tv Good Day DC FOX April 13, 2016 9:00am-11:00am EDT
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brothers linked to the death ofo a prince george's county policel officer head to court.ou we'll have live report. the rnc the republican national committee they shouldeu be ashamed of themselves for allowing this kind of crap tocrt happen.. >> plus, donald trump taking ong the rnc. rnc the hill's bob cusack just backs from a one-on-one interview witt the gop frontrunner.frontrunn what he told him about his beefb with the nomination process.. verizon workers on the on t picket lines. why tens of thousands off employees are on strike and whaa that may mean for the phone andd internet companies millions oflo customers. and later, the greatest of all time? it's a huge night fot the nba. kobe bryant gets ready to hangd it up and steph curry and thehe warriors trying to set new all-time win record. good day at 9a starts now. ♪ >> kobe is in the hall of fame.m curry well on his way to the ha o
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>> we got a hall of fame showams for you in the loft. l >> round it out. round >> 9:00 o'clock on this wednesday morning april i'm steve alongside holly, hol maureen and wisdom.d >> also ahead this morning,, which d.c. suburbs just made the list of the snobbiest cities inn the united states? and how andh people living there feel about this questionable title. first though the rain freeae morning that's what we'reg talking about and startth of ata good looking seven day right now. now. still kind of cool out there ata the moment and temperatures thee aren't going to climb that muchc but we might finally be over b o this whole winter thing we'rehi all tired of.altire for details now tucker barnes in the building to talk about thata >> sunny and beautiful.eaut >> did you say could be beebe already in the hall of fame. the >> he's not yet. yet >> i know he will will >> no, no, no.>> no, n >> all right.ig >> he'll be eventually.e ua >> i just want to mack sure youy couldn't get when you're stillou playing. that would be different.ou hey, 47 in washington. 47 45 in gaithersburg. north and west frederick 41 degrees. degrees. frost advisory earlier as earlia temperatures overnight were atet or below freezing north and weod have. ha so still very cool
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to start your day.rt your day. quantico good morning, 4 46 leonardtown.nato wisdom mention add little cooll daytime highs upper 50s to aboua 60. but lots and lots of sunshine uh and without the very, veryy,er blustery conditions we had contn yesterday, it should feel prettt good. good we have high pressure to the north and bit of a northeasterlt breeze today lock in that coolto so cool today, cool tonight but we are set for several days anda by several i mean at least seven days of sunshine each afternoono and cool conditions tonight.son nice warmup wait until you seenu the seven day forec really mostly sun into this afternoon.n winds northeast five to 10. i'll be back in a few minutesew with the seven day i'll toss back to you. >> happening right now h preliminary hearing for three f men charged in connection with the death of a prince george's county detective.ective michael ford, his brothersers elijah and malik all face conspiracy and attempted murderr charges. police say michael was theay miw gunman in the ambush that led ta the friendly fire death of deato prince george's county policeuno officer jacai colson. also, happening now, the man whn landed the gyrocopter outside of
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be sentenced. sentenced supposed to happen right aboutpt 9:00 a.m. doug loose hughes pleaded guilty last november to flying a planee without a license he faces up tp three years in pri but the government is expected d to ask that he serve much lessul than about 10 months behind ba bars. hughes you may recall flew thatc small plane on to the capitolo c grounds to protest big money inn politics.tics nobody was hurt but the stunttut caused quite a scare at there a time. so we have crews in bothrews int courtrooms in prince george'sn r county and in the district we'li check in with them for an update as soon as those hearings arese over.ov >> also happening today, tod congress takes a closer look att metro safety record. metro new general manager will testify at a hearing to scam het nine metro's safety and servicee this comes after paulaul wiedefeld's decision to shutd'si down thesi entire rail system fr a whole day to make emergencycy repairs.pairs. that shut down last month found 27 places that needed meadery pairs.pair maryland senator barbara mccullc ski called for the meeting lasts month in light of metro's shutru down over safety concerns.once >> happening right now, tens off thousands of
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along the east coast are onst ae strike. that includes hundreds right here in the dc area. a they're picketing outside outde verizon offices.ices. >> and within the past hour,pash we've heard of some trouble at a picket site in montgomery coun county. police responding to a call forr assist -- assault rather on verizon worker.verizowork this was in gaithersburg.sbur officials say they took a persop to the hospital after they weree bumped by a car. c witnesses say that was the result of altercation between an striking worker and a replace re many worker.or we're still trying to sort all s this out many more details aseta they become available.vaab there are several picket sites in northern virginia.irgi let's show i was seen earlier we this morning outside the verizon office in falls church. crc how will this affect you you'rey probably wondering? don't wor worry. the strike isn't impacting yourt cell phone or your i smart phone verizon says it will affect just land line service and that'sndh' really only if you need repairss to that service.ervice verizon says it has been it haen training non-union employees ans has hired contractors to do the work while the strike goes on. the workers say they're contracn expired nearly eight months agoo and there's been littl
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in negotiations.iaon verizon says there are healthrea care issues that need to be nd o addressed due to rising medicald costs but the union claimnion c verizon wants to freeze pensionn making layoffs easier and rely more on those contract workers. >> verizon is refuse to go backc off their demands that we permit them to close work centers. cens that we allow them to force oure technicians out of town for months at a time and we do not n like their offer to contract out or outsource our jobs overseas.. >> still unclear how long this strike is going to last but this isn't the verizon verizoner workers have gone on strike.trik it happened four years ago backc in 2011 that. tt. strike went or for three weeks. it's 9:05. 9:05. let's check back in with allison seymour.seymou. she joins us with some of thee other stories making headlinesma this morning.thisorni good morning, al., a >> holly you should be anlyho actress on the weekend yourhe wd report earlier on chevy chase c was so great. gre >> good morning to all of you. . good morning to you.o you first up, new details coming to
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light in the deadly road rageage shooting involving former sainti defensive end will police found a loa loaded gun ii of smith's mercedes bense and a loaded gun inside the manhe accused of of m killing smith.mi although there's no evidencee either gun was fired. meanwhile, police are gathering clues from surveillance video.eo it shows smith hitting the backk of a hummer driving around thern vehicle before the hummer hitsr the merchandise benz that smithe was in. two men guest out of the car anb that's will car dell hayes dells opened fire on smith and hise i wife.. now hayes claims he wascl following smith to get information after theatio hit-and-run.n he is facing second degreed dege murder charges. smith's wife is expected too recover.reco the mother of a teenagera tn murdered at deanwood metrod meto station is speaking out this thi morning.morning. johnny evans mother says thatha she for gives duvonte hall hal because that's the only way shey can move forward.wa hall is accused of stabbing andg killing evans.vans he's currently being heldel without
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hall has four prior arrestsests since he turned 18 last january. some of the nation'ss brightest young stars will makem their way to the white housete e today for president barackredent obama's final science fair.en f the obamas began the scienceci fair back in 2010. in an evident to supportrt students who excel academicallyl today's event will feature moree than 130 participants includingi a connecticut student whodeho created a diagnostic test for the detection of the ebola yes, she's are students.tunt prince william and his wifef kate venturing into the wilds of remote northeast craned for ar safari.. the royal couple spendingpein several hours at a national parp there in hopes of drawingf d attention to the number ofr of endangered animals. ama especially rare one horned rhinos. the rhino population is under u threat for wildlife poachers ans habitat loss. and finally, proof that maym be love is blind or sometimes aa kiss is just too good to
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matter what else is going on.n. check this couple out. they were smooch tag bar inar billings, montana when an armedd robbery unfolded around them. tm a pair of masked men point addoa gun at the bartender demanded cash, the couple continued toeed lock lips as the robbers circler the bar eventually the loved thv birds came up for air and theyne watched the suspects flee. f the robbers got away with cash.s no arrests have been and there it is.s >> i think they might have a fee shots of something other thanthn love. (laughter).ghte >> steve never had kiss that nes good.od. >> exactly.ctly >> neither have there's a gun in the room i ain't had no lips like that. >> i don't know what they werewe thinking about. >> i know what they werew thinking about. >> you know what they were thinking about. (laughter).th t athey weren't worried about ta robbery.robb >> right no. >> thank you al soy.hank y al s >> you got it.ou g i talked about mixed messages neww report that says you might wantt to think twice before sending sn that next emoji.moji >> first up drum many taking on the rnc and the rnc fightingighg back. ba the's managing
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>> and now to the race for theot white house. house speaker paul ryan making it crystal clear he won't be a candidate for president inn republican delegates don'tes dot choose a nominee on the first tf ballot at their convention this submission summer. talk about brokered convention e has been circulated for weeksor and ryan's name has come up timp and again as a possiblesibl compromise inn case frontrunnern drum does not reach the 1237 127 delegates need to do win thed td nomination out right. r ryan told a group of reporters in wisconsin he believes youelio have to actually run for officef if you want to be the presidential nominee.omee >> in the meantime drum many launched crusade against therust leaders of his own party.of his earlier this week the gopthis wg frontrunner called the campaignn system corrupt. yesterday he called it rig. r and suggested the republican rua national committee is working to defeat him. him well, we will to get some answers wine we i mean we recruited the bob cusack to s
