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tv   Good Day DC  FOX  February 22, 2016 9:00am-11:01am EST

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♪ straight ahead a sexualua assault inside a fairfax countyc home.home the suspect still on the run. tn we'll have a live report. plus, six people dead aftert a shooting rampage.. suspect in custody.dy and uber driver who reportedly picked up fairs in between theet attacks. no, get those lights off. off! >> three in row.hree in ro donald trump riding high heading into tomorrow's nevada caucusesu after a weekend win in southso carolina. meanwhile, hillary clinton alsos feeling new momentum. mentu the question now, can these can front runners be stopped? want to say hi to michelle. >> yes! >> hold on.>> >> and later, a dream come truee for a 10 sick-year-old woman. we'll show how she celebratedele meeting president obama.ama good day at 9a starts now. ♪ that woman is so cute. c
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>> it's like the best feel goodd video ever, right.ight >> great. >> good day dc thanks forda joining us.y it is monday, febru ary 22nd.ruy i'm steve alongside holly, hol maureen and wisdom.n and do >> also ahead this morning, mni, music from the dark side of thee moon.. what? shedding light onht mysterious sound during an op poll low mission. mis we'll tell about and whattell ad experts say the astronauts mighg have really heard.rd >> that's clear. >> yeah.eah >> first, though, let's talket t about weather.about because tucker barnes is here. . saturday felt like sunday was all wet. w work week has a little bit of bt everything. right now it's cool, cloudy. cud the question now, what else ises in store? tucker barnes, thatna question is directed directlytl towards you.. >> you're alien forecast.orect. >> yeah. >> i picture aliens looking likk kazoo from the flint stones.omhf >> really. >> how about you?ut you >> i don't think so. i i think there's a little bigger. >> different idea.ifferent i >> little scarier.. >> 43 in washington.ashington. 42 in annapolis
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39 in gaithersburg.sbg holding on to 30s normal and and west. should be a decent monday fordee us. mentioned the moon.ned full moon this afternoon aterona 1:00 o'clock.00 o'clock if we can get keep the clearp tr skies tonight you'll get tou' enjoy that snow moon. moon winds out of the north and nortd and eve. a bit of a breezy day but itay i should be a pleasant afternoon with partial sunshine and highs in the low to mid 50s colonel0sl the winds blowing at 14 here ine washington. 12 in quantico. again a bit of a breeze. bre but we're trying our best to bt clear thing out.clear thing you can see those clouds aren'te quiet giving up.. particularly to the south. sth i think as high pressure buildsu in we keep pushing the winds ouw of the north.he we should be in for -- pardon me, a partly sunny afternoon ana most important al dry afternoonn if you got things you need to dd outdoors the next couple of dayo do it today because rain movesnm back in by early tomorrow t morning. we'll have rain around bothain tuesday and wednesday.dn we'll look at that seven dayth n coming up. 54 today. 54 partly sun still mild. st there are your winds north andoh east at about five to 10. all right.ight i will toss it back to the -- the four of you. y
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>> the fantastic four.icour. >> trying to say something shi clever or snarky or something. >> we can also hit your mindmind churning.churning. clunk, clunk. >> running on empty. >> it's monday. monday. >> back to you. >> thanks tucker. > tha new thisnk morning, a fire at tt beltsville agricultural centerlc causing the roof of one of itsrn buildings to collapse. skyfox is over the scene earlier at powder mill road an animal husbandry road.sban the bulk of the boiler room firf is now out. thankfully no injuries have been reported. reported montgomery county firefighters were also called to the scene te help put out the flames. another big story thisr g s morning. the shooting spree in michiganri the suspect uber driver jasonas dalton expected to make his first court appearance thisappe morning. he will likely be arraigned on murder police still don't know whatw wa motivated the 45-year-old to-o carry out saturday's nearlyea seven hour long attack. aac police say it appears he chose h the victims ranging in age from 14 to 74 at random. opening fire outside an an apartment complex a carent mple dealership an
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around the city of kalamazoo.. dalton has no previous criminala record and has no history of o mental illness. illne >> it is another blow to one sure to raise concerns aboua security for its riders and how the company vets its drivers. >> mig eau began dice joins us b live with the details on thateg store yde.ory meghan, good morning. >> good morning guys.morninys jason dalton is 45-year-old5-yeo former insurance adjuster whodjs police say had no criminal crimi record and was married with twot children was arrested inted i connection with the shootingstht after a massive manhunt on its website rube berry lease adder statement confirming dalton waso the driver and said he had passp add background check. according to uber's website thet background check includes a inc check on the national sexna s offender public website and and national criminal search andeah several different databases usee to flag suspected terrorists.. also, important to note here, h, uber prohibits both passengersse and drivers from possessing gunn of any kind in a we're learning there may havehee been at least one warning signns this post on facebook shows thao dalton drove in a
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according to one woman when hetw had uber passengers in hiss in h vehicle. the woman urged everyone to stas away from dalton. dalto take a listen to customers who o claim they rode with him beforef and during the shooting. >> i like half heartedly andrted joke at him and said you're not the shooter, are you?, ar y >> and he said and i said, are you sure?ur >> and he said no, i'm just'mus really tired. tired looking back in a weird way to respond. >> he got maybe a mile from myrm ususe. he got a telephone call, after t that telephone call, he starteds driving really erratically, um, we were running stop >> reporter: in statement the chief security officer for uberu said "we are horrified and heart broken at the senseless violence cacal la ma-ma zoo michigan our hearts and prayers are with the family of these these vick umpsc and those recovering fromse recm injuries. we have reach out to the police to help with that are investigation and in in any wayi thinat we can. c meantime spokesman for uber confirmed daal at a had driven for the company in the past butb declined to say whether he waser driving on saturday night.y nht guys.
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here apparently people had pos posted warnings about not justoj he had a gun in the car. nobody knew that or hisr his background nobody knew that.obot the fact he was drivingri recklessly to me that shouldat have been the red flag for uber because i think any -- if you yu have -- ha >> one person that posted he wae driving recklessly? >> it was one person that postea to her fiance' as well. >> but she notified the companyy right? did she notify uber of f that? that? >> you know, that's' we saw the facebook posting frof a package from one of our phil p yates, of course, and she put ip out on facebook.eboo but we don't know if shenow if notified the company. >> you think she would have.ld e >> that would have been a goodue step.ep if you have no criminal historyy no and you have no problems, yoy have no red flags -- f >> no company will catch thatwit whether it's uber or regular rar taxi cab. c >> that is you take a polygraphg for security clearance how woulw you know there's something wrone with thi'ss person they would sp like that. tha >> i saw one sheriff say, look o someone has no criminal cmi background then go crazy and a
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and they decided to evil, how eh can you prevent that? >> that's what makes it so sca scary. >> uber spokesman i called himmd this morning he said the sameide thing. we do these background checksdhe and they're very stringent.trine however, i mean, how do you y catch it if he passed the t background check. cc >> meghan, even with theit background check the realityeali anyone can snap at any timenyim despite what security measureur are put in place much that's the unfortunate part about all ofrta this. this. >> i don't opinion that on uber. >> no. >> if they did do the backgrouno checks and he passed thesedhe check -- >> what else can they do. >> thanks meghan.s mhan. happening today, catherinene hoggle she is due back in courtt for mental health hearing. h she's the last person seen withh her toddlers sarah and jacob whw have been missing missing forisf more than a year now.year n she has a history of paranoid she was declared not competentpe to stand trial back in decemberc she claims her children are saff but refuses to tell police wheri they are. bill cosby's wife camille set s for deposition to answerde questions in the sexual assault lawsuit against her husband.usba
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an emergency motion to postpone her lawyer argued the deposition was only to embarrass.mbra her bill cosby faces a criminali case in pennsylvania.ena. >> fairfax county police looking for a suspect who broke into ari home and sexually assault addaua woman. >> fox5's melanie alnwick is i live in the mount vernon area of fairfax county with the latest s on this investigation.tigaon mel w does everything standveryh right now? >> reporter: the way it stands a they still are trying to develop this composite sketch. i just got off the phone with wt far fakes county police.y polic. they said they don't have a good timeline yet as far as when than 67 will be done, but when it is done, they will come out here h into the community and a distribute it try to get littlee bit more information.ormaon they're pretty sure, prettye,re confident that this woman didan not know the man who broke intoo her home on saturday night. nig it was 3:00 o'clock in the morning.rn so as you can imagine this womaw was asleep.s asleep. they was in her own home, andnd this man broke in to her threatened her, then sexually s
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she told police that the suspecs is an hispanic male short inn statue, about 25 years oldrs wearing a black jacket and carrying a black police say he does seem to betoe somewhat familiar with the area. certainly is something upsetting neighbors here in this communi community. many say they do feel safe heree but don't like obviously to heah something about this.his there seemed to be a prettytty intense search over the weekend. saturday at lot of activity.. fairfax county police had k9s9s out here, helicopters, parole, l officers, detectives as well a w trying to do whatever they coulh to track down the suspect.. but still no arrests. arrests they are reminding people in general to keep their doors anda their windows locked at night ng and if they can, to use timerss for lights and motion sensors on lights as well. i did ask if there was any any indication that there was someh sort of waa forced entry orr perhaps there was a door
