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tv   Fox 5 News 5  FOX  March 21, 2016 5:00pm-6:01pm EDT

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protesting donald trump.nald you can hear them chanting.hantn you can see them holding signsng and they are here because trumpe is one of the speakers schedulel to speak tonight at the americai israel public affairs committeee and let me tell you there could absolutely be a second protest t because hundreds of rabbis haveh said they plan to stand up andpa walk out of the room when donall trump takes the stage. now, earlier today several dozen people both supporters andrters protesters also showed up outside of the old post officeto building in downtown d.c. d. that's where the new trump hotel is scheduled to open later this year. donald trump held a pressre conference there earlier today and that crowd wasn't huge buteb i'll tell you there was some w pretty heated debates back and forth between donald trump supporters and protesters. >> ku klux klanha
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trauma don robo calls. >> clue clucks clan is theclucl democratic >> those are democrats.. >> hey, hey, ho, ho, donald dond trump has going to! >> trump promotes racism. he's practically selling it.allg he's campaigning with it.t he has the clue clucks clan. he has nazis showing up to his rallies. ra >> they were shouting andy we wanting to know who wanted towh vote for trump and there were ae lot of people on the other sider of the street that do not support the protesters. prote there's a lot of people that are satisfied to collect welfare and unemployment and not jobs.obs. he's trying to provide jobs for >> definitely over the top.itel i just think, i don't know morew like a reality show candidatedi than real presidential candida candidate. >> reporter: now there's also nw some very tight security as youa can see here outside of the aipec convention.nt big political names scheduled td be here tonight including the three republican pre
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candidates including donaldding trump, ted cruz and john kasichc now earlier in the day, hillaryl clinton was here and shere and e basically used her time on stage to essentially rip into donaldoa trump without actually namingamg him, and she called his policiee on israel dangerously wrong, an, it seemed like that group of o rabbis may agree with her.h h again they said they plan to get outpatient and walk out whenuthe trump takes the stage. sta now, let's go to fox5'ss political reporter ronica clea cleary. she's outside of the trump hotel where that press conference tooo place earlier today.. ron any cash i understand youan had a chance to talk to trump tt about his campaign so far.n f what did he have to say? >> reporter: thank you alex.ou i'm outside of the former postot office. this is the sight of the futuree trump international hotel, and a like alex mentioned, most of the press conference didn't reallyda focus on the hotel.. instead a major focus on the
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campaign after he took thoseook questions he did take the te reporters on a tour of some of e the first floor of that hotel.ol now, he mentioned that at this t site he would hire about 50000 people, that it would be completed on time this excuse me two years ahead of ahe schedule putting it this september. he hopes that it becomes one ofo the great hotels of the world. r but when the event did open for questions, i wanted to askto ask mr. trump about something thatea he said before the south the carolina primary. prima he said that if he wins that race that he could quote run the table. that's not exactly what has has happened. here's what he had to say aboutd it. >> mr. trump, before south b carolina, you said that if you won you could possibly run the table.ble and that hasn't happened and there are still two people ino p this race. >> i've dawn lot of wiping.e dao i mean give me a break on superp tuesday i won four out of five and did really well in ohio if would have had two more days ini ohio i would have won it. >> have you changed anything tot try to
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rest of the primary?? >> what we're doing, we have anh lot of people calling. calli we have so many people calling,l and in terms of delegates a lota of the delegates that you'ree hearing about want to come withe us. they want to come with us. comeh i think we'll get a lot ofwe'lg delegates, and people see, youeo know, some people are sayinge ay we'll be a 1450 quite a bitite higher. we'll see. i mean, look, hey, the worstor that happens i go back to thiso which isn't so bad.t so not so bad.not b but i think we're doing veryoinr very well, and i think we will l qualify over that number. >> reporter: there you havehere it. it he certainly defended his recorr in the primary thus far andarnd saying that he will continue tou do well. reporting live from pennsylvanin avenue for fox5 local news, i'mm ronica cleary. new tonight fox5 is following a concerning story onc the campus of george masonason university.unersity three students are under arrestt after a drug and explosivesxploe investigation on campus.
