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tv   Fox 5 News 5  FOX  March 15, 2016 5:00pm-6:01pm EDT

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he first took the job. he knew he had a big challenge ahead him. to see him today, he did tell ut one of the reasons why it wast important to do this tonight ant not wait until the weekend. here he is. well, the risk to the public is very low. i cannot rule out the potentiale life and safety issue here and this is why we must take thishi action immediately. when i say safety is our highest priority, i mean that sometimes means making tough, unpopular decisions n ann this is one of those for sure. i fully recognize the hardship r this causes to the region and to the community.muni > the word "unprecedented"has u been thrown around quite a abouo it. we have seen metro shutdown in weather situations, but inside this is probably the first time they've had to shutdown thehe entire metro sale rail they plan
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service to some extent tomorrow. but in the release they handedae out to the media, they say we're going to get more word on this.s > let's head out to teisha lewis who also covering this for us. teisha, i believe, is at mack fear son square.squa >> she is going to effect act lieutenant of people.tena before we go to teisha we're going to check in with mattwith ackland. the news of this planned metroer rail shutdown comes just one day after a tunnel fire caused damage and cancellation ofcanc service near the mack fear son station, caused major delays. that fire that caused the damaga to the rail bed, they'rethey investigating that further. the scene was finally cleared about 6:00 a.m. matt ackland is also talking about the angle of, you know, the office of personnelnel management here. everybody is now looking at them saying, okay, what are we going to do to respond to
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>>reporter: i think a lot ofot people are thinking what's going to happen tomorrow? i actually have my phone in my hand because i've been working all of our sources here. opm first because that's the big one. apparently we're told they're having some kind of meeting behind closed doors. that we were told is happeningae happening probably right about g now so we can hear any moment ae this time. just win the last minute i heari from the mayor's office, herer spokesperson texted me telling me that tomorrow, as it stands,a d.c. schools and d.c. local government offices, local government offices will remain open. >> okay. >>reporter: excuse me, i've got all this information so i want to make sure i get this right. from montgomery county we are ar told that officials are meeting behind closed doors as wellwell trying to figure out exactly what's going on. one thing that it sounds like is that these leaders and the three
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and virginia and maryland, itit doesn't sound like they wereer getting a lot of heads up whenp it came to this because i've calledve so many leaders and it doesn't sound like they knewike this was going to a. i know jack evans says he got out of the meeting at metro, called thethe mayor, but it sound to me, working with the mayor's as muce as i do, they are usually pretty quick. it sounds like they're trying tn figure out what's going on. i talked to david grasso, he's the chairman of education committee, trying to figure outf a little bit b more about schools. after having a conference call, principals, school leadersls, trying to figure out what's going to happen tomorrow. at this point we're hearing schools are open, but rememberbt in d.c., a lot of kids use the rail system, a lot of them do. they take the buses as well. but you've got kids going all the way across town.own. they have those free ride cars that they get on every morning.o that's going
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obstacle tomorrow morning. it makes you wonder what kind od a snap decision this was, thehe lack of communication and realll how serious this is. it makes you think that they needed to do it right away. >> yeah. >>reporter: i know somebodyomeb tweeted out tonight, should weho be concerned about riding thethe metro this evening? >> that's what's interestingat because after's the work they dd in mack fear son square theyr so opened up in time for the morning commute today, and everything seemed to be back to normal up until this announcement. clearly they felt at least itit was safe enough to get people to work or perhaps they foundhey something out afterwards, after people were already at work thak we're going to have to addressdd this, but we need to get people back to their homes tonight. before you guys leave me, also also i talked to the spokesperson at prince george'sn county, he told me that they're also having a meeting. he doesn't think that metro impacts them as much. mu but they're kind of handling itd
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through that really slowss everything down. he gave me reason to believe, also, that prince george'st county got late notice of this. so they're really in the process of trying to figure out what do they do. s as you know guys know, we've only had this before when there's a huge snowstorm. > and we had a little leade time. i'm going to go back to theac phones and check out about ohm o and everybody else getting back from work.. joining me former d.c. member jim gram. >> thanks for joining us. let's get your reaction and what is seemingly lack of communication again the a different jurisdictions. >>reporter: i thinkç it's an unextraordinary unprecedented step and i think the general manager and whoever else was involved should be commended.ome > do you have any more
