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tv   Fox Morning News  FOX  May 2, 2013 7:00am-9:00am EDT

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this tuesday, may second. -- thursday, may second. good morning, i'm tony perkins. >> i'm allison seymour. seymour. keep it going, tuck. tuck we're going right throughgo the weekend, allison. did you get out and play a little bit yesterday.terday. >> yes. >> it was gorgeous, not a perfectly sunny day but nor of the same with less thant less pe expected high temperatures near 70 degrees. it's cool out there this morning. another gray may day and we will keep doing this as mentioned for the next several days. temperatures cool, reagan national, and dulles 42, and bwi marshall 49 degrees.mars after a cool start to the temperatures should warm quickly, 60s by the noon hourhor and eventually near 70s for70s r the afternoon high.e afrnoo you got to look carefully, butft the light gray you see, a little bit of a layer, and low cloudiness, generally washingtol points south andy east forst fo everybody else.
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sunshine start to the day. day. and that cloud deck will quicklc kind of get, will dissipate hers as the sunshine, is a chance to get the mix up. quiet forecast for your tuesday temperatures at 70 degrees,egre, enjoy. that's weather, a lot more coming up in a minute. traffic with julie wright. >> reporter: that's a nice nice song to do for karaoke. >> a duet.>> a >> reporter: we can do that. >> let's do it. >> reporter: okay, after the show. not during. [ laughter ] >> reporter: reported along alg route 5 in alle allentown road.n that accident activity has cleared. 301 authorities are checking for a crash. let's pull up the cameras. we will show you what else we got working here on the outerter loop approaching 270, and the check further to the crash.cras eastbound 66, right into thethe
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bright sunshine below speed traveling between the two, 234t speer changes i234interchanges . traveling northbound, 395, u u tied up headed toward seminarysy road. all lanes are open continuing ct toward the 14th street bridge. accident westbound 70, after 17, involving an overturned vehicle, single file to the left to get by. that's a check of fox 5 to time traffic. thanks, julie. it's a historic day for thee free state. >> today maryland will become the 18th state to ban thean th death penalty. governor martin o'malley willtiy sign the bell bill repealing capital punishment during a ceremony in annapolis. what is still unclear, the fate of men currently on death row.h the measure does not apply to them. however, it does allow the governor to commute their sentences. the governor will put a pen to several other bills, the one a measure that legalizes federal marijuana program. prog a prince george's county may has been found guilty in the
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brutal beating of a d.c. man whn was walking home from a game gae last august. >> tommy branch was found guilty. his victim was capital resident t.v. maslin. he suffered severe head injurie and continues his recovery today. branch will be sentenced in jul inside meanwhile a culpepper police officer will learn his sentence to for fatally shooting a 53-year-old woman. he is convicted of involuntaryir manslaughter in the death of patricia cook.patric she was unarmed and driving away from wright after a traffic sto last february when he opened fire. a diplomatic compound is atc the center of a human trafficking investigation. records show the property is owned by the kingdom of saudi arabia. fox 5 melanie alnwick is live le outside of the home in mcclain.. melanie, what is going on here.n >> reporter: good morning,
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allison. we're still trying to get allo the details here, but thebut federal authorities have notorin filed any normal charges yet, ye and they're not identifying the 2 women who they apparentlyappal rescued from this home last night. neighbors say that there are a lot of people working in here -- a lost of people living this is a complex off of routee 123, not far from the cia and ad there's a couple of buildings. they're all behind iron gates i and there's a guard chack.d in the words of federal fede authorities they rescued two ret women from this compound oncomp tuesday night.night. now, they did say that they encountered two potentialpotentl victims of human trafficking.trf ice not saying whether the wome had contacted them directly ord if they had somebody elsebody el contact immigration and costumes enforcement officials on theirr behave.have. sources familiar with the investigation indicate that authorities at this point do noo believe that we're talking aboug any kind of sexual a pews here,, but that the women did say theyy were being held here against
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their will. one woman apparently tried to escape by squeezing through a gap in the front gate as it was closing. neighbors and also people who work here did agree to stop andn talk to fox 5. >> i'm in shock because i live i down the street, and things like these don't happen in mcclain. i'm surprised and i feel so bad for those women if the story iss true. >> this is really strange. i mean, we've never heard anything. >> reporter: and again, theagae federal authorities, tony and allison are still saying that si this is a possible case of human trafficking. the investigation, we're toldwe're o still in the very early stagesy as you can imagine.agine. fox 5 did contact this the embassy of saudi arabiaia yesterday, they said they had n comment on the case but someone in the press office did clarify that the embassy and this this particular compound are not connected. back to you. memelanie, thank you very
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much. meantime in fairfax countyx prosecutors are trying totrying determine if a muslim cabdriverr allegedly attacked a apparently and if that was the victim -- a passenger and if that victim was the victim of a hate crime. crim it happened last fried, thethe driver muhammad sal im is a naturalized and he picked up dahlberg at the country club an he was driving him to the clifton, when talks turned to the islam. islam. >> let me rephrase what i saidre at thephra the he was the victim. you can hear dahlberg accusing him of trying to commit ji ad. off camera salim says that the passenger punched him in the face. dahlberg is facing a date in court. i got that backwards so the
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cabdriver was the victim in this. >> the attorney for the suspecte in they case does say that thee was a conversation that becamebe emotional, but he, of course, he denies that it turned violent.o. obviously, we will be watchinglw the case.the >> and he was called allegedly a jihadist. a dramatic turn in the boston bombing three friends of dzhokarkar tsarneav are under arrest, facing charges of trying to help him. >> two of them are from the aref former soviet republic of kazakhstan. they appeared in a boston court yesterday facing conspiracy charges. investigators said that dzhokarr sent them text messages on themo night of april 18th. they went to his room andnd watched a movie and then saw aa backpack and fireworks with gunpowder removed. they threw the backpack in the dumpster along with the laptop.. it again confirms that thish was notat a plan where there was an escape thought through. thro.
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the bombers, and particularly pc the young bomber who survived sv needed to make calls to friends in his dorm to get rid of evidence. >> he is assisted the fbi in this investigation. he is just as shocked andand horrified by the violence in boston that took place as the a rest of the community is. the third friend is an american citizen, he is charged with lying to the fbi. in north korea a u.s. u.s. citizen was 1 sentenced to 60 t6 years of hard labor. kenneth bay is a tour guide andd enter north korea with a knawell group. maulmaul group. north korea state media says hee was convicted on tuesday for carrying out sirius crimes, butt it's not saying exactly what he did. president obama takes a domestic issue internationalrnal today. he heads to mexico to discuss the nation's economic success. >> as a part of a plan to push
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immigration reform.rm. undocumented illegal workers are ntedgetting new attention hn at the distribution n that is bays bawz mayor grabecause mayot the illegal immigrants to get aa license or a city id regardless of their citizenship or immigration status, but like all d.c. laws, it will be subject to congressional approval. well, he was perhaps bestrhs known for his backwards clothes and his music, including makingg the nation jump. but now the music world isd mourning the loss of chrischri kelly. still ahead at 7:00, we are going to take a look at the lif of the man well known as the mack daddy inside and why why workers at the world trade center pursefully waited untilul today to raise a symbolic piece of the new tower.
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we will have details when we we check today's top stories.stori. the collectives, crifn from nats fan, with one check swing by bryce harper. we are going to get an injury iu report on the sophomoresophore sensation. we regula are going to check wih wisdom martin for an update. when i think caps, i think wisdom martin. 
