon steak, and the first lady celebrated her birthday at cafe milano.
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>> probably hard to get in there. >> you never know. celebrities have to eat, too. >> that's right. what's the headline this time around? what will this do for our city? >> it's a big deal. we live in a great city, very diverse, lots of power here, lots of great culture. we're on the national stage right now, as always. people are looking from around the country. it's really great, because it's giving us an excuse to go out in the freezing cold. we'd be more comfortable in a blanket this time in january. but we're getting out, getting dressed up, contributing to our culture, giving back in terms of philanthropy. >> we saw the new haircut for the first lady. what are we expecting this time around? hearing anything about designers, any early word on
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that? >> they're keeping some things under wraps. but she had that really great dress ensemble the first go round with those beautiful shoes. that pretty color green. i would expect her to do a pop of color this year for the actual ceremony. she's really good of color. she's not afraid of that. she put jason woo on the map with that gown. we don't know what designer or color. i would expect her to show off those great toned arms. why would she not? >> there she is there. >> looking wonderful, yeah. >> and somebody brought up that there was heat handles or something in her coat. >> yes. >> that's how the first lady rocks. we can't all do that. >> special design, made sure she'd stay warm. i'm looking forward to seeing what the coat will look like this year. >> you are not alone. where will you be hanging out? >> we actually are doing coverage around town. we'll definitely show up at the hip-hop ball, and we'll see
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where the rest of the evening take us. >> i love it. have a great time. >> thank you. >> thank you for being here. this is leslie, senior editor with capitol file. we'll be right back. i got it when we could download an hd movie in like twowo minut.
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we're back with your look at what's upcoming, new and note weather, it's your capitol rundown. starting off monday, it's inauguration day. president obama will take the oath of office for his second term at 12 noon on the west front of the capitol, followed by the parade down pennsylvania avenue. tuesday, january 22nd, the president and vice president will attend the inaugural national prayer service. the program will feature prayer, reading, musical performance, it starts at 10:30 a.m. at the washington national cathedral. wednesday, january 23rd, secretary of state hillary clinton will testify about last september's terrorist attacks
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of the u.s. consulate in libya. thursday, january 24th, the senate foreign relations committee will hold a confirmation hearing for secretary of state nominee john kerry. that starts at 10:00 a.m. on friday, january 25th, georgetown public policy institute holds a conference on at-risk children, youth and system reform. it will be held at 8:30 a.m. at the georgetown university conference center here in washington. that's your capital rundown for the week of january 21, 2013. you'll find us on and on twitter hashtag capitalrundown. i'm tom fitzgerald, see you next week. can i do a quick shout out? >> yeah. >> this won't be quick. sarah sent in this picture last week, and has been calling me every day. this is sarah's mom, and aunt. they are twins. this picture is so -- isn't this a joyful picture?
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>> i've seen this on your desk. >> they are twins. their birthday is on january 20th. i knew we'd be way too busy on the 20th, inauguration day, to show it. sarah, you're a lovely young woman. she says, i want you to shout it on tv. she sent this picture in. we want to wish your mom and aunt a happy birthday. may you always have years of smile and joyful togetherness. you can tell how close they are. >> wonderful. beautiful. >> how many people are having a birthday here? >> those two. because they're twins. >> got it. >> clarice and clarissa. sarah is one of their daughters. >> got it. that's nice. >> c-l-a-r-i-s. anyway, happy birthday. >> never thought about it, but if you have a birthday with a twin -- >> you're always sharing. >> big day for two of you. >> it's my birthday, i'm older. >> twins do that, i'm the older
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twin. they do that. >> right. let's do weatherful cold to start your day. chilly afternoon. but a bright afternoon. sunshine. i know a lot of people are starting to feel like we're living in the seattle region with all the cloud cover. >> yeah. >> been hearing complaints. 19 in boston. 18 in columbus. 20 pittsburgh. a lot of cold air. it feels like january this year across the mid-atlantic and new england. will feel like january around here next week. we'll have some of our coldest temperatures honestly in a couple of years. last winter we didn't have a lot of cold air. here's a look at the surface features for today. high pressure builds in. sunshine, breezy. dry afternoon. dry weekend with the area of high pressure keeping things quiet around here. by sunday, arctic front, it will come through. that will bring us much colder air just in time for the big holiday on monday. there's your accuweather seven- day forecast. here comes the cold.