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window left unlocked and fairfax county police said they don'then have that information.ha now at this point they'reint the putting out that warning toningo everyone in general to let themt know and again they're justy' j asking for anyone in the t community that may have seen oro heard something suspicious tociu please give them a call. live in the mount vernon section of fairfax county, i'm melanieie alnwick, back to you.. >> 10 past the hour.0 pa still ahead cheating on your ony credit card. we'll tell you why it might be t time to rethink your customer ce loyalty.lty it's okay in this case. it could actually save you big g money and we'll show you how next. >> big wins over the weekend foe donald trump and hillary clinton. it was another round of votingeg tomorrow the questions this ts morning, can they be stopped? p we'll have update from thefrom campaign trail next. 9:10 is our time right now. n. ♪ ♪
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what happens when an all-encompassing brain scan is followed up with an all-embracing hug? what happens when the world's latest surgical technology
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what happens when you match cutting-edge clinical trials with a gentle touch? you get extraordinary medicine and remarkable care. novant health and uva health system are proudly partnering to bring better care to every patient. ♪ somber return to work today for eight remaining justices for the u.s. supreme court. cou they will hear oral arguments is two days without their colleague the late antonin ask a lee y his empty chair draped in black wilk be remain in place until nextiln mon
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seating based on seniority.enri president obama will nominateomt scalia's successor soon. on the pam campaign trail the big question can donaldan trump make it three in row? republicans are gearing up for tomorrow's caw causes in nevadad after weekend that saw big wins for trump and democrat hillaryrl clinton. >> doug luzader is look whethere the front runners can be stoppee at this point. pn good question.gooduestion. right, doug?ri >> reporter: good morning. good look it's all a question of mowo moan tum at this point.s. for republicans the question isi can anyone pull the plug on plug donald trump? >> because to put them in ouremn jails they didn't pay then't pat electric bill. b >> the lights went out in lig georgia on donald trump lastas night. he used fire up to crowd evenwe when they came back on.. >> no, get those lights off! o off! >> reporter: that maybe the first time trump shied away fror the spotlight but his politicalc instincts seem to be on point oo scoring within in south carolina on saturday and a couldn't theft saw marco rubio come in a
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drop out.. trump well pig to do winig to tomorrow's nevada caucuses. from there heading into super sr tuesday he may be tough to stopo >> donald trump is in aonald commanding position now.anit could change but very strong one. hillinton i think isinto headed to the nominationut b her only constitueooking the exit polls is african-american and where she has strong majorities. >> reporter: that will ber: tha crucial for clinton heading intn saturday's democratic primary in sank. after her big win in nevada oveo the weekend, she will be in california today tapping intopit the well healed donors who havee harshly fueled her campaign.pai. sanders relying on smaller donors stayed on the trail intrl south carolina where he's making an elect ability >> if you look at nationalen pos and you want a candidate who isi going to defeat donald trump,ru you're looking at that candidate.ndide. (applause). >> reporter: at this points poin sanders would be happy to come m into a strong second in so
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carolina this weekend where w hillary clinton is favored to io win and win pretty big butyig bt sanders does have some prettyre deep pockets so he can stay in n the campaign even if he losese south carolina.ina back to you guys.uys >> i fine it interesting, dug, d that many of the candidates aree shifting to the nationwideide outlook instead of the, you know, within the same party p punch that is they were pulling for so long. >> reporter: well, you know,ou o the campaign is shifting now from these state by statetate iowa, new hampshire, nevada,ad south carolina and on to superor tuesday we have a number ofber different states in play.ates i. you almost have to kind of kind nationalize your message at this point.point. >> also be interesting to seeers what happens now that, you knowu the more people that drop out on the republican side and thend field starts to get smaller andr smaller where the people whoeopw were backing the ones who areho not out where those people end l up going. where their support lands.port s >> reporter: it's a critical question especially when youwh look at jeb bush who had a lot l of supporters an lot of money mn behind him. h where
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this point?oint >> what are they saying? what s is the prediction? what dohat people think they're going to g go? or is this campaign son craze so we have no idea?o i >> reporter: well, yeah, you yhu have to preface everything byact saying that.saying tha there's a lot of chaos this timm around but i think it's probabla more natural fit for bush supporters to either go to johnj kasich or marco rubio.ub >> it will be interesting.erest. >> yes it is. >> things wind down and the number of candidates winds downn as well, dug, thanks.ha always good to see you. 9:17a warning about tax freedaxe fraud and identity coming from maryland controller peterer franchot. he announced his office would no longer accept questionable tax for several maryland businessesn so far this calendar year the his office says it has helped tt stop more than 600 fraudulenten returns which have they been paid would cost the state nearly $800,000. the controller says some peopleo don't even though nave been a b victim tack fraud until its too late.te >> they get a big check, five, $6,000, no tax
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that return, and so i think some folks are maybe turning a blindd eye but a lot of people we callw them and say, by the way, we'vee got this tax return that you'vee signed, it shows you have a business and the response is no, i don't have business. all these fictional deductionsen that are put on by these tax preparers. it's problem.em. >> controller says some tackom c preparer preys upon low incomenc people in urban areas and heas said fixing tax fraud andud identity theft issues can take t months if you become a victim. >> when those exams start to pos up all kinds of exams. of exa people have torque, i know wee,o tell people to be careful all cr the time. there are so many people whoeopo don't know any better who go to these places and think they'rehk getting a good deal.l. >> if somebody promise us a hugg refund it's too good to be truee >> i got a call on my cell phone like an automated call thatlha says, this is the last chance you're being sued by the irs. i you must call this number now.o. i'm l
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>> i got the same phone >> did you?>> did you? >> same phone call. same e >> i'm sorry, guys. >> when we want their moneyhe they'll come and get it. g i >> they'll come in person.son. >> 19:19. coming up later on turning theue tables.ta we'll show you what happenedappe when two actres actresses turned wannabe reporters and how theyow went after kevin mccarthy and left him speechless. >> that never happens.happen. >> that's very -- >> leaving him speechlessving hm amazing task.g task >> that will be maze.e >> almost speechless. spe >> not totally. >> he might have cried a nerd n tear. more back and and forth betweenb apple and fbi now former fbi fbi director is weighing in plus thp future of facebook and social s media and music from the dark side of the moon. moo that has nothing to do with pin floyd. we've got a check on some of tht other days headlines next. next. ♪ ♪
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tv-commercial tv-commercial
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and you may not know what i'm talking about, but, uh. the yogurt made from your milk, is delicious. mmmm, yoplait.
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♪ 9:22 right now on this on t monday morning. let's check out what sellsouat s making headlines this morning.n. >> this morning apple is doubling down on its resistis tense to the fbiceo tim cooko tc says the us government to should withdrawal its demand apple help the fbi hack locked iphone usedd by a shooter in the san s bernardino attack. yesterday f2 director jamesector comey said the fbi can't look to survivors in the eye or ourselves in the mirror if werow don't follow this l
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scary scene in illinois thin weekend after a mega bus headina to minneapolis from chicagom cco catches fire.s fir take look. ta the bus suffered extensiveenve damage but thankfully none ofe the 40 passengers or driver were hurt. so far no word on what may haveh caused the explosion but expsion passengers told our sisterte station in chicago they heard a popping noise before it burstitr into flames.. this morning there is a shocking wildlife mystery out oo the eastern shore. 13 bald eagles were found dead on a farm in carl row linein county on saturday. surday. man looking for deer antlers ata first found four eagles once maryland natural resourcesesourc police got to the scene they s found the other nine.e otr ni officials have not said whetherd they think the eagles wereles intentionally killed.le. facebook all about thehe future. social networking site formed am teen to come and with social soc under actions in virtual reali reality. it is working with company called oculus to look at howow people can connect using the ust now facebook ceo mark zuckerberg
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wants to capture and share hisis daughter's first steps using virtual reality. why not just record it.. >> he's kind of there for it. oo isn't he.. >> finally recently unearthedth recordings such apollo astronauts heard strange music while orbit the moon back in 1969.1969. >> the crew was on space missioi two months before nealore neal armstrong's famous landing the strange sound began while their capsule was on the far side ofif the moon and out of the earth'sh broadcast at one point the group debated whether or not to tell the nasaa command.comm the recordings of the event were declassified in 2008 and you cay see it in upcoming episode of the science channel's nasa's unexplained files. fil >> interesting. intesti >> so is it -- chris is it noiso or actual -- can you claim it as music? >> radio frequencies comingg together?to >> two differe
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frequencies coming >> that's the story.t's >> um-hmm. >> i thought they had an eight g track in the the back. >> that's all it was. >> all the way to the moon now w we got to flip it over.r. >> right. >> it was in a loop.p. just kept going.oing >> still ahead gone day former the view star star jones willon join us live in the loft.he l how she's turning her time on to that hit show into her brand new >> why it might not pay to stays local to one -- loyal, rather tr one credit card.t c we're saving you money next.. >> first though 10 sick yearsrs old and still dancing. dci we'll show you special moment a the white house coming up.p. it's 9:25. 9:25. ♪ ♪
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this is a miracle.> th i'm done waiting.m doneti 20 years i've been the master of this plantation and i've not had one run away. >> momma, you ever think aboutbo another life? >> i've imagined thousands off different lives. >> our plan is simple.n is se >> that is just part of theisust trailer for the new drama new d underground which tells theunwh story of underground railroadair and this morning the stars of ts the show including journeyouey smollett bell are in town fornor special white house screening. i first their hanging out in theru good day lost and that my friends is coming up at 10:000 a.m.
