tv Good Day DC FOX March 7, 2016 9:00am-11:01am EST
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♪ breaking overnight, onevern person dead, another seriouslyer hurt after a double stabbing inn a d.c. suburb.. plus major metro changesha that could save riders bigig money. the plan just put forth by theyt transit agency's new leader. he voted against the moneyoe that ended up saving the auto industry.industry. i think that is a pretty big difference.diff >> well, if you are talkingyou g about the wall street bailoutai where some of your friendsds
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>> you know. y >> excuse me. i'm talking.king >> fiery face off. hillary clinton and berniey cl sanders went head to head in a a two-hour debate in michigan andn it comes before what will likell ab big candidates on both sidesh of the aisle. theisle we'll tell you why. and messages of love and lov mourning for former first ladyst nancy reagan. r a look back at her life andend legacy and how she's being'sei remembered.reme good day at 9a starts now. ♪ just minute past 9:00 o'clock right now on thisig monday morning. mning home your monday is off to greag start.stt. ours sure is and going to geto g better for couple of reasonseas much thanks for joining us ong n good day.. it's monday, march 7th. i'm steve along with allison,lls wisdom and annie yu joining uss today.toy. holly and maureen have the he t morning off. >> it's a big day here on fox5 is mentoring monday. it is a way to connect youngct u people in need with men andnd women in their communities who can provide help and support.upt this morning
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with the organization concernedd black men to staff a phone bankn to answer your questions aboutss becoming a mentor and hopefullyf make a big difference in youngou person's live with just a small commitment. the phone number is on your you screen. thank you for calling. (202)895-3307.)8-3307. coming up little later we'll talk with some of the youngllh people youso see being mentorede and the impact it is had onad o their lives. l as they stand with their mentors.ntors. >> yeah. that's every little bit helps all hps a the -- any time you can give giv helps out. out. makes a big difference.fenc >> all right. first before we get to that we t have to talk about the weather because it is going to be almost perfect this week. week. we deserve it, right? why not?t why not? >> today's temperatures climbtul into the 60s.he then it's up, up and away fromfr there.e for details on that tucker barnes is back with a first check of your forecast.oufor good morning to you, tuckeruc barnes. give us the good news. us >> nothing but good news from nf here, wisdom, and you saw live w shot of baseball, it will feell like spring training baseballnis out there later today with highh temperatures in the low 6
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today is the cool one.oo o we'll be well into the 70s by 7b the middle of the week. wee all right. nice warmup here. cold 44 in washington at reaganean national. 44 annapolis.nnapol 43 in leonardtown.nardto north and west we had 20s an hour ago.ur. now at 40 or better for just fos about everybody with they with exception of cumberland.. 40 at hagerstown. 45 in winchester. sunshine, very pleasant day. cloud niece south and west withw nice southerly breeze we'll warr things up today and keep thingss nice and dry for the next nex several days. day this forecast if you loveov springtime, i know just about everybody does, you'll love thit forecast starting with today.ay. 63. 63. noticeably warmer than yesterday winds south here five to 10e ve generally sunny and nice mild nm afternoon to look forward to.tod stay tuned i'll have the seven v day forecast.ecas. i just twee tweeted it tucker fi you got to run out the door to t work. it's 70 or better here for muchc of the week. guys, enjoying the 74 some tod today. i'll toss it back over to you. >> really looking forward to the
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county. one woman has died another onenr is in the hospital overnightitan after a double stabbing. sbb this happened just before 3:00 0 a.m. in the 3100 block of 75th avenue this in land over.d o one of those women wasomen was pronounced dead on the scene. the other was taken to theen to hospital with what we are told t are non-life threateningeate injuries.inju investigator sauce it was in thu a random attack. so far a word on suspect or or motive is still up in the air.. meanwhile a double shootingu in the district left one womanoe dead and another man injured. ir >> it happened yesterdaynedterd afternoon at a bus stop in in southeast and our bob barnard id there now with the latest.. bob? >> reporter: guys, wee notr: g sure the motivation behind thend shooting here but you can see c the metro has got contractors cs out who are finally almost 20 20 hours later cleaning up theinupt shattered glass from this bus bs stop here at the corner ofr of naylor road and alabama of a ofa southeast where yesterdayes afternoon around 12:30 a woman m was shot dead at this bus stop p man she was with was wounded ini the gunfire. witnesses say it was a green gen honda odyssey mini van that
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they're not sure of the licensen plate but there was a apparently a man and woman inside the mini van and they are the killers out there still being sought at thit point. the woman has not been been identified.ti. the murder victim here. h last check police say they'rehee still trying to track down her familiar particularly they canai tell us her identity, and thisen is an active bus stop. sto you see it's right across theost street from school even though g this happened on a sunday sunda afternoon, people in this community are outraged by what happened here because of what oh happened last year. y last may a 27-year-old woman was shot and killed at a bus stop bs around the corner on good hope that was charnice milton theil local community newspaperap reporter.rter they don't believe that she wass the target of that shooting last year. that she was just caught in a crossfire situation.ire s again they're not sure of thee motivation of the shooting fromf yesterday afternoon. but we spoke to a woman who wasw taking her kid to school by a a
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here at the bus stop this morning and she was clearly upset. >> it pains me a parent to see that. th it pans me because i've in this neighborhood and i'm tired ofndi it. i'm seriously tired of it.y tire it breaks my heart because thist could have been anyone.d ve b it could have been me standin sg out here with my kids. and hours later or the next dayy it still hasn't been clean.een e no kid should have to see thiset on their way to school in the sn morning.morn it's sad. sad it really -- it's pathetic. we can't just rely on theel o police.poli it's us as a community.ommuty it's not going to stop until wee stop it! >> reporter: we had another a person at 8:00 o'clock soundingg off about the fact that thist mess was still here. bloody gauze and surgical gloves, well, in the last 20he minutes or so, contractors havev showed up to clean up this mess here but, again, a womanom murdered at a bus stop in d.c. d the killers still out there.. guys? >> terrible, bob, thank you very much for sharing that.. bob, thank you
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safety at bus stops is just one part of the safety overhaul oveu metro is now focusing o officials say they want to earne your trust again and they'vend roll out improvement plan to get things back on the right track.. fox5's melanie alnwick joining n us live with the details.etails good morning, melanie., me >> reporter: good morning,, guys. in this four page letter that paul wiedefeld laid out on metro website yesterday we're really l getting a peek at some of the ot things to come it sounds like hh really is trying to put his imprint on this agency sayingy n he's got to work to restore customer's trust it's not justos about safety.about fety it's about reliability and it's also about getting metro financial house in order.use rdr now despite some of the shocking assaults that happened wiedefeld maintains reliability is riderss number one concern. c he says that on time performancn of the system fell to 85% and ad many riders have had even muchnm worse if they ended up on one oe these cars that's had problems m with doors, with brakes and and other things, mechanical issues,
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he says also causing serviceng r delays for riders. riders. it is possible that he couldt start an era where there's moree track shut downs in order to fix safety issues on tracks right away instead of these longon repair cycles. finance also part of the plan.l. safety major now wiedefeld maintains that crime on metro is lower than it is in most communities. however, he's recognizes in his words that riders are alarmed by recent assaults and says they t deserve more active policing. pc some of this also is something i that we predicted.rect back on november 19th i took aoo look at the budget documents for 2017, and saw how heavy, top heavy they were as far as a personnel costs in metro.. wiedefeld clearly says that thet need to raise more revenue expenses or out pacing revenue.e we're getting a sense perhapsnss there's going to be managementen shake up and there may be
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trying to baby notary appliesarp some people as they retire. ther he says as far as managementemen goes, too much of what's beent'b going on is a turf war ratherare than people having their utmost concern about rider safety.y. he's going to lay out all of this as well to the public kindd of.of there will be a luncheon wherech he's the keynote speaker today t at the national press club buts it is a ticketed only live in new carrollton, melanie alnwick, fox live local news. ln >> mel, thank you very nine past the the other big storney p we're w' following this from across theoe country the death of former first lady nancy reagan. spent many years in our nation's capitol. the wife of former presidentsi ronald reagan she passed away ay sunday from couldn't jess tisess heart failure. she's remember as one of themb most beloved respected andcted stylish women to ever live and work in the white house.ouse her funeral will be held at the reagan library that's in simii valley california outside of loe angeles where she will be buriee next to her husband president pi ronald reagan.eagan
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take place, but we are told invitations to the service will be going out to about 1,000 1,00 people.. the public also have anave a opportunity to pay theiray tir respects at a viewing plans fors that have not been released. rea nancy reagan was 94 years old.ld i will say one thing.nehing being here in washington fortonr e-mail lists keeping us in touct with the white house, state, s department everybody sending s their well wishes.eir >> yeah. >> it's really nice to read alla those good things.those go >> it is. >> meanwhile the city of flint l michigan welcome the democratica presidential candidates to ati n debate last night, and while iti didn't include low blows seen ae the gop last week it wasn'tit w without fireworks.thourewo hillary clinton and bernie sanders tussled over who was tht best candidate to possibly beat donald trump the two tangled t over trade, the flint waterlintt crisis and wall street.nd wall r michigan is a state that benef benefited big from the auto auto bailout. >> he voted against the money that ended up saving the auto industry.industry i think that is a pretty big difference
