tv Fox 5 News 5 FOX April 28, 2016 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT
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>> fox5's paul wag inner isulagi live in baltimore with that story.stor paul. paul. >> reporter: laura and sarah this intense bizarre andizarnd dangerous situation for all intents and purposes isses basically over.ll we know that this man washisan w placed into an ambulance andmbnd taken to a nearby hospital.os the bomb squad now going over o what may have been a device d that was attached to his body. b this ifox5 behindfox 45. this man walked into theinto t vestibule at fox 45 approachedad a security guard handed over ad thumb drive and said this isaids information i want to get onion the air. at that point the news the n director was calledly he cameeam down. down he spoke with the man realized the situation was very v dangerous and called police.d pc police told them to evacuateo the they then police moved in and then very suddenly for an and knownwn reason the man walked out ofked the building and perhapsnd you're seeing that video right now. the man continued to walk with his hands in
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baltimore police say he would hw not listen to their commands com and a counter snipe are shotunte him. he went down.n. that pan was then on the pan was ground for quite som te time. t he would not abide by the by commands from the baltimore police and at that point theyt h brought in a robot and it took k quite awhile before they weree finally able to get that man into custody, handcuffed andand put into an ambula. let's give you a little bit you more detail now from tj smith.m. he's the spokesperson for f baltimore police.e. >> the suspect came out of the building and started advancing towards officers, was not listening to any of theinto anyo officers' orders.officers' orde. officers were telling him toere take his hands out of his pockets. pock he had on a hooded jacket. jke he had his hands in his his pocket, had a surgical mask on and a counter sniper shot the suspect.susp >> reporter: now, we knoww now that that man is in is custody. we do not know his condition cdi
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there are some other bizarre details in this situationon here. there was a vehicle fire inicler the parking lot here at fox 45 5 and now baltimore police say pes that they believe that's arson n because they found a rag that was in the gas tank. apparently then set on fire onn purpose. when asked whether or not thishh may have been just a coincidence the baltimore police said it doesn't appeare r that way. so, just a very extreme dangerous and bizarre situation that played outeryed here on television hill this hih afternoon.ternn. again, bomb squad now goingow gi over this possible device.e dic it's over this hill. h you can't see it from where we e are but they're trying to tryg o render that safe, whateverhat that is. we do expect that we'll getl get some new information from the police commissioner who isommish here on the scene and as soon aa as we have that we'll bring itrg to y live in baltimore, paulre, p wagner, fox5 local news.oc new >> all right, taking it backitac here in the district where itwhe has without doubt been a roughnh year on metro r despite tough talk, the tal t problems have persisted.erst >> fro
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train malfunctions elevator eva and he is cam later issuesssues riders are becoming increasingly frustrated overrato the increasingly unreliabley system they pay to use.em t in just the past seven weeks the problems have become less l trivial.ia >> i'm telling it like it is. ii metro got a serious curse onur them. >> march 14th metro suspends sus rail service between foggy bottom and federal triangle so l crews can can repair a track a t after an early morning cableorni fire that caused single tracking and delays throughout the day. march 16th, just two days d later an unprecedented workdaynt shut down and the entire metro system closed for 24 hours forou urgent safety repairs. april 23rd, an electricalle fire in a tunnel left panickedid riders facing a chaotic evacuation.uati. red line rail problems that t following monday and
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causing severe delays withse trains headed inve opposite directions and forced to single track.ra. wednesday morning brought more t single tracking and more headaches. a smoky electrical problem near friendship heights led firefighters to briefly close t the station for safety reasonsoy shortly after 7:30 a.m. >> all right, welling if you, wl plan to take metro tonight forot the caps game or during the game weekend there's a developinge's situation you'll need to knowu'e about. metro's general manager has h launched a massive repair r blitz on the red line to fixix water leaks that are causingreau electrical problems fires and smoke. >> the emergency work is beingey done in upper northwest and into the bethesda on the red line and tom fitzgerald is live at the friendship heights metro station.tro stati fitz you got an up close lookk at what they're doing right r now. >> reporter: boy, we sure d we got an eye full. f they are calling this tonightigt the surge and remember, it was only less than 24 hours agogo
