tv Fox 5 News Ten FOX March 4, 2016 10:00pm-11:01pm EST
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. right now at 10:00, a maryland teenager beaten and left unconscious in a school bathroom. tonight his mother claims the school didn't do enough to help her son. >> plus, toilet troubles. a popular dc bar slapped with violations because of its restroom. questioning how the city is enforcing the law. >>
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continues. a knife found on the property. your news at 10:00 starts right now. right off the top tonight, a charles county teenager found knocked unconscious on the bathroom floor at his school. thank you for joining us. i'm tony perkins. >> and i'm shawn yancy. that beaten happened at west lake high school in waldorf. the mother claims the school didn't do enough to help her son. sarah simmons joins us with the latest. >> this what her son looked like after a beat-down in the bathroom. his mother is livid and says his injuries were bad enough that he had to be flown to the hospital from the school. >> reporter: you can see the wound on her ninth grade son's head but it's the massive bump on his forehead that really gets your attention. >> my
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unconscious in the boys' bathroom with a knot the size of an apple on his head. >> reporter: she is angry about how west lake hospital dealt with the attack on her son. she says someone took this picture of him on the floor after the attack and posted it online. she says his injuries were severe. >> the ambulance didn't want to transport him because they didn't think they could make it to the hospital on time and my son might die. >> reporter: she says the staff has know idea how long he was unconscious in the bathroom. the school sent a note to parents notifying them of the assault, but she says it downplayed the severity of her son's injuries. >> i shouldn't have to worry good getting phone calls about my son laying on the floor
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unconscious. i do tend on making sure that justice is served for my son. >> we understand the boy is suffering the effects of a severe concussion. he's now recovering at home and has chosen for now not to go back to school. the schools responded with a statement saying they take all acts of violence seriously and are cooperating with the department in this investigation. the sheriff's department says the suspect will be charged as a july knife assault. >> a standout basketball player is recovering tonight after someone shot him. they had just beaten them in a playoff. hours later the senior was hit by gunfire in a parking lot. montgomery was shot in the back but managed to make it to his house. >> all i know i came from, would, i got a phone call said my son been shot.
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been showed. and they told me and come and get your child. they said my son was with somebody. >> police say montgomery did not see the shooter and doesn't know who fired the shot. his mother believes her son knows who is responsible but just isn't saying. >> police are trying to figure out who phoned in bomb threats to schools in northern virginia today. seven high schools in arlington, falls church, fairfax and loudoun county received those calls. this was the scene from sky fox over stone bridge high school in ashburn. students were evacuated and taken to another school. police fanned out to different schools and determined the threats were not credible. police believe the threats were part of an organized hoax. a man is in police custody after leading officers on a chase through the district this afternoon. an off duty sergeant spotted an suv driving erratically on howard
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when the sergeant tried to pull the driver over, he sped off. the chase ended a short time later on kenilworth avenue in northeast. >> new at 10:00 tonight, there is a battle over public rest rooms in the district. a law requires all single-occupancy restrooms be gender neutral. the local business that was fined for violating the law is questioning how the city is enforcing the rule. jennifer davis joins us with the story. >> we're talking about a regulation that dates back to 2006 and it outlaws signs like this and that that specifically label a single occupancy bathroom as being just for men or women. these stalls in our sofs are okay because there's multiple stalls in there which they believe provides more privacy. but for one local bar today he got these papers saying that the bathrooms at his establishment
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rights. madams organ serves up food, drinks on a nightly basis. according to the city they're discriminating against people too. >> i think what did we do. finally it downloads and i find out that our big crime is that we label our men's and lady's room. >> these are not signs of the times when it comes to labelling single bathroom stalls. since 2006 the city has had a regulation in place requiring all single bathrooms to have only gender neutral signs reading restroom. >> we've had many reports from the transgender community that they were harassed, may because they might have been seen waiting outside of a bathroom that said male or female and someone may have thought that they shouldn't be using that bathroom. >> reporter: dc was one of the first cities
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regulation like this. >> it's better for the transgender community but it also works well for people with disabilities who are caregivers, for parents who are with a child of a different gender and want to help the child go to the bathroom. many people have told us this makes a lot of sense. it's just very practical. >> reporter: but he says it's not practical at his establishment or an easy fix. >> two of those bathrooms have urinals only. they're labeled men's room. i guess we're going to see some very interesting gymnastics to use them. >> reporter: the bar owner says he respects the transgender community and will do what needs to be done to respond to their needs. but he takes issue with the way the city informed him of this violation. >> dc government just seems a little bit heavy handed. >> reporter: he says this has never been mentioned during city inspection of his business. the city has launched a safe twitter campaign that asks residents to tweet