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37 monday afternoon. with a few snow showers. tuesday and wednesday, we struggle to get to freezing. >> coldest air of the season, i guess. >> coldest air in a couple of years. >> really? wow. thank you, sir. >> i think it shows that mother nature has to political affiliation. she just is cold for every -- >> she does her own thing. >> she wants us to remember who is really in charge. >> i think you're right. someone else who like us know who is in charge, julie wright, with the latest on traffic. >> see, tony is finally getting this. tucker, what's wrong with you? >> i'm holding out as long as i can. >> unfortunately what we're looking at now is a serious crash, one person has been transported away. northbound i-95, north of 216 at the car rest area. car wedged underneath that tractor-trailer. for a while we had the road shut down. now traffic has been released. two lanes to the left are getting by. northbound on i-95, big time tieups now traveling north from before 198 out of laurel headed
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to this accident scene headed to 32. if you need to head to baltimore or bwi, pick up the baltimore washington parkway, and use that. southbound lanes are open. this is bumper-to-bumper traffic. northbound on i-95, looks like it will be backed up towards powder mill headed up towards that accident scene. stay to the left to get through. quiet trip on the south side of town at the wilson bridge. behaving nicely between oxon hill and alexandria. inbound new york avenue, no big tieups to report now leaving northeast to northwest headed to the 3rd street tunnel. that's a check of your fox 5 on time traffic. ♪ god is able ♪ ♪ and he, he won't fail ♪ >> he's headed to hollywood. curtis finch, jr. of st. louis impressed the "american idol"
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judges. he was one of dozens of singers who performed during tryouts in chicago. idol auditions continue next week in charlotte and baton rouge. the show airs wednesday and thursday at 8:00 p.m. here on fox 5. did you watch last night? >> yeah. and the show stopper was the last young man -- >> boy. >> he was wonderful. >> the young man who stutters? >> right. he was really moving. >> i'm not just saying this because we carry the show, i really am not, i watched last night and the night before. very entertaining. >> yes. >> and i think mariah and nicki minaj are good judges. they're good judges. >> it's a bit uncomfortable for me. >> it is at times. >> bit uncomfortable. i would rather that they didn't have that. >> i hope they begin to get along better. it's 7:47. it's a friday morning. coming up next, celebrating the inauguration with fashion, food, music. good morning, holly. >> reporter: good morning to you all. and you are right. there is nothing like starting the morning with united states
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air force band. ♪ not only will they be marching in the parade, but they're also playing at the official inaugural ball. we'll be talking to them. and the ritz carlton where they're gearing up for the luncheon and fashion show. we're going to talk about that, too, and it's all coming up live on fox 5 morning news. stay with us. ♪ dead bry, need a tow olock your keysn the car, geico's emergency roadside assistance is there 24/7. oh dear, i got a flat tire. hmmm. uh... yeah, can you find a take where it's a bit more dramatic on that last line, yeah? yeah i got it right here. someone help me!!! i have a flat tire!!! well it's good... good for me. what do you think? geico. fifteen minutes
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could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance.
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there's natural gas under my town. it's a game changer. ♪ it means cleaner, cheaper american-made energy. but we've got to be careful how we get it. design the wells to be safe. thousands of jobs. use the most advanced technology to protect our water. billions in the economy. at chevron, if we can't do it right, we won't do it at all. we've got to think long term. we've got to think long term. ♪
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[ harry umlaut ] hey you know what, i speak european. [ sally umlaut ] european isn't a language. i think they speak all kinds over there. nah. it's basically one language with a few variations. my cousin has a passport. uh-huh. take this fascinating muller yogurt. frut up. means "fruit up." as in creamy yogurt down below. and a delectable, aromatic layer of blended fruity, moussey, uppiness on top. frut up. as the europeans say. in their language. wow. you really are bilingual. yeah, i dated a comma in high school. [ male announcer ] muller. the european for yummy. ♪ i just came to say hello ♪ let's say good morning and hello to today's fan of the day. terri. she says she's glad we missed
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out on the snow. i am, too. comment below her picture for a chance to be monday's fan of the day. looks like wherever she is, she's having a good time. since 1941 their tours of duty have been to inspire patriotism and bring honor to u.s. service members. this week they're gearing up for an inaugural event. >> holly morris is with them. >> reporter: let's be honest, they don't need the practice. but they're spending a little time with us. they're gearing up for very important inaugural engagements. colonel lange is the conductor. thank you for coming in. >> glad to be here. >> reporter: i always love when we do the military bands. only ones who don't complain about getting up early. >> we're used to it. >> reporter: you're doing the parade and the ball. >> that's right. there's over a thousand air men marching in the parade. we're part of the united states air force band, of course.
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and we're so pleased to be able to honor the president on unaugust ration day and represent the over 500,000 air men serving around the globe. >> reporter: thank you and all of them. >> of course. >> reporter: i always ask this of the different military bands, but the inauguration is only every four years. is it a little more special? >> it absolutely is. we've been working now for about a week practicing just about every day. we're excited to be here. we have the air force honor guard will join us behind us, and then we have the air force national guard and air force reserve. got the total air force. >> reporter: the total package. >> yeah, we're ready to go. >> reporter: you're playing the song for the president's first dance, with the first lady, right? >> absolutely. and the vice president. >> reporter: and can you -- >> no, i can't tell you.
