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tv   Fox Morning News  FOX  October 14, 2013 7:00am-9:00am EDT

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memorials. >> weekend talks between the republicans and house failed. the focus has now shifted to the senate. >> the fbi is investigating an apparent dry ice explosion at los angeles international airport. flights were delayed and a terminal evacuated. a foot of rain falling in just 12 hours triggering flash flooding in the austin, texas, airy. >> swallowing up cars. police had to make a number of water rescues. >> new evidence on the disappearance of madeleine mccann. a woman had to be rescued from a railroad bridge. >> oh, my gosh, she's stuck up there. a man back home in california after being lost in the woods for two weeks. >> you may have noticed you're paying more for chocolate.
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price up 20%. cocoa beans are in short supply. >> all that -- >> and the cowboys bead t s bea redskins. >> -- and all that matters. >> the statue of liberty reopened that it mean as lot to us and we want it open and we'll keep it open. >> -- on "cbs this morning." >> it hit the wall. big papidom that's a big hit. red sox win it. they're tied in a game apiece. >> announcer: this morning's "eye opener" presented by toyota. let's go places. captioning funded by cbs welcome to "cbs this morning." happy columbus day. good morning, norah. >> good morning. happy columbus day to you. >> we begin in washington where capitol hill's effort to break the budget log jam are stuck again. the partial government shutdown is now 14 days old and a deadline to increase the federal debt limit is just three days
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away. >> after two weeks of the shutdown, 350,000 federal workers are still on furlough. food inspections and recalls are on hold. most national parks are still closed, but some states are using their own money to keep parks open. the grand canyon and the statue of liberty reopen this weekend and mt. rushmore will open later this morning. nancy cordes is following negotiations on capitol hill. nancy, good morning. >> good morning, norah and charlie. over the weekend talks between the white house and republicans essentially fell apart. so now everyone's best hope is that the democratic and republican leaders of the senate can work something out even though their relationship has been strained to say the least the past few months. as he left the capitol sunday evening, senate majority leader harry reid said he was growing more optimistic after speaking by phone with his republican
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counterpart mitch mcconnell. >> our discussions were substantive and we'll continue those discussions. >> mcconnell was not as upbeat. in a statement he revealed an entirely different plan. he said her plan has the support of democrat and republican leaders. with republicans getting most of the blame for the shutdown, democrats decided over the weekend to make a few demands of their own, proposing that any plan to reopen the government rolled back some of those across-the-board spending cuts known as sequestration. >> neither democrats nor republicans like the sequester and one of the strongest voices against it has been senator mccain correctly because of what it would do to defense. >> republicans have accused the democrats of changing the game at the 11th game. >> think they're one tick too cute as they see the house possibly in disarray, they now
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are overreaching. >> and tensions over the shutdown are rising. tea party and veterans clashed with police sunday removing barricades from the world war ii memorial on the national mall and dumping them outside the white house. they were urged on by tea party favorites sarah palin and senator ted cruz whose plan to weaken obama care contributed to the shutdown. >> let me ask you a simple question. why is the federal government spending money to erect barricades to keep veterans out of this memorial? >> there is a lot of concern here on capitol hill this morning about how the markets are going to react to the fact that there still isn't a plan in place to raise the debt ceiling. not only does the senate have to craft that plan and vote on it but the house has to vote on itting too, and they've been anything but predictable the last few weeks, norah and charlie.
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>> nancy, thank you. political director john dickerson is in washington this morning. good morning. >> good morning, charlie. >> have they moved the goalposts and make a deal on sequestration? move the goalposts? >> republicans certainly think so. on saturday mitch mcconnell went into a meeting with harry read with thoughts on how to reopen the government. reid said, wait a minute. what's at issue -- republicans thinks reid is trying to move the goalpost. reid says he's trying not to have the sequestration cuts kick in in january. he doesn't want government to reopen and have those sequestration cuts kick in. they hope democrats to negotiate the sequestration cuts so this is in part how long to keep the government open and once it's open how it takes place. >> how will they settle the deference? >> by changing the time period. in other words, keep the government open until january,
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don't have the new sequestration cuts kick in. what democrats worry about is once the next cuts kick in, they're locked in and they won't be able to negotiate those out. it may be where to set the timing but as democrats are in the negotiation and being accused of moving the goalposts, the worry is about the way they play their hand. if in this last round it looks like democrats are being too greedy, that could put pressure on harry reid. >> now, the senate republican plan mitch mcconnell has endo e endors endorsed, the susan mcconnell plan, what does the house think about it. >> what minority leader mitch mcconnell had negotiated and thought was on the books in that saturday meeting was something that would open the government through march and that would also tinker a little with obama care by delaying the medical devices tax. that was a pretty small set of
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demands from republicans in the house. paul ryan said that was basically total capitulation as we all rehn in the house. conservatives wanted to delay all of on care. so that's a very small set of demands. the question, though, for john boehner is whatever comes back over to him from the senate, what's he going do? is he not going to bring it up for a vote or is he going to have to basically be jammed, worry about not lifting the debt ceiling and bring whatever the senate sends him up for vote despite the grumbling from a lot of his conference. >> all right, john dickerson. we'll keep waiting and watching, thank you. >> the dow jones and s&p will open higher than when the shutdown began but that may not last for long. gigi stone at the new york stock exchange. gigi, what can we expect this morning? >> good morning, norah and charlie. right now stocks are indicating a lower opening. invests are discouraged over the fiscal standoff in washington
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but keep in mind the markets did surge last week and investors are still not panicking. they expect a last-minute compromise might be reached. still the deadline on paying america's debt is the biggest threat to the economy right now. u.s. treasury bills are considered the safest in the world. some economists say a debt ceiling crisis could cause interest rates to double on new mortgages, credit cards, and car loans, charlie and norah. >> but, gigi, we had over the weekend not only the head of the imf but the head of the world bank coming in and saying this would be a global disaster. so why aren't the market reese acting to that? >> you know, it's interesting. they are saying it could be a global disaster but so far the markets have remained largely resilient here in the u.s. one reason is because the government shutdown is likely to prolong the federal reserve stimulus plan which means interest rates here in the u.s. will stay low for longer, helping boost the economy.
