tv Good Day DC FOX February 12, 2016 9:00am-11:01am EST
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♪ straight ahead, a fox5 exclusive. marina marraco one-on-one with h the man at the center of a sexex abuse scandal that has rockedasd the prince george's countyceeorg school system.te his confession, what role he says his past played in thein crimes and why he said it wasas all just a game. plus, a valentine chill.hil. temperatures set to take a steee dive over the holiday weekendeee barely in the single digits.eig adding insult to
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double dose of snow.w. >> madam secretary, that is a low below.el >> bernie sanders and hillaryry clinton.inton they're first face off since th new hampshirfae primary and by e end, holding nothing back. >> the kind of criticism that we heard from senator sanders abouo our president i expect from republicans, i do not expect from someone run fog the foghe democratic nomination. >nomination. why the race for president coulu be more uncertain than ever.nve ♪ and later, more bad blood bd between kanye west and taylor swift? the new song that has social media taking good day at 9a starts now. ♪ >> in honor of valentine's dayty can we em limb 98 all the bad b blood.blood. >> when can we do a story ontoro good blood. >> it's friday. february 11th.
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valentine's day friday. we'll claim it today. the holiday is comcling up overe the weekend.e we i'm steve alongside holly,ly, maureen and wisdom. wdo >> today would be the 12th. >> today is the 12ing.s t >> valentine's day is oh 14th.. >> of year.f yea >> producer chris.rodu >> he set you up.up. >> exactly.xact. >> you need to know whenee valentine's day is >> i knew it was sunday. w sunda that's why i knew today was nots the 11th. >> as long as you're ready bye y sunday it doesn't matter.n'mat >> exactly. >> you got all your valentine'ss lined. >> i had one for chris but he'ss not getting it now so there's ae extra. extra. >> can i take it and give it too somebody.somebo >> we'll talk. >> who? >> we already talk about thaty a earlier. >> we got a lot to get to thisoi morning. we don't want to get too mucht off topitoc.oftopi it is valentine's day weekend.kd we want you to show me some we want to you show me somew love. i'm just reading -- says. s >> show me some love. sounded like i was solicitingoln for love for myself. mysf did it not.. >> yes.>>es written a little strangely.gely >> soap opera music it all workr out. >> here's the deal. her we're zennine'g al soy and tucke out to hand out some valentine't around the r
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you to send us your shout outs too. use the hash tag that you see os the screen there. there show me some love.ov now it's all making sense. >> this can go so many differenf ways. >> i'm a little concerned. lit as you did say we did have otheh stories to get some very serious but the big story this morningsn the weather.eather we woke up with subfreezingfrzi temperatures again.atures again. it's only going to get worse, we folks.folk >> all right.>>ll r arctic cold isn't the only issus we're dealing with.'re we can also see snow. >> stop it.t. >> butt book ending the holidayi weekend.weeken for details the professor is gary mcgrady he's got a check of the forecast.forect >> that's where i got this -- t not sure where i got thisot nickname. >> the glasses and you're always in the know. a you're always schooling us. >> yes. >> okay. all right. all ri roll with the gary.ll wit >> full of good news with allh o the snow and thed cold arcticti let's talk about a little bit of snow though this evening. eveni because that's really what wet'e have to deal with. to wit dusting of snow expected thisece evening and i'll tell was, itas looks like it comes throughes during the latter end of thef te commute. at least that's whatco we're gog for here. but if it comes through just ahh little bit early, o
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could cause a few problems out there, right? if that indeedtnd happens, then we'll end up witht problems with our evening eni commute.mmut. let's keep that up to date witht that.that expected dusting pretty muchremc everywhere now.ywhere can't tell you exactly where, we but good areas of dusting to att little bit of a coating acrosss the area evening. eve evening into the late eveninge i hours. hours. weekend forecast shows for for 25 degrees tomorrow, listen, l tomorrow is going to be awful.. because we'll touch 25 degrees.e then the temperatures will go wl down in the afternoon.e aftern but it's the wind chill valueale tomorrow below zero in singlenin digits pretty much all day long. valentine's day is a little ltl better. still cold 26 degrees. a lot of sunshine for sunday and not so windy.. tomorrow morning's wind chillsdc again are just going to be be single digits.sing dig temperatures feel like below zero in places pretty much alluh day long.y lon this is 5:00 o'clock tomorrowomo evening. we're feeling like single digits here in the in e ci a lot of areas north and west ws will be below zero. so this little polar vortex,
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you want to indicate, it meansns business.busi becoming cloudy all day longald today. to not so windy.not soindy temperature of 32 degrees.2 deee winds out of the south at abouta five to 10 miles per hour.ou next up there's more snow cominm next week.k so not only do we have coldav cl stuff this weekend, more snowmoo coming up next week we'll talket about that coming up.oming up. >> great, you can go home now,u >> can i? promise?? pmi >> not quite yet. >> thanks gary.nks >> we want to get to seriousntg news entire region has beenas be talking about. big story out of prince george's county. now n a fox5 exclusive the manhm at the center of the child porn investigation is sharing hisha side of the story for the very v first time. time. deonte carraway accused of of video taping young studentsinun engaged in sex acts.ct police say they are now a dozen confirmed victims. vti last night, our crews wenten inside the jail where carraway a opened up about the disturbingg charges against him. marina marraco was there andnd talked with him. h she joins us to share more of m the details from the jailhouseau interview first of all, he wasr completely okay with talkingkawh
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>> as soon as we talk in the first thing my photographer anda i who walk in we said our namesm and we work for fox5 and we a remember journalists and healish understood and that he proceeded to answer our questions.r we had long conversation aboutvs an hour long and he was veryery candid about all of our o questions and answered i guess g as best as he could and ofnd of course like we've said last l night and today, you have to he take that with grain of salt.ra. there's an investigation that'st parallel to what he says so thih is just his version, of course. >> did you find you had to prodr him or was he willing to talk t and sort of, you know, spill the beans, if you will? >> he was not very detailed at first when responding on firstst occasion.casi. once you second question and asked him more detail he wouldhu respond to that question as mucc as he could. cld but, you know, sometimes when i said, are you sorry because heee did at one point admit that he was behind video taping thesees video scenes. scene he said yes, and i said do you y understand that as much as you a say you were a trouble child non these children will
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lead a troubled live? and he said he was sorry. s he put his head down and hee started to cry. to he would not to elaborate how hh understood and if he did he understand that these childrenhe were going to be equally if not more troubled continuing. >> i fine it amazing that he wae so open and then he was able too talk to you.. i'm assuming he has a courte ha appointed defense attorney? no one advinisg him that maybe thii wasn't a good idea? i mean iea generally speaking we usuallyinl don't see these jailhouseai interviews until after a everything is said and done.on >> well, he does not have anaven attorney who is listed. w is he is being advised by theing ae public defender's office and ind asked him do you have an h a attorney? and he says i spoke with one but did not seem as though he was in agreement with the counsel.ounsel that's not to say he will later, you know, we don't know if he's' going to choose to representto e himself or if he's evens e competent to represent himself m but he said that -- didn't seeme like he was in agree answer witw this attorney and he understoodo the charges and i'd i'm pretty t much on
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i know what's against me i haveh nothing to lose at this point. i >> you had said last night in ni talking with him that he made im clear to you in a way, i'm not n quoting you here what you said, but in a way he felt like he was almost a -- in the mindset of a child he related to these young kidsok watch kind of sense did you get from talking with him.alh >> direct quote steve was actually i'm a big child. aig c i'm a big kid. k he felt as though and remember r this man is 22 years old. he thinks that he is a 10-year-old child in his mind mn and how he said to us. to u he felt that he was part of thif group. he felt he was one of the boys.y majority of these victims areics boys. he said there were only two onlw girls that were part of theseart scenes in these videos and heesa said that he identified with these children.hildn so he said that it started as a truth or dare as hide and go g seek. it was all games and fun in hiss mind, and then it evolved. evolv >> but did he realize this iss wrong? that this is not --ot >> maybe not the magnitude of it. he realizes it's wrong but'sronb do
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of it? it? >> i think he understands what t happened. i think in the moment heomt believed that it was okay. o i think because he thinks that the children were doing this onn their own accord at least that'a what he said ---- >> marina, there was ahere w disconnect for me.di you said that he also made it mi very clear that he was justust taking the images and didn'tt participate. to me, that says, i know what's' right and wrong here.wrong h so that was the disconnect fortr me. me. that i'm a big kid but he also a new to make it clear i was onlyl taking the pictures.. there's something --omething -- >> he was not just taking thenot pictures.pict he was actually involved. >> i think there is ank the is disconnect, and i think at time he uppeds it and title time hel is doesn't.oesn't. it's almost as child who knowslk they've been doing wrong butoinw they don't know like you saidw y holly the seventy three rest itt all. all. >> my question to you is, wasiss there anything that stood out to you, what surprised you or isr i there anything that,ing when yoy went in you may have thought ono thing and he starts talking anda you're like, wow, i didn't did expect that or that surprised me?
