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tv   Good Day DC  FOX  March 16, 2016 9:00am-11:01am EDT

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if it'll get things done. after all he's spent 30 years working both sides of the aisle. i'm david trone and i approve this message. ♪ straight ahead, a full day metro shutdown in full effect. c >> from where i sit, um, you u y know, the safety of the public and my employees is to risk that i just cannot dot d >> rail service suspended untill 5am tomorrow. tomor so the transit agency can perform emergency inspections.gc >> this will be very difficult.u we recognize frameable to get in to work, for children to get tot school. for everyone who row lies on lin metro. metro. >> this morning hundreds ofrn thousands of would bein
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clogging the roads riding busess and bikes or shelling out forelf uber as they look for other wayw to get around washington.ashito we'll have live team coverage.. breaking overnight,veht president obama has pick his next supreme court nominee. who is still on the list andnd uphill battle that person could face for senate >> the fact that i've even comec this far is evidence of howow special america >> another one bites the florida senator marco rubio suspend his presidential campaign after failing to win his own state's primary.. plus, what a big win in ohio could mean for john kasich white house's hopes. good day at 9a starts now. ♪ an extremely busy day if you'rer not depending on metro. i'll leave it at that.t we'll give you more detailset about that.abth good day d.c.od d it is 9:
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march 16th.16 wisdom martin, holly morris. >> did you forget my name for >> very dramatic pause.ery dram >> here you go.. steve chenevey, maureen umeh. gary mcgrady is over we're all here ready to go.o we got a lot to talk about thist morning when it comes to metro.t >> that is the big story this ti morning.rn we can't escape it.wean't the shut down in d.c..c the day d.c. shut how is it going for you so far?u all metro service suspended asud we know by now until 5:00 a.m. tomorrow now this is the transit agency can perform emergency emergency inspections after the fire that broke out monday under ground an mcpherson square. >> total shut down is ando is unprecedented move, and one thee head of metro calls necessary to ensure passenger and employeeloe safety. but still took the region by surprise and it means majoraj issues for region alreadyneady plagued by gridlock.k. >> some 700,000 people rideeid metro on daily basis and todaynt they have to find some other war in and out of the city.he c that means more cars
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roads packed buses and pricey uber rides to make easier lessel awful the government has givenoa federal workers the option of teleworking and some schools are excusing students who are latede or absent. lor absent. still, though, we're seeing wayy more traffic than normal and we have a long way to go beforegoef it's all >> we got live team coverage ale morning long.rng lo melanie, bob, annie, they're al' out there. they have more on this shut dowd and they'll talk about how how riders are coping with this, but first, we want to talk to erin n como. como she's got look how the highwaysh are happened link the extra carc and the areas where you might ym want to just avoid erin?erin >> yeah, that's right. yeah, th' right now we're seeing a lotot gridlock conditions. con we're taking a look at the outet loop by richie marlboro.lboro. there's a crash blocking theckie left shoulder and as you candea see, all lanes are basicallyical parked or crawling along.nglo that jamup starts at five andiva goes all the way past this poi point. we're seeing other jam up. this is inbound suitland parkway as your make south capital to ct the douglas bridge you are jamae
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all of our bridges are look liko this jammed across the 11thh street bridge, 14th street bridge.idge. inbound 295 completely jammed.yj grab your sunglasses, some goodg music you need it this is a iths crash on the shoulder as maker s your way out on 395 inbound outd by crystal city. c so another area where you needon some patience this morning. and use caution. cauon it is just crowded out thereedut around the area this is closer r to the 14th street bridge.eet a look at our map right n we have several other crashes ii want to make sure you're aware of. of other slow-moving conditions. ci as you make your way out on thet outer loop that crash i told yod about past richie marlboro roadb and you can see the inner loopeo even though you're crash free ie jammed from five across thecrs t wilson bridge. and then you jam again from the springfield interchange throught annandale slow-moving traffic lingering 270 southbound toward the and then 295 inbound bothnd b directions really jams up theret a lot of metro buses are alsoo seeing delays because of the crowded conditions and riders rr need some patience because theet buses themselves are extremely
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keep in mind hov laneho restrictions are in for the morning and evening rusr they had not been lifted at all. and another crash 13th andh a taylor street northeast.. metro bus delays keep in mindp n d.c. circumstance later is freee today if you want to take that. we'll keep you posted throughour good day. that's your traffic.r traic all right. thank you very much, erin como.o with metro closed many of my you are getting pretty creativev how you're getting around todayd >> what caused metro to suspende service on weekday that is thete big question. queio melanie alnwick continues ouroni team could have ratch live from a station in bethesda. betsd mel, hopefully with that answers a lot of people still asking whg did this have to happen on weekday? why? >> reporter: well, you know, in the words of the generalal manager paul wiedefeld and board chairman jack evans they justyt said in good conscience theyence cannot let rains run todayun t knowing what they knew about the potential safety risks.ety sks. now, let's go back to monday,ona right, we had that jack fire and so
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square.squa that is exactly the same issue that caused the track fire and d smoke issue at l'efant plaza ana what made this even moree surprising and perhaps even more serious is that apparently theyy went back, there were lots of problems we knew with the powerr cables and the insulators, and a at mcpherson square, that cable insulator in that under groundnn tunnel had been inspected less s than year ago, and was deemed to be okay. so that is why general manager wiedefeld said he could not cld trust any of the inspectionspe that had been done previously. u wanted to try to figure out whaa is is going on with these cable insulators. what is happening the insulatiol is deteriorating and it's allowing the metal inside that t cable that electrified cable to contact metal that is in the tunnel causing the electrical arcing, causing these and really just said, you know,o yeah, it's
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small risk, but it's a risk we s cannot take. here's what he said last night. >> while the risk to public isci very low, i cannot rule out a potential life safety issue herh and this is why we must take mt this action immediately. and in this case, um, there wasw potential metal on metal which w is very similar to what we had l'efant plaza situation.itti >> it happened once it, okay, io what happened? right? but it'' happened twice in a year.. so i can't -- i can't wait for't the third time. >> reporter: so from what we w understand it is 600 of these te jumper cables that are sort of filling a gap there in the ith underground tunnels undergroundu stations. stations they are fanning out through all the underground stations. sta a team of a edge pro swarming s the system not just with metro worker but outside contractorsoo as well to inspect every singlen one of those.. wiedefeld says he will not run the trains until personally bena sure all the insulators are
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if some are not save they willil do what they have to do to fixex them before riders back on thos rails. back to you guys.back >> are we hearing potential thee closure could go on beyond tomorrow at 5am? that's waitha sounds like. >> reporter: yeah, it's possible.possib so the closure is now to be abla to get all of the inspectionsnso done. and do what they need to do toeo make sure there aren't anythinga things they missed.thgs then if they fine out that therr are one or two that are problematic that do have frayedd insulation with a problem of thf metal on metal they will have to what to do, intermittentmien closures or whether it is singll tracking around those problem pl points in order to get themet >> all right. either way it's a mess and the frustrations continue.ontinue there are alternate ways to geto around town while metro rail isi closed you can take marc or vee metro bus and access running with additional buses. bus. uber, lyft and taxis are available.. we're hearing about surcharge sh park later. later dc circumstance later and d.c.r.
