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tv   Fox 5 News 5  FOX  March 17, 2016 5:00pm-6:01pm EDT

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night metro's general manageran paul wiedefeld is speakings s with f tom fitzgerald is live at the tenleytown tom, really was a gutsy move by the the gm. >> reporter: g paul r wiedefeldep says what would havl been riskier was allowing thehe trains to run.un the metro gm sat down withn wi fox5 news today giving ugg aning update on where we stand on snd this repair work and alsolso talking about how he made this i bold decision.isn. the moment he says came deep inside the tunnels of the mcpherson square stationlily monday morning when he laidni his own eyesng on those frayed electrical cables and realized at that moment that something needed to be done that hadha never been done before.efor >> it was combination of that. physically when i went outn i wt there, when i first got of the report, of course my
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a is waantennais way up. u when i learned there wereer similaritys to 14 months ago.tos give me information on x, y on x and sea and that information was not -- i just was not comfortable with it led me toeo where i had -- where i got to.o. >> reporter: well, where her: got to was w an unpress dentedtd safety shut down of metro for 29 hours.ou tonight he tells us all of thef 26 damaged electrical cablesl have been b he's working now on a plan too replace all 600 cables in the future and moving forward heg rr says he wants more rigorousrous and more regular inspections.pes that had not been the case upas to this point.s in wiedefeld says he's heard fromed a lot of passengers in the the past 24 hours. hours yes, people were inconvenienced, yes, they are a concerned but overall he says s the feedback has been positivee because passengers realizes rea that safety needs to be ae a he also described his decisionec making in all t he says he doesn't like to
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when something needs to beds done like closing metro during r that blizzard, well, wiedefeld e says he's like to move ase quickly as possible even ifble f that means shutting down the entire metro on short notice.ot >> you know, to be frank, i wish i hadn't had to makedo those decisions. decisions i wish that a blizzard hadn'td a come in. i third i hadn't had what had occurred 48 hours ago but whena they do come to me i am goingmoi deal with them in a very --er you know, i'm going to make to m the decision and we're going g to go and we'll do it based on s the safety of customers andtomea employees and that's how we'ret' going the make theseake th decisions. the other message i'm getting gi from the vast majority of morit people is guess what he dids guh the right thing because i wantan to be safe and i want to comeom home at night so, you know, ino think they appreciate that andnd they understand that, youhat, y know, we have to start to really start to manage thisnage thing in a certain way.ertain w >> reporter: now, i also i asked the general manager howow he wants passengers to feel feel
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used this example. e he says, look, i want people pel to feel the way they feel like e they step on an elevator. they don't assume that it's safe, they know intrinsicallyric that it's safe.that he says people don't have thatat feeling about metro right now rn but he says it's his job ands jb it's the job of the staff andta the equipment people there to tt make sure that when people getn on metro, they aren't worriedt i about their own personalsol safety.saty. live in northwest tonight, tom fitzgerald fox5 local news.s. >> last sunday's friendly fire shooting of prince george'sceeo' county police officer jacaifi j colson has devastated that a split second decision by one d officer who fired one shot. s but it's not the first timeim the prince george's county police department has lost one e of their own this way. fox5's paul wagner joins usoi now with the story. paul. paul >> reporter: laura, 27 years, 2a ago gary summers shot his best s fren
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riverdale.ale. the two were teammates in thees special operations divisions din and were trying to open therype door of an apartment when the assault went dreadfully wrong.lo mark murphy was killed which whi left gary somers with thoughts of suicide. sci that's gary and mark runningun together in support of thepo of special olympics and in this t photo that's mark on the left tf after another successful the pictures now hanging inhain gary somers' office where heffie can see his buddy every day. d >> we did everything together. e we did everything. and -- and we went through a tou lot of doors together.oghe but on the fateful day inhe fefi august of 1988, the door they d were trying to go through suddenly swung open.wungpen. >> and i know we had a suspectct there. very similar to the other oth night, it's a quick make a decision. my decision was to t-, was to fire. mark could -- could see more sem of the suspect than i could.ou and made a determination to stand up and he came in
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on the suspect and i -- i actually shot and killed my best friend.ri >> reporter: at that momentt thm gary somers says he felt likee t he was on an island andsland knowing what was coming asked a himself if he really wanted to go through it.ough it. >> i had to really think outinou there. i had a wife 13 kids thatt depended on me.ed o me. that really played heavyly ineai my mind, you know, but honestutn to god i didn't want to go to g through >> reporter:ug somers was 35oma3 years old at the time and seriously thought of endingnd his life.if >> all i can remember at that moment, the day or so after soft was i want to talk to somebody d who's been in my shoes, who's ws actually experienced what ihat experienced. >> reporter: gary somerste says he talked with the capitol police officer whoicerho accidentally shot his sergeant during a training exercise. exec and with the help of a hp psychologist, his family and the police department, he survived.ived >> eventually i came to the --he i came to the c