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think of these cases and seeingg them from the back as if they're just -- these are suspects, these are criminals when youe talk to them you realizecr ethveryone has a story. whatever that story may and youy have to sit it objectively attia times, but it's just so sad andd at the end everyone loses. >> great way to cement up.ay toe >> definitely some disparitiesmy between what he told you last yu night and what's in the policehl report so >> great work >> much more coming out onat tht as we know including moredingor information tonight. >> thank you for coming in thisc you were it late last night.t l. we appreciate you coming in. >> keep up the good work. >> that child porn investigatioi has many parents concerned of course and some of them got ae chance to sound off during aurin school board meeting last night. fox5's melanie alnwick is live e in glenn arden with that part oo the story and i can imagine it e was a packed house and a veryy tense setting inside that meeting, mel. mel >> reporter: that's right,r: tt standing room only as you canan only imagine, of course.oue and we do understand that there
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there is but just a sense of the importance of this meeting thint about the people that were hereh standing in front of parents and grandparents trying to answerts the questions.uestns you had school superintendent dd doctor kevin maxwell. you had representative from ther fbi and you had a whole contingent of police from theice prince george's county policeol department here.nt he. now, did they get answers to the questions that they wanted too ask? yes and no.o. we talked about this yesterday.y you know, we hear it over andvea over again, and a lot of people in the audience frankly a little frustrated with hearing yeah, wa can't talk to you about the particulars because there isar thiss on-going investigation. but they were able to have a few concrete things discussed thing that the school system said theh were going to do.were going t that includes adding 26 neww security cameras to the school here. having a task force to look atk policy changes and training. tin also, some changes to procedures for picking up students ands a signing them out. parents also wanted to know about ge
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exactly is volunteering at the school and why, they wanted toat get a list of names and some s information it appears they will be able to now get that information. a question also came up ifam u parents wanted to transfer theie kids to another school would they be allowed to? the answerr was yes.was after the meeting some parentsar were satisfied. some were not. n >> what i say that my daughterr is safe to come to school? no. > you know, so there's a lot of issues in there still.ti but i can't keep her at home either. you know, she has to come too school eventually. >> well, because i believe they will take care of my kids i my d don't have any fear about that. >> reporter: now superintendent maxwell also sai that he felt that in this case perhaps there were some thingshi that people knew about that tha weren't reported as they shouldo have been as required by law.. an
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retraining of the reportingting requirements of every princets e george's county school employeee live in glenn arden, melanie man alnwick, fox5 local news. l n >> all right. much more to come on this storyy of course over the next days, weeks, months, much more to come on good day over the next fewhe minutes including political news hillary and bernie did not shakn hands at the start of lasthetaro night's debate and by the end, t they weren't holding much back.. >> yup. >> yup. still ahead who came out on top and how the raceca has changeded since sanders won in newn new hampshire. time now is 9:13. we're back after this. ♪
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♪ >> the kind of criticism that we've heard from senator sanderf about our spresident i expect c from republicans, i do not expect from someone running forf the democratic nomination ton t succeed president obama.tba >> that is -- is (applause). >> madam secretary, that is a low below. b >> no love lost between the twoo democrats running for presidente this valentine's day weekend.ked hillary clinton and bernie sanders clashing in debateebe number six and for the first thr time since new hampshire primari it was an intense back and fortf over several hot topics likeicsl health care, immigration and donor money. m so who won and what comes next?x for details fox5 political polic reporter ronica cleary joining us us live to break down what d
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debates.tes. at least we can call this onehin fiery.. >> it went from fiery to very v much in the weeds. wds i read some descriptions ones called it wonky1 called it scholarly. they got into discussionso discs especially about foreign policyy very much in the weed and thende they would have these singersine and these one liners especially from bernie sanders that almostm took you by surprise. suris i mean, they were very unexpected, un, you know senatos sanders has really said touted the idea of a campaign about issues and not taking low blowss i won -- i would not in any way call them low blows i think hisk style was more aggressiveiv yesterday and it was a little ae bit surprising.prisg >> was his hillary being on theo defensive coming in doing so dng poor until new hampshire, washi, she on the defense or was shehe the one going out there tryingry to show people, i am the strongg candidate here.e i am strong on the issues. i should be your choice? c >> that is great question. g que hillary was very calm and verynd
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yesterday. she did not in my opinion appear to be defending you know sort or not great performance i know shw won iowa. iowa very very close those coinn tosses we talk about and reallyt not doing well in new hampshiree she was very cam, veryer statesmanly looking ahead to to nevada and south carolina. carin in no way was she on the officec defensive their styles reallyths were different last night. she tries to appear veryr presidential.iden but what i took away from lastms night was the whole do i saddlee up next to the president as we w head no south carolina? or do i distance myself from the currenr regime? what really is the besb tactic and who is doing what? wa >> that is a great point.. hillary really emphasized some s thing that bernie sanders has ss done in the past where she saidi he has criticized the presidenti in away that
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aggressive. she compared his criticisms to things she would expect fromoulc republicans. sanders said that wasn't a fairf dark saying. this is america and we have awev right to disagree with ourith president and still like him an support him. in that exchange my opinion iini think hillary was a little morem convincing in terms of of connecting herself with thehhe president. now, is that a good strategy orr move? i don't know. don't kno i mean that's something that -- i think it will play outpl differently between the general and primary.d primary it may be a great move in thee e primary. maybe not a great move in themoe general.nera this is all up for grabs.rra >> if you had to handicappedanca last night or not handicappedan it, if you had to pick one base on what happened last nightast g hooks would you go with? >> who won? >> as a winner between the twowo with bernie stepping up you saii a little bit more on edge, and hillary still calm, cool and collected which cun do you thinn did best as far as hey i won ion this? >> well, i think focus on fus o foreign policy the fact that sha was secretary of state i thi
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that's just an advantage she h has. she can talk to very realtalk experiences that she's had and'a worked with. with. so i think that if that's ann important issue to the voterhe v that might be something that'soa appealing to hillary. hillary when i say that senator sandersn is roar aggressive i think hisis style was little bit differentie last night. people characterized him as hima angry. angr he's come across light hearted, we don't care about your damdam e-mails.e- last night i felt he really came across little bit moretle b aggressive and very serious. sio >> do you think it's because hee thinks he has a better shot nowo based on what happened lastt time? i'm close. clo i need to kick up a a notch. a . >> i would love to be in theiro minds. i have no idea.i haveidea. >> right, right. >> we can speculate but this thi thing, you know, everybody rea really looked and expectedxpec senator sanders to do very welll in new hampshire. ham he did better than some expectee but he really has uphill battlet to climb as we approach nevadaa and south carolina a lot of o people are saying can he really
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him now. did he really well.hey i'm not sure what's in his minen i don't know if it's an't kn if aggressiveness to say i'm readyy to take this on and show the s world that i can do this. i've already been a bigig surprise.rp we talked about nine months agoo nobody expected this. or is it fear? is it anxiety or anticipation? that's something' that we don't know. know and i don't think we'll really'a know until -- until we see thoso results. but it would be fascinating tont really be inside some of thosest meetings right now.gsight now because this is crazy.thiss cr >> indeed. >> ron any carbs thanks very.nk. 9:21.9:21 coming up later maybe okay go the guys behind the infamous treadmill music video. vid they're taking the art form toom new heights literally we'll shol you at mazing new clip and we'll talk about how they did it.did i >> family leave in the district the pope making history with his latest trip and anthony weinerei learns why you should never mesm with the king. kin we're taking a look at some ofso the other stories makingak headlines coming up next.p n ♪
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it's got a lot of what we were kinda talking about. [mother] yeah but this neighborhood,i feel like the kitchen is light and bright,new. we should definitely go see it. [agent] hi...welcome i'm maggie.melanie.maggie. so nice to meet you. [mother] this is brendan. [agent] hey brendan. living room. [dad] hey. [mother] hey sweetie. [dad] sorry about that. what about this? this looks good. [brendan] no. [mother] isn't it so great?i think we found it.
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[announcer]redfin pays its agents based on your happiness... that's real estate, redefined. in our house, imagination runs wild. but at my table, i keep the food real. like country crock's recipe made with real simple ingredients. and no artificial flavors or preservatives. real country fresh taste from real ingredients. welcome to crock country. with havertys furniture, your even when life isn't.
