tv Fox Morning News FOX July 15, 2013 9:00am-10:00am EDT
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week is the -- tucker, this week with the heatwave, and the stench. >> i know, the hot temperatures are going to stay with us starting in the afternoon. afte the mid-90s, and prepare accordingly, make sure you haveu a lot of water and air-conditioning is in good work order. this heat will get dangerous later this week. yesterday we had a hit highhi temperature of 89, and today low to mid-90s, you mix the heat index and it's going to feel like 100-plus for the next few afternoons. dulles 82 degrees, overnight, lows were in the mid-70s,mid-70 looking at at satellite-radar, a here is the outside of the the forecast, nice and quiet, not expecting thunderstorm activityo in fact, plenty of blue sky he has, i don't know if you were watching, holly's shot, it's beautiful outside. bright, sunny day, make sure you have plenty of water as the temperatures are going to remain
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hot, not only during the afternoon, but later today, we are fall back into the upper 70s, with the heat starting to build, we will be in the mid-to upper 90s by wednesday andesday thursday, i will have more details on that in just a minute. sarah, back to you. tuckers, thank you, ralliesl have been held, from new york to l.a. demonstrators vowed that tt their fight is not over. even with the not git guiltyty verdict, the court could held zimmerman accountable for in a civil rights suit. thank you for coming in. in. we appreciate it. >> thanks for having me. >> what an active weekend, you know, with the decision coming down. when we look at this, we realizz that, okay, was he was found not guilty on murder charges, but bt mamanslaughter was an option as well. i think some people were surprised that it came back thee way it did, not guilty acrossily the board.e what do you think this meant fot the prosecution. was there anything wrong withong
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their case or were they stuckey with what they had? >> it was a tough case from the prosecution, from the beginning. i office the show, and i had a bad feeling that i would be back today having this conversation about this not guilty verdict.t. the government never had a reliable witness that said said george zimmerman did xy and z. the best witness was zimmerman. he didn't take the stand, but he didn't have to, because the the defense put his statement on thn direct case. the only other best witness was trayvon martin, and he wasn'twan there. it was a tough case from the beginning. you can tell that the jury tried to look closely at manslaughters but they couldn't agree on that issue. and in the end, the government e had not proved their case beyond all reasonable doubt, and theyan were not going it to hold zimmerman legall legalzimmezimmp
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for his conduct that night.ght. they are pushing a civil rights lawsuit. is this ditch coming out of this verdict -- this different coming out of case, do you think they y should a chance. ch >> it will be tough, but there's enormous political pressure. someone has to be held responsible for the loss of this 17-year-old. right now no one is responsible. the criminal civil rightsts division, the justice departmene will look at it. there's an fbi report that found that no racial animus was found out there. they might bring a action saying that george zimmerman violated the sighfu civil rights of trayn martin. look for the legal action of the parents against george it's the ppped, whic preponderae evidence, zimmerman will have to
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testify, and there will be witnesses, the same witnesses will be there. all they have to do is prove that on a civil matter thatat zimmerman was civilly responsible, called civil justice, look for that to come down the pike. >> we will look at that. >> in meant time what is lifelike for zimmerman, he is a free man. is he protected now? is he just going into hiding, what does this man do now? >> i think it was tough for him before the verdict, i think it's going to be tough for him afterm the verdict.rdict. he had 24 hour bodyguard protection as he left the courtroom, when he was out with the court monitoring and stuff. i think it's going to be tough,, because people have such high emotions, it's not drawn against racial lines across the board, because it's ouched so many touy people emotionally. this matter isn't over. there's got to be justification and reconciliation of this dead