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also investors believe the odds of a default actually happening are slim, but wall street analysts do tell me one thing is clear. this is a country that has always paid all of its bills on time and the effects of the u.s. debt default could be catastrophic to the global economy, h charlie and norah. >> gigi, thank you. in our next hour we'll talk with the ce of of blackrock. he'll tell us what washington wants from wall street. that's ahead. in austin, texas, flash flooding could hit historic levels today. police saved several drivers stranded from their cars. organizers canceled the last days of the music city festival. and rarn chers in south dakota are burying thousands of cattle. they were killed in a freak autumn blizzard. it dumped up to four feet of snow in the state last weekend and a political impasse means that the ranchers can't turn to
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the federal government for help. manuel bojorquez is in stchlt onge, south dakota. manuel. >> it's being called one of the worst disasters in south dakota history. the herd were still in summer pastures and had not grown winter coats. south dakota's $7 billion livestock industry will be digging out for years to come. the numbers are astounding. tens of thousands of dead cattle are being collected from south dakota's western prairie. on october 3rd, an unusual snowstorm blanketed 100 miles stranding animals where they froze to death and many more could die in the months to come. >> as the snow came over the top, it literally started burying them. >> reporter: he lost over 200
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cattle. >> the worst thing is we had two inches of rain followed with 3 feet of snow so not only was the ground wet, the cattle sunk into it. many of them drowned. >> reporter: others lost 80% to 90% of their herd. it's catastrophic. >> by losing the cows themselves, they've lost paychecks from years to come. >> reporter: the blizzard coming just days after 80 degree weather brought winds of 70 miles an hour and record snow fall, as much as 4 feet all the way to the wyoming border. drifts were so deep cattle were able to step over fence lines, walking as much as 12 miles before froze to death. >> you start out in shock, then numb. i don't know what stage we're at now. >> some 6,000 families have been impacted by the storm. its effects magnified because ranchers suffered through last year's devastating drought. >> some of the ranchers are not
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going to make it. they're not going to survive this storm. >> reporter: traditionally the government would provide a financial cushion but they say help, if it comes, is months away. >> there's guys that ain't going to recover from this without some type of assistance or something. >> reporter: the farmers union says ranchers have lost this year's paycheck because they lost this year's cows but they also lost next year's paycheck because they lost the cows that were carrying next year's calves and that ripple effect will continue for years. charlie and norah? >> all right. manuel, thank you. in india, 17 sailors were rescued this morning. 23 people are now confirmed dead. the storm destroyed thousands of homes and millions of dollars worth of crops but the evacuation of nearly 1 million people is being credited with saving lives. it it is strongest storm to hit india in more than a decade.
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in syria this morninging the red cross is calling for the immediate release of seven workers. they were kidnapped sunday in the northern part of the country. the aid team was delivering supplies when the gunmen opened fire on their corn foye. the area is controlled berebels and many are islamic zreextremi. madeleine mccann disappeared six years ago. holly williams is at scotland yard in london. holly, good morning. >> good morning, charlie and norah. the british police will launch a new appeal tonight. the portuguese close their investigation the following year but the british police reopened their investigation this year and they say they have made massive steps forward. the british police believe these two composite sketches are the same man who was seen on the night of madeleine mccann's
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disappearance. six years after madeleine mccann vanished from a portuguese resort, police say it's vitally important they speak to him. he's just one of several men they looking for after a new investigation revealed more than 40,000 pieces of evidence. >> primarily what we sought to do from the beginning is try to revert everything back to zero. try to take everything back to the beginning and then reanalyze, accepting nothing. >> madeleine was three years old when she disappeared and now would be 10. her parents believe she's still alive. >> when you should be happiest and she's not there, that's when it gets to you. madeleine's birthday that and the big family occasions. and you haven't got your
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complete family. >> reporter: tonight's televised appeal will show a details reconstruction leading up to madeleine's disappearance. on the night of may 3rd they left their three children asleep in their room and joined their friends for dinner 50 yards away. when she went back to check on them at 10:00 p.m., madeleine was gone. the portuguese police later named the mccanns as expects but cleared them in 2008. someone had supposedly gone into the parent and taken the little girl away from their family. >> reporter: when it's shown on tv they'll make a live appeal from the studio. police posted composite skechs of several men they want to speak to will prompt somebody to come forward with new information. charlie, norah. >> thanks, holly. britain's "guardian" says four
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men are being held. police are not saying what kind of terror activity could be involved, but counter terror officials generally believe the biggest threats to the united kingdom could come from irish dissidents. shelves at local walmarts were cleared out saturday night. shoppers went on a buying spree after their dinch tall food stamp card showed no dollar system. that's because of a glitch in the ebt system. when it works again, people abandoned their overflowing carts. "the boston globe" says older workers are delag their retirement. the average age is 66. that's three years later than expected when they were 40. > "the new york times" looks at children with regular bedtime schedules. they have fewer problems with behaviors. they find the opposite is true when kids don't go to bed on a normal schedule. and "usa today" reports two
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popular sports supplements are secretly spiked with a meth-like chemical. the company has not responded. and look at this woman in ft. lauderdale, florida. she got trapped on a draw bridge. she held on for life 22 feet in the air. witnesses say she was froze p and terrified after an hour. firefighters helped her down. pedestrians aren't supposed to be on this bridge. might have been a publicity bridge. i don't know. 22 hours hanging on. i don't
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>> announcer: this national weather report sponsored by toyota. let's go places. 19 days alone in the woods.
