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tv   Good Day DC  FOX  April 27, 2016 9:00am-9:30am EDT

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gallons of water rushing from aa broken water main bringingriin traffic to standstill in standst montgomery county. how long do repair work could last. plus a good night for thenio front runners. donald trump sweeping five f states. hillary clinton extending herto delegate lead.delegate l now it's looking more and more m likely that those two will facel off in november. the only card she has is the woman's >> we have a look back at lastk night's primary results.. a lot can change in a year.a but for one baltimoremo neighborhood torn apart byrty riots, little has.eas we'll go live to charm city fort look at why it's stillti struggling to recover from lastm yea
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>> neod d. ♪s wednesday april or joining us i'm steveve alongside holly maureen and and wisdom.. >> breaking news from metro.romt >> full service back up on thep red line not the case an hour hu ago. ag single tracking betweengwe friendship heights and medical center due to problem that is i becoming all too familiar forr o riders.riders >> firefighters rushed to theig friendship metro stop to reportp of arcing insulator and wentt below ground to spec the tracks. fox5's melanie alnwick is live l with the details on this latests >> reporter: i can tell thatan h you fire crews i talked to saids that they didn't see ton of smoke and fortunately they s
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there was no fire but certainlya onef morning, andning, a then the smoke just got a littlt eventually decide theye they needed to shut everything downow and evacuate the station. sta take look at the video that ourr crews shot when they arrivedheyr here. you can see firefighters goingoi in to the platform in their full gear.gear. metro rail info is calling thist an arcing insulator.. sometimes they don't make thatt definitive judgment right away.. riders including our tom our t fitzgerald say they saw and sawa experienced smoke and haze and e smelled that all too familiar burning smell and again they did evacuate the station and shut ii down at one point and peoplendeo that were trying to get on buses that to go to another area downn the block but again everythingvh back open now looks like theiket majority of the fire crews i
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fact, yes, looking behind me ben right now the last fire crewir was not theem. literally just an hour beforeef that we were at the medicaledic center station where they hadone elevator problem and the power outage.ouge two people stuck in the elevatoo no injuries or medical emergencies there but iies definitely saw people strugglinn to walk up those he is a today y laters because of that powerhatw outage. a really difficult morningori commute for so many people.y ppl you know the red line itself iss just become a source of so much frustration, guys. i counted up at least 15 incidents since the beginning oo april on the red line we're ta talking about track problems and signal problems and not to mention that just crazy incidend we had here just saturday with w the smoke in the tunnel thatnela metro now says was caused to a metal part falling of one of the cars that was passing throughngh the station and making contactai with the their rail causing that loud boom, and that s
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fire there. so definiing that metro leadership needs to s look at very sh back to you guys. >> it's interesting this is allt going on after they shut it dowd to fix some serious problems pbl that they said they hadhesaid discovered.dier >> because there's so many the y different metro incidents wetroc reached out to general manager paul wiedefeld multiple times requesting interviews wanting tr talk to him.vita he has not responded and/or and declined and so we still put the call out. >> whata chairman jack evans e talking about the need for fun funding these incidents under score the need for funding. fun what more can they do, if theyy don't get the money they can't n fix these had a bitch tal a bit problems.problems. the only thing you can do say ds help us feds.. >> the back and forth is for i frustrating. >> new pressure on the new press general manager to get everybody to --to -- >> i'm not riding >> lot of people aren't.f pe a yo
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hands literal whole do you thiso . any better think business massive water mainatrsb and it was just shooting waterot all over rockville pike. 75-year-old pipe broken before wssc crews will need to look nok possibility of a permanent fix e now since the water main is so o old crews will likely be thereyb all day making repairs now. dozens of folk in the area willl not have water until that bustes pipe is fixed. fix all of this means that the commute still continues thises i morning. people still trying to get in.rn let's check in with erin see hoh the roadways look right now.htow >> holly, unfortunately there's not a quick fix to get you from bethesda into northwest d.c..c this morning. morni still just one lane is gettingst by rockville pike southboundoutn past that water main work zone n at cedar la
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that is causing huge trries good work arounds for to you geg around that one lane that's gear some residual delays there ann accident on connecticut and ma comb street huge issue with the fire department on location.n another accident wisconsin and d street. heavy traffic from rockvillekvi peek after the water main break location past the friendshiprids heights metro station.tation even though both lanes are opene on the red line we're seeing arn lot of delays from that earlier arcing insulator investigation.n any questions at erin fox5 on
