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tv   Fox 5 News 5  FOX  May 5, 2016 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT

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>> which was recovered hours before the child was found unharmed, and his father arrested. after the amber alert went out, sheriff's office said help began in waves. >> people take those seriously, and certainly appreciate that, in addition, to that. >> the media coverage, also made everyone aware of, you know, what
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description was, the urgency, that was created hereby his former threats against the child. all of the things combined with good police work by our detective and those assisting us, led to a successful resolution in this case, it kept him pinned down to one spot, one avenue. >> captain jeff peers says gave up peacefully after investigators found him in a home, they had un surveillance. when that amber alert went out, the little baby was described as being an in only a diaper, but the sheriff's office tonight said when the baby was discovered at the grandmother's house he was fully clothed and sheriff's office said she lives in another county. fox5 local news.
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we have breaking news coming into our news room right now that we want to get you up to date on, prince george's county police are telling us at a high school, this is the high point high school, prince george's county, some sort of a shooting, where one person is dead. we don't have any more details other than that. we don't know if talking about student here or adults. but it is prince george's county, we have a shooting at high point high school, one person is dead, this is on in belt ville on powder mill road. skyfox on the way we will bring you the latest as we get it, also we have another breaking story, at metro station. >> federal triangle report of smoke on the tracks. >> another situation on metro the late that's series of problems on metro. we've got tom fitzgerald on the phone, bring us to up date, what's happening there? >> just arrived on the scene, i can tell you, we are at third and southwest tonight, and this
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pass inning verse seen all too much of, in fact, they saw it just this morning, in federal center southwest, this morning. , this morning report of arcing insulator, what we are looking at right now is a massive response, not only by dc fire and ems, but also, the police have arrived on the scene now, there is a massive slew of both firetrucks, and ambulances down at the federal center southwest station. this is what we are officially being told at this point. this is being called a track problem, federal center platform. personnel responding, we can tell you, you can expect delays on the orange, the silver and the blue line, delays to new carlton, some of the trains we're told are being reversed out of federal center as precaution, because of this track problem, now, service delays on the orange, sill rem
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will continue for the next few hours, we're told, metro bus alternates, the 30, 32, 34 buses, they're all trying to get these passengers onto those buses, but what you've got in a slot of -- lot of federal employees coming out of the buildings surrounding the federal center southwest metro station with no way to get home right now. >> the one we've seen far too much of lately, what we do know is this, it happened this morning, at this very station, metro personnel, dc fire and ems, are back at this station right now, responding to what we are told is major track problem, and that it is having to reverse some of the trains back out of the station. back to you. >> this is federal center, state
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is happening. and is the station now closed, so people cannot come or go there? >> well, it would not be going into there, because there are no trains, service in there right now, so closed in the respect they're letting people out. but you won't be going down there to get on the train right now the obvious situation we're told. >> all right, tom fitzgerald, reporting live on the breaking news, we will continue to keep you updated on that throughout this broadcast. >> meanwhile, we want to take to you prince george's county now man who killed his stepfather has been sentenced to ten years. >> antoine james found guilty last september of involuntary manslaughter for killing his stepfather, who was metropolitan police detective. ronica cleary joins with us dramatic new details revealed in court today. >> some of the things that we have to prent to you tonight, they really are shocking and think about just ten years, it makes you stop and think, i'll tell you a little bit about it. james, metro police
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on april 22, 2013, he asked his stepson, antoine james for help with yard work. when antoin refused his mother told him to leave the house. antoin was angry with his mother for siding with his stepfather. so he told her to, quote, watch this. he went outside, and he shot his step dad 18 times at point blank range. the 911 call from antoin's mother, after the incident, is chilling. >> my son shot my husband. >> who shot your husband? >> my son shot my husband. >> your son is in the house? >> yes. >> you have a son with a weapon. >> i don't know where the weapon; honey, just -- can i not believe my husband is dead. oh, my god. >> surveillance camera at nearby home, it captured part of the incident. now, this video, it was used in the sentencing
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james, but some of it was very difficult to see. we have some of it for you, i'm not sure if we will be able to pull it up. we would love for to you see it, but basically you see antoin go up to his father on a ladder, and then they go behind a vehicle, for another portion of the video where he continues with those 18 shots. at that point blank range that we said. now, antoin james, he was found guilty of involuntary manslaughter sentenced today to ten years, that's the maximum sentence he could receive. but why was he acquitted of the more serious charges of first and second degree murder? well, earlier today, we spoke with john the communications director for the state's attorney, in prince george's county, about the case. >> we said at the time, and we still feel now, that the jury rendered averred that was inconsistent with the evidence. we felt that he should have been convicted after more serious crime. >> after he shot him the first time once he is n
