tv Fox Morning News FOX September 24, 2013 9:00am-10:00am EDT
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quartet are? >> no. >> elvis, johnny cash, carl per pesperkins and jerry lee lewis.e >> they jammed together once. >> they did. >> yes. >> weather looking fantastic. sunshine across the region, big, beautiful blue sky and one day that you see for miles and miles. washington,ing in and mid-50s now dulles and bwi marshall. cold overnights, we had 30s off to the west, we are warming up in the mid-70s this afternoon. sun shy andsunshine and quiet w. out to the west and chicago, all of us enjoying the same area ofa high pressure and sunshine and mid-70s here, and cooler in annapolis, listening to the bay, but otherwise, a nice looking forecast. >> all right. >> thank you, much. in today's top stories, navy
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yard shooter, aaron alec alexisd about his previous encounter with police of a shoot being. be he failed to reveal that was thousands of dollars in debt. they had dismissed the debt, and the references to a gun that hee used to shootout the tires of aa man that he got into an argument with. the report merely said that deflateflatted the tires. other world leaders are addressing the general assemblys meeting in new york.w one is the new president of iran. the white house is stillho considering the possibility of e meemeeting between president obd and theen iranian president befe the president returns to d.c. d. tonight. and the budget battle over funding the federal government is in fe the home stretch.
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lawmakers have one week now to o get a deal done or face a government shutdown. republicans in the house have he already voted to fundfund everything, except for the of affordable approximate car cares obama care, but president obamaa maintains that he will not shred the healthcare law. la under the city's contingenct plan, police, firefighters, and ems units will remain o on-duty officer and d.c. public schools will wil stay open, but some agencies, like the dmv, the library and department of public works willk have to close. the d.c. government is the only jurisdiction in the united statesjurisd that can spend itsn money during a federal budget site. pay.he quest for equal it seems that women will woe have to wait longer, in fact, ft much longer to make as much as men. sarah is back with us for that. and other things we're talking a about today. to yeah, it's really re interesting when you kind of
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look into this. it's been a complaint for many, many years and so right now according to the census bureau women earn sphen $0.77 for every dollar men earn. the gap has remained stagnant since 2000 severn. since 2007.since payee quality will not happen ha for years and years, by thats time most of today's employed women will be retired so you and i won't be making the equal pay. >> thank you, tucker. >> make us feel a little better. >> there's also this new york times article that had looked ak little more into it recently ane i thought this pointed out aut good point. there wasgo that push during the feminism years for equality, bua then inli the late '90s and into the early 2,000s, there was awas turn in the other direction of women who said that feminism, that it was giving them the
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chance to make that choice of whether they wanted to stay homo or be in the workforce.rkforc and that there's kind of that backlash, perhaps, you talk about helicopter parenting, re people feeling as though, th because they did take that time out that their kids somehow suffered for this.ed for there's the change in the other direction that there's some thought that maybe that kind off -- they hit a wall when it camea to gender equalitity and equal pay. >> it's interesting now, because i understand the historicalal reasons why that gap has existex or did exist, it still exists obviously, why it's been the the case for so long, but i'm i'm surprised that this think tank k thinks it will be 45 years year before true equality happens.en. why did it take so long? i thought we were getting closer and closer.oser. >> i thought we did, too. to another point that i didn't di realize is a whole lot of otherr countries, there was a study std that was done by this professor
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out of california that otherher countries had better family mi leave policies than we do in the united states.united which a lost us try to think or seem to think that the u.s. is more progressive in that way. apparently we're not. >> i knew that, having the three children. >> you know.ou kn >> yeah, i know that part for sure. >> i too, am surprised it's 's going to be 45 years. my question is, why? you know, if you are presented pile of work to do, i do the the work just as well as my male co-worker, what is it? i wonder if it isn't, salaries is one of those areas that you don't talk about, nobody talks how much money you make. i have no idea -- -- >> right. itso maybe that plays into it. that secrecy plays into that. >> women traditionally take timi off with children and that will statistically start to hold theh back over a career.caree >> that is part of what they ey were saying. >> right. collegeegeh school to and work straight through.
