tv Fox 5 News 5 FOX April 21, 2016 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT
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late 1970's and he he had a successful career with hits like little red corvette,orvee, let's go crazy and when doves ds cry. >> ♪ fiercely independentcely prince fought his music labelt u for control over his work. in 2004 prince was inducted indd into the rock and roll hall of fame hailed as a musical trailblazer. he won multiple grammys and asnd best original song oscar for his 1984 film purple rain. rai he was known for pushinghing limits, musically and stylistically and is crediteddie as an influence for many artists today. >> ♪ most recently in the wake of waf freddie gray's death and the black lives matter movement movn prince recorded a tribute song s called baltimore.ed he played a concert at thert at warner theater in d.c. last summer.
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the 5-foot two musician bornn prince rogers nelson neverer forgot where he came prince continued to live ande work in minneapolis where he died earlier today. >> ♪ >> such a loss.>> suc >> i know.w. and so surprising. people were not expecting thisns by any means. >> boy, we continue ourtinuou coverage now of the death off tf prince and we are beginning tong learn a little moren a little mr information surrounding theundi circumstances of his death. >> the associated press report sheriff's deputies were calledrd to prince's home this morningorg and found him unconscious in i an elevator.leva first responders performed cprrp buert efforts to revive him were unsuccessful.essful >> joining us is fox's ted ted holler outside prince's estates in minnesota ted give us a little bit morea t about where you are and i i imagine a lot of fans ares are showing up there at hist estate. >estate.esta >> reporter: yeah, sureh, sur thing
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it's a quiet serene scene herene with one exception and that'sha people blasting prince musicprcm from their boom boxes and from the radios but from those whoho haven't been here, it's as suburb of minneapolis.neapolis. paisley park is the building is you see behind me its a uniqueni small compound essentially.. it's prince lived, where heve recorded his music where he he had concerts others haderad concert and where he often had h these last second announcednnouc overnight parties and wouldould invite strangers from therom the local community here to be uphe with him and he had one of o those this saturday nighty night which was a day after hisa y af plane made that emergency emergn landing in illinois ands a concerns about his health began.bega but people who were at that tha party here saturday night toldit me that prince seemed himself h which is always a littlime mysterious but that's prince and that's why the people hereer who really knew prince are in just total shock right now and the choice for rememberingemberi prince seems to be dropping din off flowers right now ands ri dropping off purple
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for the purple one.. sarah and laura.ra >> have you learned a littleu ae bit more about themo circumstances involving his death? i know he was found ini an elevator according to to sheriff's.if anything more about the more details of what led to his death? >> reporter: we haven'taven heard a lot about the it seems like organizationsiz like tmz are getting the most m information but, you know, law enforcement who -- it was a really weird scene at first. fir i was one of the first tst reporters here, no one aroundun just a couple emergency vehicles in the paisley parkaisk compound here, emergency crewsen keeping a very low profile and then as news started to sort sor of leak out both locally and nationally, that's when we sawns all the people and the international and nationaliona media showing up here. back to you. you. >> ted, you know, everybody kind of remembers justre recently that emergency landing in the quad cities the airport of his plane. pla was there really any really an
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camp that anything was reallyhiw wrong with him? h > >> reporter: i talked toke t someone who had a private pri conversation with prince onn sunday. she said he seemed himself.imse he had described himself having soft flu-like symptomssy but that's what's so what's so surprising to people here islees because you have thishi emergency landing on the and and friday, you have the overnighthe party here on saturday.satda i talked to someone who spoke with him on sunday and thennd tn tuesday night a local rock critic for the newspaper here said that prince was at a local minneapolis jazz clubz clu cheering on some artists andme s that prince had a cane withane him but he was holding it up cheering on that local act.. so, that's why i think people are -- they're stillre still processing this >> all right.ight ted holler thank you for y f joining us from minnesota. appreciate your report.eport. >> from facebook post itsos tweets the w