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right here at the friendship frn heights metro station.ight now, the issue is this we arewea told tonight. water leaks. l they are playing havoc withavoc the electrical systems in thishs system especially in thisecia these water incursions assions they're called are causing big problems and metro officials oic say if they don't fix thisix thi right now well things couldngs u get even worse than they currently r we what happenedr to show you wesome of the videoo we shot on the system earliermar today. today. now, this was taking place at at the bethesda station thiss afternoon as maintenance crews started this blitz of work.litzo workers are cleaning out the tunnels, inspecting power p cables. this is going on from van ness to medical cen the goal is to stop theseto the water leaks from rusting andakss corroding the electrical linescl and the tracks.e trcks. now, here's the deal. in order to do all of this work, they are going to havee to do a lot of single tracking
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over the weekend and intondnt tomorrow. to now, the trains between van ness and friendship heightsheig and friendship heights andhts an medical center.ce this is going to cause major delays this weekend and until monday.mond they're going to be singlego tracking outside of the rushus hours tomorrow.s that's the good news.'s thed n they're going to start again tonight at 8 o'clock. they are going to go until u closing.closin now, on friday, tomorrow, tomw, they're going to start atg to sa 10:00 a.m. they're going to go to 3:00 p.m. then they're going to g then they're going to starto s again at 8:00 p.m. and thenhe all weekend long they areon going to be single tracking tck between these stations.on gm paul wiedefeld says preparere yourself.your this work is going to go ono through the weekend but theseute nonstop fires, these nonstop smoke incidents, they have to be fixed and these repairs and this surge has to start now.ow. >> looking at all the cables,ab orange boots and just cables jus in general track, anything,
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leaks, basically we patch the leaks but as you know it's at ao losing battle out there like a leaky basement and until you y get in and redo it you can't control >> reporter: all right, sor: all if you're heading to the caps game tonight, this is important, you should be okay bo getting there.g there. they're not going to restartgotr this work until 8 o'clock tonight. but they are keeping metro opened an hour later tonightight to accommodate passengers pseng going to that but you need to be on those tho trains by 12:45 tonight downow at verizon center in order tordt get back up here. h we are told this work startsta again tonight at 8:00 p.m..m you need to be aware and check metro's web site for all this updated information because itee could change as this weekends we goes o we, of course, will have it havi posted on our web site as well we're live in friendship frien heightsto
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fitzgerald, fox5 local news. n >> we have reached out toed outo metro general manager paulagerau wiedefeld to come on ourome morning show. >> on fox5 morning news today anchor holly morris and stevete chenevey reached out. o >> he's the one who thought tug safety was so important heortanh shut down the entire system for one day in march for inspections.inspti elevators are still stuck,ill tk escalators are still out oftiut service and crime continuesme ci under ground.unground. >> so once again, mr. wiedefeld, talk to the riders.ders talk to the taxpayers. taxyers. come join us. joi you can come later today, lat t tomorrow, next week, this seat t right here will be yours. yrs and we will have a frank fra discussion about metro safetyrof and what needs to be done too fix it. >> wiedefeld met with the media this morning after metro r held its weekly board meeting. g tom fitzgerald once againce aga invited wiedefeld to come on to our air. our air take a >> reporter: mr. wiedefelddefeld you've got really high marks him from your
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i was on the platform with the p yesterday as we were gettinget out of the friendship heightshis station where the smoken incident occurred. they all like you and theywhu an like what you've been saying. mr. evans just talked about a some fun facts about metro and o i don't know whether or not you're aware of it but there's a fun bunch of people who are on the air every morning atng fox5 with the good dayood d and they would t have you as a guest the i as would like to know are youo kno aware of their efforts to haveoa you join them and would yound wy like to spend some time with ti the good d.c. people. people. >> i believe i met with themm before and i have spoken to ske you twice this week.s wee >> reporter: you speak to me t m all the time.l th >> but no, yeah, of course, crs yeah -- i mean, i don't't know -- it is a board day.oa d there's a lot going on. on. today's a pretty tough day to d be frank but i have no -- i have no issue with meetingee with them. >> reporter: the invitationation is extended officially.ffic >> thank you, sir. you, >> there you go. all right, moving onl right, m disturbing new detailsurbi involving a fatal stabbing inbbn montgomery county.mont police say the