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accidents happen and youpen anyu can -- you can be the best at something and still with the right set of circumstances ann accident happens. >> reporter: so last mondayr: s night gary summers did for thesf officer who shot jacai colson what another officer did for him 27 years ago. >> i was there mainly to letet him know, one, that he's nothe n the only one that this hasha ever happened to so he didn'te ' feel like i did when it happened.ppened. and two, i wanted to tell himim my story so that he knew that that he could trust me. >> reporter: the policeor chief revealed thiste week the t officer who opened fire on o officer colson viewed him as aea threat and shot him intentionally during a chaotic gun battle outside the t district three station. s >> take your time.yo >> reporter: today garyod g summers works as a firearms fira instructor for the montgomeryfo county police and mark murphy is never far fror anm his mind. >> i wish that we -- we could be segment on the front porch
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talking -- sitting on the front porch talking about allinu the fun times we had togetherogt absolutely.ab he was an awesome police p officer and like i said, heand s was -- he was one of my heroes.heroes >> reporter: gary summersary says the officer he met withh monday night is strong willedonw and appeared to be okay but inkn the coming days he says that t officer needs to be reassured rr that what happened was aned w a accident. he should honor jacai colsonai o and then take care of himselfimf and heal if summers says he will be there te to h we also just learned that thernd funeral arrangements have justes been released.en r you can go to our web siteite fox5 news d.c. and you can see those fox5 newsd i've just j been reminded and you can look o and see those funeral arrangements. paul wagner, fox5 local news. >> ♪>> >> a utah woman is suing ag a d.c. federal judge over sex sex assault allegations.egatio the woman says the abusese happened ith
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she was a teenager and she repressed the memory untilemorul just a few years ago when the wh chief judge for the u.s. u.s district court for thect court r district of columbia triedried contacting her again. fox5's alexander limon hasas the story. story >> reporter: judge richardic roberts denies the allegations g and in a statement released by b his attorneys he says the sexs was consentual and that they the and plan to fight the lawsuithet in court. however, judge roberts did stepdown yesterday just hours after the lawsuit was l he said he's retiring for health reasons. >> kind of epitomizes what thewh law is supposed to be.pose >> reporter: judge richardgeic roberts the chief u.s. cef u district judge for therict j district oudf columbia is a man known colleagues as thoughtfulht and meticulous, a man whoan follows the rules. rul now he's slapped with aed w lawsuit demanding at least
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allegations. >> confused. vulnerable. frightened.frig. and then she's forced into i sex. >> reporter: the 51-year-old 51r woman filing the suit terryng t mitchell agreed to beingei identified through herough h attorney.atto. in 1981, mitchell was 16 and and the key witness in a murder mde trial against joseph paull franklin who was accused of killing two black men. m roberts was the 27-year-oldye federal prosecutor on theosor o according to the lawsuit, lawsut roberts intimidated, coerced and manipulated mitchell to having sexual intercourse withoh him for weeks before, duringe,ur and after the trial. >> he tells her you can't tell'l anybody because if you do,ecse i there will be a mistrial andnd joseph paul franklin will walkak she knows he'll kill again. aga. >> reporter: franklin a convicted white supremacistup serial killer was executed in in 2013. that's when mitchell says s
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again. she handed over e-mails andnd recorded phone calls to the to e utah attorney general's office. >> shock. s it's clearly not the man i know and everything that's in t this lawsuit, all of the allegations are just for me just an anthema. they don't fit with the reputation he's built in thebuie district of columbia.f co >> reporter: if this relationship had happened today it would be a felony but it a happened 30 years ago in utah 16 years was old enoughdug to consent in that state. iat s that's why the attorney t a general's office decided notecit to move forward with criminal ca however, we're now hearingr, w that all of these allegations could lead to a congressionalsil investigation.inve reporting live in downtown downt d.c., alexandria limon, fox5 local news.l n >> it's still unclear what
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caused a chlorine explosion athl the national zoo today.orti noon animals or people were hurt thankfully. this happened on the americand a trail near the beaver andver and otter exhibit.rxh a zoo worker was working in a mechanical area of the exhibithh when he smelled chlorine andor left the area. the he later heard a loud bang.bang a zoo spokeswoman saysoman chlorine is kept in the area for water filtration.iltrio the fire department responded to the zoo and sent a hazardous materials team in aste a precaution.ria prec >> major changes can coming togt seaworld. the theme park companyany announced it will end its killer whale breeding program.rr the company says it will alsoils be ending theater cal shows featuring the whales.g thal instead, programs will focusoc on orca enrichment exercisexercs and overall health. hlt the move comes in the wake of mounting criticism from animall activists regulators andats lawmakers who say the whale's ts conditionconditions in activityd humane. >> a recall of canned tunane t that could lead to life-threat
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what you need to know ahead in our health watch.. >> plus size men have a bodysi positive word of theirze we'll tell you about the new politically correct decision used for curvy men. >> we're on baby eagle watch. wh one of those eggs alreadylr cracked. what did you call it, pipping. g >> pipping.>> pip >> we're talking to the to director of the nationall arboretum next about that.exabo hey, sue.y, >> hey, sarah and laura.hnd l i've had a hard time getting gti work done today because ofse o that eagle camera. wednesday it up in the bigday in monitor behind us and i've and'e been watching it like a mama mam eagle myself.ea maybe we'll have a saint patrick's day eagle.k' are you celebrating thisle evening? we have a couple ofe o showers around here and therere but pretty nice temperatures. we'll have a first look atat your forecast for the rest of the evening and what's ahead including a little snow whentl o fox5 local news at 5:00 comes0 c right back. k.