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the grounds wounded from that shot, to continue standing over him shooting until you have no more rounds left in your gun, certainly, we felt that was a pre-meditate dollars act and should have been a first degree murder conviction. >> you're probably wondering how a man who shot a police officer at point blank range, 18 times, with the 911 call you just heard, and the surveillance video that they had in this case, how is he not found guilty of murder in that communications director who you just heard from, he further explained that, while you can never fully know why a jury makes their decision, it is possible that they felt sympathy for the victim's wife, antoin's mother. he said that when she testified in that trial she appeared to be very conflicted, because of her relationship between both her son and husband. back to you. >> ronica, thank you. all right, we want to get you back to that breaking news that we are talking about from prince george's county, learning right
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has been a shooting at high point high school in betsville. what we're told is that two people were shot, one person is dead, the other one is wounded. >> we do have a crew on the way to the scene. we also have skyfox headed to the scene, as well. maria morocco is on the phone now with the very latest, marine, a i understands this is on powder bill road in beltsville. what do you know about this situation? >> right now incredibly just developing, and an accident investigation, actually following some of the detectives on to the scene right now, because this just happened minutes ago here. we understand that there is a search on now potentially for suspect or suspects. also, this may be domestic in nature, cords dollars to sources, of course, this all developing, so we don't have the latest, because police are still trying to gather information. but again, just to recap here, two shots, one victim dead, still wait to go learn if there is more than one suspect, but we do
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stands that there is a search on for whomever this search may be. we are approaching the scene here. you can see, large police presence as well aspirins george's county fire here on the scene, so as soon as we get you more information we'll bring that to you hopefully here before the 6:00 news. >> i know it is early, early in this, marina, but do you have any sense on ages here, since this has happened a high school? do you know if we're talking about students who were at the high school? >> no, right now it is still preliminary. all we know is that potentially it could be domestic in nature. that's as far as it get right now. >> this just happened minutes ago, but i'm telling you pulling up to the scene and quite a presence here from not only police officers as well as homicide detectives. so the search as you can imagine in this area, large section, cut off, as we are getting off of i-95 here onto belts ville road, near the cherry ville neighborhood park. park near this high school, several recreation areas around here, right now i'm seeing there are several areas that have
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traffic, so i'm imagining at this point that it is a situation looking for the suspect or suspects. >> got it. i know you're on top of it, and we will check in with you a little later in the newscast as soon as you have any development, please, let us know. >> you got it. >> marina, thank you. also, we are following the breaking news from federal center southwest metro station where there had been some reports of smoke on the track. i believe, do we have tom fitzgerald to talk with right now? no, we don't, but he was talking with us earlier, we saw the scene down there, a lot of emergency personnel, people not being allowed back down into the metro station, obviously, at this point. but another chaotic scene involving metro, during a afternoon commute. >> yes, federal center station in souse wet closed right now after an arcing insulator, this morning, the latest in a series of problems, obviously that we've been reporting on, extensively, involving metro. tom fitzgerald is on his way
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as soon as he gets there, gets set up, we'll bring the live shot to you. >> records, in other news tonight, there are still a lot of questions about the man who drove his hummer into a silver diner in mcclane. >> we still don't know exactly why he did it, or who this man is. fox5's alexandra said investigating this all day, what can you tell us? >> all the damage that remains, the windows and the door of the silver diner, are boarded up, and it is pretty inch yesterday tonight believe that a man would intentionally slam his hummer into the restaurant, during the crowded rush hour, how much, that is what the fairfax county police department believes happened. in fact, they tell us, charges are pending waiting for the man's medical condition to improve those charges are filed. now police say they anticipate charges to be destruction of property animalicious wounding, but they add that could change as
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investigation continues, dramatic cell phone video captured by customers and witnesses, shows the hummer ablaze after the crash. and witnesses say the driver who was also a silver diner employee intentionally slammed into the building three different times, and then allegedly set his car on fire on purpose. now the fairfax county fire department says they are investigating those allegations, however, they can't confirm that at this time. four people suffered non-life threatening injuries including the driver of that hummer, and additional cell phone video shows the driver being dragged out of the burning vehicle by witnesses. >> another person who had been pinned, between the hummer and the building, today, we talked to more witnesses. >> the whole thing was up in flames. so we heard a bang, then we came out, but he had repeatedly apparently rammed the building, an
