tv Good Day DC FOX April 28, 2016 9:00am-11:00am EDT
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♪ straight ahead, an all night standoff in northern virginia.. neighbors evacuated. evacuated. how it all started and howrted police were able to end it peacefully. with my vice-presidential nominee carly fiorina. (applause).laus. >> plus, an underdog acting likl a frontrunner.. ted cruz named former republican rival carly fiorina his runningg mate a move donald trump openly mocked the impact thet t announcement could have on the e cal pain. ♪ a good reason to graduate on time.ti howard university now promisingg to pay back tuition to some se students.stud what you have to do to qualify i and why the school says it's a'a good idea. and later, the look of fear
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caught on what went wrong on this rollerol coaster ride that left a young y boy and his father terrified? good day at 9a starts now. ♪ >> the poor kid, the poor dad.. details of that story coming stm you. good day d.c.ay time now 9:01 on this thursday,s april i'm maureen umeh alongsidesi holly, steve and wisdom. wis >> want to let you knowou something about special comingci today on good day dc.. mayor muriel bowser will join ul at 9:30. 9 we'll tackle a lot of future plans for the rfk stadius site. do you have a question for theee mayor, of course, do let us knok what it is.what it is. tweet it to us but make sure yoe use the #gooddaydc. just like you see on the screene there.there. with your question so we see its and post questions on our fox5 x d.c. facebook page.eboo p we'll choose a few and we willne ask the mayor.. >> first, though, get your your umbrella ready
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head our way. right now showers are pushing pn into the region. rion they're not going anywhere anywh time soon. so for details, on when it will actually end, let's go to garyy who's in for tucker today for t that first check of theirst forecast. hi, gary., >> this is good rain, though.gda this has beenin, official.ia it's something that we needethi coming on across. once we get it, we'll stayllta cloudy and cool for the next fex days it will stay stick aroundro for while holding all thatng alt moisture inform look at all thee heavy down to the south of d.c.d coming up to the east and to tht northeast.northeast. more rain back out to the west.w we've even had a little bit of o thunderstorm activity, too.ctiv you see the lightning bolts right there. that's west of i81. this weakens a little bit as iti comes across into the more t stable air.le air but this little pocket of rain r here is really holding togethert that's some good rain.ain most of prince william countyouy this comes up i-95. i know it stinks all this rainhr comes across for the morningng commute and complicates thingpls but again it really will bel b beneficial and we're getting a w little dry out there. so let's take it when we can
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it. 55 here in the city. now still cool everywhere. leonardtown is 52. is so it's really kind of this chilly and raw day and it willtl continue to be that way.ha w i think all this moves through during the morning hours.ning hs we're a little drier thiserhi afternoon.oo perhaps we get up to about a 60 degrees for high temperature. saturday the first dry day agaia where we get some more sunshinen coming through but it will beutb brief because the high pressurer builds through but by sunday wew begin to get another lownoer pressure system influencing usng and this is going to bring another chance more clouds, morm gray conditions and some showers coming in on saturday as well.sw let's look at the weekend forecast specifically because b we're talking about temperatureu on saturday only about a 65 degrees.65 so a little on the cool side. sd but again dry. dry we're thinking get a littleg gel sunshine on saturday with drierr conditions.itions sunday rain moves in again.gain more showers.howe temperatures only in the upperpp 50s and the lower 60s.0s so you remember all the good t g stuff we have this week. w well, we're not getting thattina this week. w we'll have the seven day s
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>> eventually it will come backc we got to maintain.ntn >> that's right. that is a great way to look at a it wisdom. is always looking positive aren'tia you. >> always. >> going to through it to get t it. >> absolutely.el brilliant man said that, gary. >> who was that?? >> thanks another day, another problem ono metro.tro. this morning a problem at thengp addison road station but let'stt take look at what riders haveere dealt with just in this lasthias week. we >> on saturday it was a smoke i problem at friendship sights.p g yesterday a power problem att medical center. cen had pass injuries stuck inurs sc elevator also yesterday firerdaf situation at friendship heights. today, issues on the addisondd road station for single trackink during the morning rush hour. fox5's melanie alnwick joins usu live from addison road with thet latest. la it's been quite a week, mel.weem >> reporter: yes, it has. certainly quote a week forq people who have to deal withea metro to get to their jobs andsa home again. again you can look here at the thee he platform here at addison road.on things totally back to normalor but when we got here thisehi morning, this platform was veryy crowded with
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waiting in long delays in orderr to catch a train while they were single tracking.ngle and then over here, towards thee front end of the station, that'a where we saw a lot of metro repair crews looking at the tracks. we believe that may be where whe that unspecified track problemem was.wa there were reports of smoke but no fire.e. passengers, again, waited for quite sometime as they single sl tracked through the area.throug morgan boulevard to stadium sdi armory, prince george's county'c fire and rescue also did brieflf respond here to the scene but se said they did not see any smoke that was required their actioncn and so they were only here for r short period of time. t everything was cleared here and back up to speed by 7:30 this0 s morning.rnin you mentioned of course theourst trouble yesterday on the red line. friendship heights that onene metro did say was a smoking smog insulator that set off quite a haze in the underground station at friend ship heights.end sh metro again saying arcingg insulator in that one..
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problem that quickly.oble friendship heights was evacuates the at one point but that washaw short lived, and then, yeah, plenty of and panic on saturdaya when passengers aboard the red line train heard what they w the thought were explosions.xplo we saw that video chaos andnd panic in the dark.k. people not knowing what washa going on.g feeling that really there wasn't a lot of communication there.. we found out later what metro m said happened there was that a part of one of the cars felll off, a large metal peace hit the third rail that's what causeds w the loud boom.oo the smoke and then the fire. thr those passengers were able to it that case the train was able toe back up get to the tenleyen station let those passengersthps off. but this is part of what general manager paul wiedefeld testifiei to congress was as he said systemic problems he discoveredd when he came on board systemicmc problems with power, with track and with car maintenance i thini these things are just sort of so all coming to a head at this point. we b
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something from him later today after the board meeting thistint morning where they're going totn talk about number of issues.ssu. wiedefeld is holding a press pss conference he's going to take te all kinds of questions from the media and we sure there will beb lots of them.lots of them back to you.yo >> i'm sure there will be, too., thanks for that. >> melanie mentioned metro boaro is meeting this morning generalr manager paul wiedefeld will bee at that meeting and answers thes bore questions.bore we went public with numerous n requests we have made to metro o to have the general manager comm on our morning show to addresswd your questions and concerns directly those requests were tho repeated dell cleaned.le metro is make the generalthe n manager available after today'sa board meeting as melanie said td answer reporters questions.stio we'll there be we'll have crew and get as many answers as we can. also in the news this morningthr overnight barricade finally ovey to the relief of neighbors whobs were forced to evacuate their t homes during it. it happened on the east reidas vote in alexandria and lastedas about nine hours. fox5's annie yu was there when w it ended. end she joins us now live with whata happened. you were there for almost all o it annie
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how did it all play out? all plt >> reporter: well, it was a long night for law enforcement e and residents out here and wend were waiting around to see how s this unfolded.d. around 7:00 o'clock they didy make entry into the home and hoe found no one inside. iid i can tell that you east reid er avenue partially reopened butlyr there is still some policeic activity out here traffic beingi diverted on to wilson avenue bub straight ahead closer to wherese all of this went down it isown i still blocked off as the investigation continues.onnu but yeah, i mean it was quite ae night for the residents outesens here. there were police units, theici, swat team, hostage negotiatingea teams out here all along the alt roadway. even some cloud booms ass authorities used tactical movesv to gain epp tree into the home.m so around 7:00 we discoveredisco that they did get inside. ins no one was in in there we have video of the the barricade unfolded lastded s night around 10:00 o'clock when alexandria police got call for r shooting. it was an incident betweeniden t family members one man shot at another adult male relative rele outside the home.e th there were no injuries injurie thankfully and the victim is ths one who called forel
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now, officials told us that the shooter were told rather that r the shooter was inside and soe s that is why the intense responss ensued because police just don'd know what they're dealing withtr at that point and what type ofte weapon the person might have, mv and so after hours of police pic trying to make contact with whow they thought was and side, theye were finally able to get in there and found nobody out --ut nobody inside. so they know who they are t looking for obviously.bvio the relative was able to passo p along the name and so the the investigation continues. but there's a lot of questionsoo still lingering.lingering we don't know at this point p exactly when the suspect wasusct able to get away presumabl presy is a to say once that 911 call c was placed innocent suspect s lives at this home.lives at thi those are questions that ws e still have police looking forkir that suspect at this time. tim that's the very latest here in alexandria.alexan back to you in the studio.u in u >> annie, thank you., than you >> also happening today, policep are still searching for a prince william county woman whoom vanished more than a week ago. . yesterday they released ay reled surveillance video some footage from the cvs in woodbridge where
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the cvs is just off old bridge i road and five minutes away fromo her job.r j police also visited her alexandria it's currently sealed withnt evidence tape and police say ata this point in the investigationi no foul play is suspected in her disappearance. also, family and friends fri will gather to say finalay f goodbyes to fairfax county cnty firefighter nicole mittendorff.. there will be a visitationitat followed by her funeral at a mclane my bible church. my her body was found a week aftere she went missing in shenandoahoa national medical examiner saysr s 31-year-old took her own life. meanwhile, fire officials are now looking into reports that she was bullied and harassed ono an internet forum. >> time now 9:10. erin back with a check on the ck other stories making headlines this morning.thisorning erin. >> good morning.>> good mo first up, this is a stunningg fall from grace. gra for a man once second in line for the presidency.y. former house speaker dennis dni hastert will spent the next 15 months hyped bars.s hyd b he learn his sentence yesterdaye
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he was convicted in a hush monen case that revealed he tried to i cover up sexual abuse of fourur teenagers when he was teacher wrestling coach decades. deces also lose his pension from hisrs time at that school. president obama will travele to flint michigan next week to address that city's water crisis. his visit comes at the requesteq of eight-year-old girl that.girl little girl is just one of o 10,000 people affected by theecy city haass led tainted water.edw the president responded sayingny he will make the trip to makeak sure people like that little l girl and other families are receiving the help they need and deserve. next up, a close call for a passenger jet. this huge jet -- this huge dentt excuse nia texas bound americann airlines airplane came courtesyo at least one bird slamming intoi it during take off. it happened yesterday afternoon. the plane was forced to return to seattle after the impact. fortunately, no injuries wereere reported.repoed and if you own shares off facebook, then you're probablyel having a very good morning. morg
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quarter earnings wednesday andiw the report shattered earning heg have mates. the social media giant reported 77 cents per share on slightly l less than $5.4 billion innn revenue.. that is roughly 120 million morr than analysts did expect. exp and finally, a thrilling roller coaster ride with his son turnee into a terrifying experience fof a dad in texas. dell bert, posted this video too his fake book page after a visis to wonderland park in amarillo. the moment the coaster takes its first drop, dell bert's sonon appears to slide out of the vieh of the camera. the camera. he says his son's seat belt broke. broke. from then on he is seen holding his son with a tight bear hug after the ride ended the dad told an attendant and get this, i'd be so mad, the part worker admitteadmitted the see belt han before.fore unbelievable. >> how does he take video with his phone. pne that's not loud either.