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are free. fre bike share offering a 24 hour membership and metro owned lots and garages will be open free to customers taking metro buses orca pooling. pooli try to make it easier for you no payment in those lots. steve? >> let's head back to northerne virginia right now.rg obviousliny nobody riding theidg rails. what are people doing there.e >> hundreds of thousandseds ofun commuters have to find otherhe modes of transportation, rightrr torque get to work or around the dmv.v. fox5's annie yu live in downtoww rosland this morning.s morni what's ilit there, annie?here,n >> reporter: well, things are ae certainly bustling out here.bulg we're talking to lot of people who had terrible commutes thisth morning. those had actually had to drived in to rosland or claredon area. others take uber, lyft, taxis, carpool and find other modes ofs transporation. we actually saw one guy ride agd segue alongside the traffic herh on this roadway.oadway so that was kind of creative ane we ran into steve who was inas i town for he's here in town for a a conference
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the best western nearby he saysy his conference is on 18th and l. he had cup of coffee and he's walking there. it's such a nice day.nice d. why not? according to googleooo maps it will take him about 55 5 minutes that didn't seem to faza him. there are those who drive towho i got a message from a viewerie who told me his commute frommuto alexandria to rosland doubledou today thanks to the traffic. trf he was very very frustrated. we also met a woman out heree sarah who works in rosland and said she terrible commute.e c take a listen. >> man the commute was crazy. it took maybe like 30 minutes ms longer than i usually do. do. i'm commuting from maryland too arlington.ton so the lines were long.ere l high to cut through d.c. people were like getting aggravated and cutting peoplengl and just like i don't want to wt get road rage, but i was pusheds to the bring of gettin getting a >> reporter: sarah says thatay t she's a d.c. native and even shn chooses not to take metro because she says it's unreliab
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unreliable. but you know what, guys, so crazy becauseha 400,000 peopleeo take metro bus every day and off course metro bus is run dag. d. when we were at the west fallstf church metro station it was likl a ghost town. so it's nice to see that people found other ways to get aroundun or chose to telework.elew back to you in the studio. stu >> all right, annie thank you very much for that r lots going on out nothing happening on the trains except for inspections but ins b people in their cars and using u other methods to get around.toea it's rough. >> frustrations.rustrations. >> yes. might want to keep that>>t umbrella handy jwaust when youou head out the door today.. >> no.>> no >> yeah. some more bad news.e badews. >> add a little >> gary i could have no rain n r this afternoon this is veryernoi important.important. >> okay. >> i have a 2:00 p.m. baseball.e >> ooh.. >> gw -- g >> in d.c.w >> they play in arlington. listen organization he can.he my bev friend's son first f collegiate start as a pitcher. >> pressure is >> for gw playing against yale.l >> i'm pretty confident wefint w can -- good luck to them.o the i'm pretty confint
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that two to 4:00.:0 after 4:00 o'clock all bets arel off. let me show you temperatures.pee we're 55 degrees. how about that quantico is 53. fredericksburg 49.icksbu9. temperatures today fabulous.abus we're up to 74 degrees all thata sunshine. now listen we will have few f thunderstorms this is 3:00 o'clock just kind ofckust knocking on the door.oo out to the west of us.f these are showers a couple ofouo thunderstorms, too. they quickly move on through. t. hopefully it will be after 4:004 upping, for holly and thend baseball game and all that goodo stuff. then look how fast they get oute of here we're in good shapeha tonight and this evening. tomorrow for the most part looko pretty good.etty there could be thunderstorm forf us farther to the south this is enhanced risk or march jim risks pardon me of maybe getting aaybe thunderstorm that could go cou severe. just means a couple of strong sn maybe severe thunderstorms butnd that is to the south oerf us. u they've inched it up to the north now it includes southern maryland as well.el here's the weekend forecast. fec 52 on saturday. sunday we start spring it'sprin' going to be chilly, 46 for a f high and it looks like rain, okay, i'm not calling for snowoc with this thing on sunday. suy ju
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how about that? i'm out of tii time. >> yeah.ea >> that is the difference chilly rain and snow.ra >> i know. a world of difference.if >> thanks for the amendments >> appreciate gary. >> we have breaking news this morning coming from the white house the president has made apf decision now on his supremehis e court nominee.ur he will introduce his pickhi p c in just a little lesse les than two hours at 11 a.m. a presentation expected at the rose the nomination comes just underu a month after the death off justin antonin ask a lee y theee associated press said theedss s president had narrowed the fiele to three federal appeals judgese sri srinivasan sits on the uss u court of appeals for thepp for district of columbia.olum as does merrick garland. garnd the president's final possiblesl nominee is paul watford who sits on the ninth circuit court off appeals. that's out west. w fox5 has learned d.c. mayor.c m muriel bowser will be at that announcement this morning at tht white house so while there's non confirmation that the nominee will be one of d.c. representatives, her presenceree may be a clue that the nomineeoe does have a d.c.
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we'll have live coverage of tha ceremony right here on fox5 anda on our website >> all right. r >> still ahead some chargeseha dropped against two of thegast t suspects linked to the death ofa a prince george's county police officer. we'll tell you why.l tellou w first our team metro shutros down coverage continuing.tiin bob barnard will join us live oi board a city bus with a look how metro's above ground service isv rung. time now ♪ ♪
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look at this sweet face. so sweet. ok, we're going to need a napkin gooey, flaky, happy. toaster strudel. i would kill for something sweet. wanna split that? no...soooo much fat... don't fight your instincts. with 150 calories each, try our new rich & creamy cheesecakes. fiber one.
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♪ all right.ig driving all day long is what isw many people are doing today as a they try to get to work withoutt metro train service of course as yous know by now suspended.ed >> but if you don't want tof yo drive you can take the bus thate is where we find our bob barnarr whose been riding through theug city all morning naylor road to foggy bottom, i i believe.eve. are you still thon route, bob.t, >> reporter: it's slightlyligh different maureen it's fromm naylor road to the national nata archives the 34 bus operatorpera kendall at the wheel here. and with quite a few peopleeo riding who normally take thehe train to work and other places.a we were with school kids earliei who hopped out. ma'am you mentioned this is nott the norm for you, >> no it's not i usually catch h the metro.etro >> reporter: how has it been.t b >> so far so g it's a long rided but it's good. good. it's pretty good. >> reporter: a lot of stops sto and zigzagging here and there.he
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>> reporter: any decision why a to come on and not snytay home o what have you? y >> well, i need to go to work. (laughter). >> was that your boss you wereyr talking to >> co-worker.o-work >> saying you're running late. . >> i'm on my way.>> i'm on my w >> reporter: how about you aut ma'am? do you normally take tht >> normally take the train y. tn >> reporter: what was yourt wasy decision making today? smell? some people left early on werenw buses with us at 5:00 in the:00t morning got in lick account split. >> i don't have to be to work until latere on so i'm fine. i >> reporter: you're okay.ter: y >> um-hmm. >> reporter: what do you think of the decision metro made to shut down the and tirn e system for the day? >> i think it was good decisiono better to make sure everything is safe than someone get hurt oh the train. th so i think it was great it s g decision. >> reporter: all right.or i'll step out of the way.teout f how many people here normale noa woman take the train that are ta riding the bus today? a lot off hands. ha got tourists here too. too >> what do you think of thedo y decision that metro made?t o ma >> i guess if they're making the right decision i guess it's whaw they need to do.d too. a little inconvenient.onnien what are you going to do. >> reporter: how long would it w normally take to you get toet work?rk >> maybe like five, 10 minutes.n
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sitting with you for while. wle >> at least 20 minutes. m >> reporter: and you too.oo what's your attitude today? yod had to come to work i guess. iue >> i had to work to come. c >> reporter: normally take theat train. >> sometimes. i do both. i can do either way. it didn't matter. >> reporter: at least you gotn'u seat. we were on buses earlier that bt were pretty prebad. how you doing all right, youight okay with metro's decision or o what? some people complaining it's in the middle of the week.. >> yes report why didn't they t wait until friday and give us a little more notice.ot >> i think they should have gav us a 24 houshrs notice and it'si inconvenient for people thatt fp have to go to work and can't c work from home. >> reporter: right.eporter: rig not everybody has got thatery option.op all right. thank you, guys. guys. we've gotten extra man here. m h everything going all right? >> reporter: thumbs up.s everything is going okay, guys. again, the parking was all righr at naylor road so there werero h free parking spaces. space it's not as crowded as we leavea we'll show you the back of buskf not as crowded as we've seene'vs some of the buses this morning.g we're on the tail end but also s as we leave you guys look outuyl the window here. this
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it hits independence, and it's i bumper to bumper traffic in lacl lease look out the front windowo as we leave you. wleav we've been going along pretty pt well up until now and now it's been bumper to bumper heading in. morning commute dragging acomm little later perhaps than norm normal. >> i hope you were entertaining all those fine people withre yourh y vast knowledge of the city.ty >> reporter: we've been having good time.go i've been making up things as ww go just to see if anybody isdy s paying attention. >> clearly. thank you bob. >> you don't necessarily want w bob to be your tour guide.ui >> it's 9:20.t's:2 march madness but we're notre n talking about your brackets. we're sitting down with thein author og f a new book for a loo at why it might be a bad bet hope your hoops star owns a college scholarship.ip. >> the rental of the line forl f marco rubio and confetti cfett avalanche for john kasich.ohas look at that. that. we'll have the results from lass night's second round of super op tuesday voting and a look at a what comes next. ♪
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nature valley granola bars. no artificial colors, flavors or sweeteners. just good. life's sharing a meal. and a kitchen with room for everyone. spend $4000 or more on a new kitchen and get 15% back at the ikea kitchen event. >> we will beat hillary clinton and i will become the president of the united states! >> to win by that kind of a a number is >> the fact that i've even comec this far is evidence of how h special america truly is.. >> our commander in chief has tt be able to defend our country, not embarrass it. (applause).pplause) >> we will win if the voter turnout is high, let's make it i high.
