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tv   Fox Morning News  FOX  May 24, 2013 9:00am-10:00am EDT

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we go to tucker barnes. he will tell us what is going on with the precipitation to the te east. >> rain showers across its area. not nearly as heavy as it was last night. we had severe weather moving m through for a time last night. it's not a great look friday. we have a lot of clouds around with a threat for showers. you can see the area gettingar light showers, particularly having a band set up here to the south and east. southeast d.c. into the air the force base. a good steady light rain at the moment.t. showers back towards gate gaithersburg and leesburg. 58 at reagan national.ati we're heading in the wrong wro direction this morning. 54 dulles looking at your forecast plenty of sunshine. cool for this time of year and f shower activity continues in the
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next couple of hours. winds out of the northwest 10-15. better this weekend. details in a few moments. back to you.back >> tucker begun thank you kindly. it should be an easier commute if you are driving to downtown d d.c. we're talking about the ongoing repairs to the massive sink hole at 14th and f street northwest. two lanes are open southbound. they say the complete repairse should be done by tuesday morning. >> aaa predicts 8 75,000 washingtonians will head out ofo town this weekend for thend f memorial day holiday. >> while gas prices are the same as last year it's still fewer than the number of travelers onr year ago. lauren demarco is doing traveling herself. she's across the bay bridge live on kent island.and it looks better now or no? >> i think it's moving past us. it's a little bit windy but thee skies are a little bit clearer heading toward us.
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goodad news. n driving across the bay bij right now. steady -- bridge right now. steady stream of traffic. you mentions the number 8 75,000 washingtonians expected to head out of town for memorial day. well, more than 360,000 of them are expected to head across thee bay bridge.bay so right now on the phone we've got mayor of ocean city. good morning to you, sir.o y >> good morning. one is hurricane sandy and the damage to the beaches in new i jersey aaa did a survey saying it was 8% of people from newm jersey that good to the beaches there are considering heading ha down to ocean city. are you expecting to see a strong busy summer? >> we are. >> we welcome the new jersey visitors we spend a lot of time advertising and promoting the area, so we have customers and people in that area. we welcome them to ocean city. we're expecting to have a big
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summer. we have all of our events ev planned and we think we'll have a great summer here. >> you'll have a busy day today, it sounds like. the fishing pier is back up and rebuilt. >> one of the best questions during sandy is the after mathah is what are you doing with the ocean city fishing pier? it was partially damaged duringg hurricane sandy.e s the franchise owner has been working diligently all winter long and promised he would have it ready for memorial day. he kept his promise. we'll be up there today. it's the last piece of the puzzle to put in place. as of 10:30 today we'll have a special ceremony, cut the ribbon and reopen the ocean city fishing pier and let everybody e know it's completely back in business. >> very symbol yisic. yis nice to hear. i -- very symbolic. i'm hoping the weather is
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better. tucker says it will be better for the weekend what is your favorite thing to do if it's not hot for the beach? >> i like to take a ride on the boardwalk. it's french french fries. a special memorial day tribute during the light shows for those who have given their lives for the country. that's why we celebrate memorial day. >> should be a fantastic weekend at the beach. thank you for joining thus morning. good luck with everything today and throughouter the weekend. >> thank you very much. have a great weekend. >> if you are heading out they are recommending you believee before 10:00 a.m., only a little time for that and after 10 p.m. other than peak make sure you have plenty of gas and ez pass.
