tv Fox 5 News 5 FOX March 25, 2016 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT
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of safety and the metro is quitting. at spokesperson tells us hee handed in his resignation todayy but he will stay on board until about the end of april. now we're talking about the acting chief safety officer louis brown. he'd been in this role for onlye about one year although he has been with metro for a total ofol about three years. hi ys resignation comes a littla more than a week after the entire metro system was shutdown for more than 24 hours for for emergency maintenance. and 26 damaged electrical cablee were found in need of immediate repair. now on to today's incident metrt service in arlington between clarendon and rosslyn wasas shutdown due to a fire.ire but tonight metro tells us thiss was not an electrical instead they say the fire wass caused by debris that catfish and any other issues such
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damaged cable that was found byy the arlington county fire department all of that was secondary and happened as aappe result of the debris fire. >> we were heading to washington mall and we were going to take metro unfortunately it was down. took you beer. >> very disconcerning all theon delays, problems withce traction and most recently of course the fires. fire department arrived to find light smoke in the station.on we evacuated the station. s pour to the third rail was shutdown. we had firefighters and the metro emergency response team enter the tunnel. there was, the fire was out when we arrived. they found possible electricall fire was out on our arrival. >> reporter: these issues tss effective everyone from commuters to tourist here to see cherry blossoms.
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officer position metro has not announced any permanent p replacement for that person or even any candidate at this point. reporting life in arlington a alexandria limon fox 5 local news. >> new tonight dc police announced a major arrest in a shooting that shook up a neighborhood in northeast nearly a year and a half ago. ago police chief cathy lanier says 27 year old kenneth parker is now in custody in connection with the october 2014 shooting on heys street.on three people were shot and wounded including nine year oldo jay don stancil he was standinga at a playground when he was shot in the head.d. lanier says parker was already in jail and unrelated charges. detective had made six arrests or had made arrests in six other murder cases. fairfax county police are investigating a bazaar case of o road police were called to a shopping
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after 7 a.m. for a report of at man and a woman arguing. the man told police he was one e his way to work when a woman driving a red car repeatedly crashed into his car. he claims he pulled over when he got outot she tried to run him over and then took a the man who wants to remain anonymous says the woman appeared to be having a mental breakdown. >> i don't know her or anything. i don't know why she chose to do this. the comments that she made, she didn't know me at all she just said i'm from, she said i need i to go back to my country and she told witnesses that i had been following her since three in the morning. >> fairfax county policepoli identified the suspect in thish case she's been taken in for a mental evaluation. police say they will not press charges. 82 jeep meanwhile phak carry sheriffs department need your help. involved in a road rage incidenn early this morning. m an investigation revealed thed driver fired at least two
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at the victim who then tried to follow him but lost the vehicle near route 28. the sheer rivers office isr ri asking anyone with information to give them a call. millions of christiansns around the world or marking thig good friday here in the district thousands of catholics gatherato top witness one of the holidays most sacred ceremonies the stations of the cross. church leaders walk and recreatr crews fiction of jesus christ at 14 stations inside the churn. different stations commemorate jesuss passion, death and less sir ration. churchgoers also had a chance to see what they believe to be to relics from the time of jesuss life and death. dea some include items believed to t have come from the last spur and the rope used to bind the hands of christ. more than a dozen items were on display. >> it is monday you p mental inn that it is a total collection. it
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from beginning to end.d. obviously we don't have anything from the less sir the remnants of his suffering and death. >> the relics will remain on display until six this evening. let's take a look at the weather now and take a lookoutot side line us cause look its so pretty out there cherry blossoms. >> it is gorgeous. >> maybe that's why you are whyy sneezing up a storm. >> no cherry blossoms in the studio, dust or mold.d. >> likely yes.>> not outside though, right, wait, i didn't, what what are youwhat doing here. >> i didn't realize who we were talking to tucker barnes. sarah you know what he is is gorgeous don't you. [ laughter ]. >> good morning to >> good to see you. >> well, its been a good friday for many people not for me i'm on my second shift ofhe
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>> poor tucker. all right, guys this weather and i'm going to be we're doing' to have a lot of fun. let's get to the weatherher forecast of the here's the deald cold front came through midday d hours. now we are looking at current exercise good set up for the weekend. let's do numbers. i'll tell you what you can expect. live look at cherry blossoms ore video fromrr earlier today. and i was down there gesture absolutely gorgeous. you'll be sharing the view withw several thousand of your best friends. it's worth it, definitely worthw it. they are going to be prime timing through the weekend. weather conditions good deal low 60 tomorrow upper 60 on sunday.s 67 down in washington. 66 annapolis. hang on to 70s there to the t south 70 in leonardtown, 71 in quantico. winds shifted out of the northth west.. get cooler air in tonight. overnight lows back in low