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exciting. >> that looks so intense.look >> yeah, it does, doesn't it.oen >> it looks great. the only thing that might bet gt able to fop that, though. >> is this.>> i >> steve. >> this next woman might be then cutest white house visitor evere take look.ook. >> so nice to meet you.eet you >> you want to say hi to michelle.hel >> yes! >> as a matter of fact i do.ct d >> look at that. that >> you are not 106. >> you slow down.ouw do >> oh, my goodness. my goodness >> you are not. >> well that is 106-year-old virginia mcclarence fulfillingef her dream of visiting the white house and meeting the presidente and first lady.d first lad miss virginia even did a littlee dance with michelle you see them there cut ago ruguo much the president wanted to know the secret to still dancind at 106 and she said just keep moving.ving >> that's awesome. tt's aw >> i love >> i love seeing it misseingt mi virginia actually lives in d.c.. >> we're trying to get a hold od her right now and see if we canw get her on the show later thishs morning. >> that would be so great.woul >> her spiri
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106 years old and so full of fuo life and the gratitude you seets in h >> you heard her say she didn'tt think she would be able to dobl this in her lifetime and she'sme able to do it.t >> that's the part that so proro found. 106-year-old black woman is abls to go to the white house and she said the black president and hit black wife she said and i keep k wondering for her in her lifetime what this really means. >> cease scene in 10 sick yearss >> 106 years the full magnitude of that just -- amazing. amazing >> i love the fact she has sohes much energy at energy at1 >> i know.>> i want to know what ishe puts p her coffee.e. that's what i want to know. >> that she could still haveshet that enthusiasm at that age tott be that bubbly and that exciteda about it. >> wish her many more years.. >> genuine excitement. great. >> good for her. >> and from the old to theold to forever young, all right in case you missed it, the hash taag obama and kids took social medid by storm this weekend and it ala started with this photo. this is three-year-old la clarkk reynolds from alexandria andnd that's president obama touchinga his cheek.
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the picture went viral after the white house photographer petehet sues is a tweet ited it o everyone started sharing photoso of the president with kids. pictures were taken down blacknk history month event at the white house. >> that's great picture. >> very very cool.ery ve c >> love his eyes in that pictu picture. they just say it all, right? >> they sure d >> kind of like tucker barnes. >> his look. (laughter).(lau >> the look. >> i bet just do the weather. wh >> you have your eyes on theur e sky. what's coming your way. com >> sunshine. yes, indeed. not perfectly sunny day. d more sunshine than yesterday and most importantly if you want to hints of spring holly and i bott saw daffodils this weekend,eend right, holdly.rit, h >> yes, sir.>> yessir. >> steve? >> i did not. >> all right. i want to you spend youren y afternoon looking for daffodilss >> i will look for them.lookor . >> you saw what else? >> it's not great myrtle seasono >> it's not time yet.t's >> depends on where they are.e h >> oh, yeah. >> all right.. >> 43 now in washington.
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41 in gaithersburg.g yeah, holding on to the cool air north and we have.north and still in the 30s.. frederick 37. 39 in winchester.n hest we did have freezing have ez temperatures well north and west early today. ea there's your satellite/ much of the area now cleared n out. we're still kind of fighting tht clouds to the south and we'll gg with parly sunny day furtheray r south you go the more cloud clod cover you'll'ave. there is a breeze out of thet ot north and east 10 to 15.o a bit of a breezy day. d highs upper 40s and low 50s. should be decent afternoon.ftero all right.all rit we got the makings here of oureo next storm system.ys really a couple of storm syste systems. first one will eye ride to oure south and east later tonight and bring us rain showers bywers tomorrow morning's commute, it'i possible there could be a mixe x well well to the north and westa by early tomorrow morning. mni we'll have rain showers showerse much for much of our tuesday. td round two an area low pressure s passes to our west during thet e day on wednesday.ed bottom line on both tuesday anda wednesday rain showers back inie the forecast.t. i think mostly just liquid heree locally as we'll be too warm.oow there we are tomorrow morning m for that commu
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you can see the rain moving in.n there's in mix well north and ad west.west. we'll kind of keep an eye on o that line but right now it lookl like it's fairly far to the t north and west.noan we're in for a wet tuesday. and there we are atre a 5:00 o'clock.lo so much of tomorrow is met wet.w get a break tomorrow night andot the rain returns early ear wednesday. might be a soaking rainking rain potential for thunderstorm activity around here during the day on wednesday.edsd along with milder temperatures.s there's your seven day forecastt you know what, i got to beot tob honest february is winding downw and so are our winter snow chances. so we'll kind of keep an eye one next week but next couple ofcouf days tuesday and wednesdayay featuring plain old rain enjoyae this afternoon get out don yardn work do it this afternoon guys. back to you. >> all right. all rht. >> you want to prune the crepe c myrtle you. >> got to get it right.. you got to trim it.m >> do you have green thumb?? >> well, no. >> that's the only thing hehi h knows.kns. (laughter). >> he has people. peopl they take care
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work. >> millions of us use the same primary credit card years after years. years. being loyal may not the best wat to get the best credit deals.. joining us by skype from austin texas matt schultz even your analyst the consumer credit cre cards. you can chegg out the latest offer from major creditors. it posts the most consumer friendly card offers each monthh good morning, sir. >> good morning.ood thanks for having me. f hav >> well, thank for joining so we need to break up with ourr credit cards?? >> yeah.eah. loyalty realing doesn't pays't s special whole it comes to credii card rewards because the fact is that the fastest way to rack up rewards is to sign up for a new credit card, get a big sign upp bonus and there's never been aeb better time to do that than tt right now. >> but matt i always thought when you sign up for credit cards that goes against your credit and somehow it's damaginn but you're saying it's a good ining. >> there is a small temporary to ding against your credit whenr r you apply for a new car
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but it doesn't last long. laston it's not really that significa significant. where you get into trouble is it you apply for five or six cardsc at a time. t but if you apply even for a a handful of cards over the coursu of the year, and spread them o out, and handle them well, t w you'll be just fine. be juin >> oh how often should we switci cards then?? >> well, you probably shouldn'tl get a new card more than every few months because otherwise oti that can raise the red flags ono your credit report.eport. but you also should definitelyet not just hold on to them indefinitely especially if you don't use it and especially if there's an annual fee associatee with it.. >> so then if you switch cards,r should you close your other accounts? because i thought t that also hurt your credit.. >> well, it can, but if you replace it with another cardthar with an equal or higher creditt limit, it probably won't make we too much of a difference. difrec one important thing to know, though, is, if the
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you're thinking about cancelingi has an annual fee, you should sd probably go ahead and cancel iti because there's no point in i paying a $90 annual fee for aora card you're not going to use ana more. more. >> let me ask you this. m i'm sorry, wis. go aheade i'.go ahead. >> what about the ones thatab don't have theou fee. is it good idea to get rid ofid those as well if you've been b with them for a long time ande start all over.t l o >> if there's no annual fee youu may as well hold on it to because length of credit historo is an important as spec off credit scoring. sri and if it's not going to costo c you anything to keep that cardtc you may as well keep it. >> so two part question for youu matt. one, i have -- i'm one of thoset people i'm possibly too loyal ty a card. i like the rewards i get with it and kept it for a long time.g so say i wanting to get a seconc card now.card now. is that a good idea to get the bonuses on the second card and if so, what's hot right now? n what's a good value do i looko o for miles or cash back? what'sw a good thing to look for.. >> well, cash bag is the mostos popular it really comes down tod
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i'm more of a miles so that's what i tend to do anda one thing that you can do now is get card like the chase sapphirr preferred card where if yourd wy spend four house sand dollars ii the first three months you get 50,000 miles in those miles cann be transferred to differentifre airline and hotel partners likee southwest airlines and unitedd airlines. then you can combine those miles with the miles that you mighty m get from southwest airlines carr and all of a sudden you've got' awful lot of miles. mil >> so what's a sign that you'ree in bad eighty three credit cardc relationship and you need toip a break up?break >> well, you're in a bad credite card relationship if you'reou interest rate is too high,oo h because the market is soo competitive right now that youu can look at sites like credit you can look at things that are coming inth your mailbox. mlb even if you don't want to changc your credit card issue we are, a you can use some of these offerr
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your issue err and probably dobd okay. >> matt, let me ask you real l quick before we let youet go. yu it used to be if apr was too too high that you're paying youayin would call your credit cardt company and say can you put you cut me a break because i feel f like this is too high and i want to stay with you? do they still that? >> i've gotten the response ines the past we're not going tootoi change it. go get a new card from somebodyy else.el >> you absolute confidential do that. more than ever that is a good ao thing because it's so competitive and issuers want tot keep your >> credit card world is ours. o >> never hurts to call and ask.a >> matt schultz, thanks so muchm for joining us. surely appreciate it.rely >> thank you.nk you all right. well, usually when kev kevin mccarthy goafs to a movie junken he's peppering stars with questions like green screens, i, you can trade place.. >> 35-millimeter >> all those questions. thoue >> who do you relate to if youue were in this movie.were >> all that stuff, right.. >> here's my ticket stub. >> there you go. t i think we -- we >> we
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>> look, still ahead in the fox beat we'll show you what y w happened when some on screen journalists decided switch swi things up and pepper him with ht questions. we'll talk about when that one t we come back. bk. time now is 9:39. 9:39.