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>> with the family leave, that should beav ae mute point, i woo think at this point. >> i bet for some employers it m is not, i'm sure it's not, not, openly talked about, but -- >> but the intention. you know. >> exactly. >> somebody showing up. >> they made that choice. >> if you are out. >he >> you are out of the ou workfoe for a while. when you come back you are not o making --makin >> how does it count. coun >> i'm not having anymore babiei between now and i retire i needi tore be making as much as a man. >> she wants that $2 million you are make. ma >> you making. ma >> of i guarantee -- >> i'm making the least. >> well, let's talk about moving on abo t to adulthood. ad all of us have become adults atd thisul table, and others have n. >> don't look at me. >> and traditionally 18 is considered the start of adulthood we have heard that, tt starting college, new research says it's more like 25.
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>> i'm not surprised by that. >> i'm not either. >> it's the emotional growthal r that we're talking about, the evolution continues into the early 20s until this part of the brain is fully developed. de >> it's not just emotional. it's the neuro science behind it.i >> other researchers say there'r some validation to the grow up.p apparently youneed to. to. i noticed that by age 25, i i certainly looked at the world a lot differently than i was 18. >> we haven't gotten out first to job yet, really and i thinkik there's been studies that have shown that you don't stop maturing, you know, as you are e talking about, until whatever ui you're in your 20s. 20 >> do we have a study recently that said men reach emotional maturity at 30 or something like that. there's a lot -- there's still a lot going on, a lot of development going on. >> so you're allowed to make some foolish mistakes whenst you'reak young.
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>> yeah. >> it would change the way we we think about young adults, not nt breaking the law or anything, an but it's growing pains. a little longer. >> lele you're still learning.n. >> you're working it out.ou >> which plays right into the next thing i wanted to talk talk about, the ideal age for marriage? >> it really does. >> 30 or 40. >> i say >> that is when i got married, a 33. >> what do you think should be the ideal age, tuck? >> definitely late 20s at the earliest. >> yes. >> is there aneaie age. >> i would say 33. >> i would say at least 30. l >> i would thinke so. so. >> 30 years old or older. >> you are still, are you you figuring yourself out. >> there's plenty. people who>> t make it, you kno, but there's plenty of people whh don't make it, too. >> yeah. young of an >> what is the step! >> can we put that up on the the screen what we're looking at that. >> did this story say. >> the current median age for ag men is 29. for women it's 27 they say.
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>> okay. >> i get that. >> now, when you are younger, you are still -- there's pros and cons to doing this when youu are younger, you are allowed to grow together. i think you grow apart. ap this is all subjective. >> everybody is different. di >> everybody is different. >> you have kids thatvebo age, o are younger when they are out of the house, youe know, but then n you wait until you are older ane you are more self aware in your 30s when get married, then women haverrie the issue of fertility. it's a catch-22 you know. >> maybe men 34, 35, and the women 25. >> okay. >> we like that. that >> moving, too. m i know whereov you're going with this. >> you know, i think on both sides, got married at 33, and an sometimes i figure, okay, myok child when she is -- i will be e this old as opposed to my parents when they were got
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married in their 20s and we all sort of grew up they were still kind of young parents. for me personally, 33 is a good age. 33 and 34 is a good age. >> my mom was like, live yourur life, have a career. care you kind of see where she was coming from, too when she hadd kids very young. >> sadly, you can't say mama, i'm making as much as the men maybe in another 45 years. >> it's ridiculous. >> it's ridiculous. let's work on that.that. not just us, everybody. ev >> it starts here.s he >> it does start here. >> so we're marching to thehe capital today? to >> sure, why not.t. >> i'm making less than the twoe ofss t you. >> good job. >> we will be right back. for all those who sleep too hot or too cool,