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(applause).e) >> i think each tuesday keepssde get morgue and more super.nd m the late at the one saw marco rubio dropping out of the racei for the white house after a losl in home state in florida. floda can't lose your home state. ste big wins for hillary clinton ant donald trump.ld clinton won contests intes i illinois, florida, ohio and o north carolina.. trump won in illinois, floridalo and north carolina. omit ohio somebody won their wot home state.ho ronica cleary joins us now withh the very latest.ry good to see se >> good to be here. he >> john kasich took victory vic first victory of the race. >> it was expected he'd doo strong in his home state.etate what does that do for hisor h campaign.aign. obviously he's not going to droo out. can he gain enough momentum tom stay in.stay i >> he thinks it keeps him alivei for sure the talk that he willtw stay in through the conventionvo till the last stand which would -- which would mean we'dea have brokered convention which is pretty aggressive thing to say you're willing to dive intov this race and sort of take theae paty
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willing to do that. >> the thing is the way the brokered convention work an wk candidate is only the officialil nominee without -- without any a sort of controversy or vote. they have more than half of the votes into that -- more thanor t half of the delegates excuse mes so right now the math is mh actually looking like donald ldo trump may not go into the t convention with that minimumimum number half the delegates 1,2377 that he needs. nee but you're right the math isis funny i took note of that.fha kasich has 138 delegates rightag now.w donald trump sick 21.ic 21. you're right. on the surface the numbers don'd look like but when you get intoi the technicalities of it -- >> defensive move to keep traumt film getting the nomination.atio >> yes.>> there are republicans who arepu relying on that.bling hat. we've seen the establishment change from jeb bush to marco rob yo john kasich not reallyota considered an establishment guyg in the sense that he is more progressive conservative but heh is now the man that they'll hav' to turn to if they want to sooo many are hoping for that brokered convention though mayno
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about. >> how upset is ted cruz that c really we're not talking about i him today at all?daat >> we're not talking about tedbt cruz. now, you do still have the racer in missouri which has not beenn called yet. y for the democrats or themocrat e republicans. and in that race missouri teded cruz is sort of the one fighting for the win with drum many so ms maybe he'll come out of thisf ti with a victory. victory we'll have to see but i'm sureum that didn't feel good for him last night.lastht. >> marco rubio out of the race now. my question is, where do this ti supporter goss? >> i know he's very gracious inn his concession speech last nighn and people said he looked beingg presidential where do thisenti supporters go is my curiosity?? >> i'm not sure there.'m not sur have been reports ted e cruz isu trial toll appeal to more of an establishment voter now that the race has thinned so much.ed so c but it really is hard to say. to i was actually thinking tohiin myself, you know, i guess marco rubio will endorse john kasich.h jeb bush still hasn't endorsed d can did it but this race as weac have said has been full of surprises so we'll have to seelo
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but he did look presidentialsida last night.ig >> it was one of those moments o he said maybe that would haveat been a better tactic than talking about hands. hds >> yeah. >> he brought up the hands.ought he was the one to do it.o do and that did not resonate.on >> he brought up the hands but s other candidates that have hav brought the fighting and the tone. tone. >> he kind of lowered himself to a level that was already set. >> there's so many sides to thes story for sure.e. >> all right. we have another super tuesday tu look forward to?o? >> now the race is -- it's notts the same any more.or i think we're good.oo >> semi super tuesdays coming up. >> thanks ronica.nks roca >> still ahead on good day, a, a pair of local dancers get a show of support from queen b herselfe we'll show you the video that caught beyonce''s eye and they'll join us for a life l special performance.formce >> plus why some charges againra the suspects linked to the deatd of a prince george's countyy police officer got dropped. dppd hard time for a uva studenttunt arrested in north korea a
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proof that watch the news can nn change your life.anger life. >> of course it can. o first, though, the founder of the fix wmada life joins us livv to talk about today's shut downd that has literally brought d.c.c to a stand till. 9:28 is our time right now.
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tv and phone for our best offer ever. switch to better. switch to fios. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 800.974.6006 tty/v ♪ well we got it all coveredlc for you. r unprecedented shut down of metr rail shaking up the commute fore hundreds of thousands of peoplep across the dmv. >>
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suspend service until 5:00 a.m.m tomorrow.ow >> so officials say crews willc crews use the time throughouthr date to perform emergency safetf checks. this just a day after a tunnel n fire caused damage this week and cancellation of service near the mcpherson square stai that caused major delays on the blue, orange and the silver sve lines. that was monday. mony now estimated 700,000 people p ride metro every day. d as a courtesy, the governmentovm gave med federal workers theal s option of teleworking and somens schools are excusing students who are late or absent today.. >> now the blog and twitterer handle fix wmat as has been a metro watch dog for more thanora five years chris barnes is the founder anda he's joining us live from thero navy yard with his thoughts on this total rail shut down.l sh w good morning to you,, >> good morning, guys. >> so were you surprised and do you think they gave you enough o time? >> i was surprised, and i thinkk they gave us as much time as a they could. cld i've heard from riders who are both angry that
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down and stop people from going home yesterday. if the situation is so unsafe us why didn't they shut down at at noon yesterday? i've also hearr from riders who said no new yorn city, we needed 24 hours to hous prepare for this. this. so i've heard from both ends ofe the spectrum on the anger sideid of the shut down. >> have you heard from peoplerdo who are saying, well looks ifelk the problem is bad enough tonouh shut down the whole system how is it possible it will get fixed in 24 hours? >> and it won't.'t i think we should not be lookinl for this to get fixed in 29 houh shut down. down. what we shall see from this is i hopefully an identification of exactly where there arer emergency situations or just onn problem much this is not going g to solve all the problems on pro metro in 29 hours. hrs >> chris, it strikes me thattrit this might be an attempt to gett perhaps the federal government's attention, hey, look at thisokt problem. it's so bad we had to take this drastic move. m a money ploy, if you will. wil does that resonate at all with you?you? >> well,
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better funding.unng it needs dedicated funding. fung i think the wmata board chairoac said that on many occasions nows i don't know if this is a ploy.p i honestly feel like the metro m gm is making a safety decisionin and doing what needs to be for r the safety of rights right now.w >> honestly earlier this morning congressman gerri connolly toldt us this is an embarrass in manym his eyes to the system.m he feels members of congress cor might say this is a reason to not give money into this systeme if it's not going to be changedg chris, what do you see as the at long-term solution.utio >> long-term solution dedicatedi funding and management to besteb use that funding.ding. we've seen neither in the past. i believe we made a good gd progress on the dedicated management for the funding butht we've got to get funding inundii place for them to be able to doo the fix that is need to be donet >> as someone who relies solely on metro, you don't own a car, c do you see this as a step in the right direction in your personal opinion?inion? >> yeah, absolutely.bsutely. we have board chair and ot
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board members as well as knew gw who are on board with safety saf first and safety first means m making unpopular decisions iniss the eyes of safety as opposed to service. and that's exactly what they'vet done here.lydo her >> all right. right chris you also invited to peopll to to follow you online to come down sane hello to you thiss morning.rning. has anybody stopped and shown uu that was not aware of metroet being closed today?od? >> if i can turn around i met the bottom of the escalators.sct i have a couple folks come through and see the gates behine me that are closed and turnsed n around and surprise. spr but otherwise no, i think mostnm people have made it to work at a this point. poi i was across the street atee a starbucks earlier, and talking g to some dot folks who were definitely interested in thed ie situation and how each other gog to work today. t >> all right, chris, wehris, we appreciate you joining us thisog morning.mog. and we'll keep following online. watch dog for metro for five years now. thanks, chris.than >> thanks, guy.ha >> keep watching.>> let's get over to erin como andc get update on what things lookio like on the roads i'm sure it'
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still pretty busy. >> that's right. 9:35 right now.ig now. coming up on that and we have ah new crash on the inner loop andd really crowded conditions.ti this is just after the springfield interchange at a robbinsville terminal blocking n left lane left shoulder and alla lanes from the springfieldprgf interchange from annandale areda very crowded on the inner loop.n that congestion has notas yesterday eased.eased. also let's switch it over andwio show i was look at a different camera right right nw this is 395 as you head towardsw the 14th street bridge reallydge heavy traffic.y trfic in fact our photographer mike hp headed out just about half hourl ago and was talking about hourbt and a half of traffic. tff he checked with us a half houraf ago i should say hour and a halh to get from the springfieldprine enter change 395 north to theor 14th street bridge.ri as you can see, that congestiono has not yet eased up. we'll check in with differenthfe camera right now.mera r now the outer loop earlier crash wew were dealing with by ritchie byc marlboro that haslear. car not seeing the big delays dissipate yet. y i will say the top side of theof beltway by new hampshire outerho loop looking good.d inbound south capital that isalt not the case as you head to theo douglas bridge.ridg
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trying to get into town in south evil. keep in mine the key bridge is k really crowded inside thee t district this is k at 19 you can see a lot of folks out and aboua on the roads.oa buses are dealing with somehom delays this morning becausehis they're getting stuck in thetuci backups as well as you make youu way through those secondariesecn rhode island at florida samedaam thing there and cones set up anu that is causing additionalddiona we'll check in with our mapsin right now. now lots of traffic information to get through. throu lots of accidents to tell you about. about. wires down 5,000 block of neva nevada. vehicle accident a car involveda in an accident c 295 northboundd south capital. cital and then martin luther king, jr., and haley place dealing dea with another crash and as you aa can see the red on the map it'ss just not dissipating at all. a tweet me at erin fox5 d.c. if dc you need help getting around.d aside from metro bus you can bus take the circumstance later for free and you can also take metrt bike share. they're offering a 24 hour freer service today if you want toanto bike or walk and at least it'sti nice weather much that's our tho silver lining because metro m stays shut down these traffic ta problems are
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linger. ling back to you guys in the loft. l >> all right.ll rig erin. thank you very much.k you let get over to gary now talk about the weather. wea hey, gary. >> have you step outside, lookoo outside. >> we've been work dag, gary. >> gorgeous. >> it's nice.>> it' >> beautiful out there. >> sunshine. sunsh >> yes. blue sky, >> warm today, check. cck >> all right. all >> for how long? >> huh? something extra in your paycheck, check.ycheckcheck >> whatever, yeah.>> w little bit goes a long way witht me, you know.w. 55 degrees for d.c. i don't do it for the money,ey, though.thgh 43 degrees for frederick.. dulles kind of cool at 49 and fredericksburg 51.ic we'll warm up today.l wa you can see the warmth coming ug from the south. sou surging raleigh is 63 right nown richmond is up to 58 beckly west virginia 64 the warm air is comin tg in.ising we're on the good de of thede of front today.ont so we're not talking aboutot tag clouds and we're not talking t about chilly conditions all day long.long as this warm front runs to theue north it bring the warmer air ii along this front i stop it right here because along this fronts t there could be some scattereded thunderstorms and some s