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>> can i have sex with yourwit security guard?ua >> oh, by all means. >> you're not just saying thatgt to be polite. b >> i wouldn't.out. i'm not. n >> that would never happen sopen you're're g >> you can have nick. n you're seriously bleeped. bleep. >> thank you. that's nice. >> you're like seven, six, seven in new york.. >> here you're a nine. borderline 10. >> what are you here like a 15? >> yeah. yea (laughter). >> that's a clip from the newli movie whiskey tango fox trot tht true story of a warar correspondent in afghanistan and pakistan and the relationshipat she made during her time tim overseas.eras. kevin mccarthy got a chance tone sit down with the stars of thist show, this movie tina fey and margo robbie over the weekend. e but it didn't go according to kevin joyce us now live from f orlando with this story about at how these two actresses who play journa
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start peppering him withimit questions. kevin, good morning and whatha happened? how did you let this happen, as a journalist how didw you let down your guard enoughno to let them flip the switch onwh you. yo >> it's a great question.grques i prepared all night long. i wrote seven solid questions qt for these actors tina fey and margo robbie.o r i walk in this romaine is the down i was sharing margo robbier made a baseball bat for this baseball bat suicide sd we were having a normalg a norma conversation.sati. i through my first question out and they are answering it and ii the middle of it, they pull out these flash cards i guess giveng to them by the studio and they t said we'll flip the script oncro you and start asking you questions and i was blown away.a i had no idea. idea. they knew everything about me.nm i felt like -- i felt kind of violated here's the interview ir moment that happened right whene that moment happened. check it out. >> play -- in this movie we play -- margo and
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war journalists and actually act which is why kevin because we're so used to being journalistouals we'll interview you.l w >> oh, wow.. >> throw a question. queion. forgive me here.ere. >> kevin mccarthy you're from y washington, d.c. >> now, speaking of your fianc fiance', we through our', wthro extensive found out you actually proposed her last halloween inwe this disneyland is that correct. >> yes.>> yes >> it was fantastic.s ast >> obviously >> what part of the park were p you. yo b nightmare before where you meet jack and sally.. basically they came out, she oue didn't had no idea and i walkal over and i got down on one knee. >> we've heard that you cry nern tears when a movie is veryery moving to what was the last movie that made you cry nerd tears. >> this is the honest truth hont probably dead pool before.ef before that was suicide squaddeu trailer i'm not kidding you.. when batman is on the hood andhd you guys are doing all the -- it
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looks -- david air shooting onog film the actual 35-millimeter sell lloyd, geeking me out beyond belief.elie nerd tears during your actionurr scene. sc >> thank you. >> i like nerd tears.dears >> who rah.>> >> you wanted to talk about tht that. >> we're not really letting you. what else do we want to ask kevin? >> were you wear we shot in allobar occur key new mexico m they shoot breaking bad. b >> which i'm wearing a little a breaking bad -- bad >> you're a big fan, aren't youu >> my favorite show of all time. >> i love breaking >> are you guys breaking badakib fans. >> i haven't actually scene it. >> i've not seen the wholeheho series i've behind but it's very good. which breaking bad character arr you most like? >> am i most like? wow! definitely not walter white. whe definitely not jesse pink man. probably oddly anna gun's character shows the most sane.t >> you're a constant bummer. >> not a bummer but a real lift. sitting there
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i think i'm like him.. >> you're a pregnant bummer.t be kevin mccarthy is a pregnant a p bummer. >> the interview cep going onviw and on they kept -- they brougho up my dog oscar the whole thingi available on my facebook page.e it was definitely a complete col surprise i walk out afterwards d had to keep it quiet becauseau apparently they were surprisingn other reporters as a select few reporters as well.s as well. it was pretty amazing. amang high no idea it was going to happen. >> did you by being on the other side of things now, are you realizing that more now as you y ask questions to the next peoplo as to what they respond ton howh they're feeling when they haven to answer your questions? >> they too might feel violatede >> it was fascinating.asciting steve a good point when theyintn asked me the breaking questionsn about what character relate to o kind of felt like they must do -- when i ask them questionst that take them off guard.rd i had no idea where to go with that. obviously i could have come up m with better answer if i thoughtg about hang the fbi agent orbi at something like i came umep with anna gun the
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pregnant character on the show. i don't even know where thatw he came from. i was just like -- i didn't know what to think. definitely gave me a respect for on their end if they have to h come up with answers real quickq off the top of their head in formative window really fun. f kind of a cool table turn forlef me. >> did you fine out anythingt an about the movie at all? >> yeah, i actually did get to ask two questions. questio one at the beginning and at thet end of the interview i look at them. do i mindt if i ask you one y actual question. they said sure. i asked we'll have part two off this coming up. >> thanks, kevin. kevin >> the movie opens on marc march 4th.march >> coming up, it is 9:47 right g now. another ring for redskins legend joe gibbs. this is five big ones for him. the closest finish ever inn nascar history. hto that's not the way that you gety the we'll show how it all endednded upcoming up next, though. ♪
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>> my goodness. that is 106-ar
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mclauren meeting the first family recently and it's video that's gone viral and everyone who can't help but smile whew sw see that. joining us live on the phone iss miss virginia mclauren. miss virginia, are you there.he. >> yes. >> my goodness, let me first say it is an honor to talk you. you have made made so manyan people so happy with the videohv of the you at the white house.te amazing experience. e i'm sure for you. >> thank you. >> tell us about when you firstu got were you heard some of what was said. tell us what happened when youay officially got there.. >> oh, when i first got there, t we had to wait -- well there war a line and someone we'll get a wheelchair for you. for you i said i can walk. w basically a little bit too muchb for you. for you. they got wheel they're for me. and this gentleman rolled me down in the wheelcha
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i didn't know it was that long.l but it was a long run.g when i got there i was so happyp to be inside of the white househ i didn't know how to act. so we got in there. and they start honoring me and they start asking me my age and they what is your secret and yoy still working? i do volunteerue work. they said oh, i said eight hourt a day.ay they couldn't believe it.e it. so i got so many hugs and kiss.s so i got inside the white housee they put me in the pink room i o think that was called.. then wanted to make pictures pic with me and they were so nice. n everything was so nice. nic i said where is the president? t they said, oh, he'll be here. he will be here. h so we
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pictures and asked me questions and then said, here is thehe turn around. you can see by time i got turned around he was gone. into the next room where wasre s going to make pictures.. and that's where we -- i sit there and they said we'll comeal and get y so it was about three people --- pick pictures they of me.f when i got home i had a fit.. oh, it was so nice.e. i said this black history weekk and i came to represent blackck history.ory. >> aww you made history, miss mclauren.uren >> did you even believe when yoy first saw the president or whene you you were dancing with theh t first lady, did you even believe the moment that you were in? >> no,
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(laughter). >> i tell you it was so happy.. i was so glad to get into the i white house and to meet the president the first black bck president in the white house and it was honor to me and his wifes it was an honor to me. i really, really jumped for joy. >> miss virginia, you brought ut so much joy today when we werenw able to watch your excitementxcm and we can just sense that wasea just genuine excitement. eit in your nearly 107 years, we yes were just saying, you are living history and the stories you canu tell over those 106 plus years w does this rank among your live i experiences? >> oh, you know, i didn't think i'd never live to get this so ii was born in south carolina
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went through a lot of segregation, some was good andwd some was bad but made it thist t far i didn't think that i'll get a chance to be able to join -- don't know how to say this with the white people being here h because the lady that got the te invitation for me to the whiteee house she's white and she is really a friend to me. me. she comes by and she sits withh me. we laugh and talk and she wants to bring me lunch and she hasas been the greatest person, i pso would say my best friend.