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on how grave this situation is,, just from what the generalener manager said, i mean there's obviously the potential, not tht immediate potential, but potential for very, very serious hazards and injury and worse. so this is the steps that you really need to take. it's unheard of for sure. > how much do you think this was the ntsb and the federal transit administration? the feds for the foes part and looking in and keeping an eye on this, putting the pressure too make this drastic move. >> i don't think so, this is a message from the leadership thad things are going to be handledal differently than they have inav the recent past. it's a very important step. one thing it's going too definitely do is bring home the entire region as to how essential metro is. > i ve
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those jumper cables. he says they're going to be inspecting 600 jumper cables.abe they've gone through that tha process before. give us a little bit of anan insight since you've been on the board before. how often do those inspections have taken place and what is the process that goes into this. >> i the terms of the details i'm not sure. the inspections in the past five or six years have been very unprecedented. the only way they know only to deal with it, that's whatha they're doing.doin > let me ask you a little bit b more, you talked about the message that paul wheat feld isd trying to send, this is a new leadership, the fact that he's taking this drastic measure is it part message or is it thatitt serious that we need to close the metro and we
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until weekend. >> i think it's a very serious situation. > let me ask you this questiont because i think a lot of people are concerned, then, on the transportation home tonight, whi not close it knowing what hehat knows now and talking about the safety being the highest priority for immediate shutdown, why not close it now?now? >> well, that may have been considered, but i note notice. why they did it, i don't know, but it would be out of the question. > what goes into making this kind of decision? did hei contact the d.c. schools or is that first a decision is made and now he talks to all thethe leaders talk to the different jurisdictions? >> i have no idea, what shouldwt have happened, of course is some
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advanced warning. really what matters here is getting this all fixed and fixed correctly. that's what really matters.atte you got to do what you got to to do. > all right. former metro member jim graham and former d.c. council member. >> thanks for shedding somehe light on it. we appreciate i. let's head out to our own teisha lewis. she is at the mack fear son stop where the cable is beingbein inspected from yesterday's incident. she has a pulse on what is going out there and what riders are going saying. this is huge, that it's going to be shut down for 24 hours. what do people have to say. >>reporter: it's an historic hi move and i can tell you that yo we've spoken with three metro rail riders and so far they ally say they support the decision. one of the riders who supportsho the decision was here at mack
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happened yesterday. your reaction to the news that metro rail is shutting down thut for 24 >> i'm actually in support of i but only if something isethi actually going to be done whatht we unfortunately are getting to an area where these break downs are becoming the norman that's not okay. what are with you thinking yesterday when the incidentinci happened you were here and nownd moving forward, do you think you that this is going to help andhp what do you make of the timinge of this shutdown. >> at this time i was thinking what everyone else was thinkings which is what is going ono because they literally weren't telling us anything.ny we were in between stations, like not even at mack fear son just yet. and then when we arrive at metro system that's like everybody has to get off. when we got off they informed ur that there may or may not have been a fire.ire. it's a lot of confusion that is unfortunately becoming the normm if they can get to the bottom of it this i'm all for it. they're planning on inspecting more
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i guess my question to you is how are you going to get to work tomorrow?? >> uber has become my bestbest friend, i'll just say that. i will suggest while they're inspect the equipment they also inspect the people who are inspecting the equipment because it trickles downhill.nhil so this thing just happened yesterday. it's clearly has been ongoingoig issue that has been overlooked far to long. >> havey, thanks for joining us. that is the opinion of one metro rider that is shared by at least a few metro riders that we've spoke with. take a listen. tissue lewis life there at mack fear son square.fear obviously it's going to be quite difficult to get around.roun buses are still going to be running. there are a lot of people.eopl >> pretend like it's one of thef snow days. > coming up, more ah
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property metro shutdown. we also want to check in withwih before we do that we have new details about the death of gentleman kay column son during a shootout, new information just release about the friendly fire shootings and the charges threer brothers now face. >> sue. we just got an update from the national park service regarding the cherry blossoms. it's the gotten a little coolcol the last few days and nownd n they're going to hold off the peak bloom to about p the 23rdt or the 24th of march. cooler today, a little warmer than it was yesterday, but a brief return of the 70s in the forecast. i'll let you know when that rolls into town and what changes are ahead in our seven day forecast. that's coming up.