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pregnant and they havent a arrested and charged her fiancée with murder. fox5's alexandria limon is limoi live tonight in takoma parkko pr with more. th alex. >> reporter: well, guys,te this is a pretty awful crimefule that happened here at the cambridge apartments in takoma o park. pa and any other only is the victim's fiancé charged withe her murder but according té charging b documents putolice as investigating whether the victim's pregnancy could have been the motive for her murderur and whether this whole thingle t was premeditated. 36-year-old maria mbunga diedbui at the hands of her fiancé fianc according to police. pic court documents show her h throat was slashed. ssh >> this is very scary. thi >> reporter: they saw the suspect thierry n
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a luck sack and actingg about 15 minnesota later law min in the lobby were a stabtab wound.wod. during interviews he toldnterew police a masked intruder intde attacked him in his apartment at but police say his superficial i stab wounds that only requiredd minor stitches don't match his't account of what happened. >> this never happened. hpe this is my first time i hear that. it's very sadism charging cha documents show police arents pl investigating motive and possibly premeditation.ti two different people toldeople t police he called them to askemoa for advice on what to do if "a a friend got a woman pregnant and didn't want to take responsibility. the victim had cheated on nkusu and she had attacked himah in the past according toing t another witness. witne
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carpet. that made it look like a body had been dragged into thatha apartment.t. now, police say that suspectpe is from the congo and had only o been in the u.s. for a few years. years. he's being held on a $5 million bond with travel restrictions.ctio reporting live in takoma park,k, alexandria limon, fox5 localal news. >> coming up, painkillers and prince. >> opioids now the focus can fuc of the death investigation as health rumors swirly. s >> mid ride malfunction caughtou on camera. cam we'll explain how this rideow took a wrong term.erm. >> oh, my god. >> wow. parents left behind as the cruise ship leaves with their kids on board. boa that dramatic story still ahead.ah sue. >> we'll have more good news h for cruising, right.av that is scary stuff. laura, sarah, welcome to earlcry march.rc it's another flashback onlashck
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back to some of the coolso of temperatures and rounds and drizzle that we had in earlyhaie march. march. we need the rain.we nee we actually got some helpfuleel rain today.inoday. so, what can you expect for the rest of this evening ois e friday and the weekend? we'lln' have the first look at yourook u weather forecast when we come w right back. right back.
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revealing both parents missed a cruise ship that took off from the bahamas with their t children on board.n brd >> initial reports indicatedep it was just the mother. here's a looorusk at the couplec scrambling to catch the ship thi before it set sail for newl for york. >> oh, my god. >> they left them. >> dude. >> they're done.>> >> oh, my god.od he's got a family. >> no.>> >> here he comes.>> here he c >> they left him andom his they left them.he they're leaving them.eaving t >> oh, my god. >> come back. b >> no way.>> n w >> too late. >> it's too late.s lat >> okay. so, there's the couple pullingeg up begging the crew to the woman was reportedly late l society husband hopped off theao ship to get her leaving thevingt children with relatives.eliv
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officials say the cruise shipruh broke protocol by waiting extra 30 minutes. min they didn't see the couple again until 93 docked in new york three days later. days lat. >> you can't be late. y >> at least the can kids hadthc relatives. >> el were, yeah. >> thrilling rollercoasterilli ride with his son turned intos a terrifying experience for asop dad from texas. texas >> this is scary. sry dell bert latham posted thelaamp video after a visit toit t wonderland park in amarillo. arl >> here we go. i got you. you're fine. fine. i promise, okay. oy. here we go.. i got you. >> wow. >> you're fine i promise, okay. >> scary. poor thing. yeah, he does look very fearful. the
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off its furs drop dell bert dl r son appeared to slide out of the camera you saw. that he said his son's seat sons belt broke and from then onnd fn he's holding his son with a tight bear hug and then after ta that ride ended the dad told an attendant and get this, theht park worker admit they had ty seat belt had broken before.n bf >> that's a big problem. probl i wonder if there's a lawsuitaw waiting to happen. h >> i would wonder.r. >> not that i encourage thati but i'm just saying.just sg. >> yeah. >> let's head out, take a look outside right now.righ it's been such a rainy coldnyol day.y. 52 degrees and look how lk difficult it is just to see through the clouds and justt looking to the ground there. >> what a difference from thefrm beginning of this week.his wee my goodness, what happened?apne? >> the we're riding the rollercoaster of weather.ofer we're in a bit of an active pattern we did get at least some beneficial rain today.icia what we're left with right nowwh as you saw in live shot laura l and sarah is a little bit ofit mistnd