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mourning the death ofng princeton night. tt. >> fox5's tony perkins iss live in silver spring joinedg je by radio host donny simpsonimps who knew the late musician.n. hey, tony. ton >> reporter: he certainly did, donny simpson spent some time with prince in theh pr in e recording studio in one picky p particular occasion.ic i have to say herule at magic mg 102.3 the donny he simpsonps show this afternoon has turnedrn into a tribute to prince.rie. they've been playing pretty much prince music good to see you man. sorry about the >> thank you, tony.e my condolences to you, too. you got the purple tie on as well. >> this is -- let me talkhank t let firmest about t your -- your impressions of prince as arinc you got the opportunity to to spend had some time with himwi over the years. yea tell me a little bit of what ofw he was like because he was very egmimatic.gmimatic >> very quiet, very shy butshy b once you know him still very quiet and shy.ndhy. [laughter] >> but he opens up
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more and would have conversation with you.sati but a genuinely nice guy, youuyu obviously a guy as we all know o who made some changes in his life later on, got very spiritual, you know, refused res to use some of the words in his songs that hehis soth originally -- the way he wroteeo them originally because it wasas just so much sex and stuff. sff and he changed that. so, you know, a very reflective g obviously he knew what he h meant to people and knew howw strong his influence was and was he decided that he wanted toedo make some changes in the messages that he sent. >> one of the things thatth strikes mee about him is he was so creative.reative. i think you and i at times we ts had joked that man, this guyhisg releases so much music, it wasas >> yeah, it was.>> i can remember years where hehee would release two, 4cd box box sets in one year, you know, kno, most artists wou
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couple years in between onene album. >> right. >> prince would just, he justjuj had so much music in and i remember right from the t beginning when i was firsti w told about him was through ray parker jr. of ghost busters fame. fa ray is an old friend of mined oe about this kid that he wasis trying to get management on.t he said he's so prolific this ti guy will go foot studio at 8,t , 9 o'clock at night and come and out in the morning with three wh songs finished, done, that's that's unheard of in the music industry. but, you know, he said that sait when he went in there, he kneww exactly what he wanted, hed, knew where he wanted the the reverb, just everything, itry was already thought out.ghut >> what do you think his -- i - know it's hard to think aboutbo this so soon but what do yout dy think his legacy will be in i terms of where he stands inds i the history of popular museopulm psychiatric. music. music. >> he's one of the greatestof t ever. you got to talk about him
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michael jackson beatles, jamesee and just without doubt one ofout the greatest to ever do it.o i think that he will always be respected for his stance he took for control of his music,us that that was really important, the same stand that taylor swift is taking now ting that, you know, prince was w serious i mean, just was not giving upig control of his music. mic that these are my babies and iai intend to control it and it a you've got to respect him for that.that and i think that probably most importantly is just one who refused to be put in a box, b you know.uw. >> you never knew what he wasas going to do next. nex >> you never knew what he was h going to do next man andnd whatever he did next was what ww he wanted to do next notot because somebody wanted him totm do next. do n prince did what he wanted andnd i admire him for that. t >> he is going to be missed. mse everyone talking to you todayu y about prince.out prince i appreciate you spending somegs time with us.s. we'll chat with you againu again during the 6 o'clock hour. >> tha
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foonlks reactorring to the deato of t prince most people stunnedd very surprised and very sadd. sara frazier is getting reaction at the studios for wptc right now. sarah.h. >> hey, sony.>> h, sony. down her -- tony i'm herewith le music man. m. tell us where were you this afternoon. what was your reaction whenr you heard the news. >> this is definitely one of those days you're not goingrear forget. forg i was at home eating someing s cheerios at the time.erios at te we got the news it flashedtsh across the tv.v. we immediately got up and came c to the station and paidnd pai tribute to the magical man,ican the man that goes by the nameam of prince so we had to do thatoa in a big way today.ayoday >> reporter: nonstop princestop music here. you also decided to put together a prince tributeribu party this afternoon.fternoon. tell us about it.tell there are tons of people here.oh >> people are out. it's one of those days. like guy said this is thehe biggest guy ever. er. i
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michael jackson was trying toint out do prince when he passedpa away. prince had done 12 shows,ws michael wanted 13.anted prince s-,.pr >> reporter: he really set hly the standard.standa >> set the standard. he is the standard.taar he going to be the standardndar for a long time. tim i mean like, come on, he he played every instrument, hetrumn wrote every lyric, he producedre the songs, did the albums, didl, the movies, he toured and hered was just a social just, >> reporter: i heard you sayay earlier your wife was crying,ry you were very teary eyed whend n you heard. hea >> it wasn't no, sir tearysir ay eyed.eyed. i cried. that's why i got these shades se on. that ain't fake.'t fe. i cried today. this is one of my biggeste musicof influences period. perio i would spend whatever money i m had to get that music becauseecu i needed it because i didn't understand that there wasthe was somebody like this i'm goings io up in pg county at the time tim and there was not a lot of lot prince fans around me so there was -- there was some som ridicule, some abuse like whatih are you doing listening tog sten prince and i'm like y'allike y' don't understa