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17-year-old, and look for more e lilitigation. >> i'm sure you will be here to help break it down. it's a story, that scott bol den with at managing partner. there are more secrets from former nsa contractor edward snowden this morning.this mo the journalist with the guardian newspaper who first broke the e leak says snowden has countless documents of how the nsa operates. the thousands of documents showw a basic instruction manual for having nsa work. snowden made his first public appearance on friday meeting me with russian officials at a moscow airport.ort. he is still believed to be seeking asylum in a latin american country.untr the private accused of leaking millions of documents to wikileak, wants him acquitted of
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some the charges. the judge is hearing those arguments this afternoon. manning's attorney will ask the judge to dismiss the most serious charges of aiding the benefit and six other lesser charges. a man acting suspiciously in front of the the secretary john certify re'johnkerry. he was arrested for having an open container of alcohol, but a consideakerakerry, spokesman sai pellet gun was found in his possession. the washington post isgt reporting that fairfax delegate scott sorovel wants the governor force you had out if he doesn'to step down by the end of thef th week. he is the third virginia lienalg lalegislator to ask him to step
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down. state law requires the disclosure of any gift valued a moreva than $50, but gifts to family members are exempt. the government staff ibs siftss that he has done nothing wrong. nearly two years after anr n outcry of arsenic in apple show, touched off about a segment inen the dr. oz show. the fda is proposing new limitss on an acceptable level. we're joined this morning by dr. oz, good morning to you. too good to see you. >> good morning. >> it's been nearly two years. r you talked about it on the show and then the government lookedrt into it and now a new ruling. first of all let's start with sr the problem and what you brought to light a couple of years ago? >> well, years ago we got our apple juice sourced from usa appeaapples, they took out somee pesticides in the arsenic in it. and everybody thought we were in good shape.
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but most of the apples come from overseas, and we don't have controls over the arsenic levels in those products, and it made it uncomfortable because it seemed it was pretty high. we our own study and it seemed like a big debate.bate. i'm proud today because of the fda came back with a decision, they were going to limit thet amount of arsenic allowed in juices, especially apple juicepe which is a popular product among kids. it shows that the systems work, and grocery store are safer because we are confident that the product sold there has left arsenic. arsenic, can cause cancer, and harden aring of thing of the ar. >> when i thought about this, i thought it was a poison, something that could hurt people. >> it was a poison. it was used to kill napoleon bonaparte, it's been a toxinxin
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that has been around for several million inia.mill there's a little bit of arsenic, and the epa has limited theted amount that is available to folks through the municipal water supply. part of the reason i felt so passionate about these topic is that i didn't think that the mothers in america want to pay money to buy a product that hadd more arsenic than your tap water has. >> i could spend a whole half an hour and asking you why we need it. >> we don't need arsenic, we don't want to have arsenic butsc it's naturally present. it doesn't alarm them, and you can believe your lives normally with no real risks with asker in this case levels the amounts ou that have been indicated by the fda, and the epa. we have seen other countries, fighting the government. in our country we're allowed to speak up about things we're'r worried about, and the the government does listen.
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the fda took them two years tos do their homework, but what they offered is a reasonable option.p >> we appreciate your had a hard work, dr. oz and the show every day. thank you, and we will see you next time. >> take care. still head at 9:00, more fallout from the cost-cutting federal fu furloughs,. plus bush gardens comes to us live and we look at the birds of prey. >> what are you looking at, sir? >> they're live in our studio. >> seriously, i'm being hypnotiesed. mom?