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offending businesses. >> we've passed health inspections for the last 25 years so they know what's going on. it seems absurd asking people to turn businesses in. it's not the way you do outreach. >> reporter: he argued that that twitter campaign has been extremely successful. she says it has yielded 300 violators in the last two years and she says she knows there's more violators out there and she believes that twitter users will help the city find them. she also says this regulation is something getting a lot of attention from other cities who want to enact something similar. seattle reached out to dc for advice and will institute its regulation this week. back to you. >> we will see what becomes of all of this. thank you. >> well, most of us woke up to snow this morning and it was quite pretty. gwen tolbart says we may see some more flakes this weekend. let's check in with her in the weather center. >> yes, it was very pretty. i took some photographs of the light snow on
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looked really nice. and it didn't stick around long. we have a clipper system we're keeping an eye on for the weekend. you can see it now moving its way just to the west of michigan there. and starting to head across illinois. that is heading our way and we'll see it arrive at about the later hours of the evening for your saturday and linger through into the early hours of sunday. we are anticipating a light dusting of snow and maybe a little mix with it. nothing that's going to stick around and accumulate too much, not a major worry, just a little bit of inconvenience. it was some 10 degrees below the seasonal average as we headed into the low 40s and right now temperatures are a little bit on the cool side. we've got 39 degrees at mannasas, the same at dc, 37 at leonardtown, baltimore at 38, 38 at dulles and 36 degrees at winchester, while martins burg is at 37 degrees. it's going to be pretty cool
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overnight tonight. your overnight low about 31, some scattered clouds and a northwest terly wind flow. the good news is on the forecast we're going to see temperatures rise but we've got to get through this weekend first with a few flakes. i'll have that full 7-day forecast for you. >> it is the story that has everyone talking tonight. >> that's right. a knife was allegedly found on o.j. simpson's former astate many years ago. is it tied to the murder? it's raising plenty of questions and we're talking to a legal expert coming up next. >> and a rabies warning. we've got what you need to know. and later, kevin mccarthy has a preview of a new movie hitting theaters this weekend. we'll be back after this.
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knife that was found on the former property. >> what happened to the weapon has been a mystery for decades. >> one more twist in the extraordinary saga of o.j. simpson, possibly a major development, possibly a complete irrelevance. the lapd will only confirm it is in a possession of a knife allegedly found 18 years ago or more on the property where oj lived with nicole brown simpson. >> it has been submitted to our lab. they are going to study it and examine it for all forensics including serology and dna and hair samples. >> reporter: the lapd got the knife within the last month from a retired lapd officer. that officer apparently says he was working
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near oj's former home around the time the new owners had it demolished in 1998. he claims it was handed to him by a construction worker who said it was buried on the grounds. but instead of turning it over, the retired officer simply kept it. >> i was really surprised. i would think that an lapd officer, as this story is accurate, would know that any time you come into contact with evidence, that you should and shall submit that to investigators. >> reporter: two important legal points here. first, the investigation remains open, because no one has ever been convicted. but equally importantly, o.j. simpson cannot be tried again because of the law of double jeopardy. in los angeles, jonathan hunt p fox news. >> and joining us now for more perspective on this is attorney and fox news contributor ted
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williams. i want to start with jonathan punt just said. people are talking about this. it's interesting and kind of strange and bizarre. but the bottom line is whether it's the knife or not, o.j. can't be charged again for this. >> you're right. there's something called double jeopardy and he's already been charged and found not guilty. he went to trial and as a result of that they cannot re-try him. >> we know they're going to be testing for blood, hair and fingerprints. say someone who's an o.j. associate's dna and nicole and ronald goldman's dna is found on this weapon, can they then be prosecuted? >> absolutely. there is no statute of limitation in california on murder. if they can connect those dots, those individuals certainly could be prosecuted. >> just like the
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the original trial, with all the contradictions and the questions about the chain of custody with evidence and all that. doesn't this knife present numerous problems? it's been handled by a couple of different people. >> in a box. >> stored in a tool box for all these years? >> absolutely. there are a great deal of problems. i think your viewers should understand that there have been numerous knives that have been found that they tried to connect with the brown-goldman case. and that they were not successful. it is my belief that this knife is also not connected. also i must tell you, it is my belief that i believe o.j. simpson killed these people. but the problem was that the lapd was very sloppy in dealing with the evidence. and the prosecutors out there were very sloppy. it was not until the silver case came that o.j.