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this is one of the great of t the artists ever and this iss is tribute to him right here.ight i mean, we going to hear about this for the next couple of n weeks and all this other stuffef because prince is just like -- he's the ultimate to me as fares as i'm concerned.oncerned. >> reporter: you also havelso some ultimate prince fansprin here. you are a huge prince fan. fan. tell me your favorite song.rites >> the most beautiful girl inl the what made you come down herewn to their tribute party. par >> i was at work and i heard about the passing and i feltel the need to come down andn and >> reporter: how are youow are y agreeing what's the vibfeeling?i like. like. >> it's pretty good.t's we had a good turnout and everything.ever >> reporter: i want to gett toet to one more fabulous -- i feel like you're channeling you're gorgeous, you'reou amazing. tell me about your reaction. where were you.where >> i was having lunch todaying and the text came through mythrm phone and i was like no, no, no, this is not serious. when you get the text you haveuv to google it see what's goings i on and when i saw it i lost mytm appetite. i couldn't eat anymore. anymore
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prince impacted your life. le. >> oh, my god, significantly.cay i love prince.i ve p my favorite prince song iss adore. >> adore. >> yes. and i used to listen that to tha my mom and my aunt. a we would go to the basemento to listen to an actual record, rec you know, everything stopped. sd i learned all the words: i wori was a little too young to know o the words for adore but i knew them but just a magicalt mag person. >> reporter: thank you so t much. >> thank you. >> reporter: they are havingha t a tribute party here with pgc p with a comedy show starring star joe clair. you can still come down. dn. >> this comedy show going to gog be smells. i mean, i'm feeling some kindel of way but the shoinw must go on.on it's going to be a lot oflo prince tribute. tribu >> reporter: a lot of princef in tribute. that is happening. back to you guys. >> mourning the loss but ath celebration at the same time.att >> indeed. celebrate the legend.e legend. >> there's been an outpouring of shock about his death on deao social media today with heartbroken fans expressingexpr their memories of so we want to take a look atook what people are saying tonight g if you t
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screen here. >> so, it's hard to read thesedh but i will tell you that lex says you a lucky enough to see e prince perform and pull a whitney on stage with him.ta wi music will never be the same. >> okay. and the next one taylor hicks,rc we know him, of course, from fro american idol fame, everye, eve aspiring artist should studytu the path of prince. princ the real deal. wrote, played and dealt with det show business like no other. rip prince.ri >> spirit rain says we haverain definitely taken a hit in theen loss a of great rest in peace, prince. pri will you forever be misse missed. >> and stuart henderson first saw prince ison 1988.988. was talked into going. best decision i ever made.ade. yeah, anybody that maybe wasn't quite a fan became a a fan i think. >> exactly. >> and isabella here rip r prince. pr it was a true honor to grow upgu with his music and i think a thk lot of us do share that t sentiment as well. w >> did you ever see prince inve
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>> i never saw him in concertcet but how could you not love him? >> oh. >> he was just amazing. >>st i feel like i missed out. t i didn't see him in concert con either. >> straight ahead tmz broke bro the story about the legendaryegy singer's death.eath. >> ahead we will talk with tmz z live about the breaking news thn and the investigation that'sg ta happening at this hour. >> ♪ >> plus, live show shocker. oprah winfrey reacts to thes te michael strayhan departure news. what she is saying tonightyi t about the "gma" drama. hey, fitz. f >> reporter: day eight inign the search for nicolee mittendorf. why residents are growing so completely concerned about herer welfare.e. first, sue palka.ka. >> hi there, tom. finally some badly needed raindr in the forecast and you can a yu see our weather headline withh tribute to prince. p a little bit of rain maybe an me rumble of thunder.rumble of thu. i don't think we'll ever lookwel at rain the same way afteray aft today's
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rally for peace last may ine lay baltimore. the music legend passed away today at the age of 57 at his residence in paisley park in minnesota. born prince rogers nelson he has several top 10 hits including little red corvette,o, when doves cry and of courseou 1999.1999 in local news the searchal for missing fairfax countyrfax c firefighter paramedic nicoleol mittendorf is in its eighth itsg day. last wednesday was the lastne timesd anyone heard from the 31-year-old wife, a virginia state trooper steven mittendorf.mittendorf. >> we're getting new insight int into just what length search s teams are going to to try to t find nicole. tom fitzgerald joins us liveins from mittendorf's fire stationie in fairfax. tom. >> reporter: good evening, eve lara, we just got off the phone with the national park service downvw in shenandoah national park. this search