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just flames and chaos. they had the driver on the ground. they had pulled him out. apparently he was resisting, i don't know what he was trying to do, but they had him on the ground, and they were trying to subdue him. >> it is crazy to think a car caught on fire, you know, people probably inside, people lurking, and someone would actually intentionally that is really kind of -- disappointing and surprising for sure. >> inside you can see employees work to go get the restaurant cleaned up. manager tells me they hope to reopen, but at this point not sure they will be able to do that, now, again, still a lot of questions about exactly who that employee is. his name has not been released. we also don't know why i allegedly did all of this, on purpose, however, a spokesperson for the silver diner did tell us, he was a cook here, who had worked for them for two years, the company says he is no longer employed following this incident. reporting live in
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alex around andrea, fox5 local news. >> thank you, busy day here at fox5, want to get back to breaking news we told but little earlier involving the shutdown of the metro station, at federal center, southwest, fox5's tom fitzgerald is there, there has been smoke coming out of there, earlier, a situation this morning, with a arcing insulator. so what's the latest right now? >> well, here is the situation. this station right now, they are still letting people out of it, nobody's allowed in. now, it is hard to see from all of this girder and scaffolding that's been going on here, but what we are told is this. metro officials just told us this is arcing insulator, that they're dealing with here. a lot of these passengers, that you see here, they were on this platform when they were told they had to get out of the station. the reason, these arcing insulators, the problems they've had again and again and again, they were not able, apparently, to fix whatever the problem was this morning, and
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recently. now, all of these people who were trying to get down these escalators, you can see, metro police are on the scene here. they're telling them, no, you can't get in here right now, you can't get down to that station. this is a persistent constant problem that this system has had, and it only happened here this morning. what it has done now is created these -- look at this, all of these people here are trying to get home, they've left their jobs for the day. now they're stuck in a situation where the streets are block off because of the firetrucks, and the emergency personnel, the buses are not here. we don't know where the buses are that supposed to get these people around here. so they're left with this question: how do they get home? were you down there when this happened? >> down on the train when this incident happened. >> you're on live television, tom fitzgerald, fox5ment tell us what you saw, what you heard and what happened next? >> well, we saw -- what i heard was the train was moving, getting ready to move
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happening is the conductor said everyone basically don't move. he said if -- he said this is an emergency. he cam running to the train, he told everyone to set down, because he had to get to the opposite side of the train to try to pull it back to the station. but he couldn't pull it back to the station because i can hear, because i was sitting right there near the radio, basically what was happening, there was a traffic jam in the tunnel. >> you know the history here. >> yes. >> only couple of blocks away was the plaza incident. how concerning is that when you are sitting there in that train, and you hear that come over the speaker? >> very concerning, because they have this incident this morning. so i thought it would have been resolved. but it is the same, same location, probably the same incident. snow is a serious problem there. >> how are you getting home tonight? >> i don't know. i probably will walk up the hill right here to capitol south and probably try to catch a train from there. >> thank you. >> and thank you for speaking. >> your name? >>
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and, you know, you can talk to all every these people. we are going to talk to a lot of them. that's the situation you're hearing, they're almost to the point where they have gotten graduate level degrees on how to deal with these arcing insulators, because it is happening, not only on a weekly basis, we're in a situation here, where this is repeatedly happening on a daily basis right now. what we were told from metro police, just a moment ago, was that this is so an arcing insulator situation they're dealing with, it is persistent problem, there has been water leakage in these tunnels, which are causing this corrision, causing these arcing situations, with the electrical systems on these trains. that is causing these fires, that is causing the smoke. right now, that is causing a heck of a mess for these people trying to commute home on this thursday night. we send it back into you. >> all right, fits, thank you very much. >> coming up ahead. we will continue to follow breaking news in prince george's county, a shooting at high point high school. we'll bring you the latest. >> a blue
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sent seen threatening a teacher on camera. tonight the school says they are taking a different approach in dealing with the incident. the new way dc schools are now handling situations like this one. >> and smoke screen, fda adds limits and new warnings in e-cigarette. and the industry is shaken up about it. we'll tell you what they're doing coming up.