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>> it can't be safe to have thee phone in one hand and his son in another without seat belt on. sa >> he had the kung fu grip onuri that boy with that other luckily.luckily. >> the bottom line the kid is safe.. >> thank goodness he was safease because that could have turn ouu so >> what was the size of the birr that hit that plane. that plane. did you see that dent. den >> thinks i think as i watch the news. >> the plane landed safely,, thank goodness.s >> seat belts needed for hockey. two best teams facing off here o in d.c. >> ted cruz teaming up withith another republican rival to takk down donald trump.wn dond tr does he stand chance with carly fiorina by his side. >> fox5 political reporteritic ronica cleary is joining us livu with all the answers coming up next. it's 9:13.
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>> the bernie sanders campaignei plans to take california but bia changes are a coming. the democratic presidential candidate is making major cuts to his staff. the move comes after sanders poor performance in two states. democraticge primaryat.ce meanwhile on the gop sidee sid senator ted cruz announced his running mate should he clinch hi the gop presidential nominationt that's a big if, right? he says carly fiorina will join him on n the ticket.t. bizarre
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several analysts say it's i actually mathematicallyti impossible for cruz to win outoo right at this point. p so for more on that move and what comes next, do we really rl know, is fox5 political reportep ronica cleary. she's joining us nouse to breake it all down. dow >> yes. good to be here and there'se ane always something new to talk tot about.about. >> indeed. >> we spoke about it thisoke abu morning the fact that people -- this has been done before.efor. >> right. >> but not recently. but the last time we saw somebodyom announce a candidate before ther were the nominee was in 19766 with ronald reagan did he that a and they did go into a contested convention that year.tea however, ronald reagan did notid within the nomination went toiot president ford. but as i said, you know, reaganr went on to become the president. so certainly i don't think it it a damaging move for a his careec in politics but do i think it'si a move that will bet him to win this nomination, notn, not >> what does carlyce fiorina hae to gain from this.m >> i think she's new to thehink scene and i think she plans tot stay in politics,
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i think that it is a genuineenue partnership. i actually think it is a sincern selection. they have been on the trailbeen together for the past seven weeks.week they have similar political polc philosophies, and i think she is passionate about the cause. cau. i think she is passionate abouta keeping donald trump out of thee white house and she feels this i is the way to help make thatakea happen.en now, i'm not in carly's head but just based on watching thisin t whole thing play out it does d seem like a -- while it'sle certainly attempt to go to be a strategic move i think there'ste sincerity behind it. >> this whole cruz kasichcruzas alliance is that still alive ore one time thing and it didn't it' work. let's abandon that.ndon that. >> the interesting thing aboutet it i almost feel like theyl t announced it too soon. toooo >> it wasn't even for this pastp tuesday, though.hough. >> exactly. it was for this past tuesday. t so then everyone seeshi how poop both of them did this past tuesday, and they say, well, the alliance didn't work. w it wasn't supposed to work yet.t supposed to work in the first upcoming -- first race they sait it would be for is in indiana id an
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oregon so the idea is cruz takes indiana, new members cone oregor kasich could take but new mexicx and oregon delegates are about t the same total as indiana iia delegates and they say okay keek those delegates away from donalo trump then he'll be further from that number he needs to win out right and we could get to g to contested >> i want to go back to carly cy fee or lena for just a second. s ted cruz picking her. is this perhaps a ploy to redirect the conversation because it seems to me wheneverv we talk about donald trump goodp or bad that's when he seems tomo surge. is this some sort of plot to pt change the direction change thee conversation and put ted cruz td back in the -- in the limelightm back in the front of the news. >> absolutely.bsolely yesterday you may recall donalde trump made a foreignc policy speech in washington d.c..c. that no one is talking about. so it's very -- stole the newss cycle. cycl donald trump is usually the oneh you know, stealing that news tt cycle, and ted cruz did that yesterday.yest >> how long will this last. >>
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my question is on the biggern ih stage that is the republicanli party right now we talk about the reason ted cruz is doings this to still obviously have auy chance when it comes toance whet convention time. the republican party itself,el what does it think about thehibt alliance, this partnering up,p, picking a vice-presidential ru running mate while you're so fae behind in the polls w? >> i don't know. i don't know. the whole thing i think has really made the republican party, you know, think about who they are, what is the gop? op? people say if donald trump winsp the nomination, that it willt fracture the republican partyhei forever.reve then there are establishmentstah republicans like chris christiec who endorse donald so when we're in the middle of o this very unusual time, i thinki it is really difficult to know o what this is going to do to thet party and how the party willtyil truly react and also depends ons whether or not we have ae president trump one d right? and then we have to see, you know, does he revert back tt some of what people say are thee liberal ideas that he previously had? does he really foll
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promises that he's made? thise is one of these -- those thingst where we will have to look backo at history to really determine t does this do the damage thatage some republicans are saying itin will do to the party? or is or this an opportunity for thetunir republicans to take back the bk white house and, you know, haveh new leadership that clearly voters millions and millions of voters are excited about? >> how much you don't know, i kw don't think republicans knowpub either. >> exactly.. >> previously said the numberso are the numbers. they won't have 93 drama. there's not going to be any drama. if you get the number you're the nominee. >> if he gets the number. >> unfortunately had to headd trump's losing out.ut >> quickly with that, they'ret,e saying what if he's 50 points p below the number?w the numbe >> that's where you say, i don' know what they're going to do. >> more drama?>> m >> yes. >> what? >> the op thing were dough no there will be more drama.e d >> weep leave it at that. at th. time now 9:21.1. tucker left the safety of they weath c
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university.un it's all part of a new programro aim at reducing student debt, and incentive advising on time graduation. >> how wad university promises students a great education butut what about the financial thein obligations that come with thatc commitment? this is an issue ie that the university is planningn to address through a new program. they'll refund more than 100n soon to be graduates half of th tuition they paid out that t semester up to $6,000.6,000 all right. if you're wondering how this works, allow mimi to tell you. y as seniors are approved for graduation on may seventh the te school will take a look at howtw they paid for their finalir f semester at the university ifvet they paid without any loans thee will get a portion of that money refunded to them by theyhe university.universi howard president waynent w fredericks says the goal of thel refund is not only to help t hel students financially but to incentive advise younger students that plan on completint their degrees in four years foua instead of five or six. now the refunds will just
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given students paying out of o pock but the school ischl considering the possibility ofbf extenting the rebate forat f students who paid for schoolch with loans in the future. in the >> it's a sticky situation. siti you're already getting blow bacb because some people are saying,y look, the students who have the means to pay out of pocket -- pe >> aren't the ones that need tht money back.moback >> shouldn't get the money backt if you can pay with cash you'reu probably doing okay financially. >> we're talking 100 students00s they said. they said. >> they're starting with that. >> okay. riddle me this. we touched on this.n i thought how war university waw having financial >> they are. they're hoping that --ng that -- >> how is this happening.s this >> the president says $250,0000 investment right now. the university believes this ise their thought process that if t they do this now and they t encourage students to spend fouf years at school instead of fivef or six right now parentsly thett university is spending a is spnn millions of dollars in grants in for students who are there fivet and sick yrs >> it will cost them list if thh kids are out sooner.oo >> get the kids out in fourur years they can save money. mon >> not to mention it builds a bd little bit of goodwill fordwl f howard university which is uni private if i hear this i'm excit
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i'm able to do this in fouro isi years. >> but you have to have the outo of pocket expenses, too.. >> reduce the tuition.ti >> everyone benefits. >> it's not going to happen.ap still ahead on good day we're dw sharing highlights from last inn it's all new empire. singer chante moore and reginaag bell both will be in the lot oft life. >> speaking of in the lot off d.c. mayor muriel bowser with uu this morning. get your last minute questionsis in. use the #gooddaydc. >> plus gary is back to let us know if there's a glimpse of th sun, even one ray on the seven t day. we'll find out. 9:27 right now.
