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tv   Good Day DC  FOX  April 8, 2016 9:00am-11:00am EDT

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saturday in april? old man man winter just won't go away go a without a but there could be signs of spring's return on the seven d day. you are defending people who killed the lives you say mattere tell the truth. tth >> former president bill clintot taking on black lives matteratr protesters during a campaign cam stop for his wife. his w we'll show you the heated exchange. plus circumstance later safety. d.c. metro apparently not the nt only public transit system withh serious safety issues. i we'll have a live report. ♪ and later, secret out.. actually everybody out.body o american idol signs off after 11 years and it was a star-studdedd send off. send we'll have all the highlightsht and surprise moments from theeno grand finale. good day at 9a starts now. ♪ very fit to go talk aboutitt the last american idol with theh first american idol music.usic good day d.c. t
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us. it is 9:00 o'clock on this o'cco friday april i'm steve alongside holly,ol maureen and wisdom.dom >> you know what, i have to sayy kelly provide one of the bigges highlights of the show lastghtsh night. really enjoyed e the final curtain did indeedd come down on american idol lasts night the show crowned trented t harmon the 15th and last idol it also featured a row union off all the original stars everyonee winner, lots of emotional moments and lots fun, too.s f we'll have a look back and alsos talk about what's next for theor new winner.newin he's going to join us live onlio the phone a little later.ittle t >> all right.>> all r first, though we have to talk t about the weather because it ise little crazy out there. yesterday we were soaked bye so rain, today we're talking about potential for weekend >> stop it. s i >> tucker barnes -- >> we don't want to over sell il but you're right. >> flakes may fall.>> f i mean weekend snow. >> absolutely. >> sometimes it does snow in it april. apri >> oh, no. >> that's a prince song.s a prcs >> oh, is it?>> os it >> yeah. >> can we please play that songn at least at some point so he'llh quit referencing
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>> sometimes snow comes out in june, too. ju isn't there another song aboutoa snow in june.ow in >> from >> from our -- no. >> yeah. >> yeah, yeah, no.eah,h, >> let me move on and talk abouo things i k >> please. >> sometimes the snow comes dowd in june. >> vanessa williams. >> thank you.>> t >> okay. >> just a line from the song. s >> i know what he's talk bog.s k >> save the best for last. for s >> i didn't think i was goinging crazy. thank you very much maureen for recognizing my song.y son 45 in washington.ngton. hey, winds out of the westds of northwest at 13. feels like 39 degrees and it'sni going to be a chilly day todayat with daytime highs in the mid tm 50's.'s. chilly for this time of year.hi it won't feel terribly cold if c you can get in the sunshine.uni. mix of sun and clouds out theret yes, wisdom, already snowflakesf flying this morning across acros pennsylvania and some of thesend have been sneaking in to the northwest quadrant of ourf o viewing area out into westernntw maryland, panhandle of westlef e virginia. where i'm getting lots of reports of snow showers evenwe enough to coat the ground out go there. this is around 1:00.s ar we'll do -- round one m
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do this again tomorrow with ourr next clipper system. cli that will bring a chance fora r rain and our snow showers forwhr much of our region againio tomorrow afternoon.morr some of those flakes may getkeay closer to washington tomorrow. r that is a passes on through. couple more days of these coolyo temperatures and then i promiseo we have a nice warmup by earlyly if he can week. wee so much today.soh to winds out of the west 15 to 20.2 sun and clouds and again gustyig winds out there bring a jacket t you'll want it later thisit latt afternoon.afte weekend forecast we'll look aook that baseball this weekend make surer we get those games in and we'lll look at the seven day hope for f warmer temperatures on it in i just a minute, guys, back tos,a you. you. >> thanks. happening today local bus drivers are going to be speakink out about what they say are saya dangerous conditions that putcod riders at risk after an audit ot a local bus line shows safetyety melanie this morning is live ata union station one of the bus ons stops for this line with more oh this sto mel? >> reporter: good morning,orng yeah, and so after this audit ad which the bus drivers unionon didn't know about until recen recently, they say that reallytr this is a disaster waiting to wg happen, and they claim that
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operator of the d.c. circumstance later a company,, private company name first transit is taking dangerousus shortcuts in order to save tsa now the dc circumstance laternce somewhat of a small system sys carries about 6 million ridersor that was in 2013 compare that tt metro bus that carries about 130 million riders a year. there's 67 buses on seven s routes. rout it's just a dollar ride.ide the been running for about 10ut years.year now, ddot, d.c.'s department ofn transportation which reallyeally oversees all of the systems dids an audit to look at the oldest buses, 42 of the oldest busest s and they found that in additiono to the buses being really dirtyy inside and out, that there weree many defects in safety problems, average of 22 defects per bus and that is much higher of a rate than other fleets firstetfi transit also runs in the region. 40 of the 42 bus that is were we expected had critical safetyaf defects talking about thingsoutt like fire extinguishers,, headlights, tire treads.ire tad
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open and problems with breakss and steering.nd string the audit was saying that the t vast majority of safety defectst were the result of neglected nlt maintenance also pointing the finger at wmat saying they havee in the provided efficientie oversight. they oversee the system andee t inspects the system and t ultimately pointing the finger n at ddot, too, saying that they t themselves have not done goodong enough job of making sure thatua first transit is holding up to o the terms of the contract to provide safe and reliablee service. now, there is a ddot oversightht hearing today talking about what is going on with these buses. the main goal of the -- of the audit initially was to see howow long they could keep these buses in service. they want to keep them going fog at least 12 years and some of so those buses are near the end of their usable life so to speak so that was the main reason for the audit.audit but again fining these safetysef issues really was eye
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and yes the transit union plans to testify today saying thatay s even though that audit was donen a year ago, some of those problems, those systemicys problems with maintenance andnt safety issues still remain. rai back to you guys. >> as far as the union is unioni concerned when it comes to thiss and the reason for thison for ti testimony in the audit they wer troubled by what, these thingssi existed or they existed so manyn times or in so many buses. >> reporter: i think it's they skiffed so many times and in soi many buses and also, you know,oo again this was -- this ddot d audit was done a year ago.ear the union had its membersem conduct its own informal audit of number of buses and they looo at i think it was 29 buses, and, went through the same kind ofe n checklist and found that thosedt same maintenance issues this waw in march just a month agoth a continued to persist we'resist talking again about thing like l wheelchair lifts that didn'tir a work or head lamps andam taillights that were broken.n still finding problems with tirt treads or warn brakes thingswarn th
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safety issues and sort of meant those buses should have been taken off the roads.. >> it's fascinating to thinkohi that you have this system in i place where you got to take t these buses somewhere. somew and you park them somewhere, and in your personal cars when thes lights and stuff start goingtart off, you take them and get themh repaired.repa so how is it possible for thisbi long of a period of time thatf t you have mass transit form ofm o mass transit that's not even getting touched. we're talking tires and brakes.b that's serious stuff.. >> it is. that's serious stuff. >> a question are people ppl reporting these issues toue somebody whose dropping the bal or not being report idea. >> then not known -- >> interesting, too, there's's lack of maintenance with the whe circumstance laters that fallsls under wmata and the generalen maintenance of the metro is att issue which falls under wmata. >> right. >> hopefully they'll get somey's answers. >> topic of discussion for suren >> right. also happening today, friendsodr and family will say finalin goodbyes to d.c. teenager killel over easter weekend 15-year-oldd devonne thai washington w w
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his family when he was shot and killed at deanwood metro station.atio he was a freshman at largo highh school.ho washington's funeral will beon'r held at first baptist church ofh glenn arden.rd services begin at 11 a.m. also happening today, deadline day for a bunch of buno prince george's county clubs. c to either change how they're t doing business or shut downt altogether. many of those adult clubs are ca accused of tracking under aged e girls as fox5's annie yu joining us live with more on this story. annie? >> reporter: hey, good morningey to all of you. you know, so many people pleasee by the county taking this actioi and all of this following anngn investigation that we did last l year looking into these these allegations of sex traffickingng going on in some of these clubsu and so the mount tee basicallyac look into it themselves and they found 12 businesses that were in violation of zoning laws, and here at in suitland at the upscale ballroom, they are one e of 12 businesses that the countt found on their list and in anndi effort to get these kinds ofin o busines
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areas and away from young children and schools, they arety cracking down and the countynty issued cease and desist letterse to those 12 businessesusinse throughout the county here andne so they have until 5:00 o'clock today to comply. they were given this letter thee other day here.her day h you can see it on the window there up stale ballroom, andoomd it's kind of interesting.nterti the location of this place tola begin with.beginith. it's right next to a church.extc there are homes surrounding thee shopping center as well. wl. also, on the list club, clubb ecstasy being ordered to shutohu down completely because they'ree operating solely as adult adult entertainment and if these ihe businesses want to reopen as these types of clubs, they're cu going to have to relocate andloa sort of isolate themselves and the county is suggesting suggest industrial however, the establishments than are operating as banquet hall -- restaurant or launch can launcan continue to do so as long ass lg they stop adult entertainment activities so, you know, againna this is the county o
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stepping in once we did our d investigation looking into thisi they're wanting these businesses to be in isolated areas and sort of contained themselves and thea have until 5:00 o'clock today ta change the way they do their t business or shut downne or completely. back to you in the studio.. >> annie, thank you.hank let's turn to politics now.. democrats appear to be taking tn some pages from the republicansa play books. boo battle between bernie sanders and hillary clinton is gettingy down right ugly as bothcl prepaa for what could be the single sil most important primary contest of the year.ear new york. fox's doug luzader has thead latest.last. ♪ >> reporter: democrats thoughttg that republicans cornered thenet market on tough campaign tacti tactics, that is changing withiw bernie sanders and hillary andil clinton now engaging in somee trench warfare. wre if subway familiarity is a a litmus test for presidentialntil candidates both hillary clintoni and bernie sanders could be in u some trouble. tle sanders thought the system stili used tokens which were phased pd out 13 years ago in favor of
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metro cards. c it took clinton five tries toiet get her metro card to work >> i love it because it's so convenient. it is just the best way to getha around. >> reporter: but above ground go in new york, it's getting ugly.. with democrats concerned that cn attacks between clinton and sanders questioning one anothe another's qualifications are a going too far g well, i think hi hasn't done his homework andk a he'd been talking for more than a year about doing things that a he obviously hadn't reallyeall studied or understood.. >> maybe the american peoplenpl might wonder about yourou qualifications madam secretaryea when you voted for the war in iraq, the most disastroustr foreign policy blunder in the modern history of america repora roar there's an empire statete battle playing out republicans,a too with ted cruz hoping to win just enough to keep donald trumu from winning all of the of delegates >> i have no regrets aboutut standing for the people of newp york. >> reporter: but trump hasr: bup been hitting cruz hard in his earlier comments about liberaltb new york values
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>> i've got this guy standing sn over there looking at me talking about new york values with aith scorn on his face with hatred of new york.k. so, folks, i think you can t forget about him. h >> reporter: and trauma manyraum is well pigged to win the newine york primary.riry. his bigger problem may be nationally ap has new poll out showing that 69% of americaca adults view him in washington, doug luzader, fox news. i don't know how you wouldn characterize the gang leadersdes who got 13-year-old kids hoppedp up on crack and zen them out ont to the street to murder other african-american children.eric maybe you thought they were gooo citizens.zens she didn't. she didn't. dn' you are the defect the peoplepl who kill the lives you say matter. ma tell the truth. >> that's former president billl clinton making headlines while
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stumping for his wife.or he challenged protesters at as t rally for his wife yesterday.esd the protesters say hillaryay hia clinton was racially incentive back in 1994 when she called young people in gangs quote qte super predators. now in february hillary clintonr said she regretted her language back then.. >> talking a lot of controversyn what i said 8:00 o'clock lot oft people have been tweeting mewe about it. about i stand by what i said we talket about it in conjunction with the ray rice video of black hiveslav matter. >> ray lewis. >> excuse me, ray lewis what hee is he and he's absolutely rightt black lives matter, again, i aga don't care what anyone says it't not an anti cop movement. moven not the real black lives matter and so you know that's one iss issue. but also you have to say what w about black people killing otheg black people in the community? y that's not right either. e you know, so neither one iss right and so don't mix facts. fc don't say you condone one whilew you condemn another. another. that's not it.