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>> the shooting at high point high school, in prce george's county, this is happening in beltsville on powder mill road. >> yes, we have skyfox that is headed to the scene, also, marina morocco, is on her way there, as women. we talked with her earlier, was mentioning at this high school she was seeing around there, a park, you know, so it is unclear right now what we're dealing with, but she was kind of setting the scene for us, clearly 5:00 in the afternoon, school is out, but after school activities could have been going on, hoping to get more activities. >> what we do know, two people shot, one person is dead, don't know the ages yet of those people, as sarah mentioned, whether they are student or, you know, who were in school at the time. but school obviously out at that time. but, you know, after school
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so, marina looking into that. we do have skyfox headed over the scene. but his is, again, at high point high school bridges georges county, one person dead, another person shot. two people shot in all in beltsville on powder mill road. so, i know marina is setting up her live shot. do we have marina yet? so this is in a area, i know a lot of -- here we go. >> so here is our live picture from skyfox, and you can see, a lot of emergency vehicles around there. the homicide detectives are there, on the scene as well as marina morocco. i know her live shot set up, ready to talk to us and give us the late what's she knows. still early in the vehicles, but, marina, have you been able to find out anything more? we know one of the victims man in his 40's, we have no sort of kind ration if he may be employed here, what his
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relation is to the school. show you the scene here, very large and active scene here at high point high. i've counted at least five ambulances, are here, you see stretcher being unloaded off of this ambulance, and it is about to go into the school. the parking lot is pretty packed with cars. so that tells you that there were still people here at the school. and it seems like the majority of the presence is just outside the auditorium at this high school. now, we understand, the search continues right now for a suspect potentially more than one suspect, and it seems like at least they know who one of the suspect are, of course, we're still wait to go get more information on that. and don't want to compromise any of the investigation at this point. but the presence, at the school here, is extremely large. whether this is related to a student or teacher at this point, not confirmed, but sources saying this is domestic in nature. again, a very active scene here, this just happened, in the last few minutes here, and as you can see that ambulance just unloading that last stretcher. so that tells us t
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looking to help someone still in the building. the injuries we don't know, again, two people shot, one person confirmed dead. that injured victim, we
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crowd watching over here, we've not been table walk over to them. they are on their cell phones, potentially parents, but we've not seen anyone leave the school premises, so doesn't seem like there was any sort of evacuation, how much, the parking lot and the front of the school, still large number of cars, so, people here, still working at this hour. at high point high. >> all right, marina morocco, reporting live there for theref, thank you. >> let's check in with sue palka, checking this less than desirable weather, pie goodness, everybody is asking when is the skin coming out? >> everyone would like to use those sunglasses, right? i think that we can get some sunshine back in here for the weekends, still, a slow process, and while we do have little bit of drizzle out there right now, laura, czar, a i want to give you a heads up as we look at radar, there will be more rain developing after midnight. the bulk of the heavy rain is spinning down to our south. tan will spin its way in here, a little bit later, as two areas of low pressure are going to converge to bringu
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rush. the heavier rain gets in here midnight. so, we will talk more about the amount of rain we're expecting, and whether or not we can clear things out for the weekends. fox5 local news at 5:00 will be right back.
