tv FOX 5 News Special FOX January 31, 2016 8:30am-9:01am EST
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political special. >> we're fwhout expect to see here 8:30 sunday morning before we get started let's tell who you we r bob is editor in chief for the nate of of new ofit city and graduated from loyola university in maryland a political junky and good friend of "fox5". >> veronica is "fox5" new political reporter came to us from a fox program called chasing news where she covered whaels politics. veronica got batch lowers from university of pennsylvania and went to grad school at drexel. >> now, we are going to spend the next half hour talking about presidential campaign and the candidates and tomorrow's caucuss in iowa. >> right now it's all about iowa. let's get started with muc much-anticipated poll from des moines register. the poll was released late yesterday on dem extraic side hillary clinton and bernie sanders are basically in a tie despite clinton three point lead it's still within the margin of error and with martin
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o'maley coming 3% he can make things more challenging. >> on the republican side donald trump leads senator ted cruz by five point and you have to factor in the margin of error. he leads by a points. but with -- will the iowa polls and iowa vote match. we'll find out tomorrow. . >> yes what is it about iowa, bob, let's take a walk and discuss so. we're here we're on the east coast and in washington d.c.. and all the talk is about iowa. you could easily get caught up in the mess and not know what we're talking about. >> exactly, i mean where is iowa. can you spot rye eye? on this map? most can't. there it is and that's the thing. that's where the race begins in iowa.
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in iowa last minute cam paining will start. we'll go through a few last minute people gop and who else the donald. and donald trump addressing crowds besides his own airplane and he's been the front runner for six months. can he win? if they come out, we think he probably will and trump admitted to you in a recent interview you had he wants to win iowa putting heart on his sleeve. >> ted cruz was campaigning obviously last stretch here in iowa. he was campaigning middle school in iowa and cruz has so much writing on iowa he has -- either been top two he van gel calls get out to vote for himen and he had a rocky week because the last debate he shibd. can we win absolutely. >> marco rubio. here he is addressing crowds in
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focusing on religion and faith and of course evangelicals and in a state like iowa that's important. caisy thing we're talking about him a lot but he's not winning in any states. if he comes in third iowa something a lot of people talked about could that change the race for him? >> on the democratic side ver on karks hillary clinton joined by bill clinton in cedar rapids hillary is trying to solve the iowa puzzle. she finished third in iowa 2008 behind obama and john edwards. if she losses here bad headlines for her and she's down in new hampshire she could use the first two if she losses iowa big contest for her. >> and of course bernie sander sanders. here he's campaigning in manchester and admitted he needs high voter turnout to win. he is heavy fwivrt win in new hampshire and history those if you win both eye ip and new hampshire you're on track to win the nomination. we'll see how bernie does in iowa monday. >> and then there's martin
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o'maley. he's been a distant third with that small 4 understand des moines registered poll and his supporters could make a huge difference. where will they go. remember in iowa it's different caucus. if you don't hit 15% threshold owe ho maley surprise pourers have to khoyz between hill hel and bernie sanders and maybe one o'maley supporter will put one over the top. let's go liver to iowa and colleague the miles in stan judgeage is in reporter voters and they're basically looking at what will happen no now. nile, what are you getting on groud and observing? what's the feel? >> bell there's different things really. one marco rubio is perceived to be gaining late momentum. the big question so many are talking about is whether support that shows up for
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donald trump in polls will be replicated at actual caucuses and democratic side a very close race. the passion of bernie sanders supporters against the kind of orgzygous established back in -- enjoyed by hillary clinton. >> what's your take? we know trump has it big rallies. thousands of people showing up for him. sometimes standing out in the cold for hours. do you get a sense they are going to show up for him? >> well, i was reporting and the sense from people here in iowa they may well do. general consensus people are under estimating trump's capacity to get people to the polls and on other happen support is protest at the much based around first time caucus goers and that is not traditionally reliable in iowa. >> how much is riding for iowa -- or hillary clinton in iowa. if she loses what happens now? >> for a start, she face as i
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long race for the democratic nomination which she hoped to avoid. but secondly if she losses it sparks all doubts and concerns that even democrats have about her ability to -- as a candidate. she really doesn't want that to happen at all. >> great thanks for joining us i appreciate it. >> thank you. . >> well all of the reporters and voters in iowa have been saturated with political ads on tv. we've got "fox5" tom fitzgerald to show us here. >> bob, veronica always a pleasure here you go. you live here in d.c.. probably have not seen a lot of these. if you live in iowa there's no way to escape these political adds on television. viewers flooded with them out there and as of last week the candidates gets this spent more than 40 million on broadcast tv ads and for good measure three million local cable ads.