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bob did the interview. iervi we wanted to get the fed backed from you. >> thanks for having me.r ha >> what drum happen to say muchp this whole back and forth donald trump calling out the republican party. then tweeting out like come on, dude, like let's not go there ge in. >> toughest job in washington in ryan and how does he manage mag this? there are two argumentsrg here the rules have been knownbk for months, okay?nths, o >> but in colorado, voters didn't vote just the delegates g decided we'll give it to cruz. u so you can see both arguments ag and this literally could come ce down to one delegate. deleg donald trump needs to win abouto 60% of the delegates from this t point on. he's going to do well in newdo york.york but is he going to get to theo e magic number? i don't know. >> roll quick.quick previous response via twitter tt donald trump was literally giveg us a >> yes. >> assuming that is thessum republican party or at least the rnc give us a break. what does trump have to sayo s about this? does he care whatew the republican party leaders are saying about him.saying about hm >> i think it helps him in two senses.sens number one is that hismber i supporters don't like theehe establishment.establishm and this is the whole theme ofee
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so trump needs to get back thehe momentum that he's lost. and i think this helps him but m he honestly -- he's mad. i mean in the interviewerew yesterday, he is very upset witw revis he just met with in d.c. c earlier this month. i asked him, are you going to to get of pre bus if you are theure nominee? he wouldn't answer the question.estion. he might bet pre bus if he winse the nomination.inio >> republican party findingar themselves in tough spot. he can have done something somet months ago.nths ago. years ago to really quell what'a happening now and yet he did n not. how much confidence do con republicans have in provision. seems to me seems to be the sticking point. he could have averted all ofavar this had he made a decision bacb a couple months ago. i think he's in a tough spot hes is respected by leaders on capitol this is going to be his last l term no matter what. there were people upset with hih they didn't win the 2012012 election. now, the committee says, we'vee been transparent. here are the rules.he rul the campaigns need to know the k
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but to see the frontrunner for the presidential nomination and the head of the committeeee fighting, i've never seen it. se can this cycle get any weirder?? >> i don't know it but i wouldno say how can this end well for wl either of those sides? if i'm i on the democratic side ya'll gol ahead and fight it out. out >> that's right. >> whoever wins the nomination,o it's very hard to see the partyr being unified. unifi if it's ted cruz, you think thik trump will fade into thent background. i don't think so. if it's trump, then the never nr trump movement is not going tooi go away.. so that's his problem. and i just going to be very hard and that's why i think ryan -- r ryan i think will run forun f president.pres but it's not going to be thiso t time. he'll do it in a very ordinariln way down the road.he r >> why is he so reluctant. i've never seen anyone who so reticent to take charge. >> he wants to run his own game. >> what about triking the ironit when it's hit.wh it' ask kris tee won
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possibly be president.reside he ran now hadn't disastrousistr campaign. i think ryan doesn't want to get involved in this because even in it were ryan, well then the cruc and trump supporters would be wb very upset with him and thatha could leave lasting damage, and, now a days, in the old days o maybe you could be the nominee twice. now a days you get one try.. that's's >> hillary clinton -- >> hillary clinton thank god. >> fourth time.ourt have you seen a change in trauma from that the first time to now? >> yes. he's a lot more serious. serio he's more serious. i think the pressure isree building. i mean this is a key stretch for trump. he's got to win this in the nexx hundred days basically. basical. he was more serious, he wasn't,w joking before.king befor but he knows he's so close andlo he can grab it now, and i thinkt when we first interviewed him im july of 2015, i don't think he e honestly thought he could win. he can't compete but i don't think he thought he was going tg win. >> you think on that point, bob, that he really wanted to be b president or wants to beants tob president or does he just wantsw that ego
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be elected president.reside >> or does he just -- >> does he really want the job.j >> get conversations startedrs s about certainly thing thatrtaig weren't being addressed?g addre? >> i think he's grown to think t that i can be president. presi he's look at these politicians.s >> he has the support but doessp he want to >> does he want to take this ono for the next four years. >> it's a question my friends my have asked me, too.ha ask i don't think maybe in thek beginning he wanted.ginn maybe it was the attention buton he looked at it. i he believes it. i i'm a successful businessman,usm which he is, and he looks atook these politicians, they haven'tn done much, he says, why not me.n >> i think he's grown to think,h yes, i do want to be presidentri and he also -- he readsds everything that's written abouto him, so he doesn't want the w story to be trump choked. trump faltered, trump got he wants trump won.he wants tru. >> do you think that he has au h plan in place now because heecse said initially you didn't realll think that he was going to -- t didn't think to himself he wassw going to win this.inhi but now, here he is in the front coming down to the wire.he wire. do you think that he has a plann in place from you talking withkw him a plan in p
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looks like he's going to becomeb the nominee?the n >> yes, i think he's got more of a plan of brokered convention.on he thinks -- he's confident heot always says that he's going toeg get the 1237 that he needs h n before the convention.onveio but he has made a couple of keyo hires. veterans of the republicanf theu party. so that if it is a brokeredd convention, that he's ready -- y they're ready to fight and hetoa can do that.n do t i think if it is a brokeredred convention, the momentum moves to cruz not trump.rump >> but it's not a brokeredre convention if he does get the delegates what does thetes what establishment do then?blishmt do >> i think they cry. >> right. rht. >> they do.y what will -- another question hn wouldn't answer which i think is him being a little more carefulf than he used to he used i said what is to trumpo t convention look like? he saidis too early to say that.ay t >> wait a minute.t a you said you're going to win.'r >> would you invite mitt romey?r would you invite the bushes? us and so he just wouldn't say th that. so i think the establishment t e just thinking, okay, let's makem sure we don't lose the senate,en don't lose the house, and comeom back
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but trump says and he's veryer confident that he's down and hen head to head with hillary clinton right i asked him about that.ha your number -- poll numbers with women especially married womenaw which is a key voting block forf the republican pear way down.wad listen it's a new once i win the nomination i'llil focus on hillary clinton and i'll beat her so badly her headd will spin. s >> very trump like.rump lik >> he doesn't want to unite the republican party he wants toan have the trump par kind of do things his own way. but at some point in the nearine future he's going to have to pup people in place because if he wins the nomination you can't c run a country like a business. . you didn't hire people to live in this country. so it's completely differenty de ballgame.ballgame >> consensus building.>>us >> he says he can unify the he i party. i think only to certain degree.. >> um-hmm. >> oh, my gosh. i don't think anybody can unifyu the party at this point. point >> right. not even paul ryan.en p >> i don't think that's a trumpp problem.lem. >> looking forward to your fifthnd view. (laughter). >> thanks lot bob.>> >> find out much bob has his ows show on fox5 every sundayry sun morning if you have not
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sunday. it is fox5 on the hill with bob cusack, tom jets err alter and r ronica cleary sunday mornings as 8:30 right here on fox5. f chris wallace comes right afterg that. good sunday morning viewing all around.nd >> time now 9:20 coming up ain pair of political rivals andivad former presidential candidates i teaming up to promote a new show all about spies. we'll have live report a bit bit later. >> the future of customer service debuting new way toutiny communicate and shop during a a tech event yesterday we'll show' you how it work wine it could bb a game changer that's whatr tha' they're calling it next. ♪
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♪ >> what you got there, wis?go >> nothing justt going over hee seeing what's going on theoing kitchen. >> he's making a pizza for one.o did you make a pizza for four.r. >> absolutely. >> our kitchen really does worka by the way.. >> you already chat of coursedyc with friends on facebookds messenger.mess now facebook wants you to chat with businesses and get updates from them, too. >> that means no longer having a to download a company's app or o enter your credit card information. facebook more than 50 million businesses ross the tools they need to builduild interaction experiences.iences they'll reach 900 million peopll who use the messaging app each h and every month. >> one-800 flowers.lowe i love this one. one. now if you want to send ad a message, flour, daven to install
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new app. a or enter your credit card againa you just send a message. (laughter).. >> and i bet that's not who youy thought those flowers were going to.. (laughter). >> i know someone whose sittingg here today who also thought that those were not who those flowerf were going to.o. (laughter).. >> now, i have to say, um, i i love this one.s o i fine it pretty ironic becausee now to order from 1800 flowers0s one never have to call one-8000 flowers again. >> pay extra for the tech humor. >> really?eal >> they should be paying us. facebook users half dozen more bots on messenger to try anothe dozen more coming soon. >> interesting thing here if it was a situation like that and ad obviously our credit carddi information would you trust you credit card to just facebook.eb. >> no.>> >> to do everything for you.thin only one person may have it orar would you want to control who to you give --u g >> i want to control.t totr >> i'm annoyed when face bookaco has things that make me think tk they've been monitoring what i'm
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that's annoying in yourself.f. if you start using this app thet know all the companies, visiting >> information minding likeonngl crazy. az >> i thought that was a chat boo talking but it was markwasar zuckerberg. >> it was so a mewed at himselff >> i didn't think it was thehe real person. p >> this is the fun yet thingng ever.ever. i'm so rich.ic >> 9:25 right coming up on good day we are w e going to take twisted sisterr singer dee schneider will joini us live in the loft.he she's talking about the mix between music and politics that's coming up in the up t 10:00 o'clock hour.:00 o' >> first though chasing historys on the hardwood. hardwoo tonight mark the end of the legendary kobe bryant's career.r >> your favorite.avorite. >> one of my favorites. also, the start of steph curryur and warriors request to set aqut new all-time win record. recor he is one of my favorites forits real, steve. s >> for now. >> for now. for we'll have preview of the inform ba big night. nig. >> plus one of our -- all of our favorites tucker barnes will ber back to let us know if we w finally turn the corner from f nice wehe
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back after this. this. for naturally beautiful hair, discover the wholesome goodness of new whole blends shampoos and conditioners by garnier. the sweetness of honey and royal jelly... the freshness of coconut water and vanilla milk. we blend only our best into new whole blends. paraben-free haircare. carefully-selected ingredients in formulas made to nourish deeply, hydrate, and repair. new garnier whole blends. wholesome loving care blended for naturally beautiful hair. find your blend.