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>> reporter: don't do that. the united states air force band live on fox 5 morning news. here they are. ♪ ♪
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>> reporter: quickly, i want to get in the chairman of the california state society luncheon and fashion show going on as well. impressive, right? >> pomp and circumstance and fashion and entertainment, because that's what california is all about. we're hosting the presidential inaugural luncheon and fashion show, about 700 people. >> reporter: quickly, we have video from the last time. give us a quick overview if about 10 seconds and we'll talk later. >> what to wear to the ball. great lunch. great gift bags. and a lot of fun. >> reporter: a lot of fun is what we're going to have as we talk more about it.
7:57 am is our web site. if you're watching now and need to go, there are tickets available for this luncheon and fashion show. it's coming up on saturday. we're going to talk more later. back to you in the studio. >> fabulous air force band! >> they were great. great. >> thank you, holly. our inauguration coverage continues in our 8:00 hour. that is when heloise joins us live in studio with her tips for surviving the swearing in. number one, anti-bacterial, that's all i'm going to say. >> yeah. >> 7 57:00. we'll be right back.        
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cop turned convicted killer. a jury convicts a one-time d.c. officer of murder. what's next for richmond phillips. >> consolidating schools. d.c. officials release their plans. parents and students, is your school on the list? >> and lance's lies. the disgraced cyclist confesses to doping. why he's saying he had to do it. good morning, i'm tony perkins. >> and i'm alison seymour.
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happy you're with us on this friday morning. we have all things inauguration related, too, to get you down there, and where to celebrate a little bit, too, coming up. >> busy weekend in washington. tucker barnes has important information in terms of the weather. >> bottom line monday, going to be cold. cold early in the morning and in the afternoon, and we'll get sunshine next couple of days. starting with today. >> okay. >> good. we could use that. >> we need it at this point. it's been a week of clouds. sun is back in the forecast today. 36 now at reagan national. 32 dulles. bwi marshall 33 degrees. looking at the satellite radar, storminess from yesterday, if we can call it that, is out of here. we're looking at brighter conditions. still a few clouds from time to time and a few light flurries. i going to a report that we had -- got a report that we had a few flurries in chevy chase. otherwise, it should gradually become more and more sunny and brisk and cool with high
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temperatures in the upper 30s to about 40. definitely going to feel like january this afternoon. but it should be bright. and that's a nice break after the clouds this week. more details on the weekend forecast and we'll look at monday coming up. bottom line, going to be cold monday. wear a lot of layers. >> thanks. >> now let's check in with julie wright for a look at on- time traffic. >> there has been a change northbound along i-95, northbound of 216 before you commit to 32. accident involving this tractor- trailer and a car. the back end of the car got wedged underneath. volumes on the three left lanes. however, traffic is gridlocked northbound on i-95 headed north from at least 212 toward this scene trying to make your way into howard county. going to baltimore this morning or bwi marshall, i'm suggesting you stick with the baltimore
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washington parkway, because this is nothing but gridlocked traffic northbound along i-95. southbound lanes are open, no problems there. these tractor-trailers pulled over trying to wait it out at this point. major tieups from powder mill road to the direction of 32. top side of the beltway not as busy. 395, nice and clear at the pentagon. no major tieups to report headed inbound from across the 14th street bridge. that's a check of your fox 5 on time traffic. thank you,. police are investigating a stabbing near a gas station on 14th street northwest. this happened before 3:00 a.m. they say a woman was stabbed in the neck and taken to the hospital. there's no word on any suspects or 0 motive. a former d.c. police
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officer is convicted of murder yesterday after only two hours jurors found richmond phillips guilty of shooting and killing his ex-girlfriend. he then left their 11-month-old daughter in a hot car to die. phillips will be sentenced in march. d.c. school officials releasing final plans to consolidate 15 schools. the schools chancellor says 13 of the schools will close at the end of this school year. the other two will close at the end of next school year. the plan is expected to save the district $8.5 million, which officials say will be reinvested to improve education. other schools in the district are planning to expand as part of the same reorganization plan. tony? allison, now in its third day, fear and confusion surround the algeria hostage crisis. this morning the fate of many captives, including seven americans held by algerian militants remains unclear.
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the national gas plant workers were kidnapped wednesday. yesterday we learned some hostages were able to escape, but there were indications that others were killed. the terrorists say the raid was retailings for french military action in mali. turning to the plans for the inauguration. >> preparations are in full swing for the swearing in ceremony and parade. today, more than 6,000 national guard personnel will be deployed inside the district to help with traffic control, crowd management, and communications. another 2,000 will be put on alert just outside of the city. meantime, the media will get a behind the scenes tour of preparations underway at the convention center, for the commander-in-chief's ball and inaugural ball. metro requires will be able to buy a special all-day pass for inauguration day.