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all lives do matter but we're be saying don't confuse one for tho other.othe. and so what ray lewis said id i totally agree with.h. parts of what bill clinton saidi i tollly agree with as w i welcome your feedback.k keep tweeting me.etg i'll keep responding. keep respd let's do it.s >> all right.ig 9:14 is our time right now.w still ahead d.c. police are.ic teaming up with partners fromtns across the region to put thehe brakes on dozens of illegal dird bike riders. r we'll tell you what they're t doing and how you can help. help first, though, before we gee to that the joys of love. le. pope francis calling onn catholics worldwide to put family first. first. we'll tell you about the landmark writings and what itd a means for married and divorcedd catholics coming up next. n time now is 9:14. 9:14.
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♪ all right. 9:17 is the time. back now with ground hiv breaking news out of rome. pope francis has just released1l his landmark new document on ca tom civil family and marriage. >> the pope makes bold documentm in that controversy that are likely to start controversy with tra dig al catholics. bob barnard joins us live withlt the very latest. latest >> reporter: good morning to you guys. g we've talk to people who have wh heard about this, who have readr maybe a little bit about this, and there a
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coming out to this 256 page doag you mean called the joy of lovel it was released online today t even though pope francis i guesg issue this back on march 19th. they waited the vatican did till now to release it because theybe wanted to translate it a numbere of different basically, the pope is not not changing any rules. just encouraging catholic cho bishops and priests to take atsk more liberal and inclusive approach to divorced catholics i and divorced catholics whocs remarry.. he said that divorce is an evila and he's trouble by the t increasing number of divorcesf s within the catholic church butcb that divorced people should notd be ex communicated. ex communiqued and in fact thet priests should offer them the communion which officiallyio they're not supposed to do.n pope francis sayst su he wants w priests and bishops to showho mercy to be more flexible whenew it comes to what he calls wounded family also after 8:00 o'clock mass here at saints matthews we spoke to a couple
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parishioners to get their take e on the continual liberal sayingy from the vatican under pope fran is. >> i think it's great.hi we're in a society now days where ocwe are all about inclusi and, you know, acceptingepng people's difference and what they believe in and from my perspective i think that's whatw church and religion and spiritual will the is all abouto and i think it's >> i thought it was a little lil vague gary than that. gary i heard it on mpr so it was aas little unclear. i think it's progressive and ivd think this progressive pope andd i'm right there with him on ths this. >> reporter: now, cardinal cdi westerly the archbishop ofhop o washington happens to be in romr right now.t now was there on other business and on his blog this morning here'sh what you see it there what cardinal westerly has said.aid. given this ex sorry takes wasas released earlier today it's not possible to fully analyze it. in the fulling days i'll revisii this teaching and discuss theist fruits it offs to us and the world.
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reflect upon this pastoral giftt from our holy father in thisr in easter season.easo so very interesting guys becausc there are conservative catholici leaders not only here in thee in united states but in africa anda other parts of the world 1.2 billion catholics in thelicn world of vatican says who will l not be happy about this. and others will not be happyappy because, guys, some in the community were hoping that pope francis would take a more a m inclusive approach toward gayary marriage.iage which he did not do in think in this release the joy of love ofl which is available online today. 60,000 words coming from theom e >> bob, it's not -- jut to- ju understand it's not an officialo changing of the rules butf thrub perhaps just a relaxing of the rules, right? >> reporter: i don't knowon maybe not even that.e not some people say as you heard h that gentleman say it's kind of vague. va both pope benedict 16 and and saint john paul ii had said that only catholics
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have that prior marriage a a nulled be considered forred f communion. co want pope francimms is saying sy we're to the doing away with the annulment but we just wantust w people to think a little moree openly toward, you know, famil families, can you believes,els, live, sex even, so just trying t to be little more inclusive andd understanding of people who havh gone through troubles in their t personal lives and not to say s there's one blanket rule for ala which again that rule has not been dissolve but maybe in the pope's mind should be eased up a little with. wh. >> relax add little bit. >> so like for you maureen mau evening you're catholic.atho it could be by each parish can the priest can decide what heeca wants to do in terms of givingfn communion to someone that's beee divorced? you see what i'm wt saying. >> they could but overall mostom priests in parish follow the overall whatever the archdiocese in that region is doing.s doing they kind of -- they don't go dt rogue, if you will. w >> it would be the archdiocesere that would
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>> exactly.>> each individual parish generally don't.n' again this all falls in line inn with what pope francis was frans saying when he visited we need to be more inclusive, and the bible, you know, whileno it is a living do you mean we believe it's also you canu interpret it in lot of differend ways and we're trying to includ more people.eo we're trying to say, look, it'si for centers. let's be forgiveness. i think that's what you're seeing with this latest with lt doctrine. doctrine. hopefully we'll see it played'l outl in full as it becomes, yo know, as we digest it and seet s exactly how it plays out.. >> speaking of going rogue as we switch gears right now. 9:22.9:22 ailer is out lighting upigin w social media and why some fans are upset about who it is frontf and center.ceter >> why police blame social medi for all the dirt bikes taking tn over dc streets and how they'ree using the internet to fight back. ♪ ♪
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he was flicking matches on me... for my life. my ex-husband's intentions were to murder me. glenn: i made sure yvette's abuser went away for good, and put in place tougher sentences, because domestic violence can never be tolerated. yvette: mr. ivey showed compassion. i felt like i could trust him. narrator: glenn ivey. as state's attorney, a proven leader. in congress, he'll combat domestic violence, and protect president obama's legacy. glenn: i'm glenn ivey and i approve this message, because i'm on your side.