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you can see here clearly onleary this door behind us here of her this station in fairfax county a small memorial has now been set up for nicole mittendorf. td there are a display ofispl flowers. there is a candle.the is and there is a large picturege of nicole right now with thoseh words at the bottom, bring nicole home. now, on this search the latest s update we have gotten is this.s on the ground right now there are 120 members of the searchh team. te we are also told that they arehy fanned out in an area of the white oak trail canyon in the park. we are also told furthermorefurm that these are involving both b teams on the ground and in thehe air by helicopter search teamsha included in all of this are k-9 times that have also been b dispatched into the park.the . now, fire officials tell usia that mittendorf called out sick on wednesday april 13th.pr1 now, that was the last daytay that her family says they t heard from nicole.e. mittendorf was n
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to work on thursday april 14thit but on friday april 15th when5tw she was supposed to be ats suppd work, well, she never showed s up and that was when she was reported missing to virginiaed m state police. pole. here in this area of fairfax frx station the community now hasow been talking and searching for nicole for days now. she was a firefighter she served this area. her story has galvanized thisis community and people here willle tell you frankly they arehey going more concerned every day y and are desperate that nicole is found. f >> i know i keep thinking whati if it were my daughter? and i think that's what most people think. >> she seems ide idealistic. i think they identify with her idealism you. you. >> to be responsible and shebe r was so pretty and, you know, it's just unfortunate but i
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really pray that they find her. >> reporter: there's a reall mixture of fear over what may w or may not have happened to her and frustration as this as search continues to drag outesag day after day after day. d the late of the update we just s received from the fairfax fai county fire and rescue rcu department is that this searchs is still under way. fairfax county itself has dispatched 30 of nicole mittendorf's own colleagues tole help assist the virginia stateat police. we're live in fairfax countyy tonight, tom fitzgerald, fox5 local news. ns. >> ♪ >> all right, tom, thank you. >> taking it outside now andside another beautiful day. a little cloudier than it waslo yesterday and a littleer you can see that flag blowinglag in the wind there on top ofiner the white house.ou and all the guards on top ofon o the white house as wellwhite usw guarding the president.uaing >> yeah. >> let's check in with sue palka now get the latest onh lat the weather out there whichhe w has been another gorgeous rinse and repeat.ri let's keep doing it.nss ke >> you got that right.t >> although
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anything. we're still sneezing with thel w pollen. >> in a couple of spots we're beginning to rinse because a little bit of shower activity o is showing up.f showip. we'll talk about chances forncef rain. i had a wonderful day visiting t the seneca academy in darnestown with mrs. mcgonigle's fourth grade the kids are discovering natural disasters. disas they were very interested ineren everything includingludi volcanoes. we had a wonderful time and time your enthusiasm really motivated us to continue to doe lots more school visits for enthusiastic groups and smartnds kids like they are out at seneca academy wanted to showo you that we did get pretty pre warm today.warm today. 74 has been our high so fareen i today. day. and, yes, little bit of rain of showing up in a few spots.ew s by the way 78 in culpeper cul where you have had moreu have hm sunshine and a few holes in fewi those clouds.ose c we've warmed up nicely but as as mentioned out towardsowar interstate 81, and boy do wee need rain epe
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the laray area where we have that big brush fire out in theot schenn dough way, cape upon cap springs area south and west ofr winchester a little bit ofst rain showing up there. shong u a little bit of lightning astnin well so that's going to affect t mainly western areas.inly i think most of the rest of us stay dry tonight but increasing chances for showerses and maybe a rumble of thundere t during the day tomorrow.omor i think this will mostly be hit or miss shower activityowera and primarily in the afternoona but take the rain gear for tomorrow. there will be some earlye ll beo showers around. show it unfortunately does not lookst like we're going to get a tonng of rain out of this. and for the most part we'll pare keep everything dry 73 degrees at 7 o'clock.'clock down to 69 by 11 o'clock with just a chance of those showers e well west of d.c. we'll time out the rainhe r chances for your friday comingyc up hour by hour with your full forecast. sarah, laura, back to you. >> wrestler chyna is dead. i where the women's wrestling's wg pioneer was found unresponsive.