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nine stations will sell the passes, featuring an image of president obama. they're $15 and passengers can reload more money on them to use after. it's expected 600 to 800,000 riders on monday. ebay and craigslist have promised to crack down on the sale of scalped inaugural tickets online. the tickets were free, but they're hard to come by, of course. now they've been sold for thousands on the internet. new york senator charles schumer called for action after some of his constituents complained. the official activities kick off tomorrow, with the national day of service. a summit on the mall will honor the legacy of dr. martin luther king, jr. it begins at 9:30, and is chaired by former first daughter chelsea clinton. tomorrow night, first lady michelle obama and dr. jill biden will host the kids
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inaugust ration concert. alicia keys, katy perry and brad paisley among the performers. >> stay with fox 5 for all the latest on the inauguration. we have it onair and online at we'll be on the air beginning at 4:00 a.m. monday morning. but before that on sunday, we will carry the official swearing in live around noon. all right. opening up, they each struggled with addictions. they share how they won their battles. >> plus, armed guards in schools. what d.c.'s mayor thinks of this idea. it's 8:07. we'll be right back.   
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welcome back. it's 8:10. stripped of his tour de france victories and olympic bronze medal, lance armstrong is coming clean to oprah winfrey. >> yes or no, in all seven of
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your tour de france victories, did you ever take banned substances or blood dope? >> yes. >> in your opinion, was it humanly possible to win the tour de france without doping, seven times in a row? >> not in my opinion. >> the disgraced cyclist adds he never felt like he was cheating, but rather leveling the playing field. armstrong was stripped of all his titles and banned from competing in triathlon events for life. he was also forced to cut ties with his cancer charity, livestrong. that charity released this statement after the interview, it says "we at the livestrong foundation are disappointed by the news that lance armstrong misled people during and after his cycling career, including us. earlier this week lance apologized to our staff and we accepted his apology in order to move on and chart a strong, independent course ." even in the wake of our disappointment, we also express our gratitude
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to lance as a survivor for the drive, devotion and spirit that he brought to serving cancer patients and the entire cancer community. lance is no longer on the foundation's board, but he is our founder and we will always be grateful to him for creating and helping to build a foundation that has served millions struggling with cancer. in other news, notre dame's manti te'o is riding out the controversy over his girlfriend hoax by training in florida. he was spotted driving a golf cart yesterday as news of an elaborate hoax was making headlines. online reports say the girlfriend he say he met online who later died never existed. now he is training for the nfl's scouting combine. allison? thank you so much. let's head over to tucker barnes. he's got a look at the forecast, which is so important this weekend, and also cuteness factor of the day. let's start it off the right
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way, tuck. >> i'm trying not to say something about ta' o. let's get to the cute factor. >> my goodness. >> we have to whisper this morning. >> little baby. >> this is jaiden. >> good morning beautiful jaiden. >> i have to do better with my soft voice. he was born yesterday morning, surrounded with a lot of love. >> this has to be our youngest my first 5. >> i would think so. literally yesterday. >> there he is. >> 24 hours old. >> so precious! >> wow. >> that's so precious. >> what a beautiful head of hair for one day old. took me like three years to get hair on my head. thanks to his parents for sharing these photos. big congratulations to both of you and your beautiful child. >> yes. >> we wish you all the best of luck over the next year.
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>> he is a sweetie. >> make sure he tunes into fox 5 every day. >> no doubt about it. >> mandatory. >> has to watch us every day. >> demographics are important for us. get them at one day. go to to submit your child's picture, and click on mornings. love the picture. 36 at reagan national. 15 buffalo this morning. cold start to the day. not only for the washington area, but for much of the country. international falls, zero degrees. and guess what, we've got air compliments of the arctic region arriving next week and bringing us some of the our coldest air in about two years. last time we failed to get above the freezing mark in washington was january of 2001. been a couple of years. there's your satellite radar. most of the country quiet. all big cities fair conditions, with the exception of minneapolis where they're getting snow.