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>> ♪ >> okay, so it could happen at any moment. we are closely watching lodevelopments here at thelopmth national arboretum inum northeast where an eaglet iseaet set to be born any time.nyim >> yes, you are looking at ang live picture from the arboretum's eagle cam. last night around 7 o'clock we7k started to see the first signsis of the eggs hatching. hch cracks became visible in one in of the two eggs in the nest. n weren't egg was laid on was lai february 10th, the other was 1
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usually takes about five weekss for an egg to hatch. >> what do you see? yeah. y let me see you become that egg g again. go in that egg and be very quiet. see if you can start breakingans through that hard shell.rd shell then he's going to get through the membrane and then he'sne a going to start breathing theng air. can come on out, baby >> and we aren't the only onesne watching closely. watching that livwatching that s giving schools an amazing teaching opportunity.or this is the kindergarten classtn at burning tree in bethesda. bee they have been checking in on i the nest daily at the national arboretum getting an up closeloe look at the nesting momma m eagle aka the first lady andnd mr. president as the mama sits atop her two eggs. t
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their class of the bald t eagles, the nest and the eggsste and they're sharing whatng w they're seeing and they're learning what pipping meanspinga and how long you actually havech to wait for an egg to crack. >> look. it looks like that crack is even bigger, right? right >> i'll make a bigger crack. >> wow. do you see the crack? that's t the claw of the eagle andle there's the nest. the nest is about 5 feet wide. >> well, it's fascinating fornag them, it's fascinating for allna of us and joining us is dr. richard olson the directorhr of the national thank you for being with us.ei t this is so exciting. eit explain to us where we're atto in the process and how soon undo you think we might see a baby eagle. >> well, thank you again forhank joining us. it's been a great day at the national arboretum. well, we are hoping anywhere any between 12 to 24 hours is when w this eaglet will can come out. o it could take 48 hours. hou i can't even get on
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site is too busy so i haven't hv seen it.t. >> yeah, you have to wait for it for people to jump off so off that you can get on. did -- usually it takes 24 hours but the -- could it -- obviously it's going to take longer in this case? >> well, you know, in biology io we don't like to deal withealit absolutes, so -- >> yeah. >> everything is averages andves based on experience and soienced this one is taking a littleittl time but 24 hours would be in a little bit so we're on track. track. >> does that -- does it giveat - you an indication of theioof health of the eaglet or doesagls that give us any insight intohti what we may see? >> well, the -- the main thing is the eaglet has to do thiso t on their own. mom and dad are not goingng help, and this is just sort ofot a law of nature i guess.uess. you've got to be strong enougheo to get out of that shell andel a so it's painful to watch as parents and as humans but i think the chick is strong andk n they're progressing on theproesi path that we hade
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>> tell us, you know, we're w sitting here, we've beene' bee watching it sort of like of l people have been watching the panda cam, such a big deal. d explain to us why that is, you h know, we don't usually sit and a watch, you know, the bald tal eagles on a web cam. c this is something that's fairly new and we haven't seen these guys nesting in awhileng h at the arboretum, correct? crect >> correct, yeah, this is the first nesting pair since 1947. 1 you know, a lot has changedng obviously since the eagle was put on the endangered speciesd c list in the 1970's.97 we've been cleaning up ourbe rivers around the can country,et cleaning up our systems and so o to have the eagles come backe b has been great plus this is inpi an urban area so we can get can the power and we can get the g internet to the site so you situ can see this. >> how were you able to set that up without scaring the eagle away? >> well, we -- we did all this t in the off season i guess.ue. once the last year's eagletagt matured and flew the coop, so so to speak, we got in t
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got into the tree and we prepared it for the cameras, the lightning protection andioad brought all of thef t infrastructure that we need to n the site.e. >> well, it's -- i >> before they returned iney re october.tobe >> so, do we expect maybe to seeo this again next year? do yout u think they're going the makee gh this their home? >> well, you know, the eagle e pairs pretty much bond forty mho life and so there's a really's a good chance that they're going i to continue to use this nesthis as long as this area providesare a healthy habitat and all the a food it needs for eaglets, for , they're going to be >> one last quick question. q this iues just to clarify, this is the first lady sitting on sin the egg, so the female sits onin the eggs in the eagle world? >> well, in eagle worldrl actually they split time t especially early on and the female tends to sit on the on nest at night 'cause she'st bigger and sheni helps keep the eggs warm during the night. >> hm. >> but at this time since a we're so close tot pipping andg hatching the female takes ov