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♪ ♪ all right. ri >> don't dance just listen. [ laughter ]laught >> we hadn't worked out the bea on that song, me and tucker. [ laughter ] >> anyway, the wait is over. >> he is going to do what he loves. >> tucker, i'm sorry.
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>> tonight caps fans will pack k the verizon center and rock the red as they well come. co >> we don't welcome them. >> although they are tough, wisdom. >> they are tough, we want fourt in a row, sweep them and out of here because they ought to go. >> we are all about rocking thee red. the caps are ready to get back on the ice between the regulart season and the start of the post season. eastern conference playofflayo series, we hope it depose 4-0 i0 favor of our this chance wouldn't have been n possible if it wasn't for a a players only meeting back in february. you may recall this, back then n the caps started the season witn two wins and they were in the last in the nhl of the avenue a big loss at the penguins,nguins, players met at their practicece facility to discuss what went wrong. right after that, washingtonat, went on a three game winning wig
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streak and went on to win, the southeast division. they called that meeting ang a turning point. alexander ovechkin says that the last two days have been boring.. he can't wait for the putt to pt drop in the field. >> today we are starting to realize how close it is. we are sick of practicing. pracc and it was funniest getting tont watch that hock owe o hockey on. >> we all came to the rink on monday morning thinking we'reki playing on tuesday.y. when we found out we had a couple of extra days off, we had mixed feelings but watching then game last night it gets you you excited to get started. st if you're one with the luckk ticket, and me free t metro sayy going to make sure that you get home no matter how late the game runs. they are going to make sure thae you get home. >> you remember all of those the same meetings. we have the samesa thing. thing.
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when the stuff start going downg we are the meet lingsing meetins things around. >> the redskins are famous for r doing this years ago. when they are going south, the team meets. me big tom johnson was againstg the team player meeting. me he was, what are you going to g meet for, you know what you got to do, depo d go to it. >> it seems to me thatthat georgetown was a great team then.then. >> caps go!! meanwhile talk about theileo nats, theut injury bug is mountg for the nationals. it like looks like bryce har is going to be side lined. he is aggravated his left side and you can see him gri grim grn
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pain. this injury could have -- grimacing in pain.g in that happens when i slam myself into the wall. nothing behind the two run homer and eight shut out innings by zimmerman. >> 1 out of seven. of seven. >> yeah, something like >> we don't want him to be hurt. >> you know, is a tough guying. >> he may have to rest a littlea bit n i'm sure that injury, i would be out for six months. >> weather is going to be is goo beautiful today. today. 70, sun shy later this afternoon. >> perfect. >> literally perfect, and nice p and cool overnight. the air-conditioning and heating cost this time of year. year. let's get to the forecast andfot there's not much going on here. 49 in washington, i do want to mention, it's cool this morning. we got parts of the area in thee 30s. you may want to consider a coid jacket here for the first part of the day.of the you can shed the jacket andjackt
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enjoy the light air this afternoon. it's 90 or 70. or it remains cold, we have been doing this over and over, out to west, 23 degrees, there's aere' swath of winter weather from denver up to minneapolis, i wil show you in just a moment. out west, california getting their first heatwave of the season. heat advisory in the pay area o san francisco, in the 80s and ad down in los angeles it will beg in the 90s as well. hot out on the west coast. coas we look great, sunshine, highnsi pressure near boston continues to keep things nice and dry, regionally. we're going toa to be under sunu and dry trend over the nexte several days. a couple of inches of snow inown places like omaha up toward minneapolis later today.r our forecast, there will be sunshine tomorrow with high ofhf 70, and weekend is still nicestl and dry, sun shy and throw 70s.70s. >> oh, i do not want to jinx it, but dog gone it, that looksoks
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pretty nice. >> fan phafantastic, julie wrigt here with traffic. >> you're going to have the kids out all the weekend. >> i'm their chauffeur over thee weekend. >> reporter: you have thatthat thing on the license plate. >> not yet, give me a couple of years. >> reporter: i love it.i love . on our roads we have had our hands full. we have weather delays to to report. this is where we got the slow down at 30 miles per hour, hour, coming out of our ba urban a, n accidents to report, westbound i-70, that is where we had thehe crash. all of that activity now clear. will you find accident activityy at allentown road, heads up,, watch for accident activity there. all lanes open out of austin hill. let's pop up the cameras, and show you what else is working, and lanes are working with no issues reported and the toll
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headed east on 28, and father hurley boulevard continuing, an here is the shot of inbound traffic at 66, traffic is traff bunched up in manassas, and it slows down into the sunshine and on 395 hitting the brakes atkes duke street, continues northrth toward seminary road. that's a check of fox 5 on time traffic. 7:20 on this thursday morning. coming up next, fire and, fn ice, a few hundred miles apart. we will look at mother nature's may confusion. and later, marking 50 years since the death of john f kennedy. holly is live at the museum with a sneak peek at the exhibit dedicated to our 35th president. [ male announcer ] fact: the 100% electric nissan leaf...
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is more fun than ever. sees better than ever. ♪ charges faster. and will charge. cool. and heat. from your phone. fact: leaf never needs gas. ever. good for the world. built in america.
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now, leaf's an easier choice than ever. ♪ shop at ♪ we are two days into may, dm but mother nature can't seem too make up its mind if we are in in winter or the summer.
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>> good morning, guys. guys. the legal battle over emergency contraception isn'ttr over yet.over ye the obama administration says ir will appeal a court order lifting age limits on the b pill. pi tuesday the fda approved a plan to make the morning-after pilll available to anyone 15 or older without a prescription. they blamed high weather ann high winds, for burning four questioner miles 90 miles east l of the los angeles. more than 400 firefighters arefh working to contain it, but theyh have a long way to go. wind field choirs have hit high country north of san francisco. a completely different picturepe there. more than a foot of snow fell in rocky hundre mountain national k a winter storm warning was in effect for parts of minnesotamia and wisconsin. wisconsin
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western iowa are expecting snoww this morning. morni in new york a symbolicsymlic milestone in the construction of the freedom tower.r. today workers will raise theaise final pieces of the spire that will top one world trade center to the building's roof. pieces were expected to depo upp on monday but the workers heldrd off on purpose because todaycau marks two years since the deathh of osama bin laden, the terror e leader of 9/11 attacks, and just surprising that it has been that long. we're talking two years.years. >> yeah, you're right. >> it feels like not that long ago. >> like, just a few months or so. >> that will be a sight to seeg when it depose up. i know tucker has been up there, and says that the structure iscs very, very impressive. >> i forgot that it's supposed's to be 1,776 feet tall the year the u.s., of course, declared dr independence. >> i was just thinking, we have lived, and reported during some very turbulent times, times thah have changed the way we operate
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from here on out. it's rather amaze something. >> it's amazing.s amazing. >> it's amazing that youngung children like my nieces don't even know what that was like.. >> sarah, thank you. 7:26 still ahead. the changing face of thee of the nation's capital. >> young people are flocking too the district and the influx infl could have long-term politicalta changes, consequences, we'res, going to sit down with washington columnist robert mccarthy with a look at the impact. you're watching fox 5 news. 
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there you go, the musice makes me want to doyo somethingn >> the cookie monster. [ laughter ] >> give me cookies. >> no. >> yes, he does.oes. >> oh, my goodness, my throat hurts and my esophagus. >> i can't do it right nowt w because my throat is not great anyway. at 7:29. back >> is that naturally how he sings. >> yeah. >> that is cool. tha >> it sound liket is -- >> like sling blade a little bit, doesn't it?