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♪ >> we are on it and ready to do something about it all we needat is a little help from you. that's the a message from severr local law enforcement agenciesne who are joining forces to put at stop to illegal dirt bikes and atv's a problem fox5 has been b following for years, and one toe came to our attention yet againa this week when two videosideos surfaced showing just howtow dangerous and disruptive these t packs can be much here's whathe' also came out. came pictures.ures. nearly 250 clear pictures that police have of those riding the
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bikes, and that is exactly where you come co do you recognize any of thesese people? police are offering a $250 reward for each person identified in these now earlier this morning weng we spoke with prince george'sthrin county deputy police chief george nichols about what what concerned citizens can do if they see dirt bikers in their ie neighborhood.od. >> absolutely, if you canf you n photograph them, we would appreciate that, and of course,s we would like to get thatetha information from the community.. however, we still would like foe to you call 911, and have an officer respond.nd >> of course our officers areera well familiar with the chase policy and no chase policies ana if we are able to successfullyfy and safely apprehend thesend individuals, we will do so. >> so, upping, it's one of thost things a lot of people like if f you're not going to chase how are you actually going to betuly able to get these guys or what a do i do if they're, you know, k all of a sudden i'm surroundedue by these guys.s. but i think the overall toneraln from them is thatit
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look, we're all coming togethert this isn't just a districtic problem. this is an area problem. pro we're all working on it.n we've been working on on . >> right. >> here's the pictures we havech now help us get these guys. >> >> so hopefully we'll see aee it's not just do you recognizeoi the face but do you happen toapo know where they're keeping the atv's? you know what i mean.n if if you have leads on thatds we'll take that something too. t maybe something we can all workw together on. on. >> maybe vacation is all youio ever wanted or maybe you justou wanting to solo and find heavenh is a place on earth.. today it's right here on thee good day lost because former go-go singer and solo artistrtt belinda carlisle joins us livene coming up. up. >> oh, boy. plus we'll look at americancan idol's grand if you untilly frot the special guests to theto t surprise reunion and the latestt last champion joining us live. v that's all coming up. up. >> tucker is back with a checkh the forecast which does includee a chance for flurries thisie weekend and then a warmup on the seven day.ven we'll get both next. nex ♪
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>> 9:30. let's check what else is making headlines. >> the search for killer on college campus last nightatrccal ashundreds of people turning ouo for vigil inf memory of murderm university of texas student s wiser. she was last seen leaving l university drama building sundab night.ui her body was found in a creek on campus. camp police say she was assaulted and they do have surveillance videon of a suspect but so far still ni word on who that person is orn s even a possible motive.. next up, belgium authoritieo want to know more about a
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the man in the hat.n inhe he was last seen at brusselssss airport with two suicide bombers before they died in thein march 22nd attacks.ks. photos released by prosecutors s from surveillance footage showil him leaving the airport on foott walking to nearby town and thend into bel at some point he discarded therd white jacket he was wearing.was police of course still lookingco for that man. or information that leads to hio n california a wet and wild a w police chase ending with somee selfies.selfies yeah. two robbery suspects sped down d hollywood freeway in stolenlen convertible at one point theypon did doughnuts on the hollywoodoo boulevard. they even ran no a tmz bus. then they ran red lights drovean on the wrong side of the road, r but it didn't slow them down now even for pedestrians high fiving some of the pedestrians as theye went chase lasted minute minesutmi suspect finally surrendered toue police while on lookers tookok pictures. okay. what goes up, must come down. under that theory sunday might be a good day to go stock up on stamps the price dropping dropsg from 14 cents to 47 cents.ts don't spend
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folks. folk this is the first time in 97the years the united states postaloa service has cut stamp prices. p the price reduction marks the mr end of a special program that t was meant to make up for revenue lost in the 2008-2009 recession. and finally, talk about a terrible horrible no good very bad play.d p follow me? no. n check it out.t out. kind of hard to watch though. ernie els making the same shot e and missing it over and over ana over took him seven puts 6 feet a way to final put the ball in thel ie hole happened during the masters yesterday.erda else blamed the -- yeah, the yips on negligence.gee. fans compared the melt down to o street out of the movie happyovh gilmore which i say oh, yeah, w, agree with that. tt >> how does that happen. >> i golfed twice in my life and i don't think i was thatt
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>> i kno w t. >> look -->> look >> he's a professional.e's >> i know. wait. you got to see after this ones the next one is more tragic.c. >> if they let usie >> drive for show, putt fort f dough. >> lot of lot of it right there. >> poor >> tucker, if i was at the if ws masters with all those cameras c and eyes on me i probably wouldl have 12 putted that hole.hat h >> but he's a professional.rofeo >> i know. i k he's a professional.. >> jut shows their mew man undet pressure that makes them thats m good when they make them. >> all right.ight. >> even bill murray had more,ram you know, had easier time -- tim >> sure did. >> all right. >> i don't think the -- don >> 45 in washington. 45 in washi 47 in annapolis.n anpolis cool temperatures to start youra day. going to be cool afternoon.e con we will top out in the mid 50si5 so it will be a decent afterno afternoon. most important al dry afternoona look at the theirs hanging tough in the mountain.ouai hagerstown 38.rstown 36 in cumberland. snow showers this morning northi and thank you everybody that sent mm pictures.pictur show those to you
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showers this weekend.owthis 30 the current wind gust in wint washington. 24 in gaithersburg.24 in . 30 at dulles.lles it's all about the winds and the wind chill and, yes, it's not is been terribly warm start too april. we are going to keep this coolhc pattern intact today, tonightont right through the weekend as wew get into monday finally i thinki things will start to change herh and next week looks much, muchmh milder. milder looks like the pattern changesrn and we'll get rid of those extreme cold as we get into thet weekend. there's your morning look atur m your satellite/radar. yeah it's snow showers centralrn pennsylvania upstate new york,k, looking at snow showers thiswers morning and few of thoseho sneaking into our region off ton the north and west be againd ste thank you for sending thosseer t pictures to me.ct just enough to cover the groundt out there. this is round one. is ro one we'll get a break this afterno afternoon. it will be very cold tonight. tt freeze warning north and westthw tomorrow morning our second ours clipper system gets in hereh during the daytime hours the dau tomorrow. that had likely bring us anothe period of rain showers and/or a mix perhaps snow showers if sw s you're off to the north and wesh
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so showers and flakes back inrsa the forecast tomorrow.orrow. locally i don't think we'll getl any accumulation our daytimeur highs expected to be in theed t upper 40s tomorrow but as yous y get a little further north andth west you guys along 81 in the mountains southern pennsylvaniaa extreme northern maryland it'sai certainly a possibility therea could be a coating and thenpo an you get into pennsylvania, theyt might have to issue winter w weather advisories for tomorrowo they might get a couple inchess of very slushy snow during thew daytime hours tomorrow. there's your set up for sunday.y i want to mention saturday night into sunday we'll do anothero a bout of cold.ol i won't be surprised if we haveh record low temperatures aroundts here sunday morning we're morni' forecasting a low on sundayloons morning 29 in washington.hi so it will be very chilly around this weekend and because of thao we have a freeze watch which iss also in effect saturday night and sunday. an bottom line very cool unseasonably cool here's future cast. c great shape this afternoon. you may want to, you know, haveh a few happy hour drinks before you go out on to the happy hourh porch later this afternoon.on because it's going to be veryoit chilly out there this afternoono i want to show you
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before we wrap it up and that'sa tomorrow afternoon at 4:00.t again widely scattered rainered and/or snow showers across the s region we'll clear it out and very cold tomorrow night.tomo n 57 today.od 47 tomorrow.or 50 sunday warm up starts nextrt week. i ink we'll be much closer toh l 70 degrees by monday, tuesday. hang in there. in t spring back in the forecast byk early next week with 60s orith 6 better all of next week. nt all right, guys, toss it back tc you. >> looking forward to that. for thanks tuck it is the end of anf era.era. american idol dimmed its lightss forever last night. the talent show went out with ow bang.. bringing back iconic idol starss from the past and for one luckyy contestant it's the beginning oo a new journey to super stardom.. fox's michelle polino has h highlights from the finalghrom episode of the hit competition i series. ♪ >> reporter: american idol has h closed the last chapter in its singing is he exe togetherxe tee bringing more than 60 pasthan 60 winners and finalists back too fill the dolby theater stageheas with a night of retro celebrations.cele ♪
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>> it was magnetic.c you know, seeing all that fire power of vocal insanity in one place. >> so many times during the shod i just was standing there frozen thinking about remembering theeg first audition from some ofditie those contestants and seeing see them now.ow. especially cary and latoya andnd jennifer hudson. hso it was such a wonderful celebration of the history oftoy those contestants and all thatla talent. >> the winner of money idol season 15 is -- trent harmon! >> it was also a night to crowno the very last champ ass 25-year-old trent harmon became the night's big >> instead of being so excited it was strange. str you know, so much decompressioni left my body, it was like i gotg to relax for the first time inei the year.ea >> it was just testament to how strong trent got.rong tre i think in the last fewnt weekss because la'porsha was -- she was always phenomenal from the beginning, but trent i think thi show sometimes is about seeingg the evolutio
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we love to see that. t we saw it in spades with trent.t >> over the 15 season, more than 1 million hopeful contestants ct tried out in 46 cities. c many went on to record albums scoring 459 billboard numberumbe ones. 250 million i tune down loadsn l and crow 88ing several superever stars including cary underwood,, kelly clarkson and daughtry.y. >> ♪ >> reporter: other highlightshlg included season one coach hostos brine dunkelman revisiting theig stage.age. william hung this year's threerr judges performing and therminan original paula abdul, randybduld jackson and the infamous simon cowell reuniting.euniti >> it's crazy, man.azy, it's like a lot of emotions.moti a lot of tears.ears a lot of people sad. it was amazing that simon showeo up. we didn't think he was going to. that kind of blew us away. so we were actually really shocked at that moment. >> i shed some tears because itu meant a lot. i was very very blessed andnd fortunate to and beyond gratefua that was
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one.e. ♪ >> reporter: in the end the ground-breaking show sang its sg last note leaving a lasting and historic mark on the industryndy >> you really get to see what an impact american idol has had ono the music industry over the lase 15 years.ea i mean, there have been so manym big names to come out of this ot show it's really -- it's almosts over will ming i think.mi >> somebody will make movieody about this one day. one d. i mean, idol -- idol is a machine that pumps out super stars you know i'm just blessed to be able to have thatt opportunity to maybe go be one. ♪ >> reporter: in hollywood,, michelle polino, fox news. n it was definitely a show to remember for sure.reme mb>> oh yeah. >> in many ways and just the w show last night was one to w o remember. we'll have a lot more from lastm night's finale at 10 including a live interview with the 15th and final champion trent harmon. >> yes. >> that's exciting.exciting. >> yeah. y it will be to see if it's sunk in this i morning. probably not
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>> he's probably been up allabl night. >> favorite idol. favor >> cary >> cary underwood.od >> come on. >> i have to say last night i ng don't know i suede towards kelly clarkson going back to numbero one. >> now that you said i likedhatd kelly, too.kelly, >> jennifer hudson.nir h >> jennifer hudson was amazing. >> and gorgeous.ou >> she looked gorgeous. cary looked gorgeous too if youi can't get enough music stayic sy tuned because a woke from todayu fox5 is going to bsee rocking it out in farragut square park as we kick off our spring concertrt series.series we've got three fantastic local bands all said set to perform to neck friday april 15th, tax day, right, sound of the city ii going to kick things off.ngs the following friday apri april 22nd secret society will perform and the muddy crows will be our finale on my birthday,ira friday april 29th.il9t >> there you go.ou go. >> that is my birthday.hat is >> muddy crows on your birthdayy >> turning 23. sound of the city is dropping ap brand new single next friday fri called r
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they described themselves asmsea time less, soulful and classic.a take ♪ >> is that kenny. kenny >> is that our own kenny.that o >> that's kenny. kny >> yes.>> yes >> we got a lot of love for thef drummer there. there >> okay.>> okay. >> very own kenny martin is an part of that group.part o i can't wait for that.thn't. here's what you need to do.t u e join us at farragut square park 17th and k streets on friday f next friday at fox5 rocks toocks sound of the city. cy we'll kick things off earl and l get going during good day whichi of course is from nine to 11:00: if you can't make it out, you o can watch us here or streamingtr at the fox5 d.c. d >> i love that. >> awesome ban.some b they moved at about wee townut t center. >> when our did our zip trip.r i they are amazing.remazi >> all right, kenny.ll i see you.i u. >> still ahead in the fox beat b kevin is back from the fro barbershop and this morning he'' got his interviews with theth t women who kept it running.unni time now
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back after this.back after this.