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glenn:threateningicans: gofederal workers;ns over 60 votes to repeal obamacare. now they're refusing to even consider president obama's nominee for the supreme court. it disrespects the president and all of us -- and we won't put up with it. in congress, i'll protect president obama's legacy, defend obamacare, and stand up for social security and medicare. i'm glenn ivey and i approve this message. i'll take on republicans - for all of us.
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welcome back. union park police need yourol help. they are looking foric two peopletwo who tried to kidnap a child who was waiting to go into the smithsonian air and space mu seem. marina maracco is life with the details on this one. this is so disturbing. >> it is. and very scary for these parentt especially with parents who allow their kids to go on field trips not knowing who was around. these two people had beenad speaking inside the museum throughout the morning and then they decided to approach thatapr group of children. i want you to take a look atook this video. you can seizure individual from the museum and the two men who are in the video
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see the man take the hand of one of the girl. but police say one of the men did preach over on one of the children, grab that child'schil hand. we don't know if he tried totrie walk away with the child. what we do know that is a chaperone got a glimpse of whatf was going on, apreach that man and then quickly both of those men took off. between the hours of 10 and 11,a if you had a drop off or in a pickup from the 600 of southwest, in the area of the air and space museum, we want to know. > now, back out here lifeer you're looking at the long lineo of tour buses that parked just outside the museum here. presumably that group off children about to load on one on these buses, very similar to the ones you are looking at here. those two men according to us park police also ju
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transportation vehicle. park police believe those two men were a group. and they believe they were planning something, no. not a good thing, something nefariouso planning to take one of thesehee children. if you were out here between 10 and 11:00 on march 3, give theme a call. life tonight from the national mall, marina maracco, fox5 local new. > today a maryland court commissioner dropped murder and gun charges against he ridge a yeah and malik forward. they're the two brothers accused of attacking a prince george's coprunty police station. they remain behind bars tonight. police say the attack was unprovoked and directly lead to the friendly fire death of officer jacai column son. fox5's paul wagner joins us life with the story. paul. >>reporter: well, ladies, what that court did today basically forced
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angela brooks to come outside the courthouse and hold a news conference and explains what sh intends to do. basically what she said iss because the court commissioner dropped those charges theyhe cannot challenge them.hem. however, she can try and bring them back through the grand jury. now, in the court documents thaa were release today we did learn some new details. we learned that when the threehe brothers pulled up here outsides the district three station, michael ford got out and headedd in the wrong direction. and his brother said, no, no,no, the station is over here and that's when he pulled a 40 caliber handgun and started firing. two officials have seen the cellphone video. vid that's my brother, that's my dog as the shooting commenced outside the district 3 stationir sunday afternoon.sund and then as michael ford fellrdf wounded the tone of thehe brothers' comments changed as to
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what officials described as sadness. tonight outside of the courthouse angela brooks told reporters, the second degree murder charges and firearms charges against the brothers are think phid. we will be aggressive here. officer colson was a wonderful officer. from all accounts he showed up, he was brave. he was a late this morning police chief hang stew within ski went backki to the crime scene and talked to investigators about what happened, looking closely at the bullet holes in a police van asn well as the damage done to theeo front of the station. he told reporters the department is not prepared to say how officer colson was hit by the friendly fire. bear in mind while this is occurring here and we're conducting a forensic examination at the scene, investigation is ongoing andngoi this has to be compared to their statements, to witness statements, to video collecteddo from our facility, the recreational center.ente so all of those things have toto be
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nothing out here stands alone. according to court documentsto c filed in the case, michael fordl first fired two shots in thets i front doors of the district three station hoping to drawraw fire from police in return. he then fired at two cars and an ambulance passing by.y. with the help of google earth this is the street view officerr colson would have seen as he stopped his car in the street, jump ping out, pulling his weapon and firing at michael forward. the brothers sitting in the carh would have had this view, the, front of the police station andd the street heading downhill towards the community center. we're just all devastated.. there's no way to march thatrc out. our obligation now is to respond to the public, allow them to understand this, just as quickly as we're able to understand it and then to help grieve and cope. officer jacai colson was offff duty in plain clothes coming to
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now, although the police chief said yesterday in his newsews conference that six officerssi came out and engaged michaelicha forward we now only that onlyony four fired their service weapons. tomorrow afternoon the brotherse will be back in court at 1:15 tomorrow afternoon for a bond review. the charges against michaelmich forward have not yet been filed. he is still in the hospital. life at palmer park, paul wagner, fox5 local news. > the entire metro rail system, back to that story, shuttingry, down in the middle of the workweek. crews will be permanenting emergency safety checks duringhk that time. what you need to know for your fox5 has more after the break.