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say this was one of youras onefy greatest moments? >> yes. >> miss virginia this is one oft the greatest moments for us.fors >> indeed.>> >> to be able to get to experience you.ence you >> yes. >> i got to add mississippiisss virginia we want to mention youy are still working every single n day five days a week. week. we heard that you're not slowing down at all and so yet again yon are showing the world what we wt all need to aspire and live up to. you are just 93 nominal we wante to you keep doing what you're w doing and just live to see a lol more years. yea >> thank you. you >> come in and dance in the loft with us. with we'd love to have some of thoseo dance moves in here. (laughter).. >> come by any time.. we'll have someone come pick yoc up.. >> bye-bye. bye-b >> thank you, miss virginia.mis. have a great >> thank you. y thanks for having me with you. >> absolutely.ut >> you're very welcome.'re ve wl >> the pleasure is ours.s ours. >> amazing listening to her.isth she grew up in south we know about the whole historyy of this country but for her to t be able to live through that
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to see the first black presidenp in the white house to actually l get in there shake his hand andn meet the first lady. unbelievable.believable i think that's a fact that's loft.ft >> think about how much hasboutm changed and how much she'sd scene. >> like you said the stories sho can tell.caell. man. >> and changes.hanges progress. >> to still have that youthfulyu and excitement she has.cint s >> still want to know what's in her coffee.her >> i know. >> speaking of which.peak >> we have much more comingve m operate 10a.0a a couple big guests coming in including star jones will be joining also, if you have been watchingn and seen the new mini -- notot mini series any more. >> episodic shows.. nd underground the stars will bu with us here in the studio as well. well. >> so we have a lot of special i ghosts coming up and also timeom for you to pick up one our brand new coffee mugs. mug fat fancy one. o brand knew i think we've onlyhio given out two so far.o far if you've been eyeing the cool l mugs, we have the new good day dunkin' donuts mugs to give awae
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coffee.coff go to fox5 dc/contests. one lucky winner will be b selected by random drawing you a only have until 11am to enter.e1 right now it is 9:58. 10a is next.
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♪ >> we have a star-studded good a day at 10a for you this mondayda morning.rng >> live in the loft, journey smollett bell will be screeningg their new show underground thatd the white house later today.itea first they're live with us.e wi. >> also live with us no stranger to talk shows miss star jones in the big event bringing her to d.c. >> did we mention it's nationall marguerita day. three new tastes on the classict cocktail much there's i call ahh
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>> the 10a starts now. ♪ >> man, look at us in the kitchen wisdom with star jones.j >> we're ready to diss.. >> juicy secrets. madam, we're going to the couchu >> thank ya'll.nk >> she's a little bit under thee weather but this is how big of a pro she is. pr came in any way. >> of course. >> battling -- what do you have? >> bronchitis.>> bronc >> bronchitis. >> bronchitis. >> i'll sit over here. >> not to feel bad at all.t a >> my goodness. goo >> when i was visited the viewws the other day, they all wanted n to sit away from me. >> it wasn't personal. perso >> yeah, yeah, yeah.h, y >> really all about the bronchitis.c. >> we're lucky to have becauseec you're here in d.c. red shoes.. >> heart months. month i'm in red 29 days this month. n every single day i wear red. >> this has been a cause near na and dear to you for a long time.
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>> absolutely.>> i'm a heart disease survivor.. went from patient to survivor tt my lif it will be six years in march. >> glad for that.t. >> fantastic.ic but i'm here this week to bringi some jobs to the dc area. >> we like that.e like that. >> and networking and absolutell i think we'll get a chance to co talk more about mor >> we are. >> making a lot of friends.a t f >> check out what's trendingre this morning. >> you know it.>> y absolutely.lute >> get it started mo. >> growing sport for singer cascia in her legal battle.r lab friday a judge ruled againstinst releasing her from her contractc with sony after she accused of f that producer of drug and sexually assaulting her when shs was 18 years old. o support from hollywood has beenb pouring in for the tick tockoc singer including from lady gagaa who tweeted there are people ala over the world who love you andu i can say truly i am in i was w. 84 bravery a petition calling for the boycott of sonyy music and its products. so far more than 220,000 peopleo have signed it. sig the hash
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trending on social media.. >> star you've dealt with a lote of people with all levalels ofes celebrity.le do you think it's tough fort's r people to speak out against agat something like that very tha personal perhaps or maybe youou hate to say septembered by b hollywood? you see the wholeheo bill cosby thing. t things that happen in the pastps and for people to take that to t stand and speak out against ain something.g >> today she was 18 at the times and so you can imagine certainnc level of vulnerability and also just nay eve i'm not going to presume thises happened or not.happ or obviously we don't know know the facts. fa if she's saying this makes her so uncomfortable she can't worke with a particular person theernt judge decide you don't have to h work with that person but you have to hono br your contract ad i love the fact that there's sos many people who are getting involved and expressing theirre opinions but none of that that matters when it documents at courtroom. >> i was going to say --as g >> none of that matters. t that matters that may matter mat with how sony reacts because sony appreciates the court ofrtf public opinion. but the
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about the facts and the law andl a contract is a >> right.. >> social media changed, how hah it changed that court of public opinion and perception from he was it was in the brac when you were practicing. p >> not when i was practicingrana when i first ss tart covering lw across, you know, the country ii terms of different cases. court of public opinions veryni drum beat.drum but now court of public opinionn is second. sec you can literally be tweeting something and then get on plain south africa by the time youim land your life is over. o you have no job. job you have no friends.. everybody wants to stone you. sy that's how quick it can be. b well in this situation, though,o social media little bit fickle.c you move to the next topicop really really quickly. but i think this strikes a corda for professional womeniona everywhere.. i represent about 850,0000 professional women at the napwpw and we tell women all the timele you have to take back your own power. stand in that space and
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that you are worthy of being b treated like a professional. i think kesha is doing thatn right now. >> she is. let's talk about another trending topic. pop star demi la vat tow fired off several tweets about a feminism and women's empowermene including this one frustratingrn to see women forward with theirt past only to be shot down.n. not believed and disrespectedec for their bravery in takingg action. ac and taylor swift reaching toutt kesha showing her support andrt putting her money where her w mouth is. she donated $250,000 to kesha k for the on going court battle. t a rep for kesha did not return a message seeking comment on swift's that speaks more to what yous rt were just saying. more people getting on board and yet at the same time getting tht me satisfy out women need to beb empowered.powe >> 100%. >> all right. let's talk about this this has i been a talker as well. wel days before the oscars, there'st new eye opening statistics abouo the lack of diversity inrsin hollywood a new r
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that the movie and tv industrynd is white washed. usc's annenberg school forchool communication and journalism released a study today and gavee nearly every movie studio and tt production company a failing fai grade when it comes to includini minorities, women, and lgbt people. the report under scores the outrage associated with the hash tag oscars so white campaign. those taking part vow to boycoty the oscar for its lack ofk o diversity. more than 400 flames and tv series the study found 30% off speaking rolls were female, only 28-point 3% were minorities ands just 2% of speaking charactersrr identified as lgbt. the study found that behind thee camera, the numbers are even e worse. this is the second straight year the academy awards will featureu all white acting nominees.ees the oscars will air this sunday. >> so a big duh, right?ht >> right.>> rht. hello. >> we already new everything.
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>> diversity and and inclusion u is how i wake up every single s morning and go to bed every e single night.ngle that's what we do at a professional diversity network.. what ticks me off and i use a a good word because i wanted to ie use the odd word.d w >> right, right. >> what tick me off about thateu is not an acknowledgment thatha diverse the inclusion is goods o for business much it's not is something to make you feel good. adds to creative is the have thv it adds to more constructiveonsu work environment.onme it brings money to the bottom bt line.line. >> right. >> i can't understand why't uer anybody in a position of strength and power doesn't wantn to bring money to the bottom diversity makes money and it a makes sense. sense my dad said if it don't make'tak money it don't make sense.ak see >> that's right. >> this makes money.>> so the fact that hollywood has been really resistant to it fort all these years is deafening tog me. then really behind this thinghi what really matters. the people who hold the lights,g people that use the cameras, the people that set the props in p
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your ear that's where we need to also diversify hollywood. >> absolutely. absolutel >> let's get back to the white house. we just talk with the young 106-year-old who was dancingho s with the first family. the president was trying totry break the internet over thet ert weekend several images of him celebrating black history month wept viral including amaze ick picture of three-year-old clark reynolds. they were invited to the whiteii house last week and the quicklye went viral. ir it also did something else. e it suddenly started starting art trend where people were sharingi their favorite pictures of thete president with little kids usinu the hash tag obama and kids. >> i love that. >> i looked at a bunch of thosee pictures this weekend a lot of l them brought tears to my eyes e seeing him with these children d and the way the children look aa him playfulness it was heartnesa touching for me.or m >> magnificent. the children of all and both but you look especially for a little black boy to look up into the face of a brown man who i
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the president of the unitedni states so his dreams and aspirations have opened up a whole new thing. so knock go to sleep at night and think i can act doctor or ic can be a lawyer or i can play pa basketball, i can do anything ig want. i can even be the leader of ae d free wor that's pretty powerful g thaterh picture of the neck to the lastc picture we saw of the little boe dutching his hair, we did this d story about that because when he touched -- he said he wase sa h basically saying, this man, the president, has -- now he has n h hair like me.e he can relate to him and connecd to him. that's big. that's exactly what you saidxac about little boys can see someone just like them. >> themselves. >> excel at the highest level.t the leader of the free world.erd >> you think about all the thi people here at this table. tab i'm just impressed with the with diversity that here. h strong powerful women knowingomo what they're doing keeping the gentlemen in their place. their >> yes.>>. >> when it's necessary.ry. okay. we try.ry. >> absolutely.utely (laughter).(laughter) >> thanks for saying that you tt saw a few minutes ago it is thes video that is taking social media by form storm the
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106-year-old visits the white house in one unforgettable vis visit. well, star, i hear, that you'rey granny also has been a visitor v of the white house. >> oh granny pauline for 95thran birthday i took her -- h >> principle chicken.le chien >> she's 97 right now. now i took her for the anniversary r of the march on washington, and, when the president came down ton greet her, of course, she crse, dressed to the nines.esin >> i see the hat. >> okay.>> and the president took her handr and said he was going to give tg her some quote sugar because b southern lady, and being aei southern lady my grandma lookedo up and said let me ask your wiff now. now >> that is great. >> where from the fromh >> north carolina.>> we're all from north carolina. >> i took the picture of the twe of them. i mean think about it my grandmother seen so much in 95eu years.s. >> yes. >> and she had the ability to t vote for the first african-american president of
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the united states and somethingi tells me she is going to get aog chance to vote for the first woman, too. >> i wonder where you stan thona >> you can figure out where i am. am. >> we'll talk about that, too.a you're sticking around andckinan joining us later on for more i love this with you star jonesn >> thank you very much. thank you for making me feeleel welcome. we >> you got a spot on our couchor any time.y tim >> as we continue on the 10a, celebrity act at the white hou house, under ground stars und journey small let bell and al today's hodge are in town. t they're joining us live. yes. first though 50-cent due in i court.ur chris jenner booed. bed and taylor swift taking a back b seat for her best friend. >> what? >> 10:12.>> 10: good day celebrity dish comingro up next.