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raul at the university and courv documents say they found what'sw describe as materials used too manufacture fire bombs and explosive devices. tom fitzgerald is live tonight t at george mason with thoseh thoe details. tom? >> reporter: jim, we want towe tell you right off the tophe police tell thus there is ats this time no immediate threatiat here on the campus.s. that this evidence has beenn taken into all of this was spelled out in chilling detail in thisn essential warrant that was filel earlier last week at fairfaxax county in it it details how officersers searched a dorm room here ater george mason and found what they located then in the opinion ofni fairfax county police bomb squad were materials used to make a fire now, in these court documents ws learned that officers fromffices george mason university police department raided room 105 thatt is in the jefferson halll dormatory on wednesday night at about 8:45. 8 officers initially
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what were reports of flamesflame shooting out of a window.. court documents state whentahe police were returned to thatd tt dorm room they confrontedfrond residents in that room and found a leafy green substance muchubst police obtained that searchd s warrant discovered inside that room a tool box.l b inside that tool box, matchch sticks, shaved match heads a motor and pistol lighter fluidht hasn't sanitizer and also also described as a pvc pipe. pvcip fairfax county police department did look at that material. they later advised campus police and their analysis they believee the materials were being used to manufacture fire bombs or make k explosive materials.. students many of whom told ushod they were not told of this investigation and later learnedl of it from us told us that theyh are not only concerned about alo of this and deeply disturbed bud are relieved that the materialss were discovered before anyonee got hurt. >> it's surprising most the thet fact no one else on the f
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say anything about it.. explosives are very very harmf harmful. at least the police caught it ut before something potentially bab could have happened.d ha hap >> i haven't seen cops catchingn students for doing anythingornga dangerous like that or anythingh i mean i haven't heard of anything like that.hingike so it is pretty out of charact character. >> at a place like this, yes, i really donke't -- i really don't know hear about people making fire bombs on campus and do thao stuff that big on the collegege >> reporter: now, according todg the interim police chief thomasa long go of the three individuals arrested, two were charged withh drug paraphernalia and alcohol charges.char one was charged with possessione of bomb-making material. mat we are told tonight that allll three of these individuals areid students here at george mason university.sity however, the office of strategic communications here on campuss refused to identify them. we are live at the george mason police university headquartershd tonight, tom fitzgerald fox5 fox local
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♪ dc police investigate aice double stabbing overnight inig northwest.rt it happened just after aft 2:00 o'clock in 1,000 block off connecticut avenue. a police say two women wereen w stabbed after some kind ofom altercation inside of the bravoo nightclub. both victims were rush to the hospital with non-life nonif threatening injuries. no word on a possible also, in the district,is police have made an arrest in connection with a fatal shootino last month in southeast. 24-year-old paul swan has been s charged with second degree d murder. he's accused of shooting adam barker on february 29th along the 2700 block of langston placn in southeast.oueast baker was taken to the hospitalk and died the next day from his s injuries.. water has been restored reso tonight at howard universityy hospital.sp a pipe ruptured overnight overng causing flooding in the lowerowr level of the hospital where thet surgical intensive care unit is located.cate. eight patient patients were were to move another the emergency rooms at they ro t hospital are sti
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being told. bein coming up fits and fur flying. >> this is crazy.>> >> yes, it, it is. >> easter bunny in a mall brawlb cull caught on video. >> oh, lord. and president obama and thee cuban president working to mend a historic feud between the twoo countries.s steps the president says cubaayb can take to convince congress ts end the trade embargo.mbar >> and it is hard to believe twitter has been around for 10o0 years.yes. >> wow! >> in honor social median ho birthday we're putting your we't twitter skills to the test. five fun facts we bet you didn't even know.en know. hey, sue.y, s hey there, jim, sarah, sar looking forward to that. t well bum come to does it not feel like it today. it's still chilly, it's still is breezy and what's going on withn those cherry blossoms? a first? look at your forecast and we'll talk about cherry blossom peakla blooms still expected this weekw and, yes, there's our wonderfull eagle cam with two healthy eaglets inside. insid momma is making sure they'rer protected from the wind as well. we'll let when you know thatheut wind dies down.wind d fox5 local news at 5:00 will bei right bac ♪ ♪
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we need women in congress. if we want to be heard, it was the women who forced republicans to include women's health and contraceptive coverage
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in congress, i'll fight for pay equity, family leave and tougher gun safety laws. and, as an environmentalist, i'll work combat climate change. i know as a journalist and as a senior executive in business that when women are at the table, we get things done. i'm kathleen mathews and i approve this message. ♪ welcome back.e b president obama continued hisine historic trip to cuba todayuba spending his first full day on o cuban soil. >> he's the first americanrsican president to visit cuba in nearly 90 years.ea today he met with cuban c president raul castro.ul c both leaders called on congressr to end the united states tradett embargo on cuba. the president says the move too normalize relations with cuba is happening n
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relationship over the past 50 p years didn't serve the interests of either country.. >> the embargo is going to end. when, i can't be entirely sureur but i believe it will end and the path that we're on will continue beyond my beyd m administration. >> president obama did say theie steps cuba could tellou t particularly when it comes tolyc human rights to help convince ci congress to end the trade t embargo. >> apple unveiled two newsled products today.ucts 4-inch iphone which is the sizes of the original iphones and a smaller i-pad pro during anuring event early today.od on the tech company's californii campus.mpus. the new phone which will behichb iphone se will start at 39999 free with a two-year contract whyly new i-pad pro model can bl yours for just $599.599. apple also announced $50 price 0 drop for the apple those new items go up for ordero thursday with delivery set forer the end of the month. twitter celebrating a bigte birthday today.