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it's about taking a stand. for too long, wall street banks had their way. they crashed our economy. but democrat donna edwards won't take their money because she stands up for us. as a single mom, she knows the challenges our families face. she'll be our voice. tightening regulations on the big banks and fighting to keep dark money out of politics. democrat donna edwards, maryland's next senator.
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the count down is on as we are a week away for peak bloom of the cherry blossoms. the original date
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march 3 # and april 3.pril but the unseasonably warmunse weather moved it up to march 23. peak bloom is when 70 percent of the trees around the tidal basin are in bloom. and it could happen any day now. folks at the national usherette up are anxiously anticipating the birth of two egg lets. you are looking at a life picture right now.righ there we go.go. the bald eagle parents built their nest in 2014.0 one of the for example lets was born last year and now two on on their way. the first egg was laid on february 1, the second on valentine's day.ay. it usually takes about fiveabou weeks for the egg to hatch. that was supposed to hatch today. we've been waiting all day long. >> you've been on this.his >> i got an e-mail from my son's kindergarten teacher said we are all watching. >> i said i need to watch, too. > it's likewa
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cam. >> she's been very fridge edly, the first lady. mr. president has shown up a couple of times, too. she's shown her eggs, the second egg is to supposed to hatch in n few more days. we'll see if it happens today. they do have a statement on thea web cam, you can watch this 4 hours a day. there is a possibility that something may not go right, so just to prepare you for that ina case it doesn't go right. i got to tell you what is right today is the weather out there.t you can see the see sunning. 54 degrees and sunshining on thd white house s as we take a life look outside. it has been a gorgeous day.. the clouds have been eroding pretty quickly and that allow us to get up to our high temperature of 64 degrees justs as of 5:00.
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a lovely evening. i agree with you in the eaglele cam. both eggs are intact. i saw her get up and shovel around a little bit just a while ago. we're watching the eggs very closely and hope everything goes well. we're in good shape, it was nice to see some we'reme going to get a little bg more it you just mentioned the cherrychr blossom update.pdat i wanted to mention that the t park service did just revise that this afternoon for the peak bloom to be around the 23rd or the 24:while we are going to have a brief return of the 70s0s it's only a one-day special and- that is going to happen tomorrow. our treatment now not bad at all. 64. it's a lot cooler at fredericksburg, 58. speaking of warm air,
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87, wilmington, 82, little rockk is 87. a lot of heat, but still some cold air on the map, too.o. if you look out toward casper, wyoming, 62-degrees. that's a typical march map. sometimes you can cook up somese typical storms in march. we may have one of those stormse coming up this weekend. iolites wanted to let you knowou as we go through the evening and our warmer day tomorrow we could have another shower or maybe an isolated shower tomorrow afternoon when a cold front comes through between one and five. > now we want to send it out to matt big news. >>reporter: you're right. we continue to follow the metro shutdown all day tomorrow.ll we've been, woulding the phones. i know a lot you want to know is working go to be open tomorrow? how do i get there? what'st's going on with schools. we're going to try to answer ans lot of the questions. a lo
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answer right now.sw a lot of agencies are first let's throw it out to tom fitzgerald. >>reporter: we're life here ate the white house. violence and protests have dominated the story, the director of the secret servicese today spoke out telling us what he will and will not allowllow secret service agents to do.o. the surprising statements coming up as fox5 news at 5 continues.
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glenn:threateningicans: gofederal workers;ns over 60 votes to repeal obamacare. now they're refusing to even consider president obama's nominee for the supreme court. it disrespects the president and all of us -- and we won't put up with it. in congress, i'll protect president obama's legacy, defend obamacare, and stand up for social security and medicare. i'm glenn ivey and i approve this message. i'll take on republicans - for all of us.
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we need women in congress. if we want to be heard, it was the women who forced republicans to include women's health and contraceptive coverage in the affordable care act. in congress, i'll fight for pay equity, family leave and tougher gun safety laws. and, as an environmentalist, i'll work combat climate change. i know as a journalist and as a senior executive in business that when women are at the table, we get things done. i'm kathleen mathews and i approve this message.