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now which means it's ture, it's othe perfect time.... to create the perfect home. now through may 2nd, everything's on sale. it's our gift to you. plus, we're offering twenty-four month, no interest financing. come in today for great prices throughout the store. with havertys, your home can be perfect. even when life isn't. the anniversary sale. from classic to contemporary, havertys.
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♪ all right.ight the caps are just four wins awaa from the eastern conference finals. they just have to get past thett penguins.ns and based on history this is tsi going to be really tough series. many expect this one to go a a full seven and if the series ise anything like the past, the cape will have to play their best game every game to make it pastt pittsburgh. this is pretty much been a onene sided playoff rivalry reallyryea with pittsburgh coming out onino top most of the time.ime penguins actually lead the series 30-19. fan sites read the same way ovechkin versus cross b all the analysts expect both oh fifty o three kin and crosby to shine.oi cross we has a better record making nine play off appearancec to ovechkin eight.ig he has that one stanley cup.up
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that thing.hi ovechkin does have one more o m heart trophy, though. the penguins fans sites say thet series will come down to oneno thing, the penguins offense of seven speed versus the caps defense.ns defense wins championships,ionss right? huge part of that tha defense is caps goalie braydenrd holt bee a finalist for the trophy which is hasn'ted out ist every year to the league's best what i said. holtby will play a key role in shutting down pittsburghittsrg purchasing's speed.rcng's s the puck drops at 8:00 tonight:i at the verizon center. cente you know what i need my bell.. i'm getting before good day atdd 10a starts.10a >> you got at least four morer m games. game >> at least that.. >> that means he was the best.hb that's all. all. >> gary mcgrady, give us a quicq check of the forecast.ecast. those live shots are takingg looks down right dreary andar awful out there.awful out ther >> the rain is getting worsen w coming on it cross now, and we a have thunderstorms out there. te the thunder
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across the mountains.ountains. first of all check outt of a che temperatures.mper so it's kind of rainy, kind of,f raw and these temperatures don'n get much better until perhaps pa later on this okay. here the deal on t rain. the rai south of the city this is thes s heaviest this goes right down r i-95. weakens a little bit and breaksk up for stafford spotsylvaniaylni county until you get there it ye will be pretty moderate to heavh a lot of moderate rain forain f charles county, too.oo watch the motion here.h e motioh we've been watching this now fof the last several hours. h coming in from the west to thehe northeast and it's moving on through on queue. we had lightning west of 81. 8 now we're getting some lightnini in that little cell just to the east of 81. mount vernon good rain coming up alexandria, arlington, too eventually this will spreadl right across the city so over o the next, oh, 30 minutes or so all this moves up and throughndr gets over to prince george's grg county and then right up i95. okay. okay. here's where the strongest oftrn the activity is now. n thunderstorm activity comingityn across 81 now. front royal perhaps you've heard
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and then right along 66 eventu eventually through hey market northern parts of fauquierauquie county watch that cell it's toot cool. not expecting anything to goo severe but heavy rain in thatn a and gusty winds possible as well. well. here's the bigger picture. ptu kind of show you this whole areo of rain moving through.. once this clears over the nexten four to five hours, we will w start to dry out again in the ie afternoon.rnn. so we're still going to keep aoe few showers in the forecast thic afternoon but again the trendre later on is drier with just just drizzle and clouds. 60 degrees perhaps for high f hg today but look north and west. s it just stays super chilly. hagerstown 53. frederick 54 and gaithersburgthr only in the lower to mid 50s as well. the weekend does look a littletl bit better. holly said when is the last thel chance for little ray ofy o sunshine to poke through? iough think that's saturday. right now, it still looks likekl saturday is going to be dry.. temperatures in the middle 60s.6 on sunday, temperatures will beb in the lower 60s,
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bring back in another chance ofc some rain.some r here's the forecast for today.od some showers this morning.orning a few showers lingering even at 2:00 o' clouds and drizzle later on. on. and i promised the seven day sev forecast let me get that tdo rea quickly here. h as it comes up you can see we s stay in the 60s for awhile.wh it will be next week beforek we're back up into the lower 70s. stay dry this morningorning especially. steve, back over to you.. >> this morning we're logging ar major issues facing the nation'o capital in the first half of 2016.20 for metro melt down the schoolho system seeming up tick in violence and what happens with w the rfk stadium let's take look what's going oni in washington, d.c. and to do so we'll go straight to the top. t mayor muriel bowser joins us jos live this morning. mni good morning mayor. >> how are you >> we do you meaned our strugglm we getting a heaold of metro's t general manager and our repeatea efforts to get him on our showus and to talk and address some ofm the issues our viewers have outv there. for you you can pick up theu ca phone and get a hold of him andd a little bit easier owe want to
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$400 million investment that tht city has in metro.nro >> you bet. bet >> every year.ea do you feel that d.c. riders ard getting a they deserve out ofeyo metro system? >> well, i think like everybodyo has discussed that we're at a we very critical juncture for met metro. 40 years old now. middle-aged and there's a lot that hasn't bun done over the ot laugh couple of decades thates t needs to be done n so like all of the district, dir maryland and virginia we're getting safety culture right and reliability right so the systems will be ready for the growth that it needs to accomplish so that we can oh accommodate new rider.r. >> you know as well as anybodyls as new elected officials you come and you're judd by what's ' been done before you sure. s >> you bear the burden of making changes.anges. metro has new general manage you are. i don't know if you care to feeo how he's done so he's just getting started. looking for w
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to see from paul wiedefeld. when i was sworn in lastla year i inherited the successes e of my president cessors and all the loo loose that's what loose general manager inn her rents. paul walked into this with hisis eyes wide open. he knew what he was inheritingnt with metro want would take too get it fixed. fixed. so far his focus on safety beinb very frank about what it's going take to do the maintenance workr needed on metro is important.mpa one thing that i'm calling on metro to do the chairman of the board and my former colleaguecoa jack evans briefed council andoc me just a couple of days ago that said metro will come to us and fy18 budget with a big we bg are bill. they're going to come to each om the jurisdictions and say they t need 80 more million dollars a piece. he made a similar presentationrt to the congress and i agree that the congress has to september uu from the federal level and pay p its fair share of the operatingi costs. co
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metro to be leaner in ways to w look at their organization, howh can they be more efficient, howe can they make sure they have thy employees that are focused on delivering operations and when e theye to do that, i that, think that we're all willing to step up to the table and make am sure it works. >> oh obviously hear from a lotm of folks from social media folkl who right into us and they'rend' not happen quite honestly whenhe people write n when people writw to the mayor's officer and thost concerns that actually get to you that you hear, what are upp there? metro sun of the of the concerns that people have a lotl is it something else? is ite?is crime? what are folks reachingn out to you about? we hear every issue possible. posbl we hear people talk about metrot of course, and metro is a compact between maryland, and virginia. all of us have a stake in how it works but especially important a for the district of columbia.oli people want to make sure thatha their city services are being ai provided so i think if i got aot list of what people were calling
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311 about, it would probablyy have to do with potholes and streets and alleys and treesan s that the things that affect thih their day to day live in concentrated areas of stat. people are wanting to make sures that we have the right amount of police protection. they are wanting to make sure we're making the invest maniesie at schools. and the things that effect theic day to day live. >> that's combine a couplene a e those. police protection and schoolsio and throw metro n unfortunately we've hn uneard of recent crimen metro involving youth in the yoh district. district weevil heard of crimes involving youth at schools. schools near schools.chls we've had school scheduleschul changed to try to avoid altercations between people in e the district.enthst what is your take right now onow the status of schools in thels t city and trying to make sure ate least we keep that safe learninn environment for insurance?nsce >> i will tell you, we're verytu encouraged about the directionir our schools are moving in for fr many years we've seen increasene in our school population alongna with our city's population. our children are doing better ir terms of how they are -- their e graat
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how their testing.thei but we know that we have stillai we're pushing hard to make sures they're doing even better. bet in terms of safety, we put thatt number one on the list as well. we expect the best -- the bestes behavior from our kids, but we t know that they need adults around, and we have policee polc protection in our schools and a we've called for a step up in i the presence of police around metro stations for safe passage for kids.r kids. >> when we look at trends whens it comes to crime in the citycrt and you can go back years andnd find everything fromg f unemployment to drugs to territorial disputes whatever it is that you want to do, youo,ou havely now we tie in apparentlyy the dissolving of the did.the d c trust i don't know if you wanf to address that as well whichelw was supposed to help to disadvantaged youths and aftersa school programs and that type oo thing, what do we see now as basis what's going on with crimc in the city right now? is it neighbor beefs? is it someth