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allison, tony.ny. >> president obama is in annapolis to give the commencement address for the add naval academy's graduation ceremony. >> is a live picture from the marine memorial stadium as the commencement procession is underway. the president is expected to give his speech in less than an hour. 1,000 mid shipmen are being commissioned as officers in either the navy or the marine corps. there won't be the traditionalol fly over by the blue angels a because of see -- sequestration cuts. the president gave address in 2009. special day. >> yes, it is. >> let's get you caught up on the other big news of the day. >> sarah is in the news room with the headlines. >> the holiday commute will be snarled in the pacific northwest after a bridge clipsed. the bridge in northwest
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washington or the skaget river came down. three people went to the hospital but they should be okay. engineers are looking intoo account that's a truck hit the e bridge causing the collapse. here at homo officials continued -- here at home, officials continue to investigate a parking garage collapse.lla one construction worker was killed and a second in critical condition.cond workers were on the second floof when a concrete plate waying 25 tons fell on top of them. >> witnesses were startled by the collapse. >> i got in my car and drove d behind as i went around i heard a loud sound. i stopped because it was pretty loud. to see what was going on. goi i didn't realize it was a parking garage that had collapsed. >> it took rescuers hours. the workers were in the garage at the time of accident but not
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hurt. the irs is on administrative leave. lois lerner was asked to resign but refused. the news comes day afters her appearance on capitol hill. she pled the fifth when asked questions. some members are upset she's's drawing a government pay check. they want her called back to the hill to testify. back to you. >> not sure what good that would do if she's taking the fifth bub we'll see. >> other news now, the boy scouts of america have lifted the longtime bag on openly gay members.mber >> but openly gay adults and and leaders are barred. supporters will push to get the ban on adults lifted while opponents want it to remain in place. some are threatening to defect if it stays in place. earlier this morning we got reaction from both sides of debate. >> any of adults of good moral
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character who wants to volunteer their time to help children c should be able to do so. there's no injection of sexuality into the boy scouts s because of this. it's just making them more inclusive. >> ironically the believe that the new policy is illegal call and incoherent. the bow scouts need to take a -- boy scouts need to take a position as to whether they believe homosexual conduct ist i consist went with the vow. previously the view on that was clear. now it's muddled.udd >> the new policy goes into effect on january 1. it could be years before a votea is taken on allowing gay adults and leaders in the boy scouts. >> trayvon martin's case is back in court today after george zimmerman's loves released -- lawyers released controversial
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images from his cell phone. >> two and a half weeks before e the trial, the defense is releasing some new information regarding trayvon martin. in the discovery pictures of trayvon martin's cell phone as well as text messages.essa photos show him riding a horse and smiling. but other pictures show the 17-year-old making an obscene gesture and a photo of a gun and various text messables he talks about -- messages. one talks about his mother interesting is a gun and letting him hold it. there's another picture of a plant that looks like it could be marijuana. text messages state, you smoke?e >> yeah do you?ou >> i talked to his attorney over the phone he said it's a desperate and pathetic attempt to pollute and sway the jury. he said any photos and videos ii court should be taken the day he died. he tells us the other pictures
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are irrelevant and in the add mitted to -- admitted to evidence. they say are they trying to prove he deserved to be killed b because of way he looked? if so it's stereo typical thinking and the same thinking h that caused george zimmerman too pursue a man he can't know who was unarmed. the trial is set for june 10. >> the nation's capital is set to honor fallen heros this weekend. >> we'll show you the scene at arlington national cemetery. yesterday soldiers from the third infan industry regimentimn placed flags on the grave sites. it's a memorial day traditionrai dating back to 1928.928. it took three hours to complete. the roar of rolling thunder wilr take part in the area. they take part honoring vietnam
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veterans. tonight rolling thunder organizers hold a candlelight vigil at the vet nam veterans -- vietnam memorial wall. it's a sight to be reckoned with. very powerful, very moving.ovin >> child custody cases are not always smooth.. there's fighting between parents. >> it's the subject of today's ask allison question. i'll get help answering. it can't do it judge alice does this live. it's 9:11. it's a friday morning and we'll be right back.
