tv Fox 5 News 5 FOX January 28, 2016 5:00pm-6:01pm EST
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as i stated earlier it's i troubling when you see thishi type of wolf pack mentality.nt the victim clearly was tryinglyy to get to his destination worktr wherever the case may be so it e is troubling when you see >> reporter: metro's policer:eto chief says the 35-year-old5-ye-o male victim was punch as he as got off the train atrain at chinatown.ow he fought back and then other tr juveniles attacked him.tack him within 20 seconds the grouphe g jumped on the train.jumped on t we're told all arrested weree wilson high school students. ste they were apparently on theiry n way to school. metro's gm was asked aboutsked these kinds of attacks att happening against riders recently. >> any time an event like that k occurs no matter where itre occurs is very disturb to goy all of us, right. whether it happens on metro or o on the street or wherever ithert happens. so, that's terrible. tri >> reporter.>> reporter: back oh live in the gallery placealle station i wanted to tell thatelt you police also are looking l for a little more evidence tode go with their case. the
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they know that someone wasomeo using a cell phone camera. c they could see in it theirould they are trying their best toto get ahold of that person who per has the cell phone video ofeo this fight taking place. metro officials believe it'selie good because they could seeee the person very close to the site. by the way we should tell you w within the last two or three minutes about three cops camebo utrunning into the station downi to the tracks.on the we hear there's some kind ofkino disturbance. we're going to go down andwn and check that out and see what that's all about but police butc were here reacting quicklyly tonight.tot. back to you. >> good news there. all right, thanks matt. ggh violt,ent attacks on metro happen all too often. d.c. council member jack evans wants stiffer penalties for people who commit violentiole crimes on trains and buses and around recreation center inatior the city but the council rejected evans proposedpod legislation yesterday. yte mayor muriel bowser supportedr t the idea and says she's disapp s ponied the council did not act. >> ♪ >> a new report on police useorl
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of force has found the d.c. d.c. police department has abidedde by guidelines established withsh the department of justice backro in 2001 and there's nohere's evidence excessive use ofessiveo force has reemerged as a problem within the ranks ofanks the department. >> reporter: a team of repor investigators spent all of last summer and into the fall examining way metropolitan metpo police department carries its policies on use of force and fce the investigation that is wentha to the cases that needed neede further scrutiny. in the report, written by the bromwich group investigatorsga found since 2009 the number off officer involved fatal shootings has consistentlyonst been in the range of three tof e eight per year. they also found our review ofeve the raw data shows no evidence e of any significant orr sustained increase in any category of use of force employed by mpd officers. in 2001, then d.c. police.ol chief charles ramsey enter ramy need a memorandum of agreementge
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with the department of justice s that required the police forcedh to adopt a broad set of reforms relating to the use of e force and then put those t reforms into policies,olicie procedures and the result was the force the f investigation team known as fifit which came a nationalatio model.mode although the report is generally favorable to what mpd lab able to accomplish investigators were critical ofar the time it takes to completes m the investigations and singlednn out the u.s. attorney's officen' for criticism. >> we all spent a lot of hours h and a lot of hard work intodin this reform so we have a lot at stake for making sure that those reforms that we foughtthat so hard to make mp were not for naught. so, very satisfying for us,sa the outcome of this review. reve the report found a lot of places where we could stillou s we could improve training, weinn could improve the quality ofuato investigations but in the large -- the big picture is ptu
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we're doing a pretty good joboo in this aread and that'sndha something that i think is goodgt news both for this communityom and other departments struggling with this >> reporter: that's kath wyte t' patterson the d.c. auditor. audr the more than 300 page reporte r came up with more than 30 tha recommendations to includeons tc better quality investigationsti by mpd and swifter conclusionsos to those investigations by theoy u.s. attorney's office.ic criticism the u.s. attorney's at office is taking issue withssueh tonight in a statement it says s the office has reviewed iniewe excess of 100 use of force f cases since 2009 and the auditor's report "oversimplified the many steps needed to bring the t investigations to a conclusion."co paul wagner, fox5 local news. >> if you got a ticket foryo parking on a snow route inon d.c., you may not have to pay it. mayor muriel bowser saysy ytickets issued for parking on snow routes on friday january 22nd will be voided.nd i the mayor says some drivers dri may not have known about abo friday's parking restrictionon or may have been runningen runng errands in preparation for the e