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>> well, if you are talkingf u a about the wall street bailout bo where some of your friends destroyed this economy --conomy- >> you know --- >> excuse me. i'm talking. >> clause were out last night.. michigan's primary leck will bei held tomorrow. >> for more on the debate want n comes next for the candidatesdas fox5 political reporter ronicaoa cleary joining us now. it was good night for >> it was a great weekend foree won three of the four primariess and we all sort of reactionedea when we heard that.. excuse me i'm talking itng happened twice in the debate it was surprising because they havt prided themselves on democraticd candidates on staying above thee fray but i think that yourr feeling a new energy becauseau bernie is maybe seeing a possible path to victory -- >> numbers back him up now.ow. >> exactly. that confidence with that theree with that confidence came anc
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feeling in the debate.elin that surprised me for sure. mfos >> what did you think about the tone. >> i saw a lot of social media reaction praising the democratic candidates for civility. cil just basically compared to thett circus atmosphere we've seen we' around the gop debates. dat but does that translate intonslt more of a message being receivec or what did you think of theu tt phone tone of how it was and how that translates.nsla >> as much as that stands out a with the whole excuse me i'me me talking they really did have aea policy debate and debate aboutbt issues that i think matter toatr the votes.otes one that continues to come up i won say this a policy debate but a debate about issues and what a they believe about this idea ofe wall street. and hillary clinton'slinton's relationship to wall street, see bernie sanders again we've heara this time and time again in an every debate, coming down onn hillary for transcripts to thost speeches and, you know, hillaryy now her response to because shee realizes that is not going to go away.away. >> right. >> you know, she says, well,w, s i'll release them when every eve candidate republican andcan democrat releases those speechee and it's funny because no
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calling on the republicans tolit release those speeches becausese there's not as much ae's as controversy there. and bernie, you know, heno responded to and he said, look,, here they are. a there's because he hasn't done d i will say he really -- really l heard them debate these issues.s i don't know if the voters gotot answers though. that's the tough part aboutt these debates.e >> what about all this dramaall with the e-mails and hillary hiy clinton that keeps coming and in doesn't seem like it's goingoing away any time soon.eoon. did that come up doesn't thesn't really matter for the voter. v >> that's funny you say that. sa i don't know that it has come up since that very famous line of bernie sanders in that debate te where he says, you know, we don't care about your e-mails. i >> he let her off the hook. >> which is funny for a f moderator to ask about it againa since bernie has said it doesn'n matter. but it does matter. matte it's a very good question. quest does it matter to the >> right. >> i'm not sure that's an issueh a top of my now.ow as the investigation continues,, and as we learn more perhapsorer that will change.e bu
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necessarily a timeline that'ss following with the so it's like the whole thingle i is -- i really don't think't thk that's an issue that, you know,k voter who's are just watchingch this thinking we've got michigac coming up tomorrow.w. they're worried about the water crisis.. >> right.>> rht. >> yes. >> whether or not you live inno michigan that's an issue that mattermatters to you. whether or not one issue is more important than the issue i'm non comfortable saying that. took a huge spot in yesterday'ss debate hearing how the h candidates addressed it.ress both of them called for the resignation of the governor ofoo michigan which is big. >> sadder clear winner hillary clinton has his strengths. bernie sanders has his strengths it's not really crossing.roin bernie has got the sentiment see young people vote and does it d seem like there's a clear winnen as far as the democrats go? ts ? only two of them.wo om. >> from the debate last night,bg i'm not sure.i'not i'd say hillary did come acrossr very presidential in the ebate.b she really didn't, you know, bernie was little bit tough on h her at times.imes
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she separated herself in that way. but like you said, i do think aa much as they're both twoboth t democratic candidates they dos o have different philosophies onlo the issues.thes. really picking a winner would be identifier which person -- whosw issue you identify with the i think is a sign of a goodie ai itit. because it allows to you hear ha the issues from each candidate n who do you agree with more migh be who you think is the winner. >> gotcha.otcha. >> ron any carbs thank you very much. >> thank you. >> okay. still ahead on this mentoringhit monday one-on-one with singer se patti austin and the message sha wants to send on the importancea of mentoring don't forget theort phone lines are open call (202)895-3307. first peyton manning's last rodeo. folks the sheriff's last ride. broncos super bowl champ said tt announce he's hanging it up. taking his boots off.ff hanging up his cleats.his you get geit. we'll take look back at his legacy next.
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♪ ♪ welcome back to good dayombk d.c. on this monday morning. mor not just any monday. a very warm monday.y. >> yes. >> weather wise.>> wea w we're bucking the trend of tnd winter and also up lifting as a well in because we are celebra celebrating mentoring monday. there's the phone bank. (202)895-330(202)895-3307.02)8-0
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of the mentoring process and tht folks who have mentored we'll hear from them a little bit later as well get real world examples as to how -- a bigig difference a little bit of timef makes in somebody's life.if great opportunity.pportu a lot of organizations are herer different organizations.enat if you call folks will be et wib able to set you up withpith something close to you thatg works for >> love it. >> awesome idea.wesome >> eight hours not a lot to ask.. >> yup.up. >> okay. not at all. >> 9:19. let's check what else is making headlines on thi es monday mor morning. >> first up, steve, broncos ste quarterback peyton manning aftet 18 years in the nfl first of ala that's amazing 18 years, twoearw time super bowl ham is thatha calling it it quits. manninmanning set to nouns hisi retirement during a pressura pr conference today. it will happen at 1:00 p.m. andm he's going out on top of course. manning is the only player toyet quarterback two teams to superer bowl victories. v he is also a five-time nflmvp n and will retire as the nfl allfa time leader in passing,, touchdowns, 539, pass
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more than 71,000 and quarterback wins.wi >> also made more money thanonet anybody else. >> quite the businessman. >> hello papa john's.s. >> former president jimmy cartee does not need further treatmente for cancer. president carter shared the goot news yesterday during one of hih regular sunday school lessons at his church in georgia.. doctors will continue to watch t the 91-year-old to make sure hih cancer does not return.etur last summer the president cartee revealed that he had beenad b diagnosed with mel gnome in a ga and that it had spread to his th brain. he underwent chemotherapy and ad received immune boosting drugs to destroy any cancer cells. cel so happy about that. >> you can actually attend his church service.erce he welcomes guests to his chur church. >> of sunday.>> >> yeah. >> well some people in d.c. andc parts of northern northernther virginia may notice a slight a s change in the taste and smell of their tap water. don't worry. they tell us the water is safe.s here's what's going on. washington aqua duct flushing f
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its water system it does thisstm every year. workers will use chlorine toorio diss if he can the water.he the that's what you might smell. this is expected to last througr the first week of may. it will pretty long time. tim if you run the tap water for twr minutes recent fridge rate thede water you'll reduce the chlorinr taste and the smell.taste and tm it should not hurt you they say. >> okay. the man who invented e-mail as a we know it has died. d ray tomlinson passed away over y the weekend at 74. 7 according to reports the computer programmer died from an apparent heart tack. t there was e-mail before tomlinson but in 1971 he1 he developed the first networkstet person to person e-mail. it was also tomlinson who chosee the at symbol to link the under name and the destination addre address. innovator right and finally, epic mascot fail. f check it out it happened beforeo the heat sixers game. >> oh!>> o >> came up a little short.
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>> did he mean to go to do that. >> i don't think he did.'t t >> the heat mascot is like burnb knee was trying to flip over some of his fellow costume cheerleaders he fell shortlho landly directly on top of the tf florida panthers mascot who rise in flames on the floor. okay. >> burn knee tried to play it off like nailed it. yeah.. ooh.h. okay. >> a lot more intense.nt >> there you go. >> 9:22. coming up in just a little bit, the animal storm slide.rmli we're hitting down with the hoss gee nat geo wild show for a looo at what you need to protect youy pets during a major weather event.even very important.ornt >> first though two firefighterg this is very controversial.eral suspended for saving a youngoung girl's live and now they're's t' growing outrage an new effort tt get the first responders back o the job. ♪
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life's sharing a meal. and a kitchen with room for everyone. spend $4000 or more on a new kitchen and get 15% back at the ikea kitchen event. >> welcome back. 9:25. there's growing outrage over the suspension of two volunteer firefighters in stafford county. they rushed little girl -- they rushed little girl to the hospital and likely saved her life but in the process theytw y broke policy in that process.ces now the child's father said thed 18 month old girl was having aia seizure so he called 911. fire truck stopped and assesseds the situation and rush the babyb to the hospital. htal. eventually she was transferredrr to the hospital at virginiairgia commonwealth university. u treated and is now at home doing
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well. the father says he's grateful ge that they were there and they t were quick to respond for helpnr and saved her life. now, a stafford county emt set s up a facebook page to support to the firefighters and she wantsdn to remain anonymous for fear off getting in trouble at work.or. >> the fact that these guys are heroes and they're suspended, um, fires me. >> my nephew went through thehuh same thing when he was a year aa old i took the units in northn o carolina 30 minutes to get toest him. >> there's been a lot of'seen response to twitter on this story. we want to know was think abouta it. tweet us using the #gooddaydcgoa and leave comments on ourentsn u facebook still ahead gone day yourour favorite stars from the bet honors red carpet.edar we talk with everything fromve jussie smollett to pattio pa labelle. find out what they had to sayay during their big trip here in dn this weekend. weeke >> all righty.>> allight plus, how can you help to inspire and shape the life of af young person all you need to doo is donate your time much that'st how. how. it's men
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meeting some of the people who e are living proof of the benefits of mentoring don't forget to call our phone bank it's bk it's 202-895-3307. all right.ig good day to get outside.ay t it is starting to warm up nicely and, man, what week we have inwv tucker is back with a check athk how warm we will be by midweekid and how long these temperaturese will stick around. it's 9:27. 9:27. hope you stick around, too.rount back after this. this.