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please come on down and join usn if you can but if you can't, it doesn't mean you have to miss hs out on our party. party you can of course watch us ass s always right here on fox5 or wee will also be streaming it live on fox5 d.c. now, the following friday apri april 22nd itsy yet society. s. that's the band that will be wle performing.mi then the muddy crows will be our big finale on friday, apri april 29th. >> all right.>> friday holly and i are out farragut come on out. >> that drummer looked pam.ked m >> who was that?ho washat? >> yeah. we have to fine out who that is >> might be a fox5 connectioncto there.ere >> might be.>> parts of texas break brace fogre storms and they haven't cleanede up from the last one.e lane. on monday baseball size chunksin of hail pounded several towns leaving behind widespread w damage. no one died in the powerfulhe pl storm but some people are a injury. next storm is expected to hito today. luckily nothing like that for ua around here.nd h it is a little cool out.l o >> little chilly.y. >> not yet. nothing we can't handle aroundeo
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imagine your roof just ruined by hail?il >> hail no. >> thank you. >> where is that round ofth rou applause when we need it? >> sunny filled days ahead. >> crickets. >> sunshine and -- and- >> thank you. thank you. i'll be here all week. >> we got sun phil days ahead.. absolutely beautiful out there. at or below freezing frost ricer 54 earlier nice rebound sun hass been up for a couple of hours. 47 in washington. annapolis 46 degrees.degrs. leonard up to 46. you can see we're peeking herenr in the mid fours in the the mountains about 60 today.y. upper 50s to about 60.bout 60. so still a little cool for thisi time of year. but with that kind of quiet oute there and lots and lots of o sunshine, it should be beautiful afternoon and the winds reallyll blowing the last couple of daysd won't be quite as strong today.y i think all in all you'll beou' satisfied with the winds out of normal and eastalnt today so high pressure off toff our north and that will lock ink that cool feel for today and t tonight. it will be cool tonightbe c
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30s and low 40s and then we sett the stage for several daysal d really the pattern here for thet next several days just featurini high pressure quite conditions.n lots and lots of sunshine each day. cool at night but not bitterlyil cold and then as we get into the weekend, 70s and perhaps byy early next week 80s willill really a quiet forecast lovely forecast if you like springtimem as we'll warm it up should beoub absolutely beautiful around here friday night, saturday, hey, ii think lot of people will bef pew dining outdoors by sunday.. maybe brunch outdoors sunday and monday.nd we can all get outdoors anddoord enjoy the beautiful weathereathr maybe 80 degrees by mondayrees m afternoon. so lots of nice weather to looko forward to. all right, guys much that's thea latest from he'll toss it back to you.oou >> little chilly for the fridaya music party.c party. little chilly early in the morning but 65 in the afternoonn and bright sunshine.brht s dry most importantly. important >> all right.>> allht most important part. i thanks tuck. >> good time to be sports fanpos we'll start here at home.t h caps fans it is time to rock thk red officially the game is is tomorrow but today is the big it pep rally it will be this be t afternoon at carnegie
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mount vernon square.qu starts at 1:00 o'clock.o'cloc the mayor will be there. dc mayor bowser the team owner will be there cheering on the caps as they get ready to face o the flyers in the playoffs.yo special give aways, music,us games, plenty of food trucks the game tomorrow night at verizoner center 7:00 o'clock.:00 o' maybe 8:00 o'clock.ybe tomorrow trust tomorrow night. nht >> nats off to their best starts in nearly 15 years.ea have they been around 15 years.. >> i don't think they've beenhik around 15 years.s >> another franchise.. >> best start in franchiset fra history. >> there you go. >> how about that.. >> bryce harper sliced to run double in the eighth inninghnn giving the nats a two-onewo-o victory over the braves. it marks the nats 12th homee consecutive home victory overrye the braves. braves. the braves are zero-seven on the season.. the last d.c. team to start with five-one record the 19511 senators. >> it's been a bit.. >> nats host the braves agains tonight 7:05. 7 strausburg on the hill tonight.t >> final allot of excitement o surrounding the final day of the nba regular
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kobe bryant playing his final year cap on 20 year career with the lakers.e l he finished with 25-pointt scoring average. avera staple center will honor bryantb by placing the number eight andg 24 on the court.rt. the lakers will take on the jazt at 10:30 tonight and by halfndyh time they'll be down by 30. kobe will be waving to the crowd and everybody will be cheering.c it's his's h moment. >> yea, yea, move on. y, ye move on your life.e. >> golden state warriors playing for history.for histor the team is just one win away a from breaking the record for the most victories in an nba regulal tonight they'll take on the'll o grizzlies and if the warriors win, it will be their 73rd victory, record that hasn't beet broken since the 1995-'966 chicago bulls won their 72 gam games. you can watch and see if thean warriors pull off that historich feat the lakers and warriorsrios games start at 10:30. 10: >> all right. >> you can only watch one. o >> steph curry. everybody steph curry. >> what wat
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the lakers game to see what thet do to honor kobe. >> ly lakers will lose by 20.e y >> i don't care what the team is doing. just see what they do for kobe.. >> what they're going to do core kobe. i'm so great. gat lose by by steph curry will make history.ty >> i might argue steve i mightvm watch the end of the lakers game that will be the more emotionall moment.ment. >> it would depend how much of m blow out the warriors game is. >> if the warriors game i'ms g watching that.hing t >> the warriors game is closee i'm watching that all the wayl y through.thro >> i don't want the warriors tot win only because i'm beingng selfish.selfh. love steph curry i don't want wn them to beat the bulls record ii was at that game when they hithe number 72. that was the glory days. >> you were there? y >> let me tell i used to be a sports fan. f i used to be a huge sports fan. i mean the bulls that was like l my t went to the games andmes an everything. but something happened as i got older.r. fell out of it. o i couldn't catch back up. catch >> maybe you watched toched t washington. >> you know what, steve,teve, actually that is what happened. >> i moved here. her >> slowly but sure i
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three of us to help usher me in. >> nats off to great start.. >> let's go orange -- i mean r red. >> wear red tomorrow.omro >> i wore that yesterday. >> don't waste your time on they lakers game. >> oh, no, no, no.ouo, no,. >> all the highlights we'll havl from both of them tomorrowhem t morning. >> here's was get from theet f lakers game. g final score lakers --aker >> what did kobe ever do to you. >> they stink. they s they stink.nk >> he's been a great player forp the inform ba and this is abouto his body of work. >> wisdom -->> w >> what he's cribbed to the crib league. >> i have serious question forou you since you're such a big kobe fan. fan. his last game tonight at home ii los angeles.s geles. does he play more minutes or mio take more shots? sho >> takes more shots.orehots >> more shots than minutess an m >> more shots than minutesn mite played.played. absolutely. kobe is -- >> get kobe a wisdom jersey for christmas. >> he worked out everybody invey the nba.thnba out work p i
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went the extra mile. he's on another level as far ase that's concern. >> but... >> but there's some other issue there. that's all i'm >> instead of occur fee is way o better. lebron james way wet >> this isn't about his issue. . this is about his time on themet court. 9:36. >> turn that frown upside down,d wis martin because still ahead a in the fox beat lindsay lohan nn will make you happy, finally fal ready to settle down? wow! w we'll go live to tmz for details on her rumored engagement. >> all right. r first though the historical drama that brought together twoe political rivals and formervalsa presidential candidates.enti we'll take you live to that livt special event coming up next.ngx time now 9:36.:3 ♪
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he was flicking matches on me... for my life. my ex-husband's intentions were to murder me. glenn: i made sure yvette's abuser went away for good, and put in place tougher sentences, because domestic violence can never be tolerated. yvette: mr. ivey showed compassion. i felt like i could trust him. narrator: glenn ivey. as state's attorney, a proven leader. in congress, he'll combat domestic violence, and protect president obama's legacy. glenn: i'm glenn ivey and i approve this message, because i'm on your side.
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>> topping the fox beat lindsay lohan gettin getting ready to te knot? why a new baby will not l stop meghan fox's divorce. >> wait until you see how much m hans solo's jacket sold for. for we'll turn to casey carver livei from the la newsroom of tmz. t good morning, casey. >> good morning. >> all right. so i guess we'll start with these rumored nuptials thats tha might be happening with misss lindsay lohan. >> yes.>> she is engaged. engag she's been dating, he's russian heir22 years old they've been b date fog five months. m they got engaged over thever t weekend, and we actually g
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photos of that them out lastouts night back in brooklyn at the doran doran concert and he put a giant emerald ring on her fingee with diamonds around it. i but i think the most shockinghon thing was about this photo is po both of lindsay's parents wereer there. so he not only got -- marry m lindsay he brought her parentsar together as you know they do noo get along very well they seemede to be having a good night.having >> if i were to say because weye we haven't heard from lindsay in long time noun she finally met t 22-year-old billionaire she'sree getting engaged that wouldn't bt tin any cal, would it?n cal, >> not at all. >> just making sure.g not at all. >> when you say details and bigg emerald like how big? how many carats? this is the importanthi information we want to know. >> exactly.xa i'm not sure on the carrats i ca don't know the exact if you looo at the photo it looks very lar large. you can see it takes up a big part o tf her >> if you don't have to make the picture bigger and you can stils see it then you know it's a good size. size. >> you don't have to squint or o
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>> listen. she's planning on gettingng oet married meghan fox is planning on ending a marriage apparently.y but babies in the way, is thatt going to hinder things, what's t going to happen here? >> yes.>> y as you know, meghan fox is pregnant and she actually filedf for divorce from her husbandus brian austin green back in august.gust obviously they've remain close.e he is going to be -- he is the father of the baby. b she's still moving forward witht the divorce.thdiv that is not going to mean t m they're getting back together. t they share two other children cd but meghan fox has had littleadt bit of a sense of humor aboutbot this. she posted an instagramtaam yesterday with three of her co-stars sheila leboeuf, willl arnett and jake johnson and she put hash tag not the father. fhe this is when speculation no one was really sure who the father was, noun it's confirm it is heh soon to be ex brian austin greee and she's still moving forwardla on that divorce she filed backse in august. augus >> that's how they do it inw th hollywood.llood >> yup. there you go.
