tv Good Day DC FOX March 23, 2016 9:00am-11:01am EDT
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mourning, and on high alert. we'll have live team coveragem g with the latest from the investigation, and how the h t attack is affecting securityur here at home. >> we will stand as a nation nao with our allies and our friendss we will stand with them and we will together crush and destroys isis. >> plus, the attack in brusselsl taking center stage on primary tuesday.da how the candidates reactioned tt the latest security threat, and where they stand after anotherno round of early voting. vot good day at 9a starts now. ♪ as we start this 9:00 o'clocko'c hour we sure are glad you're gd tuning in to i we say good day d.c. it is wednesday march i'm holly morris alongside ofdeo maureen, steve and wisdom. wdo >> 24 hours after that attack in brussels a global outpouring of grief and s
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the sky. sky eiffel tower lit up last night t in black, yellow and red.ed. the colors of the belgium flagum while on this side of theide of atlantic very similar scene in e new york city.yorkity. world trade center alsoenr a projected the colors of european union capitol along its here in washington, d.c. right.g across the river at nationalionl harbor the capitol wheel also decked out in black, yellow and red. not signs of support all across the >> we'll have much more on thosn attacks in just a moment but first a bright spot in all thist bad news is the fact that thet t weather is pretty good. could hit 70 today. pefect way to kick off the cherry blossoms peak bloom.ea bm for details on that gary mcgradg in for tucker barnes right now.. hello.he >> tucker is he's at the tidal basin rightint now.w. >> he's down there.>> he's downt you're in here.he >> do you see him. >> he's right to the right undeu that third tree.hird t >> i see him now. h n i do. do. >> yeah. we got good weather coming.he cm >> we're waiting on the brightri spot which is the sunshine todat be
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all right.all r because we have a lot of clouds on top of us right now it lookst like the clouds will l continuet be on top of us for the next thn couple of hours.ou i suspect by the end of good dad we're going to start getting some sunny breaks and as thes t sunshine comes out temperaturesa are going to warm up.m so give it a couple more hours s before this starts to break uptk just a little bit.tlit. temperatures out there right not we're up another couple ofnothee degrees. 56 here in the city. manassas 52. fredericksburg 55.ksbu so we're pretty much now where w we were when we were ate a 3:00 o'clock this morning. you see temperatures across thet region.on no super cold stuff.tuff a little colder of course outr c back to the midwest wherewesthe they're tracking storm systemste there. weekend forecast we're sunny on saturday thanks to this big areb of high pressure.reure. easter sunday now we're going tg keep it degree.ep it we're taking the rain out of o easter sunday.. rain stays farther back down too the south and southwest and getting a look at this weekend d forecast specifically it's nottt bad.. saturday 60 so little cool itito won't be really windy.. and good sunshine.. easter sunday 64 degrees.deee
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so all things considered looks l like a beautiful weekend. coming up and today again we gee into little bit of sunshine.. and then temperatures today will make it up into the lower 70s. 7 that sounds good, doesn't itoest lower 70s. 7. >> excellent.xcnt >> mid 70s >> love it, love it, love it.t. >> upper 70s.0s >> mid. >> pushing it. >> thanks, gary. gary let's get back to our bigo story this morning.y morni the aftermath of yesterday'ses deadly bombing in brussels. european leaders paused for a fa movement silence earlier thishi morning. a mid a manhmount for the surviving bombing suspect.. a massive security presence.see >> as for the investigationga belgium authorities say theitsay third suspect identified as najim laachraoui has not, hasoth not been arrested.ed several news outlets had reported laachraoui had beeni hn captured but just a short timinn a belgium officials held a press conference to say those reportsr were incorrect. incorrect. it is being roared thatg roare laachraoui is a top isis bomb maker though. police believe he made the hde t suicide vests used in the ud
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this according to french police they say laachraoui's dna wasna found on all of those vests anda in a brussels apartment wherentw they were made. made. meanwhile investigator investige also identified the suicideifie bombers who blue themselves up at the airport and metro stations two men on the left are believed to be the suicideedo be bombers. the man on the right is the righ suspect again that was najim laachraoui.laachraoui. belgium police say the two a attackers identified as brothers khalid and brahim the two were known to police foe past crimes although nothing that was related to terrorism.rm >> in the meantime update on thn death toll from the attack itk i stands at 34. more than 200 more hurt.ur the terror alert in belgium still at its highest level.stevl the state department issued at e travel warning for americans ini response to the attack.on t back here at home, authoritieshi are take nothing chances when ie comes to saf >> we have live team coverage this morning.thorning bob barnard at dulles airport flights are stick affected by af this and annie yu is looking hoh metro is keeping riders safe.ers we want to
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alnwick live at the embassy of o belgium in northwest where theht memorial keeps growing.rowing melanie? >> reporter: good morning,r: guys. yeah, so we're standing out here in front of the embassy.f e em you can see there's additional a security here this morning fromm the u.s. secret service and aced small memorial continues to grow and the ambassador has been soo kind to come out and talk with t us and the other media crews mec here this morning. we'll step in here with their interview and join them.. >> -- and go on with normalhma life. life >> okay. ambassador melanie alnwick witht fox5.. >> hi.>> h >> good morning. mning what is the feeling thishis morning? it's still singing in. >> well, no, it's singing in but as i just said, there is a kind of two fold approach now to that challenge that we faced faced f yesterday we continue to face for the weeks to come.ome. the first one that the lesson we draw from this challenge is determination to continue too
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stand on our feet and tackle an tack that very importantnt challenge which is known as as terrorism.orm so there is no way of giving in. no way of giving in to intimidation because that's whaa the objective of the terroristst terrorism cannot prevail whenvae people refuse to be terrorized. that's basically what we feel. the second point that i wouldthd like to stress and that's to the belgium people we are noople wee nonsense people.eopl we have a lot of -- we known normalize. we are not going to stay therere in a little corner for days and days and explain.xpin we just want that live goes on and that is why the prime minister but also the people, po the citizens, decided as of today everybody goes again to work. children go back to school and that kind of normalcy that is ti entering again in our daily
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>> what would you like ouryou le viewers the people ofpeople of washington, d.c., maryland,d, virginia to know about yourutr people, about belgium? >> well, what they should know k about belgium is that we are a e part from being a hospitablepita people and that's also connected to hospitality we are very opene country.untr you know, when you're a country like belgium you don't have tha much options but to be open to the world so we have very openee economy and open mentality andty open mind. we learn a lot of languages.ang. there is no place in the world r where they speak as many languages.uage we have three official languagef to start with and then wfie spek spanish even tal yann as well.. so but that kind of basic openness that is so typical i would say it's in the genes of o the belgiums that we are not n going to let that change becausu of some terrorists start making our lives difficult.