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and annie is here to give us the scoop. busch gardens is coming upup with something bigger and better, and families looking for a fun adventure this summersuer should head out to the park. joining me to talk more about mo the new exhibit is jay casey, the zoological manager. >> gom. >> and you brought alongong exciting guests this morning. but i have a grippe you didn't bring greer this year. >> you remember his name. >> of course, i remember greer, greer is the star. >> he is the star, in fact he is one. stars of the new exhibits at busch gardens. gde you got to expense him, there's nothing like having a bird of prey. it's awn believable experience.e >> it's awn believely har hard u train these birds to do that. >> i wish i could say we're
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great trainers, but it has gone on for thousands of this is an -- he is so cute. >> he is.>> h >> this is the smal smallest spc of falcons, and he is a male. this is one of several birds of prey. >> we have about 10 birds, itrd, vary reese frovaries from day d. it's offered one time a day. it's incredible experience, we get to go through eagles and talk about the traditional falcon re. re >> that is true.>> >> i t bet the kids face light p whenever you bring out the birds. >> this is an owfl. >> this is a species around the world.rl this is pick wick, eastern screech towels come in three color faces, this is a red color
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face, if you can tell by their size, their prey is much smaller than typical owls, they prey on small insects all the way up to small birds and mice, of course. >> you just get lost in their eyes. >> yeah. >> just a piercing sight, you know. >> when i was a little kid, my parents used to take me to busch gardens all the time, and wasn't things is that you get an educational lesson out of it. what are the other things do yoo have going on there this summer. >>it's a great time for families to come. we're in the let's get a family time.ti we are offering a flex ticket where you can purchase a $90 which will get you into the water park, and the busch gardens for seven consecutive says for $90. if you purchase it online, you can etget a rebate on that?
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and busch gardens is one of the areas we can make a great vacation out of, because of the great restaurants, and areas.ea. >> this is bob. >> he is from the american southwest, south mexico and south america, they are known as the wolves of the air. they hunt in packs. they're only one of two birds that do so. so. because they hunt larger items,, like jack rob bits, the hawks wk will send in one bird to flush out the rabbit where the other bird will overtake them. >> that's interesting, they hav a hunting technique down. >> i want to mention that toursr are offered daily at this is a price of $22 plus admission, put this is pretty neat. the busch gardens donate $2 of every ticket to conservationnsei fund. >> absolutely, bush gardensh gar benefits from everybody's participation, and that benefits, animals, and habitats all around the world. >> and bob says thank you. >> and bob says thank you.
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>> thank you very much, we will link all the information to ourr website at fo back to you, allison and sarah.a >> so regal. >> they are so pretty. >> ithank you annie. >> an all-star preview. >> more on the of lineup of tomorrow's mid summer classic. >> we got to keep the names of the all-star team many straightt too. it's going to be a star studded affair for the mid summer classic. bryce harper of the nats and the chris davis of the o's and we will catch up with the guys calling out the gay. fox 5 morning news continues. what makes a sleep number store different?
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you walk into a conventional mattress store, it's really not about you. they say, "well, if you wanted a firm bed you can lie on one of those. if you want a soft bed you can lie on one of those." we provide the exact individualization that your body needs. this is your body there. you can see a little more pressure in the shoulders and in the hips. the magic of this bed is that you're sleeping on something that conforms to your individual shape. oh wow, that feels really good. it's hugging my body. you get that moment where you go, "oh yeah"... oh, yeah! ...and it's perfect. they had no idea that when they came to a sleep number store, we were going to diagnose their problems and help them sleep better. once you experience it, there's no going back. don't invest in a mattress until you find your sleep number setting. and don't miss the final days of our summer closeout, for the biggest savings on all sleep number memory foam and iseries bed sets. only at one of our over 400 sleep number stores nationwide, where queen mattresses start at just $699.
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getting an overhaul. over out to the bryce harper, will head to tuesday's game at new york city field. the team has called more all-star games together than any other broadcasting duo. tim mccart inner from new york. how are you. >> i'm fine, dave, how are you doing. >> we got to ask you about bryce harper, 20 years old, two all-star appearances, when you u watch a guy like bryce play, iss there anybody that he remind you of? >> in, no i don't think so.. i'm not to talk about youngt players who reminds me of somebody else. somebody says harks he remind me of willy mays, primarily, a guy like willy mays, who has had a fa piewl youfabulous career, buo
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not necessary to the player because it puts unneeded heat od the guy. i can't think of any major league player at any position that reminds me of bryce harper. he is on to himself. he is a very aggressive player, very talented, and loves the game, loves the intense to the eastin game. i think it would help him and a lost times that happens as players age, you back off a little bit. >> sure. >> because going as strong as strongly as pryce harpe pryingsr every day. and he will do that, he will wil learn to hit in that category. he is going to be one of thosee phiguys like piece rose, he is going, and going -- pierce rose, he is going and going and going.