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>> little tomfoolery in thetle studio. we're just excited. so much energy. i wish with a life audience.e >> we're allso in a good mood.d >> mentoring monday. >> prospects of having greatts week. early spring. spr i'm loving it.i'm loving i >> great stuff. >> i feel like mid 70s.likeid tucker barnes is joining us witw the details. unbelievable week that we haveee in store.tore >> only gets better and better r from here allison and i hope you had a chance to plant last fall because you'll reply the benefits of the warmer weather w over the next couple of days. d as we are looking at absolutelyl gorgeous conditions around here. nice temperature rise ahead a starting with today low 60s low boone toy really by wednesday,nd thursday prime time we'll be w well into the 70s something weew haven't experienced of coursexpr around here in several months.e. 44 now in washington. i think we're in the 70s back i december. 44 in 45 in north and west freezing thisezig so cool t
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gradual warm up frederickde 41 degrees and 40 up in and0 hagerstown.gerstown. looking at the satellite/radar.. generally clear generally cloudiness south andsu west trying to sneak to theo sna north i think we'll generallythn keep things nice and quiet tod today. and mostly sunny this afternoont and again nice whiarmup yesterdy about 50. today low 60s.ow0s so good 10 to 15 degrees warmerw than yesterday. yte and we're just getting thingsett started here. tomorrow about 70.rrbout and well into the 70s as highig pressure off to our south andouh east will really pump in the warm air. all right.all rig if you're traveling, the big forecast problems will be inemlb california several inches ofal o rain in los angeles and saintai ago. of course they don't do rainey well out there.llhere so i would expect travel delays in unique san francisco as wellw very heavy rain expected forecd monday most of the countries fairly quiet. this will become our next problem spot eastern texas and louisiana very heavy rain overno the next couple of for us it's abxtout a taste of o spring and southerly pump andouh getting going and today low 60s. the nice part about the forecasf not only well into the 7
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keep the humidity low, always ay important, of course it's earlye march and we'll keep sunshine ih the forecast for much of the week. week you know a few weeks ago we gote into the upper 60s and low 70sos we had rain with it.h this will be just plain oldn old sunshine. 15 to 30 degrees above normal. a absolutely beautiful forecastult for the next couple of days.f take look at the seven day.en tuesday, wednesday, thursday,rs, friday, 70 or better. bette get out and wash the car. take the dog for a nice longe l walk and maybe 80 degrees in fef spots by wednesday and thursdaya afternoon.afteoon. forecast highs on wednesday 78 7 manassas.mana 78 fredericksburg.. almost a little warm for this wr time of year.ti of guys, i'm enjoying the show.. i'll toss it back to you.k to >> your virtual flowers continus to blossom.loss >> i'm plant all kinds ofds o flowers. >> i can't wait until my crepeye hurt tells take full bloom.fu i can wait. >> it won't be long, wis. >> won't be long. lon >> before that happens, it is it not just today we need to focus on mentoring young people.en it's every day, of course. ce. recently the national mentoringr
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d.c. providing inspiration and insight. was patti austin she has longhel been a mentor.enento she was mentored by quincy jonej among them she not only gave hee voice in song to the summit butb later she shared a strongre str message about mentoring with meh a message she hopes willopes wil resonate with everyone. >> i just want everybody to getg it in their mind that we arehata responsible for each other. o i don't care if the guy sittings next to you is the worseou is criminal on the planet earth.lae den just come out of the womb that he got that way. the world made him that way.t we have to make people a different way. and, you know, what's right.s rg you know what's we all know.. if in our gut we know. we k even a serial killer knows he'sh doing the wrong thing. so we have to start loving eachg other more, sharing information, and get ego out of your life, put love in your heart. hea share your stories
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>> she was so passionate aboutai it we spoke for the long time about the power of mentoring shg hit it home in that sound bite b that we shared with you. you share your stories, your time y and yourself.d yo it can really make a differencee let's find out first hand we'vee been teasing all day with some real life mentors and theirhe young mentees.en we just going to say good g morning to you donald smith. good morning darn net, and erika down at the end. end first of all talk to me donald about you got involved withved w being mentor.en >> i became a mentor because iau wanted to give back to the young so many boys and girls that are, you know, going around in thed nation that need mentors.den somebody to look up to. up that's basi basically why i becm mentor and best move i evere made. >> how long have you been lg ha mentoring. >> i've been mentoring for fivem years now and i have three youny men that i >> what is a typical outing orr event or time spent just fornt t people who might be on the fence about what this is what do you ty
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think about it's spending moneym much there's so many free things you can do in mad.c. like, for instance, taste of taf bells today is one of the bestes festivals boys like to go and they love to eat.ove e that's a good thing. good t had a a* lot of free stuff. museums, sometimes i'll justs, s take them out to the movies anda maybe we'll go bowling they lovl to bowl. b done a lot of different thing do you care with them.yo >> i trust youu but let's ask carlos what it's like.s l how are you. w >> i'm doing well. i'm d how are you good i'm doing wellg thank you. tell me about what it is to have somebody in your corner. >> it feels great you haveat y v somebody to talk with you.lkith i'm going to go to high school.o he can be there to help me whene i have a problem or night needrh somebody to talk to.dy to to. >> i love it it's the best.e st. when you see carlos and his enthusiasm that's got to make g you feel good. >> it makes me feel real good tt see smile on that face. tt f when you have somebody in your n corner you never kno what theyht might be going through to pickop up the phone and call saw greata thing for >> i'll score on in here and sa good morning toon darnell. good morning.good m >> good morning. >>ow
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>> i'm looking do well, thanko t you. you. you're looking sharp.yo tell me what it is to be au' a mentor.mentor. >> for me it was to give them an opportunity. i had a lot of opportunities ooi when i was young. when i was growing up and givesd me an opportunity to help them t kind of pave the way for them to some of that some of those opportunities.rtunities >> what would you say to what wl somebody at home saying i do -- my schedule is packed and we alw have these busy lives. liv my schedule is pack but i'mk but might have some time.have se t what is the difference that yout can say that might make somebodb make that phone call? >> um, it doesn't take a lot. like my good friend here saideri earlier, donald, it doesn't takt a lot. lot doesn't take lot of money. mon we're looking for is time. sometimes it's just a phone ca call. sometimes just with i do withdoh noah. i call him to check on him tonim make sure he's doing okay. make sure he's on the right paa path. make sure things are gettingingg done.done. somebody hearing that gettingeai that from me sometimes keeps his on track. t >> you have to be accountable,ec
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somebody checking in on you.n y. noah good morning.or >> good morning.>> >> you looking sharp as well anp so are you carlos. car >> of course i like your t-shi t-shirt. >> these gentlemen have on the n jackets i'm saying that.s tell me what it is to have someone like darnell in yourr life.fe >> it's like having a goodd friend, but since he's an adult, like, it can't really be your yr friend.friend but he always -- he's always a there for meme he understandsndt what it's like for me, like, l he's there. the he's just there. t that's all i can say the righthg now.. >> does it mean a lot to you. m ea yes. >> doing a good job. doi >> thank you.hank you. >> let me slide on by here. me we were talking about young girls. >> i'm so sorry.o soy >> that's okay.t'skay young women needing mentors,to too. to >> good morning. >> tell me what your experiencer has been like and how long how you've been mentoring.entoring >> i've been mentoring withntor jenny for three years now.e year i initially sought out mentoring opportunities after i moved toio washington for work.or i was here for several years and felt like it was time to giveimo back to the community i now calc home and it's
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experience. spending time with jenny gettint to see her grow for the pastas years through her middle schooll years to such a pivotal time fom our youth.our you >> that's right. tt's >> and it's been continue full. >> tell me about the the organization you mentor with.tow >> space of her own creative mentoring program based in alexandria and arlington, arlin virginia. for young girls we also have a boys program space of his own wn meet once a week for the firsthr program year w that program yeaa finish it's encouraged that youu continue your mentoringntoring experience. so jenny and i stay in touch wew meet at least once or twice awi month, text, call each other,h you know, keep the relationships going.go >> that is so -- what you saidtu was so powerful.erful you moved and you wanted to givo back. i love that story.ttory >> yes. >> >> let's hear from you. yet good morning. gooood morning.'s >> tell me about what it feelsee like to have someone who, you wo know, will check in with you,ith you guys go places.lace what does it mean to be have a h mentor? >> it means a lot to me.oe. she's like another sisternothere because i don't have a
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yeah, like if i don't have anyae anybody to talk to she's always there for me and, yeah., y >> what do you think if you -- we're out of time.ou tim what do you think if you didn't have her in your life? l >> i wouldn't be here right now. i wouldn't have thee opportunities i have now.ow >> all right.ll r erika, thank you so much. t >> thank you. tha >> you can see how powerful it r is. is these are real people who give g real time and make a reall difference.ffen it's mentoring monday pick upp the phone 40 202-895-330 202-89w you just talk to somebody theod first step about changing aaboua young person's life.e. okay. back to you at the couch.o you t >> we appreciate the timeeche they're giving us this morning.i they have been sitting there fon long time.lo tim >> yes.. >> hopefully you can have thatah impact on someone else's livee just the way these mentors haves had on these youngsters live.erl give our phone bank a call keepk those phones rinking hopefully h we'll get a lot of folks helpksl across the dmv. still ahead in the fox beat debating good