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a huge source for news, n information and it's only been 10 years.ea a decade ago we had no idea ofo the power of 140 characters. now people are live tweetingewe everything from the presidential debates, sporting events and tvd shows to coffee runs and takingk the dog for a walk and everything unless between.hi >> all the important stuff. imp >> yes. >> this is the first tweet evere sent by twitter co-founder dag g jack dorsey. it reads quote just setting upei my twitter ". >> how it's spelled it was tre trending no vowels.endingo vo six months later they said we'lw be normal and -- and >> actually spells things s correctly. >> spell things correctly.hi there you have it. so in honor of twitter'ser's birthday caitlyn roth is here i with the top five fun facts about the social media site.ia we were talking quite a bit slku about this because it's becomes part of what we do as well. wl. >> yes. y >> i know.>> i can't believe it started 10 years agoe .ars i looked back i didn't get itet until 2011. >> do you know when you firstow got 20. >> '07-'08. >> you were unof the early oness >> i did it for awhile andt foai started during the
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inauguration in '08. >> late '08 and here we are. >> it has taken off so quicklyuy that we do have a little quizitz for you >> okay. oy. >> what we heard about twitter i today. we'll start with one of theart easier ones. what is the most retweeted tweet ever? any guesses? gss >> sometimes you will seeim youw celebrities like tweet hello ana it gets retweeted about a million times. t >> i don't know. >> i have no idea. i have no id. >> it's actually a picture andtl here it it's the selfie tweeted by ellen degeneres while hosting the 2014 oscars.osca it has more than 3 million 3il retweets so obviously it's tougu to break that record but that bt was so popular that broke the bt inn net as they like to say. to. >> it was fun to watch.t was fuo >> it was fun to watch the most retweeted tweet ever.weet eve next up who is the most followee person on twitter? probably a a celebrity. >> the pope. >> maybe. >> lady gaga. >> it should be the pope butthet it's actually not.cty n it's katie perry.. >> no one has more followers than her. she beats out all the other oth celebrities
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followers.s now that's more than justintin beiber, taylor swift and even ae the president barack obama hasom only a poultry someone .4 million followers.lo >> he needs to stipulate.ti >> katie perry, with her, i her don't feel like she's been ael l controversial one.rsial e. >> no. >> no. >> on twitter.r. >> sunshine, yay. >> i know. rainbows.rainbo yes. but she does have the moste thes followers. she is doing something right. obviously.ousl >> yeah. >> here's a tougher one.ere' what do you think is the mostth usedin emoji on twitter? >> this is a fairly newnew phenomenon emoji. if i'd say the thumbs up? >> thumbs.>>humb okay. >> jim, any guesses?sses? >> i was going somewhere butewhe just go ahead. aad >> is it appropriate? maybeteay not. >> never is with him.with >> the oh me joe some of ofe soo someone so happy they're cryingn laughing crying that kind of ci thing. >> i didn't know.>> known as the i face with tears f joy. y. >> okay. >> and so this particular emojio also name the 2015 word of the year by the dic
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>> that was a sad day. twas a >> another sad day when you knod it's the most popular emoji twitter uses.te use toys of joy emoji appeared on on twitter more than 14.5 billionln times.s >> hmm. hmm >> also, in 10 years of twitteri who do you think is the mostt discussed person on >> sue palka. >> i would agree with that. agrt right.. >> gosh, beiber. bei >> you're right, sarah.ou it'r is. it is the biebs. biebs >> did you see that in the youet prompter. >> i think i did. (laughter) i.. >> actually she didn't. dn' justin beiber -- b >> it came to me spontaneously.s >> if it wasn't the most -- ifo- he doesn't have the most twitter followers he is the mosthe mos discussed person on twitter much his name has been mentio mentiom than 923 million times. tim he posted sinking videos on o youtube back in 2007 not long lg after twitter made its debut.ut >> he just became a star duringg twitter.te >> he's part of the whole social media phenomenal. >> because youtube that's why ta
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popular and still is the last tl season people are becoming stara by that virtue. vtu >> i good we're not done quite yet.. >> okay.>> >> one last question. this i had l no idea. guys. gu so funny.un. twitter's logo in blue birdbl b actually has a name.ame. any blew on weights? weights >> sue palka. (laughter).(laughter) >> keep going with that.eegoin >> that's right. sue palka and beiber.. >> that bird looking over your r tweets is larry, yes, larry the bird. >> he's name in honor of bostonn celtics and hall of famer larryl maybe he's a celtics fan. >> his last name is bird.e is b >> that makes sense.sense. twitter though i mean it isgh im amazing like i told you i didn't get on until maybe 2011 i didn'd even though the mentions thingsi existed until probable bowelro year later.yeater >> no? >> i thought i was sending themg out. >> you go back loon look -- >> look at all the comments.ment >> that's the best part itt gives -- first chance we've hadh to interact with you directly. so that's kind of cool.ool. >> yup.