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our presidents day sale is happening now. from classic to contemporary, havertys. ♪ 9:24. let's check what else is makingt headlines on this friday morni morning. first up wis. >> let's talk about. public hearing on paid time offe in washington, d.c. just wrappep up. just a little while ago. it turns out that the hearing began yesterday afternoon andon went well into the morning hours. the bill gives workers 12 paid week of leave for the birth of a
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care of sick relative. rel it would impose 1% tax on tax employers to pay for the progr program. little closer to getting ang vaccine for the zika possible vaccines are 18 monthso away from larger scale trials.ct assistant director of the organization also says she alssy believes the link between thek mosquito born virus and abnormally small heads in some newborns is more probable.e. world health organization is still trying to determine a firm link. meanwhile, pope francise frs board th thed his plane in rome bound for cuba.und for once there, the pope will meetll with the head of the russian rui orthodox this is a ground-breaking step towards improving the catholic orthodox relations after his aer visit in cube bat pontiff will f head to mexico.. einstein right again.. scientists say they have finalln detected gravitational waves the ripples in the fabric of space time which einstein predicted a cenu
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experts say the discovery is a huge step forward in ourn understanding of how theing ofow universe works because bec gravitational waves carryry information about their source.c and finally, don't mess witness king. burger king is launching grillei hotdogs as new menu item. ite that's's hotdogs.hotd they recently announced that t snoop dog would be -- that'ss snoop doggie dog would be theire spokesperson for the launch.. that elicit add tempt at at a a joke from disgraced former congressman annal knee weiner.nw he tweeted, okay, i got to admit snoop is a brilliant pick fork f this but i can think of one guye who would have been better.. >> okay. >> you like that.that thumbs down, thumbs up. dow >> he tried.d >> burger king replied to theeph tweet saying anthony weiner text us. wait. maybe not.maybe not. >> ahh he's got to keep hiseep image. >> you didn't like any of ofy that. th >> dm us if they wanted to be like accurate with
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back.bak >> yeah. anthony weiner -- any way. >> right.ight. >> that's why i'm just --hat' >> okay, all right. o all >> mum is the word. mum i will try one of the burger king hotdogs. hotdo >> really. >> the chili ones.he c i'll try it. >> grilled. it's like a barbecue.>> like rb okay.ay hey, still ahead on good day, we are getting in on the the valentine's spirit frompiri f cocktails to chocolate to somesm netflix and chill. chi >> still doing that. t. >> speaking of --g of >> look at these two. two. >> look how cute they are.cutehy we'll want to you hash tag shows me some love this morning. morng tucker and allison out on the road right now handing outding flowers that may or may not have tucker's teeth mark on them. >> right. we'll check in with this crew coming up next.ming up ne >> first, though, two more mor chances for snow. f yes, not one but two. t >> oman. >> gary is back with the holiday weekend forecast and beyond.d. 9:27 is our time. time. ♪ ♪
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>> hat trick for ove last night. >> what do we have here wis.dohe >> what's going on.t's >> it look like we got giftswe f here. we got heart shaped doughnuts du right here. her i like that. tt we got -- we got roses with ourh names on them. >> we want to regift those.ft t >> you can read it. youan r i love you latte to steve.te >> is that from you guys?uys? >> you guys are the >> this is amazing. >> a little birdie told me so tt speak -- >> i like that, steve.ik >> you like that, don't you., dy >> yeah. >> little birdie left ineft in assumption with me i wanted tod pass on to our viewers. because this is my understanding something that anybody can haveh happen to them.them. >> right.ight >> you know what we got -- got what's in here?n h >> this is like -- goodie bag. >> with caps stuff. s here's what you need to do if you are interested.erte now you have a couple of op ohp shops here. but you have a chance to have h slap shot come see you in persor and bring all of these goodieshe y
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you have two options on your screen on the left your lesseres expense suv oh shouldn'tsuv oh s includes what you see there and what you see here on the right if you pay a little bit more yoo get two tickets to upcoming caps game. the phone number the information on the bottom of your screenof right there if you would like to do it. do it. you've done this before, right?b you get out in the community aly the time. how does that make you feel? >> okay. o. >> yeah. like a champ. caps in first we're not forgetting about you.. >> you're a tall drink oftallrik you get it? >> do you see the wallpaper welr broke out just for you this morning? >> how does that make you --thao >> i know. >> happiness everywhere. i feel like in addition to him keeping us awake every morning i feel like we should sample theat goods. don't you think.don'you >> steve. >> you took the words right outt of my >> may we. >> we're good.e're g i like you latte as well.. >> i like you latte, too steve.e >> i'm going to have --av >> we have three differentfe flavors here. >> three different flavors.ntla >> i can guess this is like ass strawberry and -- >> cookie dough flavor.dovo >> okay. then there's a brownie batter b
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do >> all rnuight. >> then the cupid's choice thatt has the strawberry icing. >> okay. okay >> let's take some of those inak for thee ladies. lie >> let's do that. tt >> i'm going to go with chocolate right now.atrigh information was on our screen. . if you're interested you cand yn reach out to the caps throughap that phone number and have --av >> i'm going to eat.'m goio >> this fine gentleman rightfine here show up at your workplacele and bring the goods as well.l keep going caps. c >> this is great.>> this is gret >> that is a great package.ka bring doughnuts in here we'der like some goodies.. >> how fun to surprise yourou valentine with those guys showing up. >> is that an experience. >> an experience a.n expe >> i agree. i love it.i lo >> great job, guys.uys >> all right. gary mcgrady, another -- that's' a neat gift if your wife gotifet you, wouldn't you like it.t ke i >> that would be awesome.some anything like -- you meann doughnuts? >> that, too.>> t >> oh, okay, yeah. okay, y either or. o i'm easy like that.e whatever is good.wh 23 outside -- i stepped outside a minute ago super cold outold o there.ere. gaithersburg still 19 degrees.d. dulles 21. we're not going to warm up muchc i think we're going to stayta be
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all day long.l da look how super it is farther tor the north and west. west. detroit is 18. 18. chicago 19. columbus 12. this is not quite the truehe t arctic air.ic air it's still just a little bitttlt north coming into the centralen planes now but it will startil a sweeping through and it reallyel gets here tomorrow morning andoi starts to move through the areae today we're only up to about 32 degrees. 32 so not lot of warming. dulles is 32 today and manassasa is 34. 3 we'll stay cold all day long.on. the roads will be super. expect a dusting of snow acrosss the area this evening for justus about everybody and unfortunately it's coming at aim point where it's just the t beginning to the end of the commute, okay? it looks likeksk the little dusting of snow willw be back out to the west of us.. western northwestern suburbs byb as early as 5:00 o'clock and then kind of moving down acrossn the metro and the i-95 corridorr by seven, 8:00 o'clock somethino like that. so it won't be much snow but with cold roads, cold air temperatures, just a
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commute time can do a whole lotl of damage to the eveningning weekend still looks super cold.. polar vortex in place tomorrowcr is absolutely miserable. misab we'll have some snow showers bub it will be unbelievably windyin and cold tomorrow.orw wind chill values feels likelsik temperatures single digits allis day long and even below zero. sunday valentine's day, it's, better.tter. more sunshine and 26 degrees.6 e how about the neck seven days? ? we have the chance of some snow this evening.vening it's just a burst, though., t it's just a coating. cti >> a lot of doughnuts coming ini all of a sudden. 32 today for a high temperature. polar vortex weekend. super cold and then monday iy think now monday is most of the snow. and then basically -- i'm not'm going to let this to go on.n. >> wisdom comes in with his own. steve came in bearing gifts toi the ladies. the ladies. >> you know what, holly whosewh idea was it. >> you think i was doing all thi work and you didn't need to neeo bring me a donut? d >> you know what, gary -- >> will you be
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>> what's in the middle? >> you're never supposed to askt what's in the mill, gary.ll, g >> don't ask what's in the mill. >> broken heart.n you know all about that, don't d you? >> broken hearts.>> b >> you seem to be the one doingd the breaking. breaking. >> all over mississippi.ver >> we are spread the love today. let's move on what we're doing.g >> that's right. >> listen in honor ofisten in hn valentine's day we actually neen your help. yo >> yeah. >> so for details we're checkinn in with our love squad tuckerr and allison who want you to hash tag show me some love.ome lov good morning, guys. gs >> thank you for showing me love, lee. >> good morning. mni good morning. mn >> back in the studio. s so we have been roaming aroundud and now we have stopped at cathedral commons that area which is really wisconsin andcon newark and we found two peoplewo that we want to show some lovee to.. >> traditionally people give oug roses. >> the thought that counts.ou i know it is. i got
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>> can you accept my flour forfl valentine's day.ine's >> absolutely. thank you very much. i appreciate that. >> we really appreciate it. >> thank you. ahaou. >> yes. >> i have somebody, too.. >> okay. o what's your name. >> corrine duvall. >> we want to show you someowou lodge. fox5. thank you. >> you're very welcome.e ve two folks actually down herelyo working today hard in this cold weather.athe stay warm.m. okay. okay >> can i say very quickly iquici offered to give him the flowerh and he said to meek you're a dude. don't worry, allison will give you the flower.e fwe he's cool with it now.l wit n >> all right. so we're just starting, right? >> we're just starting.g. we'll sneak in and around theint city over the next couphele ofle hours or i don't know where we'll end up.we'l >> thank you. y. >> we'll continue to give outtiu lots of flowers. oower >> all you're so lovely. lel you are the manager here at sentries if you need to come ine or take a bathroom break youak can. >> yes. >> you're showing us some love. >> thank you. >> thank you very much. >> happy val tapes day. >> you as well. a thank you both.thank both >> all right. a rig where we we be next? stay tune. >> have fun keeping on