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should be dry in california for the weekend. nice looking day here. more sunshine than we've seen all week. highs about 40 degrees. will feel cooler than that with winds out of the north and west gusting to 15. breezy day. all in all, all fridays are good, particularly this one. here comes that arctic front sunday afternoon. monday, tuesday and wednesday in the 30s. daytime highs tuesday ask wednesday, very close to the freezing mark, with overnight lows in the teens and low 20s. definitely cold next week. that's weather. let's do traffic and get the latest from julie wright. good morning. >> tucker, keeping an eye on the accident. major tieups leaving 212 towards howard county. stick with the baltimore washington parkway and use that as the work-around. outer loop of the beltway better than expected. not too busy traveling past university boulevard headed to
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georgia avenue. travel here at the american legion bridge nice and easy. 395, easy ride in both the express lanes and the main line traveling northbound leaving seminary road headed across the inbound 14th street bridge. eastbound along the 66. delays continue from 50 to 123. no problems on the beltway between annandale and marion field. that's the sun, tucker barnes promised us that today and there we've got it. that's a check of your fox 5 on time traffic. thank you very much. president obama embarks on a second term facing great controversy over the economy, the budget, gun control and much more. what course will he take? pardon me. pardon me. and what goals has he set? chris wallace, are you there? >> i'm there. i'll talk for a while. >> thank you. >> you drink water. >> thank you. >> you know, it's interesting, because as you laid out all
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those ideas, those problems and challenges, i thought, why did he want the job in the first place? you know, i don't have to tell you, not the excitement about this inauguration as over the first one. we know the guy. it's not the same sense of he's going to change our world. there is a sense, though, that i think of no more mr. nice guy. that this president is going to be a lot more combative, more confrontational with republicans. i think they've come to the conclusion in the white house they country deal with the republicans very well. they won't bargain, so they're going to try to beat them by applying public pressure. you saw that on the fiscal cliff. you saw it, you're seeing it now on gun control. and i think it's going to be a much more combative sec term and this president is ready for it. we're going to talk to one of the president's top advisors sunday. the architect of his election
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and re-election. we'll talk to a top republican senator, roy blount of missouri. >> i think it's interesting, and you make a good point. we know the president now, and we know obviously with the gun control issue, he's plowing ahead. the interesting thing will be to see how the republicans respond to that. >> yeah. i think with this president, you know, it may turn out to be the right lesson or not, but i think he's learned playing the inside game, and we saw this on the last news conference when he talked about trying to cozy up to republicans, that meeting behind closed doors or having them over for the barbecue, it doesn't make a difference. they'll go back to as he said, to the house floor and call him a socialist. i think he feels now it's got to be more of an outside game. you can see it on gun control, he's starting to marshall a lot of the forces that helped elect him. some of the campaign apparatus to put pressure on members of congress, in the case of gun
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control, even red state democrats to marshal public support. ronald reagan did this, too. go over the heads of congress, try to appeal to people and tell them light up the congressman switch boards. >> it's interesting when a president gets a second term to see how they handle things differently than in the first. >> the history of second terms is not too good. ronald reagan, iran contra, bill clinton, monica lewisky, george w. bush, hurricane katrina. >> brings you back to your original question, why do they want the job? >> they all want the job. >> true. good to see you. you can catch fox news sunday
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9:00 sunday morning after fox 5 morning news. it's 8 19:00 now. still ahead, controversial statements, what former d.c. mayor marion berry is saying about his infamous drug arrest. >> plus, holly has an inaugural fashion show, it's coming up. we'll be right back.      
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former mayor berry complained the fbi tried to kill him during their 1990 sting operation in which he was caught smoking crack cocaine in a hotel room. he tells u.s. news and world report he doubts the substance he smoked was crack, and says emms were on hand during the sting. an fbi official who oversaw the operation called the comments absurd and disappointing. berry spent six months in prison. mayor grey says he's open to the idea of posting armed guards at schools. however, he did stop short of saying he'd support arming teachers. mendleson says the response to gun violence is not to have
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more guns. to maryland, governor o'malley plans to reveal his plans for early voting. it would allow residents to register on the same day they cast their votes. the proposal comes following last november's election where many voters were forced to wait hours in line at polling centers. opponents of the move say it would increase voter fraud and should make people question the governor's motivations. a spokesman for the governor says the bill "provides more opportunities for citizens to register and to vote." first lady michelle obama celebrated her birthday ahead of the president's inauguration. they dined with friends at cafe milano in georgetown last night. surprised patrons had to go through a security checkpoint. they're from a famous family, but that doesn't mean their lives have been easy. christopher kennedy lawford and patrick kennedy speak about how they beat addictions, they're
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out with a new book. >> i look forward to reading that book. also, near disaster at a florida airport. find out what happened on a runway that delayed hundreds of passengers. 8:24. we'll be right back.
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we might have missed out on the snow, but south is getting a taste of winter. 3inches of snow fell across alabama yesterday. the flakes did cause some traffic delays. they don't deal with this a lot. but the snow did clear out overnight. >> last couple of winters it's been all around, never here. >> a lot of times it's shifted to the south. >> last year we had a pretty good storm to our south. and this one to our south yesterday. >> crazy, actually. >> one of these days it will be our turn. >> perhaps. >> perhaps, right. >> order of things shall return. i'd like to see that. >> typical year we do average about a foot and a half in washington. last we're we got nothing.