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>> all right. thank you caitlyn.k >> you're welcome. >> let's take a live look outside or maybe we're go direct toll sue pal casm let's goal ct' outside not that you're not lovely, suee >> jim lokay is getting dinnernd on the palka woman. woman >> i think so.nk so >> i keep trying. tryin i keep trying, s >> you're working it.'re workin >> thank you for the shout out.t i'm trying to figure out i got t on twitter in 2013. >> really? >> late to the party.ate >> that's all right. that's >> right. >> little bit of this, too, allo right, all right, i'll do it. it you know what i've had fun witht it and tweeted a picture ofre beiber one time my daughter sawe him as la little boy not knowino he would some day become famous i retweeted after we figured out who it was and the blue up andlp the beibers after after mefter really bad. i will never tweet a beibereibe picture i'm scarred. >> they're crazy.>> >> we have some good news abouto the odcherry jim and sarah, this is the week peak bloom was the park servicep decided that they were going to push it back due to the cold
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weather. these are videos taken todayenod down at the tidal basin. and while a few trees are out, t most of them are not which ishii good because that means they were protected during our cold c snap over the weekend, and sincs they're not really out today'sod wind hasn't really done much dec damage either.da eithe so still thinking that thishat wednesday and thursday is thes beginning of the peak bloomea b which just means that about 70%7 of those blossoms are out, and if weather wise cooperates weooe should have about 10 days to enjoy them if we don't have a'tv ot of heavy rain or high winds.. plan accordingly and boy we hav a couple of perfect days to getg down there and see them just ass that peak bloom is starting. srn so make sure you don't miss thit year's show. sho today a good day to be down b d there really chilly and stillndi pretty breezy this is belowbelow average. of course we didn't get enough g snow over the week toned causetc them any problems since theycehy weren't out enough no damageo dg because of the cold but those bo gusts are still really annoying and thosable gusting to 30 milee an hour at reagan national.l. dulles 32.
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martinsburg still getting a gust of 33 and frederick 35. satellite/radar showing mainlysw clear skies a little bit of snos pushing across pennsylvania anda new york yote not in the cards for us.he for but high pressure is going tooig build in and as we clear out ant get cold again tonight, it's, is going to fall back into the 30s3 so a really cold start again on tuesday.tues but as we look at our plannerurn tonight we fall down to aboutbot 39 degrees by 11:00 o'clock.'clk but it will end on a hopeful note because definitely coldefin today and this weekend. spring warmth will and it will time out nicely with that cherry blossom peak bloomem we'll talk more about that with the seven day forecast that'sy just back to sean -- not to sean. s jim lokay and sarah. sar i know that.i know tha it's 5:00 o'clock.o'oc >> back to you. bk to >> thanks, sue. s still ahead tonight we'veonw got the fox5 top five trending d stories of the day. the day. >> you'll want to so this onewa everybody has been talking aboua the easter bunny brawl.wl kanye west is working to clear c this record and then snoop dogog accidentally created the nexthen tourist hot spot.
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making headlines an fast fashios chain creating affordabledable sustainable wedding gowns muchuc all that's just minutes away. ♪
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okay. so this is not how you want to h remember getting your picturengy taken with the east bunny. b >> no. bunny got caught up in brawl with an angry dad at a mall inti new jersey and yup, they caughtc the whole thing on camera. c it all started when one-year-ola girl slipped out of her chairf r after posing for a photo withtow the bunny. her father shouted at the man ii the bunny costume, then startedd throwing punches. pch the two continued to fight untit security stepped in. i unclear if anyone was arrested s but some kids probably scarredye >> i'm sure. >> the bunny is hurting people.l >> all right. rht kanye west asked a judge tod wipe his attack on the member oe the paparazzi from his record.ic the incident was caught onau o camera as the rapper left lax back in january of 2014. 2 west pleaded no contest wasas plae
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to complete 250 hours off community service. servi more than two years, since the t incident, west has completed cod more than the required number or hours and kept out of trouble.rb something he hopes leads to the charge being erased from hisromh record entirely. fans of snoop dog wereoodoge excited to hear the rapper was in ba god today.oday northern village in romaine y ri only problem he wasn't. wasn't. snoop posted the photo while hee was in columbia but instagram taken tag his location as the ah romanian village.illa someone even created the website called visit the mayor says while the photoho was a mistake eighths good g advertisement for them.. beyonce' has a new fashionei line and she's hired a disabledd model to show the off. jillian mercado has muscular dystrophy she's featured in thee new campaign wearing beyonce'son new collection inspired by thepe lyrics of formation her most m recent hit song. son and this is not her first fst mod