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>> i'm going inside.oie. >> no, you're not. let's go. >> they're on the move >> they are. >> we'll check in with you later. later. >> allison and tucker are cupi cupid's helpers day.ay >> they're fast, too.t, too >> steve is showing people lovev with doughnuts.with dnuts >> look at this guy.>>ook at thi come in here, sweetheart.ethe >> i just want to let you kno iw share. >> how -- - >> i give so much away. >> ladies, this is the man righn here. >> he's a catch.>> he's a catch. best catch in the city. catch i'm telling you. y >> still ahead in the fox beat b what better way to spend t spend valentine's day with a hard r rated action comedy.ed. kevin is making the case forase dead pool and why it should beho your day night pick next. now 9:38.8. >> he's got another bouquet? are you kidding me? >> seriously, steve. >> dmv. >> dmv.. >> oh, my gosh. g steve chenevey, you are cupid
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>> bing bing bing. >> chocolate cookie dough, leg legit. >> you'll start you just shook. that's how excited you are.u itd >> that was kevin mccarthy redcr bull shake. >> i'm excited for you kevin. >> wow. >> holly is excited. eit >> because i'm sitting next tott (laughter).ghte. >> all right.>>ll r any ways. w >> how many times last nightan when you went to see dead poolyo for like the fifth time -- scene dead pool three times. >> when you went to see dead s a pool for the third time how mana times did you openly in thethe theater go yes! yes! >> a bunch of times. >> really? >> here's the cool thing about this movie. listen i haven't seen movie thit funny in years. y i mean -- really? rll >> is it like hangover funny. fy >> funnier than the hang over. . >> the first o >> here's why. a lot of sarcasm humor. h i've seen it the second time ien saw it i pick up on 50% more mor jokes that i missed the firsthe time time because the theater tr was dying the third time was a little --e- better because i knew the jokesj hearing the audience reactct everyone laughs at the sameghs m things but so many jokes thaty hit ba
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people miss the second joke j because they're laughing abouteg the first one.the >> it's incredible.. written by the guys that didid zombie land. l i've never did an interview likl this in my entire up front about this earlier thir week i shared my inter with ryaa reynolds i went to san francisct and interviewed him in person. r ryan reynolds for the now moviee dead pool when i was la a couplu weeks ago they let me interview the super hero himself.self they provided the questions. ryan reynolds pre recorded hisos answers as dead pool in thel in costume. when you see me that's anothernh guy in the costume. cosme. really funny bit.nyit check this out.eck this out >> how does it feel to kind off forever be in wolverine's shad shadow. >> how does it feel to foreverif be in barbara walters shadow. so >> can you define yourr she's beautiful.autifu she's strong willed and courageous she lives in worldhe where people are randomlyandoml selected to compete in this, um, game of life a
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also donald sutherlandutrl occasionally shows up looking lg like he just finish eatingg something delicious.ic >> this is a tough question. qun how does it feel to sell out tht hollywood? (laughter). >> what's next for you? >> i'm not going to lie.ot i got the acting bug. right up my bum. i'm going to remake all of ryana reynolds movies but with only o one slight adjust many. m making them good. (laughter).ghter) >> i thought it was really funnf bit. awkward part sitting across from this guy who was dead pool poo costume not ryan reynolds andnod he's just sitting there likehe k nodding because he wanted to ge the two shot. s little behind the scenes when ii do these interviews in la when n walk into a room, it's bunch of
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cameras set up i ask the camerac guy for a two shot on camera baa what that means it puts it overo the act's shoulder so theyy show --sh - >> you're there and talking toek him.m. >> i'm in the room with thatn th person. when they don't do that it feels like you can't cut it together.t >> you might as well talk to hi via satellite. >> i was interviewing clooney and chaning tatum. it was it was three shot. >> even though that wasn't --t like you said you talk to ryanor reynolds in san francisco.rais >> separately.. >> in that particular clip itli was not ryan could you hear thee responses?respon >> no. >> it was you asked a question and youtioa heard silence. >> editing this together was thw first time i saw his answer. ans >> you can't follow up.ouan't >> no. >> how did you know what towho ask -- they give us the the questions.ques >> oh, okay. >> he had recorded his answers.e i gotcha. >> that was the cool part aboutt it. it my real interview with recentt reynolds is on my facebook pagep warning people watching thatpeop interview and my interview it'si
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interview highly unsensored we aired 2.5 minutes on this shows because the rest of us is cursing. >> the movie is rate the a in language and language and. >> nudity.>> nudity >> in your youtube interview isi that the same >> no. interesting for the first time in my career as a journalist ir had to walk into movie theaterie last night and look out for a full frontal scene in movie and here's what happened.ap i seen the movie twice prior tor that i never looked for thishis full frontal moment until yountl guys did a story here on good on day d.c. about him being fulll front in the movie. >> him being ryan rolled r reynolds everybody i can confiri to our i was with respects he is completely naked in the >> you can confirm that thehat first few times you saw theyouaw movie you missed ss >> i wasn't looking for it.. >> but that's not the goods.oo >> no, no, no. n i wasn't looking in that region. >> the scene that happens whichi i won't give away specificallyci it's after he's fully mutated. t he's fighting his -- the guy who mutate
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doctors outfit and he leaps he e towards him and -- >> he's in the buff. >> kevin's fiance' lauren willrw join us later and you can ask ak her if she noticed. n >> i didn't tell her about it. i i'm curious if she noticed it.oc >> i was looking for it.or >> what about the body count on this.this i know violent. >> more or less than taken?thant >> funny taken joke in the movie probably more than taken. more k i would say he kills at least 5t people in the movie.. >> that's a lot. >> but in comedic satirical wayw >> of course. >> that sounds weird.seird it's hard to sell -- violent v movie is awesome. >> it's satire. >> it's not for everybody.nofo >> we want to tell you aboutbout this fox beat free friday youy o can win four pack of ticketsicke 12th annual washington, d.c.gto, travel and adventure show for saturday february 20t 20th. to enter for a chance to win go to our contest page on fox, fox5 dc-n contests between now and 11:59 p.m. one winner will be selected byeb random drawing on februar february 16t 16th. prize s
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you've $72 and provided by thedt travel and adventure s >> all right.ll rig time now 9:47. 9:47. coming up okay, go at it again the band that turned treadmillde nos a work of art takes musicic videos to a whole new level. l we'll show it to you.ou >> they're amazing doing oneng shot videos.. >> sorry, sorry. >> also check with our friendshn allison and tucker.. >> they look loft.oo >> they're trying to find peopld to share the love with. you know what i don't see,, though.ou >> flowers. >> did they give them all away.t >> look at the back seat. t they're looking for other flowef shop. >> there you go. >> there you go, tuck. go, tuc they're doing drive byes.s >> we'll check in with themh t next. xt wow! ♪
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♪ wow!> >> on the next edition of showf me some love. our two young talented anchor people are still driving aroundi the dc region looking foroong someone to share that love withe >> i like it, steve. ste >> cupid and cutie. c and >> i like that one even better.. >> arrows aimed ready toows aido deliver.
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allison and tucker.ucke >> yes. can i give you a flower forou ae valentine's day. d >> hey, guys.>> hey, guys. we're giving out flowers. out f we got a whole team of peoplef l we're giving out flowers to nown you did a great job. job >> thank you.nk y god bless you, too. t >> happy valentine's day. d do i have any more.ny m >> one more.>> oneore. sir? sir? we don't want toant leave you out.ave you out can we give you a flower?lo >> you guys aren't giving outut the cards any more.ny >> do you have a special sweetie?sw >> for valentine's day? >> tuck, can you reposition thee car maybe we can see you witheey the camera.. >> what is this drive by love? ? i thought you guys were givinggi hugs, too. t >> how you doing?oi >> what you doing out here. h >> they're in their own world.or >> where are you? >> we're showing you some love. (laughter).ghter) >> we're trying to show you some love not run you over. >> happy valentine's day.ay. >> happy valentine's day.tine'sy >> we know you can't see us. cae trust me they're really the
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>> can you describe them, tuck tucker. >> describe who you're talkingyo to. >> i don't think they can hear us. >> okay. tuck, let me ask you this.t me while you guys are allison is busy with the great viewers howh many people have you found so yd far to share the love with?? >> i don't think they can hear t us.hi >> allison, we can't hear your u guys. >> say it one more time steve. s >> how many people have you found so far to share the lovee with? how many people? >> oh, moo goodness just now auw half a dozen. >> yeah. y >> we had two other people sopls far. one person rejected our love. >> yes.>> y. >> what? >> it wasn't heftier interestedt in our love.ov >> he wasn't interested.d we tried.. >> drive by love today, is thist drive by love today? are we w going to get out. >> it is. i maureen, what it is.n, what it >> what is it? >> we have -- cold. >> wonderful rick richard our videographer in the back and hed can't get out fast enoughno sometimes and so we just handt h them out.. >> watch this.hi we'll pull up to bus >> three of them.
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valentine's day love? lov >> okay.>> okay. >> okay. here you go. >> we're from channel five.e >> does everybody v, here youveo go. >> there you go.. >> happy valentine's day! >> really just protecting tucket and allison's image from theirir protect.otect. just in case the love iscahe l >> their inn at the present timh is good. maybe our next shot we'll seew s the recipients. >> i want to know about the abot person who rejected our two moss popular people.pular people. >> some cold person out there.eo >> maybe they were suspect.weres >> okay. listen, for the past decade, the music group okay go made pretty innovative music video. back in 2006 they made ae homemade video showing off their dance moves on treadmills.admi take a look just to jog yourjogr memory.ry. ♪ >> that's hilarious.t's i can believe one of them didn'd bust it.bust i it was for their song here itere goes again dance routine as youa can imagine quickly went viral v earning more than 50 millionn as it should. sho i never found out how many paces
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that is. i they're back it again and this i video might make you feel out of this world.. here's the new ♪ >> it's so cool.t's c it's the first music video everr made in zero gravity. >> the song is called upside down and inside out.nd inside o kind of makes sense. sse off their 2014 album hungryungr ghosts concept of the videoeo inspired by new advances in commercial space travel and thee used a real airplane to achievee the effect. eff when do you that, we talk abouto people spending a hundredadr thousand dollars to go intoto space it's not for that long.hal so to try to film this video i o don't think it's like do yous lu care a hundred retakes on it.n i >> a lot of effort for a video. >> very cool.. >> you do this by the hour or bb the day? day? >> probably by the minute inhe this case, wis. >> um-hmm.