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>> espn canning a analyst over anti-transgender remarks. >> is michael strayhan hiding.a the on air personality a no show after dropping a livepping shocker. >> in honor of her majesty's birthday the royal family releasing private footage ofoote the queen. >> interesting. plus, politicians they arey are joining the masses of fansg th around thee world payingld p tribute to music legend prince. we'll be right back.k. >> ♪ >> ♪
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under investigation.ti police say there are no signs of foul play. py. she's became one of the firstfit female wrestlers in what isstat now the wwe. she competed with and defeateded top male wrestlers. oprah is weighing in on in the kelly ripa michaelic strayhan announcement.ncement. strayhan a leave life for "gma." >> oprah things kelly should kes have been told in a moren a m respectful way before the rest y of the world found out. >> really happy for him. h >> what do you say for kelly, yr you know like how -- how >> what's going to happen i hap don't know. don't know. >> she's upset she didn't showh' up to work today.od >> 'cause she found out last second.nd. >> oh. oh. >> nobody told kelly?to kel >> no one told kelly. >> what is your advice to headvi >> she should never have foundua
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what you're saying. sin >> yeah. >> there should not havenotav happened. >> she found out right after our but she -- it's like so -- she - couldn't even have like a response because they already made the decision. dis >> she shouldn't have to find hd out that way. >> yeah. >> >> i think everybody agrees. >> absolutely. it's a respect issue. >> absolutely.>> absolutely. yeah. she's been there for a long, long time. t they should be respectful.espect >> kelly ripa skipped work again today and is not expected to return to the set until tuesday at the >> they're still saying thatha she's on a prescheduled vacation. >> oh. all right. >> coming up blockbusterin murder investigation.g er i a 17-year-old accused in the i murder of an secret serviceret v officer and a teenager at aeena metro went before a judge thiso afternoon.te we're going have a live reporthl after the break. lindsey.nd >> reporter: breakingor details in the death of ath two-year-old girl left in ald gt hot car in this parking lot. l police are now charging therg man who was supposed to besed te taking care of
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we'll have those details up next. next >> and we continue our o coverage of legendary singerinr prince's death. tmz broke the story hours agoou and we'll talk to them livem l after the >> ♪ >> ♪ great time for a shiny floor wax, no? not if you just put the finishing touches on your latest masterpiece. timing's important. comcast business knows that. that's why you can schedule an installation at a time that works for you. even late at night, or on the weekend, if that's what you need.
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>> heartbreak in fairfaxeart county tonight as policeon continue to investigate thein death of a tvewo-year-old girl. the child died after being left in a hot car for hoursou yesterday. fox5's lindsey watts is lives le in annandale where the family f lives. lives. lindsey what's the latest fromh police now in this case? c >> reporter: well, laura, inau just the last few minutes weinuw have learned from the man who left the baby in the car has car been charged with felony child n
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manslaughter.laer even though police do believe this was a tragic accident andt there was no intention to hurt the child.hild it was the child's mother's mot' boyfriend who was taking care tg of the baby his name is daquan a fields. we believe he lived with herlivh here at this housing complex. cl we know now the lengths ofgths f time that the little girl wase left in the car. police say she was thereli for seven hours. investigators say yesterdayors t morning the boyfriend hadnd three kids in his care, the two-year-old girl and twond older children. he dropped off those olderho olr kids and police say he claimse l he forgot about the toddler. tol they say he left her in the in e car from 8:00 in the morningorng until 3:00 p.m. and it wasn't until he was picking up thekingu baby's mom at work in pentagoneo city that he looked in theke back seat and saw the child thei was there and unresponsive.iv he called 911 but it was too late. late. neighbors we talked to are ino i the dark about exactly who w this family is but they say s they are heartbroken for the little >> it hit my heart rea
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hard.ha it's a tragedy and i feel itt even as a parent. aaren my heart goes out and my prayer goes out to the family. >> horror.>> hor and sadness. sne it's incredibly sad. i don't know how somethingomet like this can happen.appe >> reporter: the weather in this area was in the low 70's yesterday so it wasn'ty extremely hot.em hot but researchers have found fou that temperatures inside a carer even in those conditions can go up 40 degrees in just an hour's that means the car that this t i little girl was in could haven l been over 110 degrees. dre we're live in annandale, lindsey watts, fox5 local fox5 news. >> such a sad story.ucsad lindsey thank you.k y the 17-year-old accused inci the december murder of a secret service officer wentf before a judge this afternoona and was ordered held without wio bond. maurice bellamy is now facing fc two murder charges. cha he is also accused in the in t shooting death of 15-year-old