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are and our lifestyle they won'e change that >> okay. o ambassador johan verbeke, mercy bow queue. que >> there you have it from the ht ambassador here that belgium and its people are not going to givv into this act, and they will remain resilient and i'm sure s they would like for people too come and experience theirnche hospitality nonetheless.etle back to you guys. >> demonstrated amazing resolves l thank you melanie for that.t >> attacks raising moresi mor questions at security at airport and mass transit worldwide. us officials say there are nore credible threats here in the united states but the head ofs u the homeland security says the s agency is still focused on the danger posed by lone wolff cities across the country cnt stepped up security in responseo to those attacks armed officersc out in a show of force especially in new york and d.c.d to reassure people that areha shaken by the attack. >> that's what we're seeing her in d.c. sprong police presence.e bob barnard at dullesdul international airport.iona
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their travel plans today, even though people are a littlepl tense, bob.tens owe want to ask you because so o much focus on security atity a airports getting to the now this attack yesterday showeo that this -- something like thii can happen just as you enter thr as you entered the airport atpoa dulles, bob, have you noticed nc anything different than what di we've seen in the past? >> reporter: indeed, steve, sve yeah. we got here about 4:15 thiss morning.rnin so it was pitch black and weck could see flashing lights up byp the terminal as we approachedace and sure enough there was an airport police -- airport authority police cruiser withert it's lights on parked where the ramps go up for departure and a down for rivals.iv we parked there.we parked there. owe went back and spoke to thek female officer. offic she said, yes, we are parkedd here. they are not normally there. noe we are parked here as a a deterrent today.. so anybody approaching theroacht airport will see flashing policl lights just, you know, as a shoo of force.or a sign that police have steppedp up their security. sec
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inside the airport here. we've seen them. t the k9s, the armed police officers with their semi automatic m4 rivals. rival they are patrolling the airport. the passenge passengers seem toi along just fine they are welline aware that the state departmentr has issued a travel adviser, a warning to anybody flying tog to anywhere in europe to be on thet look out to be careful for spors venues and tourist attraction an sites in europe.tes eur in terms of flying domesticallyy they have we are told at tsa enhanced some of their securityy screening but they're not sayin what it is.t is. here we're not seeing any longnl lines at this security secit checkpoint.ecoint. we have spoken to a terrorism to expert and some passengers about this idea that we are at we a potential target and what do d people think as they're flyingh' today. >> i think they already havelree things lined up pretty well so o i'm not terribly concerned oneoe way or the other in the statess >> any time you have to fly, you know, it's scary,
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don't know what -- anything cann happen any time.. so, yeah, so you have to watch w out and see if something -- seems suspicious, you know, you, can talk to whoever you need tot talk to. talk >> no i don't have any concern. i just pray that everything wilw go okay and we're very secure in us. >> the united states is enormou target for isis. isi it's the country that it would like attack more than any otherr fortunately so far it's not i shown the capacity to do so but there's absolutely no doubt at all that one target above others isis would like to hit is theits united states.united state washington dc is clearly a target win that. >> reporter: again there's no n known threat, credible ort, c otherwise, against any targets s here in washington. whingto again, tsa is enhancing securitc so if you're traveling you'llngu notice that. t one last thing, guys, the t authorities in brussels say thee main airport outside the capitol there the brussels airport will
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so the one direct flight unitede airlines has direct flight fromt washington from here at dulles every evening that flies directd toll it was canceled yesterday. yeste it is canceled today.ay it will be also canceledle so it will affect people tryingy to fly to belgium directly i waw though you can fly to europe anr get there to any of the other to airports in belgium but the oneo direct flight united airlinesne flight 950 tomorrow will be thee third day in a row that thathatt flight is canceled because thenc airport in brussels being clos closed. >> all right.>> bob, thank you. appreciate it. now we showed you those tributes to belgiumb, in lights at the te of the show that's not the onlyl signs of solidarity you'll see.l president obama ored allll american flags flown at half staff through saturday out of o respect for the victims oftims brussels attack. attac we want to you stay with fox5ox for all the latest from thehe investigation. coming up we'll have update from a look how metro is responding d here in our area, and the trending tributes on social s media. media. still ahead speaking of thep president he says goodbyeae toot cuba d
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♪ >> time now is 9:16 and allison is back with check some of the f other stories making headlines n this >> hey, al. >> good morning twin.d >> she's back with my dress. dre good morning to all of you.f first up, call it mack us will,l call eight miracle.. whatever.. listen to this story. a mormon missionary from utahfru who was at the airport at therte time of that blast survived.. okay. here's the catch. the this was his third brush with terror.. 19-year-old mason wells of sandy utah was wounded in yesterday'sd deadly attacks but in november v he was in paris during thosese terror tacks, then rewind ton rd 2013 wells was just a block awak from the boston marathon he survived that attack ofof course.course. authorities say wells was hitwei with shrapnel and also sufferedf second degree burns in the brussels attack
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expected to make a full recove recovery. president barack obama continues his international trip today with a stop in argentina.i the president and his familyamiy landing early this morning in mg bound notice heiress but someuts reports say the president may face anti american protests during this trip because these t trip coincides with the 40th t0t anniversary of the 1976 militart coo the us initially supported. this is the first official visit by a united states president to south american country in almosm two decades. here at home, educationtion public safe tearing minimum wagi just a few the topics d.c. mayor muriel bowser spoke about during her state of the districttrict address last night.t nig she said the city will increasec its funding for schools by $75 million over last year. year mayor bowser wants to increasese the city's minimum wage to $15 o an hour by the year 2020. 202 well, some inspiring newsngn today make you feel great aboutt th
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buck this company is stepping un to help the fight againstst hunger. hung the coffee chain has announcedou it will donate all of its unsold food to america's needy theee company is participating in a food sharing program. pgr now that program will allow itlw to donate 100 mers of its unusee food within a few years. all 7600 u.s. stores, u.s.. starbucks are planning toin t participate. and finally, you heard it ya when we started headlines. hiphop legend has lost a legend. phife dawg has died at the age of just 45. phife dawg who's real name what malik taylor water founding member of the rap group a tribei called quest. q had he been vocal in the pastn h about his medical issues havingh undergone a kidney transplant in 2008 and his struggle with tribe called quest compromisingm the fight k tip and al shahid si >> music is dimmed but it won'to die.di >> yeah. >> back if you guys.>> bac >> great music.>> gat m they had so many hits
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long period of time.. >> one of the best rap albums. p i don't think it posted but idui was saying that is arguably oneo of my favorite rap albums my favorite rap groups.up bonita applebaum.leba >> check the rhyme. rhy great group. rate >> that dress looks great onlosr you. >> you too, holly.>> y >> get you side by side.e. 9:19.19. coming up little later sarah palin' latest court date a musta see affair.see we'll tell you why. >> first ted cruz picks up the d endorsement of a former arrival. candidates react to the bombingi in belgium and hillary clinton and donald trump rape over re another primary tuesday. tuesda. a rap on the campaign trail coming up next. ♪
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♪ 9:22 is the time. on the campaign trail former gog rival jeb bush says he's nows nw endorsing ted cruz for president. bush posted this on facebook f saying cruz is a quotete consistent printed conservativev who can unite the party.arty. former florida governor alsor blasted gop frontrunner donald trump saying the republicanlica party needs to overcome the deviciveness and bull garrityty trump cruz also picked up endorsemente from an anti tax group club for growth. meantime voters turned out indut record numbers to vote inn arizona's primary and the idahoa and utah despite the excitement many arey still concerned about thecernedt terrorist attacks in brussels. fox's jackie ibanez has more
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>> reporter: hillary clintonte and donald trump take theldrump biggest prize of the night.. arizona. this as voters in grand canyon n state idaho and utah make theirr voices heard in race for then re white house.ite and the terror tax in belgium bi were on voters minds. min with clinton saying she has whas it takes to keep america safe.e >> we need a commander in chiefi who can provide leadership thata is strong, smart and above all a steady in taking on these threats. >> reporter: bernie sanders s struggled to convey his foreignr policy agenda. agend but is now taking a stronger stn stance against terrorism in them wake of attacks. >> we will stand as a nation n with our allies and our friends and people all over this world.. we will stand with them and we will together crush and destroyr isis. >> reporter: meantime, on the on republican side, voters aresre turning to donald trump in greag numbers as they feel he is the s stro
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isis. >> trump benefits when terroriso is in the news and it willl saturation coverage here for the next several days.eral the reason i know this after the massacre in paris and the mass killing in san bernardino hisrdh polls went up. >> reporter: a mid the syrianyrn refugee crisis and terrorism inn europe senator ted cruz has been criticizing trump for notor supporting israel and the europeans month nato. m >> i'm the only candidate thatha can beat trump and win thehe republican >> reporter: race to theorte nomination continues thises this saturday with three caucuses fou the democrats in alaska, hawaiii and washington state. in new york, jackie ibanez,, fox news. ns still ahead on good day, a brief pause to our batman versuv zap super man week yesterday.te this morning we're right back ok track whe kevin sits down with e man of steal henry >> what a great day to check out the cherry blossoms. b one of our friends is down there right now. a look at the midweek forecast a
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the why can't it smell like this all the time fun. the learning the virtue of sharing fun. why let someone else have all the fun? that's no fun. unleash the power of dough. give it a pop. it's about taking a stand. for too long, wall street banks had their way. they crashed our economy. but democrat donna edwards won't take their money because she stands up for us. as a single mom, she knows the challenges our families face. she'll be our voice. tightening regulations on the big banks and fighting to keep dark money out of politics. democrat donna edwards, maryland's next senator.