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>> if sling blade made a record. i love how people call the the characters sling sng that is not his name. >> what is his name. >> i don't remember. remember. >> sling blade until you can remember, any who. >> weather is going to be be perfect today. we have a little bit of cloudiness, more and more sunshine will build in. yesterday was great, tomorrow, a few clouds in the forecast, sof, that is the worst of the next four or five days. d 50 in washington. it's cool out there, probably a jacket. if it gives way to the bus stopt that kind of thing walking to to school particularly to the we te have. we got chilly overnight. 39 in frederick, and much of th area falling into the 30s,30s, freeman sass, and wi winchester, 43 degrees, 41 in martinsburg, annapolis, 51 degrees, and thenh entire region off to a cool start. mention the high temperatures, r just like yesterday, 70 degrees, a quiet weather pattern mind mym
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head is an area of high pressuru up toward boston, and our flow continues to be off of ocean here, for another day, we look fine, as we get into tomorrow the area of high pressure willwl retreat just enough that we wil get a bit of maritime layeryer again. a few cloudse us tomorrow. otherwise high pressure keeps things nice and dry. storminess, this is amazing. may the second and we're talkink approximate snow out tabout sno still snowing in places like owe momaha, and the next chance of measurable rain around here. 71 today, sunshine, a beautifull afternoon, wind out of the eastt at 5-10. it should be a comfortable afternoon for us. 59. >> late monday into tuesday,tue, that's the forecast. get the latest from julie
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wright. nice looking at at forecast, tucker barnes.. >> it's good-looking at you. >> reporter: oh, tucker. >> in once in a while. >> reporter: okay, i will buy u you lunch.yo heads up, headed into thee district, lanes are open at 395, but it's a slow headed northbound leaving the beltwayee trying to b get past king stree and crossing over the 14th 14th street bridge here in arlington. and that is due to an an investigation of a suspicious package. beltway, slow slow speed from the wilson bridge brd leaving route 5 headed out of oxen hill, headed into virginia all lanes open as well. accident activity stayed to theo left to get let's pop up the cameras, allca lanes are open if you are traveling around the capital beltway, between college bark examinand bethesda. beth no accidents just vocialtion vo.
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a check of fox 5 to time traffic. julie, thank you so much. a rush of young people into d.c. could have a dramatic dram effect on the people's landscapp in the coming years. for more on that and headlinesls in town we turn to robert mccartney, a columnist with the washington post. hi, rob, good to see you. >> i don't think it's any secret that d.c. for a long time wasmea known as chocolate city. city what that means there was a a plaque we can count on the mayors on on one hand. there was a black population of people empowered, and there's aa feeling now, if we can speak frankly, that that demographic o is changing. >> definitely. >> back a bit. >> yeah. >> and y ou're talking about this. censuscensus, thee ta figures indicate that thethe
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african-americans are no longer a majority in the district. they're a plurality, they're the largest single demographic group, but the city is becomingg more diverse, that is in this is case less black, more whites, wt more asianss and more latinos. it's having a political impact, i think in the middle of thele h city especially you have a lot of young people moving in.g many of them are black, but aa larger number are white, and it is changing sort of the feel ofo the city downtown, and it's 's going to ultimately change thege politics of the >> interesting. and this is a side note.note. i drive to my old neighborhood,, 13th and missouri avenueri taking one of my daughters to ballet. and the demographics havecs have changed, not necessarily changey to a white are demographic butdo it has changed. it's progress, because anyny change, but it's definitely very interesting. >> yeah, it's a big -- >> yeah. >> i think what we saw and i sa have a column in this morning's paper talking about the sort of
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early signs of the impact of the sort of the young people coming to downtown moving into thee city, what that impact was in in the last week's special election for an at large candidate for the d.c. council, and anita barns won that race, and she isi a long time democratic leader and there was a lot of support, the number two person who sort of was the candidate of the youngt people moving into the district alisa silver man, she did very well, and much better thante people expected. expected i think her relative successrel compared to expectations is sore of act atsign of where the poli are going to be moving. mong. >> so maybe not right now. >> no. >> but down the road.e >> i think you will see some impact. what she really pushed was sorts of a liberal clean governmentnmt combination. i mean, she was really strong so on, you know, against
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corruption, against the scandals we have seen in the last couple of years. she was the only candidate to refuse to take corporate oror union she hammered that, but she is is also very liberal. a lot of times, sort of the reformers have been whitewhite conservatives or t as conservative, especially by the district's very liberal libl standards. she was very liberal. she was very liberal a affordable housing. she wants a more progres progrex structure. it appeals to the people coming in, left of center ideologically. to put it in because i can hear the phone calls andcall read the e-mails. to put it in fo historical cont, d.c. was sort of a special, you can tell me if i'm wrong, butwr, different from other cities.
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>> i think it's slower -- we --e were slower in the district to have the gent trif indication got going in the late 90s. 90s. after the tony williams era isis when people began to sort of of focus on it.on it and there was backlash against it in some of the elections before it.before the election of mayor gray was in sort of an exat an extent ba. this is the next decade, the political battle and jousting over gent trif indication and pot tick. moving, let's cross theng, river and go into virginia.. you have written about governore bob mcdonnell. now he finds himself in the middle of controversy as far ass spending. >> it keeps getting bigger. bigg >> and it keeps getting bigger. >> the latest -- of course, thir
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controversy is over gifts that he, and his family received from a business executive johnhn williams who makes -- has ahas company in virginia that makes nutritional complements. supplements ands and mcdonnell got gifts and the family got gifts, most famously a $15,000 gift to pay for catering at mcdonnell's daughter's wedding which was not disclosed and mcdonnell saysmcdl that was perfectly legal. and then you know, they did di things that the governor and his wife maureen, did things thattht benefited the businessthe buness executive, and specifically, shh gave a speech sort of promotingm his new product, his latest nutritional supplement and thele governor's mansion was used forr a launch produc party for the pr this raised some eyebrows. i have written about it.bout other people have written aboutu it. what has happened recently isnt
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two things. there's an fbi initial investigation, and we now know w this week that the fbi is askini questions basically to find out if there was a quid proquo, that is if these gifts that went to o the governor and his family were in exchange for, in effect, in exchange for the promotion of the products.od now two things to keep in mind.. mcdonnell has said, look, we, we were promoting the products.uct. we promote a lost products in virginia. there's nothing unusual about that. >> okay. >> and also this is only an initial informal investigation, this is not armal full blown corruption investigation, similar to what we have seen in the district or prince george's' county. this is just initial, sort of of see where it it's going. the other thing that has comeha out is court papers, there's ann allegation that there were moree gifts to mcdonnell's familyfami from this business executive, which have not yet been disclosed.
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and he has repeatedly refused to talk about -- to basically toca say whether that is true. he is not denying that therethee were other gifts to his family i which haven't been disclosed. dd so there seems to be more tore come out there. >> all right, we will be relying on you to let us know. >> and my colleagues at theat te post. >> you are just so humble. thank you, bob mccartney. to you. still ahead in today's talkers, mourning the loss of mack daddy. daddy. breaking news from the bron section of new york city. take a look at these live pictures, a garage fire has s spread to several buildings. this fire is now at the five alarms. this is in the bronx in newin n york. in addition to the devastation there, service on two of new york subsway lines has been impacted. we will tell you more about this later on. right now it's 7:40, we will be right back. 