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>> let's talk about hans solo s jacket that he will no longer bb wearing that went for a prettyre heff fee price. >> this is pretty cool.tty it's a jacket that he wore ine i one of the latest star warsr war movies.. and he auctioned it off andff ad signed it and got $191,000 for this jack. j he's not going to keep any of kn the proceeds they're going tohet two different charities.. one is epilepsy researchearch foundation which as you know his daughter, his 25-year-old5-ar-o daughter suffers from epilepsy.. >> do we know who bought the the jacket? or just a privaterite person? we do not. n at this point do not have a namn on who bought it but we do know as they spent a lost money and m he sign it for them which iswhh pretty cool as well isn't i liks the fact at n'least the money in going to charity.go you talk about sometimes who hat that kind of money to throwey t around on jacket but if he's i h doing the right thing and rightg putting the non charity that's a good thing for harrison ford.n f >> i think the bidding started t at 15,000 so it went up a lot. >> more than one bitter for th
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that. >> more than one person bid. one >> thanks so much, casey.. >> big star wars fan.ta always good to see you.ood toou we appreciate it. >> tmz airs weekdays at 3:00 and 6:30 right here on fox5.5 >> if kevin comes in wearing wei that jack tomorrow -- >> we'll know.e'll k >> he got a lone somewhere.. >> 9:43 he's just a kid but the heart and soul of the now live l act jungle book movie.k mie he's also the only human star. kevin is sitting down with himih to see how it was like to act at alone coming up next. nex ♪
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♪ maybe i can be of help. hel the boy is right.. maybe it's time we found anotheo penal. >> no. >> i'm the one who brought him m to you and knowl i'll return hi to where he belongs. >> i won't let you. he's mine isn't we knew this day would come.d >> we are the only family he's ever known. >> rocsha. roc it's the only place he'll be
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safe. >> it's okay. o i won't go far. f. i'll come back and visit. >> never forget this.. you're mine, mine to me. no matter where you go or what w they may call you. you. you will always be my son.. >> very heartfelt.ea >> that's clip from the new lifl action adaptation of the junglee book. 12-year-old neal stars asd ea nothingly the young boy adoptedt by a pack of wolves. kevin got a chance to sit down w with the boy for a look what it was like to be the only human on that set. >> the sequences when you're like literally walking on barger and i've seen some of the of the footage where the set looks blew jean but you're walking onng things how do they make it seem like you could almost fall
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is the blue area thin as branch? >> well, it looks like that, thank you because that was the acting >> yeah.. >> when always doing stunts thes want to keep my hands up and goa like this so it looks like it'ss so thin.hin. they obviously thin little bit so it looks scary and make it mi look like i'm about to fall offf when i raise my hands up and i'm like whoa, oh, my god i'm aboutt to fall but if i'm just like you conrey lies sometimes i'm goingg up and down and like i'm not moving my hands you know i knowk what i'm doing but like like sometimes if i'm against, whoa,, it's like -- i just act like i'i falling but i'm not really realy because it's not that hard to go like -- i'm like 2-inches offncs the ground.the g so it's not that hard.t h it looks like,.ik >> you act like you're high up. >> yeah. >> what grade are you in i'm in seventh grade.e in >> how does this s work now. this movie is coming do you go to normal school? ha you home schooled. >> are you going to classes lik a normal person? pso >> yeah, i am. i a
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normal kid still which is good.. and, um, they still ask if i want to go to park or something, and, um, it's just normal scho school. >> now, when you film a movie fm though obviously you're away ini los angeles shooting a movieie onset. and talk about -- did they justt give are your schooling throughu set, did a teacher come to set s with you? with you? >> yeah, there's a teacher onset waiting for me to be doneon filming so we can do some scho school. whenever there's a little time'a between the shots, she wouldou just okay, and we need to get maximum of o four hours but like you have to do three hours.. and minimum like one or two hours i think. t >> all right. all looking good.loing the jungle book hits theaters on friday. all right. 9:49 is the time. t it's rare to find a democrat and republican standing on the same side
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right here in washington, d.c.n it is here and ronicwaa cleary s down at george washington washin university university the evente bringing two former rivals torit the white house.ese how on earth is possible psible democrats and republicans cominn together? >> reporter: it's incredible.inl i guess we have to all, dorks wk have to thank tv for this? it's amc's series called turn. tur it's series that takes ust takes through the american revolutiono about a series of spy who's's actually reported direct tollecl george washington.ashing and here today i have with mee live two former presidentialial candidates governor martinr mar o'malley and governor mike huckabee. thank you so much for being witg us today. >> thank you. >> i notice in your remarks, yoy said something about the fact af that today's processes fairy lies on ballots rather than rher bullets but there has been loten of talk in this race especially recently with colorado and theot republican side and then the democrats with talks superup delegates i'd love to get your thoughts. g is process today fair or does de something need to change i'll start with you governor.with yov
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need to change. cha big picture we still electill people with an open process. there's a transparent see evenrn when we don't like what happensp we know about and that in itself is reminder n that our system isn't completely broken.oken >> needs some tweaks. but it's not -- it's not so completely dilapidated we haveed to throw it ou wt.out >> of course. >> i think governor huckabee hue said you make changes in everyvy generation you try to -- we-- w strive for the more perfect pfe union, and you do your very bess i think as a nation that our geniuses should include more m people more full until ourilur political process and that'sess what you see playing out here. . i mean, so i believe that -- ihi believe that the process overall is fair. challenging i think there'shi things we need to do to reign in the influence of money and other influences, but we're still country all oy round the world w look to us because of ourfur process and our democracy.
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>> you joke that you had hopedah you two would be sharing thewou stage a little later this year.. >> in a different production.du >> that's right.>>t's >> what do you make of thiss race? i did a lot of looking ao the history.isto races throughout history havetoh been ugly and people look at loo this race like it's so much worse, but is it really worseyoe than other races in history and maybe what advice would you givg to the american people as theyee prepare to cast their votesir vs maybe they feel lost or confusen they don't know who to vote forr they feel the parties areies ar divided? what would you tellt voters to feel a little moretle confident as they prepare toy a cast their ballots especially ip maryland coming up?land com >> i'm in the sure how governorr o'malley i really thought this was going to be the year of the governorso the people would say we needee someone who is solve problems,em goved at the local level prepared for this job and j a obviously i was quite wrong about that. tha >> there's lost anger out there and i think you know from time to time anger is a good thing. it shakes the whole system up. it's not altogether bad as longs we don't think we can live 200 0 years witness. wne we have to eventually come backk to where we solve problems butrb that's part of our system.ys
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even in the anger we see that it's -- it's okay. o we have the first amendment tont protect our anger to pro tuck pt our right to be upset and scream about it. you know there are a lot ofhe place where is if you screreames about what the government waswa doing they'd never see you aga again. and i think we missed thatt sometimes and we ought tos an celebrate it. >> the anger and fear never fean built a great country.nt we need to move beyond ourur grieve over what we lost in thew recession. we need to move i don't know thn anger and the fear and i think k the move to prescriptions we're' the greatest problem solvingol people that ever put together aa nation in the history of thery e planet and we need to get backet together to solving our probleml so we can give our kids more opportunities and we're able too continue this great story and that's going require something t more than just anger and fear.. >> one final question.ue are either of you ready to endorse a presidential candidatc life on fox5 with us right now?
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for now. you know the one that i endorser which was me didn't end up wellw so if i endorse somebody ieby i might, you know, really do them great harm.grharm. >> bring a bad energy. bri >> i don't want to go there for >> how about you?>> h >> i have tremendous amount of respect for hillary clinton andt bernie sanders having been adern candidate i'm going to reservemr all of my energies now for theor healing process and let the primary play out and the heartsa and minds of our people.eo >> i'm sure that it was aurthat tremendous experience for both p of you. gentlemen, thank you very much.u >> thank you. >> thank you show bipartisanbiia ship still exists here in america today.ic we really appreciate your timer on fox5. on f >> thank you. >> thank you very much. you v >> thank you both.>>nk y there you have it.av we just smoke with governor martin o'malley and mike huck today guy both former candidatee in this 2016 race giving us u little insight what it takes tot really care about this countrynt more than your party. p talking with us about this racee and we are reporting live from george washington university.nve back to you guys. >> ronica, wow, love seeing thet toth
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refreshing. >> as soon as she cut the camer off the gloves will come off. >> start choking each other.the. >> wrestling m. >> still ahead at 10:00 o'clocka we'll be right ht ere. and did you know that one ofknoa america's snobbiest cities as as matter of fact three of thef far snobbiest cities are right here about a mile from the station.t. >> number one, two and threend actually on the list of only 101 >> do something we'll do it right. >> before you send that nextu s emoji, watch good day at 10a 10a because there are dangers outget there you need to know >> we want to rock. rock!ro schneider from twisted sisterte will join us as well and well somebody who has written musictm for everybody from justinn timberlake to justin beiber six time grammy winner will join usw on the 10a.0a >> excited for that.ed for first though, you know what itwa is coffee time on good day dc. if you you've been eyeing ourur cool day mugs we know you have,v listen up, we now have new goodg day d.c. dunkin' donuts mug to g give away perfect cup for in great dunkin' donuts coffee heah to fox
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>> taraji p henson an '8 '80s rocker and one top chef where cw else can you find all three? llr good day at 10a. 1 >> that's right holly. hly taraji talks cookie fame and hod she handles it all. i all plus we're to the going to takek it, mo. mo. no, we ain't going take it. why? >> twisted sisters dee
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life in the loft. the l >> ever wonder what the burgundy and gold eat? we find out fromo the man in charge.. >> the skins chef cooking it all up in the good day kitchen. kit let's do it. it. the 10a starts now. ♪ no we're not going to take any more lame food in the >> that's right.. >> at this point we're to thee' going to take when we don't havd any food in the l >> let's get something going. >> did you hear dr. mike when hw said blueberries were good for you guys. g >> all of a sudden wisdom andenm steve are eating blueberry. >> this is chef don mattheussens he's the redskins guy he's thes guy who fuels up the redskins,i, right? righ >> i am. >> you are that guy.ou what's in here?ere? >> okay. >> so we have some chocolatehoco protein powder. we have some blueberries, kale, and little bit of banana. ban >> all right. rht >> that's all you wis.. >> hook it up. up >> we're going to talk to you -- ooh. oo >> can't really hear me now.ow
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>> we're going to pre 10 like0 we're talking. >> that is like -- >> that's how you get it done. >> amazing.. >> can't believe wisdom justdom revealed that one ingredient i'n not used to seeing is that giant thing of protein power. pow is this to give the guys extra energy.ergy >> little extra energy andextray protein in between work outs gos to keep their protein up. >> build that muscle mass.ldhat >> okay, wisdom.>>do >> thank you very much.nk nobody will drink with me? with fine, then. the >> no. >> pass it down.. >> only time you double fist. fs >> holly,, what.ha >> we have straws?>>ve >> drink it like a man. >> drink it like a professionala football player.laye >> oh, yeah. yeah. >> is it good. >> oh yeah. y >> this is good stuff.s >> you should sprint over to th couch nowsp. >> we'll be back. be what else you got going overngve here. here. >> little chocolate waffle tod today. sweweet. sweet.sw >> hang tight.>> we'll go over here and pay somem bills right quick.