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so far this year, not a lot. you would think the law of averages -- >> we're due. >> -- even out at some point. sunshine back in the forecast later this afternoon. should be a bright and sunny day. cool, though, highs in the upper 30s. >> it will get us used to the weather come monday. >> i like your haircut, by the way. >> you do? i could see it in your eyes. >> trying to get used to it. a lot going on. >> there is a lot going on. >> not sure tony and i could pull it off. >> don't try it. look like a flock of seagulls. >> flock of seagulls, wow! >> i see a little bit of that going on. 36 in washington. 36 leonardtown. 30 frederick. temperatures overnight below freezing here. still freezing or cooler than that to the north and west. afternoon highs upper 30s to about 40. chilly afternoon. winds as well, picked up overnight, out of the north and west. gusting to about 15. you can see winds 16 here in
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washington. 13 in frederick. 16 martinsburg and annapolis. breezy day. be ready for a cold one later this afternoon. weekend looks great. lots of sunshine saturday and sunday. and look at that, we finally clear things out. remember the front that was hanging up here all week long? got it out of here and sunshine for friday. weekend looks good. not a lot happening. as we get into the big holiday here on monday, it's going to be very chilly. let me mention once again, very coal temperatures early next week. highs monday 37. only near freezing tuesday and wednesday. cold start to next week. that's a look at weather. i'm going to toss it over to you. thank you, tucker. kennedy cousins christopher kennedy lawford and patrick kennedy have lived the cruel world of addiction. in the latest book, though, their latest book, christopher
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kennedy lawford talks openly. he joins us with his cousin, patrick, to talk about the book. this is a misspoke here, chris, this is your book you wrote. >> right, patrick did the forward. >> i want to talk about it. good morning. what a pleasure to have you here today. >> thank you. >> especially on a subject that a whole lot of people can relate to. >> right. >> that's my first question. why write this book? >> i watch a lot of television, i see a lot of people out there selling things that maybe aren't that credible. and this is a disease that affects a lot of people. and it's not just for addicts this book. it's for anybody on the continuum. if you think you might have a problem with alcohol, drugs, sex, food, tobacco, gambling, this book is for you. it's got the best information on the planet today available about this illness. i talked to 150 of the smartest people in the world about the disease of addiction. and again, you know, co- dependency for people who are thinking they might have a problem, they want to know, this gives you assessment pools and empowerment tools to do
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something about it if you have an issue. >> let's talk about that forward, patrick, in the forward you write, at some level we are all addicts. what do you mean by that? >> well, we have certain human traits we need to be comforted, we need to have food, we need to procreate. it's when they become out of balance we become addicted. new apa, it's a spectrum. the key in preventing addiction and mental illness is frankly early identification. that with obama care is going to be possible. now every health insurance plan in the country will require addiction and mental health treatment as part of the every insurance package. so now when you go in for your checkup, with your going to get your checkup from the neck up, too. you'll be tested whether you have depression, anxiety or any kind of dependency issue. and that's good for all of us.
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because you can't treat diabetes or asthma or cardiovascular disease if you're not addressing the drinking or depression or anxiety. the earlier we start doing this, the better it is going to be for all of us. chris's book does a lot of that educating. >> most of these issues develop in adolescence and intervention at that point is the surest way of changing trajectory. >> very interesting. let me say, i have so many questions to ask you. we, of course, know you as a former congressman. >> yes. >> very public battles play out on the front pages. i want to spend a little bit of time on this, but for those watching, they're kennedy cousins, what do they have to worry about? you sit here today different people. could you briefly tell me some of the struggles you went through, and surely you put your family through and all that? >> i started using drugs and alcohol when i was 12.
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i had the genetic front for it and i had trauma. two uncles assassinated, divorce. a lot of kids deal with this kind of stuff. their personal circumstances, trauma, genetic front loading. they don't have cupbility of developing this illness. from science we know they have a 40% greater chance of developing this later. i was functional, went to college, masters at harvard. it's possible people out there have lives, but they're doing things with these behaviors and substances that are not making them happy. i'm here to tell you, there's another way. recovery can give you a life beyond your widest dreams and enhance your life. this is about life enhancement. it is about giving people the tools to recovery or to change their relationship with these behaviors and these substances to give them a better life. >> patrick, can you share some of your moments? >> of course my moments of active addiction were shared on
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the national stage, because i was pulled over and arrested for driving while intoxicated on capitol hill. so that was very public. but i've had the longest period of continuous sobriety since i've left congress. i was able to function as a congressman for 16 years in and out because this is a chronic illness. you don't just get cured. you have to deal with it every single day. i also have asthma. and i take my inhalers, i take my medication, i try to stay away from animals. the irony is, this is a disease that's equally treatable, like my asthma. like diabetes. but we don't treat it that way in medical care. that's going to change, thanks to president obama's health care for all, and the essential health benefits. and i'm honored that my father and i sponsored the mental health addiction and equity act. >> checkup from the neck up, i love that. the bottom line here, because
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let me also say, chris, when someone walks by my desk and they saw that word, self- treatment guide to alcohol, and they said, wait a minute, now, you need help to do this. you talked with the best of the best in here. >> yeah. >> did you find there was one underlying message that we all share as far as those who struggle with addiction of any sort? >> you are empowered as an individual to do something about this. you may need help along the process, professional help, a friend to help you. this disease loves to isolate people. no matter where you are, so we deal with, patrick and i are being reducing stigma and shame, so people can talk about it, people can bring it out into the open, whether you have a bad habit or you have a full- blown addiction. it's possible to do it, to do something about it and to get better. >> you know what i need is like half hour more to talk with both of you of the unfortunately, i don't have
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that. this is christopher kennedy lawford and former congressman patrick kennedy. it's been a pleasure talking with you. >> my pleasure. >> if you could like to see them both tonight, you can do so at politics and prose at 7:00 p.m. book signing i would imagine? >> absolutely. come on down. >> and talk with the authors. thank you so much. >> allison, thanks. >> we'll be right back. it took a while, but i'm finally over the redskins' loss to the seahawks. it's been almost two weeks since that devastating loss, and i'm amazed how many people are still talking about the redskins. all the talk isn't about their 10-6 season or eastern division title. it's about the knee. the right knee of rg3. the knee that couldn't make it out its first pro season without being extensively damage. the knee that played one play too many. the knee that we will continue to talk about and lose sleep
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over until rg3 takes his first big hit upon his return to the field. how did we get here? growing number of fans believe the redskins did not properly manage their star player. allowing the player, a 22-year- old rookie, to make decisions that are typically the responsibility of the team coaches, namely head coach mike shanahan. there's a lot of head shaking in the region over this. why risk the health of the team's most electrifying player when they have an able backup in kirk cousins? why allow your star player, who was obviously performing way below his normal high level to continue to drag his right leg at fed ex field? if the redskins want to rack up more titles and drive deeper into the playoffs years to come, their strategy should be rethought. responsibility for making playing decisions needs to be put back in the coaches with guidance from team doctors. no matter how insistent or stubborn a player may be.