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she previously modeled in cr c fashion book and was named oneed of diesel's 2014 taste makers. all right.l you see a few more picturesictue right there of beyonce' and --nd more what we have there. wt we >> speaking of fashion h and m unveiled new line of i economy o friendly wedding dresses part of their conscious collection.lecon the dresses sell for around $550. they're made from sustainableab materials like hemp and recycled linen. the beading made from recycledd glass and the collection will bb available april 7th. coming up why deal withh delivery drivers when you cann n get robots to deliver to we'll tell you all about a new w service that's rolling into thei district. and one gas station signs ss makes filling up pretty. ptt we'll tell you why witty signtyg boards are tickling the internee when we return.when we re ♪ ♪
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♪ this is fox5 local news at 5:00. 5:00. get this much you could sooo be sharing the sidewalk withal w robots in d.c. a test product -- this is sothis weird will be presented to dcpr leaders to allow delivery robots to operate on city sidewalks.idl >> the company create the robotr say they're safe, share that's right and conserve energy. fox5's matt act land has the first look at the robots. rob te reporter: what's thator coming down the sidewalk? itth could be your take out meal mea maybe some fresh groceries. all being delivered by a robot.o this one named 6c7. it is turning heads.ea >> it's really cool. c in the past they had the amazon drones but this is something sei completely different which ily d think is awesome. >> reporter: two founders ofer skype have created the companypy star ship. shi this delivery robot has been h b designed to roll down thehe sidewalk
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red lights it even has advancede technology so it doesn't hit y you. >> it has nine cameras and obstacle detection system. say for example a pedestrian walks in front of it, it willnto stop. >> reporter: you order what your you want on your cell phone, hie a button and then the robot rob comes your way.ay now, once the robot arrives, it, stops where you're at, turns around little bit and then youhn hit a button on your cell phone and it opens up, turns green, theree you get your delivery. washington, d.c. has been choseo as the first test project city.c that's why the company is tryiny to get d.c. leaders on board. councilman mary cheh is chairman of the transportation committeet she'll present the robot at thet wilson building this week. >> i'm excited about i think it's amazing. amazi it's the kind of thing, youngyo know, innovation that helps useu in so many ways. w first of all, it will be be environmentally beneficial. >> reporter:
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even have a conversation with wh you. a person at the operationse open center is able to communicate ca with the customer or pedestriana along the way.. don't think about stealing it. gps technology will notifyill ni police if it's taken or damaged. >> i personally think -- i've iv had only positive responses.eses >> reporter: how cool is that? a >> yeah. >> really really cool.realool. >> the reason the council and mayor will have to sign off onn this special legislation curre currently only electriclectri wheelchair and segways allowedea on sidewalks so they'll have toe basically include that in.. but in the beginning it's onlyis going to be probably from fleefe to 5:00 but say it's really reay successful we could be seeingee these on the roadways not only o here in d.c. but all over and or keep in mind, these are very environmentally friendly. fen they use just a small amount of energy to recharge so you don'tt have big vehicles that are stalling using gas and they re really hope right now it wouldr
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>> sure.ure. >> take out, flowers, thingswerh like that. but, you know, could it grow i over time.ov >> the name itself though it's a tongue twister. tster >> 6c7.>> 6. >> doesn't roll off the to know. >> not so much.>> n the company really wants peoplee to get involved and in factnac their on their website they set up help us name the robot type thing. it's shown off in europe butff this is really the first time im the us. and so what they're going to do on wednesday is mary cheh will bring the robot into the wilsonl building and hopes to convinceon the rest of the leaders this isi a good thing. test it it t >> yeah. >> she believes it's the wave ot te future and i think a lot of other people do as well. w >> makes me think r2d2. r >> i was surprised it's veryt'v so going down the sidewalk youek joan to get out of the way thaty much.. it's small and it can kind ofind creep along the side don't thind it will take up the whole sidewalk. >> it looked like a radio flyer wagon we had as kids.s k >> exactly much that's a good mc way to describe it.y to d >> thanks matt.>> t >> sure guys. >> if you take metro don't worrr nothing to do with another