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♪ >> it is time to check in onim good day celebrity dish. >> and first up on this monday edition of the dish, rapper 50-cent has been ordered tordedt appear in court to explain why y he's declaring bankruptcy aftert posting multiple photos of himself surrounded by piles ofes cash on certainly immediate yia rapper filed for bankrupt so int july you might recall.ecal claims tat
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millions but is going brokero under a flood of expensivesive lawsuits. the bankruptcy judge is worrieds the rapper is being dishonest about his and told the rapper's attorneytt she takes the allegations of non disclosure very seriously. >> maybe he just went to the wte bank just to withdrawal whathat money he had left and put it on the bed to take picture. >> it fell out that he's broke.. >> yeah. >> that's just not smart.. >> it's just not smart. not >> that's my issue there.s iss >> you know over the weekendnood when i was at the bank i tooke t out all my money all $200 and i spread it out over the bed and d took a picture with it. i i understand what 50-cent is going for.. >> $1 bills. bills >> were was able to spell outlep with that. >> you can get $1 bills out oflt the atm did you go into theo to bank. >> i went into the bang. the >> for once.>> for >> i asked for ones.s >> i'm asking what were you abla to spell out with the bills yous got like the br -- br -- >> just br. >> couldn't spell broke.. just b
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spell broke with 1 dollar brokee >> he just spelled out a p.. couldn't get the whole b.le >> money money money.oney singer rob thomas he's in hotot water down under this listen to this. match box 20 singer was on tour in australia this weekend whenhe he toll fans a joke about how to get over jetlag.lag. thomas said "when you get on the plane on your way there youherey start drinking and then i drinki till i think i'm australian anda keep drinking until i think i'm a black australian.. he went ton say don't be racists and then i drink until i thinkit i'm a pretty little girl andir d then my wife starts to geto worried about me and i stopp drinking for minute.ine. thomas was booed by the crowdro and elicited offense fromm australia's pop laying and and difficulty in treatingg alcoholism.holism. thomas later issue an apology is saying in part, the joke i maded was meant to be at no one'sne's expense but my own. o i made a comment about
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so much on the long flight overe that i started to think i was something i'm not. >> perhaps he was living --g >> hashash tag not funny. >> chris jenner got a not so a n warm welcome herself when shelfe introduced boy george and culture club i heart 80s party0p in los angeles over the weekend. take list glenn star of keepingf up with the kardashians, chris jenner. >> boo! >> good evening. eve from the moment i heard about ao boy george back in the '80s is was completely -- >> the crowd as you heard theret they didn't let up booing was so loud you can barely hear chrisrc jenner speaking over the noise.i but the kardashian matriarch mar seemed to take it all in stride. didn't know she signs of the unwelcomed reaction roughlied ri her feathers at all.. >> afterwards she went to the bank and took out all her money and seventy three she spell outl lot of words.or
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>> paid. pai >> right. >> that's really what she wha spelled. >> when it comes to reunioneu sunday night where it was. nbc host add tribute to the sitcom director james bureaus.ea now among the reunions the casts of friends. frien jennifer aniston, courtney kox, matt will he brang and davidangd swimmer reunited on co-star. matthew perry joined them videov other stars inn collided the cast of the big bang theory. will and grace and taxi. >> wow! >> matt leblanc looks so old tod me. me. >> that made me sad. tha >> to see him look so old. o >> i wonder why he wasn't theret >> matthew perry wasn't matt leblanc was the old grayra headed dude sitting on then couch.uc i didn't recognize him becauseec he look so old. >> it's part of the soap story,y that's all. >> one more fabulous reunion for celebrity's dish destiny's child.chil >> what? >> beyonce' snapped a funny photo with her bandmates kelly k roland and
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kelly's birthday celebration. she was celebrating her 35th birthday in west hollywood. >> wow. >> that's a fun pick.hat' >> i wonder if they're stilly'ri having trauma over the name nam destiny's child.hi >> we'll ask matthew knowleswl next tim >> he'll be back in. be b i when he's in to like another rur of our rehearsal segments --egme >> follow up to your videos dido you of him.u of >> get him on speed dial.ial. >> menopause is due for anothero hit. aren't we? >> then know >> men know what?now at? >> super model sin degree crewec forward continues to wow thentie world with images as she reaches a milestone.stone crawford posted this make upp free selfie over the weekend when she celebrated her 50 many birthday.rtay she and her hub did so in styles jetting off to saint bart's for' the weekend.theke >> she looks pretty good. >> is that the new thing.ew thig have you noticed everyone isotie posting the make up less selfies now? now? >> uh-huh does look at me i'm lm still pretty.. >> we do that all the
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>> i still believe there's ave e filter on there.lter r and b singer neo tied neo and crystal renee' wedded in california ceremony it took parp at a luxury resort the boy byheb the water. he wore a gray suit for a blackk tie while his wife who's nine nn months pregnant wore ant traditionahsl white gown that featured sheer lace sleeves. neo says he met his wife when hw was working on his album non fiction.fictio he admits it was indeed love tht a first sight. >> very nice. n langratulations to them.tu from neo to taylor swift thewift singer returned to pennsylvaniai hometown over the weekend toe wd serve as made of honor in her childhood friends wedding. wedng swift posted photos from fro saturday festivities to hero instagram page. pag she met the bride when she was s two years old.. >> two days old. >> 10 days, 10 years whoseearsho counting when you're having fung 10 days old and the groom whenrn she was in kindergarten. tay tay calls herself the happiest made of mon nor ever.oe the celebrations come less thana a week after
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platinum 1989 album won a grammy for album of the year. >> you know what's so amazingo i about that.t >> what's that.>> >> taylor swift mega, mega stars and she did not up stage the bride in that picture. pic >> good for her.>> >> that's right.. >> that's a true best friend right there.right ther >> you have to wonder --ave too- >> they paid for the weddingid g that's a true best friend.ri >> you have to wonder how manyrm times the bride was asked issked taylor >> i know right. i does she perform. sheer >> that's awesome she did. s >> it is 10:22. 10: we have to celebrate little bitl every day on the 10a and today t it is tequila day.. technically it's marguerita dayd but you know how things go. celebrating national margueritar day later on. >> pee-wee her first check on some of the otheh stories working on in thein newsroom next. ♪ ♪
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♪ happening right now courtgh hearing in montgomery county to find out wy hether cathedral rip hoggle is fit to stand trial.ri she was the last person seenseen with her toddlers who now been missing for more than one year.y now that hearing just wrapped p up. up bob barnard was there.ard waere. he's live in rockville with theh breaking bob, what happened. >> reporter: well, steve,teel catherine hoggle was in court looking much older than her 29 rather subdued.rath she never spoke but basically in court it was determined based on an evaluation at the state s psychiatric hospital here inrisp
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incompetent to face the chargesc against her to stand trial righr now her attorney is speaking to reporters here.rt he's just come down.ow we expect to hear from john mccarthy the state's attorneyttr for montgomery county who well who argued he wants a secondd independent evaluation ofvaio catherine hoggle.. the physicians there at the at hospital say she remainsai incompetent and that's's and the state is saying, look,go we're trying to find these two e kids who have been missing since accept of 2014.f we want a second medical opinion to maybe determine thatneha catherine hoggle is competent tt stand trial to answer questionss she's not been charged in thenhe murders of her two children. cle she's not even been charged inri their disappearance.ce just with neglect and a obstructing justice.ti so as you see her attorneys herh defending why they support the evaluation of incompetent topett stand trial.and trial we'll hear from the state androh she will go back to the state se mental hospital, the perkins
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they will not go to jail. she will not be standing trial i on these two charge in thee t disappearance of her two h children who authorities fear is dead. catherine hock gel was the lastl person known to be with them. this mystery with did thedhe determine nation she'sine incompetent and cannot facet ann charges or questions from authorities at this point, guys. >> such a hard case, bob.e,ob. really the big scheme of thingss we're no closer to fining thoset kids and obviously everyonee wants closure in that rash. ras >> thanks, bob.ha appreciate it. still ahead on good day, the underground railroad heads to ht the white house. we're sitting down with familiar faces from the new drama for d look at the show and their special event here in d.c. 10:27 is our time right .