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d.c. on twitter. k with the details. >> more than on the way.y. it'sn see those across the areaa the what's going to be happening oug friend front is fading to thein south and it will drag with itg most of rain shower activity byy early afternoon. so we'll keep the clouds aroundo and the cool temperatures.res. 20 degrees cooler than yesterday only in the mid 60s. but i think you'll be able tol e lose the umbrella by afternoon r with generally kind of cloudyy and cool conditions prevailingsv for your wednesday afternoon.eda plenty more of the weather coming up i'll toss it baaing to you.aainy
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g centerruck.thin stage attat supreme court to explain exactln what's happening's good morning, annie. morni a ch this very closely today and howy it all plays out.ut behind me you can see thatee tha already there's a big line b l forming outside the court. theou there's media lined up as well.w the hearing gets underway atway 10:00 a.m.100 a.m. in a attempt to avoid prison term for bribery the ex governor plans to make a very bold andola some might argue simple argumenm today and that is basically thay everybody does it.evybody does . you may recall back in septembeb of 2014, federal jury convictedt the former republican governorno along with his wife maureen on 11 counts of fraud for having accepted more than $175,000 in0 gifts and loans. it was a big story. he did favors for wealthyea
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money and gifts like rolex bonde relationship between politiciann do as courtesy to constituents.s so, again, something that a lotl of people are going to bengo watching very closely. cse of course, the court's decisions will have implications, politically, and so they are tha expected to make this decision s later in june.n that is the very latest here inn northwest. back to you in the studio.u >> all right. annie, thank you very much for y that report. sticking with politics now, congressman chris van hollen beating federal representativesv donna edwards. he'll face kathy, in november ie the general election. surprising or
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roots beating out big money,ders
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attorney glenn ivy polls to vote and the resul take
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all if there is, f the personso who winspi voting >> said she's appealing totos,t
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betweenly family members of theo late singer
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now which means it's ture, it's othe perfect time.... to create the perfect home. now through may 2nd, everything's on sale. it's our gift to you. plus, we're offering twenty-four month, no interest financing. come in today for great prices throughout the store. with havertys, your home can be perfect.
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even when life isn't.
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>> reporter: hey, holly goodly g morning to to y in the last hour i mentioned iff you just drive around westve adw baltimore all you see areee boarded up an ban donned homes.h we pulled off here on moser street, the 1900 block much thic is typical of what you see. see everyone of these homes has broken windows, plywooded wip wp dose, locked doors, one for sall sign. but this is very typical about -- of what you see as yous travel about here in west baltimore. down the street where we weree one
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craziness, we wondered w bareba the 2100 block. blo i well as wellhe boulehait thehe baltimore city and anne arundelu county working the fire.he fir >> we were here that morning one year ago spoke to the owner athn take out chicken restaurant nect to the pawn shop. pp. >> when you see your businessyos torched like this what kind ofwo feelings do you have thisgs d morning. >> i feel really bad about it. you know, man, i april vest lott of money. >> reporter: we showed you w what happened to another familyh busi
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lome of her life have insurance. friends and family started ata a gofundme page to help out to no avail.avl. >> this building they opened recent opened so many times iany can't tell you how long they've been here. here. i've been around here for 122 >> hassan smith is 21 a life long baltimore resident who was in west virginia last april wher his city went up in names.ames >> i never changed the channel.l i woke up to this to watching wt it, went to sleep watching it.ii i never changed the channel.el i mean because this is my home.y >> reporter: a home assanssan considers neg
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>> the city had money to do -- to ticketsheyn this cornerhisore o.go a turf battle the chicena is under newnder ownership. >> it's a cycle.. that's what it's about.t's abou. it's a cycle.le th
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d story there, bob, becausee the allocation of funds. f why isn't that area being fixedx if the money is available and ie know there's got to be some sort of aid in the wake of these riots, why aren't the funds divert to do that neighborhoodgo to help fix some of these of buildings. when you see blocks and blockssb of blight, that attr
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and all sorts of problems.ems whys been full year.been full yea but the city did elect new mayoy wst night she was e need toee tackle this. they place and to tackle w whatever resources that youes t have. >> in a different way they've t done before. >> in different way.ffen you can't keep doing business bn the the same
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different results because thisre is what you get. you get b languages a yearag a later this is what we see.