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>> we'll be back.>> >> this really is good. whis re >> i got to tell you this is. is i drank from this side. if someone whiants it from the m other side. sid pour some in a little cup in a minute. john is the head chef for thehe thank him for the performance on the field. >> thanks for staying with us i'm steve alongside holly,ol maureen and two minutes past the hour.ou on this wednesday morning. mor for that we turn oh real timeeat news tracker to find out what ow you're interested in here's what's hot on the web.eb. arizona woman stranded in theden wilderness for nine days sharina her remarkable story.ry she is 72 years old. o her name is an inform rogers. rr she went missing on her way to phoenix.phoeni late last month after her hybrib car ran out of gas and electricc power.wer i don't know -- i don't know what we're looking at right at r there.ere >> i don't think that's how she' survived in the wilderness for nine days. >> or maybe she did.. >> maybe she knew something weee didn't. she was stranded idin the foress until rescuers came to her aid.d she actually wrote the words wds help in the desert.t >> wow. she had hedo
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she made it out live by eatingag plants and drinking a lot ofnkit water. all right. on the stories. the texas teenager who usedon te avenue flew wase defense in thaa fatal drunk driving accidentse will appear in adult court for f the first time tay ethan couch turn 19 on monday on that means he is now adult courc has to face adult court time now. w. could be given jail time as para of the adult probation. probati. he was given 10 years probationa in juvenile court and of courses he fled to mexico with his momom violated probation for being atb a party with alcohol. aoh now he's back expected to get at least a few months behind bars.r north carolina governor pat mcrory attempting to reverse part of a new controversial new law. law he's using executive order to expand government equalent equal employment policies to includeoi sexual orientation and gender. e and that he would askou ask legislators to reinstate the rea right to sue for discriminationt in north carolina.a and billionaire sean parkere announce he'll be donating $250 million to cancer immuno im thery
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the founder of napster says he'h putting his money behind cancer immune therapy because it is ati a turning point and wouldould benefit from research that'shha' done without regard for thed foe cost. good for him. finally, check your atticou you might have priceless piecese of art hidden up there.. a french art expert has declaree that a paintg found in a leaky l french attic is actually a long lost bib will he can piece by pe italian master, worth $136 million. >> what yes isn't stop it.t >>ye found in leaky atc >> are you kidding me? >> experts claims have been bee refuted by some who say the saye story is too good to be true. bt >> it agree.t >> they're testing it. tting currently under go tests to test verify the authenticity.. >> it helps if you're leaky're k attic is in actual cheiraliral capital of france. >> there's nothing like that ink my attic. >> i don't have an attic.'tav >> next up potential headache ha for verizon land line customerss tens of thousands of verizon ver workers along
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on strike. stre. hundreds right here in the d.c.c area they're picketing outsideno verizon offices. workers say they're contractre n expired nearly eight months ago and little progress inesin negotiations.tiat verizon says there are health care issues that need to beat n addressed because of rising melm costs but don't worry, thehe strike isn't impacting your cell phone or smart phone. pho verizon says it will only affect land line service and that'snd t really only if you need repairsi to that service.harvic >> okay.>> who stelle has a land line. o h >> i a >> i do. do. >> really? >> and are you paying for stuffp you aydon't understand on thatst bill. bi >> absolutely. >> that's what bothering me allt the stuff on the bill you're like what on earth is all thishs stuff.uff >> have you ever called to have them explain it. i'll just pay it.ay >> i can't not have land line.d. it's a mental thing for some f reason i just have to have landl line. >> does it ever ring.itver >> no. >> mine doesn't either. ehe >> mine doesn't ring either butt it's there in case.. >> just in case. c >> must? case.>> mus >> all the lines go down the goe cell phone lines go down. d holly will be able toll bable >> i'll be able to call maureene >> you call maureen. >> exactly.
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we'll be stuck somewhere without phone service. all let's talk sports now.. talk about a season if you untiu physical you're nba fan chancesc are you're pretty excited about tonight's lineup of games.f g the end of an era kobe bryantobb will play his final game puttinp a cap on his 2ut0 year careerr c witness five time champion will finishih with 25-point scoring average. staples center had honor bryantn by placing his number eight andd number 24 on the court. crt lakers will take on the jazz atz 10:30 tonight and while kobe isi playing for the last time, thehe golden state warriors areriors playing for history. this team is just one away fortr three breaking the record ford most victories in an nba regular season.ason. tonight they'll take on then th if the warriors win it will be their 73rd victory that's atory' record that hasn't been brokenke since the chicago bulls 1995-966 michael jordan.chael rdan that's when they won 72 games. m you can watch and see if theandt warriors can pull off that historical win. w lakers and warriors both startos at 10:30 tonight.onight. which one you going to watch.u
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toots late.toot >> well, we'll be sleeping. >> if i was going dvr i'd stills dot warriors.arriors. >> you got to watch the warriorr game. >> it's history.>> it's hi >> nice to see kobe get honor.on why did your favorite player ofr all time kobe bryant change hish number. number. >> this is a very complicatedict story.. but -- bu >> let me sit back.. >> sit u me give you the shortive yo version. jordan was 23. he wanted to be one better thanr >> fair enough.>> fr enough >> that's simple.imple. >> he didn't realize when hedn' first came in the league? lea >> that's another point, steve.e let's just say he likeseik attention.te >> it's evolution.volu >> yeah he like attention.on. >> speaking of attention there'e one area city maybe three that t are getting a lot of it rightoft now in our area 'cause thee of o them have a new dubious distinction.distinct they've been noted as being the snobbiest small towns in tow i america. a top the list three are in the chevy chase neighborhood ofgh the rankings actually came fromo area the three locals to make the me less chevy chase, somerset and martins editions those are allre
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by the wayha. way >> this is so snobby andnobby a exclusive i didn't even knowve number two and three existed ant they're a mile away from usy f right now. now >> all zip code 20815 folks buts they are joined by cities initis indiana, ohio, new york, york, california and texas a top the list as well. w now according to the website wse ranings were based on median med home price, median householdousd income,% sent of population with a private degree, privateriva schools per cpa, theater theater capita and art galleries perri r capita.a. they ranked each -- the lowestt score went to the snobbiestnobbe small town in america.meca congratulations to my hometownon chief see chase, >> i was going to say. >> gray pew upon for everyone.up >> we will be havingon champagng this afternoon all up and down d the streets. >> celebrating in tee harrah's. >> exactly. exact >> might bring out the real jewels and the fur for this.he r come on. no. no. people that live in chevy chasec aren't like that.e it is a nice area t
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it does have a lot of amenitiess obviously. >> as long as you keep youreep stuff in virginia then we're w okay with that. >> i'm just kidding. >> as long as you're driving as through that area up connecticut avenue watch out for speed fpe cameras they don't want you to o go more than 10 miles an >> at the not just chevy chaseya much that's all of montgomerymoy county. >> so you can stop and chase. c. >> all your chevy chase heightsi i know you're down to earth. ear i know you're not pretentiousree and i love you.v y we're like this.we're like this. >> yes, we are holly. ywe are >> i men to do with my pinkyky out. out. >> how do you do it?owyou >> what we're saying wis if kobb live in d.c. he would be in chevy >> he would be in chevy chase. >> this is attitude is why nonen of them are coming over to myy >> really. >> you see it.>> >> i don't know if we're pretty exclusive neighbor.. >> steve, it is an exclusive neighborhood. >> steve chenevey have beenhe neinvited to my house.ed to my u >> i have been.>> iave been >> have you been invited for holiday celebrations.ebti >> you have invited me to thanksgiving. >> have you been invited to myet hous
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case you wouldn't drive inouldn wisdom martin.wisdom i'm sorry, he couldn't drive in. so he esche have stayed. >> ask me that question.. >> right.>> rig right. >> have i inned zula over for play date.ay date. >> well, okay.>> >> city people.>>ity see. se >> wow. >> come on down to d.c. we welcome everybody.e >> through go. >> we all use emojis they'rehe quick cool way to express ourre emotions and thoughts throughs text messages.xt msages. we have the smiley face, the sad face, bright red angry wisdom is doing them all rightlg now.w did you know that not all emoji are created equally? allow me e to explain.xpin according to the union code consortium, am i the only one o that studied up on this. >> clearly you are steve.reve. >> apple, samsung, google,oogl facebook and other platforms that use emojis have put theirhe own twist on them that meanshatm there are different emoji designs. say for example you send yourpl friend a smiley face on your nexus phone they'll see a different sm
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iphone. so this is what we call lost in translation a little bit here.i. if you blow somebody a kissy using apple, the microsoft version looks a little different.ff one has a little something a a little extra sparkle in their it eye perhaps.eyperh moral of the story is, keep it k cool as we show you the cool emoji, keep it cool with your >> how does this one -- >> probably different glasses.if the other one has on ray bans. exactly. exac >> if you're in chevy chase they're gucci. >> that's right. >> chanel. cnel. >> louie v'. >> with dollar bills on thedolll sides. come on. come we'll play into it.ay io i >> don't you give them away wheh you walk down the streetthetree exactly. >> he's the epitomy of 80' 8 rocker man did we rock out touto him back in the day.ay twist sisters dee schneider sch joining us live in the lost butt he's very involved in politics and hey has been for many manyam years. why he's in d.c.y we have surprise for him.rise fm >> who's the daddy? meghan foxn actually speaks out.tus we'll get the answer.