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>> no jordan zimmerman, and justin ver lander, are you okay with guys deciding not to playto in the game so they can rest upp for the second half of the season? >> i don't think they're goinghe that soy' they can rest up for e second half the season. i think they're doing that pryy mirely because of pitchers thats have pitched on adam wayne wright of the card cd enables did thcardinals did the. i think that is the reason. for most part the guys who are selected go now. it's not one of those things thn that was in vogue several years ago, 5 to 10 years ago when you know, where guys would love thee four days off. i think for the most part. i'm sure it exists for some guys, but not for the majority of the guys. >> i got to ask you about chris davis.
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37 home runs and most since reggie jackson did it, way back then. could you see something like ke this coming for a guy like that. i know that it raises eyebrows, it's amazing what he has done ii fist half, if he beats the 6161 record of roger maris would youl recognize him as the real home run >> we it a baltimore-yankee game about three weeks ago, and chris hit his 29th and 30th home runs in that game, and we brought up roger maris then, not that it was unfair to bring up bonds or mark mcinquire or same sosa, but i think a lot oft -- you don't have to be a purist in the game or abold-timer orole anything like that to think that roger maris61 stands out greater, particularly are the steroid era, and stuff like. >> sure.>>ur >> coming. >> but yeah, i think it's a purer version of the home run
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record, a fairer version of thee home run record, and can chris davis prea break it? >> i mean there's no reason whyn he can't. can' 37 home runs in the first half, through the first 90-plus games. >> it was pretty amazing. >> he is a good hitter and and doesn't look like he is going tn go into any kind of a slump. slm >> we will be watching the final call for the all-star game last. thank you for everything you have done, dispu for joinin than us this morning. >> thank you, dave. 7:30, stars on fox 5, the all-star game always a greateat treat and get to hear him and joe one last time. time >> nostalgic people like myself we have grown up with tim
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mccartney. >> still ahead, it's the lateste antiaging treatment, snail facials. ooh, would you do it? >> i guess it entails actually live snails. i think my answer is no. no >> we will look at this, the creepy crawly, treatment. ea i don't know about this. i think i will hold on to my wrinkles. our expert said we didn't dn know what her due date was. coming up next how we will all know when the new heir has riffed.
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i think ken cuccinelli does not care about people like me. in his book cuccinelli questions whether medicare and social security should exist and said people are dependent on government. it scares me to think of ken cuccinelli as governor. i think he is way out of touch with everybody." so i decided it was time to find some real harmony with nature. [ screaming ] whoo!