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♪ >> welcome back it's 9:15 it's
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time for ask allison. we're talkelling a -- tackling a tough subject. we get e-mails about child custody disputes. a woman in virginia wrote to me and said my boyfriend is seeking full commonwealth of his daughter. it seems the commonwealth won't do anything until a child is tragically hurt.agic what can we do to get people to understand this child needs to be removed from the situation she's in? probably a spition a lot of people can relate to i went to a judge to get a answer for the viewer who seems in tv joj alex joins us live from miami this morning takingg precious timeout from your busy schedule. we thank you so much this woman
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wrote on behalf of her boyfriend. she wrote a brie e-mail -- brief e-mail at first. fir she sent a well documented letter, something they spent top the authorities. it talks about drug abuse allegedly about the step father, neglect and the fact that a young cousin might be engaging in inappropriate touching with the child. where do you even start with this one?e? >> there's so so many issues wih this.this if there's allegations of childc abuse the first place to start is child protective services. they have a 24 hour hotline. i would call if there's allegations of drug use around the child and any type of sexuao touching i would call child protective services, file a police report and what they are investigating that afternoonss up. we hear horror stories about cps or department of children and
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families and other states this i don't really follow through and drop the ball. you want to hit both the police and cps to make sure thatt somebody is behind this. have a judge appointed guardian ad litem. in these case thriz a lot of people would like at this and say what is the odds of my child getting caught in child protective services or in a foster home for any amount of time? what is the reality here, the time from when you contact the authorities to going out and investigating it and maybe removing the child and do you
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run the risk of the child being without family? >> well, we do typically run the risk. if you are a viable option. the judge won't take a child and give it to a stranger. it will give it to a grandparent or aunt or somebody that is not usually the problem. i would make sure i hit all three fronts immediately. i would get in front of a judgee as quickly as the police and child protective services. you want that child out of that environment right away. they havenm a legal aid department. virginia has a legal aid department that they can the contact. if they qualify they providerovi them with free legal assistance to get this done. you can look up the virginia legal aid society online and try to get assistance there but it needs to be handled quickly because it's a dangerous situation. >> the father is looking to gett full custody. the feeling here is that the courts favor the moms regardless
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of the situation. what is the truth here? >> the truth is that you haveave judges who are very good judges who don't favor either a mother or a father and you have judges who shouldn't be judges who bring in personal biases and mam favor a mother or a father. i have seen both unfortunately and judges who lean one way or r the other because their ownwn personal views shouldn't be judges. but i don't think there's a blink et rule. it was many, many -- blanket rule. there was many, many years ago when there was a perception than a mother was more important than a father. i think judges lean that not ouo of personal desire because it was a right thinking. so i think you don't find it asa much anymore? >> judge alex, i appreciate ite so much. thank you so much for joining us. i'm hoping this viewer writes down all the web sites and gets help immediately. i appreciate you joining us. >> my pleasure. i'll give you the numbers off
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air if you want to pass them along. >> you can watch judge alex at t 2:00 p.m. on fox 5. 5 thank you so don't forget to send me your questions questions for ask allison. we do the segment right here. h head to and click on the morning tab. thanks again, judge alex. would you rather lose $1,000 or gain 20 pounds? >> i would rather lose $1,000. $ >> i think a lot of people would say that. it's a question people would ask in a health survey. >> the best sunscreens are not the most expensive. we'll see the top ones that hele you save this summer while staying sun smart. holly, good morning. >> we're live at dominioninio virginia power in herndon. we're talking about storms and all of us have been watching the coverage of the dpef station that happened -- devastation that happened in oklahoma. many are thinking i would like to help. there's a way to help thehe children specifically. s
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it's a teddy bear drive going on in our area. the importance of it and how to get involved next. i.