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and struggle to sleep comfortably together, now there's a solution. the company that individualized your comfort with the sleep number bed brings you sleep number dual temp, the revolutionary temperature-balancing layer with active air technology that works on any mattress brand, including yours. whether you sleep hot or cool, sleep number dual temp allows each of you to select your ideal temperature. so you can both sleep exactly the way you like at your own perfect temperature. and there's only one place in the world you'll find an entire collection of temperature-balancing solutions including the revolutionary sleep number dual temp layer designed to give you the soundest sleep of your life:
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the conversation was spoking, it's hard to hear but you canoun check out the titles on your screen or the subtitles on thet screen, take a look. [ laughter ] >> i think many can relate to that. >> i love the casual moments.s. >> we're all so scripted, thoseh casual moments are really great to capture. >> that is news that he hasn't had a cigarette in six yearsye because he knew he had to, and he used to hide it,.it >> he is scared of his wife, so he has quit. >> former president of george w. bush has a message for those who criticize the current presidentr for playing golf. his message is simple stop. st. he understands the pressures of
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the white house and the playing golf as a good outlet. 15 of the last 18 have played golf, and 5 are in the hol of hf fame. >> nice for him to say, we all l do it, this is what we do. >> it's nice. nic >> it seems that every president gets criticized when they go onn vacation.vacati >> right. >> and they're outplaying golf, but these individuals have one of the hardest jocks in the jobe world. >> just like everybody else deserves some vacation time, so do they. >> it's ge great for george w. h to come out and say it. the two fruits that coulds t keep you healthy and good news about health of the next generation. details we go to my favorite doctor, dr. mike live out of thu city oft brotherly love, good
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morning. where? dr. mike, i cannot hear you mplet i ca.i can only see you. >> what has happened, who has taken dr. mike's voice. >> we will get him lined up andp we will bring that to you in a couple of moments. >> we will really try. fingers crossed. that time is here, uncross n the fingers. lotus go back to dr. mike. >> you can hear me, and i canca hear you. let's stop this cher aid. it's too painful. we will be right back. >> all right, we will be right back. we said, we will be right back.
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all right, is this the right script, is t i apologize. thank you very much. the latest installment of the video game game theft auto raked in a billion dollars in sales. just this week. we the critics are concerned thated the game may be getting into thh wrong hands.s. the game features extreme violence, which includes settint on off explosives and shooting at police officers, it's ratedre m, a secret shopper operation or found stores rated m rated gamee to buyers under 16 years old 13% of the time. ti experts say that is far too often. >> it's a very sort of broad catch all type of rating thatat doesn't give an awful lot of information. there's been dozen and dozens of of studies on violent media.
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all of them say essentially they same thing that there's harmfulm effects on those harm.harm. effects can vary from child to child.d. >> the board applauds those th retailers who do enforce the rating system and refuse to sele to minors. mi we're checking in with bethany for a sneak peek at today's show. a reunion for one of our favorite couples, ker me and miss piggy. back it's happening here in d.c. and soon you can be a part of it. we will be right back. mom...
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muppets and props to the smithsonian history. the donation will include miss piggy and the swedish chef fromr the muppet show. sh >> just thinking of them makes me laugh. >> kermit the frog is already on display, the collection will include my favorite, bert and ernie.nie. >> ernie was my absolute favorite. >> i think he was my first crush. >> when i was little. >> i love bert ernie from sesame street.. >> the more muppets the merrier. >> i have seen the original kermit. >> that one is the original. >> but there was one that more popular with sesame street. >> as with a lot of those typety characters, they evolve over th years, but the original one is s different than the original one.