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mid 40s for most of the area. this morning, i'm gettingting confused we woke up with temps in the 60. bring a jacket if you are headed out. dry conditions tonight clearight late this afternoon we'll be entirely clear later to night. even destroy what's left of the' full moon. and we'll have weekend forecast coming up. make sure you are ready for a cool night.ight 40 overnight f i'll be upstairs in a couple minutes we'll haveae fun. back to you. >> all right a.>> a thank you, tucker. tuc we have more news ahead first we said a final fair well to a fallen prince george'slen county count police officer. >> funeral services were held for jacai colson kill by friendly fire earlier this month during a shooting outside the te police station. today he was praised for couragc and recommend with love. ♪
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>> ♪ >> ♪ >> dedicated his life to making this county save and died protecting others all of us. >> he was our son not just your son. it hurts when we lose someone. but when we lose someone who has devoted their life to pro he pro can't tting us, and their losshe is in the line of duty, it hurth in adult way that we can't begin to describe. the men and women who protect ut do so with a sense of un intended and unintentional val lour his friends recall hisds r smile. his engaging personality and his wonderful sense of humor. h when m
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and adversity, jacai ran toward it. where others would back down ini fear he stood on the front lines. >> here today looking at theng a true heros of america that represent this red, white and blue. one by want to thank everyone in this room coming with a warm heart. >> since the day that we lost jacai, we have wondered why did this happen?pen? >> how did this happen? >> these questions rip at our heart. because we can't understand whyw our friends, our colleague, our brother our protected couldld leave us so soon. >> my baby is at peace. just like
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i really am tired of seeing what's happening with this country. how we're really making other people live likings and we're not. i've never wanted to lose in my life. if i didn't decide to do it i do think -- i would say that ihat would have a hell of a chance of winning.g. >> predicting the future. donald t
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sure he p wanted to run for president. long before he officially kicked off campaign and became gopop front runner he talked about political aspirations with oh wt pray win he had originally appeared onred the show back then to promote ao new book and discuss his life. the conversation turned toward foreign policy how he would take a substance with american allies. >> meanwhile, of a bald eagle e during the campaign. >> robert and wendy say they noticed the alleged copy write infringement during recent media coverage during february primary. accusing him of using their image which was taken more than three decades ago on several pieces of campaign merchandise without their permission. plenty of fire worked on the campaign trail between donald trump and ted cruz the
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been and the women.en >> today the a national inquire broke a story that could be a game changer bomb sell ted you cruz had five secret miss dresses. ronica cleary, the question is northerly people don't pay that much attention to the national inquiry why is this one different? >> reporter: well, you know what, they have been write in the past they've certainly been wrong. it's different because both of the front runners they are talking about it. the headline, it's pretty shocking calling him per industry ted, cruises five secret miss now, as you said, and you might ignore ahead line calling it a gossip paper or tab lloyd. l let's take a look at a few of the times they got it right. they were the first to report of tiger wood's affairs. 1987 the paper printed a pho
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of presidential hopeful garyeful heart with a woman sitting init his lap, heart dropped out of the race a week later. more recently one you probably remember where the inquire were are broke the story t of john edwards affair when he was a candidate for the democratic nomination. they got it well. ted cruz fired back.d cr and he accused donald trump of being behind the story. s took it to facebook he said i want to be clear these attacks are garbage f for donald trump to enlists his friends to put, shows you that there is no low donald won't go. these smears are completely false offensive to our daughters and they are offensive to everyone donald continues to attack. he is disgrace full behavior is beneath the office we arer seeking and we are not going too follow. now donald trump he didn't take' long top respond with his own
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facebook post.os i have no idea whether or not the cover story boated cruz inoa this weeks issue of the paper ip true or not. n but i had absolutely nothing to do with it. did not know about it had not read it. i have nothing to do with the gnarl inquire we are unlike ligated cruz i do not surrounduo myself with political hacks and henchmen and then pretend innocence. ted cruz problem is his and his alone. and while they were right about oj sim many son, john edwards and many others i certainly hope they are not right about ligated cruz. i look forward to winningning nomination and ultimately the presidency in order to make america great again. signed donald j trump. now, you know whether or not it's true, there is a hashtag on twitter that's trend dig cruz sex scandal. certainly people are talking t about it. i can't imagine any candidate wanting this
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it is all allegations. we're not suggesting it's true or not. its got people talking. >> yeah certainly. whether it's right or not, whether it's true or not we know it can be very damaging to his political career at this point. >> certainly.>> if it's true.rue. certainly it would, yeah. but my suspicions a lot of people will take this and sayay well you know consider the source. unless other media outlets and a what have you start digging inng and finding more something like that. >> as i said consider the con source. they have gotten right, gotten it wrong. but we thought it was worth >> thank you very ouch mr. coming up disgraced subway s pitch man is serving sandwichess >> story behind his new job promotion of sorts. an step in the right direction the story behind oneeh mans walk across america how he hopes to safe lives from drugive over doses. >> plus the new survey out on dating deal breakers and its answering eye op