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turkey sausage. turkey what? amazing. dunkin's new turkey sausage breakfast sandwich. surprisingly great sausage taste with under 400 calories. try one today. america runs on dunkin'. that song was so luge. >> it real loo. lo >> those kids were so cute.
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>> there's sad news from the th music world. one half of kriss kross, chris kelly, a.k.a. mack daddy the the other one was known as daddy mack, half of the kriss kross ks duo has died. di >> kelly was found unresponsive at his home and rushed to a an t lalan tatlanta hospital where h. they became household names with their hit jump which turned back in 1992. producer germ main de pre discovered the do you owe. due. the duo had other hits, but but never matched the success ofessf jism whicjump which was huge. >> i read that they even had had like a video game no for. for. >> did they really?
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>> it was one of those, during g that time there were a lot of lt songs that were just these bigg smash iconic hits particularly hip-hop hits that was one the biggest. >> tucker tell the truth, you wore your clothes backwards for a little while.ile. >> well, i still do. [ laughter ] >> because i'm older, i can't ct tell that they are not on right. >> they were cute. cu >> it's cute. >> anyway, weather is going totn be beautiful. beaut the next couple of days, justdat what we look forward to all all winter long. >> it is, isn't that the truth? >> uh-huh. >> going to be great. >> we do have cloudiness early this morning and it's cool. temperatures as you get out the beltway, it's the low 40s, 40s, we're near 70 this afternoon ten with plenty of sunshine buildinu in cloud cover to start the day. foo new york city, and chick depo, 45 degrees, most of the te area is enjoying mild temperatures, the windshield
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wipers we won't need that today. the high pressure and for us a beautiful day. a etbit of a breeze and a nice, dry trend. this area of high pressure willl retreat tonight and tomorrow morning. what that means for a few more o clouds in the forecast forcast f friday.ay. it should still remain, and are few clouds around, that may holo temperatures back for your friday. here is the accuweatherther forecast. 71 today, check it out, tuesday, friday, saturday, and sundaynd u nice and dry with highwith temperatures in the 70s,70s, overnight lows in the 40s and ad low 50s. this what people inne in san dio enjoy year-round.yearound. >> that must be nice. ni >> and rain next week. thanks you canner. thyouthank tucker.>> reporter: n the roadfosr we're not in for an ride on southbound 270. 27 the delay continues fromnues frm germantown and headed toward tht split. the lanes are open on the tope o side of the beltway, the pace pe
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slow from route 1 headed toward georgia avenue.enue. we have problems out there, let's prop up the maps, i willil show you where. we're busy heading out of oxen hill. open. op are we are told that the police aree investigating a suspicioussuspis package, north of the army navya drive here, fern street remainse closed until further notice. the dulles tollway, leaving inbound toward the main toll plaza accident eastbound on the george toll pike. eastbound now closed. that's a check of fox 5 on time traffic. coming up next looking at camelot. holly good morning. >> reporter: looking at camelot is the presidency of john f kennedy. who did that mystique come to be. part of it has to do with these
7:48 am you we will show you firsthand why you want to come out and see it. stay with us. (horn blowing)
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coming! mom, come on. mom! because we know that this is the season that i inspires. (sigh)
7:50 am
from dressers to duvets, it's time to refresh with ikea. is more fun than ever. sees better than ever. ♪ charges faster. and will charge. cool. and heat. from your phone. fact: leaf never needs gas. ever. good for the world. built in america. now, leaf's an easier choice than ever. ♪ shop at ♪
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welcome back. the museum is commemorating the presidency of john f kennedy with a series of special exhibits. they celebrate the camelot e days but deal with the president's assassination whichh happened 50 years ago this coming november.november holly morris is live at thee museum with a preview. good morning holly.rnng >> reporter: the fact thatr: a they have two exhibits and they unveiled an original documentary speaks to the fact that it's not only significant history that h we're talking about here, buter there's a this continuingthis ct fascination with the kennedys. n if you come out here and be a b part of all that is going on, on you will definitely learninitel something new. and mr. williams senior is here and we are at one of the first
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exhibits called creativing creag camelot. tell me about this exhibit. exh. >> the negatives that were used to create this exhibit werewere lost. we only had the contact sheetsae to make these reproductions at this scale and quality. qual we're very proud to be able voao share with our visitors these re-construction, the rediscovery of kennedy history. >> reporter: these are all pictures of the family fami photographer hired by the kennedys and he took 40,000 photos. >> correct. >> so then he put them in whatph he thought was theem in safeste at the time which was the one of the bank vaults at the world trade center. >> exactly. >> and all of those were lost. so the only thing that survivedd were the ten negatives that were on loan at the time. thetime and the museum has warkd to tak those thaworked totake those th
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and bring them back to live. li. >> the first shoot had been arranged by mr. kennedy's father. decided that they were wonder. he decided to commission aissioa shoot. hit was done on mr. kennedy's's off. sew wasn't thrilled to put on his suit and the take the pictures. as you can see the images at thh beginning are a little testify, bu-- stiff, but when caroline comes in, he relaxes. relaxe >> it's the power of a baby >> yes. >> over here you have an example of how the photos were used to shape his campaign. >> the images where he waswas surrounded by a large group ofp photographers was so very very successful that mr. kennedy mr.e decided to use the photograph i a lot of his campaign buttons, and stickers, posters, that youu can see in some of the photographs, even when
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mr. kennedy is signing some ofg the posters. post it's just indicating how the the role in the campaign was instrumental in the creation of camelot. >> it speaks to that.spea thes teo pictures help create,n really fuel the fascination.faso >> he had unprecedented access, i should say; i wanted to show this photo right here, because there's only one person that got this photo and that was jackjack low. >> he was the only photographerr allowed in t face.. mr. kennedy is offering the vice precedency and to have anve opportunity to what wasity happening in there and to be the on person that was able to capture this, it was just amazing. >> i want to make sure that we get down here, because everyone flocks to this wall down here. these are pictures of gal lin ju
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kennedy that you don't see anywhere.anywhe >> correct. one of the things that is that he was able to capture the kennedys as a regular family. you see jackie with herher daughter. she was with her, all, all the time. you see them interact agos a family. you see them displaying -- just- playing on the beach with thethe tiny little boat and images are humorous, you don't see mrs. kennedy in a bathing suit, very, very often.n. >> because like most women she didn't want to be photographed in a bathing suit. >> fortunately for her, she is beautiful and wonderful inerful almost every picture that we see. >> what you won't see a lot of is pictures that include johnny- john. >> i believe that mrs. kennedyme was less comfortable having john-john photographed and her children photographed as aapheda whole. in the last shoots we see photo
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of john-john as ha they wereth r playing on the beach.g on that is very t fitting, closingo our exhibit. >> and the creating camelot camo story that being is told here.. >> we have a link to the museum. me this exhibit runs through february 5th. you have plenty of time coming up in the next hour. hour we're going to look at the th exhibit again and take a look at pictures that we haven't showedt you and talk about it through the press peck journalist. he is going to join us in thein next hour. >> thank you so much holly.holl. we want to show you thehow scene outside of our city. >> the pictures, -- wisdom is in that car somewhere. >> you think so. >> there he is. looking pretty good inside of that 2013 acura.that you can take the place of whichm martin, and win that one for yourself.self. >> pohanka acura wants you to
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win a two year lease on that at acura ilx. all you have to do ask like it, and you click on the pohanka poa give away lease to enter for ae chance to win.o win. you can enter anytime betweene now and midnight tomorrow night. one lucky winner will be chosen by random drawing on saturday and they will receive a two year 20,000-mile lease on the car.e r you must 18 or older to enter. you can see the complete rulesls on our facebook page. we promise that wisdom is beinge very neat and careful inside of that car. it's 7:57. we will be back. ♪
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[ male announcer ] fight stains with the touch of a button and get extra cleaning power with exclusive steam assist in ge's most advanced wash system ever. ♪ visit bray & scarff and pay no interest for 18 months and save $100 on select ge washers and dryers. hurry in for this limited time offer.