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else that's going on? that' >> i think what's important wet' can go to parts of our city ourt where we have the lowest levelsv of crime that we've ever seen. s and then we can go to concentrated areas where we see spikes at troubling spikes and violent crime.olent cri use of guns, especially. and so the way we have hav structured our approach is toprs concentrate in the areas that tt need it the most.os with additional police presencee and protection.tect but also the human services programs. the jobs programs, preventionreo programs that target our youth.u and so that's where we have ouro all of our energy.. i moved safer stronger package c to the council that includes everything from mini grants to t support neighborhoods that need it the most. m and so we're going to keep toee pushing on those things. tng and make sure people have h opportunities outside of class.a >> it's certainly needed outlyeo there to keep everybody safe.dy >> yup. >> if you're safe, h you're saf at home hopefully you can carryr that with when you you're goingg to school oh on the metro.heet you got it.. >> let's look at the future reat quick. rfk stadium right now.ight now
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>> big changes coming. c we had the ground-breaking ofbrg course for d.c. united we sure e did. >> new stadium which will be icl was m gout to figure oh it whatt to do with the old one and thata land. what's the plan?wh we have the opportunity ata wizard appointment southwest to start the construction of ourono soccer stadium and we're verye'v excited about that.exci we did that in a week where wehe had tremendous week for washington baseball.ebal we had a tremendous week for washington also hockey.y. and so you can see that d.c. is really a sports capital and soad we're excited about everything g that's going on in sports in washington.washin so what our role is with rfkfk stadium when our soccer team isi out, we will have a vacantacant stadium an lot of vacant landd and so events d.c. has been hase working on this for the last las couple of years. yea they have put out severaleveral iteration of what could happen on the campus.on t cam so my job as mayor is to make mk sure that we're ready to go to come 2019.come 2019. >> we talk about base you will b he talk about soccer.k t soccer. talk about a we did not talk about aut wa
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that's right.> that's right. >> evening you're from y this is home for you.ho for >> you're a sports fan.a fan yes. >> do you want to see washingto football team in the district.hs absolutely we want to see ourwae football team back and wellm already know that we have the best location. l >> all right.>> all well, we'll see what happensl s with that.. we'll be following very closely. >> thank you. >> for sure. the mayor will stick around kink enough to answer your questionss coming up next we'll poll someoo of those questions you've beenin tweeting us throughout theth morning today and put them toy the mayor.ay that's don't go anywhere.. more good day dc coming up next. ♪ z1yosz
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>> back now 9:45.>>k no d.c. mayor muriel bowser is wits us this morning. mor. we've been asking to you wet you questions for us all morningus r with the #gooddaydc.dayd we got a bunch of them. t let's see what's on people'ss minds. all right. mayor, the first one deals witht reforming helping reform felonsl he asked, mayor, what can we do to help felons with criminalhrii backgrounds that changed buts ta it's hard to get back to work. k what can you do to help the the number one program we have in we our city puts to you work forouk six months then you're back toh where you started.starte >> um-hmm.m-hm that's great question. queio actually it's apropos re-entry week and important question fort us in the district.stct we've been focused how we gete people into the middle class ans one population that needs a lota of help from the district is people who deserve a second aec chance and so that's where we're one thing i announced in my i state of the district was a way for us to bring back all of the
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control which we think will helh us bring people who are servingi time all over our country backnb to d.c. earlier, getting in ourr work force training programs earlier, and that's going help l them reintegrate into work as as well as with their families.. so that's important.mpta so we call on partnerships withw all employers and we've cup as p lot in our city to band the boxx and actually require employerslo to interview people and make conditional offers before theyet can use a background toun eliminate somebody fromod employment.empl >> speaking of all over theof ae country, i'm going para phrasehr number of tweets we got from f possible right now. all over the country people havt voting >> you got it.>> you g i >> d.c. we are still trying to get there. get ther >> you got it. youot >> when it comes to it.. a lot of people wondering this g statehood situation.ehood s >> >> where are we? what are we do to try to fight for this. f thi >> sure. i've called on i used emancipation day breakfast as
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launching pointer for a call fol new vote on statehood in thetehd district of columbia to be on b the ballot in what we have come to this pointp now with almost 700,000 people living here was out of vote inot the congress at all.. so our congresswoman doesn't doe vote in the house. we do not have two senators.enor and so we want d.c. residents rn like other states who have beenn admitted to the union to affirmr they want statehood, to draw thh boundaries for the new state, keeping a federal district buttr the balance of the city would w become the 51 is the state.hetae we want to put that on the thatn ballot. ball the reason why it's important i now is because we're going to gg have new president and we'rere going to have a new and we want for the first timeit for the new president and newnd congress to have buttoned upned already in package ready to deliver a petition in january jn the needs and wants and desiresd of americans that pay more perer capita in taxes than any state.a more taxes than 20 states and a
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states and we know in the next n 20 years we'll be over millionon people.peop. so it is not the american way to have residents of the capital city not have a vote in the >> question number two from tpom johnson he tweeted us this. us . will you be putting security sur cameras in classrooms and added more guards and offering offerig mediation counseling and there'i a part two t ao this question ii regards to school violence, whaw is the likelihood of using dc protective services police toice help with school security whichh would help more d.c. police d officers on the streets around n the school for safe passage?assa >> well, we have lot of officerc in all of our, you know n all of our schools middle and up.. and when we have some ideasas around, say, passage around aun metro especially, and we want tn see an increased presence a police presence around metroro stations.. so police officers, our police,c metro police, but we actually al think that the metro effort cosc be
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calling special security officers, and we agree.e a we want to work with metro toet see how we increase that presence on platforms and also on trains. trains. it should be knowed, however n v you don't go on metro property e without being recor recorded. as soon as you pop on enter inti a metro station or on metro bust you are being recorded.ecord that's why we see such quickck turn around when there aretherea crimes on metro because we knowo who is doing the crime.ri having cameras does up deed enhance our police force. force but we want people to know thata for kids, for everybody, that ta the behavior and criminalrimi activity will not be toleratedol in our systems. our sms >> good thing you brought uproht metro because as you can imagina we got a lot of twitter ttt questions about the state ofe of metro regarding you, in fact inf self people brought up the fact that you appoint some boardrd members and actually sat on thee board yourself for while.. so the
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were on the board for while,hi what were you doing back then? ? and how did we get to the state that we're in now? >> well, metro has been aroundrn for 40 years. yea i wasn't on the board for 40oard years. (laughter). >> i'll tell that you.t you. but certainly i think that we'va learn a lot even in the timee since i've been on the board tha about metro's finances thatha always got clean audits yet wesy found out that there were ae w shell game going on with the finances. i think we've also learned morer about the inability to get out the dollars that fix the system. but i think more importantly wew figure that we need not only a transit expert but we need we somebody who can turn around a very large bureaucracy.ucracy so i won't sugar coat the issuee at metro, and i don't think wehi can say the board governance or this one thing. thi i think it's 40 years worth that chronicled recently of thingshi that could have happenedave hape
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when you're here and we love you joining us. we've been getting too serious,o though we want to let you know k you're constituents enjoy fun as well. >> we have one final twitter question for you.qu >>es ut-oh. >> see if you agree withu ree president obama here or not.hert the question kendrick lamar orar drake because this is important? >> you know i'm going to go witt drake.ak >> oh!! >> what did the president gooddh with? >> kendrick lamar.dric >> but keep in mine kendrickdr lamar had just been at the white house. >> we hope you like regina bell and shonte moore. m >> of course oy do. >> thank you for your time.ou >> appreciate it.ciatit >> all right.ight. 9:51 is the time. coming up next tucker barnes the weather nerd that he is he's inn weather nerd heaven. he's taking us inside the locale office of the national weather w service to show off some of the coolest features he's going toeg tell us how you can check them t out, too. >> we got app hotline. ♪