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oh, yeah. elmo! [ howling ] mmm! [ eagle chirps ] [ train whistles ] [ bird chirping ] [ screaming ] [ tuba bellows ] whoa. hey! [ screaming ] [ snoring ] music to mom's ears. we may live in houses, but we're born for busch gardens. some folks will go to any throangts findol the fountain of youth. the snail facial is latestlast treatment in japan. >> you go to imagine how itit feels. >> it's better than leaches,
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anyway, it involves live snails crawling all over your skin. >> it's musi muk mucous has a as moisture and soothe any inflammation. the celebrity escargo, includes a message, and the creams that have the cell mucous in them. >> can't we do the creams with the snail mucous. >> until we see after. let's see that lady after, and see how it looks. >> i would have rather have a few lines on my skin. one of the bonuses is you can eat the snails after they crawled.le >> yeah, escargo. >> ooh. >> after they have crawled allal over your nasty face. >> yeah, a gree wit gree agree s
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talk about serious heat. today low to mid-90s, bys, wednesday and thursday, mid-to upper 90s, and anytime you talk about heat in washingtonin and july, we're talking about what? >> humidity. >> humidity. >> yes, so that heat index isx going to be 100 plus starting this afternoon, and depend, we haven't real -- again we haven' done a lot of heat, we have been flirting with some heat thisthis year, but we have been back and forth. 83 in washington, 82 in quantico, overnight low in thete city, a very warm 76 degrees, so we're not cooling off tonight. that is when the signatures of the heatwave in washington. 85 in annapolis, upper 70s in the mountains, 79 in morning inn win chester and hagerstown. looking at the satellite, not a lot of showers not only todayony but the next cu couple p of day,
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might an isolated storm in the mountains, clear skies should be the rule, mostly sunny skies expected. high pressure will shift itself and reestablish itself overhead in next few days, with the jet stream retreating up to thep tot north, the thunderstorm chances out the wick tu picture to the e being. and this pattern will remain in i tact, the next four or five days the temperatures will remain in the 90s, by thisthis weekend, things will change up n little bit as we bring the the thunderstorm chances in thethe forecast, a cold front there frt cool us down, but it will feel run 100 plus, make sure you hae a lot of liquids if you are going to be outdoors, make sure your dog is indoors. 76, partly cloudy, and let melet show you the hot temperaturesats the next several days, mid-to upper 90s, hottest day on thursday, 97, maybe a
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thunderstorm next weekend. all right, sarah. allison, back to you, guys. tucker, thank you, two local military installations begin toi it feel the furlough falloutt today. at the u.s. naval academy the museum in treble hall will be enclosessed. and the linden gate at forest fe glen annex will be closed to vehicles and pedestrians until further notice. this will impact ride on bus service today. president obama and theent b first lady are welcoming george a w. bush to the white house. he is coming for a ceremony ton recognize the winner of the 5,000 daily light award, mr. bush created that award mor than two decades ago. it recognizes people dedicated to solving social problems and both presidents are dedicated t social service and volunteerismi
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well, the world is watchingl and the world is waiting for the royal baby. kate middleton is due any day now. >> while the anticipation continues to build, many are making guesses about the newnew prince or princess.prce people are betting on the baby's gender, colo dearth there's a long shots, what university she will attend andll whether sh they will star in the olympics. when it comes to a the announcement, the palace will stick with traditional means. the first will be the queen, and they will put it up inside the gates of buckingham palace.ingh that is how we know. >> even though the royal couple of claims they don't know the baby' sex, many are predicting it's going to be a girl, and if so, she will be first princess
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of cambridge. >> i think it's going to be a girl. >> it's maybe because she said early something to -- >> she was going to have a daughter. >> i can't wait to see. w >> i know,ai it will be fun. ahead naint being it' 9:00. >> it's time to get real.real. fiefive women come together to cohost a talk show. stay tuned for a preview of the real. finding your happy ending? is it ever just too late. wohr, is here to host, called the two weeks until the rest off my life which hits the local stage this weekend. we will be right back.
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real. and it's led by diverse hosts and i had a chance to sit down with them ahead of their first show today. >> of course, we loved you, the practicals tobraxton family val. what i like to talk is -- i hadi to look up the word, because i knew i was singing it wrong. i had to sing it loudly in my car. >> what is the whole project.oj. >> the whole project comes out t september third and that is when tamar vince comes out. ou >> the braxtons and then the real. >> right, and anne, a new mom, are you -- >> and you look like you bam, bam boom. >> snap. >> is that what i achieved? >> you did that. [ laughter ] >> thank you. >> not easy, i really enjoy
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mother hood, you know, and i do love what i do. i love to work with my family. i love to sing. and i can't imagine it altogether. it really does workout. >> and it helps because you have been singing forever. >> forever. >> and with the original braxton group. >> and i was do op. >> and i have my solo career. ce >> i'm so fortunate aboutunate everything that is happening. >> we are following you as we have followed you, miss tamara all of your life from and we just finished watching twitches, because we have a little girl. you're a new mom as well. >> yes, i am.i am. >> and have you the whole brand that is tia and tamara, how are, you doing it? >> honestly -- >> don't think that you don't look -- >> oh, thank you.hank >> it's hard. rd >> you are telling me. >> i think she has 10 more pounds to go. i'm very happy about that.