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rg3 in the last quarter of his rookie seenen didn't give the redskins the best chance for reasoning. he may have thought so, but what he thought so didn't matter. that's my take. go to and click on that's my take or send me an e- mail at tmt   
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disaster on a florida airplane runway is narrowly avoided when the wing of one plane clipped the tail of one plane. it happened when a plane coming in from argentina bumped into a plane preparing to depart for france. you can see the damage was minor. but the accident caused major delays for more than 300 passengers. dear abby has died. pauline phillips wrote an advice column for many years. her daughter took over when she was diagnosed with alzheimer's. her column competed with the column of an landers written by her twin sister. she was 94 years old. speaking of advice and columnists and the like,
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inauguration dos and don'ts. heloise joins us live with her tips for the activities. >> plus, holly is live this morning, mixing fashion with politics. good morning, beautiful. >> reporter: good morning to you, darling. thank you so much. i have a big do. you might want to come out for the california state society luncheon and fashion show going on at the ritz carlton, where we are live and where we are getting a preview as to why you don't want to miss it. it's all live next on fox 5 morning news. stay with us. f0
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she is the go to guru for millions of people, and now heloise in our own back yard. she's going to be at the home and remodel show. but she's stopping by our studios first. she joins us to help make the day less hectic and maybe more helpful and let you know what to do if you're heading down there. thank you very much. >> i'm delighted to be here. >> before we jump into this, a giant in the business, dear abby, has left us now. any thoughts about her and the trail she blazed? >> well, actually, it was her
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sister, ann landers, who really started it. my mother, what very few people know, my mother, the original heloise was also a twin. >> really? >> yes. and her sister, after my mother became a zenith with her books and tv shows her sister said, i think i'll start a column. my mother said, no, you will not. and they didn't talk for about three or four years. >> isn't that interesting? >> yeah. >> wow. something in the blood there. >> yes. >> we're happy you took over and are helping us with our every day lives. let's talk about the inauguration. >> yes. >> this is a big event. and a lot of folks, hundreds of thousands will head out to the mall. ideas what to take and shouldn't take. >> no backpacks. no umbrellas. no big bags. no big -- no big bags, ladies. not the kind, like a suitcase. smaller bags. think about, pretend that you're going on a trip, and you
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can't go home. so you need to take with you things that you're going to use, but also in miniature sizes. particularly for women, please, please, please, i do this, take a newspaper, spread it on the floor, dump out your purse. you will be shocked at what's in there. take only -- and men, for your wallets, you don't need to take your whole wallet. one or two credit cards, identification and cash. one suggestion is, if you can put everything in miniature in a small purse, now if you want to carry a big purse, that's fine, but all the essentials, your cash, et cetera, are this inside the big purse. and then carry other things. will be close to 800,000 people in close quarters. forgive me, i have allergies. so it's important to carry hand wipes. >> yeah. >> this is actually my sanitizer. i have a small bottle and i keep refilling it and i carry this in my purse.
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remember once you get in that secure area, there are no bathrooms. porta potties. if you've never used one, be prepared. well, no -- >> you're right. not the most pleasant experience. >> no, it's not. carry tissues, because they're going to run out of toilet paper quick. they are. the other thing is keeping everybody together. if you can get, and you can go to the discount stores, these are all on sale now. >> i love this idea. >> this is fabulous. get all the same color hats, gloves -- >> if it's your family, your group -- >> all the same colors. if somebody gets lost, you can put your hands in the air with your neon gloves or even take the scarf off, and do that. >> much easier to find each other. >> it is. if you want to stay warm, it will be very cold, dress in layers. your feet are going to get cold. two or three pairs of socks. what we have here, the orange
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thing, if you'll pick that up. >> sure. >> that is a poncho that you buy at a sporting goods store. it has a hood. here's the heloise hint -- >> i've seen this. >> and these are easy to put in -- you may not use it. it's a plastic trash bag. it's not a fashion statement, folks. but i'm telling you, if it starts to rain, and it keeps the wind off you. >> very good. >> it will be very cold. the other one, keep your feet warm. put several brown paper bags in your bag with this. this is what they do in alaska. you may be all warm here, but you're standing on cold ground. >> sure. >> put the plastic down first, and then put the brown paper bag and stand on that, and you can sit on it. >> i see, i get it. >> you're going to mark your space. >> very good. >> people are going to say, i never thought of that. >> very good. i like that. >> you can stand on that. if you have little kids, they can sit down.