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this is fox 5 morning news. >> a diplomatic compound is at the center of a human trafficking investigation. inv what the fbi found inside a fairfax county mansion and which country they say owns the home. it's been called the most racist commercial in history. it aired only on line but the t controversial is spilling overig this morning for the pepsi company. we'll look at the ad that was just pulled and the mounting
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criticism for the company. >> it's one of those things you'll say what were theyy thinking? >> why did you even do it? cashing in on your kids' old clothes. consignment stores can help youu clear up your clutter and fill up your wallet. >> the owner of 529 kids consign will join us live to share theie tips on shopping, saving, and selling. please, you do not want to miss this if you're a savvy shortstop shortstop. >> good morning, i'm tony perkins. now, you won't believe what else we have coming up this morning. >> i can't wait to see it. they've been all over the ove country and now the ac crow cats
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bus. we've seen video and it's amazing. >> they're actual cats playing instruments. no dogs allowed. >> sarah is big on cats. >> i'll be joining sarah, so that will be very funny. >> i can't wait. c >> me, either. >> gotta see it. it. they play instruments? >> yes. >> can't wait. what do you have? >> they play instruments and do gymnastics. >> i can't wait. 50, that's the winning number, reagan national, dulles, marshall, cloud cover to start your morning in the city. don't give up on the day. i promise it will turn mostly sunny and it will be a nice afternoon just like yesterdayese
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when it turned into a beautifula day with highs about 70. a good looking thursday andhu great weekend. i'll have details in a minute. n 71 your daytime high. should be dry for you. it's tweel this morning. maybe a jacket if you're headed out right now. >> thank you. >> now let's get a check of thee roadways with julie. >> on time traffic brought torog you by toyota. every time it surprises me how w your voice changes like that. >> i know. >> that's the voice you use wite the girls? >> sometimes i have to. >> do your homework. >> do what i say. i >> 290 northbound headed for the 11th street bridge. we're checking in this morning t with the heavy volumeh as expected headed north from the naval research lab passing to the bridge. no accidents, just volume. vol finding a slow ride inbound on pennsylvania avenue rolling down the hill towards the sue is a sa bridge. folks on 50, volume delays onlyy
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from 410 headed past 202 towards the kennelworth split. traffic remains slow through the traffic lights. don't forget there's a free appp on your mobile phone. check it out on your phone. let's continue now with the maps. we'll show you what else we have on the roads this morning. the lanes are open. ope traffic is a little slow on 395 leaving the beltway, continuing out towards the 14th street 14t bridge with a few breaks along e the way. fern street shut down near armym and navy drive for an ongoing investigation. slow traffic on the dulles tollroad. accident activity closes eastbound 193, the georgetown pike, before walker road. that's a check of your fox 5 ono time traffic. >> julie, thank you vsm. federal agents with ice, the immigration and customs enforcement bureau, have takenae the lead in a human trafficking investigation in northern virginia. >> at the center of this a home owned by the kingdom of saudi
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rain. fox 5 is live in mclean with the details.etai >> reporter: allyson, two women were in thetw words of several authorities rescued from this compound off of route 123 in mclean on tuesday night. nig neighbors say there's a lot of of people living here and alsols working here in this compound.oo there's a couple of buildings and it's behind iron gates. there's also a guard shake here. so far, no one has been arrestes and the feds are not identifying the women. there's still not a lost details. a spokesperson for immigration and customs enforcement said federal agents with ice did encounter two potential victims of human trafficking but did not say if the women had contacted them or had someone else call ice, and sources familiar with the investigation indicate ind authorities do not feel we'reeel talking about any kind of sexual abuse.ab
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one woman apparently tried to to escape by squeezing through a gap in the front gate as it was closing, upsetting as you can imagine to neighbors. >> surprised and i feel so bad for those women if the story is true. it's awful, and very shocking, o considering it's right next to cia. why would this be happening here?he >> reporter: again, no charges yet, and again, the wording herr is they're still saying a possible case of human trafficking. the investigation still in the very early stages. state department also working with immigration and customs enforcement to figure outut exactly what is going on in this case. fox 5 did contact the saudi arabian embassy and they said the embassy and this complex are not connected. back to you. >> thank you very much. a y maryland man could spend the rest of his life behind barr in prison after he is found f guilty in a brutal beatin beatia capitol hill resident in augustt
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>> the victim was walking home from a nets game when he wasas attacked with a baseball bat. 22-year-old tommy branch has been found guilty on several sev charges including armed rob reeb the victim was left with severe injuries to his head. hea branch faces sentencing in julyj two other men were with branch i the night of the attack. the two pled guilty, the other o is awaiting trial. a police officer will be sentenced in the fatal shooting of a 54-year-old woman. a jury has recommended a three-year sentence for 33-year-old daniel harmon white who was convicted of severalever charges including involuntary manslaughter in the death of patricia cook.ia c now, she was unarmed and driving away from white when he opened fire after investigating a suspicious vehicle call in in february of last year. the marathon bombing bom investigation takes a dramatic turn with the arrest of three college buddies of young dzhokhar tsarnaev. they all went to the university of massachusetts at dartmouth
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together. two are from kazakhstan and then third is a u.s. citizen originally from ethiopia. >> in court papers the fbi said a month before the bombing, tsarnaev told two of them he knew how to make a bomb. after the bombing they allegedly took backpack full of fireworks from tsarnaev's dorm room androm threw it out along with a laptop. they are not accused of havingf any role in the bombing itself, just helping to cover it up. >> from the very beginning, he assisted the fbi in this investigation. he is just as shocked andnd horrified by the violence in in boston that took place as the a rest of the community is. he's cooperated fully with the authorities, and he looks forward to the truth coming outi in this case. >> two of those individuals are charged with destroyingestr evidence. a third is charged with making k false statements. >> maryland governor martin mar o'malley is scheduled to sign the bil bill repealing the death
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penalty. it will make maryland the 18th state to do so.o there are currently five men onn death row in the state and their fate is still in the air. the government has the option of reducing their sentence to lifel in prison without parole. >> supporters of the death penalty could still petition the bill to a ballot for voters to t decide next year. o'malley will sign grace's law to prevent cyber bullying. the maryland health progress act willh be signed as well as as legislation to improve votingotn access in maryland. president obama is heading to mexico today to meet with the country's recently elected president o. on the agenda, how both sides can work together to beef up border s the president will also promote mexico's economic success andess its place as the second largest export market for u.s. goods and services. it's a pitch aimed at selling an immigration bill to congress. well, there's good news in o the push to upgrade the national mall. >> the non-profit trust in charge of restoring the mall iss
