tv Primer Impacto Extra FOX February 16, 2013 5:00am-5:35am EST
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>thank you, everybody! hey everybody, i'm forbes riley and welcome to success tv. this is a show where we talk about health, wealth, success, and happiness and i'd like to bring them all to you today. let me ask you a question. how many of you use social media? you're on facebook, maybe you twitter, even email. what if i told you that all that time that you waste you could be making money and a lot of it. my guests are going to show you how. come on. >oh, adrian morrison, welcome
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back to my show. you know we did a show before and the reason i invited arian back is because not only he's one of the most interesting guests that i've ever talked to but you encourage so many people to make money and you've come out with something new, so i want everyone to meet you. can we just start out with how old are you? >>twenty-seven. >yeah, i don't want to embarrass you. but he's probably made more money last month than we made all year, okay? you know, seriously, i mean one of his things it talks about how he generated 200,000 dollars in a single month. anybody do that? alright great, anybody at home you want to listen up. this is an amazing show and that's why i invited this young man back. uh.. how did you get started making money online? >>well actually i started going to college and i was going to go to law school so that was kind of my plan, and uh.. my dad has always been very wealthy. he was a self-made millionaire with real estate and when i started going to college when i went off to college, right as i got in my dad lost all of his money. he had taken all of his retirement from real estate and invested it in s- the stock market and he lost all of it so
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when i was my first day they were seeing me off to college and dad say "adrian, i want you to make sure that when you choose a career while you're in school that you choose a career that you have control over, and uh.. that will give you financial stability. something that nobody can ever take away from you like mine was taken away from me." and he said "most importantly, adrian, make sure that you choose a career that will allot to you what i call 'time freedom'." and uh.. he gave me an example. he said "adrian, you may not remember this but do you know where i was when you hit your first home run in little league baseball?" and i said "well i- i have no clue, dad. i'm assuming you were there." he said "no, i was at my apartment complexes renting out a unit. i missed it. and that money came and it went, but i can never rewind time and go back and see you hit that home run and get that baseball, or go running behind the fence and- and catch it and keep it for my own sake." and he said "i don't want you to wake up one day and that same thing to happen to you."
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he said "you need to be wealthy but you need to be able to enjoy your wealth." and uh.. as i was in college i saw my brother making all this money online and one day it just kind of hit me. i thought to myself why am i not doing this? you know, why am i sitting around wasting my time when i could figure out how to get online and i could start doing exactly what he's doing? and that's really what pushed me into all of this. >so what most of us did, we said let's get a website, right? put your name on it, you start selling a product. but you didn't do that. in fact we talk about the fact that he's generated 200,000 dollars in a month, guess what? he doesn't have a website. >>the number one reason most people fail online is because they invest all this money in a website and i have discovered that you don't have to have a website. you can actually market big brand name companies' products and services online without ever having to spend a single penny on a website. >how exactly do you do this? how do you make money online using social media? >>i've always been on facebook and i know that most of the world has been on facebook. there's over 850,000,000 users
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on it right now, and uh.. i've played on there and i always notice these ads in the right hand corner and i saw that uh.. people were actually getting paid to put those ads there. there are all these companies out there, and they make really good products. i mean they- they have really good products, really good services but just because you have a good product or a good service doesn't mean that you understand how to market that product or service. >okay. >>they have no idea. so they're willing to pay online marketers to put their ads out there on facebook and all these social media outlets that generate for them, customers. >here's what's in- i want to take this one step further. because you think oh, i got to be able to sell something to somebody, right? well get this, given your system, there's actually companies that just want someone to sign up their name, their email, and they'll send you- they'll send you money just to do that not to sell anything. am i correct? >>yeah, the majority of the stock that i market online is actually free stuff. that's what's so beautiful about it is i don't have to sell anything. i don't like selling stuff, and it's so much more simplistic to
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get somebody to opt in and sign up for something that's free. another great thing about it is you don't have to know anything about these products that you're marketing. you just have to know who wants the products, and that's what i outline in these books is how to find those customers. so i went and i found this diabetic meter that you prick your finger with. i know that people that are diabetic need that meter. and i can offer that to people that are diabetic on these social media outlets. i can get them a free meter if they just sign up this little corner for this company they will send them a free diabetic meter. >now here's where it gets good. adrian, how much does this company pay you every time somebody signs up for a free diabetic meter? >>twelve dollars. >no, no, let me give- let me take that one step further. so they pay you 12 dollars every time you get someone to get something they already need and appreciate you getting to them. how many do you do of those a day? >>i've done a little over a
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thousand a day. >times 12 is uhm.. i don't know, 12,000 dollars in a day? >is it something that anybody can do? >>just got to read my book. they got to follow the baby steps and within literally within five minutes i believe anybody can have an ad out on the social media outlets marketing various different free products just like i do. >good, i'm gonna k- i'm gonna hold you to that. you said five minutes. i'll going to give you a half hour. my show is a half hour long. who here in the audience wants to try his principles? i've got somebody in the back that will show you literally just a page of principles that will get you to make money within the time of this show? if you're interested, raise your hand right now. alright i got uh.. one- i got you over here and give me right there, perfect, she raised both of her hands. you guys, go in the back, talk to my producer back there. the reason that i brought adrian back on the show is that i know his system works. i've seen it work for myself and so many other people but in order for you to try it, you need to pick up your phone. and you need to dial the number that you see on your screen right now. you're going to get adrian's book, it's called social media profits from your home.