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10 shoo 10 shall shut down. start dag they will bet dag w installing new escalators att self stations causing entrances to be closed for months.on among the stations impacted glenn montgomery, georgia avenue pet worth and dean wood.oo an additional 20 news he is today it las are scheduled to bd install this year. since 2011 metro has installed i 39 new escalators at various vas a group of johns hopkins hki university researchers say theys have found a bug in apple's encryption system.ypon system. researchers say the bug could enable a skilled attacker toacke decrypt photos and video sent as secure instant messages. message the discovery also comes as apple continues to be at odds o with the u.s. government over or unlocking a phone recovered rovr follow last december's deadlyea san bernardino attacks. researchers say the bug would bu not have helped the fbi poll the data. >> if you purchase add kindlein listen close toll this.l thi amazon said a deadline ofe tomorrow to update your outdated software. if you don't install the update
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you will still be able to read o books you don't loaded but youob will no longer be able to download kindle books from theoe cloud.d. access the kindle store or use e various other services on then t the emergency update affects the original kindle paper weight ane every model before it. >> all right. all r laura is off offoday. she apparently came down with aw caves march madness over the weakened. weakened. >> a lot of people did.ot o good news, we have two localal teams who are in the sweet 16.e1 that's pretty cool/it. cl/ >> local ties a lot of peoples will care about this year.ear. first of all talk up marylandp n they are back in the sweet 16 for the first time since 2003.00 the terrapins facing kansas kan thursday night in louisville.. second round game against hawaiw the terps put together a breatha taking 18-two run to us anothere victor the question what turn tn the tide? >> just to have fun and playnd a loose that's what we did going d down the after that, 12 minute time out we'rea
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i was even celebrating i don'trn really celebrate that much.ebram >> i got really great if you get to this point you usual dollar, you have great hav kids that are good players andoa we never stopped believing thatg we could be a good basketballtbl practice hard every day andyay a we've had fun we try to have fun, and so i real -- i'm really happy for hay these guys much this is a bigh a step. >> yesterday finished incredible finishes second seeded xaviereee taking on seventh seed wiscons wisconsin. final seconds all tied theall badgers let's fly from theromhe corner.corn he drills the game winning threw pointer.inte let the celebration begin but b not for xavier. especially not for bill murray,, yes, bill murray, his son an exist of sit assistant coach. wisconsin wins 66-63 to advancev to the sweet 16 against sixth s seed notre dame.otre d the tennis world and many othery buzzing about controversial comments some consider six zests made by raymond moore therehe tournament director of theecto indian wells tennis tournamentot match whichc
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first his comments followed bywd the response by women's world number one serena williams.illis >> they ride on the coattailshec its men. they don't make any decisions and they're lucky.d ey they're very very lucky. if i a we'd he lady player i'd i go down every -- every night on my knees and thank god roger feather are raphael nadal weree born. (inaudible). >> wow! >> federer came on, the last 10s years or so, but there was a good -- there was good stretchso of time the only tennis peoplesl paying attention to were the the williams sisters and martina link cuss an lot great femaleatl players that came through. throu you can't draw the line ofdraw e distinction there.dist you have to give them all cred credit. >> yeah. it sounds -- it's sexist whenex you hear that.u heart. >> >> it's 2016, man. >> there's something -- you canc think some things.sohi don't need to say it.t to >> not at all. at
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to get underway one littlee litl league in california iss reminding overbearing parents tt just chillax. chi take a look at this. thi pretty fine much it's true. it'u it reads, reminders from yourroy child. one, i'm just a kid.. two, it's just a game. three, my coach is a volunteer. four, the officials are humansas and five, no college scholarships will be handed howh the that's the key.ey it's just -- it's crazy to me you see these parents they justj go. go >> they get into it way toot too much. much. >> nuts. it takes the fun out of the fun whole thing.ol >> yeah.eah. >> look like morons in the endkm any way. >> if call. comincoming up the name may be amusing but the ship is intenden for serious work. >> agency asks the public toc vote on new name. name the name the public came up witw is trending on social media. >> america's fun yesterday gaseg station signs.atio the story behind the wittyit marquises. she is girl sure can doodle. we've got the results of the
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>> beautiful looking day but mab did it feel cold out thered o t witness win. 52 degrees outside right now. n winds still 17 miles an hour.7 we could have possible frost ant freeze in some spots laten me s tonight. i'll have those temperaturesrare plus a very spring like warmup u in the seven day forecast andect that is all coming up next in nt five fox5 news at 5:00 returns..
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♪ discover every way to easter at target. get a $10 target gift card when you spend $50 on groceries. see store for coupon.