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♪ 9:27 right now. security tight in brussels here locally police all acrosbrs th e dmv continue to step up their t patrols as well. wel >> let's get right to annie yu whose live in the district witht the very latest on howateson how authorities are takingitieta precautions. annie, good morning.d morn >> reporter: hey g morning, mng guys. you know, i think it's very v important to point out like t l we've been reiterating allll morning long that there is no known credible threat to metroie or amtrak or any of the transita
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definitely doing what they needg to do to keep riders safe, and over at amtrak at union stationn we know that they have deployedd additional officers. officer they will will be doing randoman security checks of luggages. lga they also have bomb sniffingb si dogs out and about doing d security sweeps on those tracksa so they are making every thing i possible to, you know, to mack k sure that riders are safe many e here at metro center i got to it tell you we've been out here alh morning long. we've not seen the presence herr at this station. we haven't seen any uniformed um officers walking around, and i've also gone downstairs to tho platform area, but we are toldea that metro has added additional manpower. they say that they've added hundreds of officers at hand at all 91 metro stations. stati putting in overtime hours.g in many of them doing patrol workor but riding along on those busess and trains.ras. they also have k9 dogs as well. but, again, important to point n out there's no planned attackstc in the nation's capitol weapit w caht
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as the mayor and this is whathis they had to say. we stay focused obviouslyly transit system has been attackec we look at all of our, you know, our top,, what we think could bd target areas to make sure that t they have the resources and and visibility they need. >> i think for the general public you will see an increased visibility both uniformed unifo officers and cars and other oth equipment out but there's lot ot things we do that are nonre visible to the public and are ae intended to not be visible toib the public and i think that, um, goes for all forms of security. >> reporter: so perhaps what the chief was saying what we'rew seeing is that, you know, we maa not see the presence but it isti among us. meantime, the sentiment acrossin the overall sentiment across riders or among riders they wilh not change the way they commutee to work or go home or and that t sort of thing that they will nol live in fear. but amtrak, metro and otherther transit agencies certainlyag asking for the public's helpenls asking you
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ears on the streets here and ifd you see something to certainlyiy report that to police or a station manager. manag that's the very latest here inse northwest. back to you all in the >> thanks annie.>>hanks ann in the wake of yesterday'sesay devastating a tacks in brusselsl the social media world hassonasn the off with messages of love, support and solidarity. trending hash tag included jesui bucks sell which is i amllhich m brussels in french.ussen pray for brussels and simplyd sy prayers. meantime images of support havet also started pouring in shows s hands clasped painted in the colors of the belgium flag and this woman image from france who experienced similar attack of at course not six months agons showing the country wrapping its arms around they're woundedou neighbor. some of what social media is sle offering in condolences this thi morning. >> all right. helping lot of people deal witht this, cope with this and feelnde better about themselves andmsel others.he. good news this weren't when ithn comes to the forecast.he forast sunshine and peak bloom cherrymr blossoms expected to romaine in bloom somewhere between four an 10 days but that also
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today.da meaning crowds of people will wl flock to the tidal basin when tucker barnes found out about oo that i need to be there fronttof and center.ceer perfectly framed between a fewnf tree leaves and blossoms thislot morning. hi, tuck. >> reporter: hey, steve. sve yeah, i got inspired thisspir morning when we were looking ata live shots down here alltowhere morning, and it's actuallyll beautiful.l the crowds i don't know if we i can pan off already building.ldn lots and lots of people out herr this morning.. and the parking team doing its i thing and it will be building bd and building from here as today marks the official start to thee peak blossom season down here i the tidal all right. let me do some weather and thend we'll take a closer lookser loo together at some of the flowers. it's very mild. mil obviously i'm comfortable hereft now in short sleeves.eves upper 50s and we're focused onuo 70s later today. tay yes, 70s for daytime highs.ig little bit of high thin cloud cloudiness. hoping to burn that off butt ff either way we'll remain dry this afternoon so again if you get ag chance to come on dowthe weather should coopera
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today if you'll get out thisut t evening should be very pleasant tonight and great lookingand conditions tomorrow with highsit both today and tomorrow in the 70s.70 all right. guys. let's do a rather nonscientificf look at what we're looking at i've got -- i don't know if wee call a flor rhett or what weettr call that. but i counted about 15 different petals on here, and just to lett you know i've got about five now that have bloomed.e b so i think we're about one thirt into full bloom so i think we have a long way to go here andt just looking around the basin ii can tell you some of the treesre are doing their thing and othe others, eh, not so much yet.het so, you know, maybe later todayy tonight and tomorrow we'll w really start to get things goini here. here. either way it's beautiful. and you know the forsythia now blooming feels line signs ofinef spring down here and they have t been great spirits and very spi excited to be down here. be all right. that's the latest from the tidee balance basin.lanc i'll be back if you're lucky luc steve maybe i'll unbutton myton shirt and show a little bit few chest hairs here to get in theet
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back to t >> that's a threat. tea >> i know. know. >> i agree. >> tease or threat. or t >> i think you're right, mo it' a threaitt.hrea >> thanks tuck.>> >> when we talk about college tb sports we know it can be fiercely fought.t. it can be brutally intense we'rw not just talking about the abo players on the playing field. fd coaches can set the tone for thr teams in early '80's noon thee '90's perfect storm of clashingh coaches changed the face of college basketball.ketbl sports author john feinsteinfe chronicles the rifles in his nen book the legends this morning the legend himselfs is joining us on the >> hardly. >> and fellow blue definitely. t john, always good to see you.tos >> good to be here. goo thank you all.thyou >> and i know -- you obviously o done a lot of mazing i think that is number 3 >> 36, yeah. y >> i read 32.2. (laughter). >> this is the most highly t anticipated. why did you think, a, the bookho needed to be written and why a w now?now? >> well, the now really came cam from a dinner here in washingtog a few years ago where my mike k was receiving his millionthth coaching award. we were sing together during the dinner
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he just scene dean smith a couple weeks earlier and he wase in the last stages of dementiaei and how sad it made him to see t dean in that condition, becausen dean was the sharp pest person any of us ever met, and then hen started talking about jim valutm van know and the time he spent s with him during his last days id the hospital in 1993. i 1 and he got very emotional just having a conversation and itiond occurred to me as i was liste listening to him talk i lived l through those days with thosedas three guys back in the '80's. i was covering the acc for the post. po i spent hours and hours with vah van know, hours and hours withrt is he chef ski and probably morr time with dean smith who's an an introvert. them anybody in the media and ih you mentioned the perfect stormo and that's what that was.. when those extraordinary coachec or extraordinary people werery coaching against one another anr i said, i wasn't born to write i this book but i certainly lived it. and that was the night i decided i wanted to go back don the boob and the funny thing is, not tont drop a name but i'll drop name bob costas called me after he ma read the book and he said thehed only thing i thought as i read
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this before becadnuse it's such- it seems so obvious butio sometimes you're so close to cse something you can't see e >> absolutely. i was thinking the same thing. t i'm not a huge sports fans. fs i know those names are certainly significant and i just would jud have assumed someone would havem written a story about how important these men were to thet sport and just to the united t i states in general.ener >> i'd written about all threelt of them individually in the pasp but never together, and what iht found in doing the research evee though i already felt like it ik knew a lot going in, the the evolution every theirvery relationships was extraordinaryy because she chef ski and dean d were hostile for many, many many >> not friends from the get go.f >> not evenro close.n cse i mean their first hand shakeana was a non hand shake the first f time they played against each ae other and mike made the famouss double standard comment about at officiating of course now everybody says there's a double standard for him. h. >> became coach fist.ach >> and for while he battleded i used to kid him because heecse once said to his assistant assta coaches during a game, after her had an, many with dean f i evere start to act l
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any questions just get a gun on shoot him on occasion i would iw call him and say we're roundingn up the guns he became more andar more like dean.moreik now he's proud of that because e he emulated dean in terms ofermo relationships with the players.e standing up for the right thingg the charity work that he's donen and that's how the two of them e really bonded later in dean's d live and with val van know theyy were arrivals because they werey peers same ages go to the acc9 a days apart.. but when jim got sick, mike wen and visited him in the hospitali every single day and vanuatu v know told me when mike woulde wd walk into the room she and her three daughter boss leave thee two of them alone and for that hour or so jim didn't haveave cancer any more because it meanm so much to both of them.h t >> dean smith, mike, known for longevity in the league knowngue for more wins than anybody else. jim val van know showed how onew moment can captivate into the entire world spotlight. spoig john we like to put you on thene spot when you're with us we cane get a chance to do it a lot. l >> thanks lot steve. >> i know you're not a fan ofu'e this but we in america
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rank things. thi all time how would you rank those three as far as all time. >> it's actually a goods al question, steve.on, jim was in a separate category g from dean and mike when he won o that championship that moment you're talking about, he started thinking what's the next thinghi for me? he felt he had donee coaching his words quote unquo unquote. he arrived. >> that was 37 and nobody under the age of n 40 won a nationalil championship since then by the t way. mike and dean when they woneaent their championships their firstr thought how do i win a second.en they were coaching 36 years at a their schools.. so the way i rank them is john h has ton one. one 10 championships in 11 years. but mike is two. t and then dean is either three or four with bob knight. kgh mt. rushmore without anyitho a question is wooden, she chef s c ski, night and dean.ea >> you even bob knight with all his silliness and that drama.t to me i can't get past that.t ta >> that's different issue fue you're talking about as a humann being --in >> is it? >> you're talking about coaching bob knight won three nationalon championships went to six finalx fours and coached an olympicmpic gold
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talk about human beings he's non on the mountain. >> what's interesting is dean d and mike would still be on then mt. rushmore to me as human h beings and jim as i said in aain totally different category ceg because what he did, he wentent looking for again his words thes next thing, and he didn't findif it till cancer found him.nd h that's the tragedy in his life l that he died at 47. 4 but during that last year of hif life, not only did he give thatt famous espy speech which we havh seen a million times and i stils get a chill every time i see iti but he started -- he organized z the v foundation which has whi h raised more than $150 millionmio for cancer research and the guyt he work with most closely in i setting it up was she chef ski e all those hours in the hospitalh room together.og >> another another rivalry or friendship among coaches that exists today like those three? r >> i don't think there's d anything like it bonecause as is said they were such unique personalities. they were very different fromry one another but very similar, d too, int terms of their drive i