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about to get the largest private gift to date. german car maker volkswagen of america will announce a $10 million donation today. the company's ceo said he was shocked to see our national mall in such poor condition and he ad plans to encourage otherncou organizations to get involved. i the trust raised just over $27 million in the last two years. it hopes to bring in a total of 350 million dollars. well, it's 10 minutes after 8 now. now were you going to say something? >> an interesting push from volkswagen. >> i mean, you know, i guess ann official was here, saw it, andt, said we can help. c >> it'san good an it's bad. you hate that. that was what he saw. >> it will be better in the future. all right.> al it's 8:10 on this thursday morning. still ahead, crossing the line. this morning, a mountain dew onn line ad has been pulled after widespread back lash over what many say is its racist content. we'll look at the ad and the fallout. plus, it was a battle of the ballads last night on "american
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idol", so who nailed it and whod missed the mark? our idol chart pane chatter pank to discuss who will make the top three tonight. that's coming up next. [ male announcer ] what do you want to get done tododay? want to take the loader off? bing. bang. boom. need to connect a mower deck? oh, look, you just did. the 1 family sub-compact tractor with dozens of attachments -- only from john deere. now, how can you top that tomorrow? that's how we run. and nothing runs like a deere. see common-sense innovation at work
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with the 1 family tractors at
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>> keep it up. let's hear it for a little bit. >> you look like steve martin. one crazy guy. >> very good. you're going to be walking on sunshine today because it is a beautiful day. 14 minutes after 8. >> if you were on the radio, hor would you have said that. >> just like that. >> really? >> probably not. >> okay. people love you and know you k from the radio. >> i miss those days. >> talker, he won't play over to you now. >> that was walking on sunshine, katrina and the wave. >> you did not sound like that l on kiss. >> no, i did not. we didn't play that song, either. >> the whole time you'ree singing, we're looking at a shot of cloud cover across the area.e >> perhaps that wasn't good
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planning. >> i promise, it will be sunny and bright here a little later.l we'll do weather in just a i moment, first, our favorite time of the day. >> look at her. look at her. >> this is lilly, everybody. >> the lovely lilly. >> getting her smarts on.s >> how cute. >> her grandma took this picturp when lilly was, quote, reading her morning paper. >> is lilly looking at the l camera right there? >> i noticed this a moment ago.o i think it's upside down. u >> it's upside down, but who cares. she is adorable. >> she's super cute. >> that's a cute picture. >> lilly, make sure you save that one in the scrap book. go to thanks to your grandma for sendo itr gsending it in. we love it. if you want to hang out and go to the park, sit back and read the newspaper, a perfect day. should be another great day. we've got cloud cover out therer at the moment. m
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don't we'll get more and more sunshinr building in, parts and of the te area basking in sunshine. there are clouds across the cite to the south and east early. e 50 at reagan national. n 46 in leonardtown. it's cool. lots of 50 degree mark temperatures in the mountains. winchester, hager town, the trifecta, all 50 degrees. dulles, too. generally sunny conditions. over the last couple days the maritime layer is out there bringing low clouds to parts of the region. most of the day should feature sunshine. the winter storm you see and the rain out to the west? that will get in here early nexe week. that's our next chance for measurable rain. here's your 7-day. 71 today. gorgeous weekend. wee saturday and sunday, about 70 degrees with sunshine. that's we'll see the latest traffic on the roads with julie. >> that's why we should haveld h
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played the stones, get off of my cloud. >> you've gotta sing that better, julie. by the way, it's not literally about a cloud, that song. >> it's a play on words. much like your forecast. all right. r inbound new york avenue, the lanes are open with no issues reporting continuing froming northeast to northwest.west traffic volume unfortunately isa still heavy and slow on the top side outer loop continuing from college park towards 270. southbound 95 on the brakes leaving 198 to the beltway. b northbound traffic slows, leaving 216 to 32. there's an incident on the shoulder. quickly we'll pop up the map and show you what else is working on the beltway. b inner loop delays continuing from the wilson bridge leaving route 5 as you continue. there's a delay as 32 you're traveling eastbound on the dulles tollroad headed toward wolf trap. eastbound 93 before walker road follow police directions in order to getolic by. 270 unfortunately still on thelo brakes, almost an hour commutete headed towards the split. s
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that's a check of your fox 5 onn time traffic.. tony, over to you. > all right, julie. thank you very much.k yo you can move this. if you want to move it, go ahead. move it. the top four idol contestants compete again.e no one went home last week, but, thattent would be the case thisi week. did the remaining singers prove themselves last night or did they not? this morning our idol chatter panel is back with us to discuso how they thought they performedp better than i'm doing right now. first we welcome back radio personality jack diamond. >> good morning, tony. nice to see you. >> nice to see you. >> fawn knee thing happened recently. i found myself with with a little free time on my hands. i finfound myself rooting aroune kitchen. i had no idea that kitkast went so well with wine. >> speaking of kit kat, kitty in
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the good morning. >>e marcus joe. marcus johnson. >> marcus joe. what's up. >> all right. of course, i want to start with this. i watched the show last night. >> yes. >> i kind of agree with a something that randy said. s it's kind of weird. you get to this point in the competition, and you know, it'sn a lot of pressure. there's a lot going on in their heads. they're young people, and they seem a little unsure, you know, do i go with my gut, do i levin to the person mentoring me. >> it was shaky night. to be kind, it seemed as if it was the first time every single one of the performers, candace included, had ever taken the stage, had ever sang a songong live. boy, it really -- we were talking before we went on air. at this point in the season you would have had a fantasia, a kelly clarkson, somebody who was so clearly heads above everyone else. didn't feel that way last night.
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>> you know, i didn't either. i mean, look., this is down to the race and it's still anybody's game to get at this point. what do you think? >> all four of them going home tonight. >> no, they're not. >> you are the next "american idol". there you go. >> i think can da candace handln better than the others. o who are we starting with? i'm not as prepared as allyson. yeah.. candace. here she is. i thought the second performance was better than the first. i'll start with you. >> you know candace is incredible in terms of her voice and maturity. candace is going to get both jazz clubs and broadway non-stop. what about transfer to cd sales?
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>> i don't think so. i think i love candace. i've been a fan since day one. she has the purest voice maybe in the history of anyone who has ever sang on "american idol". she was much better on the second song. i agree with jeannie. i always said if you're notid i willing to part with your money, you're not going to pay $100 bucks to see them at the wolf wl trap. >> what's the cd? >> yeah. so i'm on my way back on the red eye watching this thing last night/this morning, and i was ws just unimpressed. i mean, even there she is hugging the mike as if it is tht first time she's ever performed before. it's like where is the energy? e where is that thing that you had, your individuality, yourida personality when you were out yu there in the middle of the sethe when all the other people were there? now it's four of you all and now everybody's going to play it it safe.