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deanwood metro station last month.month. witnesses say bellamy andse anots her man shot officericer arthur baldwin during a d robbery. fox5's paul wagner is lives l at d.c. superior court with couw more. paul. >> reporter: sarah, in the d.c. court affidavit today itt says that witnesses toldse police that maurice bellamyellay used the same gun to kill devante washington and the t secret service officer but the same affidavit says when a ballistics expert looked atxp the slugs from each crime he said they were compatible but not an exact match. maurice bellamy called himself e shoot mo and used that tha nickname under the picture of himself. now the teen is facing twointw murder counts from crimes committed a little over threelie months bellamy was quickly caughtaugh after the murder at the deanwood station that appeared a to have taken place over a over look and a few words. words now police say the 17-year-oldyr was
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murder of arthur baldwin andwina off duty secret serviceter officer who was parked on parken first street southwest waiting u for a friend when police sayole several people walked up toked p his car, pulled guns and thennde began going through his car looking for items to steal.te but according to witnesses both bellamy and charles simsrl shot baldwin after he tried toet get out of the car and as the te officer lay dying in the grass s nearby they took his wallet hist and an ipad and left the t scene.sce. in asking that the tine be te held without bond today,da prosecutor glen kirschnerirhn simply told the judge bellamygel was already held for last month's murder of devanteev now, we also know from that t affidavit that the police gothae some information on where that t gun may have been hidden. the information was that it was buried in a wooded arean odd down there in southwest butwe b when police went down therewente and tried to search for it, they he could not find it. live outside d.c. superiorupio
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news. >> caused a commotion in d.c.a o a year ago when he landed his gyrocopter on the capitol grounds. this afternoon a judge sentenced douglas hughes tos four months behind bars.ind he pleaded guilty lastas november to one count ofount o flying without a proper license. hughesli admits he flew into restricted air space as a publicity stunt.pu he wanted to bring attentionng t to the influence of money in politics and he planned to pland deliver letters to members of congress. prosecutors wanted hughes tohugo spend 10 months in prison but hughes' lawyers argued for no jail time. >> former red sox pitcher and baseball analyst curt schilling has been fired byha espn.s espn the network let schilling go scl after an ininflammatoryinflmatoy facebook post. in it he included an image of ie a man wearing a blond wig andig women's clothing and the caption, "let him into the restroom with your daughter orgr else you're a narrow
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judgmental racist bigot who needs to schilling added "a man is a man man no matter what they call themselves."em espn says it's an inclusivesi company and calls schilling'schs conduct unacceptable.ble >> up ahead we continue ourontiu coverage of legendary singer sie prince's tmz breaking the story justto j hours ago and we're going to be speaking with tmz comingin up. we'll be right back.k. >> ♪ >> ♪
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>> ♪ >> we've been having a funn time with our fox5 springtime concert series.x5cot se it continues tomorrow morningng at farragut square park with a h special tribute. tte you're hearing them right nowngt to prince. >> our secret band the secretece society and the group hasup h played all over the dmv.
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whammy for best urban contemporary they'll be playing some of of their original music and some sm of their favorite prince songs. >> wisdom martin and allisonnd a seymour are going to host the te show. kevin mccarthy will bemcca there, too, and it is allll free. free. that's tomorrow morning at farragut square park starting sn on fox news morning come rain purple rain or shine.hi. we couldn't resist. resis >> it will be a perfect way to celebrate a lot of 11 end. of 1. >> absolutely.>> we'll see how the weather is going to look for it. let's chec lk in with sue. hey, sue. >> even if it does rain aift do little bit sarah and laura no n one will complain although iin don't think there will be muchlb in the way of rainily i takey ik the rain gear in case. c we do need a little bit of bit o rain and we're seeing a couple e evening showers and storms showing up out to our west. wes. i think that's where they'll thl stay this evening.his there will be some scatterede so showers and storms on friday. fa i think the bulk of it will bekb in the afternoon, though, andug, it's not going to amount to ato lot, maybe enough to clear outlr the pollen. pol we could sure use a lot more me rain th