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facing money damages that it was determined he was wearing a show. it was a bruin o-magli shoe. they did a deposition of o.j. simpson where he said i would never wear that ugly show and they showed the jury a photo of him in the middle of a football field wearing that ugly shoe. >> let me ask you, the officer who allegedly had this knife for almost two decades. how could you not know that you were supposed to turn this evidence in, and do you think he might face charges now as a result of this? >> they're going to investigate him and he could face obstruction of justice charges. but i find it highly i am probable that you are a police officer, someone walks up to you with a knife, you don't ask for name, rank, serial number. all you do is take the knife and put it in a tool box and you hold it there for all of these years? that just doesn't sound right to
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>> we should mention some new information just earlier this evening, tmz is reporting that retired police officer now says "i did notify the lapd. they told me they weren't interested." so the lapd in all likelihood is going to look into that story as well. where might this all end? >> one way it won't end, it won't end with another prosecution of o.j. simpson for murder. it may end with the police officer being charged with obstruction of justice. but o.j. simpson has to be one of the dumbest men in the world. when you look at the fact that he possibly got away with murder and now is in jail serving a sentence in las vegas, you must say there may very well be poetic justice here. >> can i gefr you a hypothetical. i understand the concept of double
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let's say they discover this knife was the weapon, o.j.'s dna, nicole brown simpson, ronald goldman's dna. is there something wrong with our system that he couldn't be tried again? >> you may say there's something wrong with our system but our system is one of justice. our system is one of law enforcement gathering evidence, presenting it to a prosecutor, prosecutors moving forward with what they have. and once you charge a person as a speedy trial act, and that person actually can be prosecuted. so it's now unfortunately behind the time period of the actual murders. but no matter how you look at it, and i'm being slightly redundant, there has been some justice here. because what goes on in vegas, stay in vegas and o.j., you're staying in vegas. >> if
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fascination with this case keeps it going on and on. >> cnn has been talking about this all day long today. >> ted williams, always good to have you. >> my pleasure. now to another celebrity case that left a lot of questions. the death of whitney houston's daughter. an autopsy report was released today an autopsy report shows she died from drugs and being immersed in water. one thing they could not figure out is if her death was intentional or accidental. she was found face-down in her atlanta home in january of 2015. she died months later in hospice care. today would have been her 23rd birthday. it's so sad when you think about that, first whitney houston and her only daughter. >> another case there's no satisfaction at the end
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i do everything on the internet. but it's kind of slow. my friends said i should get fios because it's the fastest... i just downloaded 600 photos in 60 seconds. that's seriously better. (man) we're out of 2%. i wonder what else could be better around here? (man) i heard that. now get our best offer ever. super fast 100 meg internet, plus tv & phone for just $69.99 a month online with no annual contract. 100 meg speeds at a price this good? fios can do that. cable just can't. switch to better. switch to fios
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>> carson made the announcement late this evening during the appearance of the conservative political action conference. the event is being held at national harbor. >> even though i might be leaving the campaign -- there's a lot of people who love me, they just won't vote for me. but it's okay. it's not a problem. you know, i will still continue to be heavily involved in trying to save
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[ cheers ] >> while carson is out, some other candidates still in the race attended today's conference. ted cruz and john kasich each addressed cpac members. noticeably absent donald trump. he says he had to skip the gathering so he could campaign in kansas today. >> a warning tonight for people in fairfax county. there have been reports of animals attacking humans. a rabid raccoon got into a house in clifton yesterday and bit a man. foxes bit two other victims earlier this week. those animals got away so they could not be tested. now to an amazing rescue story. it happened in montgomery county this morning. police were called to river road to rescue a bald eagle. someone spotted a bird that looked like it couldn't fly. the officer looked in the woods, found the eagle and the bird's
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isn't that bird beautiful? it looks fake, doesn't he? it's a real bald eagle. gill and the other officer took the eagle to a center to be checked out. workers there are nursing the eagle back to health. >> even an injured bald eagle looks majestic. >> yeah, it does. >> it looks a little angry too. >> come up next tonight, the man at the center of that terrible child porn investigation in prince george's county spoke today. >> a robber pulls a gun on a cashier but she's not having it.