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looking videoy . >> i like the concept. cce >> considering we couldn't evenl give flowers away.give >> i know, right.>> i kw, r >> i give mega points to themhe for doing it in zero gravity.ra at that point you have to go h g with it it's like life tv. >> what we do every day. >> whatever happens happens.apns >> sometimes it is that messy. >> that is very neat. >> never seen paint explode inie zero gravity before.e >> all right. a right cool. >> still ahead at 10:00 kanye0:n shows off his new fashion lineon and debuts his new album but aub diss line about taylor swiftlo t that has everybody talking we'll tell you all about it coming upu first though -- thanks for sen sending me live -- the love.e that's now how it's spell it's ' spelled l-i-v-e. >> thanks for seng the love.ove >> there's a guy -- you have to wait. >> keep the tweets comingp the g everybody. we love to see them. ♪
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♪ good day at 10a all do youo love, love, love this friday.y. >> valentine's day a couple dayy away but we're celebratingrang early. early. allison and tucker are out and d about showing some unsuspectingn people a little love. l you won't want to miss this onet >> also at 10a talk about a true romance.ronce. kevin and his new fiance' areiac here to review dead pool and poa tell us what their favorite love movies are.movi >> plus, we do a chocolate piz pizza. >> we are also serving upe cocktails to getal your love inn the mood.d. >> the 10a starts now.ow ♪ hold me. >> ♪ >> because we don't have te
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budget to bring new flowers inwe every segment threats justegment forget the fact that you hadt th and please accept our gifts. >> aww. >> you should have. >> can i ask you a question.stn >> wait. >> wait a minute. >> let me count me >> there's one.'s o >> what happened?>>t >> three girls in my household. >> can i borrow three? >> this is for nadirah, ania. >> what about mow fifa. >> you take a couple, steveve we'll split them.he >> how many valentine's are you giving flowers flors t >> you guys are very -- >> they're bearing the lead inhd here. i'm standing inches away from aa man in his drawers as they say. >> wisdom looks fully dressed te me. >> i said a man. >> can we chase him this way.hiw come back here. >> i don't know who this man isi that got in our studio.o. for some reason -- security letl him in.him >> come here.ome actually i recognize this guyze from the cover of runners w
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magazine. >> is that right? >> okay. oy one of the most recent issues. this bobby h >> i'm good how are you. y. >> bobby needs to come and come investigate. >> that cover shot how manyve takes was that? how long was the shoot.r ? th >> it was about an hour and ae u half.lf dye that leap like, i don't lik know, maybe 30 or 40 times. t >> in the air when you were doing that. >> oh, yeah. >> that's me and my riskeke attire.. >> any man whose brave enough th come in his drawers, you don't get arose,.rose,. >> you get a stub. s >> thank you very much. y i appreciate thaout. >> somebody might disagree about that rose on top.that r >> we cannot address the fact tc you're in your underwear rightnd now in our studio.tu >> do you have serious thighs.. >> the socks is what i wasocks t looking at.oking >> that's warp look aght. wlook. >> i'm hoping you're wearingin underwear because of your shirt that says cupid's undee wear. tomorrow seventh cupid's undeene run here in d.c. 1.5-mile 1.5il charity run. r. everyone in their underwear running around in the freezingrn cold we raids money for thes mo child
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>> the first year you did it snow mageddon year.ear. >> yes. seven years ago and now like l they've blown up you're all ovel the country now.e coow >> when we started this a few fw guys, you know, we were just wes cooped up from snow mageddon and wanted something fun to do. fo let's get drinks run in our o underwear.undeear now we're --- (laughter).ghte >> it's just the natural thingat to do. >> it work. people come um. >> big turn out.nut >> 10 grand that first year.t now we're in 39 different citiee on track to raise somewhere around four or 5 million thiss year. >> love that success story. >> everyone in their underwear r couple thousand people allanople rupping through d.c. tomorrow. o everyone should come on out.. join us.s. registration is still open.s ste we got last minute spots.pots >> how far is the is th n >> a mile and a >> that's not even bad. b >> brief run.. >> brief run.. >> underwear joke.. >> when it's outside like this,e i mean ---- >> it's not advantageous fordvan guys to be running in theirunni underwear. you're correct.yo >> i'm just saying
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>> people wear leggings or youeo have to wear underwear.ndwear >> you can wear leggings a onsia if you want. wan it's your own interpretation. what we do encourage and i encourage all of to you come one out. we have lovely undies made by mb sock it to me they're underweare sponsors this year.his y >> sock it to me.ock >> i brought each of you a pairf of underwear that i would loveol for you to -- >> this one for wisdom. wdo >> i don't expect them to wearr over your suits. >> this is too big. thi >> i'll take the boxer. i got boxer briefs.ri shoot, i just pull this out. o. >> wisdom you get some of them. >> let me see what size this iss >> you said people can still cai sign up if they want to do >> what do they do. d >> to cupid's undee registration open.tion open. whole list of cities.s. >> money goes toward >> children's tumor foundation.n they are the world leading researcher for neuro fibro metosis research to causeso cau tumors to grow in the nervous no system.system my friend's little brother hadrh it. he just passed away this past ps august so just kind of really
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this. >> we're making fun but it's ats great cause and we thank you soo >> aren't you glad you had thoso drinks. >> thank you. >> greatest -- >> let's get over to garyet over mcgrady now, because -- >> he's basically needs to bailo us out of this segment. >> gary!ary! >> i know. kno >> you never had panties thrownt your way, gary, stop it.. >> hold on.n i better stop myself.. there's a couple of things ico could say. surely i'd get called upstairs. >> oh, lord. lor >> i can reach -- let me knock k those off.e o it's out this morning.. 24 degrees now that's up a up degree from last hour. hou gaithersburg still in the teens. martinsburg 21. how about down in fredericksburg 25 degrees. not a lot of sunshine i don't think we get much more if anyf y more because the clouds ares streaming in overhead we're cole today, cloudy today. these numbers hopefully get to around 30 for just about everybody woundy thing i
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sure most of us stay at freezinz and below. not so windy today.dy today so not quite so uncomfortable ib the wind chill category but thaa will change for tomorrow.omor listen we have a chance for snoo showers this evening. i think it will be cold enoughog on the ground that thing thatth falls will quickly stick.tick this is at 6:00 o'clock tonightt on future cast. c snow showers back out to the west.west. sometimes these type of snow osw showers are hard to time exact exactly. so i would say between about abo 4:00 o'clock and 9:00 o'clock0 l this evening we'll have a chancc for some of these showers movins on through i-95 and again theint roads will be so cold those that aren't treated a lot of them have been pre treated that's t good but those that have been treated expect them to get to slippery in a hurry just aus little bit of snow will do a lot to counsel the issues hopefullyl most of this stays off until after the evening commute.ommut. right now in terms of how muchwu snow through tonight just a j dusting but again this is one of those situations where a dust a asking definitely go a long way. wind chills tonight 21 degrees.
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look at tomorrow morning.or arctic air comes in. i we're below zero wind chillndhi factor. looks like we'll be around zeror to single digits all day tomorrow. and just real, real cold stuffff all the way through the weekende we're in the 20's.he 20's. i want to mention, too, next, n week it looks like snow forwor president's day around here anda then on tuesday next big stormtm comes along and we go snow and we move it over to rain byver tn tuesday afternoon.ernoon. that's the way it's looking nown guys, back upstairs to you.tairu i don't even want to know what you're doing up there now. >> we've calmed things down.ngsd we're good now.we'r we're back.e >> moving on. mg o >> thanks, gary.hank time now 10:07 and it's time to trek what's trending.nd first up apparently the cheaperp the valentine's day gift, theift more valuable the love.. new study found men who buy cheap gifts for significantnt others --hers- >> can we say inexpensive.inexp. >> inexpensive gifts for f significant others like a box of cheap chocolates or some cubic zirconia earrings a sign he isah that into you. so he likes i was lot. >> the guy who
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>> so he's not afraid of the repercussions. >> because he feels so close to you he's thinkingel of both both picking gifts as good for him aa it is for is fo this is because people focus onn total benefits when resources ru and see themselves as union. uon the study finds that guys are a more likely to buy chocolates os candies that they'll also get tt eat themselves.elve it's called the friendly taking over -- friendly taking effect. which the study assures isssur i rooted in good intentions so you get a decent gift and he savess money. ne if you receive not so grand gifg you have or you will get this ts valentine's day i guess saying n it's a good thing it means he he loves you. you or he's as cheap as get out.p et >> the more you're in a moryou' relationship with somebody you d probably talk ahead of time of t about what you're going to be g doing.doin >> people like to make thato mat first impression might go m g overboard. >> i think if you put so muchyo emphasis i big the biggestigge bouquet he took me to the mto t fanciest place. p you got to ask yourself what'sfa this relationship really
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>> if you just won the powerball --powe >> you better show urbp withw w something good.. >> no queue it bic zirconia.con. >> right.>> right. steve. >> other news with the holidaywi coming up on this weekendnd parents television came out witw latest list of favorite television we talk about some of ourf favorites earlier this morning you've been weighing in via v twitter.twit we appreciate. here's officially on the list.y. your top five this according aci again to the this one particular study. top 55 to one from the bottom up. up. dan and roseanne from roseanne. number four, eric and an anniene from seventh heaven. number three was corey and tow panga boy meets world.or carol and mike brady from the brady bunch and ricky and lucy c from "i love lucy". >> lucy?? >> i think our were way better.t >> way better.ayette >> actually controversy withlly eric and annie from seventhth heaven people tweeting i had forgotten i hate to be a downer the fathef was recently accused of some issues with children and son people are saying why are wey aw including him on this list.his i'm sorry. sor because the tv council
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with the will he. to those you tweeting us abouti it it's not our list. l we're just sort of --f >> they can probably reach out r to the television council here h or favorites.or hope in the not controversial.ol first of all i said jerry and elaine from seinfeld. sei >> i love that.>> i love no tra dig al couple in thele sense of the world but i likeord the chemistry between them.hem. i think it shows that you can ba the non traditional type ofal tf couple and still be considered to be a couple, and i thoughtho the show would not have been thn same without them being togeth together. >> i went with gloria and jay pritcharlod from modern family.. sophia vergara and her cot chetc dee husband jay. jay. here he is the old guy with the grumpy and then you have thehe nice looking young lady.y. >> hot wife. we. i went with rainbow and andrende johnson from black iss it's a new show but this couplee crack me up. hilarious young fun crazy zany.. they're fun.'r fun. that's why i went with them.ent. >> i love we went with currenthu shows, t >> really i
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friday days and our lives beau b and hope.. hope you cannot leave me. i loved beau and hope. h loved their wedding.r weing i celebrate my love for you. >> oh, yeah. if i had throw their names outut there. those are some of our pick.thsoo keepf sending yours in via i v twitter. we've gotten from all -- every y decade. deca all over the board.heoa anything you can possibly psi imagine. yet nobody picked kanye and k a taylor swift as their favorite r couple. coup >> what? >> for good reason.or g kanye lashing out again what hee had to say about the pop principal sense on his new alb album. >> also ahead on celebrity dish clamar hicks his first publicub experience and we have thece a pictures.pictur and madonna posted touching throw back pick with her son. sn that's right.that's r we're dishing next.. ♪ ♪
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they're bad breath, bad hair and a bad case of the mondays. and organized wardrobes that help you pull it together. they're showering, shaving, and shuffling. and bathrooms that get big families out the door. they're number ones, number twos, and a number of ideas for three. life's morning madness. and comfortable, organized bed and bathrooms that make them better.