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i saved your life by bringing you here. here. >> what was that. >> quiet. your arm. were you trying to >> i was trying to get in. was >> how do you know that this is real? real >> don't open that door! d >> something is coming. >> yeah.>> >> kev i have a question fore ao you. >> yes. >> when you talked with jj abrams next for star wars -- >> right.>> the next one. >> two years away.>> tears can you ask him how he's involved in so many projects att the same time?me t >> i mean it's -- reminds me ofe james franco. fnc >> star wars, star trek and this? >> he does egg.>> he egg producing the new star trek.tart obviously he did lot of, alias --als >> did he direct this movie. h >> no he producing this film.g f >> he's not hands on.e's t hando >> the director of this film iss dan track 10 berg 34-year-old direct feature film directoriall debut this film if you saw the first cloverfield in 2008 a 2 found footage,.foo >> i didn't realize this is a follow up. >> follow up.>> remember the
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cloverfield film. >> um-hmm. >> found footage. massive monsters.ssiv this film takes place in thelacn same universe as the firsthe f cloverfield but it's not a's not sequel.seel as you saw just now in the clipe john goodman they're down in bunker he may or may not be involved in shady elements.y el. >> okay. >> i spoke -- i can't give- i c anything away.. very secretive like a jj abramss movie. i spoke to john goodman aboutdmn this film and also about the big lebowski. check this out.check o >> congratulations to you.atio o >> second of all, thanks.ll,ha >> thank you. obviously you made great filmsy in your career this particular r film you have a great balance oe good, bad, we don't know whatw your character's intentionsenon really are as an actor what'sora the key to not giving that awayt to the audience what your truee intentions are. a >> i'd like to know that answera myself.myse. (laughter).(laughter). in. >> i guess it's just concentra concentrating on what's in fronn of you what the particular scene keeping in mind what's
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happen later, but, yeah, it'st' not, yorks like to give away too that's a big acting challenge cn for me now is just acting wiseg keeping my big mouth shut and su let the audience in.n you know, let them help me. hel >> i really would love to seee t this character from 10m cloverfield lane in bunker withr some of your other characters ct from your you >> i'd like to see them withh walter from big walter would put them away realr quick. >> what would walter be doingoig down there.wn t cleaning his weapons,ng hiss listening to bowling tapes and s occasionally beating the otherai guy up just to shut him up. >> one thing -- tng -- >> comparing beards.>> c >> yes. i would love to see this.e you were responsible for lot of my childhood fears. are a rack phobia ridiculouslyil ruined my >> that was that was a horror movie, yeah. y >> i wanted to ask you would that film tha
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mark on me.n i'm wondering out all of filmsfm you've done have shift films left mark on you? like have youh ever -- film character everct changed the way you felt aboutet something in your life? life? >> boy, you know, they made mee think about -- i can't think of a specific answer but i know bui each come away from them lookini at things from a different poini of view like i did the monuments with george clooney that realhar golt me fascinated by the generation that provided thing. the guys that wept through the depression and fought the wars. even though i wasn't in combat.. listen to me. it's movies. >> yeah.>> yh >> so that is mr. john goodman.. how is it connected to the firsf clover feed. it's not a sequel.'s it's in the same universe. uve the majority of movie you are y going to watch i can't really r say much about it in thathat bunker.nker. it's very hitchcock has a very psycho feeling to it.o very music driven
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but when you finally see itee you'll see how cloverfield cverf becomes a part of it. 2008 movie was phenomenal. >> should i see that 2008 movie. >> you don't have to but i thini it adds to the >> it does, okay.>> i >> if you saw that movie 200800 which was no name actors. act it was very secretive.tive very but this film connects to itnect somehow i won't give away whatyw it is. >> the question i was going too ask john goodman looks great.ks did he lose the weight for aor a role or to be healthy. >> health reasons.eans exercising and eating right. >> you can tell from the trailea and when he talk to me he look amazing. he was so grateful.aso gr i love big lebowski.owsk open talk and talking about abot cohen brothers and how he loved those directors as welch he's wh such great actor.or the movie i mention to do him the spider film scarred me soar much. guys, thank you so i love you y guy >> thanks, kev. >> love all of you so much. we love you, too, kev. >> love you annie.e youie >> time now 9:47. coming up protecting your petsou
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we'll hit down with a host of brand new show on nat geo whilee can't wait.t wa >> phone lines are open,ne lin everybody. call us 202-895-330 202-895-330o more about mentoring and how you can use your time to help a a young person in need. 9:48. stay with us.stay good day dc continues.ontinues. life's morning multitasking for a growing family, and drawers with many layers, to show exactly what you need. life's sharing a meal. and a kitchen with room for everyone. spend $4000 or more on a new kitchen and get 15% back at the ikea kitchen event.
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♪ welcome back. do you ever wonder what wouldwo happen to your pet if a natural disaster strikes? ournd netextx guest is the host of the new series animal storm squad whichw premieres this friday night on t nat geo wild. carissa a veterinary assistant founder of never stop savinging organization. she joins to us talk month moreh you bot big show and how toow prepare for a disaster. >> good morning. >> good morning.>> >> very exciting for you. it this is your first show. s this is the first time. >> off passion for saving forin animal. yes. >> give us a little sense of thl show because i saw the trailerht and it gets pretty intense.ense you're like climbing in rubblee and in the woods.
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it's extremely intense.ense every situation we get into g i whether it's a fire, a flood, a tornado it's completelyom different how we approachappr finding the animals and the geag we need to use and everything.rn it's just -- it can be crazy buy it's a lot of fun and it's a i really rewarding and people nee to be out there helping theelngt animals because so many peoplepe out there helping humans, thata, kind of -- animals sort of taket a back seat.ea that's why i created never stopp saving to get out there and safd as many animals as we >> and so when you're going outg into the wild, we're talkingg about before disaster strikes ar well as after. but it's like a whole team ofa o you uy >> there is, yes. there's four to civics thus govs out on the deployments, and we're always forecasting theng weather beforehand, so we knoww tornado season when there's going to be really large eventse we're out there storm chasing, eric fox is a forecaster he guides us safely to the stormstm and we follow behind and that way we can also
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communities warning about the at storms coming so that way thehe authorities can then put the sirens on and get the animalsni and themselves to safety quick quicker. >> many of us love our animals,a our cats, dogs, hamsters and all the domestic indicated animals.. where does your love come from because you're risk your own own live out there?he >> i started at a very young agg just loving animals of all sor sorts. horseback riding, had cats ands dogs growing up. steve irwin was a future a fur influence.infl >> oh york. >> my hero.hero. so, um, just from storm chasinga too when i was out chasinghasing tornadoes and then i would see s the destruction afterwards, and, that the pets were left behind.b i just new high to get togethere with a really good group ofrof people. we have medic, firefighters, forecasters, myself, i have lote of training, i'm a nationalna certified search and rescues technician. we do lot of different training to get us past that
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and into the disaster zones.s. >> here locally for us we'reor w about to jump into a season off tornadoes, storms, hurricanes, all of those elements. element so what can we do if we have aav pet to really be prepared for f anything?hi >> the best thing you can do isd just sit down with your familyam and come come up with a disastee so if you're evacuated, where w are you going to meet yourg toet family outside? do you have aav pet friendly hotel available? i make sure that you have all of the vaccine certificates fortica your animals.. hard crates f you're in yourf yr house during a tornado or a hurricane, putting your animalsi in really really hard crate isc very we were actually in arkansas in 2014 and some of the animalsmals that survived from the tornado were in hard crates. so we have seen them come oute t alive and unharmed.ard. so i can definitely recommendecd hard crates.hard crate have identification.dentifatio get your pet micro chipped. cpp >> so important.>> smpor >> yes. so important to have tav identification
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of yourself with you and yourou animal because sometimes if weoe find your animal we need to havh proof that this is your animal.i we don't want to just give it tt any person. we need to be able to prove that this animal belongs to thel be family. have up to date pictures of youf and your animals very >> all right.>> a rig that id1 i can't stress thatesst enough. >> id is k. micro chip is so important.ta >> absolutely.bsol okay. so lots of good stuff.of good s. there's another way that people here locally can catch you livee this week which is very is v exciting. >> yes. tomorrow i am doing a a presentation at national nio geographic at 7:30. 7 so if you're interested inn hearing some more stories behinb the scenes stories of whatf wh happens the last couple of years animal storm squad. squ >> a q and a.. yes. we'll be talking for about 60bo6 minutes and sharing stories andi clips and afterwards people canc ask me questions for about 20ort minutes. >> awesome. thank you so much.than >> thank you.ou >> thank you for all that youou do, f christ
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>> thank you very much.y mh >> the show premiering this friday at 10:30 on -- >> 10:00 o'clock. >> nat geo wild. do not miss back to you guys. >> chris, is it tougher if theii animals are scared because of of the storm or being dee placed i it tougher to rangel them.o rang >> it can be because they go into a flight tendon frightdon mode. patience is huge.pati taking the time to assess theirs behavior. they can be just aggressive whee normally in their house they'reu not. >> right. >> aggressive but they can be t strangersbu and we have helmetsn and backpacks.kpks >> we'll leave it to thell experts. isn't yes. >> leave it to chris.eavet to >> thanks a lot. t still a it head on good day g hitting the bet honors red carpc kardashian tries to break the ti internet yet again and flying ad high with the team from the jetj set. se first, though -- >> that's right.>> we'll keep the phone callshehone coming in because it is mento mentoring monday and we're we'rw len ago helping hand the poped number 202-895-3307. but before we go to break, guesg what time it is? >> ♪ >> coffee time
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>> if you have been eyeing ourur cool good day mug listen up. we have a new one.. a good day/dunkin' donuts mug tt give away for the perfect cup great dunkin' donuts coffee.offe so head to fox5 or www -- too >> one lucky winner will bele selected by random drawing. drag but hurry.y you have from now until 11am to enter. >> back with the 10a next.ext >> thanks, steve. ♪