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♪ >> i love it. >> you love their music and this kind of music. >> never would i turn away from them on the radio. >> ambrosia is in studio. they'll perform live tonight. >> real musicians sitting there jamming. >> i like that. i like that. i >> we'll tewki them in a little -- talk to them in an a little bit. >> an unbelievable scam in new jersey. 29 restaurants are accused of selling low price liquor to customers who thought they were getting premium brands.nds. >> we have heard of that beforeo but in a few cases customers
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weren't drinking alcohol at all. the new jersey attorney general describeds a drink of containing river water and another was rubbing alcohol with food coloring. 13 were tgi fridays. each restaurant could have the license suspended or revoked. it's a sign some things have more value than money. >> a survey asked would you rather lose $1,000 or gain 20 pounds of weight. researchers found 56% of americans would rather lose the money while 35% would pack on the pounds. p they choose to keep the money not just gain weight. women are more likely to prefer to lose the cash than men by a margin of 63% to 48%. the more money people make, the more likely they would agree to lose $1,000. that's fair just in time for the memorial day weekend and summer months ahead. >> consumer reports is weighingw
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in the on the best sunscreensunc for the money. 12 products were reviewdz. they looked at the accuracy, uvb and uva protection, scent and cheaper brands from target and wal mart fared the best.est. up and up sport which sells forf under $7 at target. equate ultra protection came inn second and goes for less than $8. there are the others on the list. >> all right. >> not just the beach and barbecues this holiday weekend.e >> car racing takes center including the coca-cola 600 on sunday. we'll talk about legendary driver and fox analysts next. >> we'll check back in with holly. she's spending the morning with dominion power. she's sharing great advice on staying safe in spring and summer weather. ♪
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♪ >> i don't know how fast you are traveling over the bay bridge to get the beach. traffic slowing down already. however, you want fast cars? rev up your engine it's a bigig weekend in motor sports. fox's coca-cola 6300 is -- 600 is going down sunday. it's the most watched motoroto sports event for this time of year for more we turn to fox experts. good to have you on the show again, thanks for being here. >> we're not experts. >> if you are not experts wee don't know who be. >> we don't either.her. >> daryl won this race five times. tell us what is so special aboub the coca-cola 600. >> you know, we have our --
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every sport has what they call a crown jewel. this is one of them. day tonea, darlington, charlotte. they are considered crowned c jeweled through the history of sport. it's 600 miles. you break it down to three parts. this thing in the in afternoon when the sun is still out. track is hot and slick. carscars are hard to handle. we broke the track record last night at 195 plus miles per hour. going to the corner at 200 miles per hour. the car likes to move around until the sun goes down and when it goes down and the cars grip the track better and they get the job done. d you start off early with thehe cars a little slipping and sliding but by the end of the night they are digging and and setting record speeds all night long. fun to watch. sights and sounds we do it better than anybody.dy. >> absolutely right. here is why you are experts just in what you said there you
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taught me stuff about how it changes into the nighttime hours the jimmie johnson is the point leader right is he one of favorites in this race? >> definitely. he won an all star race saturdas night at the same track.rac there's a lot of guys you have to beat in order to win this race. i look at kasey kahne. he has won three coca-cola 600s. he will be strong. dale earnhardt, jr., his team along with jimmie johnson will be fast sunday night. what i love most is that they have danica patrick in the field. she had a strong run yesterday. she qualified 26. she could be a player on sundayn night and maybe get a top ten finish. she has won already this year. the personalities and the fun that the drivers are having ha going to the track record speeds it's amazing. they get out of car shaking it'' the most fun i've ever had. i'm thinking i'm glad i don't't
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have to do that at charlotterlot motor speedway.y. >> in fox we have the in-car cameras not only do you see how fast they are going but youou watch the guys in the car driving them. the intensity of the ice, the focus it takes, the concentration. the effort, it's something you can't get in other -- any other sport. we have incredible sounds.e s the engig is turning -- engine is turning 200 miles per hour. it's as exciting as it gets. sunday night on fox. us guys and you. >> very good, gentlemen, i know you have to go. we'll let you go.o. i want michael to know i'll mention the feed the children logo. i know you have to move on. >> thanks for doing that, too. michael's team is carrying a a feed the children logo on the roof of their cars as they drive
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in the race. they are losing money in oklahoma. a lot of nascar efforts in oklahoma. that's the feed the children logo is all about for supportins relief effort there' >> good effort. >> he mentioned steely driving focus. i see it every day on the beltway. >> sure do. >> it's huge, right. >> everybody. everybody is serious about it. most people not as focused as they should be.they >> that sellment on monday -- segment on monday.n >> what do you have for us. >> rain showers at the moment. today is not the pick of the weekend. i know they'll start early. frad you'llly we'll see sunshine
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later today. temperatures it's gotten cool. o over night temperatures headed down.wn. cooler air filtering in. 61 in leonardtown. 60 in annapolis. low 50s north and west. 62 this morning in hagerstown. winds out of the north and west. just in time up until 25. 2 it's a breezy, cool friday for you. 18 current winds in washington.w 20 in gaithersburg, 20 in winchester. cool temperatures here. a cool weekend. temperatures unseasonably cool. sunny and bright saturday and sunday and a nice warming trendt on monday. there are the showers. we continue to deal with showers. back edge of the funnel system, back edge of energy rolling rol through as we speak. gradually seeing improving conditions around here for the weekend. here is the weekend forecast. it's all about high pressure.