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there will probably be patches of fog a bit later. bit later we had a half inch of more helpful rain earlier dan earer there's still more to come. to c to and night i think we think wt this with a light dre i'm not thinking the nats are a going to have any moreny m problems. i know they were a little bitwe delayed in getting starerted.rtd heavier rain setting up down towards interstate 64.nter they've got their rain rai magneton apparently third day in a row. i want to show you why that t area is a focus as we look at everything in motion. a lot of clouds here but temperature-wise those clouds, e the east winds have kept usep cool at 52 coming down fromow the mid-50's and a lot of 40's 4 at this point so it definitelyen feels like early, early springly but here's the bigger picture. u look at all the heat down toeato the southwest.the south it is still 79 in raleigh, beckley 73, even war warmer in elkins.el we have a severe thunderstormndt watch in warm area, that unstable area there where that
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frontal boundary is and justndaj south and west of it in factn f we just saw a severe stormerto form around the elkins, westin w virginia area.ia are i don't expect to get any severe storms because of ourrmcs cool and rather stable air but tomorrow more of the same and it looks like we'll have toe we deal with a little bit more m shower activity even earlyacvity tomorrow morning.ow morng. so, get ready for that. for tha we'll take you throughouhr friday's hour by hour forecastas and the weekend coming up withgw your full forecast a bit a bit later. sarah, laura.ra >> sue, thanks. tha beyoncé is getting into formation. how the lemonade singer put her marital drama on centern er stage during her first world w tour performance.foance. >> the show goes on. school choir invited back to 9/11 memorial after being cut bi off mid performance. >> and donald trump trollsrump t president obama over plans to make the white house fenceen taller.ta. >> graphic grief.>> why one universitywh cheerleading team is facing some backlash tonight over a flier detailing their tryout'so' dos and
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>> ♪ >> it's been a busy week inen politics you probably caught ara most of the majoblr headlines. >> fox5's political reporter ronica cleary is here with some of the stories you maye have missed.stha mis there were many stories. sri >> some of them just don'tus always make the headlines.eadl we want to make sure you're up'e to speed. speed you may have heard the secret service plans to add 5 feet to the white house fence.e hous. they also want to add a new concrete foundation to it.ationi they want to reduce the risk r of fence jumpers.pers well, donald trump heard aboutut this inc
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if you will, he took tooo facebook to respond. so, we have that facebook post that he posted for you. you. and he said president obama understands that you build b strong tall beautiful walls to t keep people out who don't d belong. be people who get permission can enter the white house legally.. >> oh, boy.oy >> so there you go. g now you may recall the todayheod show last week donald trumpt d was there. he said that transgender tnd people should have the abilityhi to use whatever bathroom thatr m feels most appropriate.ppropria you might recognize here weere have caitlyn jenner. jen this is a video that she tookook on her facebook page and in this q and a on the today show, matt lauer asked trumpsk would you feel comfortable if caitlyn jenner used the women's restroom and he said s yes so she took him up on it,t, went to the trump t international hotel posted a po video. here's a little sound from her vi
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>> okay. thank you donald . i really appreciate it.eay appre and by the way, ted, nobody got molested. >> now, what you're seeing nowin is what happened yesterdaypned when ted cruz announced thatounc carly fiorina would be his running mate and in her remarks she spoke about her beliefs, her past why she why believes cruz would be a greatz president. she surprised i would say mosti people who saw this when shehe opened into song about ted cruz's daughters.aute take a listen.n. >> ♪ i know two girls that i just [laughter][lau >> ♪ i'm so happy i can seeee them more.. 'cau
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all day, we get to play.lay. we get to play. i won't bore you with any more m of this song. sg. i have four versus versu caroline and and k. love you girls.> lo >> that's definitely beentely bn something people have beening talking about. we actually heard carly fiorina sing before.ngefor she performed a song she sings s to her dogs i think. h it was the late night circuit. it would be an unexpected place. it was unexpected in the vp announcement.nounnt some say maybe soften ted cruz c a little bit and if you like lik the cruz-fiorina ticket youke can get your gear.t yo gear. >> she's now the political adicl fodder because anybody can doo anything with that singing. they'll use in it some way.e ino >> an snl skit. s ski i think they'll do somethingo s with it. >> and that's >> thanks, ronica.hankon >> thanks, ronica. >> coming up, a manassas boy may