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i am not excited right now. >> her target audience will buy a cd. that's about all the sales s she'll get, whoever shows uper there because the downloads wild not happen. >> harry connick was the mentor. he particularly seemed to get into her head. let's look at a little bit of that. >> she has a future. the confidence level, what happened? i mean, they have complete c
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confidence. i didn't expect that from her. you been throwing hate darts at her from the beginning. she will sell out. >> marcus, that's a great comment. >> i agree with both of them. i made my point clear from the get-go. i just think that there's this t column an there are two lines we don't see, and they stayed righe in between themd the entire e night. there was no energy. >> let'sere look at angie mill. she did diamonds. recap. she also sang someone to reach t over me or someone to watch over me. >> marcus/jeannie. >> mark jean. >> it goes -- you know, it
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started to remind me of a pageant and not "american idol". the formal dress, the violins in the background.e are we going to see the lion l king back stage in the orchestra pit? are we here for "american idol"i i think this was a bad night in general for everybody, but i think she's in trouble tonight. >> she's in trouble. >> that's one of my favoritee rihanna songs, attempted anded tried to be a master is he duct. we need artist development. >> i love angie. i think angie will sell out in n clubs. when she sits down at the grandg piano and the smoke and theh lights, it's magical. it wasn't last night. i do want to say harry connick,c jr. as tough as he was and he'sh the toughest anybody has been all season. they needed to hear that last l
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night. he shook their confidence. it made for great television. his advice was dead on. he went to the judging panel ann said let me hear your individuality. don't hit the notes. sing the song your own. nobody was listening. >> we've got about 30 seconds to show you amber. >> i love this. t early on she looked completely lacking. >> as usual, we're good at thist i love amber.. that valentine, i feel like she completely rocked it. she's tired and her confidence
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is gone. i believe she'll stay and she'll be fine. >> marcus? >> i think she's back. my funny valentine performance, that is her staple. i'll take that back. not a pageant like. it's more like kind of celine dionish, a stately whitney houston. that's amber's forte. when you put that there, she the rocked it on my funny valentine. >> we'll see what happens.. it happens tonight. one of them will go home. thanks, guys. we'll work it out and figure it out. we'll be back in a couple cu minutes. stay with us. enough about the book, i wawant to hear about your da.
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well, he showed up in a van. [ women ] oh-awww. [ voices in background ] [ female announcer ] swapportunity. the opportunity to swap a higher calorie snack for a delicious 90 calorie yoplait light. ♪ sorry... about your date, the details of your date. [ female announcer ] just one swap a day helps keep the calories away. yoplait. it is so good.
8:28 am
is more fun than ever. sees better than ever. ♪ charges faster.
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and will charge. cool. and heat. from your phone. fact: leaf never needs gas. ever. good for the world. built in america. now, leaf's an easier choice than ever. ♪ shop at ♪ thousands are expected forex the funeral of george jones.
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he died last week. w he was 81 years old. >> and you're right. in country music, he's a legend. a true legend. tru >> you don't have to know k country music to know george jones. it's 8:30 now. tucker barnes is with us withs more on today's forecast. >> were you confused about my name? >> did i sound like it? >> let's see like you weren't confident in my last name. >> i may have had a momentary lapse. >> it is barnes, isn't it? >> a little cloud cover to start your morning. it's cool outside but by later this afternoon we should be mostly sunny, bright and and beautiful once again with highs about 70. >> who can complain? >> no one can complain. com actually, you know who could complain? your early morning staff. they thought it was a little l chilly this morning. >> sarah and wisdom. >> i tried to explain it was going to be like that. >> thank you. >> you take care of it. i let's do temperatures.ratu reagan national is 50. 58 at reagan national.
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leonard town, 54 in salisbury. good morning, salisbury. s 50 the winning number in the mountains. winchester, martins burg. it should turn into beautiful day. we do have a bit of cloud coverc here in washington, points souts and east. that fog and low clouds are soro of made a comeback appearance early this morning. we should see more and moree an sunshine built in for the day. y it should be another nice one. high pressure keeps things nicen and quiet. q definitely a dry day. we'll burn the clouds offment mostly sunny afternoon. that area of cloudiness willl retreat and that will give us a better chance of clouds around tomorrow. we'll probably be partly sunny s tomorrow afternoon.rrow still a high temperature get up near 70 and we're looking at a great weekend. could be better as we get into the first full weekend of may. m 71, sunshine. s a beautiful afternoon. winds out of the east at 5 to enit. 50 tonight, clear skies, cool temperatures. close to perfect. the perfect weather continues c for your weekend, saturday, sunday. 70s,ratures in the low very, very comfortable. could be some shower activity
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early next week. i think it probably gets in herh late monday or tuesday with some storminess moving in from the west. that's weather. allyson and tony, back to the desk. tucker.ight, thank you very much. you'll want to take a look at this. we'll talk about something thati is lighting up the blog sphere today, an on line ad for mountain dew that many say is horribly racist. >> you can see the ad is playing over our shoulders here. it shows a white woman who has been battered, brought int in tn pick out a suspect. one of the suspects is a goat, a talking goat that mountain due u has featured in a few other adsr the goat is standing among several black men. >> it's not just the visuals. we'll listen to a bit of the ad. >> i don't think i can do this. >> it's easy. just point to him. >> he's wearing the do rag. >> snitches get stitches, boo. >> the one with the four legs.
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>> you thought you was going tot catch me.h keep your mouth shut. keep your mouth shut. i'm going to get out of here. >> besides being offensive, it's frightening. it's in no way -- i mean, i don't understand the thought behind this. you can hear the goat talking about snitching which we know is a serious issue when it comes to police being able to run down d leads and solve real cases out there. the add came out of a partnership between pepsi and a rapper known as tyler the rapper. the ad is called arguably they h most racist commercial in history, in television or not television, but in ad history. >> wow. w that's saying something. >> on several different fronts. >> first of all, hav you have a woman who has clearly been beaten up, run over, something. that's not funny. >> no. >> and then the goat and all black suspects there and the
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whole way it's talking.ay >> the vernacular, and then the whole point of what he was saying was snitches get stitchet which is a whole culturalultu movement. >> here's the thing that i never understand about this type of thing when it happens. an advertisement, anything like that, that goes through a lot of people. a lot of people work on it, on shoot it, and even if it goesoes through all of that, there is i always one final meeting where look and say all right, we we approve it. you'll have a hard time finding it now. it's being pulled. >>eing it's unfortunate. let's switch gears. talk about something that's great, okay. if you have kids, you know that those clothes that you buy can n basically make you bankrupt ift you buy them all top notch, go, and get them first run, right? they've grown out of them like t two days after you get them. the they're no in style any more. that's a problem. a >> once they're used, you're use
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done with them. sometimes you donate them, maybe have a yard sale. could you get a bigger return? when should you consider taking those clothes to a consignment c shop? >> still ahead this hour, we geg some really cute advice. we're going to take a look at a variety of clothing to figure fg out what to sell and what too pitch as in throw it away and aw maybe a yard sale o. we'll talk with some co owners of a consignment store that caters to kids. we'll be right back. 
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8:38. it's thursday morning.y mo dc is gearing up for the capitol's first playoff game. >> the caps have been itching for their next faceoff since thf end ofac the regular season on a saturday. >> the puck will drop on their seven-game series with the new york rangers tonight at 7:30.
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tucker is hanging out with some serious caps fans that came bacc to visit us now that the capshat are headed to the playoffs. wallet whitma walt whitman g art festival.t this is the 50th year of the festival. show cases students' visualdent arts, the designs, also there'st music, theater, there's, you know, some little the at theatrl snippets. it started yesterday and it goes on today. it's their 50th year. thousands come through. it's 6 to 9 tonight at whitman high school in bethesda. the community is inboun invitede out and support these young people. the kind of cool thing is it's art teachers and alumni that arr also invited back and the
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students and they cancel theirlh art. it's really an art show, too, you can buy some arch art. -- some original art, affordabl affordal original art. 8:40 on this thursdayhurs morning. coming up, remembering john f. f kennedy nearly 50 years after a his assassination. >> fo beal we'll take you insidw exhibits at the museum that honor the former president'sdent life and legacy.acy. holly, good morning. >> good morning to you.morn if you're going to talk about history, significant historyigni like we're standing here now, you might as well do it with someone who really knows all about it, someone that coveredne all of it. >> someone old. >> distinguished is the word that i would like to use. >> veterans journalist joining us live this morning. he'll talk to us about creating cam lot and more. it's all next on fox 5 morning news. you won't want to miss it. bring your dog to work day. not our best idea.