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we have plenty of clear skies saturday, sunday and monday. we'll be cool and breezy tomorrow with temperatures expected to top out near 70 and warming towm mid -- warming up to mid 70s sunday and monday. cool tomorrow, maybe rain showers, 70 tomorrow as we get to sunday and monday we'll warml it up to the mid 70s for your memorial day. all right. prepare for a potentially wet summer. noaa came out yesterday. expecting a very active seasones this year.this this is what they are expecting calling for 13-20 named storms and forecasters with the agency believe 3-6 of them will become major hurricanes. hur last time we got hit by a major eric is going to 2005 -- hurricane is going back to 2005. it was wilma. it begins june 1 and runss through the end of november and just looking at the tropical basis this morning.
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nothing happening at this hour. keeping our fingers crossed we'll keep things guy let summer. that's the latest for the weatherat department. we'll send it back to you and allison. holly is on top of summer weather safety this american. american -- safety this morning. >> good morning to you.rnin we've been talking about the weather because it seems likesem it's been in the news a lot lately. we had storms coming through last night. tucker talked about the hurricane season forecast it's expected to be active and we're watching coverage of tornadoes in oklahoma. a lot of times when you see stuff like that on the news with many people you want to do something to help but you are not sure how to go about it. there's something going on in the area specifically to help hl the kids in oklahoma. kelly with 94 .7 fresh a&m she joins >> i got an e-mail from tommy
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talking about it. i was like you know what -- talt to me a little bit about how and why you decided to do something. >> i think like everyone we werr trying to figure out a way to get involved. we contacted our friends over at family magazine. the publisher is from moore, moo oklahoma. she and i and tommy decided to do something for the kids who lost everything. you know that special comfort item that is so important to kids. we came up with a teddy bearar drive and we're just amazed by the response of the community c that helped us get involved, not only people giving teddy bears but the drop off locations everywhere. >> exactly how does it work? how can people donate.ate >> any stuffed animal new. it's a teddy bear drive but any stuffed animal as long as its
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new will work. the any ups drop off is a center you can go to. >> we'll have a link on our web site as well. i want people to understand. it needs to be new. n there is a lot of them well loved but we want new ones to send to the kids. k and when they need them to get to the drop off point by. >> we're hoping to do it byby close of business monday. >> ups is on the ground gettingg them to the shelters to the families. >> they've been inundated.ate >> it makes you smile. it's a great opportunity to talk to kids about what is going on. >> it reassures us the world isi a good place and we really do help each other. there are other people helping us specifically with this. thi they help all the time. melissa joins us this morn. this just was so timely because your organization was like wewas
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need to do they were doing something. we were able to bring you all a together and here we are. tell us about cold closet. >> it's a local nonprofit and our main thing is to collect toys to donate for the local hospitals for children who are hospitalized.ho we have outreach programs toams help families and support the children who are hospitalized. this donation is from you all. >> yes, the teddy bears are from us. >> you had these in the warehouse because he had h donations coming. in we had more that we would be able to drp off this weekend. w >> you just brought your teddy bears not knowing that the opportunity was even greater to bring you see people giving all the time to help children things like this. something as little as a stuffeu animal you >> it makes a huge difference to see the smile on a kids face when you hand them a toy. especially when they lost everything in the tragedy like a
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tornado. >> thank you all for doing this drive and i'm going to go headad and say thank you to you in advance. i know you are looking for a teddy bear or stuffed animal to donate to the drive. is our web site. dominion virginia power is a big supporter of cold closet. clo they helped me this morning getting important information about being prepared for the storm. lots of good stuff this morningm back to y'all in the studio. >> thanks, holly. dozing off on live tv now it's morgan freeman. f >> he denies it. i found out what he says is going on. >> he's getting up there.he so check it out. ambrosia is here. ♪ there's one of them. ♪ ♪ i keep holding on how about that? tha big hits from the 70s and 80s. they are still together andher
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still rocking out. a performance still ahead. it's 9:42.