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♪ it is 9:44. 9:44. time for the fox beat. fox b >> what's up barbershop the nexn cut opens up next friday the first two came out in 2002 and 2004. 2004. >> why is this movie not out yet yet. >> i folic we've been talking w about it -e'-abit - >> we had the guests in studio.
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i sat down with regina hall andd eve. eve. regina hall really great story.o she used to work at amc mazda m gallery right up the street hert what's fascinating that me, full circle in life that she came shc here to d.c. for the premier ofo her movie for the kevin hartev film a couple years ago and nowd this movie barbershop three. they were sitting right there in the theater that she sold tickets and box office and off popcorn and everything.pcor it's's amazi >> i love that. >> i spoke to her about francisa situation and what that wasd wha like, see a movie, work in the theater and see a movie premieri there i spoke to eve about herbt music check it out.c school selling sel naked popcorn and selling s tickets. >> then you came to d.c. and die a premier for this move movie ae a movie theater you used to worr at. >> i know. it was great. was great i mean, the movie theater i worw at moved from downstairs tota upstairs. it was amazing because when izi was there, i didn't even think about, oh, maybe one day i justj was like, i got job.. >> right.>>
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(laughter). >> you know i got a job.ob i was -- ate lot of popcorn.opco i do remember that.ember but it's kind of -- it'ss amazing.azing. it really is amazing.mazi it was great the nest part ofpao when my family got to come. you know it's good for the the experience with my fam >> you're amazing musician.usic >> thank you i'm wondering wheni you play a part in a movie is there a similarity to writing a song the journey go on song to roll in movie? >> good question.n. >> that's good question.t's that was good question. >> thank >> you know what, no. but, i do use from my music is when i read the script so i read the script from my -- to my t remember i read in a rhythm ahy which helps me remember my lin lines. >> really. >> that's the only thing i actually bring from music because when i'm onset for merie it's -- it's totally differental than being in the studio.e s but to help me remember, to memorize i read in a rhythm it'i weird, i don't know.d, ion >> you go up and down like ae song? how does it sound when se you're doing it? >> it's, um, i make it more melodic in my head becauseead that's the way
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flying i write auramine go inurn the studio if i have to singo si something, it needs to be n t melodic that way i remember it certain way. w i don't that's just -- i don't know. >> cool. >> all right. allight. that movie opens up on u o april 15th we'll have more m from the cast next week as well. yeah, eve by the way amazing artist as well.s we're trying to figure out who w she was married tom married to a multi million,. milli >> maxwell something or other.ho he's britt they've been marriedd the last two years or somethingm >> very very cool. >> she's doing very well.heer let's just say that. >> regina hall very good localol story.y. thanks lot, guys i appreciatee it. >> thank you. >> we have special give awayhave because it's fun for the whole e family.. also because you can enter on cr facebook and within tickets or r four tickets rather to seehe ringling brothers and barnum anm bailey circus extreme at eagle e bank arena 1:00 p.m. on sundayna your time. april 17th.l 17th price tag also includes $100 $ american express gift card, a coloring book, ring master hat, plush tiger and
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program and cannon circus reply casm go to our facebook page p between now and 11:59 p.m.1:59 one winnershrek beside randomidn drawing on april 11th that1t tha prize by the way has approximate value of $400 provided by fellel enter taken many.teken >> coming up next, hot on then web the new stars trailer is out out. we tried to show to you you yesterday. we ran out of the why it has so many people o talking, though.. >> also, hot on the web thise wi morning, the power of a haircutt a good one that is.e at and why it's getting 1nba playea so much attention. ♪ ♪
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♪ state your name for theyo record. >> jenn. jn >> forger receive imperialia documents.cume possession of stolen property. e activated assault. resisting arrest. >> on your own from the age of 15 wreck less, aggressive and undisciplined.line >> this is a rebellion, isn't
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it? i rebel. >> hmm. h >> hmm. >> ominous. >> star wars fans getting usedrf to the new faces of the movieove the franchise going to a timee before hans solo look and lea la became galactic hero disney released the first teasereaser trailer for rogue one a star s wars stories this will hitill theaters in december but the nee teaser not without controversy.r some fans a little upset about t second film with a female lead.. few sound off on twitter toer complain that the flick is thet second in a row to star female.m one wrote, another woman leadanl come on star wars be original oa another chimed in i guess every star wars will have female leada now evens hans solo will besolol woman in this movie if the chrism sounds it is. similar complaint from fans who fell blockbuster the force awakens last year which went ono to set records as far as peopleo wanting to see the movie whento they saw her performance not tot many people complained about ita >> i want to understand this one
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with the --- >> it's like a side bar kind of. >> it's a spin off.n o >> yeah. what they did they made thee t originals back in the '70's thaa was one thing. thing then they came forward and maded the ones before that.t they we were forward again torer make the ones after the ones inn the '70. >> are you following this hollyy >> now they're going before thef ones they made --ad >> after before ones.ft >> after the before ones afterer the last ones.. >> thank you mr. martin.n >> now that wee cleared that upt we need to go to the next story. >> is darth vader in it.der i >> darth vader is still alive in this >> or is he not yet born.t b >> he may not be born yet. y. who knows? k >> is he the lead. >> controversy. next up, now this is a slama dunk makeover.. get a good position, mow. >> internet nearly brought utah jazz player gordan hey heywood'd haircut before we show you his new look, let's show was he looo like before. okay? there he is. is. >> okay.
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his hair until he said he found a style it will lift in well, that stylist took his h scissors and worked magic. mic drum roll, please, because thiss is what hayward looks like now. what?at >> he looks like -- >> looks like he just slicked il back. new locks are having womeng wom claiming he went from geek toee god.d. he add merchandise facial haira to this new look as well. >> it is an improve many. many. >> i see. saved shaved on the sides there. >> go-go go and ga-ga and talk about geek to god.ek if year a professional athlete you're taking time to get your hay styled and grow facial hairh >> like he's the first. >> huge per model or basketballb player. he does have 19 points a >> he can do whatever he wants w with his >> did his wife cut his hair h h because she wanted him to have the geek dee look. >> that's good point, steve. >> she could have been i'm seeing hate from the wife.ow
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>> she's not liking the god status. >> he can part it in the middled and slick it down. down. >> if you want to talk about 'u '80s goddess her name would be be linda carlisle and she's livl in the t l >> tom arnold will join us herer and we'll chat with the latest s and last american idol 20 harm harmon. we'll chat with him right afteri the break at 10:00 o'clock. 1ck first though it's coffee time om good day d.c.go day if you want one of mugs listen up new dunkin' donuts good daysd d.c. mug up for grabs. g perfect for your done did youe i doughnuts head to fox5 d.c./contests our our face facebook page to enterr the mug you have until 11 a.m. to enterr right now 9:55.:5 back with the 10a next. ♪
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pass pass.
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>> our lips aren't sealed thisip friday morning.s why? because we have an epic an good day for you. >> you know the songs heaven ise a place on earth, mad about you belinda carlisle live in the loft. loft. >> also joining us live in thein studio comedian tom animal. ama >> plus emotional night as idola says goodbye and we have the t final winner ever. trent harmon joins us live fromm >> talk about a fabulous friday. >> let's's the 10a starts now.ow ♪ excited to talk to belinda carlisle. we have business to get tonessot before we chat with her.r i'm steve, alongside holly,ol, maureen and wisdom. w >> the big story at 10:00 american idol says goodb goodbye. it crowns new champion.wn check it outs .ut. >> ♪ >> the winner of american idol
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season 15 is... trent harmon! ♪ >> it is the end of an era. american idol signed off last night after crowning one moree champion 25-year-old trent tre harmon became the night's big winner beat la'porsha renae like harmon hails from mississippils but while last night mark a newk beginning for the new super stas it also marked the end of the te hit reality show. 15 years we're talking about. at it got a star-studded send offen complete with the winners fromro the past 14 seasons, a specialci judge reunion and few other surprises. we'll have more on that in ae on minute but first, though, new winner trent harmon joining usng now live from la along with runner up la'porsha renae.. congratulations to both. you are both truly, truly winners.nn what a journey this has been.