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and pretty much sits on thesitsn nest. >> i love that they split they i time. they're so progressive those t bald eagles.bald e >> they sure are. fascinating.scin >> richard olson, the directorhd of the national arboretumum thanks for talking with us.ith we can't wait to see the little eaglet here soon.he s >> absolutely is.>> it's been our pleasure.een e. >> all right.llig >> he's been very busy. we have to thank him forim giving us so much u >> exactly. >> it's really fun to watcho w and like you said it is i historic to get this view.his ve >> certainly and we've got perfect weather for the eagleeag sitting there, you know, asw, a well. it's been really nice outside. 60 degrees and sunny in some som parts of the area sue pal p today. today. did you get your eagle fixt there. >> i have been getting my saint patrick's day eagle fix.'s i got to tell you i had toad walk away from the it was -- these are not eagle feathers. >> is that your fascinator. y >> that's my fascinator that comes out once a year,ou right.t getting a little bit wouldbiwo bely. i don't know if it will makef ia an appearance next year. y happy saint patrick's day toint all of you. i know a lot of people ppl celebrate on this day.lebr ne
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today, right, sarah and laura.a. >> everybody's celebratingelratg saint patrick's day i have aic feeling. >> where are they? >> down at the bar. >> but that was first ofn all l fantastic interview and wetervid have been excited in thee weather stender watch the w eagle cam. if you're going to be out ande t about this evening we'll keep ee you posted on eagle cam but weather-wise we're expecting exi to have a very lovely evening.. it's 63 degrees now and whilend there are some isolatedilate showers, they're really very scattered.scte mostly on the eastern shoreho right now. i'll show you radar in a a moment. we're at 7 o'clock we'll say a s slight chance of a shower,e sho 61 degrees but after that i b think we're dry, 9 o'clock 57'c5 and most places by the ways he w will be dry throughout the day.y. 11 o'clock temperature 53, so so a fun time to enjoy someom pretty nice weather here in hern d.c. and you can see what i'mn see i talking about with those showers. i'll put them in motion here.he most of m them have been spottyt and kind of popping up a little bit more generously oner the eastern shore and a couple l around the cumberland area.rl a so, we've had a few clouds andls we've also had some gusty breezes
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disturbance has been passings b through our area but we did be manage to get up at least as lea high as 68 degrees today.oday we're down to 63 now.ow. check out fredericksburg at 71t and culpeper 68 degrees butgreeb you look over toward hagerstown, 59. cumberland right there 59.nd rht and leonardtown with lots of of sunshine, you're ate a 70 degrees. so, a few gusts here and theree as you can see around the region tonight and we'llnde' continue to have a pretty ptt quiet night with clearingh clrig skies, high pressure is going ig to build in.uild i again, an early shower showe possible and we'll watch forat that frontal boundary to comeald through during the dayro tomorrow and that's a bit of aug gameha changer. chaer as we go forward, we're going to have breezy dry friday andri temperatures will start totart drop and first day of springpr is sunday and there's the the's chance of accumulating we're going to talk aboutalk that, who's got the best t chance of seeing that and thehat timing for all of it. we'll take you hour by hourr byh through the weekend which surehh does look interesting.ook inres sarah and laura back to you.k ty >> lope that eagle is noteagl scared off by the snow.he >> i know. okay. can coming up an amazing uaa new
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alzheimer's. >> scientists say lost sci memories may one day be recoverable.recoverable. and dangers at the beautyuty salon. sa how to prevent a medical m condition called beauty parlorpa stroke syndrome.roke syn find out what it is and if you u are at risk for it ahead. >> plus, a picture of a woman a doing her makeup while in labor is going viral. v how the woman says her beautyeay routine helped get her through r the delivery and i hope her beauty routine didn't take as long as the delivery becauseiv she made need to scale it sca back. back. >> ♪ we'll have more on that comingl ha up. >> wow.>> wow >> ♪ >> ♪
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it's about taking a stand. for too long, wall street banks had their way. they crashed our economy. but democrat donna edwards won't take their money because she stands up for us. as a single mom, she knows the challenges our families face. she'll be our voice. tightening regulations on the big banks and fighting to keep dark money out of politics. democrat donna edwards, maryland's next senator.