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but i don't think we will ever see -- said in the intro perfect storm. i'm not sure we'll ever seeree anything because the three the r schools as you know are 25 milee apart duke and carolina 10 milee apart state 25 miles to thes toe east. ea so they're all there in the same media market. m their fans live among eachmong other. you know, you lose if you're asi duke person or carolina personao you got to face the other teamst fans the next day. when mike was failing his firstr three years at duke he was 38as8 and 47. his daughters were literallyiter chased down the hallway inn school by people saying youray daddy is going to get fired. your daddy can't coach and allcd three of them remember that to r this dayat. this day. eighths tough place to be.toh pc >> coach k told them to keep kee wearing that duke sweatshirt.t. >> dean called caught lot of cat heat for while there -- >> he was hung in effigy.ig >> he wouldn't all those games t then didn't like him that much. >> the question how come youuest haven't won the national title?t to the point where he actually a had his assistant coaches do research to prove quote unquoteq that going to three final foursn
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he'd been to seven at that poinp was harder than winning oneinng national championship. i don't know how they came toowa that conclusion, but he was that upset about the criticism that came with not having won the w national title. and the irony of course when heo did win it in 1982, dean smithei being dean smith when they camec to him and said we want to cutut the last snip of the net, get g jimmy black the only senioren starter to the team. >> jimmy black the quarterback.. >> he wanted him to cut that t last snippet. sppet. >> coaches don't stick around ad schools like they used s >> and dean had to misfortune of -- >> we'll have to couldn't this.. >> he lost the championship inms '68. >> the book is the legends club. >> appropriately named john,teln thanks as always.anks as always great to sit down with you.ou >> my pleasure thanks guys.suhak >> still ahead in the fox beat,t dark we mention who goes farther in this tournament duke or norte carolina.carona >> bet on carolina.olin >> i even say that. duke, we're smart.mart >> still ahead in the fox beat
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biebs and the hoff showing off g the >> we always turn to tmz's dax d holt live in la.ivin thanks for joining us early this morning.morng. how you doing buddy. >> i'm good. >> judge judy was a massive a ms success the producer of that oft show wants to bring in somebody else to be a judge but this aude person is not really a judge ine real what's going on with this story? >> yeah, so larry little who wao behind judge judy also behindd judge joe brown so has had somee major successes in the courtroom is now saying he wants sarah palin to i guess anchor a courtu show and this could be a prettyp big deal for her, you know, officer rough she's not a judge in real life like you said, however, this would be the courtroom of common sense is what they would be tight link tg this show it looks like he wante her to go ahead, film a pilot il the next couple of weeks andf wa this would hopefully air sometime in like 2017, but, youo know, it could be veryy interesting. you never r kn he knows what
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comes to courtrooms. so having sarah palin as that t person might actually do reallyy well.well. >> dax, can you say whatay courtroom of common sense means? what would they be dealing withw >> yeah, i have no idea.a. (laughter). >> i'm a little bit confused. ce >> i'm assuming it will be morew like an vice type thing. thi you can hand out legal decisions unless you're a judge, right? r we can have judge dax. judge d dax. >> may be she's just saying,ayin hey, this is what i think you should do and what i think youai should do and this is whats what common sense would be.e but, you know, i really don't d know what will turn out to be. o obviously, it would be in thee t pilot stage right now.pilost so it could change a lot beforef it ends up even airing in 2017.1 >> as much as common sense tello me not to watmmch, i'm guessingg people probably would.ople p >> i might be a little intrigu intrigued. >> yes. >> moving on toes? inn tin beiber people would be paying betwe
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he had a scare. he's changing this to non interaction >> there's an obsessive fan monday night on their wash list but able to make night concerton venue all the way up aboutp 10 feet away from him before tht security noticed she was there.. and had her removed.emov but here's the thing. thi he has been really complaining i lot about these meet and greetsg you know it's one-on-one-on- interaction with a fans and hesd loves his fans, but there's beeb times where his hair gets hai g pulled, where his clothes getest ripped. he got the flu from one fan. and so he's saying it's just sos draining to do all of this meete and greets before the concerton starts up. it's to the point he's gettinget so depressed like with all thehe interaction that he's like ie' l just can't do it any more. and so they are now changingin that whole policy.ol they are not going to do theng e one-on-ones any they're just going to do like a group setting where they comehe energy he gets on stage and likk talks to a group of people a peo small group before the concertct
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starts up.ts up. so it looks like friday in vega will be the last time they do te the one-on-ones and he said,ai look, i love making my fans m f smile but not at my own expensep he's just -- it's draining and n know it sounds like a boo-hoo ab kind of thing but at the same a time i can kind of understand where the kid is coming from. co >> to a point. to a poin >> you got to go out and put ont a show for thousands andhous thousands of people and these meet and greets can be kind ofnd draining. >> depression? >> you know what's moreou depressing than having fans is f not having fans.hang f >> right.>> r >> as an entertainer that couldt be really depressing.. >> dax, i was reading on tmzmz that 20 of them are generally gn the one-on-ones and 200 of these group ones couldn't he just do the 20 one-on-one ands call a it day. >> you know what, does he need,e to do it? he's still going tosg have the fans whether or not hee meets up with them before the wt concert or not.ncert >> true. >> and there's lot of and celebrities that never do meeteo and greets, and they're doingre just fine. >> we've seen the rock with thih shirt off and zach efron withfrn his shirt off.ff
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what about their bay watch b mentor. >> we got hoff with his shirt si off he's back making a cameo for the new bay watch movie runningi down the beach. i love it.i l they cannot not do the movie without -- without him.ithout you have to bring the hoff backf and did he his cameo. ceo i know that they had -- they wanted pam, pam wasn'tm interested. intere we talked to karma he will w electra.electra. she said they even reached out to >> really. >> maybe hoff is the only oneoft making an appearance in this ie got to think there's a lot of lo people that you could should have in there a little bit and a have them pop up for a couple cu minutes.tes. good for him for staying inng in shape.shap >> thanks dax. see you soon.ouoo >> thanks, dax. >> thanks guy 6789. >> tmz airs at 3:00 o'clock andl 6:30 right here on fox5. fox >> an r rated bay watch movie m which is interesting.esting. >> probably see a lot more bodyb parts. >> a lot more -- a lote >> i still won't watch. won wat. >> more of the hoff in 3d. >> i don't even watch. >> time 9:48.:48. d.c. high schooler got herolot h artwork featured on google's hole page.e we'll intd
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you take those lessons all the way to congress. you pledge to take nothing from pacs or corporations because the only special interest a congressman should have is you and he'll promise to work with anyone if it'll get things done. after all he's spent 30 years working both sides of the aisle. i'm david trone and i approve this message.
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>> next guest enter the the 2015 doodle gore google contest and a is the national winner. wner. you may have seen artwork on the theme was what makes it has to include the googleoo letters. allison joining us live with heh story.y impressive young lady allison. >> the best we first introducede to a kill la johnson a student e at eastern high school a fewl a weeks ago. ago well she just got back from herh visit to goggle headquarters ous in california where she foundheu out she was the national winner! >> first of all round ofl r o applause for a kill la johnson. >> you can be honest did yout dd think you were going to win then whole thing.whole g. yes. but when i got there i was like never mine. >> competition was good.ti >> it was hectic.was heic. >> yeah. >> and then tell me the momentom that you won.that can you just remember th yeembee moment? >> okay.
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the oldest in the group.he when they called my name i was like, okay, then they said,he s she's also the national winner w and i started crying. cin i was like -- perkin is the arta cher you credit a lot ofot o inspiration she told you aboutou it, right?ight >> um-hmm. i know she was jumping up andumi down. down >> yeah. >> so this is it.>> i don't know. i mean all o sf us use google right if you logged on yesterda you saw this as the bar and youy saw underneath it it said akila johnson is the winner from d.c.c representing eastern high schoo school. >> that is your yourself portrait no. >> the box that spells outt el google and the black history inn it. and you're not -- what you calll your afrocentric life. lif so where did that seed gett se g planted in your pride of yourfor heritage? >> going to roots both the campuses i think it had a bigig impact on me. >> um-hmm you l
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roots. >> yes. >> okay. so some of the judges there youe didn't meet all of them buthem b steph curry was one of the o o judges.dges soccer star alex morgan, also,ls modern family's julie bowen and all of that but the main thing is i mean you get a $30,00030 college scholarship.olar you're just a sophomore. sophome do you have any idea where youee want to go to school. school. >> i want to go to marshall.ars. >> okay. all so, you know, if you can do this and beat out hundreds of thousands then you cann definitely do anything you wanty to do. d eastern also gets a -- education grant $50,000 for eastern high g school then a chrome book andom tablet and all of that. and of what i love though you also get a t-shirt with your design onr i it. >> yes. >> have you ever gotten that?? >> have you worn it already?t aa >> yes. y >> we had to wear it the day ofo the competition.peti >> and how has your live chang changed? >> like a lot of people walk upf to me now. pto me ow like, oh, you're the googleoogl rlrl. i'm like, i don't know you, butt okay. thank you.. >> what's this picture were youu went
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>> um-hmm. u >> okay. >> that one, too.hat onoo >> yeah. >> aww. >> previous one was of my dad. d my dad and my mother.y mot >> the picture -- >> i don't know who made that.n >> who made this collage.ol >> maybe it was google.s ge i had the coons meet your momom and your aunt, i think your auny is here with us today.ay >> yes.>> yes >> they're your cheerleading che squad for real.sq >> yes. >> what did they think aboutthbo after this?af >> they were excited. exced everybody they were like overjoyed i ov guess. >> yeah.h >> and the kicker can a* kill ll does not want to be professional has that changed or you still s interested in criminal justice,e is that what you're interestedee in?in >> um-hmm. >> how about now? h abo >> when i went to go to thet google campus i was like oh thio is nice, but i can't see myself doing it. i i'd rather be -- i want to have arts and craft studio for kids.. i'm into it but i'm not set onot it yet. yet. >> your mom is still hopeful hel that you'll epp rich the worldod with your artistry. arty i don't know if you can reallyya if you check it out but there'sh soan
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and messages in this. ts did you ever count up how many n doodles. >> no.>> >> how much do you think wentnkw into this? >> when you look at it like i'm counting like at least 20 on this side. >> probably like 50 becauseec everything meant somethingng s different. so i don't know. i >> right. >> well it means the world toea us t. d.c. is proud of you. you i mean, the country is proud ofd you and google apparently isys very congratulations. >> thank you. >> all right.>> all right this is akilah johnson she iss the national google for doodlee winner. she took the whole thing.hing d.c.'s own.. back to you guys. to yoys >> congratulations to you.gratut >> thank youio. >> this won't be the last timetm we see her making headlines in the news. >> i love how modest she is.t si she's a little nervous. you did it. great job >> i love those blue shoes. (laughter). >> you know what else it is -- >> what is it.. >> batman versus superman week.e more details on that. t that's my thing. >> take sip. s. >> coffee time on good day d.c.