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greek nonfat yogurt with delicious crunchy toppings celebration in lori's backyard. with jimmy dean, good mornings lead to great days.
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custody.. former house speaker dennisi hastert will be of hastert molest the atformer stu teacher at a school in s chicago. at least one of the studentsde plans to speak in court.ou he faces up to five years behind bars. also, consumers seem to be losing their taste for apple products. tech giant reporting its firsttr quarterly decline in revenueenue since 2003.00 first job iphone sales ever. in, apple management to rack up, um, 10.5 billion in profit for thehe
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finally, the wrong sub on theubt s >> whose dog was that.asha >> did they say random dog.m >>wn will join us life.s l she got a sneak peek at today'sy all new episode.. she may have been in it. i >> she would up close and closed personal look.rson >> right. >> the ride to provide nfl profp bowler and former redskinin lorenzo alexander here live thee special event from brought himmo
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back from buffalo and how youow can get involved.nvolve
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district.dimember we've done thr caps.ap nationals end their eight game winning streak to a loss to thee
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they walk bryce harpery and hitting we're worrying about. ow nug down going dow here as that cooler air working in. that motion that's my north andd south motion winds working indsi from the north and east. 57 now quan company.pany 58 in fredericksburg.cksburg 52 in leonardtown north and wetd have it's really a chilly chi
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and marti of t uprm through louisiana and missouriir and arkansas thismm front tomorrow the bottom line m in the forecast the next couple of days is unsettled.ettled again i think we'll be done witw the rain by early afternoon butb rain showers will return by tomorrow that is a warm front aw starts to push across the area, and we'll keep a threat of a fea
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well.ll there's future cast thisre casne regin ytime hours seven day it's c's c 66 ld be beautiful day for it 7.n g am i gging?going? >> wisdom. >> am i going to wisdom. wis >> you're going to wisdom.g to o since you're on the subject ofsf bikes, thank you very much, ver nicely done, tucker barnes.arne our next guest former washingtog redskins player and currently c plays for the buffalo bills. >> yeah! >> each year nfl pro bowlerle lorenzo alexander hosts a a charity bike ride to raise monen for aces foundation and douglass j. green memorial foundation tht ride to provide will take mace place satur
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town center and he joins us livi in the loft to talk about it aut thisambreat. it's a chance for the communityy along wit type of empowerment initiative with the the >> it's a good day. is a it's a fun we've been out there can't comem this week -- that time aroundero because i'm coaching kidss baseball.ball. i'm trying get --et >> your bike ride here that yout going to ride wasn't the greatest any way.ay it might have been a hard timear
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>> probably wasn't going tobly a work.. you needy career and really bing on the scene in the thene i endrickk goldstein paulson, pierrerr garson former guys like chrisikr
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and some other guys will come w. >> tollly restored. r >> that's all right right therei auctioning ofbiing going to shtl career. care >> i've been blessed with the be draft coming up i was the guy undrafted.undr so 12 years later, the thingshi i've been able to go go to proo bowl, be impactful in winningng games, helpiyog guys cominou lon careers as well i've been veryev blessed to say the least adea
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football minds, coaches andoachs the main man or the star of the teat me helping mit games and that's what it's really allt itl about. >> it's about hustling. hustl >> yeah. nody is going to give it toin you you got to hustle. you go the to earn it.g >> exactly.>> exactly. lorenzo thank you very much.ank we appreciate it. let's put the information back a up on the screen if we can. can so we can tell people where they -- okay, maybe we ca
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but any way, you can go, w can they ghe. pavilion. a loft great shopping, eating happened. >> he came out, noe time out. to i'll give you credit wheret whe credit is do. >> he can tell you more about io he'll get tha66 mustang i'm alln >> you are not going to $5.