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when you build one of the biggest retail businesses in america, you spend a lot of time working closely with elected officials. from secretaries to presidents you learn what works in government and what doesn't. and if you're david trone you take those lessons all the way to congress. you pledge to take nothing from pacs or corporations
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a congressman should have is you and he'll promise to work with anyone if it'll get things done. after all he's spent 30 years working both sides of the aisle. i'm david trone and i approve this message. >> ♪ >> okay, you probably have not heard of beauty parlor stroketr syndrome. i'm just going to take a guess g here. here. apparently it is a realpa medical condition that can canno even be deadly. dea >> in california a woman is suing her hair salon after she f says a recent visit therehe nearly killed her.ille h
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the 48-year-old woman suffered f a stroke in january of 2014. she had just visited her san h s diego salon two weeks before. a cat scan revealed that an artery in her neck was damaged m while leaning back in the salon shampoo claire and sink. n doctors say beauty parlor stroke syndrome is rare but can lap when the neck is super extended.extend the woman says she is suing i and sharing her story so thatt others will be more careful c and aware of the risk. it's uncomfortable but i had b i no idea. >> yeah, it's veryery interesting. i always ask for an extra ext towel because it hurts me. i didn't realize there was a w syndrome associated with it. it. doctors say if your salon doesn't have a claire with good neck support. you should use a rolled upd up your neck should be in a b i straight line with your spine yr not bent backwards.kwards. given birth isn't easy.ven one new mom found a creativee way to cope.way to photos of the woman putting onto an impressive amount of makeup while in labor have goneav
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27-year-old makeup artistt alanna karimi says she googled o ways to overcome the pain theai because it was unbearable.earab. one of the suggestions was tohes put on some music and doic a something you love so that's s s what she did.what the new mom says she can'tshe believe the amount of reactionno in she's received after a posting these photos.ho she did end up giving birth tog a beautiful daughter on february 15th. >> and she looks beautiful andoo ready for that photo. p >> she looks gorgeous. g you knowor what, i guess it'st' >> yeah, if it's something you love and it's distracting andtrc it's getting the pain to go away, fine. fin >> that's great.s gat coming up we're hearingng u from mayor muriel bowser aboutra any issue that has many at odds. matt. >> reporter: sarah, i'm matt m ackland live at the wilsond li building where a special meeting has been taking placeakp since about 10:30 this0:30 t morning. the topic the future of homeless shelters near d.c.r d coming up we'll have bothave bot sides of the debate when fox5whn news at 5:00
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>> ♪ ♪ ♪
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we need women in congress. if we want to be heard, it was the women who forced republicans to include women's health and contraceptive coverage in the affordable care act. in congress, i'll fight for pay equity, family leave and tougher gun safety laws. and, as an environmentalist, i'll work combat climate change. i know as a journalist and as a senior executive in business that when women are at the table, we get things done. i'm kathleen mathews and i approve this message.
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>> ♪ >> this is fox5 local news at 5:00. >> d.c. mayor muriel bowser made a rare appearance at ance a d.c. council hearing today tood support a very controversial con plan. the issue is over new proposed d homeless shelters all over thehl >> but new questions about the o cost of those shelters and thend mayor's connections to ownerswn of the proposed sites areropose getting the attention ofg the t council members. fox5's matt auckland is livend s at the wilson building tonight.night. hi, matt. >> reporter: hi, lauer h l remarks sarah. all council members agree d.c. general must close down and and most are supporting these newsew shelters across the city butheiy today some of them are saying ay hold on a
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look at this plan and reallyandl check how it's financed. fan it's not often you see the see t mayor at a council hearing butut maintaining support isininppor important for a shelterlter program that is generatingenerin many questions and concerns.once >> proposed bill to cover theer whole story. >> reporter: just last nightr:u the washington post reportedoste on the high cost of the program. at least $4,500 on average perve unit per month. m more expensive than many d.c. d apartments. also the post reported the proposed sites are owned or partially controlled by majorrol donors to the mayor.ay >> the post did some research and said that some of these of contracts have been awarded toee people who supported yourrt you campaign. >> okay, i really don't have i r anything to say about that. ty b it's clear.le it's obvious and transparent.nst we've put out all the information about theut transactions and we welcomend wo any questions about it.bout >> reporter: this couple coupl lives just 50 feet away from awr the ward one proposed site.po s they welcome the new homeless ns shelter but are concerne
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about being left out of thet t decision making process andcessa the cost to taxpayers.tye >> i'm just more concerned about how much money we are spending on this. we could have done a better job essentially as help to more homeless people if you only paid more due diligenceue e if thisly. >> reporter: jennifer lived in d.c. general last year for ja ast y month.onth she supports the mayor andppts t says there has to be anoe a alternative to helping the helng homeless now. >> there's still other's s families, hundreds of families f that still have yet to go to g through the process there i've i gone through. >> reporter: most councilter: mn members agree the time to acte is now but the financing ofanci these projects needs to beeeds reviewed. >> as i have dug deeper intointo the financial aspects of the proposed leases andosed leases d development from the mayor, ifrm have a lot of questions and and some major concerns. conce >> reporter: all right. rig. so, when the mayor left theor hearing today, she talked to reporters and she made it perfectly clear, she saidar, e d list,