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♪ fox5 spring concert seriesrt continues this friday morningis with the muddy crows. tucker barnes aren't erin como c will at farragut square park to host the show. come join us. j remember it's absolutely free. f all right. r well, when tucker barnes steps e in front of to green screen to give you the forecast, he's not' doing it all by himself. him you see meteorologists nationwide rely on weather dataa provided by the national weathel >> and this weekend it's hostint its annual open house giving i was chance to see first hand hod they protect the public from mother nature. tb live in with all the detailss good morning to you, tuck. >> hey, maureen.aureen got out here rainy day setting t the stage perfectly for the opeo house which national weathernal service is holding both saturdau and sunday.and we'll talk more about that. i'm join boy my esteem colleague
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chris.chris. >> good to have you. g >> thanks for the invitation much what's happening thist' weekend out here.we >> okay. so a loft things. we'll show our doors open for the first time in four years y people can come scene howsce warnings get issued and learn i about the wet threats wsse havee we'll do weather balloon bal launches every hour. h so people can see these going ui in the sky with the kids.s. we'll have kids experiments as well.ll fire trucks first responderrs equipment a lot of if you thitni to do for the familiarly.the fai >> most importantly, it'sos totally free, right?t y freeght? >> yeah absolutely. free parking right out front here. and freeway to just learn atearn little bit about the weather anr how we forecast it. i >> all right. so let's set the stage for whatt we're doing right now.'r this is a weather a balloon. ban you guys send these up a coupleu times of die measure thee mee t atmosphere. all kinds of weatherl ki information. what do we call this, chris?thi? >> that's radio.. twice a day all cross the world these are going up mering the atmosphere.sphere. obviously we have the surfaceur all over the place but we needen to get into the sky and these dn that. >> this week and you guys willol launch one of these every hour,r
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>> yeah. they'll be measuring'l temperature, winds, humidity ant pressure all the way up. we'll be able to track it insids people can see how temperature changes with height and pressure and all of that. it's very interesting much greag experience. >> quick until years past we'vew done this for weather day and wd had an experiment go bad a fewbe years ago we exploded one ofdeoe these balloons went didn't knowk there was white powder in themde that cover sue and our other meteorologists. weather can be entertaining asbe well. open house saturday, sunday,un nine to 5:00. 5 >> nine to 5:00 on saturday anda noon to 5:00 on sunday. s >> noon to 5:00 on sunday.unda more information.or >> at weather.go house.go >> all right. guys, coming up in an hour, stay ckheckfor this we'll go out wind tunnel where the windsr will approach 150 miles an hour. >> yes.>> y. category four wind tunnel.d tun pretty impressive. impress >> any chance i can put in youha it?it (laughter).(lau >> guys, back to you.>>s, having great time out here. her let's go launch this thing.sng >> have fun, boys. havfun, b playing with their toys.he >> still ahead very important ir toys. still ahead at 10:00 o'clock it is a lot more coming up firstrst coffee time. t if you have have been eye
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hey mom, i could use some basil. oh, sure thing, sweetie. life is eating out of a flower pot. wait where's the? right. it's being a food paparazzi. honey, your rump roast just broke the internet. as it should. and a takeout romantic. dessert! happy anniversary. life is mucho, and grande. life is eating, laughing, loving and a place to enjoy it together.
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♪ don't let this drearyar weather get you down.her t yo a star-studded good day at 10a will brighten your day.. >> yes, it, regina bell is here live in then loft and, yes, she will performm another r and b singer inine the house. chante moore is here. here. we'll talk with her about her new song.w song. prince tribute and her visit tos the set of empire. >> speaking of empire, omex.! >> di
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we'll break down our favoriteavr >> roll it. the 10a starts right now. rht ♪ sun the horn and wrinkly coo bell.. >> wisdom you forgot. >> i can listen to ban music m when i'm doing my moves.. >> playoff hockey! rock the redr >> oh, no.. >> you're up against the boardsa you're going down.. >> holly, have you been doing b that in the previous series? >> i have periodically y, i didi it last.. >> wait. >> i was just saying i don'tustt want you to do anything thatg will jinx them. >> by the way, if you know thata holt bee is up for the vesna trophy n somebody said thatody i earlier. >> i hope he wins it.s i hope you stick around for thet next hour we'll keep you you entertained.ente i'm steve alongside holly,stev maureen and wisdom. did is almost like a dave superr proportions. >> it is because we've got aec super song stress in the lof
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regina bell look at her.t her >> over there.verhe >> it's not me. >> ring the bell. rinthe there she is.she >> there she is. >> she's here. h she'll be singing for us. >> we've got two song stressess in here. >> exactly. >> we've got two of them in g t >> yup. >> chante moore is also >> it will be a good hour. >> you know what, we love toe lt celebrate us some holidays,ays, right?right? >> holidays. >> there is a holiday on goods day today.oday. usually they involve food.olve when we celebrate them but today is too big to ignore. it is national super heros day. >> strike the pose hands on hip.nds on >> not surprisingly it is a celebration spearheaded by employees of marvel comics.s. back in 1995 but who really is the best of the best? the social app scout recently polled its users to fine out about out their taste in super guess what?ess w >> should we name our favoritesr before we get to what thet t
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>> wait. let's reveal this first.vealhis women are big fan of the cow and the fast car. they opt for -- they operated o for batman as their favoriteirar super hero.r hero. but the men polled are more a m impressed by the ability to leap over tall buildings in a singlee bound. they prefer superman. so what if you can have some ofo the powers of a super hero,er x-ray vision, teleportation, according to the survey about a third of respondents actuallyll would like to be immortal.mmorta a similar number want to be able to fly and super strength wash a desired by about quarter of those that were surveyed. and you can't be impossibly cooc without an impossibly cool ride. so which super vehicle is first to the finish line? the bat mobile, of course. but those surveyed also had some love for wonder woman invisibleb plain, yes, and x-men's black birds.s so here's the question. quest what is your favorite super hero? wh
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would you like. like. tweet us using the #gooddaydcda and we'll go through our super s heroes now.heroes >> if you're superman you don't need the bat mobile. you can just fly.yo >> go everywhere you want to goo >> you're superman.ern i like storm growing up. gro i like her a lot and i know the wonder twins.ns >> activate. >> there were only two of them.. >> only two. >> some reason i thought ushoht girls were sticking >> you can be the wonder twins.s >> the wonder twins were girlon and boy, though. tugh. >> you're right. >> all right. >> zan and jenna.. >> what are we going to be.arweg >> superman and super woman.uper i don't know. >> wonder woman. won >> okay wonder woman.>> o >> i want to hear from first of all none of those werew marvel characters.. d.c. comic stole the wholele t parade.rade. who was your favorite super heeo hero. >> superman he can fly.n fly bullet pro with the exception of thatf tha cryptonite thing he was invincible.ib >> the cryptonite is kind of and big thing. t >> whole plant net thatnt net tt exploded.explod superman and batman. and bman and from marvel
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was the biggest marvel when ive was coming up.g u he was the guy.he was the guy he was that guy guy when i wasi coming up.up. >> i like bat girl, too. >> she was cool. c >> she had had a cool outfit. o >> i grew up when batman was still like the multi colored old batman.batman >> yeah. >> but i always like the car ifr i grew up with the modern day batman i might choose superman.. >> batman is the ultimate cool.t >> i did have wonder woman undeu roose. >> i think we might have all hae them.em. >> i didn't have wonder womanr m under roose.under r >> it is 10:0 sick it is time tt find out what is >> all right. let's get to the news of the dat right now.righ first up metro issues of courseu we have talk about this in theht past and we've been triedn t repeated toll get the general g manager of metro new generalal manager of metro on our show too be live with you the viewers sos you can get your questions que addressed. we brought this up earlier thisr morning. here's what we had to say our repeated invitation to the the general manager of metro.. >> if you're the leader of aea f transit system on daily
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that has multiple safety issuese you make the time to come on onn of the most watched morningat mg shows in the district to discusd the problems what it's goings gg take to fix the problems muchfie that's what public leaders do io big cities like boston, bos philadelphia, new york andadel chicago. >> you talk with the peopleal before they get on the trains,rn before they go to work or scho school. fox5 is the perfect forum to t reach riders in virginia,irgini maryland and the district all at once. as we said, our viewers are furious and they are frustrated. >> full disclosure we do like mr. wiedefeld's side he thought safety was so important he shut down the entire system for oneee day in march for inspections.nse >> we continue to hear city.ear this is what we tweeted out this morning.rn to metro obviously our whole o w goal here to get a response res because we really just want to n have the conversation.onvers well metro saw our tweet andet a they indeed tweeted us back. in the response they basicallyal said as you know, the gm will be available for media questions today. today. please send a reporter and ask d anything you like. l th