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storm. nearly 3,000 tickets wereere handed out which carry a $250 $0 fine. fi and if you already paid your yor ticket, you'll get a refund. >> very nice. >> you don't hear that very often in the district about the getting a refund for a parking ticket. ticket. >> no, you don't and what a nice gift that many people gotee today because that is a tough au ticket to get, $250. $25 >> yeah, it is. >> all right. let's head out to sue palkaka and she is outside.utsi it's warming up out there,p t sue, really nicely. >> it hasn't been too bad,too b you're absolutely right, r laura. it's not as warm as we were aere couple days ago. we're near 40, 42 degrees ourgre high temperature today butayut it's a steady melt down thatlt we continue to see and i'm out'm here tonight to remind youd you that once again we did liquefy a little bit of that snow, not , as much as a couple days agopley but there will likely be black l ice tonight.ig we had a lot of problems thatot this mor wanted to just show you most m of wisconsin avenue lookingloo good, the sidewalks pretty dry s but we've still got a lot of lot snow piled up at the end ourhe drive way and it's wet around wn
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it so watch your step. we've got the salt out heret h but there will be once again boa tomorrow a few more slick s spots that you're going to have dodge as we continue thetiu cycle but i would strongly str recommend that you startco finding that storm drainmmg stm nearest your house and dig itigt out because we're going tong t melt down a lot of this snowown in the next few days. first and foremost thousand our headline reminds that you there will be ice around againai tonight. watch your step first thing int the morning and it looks like ls tomorrow's going to be a be little bit colder than it wasr h today. now, this morning we dropped to 11 degrees at dulles so aleo very substantial refreeze. reagan 25, bwi 17. bwi i don't think we get as cold tonight and we did at least lea get up to 40, 42 degrees dayee so that's not too bad. where are temperatures rightare now? we're still hanging ontoo a 39-degree reading in then district. distri most places near 40 or just as little bit below and it won'tont take long again tonight toon head back down into the 20's.o 2 here's something new and different. winter weather advisory has been posted in the mountains.thn we've got ahe strong front f that's going to come through, tr
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two to 4 inches of snowto 4 ihe possible, maybe a little bite ab more in the high spots.highpots that begins tonight and it i continues into friday. i think the bulk of that snowhat with blowing and drifting byrift the way if you're going to be heading up towards interstate ir 68 that will probably occurba tomorrow morning. for us, yes, we could see a s flurry from that frontalur boundary coming on.ry there was it will be from the nbd department, no big don't worry about it but that front is going to make us kind of chilly tomorrows going to kick up the winds so we're really only talking about temperatures in the upper flirt and wind chills substantially colder than that so it's a bun did up friday and overnight again we'll head from the upper teens to about 32 degrees here in theabnlurt br district. so, watch for that ice, watchcew your step in the morning andnd stay tuned for the seven-day forecast because we are goingauw to be saying goodbye to a lotye of this snow before the month of february begins and that'sndt right around the corner.hene i'll have much more to showeo so you with that coming up in aminp few minutes.w minus. laura, sarah, back in to you.n >> everybody including all those people sitting in s
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traffic behind sue are waitinghi for that to happen, that snowha to go away. a >> there's mounds everywherere as you can see in the video'sans right there.ri with all of this, the snow that came down the other wayther we handed out a if you highh 5's there were a few good few things that came out of it, a few things we thought afterings the storm went right.wentig >> many of you went to the t fox5 facebook page and sharedd your own high 5's. 5 now it's thursday and notdaynd t everything is going well so we decided it's time to happenedoap out some no 5's or low 5's.. here's some of yours as well. fox5's tom fitzgerald isiteral back to a sequel of sorts to a t segment a lot of people were w talking about and still are. ar. hello, fitz. f we were really taken aback by ak the reaction we got the otherheo day. the idea was this.thea w we got through the storm. s there were a lot of thingswere that we thought went well. wel we thought we should point it out. however, we are now heading hea into a week of this and clearly all of us, you
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included are still dealingll with the effects of this o storm. how can we call ourselves theur world's most powerful city if cy we can't even dig out of a o stinking snowstorm after ang couple of days? so, we are back with another list but list this time it's not high 5's, it's no 5's. >> no. >> reporter: schools stillti being closed. close kids love it, parents not so much.. no five.noive. look, we get the no, sir theo, school after a blizzard butft ab the streets have to be cleared c and students need to get back to class. >> no. >> reporter: not plowing ther: whole road. >> no five. >> reporter: if a highway has three lanes, plow threees lanes. la don't just clear two or evenn worse one. >> come on. >> reporter: plowingter: priorities.prioes >> no five. >> reporter: d.c. dugout. d streetcar stops for a streetcar that isn't evenr thatt