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>> thanks, lorenzo. len >> we appreciate it ov
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.mz they've got all the details dets
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>> okay.>> for details t
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explati had
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oust to start sendin of people t street on a t
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go to uber or something liketh s
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>> that's the most surprisingurn thing.t there
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>> that's how kind of crazy it z wase how it h i works. work >> keep talking over there.. >> e ♪ with ingredients like roasted hazelnuts and cocoa, work >> keep talking over there.. >> e the delicious taste of nutella takes pancakes
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park an 17th k streets totr sho. the muddy crows are from d.c. they were
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washington city paper lasfit ine week,eek,k at an at amended weo office all day.. check way personal trainer at new york sports
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in and ask was they canush up,
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and ai said might.i saidight(lur
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eport for any parent who thinks tha
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♪ the hottest stories andhoes stars only on good day at 10a 1 miss wednesday morning. >> beyonce''s parents speak outk about lemonade.emone. michael strahan says adios as as little early.ttle early and wait until you see who kim m was hanging >> new at 10a your exclusive
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empire preview ome!, girl. gl. the 10a starts right now. now.
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television.te i'm s difficulties
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children who were spanked reached adulthood haes from week to week.k. we talk about thi h >> i me. (laughter).(laugh >> oh, man.. >> you do what do you. >> so this story was all over ao facebook and twitter yesterday. social mode ya given all of us a voice these days unfortunatel
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many so call sports fans use itt to direct their anger ats angert play faces. the reaction was just absolutesd killed.ed that's it. >> just not sports is asking people to share the video withew the hash tag more than mean. m to educate other sports fansporf bout harassment of women in sports. sports i loved the reaction of the men reading it because that was
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most poignant seeing theirteein reaction and almost pture of pee feeling they can get away witha anything.anytng rlms >> absolutely. because you got lots of thingslo going on. because it's not that >> people feel like they haveel that license because you'reou'r hiding behind a computer screen and it allows to you be as evil and hateful as you want to be. b it can have consequences.quces. >> you said it off the top, mo., words have >> absolutely. abs >> what you say has a meanio and there are people in thepl he words and it womansportscaster o people out there. tre or just a sports -- newscasterte even.ev. >> right.>> r >> newscaster dressed in red sid ong white couch, it hurts.. (laughter)
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>> i hear you. >> it is one of the biggestnef h so tori birch, o'dell event.nt. larry will more license theicsee he'll see this year.he'l >> he's been in office for a off long time.ime >> i think it's easily
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>> it's 10 on different meaninge over the years but it'
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hadn't fred most influener
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>> i want tickets to hamilton bl m? >> 10 feet.0 t it sounds like ring. mistake d to explode with comments aboutma his basketball terminology. >> does he look look he playsoo basketk ball. >> i don't think he hit the court in quite awhile if ever.fe >> can we really judge thoughh whether the guy played pye basketball much he's like a muca grown man now. hean
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>> that's right. he could be. g. a okay. o
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christie is a huge swprit to sea v. v. >> he's comfortable in his
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with havertys furniture, your home can b
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even when life isn't.