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today. as the front comes through it will quickly take the rain witht it. it cooler temperatures come in andd it does look like the trend here for the next several days. sevey not too chilly tomorrow but asos we start getting into thetingnto weekend it is definitely going to be chilly out there. outhe so today warm sunshine.unsh temperature makes it up to 74 degrees which is way aboveayo normal. normal. late day showers andwers thunderstorms, too.un winds willde eventually becomell south at about 10 to 15 miles5 i per hour. r could be gusty around some ofd e those thunderstorms late today. 74, 67 tomorrow for st.t. patrick's day. there's slight chance of aof shower late tomorrow into the evening hours but it's not goin to be enough to ruin your plansp back over to you guys. >> thank you very much, gary yov mcgrady with all the good news w coming from your end at least aa for the time being.timeei time now 9:38.:38. allison seymour is back with a a check of the other storiesof making headline this allison g morning to you.mornin. >> good morning.>> goo i do think gary as 46 the 46 numbers flipped for the firstd day of spring. >> i think so, too. i think >> i wasn't going to sayn' anything. >> we're hoping. >> that's not one of headline stories. good morning, everybody. good morning to you. first up,on a maryland
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commissioner has dropped the the murder and gun charges againstrs two of the three brothers charged in connection with theie death of officer jacai colson.n. elijah and malik ford stillti charged with conspiracy andiraca attempted murder.ur police say their brother michaem was the gunman in the ambushh that led to the friendly fireir death of officer colson. now he was shot in this incidend as well. we're talking about the brothero and is still in the hospital.ta. meantime officer colson was off duty when he was fatally shot. an american student beingca held in north korea has beenee sentenced by that country'sry's highest court. c he is 21-year-old otto wham beeb facing 15 years of hard labor in prison after allegedly trying to steal a banner from a hotel. now his trial lasted only an hour. he was visiting the country as a tourist over new years. years he was arrested and back in in january while trying to leave. national park servicealark announce
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pushed back to next weekext wee beginning march 23rd or the t 24th. last week the nts projected peap bloom between the 18th throughrh the 23rd due to unseasonablyeasl warm temperatures. but now because of gary's cooler temperatures this week, it wk, t doesn't look like they'll bloom by friday. fri hi, gary. washington capitals have a spot in the playoffs. yay they clinche clinched last t two-one win over had the hurricanes.huic alex ovechkin who had not made a goal in five straight gameght gm scored the game winner inner overtime. . the eighth time in the past ninp years washington has reached the nhl playoffs and i got a good g feeling about this one. i don't know about you guys. a >> and finally, proof that that watching the news can changes cc your life.ife. a homeless man who pointed police to two escaped californir inmates is getting a big check.e he is 55-year-old matthew hayay chapman. he's getting a check for $100,000 reward from orangemra county the board of supervisorss back in january he
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inmate who's escaped from orangg county jail.coty jai he spotted them in a stolen van at a wholefoods pointed this ouo to police which led to the arrest. chapman calls himself a news a n junkie. he goes to the library every day to read the news and that is how he spotted the stolen van. >> he wasn't watching the news.n he was reading the news. t n >> he was reading the news. >> hmm.>> >> and saw it.>> yeah, i know., i know. bad for our business, right?ig >> good for him, though.ho >> a hundred thousand dollars. >> it could have been a tv website.bsit >> they have computers at the cm library. library. >> he could have been readingd a online at the at the >> we all win. we l >> got the bad guys off thes oft >> $100,000. thank you allison.ank >> you're welcome. >> going to go to the library now. >> i'm on my way after the show. >> more drama for charlie sheenl exclusive details about mariahia carey's neck wedding. weddi we'll go to tmz for thoseho details coming up next. 9:41. ♪ ♪ >> wedding number three?eddi >> ♪
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♪ topping today's fox beat prison beating former subwayy spokesperson, more drama foramao charlie sheen and exclusivexclue details about mariah carey' next we turn to tmz's dax holt live in la this morning. mor hey, dax, good morning.. >> good morning.ood >> all right. let's start with jared fogle.oge what is happening with him? >> yeah, he got a bit of beat
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do basically, what happened was hew was out in the rec yard.d. another inmate named steven,ve came up to him, pushed him to hm the ground and just deliveredt v quite the pump link punching hii repearepeated until in the facec bruised him up pretty d cut him up. up. bloody knows. scratches everywhere. and then the other guy ended upp getting like a small scratch onh his left hand.left that was about it. i but i can tell you the security then put steven niggz who solitary confine many ass punishment.shme got jared all cleaned up but u b nevertheless we did talk to somo of the family member for thisort other inmate and they said, youy know what, we are not surpriseds he has major issues with people who abuse children, and so theyh were not surprised to hear theoh story whatsoever. >> dax, you have details down to the scratch locations tmz have like inside prison knowledgeno these days? (laughter). >> inside inmate sources. >> right. r >> all over that one
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i mean that doesn't go well inoi prison.on >> i was going to say long sincs been known even among inmatesat those who did he file childrenei are the lowest of the low. >> i've heard the exact samee thing. it does not go well for them. >> no rivers being cried over here on my part. par >> charlie sheen gettingie information on him for years ana years and years and now he's n h asking for favor it sounds like. >> yeah, well, he is going to g the judge if you remember like two weeks ago he went to a judgd filed paper work saying he nee needed to drastically reduce his child support payments. he was paying brook mueller $55,000 a month.. now how he has filed the same s paper work for denise richards d saying i pay her $55,000 month.m i cannot do it any longer.onger. i have extreme medical bills i'i having to pay right now. now he says obviously his work wk income has changed a lot since s leaving two and a half men healn doesn't get paid that crazyzy paycheck he used to get paid ana so he's like i'm just reallyl falling i can't keep up with this enormous child support paychecky
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can you help me reduce this? s? i got to think the judge willgel look eight and go, you know, yoy definitely don't have the money you used to.. so maybe there is something thet can figure >> do they ever look at it but what dud with all that money?thn >> that's right. you should still have the a* lo of money? (laughter). >> come on let's be real listeas tech. $55,000 a month in is a lot ofot cash to be handing over for two children.dren >> fair enough. enoh >> cheaper to keep her.p h how about mariah carey? she'ses about to get married again and a this time it's going to be probably more fabulous. >> it's going to be amazingg to wedding.ddin. but basically it's going to doww on a small private island barbie do in the caribbean. maybe mid june. mid not a lock down date as of right now. mariah carey and james packerese got engaged they're moving mov pretty quickly much it is theshe private island where jameses packer and robert deniro areiroa building a
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resort there so it seems like the perfect setting. inspecting 50 guests. gst very very small intimate and family and friends and flyingndn everyone out on a private jet. t i wouldn't expect anythingt anyg levels from mariah carey.m riah she's doing really well righty g now with her vegas residency.esy she's doing some touring.ring. she's got a dock queue serieseue she's filming everything isryth going very well for her. >> dax, when does she ever not r do well?l? >> yes. >> amazing. >> barbudo. >> she started high and keeps h going up >> thanks, dax.>> >> thanks dax.>> see you at 3:00 o'cloc tk.k. >> thank you. >> you got it. dmz airs at three and 6:00 righi here on fox5. >> 9:48. college basketball season andet coming up some realba life advid for parents and how they canowhe increase a child's odds ofdds earning an athletic scholarship. sitting down with the author of new book all about hoop dreamsos much that's coming up next.ngp n ♪
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♪ all right. welcome back. march madness is here and and millions of people will be watching the ncaa tournament ant many parents ch
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hope their kids earn a athletic scholarship to get the expensexe and experience of march madnesse the odds are pretty much againsa them. our next guest is here to tell e us you don't have to be an elite athlete to get that scholarship. darrell webster former gw that's george washington university basketball player and currentlyn works as a school social worker he earned a scholarship alongsha with each of his kids and he's also the author of a book k called aparen's guide how to successfully help your student athlete earn a collegeolle scholarship.scholarship. good morning to you and young brought your daughter tayloryoud with you as well.with >> good morning, wisdom. w. >> she's a super star athlete ii the eighth grade.ra she's ranked already in theed ay >> she's ranked in the top 158th graders in the city.y. >> wow. you go to the talk to meo thtalk afterwards so i can get coachinn tips.ti i'm struggling right now coac coaching talk about this.k ab how hard is it right now to geto on the radar to get a scholarship or is there smotherh way to maneuver this so you canu get a scholarship to college.
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challenging because, um, less l than 2% of high school athletese will get a college scholarshipcr to division one school.ech but it's not that hard if you know the strategies. my family device add blueprint forgetting scholarships. my oldest daughter whose a senior the quinn quinnipiac university had no scholarshipar offers her senior year.ior y my wife and i sat down andn device add plan. add pn. i told my wife very strategically go online and finf 30 schools that we thought mighm daughter could be a good fit fof athletically. she just randomly picked schoolh and i customized a very specifii letter talking about my daughter with some slight he will littlel issue issue.issue is and sent it off to those coaches. out of the 30 schools, fouroo, coaches responded and said we'de like to check her out bring herh up to our school for a one day o look at. took her up to the schools and out of the four quinnipiac university and east coastal cstl carolina really were interesteds in her and in the end quinnipiap gave her $65,000 scholarship.. >> wow she'll graduate in may.le >> that's good.t's g
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>> your strategy worked. >> it work. >> so, look, that's one strategt of how to do that.ha is that the best strategy or iso there another way to you can gen this done? the game has changed since you played in the '80s to where things are now where everybody, one and down if i you're mcdonald's all american.n is there another strategy you sg can use. >> the other strategies are parents need to find good teams to put their kids on.ids i don't care what the sport, pot basketball, lacrosse, baseball, et cetera, football, you're, you talking about now like in youngg age. >> now. at any get them exposure as early as possible. kids are getting ranked as early as fifth grade so earlier youlir get them involved in sports, the more crucial it i but also take them around to the different colleges and introduce them to the schools. sch you don't have to wait forvewait college coach to come looking li for your kid.for your k you can be proactive and go to o the school and just persistencen i tell my daughter, ask, ask,, ask, ask, ask, ask. a, the more you ask, the higher thg probability someone is going toe respond with favorable >> right.