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running. buses are running but too many t stops look like this. t maryland red light cameras were dugout as road lanes road nearby were still covered in snow. >> no. >> reporter: politicians making deadlines. >> no five. >> reporter: montgomeryepor county executive ike leggett made a 7:00 a.m. promise, pro prince george's county executive rushern baker heutive made a 9 p.m. promise yetmise deadlines came and went in i both places still had unplowed streets. >> n-o. >> >> reporter: finally badeporter: driving. if you're not part of thet solution u-you're part of the'rh problem. slow down share the road let that car merge and watch outat for pedestrians.for pedest they're in the seet. >> no five. >.>> reporter: back live now at bethesda elementary schooly which, yes, will be closed tomorrow. montgomery county publicntgome schools making tryhe t
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announcement earlier today. tay now, look, we understand you might have agreed with all of that, you might have disagreed with every single thing we listed. listed. we want to hear your no 5's.ear head on over to the fox5 d.c..c facebook page, let us know k what you think deserves a noves five. we're going to send it on overie to alex limon. l she is out and about innd about northern virginia.irgini alex, how is it doing in doing arlington tonight?on >> reporter: just asus horrible. and let me take a deep breath b before i even get started s because to say it has been a slow frustrating cleanup can process is an understatement and i'm so irritated becauseedec we will do you mean my this is my street t what y itt i looks like where we didn't even see a plow untillow yesterday.sterda i'm saying for the very firsters time four days into the storm ih we finally saw a plow and i'm thinking great, finally i can get out of the house, mymy neighbors, their kids can goid n to school, get to work. wor we saw a second plow today.plowd let me show you their
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handiwork. ha they completely blocked in my m neighbors, my retired ret neighbors who can't shovel s their way out.ut my husbands and i will be glad to help them out when we getn we home from work tonight, butht, how is this acceptable? how is this an acceptable way to way plow the street? it honestlyons is just kind of infuriating sotg i agree with fitz no five and let me have you take a look atv some video because we saw more problems around arlington county. the school situation on top of that. th alexandria city schoolsols announced tomorrow they're ony'n a two-hour delay, arlington ain county public school sayschool s they're again closed tomorrow tr so that's that puts parents in a really tough spot and someou of the problems are the fact f that sidewalks aren't cleared,ea the areas around bus stopss s where the kids have to go theyot can't get to them.o t also the streets we're seeingeeg melting and freezing againg agan overnight.t. so, there's not really a great a way to get the kids to school sh and they get that, this ist, thi
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very tough on them at thisat point a week in or nearly a nea week in.ek i now, we did catch up with oneh n arlington mom who is out and out about with her first graderst ge trying to keep him keep entertained, trying to makeing k the best of yet another dayay with no school. schoo you can see he is a cutie pie cp and clearly his monster truck tu had no problem getting throughnu the snowy mess like the rest the of us did. >> as a phenomenon it's very moh if the schools are closed i'velv got to find childcare or takee r a day off from work. w i really am not comfortableomrtb sending my kid to the bus stop p and having him need to eitherohe stand in the roads or up on a high snow bank.w b association it'so it's a challey ways. >> little 67 cle to be honest.e7 one lane out of two might be plowed then two then back intonw one and there's bottle next n everywhere. ever >> reporter: now, i did talk to a spokesperson withso arlington county and i get it,ng we got a ton snow and she s tells me they're working
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arnd the clock to try tohe cck t clear up this mess. she says they have to prioritize so first priorities were primary streets and then at secondary streets that lead totd fire departments and policeic stations and schools, not thatot anyone is going to school butcht schools and then after that,th t they get to neighborhoods like this one where it's only residential. you don't need access or there t isn't direct access to those types of places and that's whyaw neighborhoods like these get thg plowed last. you see it's very icy here. so, if you live in an arean like this, that's the that' explanation we got but what's frustrating is that we're almost a week in and then lasthn wednesday when we only got 1y g inch of snow it was the same scenario so i think people are just kind of tired of excuses. s live in arlington, back toon bac you. >> the fact that they're fac puttering the snow right ining w front of their drive way andri y not in front of -- there's a whole another area where theya y could have put that snow a >> exactly. e >> and for those people whopl are retired now the snow ishe so super heavy and they'rend calling this heart attack snowto i mean, that is just -- lookust-