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the extreme measure as 72-year-old man used to stay alive when rescuers had to turn away. new research this morning on migraines. tens of millions could find an end to pain. the message to cut the chronic pain by half. new revelations about the professional and personal speakers of founder jeff bezos. the news is back in the morning here on "cbs this morning." stay tuned for your local news. ♪
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and some designer deals are so sweet you just can't say no. see the real deal. check out all the designers maxxinistas are scoring. t.j.maxx.
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houston, this is explorer. we need immediate assistance. we need a copy. houston, houston, come in. we fliering blind, houston. houston, we need you desperately. please, somebody. >> houston, please. >> hello? >> mission control, we have 4% oxygen and dropping. please advise. >> mission control not here right now. can i take a message? >> what do you mean they're not here. >> well, this is awkwa awkward government has shut down. >> so good. >> so good. >> i just saw that movie over the weekend. coming up in this half hour millions of americans suffer from chronic headache. this morning new research could offer them a way out. we'll look at technology already being used for other issues. plus, exploring, how jeff bezos reveals how we buy things.
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how a warehouse chain has created a virtual success. ahead. >> that's a good story. and a 72-year-old san francisco man is recovering this morning. he was found alive saturday after spending nearly three weeks lost alone in the woods. that right. he did it by eating squirrels and other little animals to survive. ben tracy looks at why it took so long to find him. >> reporter: 72-year-old gene penafore was final rescued saturday. >> my husband comes into the room. and they're like they found uncle gene alive. i was like what? i started crying i was so happy he was safe. >> reporter: he split up from his hunting partner and later fell and blacked out. >> when we heard the news, it was devastating. it's as if somebody took our hearts and stepped on it. so we felt helpless.
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>> reporter: nearly 20 agencies spend 20 days looking for penaflor. with a storm approaching the search was called off. he used the survivor skills he knew. >> he kept himself warm, slept underneath it, ate squirrels, some lizards, snakes, and algae from the water to survive. >> reporter: a search team headed out on saturday but it was a group of hunters who happened to hear penaflor's cries for help. >> they bumped into each other, found him, made a gurney from their jackets and lifted him all the way back up the road. >> reporter: family members say penaflor was found in surprisingly good condition. >> he's great, happy to be home, just telling his stories. >> just as if he took a long vacation and came back with a beard. >> reporter: for "cbs this morning," ben tracy. >> he's very lucky to be alive. one of the things we discussed
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the morning is about eating squirrels. >> and someone said -- >> well, one of our senior producers said people eat squirrels. >> you're from texas and i'm from south carolina and we never ate squirrels. >> i need to know more about this story. 72 years old. survived three weeks by eating sort of off the land. >> indeed. that says something about him at 72. >> it does. >> had a will to survive. >> absolutely squ a new study this morning could mean hope for people with migraines. about 30 million people suffer from the kronning headaches. they could strike up to 15 time as month lasting between four and 72 hours. dr. james galvin is a professor of psychology at langone university. how does it work? >> it's a thin wire that's placed on the nerve. what it does is give as little
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electrical pulse which probably decreases the activity of the never. less input, less pain. >> how do they get the little wire into the brain? >> it's surgely insert aid long the back of the head or over the eyebrow and it's attaching to a power pack under the skin like a pacemaker. >> do you think it's a break through? >> it is breakthrough. these types of diseases have been used for other diseases such as depression or seizures but now are being used to treat headaches and in the study that was done there was a dramatic response by the people who had the implant put in. >> so this isn't the first time the technology has been used. how else is it showing signs of success? >> so it's been used for a longer period of time for people with epilepsy. as well as some pain syndromes. so following trauma or for diabetics. more recently now it's being tried for my grains with some success.