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now, have you been able to do any of this? i know you're y'r ranked. have you been on any trips ornys anything like that yet. likthat. >> yeah, i went to the tournament in pennsylvania andna my team also went to u.s. jn at the convention center. >> um-hmm.. >> any coaches there trying toit recruit you already.lready >> i've received six lettersceil already.y. >> wow.ow eighth grade, right. gra, ri >> eighth grade. e >> i'll definitely be talking te you.yo >> eighth grade. another thing you talked aboutgk you and i both talk about thishi is being able to -- aparen hasph to be realistic and say, look, l this scholarship fine if you geg to the nba or whatever, but youb have to use this scholarship top get an education.tion. >> exactly.>> exactly. my family whole goal we came wem from the inner city. c my grandparents were very poor r didn't have a lot of money.oney eye our whole focus of playing a sports to get a free education can we not played sports none oo us would have got a education. my son went to harvard. my daughter quinnipiac.. stop focusing on goingn gg professional because it's likess hitting the powerball.
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didn't hit it. h that's the same odds against aga student athlete but if you getbf that scholarship that's a 500 year guarantee you can have a yv very successful job if you getoy an education.ti. >> gotcha. that's good advice right there.e >> particularly from kids in th inn are in they think it's a way out. wayut >> everybody want to be likebody jordan or kobe bryant and get to the pros that's not realistic expectations.peio >> absolutely. only one >> there's only one jordannly eo exactly.ex >> any school in particular you'd likel ?? >> not yet. yet >> not yet.ot >> i -- watch any college co basketball. >> yeah all the time.ea >> who you like in the tournament. i'll get to yh ou fill out a a bracket for me.ket >> i like kansas. >> thank you very much. best of luck. >> thank you.>> t >> we'll be seeing you soon i'my sure. >> thank you wisdom.hankou w thank you very much.than hold the book up.ho this is the book. >> all right.ldis>> tell them where they can get al. am ma-ma and s.c purchase this book and my web aa webster scholarship >> thank you very much.ou back over to you on the ott t couch. >> you know what, you get a fre education to college that iso ce winning the powerball. >> absolutely.utel >> you ain't got to pay for it.. >> exactly. >> thanks for the tips coffeer
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10a is all over metro'sll over r unprecedented move shutting dowd the rail system for 24 hours.ou >> a day without metro and the 10a is the only local stationali live with team coveragely weovel have the ripple effects beingffb felt across the d.c. region. r >> also at 10a their formation video was
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and seen by millions.illi well they'll perform it for us u right here in the loft.he plus you know her fromno american idol and the voice.. frenchie she is here live and, yup, she going to perform. pfo >> wait until you see whattil ye tucker is up to today. skydiving with a twist.wi >> ut-oh. the 10a starts right now. rig nw ♪ >> if he was actually skydiving it might be an advantage on the news you get above the roads youds y might have an advantage.dvantag. >> how he would get back home w have no idea.have no >> that's mystery today.. >> challenge we're all facingac today no metro train wednesday. >> so far everybody seems to be kind of getting through it.ugit. >> right. >> so far everybody has beeny he fairly understanding. a lot of people it seems like le are hey, look, safety first. >> although what struck onetruco woman said normally her commuteu takes her metro.. she's begun on that bus for two hours. goodness gracious. >> trying the patience of thepai region. >> hopefully it comes with a it good result if they can find
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system. we'll be dealing with that.eali a lot more on the 10a. the 1 i'm steve alongside holly, h maureen and wisdom this morningi but really it is the big story.. metro rail shut down. service suspended until at least 5am tomorrow morning. so this is so the transit agencc can perform what it is calling g emergency inspections and thisps has to do with that fire thatt t broke out monday morningning underground at mcpherson squareu toll shut down unprecedentedcend move, though.ouh >> and one ahead of metro callsl necessary to ensure passenger and employee safety but it'st's still took the region byeg surprise and it means of courses major issues for region alreadyr plagued daily by gridlock. >> 700,000 people ride metro ono daily basis and today they havey to find some other way in andayn out of the city. c that means more cars on it's i roads packed buses and pricey pe uber rides.uber rides to make it less awful the t government has given federal the option of teleworking and some s schools are excusing students st late or absent.rbs >> -team coverage all morningovl long.long erin como h*
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the highways are handing the t extra first melanie, bob and anniendnn have more on the shut down andtn how riders are coping.eop we'll start with melanie alnwi alnwick. melanie?e? >> reporter: guys, i think i everyone just decided to take a sunday off instead of a snow day because it is beautiful weathera out here and i tell if your bosb said you don't have to come inoe today if you can't make it whoao won say, yeah, i think i might not bother with metro today or o getting around. arun minot be worth the hassle.. again, this was really somethint that general manager paull wiedefeld felt was absolutelyely necessary.nece remember, when he came on boardb he said that it was time for a a new day in metro and that he was going to change the cultureultue making safety the number onebern priority. so this is a big move, a big big risk on his part. hopefully, it will pay off not only for metro management, forr metro say tee for riders ass welch as you mentioned it wasont that fire at mcpherson squ
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monday that really kind of set o off the alarm bells here in his mind because his inspectors saii the same thing that set off that fire monday was very similar tol what happened in the l'efant plaza two times within a yearea where cables insulators had become frayed and a problem for them to arc, and cause smoke and fire. so absolutely felt like couldn'' take the risk. wanted to shut things down. dow montgomery county government c letting people stay home todayo with liberal leave. we haven't seen too many people coming here to the station getting caught by surprise.ur maybe about four or five in alln as s what i've seen.e s i would say so far so looks like rockville pike behind me here as well.el. also moving along pretty well. so all in all, at least from my perspective here at the the grosvenor station seems like ses people are kind of just dealinga with it faking -- taking it some stride and hope
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be a one day shute down. dn. let's go a annie yu and see howe things are going in northernn >> reporter: thanks lost viewers letting me knowe they were able to teleworkelew today. igat helps big time but for b those that actually had to drive in to work especially here inern this rosland area, many of themt telling us it was a terrible commute. you can see now traffic is trafc flowing pretty nicely now, but b spoke to a woman who said sheaid drives to rosland every day andy it took her two hours today from laurel, maryland, extra cars onr the road really hurt her commutm time it took another guy we guy spoke to over an hour to getoet from alexandria to rosland and d it normally takes him just 25 other telling us they're so frustrated but understand theert significance of the inspection.. it also met a guy here is in town from oregon on businessn bs trip and he's in town staying ag the best western nearby herby actually decided to walk to his conference that's taking place on 18th and l street.tree he's decided he's going to takee the adventure going take him about 55 minutesn but you know he said it's a nica
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but i got to till, i'm pleasan pleasantly surprised by the ways things have been going today.od i feel as though it could haveh been a lot worse.. but maybe i shouldn't speakhouln ahead of myself.d ysel let's check in with bob barnard. bob, how are things over whereer you are? yo >> reporter: hey, annie, we'renw down at 14th and constitutionutn along the mall decided to get to off a business and get fresh air. she's are comes coming off thect 14th street bridge and into i town. still heavy volume, but it's mowing. talked to someone who came inmea this morning and saidorni and interesting thing about the sluu lines over in northerng virgini. in springfield, there were a lol of people and no cars.s and in another place of northern virginia, she had heard thatad h there were a lot of cars and no people.ople. so even this affected the slug s line situation today.oday i want to show you this. t this is constitution of a coming from capitol hill, and it'st's bumper to bumper traffic, and ii you think about it, people whopw would normally get to uniononi station and ride a metro train a toward the white house or gw gw gg
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be, you know, on the road or on foot.ot thank goodness it's a nice day ' weather wise.ather but a lot more traffic kind off traversing the city streetsy ste because people are not not underground riding trains. tra a lot more cars out here. h a lot of people walking. wal it's beautiful sunny day. that's we were on buses all morning m with people as you mentioneded guys who are seeing a normally l 20 minute commute turn no a two-hour odyssey. oss so that's kind of the way it is, guys. just a lot of traffic out here h and folks who got out early didy all right. rht but this rush hour has extended now beyond the norm and into tht 10:00 o'clock hour and it'ss probably going to be pretty badb again in the afternoon hours.onu so a lot of people tele communicating but a lot ofg butl people making that are way toatt work. they didn't have the option orpo normally traverse the cityheit underground and they're abovey'a ground with a lot of the otheroo people this morning.oplehis guys. >> lots of frustrations today.ay erin como standing by with whatw more is happening on the roadsnh