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we were there on the red interviewed at 10:30.t 130 >> also at 10a sizzling plate ot celebrity dish.ity h kim k break the internet again.n beyonce' makes a special tri and madonna gets emotional stan on o stage. >> host of one of a kind traveli talk tow jet set and they landd right here in the loft to talkol all about >l > werwhat a monday.da. the 10 aft starts right now.. ♪ makes me want to dance.. >> little patti labelle.elle >> you should dance right tohou your telephone. telepne pick it up and call these people here. here. that's right.ight >> keep them busy today it's bya mentoring monday we want you tou get involved.ol do something. somet pick up the phone like steveve said. make a difference in your young peoples lives. l >> i say we shall move out of the way and let them do theiro t thing so they can hear.anea >> very important job today.imrn >> we do appreciate it.. >> we'll talk much more about a mentoring monday in a bill lit.l we have actual folks who have h been through some of the thr program. we'll hear their success stories coming up and how you can getw o involve. ve
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it's a great thing.a gr thing. >> it is.>>t is >> let's start today --rt tay - >> the weather is nice.he weath we got mentoring monday.onda and we've got good day. good d >> all right. yes. >> we start the 10a nowa now alongside allison, annie and wisdom i'm steve we're hearing a patti labelle honored at bet honors right here in d.c. we'll hear from her later on. >> we weren't to say hi toi t maureen and holly enjoying daysn off.of hello. >> hello. >> let's check what's 10ing onnn this monday morning. mni annie. >> first up this morning theisng nation is remembering the life f and legacy of former first ladyl nan so reagan. rga she died sunday at her home inee los angeles of congestive heartt failure. she was 94 years old.ld her best known project as firsts lady was the just say noayo campaign to help kids and teens stay off drugs. d mourners left a growing displayi of flowers and flag at the mainn entrance of the ronald reagand a presidential library inal lib california.california that is where nancy reagan willl be buried neck to her husband president ronald reagan.eaga funeral will be held soon andnd we're told invitations had go hg out to 1,000 peo
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public will also have anave opportunity to pay theirayheir respects at a plans for that have not yet been released.ed. >> saturday night live took jabo at donald trump over the weekene more specifically who they identify as trump supporters.upt here's a clip.p >> when people ask why youou support donald trump, you justt tell them --ll >> he's going to take ourta o economy from here to here. (laughter).ghte >> i like that. >> he's not some cautious se ca politician.liti he says what i'm thinking. (laughter).(laughter) >> it was a parody call racistsc for trump a campaign ad somend showed trump supporters as racists. racists. comparing trump rise to that off hitler's at the same timet thsae comedian wee ck deman demanded l stop voting for trauma many.a m. please stop it for voting for trump. it was funny for a little while but the guy is hitler.. by that mean we're being germanr in
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>> i watched that snl exit. e what you expect from a candidate and they followed it up with tht same people they were actually doing at the it was a little uncomfortable tb watch. >> really? even for saturdayaty night live a littleve a ltle uncomfortable to watch? watch >> yeah.. >> it was fairly lengthy.irly ly >> any backlash either wonder yet? knowing trump he would sad exactly what he wanted to say. >> publicity.lity. >> okay. >> let's talk sports now becauss after 18 years in the nfl, broncos quarterback peyton manning is calling a it career.e five time -- five time, fivee time -- five time mvp -- two - more to go.more t go. >> five time, five time, there t you go. five time mvp -- i did six. sorry. he'll make the big announcementt today. he revealed the news yesterdayss to texas teammates about his decision. de he's the only player toer quarterback two teams to superos bowl victory and as many a m expected beatin beating the cara panthers was his last radio big announcement -- retirementetiren announcement is set for s
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where do you think he sits on ts the all time great quarterbacks zen us your tweets using the #gooddaydc. >> i know oatlike hate onw oatln people. is there any doubt he's number one. >> there's plenty of >> joe montana is number one. o joe montana number one. four-zero in the super bowl. b number two never through anhrou interception in the super bowl. all right.all ri that's enough said right there.e he didn't play 20 years likeik peyton manning. peyton manning is top five maybm but not better than joe montanaa or tom brady.rady >> just my opinion.. >> not better than tom brady.ra >> tom brady's record --ing says what you want about peyton manning.manning. the in the regular season bestnb regular season quarterback i'ver ever seen. sn. post season, not the best. b not even close. clo he just got back to 500 in the0t post season this year. >> i --- >> and he's not done. he' >> you saw what he did in the de super bowl. he wasn't that better than camrn newton the defense on denver wo the super bowl. that's why you had a defensive e mvp and not peyton manning. man
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>> now i'm done. now i'm done. >> are you sure. >> with that said>> co wngratulations, peyton manni! (laughter). >> see you at your retirement party invitation straight to stt wisdom martin.n. >> wisdom brings up a greatinp argument. should you be based on careerr statistics and success inss football.footll. success translates to winning al lot of times. >> he should get accolades foraf 18 years in the league if youifu can be a joe montana and terry bradshaw and win super bowls inn a shorter amount of time. >> terry bradshaw never lost a super bowl.super joe montana never lost a soupoup bowl.wl never through an where you make your money is in the post season. that's all i'm saying. youg. >> peyton made more money in thn history of game.hi >> he made lots of lotm >> he doesn't have tono pick up football again or talk aboutal football again. a >> but he will.>> but >> if you spent the weekend bringing -- bingin binging bing cards season four you were notfw alone.e researchers say being a couchy n potato on the weekend may beay worse for your weight thanght t working at a desk all w
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they say people usually eat e healthier during the week but wk slacking off during the weekendd could cancel out all of that.t. experts believe you need extrada activity on the weekends too equal out the change in your diet. something as simple as standings up and walking around while w you're binging on house of cards season four can be beneficial. >> once every hour hour throwour your remote across the room. roo >> and run over there and get it. >> do you binge watch at >> oh, ya irrelevant. irrelev >> do you binge watch. do >> no, i don't but i don't i d'b intentionally do it if i get i caught up on something then it'' just like one more just one more. mor >> i have like 35 episodes of o kevin harts toes tv series -- >> house h >> house hub.ouse there's no way i'm ever going tt get to that.get that would require me sittingui there for 35 hours. hou >> you need a cold rainy weekene when the family is out of townft and you in your recliner.ecne >> here's what i i f we knee he need to give to g ourselves that.ouel do you know what i mean.ounow >> i feel guilty about, okay,, because i've got --ot - >> so what? we've got to give e ourselves that.ouves some time to just veg out on tht couch. h.
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you permission.. >> thank you. tnk you >> to watch all 35. 3 >> how can you do that witho thh three kids running around.ds ruo >> i can't. i have to wait for them to go tg camp martin this summer. smer. >> and take some time forsome >> and take some time for myse myself. >> the world's jolly jaunt has t come to andy. pbs aired the final episode of o downton abby last night itig followed the ups and downs the entitled crowley family and their servants -- i'll stop'll doing that. >> i like that. keep going>>. before world war one up to the o mid 19 20's.mid 190' it was only for sick seasons but became a surprise hit right aw away. giving pbs unexpected sunday s night audience of millions. now, in full disclosure i never watched downton abby but i knoww people are obsessed with thed wt the point here the brits seem ts know how to get out whileuthi they're on top.'re on top you know what i mean? six seasons, i dare say some of our shows, i don't know, i'm just j thinking first one to came to o mind was dallas back in the day.
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you just sort of keep going.oing >> they brought it back recent recently. >> i wanted to call --to >> maybe we should follow theiro model.del. >> wanted to call omaha audibleb matt our execs executivexecu producer was just here. her he walk out. o i don't know how it ended.. was eight cliff hanger, or or wrapped things. >> a lot of people watch downtow app abby in >> a lot of people do.f pple if you watched last night tweett us and let us know how it endedd >> you can't do. that we might binge on it. bin you can't do that.can't do tha spoiler alert.le >> i'll go to wisdom haas bea'sd watch >> or the fall guy.thll g >> they went out on top. t the fall guy with lee majors and heather locklear.klr. >> i've started to binge watchgw quan come leap.e lea it just dealt with social issues we're still dealing with right t now. an excellent show. s binge watch.atch >> let's check
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web.. the braves fan when a bat cameam flying towards a young fan on o sunday he sprang into action you've his arm to block the batb it was a very close call. >> wow. >> let me tell you something.lls those bats are weapons and whenw they come flying at you like that, i mean this guy could hava been hurt as well just trying tu stop it.stop fortunately it didn't hit the ht young fan and that is good newss there.e. >> awesome. >> scary though.>> finally talk about a s real ski trip.ip prince william and duchess princess kate took the kids on n wonderland vacation. vacat they headed to the french alpsnh last week but the pictures were just posted to twitter on todayd the royals took part in a little bit of a snowball fight. >> aww. aww >> we should invite them to dohe dupont circle the neck time it i shows here.s h >> i guess she's not pregnant.on there were tabloids reports shes was expecting again.. >> already. >> you know what happens.w appe >> yeah. actually that's when you're moss fertile >> tell me about it, sister.iste >> what? i don't know whati
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now. >> there were reports,.ts >> you both had three kids. you know that's really twee reat >> stars out this week mend d.c. and good day at 10a was there oo the red carpet. c we got it all.ll. >> yes. we got all the big stars.ta patti labelle, la reid, empire creator lee daniels and some ofd the shows toes stars all in d.c. oh, wait until you hear jussie smollett's special message toale all of you at 10:30.. first the phone lines are open.e call 202-895-3307 and learn more about mentoring and how you canc use your time to help a young y person in ♪ ♪
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♪ >> you know what i just foundw out, wisdom.wh >> what's that. >> one much our mentees carlos i'm not going to put you on the spot he's got a beautiful speaking what. he sings. >> he does? >> he sings? >> he sing. know what and jenny look lk good. good. >> what do you like to do as a s hobby.hobb i liking to home and flip. i meant in the field.ld >> like a gymnast.nast >> okay.