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morning?? >> um, well, we used to -- wee useed to this five letter wordor sleep. we used to sleep a lot. and we don't do lot that any more, but i don't we're just kind of robot mode. m you wake up, you sing you eatou little bit and you just keepou j going. but i feel great. i'm blessed to be here.toe h >> what about you, la'porsha? s how are you feeling? it must im have been a tough -- i saw you w on stage. you were so gracious.ra and so genuinely happy for hpy f how do you feel this morning? >> i feel tired, um, and cold. but i'm the i'll really grateful to be here. >> obviously for you all lastlls night there was a lot of stake e because you were waitingcaus throughout the whole show tohe o fine out who was going to be the final american idol winner. win but did you get a chance to enjoy the spectacle that washa w that show? was there a favorite moment for you in tha
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hours? >> you know, it happened reallya fast, and i always -- i don't--d like it when ever people say,eos you know, it happened so fast, s don't even remember whatember happened.en i watch the whole show. i watched as much as as i can in i wasn't in dressing room, youou know, and shout out at miss ms jennifer lopez for putting onn cougarrablely one of theblel greatest performances ever on television. i was just kind of in awe thehe whole time she was performing that was probably the highlighth for me of the night. >> what happens next for youppef guys? i mean you got your siting careers. car what happens what happens next? you going to back to mississippi together? are you going to do g separate mississippi tours?? >> go ahead, la'porsha.rsha. you got it.. >> at some point we will salutee dollar a joint concert.rt i don't know when it will be.n l i don't know where we'll do it.d we'll find the best venue and for both sets of our supportersr to come and we will put on one
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heck of a joint concert.once we'll pick out a set list together that will show off botf of our, you know, what we bringg to the table and it will be great. gr >> just so you guys know, wisdoo who was just asking that question of you is also a proudd mississippi resident.esen so that's why he was trying torg get the mississippi connectionpi in there as well. >> i was trying to get ya'll tol shout it out to the south. sth ea really. really what part.. >> jackson, mississippi. jackson state >> absolutely.>> >> an hour away. >> good deal. goo >> hey i want to ask trent, youu know, we had heard that you werr a little super tissues when itiu comes to some of yourto som y performances and your family, et cetera.cera what superstitions do both of o you guys have when it comes toeo performing? >> you wanting to first? tost >> all i did was pray.was i don't really believe in superstition.rstion but die believe in god, and i just -- i just wanted to, you know, really make sure i kept k him first throughout this whole
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>> also, upping, we prayede pra together a lot.toge but i do have one super situation i don't carry my grandfather's -- greatre grandfather's pocket watch on show days i keep it in my breasy pock of my jacket.t. it's good luck charm maybe i'm i just crazy but i always carryays that with me.h >> it work last night for sure.s >> it work last night and againa we are just so happy for theh both of you. both of you. this is truly just the beginninn of what will be an even moreore remarkable journey than the oneo you just went through. went >> thank you and if ya'll are aa ever in d.c. you have a standing invitation to come join us in ju the loft on good day d.c. all right?? >> thank ya'll so much. >> as long as you have a blankeb n we got plenty of we'll keep you warm.ou war >> take care, ya'll. y >> bless their hearts.irearts. they are exhausted. exhsted >> right. >> they have hits they have tosv do with the stations i truly wonder has it sunk in them for f them. they're just doing these inter d views. >> i think they've been up allhe night. that would be my call. wld b >> that's rough.>> >> what a delicious experience.e can you imaginlie? amazing. amg >> finally when they do calmo c d
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be able to enjoy it. eoy >> they're goining to on america idol tour. they're still working.ey're sti >> they got to take break soones or later. >> no break for the weary. >> they do get a chance to bre break. >> of course idol diehards alsoi had a chance to saydo goodbye tt the series original judges we'rs talking about simon cowell, paula abdul and what up dog -- >> that was pretty good. >> randy jackson they all returned last night to the idoll set one last simon cowell made one final dig at his co judges asking them tot apologize for being so mean too contestants over the years. one of the highlights last night incredible finale was thee was opportunity to see former idols return to the stage including william hung, that's jennifer hudson. she was amazing. >> gorgeous.orge >> beautiful. >> that's soul patrol. >> taylor hicks.. >> we already -- we hadn't seene william hung just yet. y >> that may not b
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>> there he is. you speak and he exists there he is maureen. >> yes. >> >> that's not what he soundsnoth like. we were hearing clay aiken whic is really there you go. th >> they had a star-studded list last night.last >> look at his face.ace. he's thrilled to pieces to beoie there. >> did anybody see a pants onans the ground was there. >> he was there. >> he was there, too. >> i think i'm the only one ion actually watched.ated >> i saw jennifer hudson, latoya london and fantasia. >> i saw j.lo doing her thing. i >> was eight good >> yes. i thought j.lo was -- - >> what was the song. >> rock your mamma.your >> she did a couple songs. a cou new one but she did a couple cpl songs. so but let me tell you, that girlil can dance still.. >> she's a great performance. >> six past the hour. let's check us what else tren trending.di real time news track derr kerr.k first up dc rapper fat trail in legal trouble again two weeks afr
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to exchange counterfeit moneyitm chips at a local casino fato fat trail facing charges for dwi and drugs. in politics looks like hillary clinton is trying to prove she'e more than new york than hern w o opponent bernie sanders by riding subway.ub she told reporters thursday thiy was her first time on the subwaa in two next, you might have had aaa few missed messages to check one facebook today turns out youruty messages inn box has a tab somes people don't know about. a the message request option.n let's he you see messages sent s from people not really friends i with you. hash tag stalker alert.lert and finally every dream aboutam snuggling up to an adorable little hedge hog? if so you're in luck if you want to travel to japan.jan following the trend of popularul cat cafes including one here ine washington, d.c., a hedge hogge cafe has now opened in tokyo.yo. customers pay about nine bucksut to spend time with 20 to 30 different hedge hogs. h >> wrong business.rong busin i got to find me animals downnis south and make a killing. kil
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you know that facebook you'ret talking aboufat, one time i opeo it i had like two marriage mriag proposals.osals i've been missing out. out. darn.. >> can't wait on that. c >> i know, right?? (laughter). >> let me move on. next up jc penniespe responding to the internet uproar over its new springg skirts. skir it embraces the skirt despitete many saying it has ill placell p flour that looks like, well, a menstruation stain i'll say.atio the picture was first posted on imager where it got more than 240,000 caption said really could have r pick a better place for that flower design. image inn stapply went viral. but take look at j.c. penney's e response the department storetmn took to sweater saying "we thint it's a fab skirt for any time of the month period. "dropping the mike walking awaya that's right j.c. penney. wouldn't buy the skirt, though. >> um-um. not buying the.t ng t ya'll not buying it.. >> um. um. >> really. >> people are like maureen,, restroom down the hall.he hal >> okay. o >> up next, janet jackson
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postponing the rest of herer unbreakable tour because she iss starting a family.ting aamil now, several of the venues whers janet was supposed to play say they have not gotten officialial word yet that the tour has beene called off and the generalal consensus it will go on at a later date but here's the big but, ticket master sent e-mailei to ticket holders saying theyayg too have not received any wordnw of a formal cancellation and they are treating it as as postponement so no refund. not getting your money back. b just as janet jackson fans veryy unhappy because they could -- cu they can have to wait up to yeao to see janet jackson in concertt depending on her baby situation. >> wow! wow! >> that's interesting she madesn the announcement on social media but -- >> like an official announceiaou many to the >> it's not official. >> it will get all ironed out,do i'm sure. we've been talking about the ent of app era and now we havee another the end of victoria secrett catalog? what?hat
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company's owner he will brands b wants to cut back on the iconic catalog. this in an evident to connecto c with customers through more focus on loyalty programs andams brand building engagement rathen than the traditional methods m like catalogs and offers. off now the chain had record year ir sale and it says now is the bess time to make improvements. >> 13-year-old boy all over thel world just -- >> just cried. >> they have the internet.he >> i do like the catalog. do li i still like to get the catalogs because i like to go through anu dog tale them.ta t >> the cost of mailing them. >> but' taj is going down, goind we already reported that. >> save 2 cents on each stamph s starting on monday.. don't go any with.y w actor comedian tom arnold is aol with us.s we'll chat with him in a fewitha minutes. >> next are you ready for it pop music super star belinda carlisle live in the loft. there she is. we'll talk about her tour, herer music, and of course live withlt the gogos. thgo we'll be back. back.
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he was flicking matches on me... for my life. my ex-husband's intentions were to murder me. glenn: i made sure yvette's abuser went away for good, and put in place tougher sentences, because domestic violence can never be tolerated. yvette: mr. ivey showed compassion. i felt like i could trust him. narrator: glenn ivey. as state's attorney, a proven leader. in congress, he'll combat domestic violence, and protect president obama's legacy. glenn: i'm glenn ivey and i approve this message, because i'm on your side.