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>> warmer temps are on the way, and so is mosquito season, health officials are concerned about the zika virus, many sake saying the us is not prepared to deal with a outbreak. the first american has now died of conditions related to zika. how bad will it be and how can we protect ourselves? doctor anthony, the director of the national institute for allergy and infectious diseases, thank you so much for taking some time to talk to us about this. we reported earlier this week pregnancy related, may be the tip of the iceberg in this. how will zika affect a healthy adult or
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>> in general mild disease, aches, pains, muscle pains, some rash, some what we call conjunctivitis. so, for the most part it is relatively mild disease. very rare complication of what we call gilliam barre, disease of the neurological system, get descending paralysis, to be on respirator, rarely occurs, if you have the right medical facilities, almost all people recover serious, even though rare complication. the issue still is funds mentally zero with pregnant women, and fetus abnormalities is that what you are most concerned about? if not what is your concern? >> my concern still focuses very heavily on the issue
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pregnant women, to try and protect pregnant women. first if women are pregnant, to not travel to areas where there is active zika. that's the reason why the cdc has the travel advisory that if you are pregnant you should not go to the countries that are on the list of the travel alerts. countries in south america, central america, and some in the caribbean. that is the main issue. for someone who is otherwise healthy, not pregnant, although there is a very small risk of a complication, it really is a very rare complication. >> what about a suppressed immune system, with a adult or child, is there a concern there, and what do we need to do with our kids who are head today camps, who are headed to schools? do we need to be making sure that they wear long sleeves? and have bug spray with them? you have to talk about where you are. first of all you have in the united state travel related cases. namely, individuals, who have gone to south america, or
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caribbean, have gotten infected there, have come back, and gotten ill in the continental united state. that's a travel related case. we have not seen local transmission, namely, someone who is infected, say, in brazil, comes back to the united states, a mosquito bites that person, then bites somebody in the united states who has not left the country and you infect that person. that's local transmission. we haven't seen that yet. we expect that we likely will see small outbreaks of local transmission, as we get into the robust mosquito season. so get to go your question, what we need to do, because there are other diseases mosquitos can cause, when you are in the summer month, there is a lot of mosquitos, particularly the scenario that you mentioned of children going to cam or what have you, you should protect yourself from moth cessation. where, clothes that can cover as much as the body possible, and be
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definitely use insect repellents. sometimes people are afraid to use insect repel ends, but the insect repellents now approved particularly with deet, the active ingredient, they're very safe, safe. 30% deet is safe. people should not hesitate to use it. >> doctor, we appreciate your insite. thanks very much. >> all right, we continue to follow the breaking news in prince george's county, a double shooting at high point high school, marina morocco is there, again, do you have any more information that you can shed some insight on this? at this point we just saw the bridges george's county commands unit pull up to the school, obviously, gives us insight, this continues to be ongoing. i just spoke with prince george's county lou tenant, arrived on the scene, trying to gather some information, so pass it along to me, but we will pan over here little further to the right. see just how police tape there, you can see a large contingent every
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can't see from this distance, potentially of their student or staff members who were evacuated from the school. you guys were asking earlier, walk out, that potentially could be some of the staff here at high point high that were led off from property here and are waiting to be let back in. officers and detective, and i just spoke with witness here, said he was walking in front of the school and he heard four gunshots come off the back parking lot we do see there are some ambulances and emergency clues around the corner, unfortunately vantage point here block by some trees, i'm not sure if we have skyfox up can show you the back side of the school where there is probably from what i'm seeing here at least a firetruck. again, sources saying this may be domestic in nature, one of the victims appears to be a man, in his 40's, the other victim, passed from the injuries, saying he heard at
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least four loud gunshots, they did not appear to be coming from inside the school but rather from that back parking lot. >> live on the scene, thank you so much. >> busy breaking news day here at fox5. coming up after the break, we will talk with tom fitzgerald who is covering an issue down at federal south, so we'll be right back with that.