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>> for depression, what does it do for depression? >> for depression, it seems to stimulate actually back into the brain and increase the release of neural transmitters so it seems to reduce the mood effect. >> so millions of americans suffer from migraines and really bad headaches. how successful is this new technology. >> >> it's not for everybody. people should take their medicines first. we're talking about people with chronic headaches, more than 15 time as month for long durations of time and are not responsive to medications. >> so if you are a migraine sufferer and you want to ask for it, what is it called. >> it's called the per rif real nerve stimulator. >> when you do blue sky things like this and you think about possibilities for the future, what are they? >>. >> for those not responsive to medicines, we can potentially reduce the severity of my greigs
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by about 70%. reduce the frequency by 50% and in this study over 90% of people found it to be effective. >> that's why it's so promising. thank you so much. and runners at the chicago marathon held a moment of silence over the weekend. they honored the victims of the bombing at the boston marathon. among the competitors, a woman seriously hurt in the april attack and as dean reynolds showed us she accomplished a lot more than 26 miles yesterday. >> survivors of the boston marathon bombing running today. >> for leanne, chicago's marathon on sunday was more than a race. it was a statement of determination. >> surreal. >> less than six months ago she was waiting for friending near the finish line at the boston marathon when the first of two homemade bombs exploded a few steps from where she was standing. >> i looked down at my leg, saw
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my bone was sticking out and shortly after the second explosion happened. >> reporter: rescue workers rushed her to the hospital. >> the lower part of my leg was shattered. it severed my nerve in two spots, i broke my big toe. i had two muscles removed out of my leg. >> reporter: while she was a spectator in boston she had run many marathons and had planned to run chicago's race as a tribute to her late father. after boston she had one big question for the doctors. >> before i even had surgery i was like, will i be able to run again after surgery? when can i run again? when can i run again? >> reporter: she ee vaenltually answered the question herself. >> i had set my mind to do something and no matter what it took, nobody was going to take that away from me. >> reporter: after months of rehab and just five weeks of long distance training she made the leap. >> see you at the finish line. >> reporter: she finished in five hours and 44 minutes. >> everybody was just cheering.
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it was absolutely a thrill. we're not going to let two guys decide to do what they did and take away people's dreams. >> reporter: she already has set her sights on another marathon next year, the one in boston. for "cbs this morning," dean reynolds, chicago. >> what a great story. >> one more time like the man who survive. the human will. the capacity to say i will do this. >> reporter: incredible. running in tribute to her father and running this year's boston marathon. >> good for her. >> incredible story. thank you, dean. and how did jeff bezos turn into a shopping revolution? you're going to meet the author who got unprecedented access to bezos and his empire. this is an incredible story. there's lots of really interesting behind-the-scenes details you won't want to miss. next on "cbs this morning." ♪
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when jeff bezos launched amazon in 1994 it was an online book retailer. but this many years later there's a few things the company doesn't sell. he's the author of a new book "the everything story jeff bezos and amazon." welcome. >> thank you, charlie. >> tell us about jeff and what makes him tick. >> what makes him tick, what he would say is the customer. you know, giving the customer everything they want and being all things and the customer these days isn't just the consumer, the shopper, but startups who want to run their businesses on amazon services and developers. >> the thing that impresses me about him is he's always been willing to put money back into
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the company and try new things without worrying about stock prices. >> absolutely. i found that early on when they were giving away free shipping on harry potter books where today they're discounting all sorts of products. >> your book is full of rich reporting about his management style. he has 90,000 employees and yet you say he's involved in every little detail. how sow? >> you would almost call it steve jobsian, right? his standarded are so high. he spends more time on the newer businesses like kindle and kindle fire. he audits very selectively. that's the one thing i right. he sends question mark e bells. >> he response with just a question mark to managers but what about his style? you say some of jeff bay zoe's
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greatest hits about when he walks into a meeting and he's not happy. we made it into a graphic. are you lazy or just incompetent. i'm sorry. did i take my stupid pills today. >> and do i need to go down and get the certificate that says i'm the ce of of the company to get you to stop challenging me on this? wow, pretty tough. >> there are a lot of companies employed with that style. maybe it's something they have to do to keep people motivated. we will say some of those greatest hits, you know, probably a couple of years old. i think he's gotten bet over time. but he's still tough. >> when you come into a meeting you have to prepare, read the memo so everybody is on the same page. >> i don't know that anybody else does this. they don't start the amazon meetings with power point programs or speeches. they sit down and read a nair rahhive. >> how does he deal with complaints from customers? >> as we said, he doesn't
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tolerate them. he'll send those question mark e-mails. he doesn't like to see any customer dissatisfied. >> what does the share say with steesh jobs and bill clinton and the investigative reporting you did. >> there ooh's a small section of the book which is about jeff's biological father. now, jeff had some amazing parents, i met them, jackie and mike. but as it turns out, incredibly like so many other leaders he has a very peculiar situation. he didn't know his biological father, a man named ted jorgensen, man i tracked down who own as bike shop and incredibly didn't even know his son was jeff bezos. >> wow. what did he say? he was surprised. he lost track of the family when jeff was there and he wanted to get back in touch. >> steve jobs also didn't know his own biological father. >> what has happened to the story as it's come full circle.
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>> ted wrote jeff a note. jeff responded. it's pretty much as far as i know. but there has been some contact. >> well, brad stone, thank you. really enjoyed the book. a lot of great . first on "cbs this morning," new evidence that may finally answer the question about jfk's assassination. that's coming up here on "cbs this morning."