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thank you so much. did you say honey? hey, try some? mmm that is tasty. is it real? of course... are you? nope animated you know i'm always looking for real honey for honey nut cheerios well you've come to the right place. great, mind if i have another taste? not at all mmm you're all right bud? never better i don't know if he likes that. yeah part of the complete breakfast
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♪ going back to the '80s.. >> heyday.eyda come on.come >> it wasn't my heyday. hey i haven't have braces until --st you know. a long story. s personal story.ry i need therapy for forht isn't i didn't mean to bring itb up.. celebrity dish time.lebr let's move on i get this out of my head. hea celebrity dish >> we spoke monday about the surprise access meghan fox walkf the mtv awards red carpet withpw it was her baby bump, of course. and this left many speculating u about who the father was nearlya a year ago she filed for divorce from her husband brian austinrii green actress posted his collagl of photos to instagram with the caption hash tag not the father. and late last night, people peol magazine confirmed that briania austin green is in fact the baby daddy.da now the duo have two otherer children together and whileen t meghan has not made any changesc to the divorce filing theg magazine is reporting the two te are committed to raising their children together and they are
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back to living together. toghe >> okay. >> that's interesting becausete tmz was just reporting it was ws like full steam ahead with theat divorce.divo >> right. >> this seems to be like on hoo hold. >> yeah. >> hollywood. >> that's true.s true. >> exactly.>> >> enough said. up next, ram per iggy azalea isi focusing on her press tore toe promote her upcoming album. evere first question is allir about hestr engagement and futuf marital status you probably remember eyeing guy is engagedg to nguba player nick young swags pete you used to may for theor e wizards.wiza. video of young talking to his lakers teammate deangelo russell about he cheated on iggy withggw was leak out last month.onth now iggy completely answered thd questions regarding her regar relationship saying i'm stillshn figuring it all out.t al that's what it is.hat it it's still fresh. stillresh the fans of rapper said after ar the year she has -- after thehe year she's had she's learned tod wait until thing are more pastoe tense before she shares how shew feels because emotions cantis change in the heat of the
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drama. >> drama. okay. are you ready for this nextfor x story. >> sure. 18-year-old instagram model rachel bush tweeted out a screes shot of a direct >> ut-oh. >> that nba super star lebron lb james allegedly sent to her via instagram.. rachel quickly deleted the tweet but as you can see, the marriedd father of three messaged her saying, hey, what's up? >> that's innocent. i >> clear the social mediaoc starlet was not interested andrd that may be because she'secauses actually dating another pro athlete cleveland browns safety jordan hoyer.. but one side note here because u our crack research team didh ted notice that the profile picturec in the direct message and the lebron's current instagramns profile picture do not match soh no word on if he changed it recently.cent. >> hmm.>> >> hmm.>> h >> interesting. >> this is the emoji we use fore that. th the little one that goes likes l this, hmm. hmm.
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>> things that make you go hmm.. >> hmm. >> okay. >> all right. moving on. o last hour we spoke with rep from tmz who said lindh day lowy land got engaged to her russianr boyfriend over the weekend butde other outlets are reportingep that's not true.ot t according to people magazine lohan' rep shot down the reportr saying the store is untrue andua holds no merit. >> hmm. >> we have a at a time betweenae people magazine and tmz here inr this issue celebrity dish.ebri questions were raised after she was spotted flaunting a massive emerald ring. rin the mean girls star startedtartd dating 22-year-old igor, five months ago. ago. igor is real estate agent and ae guess we'll have to wait scene c on that one.tne >> hmm. >> hmm. >> hmm. >> emoji is getting a lot work.w nothing like sibling rivalry toy get you into shape.hape. nick jonas that is a posted his ad to his instagram showing him
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to see that his brother joe hase logged more miles than him andlh that picking up the pace in p order to beat him. h he captioned the clever ad hey,, joe joe nance you couldn't even' out run me with a three yearhr head start. no word yet on whether joe lacee up his sneakers and hit the pavement to gain only nick' pilp mileage. >> that's a little competitive.e all right.r let's talk about the comic bookm world now.d ben affleck is set to direct and star in a new batman movie. man -- man >> another great.>> >> another batman movie.atman m. what else can they talk >> affleck made his first his fr appearance as go ha -- gotham dr knight. knight. head of wary are in brothersry a said affleck will direct thist movie that will have the caped c crusader as the star. news came as the warner chief spoke at cinema con gathering og theater owners in las vegas.. okay. that batman was actually -- he
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>> i actually heard marvel comics will do 10 super heroes r movies in the next five years.ea >> lucky. >> a lot going on.. >> more super heroes. heroes. >> over in the marvel universe members of team captain and team iron mandi sended upon hollywooo for the world premier of captain america civil war which hitshi h theaters on may fifth. yesterday's world me mirror hado a laugh blue and half red carper and attendees were encouraged tt wear red or blue denoting whichh super hero team they're on.. michael buffer introducing thede cast before the start of thestaf screening.screing let's get rhett are towed rumb rumble! >> i can't wait to see a >> are you team captain or teamr iron. >> i'll go with captain americai >> i'll go team iron man.on m >> tony got this drinkingthis dk problem and he's kind ofnd of narcissistic. i'm just saying. >> sounds like a few people ilie know. know >> i'll leave that alone. >> hey, lo
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all super heroes news we knowewo you want more super hero news.ow last night the thriller for ther new movie dr. strange dropped. d let's take look. >> steven strange, might i'might offer you some advice? forgetor everything that you think you .now. you're a man looking at thean lg world through a keyhole.eyho you've spent your life trying tn widen it. your world saves the lives of many. >> this is for coming trailerint about lesser known marvel mve character called doctor stranges played by benedict cumberbatch film hits theaters in november.. i guess marvel is just goingus keep doing movies until they rur out of characters.cter >> anyone making movies besides
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marvel --el - >> any other story idea outaut there.there. >> no. >> since your expert is that aot comic person that has been madem a movie yet.e >> still plenty to g because there's characters thata are coming out civil war this will be their first movie appearance.pean panther first movie appearance.a we got a long way to go. >> great. >> aqua man. man >> a quack man. >> i know aqua man. know ua >> it's rough. >> 10:22. 1 thanks, guys.. >> coming up later taraji p. henson talking cookie and fameed and we have a sneak peek into tonight's drama filled episoderi of empire. >> we're back with a look what'a happening right now in the dmv.d nice start to the day today,ay t isn't it? you're watching goodg day at 10a. we'll be right back.'ll be righ.
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he was flicking matches on me... for my life. my ex-husband's intentions were to murder me. glenn: i made sure yvette's abuser went away for good, and put in place tougher sentences, because domestic violence can never be tolerated. yvette: mr. ivey showed compassion. i felt like i could trust him. narrator: glenn ivey. as state's attorney, a proven leader. in congress, he'll combat domestic violence, and protect president obama's legacy. glenn: i'm glenn ivey and i approve this message, because i'm on your side.