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at that. at >> alex, wow. alex, >> that is just ridiculous. rid. and there were areas --d there e >> reporter: makes youreorter: s angry. >> yeah, i don't blame you and'y there's -- let's be honest lete here, this is a big snow, there were a lot of of inconveniences and we just and w need to be patient. we just need to be patient butab there's a lot of stuff that's happening here that's purely unacceptable.ab there was somebody who sent me a picture on twitter today of -- on a public parking lot that was handicapped parking pki space and the county -- it wasyt the county's area and they t half plowed it. so, you know, handicappeddi person couldn't park there. >> right. right. there's a lot of sloppiness.lopi i know it was a lot of snowf s but it's sloppy.s >> we can do better.n do b coming up a scare at one a a of the world's biggest themest e parks. police bust an armed man atanedm disneyland in paris. in par what they found in his bagin his that is raising even more concern tonight. >> and threat of the dangerous n mosquito born illness calledss l
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the zeka virus bigger tonight. n officials say the virus iss spreading explosively.xplosivel. >> this is a memo i've dressedee on our middle east policy east p we've been developing. i'd like to coin the phrase ther triple down diplomacy. diploma >> we are not nominating you for secretary of statement i s know he made i was promise butds circumstances have changed.s ha >> and the effect of political t tv shows on our voting decisions.decisions. an expert explains the impact it and our entertainment choices c have on the polls. pol >> ♪ shut up and drive
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>> ♪ >> a brief scare today nearcare one of europe's most visitedis theme parks, disneyland paris. police arrested a man who hadn o two guns in his bag.. investigators say they also thea found ammunition and a copy ofop the koran in the man's bag.'s b the man's bag said off metaletal detectors as he tried to enter t the hotel.otel. early reports indicate he did not have ties to terrorism and t was carrying the guns for his fh own protection.rotect france remains in a state of sta emergency following those deadly attacks in paris back in november.em over the past few days you d may have heard about the zikaik virus including some of its its alarming symptoms and warnings w for women not to become t b pregnant because of it.nant b well, the virus has spread too about two dozen countries with more than a dozen confirmed coni cases here in the united the une states including one in
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virginia. it's transmitted by infected iec mosquitoes and linked to a neurological disorder inog babies that causes them to be born withicus small are brains.. for now the cdc says they ss don't plan to issue a quarantine for those infected ic here in the u.s.heren th so how big is this threatthis really? well, this morning t mr the director of the national nao institute of allergy and infectious diseases at nih n weighed in on the outbreak. outa >> with this new outbreak of a virus that up until recentlytl was relatively inconsequentialen it's been known since 1947 it 1 was discovered in an animal in uganda in africa and was soft wt under the radar screen foree f years in africa and southeast sa asia but then in 2007, there t was an outbreak in the pacific island of yap and then itt worked its way through easterghe island into south america anda now over the last period ofpeod time months to a year so it'st' been real extraordinaryordinary outbreak that we're seeing in'ri brazil and the caribbean.aribben >> right now there is no
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vaccine or medicine to treat zika but president obama isnt oa calling on researchers to step e up efforts to prevent the the virus from spreading here inere the united states. >> it could be a major breakbe a through in understanding thestag development of schizophrenia.op. new research just publisheded scientists have taken a major step forward towardar understanding what causes they learned that a normalt a n brain process that happens in adolescence and early adulthood somehow gets kickedso into overdrive.into overd during this time the brainhe brn trims back the number of cells c used to signal each other. other the new study shows when too many synapsis wiped out schizophrenia develops. >> a smartphone app created to allow class plates to roof out for help if they'rethey'r overwhelmed with thewhmed with challenges of life likee l anxiety and bullyingly afterin trial and error they've come c up with precise advicedv counselors or pac as it's it's
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known. it allows students toso instantly call or text a realea person anonymously for help if p they're ever down or facing oac the typical challenges ofenge o life. >> i think this is more of a thi real world problem that many people have gone through andav wille probably go through. tou >> and that's kind of what the app is for, to just go to a friend if you don't have one. >> the girls have already won the verizon innovative app a challenge its a statewide competition requiring students t to solve real world problems.l l they go on to compete for the privilege of working with tech w experts at the massachusettsassa institute of technology, mit, and $15,000 in cash to make this small town idea into a big time reality. r >> kudos to them.>>udos >> yeah really.>> yea if you've recently eatenenta at wendy's your credit cardtar information could be at risk. as >> what the fast food chain iscs telling customers tonight.omersh >> and mcdonald's mozzarellaozza sticks, apparently are missing a key ingredient sparking spark
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outrage on social media. mia >> a restaurant owner is suing his landlord for raciald fora discrimination. that's ahead in our fox5 story. neighborhood,i feel like it's got a lot of what we were kinda talking about. the kitchen is light and bright,new. we should definitely go see it. [agent] hi...welcome i'm maggie.melanie.maggie. so nice to meet you. [mother] this is brendan.