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hey, good morning, gayle, good morning, charlie, good morning, everyone. it is 8:00 a.m. welcome back to "cbs this morning." more trouble with the government shutdown. how it could affect your 401(k) or your pension. and a new book challenges the idea that lee harvey oswald had help in the assassination of president kennedy. author larry sabato reveals his findings first. what may help you eat less. all you need is pictures of your food. first your "eye opener" at 8:00. mitch mcconnell went into a meeting with harry reid and reid said, wait a minute. >> still too many demands in exchange for reopening the government. >> investors are still not
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panicking. they expect a last-minute gram will be reached. they're calling it one of the worst ever disasters in south dakota's history. police posted composite sketches of several men they want to speak to and hope it proms somebody to come forward with new information. 19 days in the woods. the extreme measures a 72-year-old man used to stay alive. >> he ate squirrels, some lizards, snakes. >> reporter: he has 90,000 employees and yet you say he's involved in every little detail. how so? >> you would almost call him steve jobsian because his johns are so high. >> nobody was going to take that away from me. >> the human will. >> the physicist harsh ly criticized the movie "gravity." he said, for example, there's no
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way george clooney would spend that much time talking to a woman his own age. >> announcer: this morning's "eye opener" presented by benefiber. leaders of both parties in the senate are working on a deal to end the standoff. negotiation with the white house hit a snag yesterday. >> and that delay makes it more likely that congress will not meet thursday's deadline to raise the federal debt limit. nancy cordes is on capitol hill. nancy, good morning. >> good morning to you, all of you. well, everyone thought that we were close to a deal at the end of last week, but then over the weekend talks between the white house and house republicans stalled. so now everyone's last bench hope is senators can work something out before the deadline. senate majority leader harry reid said he was growing more optimistic after speaking by phone with his republican
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counterpart mitch mcconnell. >> our discussions were substantive, and we'll continue those discussions. >> reporter: mcconnell was not as upbeat. in a statement he revealed a highly distinctive deal. he said susan collins' plan has the support of democrats and senators. >> democrats decided to make a new plan of their own suggesting that any of those roll back spending cuts known as sequestration. >> neither democrats or republicans like the see question station. >> i think the democrats are on the verge of being one tick too cute as they see the house possibly in disarray. they now are overreaching. >> reporter: there is concern on capitol hill over the fact that
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it's monday and there's still no deal to raise the debt ceiling but others feel a big market drop might scare members into finally crafting a plan and passing it. >> nancy, thank you. many corporate leader says the standoff is bad for business. more than a dozen ceos have lobbying president obama. >> well, so how much money, just so we understand what blackrock is about doks you have under management? >> we manage probably $4 trillion. >> $4 trillion. >> yes. >> with a "t." >> it's not our money. it's all our clients' money. we're the largest manager of school teachers and policemen and firemen. i try to explain if we do a poor job for them, we're not doing our job. i don't try to emphasize the large number but the need to help with every individual. >> did you meet with the president? >> not recently, not this
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weekend. >> can you tell me why it is that some people doubt how significant the failure to meet the deadline and a default by the government is? >> charlie, first of all, the narrative is all lochlk we are a principled nation. we built this principal on principals of standing by your world. we're a model of democracy. we triering to help other countries begin their journey toward democracy and we're showing that democracy is not working as well as it should be. and so just the narrative of not paying our bills is bad enough. it's like somebody going to a bank after having a car loan or mortgage loan and saying i'm another going to pay you. now do, you think the next time you're going to need a loan, that bang is going to give you that money?
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and so we're a country that's very dependent. about 25% of our debt is dedeath penalty on foreign sales, and so china and japan are principally large owners. what i worry about is that narrative is going to harm us long term. >> many on capitol hill say they're going to wait to see what wall street does today to know whether they're going to act. >> that's the problem. i don't know if we're going to run out of money the 17th or 18th. they just put a target and with the government shut down for 14 days, the reality is there may be a little wiggle room. this narrative is -- if we default, it will be larger than lehman brothers. when they buy back debt -- they
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call it diffusing. when we're doing some type of borrowing, sometimes it's collateralized by government. it's based on the backing of u.s. treasuries so it's not as obvious. in addition most banks' balance sheets -- >> isn't there a disadvantage? all the solutions we hear are short-term solutions. isn't there a disadvantage to talking about a short-term solution? >> i lobbied quite hard this weekend. i was in washington until saturday night. it suggests that a six-week solution is unacceptable in that, a, i don't think we'd have a resolution on,000 work this out. b, we're going into holiday season and everybody i know is going to defer their decisions. we have to understand. we know that individuals defer
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their decision and they'll wait until this plays out. ceos will not invest in jobs and plant and equipment. they're going to hold back. here we are. we have a very, you know, unquestionably poor job economy and we're only going to make it worse. >> you know, three quarters of the economy is controlled by consumer confidence and sort of drn and i talked to somebody who owns real estate companies. he can see all the retailers that it's dipping right before this holidaying. people are worried. how will it affect their 401(k)s and ho will it affect their pension. >> and well they should. washington denotes a feeling of confidence and they're not showing that. >> if they had a deal, would it have blend no default? >> there's no question sequestration is having a huge impact right now. this is why i'm suggesting a longer term workout so maybe
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it's a nine months type of workout. >> do we have time to argue over that right now? >> no, we don't have time. we should set the debt ceiling out nine months and work on these issues. >> thank you very much. you have some work to do. >> i do. three americans won this year's nobel prize for economics this morning. eugene fama and lars hansen, also robert schiller. >> over the weekend, the anonymous graffiti artist set up a staal. a vendor was selling signed pieces for, listen to this, 60 bucks. >> and he says it took only four hours.
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people were walking by, i want some art on my
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>> announcer: this morning's "eye opener" at 8:00 is sponsored by benefiber. better it with benefiber. benefiber. fiber that's taste-free, grit-free and dissolves completely. so you can feel free to add it to anything. and feel better about doing it. better it with benefiber.
8:11 am
google... how do i get home?t. getting directions. ♪ ♪ i get out a lot... except when it's too cold. like the last three weekends. asthma doesn't affect my job...