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you can get this right now. it's only 19.95 plus shipping. now i have to tell you. this book is not available anywhere on the planet. no, it's not in your bookstore, it's not on amazon, you can only get it right here and while the show is running my phone number is right there on the screen. this is a step-by-step blueprint to creating success and making money from social media, something you probably already do anyway. but adrian is not going to stop there. nope, you're going to get this one but he's also going to throw in something. for the first time ever, you're going to get his fast track to commissions. now this book, i'm going to make this one completely free. all you do is pay a small shipping fee and we're going to get this book in your hands. now this book shows the exact strategies for generating commissions online just like adrian does. now he's also including this. now this is his special report. it's six secrets that he used to generate 200,000 dollars on facebook in a single month. i don't know about you but i didn't generate two dollars in a month on facebook. and this- this is no cost to you at all. this one is completely free. but now here's where it gets good and here's what i'm most excited about. adrian has agreed to give us his
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personal software. right? it's called socialads pro. it's absolutely no cost at all. now this software, prior to this show was available for 20 dollars a month for the last two years. th- you'd have to pay 20 dollars every month, but you get a chance to get this all completely free. just look at the screen right now. yeah, you see any white letters that say you're going to have to be billed later or monthly? no. the software, and i promise you, is completely free and it truly gives you the advantage. this is what you've been waiting for to be successful. it's adrian's entire package and it is backed by his iron-clad 30-day money back guarantee. so here's the deal. if you don't see the value in the books or the software, all you do is just send it back for a complete refund, no questions asked. here's the question i've got for you though. so what are you waiting for? come on. you need to pick up your phone, dial the number you see on your screen and get this package in your hand right now and start making some money on your social media. are you ready? >so this is why i invited you
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back because this component of this software is amazing. i mean this is a game changer. this is what you use, isn't it? >>yeah, uh-hum. >and you actually charge 20 dollars a month for the last two years? >>yeah, i've charged 20 dollars a month for the last two years. i'm giving it away. >why? >>well look, i don't want there to be any excuses whatsoever for anyone not to be able to do this and- and i've been talking about all this time freedom and having time and time and time. i used to spend hours making ads on facebook and all these other social media outlets all night long. i literally would spend all day, all night writing these ads. and then i developed this software and this software will actually automate the ad process for me. so it will write all of those ads for me, and it will put them on the internet while i'm doing something else. so i wanted to give this to everyone that gets my book so they don't have to write the ads and they can experience all of the same free time that i get when i use the software too. >okay how does your software
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make it easier for us to do? what's the advantage we get using the software? >>so the advantage you get is first off it's going to save you time which is the absolute most important. when you're writing ads and you're going through that long page of stuff they want you to fill out and you're doing it over and over and over and over again, you get tired and when you get tired, you make mistakes. the software does not get tired though so it doesn't make any mistakes therefore it saves anybody using it a lot of dang money. >i mean it is so fascinating. it'll tell you, you know where certain people are demographic, men, women and it does it all. it gives you a whole bunch of different ways to do this so you tested and ultimately you really can make a lot more money using your software. >>absolutely, yeah. >how's that, completely free. who wants it? >i got to tell you this is a tremendous opportunity. can we use the system if we're not that technologically advanced? >>absolutely. it's not hard at all. as a matter of fact, it's quite simple. especially if you read these books and you follow the baby steps that i've laid out for you. it's like putting together a