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ent the only p number?? i donc rissy tee again.agai i don't agree
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black chain nat first time thati rob and kim have been seen in publicon her wedding to kanye wn he started dating blac chyna.. >> that's good.soo >> good for him. goo >> good for him. >> all right.ll rig. pamela anderson is back on bay watch.h >> 48-year-old bombshell arrived on the zest last thursdayt looking gorgeous in breezy graya dress and her return to bay watch was --a- >> i'll dry it on thatt prehistoric edsall over there.. celebrated by dwayne the rock johnson. there it
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picture right there. i'm quick.qu alcom
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2017. 20 >> who does she play? the mido
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e. again that was part of his o h
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>> empire fans boy do we havey treat for you exclusive look atl tonight's drama filled episode from rhonda jones who plays po
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reporter jake hamilton have ourh rs's abi'm
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y the baby is born.n.
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which one it lo lles. of course, you might also knowho her singer actor d sariyah mcneill.ei beingor b with us this morning.orni we know it's super earl outut there in la. la give us an idea what it's like l to be a part of this phenomphenm empire?? >> oh, my gosh.osh. it's taking my live by storm.. it's cleatly changed a lot of things so it's a mazing.g it's honestly amazing andzingth surrounding the show is reallysa really a blessing.g >> you were already -- i'mdy -- sorry, wisdom you were already a star before empire. empire. you were doing your singing youy acting and all of that and youtd get on t
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amplifies what you've been reflecting real world situations and real family situatibeons >> girl.>>irl. when did you know know you canok move like that? (laughter).ghter). >> i've been dancing my whole life. i think that is definitely a isa part of performing that. t this is so fun to me. so i'm glad that you love it.. >> those are great moves. great. let me just say for the recordec you look flawless by the way. te i know you probably woke up like that.
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>> your skills as an actress are our character story lineterry l aw it's going there w at'shat's th
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we don that a being a p many womenyom and young girls that are my agea part of bad blood was really a highlight, one of highlights to my year. >> we're laughing because theyse just through up holly's halloween spoof on top of that and i wish you can see it. >> i think
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as you as one ofst a phenomenald >> thank you for having me.r hig >> and good luck ton y w trying part of my squad goals.doa >> that's what he wanted, >> i know,, rht >> still ahead on good day, pretty woman reunion on the sett of mother' days. ds. kevin sits down with then si dow legendary director behind the two films a little bit later. lr out bob mcconnel m
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pi. annie yu has the
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repubca will make ae a boldwhile their appeals were pending.
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what we all know the ♪
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more are right here inbut sarahn all the world is a jumbo and the raindrops tumble all around, heaven opens a magic rain ♪ >> ♪ when allt
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(applause). >> you sound great. great >> thank you.ha you >> welcome home by the way.e by. >> it's good to be back.good >> how many times have you sung that song honestly.. >> i've lot of count. at
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>> you got it down now you weed hime and in awe it's at'sunshowl theater when you were growing yu up,ikermane this watching this parshow growo part of it.paf it how do you differentiate that ie guess from
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watching somebody else do it too now you're t career now goals where do you >> my gosh, who knows? i hope for the owetfor you got a lot ofequests,sts,oome see you. you. >> i'll have a lot of nice facef
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fot'rs reallyplthat special.sp >> wn
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this and you're doing -- and -- this is your get to spend e
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in d.c. with familiar and f friends maybe university ofybe
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>> two. >> same boat.>> o >>xactly. thmo gary days, mork and mindy, i know hiw very much as director of prettyy woman, but he's phenomenalhenona career actor, director, produc producer, writ,
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directed this mew movie he'sie ' donege, teaches juliaheoberts te breaking wall a little bit niving a little nod to those gs but never letting us lose l our suspension n. i had a nod to my sister penny's we did
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like to do that ck's name wrong to was all in korea.. >> wow!! >> nobody knows that but me and you. yo >> you can break that little bil but we still neverse our lose belief in i wanted to ask you there's a te mome w. >> yes. >> i'm wondering was that in thn script or was
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i don't even know what abut
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ch $r200
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>> you got a costume. a cos. >
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