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victory. he was shot at his home near northeast. police have not made any arrests. >> a man was arrested after leading police on a chase through dc. police have been looking for that vehicle in connection with a murder in northeast last month. the chase ended on kenilworth avenue in northeast. >> and a stunning twist in the o.j. simpson murder case. la police are now testing a knife that was reportedly found at simpson's form estate. a construction worker claims he found the knife while demolishing the home and gave it to a former police officer. >> the man at the center of the child pornography and sex abuse case in prince george's county appeared in federal court in green belt maryland today. >> deonte carraway pled not guilty today.
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carraway has been arraigned on 13 federal charges on child exploitation. care has admitted to making cell phone videos of his alleged victims engaging sex acts with them and directing children to engage with sex acts with each other. but in court today, deonte carraway admitted to nothing. this 19-minute hearing was the first time we heard from deonte carraway speaking in open court. his only response to the judge when asked questions if he understood the charges was yes, sir. he said this about ten times. this federal case involves 13 charges, including 11 of carraway's alleged victims. however, in all investigators say 17 of the alleged victims have been identified and more charges may be pending. the scene inside the courtroom was understandably tense. the rows were filled with parents, many seeing carraway for the first
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arrest one month ago. the mother of one alleged victim who asked us not to use her name talked about her strong emotions before walking in that courtroom today. >> he done a lot of damage. again, i don't even know what to say. but he done a lot of damage. this is my first time seeing him. i don't know how i'm going to react. i don't know what i want to see. i'm just glad he's locked away and he's not hurting these babies anymore. >> reporter: that mother said she spoke out because she thinks it's important that the victims are heard in this case as well. deonte carraway effectively faces a life sentence in prison if he is convicted of these charges. he is being held on $1 million bond. so far no trial date has been set. in green belt maryland, tom fitzgerald, fox 5 local news. >> one man is in jail tonight but police are still searching
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shoot out that led to an hours' long standoff in mannasas city. police say manual gonzalez and another man shot at a passing vehicle and ran into a townhouse and refused to come out. this led to a standoff with police and several schools went into lockdown as a precaution. we have an updated on the conditions of two prince william county police officers shot last weekend. they responded to a domestic call along with officer ashley guindon. police say as the officers approached the home, ronald hamilton opened fire. guindon died of her wounds. the other officers were seriously wounded. earlier today the police department tweeted that the two officers are recovering well. >> a would-be robber was no match
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you can see a man pull out a gun as he walked to the counter with a can of soda. watch as the cashier is going to slap the gun away twice before finally just grabbing the cash register and hitting the man over the head with it. then she grabbed a hammer. she chased the man out of the store. incredibly she wasn't hurt. police caught up with the 17-year-old suspect just blocks away. she looks pretty tough. >> she does. not what police recommend you do. >> yeah, absolutely not. >> he could have pulled that trigger. >> coming up next tonight, why a local man's life changed forever as he was waiting for his car to be repaired. >> and astronaut scott kelly grew 2 inches during his year in space. how is that possible? we'll explain after the break. a february jolt for jobs. the economy adding 242,000 new jobs last month. it's more than
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we also had more people entering the labor force and looking for work. but one bummer on the jobs front, hourly wages falling slightly. stocks rising on friday. the dow up for three straight weeks now. meantime gas is driving in march like a lion. prices rising for ten straight days. the national average costing about 1.81. that's around $0.65 lower than this time last year. and if you drive a ford f-150. the federal government investigating the trucks made in 2013 and 2014. growing complaints about brake failures. that's business.