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we get. it's the same one, you can comem to the meeting that we have ande guess what we do send a reportep and we are sending one today.dit and we will ask questions butios it's not the same as coming intc our studios and addressing ourin viewers directly. d >> here's our point.. just like we had the mayor come on the show. tho when the mayor is here or the or general manager of metro isro here, we can take your yr questions, your concerns and we can posthey have them directthey toll that person to get yourrsoo questions answered. you're the riders.yo you have the questions and the t concerns.ns when you're in a situation likel a general media like group environment, they control thatha situation and they can decideand after one question, twoe qu questions or 10 questions whente they want it to end and which aw questions they want to answernsr and which ones they want to havv posed to them.sed we want to just be able to get g the fairness of the questionsf u that viewers are asking us to t those people in charge so theyh can get the results you guys yog want. >> to be fair did you point outi that the gm has been responsives in past. we do applaud the measures he'sh taken closing
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make sure we get to the to the e bomb tom of what's causing theat problems you're absolutely absol right. fur the head this agency that's had multiple issues, you have te address the people who are yourr customers, and if you're not, n the idea is that something isat wrong. you're hiding something.g sothig so please, come gm paulome wiedefeld come on.eld empty seat right here for you. r >> if metro wants to continueton inviting reporters to come downc at 11:00 o'clock zen us all youu questions we'll get list of 200f questions and keep him all thert call i was again the answershens question -- questions answered.e >> we have questions, we know you have questions.. i am the one that said i'm notmn riding metro and i'm not havingv my family ride metro right now. i want to ride i want to feel safe on metro.. but i don't feel safe on metro m and i need to you come tell melm why i'm safe. s i do ride metro and i've been on it three times in the lastimes t couple of days as rider, i wanti to be safe. i'm not going to stop riding itg i want to make sure i'll be n my opinion of metro as far ao riding metro has changed withng all this stuff going on because if you tell me
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and found all these things and g short time later then you haveyo all these other issues i'm notim getting on it.getting on it. it's just that simple.ust thim i will not ride metro at all fol any reason. >> just so you know it's not n just us up here trying to make k change. we hear from viewers everyear fy single day and we heard from thm mayor saying she's frustratedst with the way the situation isuas going right >> not beating you up.ou just want answers. >> 10:10. next up actress amanda pete making had he lines this mornine for her recent essay about aging gracefully in hollywood.ollywo pete is 44 years old. o and wrote that she is not above indulging in age defying creamsg and remedies to taper her tap h wrinkles and aging body.ody. the one place she says she won'e go, though, botox. pete said that fillers look aerl little too obvious.oobvious she wrote that "i'm afraid onea visit to a cosmeticos dermatologist would be my gateway drug. i'd go in for a tiny sir comeir subscribe lift and coming outlook a blow fish or someone whose face is permanently pressed up against a glassst a g window or like i'm standing in
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what's the point of doing it if everyone can tell? now pete's ' whole letter can be found on o lenny >> all right. all right. good for her.good >> beyonce' said ladies, let'set get into formation and they surs did at the launch of herf formation world tour in miamiurm last night. nig fans taking to twitterg throughout night to post videoso of epic performance. okay. she look force and rocked thehe stage. mix of brand new songs and songa classic hits her classic hits. . now as you know beyonce' did spill lemonade before this world tour people were diving intoiv rumors her husband jay-z cheated on her. during her performance she gaveg no insight into being a rocky in fact she gave shout out.hout she dedicated the song hailong i local to hiv and said i love you so much. if you missed her tour in miamia you can catch it here in here baltimore on june 10th.e jun we were all punked this is all a publicity stunt. no marital strive just sellingal tickets. >> in all fairness wisdom youis
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>> i said it was about her momum and dad got a divorce.or >> you said it was all publici publicity. >> it was publicity stunt.s she does this stuff all thehe time.time. yeah. >> fell right into it. for years will ferrell portrayer jw. bush on snl. we're learning to start he's set to star in ronald reagan in the upcoming film reagan it turns it place during the beginning ofngo reagan's second term in the s movie he calls into dementiaenta then an intern has to convinceoi him that he's an actor playingca the president in a here's footage of ferrell aserll president bush on saturday night >> is this a serious movie orr comedy?? >> that's what i'm trying tos wh figure out.gure >> i asked earlier.>> it sounded like serious movie.. >> right. which sounds like it would beds great a lcting challenge for wiw ferrell. >> i'm in the sure i'll be able to buy him in serioussu roll.ero maybe i will. i don't know. i'll give him a chance.e him an >> if it's not serious movie -- >> if it's a comedy what's funnf about dementia. i don't care who you're talkingl about. how can that possibly be funny.f
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movie he played an alcoholic. ah it was a little differentfere because it's not the will w ferrell you're used to seeing. . sometimes they do it to drawo d attention to it. >> i don't remember the name. rm >> none of us know. none that's a sign.n >> okay.>> oka moving on, regina bell, chante a moore oh my goodness they are ih the house this morning.or miss regina bell will perform. chante moore looking flawlesswl both of them are really.f th did you watch last night? empire, it's hot. h highlights coming up after theft break. break. ♪ ♪
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ome!e! >> what voice. v wow last night empire was emotional one as they are every wednesday.dny rifles came together and a bombshell rock end dre's world.d all right. so let's tweet us your favorite moments m don't forget use the #gooddaydc. meanwhile, our he is steamede id panel will start maureen we'rerw starring with you first. fir >> i'm diving right n biggestri moment of the night, harper the evil journalist she drops aropsa bombshell of all bomb did you see when she walk up tow andre want she did becauseec lucious double crossed her witht that other exclusive? okay. watch this.. >> i have something i think t might interest you. >> this is not really a good god time. i'm about to go on stage with my father.fath >> what is this?>> >> it's a group home outside of philadelphia.iladia. this couple collects money from the state to take care of 10 mentally ill adults. keep
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that woman's name aaliya walker. i believe she's your grandmoth grandmother. you can keep the pictures. >> you okay? i have to go. >> go? >> go where, babe? >> ome! okay. oka seriously did you see that t coming?ng? >> um-hmm. >> you did.. well because the end of last week i assumed that was kind oft the bombshell g my goodness gdn lucious, lucious, lucious such h liar.liar. andre figuring out the look on o his face. hi i thought oh, man this is aboutt to get really good and from thet trailers after this one, it is i going to get good.. >> a little side note.eot was anybody else uncomfortableot with harper and lucious' love scene. sc >> oh my gosh. it was a little much.. i was like >> we're talking about lou his lyon here. h
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>> i turned away. >> me, too.. >> i was surprised -- ya'llised surprised by this.s this is a dude that killed two people.le the choking and other stuff thaf was going on.s >> very familiar with this.go >> i'm just saying. is wisdom.mili'm >> we're like what is this? at i he's like let me tell you. okay.ay look, my moment here's myer m moment. it was actually maybe a touchinn moment unexpect the moment ofomt two rivals that actually came c together in a moment of panic aa an nick can cook we in thee i t ambulance. take a look. >> anika i need to you relax, okay? just a -- a >> i know you're scared.eca i need to you trust me rightht forget everything. every forget everything.veth listen to the sound of my voice. breathe, breathe with me. like this. come on. come on, keep keep
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that a girl. girl that baby is going to be justt fine.fine believe that. >> thank you.. >> besides hakeem would kill mel if something happened to thiss baby. baby >> you mean your grandchild? gnd >> like that was news to her.ash >> i think she always had a a little bit of hard time thinkind she's going to be a grandma.. >> right. >> she doesn't see herself as't grandmother s.. she will be loving grandma. graa it was nice on,/day. when she's not beating the kidsk it was nice to see the two come together. you know it won't last.ow i i'm living in the moment. i >> wisdom pointed out anika look flawless even when crying. >> another reason for us not tot like her. i'm kidding.i'm king. >> ya'll cannot like her.. >> you love her. h >> here's my moment at the end n of the show, lucious lyon -- ly- spoiler alert if you haven't yav watched
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>> lucious and cookie with the h two members of the board of of directors and they're about tout drop bombshell on because they're like lucious is thinkinn i'm about to get control of thit then this happens. >> i think it's a fantastic idea.idea thank you.k you. >> that's wonderful.hawond >> thank you. >> congratulations. >> you do? you and me finally working together side by side. s wouldn't have it any other way. >> congratulations, baby. >> thank you. (laughter).. >> i got your back. >> wow!ow! >> board members said two are sw going to be the co cee' of typical lucious fashion withonit definitely horns and fire and everything --hi >> he needed his eyes to turn -- to glow.lo >> like the thriller videos.
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>> he's one of the most evilosti dudes eve scene on television.e. you know this is not going to gi well.well >> there's only two episodesnlyd left in this season. in >> it will be good one nextone n week. trailer off the chain. back with more ome next week. >> we're cranking out the wind d machine much what's to deal witt a little bit of of how many 100 miles an hour worth of tucker taking the full force ofr hurricane for our amusement anse little education as well.el that's coming up later. we go from wind to the rain. a lot on the way gary will havev the details coming up next.p ne.