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back now 10:25.0:25. new this hour sentencing for the man who land add gyrocopterr outside the u.s. capitol hasitol been postponed.ed douglas hughes supposed to be sentenced now it's been moved to april 21st. hughes plead guilty lastle november to flying aad plane pla without license much he isuch he facing up to three years ineeea prison but the government isen expected to ask that he servee e just 10 months behind bars. bs and we are in for a nice nic wednesday weather let's head on down to tucker barnes who has latest on the the weather center. c more on the story about the cass there with the brothers inther prince george's county in just a moment. first tucker update us on thee t weat
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>> maureen, still a little coolo out there.t there. might want jacket for anotherfoo hour or. ur to you might want a jacket this afternoon.ternoon. beautiful day and bright brighti sunshine expected this afterno afternoon. and what nice looking seven dayy forecast we have as we get intot our weekend and early next week. 50 now in washington. nice row rebound of dem d temperatures.mpatures. earlier were freezingier we temperatures in gaithersburg and frederick and towards hagerstown freezing temperature as wellra this there's your storm tracker rayey damage it's all about sunshinesh today.da very quiet weather pn bit of a breeze out of the nortf and east at about five to 10. 1 we'll lock down that cool fortlr the day so our daytime high is i 60. feel just a little below normall temperature wise but again aga bright sunshine should be a nicn dry afternoon you want to get tg out in the yard started to somee spring cleaning out there and get your lawn ready that kind o thing should be nice day for itr as we're expecting sunshine.e cool night. nig the pattern remains intact foraf the next couple of days, and as mentioned a very nice warmingin trend as we get into the weekene both saturday and sunday lookoo nice and dry right now.ow
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and 70s by sunday afternoon andd believe it or not, how about abt close to 80 by monday withy bright sunshine there's a quickq look at that seven day forecast. nice seven day stretch dry strey weather expected the next severe days and again notice the warmup 60 ace round hour by pri day,r saturday well into the 60s andnd then 70s maybe 80s by early nexx week.we love it. all right, guys, that's the latest.late home you can take that.hat. get it? back upstairs to you. u >> we do get it. g it. we'll get to that just a moment, our other big story we're following this morning the three brothers charged in connectionnn with the death of a princeeath george's county police officer,f they are iicn court right now fr their preliminary hearing theyny got underway about afterboutft 10:00 o'clock when that hearingt got underway. this is when prosecutors.rocu (the evidence they have so far v to make sure the case can go forward.forward. michael forward and his brothe s elijah and malik face conspiracy and attempted murder charges. cs michael was the gunman in theman ambush that led to the friendlyy fire death of officer jacai jac colson. our bob barnard is in court
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right now. we'll look for updates on sociac media throughout the day.he day >> much more on that coming up. end 28:00.28 also, still ahead come on:0 on wisdom, you know it. ♪ >> yeah, do you.ou he made everybody want to be ate rock star and he's with youit yu right now twisted sisters dee schneider joining us live, alsoo song writer extraordinary harvey mason, jr. and producer. we'll chat with them both cominm up after the break. ♪
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this was flashback.lash this was last year when we weree doing a little lip sippingng challenge tucker decided tor dec dress up like dee schneider to twisted sisters famous we're noe going to take it. we had communication they weren't playing the song at then right time. that was the end result.he e the reason we do two fold, one , tucker is a good sport as he is right here beside me. because dee schneider is with un today.ei if you're my hero.ou'rmy h >> i hope i made you proud. pro i tried.i tri >> 10 for the three for the outfit. o >> i got it. >> the hair doesn't evensn't e compare. not at all. >> the reason that the deet t schneider is with us and harvey mason, jr., is esteem producerde and song writer they're here foh grammys on the hill tonighton ti which happens every year iny ye washington, d.c. brings together great collective of folks whof k work for the government and on capitol hill law lakers and really diverse group off musicians whichre
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should be nothing because youse vote for for e >> i've had a great career anata lot of variety a lot of the different genres and styles ofse music this week is special for f us. we're with the recording academy 20,000 members, 600, 500 peoplee here in town to lobby for ther causes of music creators ton fight for things that we need to accomplish fair pay for fairorai play artists getting paid for fr song riders and producers getting page. p so much change in the industry.. the. >> business of music. bines you have work with everybody from justin timberlake to justin beiber and now justin timberlake >> back at it. new roar. the very exciting. excitin >> dee, you are no stranger toat folks who watch mtv back in thee day friday night videos or c c >> yes. >> that was momentous time formt you if we go back a few decade. >> yeah, i've not been here since 1985. 198 that's washington, d.c.n, d.c. >> really. >> your first time back.k. >> fighting for the rights ofrif r
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thought -- i thought censorshipn was our biggest problem until it lost everything in the '90's90's even realized the biggestlized e problem not being paid fairlyaii for the work we do. d. >> you really opened up a lot of eyes because at the time we knee you as huge rock star.ta you go on capitol hill and i think people kind of thoughtf t let's listen to this guy talk t unblew them away. >> you knew what you were knewh talking >> yeah.>> they thought they were going gog make example out of me and i'd be a fool, but see kids, don't drink, don't do kids and you can speak english fluently. (laughter).(laughte >> it's true. >> you try to set the recordd straight artistic expressionxpss what you're coming across with.s have things changed in the lastl 30 years. >> you know what, not enough e quite honestly.ontl not enough. eno i mean we're still fightingin steps soar ship but like i said i thought that was the biggest g thing my biggest concern butonrn when i realized i up a being a b paid for all of those tens off thousands of plays of my music y on the radio nd
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penny, that's holy unjust, andta then we're here fighting notg nt just for the older artist,rtis heritage artist for today'say artist and the future youngur yu artist.artist >> just scene a lot of these yoy grew up musical household it'sh' been with you since you were a a baby. baby. but now when you look at it you have, you know, young musiciansa now, they might turn to youtubeu and record something on theiromt phone that they can put out.y cu the technology is there. tre but like you said that alsoo means there has to be new ways w in place to make sure those aree creative get row warred for whaw they go, right?? >> crazy. the legislation is not changed g in i mean the stuff that we're thaw dealing with now the laws that a are on the books were established, 50, 60, 70 years 7a ago and times have changed.hangd like you said kids are making mn music on their laptops on their phones, put it up on differentfe web sites and streamingeaming services. so we really need to adjust kink of the laws and also the public perception hour how music is mui consume it's really not fair. f >> y g
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the event tonight. literally a diverse group of musicians, zacz brown and warren haines toaine t smokey robinson d.c. genuine, dee snider to yourself everybodo coming together. when you get together with grou of people that diverse does the creativity feed off each otherer or just kind of like let's hangn out with a bunch of >> it's a little bit of both.h. it's consider we talk a lot and see what's sh' important and also a universal finding like what's important to dee is important to me it'snt ti important to lot of otherer creators. >> yeah. >> as we said it's not just guys doing it for 20 years or dee has been doing it a little longereon than me. >> i'm old. old >> but it's a lot -- it's abouta the next generation of people po coming up. i said this before.efore. but if you wrote the number one most streamed song of the year, your income from that streaminga would be $17,000 that's minimum wage. so the next generation of song writers -- >> how terrible is that. >> song writers won't be able to do this a profession and turnn t into a hobby and quality of a qa music will go down.muc wi quality of records is going tooi go down. it
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>> it's tough for now to make musician to make money than it's ever been. ever so now it's more important thanr ever that radio start payingayg their fair share. they're playing our music.playin they make their money for from o our music.ous why shouldn't we get some of thm >> i'm sure it's fun and i'mit'f sure especially when you'rey starting out being a rock starok was fun but you got to make aak living, >> at the end of the day, yes,of we dedicate our lives to it. to you know, and like i said i wokk up one day in early '90's and ii lost everything.rythg and i thought i -- sold millioni and millions of records youf res figure i'll be set for life, right? it doesn't work likeor k that. and part of the reason why is is because artists are not beingeig paid fairly. fai contrary to what the public t thinks that we're set for life f it's that simple, it's not thatt simple.simple >> so what's next for dee snider? you out there on thehe row doing gigs? i know i you're -- you've been marriedour for a very successful marriage i you got kids, grandkids now. >> yeah. >> 40 years on saturday.years r >> you find a good one.ood hang on for deer live life.ife. (applause).us >> applause.