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honestly, i just take it a day y at a time. like tamar was doing, i loveg, i what i do, so that helps out a lot of the and i love who i work. i love my sister, and i love these girls. >> and there's your family. >> oh, yes. >> i miss them so >> and as i said earlier, you'r, already in the family because your husband is ad adam 4 >> i lovrre fox. >> i think it's your birthday. >> i think we is have a special treat for you? >> i think, we're supposed to. >> there it is, [ cheering ] >> thank you. >> if you want me to celebrate,e pick up our show "the real." >> i think you love him or leave them. >> love them or leave them, butt don't keep stuff with a tab it
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my new pook. it's coming out. >> when is it coming out. >> july the 30th. >> it's a love and relationship advice book. i'm tired of you women. this is why i like this new show, talk about love, and certain types of relationships, i put itre all in a book and i'm proud to have a show and a book coming out at the same time. it's a wonderful thing. >> it's a wonderful birth day of the reports show you from , don't think that she doesn'tn't have an engineering degree, because she does. >> yes. >> you are every -- >> was in -- [ laughter ] >> really, melanie, anybody outt there driving a 95 cut less, take it back, because i built it. i'm sorry. that is why i had to come over r into entertainment. this is why i tell people, youl, never know where your life is le going to take you. >> and i personally love the --
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>> everywhere, lonnie love is everywhere. >> and i want to say that i havi loved you on the still network, and you sitting here is just like personified all that you tell other women about. you know what i mean, but here is what i love about you, beyond the beautification is your your social awareness and consciousness and the things that you are doing. you can brag of anything thatytt you are doing, but i want you to talk about that a little bit. >> i think it's important that t fashion is something you buy, and style is something you have. the way that you look is telling the world how you feel about yourself, and even if you don't feel great about yourself,urself putting it on and just givingst the world what you got, the very essence. this show allows us to share our own individual style.yl what i love is that these women, back stage in front of the camera, is that they own exactly who they are. we tweak everything, from makeup to hair to give tt mo it the moe
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>> i beg your pardon, i'm notm the mom side. >> i'm the beat side.. >> it's like mom can be in every way, and every way fabulous.lo. >> and 20, and you got to work,k and lonnie is loving all of her style, giving it her very best. that is what style is. when you get your party on at 11:00 in the morning when you're watching our show, then you are ready to go out and hit the party with the ladies. the first tile show we get ---- style show where we get you ready. it's all about the ladies, youu know. >> and the style. st >> you're very busy. last but very not list, 20 and working. >> on my way to 30 to stop working. >> miley cyrus. >> you talk about the real when it's time to stop working and sit down and get a man. >> exactly. >> but it's a time in progress, don't think you don't have it
9:46 am we have seen you with the disney sheecheetah girls, and you are singing and i have seen you on bet, behind the scenes, as it's a lot.a and then the real now. >> thank you. >> what is next? >> i have a nail polish line. >> a vegan, nail polish, it's finger tip fetish. it's sort of -- i'm a new york k city girl at heart. he they are always telling me you are so new york. my nails are mad fly, but i love nail polish, i love beauty. be being an entrepreneur, and being a latin a, i like to beautify ourselves.rsve >> and people are watching misss latin a fashionista of the year. you represent well.t >> thank you.ou. >> and i'm happy that you are in the fox family and i look forward to the show. show you can watch "the real"" monday through friday, here at
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11:00 a.m. starting today. check them out, they're all ove the social media. >> they are characters. >> right. >> still to come this morning, a story about making hard choices between career and true love comes alive on stage.e. it's amazing how harold haro fisher you know him from t.v. and now radio, ha2r. it's two weeks until the rest ♪ my life. harold is here to talk about. when you experience something great, you want to share it. with everyone. that's why more customers recommend verizon, america's largest 4g lte network.