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because it works for our patients. here, at cancer treatment centers of america in philadelphia, we give our patients the freedom to make appointments that fit their schedules, even on weekends. because we believe in being here when our patients need us, so they can keep living their busy lives. weekend appointments are now available here. learn more at
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>> if you've eaten at wendy'st s you may want to check your credit card statement.tateme >> the chain is investigatings t unusual activity involvingnvolvg cards used at some of its wendy's is working were you cyber security experts too determine the root of theoot oft fraudulent charges and theyharga say thousands could besa affected by this and they'rey're encouraging customers to watch h for unauthorized charges onharg their credit cards.. >> haven't been on the menuen that long but mcdonald's iss i under fire over its new mozzarella >> the problem is some s isome customers claim those sticksse k have no cheese. those mozzarella sticks have h no mozzarella.ozzalla. social media is now explodinglo with complaints over this.s ov people posting pictures of the
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hollow fried cheeseless cheesels sticks. and the fast food chain added mozzarella sticks to the menus n nationwide just this month. mcdonald's is respecting. >> maybe if you want good mozzarella sticks go to some sc other place.lace >> they've got a lot of otherftr stuff. >> toys are us offeringffer parents the option to trade danger for discounts.iscounts. during february parents canan bring in baby sites ins exchange for a 25 percentpercent discounts on into your models.el the toy chain hosts the event te to help parents get rid of o outdated and potentially sun s safe baby gear. g there's no limit on how manywan items parents can trade in. i >> what a good idea. >> a contest at thatst particular time on top chef
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claims his d.c. landlord isrd i trying to kick him out to appease white rent here's are afraid of plaques.f plaques. >> we have a fox exclusivesi story after the break. bak. do political tv shows s affect our voting decisions ineo real life? a professor whoor teaches a course called house of cards politics television and ethics is weighing in ong in that next. nt. >> two other republican candidates will be joiningil donald trump in his h alternative event tonight while skipping out on the fox ot debate. find out who next. >> ♪
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>> ♪ >> this is fox5 local news at f 5:00ox. >> now to a story you'll onlynly see here on fox5. fox a renowned top chef and local ac restaurant owner announcedounced today he is suing his landlord l for racial discrimination.cial n emily miller sat down with him today. y. >> we grille our burgers and o we got a secret rub that i
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use. >> reporter: timothy dean td burgers on cape street inin northeast. it was haw a contestant on the seventh season of top chef thehf bravo cooking competitiong om show. his d.c. restaurant is in an area that dean says is being beg gentrified and claims hislaim landlord is trying to kick him out to appease white rentersse r who are afraid of blacks.las. >> come and have a burg are ag like everyone else is doing.s d >> reporter: the conflicttehe started back if 2013.f 2 dean signed a 10 year lease for his restaurant space thatpat allowed him to have live entertainment.ente so he started a jazz night onni thursdays from 7:00 to 10:0010:0 p.m. he was making about $20,000 a $0 month from it. but dean says in the lawsuit lau that the landlord told himd that the building tenants whos are majority white do in the feel safe with the blackhe bla clientele that the r and b and jazz bands were attracting.ttct. >> it wasn't drawing thewasn dra clientele that they wereth the
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expecting but we're talking professional african-americans lawyers, doctors, high school sl mates that i had, everybody professional in suit and ties listening to jazz. >> get that pizza in the ovenpiz u according to dean the landlord offered a deal. d pay half the rent and stop the music.s. dean but in november, hane said theai happened lord claimed he was in deaf fault for that half ofal the rent he agreed he wouldn't pay.y. dean asserts that the landlordh is using discriminatoryin tactics to get him to vacateo the space and replace him way nonblack owned business. busin >> i think there was an alternative motive to get meo gt out of here and i'm not goingng anywhere.yw you just can't tell me to get t out when i have an investmentnvm here and i've done nothing nhi wrong. >> reporter: the landlordhe lan sent us this statement.tame eviction proceedings were procen filed against mr. dean in 2015 0 due to substantial nonpayment nm of rent. the allegations in his suitn hit are completely without merit.ut.
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>> if you lived in iowa oru lidn minnesota things are a bit b different the in days. it used to be a majorityity african-american community for many years and we're stillnd w i so, don't be come down and join us and us enjoy the jazz. the jaz we're not going to tak take your purse and south korea in theth r eye. >> reporter: there's onene things there's no controversy cr over over whether you're black'b or white is this is a great gret burger.bu in washington, emily miller,r, fox5 local news.ew >> now to the drama surrounding tonight's tight republican presidential debate i has many of -- as many of you donald trump is skipping it. the debate will air on foxox airing at 9 p.m. trump promised he would hold an alternative event to eve t benefit veterans.eter that event will start at theat same time as the debate.ebat trump tweeted this morninghing that at least two otherwoth candidates would join him atnim the special event to benefit veterans organizations in desios moines. those two candidates are rick rk santorum and mike >> a lot like real city.e real y it's all about location,
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location, location.ocio >> that of course is kevin spacey playing frank underwoodnu in the hit netflix series sie house of cards. well, some real life drama iss playing out in the republican ra presidential race.esid we've long had a fascinationas with politics and charactershact like frank underwood.nderwood. steph woods is a professor in the american studies programro at american she teaches a course calledhe house of cards politics, television and ethics ethic discussing why people arepl drawn to frank underwood andod how politically focused tv shows can influence voters perspective and steph joins mean now fromd au. steph thanks for being with us u today. i know you're in class. you're c >> of course. >> thank you for taking a takin moment, a break and allowing aow us to invade your classroomr css for a second.d. >> happy to have you. >> first of all, how did youl, h even decide to look into this? o it's a fascinating question. quo >> i love bringing pop culturere to academic learning learn opportunities, so i did it
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with 50 shades trilogy and0 using that as a casesh study too look at larger marketingarng issues in health and sexuality s issues. then we moved on to theved on to "hunger games" with powerh p class and marketing and now a it's house of cards. car there was so much opportunities the look at how politics has changed to lookthnl at voter turnout, to look at lk the relationship between frankh and claire and also talk about a the ethics of some of thecs of o decisions here since it'st' really not the greater good gret that's the goal for the the gl o characters in this show.w. >> yeah, so how are these politically focused tv shows impacting voters in our country? what has your you research shown for you? >> unfortunately we rank 31st r out of 34 countries in the oecd in terms of voter turnout, so i don't thinkhi enjoyment of political tvt of pc shows has translated intons voter engagement and voter turnout. i'd love to see a change ino a h the upcoming election but yetet we've been lower thanha 60 percent voter turnout sincein 1964.64.