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puzzle. you know when- when you see a puzzle at first like wow, this is gonna be really hard. but if you had a blue print that told you exactly where to place each piece of that puzzle and you followed those baby steps, at the end of it you look back, you're like dang, look what i did. that was really easy because i followed the steps. >well- well i'm actually going to go one step further. the- what's in his book is even- it's like the answer to the puzzle. it's like he literally told you put a- a here, b here, that's how simple this is. there's- there's information here. there's where to go, what to do and how to do it. you put all of that into this book. >>absolutely. >i mean i know and it's- it's pretty amazing because you go wh- so we almost go why would you do this? why write a book that has these answers in it? >>that's a question that everybody asks me. why are you sharing this with everybody and- and i can- i can tell you right now uh.. the- the one sole reason for that. >yeah? >>i have a best friend. his name is joseph and his family actually ended up in a terrible financial situation. his dad was in real estate as well and they were losing their house and i've grown up with
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this kid. he's like my brother. and he came to me and he said "adrian, you know, i- i see what you're doing. i don't know how you're doing it, but i see that you're making money and you're making a lot of it. i don't- i don't need to make that much money, but i need to help my family. i need to actually make just enough money to get by and help my family keep their house." so what i did is for the first time ever i- i took somebody under my wing and i decided i was going to help him out. and i set him down, i showed him the techniques that i have in this book and i uh.. i got him up and running on facebook. and fast forward about two months later. he's become very successful doing this. as a matter of fact they bought a new house and we were celebrating by having a barbeque at the house. so we're all sitting in the living room having a good time and his dad pulls me aside says "come downstairs in the garage and check the grill with me." so i walk downstairs and we get down there and i had this like this- this awkward feeling a- about it because he was sitting
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there staring me in the eyes and he said "adrian," and he- and he grabbed my hand and said "adrian, uh.. you'll never know what you did for my family. i know that- that you helped your friend out, but you saved our family and i could never thank you enough." the- the feeling that that- that gave me was i- i can't even explain it but i can tell you one thing. i knew i wanted more of that feeling and i wanted everyone else to learn these techniques. >you get it? yeah. yeah. >so i got a lot of burning questions. i can feel it from the audience, so do you mind answering a couple of them? >>absolutely, that's great. >alright who of you guys got a question? >hello, darling, tell me your name. >> hi, i'm emily. >emily. uhm.. you're talking a lot about facebook but can i generate income with other social networks? >>yeah, it's facebook is obviously the biggest social network out there right now but i put in these books exactly how to market on pinterest, but also on youtube, on twitter, on myspace, all of the different social outlets.
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>right down here, front and center. we're all kind of smiling going "this is kind of interesting, isn't it?" >> it is, it is. >alright, tell me your name. >> my name is nicky lynch. >hey nicky lynch. hi. uh.. i had a question. i don't really have that many facebook friends so how can i make money using your system? >>okay so you don't have to have any friends on facebook at all. as a matter of fact, nobody even has to know that you're on facebook. if you've followed the steps that i've outlined in these books, all you have to do is just write an ad and it puts it out there to everybody that's on these not just facebook, all of the social networks and they all will see it. nobody even knows that it's you, who you are, what you're doing. >who else, another question? right down here. tell me your name. >> john. >hello john, what's your question? >> my question is after you buy the book what would be my main challenge? >hmm. >>most people's biggest challenge is just getting started and that's exactly why i'm giving everybody my special report right here with the six steps that i used to make 200,000 dollars on facebook.