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twisted doing farewell showsl this summer and releasing my first solo album on red river entertainment.ainm it's called we are the oneswe te that's coming out more main m stream rock record.. so you're not done with me yet.y >> we never will be. i'll tell was we say it all the time so cliche the beauty of ito is the music lives on.n. you want to make sure you get gt compensated for it we want to wn make sure we're able to continue to make it. it's not all about thell abohe compensation but it is aboutt it being able to continue as as a career in the music industry.nds >> one side note you play you pa basketball at arizona.ll aizon are you pulling for your buddy b kief curry and warriors to winon this thing. thi >> of course.>> of course break the record.brea tonight i think.. >> tonight at 10:30.t 10: >> that was one of my teammates. have i one or two others i played were the golden state as well well.ell. if we were going to see you as his shivaree metal main stay ala the hair and everything back in the day. if you cut a duet with somebodyy else, different style of musicf
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if you wanted to mess withith people and somebody i've alwaysa looked up to that i love that it want to do something with. w >> lady gaga. lady . >> really. >> she stole my look.. (laughter). >> i mean at least she can do cn duet with me. me >> good hair conversation.veat >> chick is stealing my look. >> christine act guy lara.ara. >> sarah jessica parker. (laughter).(lau >> what's going on?>> w >> it means -- >> what's going on. what' >> you were doing something doim right. >> ahead of his time.head >> my next fight. >> man i'll tell was ground gun breaking no doubt. dou thanks guys. good to see you.od keep up the good work n wk appreciate it.appreciate it. >> making us want to rock for wo decades, guys. >> when you said grandfather ded snider showing up at grand a parent day at your school.. >> coolest grandfather ever.faee >> ever. coolest grandpa ever.grana love it. >> thanks, guys.>> thanks, >> thank you. g >> how fun was that.>> t h >> super fun.>> supun >> listen still ahead at 10:00 taraji p. henson opens upu about the down sides to, hello
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>> this is a cave. cave it's my cave. c you don't remember what happened, do you? >> no. >> i saved your life. yeah, i snatched you from the ft jaws of death. of death. the coils of death if you will.w and lucky for you, your newne favorite hero old blue here juss happened to be passing by. b no big deal. big just tell me this. can you climb? >> yeah. >> let's quit wasting tile anded get on with >> get on with what.t. >> bay pack, kid.. pay back g were do you mean payn back. pay back for what? >> okay.>>kay that's clip from the new life nl action adaptation of the junglee book another one we showed youhu one earlier directed by johnoh photograph row the same guyraphr movies like swingers, elf, ironf man and chef. kevin mccarthy got a chance to o talk about with him to talk about the
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the movie and the time he had tt get hands on.get has on >> sequence of bare necessityty you were actually in the water.t >> i was in the water, yeah.terh >> you were splashing him.e spi >> i was splashing him becauseim the trick with neal iss incredibly charismatic i saw its on the tape.on the tape. he wasn't that experienced as an actor. he was a little kid. he was nine i think when he i was diggedth. and it was from seeing a flyer.r you know, it wasn't like youasnl were getting a seasoned pro buto you were getting somebody whowho had this inn credible ofble o credible watch ability.. and but he was, upping, at thet time we work together he was 10s 11 years old, and he was workini for nine so the trick was always to keepe him engaged and make sure that r you kept that fire going, and a get wheels churning and soing o sometimes like with bare be necessities i would actuallyi wl jump in the pool and be his eye line and if you noticed in theii movie he gets squirted withquird water that was never planned.atw i had a little hose hidden unden the water when he was singeas eyeing squirted him in the chest from about where ballou's mouths would be so i knew he canhean animate it.e it. he
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laughs end starts splashing me and i would splash him from iro knew the pause would be. >> when you have a sequenceyo where he'su literally interactg with the fur peter's character,, what is he touching in reall fefe? >> we had few different things that we you've as references r there was a puppet the sculptedp foam head, there was puppetted e head. there was a blue padded headded that would have some give ande ultimately mcp the vendor thatrt did that effect had to have hise fingers inter act with digital fur.fur. so that's one of those shotse e that seemed kind of simple kinde of flows right by, but that's a shot you couldn't have done fiv years ago probably mostt technically difficult shot ofltt the whole film.m >> all right. rht the jungle book hits theaters oo friday.. pretty amazing -- if you- think about acting with full cgl and the animals and themals conversations for kid who nevern acted before. >> remarkable. >> should be pretty good.y good. speaking of pretty good taraji p. henson won the hearts ofrt o millions in fox's drama
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the show starlet doesn't letoest success get to her head and explained why sometimes she's just over it. fox's michelle polino has more. this is real bad for ceo only in charge for five minutes.inut >> on fox hit show empire themp members of the lyen family areia continuing to battle each othere for control of the family business as lucious relies on ex-wife cook company to help him regain the thrown.eow >> no mr. fighting, okay? >> we have to be very strategicg about it.t. that's all i can share about that. >> enough of that dry snitchingt >> reporter: playing the overhag the top matriarch of the lyen family consult the call pad thee the actress to whole new levelll >> what makes cookie stan out ii the crowd she's speaks untruthst and she's uncompromising when i comes to her truth usually it'ss real and it's and it makes sense. because it's real and it's herer truth. >> glad you brought that up.d yo >> reporter: unlike her character taraji says she ss doesn't allow
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to her head. h >> i do not let my career affecf who i am. at the end of the day, being an actress does mean i'm better'mee than anybody else or i shall gea any kind of special the just a job. it gentlemen just so happenso hp millions every people get to see me go to work. wor >> reporter: fans have aorter: difficult time separating her st from her character.ract >> i get called cookie all thehe time.ti and that's not my name. n some days i don't weren't to be cook can he because i was cookie for 18 hours yesterday. yeste i just want to be taraji.. >> we'll call another >> reporter: in hollywood,ood, michelle polino, fox news.ox >> you can catch the all new cat episode of empire tonight at 9:00 right here on fox5. so what will go down? welll let me put it to you this way.hs it's cookie's birthday, and shee what wants a nice no drama b day dinner. you think that's going to happ happen?pp? >> no. no and we're being told if you t thought last week's end was was shocking wait until tonight. >> oh, my.
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>> all right. all let's get to the world of realho life drama right now we haveramr breaking news coming into fox5 i now at 10:48.48. arlington county policeounty confirmed to fox fox5 that atlaa braves outfielder hector oweect little vera is in policele va is custody. he pick up earlier this morningr in the ritz carlton in pentagon city after a woman call policeal saying she had been police say the woman had visible bruises and was taken token virginia hospital center in harlington. oh live vera is in policee custody being processed but notb formally charged. the braves tonight will finish s up four game series with the so keep online for more on thisn story throughout the day today. >> okay. let's head over to wis now whose hanging out in the kitchen. >> oh, yeah. yh we have news to do here. look if you ever wondered whatde it's like to feed those big guyy and get them filled up andille energy to hit the football field to take on what happens on then grid iron. we'll tell you because we got yc the expert right here in the he
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glenn: i made sure yvette's abuser went away for good, and put in place tougher sentences, because domestic violence can never be tolerated. yvette: mr. ivey showed compassion. i felt like i could trust him. narrator: glenn ivey. as state's attorney, a proven leader. in congress, he'll combat domestic violence, and protect president obama's legacy. glenn: i'm glenn ivey and i approve this message, because i'm on your side.
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all right. speaking of kitchen have you ever wondered what's like whenak the washington redskins playerss they try to get fuel um for thee season?season? >> well diet is a big part of i that and that's where our next guest comes chef johnf j mattheussen the exec tough chefh for the redskins and he's beenn with us all hour started outed t making this delicious treatelust right here.right it's blueberry john injury smoothie. now he'll show us the chocolateh waffle.oc good to see you again.see you ai thank you for hanging out ther t whole time for us.ole me for >> my pleasure.>> my p >> what do we got here? i see some other delicious treats. >> we have a lot of different l inotgredients. we'll start with our typical home pancake batter. b we'll throw that right in theree >> all right.>> >> we'll have dark chocolateavdo powder.powd. >> yup. >> 2-ounces of that.>>-oun >> gotcha. okay. >> how long does it take to make
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minute. >> i'll show you.>>'l >> okay. tenons of milk. >> gotcha, okay.kay. >> 6-ounces of butter milk.. >> okay.. >> one egg. e >> one egg. one so far so -- it looks easy. e >> so far so good and then thene protein.ot >> why protein with the big wit football players? pye >> try to fortify up these ase little bit give them a little ll more energy. erg >> gotcha. gotch. >> little more strength forrengr their work outs.s. one scoop, not two scoops. >> ut-oh. ut-oh. >> we're doing to three accident took place. >> now at home can i do that at home if i'm working out ato an . >> this makes three waffles.akes it's about 25 grams of protein. >> okay. oka >> per waffle. >> okay. oka think you'll do all right.ll d >> three accident took place.ena okay. we'll whisk it up.wewh >> okay. >> how long do you stir for this? this? >> just to >>t gotcha. got okay. >> once we have it inn corp. the take it right over to our waffll machine.machine. >> gotcha. usually like to let it sit but we'll go right into it take a t shot.shot >> okay. >> how many of these say for the
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for the whole team, you don't yd cook for lines and quarterbacksk >> i put the up there and it's i that are choice. give everybody a choice.ic >> all right. >> pre greece the waffle iron.wi >> it's very nice waffle iron.n. >> take a 5-ounce ladle.unce l k thanyou. th and just a touch more.e. >> okay. >> make sure we fill it out. >> all right. r when i put mine in there itin i doesn't fill out like that.ll ot what am i doing wrong?? >> it will fill out.ut once the heat comes. ces >> don't worry about it. >> 2.5 minutes we're ready too go. go >> made one earlier.>> made one. >> that's what it's going toat look like. >> that's what it's going towhat look like when it's all done. ad >> how did you get into cookingo in the first place? altogethert just in >> you know back home when myny brothers and sisters were doing sports and thing like that, moma left recipes around the house te and i sort of gravitated. >> is that right.>>th >> basically because i wanted t eat. eat. >> got to eat.>> got cook.t cok >> got to cook. we had little country >> i got to do some vegetables.s >> how did you get on with the h i
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restaurant project we were doi doing. >> wow much the rest is historyt >> the rest is history and it'si been a great run so far. run so >> all right.ll okay. okay. awesome. we have our waffle that's finisi here. here >> all right. >> i'll take reducing juice andi add that to some blueberries and raspberries. okay.okay >> toss those together.s >> stir it >> that will be sort of yourrtfy syrup and your berry component.. little fruit, sweetness. sweetn. >> all right. >> make everything taste reallyl nice.ce >> gotcha, okay. >> all right. rht >> no waffle is complete withou a little extra syrupco. >> nice. >> that looks like that's really sweet.swt. >> really sweet and nice.. we'll offset that sweetness with this cheese called kuork.rk >> on the waffle? on th >> yeah a little bit different.e it's sort of that whipped creame type of thing without thetut whipped cream.m. >> very high in preteen low in fat. >> gotcha. >> add cinnamon and orange zeste to it and put a little bit ontlo top there.p th >> looks gorgeous.geou >> let it work.or >> yup.
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>> all right. i'm not going to eat the wholeho thing i got to work out later oo today. toda >> take yourself a spoon here.e. >> i'll take -- take -- >> cut i was little l >> cut me a little portion herer >> ya'll come on over and partake in some of thee in festivities over here.over here. >> that looks really good.t lo this will work for me.or. i appreciate it.appr thank you very much.thank yo >> give us the verdict, >> i'll give you the verdict.vey you know what, douo this like io at home. home. >> there you go.>> >> that smells good. >> tear me off a little peace.c. >> i just took it off the spoonn >> does it taste like anan extension of the smoothie. >> same flavor profile.lavo >> berries are >> if there's one thing we need to add to weour diet to be giveu more energy -- energy >> more energy. >> um, carbs, protein, um, stay away from those simple sugars. g and whole grains.rains. >> and then work out. >> right. >> cash bow loading. >> this is great. g >> thank you. >> appreciate you.e >> thank you. >> keal the guys fueled up this season. >> we need it. >> thanks for coming in.for
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live from new york city dwb it's "the wendy williams show." >> the kids will play today. >> you won't believe what i'm about to tell you. >> have a seat. >> my girls are always turned out. i give it to you straight, no chasers. ♪ ♪ >> now, here's wendy. ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ] . >> thank you for watching. here we go. my cohosts, my studio audience. how you doing? i'm
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