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because someone stole theirone gear and get this, it washis, ia stolen from a church parkinghuhr lot. >> oh, boy.. >> and three relatives of one on of the san bernadino bna terrorists are behind bars tonight.tonigh the marriage scheme officialsica say they were involved in.ey w >> and new information tonight g in the prince deathth investigation.vestigion. opioids now the focus as health rumors swirl. hey, jim. >> reporter: hey, laura andr: h sarah. we're getting ready for gameam one, round two pens and capsnd c down at the verizon send.iz s where are the fans? they're? t on the way down here.h the sign spinners are outrs are here. here. yeah, they're here.yehe we're going to take you insidend this big matchup coming uping here. you're watching fox5 local watoc news at 5:00.:00. >> ♪ >> ♪ >> we want to take a live look t now in baltimore where we areo w awaiting hea press conferenceone that should be happening anyng moment you can see the police chief stepping up there.he let's take a listen.isn. >> it's been a goal of ours infs baltimore to keep the
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informed about critical eventsvt that affect our community.omni rarely do we keep the mediaed informed about one of your --ur- one of your homes.e of so, we want to again thank fox5 45 for their proactive pac efforts to really help us us evacuate that building. bld that saved us a whole lot ofle f time. you guys are to be commendedeme for your active role in this thi effort. association i'm going to turn -o turn it over to director tj smith.h. we learned several thingserhi since we briefed you last.we bey chances are we'll probably probl brief again tomorrow as weain continue to learn more thingsto about this suspect.this spect so, just bare with us as weh usw make our way through this information but it's important obviously i'm preaching to thehe choir to get you information ina timely yet accurately.ccuratel so that's what we want to be, t timely and accurate.lycc so i'll turn it over tove t director smith and then we'll w take some questions.. >> director t. j. smith media relations director for baltimore police department.ept.
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beginning, about 1:20 we got a call here at fox 45 on 41st avenue -- 41st this is at area where multipleti television stations are. a this is on the main road r facing 41st street.t. 1:20 it was a person in theern n lobby with some type of deaff df view. we also had a call far a carcalf fire out in front of thehe location. we were quickly able toklable determine that that car was was intentionally set on fire. our bomb squad, the arson a squad, the baltimore city firer department along with the baltimore police departmente were dispatched. d we were also quickly able too learn that this person hadn h essentially barricaded himself inside of the fox 45 news5ew indication so our swat team and our negotiators were also dispatched to the tcene so, all of this is going on around 1:20 this afternoon.ftno while officers were arriving,ivn the fox 45 staff were evacuating the rest of their t employees from the facility.acil the security person who called
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it in is not an employee with wh fox 45 but he was also able too escape after talking to the suspect for several minutes as s this situation was evolving. apparently the suspect broughtcb in some type of device, we believe a flash drive andash ive wanted fox 45 to air somethinghi on the news. n what is it that he wanted themtt to air is something that we're a still investigating.inves we don't know the full answersun to that right now. that righ the suspect had on some sort sor of outfit and it's being described basically as a panda outfit onesie, a onesie-typenesy accident that wa-typeoutfit thay he's 25, from howard county maryland.ryla we're still following up onpn this investigation as we iesti speak. i'm not positively identifyingdf him at this point because we have yet to charge theehe suspect. he's at a local hospital receiving treatment.reatment. let me go back to the device that h
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him. he had on some type of surgical mask. he had some type of coat onfoa underneath of this outfit and a there was this red device thateh is being described like maybe lm a red floatation-type device dic with devices in it that lookedhd like explosives.xplo what we have been able to find t out is those devices were actually chocolate candy barsar wrapped in aluminum foil withm t wiring connecting each of o them.em there was also a small motherllt board and that mother boardoa has been described asescribed a something that you might seeg ay he in a fire extinguisher thatih was also attached to this contraption and the wire washe e also running down the sleeve the of his jacket into his hand basically emulating some type of detonation type devic
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the appearance of it it was to s be an explosive type device.ev the suspect was inside of theidf vestibule area. a our swat team, our policeur pol officers were all outside. outse we were attemptinging communication with theat suspect. the suspect came out of thehe building, started to walk and advance across the streettree towards where officers were w staged and officers were officse forced to fire upon him. we know at this point thatint ta three officers fired andnd struck the suspect. susct the suspect was shot more than one time, i believe maybeie three times, that number canum c change. ge the suspect is listed in serious but stable condition cdi at a local hospital here in baltimore. why did this happen? why did h he wear a reapplica bomb today?y we don't know. kno we're still investigatingestigai this. they used a robot to disarm him, to take the clothing offthg of him, to take it device offdee of him in order to move in to to provide treatment to him. him onc t