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always exciting. there are plenty of smiles at space-x tonight. the private space exploration company successfully launched a communication satellite into orbit. the launch took place at cape canaveral. scott kelly is still being adjusting on getting back to earth. after a 340-day mission that set a u.s. record. what did a year in space do to his body? kelly says his muscles and joints ache, his skin burns and he can't sink a basketball shot. >> what? >> his skin burns? >> yeah. he says he lost it -- remember that2
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height? he says he lost it almost as soon as he stood on solid ground. here's why, shawn. experts say astronauts get taller in space because the spine expands in the absence of gravity, nothing pulling you down. >> i know a lot of people who would like to go up in space to gain 2 inches but unfortunately you would have to stay there. >> yes, that's true. a virginia man has an incredible story to tell. he was waiting for his car to be repaired. >> while he was waiting, he won $2.5 million. can you imagine? john johns is his name of arlington. he went to get coffee from a nearby coffee shop and while his car was in the shop, he bought a scratch-off lottery ticket and hit the jacket. he chose to take home the lump sum which was about $1.3 million before taxes. that's not bad at all. >> john johns says with the new money he's going
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last name. >> tony said that, not me. you can take me out to dinner. don't take tony. >> your husband wouldn't like that. >> it wouldn't be like that. >> all right. coming up tonight, fireworks last night in detroit when the four remaining republican contenders went head to head. chris wallace moderated that debate. coming up i'm talking to chris about the some of the moments that surprised him the most. >> it's almost time to say cheers to the weekend! .
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in our area this weekend. >> hundreds get together in one room and ride stationary bikes in shifts all day long. the event brings together doctors, researchers, patients and supporters. laura evans introduces us to one woman who will be riding on behalf of her twin sister megan. >> reporter: melissa is gearing up for a big ride. cycle for survival is an indoor energy group spin raising money for cancer research. what led her to this ride was her twin sister megan and something that happened when the two were 17. >> our previous softball season, she had this bump there, playing sports, bumps and bruises, they happen. >> the bump turns into excessive disconfident. it just so happens megan had a rare cancer related to the bump. it was the beginning of
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senior year in high school. megan finished treatment just before her 9th birthday and everything seemed okay until a few months later before she went off to college. >> she found a lump on her groin. it ended upcoming back. >> incurable is what doctors told. >> she went off to school, was amazing and let her go for the college experience. >> reporter: but megan returned home from school in march and she died five months later. >> it's hard to explain having that soul mate there from the day of your birth. >> reporter: megan learned about cycle for survival just before her cancer came back the second time. 100 % of the money raised goes to research led by memorial sloan kettering. she convinced her family to get involved. just being in this room with tons of people who on some level get it. >> reporter: now in its tenth year, cycle
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fastest growing athletic fund raiser in the nation. >> it's taking this tragic situation and being surrounded by positivity and support. and feeling good about yourself while you're doing it and knowing that every second that you spend invested in this is actually going to benefit someone in the future. she was the one who wanted us to be a part of this. >> reporter: in washington, laura evans, fox 5 local news. >> the rides will be held this weekend at the dc equinox on saturday and the bethesda equinox on sunday. >> it is the weekend and people want to know about the weather forecast. snow yesterday, was gone by this morning, mid morning. what's coming this weekend, gwen sh. >> snow. >> but not a lot. >> no. we're going to get like a dusting or maybe a little bit of a wintry mix but really not too much. we have this fast-moving clipper system that just wants to make
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let you know that spring isn't officially here yet. that's all it is. nothing that's going to be too bad. don't get too dismayed about it. just another little shot from mother nature about it. we're going to get a shot of cold air from tonight as our temperatures start to drop, that's where we're starting. scattered clouds tonight and cold. as those temperatures drop down to the 30s and here's a look at the clouds that are moving in. and that will continue into tonight. a few breaks and as we start the early hours of tomorrow it won't be too bad either. so we are talking about a clipper system that is going to bring us a little bit of a dusting and we'll see some of that saturday in the late evening hours into your sunday morning. rain/snow mix a little bit of that as well. here's some good news for you. we've got a big string warm-up on the way. we're going to leave these 40s in the dust, folks, and head to the 60s and 70s next week and that i think is go
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for whatever little bit of winter precipitation we get this weekend. in the meantime let's take a look at some of the totals from today. at our airports, we didn't get a whole lot of accumulation here. we're below an inch to just over 2 inches but there was a little bit more accumulation to areas to our far northwest and across the areas of the allegheny front, just enough today that it was very pretty on the trees. just enough to make a little bit of a news sans to remind us of the season we're in. 39 degrees in dc, 41 at quantico, 46 at gaithersburg, the same at frederick. 38 at dulles this here. annapolis at 39. so it is chilly tonight. tomorrow we'll be warming up into the mid to upper 40s. so overall still we're going to be below the seasonal average. we should really be into the low 50s give or take, but not making that tomorrow either. but that warmer air will kick in as i promised into the week. here's the clipper system we're talking about.