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so, i don't think that's goingai to happen unfortunately anyly a time soon. s but it also reflects thatflts ta these shows for this small educated engaged audience like those near d.c., that's impacting with those of us who w are living in the communityunit that others around the countryou and the world are just seeingtee being filmed. >> does it create morereate cynicism in washington and as life kind of repeats art and art repeats life. >> reporter: yes,>> de i think obama had said he sai wishes things could operate as efficiently but as we know thent efficiency in house of cardsds often stems from, you know, the sinister manipulation of frank underwood and everyonev being used as pawns in this t game. so, i think that cynicism hasism prevailed but it's been especially dominant the recentct congress has shown approval a ratings between nine andnd 14 percent and is that likely l to change with such a contentious primary on bothh sides? i think not. n but if it's getting people ineoe our city talking then maybe maye
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it's get something othersomethio outside of this area. a we have the blessing of geography right there and we ndw know some of the real playersla to this game whereas othersme we are just seeing it throughhrough their laptops or television telv screens. >> yeah, and i know you gave a talk last night here in thee t district on this issue to an older audience and you had and d similar discussion with somedi of your studescnts this morningr and you told me that there wasts something interesting thatg in came out of that discussionat si with your students thisdents ths morning that sort of inspired ii them in some way. tell me about that. >> yes, i loved that last night's demographic at the at smithsonian was ranging typically in the 60's and i hadn't thought of house of h cards as such a cross generational show but today weod were looking at west wing andes house of cards in class hereer at american university and recognizing that there are just like west wing babies, b there are some house of cardssec babies and maybe this cynicism, this skepticism, this approach to politicsit that's so negative and unethical is causing people to t come to d.c., to study attudy
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schools like au and to want toan make a difference and to showo o that politics can be done the de right way and that we can can truly serve a president thatntha we revere and respect.pect. >> could hollywood eventuallyvea clean up washington, is thathi what it takes? who knows. k steph woods, thanks so muchnksoc for sharing your insight. iight appreciate it.apecia well, the power of fox5r ofx news and the hill are comingom together to track the race for the most powerful position in the world. wld president of the united state states. >> yes bob cusack and fox5's political reporter ronica cleary for a live special thisst sunday morning at 8:30. 8:3 they'll preview the iowa i caucuses and look beyond tod the next crucial battlegroundatn states and it will not bee politics as usual.s us fox5 news on the hill this sunday right before fox newsew sunday with chris >> an nhl player has been bee suspended for checking aeckg referee. he says it was an accident. wasa you can decide for yourselfor ys when you see the video. >> and redskins quarterback kirk cousins is looking for a big payday this off season butst
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>> ♪ >> all right. jim is here talking a little hockey and ovie is out. >> he's injured.nj we don't know what caused it. they were off for eight f e straight days which is kind ofsd rare in hockey to have that he h many days off.ff. they last last night. nht big news on the all-star game front. we learned alex ovechkin wouldco not be making the trip to nashville for all-star all activities because of a lower body injury. today they named his replacement on the metropolitan division squad.ion. good luck to him.good luck to you know who won't be seeinge any playing time any timee t soon, this guy calgary flamesrys defenseman dennis wide man. m he goals up to the lines man, watch this,. >> no.