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♪ underground is a new drama n all about the underground railroad used by enslaved people to escape the south to freeo f states in the north.ates in check this out. >> -- upon miracle i'm done waiting. >> 20 years i've been the mastes of this plantation and i've nott had one run away. >> mom marks you ever thinkarks about another life. life >> i've imagined thousands ofusf different lives.
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we got to get group of together. and figure out a way. >> the show shows straight of come and ton jurnee smollett slt bell and law and order suv star christopher maloney.ey. also executive produced boyoy oscar winner john row len.. underground is to go washingtong the cast is in town for aor special black history monthry m screening of the new show at thw white house but first aldas andd jurnee are joining us live in ln the loft.eoft. thank you so much.u souch. >> thank you for having us. >> for taking the the m there's lot of buzz surroundingi this, and whenever i hear abouto or i watch eclipse aboutbo underground the first thing ihe hear it's not what you expect. . >> at all. it's not what you expect at alll >> it's very bold. bol it's out of the box.. it's audacious.ud and we've never seen story toldt about the underground railroad a that's one of things that wastht very exciting for us.iting r u >> yes. >> when i was watching interviei with john legend about when he e talks about it you can see his s passion. >> so passionate. >> so passionate for it. siona he says i really just
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is what america needs to see now. the time is now. >> why do you think that so t much? >> it's beautiful story.tory. as we've said many times, it'st' about the first integrated civiv rights movement, so you get toot understand how this foundationoo comes together much it's aboutsa people working together asogethr simply americans. understanding that, look, you'rr equal, i equal we all need to be he ya'll in this thing togetherr that's what's beautiful about ii but also there's so much so m adventure that goes on the way w we tell the story. story >> it's a thriller. >> everybody kept saying abovedk all it's a thriller. >> seriously. pacing is different than whatff you would the pew music is different.nt creators just told us think ushi outside the box and the mandate was to be bold and audacious.udc i know that's when way succeedee at doing. d >> the thriller aspect ispect surprising because we are seri series. we've gotten great episodes inde the can for you going into thenh subject matter most people think it's so heavy and so like it's going leave
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going to be slow. but when you actually get into t it and watch it, you realize, this is a roller coaster ride r and i'm right in the front seatt >> yes. i mean -- i >> keep my hands in the car, >> cliffhanger. >> serious. so many cliff hangers. hge >> every episode leaves with w your mouth opening unneed more. >> it is a history lesson but it's entertaining >> it's entertain taken becausen it's dangerous and there's so ts much mystery.. you don't know who to trust.. >> the thing is truth is stranger than fix.han fix. you can't right thing this greae although we have amazing writers but i mean these people were wer daring and these are escapesre p were dangerous, and desperate and the courage they had to deal no one had done before really i inspiring to watch. wat >> i know. someone said they were the the justice league of their >> yes. >> that was great way to w describe it.desc >> we're super heroes. >> they are our they are american heroes and thd fact that so many people worked together at a time wherea w segregation was such a
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burden on our country. cou they brought down the systemhey it's really inspiring >> not everyone gets a viewing at the white house.he whi but you all --- >> i mean not everyone does.s >> but you all do. >> just a little birdie told usu we're going there today.. >> you've been there before, iei know.ow. excited, this is your first tie time. nervous? >> i mean it's crazy we're going to watch our ourselves on screen at the white house.hehite >> that the white house.hat e wh >> that's the thing that's tt' tripping yeah, i've film never to like tl see a project that we're a partr of.. i mean it's such a proud momentm >> this is not a moment that yo can duplicate or top.r top. >> we can get better than this. what are we going to do after t this. >> i don't know. >> the show is going to airir march 9th. 9 that's pretty exciting.xcitin >> premier of the second seasono like on the moon or somethinghe like that. m >> that's a good idea. >> never say never. >> mars maybe.ars m >> my people at nasa and we at e going to --going >> let's talk about a few other things other than the under t u ground much that's why you'rehye he
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for you, when i was reading about you and -- i understand u you're a little bit ofit renaissance man. (laughter). >> just a little.ittle >> right. >> you play the violin. you design watches. wates >> you write, you paint. >> practice violin.ioli play is that so very strong wo word. >> he has meetings. h >> i ae m a neurologist.logi i do design watches. wates i'm like building my own companm right now. i'm actually -- aua >> is that one of yours. >> no, my manufacture, partnerer over at group of forces thiss t what they make a beautiful peace and they're wonderful companywor and they make -- they're greatyg at what they do. theyo. i mean top top engineering.inri but, yeah, i love painting. pnt love writing. anything i can get my hands on to fill out my -- fill up my time with something interestingi something that speaks art to t meme art is my language. l >> you speak it very well on ala levels. >> thank you. >> we have to talk to you aboutt obviously here at fox we're big fangs of >> are you? >> is that why you have
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>> happen to have -- if at homee smollett why do i know that nae name. your brother i s jussie. >> so that has to be very excite fog your familiarly.fog >> it's so exciting. eit oh, my goodness.ess we've been over the moon this past year just watching him just blossom in the world find outin what we have already known aboua him. i'm also excited he guest stars on under ground. >> he's he guest stars on srs underground and can't you guestt star on empire? >> can't he make thatha happen?ing. >> if it works that way.t we'll see.we >> do a little cross over.a lito a little under ground empireir crossover. >> we'll see. >> kanye has music inusicn underground.un >> this show opens -- ope - >> it's bold.>> it's bo >> there's lot of amazing lotamz artists that, you know, johnoh legend and his whole company --y >> he might know few people.eopl >> the music -- the music is such an important element of our >> yeah. >> i want to end on an importanp note and obviously you wer
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straight state out of comptonfom and it didn't get the oscar nodd many people thought it deserve and the feel of hollywood andlyd what's going on. do you think that shows like underground help to maybe starts to break that barrier and maybey make some ground?round? >> yeah. y in addition to the important i story that's telling.orat's t >> yeah. >> it's also your story and they fact that you're the ones doingi it. >> yeah.>> y i mean naturally i'm inclined to believe that it will iat it wil definitely hope so the so conversation has started whichoh is amazing. we understand the deficit withii the entertain takenning industrr and the necessary system for further integration and supportt of it. at this point we need to see t action being followed through. it's been started we just needus to see it followed through anddg it doesn't come in a few months it comes with consistency overve years. year >> it's way too late once thetet awards are announced.ou it will start with the creators, producers people like meisha and joe who created an
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like underground not just a just diverse cast but has amazingzing women characters and yesterdayny roles are very equal in this ths project we're not just thattha dressing, we're not just thee nt girl friend.rien we've got jessica and a mary raa va inform and deena porter whoth also play really strong complex women. so it's going start with the creators and that's the only -- have i yoel la talks about thela fact that you can't really within a awards for roles thatos aren't there. that's really what the solutiono is. >> you need people who are controlling the content are producing and putting the moneyt behind it to understand audience is speak to know the audience is varied.ed so many different colors, sizesz you know, i mean -- mea >> they're hungry for more foor content that reflects their >> that's what they need. nee hopefully this furthers theth conversation for equality f equ overall. women getting fair wages andr w things like that. >> across all industries.ndusie >> yes. there's deeper problem here,
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but, you know, an environmentent that's corrosive conducive to to neglect, culture.ultu can't survive in world that ishs nothing but culture.. >> right. you know what i mean.u know wha >> i know exactly what you mean you know what the entertainmentt industry is lucky to have peoplo like you in it. i. >> thank you. t you >> we're so blessed to be able to share in your talent.ten thanks for stopping by.g you have an open invitation toao the loft any time. >> oh, wow! >> i see a kitchen back there.kt you know what i'm saying.i'ying >> it is national marguerita d day. >> you have bagels andave ba and margueritas.ri we going get margaritas.. >> underground premiereser wednesday march 9th at gr10:0010 p.m. on wgn america. arica don't miss it.don'miss i it is must see tv. >> great interview.ew thanks guys. still ahead at 10 star jonesta j returns this time she's talkingi about how she's helping bringng new jobs to the d.c. region pluu the big news about one of her recent books. bks oh, yeah.. miss star jones back hangingkan out. who you teching? >> ♪
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♪ all right. our next guest is a lawyer, anst author, an tv personality who became a household name duringvm her nine seasons on talk show so the view that experience may have played a little part inarti wasn't of one of her recent herr books a work of fix set on a daytime talk show the behind thd scenes drama. the book is called "satan's sisters" and on store shelves also just burlington-bristolust pick up as a scripted tv serie