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they say character is what you do when no one is watching. david trone banned the box so people who've paid their debt to society could have a chance. and fought so hard for criminal justice reform, they named a center after him. and because education was his way out david offered it free to employees. and over 14 years ago began offering them partner benefits. evening the playing field has always been david's mission. in congress it'll be his job. it's not how you run,
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>> you may call, jerry together gel is serving sandwiches in prison. he was recently moved to the correctional officer cafeteria o after he was attacked bffy a prisoner a few weeks back. officials grew concerned for his safety and decided to do move him from serving inmates to employees. well the wait is finally f over of the batman versus superman dawn of justice hits theaters. >> kevin gave it a big thumbs up he sat down with batman himselfh ben avenue fleck. >> we're when you say the line tell me do you bleed you will
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how do you say it onset in your normal voice and they digital. >> because the idea behind this batman is that because he's a public face bruce wayne kind of well-known, that he uses the, he has a voice moch later in it, otherwise people would go that t sounds a lot like bruce wayne. son what we did i performed it and then we could fool with it with computers late to adjust it. >> obviously you look adam west, batter man totally differently from what you have here. stilll hold on to, its darker, if you i could see those two mat manswo talk obviously differentiffere generations what do you thinks h they would talk about? >> into i don't i don't know.n' i watched, because my son is is really into them. and he likes watching them, soo i've been like watching a lot, they made the movie
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and i watched that recently, i don't know, what they talk about. it's very very different eras, e but there is something that still remains the same about this character since inception in the 30 this idea of a guy who's you know has this secret identity they fights crime at night and you know nobody knows about it. he takes on, the burdens of the city, that like allure,. >> the seen in the warehouse seen you come up from the ground fighting the guys, when you y throw that guys face into.o. >> how did that work? >> that guy, into a board, he got thrown down t those guys just, tip my hat, because a lot stunt guys work hashed and willw take hits. there's no way to fake it. i you just get knocked down really hard. especially if you are a stuntar guy. there'
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took some big shots to make it t look cool we owe them a big debt. >> you going to go see it. >> i've been waiting for years for this movie. absolutely. >> going for the eye candy. >> up a said black bear spotted in virginia. >> jenny davis is live in fairfax county hey jenny: high guys you'd expect to see him ino the woods but in the middle of a neighborhood. i'll tell you where and we'll tell you who saw them. coming up. >> big changes for bus routes how your commute may be going in a new direction may proceed de. un written rules thin lineen between celebration and sportsmanship front and sent this time coach, oregon player celebrated following the win on blue delves coming up. ♪
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>> if you live in fairfax county consider yourself warned thererl have been a number of bear sightings in recent days. >> jennifer davis joins us lifee from vienna with the details. vienna, jenny? >> reporter: right you think iig would have had to hike in then woods for this story. i'm standing in in the middle t middle of a neighborhood we're not near woods. they have a few trees between a backyard and sound wall of i66 and this is where the bearea siteting most recent onee happened. take a look at the pictures you can see.. this was yesterday morning the resident tells you she and here husband in the kitchen drink coffee when they realized r something wasn't quite right. i'll let her pick up the story from
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notice pat no, bird feeds knocked over and our cabinet was wide open. and we are kind of confused at a first i heard that there were bears in vienna that was my first thought i wonder if the wn bears made it over to our house. and so, we came out kind of sur, i looked up and i noticed movement now this is one of many sightings in recent days fairfax county police say two smallmall black bears also spotted okayy ton road there was another siteting sunday. it seems to be two bears onene that look like a larger adult one that's a smaller bear not an baby certainly one a little bit younger. in this case they had a good time in that backyard. bac they actually pulled the bag
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bird seed out of the cabinet dragged it across the yard andra stopped there and eight it and played wit ih it. they were there for a little while. the resident said she was nervous it was a good show that she could see out of her kitcheh window. as long as you keep distance yoc don't need to worry they will wl probably move on.e they are not looking for people just for food. it is a good reminder if you y have anything that could be a food source for bears particularly bird seed you mighg want to think about putting it away. since the bears have been here you want to mover it out for f three to four weeks until they t move on and go somewhere else. >> jenny one an older bear and a child bear was the adult wearing a hat and shirt color and did the younger bear happen top answer to boo boo. [ laughter ] >> they were playing musical instruments. >> jenny, thank you so