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so what i want you to do is when you order the book at home i want you to get this special report, i want you to take it out, and i want you to follow these steps and get your first ad for these companies online. >right here. come here, stand up for me. i plan on being wildly successful with this so i'm curious how am i going to get paid? is it a check? do i need to invoice because i'm going to start asap, it's really exciting. >>that's the funnest question to ask too. how do i get paid? so there's a- two different ways that these companies do it. they'll either mail you a check most of the time on a weekly basis or they'll do a direct deposit directly to your bank account so there is no billing people, invoicing people trying to collect your money. they have these processes automated and it comes in the mail or goes in your bank account every single week. >we'll take you first. come here for a sec, what's your question? my question is how do i know to understand it once i get the book? >>when i wrote these books and i- and i outlined these steps, i wanted to make sure that anybody
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that read it could understand it. and like i said before, it's not a science. it's you follow step one, step two, step three, there's pictures, there's graphs, it shows you exactly where to click and what to do. so you're using this for your personal income? if you're giving us your software that you're using, aren't you generating competition? >oh that's a good question. why would you share this with all of us? we're going to be your competition now aren't we? >>everybody asks me that. here's the thing, there are over 850,000,000 people just on facebook. i can't have all of them. and one thing that- one thing that my dad taught me when i was growing up is, you know, greed gets you nowhere. it doesn't get you anywhere. i know i can't have them so why not share it and help everybody else out. there's always going to be somebody else there. thanks for sharing. >here's all you need to do right now. you need to pick up your phone and you need to dial the number that you see on your screen right now. you're going to get adrian's
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book. it's called social media profits from your home. you can get this right now. it's only 19.95 plus shipping. now i have to tell you this book is not available anywhere on the planet. no, it's not in your bookstore, it's not on amazon, you can only get it right here and while the show is running my phone number is right there on the screen. this is a step-by-step blueprint to creating success and making money from social media, something you probably already do anyway. but adrian is not going to stop there. nope, you're going to get this one but he's also going to throw in something. for the first time ever, you're going to get his fast track to commissions. now this book, i'm going to make this one completely free. all you do is pay a small shipping fee and we're going to get this book in your hands. now this book shows the exact strategies for generating commissions online just like adrian does. now he's also including this. now this is his special report. it's six secrets that he used to generate 200,000 dollars on facebook in a single month. i don't know about you but i didn't generate two dollars in a month on facebook. and this- this is no cost to you at all. this one is completely free. but now here's where it gets good and here's what i'm most
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excited about. adrian has agreed to give us his personal software. right? it's called socialads pro. it's absolutely no cost at all. is show was available for 20 dollars a month for the last two years. th- you'd have to pay 20 dollars every month, but you get a chance to get this all completely free. just look at the screen right now. yeah, you see any white letters that say you're going to have to be billed later or monthly? no. the software, and i promise you, is completely free and it truly gives you the advantage. this is what you've been waiting for to be successful. it's adrian's entire package and it is backed by his iron-clad 30-day money back guarantee. so here's the deal. if you don't see the value in the books or the software, all you do is just send it back for a complete refund, no questions asked. here's the question i've got for you though. so what are you waiting for? come on. you need to pick up your phone, dial the number you see on your screen and get this package in your hand right now and start making some money on your social media. are you ready?
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>>what adrian teaches is really life changing. > adrian's teachings really opened our eyes to the possibilities. >uh, i love the way adrian teaches because he's passionate about it. you can tell he has the experience, he has the success. >i'm going to put you on the spot. something you didn't even know i'm going to do something. you have a telephone in your pocket right? it shows you how much money you make all the time doesn't it? you don't have to take it out. >>yeah. >you showed me just before. >>uh-hum. >it actually calculates. give me an estimate. how much money do you think you made just by sitting here? >>uh.. probably about 1,000 bucks. wow. >> wow. >the actual on his phone, he pulled it up and showed me on facebook and literally i'm looking at him and i'm going "are you kidding me?" all of your ads are out there right now generating money, aren't they? >>yeah. that's what's so awesome about this is i can go do other things. i can do whatever it is that i want to do. i'm not stuck, you know, behind a desk. i'm not stuck in a cubicle. i can actually go enjoy my time. >what were you doing before you started all this? >>i had a job at best buy and as a matter of fact my job at best