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by vh1 and here's the details os that and how she's helping brinb jobs to the dc welcom region. please welcome star jones to tho good day lost. l >> excellent. i feel like i'm already at home. >> i promise none of what has gone today will end up on the ut small screen at vh1. vh1 >> well, you know -- k >> my question is, you did that. i wanted to one about theseuthe characters right rht he. >> what would you call them our book. >> i'll call it the devils t people.ople. (laughter). >> lucifer's child. chi >> that will work, too. >> satan's sisters.ters >> in the book we play off of having had a special guest i use chris rock because i think he'st one of the funny people on eartn he sat around the couch on the fix al daytime show and the women were doing like this, as women tend to do on the view. and other talk shows like that, and he said you all could pre 1p to be sisters
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sisters around.un we used that as a jumping offff point in the book we're verye'ry proud vh1 pick it up much it'ss for 2017 which simply coincidesc with the 20th anniversary ofry o the view being on television. >> wow! >> really amazing. >> how fictional is it.onals i >> completely fictional.ply inspired by the only thing i cai tell you is, every scene and/or character is based on someone i worked with or worked foror interviewed with, interviewed by or prosecuted.secute >> and will they know who they are --are -- >> they will always know who they they always will know. >> there's the question. >> if you recognize yourself ins it and you're in the happy withh how you're portrayed can theyy come at you.ou >> nobody because everybody soy hidden. if i can be really honest, the t things i'm proud about myself ms are in it as well as some ofs se what i consider my own and i put all of that into thein fix al characters.raer >> you have much input into thet tv show. tv
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producer.oduc >> you'll have some.e. (laughter). >> susan, my producer.du it doesn't get any better than that. i feel sometimes like i am jamaican.jamaican i got 19 jobs and i love every e bit of it much that's sort of s the way i was raised also. >> you keep it popping. popping >> when we see it on tv. >> the 2017 it's slated for thaa vh1 pick it up for 10 episodes.. really really proud in the the meantime i get an opportunity ty wake up every morning and realla help people with networking and opportunities.rt we were talking diversity in the previous segment and i'm reallyr trying to define or redefineefie what diversity s of course,e, blacks, asians and latinin americans, but it also includes lgbt, veterans, the disabled,le, largest group which is women.son and so we brought a diversity career fair here to thehere washington, d.c. we'll be thegtre tomorrow at the crystal city embassy suites from 11:00 to 2:00. 2:0 it is completely free.ree. completely f
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>> anybody can show up.>>nybo >> everybody is show up. as long as you in one of thosef grouping looking for job you arj very very very welcome.. really, you know, i try to tello people think of it as pneumonic. earn, employers will be there.. so you can aspire to get whatirw you want, we'll help you with wt your resume and network for success.cces keep that in mine and then wehe have a power networking event for women during lunch time.. i'm going keep us popping here. >> i'm >> how did you get into that? h know you've done a lot of thingg in this vein but it seems like e after the view you've taken thit on full force and this has beens sort of your calling card now. >> 100%. often don't know your purpose yu until you're walking in it. y'r >> that's true. >> i get to walk in my purpose.r i've been working for the voice my entire career first as at as prosecutor and then as a a television correspondent toondet really give voice to people whoo didn't understand the law andthw now this time to really givey g voice to those who are under u
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professionals. to say it's okay to stand in an ambitious space and say i'mace going for mine. and that's one of the things we do napw and portion al diversiti network. i get to wake up every day and know i'm changing people's lives one job at a time.e >> in your spare time you'reare >> i leave you tomorrow.omorro i leave dc tomorrow and getro a right back on the road foroad secretary clinton i'm a'm a and i am going to go down too dw south carolina and to texas to really talk about what thiss election means for specifically women, if you look at wheret we're going in this country,nt where we've been, and where we w need to be, 40% of americann households now big number are headed by women.ed by w people don't realize that.ze so when you hear these so-callea quote women issues equal pay and women's hell those are women's m issues no the heck they're not.t that's family issues.ssue because if momma ain't healthy nobody in the family
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theme that's number one.e that m number two if women aren't arent getting equal pay for equal worw that impacts on what you can doo for your family.. secretary clinton, she's madee this a front burner these two things. t and i am so proud to go out ando talk about how we as a country u need to make sure these issuess stay on the front burner i'm 100% with her.h h >> you went to american, didn'td you. >> i went to american universita just up the street. i loved being in d.c. i d i love it. my family is from this area. i mean in this area i shall say because transplant northth carolina. i love being here in washingtonn more importantly i love being ai the loft. >> aww. >> the love loves having you leo here. >> you have a stan standing invitation any time you here. >> thank you very much. tha >> sitting on the couch talking to smart people about things thi that matter, that's how i makehi my day.. >> promo. >> thank you.. >>mi
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>> it is right now 10:48.48. coming up it's time to celebrate you said you like to throw a fea parties we'll throw one for you. >> it is national marguerita dau >> yes, sir.>> yes s >> mix up drinks right now. >> there you y g >> shake it up.>>hake shake it up. u shake it.
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♪ >> all right.ll rig it is 10:00 o'clock. olock. might as well start drinking to quill l that's how it works on o this show much it's almosts a 11:00. we can make it work. not always work appropriate butb today happens to be national nal marguerita today so bottoms upp we'll celebrate in the loft this morning.rnin here to help us a couple of bara tents, you guys have been on before brought us great drinks.s we're doubling down today onoday margaritas because it's nationao marguerite today and it is -- $5 margaritas all night at grinri go's.go's >> you actually do that everyhay monday, right.mond >> every monday.>> today is the day to make sure te celebrate a little extra.. what is it about margaritas we'll
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why do people i have to getet myself a marguerite tam what'se the >> you can drink it any time ofy the year and always good. always going to take good care c of you. y >> always in season. >> always in season.lways sea >> and what do you find some ofo the more creative margaritasarga because some people go with theh classic.assic. we'll do classic marguerita youy see tons of flavors. flavors. >> is that part of the joy, too, you can customize the drink mann different ways. w >> marguerita very a jill. jl. very versatile.. and delicious with anything you want. >> all right. we'll do -- how >>many we goingg do. >> three. >> what are we going to make. gg >> we'll make hal mean in a a cucumber marguerite tax a leachl chi marguerita and smokeyy marguerita g which one do weo start first.. hal pinot. pin it's classic. walk us through the process. pro 2 ounces of your favoriteavt silver tequila. >> do you prefer silver tequila or -- or >> you can use anything but witw this in the restaurant we usese silver. kind of like the base. and then we use every use threet fourths ounces of a fresh fre cucumber syrup we m
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>> that's going to give us that cool flavor.cola >> right. spice it up with little of hal l pinot that we make in house and fresh lime juice, of course.ou >> that kick of the hal pinot hp will give us the spice.he >> you don't want to put tooout much you don't want to burn somebody up. you want them to enjoy with theh cool of cucumber and the spiceh of the hal pinot. pinot. >> i'll get a little clear youle can get that done. >> is that like bartending 101t1 over the shoulder shake. >> don't forget the smile. >> all right.ight it looks delicious i'll have tov sample it to mack sure.ur let me flow a little garnish onn there.there. >> please go ahead. ple make it look very nice. while i'm sampling this what ara are you going to make next.t. >> smokey marguerita.. >> give me some ice there. >> um-hmm.m-hmm >> little lime juice. >> all right.ight. half ounce of tequila. >> you definitely fl
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of queue bumper first and little pop of the heat. >> half ounce of quan tow. 34th ounce of fresh lime l juice.juic then smokey maskal ounce and a a half g that's where you'rehere getting your smoke from. >> yes. yes. >> don't forget the agavegave sweeten it up a little bit. all right. r >> we'll give that a shake. >> what do we have around the t rim of the glass we have a chili sauce we make in house.. combination of salt, and killill land tow, chipotle. >> for the salt. >> different spices combinedent with the salt to give it heat ag opposed to regular salt rim. kind of adds a little bit moreor smokiness to it. >> what do you think? >> it's definitely smoke adds ay little to it but this is much ic closer to tra dig al marguerita would be as opposed to this oneo i like it with the third on the list?
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>> brand new leach chira marguerita made with rebel sadel dough tequila.ui they taste like what would youtu say they taste like? l >> anything in between like awek peach and a pair. >> okay. okay >> got a little sweetness to itt >> it does have little sweetnese it to. 2-ounce of this beautiful pressure puree. quan tow to sweeten it up. u >> now the people are coming com >> everyone is coming e >> 30 seconds left right now. n. where are you located. >> 4928 cornell we're pouring $5 margaritasga every monday all monday. monda >> that's what i'm talking abo about. >> right in the heart ofn bethesda. let's pour out two more real rea quick. >> i'm a non alcoholic guy.lcohc >> can you make a non click marguerita.marguerita. >> whatever you like.hate i'll take a non click marge ro rota. >> i'll take a click margueritar >> done and done.on >> see, look. loo they aim to please everyone on national marguerita day.
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>> thanks for watching guys.g g great show today.od bye-bye.
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live from new york city, it's show. >> wendy: how you doin'? the kids have come to play today. you won't believe what i'm about to actual. all due respect, have several seats. my girls are always turned out. i give it to you straight, no chaser. ♪ >> now, here's wendy! ♪ [ cheers and applause ] fabulous. [ applause ] here we go again. [ cheers and applause ] >> thank you for


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