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>> the songs of a generation hi after hit. oh, you know them.. ♪ >> talk music icon belinda carlisle successful solo
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♪ >> front woman of the gogos. one of the most famous girlamoug groups of all times. ♪ >> together they sold millionsii and millions of records reachinh global super stardom.. ♪ >> and today belinda is still going strong. >> ♪ >> man. >> she's here, right. beyond excited.. belinda the sound track t our lives growing up the in theh '80s and '90's without further a do come
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only miss belinda carlisle.e. (applause). h hi. >> hi. nice to meet you. >> honor. >> thank you so much for comingu >> thank you. >> i can't believe this. bieve you are here in the loft with ts us. she's not kidding you are the t sound track to at of our youth.u >> hard to believe we're thatvee old. >> i'm sorry, which songs.. >> which songs.on >> i don't know. our lips that video made mee smile. sm that was right the beginning oif mtv, so we thought it was a biga waste of time, why are we doingg this? it's so >> enjoy the >> yeah. yh. because it was before -- bor >> it was the gogos that took mtv that took the gogos to a t whole other audience. aie >> yeah. >> you group out of the la punko scene.scen >> yeah. in now eyre basically the face t of music videos. veo >> that's where i discovered yod guys mtv. >> we wept from zero to 103 in03
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we formed in '77 without knowing how to plug a guitar into ann amp. we had no simon cowell. we did all ourselves.urlv it came straight from thetraighr garage. that video sort of, you know,no broke out.e. >> what amazing legacy that cama you from the garage.. you guys form yours and becameec this first female group that hit after his. it wasn't like the formula thata we see today of someone a a ranging a group and mak making g popular.po >> well it was much different mt back then music, you know, itw,t was -- it was more about artistt tree than it is about -- wasut- about business so much.. so trends in 40 years. trend 4 >> what about the challenges of back then and even in some asoma specs now the challenges of thee female group back then. talk about some of the t challenges you ran into when you got this whole female group in p that time >> well, the main one was that,t you know, although we wereere packing clubs all across the act country, nobody would sig
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because there had been -- theynt would tell us we love you, weou can see people love you, but there's been no track record ofo all female band that has done well so we can't sign you.ou >> that had to be --o be >> because you're women. >> right. >> because you're women or gir girls. yeah. somebody came along miles copeland and tock a chance to sign us and -- a >> the rest is history.ry >> good for him. >> everything is going alongoino swimmingly all of a sudden ill hear devastating news, linda -- belinda carlisle is leaving thee go-go.. >> the band broke up completely. good here's the thing.e's the ti you were my girl and i felt like we -- oh my gosh what's going og here? i was devastated.. i remember my young selfoung s thinking my goodness, why? >> um, all the cliche thingse that break up bands.. publishing, um, ego, drugs, youo know.. >> so i mean those are thehose things that usually break bands up. up you know something we were soetg young and that kind of fame whee
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really a hard thing to handle. >> yeah. >> you went out and you nailedad it because lot of times there'ss the pressure especially onsu esp somebody who is the front persoo for group if you go solo andoloa launch a solo career a lot off times there's extra pressure yor better suck he'd.tter >> right. >> did you that, though. t did that help to ease that eat transition?transition? >> well, that was scary.l, t i made my album, and then i realized what i had done. it was too the scariest thing for me wase w being out oh on stage for theor first time without the securityt blanket of the gogos but jobob just forged on and it was toondt late to go back.goack. >> now you've in success in both realms you obviously were incredibly successful with thesh gogos and as a solo artist andtd still are. a is there one you like more thanm the other? i think -- tnk >> or more proud >> i think equally when i'm onni my own i miss the comradery ofry the gogos i mean family, we've e been together, you know, for 40 years, and when i'm with them ii kind of wish i was on my
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>> because it's a democratic -- it's very familial. fil and it's democratic process.c pe i don't wish that i was on myasn own, but, you know., you k >> we know what you mean.u >> i like them both equally. >> it's locate family.ily >> completely like family. fam >> you can take them in small s doses sometimes.sesomet >> right. >> you're forming at the forng a hamilton tonight, right., r >> yes. yes >> lot of people what do we getw from your show? do we get -- >> besides awesomeness.soness >> do we get little bit of jeff little gogos a little soloing, a little new stuff. >> it's mostly my back catalogca as a solo artist but i do a feww so go-go songs an couple cover songs, too i'm not doing any ney stuff for this show, becausew, u people want -- i haven't doneone this we'll really for 25 years.a it's been a long time. t people want to hear the old >> there's a time and place for e that. for me any way.for me a for my next a
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so we'll see. we' >> all right. right. the song vacation which somehoww enters my mind every single day at some point -- point - >> it is friday.>> iis fri >> was there a hidden meaning tm that song or did somebody need e vacation when that song was son written.n >> i think it was -- look, it was -- i didn't write it i thint it's more or less about meetinge somebody on holiday.. >> okay.>>kay. nice get away, things happen inn the song. >> i believe they call that ave hook up. t >> vacation has a better hook to it. good yeah.go yea >> than song called hook up. >> gogos performing againg a together any time? we have ourr farewell tour.ou >> our very last tour this coming august. aus we're doing the d.c. area too i believe.eve. so,,es. that's it. it. i mean it's great because we're' not ending it on a bad note.e. it's not acrimonious at all. it's -- we decided ta
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know, it's better on high note than it is leaving it go too it long and we're doing tour thisot summer to celebrate the legacyey of the band.he b >> when you get a chance to gete together with that band and youu play shows, it's not always oldo people like us that appreciate --pr- >> who you calling old. o >> i'm older. oer >> you get younger people, too.t is that cool to see the music. >> we see kids, i mean all agese at our shows.. all there's not anyone demographic.c so it's great seeing the younghu kids sink.ds i had girl the other night inigt cleveland she was like seven or eight. she was was staning right in thn front at a cathedral you can can come up the stairs on to their she was practically on the stage with me.with m >> someone who has awesome parents. >> do you girls still water skii >> that's what i want to know. . >> i wish i can.>> i just had two hip operationspen last year.str >> bless your heart.rt >> i don't think that skiing isk on the cards for me for while. >> well belinda
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on the card much she's on thecho card tonight at the hamilton and the gogos back in the dc area aa this summer.this s >> it will be so fun.llso fun >> pleasure meeting you >> nice meeting you. nic >> thank you. t >> thank you. >> here's the information fortho the show tonight. 8:30 doors at 7:00 at thethe hamilton downtown on 14th and f. should be great show.t s great venue if you've never beeb there check it out. o >> thank you belinda carlisle. 10:22. couple hungry girls are takingeg over the kitchen the best selling author who helps you hel with less calories. >> more with less. >> she'll join us live. she's starring new play calledyc i'm still your momma. we'll have sneak peek next. nex hey lo.
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make today smile with 6 dunkin' donuts for $3.99, powdered with sugar, layered with frosting, filled with jelly, or topped with sprinkles. share some smiles with 6 donuts for $3.99 today. america runs on dunkin'.
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♪ all right. this is a play where womanayre w struggles to raise her kids ass single mom doesn't get the lovee and respect she's aching for. that's the dilemma character int the play i'm still your momma at the warner theater o joining us live the stars of tho product keith robinson and low london.on good morning to both of you.f yu >> good morning.>> goomorn thanks for having us. us. >> thanks for being here. h this is one of the plays beingeg build one of the playing? you y jumping out of the seat, singini and dancing, witnessing andss testifying. >> tell us about this play. very catchy title that's forhat' sure. re >> yes.>> y sure. it's basc
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testament to, um, forgiveness and commitment and family dramaa but it's taint taken it's a a musical it takes you to theou t gamut of emotions it's great actor produced by terrell tre entertainment.ainm we're excited about it. >> single mom who raises a chili and the son turns on her inner essence.esse >> we don't want to give toont much away but the mom she has ts go away. go a so, you know, when she get backc her son is into the same thingsg that sent her away. ay so she's basically trying tory tell him, i'm your you don't want to do the same s things i did.thgs i i only did those things tong t sacrifice to be able to provideo for you.r >> talking about singlein parenthood and the challenges s many women face, you're single mother dealing with childrenh ci trying to raise them the beste b you can despite circumstances.ns so you guys are talking aboutbot very real life issues here. >> absolute. >> how does the audience responu to that? you know a lot of times weu go to plays, movies,e cetera, to escape., to escap how does an audience respond red when you have a play that hits t such a nerve, strikes such aes c
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>> i think it's unique because b the writing is very entertaininn because it opens up it's comedic, it kind of takes to yoy the gamut of emotions but i think people take away from itmt there to reflect and kind of get reconnected.rennec we've seen all kind of reactionr from people so it's because soes emotional and such a sub that'sa very pertinent in a lot of homem where the disconnect betweentet mother and child. so it's kind of universalnial message. message. it kind of brings everybody bacc home i think. >> talk about your characters.. >> my character i play thelay character lisa and i'm actuallya friends with shelly childhood friends so we were actually in jail together.oghe >> oh.h >> that's interesting.ting >> we were in jail together, ana i basically i get out and i i change my life around, and findf a goodman and i just kind ofki tell shelly what's going on what i've been hearing on the streets about her son. >> definitely very differentry where i think some people mightm have seen you before.een befo >> bad girls club. lu you made what's the reaction you get from
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your previous incarnation toarnn what you're doing now? what'sw' their reaction?eact >> um, i mean, i get good g response because i'm doing i d something positive and you knowk bad girls club it's a reality ry show, and you know, we're, we' trapped in the house.d he h so it's a little different fromm doing stage play where i have to remember lines and read scriptsp you have to know that it's allon work.rk >> yeah. y >> i don't want toea be labeledl bad girls club forever becauseeb that's not me. like i'm growing into a maturee woman and i'm trying to dog different things.enthi >> you're doing it beautifully.y >> thank you. thank >> keith, we've seen you in soso many plays, sitcoms, dream girlm which is your one of your breakk out roles. r you know, i know you get a lot a people walk up to you, man, i grew up watching you get that a a l >> i'm feeling old how.ling old. >> don't feel old.>>on >> i've been around.und. >> you're great. you're great g which do you procedure the films, the theater work, television?io >> well, i think, um, i think ti good great tv show is great if you lov
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working with but film is kind oo res san 98 for years people tale to me about dream girls or fatat albert or number of movies i've done and these movies are some s of them are 10 years old.0 year. i think if you -- if you're abll to be part of a great movie like that it's leaves an indeliblele pressure on culture so you're somewhat immortal.orl >> i like that.. >> when you're on stage i wouldu imagine it's a different's aiffe reaction because so the audience is right there. tre >> that's great they know about stage it's immediate pay off yof kind of know -- you can kind off feed off their energy. off their so it's kind of like you'reou actually playing tenants withanw the audience.e >> playing tennis.nis. >> you can't beat that immediata pay off.yff. i love both mediums actually.ct >> the play obviously here youey guys it's running let's see -- e we have the full put that up.that there it is. i'll still your mamma tomorrowoo at three and 8:00 o'clock at tht warner theater.warner theat how many runs is this? justs? s tomorrow that's it.moow t >> tomorrow is it.omw is come out.come out. >> if you don't catch ityou tomorrow that's it. >> three and 8:00.rrhree >> whe i
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this? >> still up in the air. >> we're looking at dates now. had pretty good reaction.. hopefully we'll be coming toing various cities.s cit i love this.iove thi i love the chance for to us see you guys life and personal righr on stage. seeing the different energy you bring to the works.. >> yes. yes >> it's an honor for me to meet you. glad to meet to et y you're destined for bigger andti better. >> thank you. tha you >> very beautiful too might iig was add. >> thank you. >> three and 8:00 tomorrow0 warner theater.wa thank you guys again.yo >> back to you guys.ou gs. >> bigger better and batter as well. still ahead on good day star power look who just walk into the loft. find this man a place to sit tos don't make him stand for living! (laughter). >> all outfits are welcome inrei the loft. lof tom arnold joins us. we'll chat with him coming up next. it's now 10:30.