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>> from superman to big badsupem greek wedding we have it all ono good day at 10a.0a >> kevin goes one-on-one with w the man of steal himself henry caval. what does he have to say about o batman versus superman?? >> also at 10a get ready for f another big fat greek wedding. i the movie star is joining us u
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>> and we all need this right now. one word, puppies!! >> yes, we are live in thein the 10a starts right now.ts rigw ♪ >> a lot to get on the 10a. sometime steve alongside holly,, maureen and wisdom. w >> let's get right to the topig stories.stories. >> latest on the brussels terror tax despite conflicting reportsp belgium authorities say thehe third suspect najim laachraouiaa has not been arrested.d. several news outlets had been reporting he was belgium officials says thoses reports were incorrect. incorre. officials believe laachraoui isv a top isis bomb maker.aker french police believe he madeiee the suicide vests used in used n november attacks in paris. pis they say laachraoui's dna was also found on all the vests ands in brussels apartment where thee were made.ree. >> mean will investigators alsoa identified the suicide bombers who blew themselves up at the ut airport and metro station thetai two men on the left are believee to be the suicide been identifi
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khalid and brahim the man on the right is the suspect believed to be najim laachraoui.aoui >> meanwhile the death followeal now from those attacks stanceta stands at 34. 270 more were hurt.e hur the terror alert in belgium bgi still at its highest level. lev. in the state department haste dm issued a travel warning forningr americans in response to the >> live team coverage thisove morning. annie and bob checking out theut security situation at thety s airport and metro.airport an first let's check in witheckn melanie.melanie she's at the embassy of belgiuml which apparently suddenly become a very busy place, mel? >> reporter: that's right,hat'sg guys. so we just had a large contingent of secret servicevi show up here and vice-presidentn joe biden walked through theroue front doors of the belgium embassy this morning presumablel toll meet with ambassador johan we don't know if we'll be able a to speak with him once he comesc out of this meeting. earlier we know yesterdayteay homeland security secretary jeh johnson came by to offer his condolences and talk
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security situations with the ambassador here at the embassyas of belgium. and we'd seen much smaller ichma have to say than what we saw ini terms of the outpouring when the attacks happened in paris, butut nonetheless, still a very heartfelt memorial as peopleeo came here this morning andngnd yesterday as well to lay down flowers and cards as well.l. earlier this morning also verylv touching we saw a man with his dog come by and kneel and pray wipe awaya few tears and also the ambassador did come out ande o speak with us as well. w you could tell just in his presentation he like his peoplee very resilient and defiant. >> we are kind of no nonsense people. we have a lot of resilience.. we want normalize to start. to a we are not going to stay thereye in a little corner for days and days and complain.ompln. we just want that life goes onsn
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minister but also the people tht citizens decided that as of today everybody goes again to work, the children go back to school, and that kind of kin normalcy that entering again ini our daily lives. >> reporter: again thehe ambassador just like so manyan citizens and so many cities that have had to deal with this sortt of thing same sort of messagesae we've heard over and over again we must go on with our daily lives.lis otherwise, the terrorists win. nonetheless, though, people are approaching their daily livesly with a little bit of extra caution.. for more thon we go to my t colleague bob barnard at dulles >> reporter: hey, melanie.orte we are at the security a checkpoint here at dulles where tsa has enhanced some of their f security measures.rity measu not telling us what they are, ae but that be prepared if you'refr traveling even domestically tolo expect a little more security st here at the checkpoints.heckin you go upstairs, we can show yow
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the airport police are o they have their arrivals, theyse have their dogs, they have a heightened security posture eveo though there's no known threatwr against this airport or any other potential targets here inr the district.istric as you guys mentioned, the stats department has issued a travel a warning for anyone traveling too anywhere in europe to be on the alert for sports venues or anyny tourist locations that couldtiou also be potential targets. tts you talk to people pass throught the airport today, passengersasg air travelers they seem to bem okay with everything. >> you know, there's alwaysre'sw concern in the back of your minb if something, you know, just bes cautious basically just be awara of your surroundings.dings >> i feel perfectly comfortable...ore... >> reporter: no hesitation?itn? >> none >> reporter: you have to fly or you want to.orou w >> i do it by choice. cic >> not thinking about it.out can't live like that.t live likt so we got to go to utah so we're going to go.g to go. i'm still nervous.
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got to live. >> reporter: now, authoritiesuto in brussels have announced thatt the airport there in the capitot of belgium will be closed again tomorrow.ow so today united airlines had too cancel its flight 950 a direct non-stop from dulles the only washington direct to brussels. l that was canceled it's canceled today.'s cto and it will likely because ofuse the airport in brusselsel remaining closed tomorrow thatrw flight will be canceled as welll tomorrow. for more on the security posturu with our transit system let's go to annie yu at metro sen annie, good morning report roart thanks, bob. thanks good morning to you., od you know, metro m transit policc are telling us that they havethh certainly ramped up security ini around the metro stations across town. none total and they also tell us they are working with federal agencies overseas but also with local law enforcement here metro station this morning we haven'tr really scene a ton of presencefe but we know tt
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beefing up security and i thinkn it's important to point out thau there is no known crediblewn cre threat to metro or amtrak but these agencies are not taking tg any now metro has added extra era manpower. they have hundreds of officersn out and about putting in extra hours.hos. some on foot patrol.otat others on buses and trains and a according to d.c. police chiefhi lanier some officers will beff visible and other security sec measures in place may not bee visible, and it's intended to bo that way. way we asked how long this extraxtra security will last for. f officials won't tell us.s t te metro told us after the paris pr attacks it happened for few da days. but as you will understand theyn don't want to give an exactn e length of time. as for amtrak, they, too, haveav deployed additional officers ati union station we know thatn kno police are doing random luggagee security checks.hecks they have k9 bomb sniffing dogsd out on those tracks doing security sweeps but safety is everyone's responsibility, andia if you see something, you shallh report that to that's the very latest here in r north we have. back to you in the >> all right, annie, thank you
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want to take you back to tho belgium embassy wherehere vice-president joe biden is now >> -- and the way they're doing it they're mobilizing all the at elements of their community as well as their capability to begin to crack down on and eventually he will let me name m these terror cells. cel they will prevail. they will prevail.vail and you know you got to t remember, remember the incredible courage of theoura belgium people during world ward ii.ii the incredible stamina and nothing has changed. nothing has changed, but on buto behalf of the president i canntn say that we are prepared to provide any and all information, capability, technology, anythinh we have that can be value added to their fight, and they willhe prevail. you got to give
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what, back bones like grandmas.. look at them. t they're going to they're not letting terrorism within in what they really wanty to do is change the way we live. >> yeah. >> you'll never let that happen. >> thank you so much. tha >> thank you. >> mr. vice-president. mr. vice- >> thank you all very.prha >> joe bidennk stopping by the belgium embassy visiting withinh the ambassador showing ourhowing friendship of the country andryd even more so the support behindn and solidarity and how resolutel we all need to be and we'lle'll continue to be in this warn this against terror.agaiterror meanwhile president obamadent o continues his internationalernai trip. this morning he touched down inn argentina where the presidentde may face anti american protestse during his trip.duri his that's because the tripse theri coincides with 40th anniversary of the 1976 militart coo the us initially supported.t yesterday the president andsi first family watched tampa bay b rays play exhibition game gam against the cuban national team.
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and sat next to president obama. president obama did not throwob out the first pitch but he did d greet players from tampa bay. the woman pictured in what a has become iconic image fromro yesterday' as tack in brusselses has been identified end crane air steward from mumbai.rom m she had just arrived at the arra terminal ahead of meeting upeenu with her colleagues for flightle to newark.ew when series of explosions ripped through the building killing kli dozens of people.eo she is the mother of twof o children and has been workingor for jet airways for 15 years. source close to her family fily confirm she's now in theow in hospital recovering from hereci injuries.ries following yesterday'sg yesty terrorist attack, many have uses social media to share sympathyhm for the belgium people including celebrities like kim kardashianh ellen degeneres and amy schumerh kardashian tweeted my heart goeg out to everyone in brussels bss praying for peace throughout the world.d. degeneres offer a similar sent many sending love to my pee m people of
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my heart goes out to everyone touched by this and amy schumerr chimed in, love to brussels.russ others including rihanna, courtney coccyx, miranda alsoo sounded off tweeting messages oo love and support to the wounded country. >> we'll have much more comingcr up on good daye at 10a includii what's trending now. now iconic songs go down in history. we'll tell had you which ones ws are being preserved by theing pe library of congress. congr >> in celebrity dish the biebs s dropping a bombshell to fan. fa. katie perry make it official and kevin hart gets ready for a neww project.t. >> oh, and next --ext >> who let the dogs out. out. >> who, who, who, who let the te dogs out, wait for it, it iss indeed national puppy day! thehe number one good day at 10a is 1i back right after this short t s break. br ♪ ♪
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we need women in congress. if we want to be heard, it was the women who forced republicans to include women's health and contraceptive coverage in the affordable care act. in congress, i'll fight for pay equity, family leave and tougher gun safety laws. and, as an environmentalist, i'll work combat climate change. i know as a journalist and as a senior executive in business that when women are at the table, we get things done. i'm kathleen mathews and i approve this message.
10:13 am
it's time to get out and explore. look beyond the expected. hidden among the trees. there's a special place. where getting away... brings us so much closer. spring into fun and save $50 with an all-inclusive ticket. busch gardens williamsburg. a whole other world awaits. he's begun forgetting words. forgetting where he lives. but when the day comes when he forgets who i am, i'll still know who he is. the first time we said i love you
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we simply held each other's hands. we still are. i lost my dad to alzheimer's. preventing alzheimer's is within our grasp. let's double the budget of nih and get it done. i'm david trone and i approve this message. ♪ puppy love p >> are you squeaking. >> yes. >> aww.. >> don't be afraid of big scaryy wisdom.wisd aunt hold l keep you safe. s >> so now you want some cutene cuteness.