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tone me perkins.kins >> natural follow-up question. >> of course. [ laughter ].. >> all right. metro bus riders will notice bie changes this weekends. >> about six routes are being affected. >> will take a on sunday. some will be o eliminated some added on altered. part of metro's better bus initiative. to increase service in some places and expand hours of option. changes will affect services in dc, male and virginia. passengers should check out metro's in website for the t latest information 689 probably9 a bad weekend to make this mistake, yep, yep,. there was a bit of a type oh, ao you can see it says chris has risen instead of christ the mistake was discovered before the posters were delivered. d >> proof reading. [ laughter ]. >> man
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books to sell date brought. spending this year could reach a record 17 billion dollars.ol. what are people buying a lot of traditional items easter eggs, baskets and clothes and ofd cl course the chocolate. whether in shape of easter bunny or candy product are a huge seller. retail federation say sweetsn s account for two and a halfalf billion dollars in spending. we all calm down now. >> yeah, i think we are. a >>wondering if the bird feted b was in the shape of a picnic basket. >> having way too much mustn't m fun with this today. >> athletes are having too much fun according to the old if youd had decud december in the sports world. that's what i'm calling them. the un written rules of proper sports dequorum have come up again and again. a to bryce harper pointing out
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nothing wrong with, to which, if there was ever he said its sad direction the league is going. what do you want a bunch of cam newton's running around. a base bail is dying with the younger generation. have them running around the diamond i think they would. tired joy less way of thinking came out last night in ncaa tournament. books with the shot clock winding down hithe a three poina of the oregon celebrated win, allen rejected a hug from brooks right there. and then at the end of the game, the coach has words for brooks.b brooks said coach told him quote you are too good of a player too be showing off at the end. >> the game dillon said he you o told him he was too good of a player to be showing off at the end like >> i didn't sayke that.
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>> he said he apparently said. >> he can say whatever he wants. books is a hell of a player. i said you are a terrific player you can take whatever he saidve and then go with it. >> he denied it. you can see in the video brooks apologized.ized why would he apologize if he told him he's a great player.lae this a huge win. they are going to celebrate cel being duke and getting to eight. this is the same coach who early in the year when his own player tripped an opponent on the court acted like it wasn't a big deal. hey coach k maybe you should focus on your own team. t just to show how natural celebration is this is a four year old t ball player, he gets a hit. then when he gets on base, checc this out, yeah, get a little dance go
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cam newton would love this. t he keeps dancing to the pointcig that his helmet false off. still dancing doesn't matter. m coach puts it back on pause for a second and okay, let's start dancing again. >> last. >> its the best video of the week. this just shows like i don't know what this movie is called,, that's a celebration when you win. >> i hear you. i think people you know, listen, what we saw some years ago and a like in the nfl pulling the opinions out of the socks and all that, that's ridiculous butr when people if you win and a and game and its a good game you aru going to celebrate. >> i agree. >> you are going to celebrate. you are not going to win ever game, you are going to lose sometimes and the on the team im going to celebrate. he says he didn't like the shot, he didn't like the celebratio
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shot clock is running down. like the four year old showed ud there's nothing grad than winning celebration.brat >> excited about it. i thank you brody.dy coming up shocking details or shocking dating deal breakers, 86 a new study revealed a shocking, about what people think when searching for lovee and, and in clued ding whatlu percentage of people say they would date a that's coming up. >> wow. a dating service is using body u odor to help you find your match. >> okay. one man love for late sistet sent him on a journey across acr america the heartwarming storyrt isin coming up. tucker. 82 jew guys got hard hitting h news will you guys got hard hitting news. i got all the details on your forecast for the weekend. it's going to be a beautifulutif weekend we'll do the following right we'll do it right after
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>> we have breaking news coming into if the newsroom. i this is an accident scene livee pictures of a bus and a motorcycle that collided at 16t6 street and u street in southeast dc. rider, the rider of the bike isi injured and was taken to the hospital.spit major crash investigator as youo can see have been called to the scene there and yeah the seen does not look good. we're going to keep you updated and bring you more details as they become available. all right. >> en the meantime get updatedat on today's weather forecast. f we are quite surprised to see tucker barnes. i don't get to see you
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i've been here for over 12 hours. >> that's rough. listen, both of you obviously, miss you both terribly. into i thought i'd bring a little bit of the morning show to you.ou. >> oh, look at this. goo? this is from earlier today coffee lines are longer than ever. you have to put up with kevin. that's lee telling me stage stae manager telling me where i need to be. >> haven't seen you in awhile. upset with me not being where i'm supposed to be. >> this what happens. >> there you go a little behind the scenes action. >> good to see you. all right. if i say the wrong thing like this morning,. >> so you've been up since like 4:00.