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very expensive.xpensive but currently it costs about abo $17 million a year to run d.c. general. ge many most say that's justhatus simply not working. there's got to be a new so, you've got two sides you've got one side that isth cheering the mayor thankinghankn her for tackling this issuessue and doing it so quickly. the other side saying, wait aini minute, i wish the mayor wouldwy have at least consulted withlt w us, talked to theked neighborhoods, talked to theodd areas where these sites areites being put in before she justt made this decision and thenan t pushed it to the council. back to you.o >> matt ackland thank you.than we are learning new learnnew details tonight about anight t heartbreaking crime in theincrin district. police are looking for two menot who broke into a charter elementary school in southeastoh and stole at least 10 of the0 t children's ipads. ipads the break in at the eagle t eag academy public charterlic chartr happened on february 28th and8th it was caught on tape as youes can see a security director at theirec school says some of those othos ipads ended up on the uon black-market. he says some were sold on theont
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bought at a metro station. investigators say they knowator this because the ipadsds contain a security programrogr that once activated makes the ipads useless. ule police are asking anyone who recognizes these men in this ini surveillance tape to please give them a call.all. >> 10 d.c. students got the surprise of a lifetime today.ay. >> they sure d they were sure ey awarded with full scholarshipsoh to george washingtonn university.iv the university president himself steven knapp showed upkd at high schools across theos t city and hand delivered the t acceptance letters to the t unsuspecting students. here's miss walker. wke she told us what thishat t scholarship means to her. >> this would help me becausee e i don't have to worry aboutve t having to -- oh, i can't afford this and i can't go to this class because i don'tecause have the money for it.t. but instead, my attitude wouldul be i have a full tuition, ition can go to school and not have
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and just worry about learning. >> one of the if not the mostt expensive schools in thee sc nation. >> yes, exactly.xact >> program awardedwa scholarships to more than 160 academically exceptionalal students since it beganly inn 1989.1989 every year they do this. do thi it is the most wonderfuls th thing, it's so fun to see these deserving students getrvgs the scholarships.the sc >> every year it's likery yeaits christmas for them at this time.time. >> yeah. >> not christmas but saint b s patrick's day is a big ad >> it is.>> it >> loving the tie.oving >> thank you. >> i figure i have to show sho some sort of irish -- you --ou >> i could. >> the red hair does it and the same sarah simmons doesns d it. >> i get a pass because i wore w the green yesterday and irish girl forgot to wear itear i yesterday. >> it is march madness starts >> whoo-hoo! >> i'll get to that in aget moment. first at about noon today, productivity took a dive. dive. it
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welcome to march madness which is better than metro madness. m maryland and virginia both in the big dance. dan terps play tomorrow, virginiaa today. a bit avenue scary moment.omen head coach tony bennett collapsed on the sidelines.on he said he was dehydrated. dehre he blacked out for a second.or they took him back to the locker room but he was back in action after the half. hal >> i was -- i just think that i -- i was crouch down in crouc that spot and you get up quickuk and get a blood rush so i'll be all right. all >> all right.ig he's good.'s health is important.alth ia now to the game. g 16 seeded hanson getting theetng best of number one virginia. vgi reginald johnson with the drive in the lane gives theheve pirates a 10-seven lead. l then virginia took over.kve hampton turns it over andnd malcolm comes up with thep th loose ball, brings the up u spots isaiah wilkinsh in underneath for the forhn uva up 19 points at the in the second half the cats go inside to wilkins who gives awh nice spin move and then cutss
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game high 19 points.. cavs cruise. cis derek gordon of seton hall h will make history in ways than t one. on he becomes the first openly onl gay person to flay a ncaa tournament game.nament g he'll make the first history fis as the player to play in the ncaa tournament for threeor t different teams.ea he played for western kentucky k followed by u mass and thisnd t season with seton hall as a grad student. kids fighting cancer atig htthe georgetown universitywn ut hospital getting a littleettingt assist by the way of a new pediatric hockey themed h oncology room provided bocy the washington capitals and soon kids can can which is c a is a nonprofit cofounded by formeror caps defendant man mike green. e nicklas backstrom and braden ane holtby were there to cut the ribbon. the room has made a pretty bigig impression on some of thesionn young patients.g ients. >> it's a lot happier and ier ad think it's a lot better to can o come in for treatment
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happier place to come to come instead of like a drab placerab which is never fun. f >> they're going through so goiu much that we really want their t day to day to be the bestes possible experience that theyeha can and so the fact that they th have already commented, thatha it seems brighter and feels brighter obviously makes usbv feel good. the reason we piolay our game ig the reason we do what we do is o to create a positive energy around people and, you know, an, lot of families here are inn need of some positivity haveivia thattimes and that's what we try toggling that's wonderful.rful >> they give them a nice easy te way to get through it because bu that's a tough fight.ig >> yeah. >> by the way we mentioned one ups. there are a lot of rules ofa lo what we can and can't show youa when it can comes toca the ncaan this happened after the cutoff f time. if you just heard hearts h breaking and brackets busting it's because yale beat -- yaleal beat baylor 79-75.9-. yale hadn't been around forever.