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>> aww. >> come on. come on go on over there. >> snagged on my dress.y dress >> i used to have one of thesed hollyto. >> aww. >> here we go. >> where you going? have a sea over here.over >> it is national puppy day anda courtesy of the washington wasno animal rescue league and thend washington humane society which has joined forces they ares they helping us celebrate in a big ia way as we are all just cuddlingn on the couch.on the cou >> we are. >> after the day we've had had yesterday i think this is probably the best therapy just s little relaxation and will hingn the love just sing in.n. look at this little guy.ittle g is he like the most adorable? look at that face >> he's used to me now. n he's not shaking any more.ore. i'm not that bad. b >> he's shaking on the inside. >> will you take me back auntk hold until thank you fornk y bringing >> these little guys are up fore adoption in two weeks.adtion >> two weeks six weeks old whene they're eight weeks they'll beeh available.ble. >> okay. did you have like an influx ofao puppies? >> we always have puppies thates are co
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so, yeah, these guys are -- were have a lot of partners ptn throughout the country that have a lot of puppies in their area a so they transfer them to us so u we can get them adopted out. >> a lot of people want to adopt puppies.pp. >> right. >> and you have their mom,ouaveh though. >> we do have their mom.e do she's really sweet. >> aww she's up for adoption.n >> she will be when they are,hea yeah. >> when you have national puppye days like this i would imagine d lot of people gives them the tht idea to come and get puppies bus this is a serious commitment.tmn >> right. >> people have to rememberrememr they're cute and cuddly and warr the heart but it's a commitment. >> right. right absolutely. yeah. they need training and they neee a lot of care and they can'theyc hold it very long so they haveav to go potty. potty >> oh, here, wisdom. w >> like now. like now >> i think yours is sleeping. sp wisdom yours is sleeping.. >> bouvier a calming effect -- >> only on animals. >> only on animals. >> on your suit.ou suit. >> that's just me.. >> mine is a little awnry, hey.. >> i love you bumps. >> we asked people to zen us z s
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you have time if you want. we'll try to get some of thoseot pictures. >> if you want to send picturesu of your puppies use the #gooddaydc and send them on social media and we'll show soms pump peace from home today. frot >> it doesn't mean you haveyo h puppy of at home. at h you probably have picture ofobay your dog when your dog was a puppy.ppy any and all pictures of puppies are good. >> all i know mine is the onlynl one not whining much that's alli i'm sayingng.aying >> has mine made a peep?p? >> what? >> did you notice how calm it ic in her probably the most zen we've had. >> it's a puppy effect. >> right? >> i'm loving this.>> i >> want to come to me? no. okay.okay >> you want to come to me. want (laughter). >> when i got not in my producep sr. said do you want to hold awa puppy i said knowledge i'm glad i did. i'm telling you i feel so much better.bett. >> right?ig >> that's what happens people po get sucked in.. >> she wanted mo
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that one home zula >> oh really.. >> no, no. >> big commitment. com >> i would love to have one but as i was saying to you it is a y commitment. i think i'm finally wrapping mym head around the fact that i cana maybe do this especially withllw faces like this. >> how big will these puppies get? >> probably a little bit biggerb than they are right now.ight n they're mom is relatively litt little. but their dad we don't know their dadwe.eir da >> what kind of dogs are they.he >> spiced >> never heard of that. >> yeah. >> unique -- really? 10 pounds, 12 pounds, 15 pounds? >> maybe like 20 pounds.0 po >> 20 pounds. >> what's their temperment?? >> this one is really relaxed. >> extremely nice. extremely n they'll change as they get oldet a little bit.e b they're super social.ocial. we've introduced them to a lot t of people.. they're well socialized. socia they met so many s they have a good start in life.f >> okay. okay. you now have a hundred contracts already.already.
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people that want -- >> hello.. >> where do you want to go? tog let's watch. w not the crimson leather.eath back up here. uper >> oh, my goodness. >> so cute.e. >> yeah.h. >> oh, my goodness. >> aww.>> aww. >> let's move on. we'll continue on despite the de cuteness here and how much we'dd like to stay with it puppies are not the only thing 10ing this0is morning. let's talk about some other som things things that are trending this morning.this how about music the library off congress inducting 25 roaringsor of the national according aordig registry each year the libraryhl chooses record that is theyrd tt think are historically orr culturally significant a mix of blues, jazz, rock and country. piano man from 1973 made the list this year as did gloria gaynor. >> i will surveillance have i.el >> disco anthem from 1978. >> disco, ugh.,gh >> it will survive forever now.. >> it will survive forever. >> you wake up, i will survive at 4 >> prab
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metallica actually made an entrt into the library of congress n now. 1986 master of puppets selected as recording to keep for the ages. not only does the library of congress select the songs theygt choose recordings of radio shows sports and comedies from the registry.regi the recordings must be at least 10 years old.10 yea supreme where did our love go. john cold train the love supreme and julie london 1955 hit cry mm a river. these puppies need to hear the r gentle tones of our voice.. now they're being calm. >> not to be confused with justin kimber lake's cry me a river. >> still ahead at 10:00.. kevin sits down with the man ofo steal himself, henry caval. cavl >> our super weatherman tuckerke barnes giving a progress reportr on the cherry blossoms next. more puppy loving in the studio. ♪ ♪
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♪ as a small business owner, here's one thing you can rely on: your business will change as it grows. whether its new space, more employees, or better equipment, things have a way of moving fast. but if your network can't keep up, it can really slow you down. and that's not good for business. thankfully, a switch to the 100% fiber optic network of verizon fios is all it takes to keep everything moving in the right direction with fios you get 99.9% network reliability and the fastest wi-fi available. with uploads as fast as downloads up to 500 megs.
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get fios 50 meg or higher internet and phone for your last chance to get $250 back. hurry, this offer ends soon. call or go online today. small business is better on a better network. ♪ (laughter).r). >> look. look he woke up when he her thee music.. >> the man in the world with th puppies.pp >> you're funny.>> y >> do we wanting to oh tucker te barnes now?rnesow? >> he's at the tidal basin. right? they were just trying ty shame me because they didn'tse d think i knew how to handle thist puppy.y. >> there's no shame in puppyo sp loving.
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going on? if you could see thit i got puppy and it's all goodllg over here.over h we all have puppies.. >> i'm just saying. justg. >> you all have cute puppies? >> yes. >> we're holding hill puppies.ip >> i want acute puppy. >> aww. you know what, there's been a'sn lot people walking dogs down here. i'll find acute puppy before thp end of this show.end i'm down here at the tidal basib i got inspired earlier thisli ti morning when i saw the sun wasun up and it was so beautiful downw here, and had a chance to sneake on down here it is absolutelyol gorgeous. we're looking at i'm going to bg honest with you, i don't feel like we're at peak bloom here.o so if you can get down heren geh today, maybe tomorrow or fridayi or we get into the weekend i think we will be peak bloomk blo we're getting awfully close ande i can tell you not much has m changed in the past hour. hou except for the crowds out here h have really picked u even in the last 15 minutes.utes everybody is out here walkingkig about. we've got people on the paddle boats.boat i think if i got a poodle boat i might get halfway across the basin and run out of energy anda
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everybody have having greatgre time. time turning into a beautiful day. at lots of sunshine and expectingxg daytime highs in the mid 70's.7. if you can sneak down here atakh some point later this afternoon, weather could not be nicer.ic again we're looking at mid 70s s later today. tod tonight very comfortable. tomorrow looks fantastic withtat another day in the 70s thenin te we'll get a few rain showers shs around here thursday night or friday. lots and lots of smiles.les. dave, maybe we can pan off on pn the crowd of people that are ale smiling.smil >> i need somebody to smile. tmi smile for me! >> yay! see how happy everybodyy is. >> everybody is happy down herer that's beautiful smile. smi that's the latest from the tidal basin, guys.sin, guys. i'll be back here tomorrow withh erin and i'm hoping with allison. i got two double dates we'll go exploring all over the place. pe definitely come down here.ome e. beautiful this afternoon guys. s again look what's blossoming. >> yes. >> i'm kind of with you tucker. i don't feel like they're peakya bloom yet but nonetheless theyt are beautiful.tiul >> yeah. >> i'm amazed at the fact he fae said he has two dates he's dateh taking down there. tre >> if he had puppies he'd havedv more. >> that's true.>> that's true. >>
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let's reserve that. tha you've got to take that puppyt p home. home >> look at that. >> you think it looks me. >> just little b >> i think he does.hinke doe give it acute little sports spot name. it's all you.'s all. >> these puppies they were aware they were going to be on tvgoin today. they're ready to roll.. >> they're chillax sin. >> this how i do my kids atst home.home >> upping what, got up at the ut same time we did. good right.ig >> tell that puppy it has to shovel snow.w. >> if he stays around longys arl enough.enough. >> it stirred when you saidirre that. not me. not me. not >> that's hysterical. >> super cute.ut. this one keeps chewing on myhe hasn't. look at that. >> we'll keep playing with thep puppies continue with the 10a 1 today.toda it is a great day for greekor ge wedding it's been 15 years sincn the box office blockbuster my big putt fat greek wedding. >> well that's too long forhat'g fans. guess what? the gang is back. for part two we'll talk to thete movie star nia life next.t. >> and
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>> if she goes to northwesterntr she'll stay in chicago. >> please, oh please. >> let's go ever there.'s g >> no. >> right. >> there she is.he >> did you invite the family? >> i toll my ma. >> all right.ig after what feels like forever fv fans of the original have finally gotten their wish. theis the greek gang is back for a a whole new adventure in my bigig fat greek wedding two and this t morning writer and star nia vardalos joins us live from newe york with a sneak peek. pee good morning, nia. n >> hi, everybody. how are you.ho >> we are great.>> we're so happy that you're withe us and i was reading all about o this movie and i totally totly understand you're the total reason that it's been so long.on >> it is all my i accept responsibility.ponsibil it has been, you know, 14 yearsy of i can't even go to target and buy socks without someone goingo where is the sequel? okay,y, okay, and the reason that itn
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little bit of a bumpy road tooat motherhood for me.or m but i did become a mom and on my daughter's first day of of kindergarten somebody referencer how quickly they'll leave us ans go off to college. college. that was it. i had the idea for the sequel s and here we were >> that's awesome. asome from not to get too nerdy on itt writing it now as compared topa wrighting it a year after the first one like a different wayfe of doing it or more pressure onr it now that it's been so long? >> actually, i call myself sortt of -- i always say i call mysele with a a job i wanted to wait transition myy daughter into school and i was very happy having quiet yearsuia there. i wrote a book.i ote i really enjoyed it. it. but once i had the idea for the sequel, i just kept it really ra quiet. i went into my writing office oc where i don't even have internet even just kept going to the i tt quell adding little pieces.. the final piece of the puzzle pl happened when my parents came tt live with us for a full monthth and i was like, done and here hr