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we wants to give you a look at a few of these standing out. we'll start this morning with ted cruz going right after marco rubio. . >> cake us for cruz to you undo obama damage. >> mark he rubio is different reno bama. >> that's cruz you see a different strategy here from marco rubio. he took a different direction totallython and why? rubio has been defining 307 minute blocks of tv time and air special shows in iowa this weekend. rubio is holding town hall meeting all over the state and this program hose off a highlight of a lot of those event. highlight of a lot of those event. ♪
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did you see what we did there it's 8:30 sunday morning that's the bernie sanders ad the ad sand rz and garfunkle it's remarkable because you never here announcer or barny sanders talking at it at all. it's just the music and it's just sanders interacting with his own voters. we have one more here this from donald trump it's interesting because it's donald trum in a way you have not seen him before trying to connects with evangelical voters on facebook. >> i appreciate the support goych me by evangelicals they've been incredible every poll says how well i'm doing with them and you know, my mother gave me this bible this very bible many years ago. . >> so it's a little different take. classic trump though. this is a bible best bible everybody ever had it's best i love. it it's interesting you deposit see rubio ad every one gets to
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a need these campaigns think they want to gate cross to voters. crews combative and rubio a leader and sanders inspiratio inspirational and trump i'm a conservative don't listen to what people say. >> jeb bush spent over 100 million on dlabz. >> how is that working for him. >> not good. >> you look at somebody like donald trump he paid for first ad in iowa he's leading in polls it's few and unbelievable. >> he needs that by the way i decided from here on it we dubbed a new hash tag. bobica. >> i think it works. >> fantastic. >> it's jug the beginning, up next we'll look at what the is next in the campaign. >> did you only him one word to describe a candidate what would be word be. . >> first the power of social
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>> we've heard from the candidates and pundits but we wanted to hear from you. i went out with camera and a challenge. take a listen. . >> i'll give a presidential candidate you give me 'word to describe them. >> donald trump. >> arrogant, loud, toupee. >> donald trump. >> trump. >> what is one word that comes to mind when i say donald trum trump. >> bull [bleep]. >> and how about bernie sanders. >> that's my man. there bernie for sglez angry. >> socialist. >> interesting. >> little crazy. >> genuine. >> ted cruz. >> good. >> smart. >> pee-wee her plan is conservative. >> even. >> hillary clinton. >> number one. >> entitled.
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>> dishonest. number one. >> liar she has my vote. >> chris christie. >> who. >> new jersey i don't know. >> champion for the cause. >> chris christie? ted cruz. >> displaced. >> hillary clinton. >> liar. >> bernie sanders. >> old. >> do you like any of them? >> no. [ laughter ]. >> that's amazing i mean strong feelings there. >> yeah i love that these candidates have messagesunt received so differently by so many people that's incredible thing about it and the man never at a loss for words he skipped the fox news debate. good or bad decision. >> i think we had audio problems there was a beep or something that wept on and i completely lost what his remark was he'll tell me later i'm sure.
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doneald trump not showing up at the fox debate. it's hard to say how it deposit hurt him. but it certainly you know didn't help him. a lot of people have been talking about ducking from it he gets into a difficult political situation as president and will be able to runaway from that one easily and you know the numbers are what count here. we've been looking at the numbers and you know the polls are pretty clear at this point donald trump is holding on to his lead. he had a rally instead of going to that debate he raised money for vetians instead of taking part in the debate. trump says he raised $6 million for veterans of that event and that's prettyty important to a lot of people out there. with trump out cruz take over the pepter position. careful what you taste for he got that attention donald trump comes and at times he felt like he was being picked on.