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we are back at 10:. >> people aren't sitting thereet not knowing -- >> 10:25 on this wednesday morning looking at metro board meeting lots of agenda.. safety issues involving smoke in the tunnels and on the trains ot around the friendship heightshii station. that's going to come up. metro gm paul wiedefeld willfe w speak to reporters after the aft board look for updates on that all dad long on fox5 d.c. social mode ye platforms and tonight at 5:00 and 6:00.nd:00. metro has said to us this is ush where you can get your questions answered and. a. metro board meeting going onoi o right now.t live pick. pick. >> we have crew there.e keep zenning the question use the #gooddaydc.dac we'll make sure we get themm answered as best as we can.s c at least pose the questions queo there's a look outside rightsi now. not pretty day in the district r kind
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rainy.iny our things going to change as ww look forward to the weekend? eee can we get through today without complete misery? i know gary,a, we put heavy questions to you a well. >> you have a lot of questiona this morning for me, steve.lo f, >> i only have like a minutein here to be able to a answer allr of that. that. first of all it's raining prettp good across the city now look at radar to show you what's happening out there.en in storm tracker radar shows the showers moving across.. good rain already more than aeha tenth of an inch at national naa last hour. probably going get maybe a get y quarter of an inch and then later on maybe as much as a half an inch before this is all saids and done. e. we need the rain so it's good io and there has been little been l thunder and lightning out to thg west of us as as w that has calmed down.own a little lull for the district s now aer some moderate showers. s but more moderate showers backrc out to the west along 61.long 6 a lot of rain moderate to evenoe couple of heavier spots throughh central and northern sections on today inquiry county move up toe the north and west leesburg goog rain right now. n all the way up towards point aot
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maryland.rynd. along 270 and then northernen nn montgomery county getting somene pretty good rain moving across.. germantown, boyd, to damascus and this all will move over inti rockville, olney and then rightt on through the northern suburbs before it's all said and done. . one more picture of the rainreft coming on through. thrg it lulls a little bit it looks o like this afternoon.erno we dry out, don't expectxp sunshine and temperatures arepeu not going to warm up much we'rew starring in the 50s this we're only going to warm up maybe, this is maybe here ine i town we get touch 60 degreesde late this afternoon as we dry thing out little bit.ittle you guys north and west you'll l stay stuck in the 50 there's non doubt about it.ut i next glimmer of sunshine that it expect will be on saturday.da dry saturday, showers on sundaya i hope i answered a few of thost questions for you, steve. >> when we're looking for peoplo to answer questions it's metroet the mayor and mcgrady. (laughter).aughter). >> 3m's i like that steve.kehat i like that.ha illiteration there, too.onre, t >> thanks gary.ha
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reading next. next. >> crickets. >> we can ask you the questions >> no, no, no. >> what's coming up next on gooo day. >> no questions. no too much, too much.too still ahead on good day grammyam award winner regina bell bel returning to r and b. and she is joining us live for performance next.ormance time now is 10:28.0: still looking good. g still looking good. g ♪
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>> sounds so good. the list of reasons you know our next guest is very long you mayu know her from her hit song babyb come to me or make it like itt l was or maybe you know regina knr bell from her grammy awardray winning duet with people brysono a whole new world from disney aladdin that's how my four-year-old daughter knowsterw her. the new jersey native joins toei us talk about her new album. a she joins us to chat about allct of that and more but first herer is regina bell with her new single, in perfect love.e.
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>> i'll escort you over here. o. that's all. >> thank you. t it's a pleasure to meet you. >> please have seat right here.t >> thank you for having me. favn it is an honor and pleasure to p have you here.ha we have missed your voice. >> 10 years. 10 yea what took you so long miss belll >> well, i actually have been bn working i think a lot of timef when people don't see you on television as much they kind ofd think you're not working but wog i've been working.orki i did two gospel records and gog has been really really awesomeye to me. i kind of got the green light to say let's go back and do some r and b and -- >> your first one in 10 years. y first album in 10 years. yea >> actually 15.y 1 >> 15? 1 >> yeah. >> what made it feel right too come back to r and b after 15 years? >> experience. wisdom, i've lived live a littll bit so i had little something st >> yes.. >> so this cd is gumbo mix of
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gospel, jazz, r and b and even a little country. >> really? >> you worked with amazing amang people many you mentioned nicktc cannon amongst one of the peoplo you work with with this albums a it's really he can collect tickt group. how did this happen.dithis >> it's great group.t' we had great time doing i'mng'm actually did 10 songs in five ii days. >> love it. >> kind of awesome. >> this single the day lifeay began powerful message here. you're talking a lot about thist i know you've gone through somee challenges in your life health e wise.wi you talk about your marriage al of that.ha what's the meaning behind theehd day life began and some of the singles on this upcoming album.a >> the day life began is notsot necessarily one particular day. i chose this title because it's symbolic of, you know n plateaup moment in your life.r life. it could be the day that you got your dream job it could be the day that you really understood that god candc really answer prayers. p it can be the day that, um, youy found your true love. for me it'sr
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dreams to come true to be ableea to work in this industry for for almost 30 years now.years n did i really say that? (laughter). >> you look fantastic.ou look so no shame in that. t how are you doing health wise? w >> i'm doing great.. i had like the craziest healthza scare in 2009. god word i had a brain tumor h to go through two differentferet surgeries. six months apart from each oth other. and 10 months of rehab. >> yes. >> just kind of learning how tow put my clothes on myself and all of all over again. again but the great thing about it ifi i had not told you that you that wouldn't know that.. >> you wouldn't. you're a miracle indeed we'reeew glad to see you back in fullkn f form. i started off by saying you werw also part of the team that sanka whole new world. w to my four year old you are jazz minute.. (laughter).(lghter) >> a lot of kids out there l of wondering can we see another ath disney song in your future? is that happening?ning? >> disney, um, you just g
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notice to call me. >> yes, we have. hav >> let's make music again.gain. >> i would be delighted in they did i'm telling you this is howi you've been introduced to myd to daughter and i knew you from ofo course make it like it was andi all these fantastic songs.ic >> thank you. >> you are one of our legends.og you really are. are we appreciate your voice. voice. >> i appreciate it much it'sppre been like i said 30 years. 3 y i've even had chance to go back to school. i went back to what is now my al pa matter rutgers university. >> okay.>> okay. >> finish my last 15 credits. ce get my ba in african studies ana minor in music believe it orelit not. not. >> wow. wow i'm having fun in my life rightr now. >> i'm telling. tling phase two doing it all overg itl again. >> yes. >> how can people get more of pe miss regina bell. go to regina i'm on instagram and twitter ata i am regina belle.. periscope. i'm everywhere.. plus my husband and i pastor twr churches in atlanta. new shield of faith christiantin ministries and then spread the
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college park.e p and my husband is a d.c. native. >> okay. okay. >> welcome home to him.omo h did he come with you.h >> i wish he did.>> i we welcome him. >> everyone is asking me aboutie him. m. w wow. i can definitely tell the faithi is strong in you and we see thaa it's shining all over you and wa hope you have continued successs >> thank you so much.ou s >> beautiful as i remember.mem >> thank you. >> and my friends are tweetingy me to till the same thing.o thank you.ti >> hey ya'll. h ya' >> the day life began the newe h album. thank you begun luck with you.u >> i'll hang out witbeh miss be. >> talk amongst y >> wisdom is like watching watch tennis match right n regina bell on this side. chante moore on this sigh. >> chante moore is in the house as well. we got a two for today.. that's four. coming up next we're talking to chante moore.chante moore.
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maxx life in store and online. find brands you love at prices that work as hard as you do. now which means it's ture, it's othe perfect time.... maxx life in store and online. to create the perfect home. now through may 2nd, everything's on sale. it's our gift to you. plus, we're offering twenty-four month, no interest financing. come in today for great prices throughout the store. with havertys, your home can be perfect.