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>> the movie sees tula and iain they're daughter going off to college.ll fill us in. what's happened to tula and iaii in the 14 years since we last l saw them. >> well, i tried to showho authentic situation. situation i don't wear any makeup in thepe opening shots which by the wayhe the director came to me and wasw like after like day three ofay e shooting and he was like are yoy sure, darling, because you lookk terrible. >> aww.. >> look that's what i look likek in carpool, you know, you're not supposed -- i'm trying to showro what it's like to be married for 17 years we have teenaged daughter who really doesn't wano us as close as we want to bee w which is like right here all the time, and i'm like my own life,l i have my daughter and myy parents who are aging and need little bit of attention, and the sandwich generation usually we forget to pluck our eye brow anw we forget about ourselves. oursv so that's what i wanted to writi about. >> i was going to ask you ifng there's in hollywood world ifldf there's makeup for the no makeok up scenes?s? >> right.ight >> i
10:33 am they tried to come at me with mi bronzer and i was like, no, that would be cheating.heatin no moisturizer no nothing. nhi no. no. i like my wrinkles. wnk it just shows we've lived, youio know. know. >> yeah. >> i don't call them wrinkles ie call them laugh lines. lines. >> earn everyone of them.yonef h >> even though they're all the l way down here.way do >> when i was reading about thed movie i found it interest ughnt made the comment that's reallysa hard in hollywood to get a funny family movie made first of allf and even harder to get one withw a pg13 rating. what do you mean by that? t >> as opposed to r. >> you inferred there's a lotre riding on this. >> actually, i'm really a fearless idiot.ot i know that the movie is one of those things that we need rightr now. we need a laugh and if people pl want to go see it with theirh t daughter and their mom, great. great.. because i am you. i am a person who likes to beiko entertained and i like to watcht something that's not going to be a rated for my family. my fil i like r movies we all do.
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daughter and my dad and myndy brother.ot you know what i mean? so that'a what i was trying to do and d a they're difficult to get made because the studio system is not necessarily one that isarile conducive to just keeping aeepi small family movie intact so weo did an independent movie again.a same producer, same writer, same original cast, and kept the budget low. l >> well it looks fantastic.anst i'm looking forward it to ift it's anything like the first one sign me up for number three,rhr four, five and then on. a the it was brilliant.. >> my god you sound like my momy and dad and the studio.tu as soon as we tested it they ity were like write a number three.r >> there you go. >> you better get to work.ettero >> good stuff. (laughter). >> any of the. a have a today lose thanks soay much for joining us if you'reni ger in d.c. you got a place ing the loft any time. t we'd love to you.ove to you. >> oh, my god that's super nice. >> i'm staying with you, right? >> absolutely. absolutel >> got next room.>> g >> only for a month.y >> i hope you like to spoon.. (laughter)
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>> interviews always get good al the very end.ry end >> nia, thank you very much. >> my big fat greek wedding twot hits theaters this friday. frida >> very cool. cool >> do you remember seeing thatre movie. >> oh my gosh. >> like the whole group of of girlfriends went and laughed led historically.histally. >> side hurting laughing. >> exactly. >> windex. i remember that. >> 10:35.>> 1 speaking of movies, still aheade at 10:00 o'clock this -- movies out this week we have alreadyavy talked a little bit about b abo superman and batman.atma we heard from batman. we have not yet heard from theed man of steal.teal we will. wil kevin sits down with supermann henry caval next.ex ♪ >> it's national puppy day.nati love it.. >> they got him from them washington rescue league, lgu awesome.. >> he loves her shoes.loves sho the puppy turns one, today., happy birthday, babe. >> look at that one with thehath hair dye. dye >> hey pinky. p >> this bossy.
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er on a better network. it's about taking a stand. for too long, wall street banks had their way. they crashed our economy. but democrat donna edwards won't take their money because she stands up for us. as a single mom, she knows the challenges our families face. she'll be our voice. tightening regulations on the big banks and fighting to keep dark money out of politics. democrat donna edwards, maryland's next senator. ♪ all
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it's time. the wait is almost over.. >> daily >> do i own this one or is that the other guy. g >> civil liberties are beingre b trample on in your city. good people living in fear.. >> don't believe everything youu .ear. >> i've seen it, mr. wayne. way he thinks he's above the >> daily planet criticizingrici those who think their above the law is little hypocritical.l wouldn't you say? consideringoi every time your hero saves theas cat out of a tree you write a puff piece editorial about anbon alien if he want totter could cu burn the whole place down and there wouldn't be a dam thing wd could do to stop it. >> most the world doesn't shares your opinion, mr. wayne. >> maybe gotham city in me.n we just have a bad history with dressed up clowns.lown >> fighting words.g w >> you told
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finally going to meet supper map at a cocktail party. p >> right. >> i would think you were crazy. >> clark kent meeting bruceng bu wayne. >> and kevin, clark kept lookcle like he was a little aggressivev i've never seen that character t portrayed like that before. tbeo >> this is definitely a -- >> darker take.ak this is definitely not for kids. ben affleck --leck >> thanks, you go how old is your oldest kid. >> 12. >> 1 >> 12 is fine. 12 >> how old are you? oldre y >> i can't take -- >> 12.>> 1 >> i wouldn't take anyone beloww eight. >> i got three kids. i can't leave the other t >> sure you can. >> this is definitely chris is smith our producer saw it last l night with me. i'm sure he would agree definitely the darkest of the batman characters of all time. >> really? >> it's extremely dark.. zach schneider did brilliant joj i'll have my review on friday. a i have problems with the movie m and talk about the positives. ps full review on my facebook mccarthy fox. i'll full real view fridayw f morning on i sat down with superman
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caval himself he's a british bri actor but his american act zen z is incredible.. great actor.ct he was movie man from uncle lass year as well.year i spoke to him about the awesome super hero landings when he flyf down and lands really hard howyw they pull that off but whiteut w he's so protective of thee of superman character wantscterants something he added into the aedi character that was never in then comics to help them get into g character more. check it out. when you do like the superer hero lanning when you come downw and land really hard. h >> yes. yes >> i know digital effect thereec is what do you have to do in that shot to make it look likeek it's really you lanning likengik that? how do they film that? >> essentially, if i can just get, you know, 30 or 40 feet ini the air and just jump off a cherry picker or something andhg just, you know, see how much mym knees can take.can they film that and if my kneesfn don't explode, then they move on. (laughter). >> no. seriously,.y,. no, but seriously. seriousl. >> how do you do that, though?h? >> essentially, it's you justou start on your tip toes and thenh you drop as quickly as you can
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into what you would imagine a like pressure taking lanningg would be. >> amazing.mazing >> it's pretty simple. simpl you start playing around witness and start twisting and depending on how you're landing and wheree you're landing it all change.lla >> when you leave a job likeu l this what's something youethi y learned about yourself as a person and about an actor. an a >> one thing i learn about me in in particular how much iuc i genuinely love superman and thed character.aracter i've become quite protective ofo me and sometimes quiteimui aggressive ways and i want tod n make sure this guy is represented properly, and i didn't realize that was in me.n i knew i had it for my familyaml and my friends, but -- and my- a dog but when it comes down to a character or roll, i always hada a sense of a relationship likeie with charles brown i had a a closeness to the character butut never quite like this.hi like this -- this i protect like a mother hen protects her chick
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chicks. it's kind of crazy sometimes.ray >> is there something you built into superman thbat was neveratv written in the comics that youha did for yourself so you can getg into the character more? >> that's a very good question. there are -- there are little le things here and there which ie h add in the moment but i'm very particular about being loyal to the comic books. once we've finish thisinish t developing character as we havee over this movie and the previous movie we still aren't at finishn product superman w we get there then i can starting my onlyy little nuances to make theuancoa character. this version of the characterono mine in particular.artila while still remaining absolutell true to the source material. mer >> it's so good to see you, manm >> you're awesome. awesome >> he goes in for a hug. hug. got a hug from superman. >> did he crush you? c >> yeah, i couldn't breathe for a second. second. he gave me a --- >> it's owing.. >> no, i will say one thing tng about him i've been doingn in this -- i've been doing this fos about 10 years now, and a lot oo the actors that i walk into -
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you walk into a room they'reoomt sitting in the room for six or o seven hours day there'say journalists from all over thes a country doing that. and they walk in and interview.. most of the actors sit down, d they're already seated you walkl in you shake their hand theyande don't stand the bigger stars like willl smith, hugh jackmans, johnnynn depps and tom cruises they stans up and come meet you at the doot and walk you over. youve henry caval probably one of the younger actors who does that. tt like he meets -- kind of cool.fc he met me at the door. walk me over. over sat down when the interview was over we talk more as we walks ww out. kind of cool thing. thi i don't know. i know it sounds like -- peeleel don't -- >> little things that people,in you know, takegs symptom stockom that makes a a dic >> respectful guy.>> respect here's the crazy thing. thing i was walking into the junkethee situation and in the movie diand lane plays his mother martha kent and he was helping her on to a ledge for a photo he saidai hey, momma how you doing. it was surreal. is he still playing the role? r >> serious question.stn when you had a chance
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henry caval superman. ben affleck as batman when theyy were filming did they hang out o together or opposite ends of >> i would assume they hung out together. the movie itself their battle -l i won't give anything away the e way it's designed, if you seene the movie, i can't really sayy s anything. i can really say anything abouto it. . but i don't think -- i don'tk think they separated themselves. i wouldn't say they would.ou >> uri viewing it --iewi >> friday morning.>> the cool thing zach schneider did shoot it in i max shots so s their main fight is in full i it's friday.'s fri >> you're excited to see this. t you're holding >> you're going on friday. >> you love man of steal.e man e >> i love man of stealal.maof >> i'm taking all three of thert kids. i don't care what you >> it's violent. >> what's your youngest? >> she's six. six >> oh, man. >> affleck won't let his l h four-year-old son see the movie. >> take that puppy you had onouh your lap with y i'll just calm her down. >> goodness gracious. >> have fun, man.>> hhave fun with that one
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we need women in congress. if we want to be heard, it was the women who forced republicans to include women's health and contraceptive coverage in the affordable care act. in congress, i'll fight for pay equity, family leave and tougher gun safety laws. and, as an environmentalist, i'll work combat climate change. i know as a journalist and as a senior executive in business that when women are at the table, we get things done.