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that, they were able to closely examine the device andea see what it actually was. we're still in the process of clearing the fox 45 building. bn we were able to account forccouf everyone but of course public safety is the most important thing at this point time. so, as it stands, that's wherehw we the suspect is expected to survive and we'll be workinge w with our state's attorney'sttor office as well as our federal fr partners as we move through thr with charging him. h this is going the take more tako than the time that i'm tt standing here and it's goingit to take more than a couple ofreo days to determine everythingne e that went on here.on h and with that -- with that, t let's ask some questions. quest >> reporter: do you knowepor anything about this guy 'sbo history? i know you're notknowr publicly identifying him but do you know anything about his background? >> at this point we do not d have any information on his >> i know there was hesitationet about what he was saying. any communication with him
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that he was not complying initially. >> yeah, we were trying to get y him to comply and to show us u his hands so that we could get t treatment to him quickly. qck he actually was -- certainly cta we have information that heon t was nodding his head no whenhean officers were trying to get tt him to show them his hn i can't get into all of thell of statements but i can tell that i you he was saying no when weg n were asking him to comply. com >> car fire [inaudible]indibl >> it happened relatively rel quickly and i don't know ifon'to the folks at fox 45 exactlyxa knew everything that was goingin on at the time. this vehicle, weg on didn't knoo if that was associated with a the event but we now know the vehicle was associated withiate the event. eve >> was there ever a point the where police were negotiating wr withe >> you're listening to cityy officials and the baltimore bti police chief briefing thehi media about the bomb threat that occurred earlier this afternoon. w bff fox station in baltimoreai the tv station that was was evacuated earlier for thator t bomb threat, they're briefing bf the situation saying itaying appears as though the man the
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>> ♪ >> this is fox5 local news at at 5:00. >> so, the next story may haverh you saying who could do such a thing? a manassas boy scoutboy trip was planning on taking an overnight camping trip next n month to west that may be canceled because beu they have no gear.thea >> the trailer that is used toee store and move over $10,000 in camping equipment is missing and now police ared no investigating. fox5's matt ackland has more. >> reporter: the scoutor master says this happened between monday ands tuesday ue here in this church parkingrch i lot. the trailer was parked rightke over here in this space.s s it was backed up against this t storage container so the backac door couldn't be
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the cost of the trailer estimated right around $3,000un3 but what was inside, the equipment, well, that's estimated over $10,000.10,0 it took years to purchase thee e camping equipment inside this trailer.trai some of it even donated to boy t scout troop number 43.troomb >> probably about $10,000 worth of tents, stoves,, st cooking equipment, lanterns, tables, pop-up canopies, water coolers, axes, dutch ovens,ch o pretty much imagine your boy yy scout troop camping we had it hd in there. >> reporter: at theirorr: a meeting last night troophtro leader robbed henderson had todh break the news to the boys. >> i told them sometimes bad things happen. h what we do with that definest dn or character. c >> reporter: the pastor of river of grace church conniera thompson has been happy toceas p allow the troop not only a place to park their trailer t but also a place to meet t inside their church. crc she like so many others can'tern understand why someone
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take the scout supplies. s >> i think it's horrible.rible i think it's sad. i think it's desperate. despe >> reporter: prince william county police and the troope an want you to take a really good o look at the trailer.the it even has a missing left fender. any clues could be helpful.elpf troop leader henderson says he has mixed feelings about theeelg people who did this. t >> sometimes i think the dregs of society that would steal a trail forty three a chump i think those are people in needpe of a boy scout program moregramr than anything else. anyg >> reporter: the scouts sco filed a report with the policehe department last night andast nin police told the scout leader they don't think this wasnks was equipment was taken to somen tom pawnshop and simply sold. so, the scouts are holding out t hope that possibly the trailer t will be spotted and they'll the' get their equipment in manassas, matt ackland fox5 local news. ♪ ♪ >> today marks one week sincears we lost one of the biggestt on names in music.ic >> and now we are learning newgw information about the death of prince.prin several news organizations are