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gluten free, violet, and many others are enjoying their first bowl today. ♪ that sounds like madonna.e n >> it sure does. d love me some listen we have our own little cupid and coot tee -- maybeay they're giving cooties. cti cupid and cutie out and aboutut around dc hoping to show some s love allison and tucker.uc what have you found yourself ini to now? >> holly, t
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valentine's day date. >> aww. >> somebody that doesn't talky e back to him. >> this is daisy. dsy daisy's dad is right here. >> i'm sorry.. daisy's dad --ad -- (laughter).. >> daisy you love everybody.ovey would you like some flowers for valentine's day? daisy is so cute.te >> yes, she is.>>es, she is >> she's adorable. >> she loves hanging out with people here.ople h >> we're here from fox5 giving5n out valentine's day love.ov we're showing some som v >> we're >> we ran out of roses. r >> please accept this. >> please have this from us us.s >> she's the cutest ever.. >> daisy says thankful. >> why don't you have a fullav f bouquet, sir. happy valentine's day.ti day do we have some more people to l show love to? >> gang looks like we foundeound captive audience here at the dog park. >> thank you. >> on 17th street. o17th s 17th and s and, yes, have a wonderful valentine's day. day >> allison we're running out ofo flowers. flower >> we're showing more love righe now. >> can i give you flowers foru f valentine's day?
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>> why not? >> thank you.>>hank >> my husband is certainly not going to.gog t >> wait a minute.>> let's get that on. >> 23 years. yrs in 23 years. >> we never have.>> we never ha. when we were teenagers we didn't. didn >> you've been together since you were teenagers.. >> i met him when we were 19.ere >> this is the face of love.f l you don't have to exchange onehn thing for it to be valentine'sei day. da >> thank you and thanks for theo flowers. >> you're very welcome.'r i see e people trying to avoid d tucker. let's go get them.s go >> all right. rht happy valentine's day. >> aww. >> thank you very much.nk y >> be careful the die almost oft in your hands it's our way fromo fox5 of having you remember thir day with the dye. the d >> thank you. >> very sweet. sweet >> are you doing anything foundf for valentine's's d >> i'm going to nashville withvi girlfriends.girl >> fun. >> happy valentine's day.alen >> lock at this gentleman. he looks like he's trying tohe'g ignore us. >> happy valentine's day.enti d >> thank you. >> wait a >> whoa. listen to this act zen, ladies.a >> tell us where you'rect from. >> zambia.bia. >> beautiful.>> beautif south african act sent.ct s
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valentine's day? >> my wife in morocco. >> so you'll be doing alone things. >> you can always skype you a know. >> will do. >> naughty text between anothera difficulties is okay. >> thanks very for that advice. (laughter). >> all right. we're having great time at theit dog park. we'll give away all our flowerss >> look at me. me >> happy valentine's day. >> hash tag show some we're off. >> great job, guys. >> they're my favorite new tv couple now.cole n allison and tucker.n and tuck >> you're not jealous.eaus >> i had donut sugar on me. i was trying to get they're having fun. >> guys, obviously maureen even are not doing very well over >> hard to follow a segment went had a woman said my husband isua not going to give me anything ah and a man who said his wife wase in another country for valentine's day followed byd by allison promoting naughty texts. >> that leads into our good dayd celebrity dish.y dish.
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square garden. he it was more than 20 million20 viewers online and in perso mn r west put his own twist on a new york fashion week runway show. o but of course the show did notot finish without any kanye west of course is clearlyr not done with his feud with tayt tay. you know, a track off of his nen album mentions her it throws ara lot of shade eight tailor swifti at one point he uses the b word to say that he made swift famo famous. and just in the last hour kanye took too to twitter to defenden his new track saying quote i did not diss taylor swift and irwift never dissed her. her he said he is an artist and he is just expressing himself withw no censorship. he gave a laundry list ofist o reasons he has the ight to sayoy such things about swift. among them he had his wifs blessing. >> that make it great.hat >> right. he had swift's blessing and it i was
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and that the b word is an endearing term.endeang t in what planet? in hiphop hep h says just to name a few of kanye's reasons. >> just go away >> i said it for long time. form i guarantee they have each otheh cell's phone number.r everything like you put me one o your album, i'll put you on my y album.. wisdom you know how i feel abouo that. that. >> steve, you know that taylor and kanye go back and forth how can we get on good day celebrity dish. >> how we go to one up this soss you're talk about with holly and >> i totally get it.alet it. >> i don't blame them at all. it is not often that kanye west up staged but it was lamar odom getting a lot of attention at kanye's new york fashion week show yesterday.ay tmz posted these photos to their website of lamar odom at that a show and odom was cheered by thb crowd at madison square garden e as kanye walk him to his seat with the kardashianings andnis jenner family.. odom toll khloe how important it was for him to be a
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it was first public appearance,c public event since he was foundw unconscious at a nevada propada with cocaine in his system. madonna taking to instagramr to show her feelings about the on-going custody battle over son the pop legend post add picturec of herself with her kids david,, rocco and lords. lor she captioned the picture, daysy of innocence.of innoc how i miss this team. madonna is currently fighting tn get her son rocco to return toen her after the 15-year-old left l to go stay with his father guy ritchie in london insiders say s madonna thinks guy is turning ti her son ainst her. h a judge ordered rocco to returnr to madonna in new york but so bt far that has not happen. hpe all right.> all ht heads up rock and roll fansl f because the boss is set to s t release a new memoir.em bruce springsteen auto biographr is titled born to run and in it he describes his drive to becomt a musician and personal pso struggles that inspired some ofo his bev work.
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born to run reveals more than wn may have realized. springsteen's memoir will bemeil released september 27th just j four days before he turns 67 years old.s the book will be publish bylishy simon and schuster company says springsteen discreetly startedtd working on the book in two thout nine. >> i went to see him last week e when he was in washington, d.c.w if i have tenth of the energy he has at 66, 67 years old when i'i at that age, please.le it's winning in life.e. >> still going strong. song. >> great show. >> great show. >> he played 3.5 hours..5 hou >> i think it lab good book.d b >> i think it will be great. >> it's the match up of all a super hero match ups. batman versus super man. >> yup. >> ben affleck and henry cable c suit up as the d.c. comic com legends and battle it out in tht upcoming movie the final trailea fort epic showdown was releaseda and so far looks pretty good.oo there are fight scenes, lovee scenes, oh, yes, and wonder wde woma
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>> really? >> um-hmm. movie hits theaters march 25thah but the question remains, can ben affleck fill those very bigb batman shoes? >> wisdom, i'm going to defer tt you you are our secondary experp to president mccarthy.ccar you are vice-president martin. >> yeah.>> yh. >> will batman actually fightant super man or do they fight otheh people independently -- >> here's how this is to go.s based on comic book. b this is basic particularly theyy knew each other.ew eothe batman who is this freak flyinga around with all this power andlp super man who is this vigilante running a round.g a rnd. >> super throw down between thew two. >> yes.>>es >> will that fight eve other. e. >> they are going to havey are conflict.. but as far as like a real fight --ght >> yes. >> not going to happen.oing t >> like a real fight is notno going to happen. hap real fight -- f >> i'll tell you what's not youn going happen. hpe >> what's that. tha >> ben affleck is no christian bale. ba i don't think i'll try to bery b christian bale that's up here ir the he can try to be his own spin on >> i'm no comic expert.comic pet seriously can batman even
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super man. man super man is super man. >> that is there's cryptonite cn involve. >> if batman has crip knowp kn night. >> this is a whole differenthole this is the start of the justics league. >> they'll be friends in the e end. >> wonder woman -- w >> fight over her. >> the fact that we know so k s intimately is >> they'll make 12 differentlla movies with 12 differentnt characters. blah blacks blacks. >> it comes out soon.t come 10:23. 10 coming up what's valentine's dal without chocolates, hello. h can you tell the difference between the good stuff, the badb stuff, is there really ae re a difference? okay.? we're doing a taste test a little bit later.. >> $5 champagne on new year's. first, though two chances fortwo snow on the way.ow gary is back witness fullnessul forecast coming up next. 10:23. 10:23. ♪ ♪
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♪ >> this is a good song, too. >> yeah.>>ea ♪ >> cold start to the day outay there. >> out there. >> it does look cold. >> little chilly.ll of course every time it gets ges cold like this we think in addition to the cold the wind is there going to be snow. let's fine out from gary ifar there's a chance of the white tw stuff today. st >> there's a lot going on and tt answer your question, yes, i'll, show you really what's driving all of this.of i showed this early early this morning and maureen groaned whed she saw polar vortex up it's coming down. dn it will touch us attelet for a a good arthritic hours.itic it really starts
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tomorrow morning and as it doesd it will bring in the cold cold air. tomorrow even into all weekend long we're talking teens andee 20's for highs. tomorrow listen saturday is thei brutal day around here because c the wind chill values tomorrow are going to be below zeros anda single digits and tomorrow we w will have snow showers.wers i got some tweets and i got facebook messages too askinging about tomorrow's snow.w i think guys tomorrow it's justj snow showers moving through.g tu no big deal.ig dea the big deal tomorrow is cold. c the leading edge of the arcticrc air is moving in to minneapolisp it will quickly move down d through chicago, detroit,, cincinnati, it gets here reallyl overnight tonight, earlyarly tomorrow morning. mor what to expect this evening.sve well there's a dusting of snow o as that arctic air moves on future cast shows it this way by 6:00 o'clock we'll have some. this could provide a dusting of snow to everybody that iss underneath the snow band as itds moves across.moveross it's so cold the roads will bele so cold so we do expect slippery
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compromised commuting later ontg this evening and again tomorrowo it's just snow showers. showe check out the wind chill valuese 20 but by tomorrow morning, 8:00 a.m., minus two. two so firmly below zero for just j about everybody for the firsthe part of the day tomorrow androw then we're just talking about ao single digits.s sunday not as bad real quick quk monday it's cold and snowy. tuesday we'll get a mix the snow eventually on over to rain.o r still a lot of unansweredwe questions about the next systeme coming our way but what we know now, polar vortex unbelievably thisy thi weekend.weekend. coldest air of the season.air back up to you guys. >> okay. thank you professor.profsor. >> still ahead kevin is going ti join us once again but he has ah very special guest. somebody who is very near and dear to his heart thisea t valentine's day.ine's y. his new fiance'.e' >> love, love.. >> talk about true romance.. >> they'll talk about their topics favorite movies. ms. topics for romantic movies this weekend. we fine out what they have to say.s plus tucker and allison still os the loose giving
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flowers getting more flowers enjoying the flowers.. getting them all over their or hands apparently as well.ntlys . we're back after this.e bafter ♪ ♪ as a small business owner, you know things have a way of moving fast. but if your network can't keep up, it can really slow you wn. so switch to the 100% fiber optic network of verizon fios. you'll get 99.9% network reliability, and the fastest wi-fi available. for a network that moves as fast as your business. right now, upgrade to fios 50 meg or higher internet and phone and get $250 back. call or go online today.