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♪ >> good day at 10a, how you doin'? coming up ony wendy,dy, actor and comedian louie anderson plus the spring's whoho test beauty gadgets. ♪ yup. listen to a legend right there. tribe call request phife dawg.ta rest in peace.ea time for celebrity dish. dis >> we'll start celebrity dishrid with sad news this morning. coast founder member phife dawg of hiphop group a tribe called l quest passed away at the justy j the age of 45.the of according to rolling stone thete cause of death is not officialll been announced but it's beent's known that phife dawg malik taylor his real name battling with tie one diabetes. dbe he actually had a kidneys kid transplanba
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several celebrities took to twitter to conduct their conehe dole lenses.doleense an artist rendition of phifeif dawg with the caption rest int n beats.ats. marlon wayans hash tag familiarr love you brother you left theerf world with jewels man and rapper asap rock tweet add picture of f phife dawg with the caption resr in peace to the one and only o phife dawg. >> very sad. s >> yeah. lots of hiphop music created with tribe call request. r very good music right there uphe next you may remember hulk hogag was awarded $140 million inion n damages after the 62-year-oldld sued gawker for posting a videoo featuring him and his now former best friend's ex-wife in bed together. to let that sink in for just a j second inform his first post win interview he told abc news that he knew gawker was hoping heas would give up but he didn't. he shared quote i felt like i i had this monster on my shoulderl no matter where i went. hogan a
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it was just so overwhelming when i knew that we had won andon people believed me. what you going to do when hulk mania runs wild on you.ou. >> kelly roland is speakin spean diverse have the when it comes m to beauty and roll model. while growing up seeing womeninw who look like her motivated to her to believe she could bebeli beautiful.. during recent event she said i s feel it's necessary for youngsau girls to see more chocolate choa women.wo it's time for another generation to see female comradery andry ad people coming together.. she says seeing women who shared her deeper complexion was veryn important to her.impo >> all right. all switching gears, talking aboutal justin beiber now because theece biebs has just dropped a dpp bombshell on his army of bleak%. >> instagram post the sorry sory singer announced that he will nl longer do any meet and greets. t the post read in part, i want to make people smile and happy butt not at
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leave feeling mentally anda a emotionally exhausted to theo point of depression.ress he toll his fans i never wantedn to disappoint i feel i wouldi w rather give you guys a show andd my album as promised. this announce mna comes aft recent meet and greet security y scare beiber said sorry to his fans hoping it wasn't too late.e that was my justin beiber wine w knee voice.oi >> are you kidding me?ng me? >> it's so so hard,. har >> , i like him, i don't likei k him. i was trending towards liking him again and now i don't likeok him again. aga >> yes. it's so hard, holly.,ol being rich and famous. >> um-hmm how can he stan it?nt? >> yeah. now hollywood couple updated for you. you katie perry orlando bloomlo apparently they're gettingre gei the couple was spotted during an romantic get away to santa barbara california things gotngt pretty steamy. ste e news posted this photo that it reporting the pair walked handd in hand.d. they later stopped to sip co
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where bloom got extra frisky ann laid on top of perry for a hotoh and heavy make out session. ssi >> oh, my gosh. g >> source close to the coupleost says they've already he can changed keys. >> wow!>> w >> to their cars.>> t >> among other things they've ex changed.changed. >> to their hearts. to >> a whole lot more. lot mor. >> they probably ex change add e lot.lot. >> exactly.>>xact >> if they're doing that inth'r public -- - >> right. >> kevin hart will be able to add author to hess less he wassh he's writing a memoir about hisa experiences growing up. includes his early failures asle comedian and how it helped fuel his now successful career. caree the book will be titled "from "r the heart" scheduled to be released neck year. y kevin hart. h >> all right.>> >> he's funny. he' i would think the book would be pretty >> he's a comedian, movies, television, all kinds of things. >> blogger. >> you never know. >> national puppy day you'veay y been sendi
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cute little pups. p read some more tweets. >> so many great pictures. greae you know how people are not shy. babies and puppies they want tot show you pictures all day long.n we'll share some, too.are me, t look at this. >> aww. >> in training to be a guide dog so not just super cute and adorable but help some people p out as well astro puppy. aero naught ticks and space anda museum.muum. really c >> chilly rescued from love on e leash three weeks ago.ree wes you are too adorable.dobl >> look at that post. >> can be lat lab weezy what aha great name. name this was when she was a good girl. (laughter).. >> weezy! >> oh, god, lookout at this t little fur ball. fur >> oh my gosh. >> looks a little angry. >> okay. ready for a ride.ride our boo ginger likes to ride ind the baby seat.ea she's like a baby, mom. >> pee-wee puppy chilling with a cigar.gar >> he's so small we can't see sw him.
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>> i love this too. i love th >> part of the fox5 family righr kevin mccarthy's dog >> that's great. that'gre >> down in old town alexandria.d great picture. >> prince neapolitan aka neo.. hey, neo. n >> national pup if he day.iona look at that. >> great picture. pictu perfectly sitting up. >> aww. aww >> too babies together. tethe like i said babies and puppies.s >> you got it. it. >> look at this. puppy rosco that's a good name, too. >> that is.>> that i had to crash the party. >> come on. >> no.>>o >> take that down.. >> okay. look at this. >> ahh! >> block and tony.. >> i love when animals find that partnership together. tethe >> best friends. >> like tuck and steve. sve >> kind of like that. >> we've never gotten that clo close. >> come on. >> beg to differ. to >> sometimes we like to stayli miles ay
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we are right now. right tuck is down at the tidal basin. tuck, did you find a puppy.up. we got i was microphone. did you find a puppy?? >> steve, if i tell you i'm y going to been i was cute puppy p am i going to bring i was cutee puppy.ppy >> i hope you. >> i got cute babies.ab did you ducklings out or baby flowers and now irs andow officially have cute >> hi, sir what's your name.ram >> ron. >> thank you for delivering acute puppy for my show.ppr >> what's your name.s your name. >> hillary. >> all right. all tell me the name of my cutey c puppies. >> this is ralfael and rodee today.y. >> are they loving the cherryngr blossoms. >> they are. eye they like the squirrels, s too. >> obviously people loverslo because they have a lot ofey people down >> they are. >> are you both locals? y bot >> we actually are now.. we actually moved here frome fro hawaii three weeks ago. weeks ao >> welcome.el love the cherry blossoms.osso all right. that's the latest from the tidal basin. we will be back tomorrow androwa we'll have more cute puppies ana more cute babies all morningll m guys.ys. >> and more cherry blossoms,e cr too.ry >> hopefully. >> they're blooming. b
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glenn:threateningicans: gofederal workers;ns over 60 votes to repeal obamacare. now they're refusing to even consider president obama's nominee for the supreme court. it disrespects the president and all of us -- and we won't put up with it. in congress, i'll protect president obama's legacy, defend obamacare, and stand up for social security and medicare. i'm glenn ivey and i approve this message. i'll take on republicans - for all of us.
11:00 am
>>. >> live from new york city, it's the wendy williams show. >> you won't believe what i'm able to tell you. with all due respect, have several. my girls are always turned out. i give it to you straight, no chasers. ♪ >> announcer: here's wendy! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> wendy: yeah. thank you for watching. say hello to my co-hosts, my studio audience. thank you for bein
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