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you missed the meeting again last week! it doesn't affect my family. your coughing woke me up again. i wish you'd take me to the park. i don't use my rescue inhaler a lot... depends on what you mean by a lot. coping with asthma isn't controlling it. test your level of control at, then talk to your doctor. there may be more you could do for your asthma. of nescafe clasico stir what's inside of you. ♪ [ engine revving ] [ tires screech ] ♪
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[ tires screech ] when ouwe got a subaru.s born, it's where she said her first word. (little girl) no! saw her first day of school. (little girl) bye bye! made a best friend forever. the back seat of my subaru is where she grew up. what? (announcer) the two-thousand-fourteen subaru forester. (girl) what? (announcer) built to be there for your family. love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru.
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hey, check it out. show me the cookie. >> sweet. #don't mind if i don't. pretty good. #i'm getting my cookie on. #i'm the real cookie monster. #. >> makes sense to me. they found a way to combine their love of snacks and twitter but that is really just the beginning. in our morning rounds, a diet rich in social media could help you lose weight. researchers at byu found that simply looking at pictures of food on instagram and pinterest could make it less appealing.
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jeff larson and ryan elder join us at the table. i say when you see a picture, you want to run out and get it. you say what? >> think about it. if i show you a picture of a rich chocolatey cake, what's going on in your mind is going, this looks good. how is that possible? part of your brain is simulating eating it. part of you is thinking it tastes like chocolate. if you're looking at a lot of pictures of chocolate cake, so in the end you feel like you've eaten it. >> how did you do this study? how did cow scut it? >> it was based on the idea that you simulate. so on one condition they saw 60 pictures of salty images and on the other they saw salty images of sweet like dessert. >> what would they be? >> pretzels, popcorn, potato chips, things like that.
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we didn't want to show them peanuts because we didn't want to ruin the study in that regard and then we had them eat some peanuts and we said how much do you enjoy eating these peanuts and we found there was a really significant drop-off if they had seen the salty images because as jeff mentioned they kind of satiated on this experience of sensing saltiness. >> how many pictures do you have to see before you satiate? >> that's what i was wondering? >> we show 20d pushes and 60 pictures. even in the 20-picture condition you started to see this little bit of drop-off. >> in order to lose weight, it's 20 pictures before lunchtime. >> it ain't going to work for me. >> are you suggesting it's going to be diet? >> i don't want to your claim or overstate anything. we don't want to show you but it's actually helps you to lose weight, but i could imagine if you're a person who has a particular weakness, let's say
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you watch "the amazing race" and eats a tin of brownies every night -- >> i bet food advertisers are looking at you going, come on, bus they build their whole lives building pictures that make you want to go get it. >> they make you want to go get it, which is true, but the counterin tuive effect is you may not buy it like wyou would have before all the images. >> very fascinating. jeff larson and ryan elder. the assassination of jfk. the new answer being called the definitive answer of what happened that day in dallas. we'll explain. that's ahead on "cbs this morning."
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with less fibromyalgia pain, i'm feeling better with lyrica.
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"clearly inappropriate" virginia's newspapers on revelations that... ken cuccinelli's office secretly helped an out-of-state... energy company that ripped off virginia landowners... but gave a hundred thousand to his campaign. a federal judge called it "shocking." the inspector general launched an investigation. and now cuccinelli has been questioned by... the fbi about the star scientific scandal. investigations, gifts, scandals ken cuccinelli's not for us. nextgen climate action committee sponsored this ad.
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welcome back to "cbs this morning." coming up this half hour he's a scientific pioneer and he's only in high school. you first med jack andraka on "60 minutes." this morning guess where jack is? he's with us in our toyota green room with his mom jane. she'll tell us why even she was skeptical. we'll show you how they're coming together to get away from it all. that great story is ahead. ride now it's time to show you this morning's headlines. "los angeles times" looks at business travelers who are likely to spend more money on expensive meals to better airline seats. also more likely to post a negative hotel review. they say that's because they share more in the digital age. >> is that why there are all these restrictions on our travel
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here? >> we want more. >> a greyhound bus pass all around. the "minneapolis star tribune" says adrian peterson is heartbroke about about the death of his 2-year-old son but he is standing behind his decision to play on sunday. they prayed before they took the field. they say the boy was beaten by his mother's boyfriend. e-mails from the maryland state police show he even told his drivers to run red lites. gentzler who is running for governor says it's not an accurate reality. first of "cbs this morning" new evidence about that fateful day. it comes from a book called
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"kennedy half century." we'll talk with the author in a moment, but first the new details half a century later. >> this is walter cronkite in our newsroom. there's been an attempt as perhaps you know now on the life of john f. kennedy. >> from the moment the shots rang out on dealey plaza, it was elusive. >> was he acting alone or was he a member of a conspiracy. >> the 888-page warren report issued in 1964 shows there's no evidence of lee harvey oswald planning or carrying out the assassination. dozens of documentaries and films, most notably oliver stone's 1991 'cadmy award-winning film "jfk."
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but the strongest official information for security came in 1979 when they concluded that president kennedy was probably assassinated as a result of a conspiracy. a key piece of evidence was an audio recording that the committee believed captured the sound of four shots fired. one came from a so-called grassy knoll. a patch of grass ahead of the president's limousine. this year political scientist larry sabato used state-of-the-art technology. he said they do not capture gunshots at all but a moster to cycle and the rattling of a microphone. he said analysis of the recordings which shown were of police radio transmissions were not from dealey plaza but from a location two miles away.