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buy was two hours a drive away from where i was going to college. it was the only job i could get. it paid ten bucks an hour and every friday, saturday, and sunday i would drive home from college and i would work at this job and then sunday night i'd drive back up to college. it was miserable. one day i was in best buy and i stood on the printer aisle and i helped people out with printers. and uh.. i was just doing my thing and we got a new boss, a new sales manager came into best buy that night. and when he walked in, everybody knows this, everybody knows this, that when a new boss comes into a job they like to mark their territory, they like to let you know hey, i'm the boss, you're gonna do what i say. so i'm minding my own business. i'm doing my printer thing, and he comes up to me and he's got these really big eyes, and it's just like he just drank 50 red bulls and he runs up to me he's like "adrian, what are you doing?" and i looked at him and said "what are you talking about?" he said "this customer. he's been on your aisle for six seconds, why haven't you talked
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to him just yet?" and i said "well, sir, uh.. i- typically i like to i let them sit on the aisle for a second. when they look at something then i help them out." he said "no, no, no, no, no, no. this- this is why i'm here. this is why they brought me here, adrian. see, you have to jump the customer. so from now on i want to see you. when somebody crosses this line right here," which is the front of the aisle he said "you have to jump the customer." now, i don't want to jump the customer. i know that when you jump the customer, they run. >yeah. >>right? so i was very uncomfortable doing this but i had to do it because guess what, if i didn't jump the customer, what was going to happen to me? i was going to get fired. he actually went over and watched me all day. did this number to me, "jump them, jump them." and all night long i had to do something i was uncomfortable with. i never want to have to be in that position and i don't want anybody else out there to have to be in that position. the sad thing is, is so many people are out there right this very second doing something they absolutely hate, working for
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companies they don't like, doing things that they're uncomfortable with. >now, we did something here in the studio that's pretty risky. we took two people that i don't know and i've never met before. you don't know them either, right? >>no, i never met them. >we sent them back to- to see what happens with your system, right? i'm gonna br- bring them back for me. come here. >hi, hi, and you are? >> moe lynch. >moe lynch, nice to meet you. and? >> cindy. >hey cindy, how are you? >> nice. >so we sent you back. you didn't even know you were going to do this when you got here today. >> not at all. >what ha- what did you do? >> i got sat down, got online and started an ad and made money. it's as simple as that. >by the way we have to actually that- it went into your paypal account. you actually, we can't say this if it's not 100 percent true. >> no. >and it's something you've never heard of before. >> never heard of until i came here today. >easy? >> easy. >anybody can do it? >> anybody. >let me ask you a question. you're going to go home and want to do it again? >> i am going to do it again. >alright, tell me your name again, darling? cindy. >hi cindy. step in here for just a little bit second. look how cute you look. >>: thank you. >don't go- don't go too far
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away. >> >so we sent you back there. what did you experience? >> i just went back there. i put his system into play and made money. >did you really? >> yes i did. >how- how shocked are- >> i'm excited! >well you should be. how shocked are you that it was that easy? >> very because i really did not- i wasn't familiar with anything that i was doing at all and sat down and was explained what to do, very simple in a matter of a couple of minutes. i wanted like sit with him even long- i wish we had more time. i felt like i was like "i want more. i want to learn more." i want to do more. >good, well that's we all want more, yes? >guys thank you so very much. i appreciate you- wow, we all want more. this is a game changer. you're actually introducing your software that you actually use that you've been selling up to this point. what is the software? >>yeah, this software socialads pro that i'm giving away to everybody on your show today is really something i decided to do so i could make sure that nobody would have any excuse not to do this, because one problem people tend to have is writing an ad.
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they don't know how to do it. they get stumped there. well this software will actually write the ad for you. as a matter of fact it'll write hundreds of ads for you, thousands of ads for you, and it will do it in about 10 or 15 minutes. so everybody using this software implementing the techniques that i've written in this book can actually submit ads to all these social outlets while they're doing something like watching tv or cooking dinner. >here's all you need to do right now. you need to pick up your phone and you need to dial the number that you see on your screen right now. you're going to get arian's book. it's called social media profits from your home. you can get this right now. it's only 19.95 plus shipping. now i have to tell you this book is not available anywhere on the planet. no, it's not in your bookstore, it's not on amazon, you can only get it right here and while the show is running my phone number is right there on the screen. this is a step-by-step blueprint to creating success and making money from social media, something you probably already do anyway.