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>> no.>> >> just being fabulous.. that's a hobby. h >> just being awesome.beinesom that's cool.l. our plan now is for the three oo you to go over here with our our assistants. assistants. how about we make that happen? e everybody on the count of one.ot let's go. >> all right. you'll eighty two you'll takey phone calls and tell the people how it can reallyte help. h you ready for this?you rey fo >> yes. >> you ready for it.ou rea >> be your charming selves. >> okay. okay. we kind of free styling on this how you line up over here andere there's only one phone availabll allison.alli. >> we'll let them take turns tar telling their stories to the set people.ople. who wanting to first.irst >> jenny, noah, carlos. car don't be shy.n't behy. we got plenty of time.of we got a long time in good day.y while they figure this out,ut allison, carlos stepped up to po it. >> you got this.ou got this. >> he's got >> noah you can do it in acan da minute. mi >> sell it carlos, sell it so st they can call and get some more people to hedge it's a greato caushee. >> i love it. let's head back over to the or o couch and hear more from one ofe
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>> why am i not surprised it'se' wisdom putting them to work thit morning? >> it's all for a good cause ana good reason we want to you call right now. ri actual physical you call now gel a chance to talk to carlos andlo some of the other youngsters with us today.with us to then they can tell you directlyy all the benefits of having aav mentor. the phones rinking in the lot oo great sound you are responding for that call to help a young person in need.rson i how great of a difference doesfe it really make? let's find outt year welcoming brody thehe original director of concerned black men here this morning. moi >> good to see you >> thanks for having me. >> thank you for being here her and/or kess traiting this entirr effort. for you, you literally spent a life helping young people in one way or another. ano >> i have. i'm product of prince george'stf county pub lib schools, but i work for this organization forrn almost 26 years and retired and coming to concerned black menen was actually a thrill because i gave me an opportunity to have impact not only in the dmv areaa but nationally.. >> we talk about the fact that
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you know, times have changed ind the 26 years that you've been doing this.dothis but the need still remains. is it the same need or has the needneeds of evolved overtime? are you looking for people and volunteers? >> i think our children haveur changed. when we talk in terms of puttint it in the context of change in general, our kids have changed dramatically. they're much they're much more in tune too receiving the type of o information that they need to bo successful.essf so we have have to change withht them. i'm not sure that we've actualll changed with them. but we're doing some good work and changing lives of many kidsd particularly in our schools where we mentor kids during the school day. where i mentors have access tost them from the time they get toht school to the time they get outo and it is transformed their lives dramatically because they have somebody that they know and trust that was -- that's goingts guide them and give them the gie best chance to be successful.ssl >> i'm sure for you one of th
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young men going on to do greatot thing. what are some of the though tho things things these men havese v gone on to do.go on >> we have young people who havl gone on to do great thing of tht one of the stories that moved mm when i first came here, i'veer only been here a month and a moa half, and we have d.c. chapter.c the president of that d.c. chapter was a mentee. mte some 12 to 13 years ago and nown he's running our one of our largest and most successful concerned black men chapters int the country.e co >> late rally paying it forward. >> there you go.>> >> you were with big brothers bh obviously that's a long-term lo- commit many for many people thal you look for.e when you're looking for a menton right now what type of commitit many are you looking for forookf somebody who may say, look, ioo want to help, maybe i can't dedicate a huge amount of time,, just still something i can do? >> we're not commanding an awfua lot of your time. we believe that if you can just simply carve out a schedule if you would and we'll make thatake work around the
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that we're engaged with. wit it's not a tremendous amount ofo time. but, you know, four to five hours a month is more than enough. and we will find that once you get engaged, you will find the time. very interesting >> and for those who have nevere done something like this, i mean can you give us a sense of whatw the one-on-one is like? are yo at the school? do you leave the school gone spend sometime also where? what's it really like. l >> our involvement with theolnt schools is so in tuned that our -- many of our mentors canan actually see their mentor havinn a tough day in the class and they can really walk in theinhe class and pull them out haven'tn conversation and get them goingg back again. we have many of our kids come om out of the classroeom and walkal them from between classes andwes have conversations with them between classes and get them gee ready for the next class. cla so it's a very interestingti process.ocess but i tell folks all the time t mentoring is not very vy interesting process. pce when -- i i was allison allis interviewing the kids that's the start of the
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mentoring.nt asking them specificor questiono and once you start to get the answers, okay, i can help withei >> brings everybody together more on a personal left. >> before we let you go trust tt be concerned concerned black mak is orchestrating this effort bur it's not just concerned blackedb men. it's many other organizationsrgo involved and if people call a ie today they can be set up with something that work for them ane it's not just men, also right.lg >> no, no.>> n you'll hear a big announcementoc coming very soon that concernede black men are now going to bengt very engaged with girls. gir because as you know, girls arere being incarcerated at a fasterte rate than boys have ever been aa this point and we have tond w address the issue. >> all right.ig we hope everybody gets involvede we thank you for your time and e he have. he h i know you're sticking around as well. you'll be happy to know thepptok youngsters are doing a great a g job. all three of them on the phonest right now. so if you call now, then you might able to talk with one ofi the three of them. got to you 50/50 odds of being able to do that. thanks to all of them for heallping out film wisdom, overe you for the tease.thee
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much, steve.e. 10:20 is the time. tim coming up later on, bee i don'tt know sake lady gaga, jada gag j pinkett smith all making news ns this morning in celebrity dish d you're wondering why, stick whyk around. you'll fine out in just a few. f >> got to wait. w first we check in what's going ' on right now in the dmv. dmv you are watching the number onen good day at 10a. we will be right back.ack. ♪ ♪ ♪ we will be right back.ack. ♪ ♪ as a small business owner, you know things have a way of moving fast. but if your network can't keep up, it can really slow you down. so switch to the 100% fiber optic network of verizon fios. you'll get 99.9% network reliability, and the fastest wi-fi available.