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evening, expect to see this starting to move its way across. the system that brought us the snow today is long gone off to the northeast. this one is falling into the tracks so we're going to see a light dusting and it will be out of the way. it will linger a little bit into the early hours of your sunday and a ridge of high pressure builds in and by sunday afternoon we're talking a mixture of sunday and clouds. but this is the system we're speaking about right now. so very fast mf moving system. unorganized, very moisture starved and temperatures at the surface will be too warm for it to stick anyway. we're talking chance of rain showers mixing with the snow with little to no accumulation. a dusting up to 2 inches a little further out. 31 degrees for tonight, scattered clouds, a cold and chilly night. tomorrow only 46 degrees. but that 7-day forecast is heading right to the 70s by the time we head into the middle of next
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not too hard to take. a little taste of spring for you my friends back to you. >> brody logan joins us now. next week of course marks the official end of the rg3 era for the redskins. if it happens. >> it's pretty much a foregone conclusion. bruce allen already said "we wish him well." it's not official, official, but. >> it's official. >> when it happens. >> it's not an f but a when. april 2012. fast forward four years and the rams are now in l.a. and griffin has gone from franchise savior to getting cut before the start of the league year. and where could he end up? how about the rams. it's all but a foregone conclusion that rg3 will be released by next wednesday and he's not without his suetors. there's talk that upwards of 15 teams are interested in
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griffin. other potential spots are houston, san francisco, cleveland or maybe dallas. nfl free agent schedule. we'll show you what next week looks like. monday players can negotiate with teams but nothing fiibl. kind of like the speed dating portion. wednesday march 9th you can consummate the relationship. teams must be under the salary cap which this year stands at $155.72 million. nfl teams have some tough decision toss make before wednesday. how about this workout by bryce harper. he's doing squats standing on top of a swiss ball. the balance, the core strength is absurd. it actually scares me. that is an mvp type of workout. i actually brought a s
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it's kevin mccarthy with your movie reviews including zootopia. byron howard directed "tangled." it tells the stories of a rookie bunny police officer, they try to uncover a major crime conspiracy in the city. the character is basically jason bateman. it has the balance of being hi larus. it reminded me of the pixar
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the element great for kids and jokes for adults. the scene you're seeing right now is the sloth scene. this scene in my opinion is one of the funniest scenes that disney has ever had. they're trying to go to the dmv and they're in a big rush and there's sloths. there's so many references for the adult audience. there's a breaking bad sequence in the film. seeing that placed in a disney movie was very cool. lots of pop culture references. i feel like the 3-d didn't do much for me. i gave it a 4.5 out of 5. it's very funny an very well done. moving on now to the new movie "whiskey tango
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this movie stars tina fey and is based on a true story loosely. tina fey plays a character who is a correspondent in afghanistan. the film itself is more of a drama than a comedy. there are some funny parts. i feel like the trailers lead you to believe it's more of a comedy but it's actually a drama. i think the movie does hit element when you walk out you don't know was this a comedy, was this a drama. they did a really good job on the film overall. it seems very big budget. there's some action sequences as
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i gave them a 3.5 out of 5. it's entertaining. my biggest problem it was a little too long at times. for my review of "london is falling" visit my facebook page. i'm kevin mccarthy, fox news. 4 . right now at 11:00, a maryland high school student airlifted to the hospital after he was beaten inside of a school bathroom. >> i've actually seen a picture of him laying unconscious on the floor and if i didn't know any better i would have thought my son was dead. >> a popular dc bar slapped with a violation for having separate rest rooms for men and women. why they're being told to get rid of the gender sign. >> as the weather warms up
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