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even when life isn't. the anniversary sale. from classic to contemporary, havertys. ♪ the memories of that song.t s that was a great song.on great song our next guest done it all successful singer and a song she's acted.e's aced both on screen and on stageta andly written a book called "will i marry me" we're talkingg about chante' moore she'll behee popping tonight and tomorrowor
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and jazz super club. she's right here in the loft l right here with us.. chante' moore. m it's my all my co-workers are laughing u at me. i don't know why they'ret know t laughing atomism let's talk ato about you. first of all, we want to talkwew about something that's in theint prince. prince passed away.ce p >> yes. y >> awed chance to meet prince?at >> sever time.>> >> several time. when you heard the news, i meana it devastated all of us you hadu a chance to meet him several sev times watch was your reaction when you heard the news?eard >> it seem like it was joke or r i couldn't really take it in as something that was real. was rea it's still hasn't hit me. me. >> right. >> that he's gone. >> i had an opportunity to sing with him, and record one of hiss songs, and pick me up in thehe purple limousine. >> not in the purple limo. >> oh, yeah. yea >> to paisley park and it waspa wonderful.nder it was wonderful to meet him.o h so the fact that he's gone is just -- it still hasn't sung in. i see all the stuff happening,ag and, yeah
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>> hasn't hit you yet for a lot of it hasn't yet.t yet >> still fresh. still >> it's too fresh.t' >> all right. let's talk about you're in town a.u're in town. you're going to be popping muchm yes. s. >> you got new music.ot n music tell us about your new music.usc >> i'm still in the studio ie st writing some more song but i'm'm almost finish witness album now. >> what can people expect? xpec? expect anything different from the soulful sounds of chante'ha moore in the past?? >> i always like to do littlee l something different. >> house song on that i callt il summer. summer. >> okay. >> that's really different for me. but it's fun. i love it. i love mbuusic peer.ic so any kind of music is good fo me. >> okay. >> trying to thing out what is else did it. get real chante' moore.. mellow and smooth. >> that's g you can miss itn mi altogether.geth. anything you say sounds good.s d (laughter). >> sun great. >> are you writing and producing or just writing on this album.l. >> yes.>> yes. >> you're doing it all.'re >> i'm dng
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people. not by myself.alt byysel >> but you're in there.he how is the game change since tht first time you entered the scene to now? >> wow! it's so much of theh ofe social media is such big part o the music industry now, andtry o being able to be present on that is -- it's more work than itorki you've to be. i used to be able to get inoet there and sing and let it out it and everybody does all the worke after. now we have to be the ones thatb are moree connected so that's a little more work thinking ofg what do i do besides a selfie. i i don't know.t kno >> right. right. >> i get stuck.tuck >> let's talk about your acting skills. skil you've been stage play. p >> yes, i have. h >> you've done reality tv. yes, have i.s,e i >> which one do you like better. >> stage plays isn't why so. s you know what's coming neck. >> reality tv not so much. muc you never know what's goingw to h pleasant experience when you do reality tv i know drama sells os reality tv.reality t >> it does.>> it does >> and the only way to benlway popular on reality tv is with drama.. >> well, i found that it wast iw very good for my fan base. >> uh-huh.>> uhuh
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somewhere.mewhere but actually personally it waslt quite devastating.astang a little hurtful for me.. >> really? >> it seem as if it was likes if time to pounce on chante' kindn' of the thing. tng. >> right, right. >> i'm pretty strong andtty stg resilient kind of gal but aftert while i was, you know what, find something else to do.lse >> i'm chante' moore. mre >> turned around to be on mee again. for real. i didn't do nothing to ya'll. >> they were trying to make namk avenue off of your name.r name. >> it seemed like they wereedik trying to make me the bad guy. >> um-hmm. >> i'm not the one to be a badoa guy. because i really love people. po i really love up lifting peopleo and being kind and, you know, i'm no punk i'm not going to sit around and let you beat me downw i'm not going to be tacking youu either. kind of didn't work right.'t wo. >> okay.kay. >> a little we're. a but it was fun.but >> right.ight >> to do. great to get to know girls. ladies and all of us togethers o struck some trouble.stru >> i understand that. und all right. i completely understand that.tht so look you got your book.. yes. >> will i marry me?? >
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>> you working on another book.o >> no, that book will beook wile transferred and made into a oneo woman stage play. >> all right.>> all rig >> tell me about that. >> old songs and new song outinn out the different characters that are in the book that allthk ofs have, you know, similarw, sm daddy's girl or the girl next nt door, vixen or wonder woman or whatever it is all those peopleo that are all in us i thinkhi you'll find yourself notll f necessarily you but you mightyou not be wonder woman but you'llou find the wonder woman that you t know.know. >> superman g superman that you know as well.ll. batman you might fin any ways we'll put all of that f in the stage play, and make itai come that's wamu sick is for any way. do live show the music comes alive that's what the book ishei about.abt. >> okay. >> and then it comes a lieit col glitch you got all the music dos all the music don the acting --n that's a lot. >> one woman show.anhow. i'll talk about it and then the stories bring the music on. because that's what the music ms was written from. fro those stories, those moments. ms >> where can people get your y book and music.ndusic book is at will i marry
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my music is on amazon. >> everywhere? um tunes and all that stufff find me at i am chante' moore oo my instagram and twitter and then facebook is chante' moore.m >> got you.. one woman show, if you sit thert on the stage -- sge i'll need that.eed ha >> i'm available. available >> he's available.>> he' >> he'll be the guy that's onths the stage good i'll sit on il st stave. i don't have to say anything org do anything.nythg. nothing. >> i'll just sit there.just you perform. >> okay. >> wisdom, your wife call she cl said you may not be available.a. >> cherie minded the title wasis will i march mimi will i marry you. >> can you kill their mike over that there you got a little lit glitter on your shoulder.ou you might want tor take care or that before you go home where w she's touch through.s toh throu >> chante', he'll be in thee', front row for everyone of your y shows. >> thank you.nkou. >> don't you worry about a y wor thing. >> all right. who is rolling now.ngow >> listen tucker is head outs ha right now we'll end this show with a bit of a storm of our owr and it is tucker barnes headed out to take on mother nature. who will win? we will find outn
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♪ way back into the a delicatt log for that one. one >> i forgot she had other thingt time for the main event.. now we know the first line of lo defense against mother natureotn and you never know what mothertr nature will bring unless you're the national weather service.alw then you have a really good idea. national weather service isea getting ready to host a reallyts cool event this weekend it is as open house open to anybody you y don't have to be tucker barnes e or somebody in the weather community to come check it outho and fine out all this cool stuff about weather. tuck is out there now.out the n good morning, tuck.uck >> reporter: hey, steve. steve. you said it. let me just say they haven'tt sa done it in four years so this ti hope open house is a big deal. a open to the public. all free join by chris set the stage for were we're doing this weekend where we are. >> we'll open our doors have ale the tech equipment, radaradar satellite imagery. hourly balloon launches. launc the wind tunnel. tnel. a lot of fun things for the f family and kids as wunell.s as w >> talk to meteorologi
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staffing all weekend long. l >> most if not all of our staffs will be here at some point somen during the open house to be able to talk to forecasters answerwe any long held questions you'veuu had about the weather and just good time. >> all right.>> r so going to be all kinds of re really good experiments outood here. one of them is a high speed wind tunnel i've never seen this before.. and let's just kind of -- let me say hi, this is my friend gregeg much what's your last name. >> company chan know witnesses.. >> your role. meteorological analyst.olog help me understand what i'm looking at here with thers highg speed wind tunnel.d wind tunnel. >> sure. this is our high speed windd tunnel sterling field supportinl center and what we do here, we w do an mom meter testing a cup in vain or you will at a sonic wind sense so.e so >> real quick you said they'reya doing 3d printing with newin wit equipment, right. >> that's true.>> that's kind of one of the pathsa that are being taken for products between u car and the a national weather very interesting.ry interesting >> all right. we'll put this baby to work.y tw tell me more about it built bacc in the early 70's. >> 1971. moved here in two sand
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custom made this facility custoo made for this wind tunnel. t >> this whole building is buildi around this wind tunnel.nd >> exactly yes.lyes this was brought in piece by b peace welded and bolderred. >> and so you guys do all kindsk of experiments out here. and what this wind tunnel can do basically is get up to categoryr five hurricane,, r >> we can get up to about 160 miles an hour which is capos five or ef3 tornado. >> and we'll do that today, tay right. >> let's do it.>> >> current wal are we looking ao at? winds right now inside thii chamber are about 10 miles anmi hour. >> we have two sections, six byx six section and four by four.byu four by four where the windsre n will crank up at. up a >> all right.>> all we're going to crank this up tot category five hurricane. hurca chris i need to you just go hopo in there, okay? (laughter).au >> let's do it.>> all right. you're cranking it up, right.ig >> we'll crank the dial. the dia ing see the associated winde soi speeds on the right side.the ris on this monitor.. we'll max out about 72 and six by six max out at 160, 165 in65n the four by four.y four. >> do you need to tie me down. >> no. we'll be all right out here.
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here. i don't know if you can tell.u l chris, hold on with two >> sounds like a jet while wehie crank it up.itp. >> we're at 65 miles per this is about durr ray cho. category one hurricane, chris, r right? >> yup, yup, yup. max pump wind gusts.. >> check out over 130 inside0nsd that chamber. >> now we're really getting toeg category five winds which is hurricane camille, hurricaneurca andrew some of the worst win the country has ever seen.een. >> up over 157. 1 what i'm amazed of course i've i never been category fivey f hurricane just how loud it is. >> yes. wind is always a very loud thi thing. so any time there's any sort ofo wind over 50, 60 miles an hourmn it gets really loud.y l >> it's again, you can see this t experiment live for yourselft this weekelind and open house fr more information.tion /w www and has all the information onto open house. >> greg, thank you so much foroc letting us do that. >> thanks for coming. tnks we'll toss it back to you. to saturday and sunday.rday a sun
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>> see ya.. >> whew! ww! >> chante', you globe she stilli here. >> fof a flower is t wait where's the? right. it's being a food paparazzi. honey, your rump roast just broke the internet. as it should. and a takeout romantic. dessert! happy anniversary. life is mucho, and grande. life is eating, laughing, loving and a place to enjoy it together.
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