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a new poll conducted as part o of the book found that 75% of americans still object that lee harvey oswald acted alone. you went back and looked at evidence and said there could not have been a second gunman on the grassy knoll. >> the report that was issued in 1979 that concluded there was a conspiracy was absolutely wrong. i think once people have a chance to read this book they'll see that we've blown it out of the water. so their evidence simply does not hold. does it mean that no one encouraged oswald or he had no compatriots working with him? i can't say that for sure because the warren commission was also deeply flawed. they made so many mistakes in their process, they didn't interview key witnesses that, charlie, ininterviewed 50 years
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after the assassination and i was stunned to find out they weren't part of that city snow not with standing that you believe there was a single gunman and lee harvey oswald was the gunman. >> i believe lee harvey oswald was the gunman who shot both president ken deand governor conley. if anyone else participated beyond the picket fence or grassy knoll, they missed or never fired. >> will we ever know? >> we'll never know. if we can go 100 years into the future, guarantee you whatever replaces television, there'll be documentaries proposing new theories, that's because the warren commission did not go down the hot trails when we had the chance to interview the right people. they could have done it but ee sep chally they were lied to by the cia, president johnson didn't want a study, and so we didn't get one. it was on a political timetable.
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>> is that why you think they were vigorous in not pursuing it? >> i think that's part of the reason. they were under a lot of pressure to produce and report quickly. it was such a flawed process. this is the murder of a young president. the youngest. the youngest to die. we need a thorough investigation and the american people would have waited and paid whatever was necessary to get it. >> we've known there were issues with the warren commission, right, and there wither many conspiracies that came out of that. what did you think that you found. you spent five years on this, you know, that would really surprise people. >> well, thing clearly the fact that we've blown apart the second government investigation. these are two flawed investigations. they both got it wrong for different reasons. so think that will surprise people. when you really get into the details, it is amazing how many pieces don't fit. just to cite one, right after the president was shot, some dallas policemen ran up the
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grassy knoll and they encountered people who had secret service credentials. they let them go. they had their guns drawn. they let them go. you know what they found out since? there were no secret service agents, they were all with the motorcade. they went to parkland. who were these people. >> do you somehow think organized crime was kelkted to new orleans and they were connected to cuba? >> charlie, i can believe anything. the problem is where's the proof? you know, in the end you have to have proof. >> you also say yo cannot understand his legacy without really understanding the assassination. what do you want his legacy. your book also deals about the legacy of jfk. >> absolutely. we ought to focus on president kennedy's life and legacy. he has been the most influential modern ex-president. he has influenced all nine of his successors. they have used his words and
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deeds to accomplish their own agenda and it's really impressive. >> is that because he died so young and so tragically? >> yes. i think that's part of it. it's the fact that we're distraught over the death and what might have been. would we have gone as deeply into vietnam if kennedy had lived? lots of bad things in the 60s -- >> you also say he's a marked man. if it hadn't been lee harvey oswald, it would have been someone else? >> i made the case that he probably would not have lived through his pren dency. >> how can you say that? >> because, charlie, the security was so thin. this was the thinnest of blue lines. john f. kennedy loved to mix with people. there would be crowds of hundreds of thousands and they would engulf him with virtually no security. it's amazing he lasted until november 22nd. >> that's a have interesting book. >> 600 pages. >> you cover a lot of ground. they you, professor, so much. >> thank you. >> last night on 60 minutes, i
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hope you saw him. they introduced us to a very young scientific phenom before he could even drive. jack andraka. he won something big. he invented something that may spot cancer earl and when you get up -- can i play?
8:39 am
no! you don't even get football. [ male announcer ] when you've got 100% fiber optic fios, you get it. america's fastest, most reliable internet. it's the ultimate for downloading, streaming, and chatting.
8:40 am
you have that guy all over the football field. thanks, joe! if the running backs don't start picking up the blitz, the quarterback is going to have a long night. is that your sister? look, are you trying to take my job? maybe. technology that lets you play with the big boys. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities that's powerful. at 800-974-6006 tty/v. jai he did research work. nearly 200 times he asked. nearly 200 times he was turned down. finally with the help of some folks from john hopkins he got the research facilities he needed, developed a pancreatic cancer test that's faster, cheaper, and more sensitive than the test that came before it, which is not bad for a guy who's just barely old enough to drive. where's jack? there he is. jack, stand up, because that's pretty spectacular.
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jack, stand up. >> in april president obama honored a teenage inventor at the white house. as a high school freshman jack andraka created an early detection test for pan cree yacht ache cancer. it's one of the most lethal cancers with 40,000 expected to die from it alone. last night on "60 minutes" morl morley safer looked at it. he was at the international science fair. like a modern-day rocky, the self-professed science geek took the stage and $100,000 in prize money. pure unadulterated add lenlts joy. when you won the intel award, your reaction went viral, correct. >> yes, it did.