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holly is at the newseum thiw morning. >> it's a special morning indeed. this year marks the 50th anniversary of the assassination of jfk. the newseum has two new exhibitw and a documentary as well. the exhibit we're in is called creating cam lot. we have the pleasure of talkingl about is with veteran journalist nick clooney. he's also the distinguished
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journalist in residence att american university. >> that's entirely too much to o put on the ki ron. i didn't see this on your resumé. it kind of left off. this is my news anchor right here because i grew up in cincinnati, ohio, and i grew upp watching you at wkrc, and you know what?kn you are a big part of the inspiration as to why i am i in this field. >> how wonderful. won that's one good thing we can put on my record. >> one of the things to realize is when you're covering news events, the realization that the history that you're a part of, you're telling me in terms of of covering jfk, there's a momentet where you were like this is a game-changer. >> exactly.xact hayed beei had been fortunate eo see him at one of those campaign events at lexington, kentucky, n place you know well. after that you sort of had a a feeling that there was something
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special happening here, and soma of it was superficial. it was the look and the kind ofo the accent, very exotic. e then it became much more substantive, and you started to see the au speech about peace. peace is an efemeral concept. it's hard to talk about. he said we had to have peace or we might die as a nation.ati we had to be aggressively muscularly peaceful. we had to find a way to do that. that was new to me. me. then w when we found on that moment on the 22nd of november v getting rid to ri ready to rip o i could do the newscast. n it rang like never before. b i thought the machine wasas broken. instead, it was us that were wer broken. we didn't know that for a while. it was an iconic moment wheremoe the ground shifted under our ou
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feet. interestingly last night, i was with, to drop a name, you know, the great nbc anchor forever, you know. he came -- he was at the same moment in his life. he was leaning over a upi machine and the thing was ringing at the same moment it was happening to me in lexington kentucky and to so many people. at that same instant, the ground shifted. everything changed. >> when you walkeryt amongst the pictures, does it make you you realize what an amazing life that you've had and the things that you've seen?e >> oh, i've been lucky as heck.h my goodness, i've been fired fi more times than i've been hired. in the midst of all of that, it, would not have chosen anythingyi else. it's so wonderful to be able toa be a small, tiny part, just a vovoyeur of what's going on.
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i covered dwight david eisenhower as an 18-year-old 1 worther in delaware.e. gee. how did i get so lucky? >> how did i get so will you canny to have thiyouyolucky tohs morning? this is the opening of one of your favorites. >> why this is favorite, becausc it humanizes this almost hollywood couple.ho you look upll here and see howee beautiful they are all and how w arresting they ar all are. you look down there and the babb girl is eating the pearls. p you look a little fort down andd you see she's holding the baby bottle, and all of a sudden you say wait a minute, these are people who actually get up and have to take care of their kids. >> they're moms and dads, too. >> thank you so much for your time. i really appreciate it.ate >> great to be with you. >> it was great to be with you. >> wish you well. >> thank you. we have a link to the new seum.
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we've got more fox 5 morning 5 news when we come back. stay with us. [ male announcer ] fact: the 100% electric nissan leaf...
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>> welcome back. if you're looking to save money and who isn't or unload some off the baby clothes or m maternity clothes you don't need any more, consignment may be an option. this store is filled with ne ner gently used clothes. c the owner of 529 is here. nice to see you. y we'll come over to you in a a second.nd first, i'll check in with you,ou megan, and ask what is consignment worthy? how c do you know when you're looking in your closet if you should try to go into the consignment world or if you should just go into your front yarpd and put things out for 255 cents. >> well, first and foremost, for definitely the better brands sell. you can make more money off of them.em. we love carter's, old navy, h and m for our children.hi however, you can't make a ton of
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money off it.t. we can't compete with their wonderful prices. >> gotcha. >> raffl ralph lauren, hannah anderson sell really well in the store. that's the first thing. the second thing, you need to ne look at the wear and tear. no stains. s we can't take anything with stains.. pilling, that type of thing. so brand and then how it looks, how much did you wash it? how well did it hold up. i would take this kind of stuff and sell it at a yard sale. it's great, but you won't makee any money off it consigning it.g >> let me just say. this takes me back. i love this. >> we sell that very well. v >> it's really, really cute. my question is when you come inm and you have to have an an appointment, right?intm >> yes. >> you bring your things. you have to be probably pretty e tough sometimes. >> we do. >> everybody thinks theirhink clothes are like the best clothes ever. >> we also recommend you go over
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your clothes with a fine toothot comb. you have to have a good eye. bring it in.g it we have a 50 item maximum because it does take time. t bedwe go through it with you and sort of pick and choose. our eyes are trained to see the staibs and to see the sort of wear and tear. >> it's not personal when you gn in. >> no, it's not personal. it's what's going to sell. we want the consignors to make money. >> first, i have to come over oe and say good morning.y you havego some real styles. these are kids that are all fashioned by consignment con clothes, right?cl >> 529 kids consigned. ethan is wearing a shirt that normally retails for $40. at our store you can get it for $16.99. this here is ben. >> hi, ben. >> hi. >> and he's wearing a polo shirt, ralph lauren, and it
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would normally retail tail foror 40 again. we sell it for 16.99. he's wearing a belt fashioned by little shoe which we sell in our store and some cargo shorts by baby gap. >> you feel pretty cute? he's a humble guy. i like that. hello, beautiful girl. what does she have on today? >> sophie is wearing a shirt and skirt, and it kind of gives her that bohemian look. >> how do you feel in that? feel cute in that? you should. it normally retails for $50. we sell it for $19.99. >> ava. hi, ava. >> hi. >> ava is wearing a dress by beetle juice london that would sell normally for 50, and we we sell it for 19.99. >> they're baby clothes, toddler, young kids. >> this is little oka caden. he's wearing olive juice, a romneromper.mper
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dad, good morning. >> good morning. mor thanks for coming in with the fashions. i just want to finish with a f little bit of business and say a you can make money this way as opposed to a thrift store sto option, right? >> absolutely. consigning is the way to go. >> how does that work as far asa just the money that you would get back, say, on an item that a you brought in like a poloolo shirt. >> we do a 60-40 split. at the end of your consignment n period, you get 40%. it adds up. u it adds up. it really does. >> there's a big fashion show and event to celebrate yourte first birthday, right, birthday bash. it's tomorrow, friday, may 3rd. 10:30 to noon at the store in alex andrea. we'll be back. thanks, mom. >> thanks for having us. >> i love it. 
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god thursday morning. a disturbing discovery. was a mclean home owned by a foreign country a site of human trafficking? what authorities found inside iu a live report.nd archaeologists dig up a grisly story. s why they now say the small colony turned cannibalism 40000 years ago. >> on a lighter note, you spendu hours working to make your you garden pretty, so why not lure in some beautiful creatures toet help you take care of it? derek is here with tips to bring birds, butter flies, and bees ts your space. do we want bees? >> they help, though. it's a whole cycle. later, some special stars s are hitting the red carpet at fox 5. >> yeah! this


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