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>> oh. mark you picked yale.keya >> our floor director. dirto his bracket is not >> three brackets and none ofcko them did i pick yale. pick yale. >> you're out.'r >> that's usually the way youual got to go, right. >> the underdog. >> is it too late to fill out a bracket. bra >> i'm pretty sure. >> all right. >> i'm going to go, you know, lick my wounds. wou >> drink again.. >> drink are woes away.oe >> yeah, right.s >> yh, rig >> despite the -- yesterday'sesy madness, metro madness for f commuters, some washingtonashinn wizards fans managed to keepfans their sense of humor about the e whole thing. last night against the bulls,heb this fan went very topicalop with his sign while delivering n a pretty clean dis' to derrick d roads. it says d.c. metro still s reliable than deck rick rose.kos >> that's pretty good. >> like it. >> the male version of kirby. >> how one modeling agency is ml putting the spotlight on pluslu size men.
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>> flies move lokay.lies mov >> the brand new term to term t describe them by. >> a dad turns his six monthns old son into the most -- the-- e most adorable leprechaun ever. we'll have that story. s >> that is too cute. c >> that is really cute and ie think jim lokay may have modeled for the sears catalog at one point in time of he'sn doing that open jacket.acket. >> how is his turn. t >> happy saint patrick's day to you. hey, speaking of march m madness, which jim just talkedhk about we've got a little bita lb of snow in the forecast forheecs the first day of spring.y of sin want you to see that march mar snow does happen on this dates d two years ago.o yeargo we got almost 4-inches of snowsw here in d.c. and it was onlyy 32 degrees. we'll let you know what to expect for the weekends snownds potential. we'll be right r >> ♪ ♪
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it's about taking a stand. for too long, wall street banks had their way. they crashed our economy. but democrat donna edwards won't take their money because she stands up for us. as a single mom, she knows the challenges our families face. she'll be our voice. tightening regulations on the big banks and fighting to keep dark money out of politics. democrat donna edwards, maryland's next senator.
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>> ♪ >> bumble bee foods is recalling nearly 32,000 casesas of their canned tune informinfom the company says there was a was sterilization issue and thend te tuna could be contaminated andne cause serious health problems. m the recall covers three typesree of chunk light tune into.e into. the cans were produced in february 2016 and distributeded nationwide. so far no illnesses have been reported. >> and it could be a majorul break through in how we think ti about alzheimer's disease.s disa memory loss is a hallmark ofalk alzheimer's and scientists have long assumed that theha t disease destroys how memories are stored. but new research from mit suggests the memories aren't are wiped away. wiped away instead, scientists. believesele the patients just can't accesses those memories.emories. researchers conducted studies su with mice and had success scess bringing back the memories ofeme mice after
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procedure to reactivate cellse l in the part of the brain that stores short-term memories.ies. it makes me think of that movie that just came out with,ut um -- - >> you're forgetting. >> i'm forgetting .. >> [laughter] >> but this is huge, though. h i mean, this is great.s great it could lead to something. >> people are living longer. i know my own family we've hadee alzheimer's and i really hopealp that they're going to be onto a cure. >> i know, right. i >> or something to h kelp retrieve.retrie >> 'cause it's such ause 's suc difficult illness for thess fhe family. >> i need it.>> >> don't you get forgetful and think oh my gosh.h. >> i know is that going to beha me.t >> we're going to help to fund to fu the research. >> alzheimer's definitely needs more research.eds >> they really do and they mayo be really close to something.etg that's a great signat sign absolutely.absolute we're close to spring but we spr have a setback in the i the forecast. >> what? >> and the setback is that the i first day of spring is sundays n and we think it's going toi snow here. >> we're in denial and therel a you go. g you're still saying it'sing around.. >> what i'm thinking it willt wl be like is couple weeks
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when it was march 4th and it and snowed and stuck to trees and the bushes but didn't stick to d the roads.idthe i hope it will be like that.e ta >> that was so pretty.ha >> wasn't it pretty? we haveav maybe a last photo op andop we're certainly going have aoing lovely day again tomorrow anda what a beautiful saintul patrick's day we have had and a evening will be just as lovely. we've had just a few showers aeo around. sunny but breezy for our f friday tomorrow. i think we'll probably getl into the 60's again but theut temperatures will begin to tumble this weekend and i justwk have to show you rain and snow s in the forecast to start start spring.sp it may mix with snow but we'ree' actually going to call foral for some accumulation in the blue b area here.area h it may just be on grassy areasay but we'll watch that and show so you what the models areels showing you here in a littlere t bit and maybe some snow evenw e possible down to our south and east. but here, i'm going to softeno n the blow. we've got a little bit of snowf in the forecast for the firstt o day of spring but we've also got a bermuda high for nextor n week and that is a warmermer system.stem. it looks like the 60's and le th 70's will be returning in the