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erin, i know it doesn't lookknt like it's going down at all but behind you is a sign of hope.f h >> things are starting to easeet bit on some of our majors but as bob showed you in the districttr it's really backed up.eally u i want to take live look at 3955 that has been problem all morning.moing. 395 as you head inbound from tht springfield interchange makingak your way this is actually a shoo from downtown.owntn. springfield interchange to thett 14th street bridge. mike rickert our photographer at fox5 he's on the line and he goe stuck in a huge backup on thep o inbound side. can you tell us about yours ab commute, mike? >> hi, erin. >> yes. y i was down in springfield shoo shooting slug lines of all all things, and they headed me backc in town to do a interview so i i gave myself an hour and a halfal and it took me i left i springfield at 7:40 it took me 9:20 i hit the 14th street see bridge and 9:40 so two hours later i finally got back intoact town.. and now, i don't know if you can see my shot i'm coming up 12th street threw town and it's stils just a
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right now.ow previously we had 395 inbound ud on the screen and that is stilli parked. so folks are unfortunately stili battling this commute 395ommu 3 towards the 14th street bridge i you dealt with. traffic is heavy and as you cann see from your shot right now riw you're seeing a lot of brakeing lights ahead of you. this advice for folks travelingi to the city, mike? >> i would say use the restroomr before you get on the roads. and that's what i'm going to do soon i get out of this traffic.c it's two and a half three hoursh i talked to some peoplee piggyback on what bob said the d slug lines and there were cars r that were waiting and people ppl that i asked and they said they usually a stream of people too ride into town and i think whati bob said was true.e. some people just bagged it and t decide not to come in because ib the cars actually would leave as soon as they got someone wouldnu just take two or three and theya were waiting here awhile andil then just left and it was very r slow. so i would say maybe people were smart and got the message andesa
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>> thank you very much, my. mh, i hope you get that bathroom bat break soon and that trafficnd ta congestion starts to ease as yo can see downtown in the district heavy traffic as more folks hitt the road.the much extended commute as wells l and 395 still parked inner loop dealing with big delays. d tweet me at erin fox5 d.c. withi any i retweet add lot of informatioa from ddot and several other oth local transportation options for you. so we want to try to help keeppk you moving because it's notau i' looking good for the afternoonoa commute home either. eithe i'll toss back to you in thetoon loft. we'll keep you update.keep you u >> good news mike richard abouto as easy going and laid back asaa it gets. nothing is fazing him. >> if it was bob barnard in that car --car -- >> oh, my god.god >> we'd have incidents of roadt rage. >> breaking news.>> b >> the internet is reactioned te the shut down d.c. metro today.d only with frustration it took it literal al few minutes from the announce many yesterday for thef humor to start coming out. jokes about uber profiting fromi the lack of public of p transportation certainly popular and the controversial dcc streetcar was not spared et
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although they were quick to jump on the opportunity for new riders.ders. d.c. streetcar tweeting outg out yesterday. yup. we're open if anybody needs a ride. . other riders took a hard look ad what the famous d.c. metro maprm would look like in a worldor without metro. so despite the traffic frustrations, metro still has aa few fans willing to make lightag of this morning's challenginghan commute. if you want to just take a few minutes maybe you're working from home today, have a little t fun online. onlin >> why not? why? >> it's interesting that mapap they showed that map what lifea would be like without i know we dog metro a lot. a l they have lot of problems, wero, know that, but we do have metro and it is a pretty good. g you go to atlanta and try to geo around in atlanta during rushgus hour. they don't have it or la.a. their metro system from here too that door.oo >> it's a great thing to have.e >> still ahead on a jam packedae good day at 10a, two empiree super stars set for idol. taylor takes a picture perfectct
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tay tay and veigh kay is that k what we're talking about and t harrison ford bringing back thee famous fedora.a say it isn't so indiana. i we'll have details in thels i celebrity dish.celebrity di >> at the top of our next segment, ladies, get ready to get information.. they sleigh beyonce''s danceon moves and next they'll perform m it live in the loft.he l hi, ladies. right now it's 10:12. 112. we'll be right back. rht b ♪ ♪ life's morning multitasking for a growing family,
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and drawers with many layers, to show exactly what you need. life's sharing a meal. and a kitchen with room for everyone. spend $4000 or more on a new kitchen and get 15% back at the ikea kitchen event.
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♪ hot on the web this morningi the beyonce' called for women month get in formation in her new song and the light likeht ladies from our area answeredre that call. cal remember this video beyonce'on' released it just after the super bowl. she also performed the songhe s during the half time show. s well group of five women from fo d.c. posted a video online this past sunday, and it's safe tosa say it's a hit.. they call themselves the sink s pated ladie ladies it has rackep 4 million hits in just a mattere of hours. hours it has earned a huge shout out t for their amazing choreography.a apparently beyonce' her sellce'h like the video so much sherryher posted it on her facebook page.e so talk about a proper shoutp s out, right? this morning guess what, they are
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loft to show us how it is done.n sing pated ladies, take it away. . >> hey dark c. >> whoo! >> ♪
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♪ (applause).pplause). >> that is how you do
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as sad today raise your hand. anisa and my girl marsh. mar >> hey holly so good to see you. >> mod arnold along with khloe her sister who's not here.e eight years running for us.ning >> eighth year.ea >> they'll be having their are a want a d.c. tap festival whichew is just too hot forewords. fewor before we talk about that let'st talk about the syncopated ladied you do formation.tion you guys have been acknowledgedd by some pretty high profile p people in your life. your but for beyonce' to post it oh i on her facebook page.k pag >> we were so honored wed formation came out we were likek oh, my god this song is amazin g we feel so empowered as women, as black women we have to have a response.resp sorry, i'm out of breath. o >> i wonder why? (laughter). >> we want to do a video andeo when she shared it, we were so we were in the car screaming.min >> i can imagine. >> she also shared it on her h website and home page. beyonce'.com and says watch thet syncopated ladies press play. so we're
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mazing woman to empower us ass young women as tap dancerspan around the world. it's amazing. >> you know what's really knoats amazing these girls she and hera sister right here they do travea the world and they have done son much. mu they're in commercials, they dod everything. ev but you always bring it backalwg home with the d.c. tap fest. f you never forget where you camec from. so tell us what's going on thisn weekend. we >> so this weekend eighth annual d.c. tap fest we started threetr days and now it's eight days. we have two choreographersreogra reason cease.on c we have over 90 master classes.s we have a big show on friday at the theater it's going oh seven piece live band. b we have dancers froman brazil, b costa rica, croatia all over the world. we of course have ourf co scholarship program which ishics grown. over 70 kids on scholarship andp really really exciting. >> tickets still available. ava. >> tickets are still availableta at dc p.m. they're only about 100 tickets.t you don't want to miss thumbss s it's going to be mazing. goingoz all the syncopated ladies theret six of us a
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be awesome. aweme >> when i say it's off the hooke i mean it's off the hook. hoo little luke is he tapping. tappg >> little luke is tapping.ap >> i shouldn't say little luke. >> he's still little. l >> he's still little but he'sstt still awesome, right. >> he's still little and evann who has one leg who dances withs a peg who be will there as well. spectacular array of artists non only amazing on the dance floor but amazing human beings off off it as as ll. >> well, it starts with you.ith and all right. thank you so much for coming inn >> thanks so much. m >> we'll check back in next year to see what star is following f you or when you're in queen b's video.. >> give me love to khloe. k >> you're awesome. thank you very much.than >> we don't needed to celebrityy dish wisdom because we got realr celebrities right here. >> i'm just saying. say we'll slum it down. we're going to do good day to celebrity dish slummed downmmedd style after that >> all right. we are going to start with beyonce' since we were just we j talking about her. queen b somehow end up getting dragged into kim k's new
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drama by kanye's ex amber rose.r while defensing kim's nakedak selfie last week amber rose madm mention of a double standard shr sees in hollywood.esholl she voiced her frustration thata musical artists are able toe dress half naked and twerk onn stage but she is shamed for embracing her sexuality. she happened to use beyonce' ase an example and the b-did not b-d take kindly to this and they a e began attacking amber rose. ros yesterday amber took to twitteri oh defend herself saying, sheay, was speaking on class i and tolt people not to take her words ouo of context.. she clarified that she is a pars of the beehive and she only only mentioned beyonce' because quotq she is the most talented and beautiful.. >> okay. all right. >> i think that was a bit of a a backpedal there. >> right.ig look, indiana jones fans listen up. fifth movie is in the works. okay. ok queue the music. ♪ ♪ >> thank you.. >> wait. there it is. all right.