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4:30. >> can't you see it in his eyes. >> good luck. i look like that a lot lady. here we go. go late afternoon could be a beautiful night it's going to bt a cool night. just plan accordingly wear a jacket if you are going to be headed out hits evening. o going to fall back into the 40s eventually. start with pollen, it's all about the trees obviouslybv talking about the cherry blossoms and they are not realll the culprit with allergies, however lots of trees are blooming and it's going to be tree pollen the next couple of weeks causing the big problem of the forecast is great. let's talk about temperatures of the very nice afternoon.on. up to about 70. 70 67 washington.ashi 66 in annapolis. 66 in baltimore. off to north and west seeing cool air start to filter in here. 61 this afternoon in martinsburg of the these temperates
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going to start to tumble. night fall we're going to get clearing exercise. exe these numbers are going to be much much cooler. winds still with us then to 15 miles an hour.. wind there, these are sustainedd winds up in hagerstown.stow 17 quantico koa, 12 and annapolis. winds will start to let up a little bit tonight. setting up for very comfortable conditions overnight much cooler than this morning. a great looking holiday weekend saturday and sunday teaching dry conditions that's cold frontnt from earlier today. rain showers associated with itw didn't amount to a whole lot off anything. off to the east we got breaks in the cloudiness off to north and west. nor and more clear sky owes overnight. there is your set up for the weekend high pressure here foror saturday. plenty of sunday. i will will be cooler tomorrow with daytime highs in low 60.
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dry tomorrow night. sunday next storm system will start to approach from south and west. and this guy won't bring us raia for east sunday will bring cloud cover. plan accordingly here. i think unfortunately, you've uf been down for the east egg rolet before. >> yes i have. rain showers, you ever have rain showers for it. >> i've had everything there. oh, yeah, really, tell us. all right. yeah, so that storm system will be moving in on monday. we could be dealing with rain showers around here for that easter egg role monday morning. 60 early this morning. and then our daytime forecast store tomorrow in the low 60. sunshine cool afternoon. winds north and west at about five. here's your seven day. bunny bouncing on sunday. easter bon nets sarah sundayon n morning. daytime highs in the upper 60. there's your shower activity monday we'll get it out of hereh bounce
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spring to say it back to you tony and sarah. >> thank you very much.uch. appreciate it. coming up tonight at six sarah, have you ever done this taken a picture of you're food befored you eat it. >> unfortunately, yes i've done it. >> think about this food selfies may make your meal taste bet. >> into guess i'm on too something. have you ever heard of, maybe not but there's a chance it could be ruining your relationship. we'll going to tell you how. >> plus for years, oh, look listen, this is me and tucker.r. they couldn't get anyet satisfaction cuba is about to have their first rolling stoneso concert in history. monumental moment. ♪
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60 votes to repeal obamacare. now they're refusing to even consider president obama's nominee for the supreme court. it disrespects the president and all of us -- and we won't put up with it. in congress, i'll protect president obama's legacy, defend obamacare, and stand up for social security and medicare. i'm glenn ivey and i approve this message. i'll take on republicans - for all of us.