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"the democratic party of virginia sponsored this ad." when congress failed to renew the violence against women act, republican and democratic attorneys general from 47 states spoke out to protect women. but ken cuccinelli refused. the roanoke times wrote, "virginians should remember cuccinelli's cowardly inaction as he seeks to become the next governor." "one either stands for tougher punishments for sexual assaults against women or not." ken cuccinelli. he's focused on his own agenda. not us.
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harold. >> i know the voice. >> everybody knows the voice n n yes trk, it's my voice n tell mn >> testimony me about the book, and how this all got started, it's weird. i wrote the book several years ago but only published it in 2010. it was my baby. my it was my first pook. book. a year ago i was flying to buffalo new york, and the director from my old t.v. station was the creativeeative director for the oldest african-american theaters iner that part ofic the country. after the book club and i do a lot of book clubs, what do youao think about-turning this into a play. >> i said, okay. i >> it happened by chance n it did, and it ran in buffalo fromr may third until june second.. and then before i left, well,
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what do you think about bringint this to d.c.? i said, really. >> i >> and so i called the whur, and said, what do you think about bringing my play to washington?n and he said, you can make it happen, we will support you and so a long, with whur, and wasn't other sponsors, it would have not have happened without that, as well as at 46 an american cultural -- the african-americaf culture center, so it's coming's to d.c. this weekend. >> okay. >> i need to go on the record with this.wi if you think it's hot today, wait until you see the play. >> all right.>> >> and i will say th ae play iss not as hot as the book. the book is a little spicy.spic. >> okay. >> but you had to tone it down for the stage? >> there's some things you can't put on stage. >> tell us about, give us a premise of the book? >> i always say are this is
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about loving like no one is watching. do you believe in love at firstt sight, this is a may-december romance. an older woman who is sent to new orleans at the last minute, and upon arriving in new orleans, prekatrina, she falls a in love with a much younger man, and she is submit 10ten, but the bigger issue is this the right thing, is what i'm feeling really there. is he sincere about these feelings. he is in new orleans, i'm here. so i think that it addresses ade lot of questions that a lot oft women that are looking for loveo are asking themselves. >> right. >> so i really believe in love o at first sight, and i think that -- this is not about cougar stuff. >> i'm glad you said that..
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>> ain't nobody got time for that! [ laughter ] >> what was your inspiration behind this book. >> s that' >> actually, i dreamt the wholeh thing from beginning to end. i woke up, in the middle of thee night, and let me say this was preinternet, so i woke up in the middle of the night, and ii grabbed a pen and a found feignn pen, and i did it freehand froma beginning to end all the characters, and i finally -- you fill in the gaps. >> tell the audience where it's playing. >> it's playing at the ark -- at 1901 mississippi avenue this weekend that is in southeast d.c. wonderful facility.ty. only eight years old, brand new, pretty nemuch.pretty
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saturday and sunday, you canca find out more information at the arch.. saturday night is sold out.ou there's a show on saturday at 2:00, and one on sunday at 1:00. go to church early. >> got it. got >> so that you can come. >> got it. >> good to see you. >> fox 5 morning news will be back in a moment.
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hazy, how the and humid conditions, dangerous heat the h next four days, mid-to upper 90s the rest of the week. we be safe. >> it's going to be hot. >> drink that water. >> thank you for watching fox 5o morning news. >> all right, wendy williams coming up next. aglap >> announcer: it's time for "the wendy williams show." today, travis tritt, lots of country couch talk and fabulous performance. plus, super sexy woman roselyn sanchez. and wendy has the latest hot topics. and
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