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♪ stop fighting over there guys. >> we're back.ack. >> valentine's day is all abouto romance as we all know and fornd in people that means dinner andd movie for other people it means netflix and chill with thed chie temperatures below zero thisow i weekend chill is an operativerae word and understatement.nd luckily when it comes to movies and -- true romance. a couple of experts handy we'ree talking about kevin mccarthy ana equally movie obsessed fee an lauren here with a couple's c guide to valentine's day.. >> how beautiful does she looksl by the way. w >> look at the shoes. the shoes >> she is. >> my inner cary broad she was s today.y >> always good to binges go valentine's day weekend. >> we're getting our engagementg photos she bought those shoest for our engage many shoot
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>> debuting them them . >> before the snowstorm that got canceled.el >> how did you score that? >> i'll tell you why.yo w >> different segment.nt s >> i'll tell you why.'ll because i'm awesome. (laughter). >> also much better looking that ryan reynolds, and in dead poolo his sick pack is my body theyhe just replay his head. >> lauren stop him.p h >> we hate to embarrass you we w had this whole conversation earlier about dead pool lastl l night. did you notice that ryanno reynolds was naked in the movie? >> yes. >> a couple of time. a couof t >> yeah.eah >> full frontal part, though.on >> yes. >> she saw it. okay. ok more up and down you didn't evet notice this.ce this >> i mean, it was pretty -- >> it's in i >> it was obvious. >> maybe you were too focusedo s what millimeter that scene wasas shot some in.n >> lauren, you can tell maureene and i more about it later.tat >> i saw the movie twice.ovie i wasn't looking for it. for last night as journalist becausc i have to do harco
10:34 am >> right. >> i look very closely. lk ve >> hard core. >> listen you guys are cozy bitb fire with your wine right now.h. >> let's talk about romance movies. >> can i drink on the air.he a >> why not? >> let's do the movie first. f >> all right.ll so we saw dead pool last night.g i'll let lauren take this t because i've been talking aboutt it all morning long. l i gave it a 4.5 out of tie. of e as a female journalist andt and female reviewer what did your think of the film.thin >> i absolutely loved it and i'i really surprised with how much i like it. it granted it was extremely viole violent, but it's not fort's not everyone butanol all it is a very very good romantic and we find that behind severala super heroes is an actual romance.nce. but this one, it's actually aua going to be kind of a fun moviev to see with your significant other or with your friends thisi weekend for valentine's day.'s d i gave 84.5 out of five.iv ryan deserves to have a rollavea like this.likes. obviously green lantern wasantew crappy and they make jokes abou
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aware like kevin says. ss. but i mean yeah he and tj miller and gina who i a do the villainn side sick kick in the film she s was great as well. >> lauren brings a great pointrp about the love store. sto there is an actual good loved l story. it's a solid love story. story >> i can see why they release ra the it on valentine's day week w and it will do really well ateal the box office.e box office. >> better than the moviethan t v released last valentine'senti weekend. >> 50 shades of gray. >> 50 grades of she was gray.dee >> had he saw six times.e saw ti >> what else did you like thisie weekend.we >> is he saw he was to be singln last night. nht >> we both saw it. >> another dakota johnson opening this valentine's dayis v weekend. she plays this girl alice who wo breaks up out of a four-yearourr serious relationship.ns kind of learns the ropes again on how to be single with her bff rebel wilson and lesley manyan plays her older sister in theis movie too. it's really fun.'s rlly it's really sweet.y swe good movie to see if you'reie t interested in that rom com typee feel for this valentine's day.
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some super cheesy moments thatet didn't quite work for me i'd m i give a three out of five. f >> this gets me so happy to sees my fiance' reviewing movies ons tv. she's talking about movies justj like i do. so cool. c >> so sweet. real quickly -- i gave it 2.5. she gave 83.ave >> they'll argue about it later. >> for people that aren't going' to the movies this weekend reall quickly, just run through a liss of movies that would be good foo people to watch at >> as a couple we met movie theater we visit a lot of movie locations together famous sceneu were s netflix movies we agree on youru favorite movie of all time is cruel intentions i love that tha movie it's available to stream m on netflix got available thisabi month.mont and it's a really fun movie to,v you know, watch with your your girlfriends, watch with yourour boyfriend, girl friend or justus watch by yourself as well. >> color blind. moving on next to a little film called noting hill. >> seen here is a junket.un i do junkets for a living.iv this is a scene where he
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interviewing julia robertsuliaob people don't know -- don't know- >> first movie that touch ont to junket setting.junket s >> they fall in love she's allno movie star he's a normal guymalg they meet in noting hill and --d >> we love it.e ve it's so romantic.oman we watch it like two or threetw times a year. >> true romance of you and y lauren she's a super star andupd you met her.. >> exactly. ectly >> finally, along came polly. ben stiller. >> so under rat >> last picture of this crieshir the one that has all the movie m locations we visited together. t you see when harry met sal theel top left the cafe from you'vem v got mail on the right.t th the bottom left is sorry ren din at the.he. another great mie >> to the right is the coolt te intentions bridge.dg >> i was m >> very very cool.ryool >> i'm excited to marry you.. >> october 15th.ctober5th >> youtube to our two -- fromro you to two to our other two otht tucker and allison on the roadna on the move trying to getying gt someone to show some love, too.. >> we've been row wrecked oncecc again. >> oh, no.>> oh, n >> with
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had to work. he had to trk >> they're working hard.king ha. >> good morning. >> good morning, sir. s >> happy valentine's day. >> happy valentine's day.alen >> you got a valentine.ot a vali i do actually.doctually. >> want to give a shout out.a tt >> shout out to my valentine'sae you know who you is. >> good answer. awe >> you got plans for valentine'e day? what's happening. happenig >> yeah. taking my girl out, um, probabla cook for her. >> aww. >> keep it simple this year.e t. >> okay. >> you know, cook for her,w, probably give her a gift.t. then, you know, after hours. hrs >> all right. i like that.e t we're here to show you some lo love. >> we appreciate you out hereia work dag. >> tuck, donte't -- sir, you cau get both of them.t bo of >> i can't get both. get bot >> this is my favorite color.. >> give him the other one.. >> the other one. one. >> happy valentine's day.ti's d. >> thank you i love you. >> okay.kay. aww. >> we love it.>> w >> here's another -->> here's at >> one more. sir, happy valentine's day.tined >> thank you very much. >> okay. >> you're wonderful. >> we're here to show you somehe love from fox5.lo you got plans this weekend? w >> well you know what i work atk trader joe's and i'll be selline
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flowers all weekend. >> don't judge us. please.. >> the quality of your flowers are better than the ones we'renh giving out.vingut. >> lovely gesture.ely thank you so much.ank you so mu. >> we hope off great >> okay.>> one more. >> sir, happy valentine's day. y >> happy valentine's day.alentie >> thank you.>> t >> you got plans for valentine'r day? >> um, yeah, i do. i do. i d i'm going to call my girlfriendn who lives in st. louis. >> aww. a. >> okay. >> happy valentine's -- sorry's- you're a lone on valentine'salee day. fox5 giving you some love.e lov >> we appreciate it.e ap >> thank you for >> okay.y >> have we given them all away.a >> we have one more.on we have one more.e sir? >> happy valentine's day. >> thank you.nk y >> from channel five. f >> we're showing you some love l today. >> how you doing?>> h >> good. you got plans this weekend?? >> not really just work.lly juso i got to work this weekend. >> okay. well we appreciate you.e ou >> thank you.>> t >> happy valentine's day. >> thank you.nk y >> we've done our duty. d we had so much fun, didn't we. >> what are we doing next week.e >> we have to give out hugs.ut h wait a minute. a hug.