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reporting prescription drugspr were found on the musician andes inside his home paisley park.yar it's not known if the the prescription pills were prescribed to prince.esibed meanwhile investigators havetirh reportedly brought in the u.s. h drug enforcementnfceme administration to help witho hp the case. no cause of death has been determined and autopsy resultsul are not expected for severalever weeks. >> well, who needed as when you have mindfulness.dful that is the finding of a major m new study.tudy mindfulness involves training the brain to deal with negative emotions using techniques like meditation le me breathing exercises and yoga. largest ever analysis of of research on the subject donejecd at oxford university found f that mindfulness based cognitive therapy helpediv people juste as much as m antidepressant drugs.tide the study published in the journal of the american t medical association psychiatry found depressed people who practiced mindfulness werees w 31 percent less likely toikely suffer a relapse in the
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60 weeks. 60 w >> tonight the capitals arehe back on home ice to continueonnu their quest for the stanleyest cup. >> the rivalry is renewed withnh the pittsburgh pengu jim lokay joining us live l where a lot of celebration istoi going on.g on. hey, jimmism we are starting to see the fans showing up laura and sarah.ah nobody coming in right nowg inhw because we don't see thingshi opening up until about 7 o'clock but a lot of caps fans milling about. here, we got a couple pens coue fans right there.nsight so, we are seeing of courseeeine more red down here thaned down e anything else but this is a matchup for the ages.the let's talk a bit about what a bo you're going to see on thehe ice.ic this is the second time we'lliml see alex ovechkin face off against sidney crosby in the i post season. in 2009 both players registered a hat trick in the th same playoff game. that was a big deal.atea that was the year though tho crosby went on to win thein stanley cup that season. meanwhile ovechkin was the t lone player to notch 50 goals 5 in the regular season. he's the caps leading scorer.die is the media making too muchingc about the faceoff b
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and crosby? >> yes and no. n i think it's fair because they came in together, they kind ofhd have gone back and forth two fth different styles of play butt st the engines of their teams so i mean it's fair to make that battle happen but there is ae is lot more that goes into it foror sure and we see that but it keeps the tension off a lot ofn other guys that aren't ast a necessarily getting thehe spotlight whereas those two are. >> reporter: obviously sinceio we don't have doors opening opei until a little later this ishis the most impressive show of athleticism, the sign spinners. spinne caps fans much more wellans muce behaved than the penguinsengu fans. game tonight 8 o'clock. 8 o'c we'll keep you posted ond on what's going on on the ice but b a big deal as we kick off round two. a lot of people are sayingof pel this matchup here, whoevere, wins this series very goodry g
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ones that go on to represent r the eastern conference inin there stanley two great teams. this is a great series foror hockey.hock for now outside of the verizoner center tonight, jim lokay fox5 local sports.l srts. >> we got sarah rocking the i'm representing their white.hi. >> thanks jim.. look like this, not that.ha >> the university that pulled cheerleader tryout advice adv after angry backlash on socialol media. >> and how howard university uns is sweetening the deal foring df students to graduate on timen and how it could save seniorseno some big money. mon >> hey there sarah and we at least got some decentt rain today. it has been chilly and ay and little bit misty. bit mis this morning at least enought tn rain to accumulate to a little l under a half inch at reaganat ra national. we badly need that.d t dulles a little less about a third and bwi just under a quarter inch of rain.f rai a little bit more still totill come and how are thingshing looking as we head into thehe weekend? one day looks drierooi than another. another. we'll talk about what you cant u expect with the seven-dayh the n forecast in just a couple ofoupo minutes. nu come on
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>> ♪ >> all right, sue, a little setback.igack. >> throw back thursdayhr bac everybody. we're going back to early march. no one missed the first time fir we hadst early march. drizzly foggy. f this is going to continue atonu little bit longer, at leastger,l we'll see temperatures comingpeu up a little bit over theover t weekend we think.hink. today and i love this tower cam because it's high enoughgh h elevation you can see there'syo a little bit of fog beginningu o tof develop and that willhat wl continue overnight.cont we did have as mentioned m before the break, we had somead measurable and helpful rainpfuli earlier today.earlier what we're left with at the t moment is the drizzly misty mis stuff and almost enough that you don't need your umbrellambre except and you feel embarrassed if you're using an