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narrator: all that political mail mlet's simplify.lming. only one candidate has been endorsed by the washington post: kathleen matthews. as a journalist and progressive leader at marriott, she has a broad and deep facility with policy. emily's list praises matthews as pro-choice and the post says on gun control, clean energy, education and health research kathleen matthews "has greater potential, following the van hollen model, to move the ball forward." kathleen: i'm kathleen matthews and i approve this message.
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>> i'm at a baseball game. at this is actually true and i said, you know, being a sports fan, i suggested that we walk ww next door to the recordingng studio on the lot we were w shooting and pre record the sons because that's a hard song to sing, right? and barbara industry saundra records it.aurr i used that.ha she was like no, i'm going singn it live.ive i beg her. h. because there's delay and everything.ythi i beg her.beger there's some battles you cannot win. you have to pick them, you knowk any way we go down to san diego
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and --and -- >> all right.>> a we wanted to run the whole clip, tom. >> it didn't go well.o w >> half laugh. >> it gone well.on wel in case you haven't seen it. sen i think people know what k happened. >> as you are aware tis guy has done it all. a writer, producer, comedian, an actor, singer perhaps a sportsrs fan.. he starred alongside arnoldd schwarzenegger in true lice.ic mike myers in austin powers onpo the show roseanne.the sh his work with fox sports and best dam sports show we're talking about tom ratherte than named in town for weekend show at cinema draft house. >> we filled a lot of true liess here. >> in d.c.>>n d. >> we were driving around theund streets trying to find this place, i remember a lot of locations and we had a lot of at fun here. most of the movie was in many w here. >> it's had ard to actually filo if d.c. >> it is hard. is >> a lot of places don't doacesd >> we got to block the streets s couple of times and it was big deal. de and the best was in front of the capitol they
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over to the pentagon and theyahy said you can block the streettr for x a light went out.t wentut so it's arnold driving, me nextx to him, bill paxton in the big arnold loves america.rica. so he takes us around to show us all the -- lincoln memorial, this, that and it takes 20ak 2 minutes to go around the blockho and jim cameron is waiting in wi the middle of the street becausc the light only took 10 seconds n to switch. he's holding traffic in traffic washington, d.c. he gets in the car, my sid sides sitting next to arnold. arnol he gets in arnold's face.e i crawl out of the car because t don't want to be part of thisfhi and just starts creaming at himm so then he gets out.ets o i get back in and i go to arnola are you going to take that fromo that guy? he goes have i to. i screwed up.edp. it's a good -- we had a lot of fun here.h >> you tell arnold when he's in' d.c. he we want him as our tourt guide even if it takes 20akes 2 minutes to go around the block.o >> he loves this country sos cot much. he knows every detail of everyrt building. a lot of times immig
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like that where they just so so fascinated every time islandim i here last night i was likeas lik flying near the pentagon and yoo see the capitol. cit i mean it does something to you >> the sad thing you probably pb get this from, i don't know, d'k maybe if you go back to autumnaa you don't tacket for granted.ntd those of us who live in d.c. you drive past those thing every day and get so used it you don't d stop and look it. >> you land in iowa you see thee meat packing plant and john andn deere and that's it.dee an you do get used it to. >> let me ask you a question qso about autumnal iowa which ishi your hard time. hard time. when you used to see radar rad o'reilly talk about that on the show mash did you think that waw cool at the time. t of course.rse. when he miss universe fromrom autumnally what back in the 50ss any time -- iowa in general anyy time someone does well from io iowa, you know, i think it'ss amazing. john wayne was born in iowa. ashton kutcher was a college col student and i was at a bar there after football game and he workw his way through the crowd and ca came up to me an
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name is ashton and i'm going tot to hold wood and be an actor. at >> no way.>> no way. >> i was like, oh good luck. luc that's way told everybody.d eveo i was a jerk. jer later in life we went out oneut night end said i was really nicn to him and he hoped that he canc be that but, hey, any time someone iseo from where i'm from -- from >> it's like a fraternity inrnii itself.itself >> yeah. >> everybody wants to be part ot it listen tom when people lookpl at your career and we just gavet the short list of everythingve that you've done --e >> yes. >> you have made career out ofme basically packing as much into a career as possible. as haven't you? >> right if.>> rig i i can be george clooney was onn the first season of roseanne hee played the boss. b every time i see him he'll sayey this is my wife tom and i star started together.ogethe you know, our careers areee a nothing alike is what i want to say. you know, but you know, i do. d i write, i wrote sold a couple u pilots this year.ea i do stand s i do corporate things.hi i act in movies. i have to do lot of stuff. sff i'm 57 i have four month old mth daughter and a three-year-old-ya
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so i have to work >> congratulations.ongratul >> thank you. >> on the baby.>> on e ba >> that's awesome.. >> but bringing it all backll bc around to the roseanne days whee you write for show and you're id that show, y do you have to temr yourself to not write yourself s into too much of the show. >> the other writers came up wre with that. >> especially the 40 it was just public we were couple.oupl they said we'll put you on thent and because people will and i was so nervous to act on then t show because i -- so happy to be writer. and 48 million people watched pd that episode.that esode if you think about that now, you know, but it was such great g experience i got to work with w the best writers the best actort plus my first writing job.. 1988. on the number one show. show. my first movie. true lies. i assume it's going to be alloi like that.. well 130 movies later it's not s all like.all l >> this is why ashton kutchernut came up to you and said this iss the guy i want to launch mylaunm career with. >> that kid has done amazing
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he's very well wealthy he knows how to invest stuff.ttu he plays dumb really well, and but he's been amazing. azi >> i loved watching you on foxn sports the best damn sports shos peer. loved it. >> to mow it was taking sportsgs radio putting it on tv. you can do what you wanted andad bring the entertainment and havh fun.fu are you still a big sports fan.f >> huge sports fan.rts f i would have done that for free. sports is my drug of choice.. >> i had so much fun and still i have so many friends and stillnl work down at fox.. although they are letting a lotl of people etgo.eopl but any way i still -- i love it, and i'll go to the games non matter what, and so it's fun. >> you're hawk eye has pretty good year this year.ear yea >> pretty good year.ea rose bowl.rose bowl. i never thought we would make ie to the rose bowl but let me tele you this very we played stanford.nfd stanford at their couldn't today liza rice willil speak for stanford on the fieldd before the game.fore >> right. >> she speak.>>he s she's he wil he will low
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down to speak for the hawk the h eyeglass bite now we're down 1 14-zero.ero. lemmata you that poor announceru couldn't get break in the actioo until it was 35-zero. because they kept scoring andcog this poor young lady is so i s trying to make chitchat and thet i said listen i'm not goingng anywhere.. i'm going to suck this up.p. we're behind 35-zero.ze all i can think to say is, allll right, hawk eyes we got right gg where they want them. t but the pressure was off and a there was so many iowa peopleeo there because it's such a big vacation we travel well. w went back up in the stands and s we had so much fun. fun we were destroyed. >> you can't win them all as yo know. no. >> in life and on the footballno field. that's right. >> one thing that comeths circlc to you is get bag back notot comedy you still love having that livee audience.audience i love it. 75 minutes and no matter what's' going on in your life you know that these people drove to seeo you and paid to see you, and yod better be good. you know could have just
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argument with your wife w hypothetical or not gotten a oto movie.movi it doesn't matter. you have to focus and do those thing.thing. between shows i meet everybody.y i take% cher with everybody. ero i have t-shirts i have a kids k heart camp i sell. even if they don't buy the'tuy t-shirts you get a pint with pti people you're think wagon they might say. i like this movie or something i personal about my life. l they have in common with me, anm so it's a rolly greatolly gre opportunity for me to -- max mee feel good about myself. >> you don't shy away from making yourself the butt of your checks.ks >> i don't make fun of my ex wives. unless tow make fun of me firstr >> why am i making that motion?o what joke would that be? >> any way -- >> that was -- no new york city new york city. c people know a lot of -- o something about me.sothing abou i tell the stories except i wass there.ther and trying to make them fun. f >> tom, you have always been, you still are very funny guy. g we appreciate you joining usyoui today. to >> by th w
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he linda carlisle loo >> we were saying the same thi thing. >> i've known her for 25 years.a she looks younger now than i t first met her.t met >> i've got to get her nightht cream.ea >> she's amazing. s >> go see tom this weekend arlington cinema and draft hou house. we learned don't set limits onet your career and don't let arnold schwarzenegger be your uber be u driver it might take longer toor get to your destination.ti. (laughter). >> thank you, tom.>> t >> it's a pleasure.t's plea >> all right.>> all still ahead at 10:00, early,ar april and we're still talkingllg about snow.t you know what else we learned? there's song called don't countu your snow in april by prince. bi i'm going to keep playing itng until you play that song.on when is it going to be spring again? when is tucker barnes br going to come here and talkalk about this. ts. >> that's another question.s an we'll fine the answers when we w come back. ♪
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make today smile with 6 dunkin' donuts for $3.99, powdered with sugar, layered with frosting, filled with jelly, or topped with sprinkles. share some smiles with 6 donuts for $3.99 today. america runs on dunkin'. >> 10:45. breaking news happening in texas. reports of an active shooter atr lackland air force base.rce that is not far from san anton antonio. there's some pictures wordme coming in right now from localfc sheriff at least one person is o dead. dead. the gunman may still be active.. again these are live picturese u again from the air above a lackland air force base. you can see when we had the ground pictures you can see thee police response, law enforcement response to the base.on first reports of the shootingse came in just an ofhou tr ago.go but again the base on lock downd right now.right police are still clear
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of an active shooter at lacklana air force base in texas.. sheriff saying one person is p deviled the gunman still act we'll keep following that storys online at fox5 >> let's talk weather end won't be blizzard butzzd b there's snow in the forecastth this weekend.iske tucker barnes talking about itt now. >> hey, tuck. tuck >> hey maureen absolutely.el in fact let's start with today. cool temperatures temperatures for afternoon.rnoon. windy, mid 50's the clouds aresa back and it's feeling more m wintry than spring like outgik there. winds northwest 16. 46 your current feel likes 39. les bring jacket today. tod little clipper going through this morning that has already aa brought snow showers north andho west and we'll be dealing withlw another clipper system for themr day on saturday. sur so expect a cool conditions too prevail tonight, toll, really into your day on sunday we might do record low temperatures byres sunday morning, and yes,ng, anes tomorrow during the daytime hours, we have the pros spec ofp some rain and/or snow showersho across the area. are not expecting any accumulationun in the immediate washingto
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but of course we got lot of youf that watch off to the north andh we have, and northern maryland,a southern pennsylvania we may,nsl may see some light accumulations us a get further north and westw into southern pennsylvania forpa the weekennid.. there's quick look at your atour weekend set up.. area of low pressure to our o north could bring rain and our d snow showers.. lime cumulations possible in ths north and we have. that's a cold looking p sundayda daytime highs only about 50.ut quick look at the seven dayhe sv forecast.fost wrap it up 57 today. t dry this afternoon.ft cold tonighter, cold saturday ay sunday nice warm up next weekeek near 70 by monday. hang in there.ther i know everybody is excitedrybo about spring or waitingt spri patiently for it.patiy for it should be here by monday.on that's the latest fromest f downstairs, g i'll toss it back to bk o ll all right. tuck, thanks so much.ksmuch 10:47 is our time right now rht coming up next, making more with less calories. couple of hungry girls one off them a bev selling author, the other erin como. como they're both going to be live ie the kitchen next.ext. ♪
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he was flicking matches on me... for my life. my ex-husband's intentions were to murder me.