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>> you going to give her a hug. >> valentine's hug.'sug >> aww bring it in.>>ww b bring it in.. >> fox5 loves you.. >> yes. >> that's how we do it.s w we do good job, guys.. >> we're feeling the love inheo here, too. great job, guys.t job, guys. >> all the people in the citye c they found two people that arepl not going to be with theire witr significant others. oer >> it happens more often than ma you think. k. >> who would ever reject them.rt >> come on now. >> guys this next segment will l be we're doing a live chocolate taste test. do you need to spend big bucks to satisfy that sweet tooth? eto we're going find out. ♪ ♪
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♪ all right.allight. chocolate is always a topays aop priority come valentine's dayne and whether you're a fan of fano hershey bars or those fancy truffles, there's plenty of o options for everyone but can yon really tell the differenceiffere between the good stuff and thene kinds you can get for, say, aay couple of bucks? you didn'tou d have to eat them already, steves >> i couldn't wait. i cou >> this morning we're puttinginu our palates to the test. the chocolate house, chocolate boutique is helping us out with samples. we bought some did the drugstoru to see if you can tell the difference.fferen here. i've got my trusted co anchorsoh to we'll start from the top. t i want to start with this one. o steve already started
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>> take a sip of water betweenen and at the end i'll ask you if you can tell me like which onece is the more expensive one andnd which one -- o -- >> i didn't realize we weren't supposed to take a bite.edtake >> uke the whole thing,,t >> which one is next. n >> the ball is next. >> the circle one.. >> chocolate balls. >> yes. they're always good. >> salty chocolate balls areco neck.neck (laughter).auter) >> i wasn't trying >> it's friday. >> okay.>> okay >> is it good?>> i >> all right. rig >> looking good.ooking gd >> then try the square the squ broken up square.p sq >> the square.>> the squar >> this one. o. >> um-hmm.>>m-hm >> you doing good.ouoing >> all right.ig >> at this point you shall bet e feeling very kind of melloww and -- >> i'm good.. >> i made my decision.ion >> wisdom don't rush through iti you're supposed to savour s chocolate.choc >> i'm ready. i'm very skies stiff seive. seie >> the last one. try the square with the deeper chocolate stripes on them. >> now -- >> all right. once you guys are okay. i'll start with yo
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i'm still chewing.m >> i'll start with wisdom. which one do you think is the mostou >> most expensive one chocolatea ball. >> and why do you think that? yo good because it's got caramel il it and the flavor is just -- has very unique -- >> rich.>> ric >> rich. >> like he will cheap poe one. n >> this one. >> i'll go with this one cheap e one. one. >> broken up square. squar >> ball is cheap -- i mean - m expensive.ex >> i'll agree with both of them. i think the ball was the mostass expensive. >> cheap west one. o >> very delicate indicate. well done i'll go with holly gol that first one. >> the heart. >> you're the same holdly.e h >> yes. i agree. >> okay.ka >> probably that one. probably >> you said the square that wasq broken up. >> let's bring in mary the coach owner of the chocolate househe o here in d.c. come on in here. here. thank you so much. >> beautiful display for first r and for most.anfor mo we're done our scientific tastet test here. h >> can we say what's oure sawhat favorite at some point. >> you can do that. >> can i do the reveal? i willl do the reveal.. >> please.>> plee >> so you guys were right.erig the more expensive
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circular the ball that had the e caramel >> salty ball. >> the salty chocolate ball. bal the one you thought was cheap cp the broken off chocolatecola piece -- number two.umber two >> that's actually more -- more that's expensive one. o cheap poe drugstore was the w t heart and then the square that a had the deeper chocolate line.e >> we kind of did good here. >> okay. i don't know what this says for me you can never go wrong with chocolate marisol but this is ts your field, you're afficionadoio connoisseur if you will.if there's an art to ao t what were they tasting when thet were able to say this roundnd circular chocolate was better? e what was it about that that madd it so good? goo >> so that round one is a handmade caramel it's made herem in d.c. by maker called janed ne morris. she has a shop called j chocolatier and she make the mak caramel by hand with fresh butter, sea salt, dark chocolato and the shell is not too thick t so bursts in your mouth.outh with a lot ofca
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enough salt flavor, not too much. not too little. l so that's -- it's our best bes selling peace in the store were sell more of it than anythingth else. >> clearly. cle >> we all pick it for different reasons but you could -- i don' know you can just tell it was a little extra love put intoe puto making that maybe a little bit.b but as a chocolatier, is it nott just about the chocolate becausu like you're saying the caramelhe you put a lot of time and tim evident into it as well? is its the whole mix of ingredients.. >> when you're making confections each inn agreed yen has the best quality and a freshest possible you'll use the best quality butter that you can use, bev quality heavy cream any of course the best qualitylity chocolate. >> which is brings to this one this is pure chocolate. >> wisdom thought it wasn't one of the finer ones.iner o >> i thought it was my favoritee was with a glass of wine. >> discriminating palate >> good point. p >> do you have good taste. that bar is -- she said it not me. me >> 55% milk chocolate bar alaar little darker than regular milkl chocolate it's not as
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not as sweet and made ine i switzerland.zeand swiss chocolate.late >> in the chocolate world theld like rich chest of the rich the chocolate what's the very top? t we wanting to all out forl f valentine's day and be likeanbel we're getting the best of theoft best. what's the best you go with witw chocolate? >> if you are buying for someono who's a true true chocolateho lover you probably want to doprb the best quality dark chocolate bar.r >> dark chocolate. >> that will go really well wikh a red wine if you like or tea something like that you can paie it w tith sparkling wines and sa what we focus oh in the store or bar chocolates bars the makers by the beans from farmers and roast, grind, mold and temperemr everything themselves.heel >> you guys actually have arelya chocolate tasting class i wanten to get where you are in ourre i final seconds here.ds h where are you located where cana people come to learn more abouta chocolate and more importantlyra taste all the goodness? 1904,90 18th street northwest andnd valentine's weekend hours on tht screen.reen. >> extended hours, yup.xt >> all righten. >> no exc
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♪ oh, yeah. yeah. >> that's my favorite thamy valentine's song. might be one of my favorite f songs in general.songs in gen for a lot of couples valentine'i day means chocolate, maybe somem champagne or red wine but youe y don't always have to be so traditional.. the team over at make couldn'tld beasty has come up with six witi cocktails perfect for segmentorg the mood and here to show us ats least three of them beverage director aj johnson. jns good morning. morning happy valentine's day to you. >> happy valentine's day to you. >> let's get on. o let's make these up. >> we'll start off with the love motion number 10. always bury duck vodka with ginger liquor sparkling wine anw little bit
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table >> beautiful. >> little bit of -->> l >> love possession number nine kicked up a >> indeed.>> we open on may tenth. i on on so i wanted to sort of pay of p homage to that as well. w little bit of edible flowerdie l there for you. >> really? >> do people really eat theop flleowers. >> people do really eat thee do flower. >> do they know they can eat ito or do youw tell them. tl t >> we have to tell them.o tell e >> all right. here we go. at least cheers me.e i know you don't plan on'tn o drinking but i'll try it much im that's beverage i like right there.ther whoo! >> these are ones you came up a just for valentine's's d >> just for valentine's how hard is it to really concocc new cocktail.ktai >> difficult. it is is dficu i think a lot of it has to do t with getting a theme going andoa then saying, okay, where do oy want to play? doing natural aphrodisiac i went through at to hole list what makes people gete in the the mood. >> get in the mood.>> g all right. let's see mood number two. >> mood number two, so this isti the hundred first sta it's a little bit of french rum, we made
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syrup. little bit of orange bitters.ite >> i'm not sure what you hade wh more fun coming up with theomg w actual drink or the name of thee >> it's a hard one. >> see, i, k >> that's clearly difficult one but this little one will be for me. there we are. little bit of orange zest to t give eight little more brigh brightness.ig >> how far in advance if you'reu plan fog valentine's day did yon start working on these drinksti? >> oh, four week.our >> really? okay.y? about month's time.t moh's >> um-hmm.. there we are. >> by the way if you haven't been to make couldn't bistrotis it's's i love it. >> this will be little bitit sweeter.te pack full of iron.packull increase a little bit of that tt sort of --rt of -- >> this is increasing something. >> hello. it's really good. >> got little bit of kick to itt with the t >> it's more than a little kickk if i'm being honest with >> sometimes we need that onetit valentine's day as a beverage director that's a good thing.goi >> indeed
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increases sexual desire for meno and women, too.n, too >> equal opportunity. >> there you go. >> arouse ser. arouse s (laughter). >> and the third one that we'rea going to do is actually called l go figure self. sel >> all right.h. >> indeed. >> that's hiftd they are are yoo cal. it took me a little bit to figure out how i wanted to --o - >> how much have you beenh have drinking when you came up withup that one. >> a lot. this is the last one that i hada to figure out. o so with a little bit of roott hair row. peace company from bolivia. zero rip infused down withow wit rosemary. i wanted to play on the savory characteristics because littles bit of sweet and little bit ofit citrus in the lemon juice couldu bring it back. >> as you're making that one o what kind of specials are youof doing. bigger question do you still q have room.ue macon is not that big.t b >> it isn't that big on sundaydy we're doing four course prefixex menu steve dollars person.s i have o
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8:00 o'clock seating. >> all right.>> all >> so we have -- call now. call >> call now, yes.>> cl no >> so we will, um, be doing thee cocktails all weekend.nd for sure but the menu, the fourf course is just on sunday. >> gotcha. >> you can stop in like tonightt you can stop in and get these ge drink. dr >> yes. >> by the way they have the besb cauliflower on the planet.ifwe >> we do. >> i know that sounds like aat s crazy thing i'm telling you iine can go there and just eat cauliflower.wer >> i passed that that place ad couple of times and said i got d to go in. >> it looks amazing.. >> beautiful.eautiful. >> steve brought over chocolates. >> when the weather is warm they have wonderful outdoor space.utr that would not be this weekend.. (laughter). >> it would not. >> these drinks look absolutelyo beautiful. >> um-hmm.. >> go ahead. >> whoo!hoo >> while you guys are enjoying y champagne dreams, i'm going to go on a beer and pretzel pretzel chocolate diet. >> yeah.eah >> happy valentine's day everyone.eryo see you monday.u mondy
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