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umbrella except you will get axc liepttle bit damp if you don't. on to the weather maps.o e weat we want to talk about cloudst c showers and yes a little bit lil of patchy fog.chy fo fox5 rocks tomorrow morning we've been doing our freebeen concert looks like we'll be dealingke w with a few showers down there. e so, the temperature probably pry in the low 50's. the l what you notice with this isithi that the temperatures don'tratuo really budge very b 50's with some showers. sho farragut square park we wantut a you to come on down anyway a featuring the muddy crows. what a great a most of saturday is going toy i be dry, cloudy but dry. dry showers though are back in thean forecast for us for sunday and i think that's from this area tr of low pressure.resse. the bulk of the heavy rainv will be late saturday nightdaig into the first half of sunday.f then we break for showers s sunday afternoon.eron. temperature-wise a littleeratura challenging on sunday as wellonw because we have a warm frontwe t that's going to try to comee through. in the short term here's whate' we're dealing with. patches of very light rain, mist and drizzle.mi a little bit more down to our that's cr
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moving west to east and then we do see a little bit of lightning showing up with somens storms out through westhrgh west virginia where it has beenhas warmer and a little bite sunnier earlier today so some s of those areas are under and severe thunderstorm watch until 11 o'clock tonight buton you can see what's happened to o us. us. we are wedged in with there cooler air. w the warmer air down here southe of the front is where we're is e seeing those storms fire up trm tonight and that's likelythat lk where it will continue.onti high temperatures today wells ty below average only in the midy t 50's. average is 71 degrees right now. temperature won't budge much.ur we have 40's in the northernth suburbs to 51. i know the nats are playing. pyg they'll deal with very lightvert rain, drizzle and again withzl our concert tomorrow morningrowm we have to say be prepared forrd some showers. s it looks like the afternoonft will be less wet, just a wet, ju little bit of drizzle and then into the temperaturentthe tem department we go with 62 potentially for quantico butt only about 59 for d.c., mid-50's for the suburbs. weekend in the nutshell saturday is looking dry cloudy c and cool and then this is ours r forecast dilemma. dilem this warm front for sunday, s will
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it a lot warmer than we expect? oftentimes it's hard ot for them to do that so righto do now we're going to say the temperature could be changeable for sunday.ange we're going to go 65 degrees 6de but we could see it being warmer than tha what we are still expecting isxi rain for the first half of the day lighter showers for theghte afternoon. they could linger into early monday and we could pick up another inch or a half of rain. rain showers still possible forers next week as temperatures begin to recover closer ton to r average. that is your rather dampather seven-day forecast. please don't go anywhere. fox5 news at 5:00 will be right back.
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>> a photo posted by the pho university of washingtonty cheerleading team was quicklyqcy taken down after it created cret major backlash on social media. it gave perspectiveerecti cheerlead ertz tips on how to hw do their hair and makeup foreup tryouts. you can see what they call theat dos and don'ts. >> it advises those interested to wear their heir
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curled along with false eyelashes and to use flattering eye shadow. shado what they don't want to see is distracting fingernail polishge and tops that cover the midriff.mi >> it is cheerleading tryoutsg after all. >> oh, boy. >> all right. fox5 local news at 6:00 starts t right after the break.ak >> ♪>> >> goodbye, everyone.oodb >> ♪ >> ♪
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>> ♪ >> this is fox5 local news att 6:00. >> ♪ >> right now at 6:00, a man in m a panda suit claims to have ao a bomb. bomb. the bizarre scene thatene unfolded outside a maryland tv station today. then, a fox5 viewer sent us this incredible picture and miraculously no one was no injured after a car was pushed s into a trailer
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plus, one week after the frightening moments whenents passengers were stuck on a red d line train, a maintenanceenan blitz kicks off for massiveive repairs.repairs. the news starts now. n >> ♪ >> and we thank you fore joining us i'm tony perkins. perns >> and i'm shawn yancy and wecyd begin with that developingevelog story in baltimore. b a man wearing an animalnimal costume walked into a tv t station and claimed he had a bomb. police shot the man after he ignored their commands then took him into custody. fox5's paul wagner beginsr our coverage tonight live from the scene.the scen paul, we're learning the manng e didn't actually have a real bomb. bomb. >> reporter: he did not.not. and the description of thatdesc bomb is quite bizarre and we're going get to that ino thai just a second. son we'll play a sound bite from t. j. smith the spokespersonspso for baltimore city police andorl he'll explain exactly what it looked like. l it was not a bomb and it was strange. let's show you the picture ass he walked out of fox 45 fox
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