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>> yeah. >> yikes. >> now, he says it's an accident. sacci >> oh, please, come on. ooh, wait.h, w i didn't see that. s >> come on. >> oh. yeah, well the nhl says nice nie try.y. he's, boom, suspended spe undefinitely for at least 20orls games. he goes to the nhl's equivalent to the principal'sip office for a hearing.or a hea it's based upon this rule ands e you'll see it right here.t there was a rule out therehrule obviously that says you can'ts do that, that's right.t, t so, unfortunately no go. no g he's in trouble. troub kirk cousins hasn't signed at contract yet for next season sea about the butt brody logan did catch up him at the auto show.u. it has been a great season forsf number eight.ig no doubt he'll be cashing inasng but if you ask number eighteigh what his greatest achievementche has been we have cousins spends the off season so living in the basement of his in laws home in the atlantatlan area. ar he's only making $750,00050,0 guys. >> how do you live on it. on it. >> exactly.>> e he says he's finally made the mh mantle. this is a picture he tweeted out. cousins photo between theet trough fees that belonged to his wife and brothers in
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for cousins it's an honor thatoa is been a long time coming. c >> they have a shelf with julie's accomplishments and myle picture made it onto the it on mantle this year so that was aow step in the right direction diri and always good to have great family and have -- bailed bai bridge with the in-laws and weww certainly v they're greatinly vt people and i feel like i hithe i it out of the park not onlynotnl with julie but with her wholehoe family. >> you don't think the in-laws a would be impressed enough thatmp their daughter married an nfl quarterback.terb that's what makes the's w difference right in. >> i love how down to earth he h is. >> he is. >> you know how down to earthw t he is laura.aura. >> how down to >> this is how he gets down to atlanta. >> i love him. it makes me love him more. >> hey, grandpa, what's up? >> could be grand parks, that pr actually is his grandparents'ret conversion van.conversi >> it is. >> i was just kidding. i was jus >> no, it definitely is. >> 1970's.>> 1970's. >> 80. >> i would say an 88 chevyhe astro. that's at least my -- that's tt'
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my analysis but he drives inin brody's caught up with him ath h the car show. s >> those wheels are much too small for >> and low riding conversionings van. [laughter] >> there is i >> love it.e >> he's rocking it.t. >> brody asked him there's all's these nice cars around what do you want to drive.ri he says my wife knows that i tht like to look but i won't pullont the trigger on >> really. >> gets you from point a to a point b. >> i like him even more.or >> i like him even more.or >> jinx.>> j >> that was weird. t >> love it. >> when he signs thathen $20 million contract orcontra or whatever i'm anxious to see if he upgrades and he deserves toso upgrade. maybe like toyota sienna minivan.n. >> prius. >> awesome people drive >> yes, they do.hey >> do you really?eay? >> i do. >> that's a great.>> t i love that. >> haven't filled up in sixilupi months. >> i am envious actually. actua all right, let's head over tove shawn for a look at what'st's coming on local news at 6:00. 60 >> that's pretty cool, jim.ty c, six months. mth >> no, i'm
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just a little bit. >> i would love to dry.e to d >> then again i haven't dug itat out yet so --ou >> see how it works then. >> all right. coming up at 6:00 tonight mostis of us were working here at the e height of the blizzard.e bli in guesses what became a very w popular pastime for people allsm around the dmv during the the storm? no, there was not a n spike in shoveling or cooking or but there was a spike in a spi something else and thatinelse aa something else just mightust surprise you.rise also coming up kids like to use the excuse that, you know, my dog ate my homework. hw wait until you hear the top excuses grownups use whense they're late for work. bosses give your employees empls points for creativity.reiv another vicious attackot this morning on the red line.he several teens were arrested. we'll have an o un pdate comingp for you live at 6:00. oh remotes, you've had it tough.
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watching tvs get sharper, bigger, smugger. and you? rubbery buttons. enter the x1 voice remote. now when someone says... show me funny movies. watch discovery. record this. voila. remotes, come out from the cushions, you are back. the x1 voice remote is here. is to provide choices that offer you the best prices, quality and selection. wake up with wegmans family pack ♪ 1,2,3,4 you can save 30% or more. from tasty energy bars to creamy and delicious yogurt. let us help you find that perfect balance of size & savings. how can you save 30% or more? sfx: finger snap
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angeles is getting a big if big this boost.this b earlier this week the startup called hospital skip driveospitp announced it is gettinget $10 million in new funding. funi >> this is a great idea the a t great idea.grea the company was founded in 2014 by three working moms and s here's how it works. parents can schedule rides forri their kids between the ages of seven and 17 up to two weeksee in advance or with just eight ji hours notice. a competing service called calle shuttle is based in san francisco but hop skip driveop says it is concentrating itsti i efforts in southernnouth california. some have questioned whetheresth this is even a good idea toa t place your child in a car with stranger and i have the same a concern myself as a mom.nd as the company says most of itsf i drivers are women and in many cases they are nannies or stay y at home moms. the company is using the money m to expand in other states. >> some sort of backgroundacro check like uber does. >> and the liability issue,, lli too but i have said so manyd soy times we need uber for kidsid