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they're not sitting on the ground. >> excellent. excellent. love the idea. we're out of time. want to mention you've got some of the protein -- >> bars, snack bars, nuts, granola. things that are like that that you can have with you that you can eat, protein bars. and the bottom line, is be safe and fun. >> you'll be out there for a long time. >> you'll be out there for a long time. >> heloise is appearing this weekend at the expo center with the home and remodeling show. we have the information there. you'll be there today, tomorrow and sunday, right? >> today and tomorrow. >> today and tomorrow. there you go. the show goes through sunday. dulles expo center. heloise, always wonderful to have you here. >> delightful. >> thank you for coming in and enjoy the weekend. allison, back to you. >> heloise is going to stick me around and help me with ask allison today. >> wonderful. >> did you know that, heloise?
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>> yes, i did. >> see you in the 9:00 hour. fashion and food, talk of the town this inaugural season. holly morris joins us for the inaugural fashion show and luncheon at the ritz carlton. take it away, holly. >> reporter: it's a big event. it's a fun event. it's the fourth time they've done this. you know what is really cool about january 20th falling on a sunday? the public events moved to monday. then we have this extended weekend for all these different events to happen. why not kick off your saturday with the california state society inaugural luncheon and fashion show? maureen fuller will be here, chair of the show. good morning. >> good morning. >> reporter: this is the fourth time you've done it. it's been successful in the past. we're going to give everybody an idea of the experience. >> well, it's a fun party. it's a chance for people to reacquaint with people they haven't seen for a while. 25 members of congress here attending the show. folks fly in from california. we have major corporations that are important to california, and we feature the fashion and entertainment industry. >> reporter: you don't have to be from california to come?
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>> you don't. >> reporter: you have to kind of like the state. >> like the state, like something about the state, you like the people there. you like the beaches, weather, all of that. >> reporter: you have a wonderful table set up. what does the california state society do all year long? >> it's for folks that live here in washington and want to have a camaraderie with other californians. it's a chance to connect. >> reporter: you're going to have a cocktail reception, right? >> uh-huh. >> reporter: and it goes into lunch. and why not have a lunch at the ritz carlton. they have wonderful fare because of this man, the executive chef. good morning to you. >> good morning. >> reporter: give us a rundown of the menu. >> appetizer, tomato stack with mozzarella. croutons on top. stuffed chicken breast with bell peppers. >> reporter: enough with that,
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what have you got? the real goods are here. >> this is a berry tart with whipped cream. we have silver star made with white chocolate. >> reporter: this star is white chocolate? >> yes. >> reporter: who is having this dessert? >> the society. >> reporter: i'm going to -- i want to make sure the chocolate is okay. okay, good. i'm going to take it with me to another lady. let's head over here. this is mary stevens, the fashion design director of the fashion institute. good morning to you. >> good morning to you. >> reporter: kind of tell us about the wares here and the point of all of this in terms of what's going on saturday. >> this is part of our show. we created a selection of clothes for barbie when she celebrated her anniversary. this was her red carpet dress. and this is an example of her ski outfit when she was off to lake tahoe to ski. then we move on to this here.
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this is jewelry, these are examples of his work designed for disney's new movie oz. and these are head pieces part of the costumes from phantom of the opera. >> reporter: for the masquerade. >> if for the masquerade. >> reporter: it's a pretty big deal every year? >> yes, a very big deal. we are showing phantom of the opera. we have collaborated over the years with different manufacturing companies. wait until you see our outfits we did for the hockey team. >> reporter: we're going to do that in our next hour. wait until you see the wonderful gift bags that come along with this event. and yes, tickets are still available. is our web site. we have a link to theirs if you
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want to come be a part of the california state society inaugural luncheon and fashion show tomorrow. meanwhile, plenty more fox 5 morning news when we come back. stay with us.     at honda, we know some people are never happy with the way things are. and are always dreaming of how they could be. smarter, simpler, how-on-earth-does-it-do-that... er. and they make it that way. because things can always be better. we like those people. they think like us. introducing the best civic sedan yet. made possible by honda.
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good friday morning. i'm alison seymour. >> i'm tony perkins. on the chopping block, find out why d.c. schools will permanently shut their doors in a few months and what will happen to the students who attend. >> then making history, with the inauguration days out, crews are working hard. the best way to get around. plus, find out how you can see a piece of that history up close and in person. >> takes a lot of determination to shed unwanted pounds and keep them off.


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