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>> welcome back. these are live pictures you're seeing right now. gop presidential candidate johsh kasich up there speaking at thee aipec forum here and we're going dobb keeping an eye on this an o throughout the evening, of t course, drum many i
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expected to speak at his as well a huge event a lot of people inp town for f a lot ofor people outside the verizon center as well as wel as checked in a little while ago w with our alex limon. she'll have a live update cominc up in just a bit and keep itee i here and we'll keep updated.ed also, lots of people watchingg online as two baby bald eaglesbe were born at d.c.'s nationall arboretum.arboretum now the question is, what shouls we call them? what should their names job public will soon be wl able to weigh in on that.ghon right now the eaglets have beene dubbed d.c. two and d.c. three.r very creative.e. by the group behind the eaglehe cam the ones that named them.amd some other early suggestions ono social media include sasha and malia, of course, because the be parents are the first lady andan the president.dent and the others have been cherrye and blossom.. >> details of the naming process that are expected in the next few weeks. wks it's always entertaining when whenever we have a new littleewl eaglet or panda we get all
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>> you got to pick up on theot u naming process sooner or laterat because when you got a newenou g administration coming in johnon kasich has two kids but trump has four and, n true. t >> playing favorites. >> maybe just go with cherry any blossom. >> i like that. >> keep it -- don't offendffen anyone.anne >> liberty and freedom.iber and >> that pertains to us everyt pe year.ry speaking of the cherry blossom s as couple days away untily unt they're expected to peak andea d temperatures on track with thatt too.. >> couldn't believe how muchn' they've opened up talready. look beautiful. >> considering the weather thist weekend was pretty awful. a they're right on track which is great.ea >> they moved it up thehey mo projection and moved it back mot little bit.lile b >> like weather forecasting.g. constant adjusting. i understand with the nationalha park service is going through.ou trust live look outside right now.rit camera was shaking around a bita because we have a gusty wind today or what? felt much more h like a late fall early winter day than late winter early spring. spring. actually officially in springinn now as it began yesterday on sunday but it began with beg w snowflakes in our area and ver
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cold temperatures.s cold temperatures remain againn tonight these are projected pje overnight lows.overnight l we are talking about freezingren conditions north and west of town so into montgomery county, certainly frederick county and t further off into northernoorther virginia and west virginia at 32 or below. below and 35 here in washington soto we're saying practice your your planting patience just not quieq there yet despite the fact we'vt had very mild temperatures sotus far in march. m we'll get there again.t ere a just wait a couple of days.le o like i said by wednesday,sday, thursday definitely feeling liki spring. next chance for some rain comesc thursday night into friday andna then easter weekend itself itsef looking pretty g temperatures a little bit abovee normal. outside right now, we saw those -- we saw the low saw t temperatures a minute ago here'h where we stand and i think wehiw call pretty quickly once we getw past sunset.unse 52 degrees in 48 in gaithersburg. 50 to frederick. 48 in martinsburg. wind the felt so much colder ite has been brisk with these windss out of the northwest currentlyse sustained around 15 to 25 milesm an hour.our but with high p
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in, the setting of the sun nighn see these winds diminishish quickly.ickl notice as we put our futureur winds on here by midnight midni they're down to 4 miles an houra we're pretty calm with that calt wind will allow temperatures tos really fall into the 30s as we0w just showed you. you. wind gusts still pretty pre substantial 20 to 30 miles an ma hour and those will subside asue we go into tonight. saturday rad very pretty lookinr day. a lot of sunshine.e clouds stayed off to the northot and, yes, those are some snow showers off towards our north n and we have these are lake end hasn'ted though snow showers thg moving across new york, centrall cold air still going over thoset lakes, and you know it has beenn hard to really transition toio spring with the wintry weatherte in new england and those lakese effect snow showers up towardsow our north. our north. we are looking at a much child d milder tuesday for us and really everyone here in the mide in t atlantic.lantic. temperatures should be back tous the 60s. so hopefully here hitting the t 60-degree mark as we've got sunshine less wind it will atwil least feel a lot milder. then by wednesday, really rea feeling mild as high pressureh e
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we've got that southwesterlywest flow and that will push the 70st back into the so wednesday and then i think thursday, too., into the 70s sunshine. sunsh it will just be beautiful ifeaul you're headed down to the tidal basin crowds will be anothers wa issue i think just two perfector days to see the cherry blossomss what about storm chances thisutc week? there is actually a? th winter storm across the us butes this is going to stay faray towards our north and west. as it tracks eastward lit bringt some rain by thursday intors friday but this is bringing sub sean l shall snow to iowa into wisconsin and then michiganic those amounts at least by the european model saying up to t 2 feet places like milwaukeeee over towards grand rapids. saginaw michigan winter will non loosen its grip completely, andl also some signs of it being anga pretty chilly start to april. tl we do have mild days ahead butat maybe not out of the woods yet s with cold temperatures.perature forecasts for tonight this is t certainly chilly heat back onac since this weekend. 35 degrees overnight, mostly mos clear despite a cold start jacket forr the kids at the bus stop not sos much by the
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the afternoon typical springyp s day. 60 degrees by mid afternoon wito few clouds. few clou really really nice.y n your sunrise forecast for tomorrow, beautiful picture.utic we love getting them.gettg t keep helping coming caitlin rotr fox5. 36 degrees by sunrise tomorrow o at 70:00 off a.m. check out the seven day foreca forecast. looks beautiful.lo 73 wednesday. 75 on 64 with a couple of showerse ofe there on friday.. and then 60 on i love the little leprechaun weu had last week i think i like lik this easter bunny even more. 64 degrees on easter sunday. suy partly cloudy skies and then into monday still looks nice, n 62 degrees >> that's your seven dayha forecast. its now let's go back to sarahkh and jim. >> all right. thank you caitlin much.u lin mu. let's check in with shawnchc for look what's coming up nextti on fox5 local news at 6:00. 6:0 >> hey guys we're talking aboutk cuba tonight at 6:00. 60 president obama and the first ma'am if a family arrived to ado very rainy cuba yetter they mety with the locals even got toevent check out some of the locale he as you know, this is also a historic visit..