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>> and jim henson has ties to to our area. >> i love for sesame runs. i visited the set. i did meet oscar, the grouch, big bird and elmo; elmo is all the rage. i met him. no mr. snuffle puss. pu >> i like oscar. >> a little cranky, yeah. >> but he has a heart of >> a heart of gold. >> all right, let's go to the forecast. allison. >> sunny and bright,ter going to b, we're goingto be in for a bel afternoon. at north nortlooking washington. up. made that up. >> no, you're right, that is tht looking north on wisconsin. wi >> 57 this morning in washington. it's a little cool. we got litt a 41 in manassas an8 in frederick. it's cool, unseasonably the temperatures by 10 degrees d
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or so below average to start the morning of the 57 in leonardtown, and 56 in annapolis, beautiful weatheriful expected lots of sunshine. highs this afternoon, mid-70s, i yeah, mid-70s, yesterday we were in the yous, werer 60s to upper 70, warmer than yesterdaye high pressure off to the north and of west, anchored across thh great lakes will continue toe to deliver a gorgeous forecast. sunny afternoon, cool nights for the time being right through thg end of the week as the area of high pressure continues to do its things. there youit go, high pressure ad that will keep any storminess at bay for the time being and we are in a of -- just a pleasant pattern for the next several days, 74 today, sunshine, nicee, afternoon for you, wind out ofd the north and west at 5 miles per hour, light winds and we will get cool or cold tonight, 50 in the city, 40s, maybe yb through 30s early tomorrow tomo morning north and west and d there's at cue weather seven-dad forecast, we are warming up into the mid-70s by wednesday,wedne thursday and friday. fr a few clouds around here,
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thursday and friday with the passage of a weak system. sy no rain in the forecast, and and hopefully we will keep the dry pattern intact here, so we can all do lots of outdoor stuff. >> thank you, tucker. all right,k very good. on today's edition of bethenny, actor of digs talks his cameo on fox's new girl. and tiki bar better dishes on on what is new in his life. >> for a sneak peek we are we checking in with bethenny live h from new york. goodom n morning. >> good morning. >> we're talking about the show today. tell us what weing can a show e? >> today -- who is on the show today tate digs is on the show,, and fun tate diggs, and i getani him to do things he has never ne done before.done be i was so flattered by. b and he and i have a really good time. we kind of recreate the scene in a satyrical way. i don't want to give it a all away. but he is a tall drink of water.
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he is fun, he is easy on the eyes. >> hey, i hear tate loves the bachelorette. >> that is what i didn't want to give away. aw we act out something from the bachelorette. >> oh.h. >> okay. is whatsee t.v. i call call that. >> and he is going to be on -- he is going to be on new girl, correct, making an appearance on that. >> he is going to be on new on girl. n he is promoting his baggage bagg claim. i got him to sing on my show spoiler, alert. he wasoi a great guest. gu he had a great time. he said, this is great. gr so it was very, i was flattered. >> excellent. sounds good. also tiki bar better.tter. you get couples to come on, and they really open up about theirr relationship and all of that kind oflation tell us about what is going on with ticky? >> i think that people know what i'm about, and that i'm a pretty
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much an open book. i think that people don't feel safe on certain talk shows where they can open sh up and have a a conversation and they can'tth express themselves. this is a showprs where you comn and be yourself and have a real open conversation, and it's edgy and tiki came on with his wife i and announced that they're having anounc baby. i give him credit for coming on and just being open, i i'm really proud of the environment of here. i'm really proud of the open conversation. it's inspiring to they end up learning what men really think and it's kind of of group therapy, plus it's more afford ab. >> also you had couple, the couple's panel but there's a new segment you are going to unveile it's called friends unfiltered. is that the same thing gettingge people to talk freely and whatee is onl our minds. >> the couple's panel is sharing what they're going to through, it's helpful to the audience. the male panel is if you want tt know what a man thinks you ask
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the man. friends unfiltered, you go through drama with your friend.e it could be that your friend fre spends more time with her her husband and has no time for you. it could be that your friend has more money, and your friend likes to order fattening food and it feels like it's sabotaging your >> last and not least, for thosh of us who have to whip up a good meal and quick meal, are you going to be talking about dinner fixes maybe simple ones that we can all do? >> yes, we barely have a working stove or running water but it i love to cook. i do like to cook, but i like to get a good healthy meal that tht tastes great on the table. and that is kind of what the focus is.foc they are quick, cooking segments that show you how to get get something on the table really re quickly and easily.easily >> that is what we all need ne these days, bethenny frankel, thank you so
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>> thank >> we will be watching. just a reminder, you too, o, can watch bethenny here on fox 5 at 11:00 after wendy williams. i still ahead on the buzz bin, a one in a million recording session, and the rock show it inspired. we're sitting down with the cast of the million dollar quartet. that is coming up. ♪ ♪ ♪