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>> you weren't expecting an award. >> i didn't expect to win. i was flabbergasted. i was like freaking out. what? me? jack's test detected an an unusual high level of mess oh thiel yum. a protein. >> what exactly are you doing now? >> so essentially what this is it's one of my strips and what you do is you first get an original measurement of how the electricity flows across that. >> the paper strip is coated with a carbon substance that attracts it. it's placed in an rap us the that jack built in his parents' garage. a high level of mess ohthelan in a person's blood level may indicate the first stages of pancreatic cancer. >> jack andraka is here along
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with his mom. it is still one of the best reactions. i love that unbridled joy. you became interested because a close family friend died of pancreatic cancer. >> i went to google. what i found is that 85% of all these cancers are diagnosed when someone had a 2% chance of survival and the current test costs $800 at 30 years old and it misses 30%. >> why did you think that? >> i was a bit of an optimist. however i thought i could do it because the current test was so bad because teenagers were at this point of creativity to dream up ideas. >> jack, you make an interesting point. this is not just about intelligence because you think you're not the smartest kid in your class. >> yeah, because one thing is that now we have access to so much snofrgs you can be so, so
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smart. you can be a genius and no so much knowledge but if you don't know how to use it or use it, you're as good as my smartphone. >> i think persistence is the story. jack was repeatedly told by scientists they weren't interested and they didn't think it was work and he per sited. >> he had to per sit because even his parents thought it was too much. you know, he was 14. i was like, you're not going to get a lab. you're 14. come up with something easier. but he was always very persistent and stubborn and really believed in his idea. >> why did you not give up all all o those rejections? >> it's more than persistence. >> what happened is that because of my close family friend but also 100 people die of pancreatic cancer every day. every day i'd go into the lab and think how am i going save a hundred lives today. >> you're not the first person to think aboutist.
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i think steve jobs died from pancreatic cancer, didn't he? >> yeah. >> he had a great saying. you have to thing like a beginner. is that part of it, you think because all these smart scientists who spend a lifetime, they thought of it in an unoriginal way and you because you didn't know all that thought of it in an original way. >> i think what happened is you get encumbered by all this knowledge. >> you don't seek the obvious. >> and so looking at it in a different way, so maybe someone who doesn't know anything might say, well -- >> let me try sniet what about him as a kid because they think he's a whiz kid. are you thinking advice to guide him? >> yeah. you know, just from the beginning whenever he would ask questions i'd say let's figure out how to ask those questions so to teach him from an early age how to find the answers himself. >> he's still a typical kid. >> even though he's an amazing kid, he's still 16 and still
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needs his mom and dad to help him out. >> if you want to know more about it, it's great thing about raising gifted children. thank you. and no men, no pets, no kids, and be nice. those are the rules for a group of women finding friendship and adventure in the great
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and i sponsored this ad. candidate for attorney general, if you think ken cuccinelli would take virginia in the wrong direction, wait til you meet his attorney general candidate senator obenshain. like cuccinelli, obenshain believes politicians should dictate our most personal decisions they cosponsored a bill together to ban the birth control pill; and outlaw abortion, even in cases of rape and incest. cuccinelli and obenshain: together -
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a dangerously wrong turn for virginia women from around the world are coming together for outdoor adventure and fellowship. sisters on the fly tow their own trailers and pitch their own tents. bar barry petersen caught up with them in the colorado rockies. >> her vintage camper trailer is covered with cows wearing jewelry. why do the cows have bling? >> because they're girls.
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girls have bling. >> reporter: and the stair wheel has a little -- well. >> it's an udder. isn't that udderly divine? >> it's udderly redid lus, yes, it is. >> pink makes you happy. you can never have enough. >> they call themselves sisters on the fly. they drive their personally decorated trailers to gathers across the country. . they have simple rules of member. >> no men, no dog, no kids, have fun, be nice. >> reporter: and they fly fish like on this little piece of colorado heaven. it's how sisters began. they were fly fishing in montana and wanted to share the fun. what started with a few friends in 1999 now has 4,000 women who travel and camp out together across america like wyoming
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veterinarian christa branch. >> it gives you an opportunity to be empowered by pulling your own trailer, fixing your own trailer, doing all those things. >> merit badge. >> that's a martini badge. >> reporter: you get a martini badge? >> that's the cigar badge. >> reporter: you put that together. >> and you have a really bad morning. >> they wrote a cook bock about the sisters. learning something men may not want too hear. >> no matter how good your relationship is, i think it's always good to take a break from it. >> for dinner, it's not the iron chef but the cast iron chef. and cooking over the coals. >> i'm making a sausage and weiner appetizer. >> reporter: they even have a song. keep an eye out for the sisters you may fly past out there on the open road.
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♪ they're modern-day cowgirls they're sisters on the fly ♪ >> reporter: for "cbs this morning," barry petersen, colorado rockies. >> my type of girls. there really is something to be said about the friendship and sisterhood of women thats like no other. >> i agree. >> you see it. when they go in a restaurant and they're very much engaged. that does it for us. stay tuned for your local news. we'll see you tomorrow on "cbs this morning." >> take it easy. >> announcer: closed captioning is proudly sponsored by scitra l citracal.
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"i'm terry mcauliffe, candidate for governor, and i sponsored this ad." these are birth control pills. more than half of american women use them at some point in their lives but ken cuccinelli sponsored a bill that could have made common forms of birth control illegal, including the pill. cuccinelli was one of only five senators to support this "potentially radical intrusion into domestic, family and individual decision-making" why is ken cuccinelli interfering in our private lives? he's focused on his own agenda. not us.
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♪ >> all new today! sharon osbourne, joins the doctors. >> hello! >> revealing her weight-loss secrets. >> losing weight is easy for anyone. it's maintaining it! >> the dangerous trend that almost killed her. >> i used to be 230 pounds. i have tried everything from powders to diet pills . >> how she handles a family's addiction problems. >> this is hard to do, by the way, what she's doing. i hope everyone realizes that. >> the controversial procedure that can have you losing 16-20 pounds a month. >> what happens when you eat fod with that? >> i haven't tried it. >> how sara michelle gelar can help save your child. >> they could be potentially carrying a fatal disease. >> news 92 90. >> -- news in 90. >> new moms are ditching maternity leave. and how


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