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but adrian is not going to stop there. nope, you're going to get this one but he's also going to throw in something. for the first time ever, you're going to get his fast track to commissions. now this book, i'm going to make this one completely free. all you do is pay a small shipping fee and we're going to get this book in your hands. now this book shows the exact strategies for generating commissions online just like adrian does. now he's also including this. now this is his special report. it's six secrets that he used to generate 200,000 dollars on facebook in a single month. i don't know about you but i didn't generate two dollars in a month on facebook. and this- this is no cost to you at all. this one is completely free. but now here's where it gets good and here's what i'm most excited about. adrian has agreed to give us his personal software. right? it's called socialads pro. it's absolutely no cost at all. now this software, prior to this show was available for 20 dollars a month for the last two years. th- you'd have to pay 20 dollars every month, but you get a chance to get this all completely free. just look at the screen right now. yeah, you see any white letters that say you're going to have to be billed later or monthly? no. the software, and i promise you,
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is completely free and it truly gives you the advantage. this is what you've been waiting for to be successful. it's adrian's entire package and it is backed by his iron-clad 30-day money back guarantee. so here's the deal. if you don't see the value in the books or the software, all you do is just send it back for a complete refund, no questions asked. here's the question i've got for you though. so what are you waiting for? come on. you need to pick up your phone, dial the number you see on your screen and get this package in your hand right now and start making some money on your social media. are you ready? >you know what? we're at the end of our show. i can't believe it is over. it went way too fast. >>thank you for having me. >oh my god, adrian, i know that i get so many people out here. i get a feeling you guys are all going to do this. i mean i know my viewers at home, i can feel it. i know that they're lighting up the phone lines and you know what? once again, thank you so very much for making people's dreams come true. >>thank you for having me. >that's awesome. >i'm forbes riley, we'll see you again next time right here on success tv.
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and no wasted time. it is so simple. i just pop in a dvd... 10 minutes later, i'm done. ...[panting] see that? that's progress. that's work, baby. and... it's not just me. >> i'm a single parent. i have two boys, they're 14 and 16... full-time job. i take care of my 81-year-old father, so there's not a lot of time left to exercise. i am very busy, but it is very easy to work this 10 minutes in. i have 10 extra minutes. nobody doesn't have 10 minutes to work out. with 10 minute trainer i lost 20 pounds and 5-1/2 inches off my waist, and i look fantastic and feel fantastic. >> 10 minute trainer is the workout system designed for people who think they are too busy to work out. >> from 10 minute trainer alone i lost 30 pounds and six inches off my waist in that time that nobody thinks they have. >> with 10 minute trainer you always have time because tony super stacks the moves so you
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work your upper body, your lower body, abs, and get a cardio workout in, all in 10 minutes. >> i'm gonna work your legs, i'm gonna work your arms, i'm gonna work your core, i'm gonna work your back, i'm gonna work your shoulders, i'm gonna work your biceps. i'm gonna work your heart, your lungs and your legs. hello! that's the reason why 10 minute trainer works. >> mark: plus, it is scientifically proven to burn as many calories with one 10 minute trainer workout as you can with 30 minutes of jogging. it is fast. >> 10 minute trainer... there's no driving, no gym. you need your own body weight, you need a band, you put the dvd in, you push play, you're done. >> mark: it's intense. >> it's worth every minute... all 10 of 'em. >> mark: and it works. >> with 10 minute trainer i lost 34 pounds and six inches off my waist. i feel like i look amazing, i feel amazing. super-stoked about it. >> so if finding time to lose weight and get in shape seems impossible for you, then stay tuned because you're about to discover the fastest fitness program around. all you need is 10 minutes.
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>> if you give me 10 minutes, i will give you the body that you want. >> mark: coming up, more 10 minute trainer customers-- very busy people just like you and me who thought they didn't have time to get in shape. but we gave 10 minute trainer a try and i'm telling you, it really works. come on, don't tell me you don't have 10 minutes. >> i'm a busy corporate attorney. i can work anywhere from eight hours to 20 hours a day. i got married about a year and a half ago. yesterday, i think i left the office at about 9:00, uh, came home, just grabbed a quick bite here, saw my baby, saw my wife, and then it's back to work. that's why 10 minute trainer, i thought, would be so good for me because i need to get in, i need to get out. ...[panting] working out with tony at home... better than any gym workout i ever had. i can barely even talk... i'm sweating. with 10 minute trainer i lost 39 pounds, seven inches off my waist. when i look in the mirror i just
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