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in 90 years. we will have the latest on les president obama's meeting today with cuban president raul castrs and a special guest will join uo to explain why some people areea upset with the president'sdent's decision to visit the islandd and speaking of visitingkifi cuba, wees will talk to anothero special guest who just got backb from vacation in cube.n what we'll get her take on beinb a tourist in cuba and what lifel was like away from all the resorts. stick around much it's all mit's coming up tonight at 6:00. ♪
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it's about taking a stand. for too long, wall street banks had their way. they crashed our economy. but democrat donna edwards won't take their money because she stands up for us.
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she'll be our voice. tightening regulations on the big banks and fighting to keep dark money out of politics. democrat donna edwards, maryland's next senator.
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♪ i always hate when they takh the shot i don't know if iat should be dancing or i should bd sitting here or what. >> don't dance. >> okay, thank you.>> o my favorite story of the day byy the way right here.e way t he british government asked fortt internet's help to name researcc ship the agency suggested s endeavor or falcon they sound tu official, don't they.don'the >> um-hmm.>> um-
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the name boat tee mcboat >> yeah that's's great. >> take a look at the sketch of the vessel.the this is serious. this is britain's nationalnal environment research council c that wanted people to weigh in using the hash tag name ourur ship.ip here's some of the other submissions.on asian ice baby. it's bloody cold here and notndt the titanic. >> the poll closes on apri april 16th. if they can get the website bacs up and running a rush of peopleo trying to vote for boat tee mcboat face crash the site much this is why i approach thisac ti whole name the eagles thing with great treppe pi dog.e >> i know.>> i know. >> eagle mceagle face.le f >> right. people just do it to be silly. ooh, let's see if we can get potty tee mcboat face trending e and that's what w they'll have tonight. on their r own. >> boat tee mcboat face. >> all right.ight oh, boy.oh here you go. g have you seen the gas station sa sign that is have gone viral by
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they've been locate the outsidee of a chevron gas station in the seattle neighborhood.rhoo wallingford, and they haved, everyone talking.evne t here are just a few of them. band pre shedded cheese, makeesk america great again.a eat aga i checked into the hokie pokieop clinic and turned myself around. do they have anything better toe do in wallingford? and here'ses another do regular dogs see police dogsd and think is this a cop? never thought of that one. o. and i'm still hot, it just comes in flashes now. now. (laughter).ghte >> it's worth mentioningin washington one of several states legalized marijuana.ij >> that explains a lot.. coming up all day today,, your google search will honor block heritage thanks to a tenth grader who happened to be hpene america's stop student dad her. >> ♪
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we want to say>> congratulations to eastern highs school sophomore akeelah johns johnson. she is the national winner of doodle for google competition. there were 53 finalists and she titled hers it's my afrocentric life.fe just congratulations to o we have actually did a story ono herridge until.rridgentil. so we couldn't be happier. hpi thanks for joining us tonight at 5:00. 5: fox5 local news at 6:00 starts now.w. ♪ this is fox5 local news at 6:00.6:00 ♪ we will continue to stand up for basic principals that wes t believe in. america believes in democracy.ea >> history in the making.eak president obama is in cuba the t first president to do so inn nearly 100 years. but it doesn't come without plus donald trump in d.c. d.c and the billionaire presidential hopeful got less than a warm welcom
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and cold air kicks off the cherry blossom festival but will it warm up in time for peak f p bloom? the news at 6:00 startsr now. no ♪ thanks for joining us tonight at 6:00. 6:00 i'm jim lokay in for tony perkins.perk >> i'm shawn yancy. shawncy drum in that washington, d.c. >> hey, hey, ho, ho -- >> brand of hate this kind ofnd scapegoating of marginalized --d >> dozens of protesters lined the streets today as the controversial gop presidentialst frontrunner visited the nation'' capitol. capi trump toured the site of his of future hotel in northwest gave a speech to probe he is rail is lobbying group. gup alex limon starts us off tonig tonight. alex, were those protestsrehose peaceful and it sounds likeounde they're still going on tonight. >> reporter: well, actually, acl one person actually just got arrested. you can see very large group off protesters out here and they are protesting both apec as well asl donald trump scheduled to speaks shortly inside of the conventioo now a group of these protesters actually faced


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