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runup to easter although weter may have another front that makes easter a little bitte chillier. so, we are ontr o the count down for spring and in an ironic iroi twist with three days to go thr we'll have snow on the firsthe t day of spring the way things are looking right now.g righow. hopefully it won't be toot disruptive and it is a weekend.en not too many showerso disrupting our saint patrick'sur day. s good to have a little bit of green on the weather map that is for sureth and i thinknd i ti they'll be isolated showers as s we go forward through the resthr of the evening. the it was also nice to get intoget the up are 60's today. tod. that's again well aboveel abo average and our temperaturesratu are slow to fall.slow we're at 63 degrees now heres nh in the district.t. some 50's.0' eventually we'll get a littlellg bit cooler tonight and we'rend jumping you ahead to the to weekend because we want you totu see that compared to the upperpp 60's today, this is a little bit of a chilly weekend we're anticipating.cipati. 48 degrees on saturday withy wit some showers later in the day.ay and sunday right now we'reow we' going to go 41 degrees, a mix m of rain and snow and, yes,, some accumulation possible on trees and on grassy areas. area. the cold air will be segment up saturday afternoon so that will feed our system that will
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united states and over to thehe coast.t. you know what, we think ishink i really going to be a big deal.ig new england. engla we'll have this area of low pressure coming up the coastinut with our mix and maybe some se accumulation especially north eh and west but after that, it looks like new england may bene getting a bigger deal out off this on monday. monday. if you have travel plans toe tr the northeast, keep that inha mind.mi. so, we're thinking again ingaini the blue, as i slowed i was few minutes ago possibility oftf accumulation and even a littlend bit of snow possible down toss our south and east. et. this storm will get stronger str as it moves up the coast andoasa we're thinking a zone of concern here with travelrave impacts airport delays andt dels cancellations possible onsible n monday, new york to boston alltl the way up to halifax. halif your fox5 accuweather 7-day forecast as we look at our cooler weekend, also know thatnt we'll start to warm things up. u doesn't that 74 degrees onn thursday look nice? and also as one last thing about sunday.y. the national weather service w has gone ahead and put us in the slight risk for a winter ris storm and that will be onn sunday as we mentioned.en
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laura, sarah, that's myt's weather story.tory now back to you.w back >> hey, by the way, that movie v was called inside out. o >> do you remember that.yo >> i saw it,u too.oo i can't believe i didn'tt remebember the name. >> look at this. l >> going back to the eagles,agl, because mr. president justdent j flew away. he brought in dinner and thennne he left. he >> how nice of him.e of h >> i know, that's great. >> he brought in two fishesohe and we're still watching andchig there's been some movement up mv there so we're going to keep tok an eye on this and see if see i anything happens throughout the newscast.the ne >> all right. we'll be right back. >> ♪
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>> so fashion fans have longshio been calling for more diversity among women in advertising and on the runway. a then fashion haven't been paid i the same attention.enti >> modeling agency announcednced it's launching a new division ds for plus sized men calledal brawn.awn. the first model to be signedig is zach mico. he got his big break last yearas
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starring as the first plus first size male model for target.arge. the agency represents ashleyreps graham the first plus size models to appear on the coverhev of sports illustrated swimsuit edition.ition. >> utah dad is taking saintakin patrick's day to the extremes da and in a very cute way. w he transformed his baby son babs into an adorable leprechaun to mark the holiday. holiday. this is six month old rockwelllw getting into a little bit of mischief trying to turnef tryg r everything green. gre >> the poor dog.heoor dog. he's such a good sport. super cute. we'll be right back.
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>> ♪ >> this is fox5 local news at 6:00.6:00. >> ♪ >> right now at 6:00, the prince george's county police department mourning the deathoun of officer jacai colson.aiolso tonight we hear from a man who w knows the devastating impactmp of friendly fire
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>> i accidentally shot andidtall killed my best friend.yes >> what he told the officerold f who killed jacai colson about making a tragic mistake. then, controversy over theco mayor's proposed homelesseless shelter sites.te residents voicing theirnts voicn concern about locations andns a the costs for taxpayers.yers plus, metro is back onk o track. track. what the man who made the callhc to shut everything down isg down saying tonight about the unprecedented steps and why itdh was worth it.woh it. fox5 news at 6:00 starts now.ow >> ♪ >> and we thank you for♪ joining us tonightnd w.e toight i'm tony perkins. >> i'm shawn yancy. tonight members of the prince george's county police's department are devastated over the friendly fire death of officer jacai colson. >> a tragir c mistake was made s during a chaotic shootout andoua it's not the first time prince george's county police haventy h lost one of their own in this t way.wa fox5's paul wagner joins us jns now with the story.tory paul. >> reporter: tony and shawny ans 27 years ago gary summers shoteo his best friend during a druga d raid in riverda


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