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♪ ken 23:00 the time. time. happening right now d.c. policel still in search gunman who opened fire at a metro bus stopo in southeast with deadly consequences. >> shooting literally left thatt s stop shattered.ttered piles of glass left on thet o t sidewalk for more than half ae a ay. fox5's bob barnard is now in southeast with more on that. hopefully it's been clean up byb now. now. bob, good morning. goornin >> reporter: good morning to you guys. it has been cleaned up much thi is the bus stop h it looks clean here but there'se no window.dow. as you menned the shattered sttr window a little piece of it o right here.ght her i will clean that up.ant up. there's a little piece of itlite left a womb was killed here last herl night. we're not sure if she wase wa intented target or victim of ati drive by shooting and just innocently killed at the bus kit stop. you see this is naylor road at t alabama avenue southeast. there's a charter school rightcl across the street.eet. this happened yesterday around well 30:00 in the afternoon. we can show you video taped frod the bus stop here this morningsi as you
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there was still squattered glass here, bloodied gauze, surgical,l gloves still here at the scene. blood drops want have you.t ve y a man who was with this woman at the bus stop was wounded. wnd she was killed.s kil she has not been identified.. police at last check said theydh were still trying to let herto l family know. but we expect we'll get someet s more information about who thish victim was later today.od whether police will know the t motivation, whether, again, shea was intended target or randomanm victim we don't know.'tno but people who live in many arey are outrage.. >> it papers me as a parent tora see me p. se it pains me because i live inusv this neighborhood, and i'm tiret of it. it i'm seriously tired of it. of i it breaks my heart.ea because this could have beencoue anyone.. it could have been me standingbn out here with my kids, and, what, hours later or the next n day it still hasn't beent bee cleaned? no kid should haveid have to see this on their way to school in the it's it's pathetic. we can't just rely on t
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police. po it's us as a community. comni the not going to stop until we stop it. >> reporter: now, police haveich a look out it is for a greenen honda odyssey mini van. van however they don't know what kna kind of license plate was on it. witnesses gave police that tha description told them there was a man and a woman in the miniin van that opened fire on the mann and woman who were here at theet bus stop the woman was killed. e just spoke to the owner of thisi bp gas station he has he surveillance cameras but theyert stop at the parking lot and didd not capture the crime at the bus stop here yesterday around 12:3: in the afternoon.eron guys.. >> bob, thank you so much.u so c glad to see that area has beenae cleaned up at least. legends in dc this weekend e patti labelle, la read, lee fane yells some of the super starsf being honored by bet.honored they were on the red carpet anda so was good day. our interviews next. ♪ ♪ >> here's lee daniels much thel pe
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♪ can i just say something onm the record.ecord. >> what's that. >> this man is a genius. >> okay. oy >> technological genius. >> he is a techie. thi >> he helps me almost every dayy with stuff. >> he's a techie.. >> i now know how to zen e-mail. hollywood came to d.c. -- (laughter).te. >> hollywood came to dc thiswooo weekend the taping of the 2016h1 bet honors took place at thelact warner theater on saturday satda maybe you were out there star ts gazing, too from musicians to comedians the politicians andics living legends the stars were in washington.washington. fox5 was there on the red carp carpet. >> it's always shocking, youou know, i never imagined thisned s would be my life especially 20ia years later and at 35 i know what every person in this roomhs really means so it's important r to me especially to be here andd be able to honor miss patti andt just enjoy and appreciate themce while they're here.whthey >> it's really something speci
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special. i've been to this ceremony anyya number of times. t just as a spectator and now tonw be one of the people up thate ou getting award is something thatt means great deal. >> this is a wonderful won organization and for them to th have chose zen me it's somethint i'll really cherish.. >> a lot of great music tonightt great artists honoring a lot of amazing artists.rtis so i'm just happy to be part ofo >> it's wonderful.. i performed three times before,, at bet honors and to be honoredr tonight is wonderful.. >> it's incredible.s in it's really incredible. for me it's the highest honor.. >> team cookie or team lucious.o >> team cookie all day. a d all day. >> team cookie or team lucious?o >> i created both of them so o e it's really hard.. it's like your mother or your father? your sister or your yr brother? my son or my daughter they're in my head. h i can't -- i'm not team anybody, but team empire. (laughter).ghte. >> cr
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>> i'm surprised that the s audience.ur i'm happy and humbled that thehath audience has embraced em tired t the way it has. it's great. g it feels good. goo it feels really good. >> i love the second part of thf second season because it reallyl gets back to the family.y you know really talks about andd shows the healing of this brokee it's like we had to break such a big way in the first part off season two we can get to whereto we are now.. jussie smollett.moett don't be wack, watch empire here on fox5. >> he did a good job with that.t >> all righty.llight >> and you can catch all theou h action when the bet honors airss it's march 14th at 8:00 p.m. on bet. bet >> all right.. >> doing the hosting.ting. >> celebrity star power not over >> right, steve.teve kim ck k breaks the net again. >> okay. beyonce' at one school
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>> it's mentoring monday here ar you see the number right there on your screen. pick up up the phone dial on t and get involved. involve make a difference in a youngou person's life. le mentoring monday right hereo on fox5.. we transition from that to this. good day celebrity dish. we'll sta
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edition of celebrity dish withh kim k news. n the reality star nearly brokey b the internet again and guessnd g what she did? anybody want to o take a guess at what she did. dd >> >> allison. >> she posed with her babies. she's got two of them now. >> no.>> no >> she posed with north and --nd >> she opened new store ind hollywood.d. >> close.>> close. >> both are close.>>h ar >> but what she did was this. what your about to see right non what you've all right seen we'll show it to you like you've nevee seen it. there it is.e it the mother of two tweeted aweet photo of herself in front of a mirror with no clothes on. o that's with nothing on.wiothi kim covered herself up with two strategically placed black rectangles not leaving much touc the imagination.magna the photos caption read, when you're like i have nothing too wear lol.. >> lol make it right.t r >> yes, because it's so, becae t hilarious being naked andaked posting picture on the internet. it's been retweeted over 35,0000 times. >> more than that. m >> there's an update.'s an updat
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>> it's now been retweeted 45,000 times. tim >> oh, okay. 60,000 likes. >> 80,000. it's just growing by the minute i'm sure after we just put that up it's still going up up and up up. >> the power of kimmie. o kim >> that's not all for the firstr family of reality tv. t rob kardashian took to is it a a gram on sunday night to responds to rumors that he and brac china had called it quits. i qui they will be keeping more too themselves and that is that impossible to have a positive relationship with so manyitso negatives from the median mia outsiders they asked fors ey everyone to respect their wishes for privacy and signed the post chiro.hi it comes days after rob deletedl every single photo of black b china from his instagram page. she posted and deleted ann instagram meme she was single again. so much drama with thath relationship. >> don't you lovdre when celebrities get flooded with alh this attention and they embrace it and all of a sudden one dayd now i'm good,
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any more?re? >> cycle.>> c. it's a cycle g vicious cycle.yc >> vicious cycle. around ain't round we governmenm taylor swift and calvin harriss celebrated their one years anniversary in a very sweet anda sentimental way.taway. he post add video on snap chat h what appears to be a homemade chocolate frosted cake with wit hearts and one year written in icing.icing. at the end of the clip we see a smiling taylor swift.wi bad blood singer celebrated thee milestone by moving a photo toto instagram of a gold locket engraved with the date of their anniversary three, 16, 2016 sheh captioned the photo one year o >> i give her credit that picture whether or not they made that cake or somebody else madee that cake it's not like sheotike rented out the sports a rona and had a cake the size of the se of floor. i kind of like that. >> steve love the modesty. mes >> i do like that. tt >> that's cool.s c >> beyonce' channeled her innern whitney houston over the weakener surprise perform man a elementary school where
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currently enroll. ♪ >> where am i right now? >> ♪ >> the formation singer sang s hell mod dick rendition ofion o houston's i will always love yoo the kids in the audience sangnc with her. it was absolutely adorable. ara. this wasn't the first timeirstim beyonce' said the -- sang the te hit bailed.le she perform it at atlantic city show back in 2012 just monthst n after whitney houston passed pae away. ?, allison.?, allison >> did you see the dance rightci there? >> yes, i did., i di >> stay tuned much that's our tr next dance, annie. (laughter).ghte >> i missed it.>> can we show it again?ga >> this right >> i have muscle pain in my left side. side. >> i know you're here on youryo' day off. i'll wait for you on thursday. >> this ask like the old days. d >> watch right here. h boom, boom, boom that's what wet got to d >> okay. >> i thought thought old danceut much that's not the old dance.le >> it doesn't matter. it doesn'
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sometimes.ti >> i'll need a little help witht that, >> so am i.>>o am >> i stand corrected then.he i will stand by my business. >> it was smack down heardard around the world chris rock's targeting jada pinkett smith was one for the age. he said jada was never invited to the boss cars how she could c she jada responded over the weekr tw went a photographer asked her how she felt about the epic disd she said "it comes with the territory, sweetheart.ethear but we got to keep it moving ".. >> that's an excellent response. >> that is. i was expected --excted -- >> i'm going to use that.. martian lynch moving forward. fa >> i was expecting it to go harr core but --ut - >> no.. >> she took the high road. r >> i love that.>> i l it comes with the territory, sweetheart. >> i feel like this is high road edition -- after we got past tht kim k this is the high road.ighr >> how do we feel about the fact that,, what did you say steve. >> martian put
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>> i'm going to incorporate thet way he used to deal witnessl people he doesn't want to talkwl to.. >> back to kim carrying does its matter she's a mom? m >> for her being naked.ak >> of course it does.. >> my opinion i think it does.ih >> different when she wasrent single. >> would you want your kids toan look at that later? i would n not. >> i mean, we're talking about a kim k. she did do a video. >> but that was way before sheoe had she was a single woman. wan >> videos live forever.. >> hulk hogan did a video, too.o doesn't mean they wanted itd i everywhere.ever >> did you just invoke the namem hulk hogan.hulk >> one much our stories earlier. (laughter).aughter) >> he's suing -->> he's suing -- >> he's suing, yeah. >> all right. rht hulk mania in the house.the houe >> let's keep it moving.n we have reported freaking on thn heated custody battle between guy ritchie and madonna overonne their teenaged son rocco.d soco over the weekend it was reporter ma don a in a had conceded conce defeat to guy and rocky willanc remain in london with hisith father. now madonna confirm the newsew after breaking down on stage ons during the new sealant leg of her revel heart tour sher professed her love for her sonlo to the the cro
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quote there is no love strongern than a mother for her s she dedicated her song to himo h and said i hope he hear this thi somewhere and knows how much iwc love him. >> aww.. >> it's sad they're goinghey'rei through >> really isro. >> and guy and ma donna goingon through that.ugh >> it really.>> ially >> hopefully physical they canty work it out of the. t let's talk about lady gaga.a lady gaga and her fiance' bravee the cold waters of lake michigai to take the polar bunch inn chicago. ch it was her second time participating in this more than thee thousand people took part in the bigg plunge. . all proceeds went toward theard athletes of special olympics ini the wndy lady gaga also participated back in 2015 when plungers raised rai more than $1 million to supporto the local chapter.hapt other celebs who have taken parn in the polar plunge in the past include vince vaughn and jimmymy fallon. >> they looks a lot --- >> that looks painful.aiul >> it look like fun.look like f >> it does?>>t do >> yes.