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all right. you got to love this theme songe and even better news becauser nw harrison ford is coming back ass indy.indy >> really?? >> why did you have to bring itu down. >> i did see him in star wars. >> some things are left alone. o >> i thought he said he wouldd never do an indiana jones. jones >> maybe this is an redemption after the star wars performancen >> lot of flash backs. >> steven spielberg will directi this. >> there's hope. >> is he going to run, i mean actually, you know,. kno >> next install. next all. famous franchise will hite wil screens during the summer of 2019. four end inn jones films broughn in nearly $2 billion at theioat global box office.ob >> it's disney.alt's sney maybe it will be an my 98. >> that will help his joints.oit madonna is firing back at rumorr that she was drunk and high high during one of her recent rebelee heart shows in us a strahle y sr last week we reported on her odr behavior at her
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comedy show tears of a clown.wn she requested drinks on stage os and at one point started cryingc during her performance. yesterday she challenged herd haters by sharing a facebook fab post from a fan to her instagr istagram. the fan's post defended herst dr actions reminding the world thaa madonna is a classically trained dancer and serious performer.. madonna's instagram caption rean in part, too bad people don'teod know the art of acting andnd playing a character.g a aract i can never do any of my showsy high or drunk.runk she continued on to blame sex ix for the accusations.usions >> all right.>> a rig well, look, we can all agreell this last year has been the yeay of taylor swift and that sounds exhausting after celebrating her one year anniversary with her -h with the equally busy calvinn harris. the duo was finally able to take vacation.vaca >> there you go.>> there you go. >> all right. look at this. yesterday both tay tay and tay d harris shared a few snaps ofnaps their time tropical beach. b looks like they're enjoying somg pretty serious vacation rightion there. >> i want to know what tro
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beach they're on.. >> did they just hand somebody s their cell phone and say take a picture.pict >> they travel with an end tourt of tour ratch.of. >> final fox's biggest tv t powerhouse shows will collide wl tomorrow night. the cast of empire is headed toa the american idol stage. jussie smollett who playingsngs jamal we just spoke to yesterday on good day and brashear yazshea gray who plays hakeem will wil perform thursday night.uray nig the two will sing never let it t die american idol used to be tht biggest show on fox.n f well guess what, that title nowe belongs to empire.. empire returns at 9:00 p.m. on march 30th. >> you know what would make itwi even bigger.evenger. >> what's that. tt >> in if jack bauer was on on there. th at would complete the trifecta trifecta.trifta. >> 24. >> with his man purse.ith his mu >> thanks guys. coming up later on tucker isker taking the >> ut-oh.>>oh what? not like that.? not likt >> hang on. not like that.t. >> had all these ladies goingsed what, not my tuck! tuc >> first erin will be back withw another
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delays. of course the big metro shutthge down. updates on that story and muchd more coming up.. 10:25 right now. n there's a look at the metroetro buses. big options for lot of folks today. ♪
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we need women in congress. if we want to be heard, it was the women who forced republicans to include women's health and contraceptive coverage in the affordable care act. in congress, i'll fight for pay equity, family leave and tougher gun safety laws. and, as an environmentalist, i'll work combat climate change. i know as a journalist and as a senior executive in business that when women are at the table, we get things done. i'm kathleen mathews and i approve this message. ♪ as a small business owner,
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moving fast. but if your network can't keep up, it can really slow you down. so switch to the 100% fiber optic network of verizon fios. you'll get 99.9% network reliability, and the fastest wi-fi available. get fios 50 meg or higher internet and phone for your last chance to get $250 back. hurry, this offer ends soon. call or go online today. small business is better on a better network. ♪ big delays with the metro m shut down lingering on our inter states.stes. mostly though the congestion isn still in the downtown area. this is look inner loop out
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robinson terminal.mi still a crash blocking thatgha inner left shoulder there.ul t so give yourself some time.e tim we'll take a different look atro one of our cameras. you can still jam packed acrossr the 14th street bridge. b coming in from 395 northbound.. tons of backed up trafficp tffic lingering into the district.istr inside the district constitution at 15 heavy flow of traffic metro buses are seeing delays ay well. taking a look at your trafficr a we've been tracking sincecking 4:00 o'clock this morning.lock same thing, new york avenue ave inbound just very slow-moving so traffic so please be aware ofre still factor in extra time you can see florida avenue northeast is still jammed as well.ammed a look at our maps. o map i want to try to help you plan p your route home from work ashome well. as you can see, all of the major congestion is kind of easing on the beltway and our majors oncec again. agai gw parkway inbound still seeingn that red let's see if we can forward ourd maps and show you a look at our metro extra metro bus service todayvit between the pentagon and downtown metro access has normaa metro parking lots are free. if you want to c
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park there and take a bus or o walk. we'll take look at some of youro other options forgetting around. you can take ride on bus ine onb maryland or mta, normalormal schedules there but telling to you watch out for that normall congestion and additional aitiol congestion from the metro shut u down slowing things down. vdot in fredericksburg 95 lane closures limited today to helpo ease congestion. vre on regular season. transit and dash offering offff peak services.s. capital bike share is free todat and the circumstance later ifir you want to consider that. t any questions for your ride home at erin fox5 dc. let's toss it back to you in tht lot of right now.lot all right, erin, thank you. still ahead at 10 a fan fan favorite from idol and the voi voice. frenchie davis is here with us live in the loft getting readydy to perform. p she's going to give us a dose of that frenchie experience. expere that's coming up next. time now 10:29. ♪
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♪ i believe he's on the side d lines watching the pros. p this is -- i >> that is so cool. so c >> a couple years ago tucker jumped out of a plane.f plan >> yup. >> here on the skydiving for real.rea so this is brand mew place outlo in loudoun county where you canc sky dive indoors. >> that i would do. t >> let's wait.ha let's wait and see how tuckeruc handles it first. >> synchronized flying.ynch it's called i fly loudoun.ouun >> looking like a fighter pilotp >> he got lost when he wasn he w flying -- when he jump out ofjut the plane. >> it is tucker.>> >> he won't get lost there.n't it's all in one >> you never know with tucker.ue >> our next guest is a d.c. former american idol contestant and a broadway star. frenchie davis first made herself of the second season ofo american idol. il since then she's been a broadwaa staple appearing in rent fort fr years now. n she also semi-finalist on nbc'sc the voice. vce tonight she's bringing her show the frenchie experience t
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kenn eedy center millennium sta. a pop cal bar ray with a series of songs spanning the decade. dc first performing the song homee from the wiz please welcomeel frenchie davis.e davis. take it iaway ♪ ♪ ♪ when i think of home i think ofo a place where there is love l overflowing ♪ >> ♪ i wish i was home, i wish i was back there with the things i've been knowing ♪ >> ♪ the winds that make the tall
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suddenly rain drops all have ae meaning ♪ >> ♪ sprinkling scenes makes itk all clear ♪ ♪ may be there's a chance for me to go back now that i've soms direction ♪ >> ♪ it sure would be nice to be back at home where there is love and affection ♪ >> ♪ and just maybe ico i can in convince time to slow up givingv me time in my life to grow up ♪ >> time be my friend and let mee start again ♪
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>> ♪ surely my world has gone hn and changed its pace but i feele nowhere i'm going and i have had my mind spun around this facesae and yet i watched it grow ♪ ♪
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♪ >> thank you.ou (applause).(applause). >> how you doing. howoi >> wonderful.>> wonderful i think you blew out our out our equipment. it was afraid to keep up withtou you. >> sorry. >> oh no, no new york do not apologize. n not let's walk over here.t's we'll chat a little two you looo wonderful.woer look at you.. >> i feel wonderful. >> where shall i go. s i g >> right here.ight he. stephanie mills she did home.dim i think you have done her and hr everybody who loves the wiz
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proud.oud that is incredible. >> you brought it speaking of home welcome >> thank you. >> born and raised in d.c..c >> born that d.c., raised in loo angeles.les >> we'll still claim here.ll slc >> my parents were students atet howard.. >> take a little time too cool down. cool down while i brag on you.. you're doing the pop soull cabaret.ret. they're calling it one part box dash of whitney a steady... >> that are different styles off music have that newspapered meem over the years broadway is my >> you're at the kennedy centerk tonight
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>> yes. i can't believe it.escan' >> i know, right? >> you've performed in amazingig places but the kennedy center ie right up there with the >> y it's a dream come true.s ao >> when you see young childrenhi come to your shows and look athl you especially those who may come from parts of dc and they t look at you what you'vewht achieved. what is your message them? t >> my message to them is too never allow anyone to make you y feel apologetic for who you area >> i love that. >> always be true to you. trutoy >> yeah.. >> and you know, if you're going to pursue something that you're' passionate about, know that kw a you'll hear the word no morenoor than but you only neither one yes toy change your life. >> do you embrace being a role a model for people, you know, iw know hollywood especially don't' fit the traditional monthly. a lot of people look up to youpy you said i am me, i'm doing my style, and it's resonating withw people. >> you know, i, um, i don't don frown upon
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long as people know i'm not n perfect. i curse a a lot. l >> we all speak that >> you know i'm a opinionated.nd i have strong and i hope that young peopleeo will take inspiration from that. i think that young people have been so mobilized in thisin t country as of late just becauses of the climate we're in sorrilyr and politically. i think that those of us -- i i guess i'm older now, i'll be 377 in may. may those of us who are a little bit older i think, you know, we doeo share some of the responsibility. i think we all have ain respk onsibility not only toy t ourselves but to the world as whole to leave it a little bit l better than it was when we gotet >> your doing a it beautifullyif through your music and we're sow proud of you.. again the show is tonight at tht kennedy sent.en frenchie experience.chie experic you've had little taste of ititt here. go get some more. sor >> thank you. >> it's a good experience.s a gp a pleasure meeting you.eeng y >> a
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thank you so much for having me. >> absolute. aolute this woman work. she's she work for us. >> came from the diagram. >> there you go.>> >> she's set sweating and gave g me chills. ll >> i know.>> >> thank you, guys.. >> still ahead, got a little a t preview of what tucker is up tot we'll check in with him next ass he tries to go skydiving like these folks. folks. i think this is going to be thee after and we're about to see th before next.ex we'll see if tucker can be up to the task and you could do this t too, if you like. we'll explain how. >> wow! w >> the bar is set very high right now. ♪
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pepper discovers jimmy dean delights, made with real egg whites, lean cut meats, and whole grains. an excellent source of protein, it fuels her up with energy to help power through her morning. with jimmy dean delights, good mornings lead to great days.