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lewis, carl press and elvis presley for a one time recordino session. the show brought people to their feet. now to tell us all about it. on the end playing jerry lee le lewis, is john con 3 john count. to my right, is johnny perkins. >> you look more like carl perkins. >> i do get that. >> and playing carl perkins is james berry. and playing, who are you playing, there's too many people here? >> johnny cash.y >> that's right, this is scott mother relscottmore rel, and pll on the end tyler hunter. nt >> let's talk about the show.ou and about this historic meetinge that took place. it is a well known event in
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music history. hi tell us about what happened there, and then the show kind of incorporates all the music from over the yearsc by the artists. tell us about the initial meeting? >> sure. >> december 4th, 1956, carl perkins recording session. sess it's going to record match box, and unbeknownst of the to him,m, jerry lee lewis, is not famous has been hired to play the peee an piano, and johnny cash comes, and elvis presley comes by. . and buffer know it's, they are in the, room. >> it's astonishing, a lot of of the big hits came from these ths four folks. >> absolutely. a that point they were the pioneers of rock 'n' roll. elvis wasn't -- he was almost aa household name. but i would say at the time, oui theme, four, probably, carl or johnny were probably of the most
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well known as far as their songs that werer out at the time. ti and elvis had just done the elvis show and on -- >> let me ask you, you guys are playing iconic roles, nonmore iconic than elvis. elvi tell me about what it takes to get into that role, and do youd have todo overcome people's preconceived conceptions of what elvis is all about? >> yes. [ inaudible ] >> are you doing a little elvis right now, because it's comingig through, a little bit of the look, a little bit of the -- >> no, it's 9:00 in the morning. >> that's about right. [ laughter ] >> there you go. go. >> coming here, so i can talk to you, too. i want to find out, did you guys
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know each other before being cast for these roles? ro were you fans the musicians, orn was it just the part? >> i have always been a big fan of jerry lewis, it's been amazing. not -- [ inaudible ] ] >> best friends now, we better t be because we're nine months ont the road. >> what is the audience going to see when they come out to the show? >> they're going to hear all the songs that they hoped to hear in a night honoring these musicians, but i think the stories, and a great actor can snap. ♪ ♪ >> of of they're here, because e
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there wasca tension between the individuals, right? >> absolutely. i mean, there's a little dramatic license in there that t maybe didn't happen on that evening, but i mean, the best part of it is like being a fly on the wall, if you can imagine, picturing four of the most popular artists in the same room having an impromptu jam session it would be mind blowing. >> it happens with broadway show, and movies and the like some license is taken. most of the music that you perform wasn't necessarily performed that night at thet th actual meeting.ctl some of those songs weren'tn't written yet but the audience aui will hear the song that they th like to hear from these artistsr you're going to stick around and perform for us.. it's in performance at the eisenhower theater. i have read the reviews, theythy are spectacular. spec september 4th through thethrou 6th, and tickets range from $59 to $129, a night of good
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music. going to, you are play, blue suede shoes. >> yes. it's 9:42, it's a tuesdayay morning, coming up next, artwork inspired by goodwill.odwill we're going to check in with wi holly live at the fair in arlington. we will be right back. and now, there's a plan that lets you experience that "new" phone thrill again and again. and again. can you close your new phone box? we're picking up some feedback. introducing verizon edge. the plan that lets you upgrade to a new verizon 4glte phone when you want to. having what you want on the network you rely on. that's powerful. verizon. upgrade to the new moto x by motorola with zero down payment. we lowhat's next?hen! great! do you have measurements? yeah, i paced it off. it's about twenty by twelve of these. so, we can measure, plan and install it for you.
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we lowhat's next?hen! great!t! do you have measuremen? yeah, i paced it off. it's about twenty by twelve of these. so, we can measure, plan and install it for you. yea, let's do that! ikea. professional kitchen services at a low price. we apologize that he couldn'tdnt bring dr. mike. but we will bring you the that grapes and berries contained compounds that are healthful to you.. they are pronounced stevanoids they can help the compression oe a gene which is helps youth function. out of the studies of compoundso the two found in grape and
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berries stand out and work extremely well with the vitamin d. art and fashion come together for a good cause. holly has been finding out forfr that the fashion stratosphere in arlington. and this is my latest la outfit. >> i like it, very chic. >> this is like a french connection, gold couple better r bun repurposed and suede brown booties. you can get this whole outfit for like $75. >> it's beautiful on you. >> it's for a great cause, ande there's an art side of this, when we talk about the art of yasfashion. you will feel the theme. they have these huge approximate printshugeprints.