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n>> you such happen wonderful dancer.da >> thank you. there's too new sir i say on i dating deal breakers and its an eye opener. people are willing to overlook a lot more than you think when it comes to looking for love. 17% of men and then% of womenn% would date someone convicted of murder.rder >> wow. >> 32% of men and 23% of women would date someone who is married. >> okay.kay. >> 38% of men and 26% of women would date someone who posted homophobic or racist things ons social media. >> talk about settling. [ laughter ]. >> so, these people were givene the chance to answer differently, and said, that's okays with me. >> i know. especially convicted -- i guess convicted murders they do getet their following in prison. pri >> in that's true. in i
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know you got to take what youke can get i guess. in some cases. c >> don't settle, people i'm just saying. speaking of dating some peopleep search for good looks or personality when it comes to finding mates, one dating service is using body odor to help you find your perfect match. the service actually uses dirty clothing. >> come on. >> to help set people up on dates. >> the way it works that we maim people t-shirts they wear them for three days without wearing deodorant and they mail themey m back to us. we cut them into watches and we send those samples out to other participants. >> what? >> this is insane. created say research shows you s can tell things like genetic compatible and predisposition to illness based on smell they hope
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choosing abate. >> okay. >> i kind of heard thing about this not body odor somebody has a certain sent i'm not talking about perfume, fer moans, fer something like that,.hat, >> i'm throwing a flag on this one. i don't believe that story. i think that's all made up. i think someone is trying to see can they get this on tv because they shoot this little video with people, bet its a hoax i don't believe it. >> i think they are doing it. >> i'll bet they are not. if they find out we have to t report that we were duped. >> which means we never should s are aired the story. >> i don't believe that at all.t >> i think it's possible. i think you could. i think s up next, you smell so good by the way. a step in the right direction. >> we got the story behind oneid mans walk across america and how he hopes to safe lyches fromfe drug overdose.
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>> before we go we want to till an amazing story about oneut manson dying love for his sister. >> making a journey across america in honor of his sift. >> reporter: i woke up with about 30 something missed phonee calls i knew something was wrong. i called my mom, i just knew k what it was. i said is brit knee a live she k said no. that started the worse day of my life. my name is brent bran del fromro atlanta too george j i'm walking across america in honor of myf sister she died o of an overdose in march of 2014. she started using he
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or two before she died. she was the closest person inson the world to me. some people thought we were twins. when she walked into a room, i think of my sister everyday. there's not one day that goes by that i p don't miss her. i started in delaware, finish other than in san francisco cisco in okay november somewherv around 32 hundred miles. i'm. m getting a lot of support today in fact i'm walking away a good bud bee of mine he livers ine l virginia, he picked me up let me stay at his house dropped me ofm at the same place and even decided to walk with me today. since i've started this walk everybody i talk to tell us me that i'm glad you are walking through this area because itsse such a bad area. that started in the beach in beh delaware through maryland, through dc over the mountains m into virginia. v this effectting every where it's affecting your
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i don't have to worry about bears, mountain tan lyon, wolves, people, it's going to be hot in kansas, colder in the rock keys, just got to go. a lot of people have a story off people with addiction that are still living but fighting really hard. today's is my 13th day thehe people that i've met have been amazing. from friendly, strangers sayings hello, to people, to mother's that have also lost somebodyost driving two hours away to pay for a hotel room. i've had people that are struggling with addiction contact me and tell me that i am motivation them to stay clean and sober. i had no idea that would happenh i had no idea i would be that impact on somebody. i want people to know how many people are dying of drug overdose death in this countrynh not just heroin, drug overdose every where and its, its more than a hundred 30 people a day.d that's a lot
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are hurting a lot of people dying. i want people to know that i want it to storm i want it to reach a tipping point.a i don't know how.i i'm lost. i don't knowdo how. i'm just trying to walk the walk. >> on the eve of a busy cherry blossom east holiday weekends there are metro malfunctions. i'm tone me perkins. >> i'm sarah simmons shawn has a the night off. metro service has been restored after a reported fire in a tunnel on the orange and silver line. this incident happened outsideui the clarendon metro station and caused service to shutdown shu between ross bin and metro stations. chief safety officer is stepping down. fox 5 alexandria limon starts off are us off in arlington. arl >> reporter: we know the man in charge of safety on metro iskn quitting. he handed in his
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this morning. spokesperson with the department tells us he will stay on board until about the end of april. o we're talking about the chief safety officer louis brown.rown he has been in that role forin t only about a year. he has been with metro for a total of three years. his resignation comes a little more than a week after the entire metro system was shutdows for over 24 hours for an emergency maintenance inspection. and 26 damaged electrical cablee were found inle need of immediae repair. now on to today's incident metrm service in arlington, was shutdown for a short time due tt a fire. after they they moved on to single tracking. now tonight metro is saying this fire was not caused by electrical issues. i they say it was debris that caused fire and any other secondary issues such as the cable, the damaged cable thatab was found by the fire
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