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to get tomorrow.toet t the weekend though looking loo fantastic again.aga it's another repeat for us maybe not quite as warm as wm last weekend but really comfortable with temperaturesem near 70. next week looks like it's going to start out on a hot note again. ain temperatures tonight a nice ne range from 67 in annapolis toolo 74 here in d.c. culpeper has clicked up to 80 t0 where you've had a little rainei towards the cumberland area. you've cooled a bit to coolea bo 68 degrees and that's wherend t the rain is tonight. is tonight. we've had a couple ofe had a coe scattered showers.scre most of them running up andng ud down interstate 81, mostlyy running up not down and a dow little bit of lightning aroundrd the winchester area just aa just short time ago some beneficialcl rain there. there we'd like to get a little bitet more out toward rockinghamkingha down where that brush fire is f burning in here comes tomorrow's frontnt powered by a really strong rea area of low pressure thatha drifted and caused so muchd trouble over houston with itssth heavy that will stay to our west. wes the frontal boundary which is also a slow mover will bew movel coming in our direction and it will cross our area during the day tomorrow. so, ahead of it we'll sdatayta warm, mild again tonight.. we'll h
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tomorrow with again scatteredind showers and a rumble of thunder possible a little bit le more unsettled in the afternoon. futurecast at 5 o'clock doingo'l a really good job of keeping those showers andwe a thunderstorms exactly where they are out to the west. you can see by 8:00 in the the morning as we're setting up u for our concert it's stillt's si mainly dry but there are a few f showers and storms mainly west w of d.c. d we get through into thegho t afternoon and it's not too bullish until later in the day y that we might see a few of these showers and storms againgn rather hit or miss coming onin o through and we might even seen a few of them linger into our or friday evening and the first fit part of saturday according tongo futurecast, although we think tk this may be taking just a little too long to clear onong out the bulk of it will bek iti dry. this does not look like it'soki' going to amount to a lot oflot rain for everybody. everybody it was only showing a tenth of f an inch for many spots, d.c., d, gaithersburg, maybe you don't dt even pick up measurable rainrai but a few spots like cumberland perhaps you get a beneficial inch out of it and id everybody is running a deficit f of about three to three and ae d
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good to get some rain out ofain the deal for tomorrow.alor t saturday should be a lovelyy day. da if we do have a few clouds in co the morning and a lingeringin shower it won't last long. 72 degrees. the bulk of the weekend sunny,we dry and absolutely comfortable with a temperature of 75 degrees. deg association looking good forokir our concert series.ert there could be a shower butd beo the better chance is that t perhaps not.perh and we're warm tomorrow at 78 comfortable weekend.eekend. spiking to 86 on monday for ay a very warm start to next our tuesday 80 degrees.gree maybe a few showers possible pos and then a bit cooler forror wednesday and thursday, a chance of a couple showers onrs our wednesday.ednesday. all right.all rit. that and actually thursday.da that is your forecast. we'll send it back to sarahah and laura now. n >> thanks sue.nksue >> up next we'll talk to tmz about the latest developments in the death investigation oftin music icon prince. prince. >> we're back in just threethre minutes. stick we'll be rightic back. >> ♪
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>> ♪ >> we continue to stay on topin of breaking news tonight.ue the whole wing orld mourning the death of prince.ri >> the music legend passed pse away today at the age of 57 at his residence paisley park in minnesota.miesota. joining us now with more is tmz's harvey levin.y levin. do you know anything more k about what led to his death,noed its details surrounding his death?deat >> we are about to post the post story and i'm not prepared topa talk about it now. if you check the web site in 10 or 15 minutes i think we'reei going to have something fore sog you but i can tell you this.hi that, you know we broke thisroki story today and we've heard h some things, you know, before b we broke it but it's -- there te might be a connection to whatiot happened less than a week ago ao when prince was flying back from atlanta to his home in minnesota and the plane madeade an emergency landing in
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illinois.lino and prince was rushed to the hospital. he was only there for abouty th three hours and then went backak home. ho he was only 48me minutes fromrom home when the plane landed and it seemed odd to us his reps told us it was the flu but but that just didn't make sense to e us because why wouldn't hen't he tough it out for the 488 minutes rather than go to a tn strange place and go righte pl back to the plane? and so this whole thing about the flu f just felt bizarre to us and never quite rang true. t and then the second weirdecond r thing that happened was the hap day after he he made the made emergency landing he showed up at paisley park and he said toao the crowd at a dance party,arty wait a few days before you waste any prayers and it wasit s almost like he had some kindnd of a premonition.ti >> yeah. >> 'cause that's just an oddusta so there are other things asem s well but this whole business bin about the flu