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and put in place tougher sentences, because domestic violence can never be tolerated. yvette: mr. ivey showed compassion. i felt like i could trust him. narrator: glenn ivey. as state's attorney, a proven leader. in congress, he'll combat domestic violence, and protect president obama's legacy. glenn: i'm glenn ivey and i approve this message, because i'm on your side.
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♪ hungry eyes and some hungry girls.rl this is the point in the show ww like to start eating we'
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learning all about some tasty ty low calorie options and here toh tell us all about it is ours o resident hungry girl erin como.m >> you know it. kno i always like a good meal and ma joining me here in the kitchen k the real hungry girl lisa l lillian much she's the best b selling all right behind the new book low calorie and all natural recipes called "hungry girl g clean and hungry". you might also snow her from hem appearances on dr. oz. dr. o and some other major talk showso where she helps people learn hor to make healthier versions ofsis the food they love. l i like the way all of thisf t sounds. lisa joins me now live with some simple recipes and way to eat healthy at some of your favoritr restaurants.ras thank you so much for beinguch b here. >> thanks for having >> huge shout out because this book number one on a ma'am sonan yesterday. >> so exciting. i'm so proud>> of this book.s b it's number 11, it's the firstir all natural hungry girl cookboob all color recipes of every photo it's live changing. >> i like through that. i'm dying to make your stuffed peppers this weekend.nd i have to start with desertest first. desert dersn't love
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tell me about these brownieswnie what makes them special. sci >> these are peanut brownies. bn i love them because they'rey're actually they will hee i swap out most of the flour the buttet and all of the oil with black ba beans. >> that's crazy.>> tha >> don't tell people necessarilp when you're giving them these t brownies they're playedlaye primarily of black beans. >> you would never think it wher you try it. >> never in million years. 116 calories.. , 5 grams of fiber, 6 gramsa of protein and i also useo powdered peanut powder in thesen mixed with regular peanut butter this magi cerebral ingredientngn has a traction of the fat andioe calories of regular peanutarea butter all natural basically peanut flour. >> you need that.d at. >> these were made primarilyar with chocolate sugar and buttert i would believe you.ulliev those are so good.are so >> kids love them.he great for the >> way to save calories.. cauliflower is a -- >> these whole book is loaded with swaps. these are cauliflower tater tots cheesy, they're amazing.mang and you get a huge
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70 calories if you eight this ts whole plate about one fief tow calories. >> which is so -- you're savings so many calories than eatingatin regular tater tots.erot >> regular ones are fried.. these are bake. b total >> let's talk about this ts contraption right here.n rit her >> this is spiral laser. do you have one? o >> i don't.>> >> look at this. it's so easy. e these make what i call spaghetth i use this to make my cold sesame noodles regular cold sesame noodles have about 600 calories a serving. >> how many do these have.hese h >> less than 150 calories calies knowledge cook recipe.le it is so good its probablyy dozens of zucchini recipes in rp this book that are great pastata swaps.ap >> now that we're already into'y april and trying squeeze into it bikinis i would think subbing si out pasta for a vegetable wouldw help you to see those poundsse u drop good 100%. 1 i'm a cashaholic and using usi produce instead of starchy carby is a >> i'm a big fan of replacingf a the cauliflower as, you know, k using that instd
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the bread as a base or pizzaza crust. >> in the book two pizza reciper using cauliflower.fl i'm telling you it is the key tk everything because it let's you have big portions. ption we all want to eat a lot of foo food. >> i do want to point out theset recipes are seize easy too follow. fo they're realistic.. >> total you don't have to be a master chef to complete a good din dinner.dinner. >> i'm a total spas emptysmp kitchen f i can do it anyone ate home can do it. can d >> the recipes ingredientsingren you'll find in nor pantry or ata any grocery store. sre not a specialty store.alto >> a lot of them are 30 minutes0 or less. five ingredients or less. less. you can make them in a foil f pack.pack so there's no messy clean up just -- speak of foil packs, here's the kale and feta stuffeu pork five ingredient recipe. rip great for the family. fil you just throw it in a packet ae like this. and then you bake it the whole o thing you can make in less thana an hour and kids love it. >> good for moms on the go orhe busy if
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but you have limited time. thee dinner an lot of protein. e >> less than 200 calories a serve that is so g you have aou lot of fans in the d.c. area ane got to say hello to some at pike and rose yesterday. tell me about your book signingg >> it was so much fun at the scf palace apartments at pike andike what a great place that is.cehai and like 300 people came out. o i loved meeting of one. ofne i haven't been here if awhile. l it was too much fun. too much f. >> i love it. >> lots of selfies. sfi >> i have to try one thesene t cauliflower tater tots. >> i'll join you.'ll join you >> if you want to come over andd have some food with us.foh u >> come on. >> come on and join us. us. >> try some ketchup.chup >> they're not hungry. not hy. we'll eat it all ourselves. o >> we are.. >> these are really good.lly and the other other thing abouta this book you have desserts, yoe have >> you can bring things toringo parties if you don't want to eat chicken wing or something superr satisfy rayed in we got tucker to come over. come tucker have a brownie, >> he's not a healthy food foo phanatic.ic i think he'll really like it.y k >> no one had know.e d kn that's the beauty of recipes.
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full fat recipes.. here is nutrition, all natural. no processed food, nothing bad.. >> how can we contact you?tact y >> the daily e-mail people can p sign up at hungry hyphen >> thank you very much for you joining us. we'll zen it back to you on the couch.k >> tuck, you can eat as much asn you >> right.>> rht >> look at him. >> he's enjoying hey mikey. >> we want to get back to theo breaking news situation beforegb we say goodbye on this friday.ia coming out of texas we gote update the sheriffs departmentat says two people are dead in thih shooting at lackland air forcend base in texas apparently it is t murder suicide. so as far as they active shooteo status that apparently has beenn scaled back a bit.scaled b they believe these are the two e victims a murder/suicide at a lackland air force base downeow outside of san antonio, texas.ex >> more on >> updates online throughout date and of course watch this wt afternoon at 5:00 o'clock.:00 oc we'll see you on monday morning. >> absolutely. >> bright and errly.righ >> have a great weekend.weend everybody.
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>> see >> fun being. it was good week. >> bye, ya'll. life's sharing a meal. and a kitchen with room for everyone. spend $4000 or more on a new kitchen and get 15% back at the ikea kitchen event.
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wall street. the nra. they're powerful. they usually get their way. but not with democrat donna edwards. she won't take cash from wall street banks. and when washington insiders wrote a loophole to let the nra spend dark money to kill gun safety laws, donna edwards said 'no' she's fighting to ban assault weapons and putting the safety of our communities first. because to democrat donna edwards, the special interests aren't special.
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working for us pac is responsible for the content of this advertising. life's sharing a meal. and a kitchen with room for everyone. spend $4000 or more on a new kitchen
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at the ikea kitchen event. >> announcer: live from new york city, it's the "wendy williams show." >> with all due respect, my girls have always turned out. i give it to you straight. now, here's wendy! >> wendy: ta-da! [ cheers and applause ] >> wendy: thanks for watching. say hello to my co-host, my


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