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this is fox5 local news at 5. back now to our breaking news, metro has announced the entireei metro rail system will close tonight at midnight and it willl remain closed until 5:00 a.m. on wednesday. crews will perform emergencymerg safety checks. jim lokay is life in northwest with more. >>reporter: hey, laura and
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they're describing this is really the first time that metro can think of that they've had to shutdown the system. not for emergency, but for b jumper cables. 700,000 people rely on metro rail for a daily basis.basi they're going to have to findto alternate ways to get around the city. six lines, 91 stations will bebe totally shutdown, as you mentioned, from midnight tonighi until 5:00 a.m. thursday..m the reason, these emergencyemer inspections are going to go lini by line and inspect the jumper cables that have rather thick conduits that have metal cablese inside which caused the incidend at mcphearson as well as was what was lininged to the incident at l'enfant plaza was the fact that those jumperhose cables had worn down insulation inside and as a result there wae a metal on metal situation thatn was causing the smoke.
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gm paul wheat feld said they had to do this tomorrow. the question that am of youyou have, why are they doing this tomorrow? why can't take wait't until the weekend? here's what he had to say. >> what we tend to find outout where we have potentially any issues we will treat them justtm like we if with the mcphearsonce square situation, which is if we have a situation where it can be located locally we will single track around it and that eveninn we'll shutdown at 9:00 p.m.9:00 because we need to shutdown power in both rails to deal with this issue. now, something like this happened twice in the last yeart where we had some sort of smokef event and in neither event did we see the extent what happenedt last year at fan plaza. but this h is a seriouserio situation. metro says if you right the bus, if you ride metro access thosets services will be in place tomorrow, i haveac to ill you we've been keeping an eye on social media and we've beene' watching what you have to
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one concern am of you have to say ride services, uber, lifts, taxi services are going to beto out there, but uber and lift have that sewer price mechanismh and i can imagine tomorrow thate is going to be so high that wilt be costly to get unless uber and lift decides to. a lot of people.ople we still don't know what schools will be open, what offices will be closed tomorrow. northwest, jim lokay, fox5 loca5 news. > a lot of congestion out there, togged you ready for itfr we will be going on at 4:00 a.m. top, a little bit early. ear so we will keep you apprised of what is happening on the roads tomorrow, the morning show going on at 4:00 a.m. itself going to be quite thequit mess out there, matt
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as well, keeping an eye on whate the city is having to say. >> a friend just texted me, wha, is going on with metro, what a nightmare? i think a lot ofot people are saying that. it sounds like there's this huge scramble going objection to the form local agency, whether it's the county, whether it's the district of columbia trying to figure out what do we doo tomorrow? how do we deal with this situation? a lot of peoplp found out late saying do we even bring people to work? first of all, d.c. schools, if you do have a child that needs to go to d.c. schools they're going to be open. also, d.c. government. i talked to david grasso who is a council member and also in charge of education committee. he said there's going to be a liberal absentee policy. also he is asking folks if you u have special needs kids and ey
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are picked up by special d.c. school buses to make sure youyou give them some extra time because they may be running a bit late. what about getting around town,, metro is going to be over run and david grasso told me that he's hearing that possibly some d.c. circulator buses, now the circulator buses they are run by the department of transportatiot here in o d.c. they apparently are going to try to pick up some of the slack i think that could -- that's ah metro bus that you're looking at right now, schools open -- i should tell you we are checking back in in with montgomerywith county. apparent they're having a bigig meeting, all the local officials there trying to figure out whatu is going on.n. we checked in with pg countycoun earlier and they said we're handling this kind of like a snow emergency. they are trying to get the kidse to go to school because unlike the kids that go to school in the district of columbia youct don't have to use the rail system as much.