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else, it just -- it was not n ringing true to us and i think t we're going to have moreeo shortly on the web site.he >> yeah, can't wait to seeh, ca exactly what that and, you know, you mentioned mtn he was kind of had a premonition there, perhapsion knew something was gthoing onoi but also leading up to that heha had canceled some recent r concerts as well, too, right? g what was his state then? doesne anybody know? >> well, again, you're absolutely right and he had had canceled atlanta concerts andsnd again, that was his make goodakg a week ago where he went back -- went to atlantatl because he had canceled theread a week or two before and again, they said it was thehe flu but it was kind of unexplained. when he went last week tot ek t atlanta to perform, he did twohd shows and everybody said hed looked great on stage, his sta, voice was great and thent and he suddenly an hour and a half orfr so later he's in an emergency room at a hospital that, you know -- away far from his from
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really made any sense and it just didn't track with the flu. >> what about this event he's had at paisley park, was itark,i last night or two nights ago ago that he held despite havingteav these health problems, why -- w what was that all about? whybo did he go forward with that ifwa he was still having these t health problems?robl >> i think you're making a min very good point. poi it was saturday night andignd again it was the day after hee made that emergency landing and he had seen the tmz storyto and we're told was upset aboutea it and wanted people to know that he wasn't going to die sood when he showed up at paisleypale park on saturday, he seemed hsem fine to everybody. so, you've got a guy whoho disappears from public viewc vie when he's supposed to do asuppod show. they say it's the flu. then he does a show and seems ae fine and then an hour and a half later all of a sudden all he's in an emergency room. he shows up the next dayws u looking completely fine.y f so what is bringing him in and a out of that state of emergencymg and that's the
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>> all right.ig. harvey we appreciate yourey insight and we will be keepingww an eye on the web site. sit 10 to 15 minutes you said theou story will post.story ll p we appreciate you spendingyou se time with us today. tod >> great job on the story, sto harvey. >> all right, when we comeht, back we've got breaking newsg nw to share with you. we'll see you on the other side of the break.
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>> all right, welcome back. we have some breaking news we be want to bring to you in thehe search for missing firefighterir nicole mittendorf.tendf we are hearing now that theha t search for her has been suspended after remains wereains discovered in shenandoahnandoa national park.nation we have just learned thishi information and we only knownlyk at this point that the body b that has been found is a female body.od it has not yet been identifiedde as mittendorf but again, these
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remote location of shenandoahhed park within the property ofperty the shenandoah park area. so, investigators still processing the scene. sce search efforts have been suspended, that is theended, information that we areatio getting. again, this is closely relatedet to the nicole mittendorf case obviously and we are stayingta on top of this as we have beenen following this from the veryom t beginning so we will bring you more information as it comess ic into the fox5 news room. r thank you so much for joiningh i us tonight for fox5 local newslw at 5:00. 50. fox5 news at 6:00 starts right now. >> ♪ >> this is fox5 local>> news at 6:00. >> ♪ >> a music legend has died. >> ♪ prince rogers nelson died dd
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>> ♪ the iconic singer andge musician churned out a ton of hits and racked up seven up grammys. >> ♪ >> reporter: tonight fanste are remembering one of ther: the greatest performers of all time. >> ♪ thanks for joining to us joi and night at 6:00 i'm jimim lokay.lo >> and i'm sarah simmons.. shawn has the night off. tony is on assignment. we have breaking newsbreakiews involving the search for thatthr missing fairfax countyaxou firefighter but first the fst te nation is mourning the loss ofur the musical genius prince. princ his body was discovered at his paisley park estate intate i minnesota early this morning.ea therl singer whose full namelam prince rogers nelson had a medical emergency on april 15th there forced hisre private jet to make ant to me a emergency landing in illinois in but he appeared at a concert coe the next day to assure hisis fans that he was okay. o it was rumored prince w
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battling the flu. flu he, of course, was a music legend and sold more than 100 million records during hiser he won the academy award for best original song score forre f purple rain in 1985. >> and tonight fans reacting rea to the news of prince's passing. passing. ted, good evening.d, >> reporter: good evening to both of you.u. quiet, subdued mood here. most people just staring attarit paisley park from across the fro street taking pictures.icres. the way people seem to be bestes paying tribute right now is i showing up with flowers, mosts,s often purple flowers er thpropriately for the purpleely one. you can see on the fence thatha surrounds paisley park herepaisr also saw an artist here painting a beautiful big painting of prince sayingin prince cannot make art any any longer so this man is. man i for people who aren't fromn't this area who haven't been in bn some minnesota, this is athis ia unique place. place this is a -- it's a small a s
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