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>> another young one gone atry. actress is amanda bynes cannot seem to stay out of trouble. >> police were called to her apartment about somebody smoking mar juan. they say she threw a bong out the window when they got there. she was charged with reckless endangerment and smoking marijuana. >> we know how hard it can be to wake up early because we know about this job.t t >> apparently someone did not warn actor morgan freeman. the 75-year-old actor apparently fell asleep in the middle of aoa tv interview with q13 fox news n on wednesday. he was promoting -- he's asleep. >> and he's up. >> he was promoting the new movie now you see me with
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michael caine. he sent a statement saying quote "i wasn't actually sleeping i'm a beta tester for google eyelids. i was updating my facebook page." >> they do a lot of those and it's very early. time difference and all of that. >> still ahead, they are no strangers to the >> theer rock band ambrosia is here with us to perform one of their biggest hits.. you don't want to miss that. we'll be back after this.
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>> wow ambrosia burst on the
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scene -- sorry i'm all up on you. [ laughter ] >> we're thrilled to have you. let's starts here on the end and introduce yourself. >> joe, original member of the band ambrosia. s that me. [laughter] >> my name is reggie calvin i'mm the newest member. >> i'm bernie an original member. >> welcome, welcome. this was the soundtrack of formative years for me and it ad was always mellow. m it's just that ambrosia. a mix of a whole bunch of good music. tell me about the early days and how you celebrated 30 years in 2000 so you've been doing it a long time.lo >> a little time, yeah but to us it's still as exciting as it ever was. we're having a great time playing. we have elements in the musicn from the r&b-ish stuff that were
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the hits to progressive stuff. we have a cover of the beatlesls song magical history tour, so we have a big mix of songs.s. >> i you mentioned progressive. that's one of the interesting things. you rattled off the big hits hit hold on to yesterday, biggestges part of me, you're the only woman and you are labeled but the start was progressive record. >> hard rock. >> hard rock. how did it get from that to the soul? >> well, i think it's the song writing. we've always been influenced byy a lot of different musical -- the beatles, motown and all the great r&b music. it was always in us. we grew up playing clubs. we were influenced a lot. we incorporated that to the t sound and gradually of this musical influences came out in our own writing.
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we didn't know when to say we didn't do. this if it was a big song like how much i feel it's -- it was a hit as well as a progressive tune we wrote it with kurt vonne dwrks -- vonnegat, jr. it was ws big for us. >> let him talk. [laughter] >> i owe could ramble on for hours. >> you are playing tonight in leesburg at tally ho >> 8:00 tonight. >> yes.>> y >> i read the tickets are still available. >> okay. o >> what are you going to do forr us now? >> ther e is the three-time thr grammy nominated biggert part of me -- biggest part of me. >> i heard you doing the that.t >> we never did that before.ore. >> take it away. >> ambrosia.
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>> biggest part of me. >> all right.>> ♪ ♪
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♪ noalt. ♪ ♪
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♪ >> there's a live view of the cressa peek bay -- chesapeake bay there's traffic this morning.
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>> just singing. clouds and rain showers. >> what? >> i don't know. [ laughter ] go head. >> saturday and sunday. mid 70s on monday afternoon. aft >> good memorial day.ial we want to thank dj cord, man, it was great this morning. [cheers and applause] >>[c yes and -- >> and ambrosia. >> you sound great. >> have a great weekend. see you monday. ♪ ♪  >> announcer: it's time for "the wendy williams


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