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last year. >> her wig froze. am i remembering this right. rit >> is that right.>> >> i'm not sure.>> i >> i think her wig w that was theig fun fee l thing.i >> i don't think people realizeo how it is. >> chicago cold water, march,ar don't want to do it. but for special olympics i guese so. >> you can still write a check.c they'll still make youher moneyy >> the star power writ there.he >> there you youo. >> i'm just saying.>> i'm just >> last but not least, two osafo the hunky stars of the upcomingg bay watch movie battled it outet on the beach this weekend.s eekd dwayne the rock johnson, allis allison, i know you love him.w e >> you got to say it right. >> the rock.ock. >> now go ahead.ea. >> the rock johnson posted this photo -- don't let the chihuahuh come out posted his photo too instagram.m him and zach efron is a tire a t slugging contest. in the caption the rock jokek j that they competed for hours ass the sunset and after the crewhec had gone home, johnson also gives efron props for the insans shape he got in f
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he was proud of his co-starstar saying "that's the way you makem a character iconic. at the end of the post.os johnson clarified he won the he contest and added two hash tagsg hash tag two meet heads ac actig 12-year-olds and hash tag epic c fun. fun. those are really big tires. tir how much would that weigh?ei >> i have no clue.o c >> if i had to wage i would putp money on the rock.k. >> what do you think about the t tonnage on the >> they can picket up much lessk than one.than one >> okay. >> the vehicle big man.ig man >> yes, he is. >> kudos to you for your -- you- need to give eight little moretr base. try one more time. >> the rock. (laughter). >> this segment is over. >> i'm always up for a good goo challenge.leng >> you are good. you keep her over there. >> coming up next they're the host of a one avenue time travel talk show. >> they just left the studio. tu they're afraid. >> flying right on operate o
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♪ breaking news coming in at t 10:47 right now. now should be no surprise anybodyboy whose been following theen f redskins but the rg3 era in dc is fishily over.ver. the redskins officially releas releasing robert griffin the third.thir griffin tweeting a short time wt have to face the challenges livl presents and neck back down. d keep fighting.hting so we will now weight and see if another team picks him up. u of course he's eligible to playp for any other team in theam league. you get the feeling somebody will but the robert griffin eraa in d.c. now is over.r. >> it could have been t >> he had bad bad breaks literally. >> one thing you can't argue he got hurt, things happen.s hpen. >> he got hurt. >> he played hard and he gave iv what he had.wh he >> right.ig >> that's what you can ask of a football player. pye >> he brought excitement to thee team. >> no doubt about it.o do >> we wish all him ally best. >> absolutely. we'll see where he ends up.wh his timeer in d.c. is over. good times and --- >> hopefully more
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the road.the >> here in d.c. there's notheren shortage of act cities airports. bwi and baltimore, dulles and reagan in have a there are a plenty of opportunities for appi run in with a rude traveler.r a rude traveler. traveler. can you imagine that. tha >> i can imagine.. joining us in the loft to open o jet etiquette or jet teak to tet talk about their new talk and ad travel show the jet setter bobby and -- >> jet coat. >> everybody knows about this. >> rude people at the airportpot and on the airplane.e. >> it's what we talk back on thn jet set.t s all the things you see peopleeo walk aig round in bare feetreee putting them on your elbowou e sticking them through the seat.t >> people forget to take shower before they bore the plane. >> exactly.. >> not just on airplanes.planes anywhere. travel in general..
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somebody else's lap. >> right. >> i'm just saying.. >> walking around the airplane bare foot. foo taking the overhead bins and non leaving anybody space. >> that's another faux pas.s anp >> treat the overhead bin spacen as if you're paying tax on real estate. >> that's good point. >> something else that i i can'n think right off the top of mypf head when you're on a plane that's against jet ket. k >> what about when people throww all their trash all over the place. or you reach into a seat backeat pocket and pull out diaper. that's not fun. we're always -- we startede stat talking about that on our blogsb and then we got together andet deciderred to create a show.w. >> okay.. >> we're free to talk about alla this stuff and people have soea much to add. they're like,. >> i was going to ask you, where are these coming from? coming n from people writing you.ou. >> yeah. y social media and we also eahook up with a website calledald passenger shaming. shami not that we're trying to shameom passengers.paen
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>> but passengers are posting pictures of what they see on tht plane.plane. >> interesting. int >> so, you know, what's one oft the worst? >> it's feet.. >> feet is a big thing.hi >> they take off their shoes, their socks they do have thato h the feet up or your arm restrm r using it as a foot rest. foo r they're in the bathroom with w feet on and water on the floorlo probably isn't. i't you track that through thet thh airplane.rpla. >> exactly. >> bringing a can of tuna on tht plane and opening it up and thet it fills the cabin with thatha there's a shortage of air onort that anywhere.nyer >> that's true. >> i feel like i've been lucky i never run into thinking likeinkg this before.thisefor >> you're in first class all tha time. >> i wish. i >> is that what it is. i >> i wish. >> i wish. >> talk about your show.ur show >> the jet set is first of it'si kind travel and talk show. show he had and i had a 30 minute mut show about year ago we traveled the world want we realized waszd the viewer wasn't really a partt of the show. because you were watching usu we travel.el >> right. so the jet set now brings you bi along for the ride with us and
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allows to you experience it eer along with us rather than watching us do it.t >> okay. we're able to sit at the deskhes which by the way is an airplanee swing.sw we sit at our desk and talk t about celebrity we talk about deaf nations toont visit. then you'll watch us go do thoso thing and we'll bring some of so those aspects in studio as well. >> >> if you can afford a trip tof japan but you can learn how torw cook japanese at home you can bring that experience to your yr house.ho we can show you how to do that. >> what about his celebrityelriy business. do you have celebrities on thele show. >> we have celebrities on the ci show we like to pick apart whatt they're wearing too when they te travel.el >> okay. >> kim k sean wearing anythinggh earlier.rlie >> right. >> you saw that picture.. >> when she travels she dresses a certain way and we like to le critique it. i >> okay. >> most people don't ask the the travel questions of celebrities. they travel a lot.theyve especially someone like jennifer lopez who goes around doingng american idol all the auditionso now she's on the other show andw then she's also on tour. t they've got a lot of travel that no one really asks them how domh
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how long are you gone. >> jetlag. >> we can ask those questions as well. we >> i've always wonder the.r t how do you travel on airplane? n >> should you get dressed up orr just come in flip-flops andsnd ripped up shorts. >> yes. >> you should dress like we'rede dressed right right now. >> jeans an t-shirt are fine as long as it's not anything vulgal or offensive to other people. p it would be nice if everyone ery went back to the golden era anda dressed up like this. >> okay.. >> i'm all about beingut comfortable.. >> he's never on an airplanee without a jacket. i go teens, tv and ad when dee.d >> that's me.>>hat' >> really. >> you get treated better when you -- just smart casual. >> put together.ut >> where can we catch the show.w >> it airs saturday moings at 11am on you tour america andmera sinned indicated you can go toat our websiteed the jet >> i can't wait in thank you.aia >> don't practice any of thosefo bad habits you.
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>> i'll be watching you.'lch >> i'm almost on point. almon p >> we do tape riht here in d.c. >> i'll dress up the next time i fly. see if i can neat into first uss class. >> they may.. >> ask the flight attendant. ata see what upgrade is available.ab >> the wing for the desk. w >> it was atlantic models that t makes these smaller version vsi airplane models made a large l wing desk for. for. >> really.>> r >> cool. >> very cool. >> there it is. here we go right here.>> t rig r there's our wing desk.. >> very nice.ery that was from our premier this i past saturday. >> very nice. >> that's awesome. >> grating logging set. log s >> it sounds amazing. >> heads read some tweets.some t >> lease what people are talkine about today. let's get to us it on this t mentoring monday.g >> we start with kimmie.thim >> yes.>> here's the first one. o did poor kim kardashian feeln f like she needed a littlee attention? hash tag anybody gog time for that. #gooddaydc.oodd. thank you. than >> i like the jingle for theinft first one better. reginal until bro
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legend capital letters tell him k said hello allison much she'ss a member of dell my sore are sor the. i know, wanted to explain it. >> reginald doing a great joba t with our mentoring today. long time big help here in the n wisdom here you go. go. top quarterbacks joe montana,on peyton manning, tom brady. bra i think you can agree with witht two of those three in your topot three. >> that's fine. i'm not going to>> hate on peytn manning.nn joe montana, tom brady the records speak for themselves ana i'm not a tom brady guy.. >> go, annie, go.. >> which one are we on. herculean karate.. >> i'm so glad downton abby. people are still talking abouttt that boring show.. >> wow. they went >> keeping it real make it on ie good day. sir harvey that's our friendur n last night's series finale ofe o downton abby was the perfecterfe ending of a perfect series thata ended with several newer beginnings. >> all right. >> hopefully people aren't>>n' hating o
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right now we're ending it withdw the entire group that camet c together to help us out today. by help us i'm mean help people in the the commu we want to give a big thank to o you everybody who came out tod today. to (applause). >> we're still taking phone calls. keep those fingers rinning rni 202-895-3307. >> and online.07 >> on our website there's a link to give much this doesn't have to end. to >> tucker barnes give us aker bg little quick forecast for thehe hurry up tucker.ker. >> i thought you'd never ask. na you were here so why not?? >> part of the gang now.t of t n >> yes. yes. >> seven day forecast.ay for stand up. u >> you can stand up.>> >> you're good. y never make yourself>> small forf other people.other people. >> never do it. neverit >> i feel like i'm -- you're yoe good.od >> you have their seconds. haveo i'm towering over you >> it's all right.t's algh >> there's the seven day. s day 63 right now. n 63 this afternoon beautiful.utif tuesday, wednesday, thursday,, u friday 70 or better. bette round of applause? (applause). >> come on steve.te put a little life into it.
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keep the phones rinking. mentoring m a great cause. make a difference. >> we'll he sue tomorrow. thank you, everybody. ♪ after trying brookside crunchy clusters, ♪ @carlybeyar tweeted: at this point, i should just be a brookside chocolate ambassador. well, i am sorry, carly... it's something you earn. brookside. talk about delicious.
11:00 am
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