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but i would be very concerned ce about putting my kids in withn somebody else.somebo els >> sometimes it's like you'vees got no other choice.hoice. >> right, right, yeah. yea >> great idea. >> there's a need there,'s that's for sure. s >> certainly is a need.ertain >> no doubt about it. no >> there's a need to melt all this snow. >> oh boy i would recommend r everybody find those storm tho s drains near their house andr dig themth out. o i fell a big melt blanket of clouds comings cin across the area and we couldd wu only see a bit of the sun and s we're kind of seeing it ining i this live shot here.e sh if you have a great picture of it send it to me and we'll a wel share it tonight on fox5 news5ew at 10:00 and 11:00. but wants to get you ready for once again some slick spotspots tomorrow morning and laterni tonight. we're going to be doing theto b refreeze. i don't think it's going to be e quite as cold tonight as itht a was last night but when youut get to 32 not much differenceife and we did do some meltingeel today. toda getting you ready forr for tomorrow. it looks like winds will bee wi rather gusty tomondrrow afternoon. wind chills could be in thes co teens in the suburbs to 20's 2
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here in the district. but then after that, it looks like a nice weekend warmup is on tap for us. u we're checking those snowthe snw totals and the depth at reagann didn't change much after ange mt cold night and a chilly daylly today, so still have 4-inches 4c on the ground there.the dulles is down to 16-inches onio the ground, bwi down to 10-inches but of course a lote o of those piles all around thero area and that means we'reeans w still going to get a little aitl bit of melting around thosed t piles and that's where theathere iciness will be. be. if you like skiing you have been wai snowshoe west virginia thenia th average base is 40-inches, iin think you're getting more snoweo tonight and tomorrow. tor i think snowshoe will as well probably little more skiori liberty their average is 38-inches so enjoy the slopesheo everybody.ever temperature right nowerat 39 degrees. we only touched 40 today.uched t dulles got to 42. there were some single digitsing and teens last n we're mostly going to beoingo seeing 20's tonight but maybe m a few spots down into theinto t teens again to about 32 here 32 in the district but again, aga that's cold enough to get theett slick spots going and watch a
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your step early tomorrowomor morning, i know we have a lot of cancellations againga tomorrow.tomo you will be dealing with somede icy spots early on and then a ta much cooler day.ay it's only going to be about 39 degrees.39 degre there could be a few passing fes flurries in the there will be accumulating bcumg snow in the mountains.ins. sunny and windy in the afternoon. we could get gusts over o 30 miles an hour. a cold front will comeome swinging on through. the mountains under a winterer r weather advisory begins tonight at 10 o'clock and goes0c through 6 o'clock tomorrow, tor two to 4 inches maybe a little bit more in some of the higher e spots but blowing snow outowinno there as well. well. watch your drive if you'rerivefe heading on 68 or maybe 76 west6s toward pittsburgh.tsrg here's your surface map.ap the front comes through, theougt cold air comes in but it's as brief cold shot tomorrow tomorro because even as we head ond into the weekend, we ditch the winds friday night or at least l by saturday morning we thinkehi and again get ready for gusts over 30 tomorrow which willtomo give us wind chills during theng day but as we get closer to cse the weekend, we'll ditch theit
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whips and we're going to see a g really nice warmup,. wmu the last thing i want to showhig you. there goes the jet stream andtrd a big warmup with milderhil conditions coming in. cg we could see temperatures somers 10 to 20 degrees above average late in the week and first a f part of next week. w we wrap it up with the fox5 accuweather 7-day forecast.her we're still going 60 degrees on sunday. we think some of the model guidance has been too coldas even though the snow pack iss around. monday 60 degrees.0 degree and ground hog day tuesday, tued here comes february on monday,on 56 foreground hog day.un rain wednesday, hopefully a hopl lot of snow has melted and if it hasn't melted by wednesdaywen it l that's a 65 on wednesday.ed it's a very warm systemysm coming.. thursdays temperature aboutay 48 degrees. that's your seven day. sarah and lauer remark laura bay >> barbie just received a makeover.makeov why the top selling doll nowollo looks a lot different thanrent before. it's about's >> yup, it is. too skinny before. >> i know. y
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>> the world's best sellingorld doll is adding three new dollsw to its entourage. entou >> mattel releasing new barbieei dolls with new body slips. look at this it's part of it's ' doll evolves campaign.ll ees c >> it's time. >> yes, it is, way overdue. ord the new dolls include occurludeo fifty two tall and petite body type and offer new skin tones ss eye and hair colors andr fashion accessories.n access this is the first time the iconic doll will be availableab in body types other than its t original stick figure a you can order the dolls onolls line beginning today and it will hit store shelves inhelv march.mah. finally it took this long. it's 2016.'s 2 >> i think it's time.ime. >> it's all about body image.. >> yeah. >> that will present a muchll more p positive one for youngor girls. >> excellent. >> thanks for joining usnk tonight at 5:00.ght >> fox5 local news at 6:00 6:0 starts right now. >> ♪ >> this is fox5 local news at 6:00. >> ♪ >> right now at 6:00 another:0 a
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violent group assault on metro during rush hour. then a confirmed case ofonfs the zika virus right here iner the dmv but authorities sayti it's not time to panic yet. >> and snow piles, black ice, crowded metro trains as thens ae slow ride back to business busin continues. fox5 local news at 6:00 startsta right now. >> ♪ >> thanks for joining us tonight at 6:00 i'm jim lokayok in for tony perkins.erkins >> i'm shawn yancy.haan a group attack on metro's readd line, another one broke out. fox5's matt ackland joins us live from the gallons replacegal metro station with the >> reporter: hi, shawn.ha just before we talk to you at yt 5 o'clock tonight we noticed wed several metro transit police pol officers running past us ats at the gallery place stop. they went down into the platform and they werend breaking up then we called metro's spokesperson and said therersond was -- he told us there was w some kinof
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