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office possibly if she couldould come on television or give us as phone interview so we could finl out exactly how she plans to operate the city tomorrow and what her best advice for peoplel are. one thing before i let you guys go, so am people are federal workers so they're awaiting the opm to decide what's going on. we were told earlier tonightearl that they are in the middle of some kind of behind closed door meeting, the situation room. i think they're probably going to treat this like a storm as a well. p if you can't get people in from far away do they cancel or do they allow folks to work from home and tele commute? we're awaiting that informing as well. i'm sure a lot of people as they head home tomorrow are thinking what do we do? >> chris van holland, congressman from maryland is asking for what mute a to
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all bus service free and that opm should give federal workers the option to leave or tell he work.wo influence is starting to come in. we need to do something becauseo it's going to be a reel re nightmare on the roads. it sounds like there's a frustration, too. a few tweet that i've seen. disappointing in the lack of notice however, the safety ofafy our safety is paramount.para markç warner also acing it comes to this, but people depend on the safety of metro. glad they're treating safety with a sense of urgency. i think everyone understandsnder that it has to be done, we don't want to put anyone in harm's way. > i predict a big mess. >> part of that is the message. it's new leadership, a new dayew on metro and we're not going to take the safety is number owe oe unite owe.
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that's what people have wanted in, new management to come inome and clean things up. maybe this is the way newew general manager feels it needsfl to be done. > thank you, matt.matt we'll keep an eye on this, ofof course. new tonight there are big safety concerns over the growing level ofng violent conflicts at presidential campaign rally. >> the troubled secret service, are they up to the job.job. joe clancy the director of the secret service revealed details of increased efforts to protect the candidates as fights have begun to erupt, especially adderallys for presidential donald trump. tom fitzgerald oscar pistoris uo on that. >>reporter: there today, joe clancy, the secret servicehe s detailed the agency's efforts not only to protect trump, but hillary clinton and bernie sanders as
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secret service has spent $72 million this cycle on protecting these candidates. while those violent outburstsut have made all the new, clancylac also made it clear in a directie message, if you were attending one of those rallies, the director of secret service says his agents are there to protectt the candidates, the secrethe service agents will not be used to end protests. > we do not interfere with the people's first amendment rightst people have the right to voice their opinions and it's for the host committee to decide whether or not that's disruptive to that event. we are there to protect ourrote protect '.pr if there are protestors andprot there are people that are disrupting the event that is not our primary responsibility. our concern is over acts orcts threats to our protect tea. if someone, for example, comesce into the buffer zone or secure zone we're going to re
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that as we saw in dayton, ohio. it was in dayton, ohio where a protestor was able to penetratee that buffer zone around donaldau trump and grabbed trump's ankle. secret service immediately moved in and removed the protestor. clancy also revealed that another candidates' buffer zonef had been penetrated wheree somebody gummed over a bike rack, but clancy did not reveal which that was. this is age maker topic today during this house homeland security hearing tonight. am of them are citing the scandals in recent years,year demanned to know from clancy if secret service is up to this joi of protecting the 2016 candidates in the face of the increasing hostile campaign crowds. for his part he acknowledged that the secret service is still working to rebuild theuild reputation from all the scandals. he also insisted that his agenta who are assigned to this 2016is
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closely with event organizersrgn and local lawfulment and trying to ensure the safety of these candidates. i'm asking you about the environment surrounding theen campaign and whether it has posed those kinds of challenges and if so, what have you undertaken to deal with this? this is not politics as usual. at least in my experience. there's a lot of give and take with all these events and there's no question some of these events create even moreo challenges for us. but it's our job to be flexible and resilient and make sure we have a good security plan. concern over these security incidents is also being by the executive of the news director has sent out a notice to hisis member organization warning thet that the
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could erupt at the republican national convention in cleveland, the likes of which this memo says have not been seen in this country.ntry we are life tonight at the white hours, tom fitzgerald, fox5fox5 local news. > coming up, forever 21 pulledr one of its t-shirts following complaints that it promotes rain culture. > an he macing pencil thatenc turns into a plant when you bury it. how this is taking over stores like whole foods and amazon. > hey, caitlyn. the clouds clearing out, late day sunshine and warmerwarm temperatures, the 70s are back, but it's brief. we'll have your full seven day forecast coming up after the break when fox5 news returns. stay with us.