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♪ to be honest never really ra thought this day would long time single mantuan kerrank barnes finally take the plunge.g >> women everywhere just gasped. >> hearts dropping.ropping. >> sleek. >> it's amazing day. >> steve you might want tot t clarify that. >> i was going to let himoingle clarify exactly what time talking. ta where are you and what are youlk doing? >> reporter: steve, you haveou v always loved a man in uniform,no haven't you? >> that is i >> i'm taking the plunge.he plu this is totally this is amazing. i'm i fly loudoun and i'm joined by two he is steamed brand newrw employees here because the justs opened today.op >> yes sir. >> your name and your role herer terrence jenkins the gm he here. here. >> all right.>> and today is opening day, right. >> yes, sir.>> y we're very excited to have to h everybody here from the loudouno county and northern virginia areas glass this is so i your name is. >> trevor gibb i'm therer gi operationi
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>> like one of the lead l instructor. >> yes, sir. sir give me some background here.un this is the one of its kind int the entire area. are these guys are just telling meng north carolina is the they areh rest one. >> yes, sir the first one in thn region and very excited to havev all the families here. good thing about you can dobo birthday parties, corporate events, war bar mitzvahs, bat mitzvahs everything you can weyn do at i fly. fly >> this the experience ofie jumping out of an airplaneirplae without having to jump out it. >> you're exactly off cushion of air under youir u which makes it very safe fromsao the ages of three to 103. 1 >> all now, trevor obviously these guyy that we have on camera are i'm not expected to be able totb do that. >> not yet. y these guys have been applyingppy for quite sometime here.ite a couple hundred hours in the ie tunnel. tu average person is going to bnnee flying on their belly at lower r basically what this kind of does replicates the same exactct feeling of free fall but weut w actually are able to elongate it. average free fall is 452nd
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hope basic packages 22, one2, o minute flights.lights. it's the equivalent about two t and a half to three sky dives sv for fraction of the cost.tion o >> it's very safe and as i was w just told you guys have peopleao from ages three to 107 >> just recently 108 was the old defendant we've flown.wefl i personally flown a 97-year-olr lady that did absolutelyolutel fantastic and actually flownfln over 7 million people worldwide. >> we only are have a fewe a few seconds left. what's the most common questione you get for people the first the time.ti >> the common question can i breathe? just like stickingticg your head out the window you breathe absolutely normal inuter there. there. keep your mouth open, smile andn have some fun., ha som >> terrence we got 30 seconds0 s left. left. tell me about if people wanteopt more information how they can hy get in contact with you and gett out here and get involved in inn doing >> if you want more informationi you go visit us at i fly world we're located right off loudoun county parkway right near top golf. gol please visit us opening day day we're very excited to have h anybody in here and we're loo
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looking to bring dream flight td everyone.everyo. >> i guess i'm officially thellt first person to experience thisi it's not --'s n - >> yes sir.. >> yes, sir. >> first in the suit.heui fir in the theunne >> coming up i'm going to give't the tunnel a try.ry i promise you i won't do w't anything like that or i'll be'l sent to the hospital.tal ee guarantees that i'll bent flying here in couple of minutet and it won't be too hard.ard. should be lot of fun.t of fun i'll toss it back inside to you. >> those extra tight suits you t have on there, tucker available for the public as well? >> they're asking about theinabu suits. can you get these.e. >> i'm just just joking withokit you. it's okay.. (laughter). >> he was saying you look so lok great in that really tight suit. >> listen tepp 47:00.47:0 coming up next she wrote booktek this calls for drink.ri. no, that's the name of the book. this calls for drink pairingnk g different drinks with everydrin situation unthe sun. well, this woman after my owny o heart, of course, joins us livev next because we need a drink a d >> and the metro shut downrohut special, right.special, right. >> exactly much that's our first
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question. what do you drink on a day like this. ♪
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♪ >> it is safe to say after a s traffic nightmare like we'vegh seen out there today erin and ei the hundreds of thousands ofusas people left stranded by metroro might deserve a drink, but whatw do you drink when you've had aov rough day? what about when yout don't have one, what about when you have a great day? well our next guest she has you covered y for everything.ever she's the author of the upcoming book, this calls for a drinkor a which offers the perfect drink pairing for pretty much everyry situation.situat joining us live in the kitchencn author and certified, diane mcmartin.main. cheers i should say.eers >> cheers. thank you so much.yo i've got a glass right here forf you.yo >> why wait.. >> so this is so fun because b usually when we think of pairinp wines we think okay what goest g best with fish or chicken or o steak.stea >> exactly. >> that's not how we drink thes days. >> no, definitely not.efinitelyt none of us are going home and he preparing a gourmet meal with,ea you know, lemongrass
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poached chicken i wish -- can i come over if you're doing that.. >> right. >> a lot of the questions that a get from my friends and family l are, you know, i just gotust dumped. what do i drink i got promotedro so that was what gave me thee m idea to do this kind of wine w writing.itin >> what are we drinking rightwed now and what's thing. >> here we have for watching thn cherry blossoms we have a lovell seasonal beverage this is a beautiful light crisp ro row sa. our winery in southwest france.a rows say is kind of like the cherry blossom season for the te wine.wi beautiful pale pink seasonal wines that come out in earlyin r spring and there mine us thats warm weather is coming, and, you know, summer will be here soon.e so cheers, try a little bit.. >> um-hmm. what do we drink if we thought o the cherry blossoms were goingrm to bloom on friday and now we have to wait until next tuesdayd >> rose say is so great. g i have another wine pairing forn you. so we can dump if you want to -- no new york, i'll save it forvef later.. (laug
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>> all right. our next wine is for marcharch so if you're feeling little sad about your bracket maybe it's not doing so well, we have grape used in kind of a brooding masculine grape.ine gra if you like pin yo noir but you want moriche much it is the wayi to go. try a little bit? >> is the pope catholic? yes, s want to try.want to how did you come up with ally different -- that doesn't mean t not pour. how did you come up with all thl different situations and reallyy go about the pairing.airi >> i mean, you know, part of iso just sort of like, you know,w, what you feel or kind of instinct but i did a lot of like informal research why my friendi and family and so, you know when when i was coming up withp situations about weddings, ordi, getting promoted or all those different kinds of lifet ki situations i did a lot like lik polls of all of my friend. f sent a lot of frantic e-mails is tried to talk to people a lot and really get an idea of whatea they were feeling and the kind e of mine set that they were in
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>> see what you think. >> this is nebioli.eb i can see when my duke blueuke devils get upset. this is the wine ooh >> who is this book really for?o the book doesn't come out tillut the summer.e su you can pre order it right nowor on amazon. amazo >> um-hmm. um-hmm. >> i mean, is it someone with w wine knowledge? without winee knowledge? just a fun littleunl book to have on your coffeeur cf table. >> a little bit of because this is -- this would bl fun for somebody who does know k little bit about wine.le bit abt a lot of really funun illustrations and great ideasrei for, you know, some wine based cocktails and different fun dre things to do with wine and beere but it is great for somebody whd wants to learn a little bit morm about wine and beer because inee addition to all of the like fune situations, upping, what to paio with your bachelorette party i y also have, you know, really good solid information about different wine styles and ss a different grapes, differentiffe styles of beer all that kind of good stuff. good stu >> you might not have endave countered this situation. situan what is the wipe that you drinku if you're going to watch a watca co-worker attempt
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indoors and you really thinkandi it's not going to go well? to >> oh, my gosh. well room you need something a s little bit strong for i did bring something that ihi a think would kind of go well witw that situation.uation so i brought a lovely madira. it's a great style of wine toe splurge on it's heated andted exposed to air on purpose and sn there's really nothing you canhu do to it to ruin it and so this bottle you could leave on your counter for weeks and taste fore exactly the same when you firstf purchased it.puhase >> right now i'll take it overko here because we're all four all going to need this as we watch,, our dear tucker.ucker. >> not so much what it is buto u how much. tucker barnes, we've got theot drink covered for you. you now we want to see you in acti action. >> go for it, buddy. >> get ready, steve. this is cool stu all right. i'm going in. i won't be able to talk to youo guys. see you later.see u >> bye. >> good luck!>> good >> tucker if you weren'tucker watchinwatching is indoor skydii center opening today literally l in loudoun county.ou he is the first person who doesd not work
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skydiving suit and climb into the skydiving chamber to supposedly replicate thatca t feeling of free fall as being ai man handled right now.. (laughter).r) >> we'll see if he can survive i on his own and how he does. >> come on tuck. on do you care it.ou ce i >> there may be a little talentt to this. to >> i think so because we saw the instructors were doing all kindn of tricks g not like annot ke automatic.tomatic >> there you go.>> t >> come on, tuck.on you can do, it tuck.t t you can do it tuck. t >> you can do it. >> strong core. cor strong core.strong c >> thumbs, tuck. >> he is. >> yay!>> yay! >> there he is. >> we need a wine to celebrateeb now. >> whoa! w >> look at thatho. >> my gosh. >> that is so cool.. >> okay. that's's mazing. now tucker is ready to throw up. >> we'll put info online if you want to check it out. >> we're do this for zip >> that is awesome.weso oh, my gosh.h >> no. >> no. >> huge show tomorrow. huge ice cube will be with us, regina
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hall, cedric the entertainer will be with us all in studio. be sure to watch. >> that's how we throw a thursday party. thank you so much. did you say honey? hey, try some? mmm that is tasty. is it real? of course... are you? nope animated you know i'm always looking for real honey for honey nut cheerios well you've come to the right place. great, mind if i have another taste? not at all mmm you're all right bud? never better i don't know if he likes that.
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part of the complete breakfast ♪ ♪
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. >> announcer: here's wendy! ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> wendy: welcome to the show. thanks for watching.


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