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but the same have been tweacted tweaked.i washed my hair but i o get to the goodwill ga gala. these will be placed around, you will want to hang out with some young people because goodwill teams up with the young people and they had yo students do thei own artwork.n the artwork is all inspired by the goodwill mission. two of the students happen to b here with me. they emily carol and april hayes.ha >> why are you laughing. [ laughter ] >> it's like because you are right. >> and listen, you are a wonderful artist. tell mew about your artwork. >> my artwork is inspired by one the men that has been affected by goodwill. od he were not through a hardship in his life, through goodwill he became a more positive version
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of himself. he got bigger because of goodwill. it shows that through his hardship he got through and now he speaxz a speaks at every. >> reporter: every orientation.. >> what a better thing for yougr to paint about, than a story that has such a wonderful story. >> how much time did you spend on your painting. >> we started last may and we finished it two weeks ago. >> how do you feel about your finished piece.fini >> i feel good. i'm confident with it.en >> did you look at any other ot racks. do you think they have anything to spruce up your school uniform. >> i didn't have a chance to. >> i think they look great in in their uniform. >> april hayes is the student who did the work. >> tell me about your painting. >> the person i interviewed, sh, had gone through a lot of hardship, but she had a brilliant ideas for her future. i use peter mack, who did the cover for the magazine for the
9:48 am one of the stars i saw, had a lot of star and color, and i loved that. my picture shows a silhouette o her and all of the billion ideas coming through her head. >> you are brilliant capturing that. how does that make you feel to e look at your own piece of art there. >> it's strange, because it'se like your child. you put in a lot of time and effort, and i spent all summer with this, so i love it. >> as you can see, these two young people could not be anymore engaging and charming, they're going here at the gala tonight, come talk to them abou their art and bid it up. we are auctioning these off. do you want to become part avenue of a piece of art. >> sure. >> let's do it. it has to>> do let with the silr balloon. none of this would be able to happenab if you weren't a part f villar sphere! artie sphere. >> first of all, it's great to see you.
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>> it's nice to see you. >> what is the yash fon of fashf goodwill such a good fit for the artie sphere. >> we like to host events that givets back to the community and goodwill does, and so does artie sphere, as does presenting great art. >> what is this? >> this is an incredibleible installation that people mightio not haven experienced before. it's andy war hog vill silver c. you can experience with it, so often you see art on a wall you and cannot go and here you can play and touch with the art. >> how long is this going to be here. >> this will be here through october 20th, it's free to get in and come >> what has been the reaction for people to come and play wity this. >> in is a great way to introduce children of all of agencies to art, which is great, it lets people go wild. they come in here a little tentative at first and then theh get into it.
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>> i promise you, girls, you cac be a part of it. >> they want to be a part of itf touch and feel and be a part of this part art. you can come and see silver clouds, andy war hog exhibit through the middle of october. o it's free to get in. fashion of goodwill is going onn here. it's the runway show and gale a there's a few tickets left.left. very few, they are going fast a you can imagine. ifn you go to we doo have a special url there that will get you tickets for half priessments comprice. come on out, be creative, beve, involved and shop until you yo drop. what a great morning this has been, we got to do more stuff like this. >> it really is. >> a girl that has three outfitt on for the morning show. >> it looks like you are having a lote of fun right now, all right, holy, thank you verythk much. we are back with the stars of the million dollar quartet. the hit show that showcases the music of elvis presley, johnny
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for 30 years i've worked as an obgyn, my job is to protect the health of women. so i'm particularly offended by ken cuccinelli. cuccinelli wants to make all abortion illegal ... ... even in cases of rape and incest. ... even to protect a woman's health. i want a governor who's focused on schools and creating jobs, not someone who wants to do my job. who's ken cuccinelli to interfere in the lives of women across virginia?
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look at him, he is our pet th the day. today it's buford. this photo was taken a few weeks ago to mark the end of summer. i know, i i'm with you, i didn't want it to go. we can't argue to celebrate the end of a great summer.mmer. to celebrate your pet, e-mail them to us, at pet pics at i have an issue if buford has a much nicer pool than i do. >> that was a nice pool. ol >> we got the nice day. da i'm not sure the pools are open any a longer. mid-70s around here, cool tonight, you can see the overnight lows will be in the 50s, and keep it right for the weekend. >> there you go, the million mil dollar quartet, we got tyler and
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