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> we're talking it's a the lot bette tr than itn was yesterday, kate will i be. >> even hour by hour, the sun is coming back out. nice to see things change. tomorrow into the 70s. >> perfect. reminisce event a little bit ofi what we saw last week. look at this, taking the extra daylight that we have in the evenings.. now that we have sprung forward. it's a beautiful blue skies out there right now, temperatures right around 60-degrees.60-d it's a nice evening. it should be nice tonight and a then nicer tomorrow. we'll get straight to yourto weather headlines, warmer on wednesday. high temperature should be in the 70s for just about everyone. cold front swings through in the afternoon. the cooler for the second halfen of the week.he cool enough for some snow, whicn is possible on sunday, which is iconly on sunday.unda but with the pretty cool storm system we might see
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even though they won't i know it snowed the first day of spring last year. it can happen. showing the last of the drizzle towards our north moving out. we're seeing some late day sunay and nice temperatures ting why along it with. pretty comfortable out there ou this hour. 59 in gaithersburg, 60 out at dulles, 63 in winchester and 64 in culpeper.ulp as we go through times here, fox futurecast showing that we'llhat have a mix of probably clouds and sun tomorrow.omor it is a nice day but with that cold front coming through here's some showers by p mid afternoon moving over the mountains. we have some rumbles of thunder and some brief gusty winds. it might be better up towards baltimore. they might have a better shot of seeing any thunderstorm.thun there are some showers in the forecast probably this time tomorrow evening. maybe not everyone seeing it, a broken line of showers andhowe storms that move through. it will probably certainly bee warm enough for it
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what about the weekend, a coastal storm just look probablo at this point. it should be a chilly rain forfr anybody south and east of washington. if this storm tracks inland enough it's going to have colde air. we are getting chilly as we heaw into the first part of the weekend.we we will likely see some flurry ins mountains. it could be just snowing at some point on sunday as temperatures while they're trending cooler do not look like to get blow freezing. some early clouds and then we clear out late, 50-degrees.0-de tomorrow, enjoy this wednesday,d night beautiful weather,, partially sunny skies. a different warmup with the afternoon winds.wind 74 tomorrow, a chance of a shower thursday, your st. patrick's day with our happy little leprechaun. 67-degrees. slowly getting cooler into
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weekend and that's the chance for the > stunting the clothe growth of the poor cherry blossoms. > the new start up companyup sprout world has a different use for when the writing pencils is planted into soil it can grow into vegetables or flowers. the capsule contains one of several different visits of plants. once the writing end of the pencil is used up you put the cancel and plant it. it should begin to grow one to three weeks. > forever 21 apologizes for an offensive t-shirt design. while one customer said it promotes raise
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is to provide choices that offer you the best prices, quality and selection. wake up with wegmans family pack ♪ 1,2,3,4 you can save 30% or more. from tasty energy bars to creamy and delicious yogurt. let us help you find that perfect balance
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of size & savings. how can you save 30% or more? sfx: finger snap wegmans family pack. we do it because we're family too.
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forever 21 is apologizing for21 one of i its t-shirt tonight. this comes after the critics made a joke. the shirt is which no longer for sale, says don't say maybe if you want to say no. no upon receiving feedback from our customers we took immediateto reaction to have it removed from our westbound sit. si we apologize to anyone. > that's offensive. not a good idea. > we should take a look at the eagle again. >> are we sure that this is theh first lady, so it's mr. president and the first lady, but do we know for sure kn this is the first lady? i woul assume mom would be sitting ong the egg. >> it's one of the parents. > he/she sure is pretty.rett >> we're waiting for the first egg to hatch.
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it could happy at any moment. we'll be back. 
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thanks for joining us tonight ai 5. tipping coverage on the bigra story ofge the metro shutdown continues now at fox5 local news at this is fox5 local news at 6. >> right now at 6, the entireeni metro system will shutdown for s 24 hours in the middle of the workweek. the unprecedented step the transit agency is taking in thei name of safety and chaos itit could cause for commuters. then, a police department is inn mourning while investigating thn death of one of their own. >> devastating at this point. it could have been prevented if the brothers had chosen not to act. the new details about the shooting that killed officerer jacai column son and the three e brothers accused of causing his death
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a. tonight, the latest on thehe search for two persons of interest at a d.c. museum. > and let's continue ourur breaking news and get to the big story, an unprecedented affecting the metro rail systeme i'm shawn yancy and i'm tony perkins. >> the entire rail system will shutdown and went open up until 5:00 a.m. on wednesday. a.m this is coming in the middle of the workweek when hundreds of thousands of people use metro to get around. jim lokay is outside headquarters with more on the unprecedented shutdown. >>reporter: when you give worde that metro is calling a briefing at about 2 in the afternoon nor 4:30 you know it's going to be something significant.ican we learned what the extent will be for metro riders and it will be an extensive one. 700,000 people rely on metro every day, six lines, 9 # stations and tor


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