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. you weight want it but it is a lot to take good he said he may leave the stage. >> he didn't go anywhere. >> now, iowa it is just beginning of long campaign. a lot will happen between now and next summer's convention. >> just like guys on "fox" nfl sunday show we look add head who may whip and get hurt down the road? >> let's start with first primary new hampshire. what do you think? >> listen you look at new hampshire trum surprise up way big. bernie sanders up big. that's why if it's sapder and trump iowa wow there will be so much moment up and they have a huge lead in new hampshire. kevring change as you know. >> this is unlike anything we've ever heard from the south -- do you think a candidate
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like bernie sanders will translate bell in the south. we know his poling well in iowa and new hampshire. >> those are mostly white states if you look at african-american vote heavy for mill hill and friend of bill bill that could help her if she losses --. >> we'll see race dwindle down to two dan indicates after nevada and south caroline a we have super tuesday and honestly you can very the map showing the races happening on super tuesday. we need super tuesday for sure. >> we could have a broken convention. there's so many candidates on the democratic side i think we'll have this what settled after super tuesday. . >> it will be interesting it's eye wild ride. given all of this, does iowa matter? we'll take a explosioner look next. . >> and also talking to chris wallace one of moderators of thursday's debate on "fox" to get his take on trump's thursday's debate on "fox" to get his take on trump's decision
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>> so just how important is the iowa caulk yous and how much weight does it hold until election. let's take a look at past results. let's go back to 20078 on democratic side candidate by barack obama led with 38% of votes and as we know he went on to win the nomination and election following that we just
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ran neck in neck with hillary clinton and they both had fea fearly 30% of the vote. on republican side former arch saw mike huk abuy and held substantial lead over jop nvk okay he didn't go on. iowa after thursday nights's debate i sat down with chris wallace. he was one of the moderators of the debate. and we wanted to get his reaction to donald trump deciding to sketch the event. did it hurt or help him. here's what he had to say. you know, we're not really going to know. i had advantage of a couple days. but i'm really not going do know until he see what happens monday night if he wins iowa we'll know it at least didn't hurt him. if he losses iowa, then i think some people will say his decision not participate in the
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only republican debate to be held in iowa was a big risk. but, who knows. this campaign defied all expectations and i'll wait and see monday night. >> that's true i thought as moderators you held them to fire and asked difficult questions in some ways maybe he deposit have to look -- i also think that the opinion that had prap roughest night his main competition cruz. he was the one getting toughest questions from moderate rz because he was front runen area getting most of the fire from the other candidates because he was the lead dog. and the headline on friday morning in the big paper in iowa des moines register was rough night for cruz. so, if are you donald trump you
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have to think to yourself this was not not altogether bad decision maybe i didn't help myself and maybe there was negative for me but my main competition didn't help hi himself. >> we will vl more from chris live from iowa coming up next on "fox" news sunday. >> we have closing thoughts about making it to the top of the hill or falling flat.
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. >> which can dhait best week and who had worst. in shout out to bob and our friend at the who made to the top of the hill and who slid down to bottom. >> veronica top of the hill donald trump why he's dominating media cover ramming yet once again and risky for him to skip the debate. . >> it was. >> i think he benefitted from this i hi these on top of the hill. >> i have to agree i think bottom of the hill ted cruz. up fortunately it was not his decision for trum top skip the debate i think it hurt him he was front runner in the debates and attention and eyes on him and he got tough questions. and i don't think he.
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>> now fits. >> it's the time we embarrass ourself. >> i'll say this i was looking for what i was trying to keep app eye on. i have not seen anything to change my mind. donald crump goes in iowa for republicans and hillary clinton for democrats. >> i'm with this i think trump whips and i think voters show up for him and clinton in a very close con tebling i think. >> i'll agree with you two with trump. i'll say i think bernie sanders is going to win these are candidates who are igniting anger and excitement and passion in people if it works for trump i think it works for sanders. >> one of the more interesting races is who comes in second on the republican side. i think that will be cruz. >> thank you for joining us. next we have fox news sunday >> thank you for joining us. next we have fox news sunday with chris wallace.
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i'm chris wallace, the candidates make their final pitch. the day that two gop frontrunners, donald trump and ted cruz. you get 30 seconds to respond to me. >> your question was you disagreed -- >> you don't get 30 seconds. >> today, senator cruz is here for round two. >> i know you like to argue about the rules, but we're going to conduct it -- >> if you ask one more main question, i may have to leave the stage. >> ted cruz from des moines, iowa. >> then -- >> look at the cameras. >> donald trump boycotts the fox debate. but will it hurt him at the caucuses? >> will i get more votes? will i get less votes? nobody knows. who the
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