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vo: for dominion, part of delivering affordable energy includes supporting those in our community who need help. our energyshare program does just that, assisting with bill pay and providing free, energy-saving upgrades. it's more than helping customers, it's helping neighbors. ♪ stand by me
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>> talking about the gray, ugly, gloomy -- >> i know. >> are there any more words to describe it other than i think we're tired of the groundhog day. >> doom and gloom in may? >> i know, doing this last week, too, remember? i was calling myself bill murray at your service, soar sarah, laura, now, looking at the stats, actually had nine days in a row with showers, not been a t
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has been at least some rain every day sin the may got started we have pick up just about 2 inches of rain and, you know what? i think we get another inch before friday at 5:00. our total april rainfall only 2 inches, so almost gotten that much in just these few days, yes, nine straight days, yet getting over it. and we have brighter days coming but tonight while we just have very little bit of light rain, or drizzle, it will pick up in intensity later tonight. big area of low pressure, we watch this thing over ohio, it has been pushing down to the south actually two of them, all of the heavier rain you see across the virginia north carolina border will start to pivot in our direction later tonight. so, it is actually two areas of low pressure, and the action gets going here after midnight, but really most of tomorrow is when we pick up that rain. so in the next 36 hours, i think we could easily get another inch every rain in many areas, few spots could get little bit more, not
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be a flooding issue, but will be difficult to drive if for your friday morning commute. it will be annoying, friday, and may even be wet for the evening commute. coming up in a little bit, hour by hour for the forecast, other things we're certainly noticing very cool temperatures. hello march again. throw back thursday, it feels like early march, with temperature of 57. our high today only 58 degrees, east northeast winds, continues to keep us cooler, last stop tonight your planner, 57 degrees, drizzle,
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>> rest tore tiff justice practice, aimed at punishing the students while also offering counselling, the point avoid derailing a student's future. fox5's matt ackland reports. >> this clip might make you angry, student cursing, threatening, even putting his hands on substitute teacher. >> i think he's trying to push my buttons. >> mr. taylor spoke to us about that classroom outbreak. the video looks like assault, but, taylor describes it more as playing around, or just acting out. in fact, he never reported it. >> i know there is no real threat to me, real or imagined, i didn't think he would hurt me. >> when the clip showed up on social media, principal
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reeves got involved. >> i was really upset. i was disappointed, that a student would do this to a member of our staff. >> the principal had the power to kick out the student. a senior, who was close to graduation, and that, well it, could have derailed his life. so, instead, administrators decided to offer the student a program being used at dc public schools, called restore tiff justice. >> sending someone home for ten, 15, 20 days, does not necessarily mean they'll own the behavior and actually do something different the next time around. our goal our students will begin to except responsibility for any wrong-doing, own it, and move forward in a very different way. >> the student had to apologize, take part in mediation, even write an essay about what he did wrong. and he was punished, suspended for a few days, even told he couldn't attend prom. but he was allowed to return to school. and the restore tiff justice program seems to be working here at beleuh high school, in the last y
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down, and suspensions have dropped 50%. >> no one is condoning these actions, at beleuh, but mr. taylor says he accepted the apology and didn't want to few seconds caught on video to ruin a student for life. >> i definitely don't see a continual problem with i shall theus have been addressed, usually when issues are addressed they go away. >> in the district, matt ackland, fox5 local news. >> we want to get you back out to the breaking news, in federal center southwest station that has been closed down due to arcing electrical isolate err. it is something that happened earlier this morning, and tom fitzgerald was on that story and is on this one, as it is happening again during this commute. hey, tom, tell us the latest. >> we got a clearer picture of what's going on here today. now, earlier this morning, here at federal center southwest, there was an arcing insulater. that disruptedth
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commute there. was a fire here about an hour ago. what we're being told right now by dc fire and ems, we just spoke with their instant commander here. this is what they've determined. there was a fire here at federal center southwest, just about an hour ago. they've determined that the cause of that fire was that there was trash on the track. now, that has not changed the situation, the footprint here, every what's been going on. let me show you where the entrance is here. excuse me, sir, as we come through here. everybody who has come to this station right now, well, they're being met with this, there is a gate across the front of the entrance here, you're not able to get on. they still have federal center southwest closed, what they're doing, on the blue line, on the orange line, and on the silver line, through the area here, is they are using a bus bridge. there are metro buses. you can see, as they pull up here,
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trying to get them through their stations, and then when they get to where they can get back on, which is over at lafant plaza getting back on there, to repeat what we know right now the situation is this: there was an arcing insulater the kinds we've dealt with many of the last couple of months, certainly, the last couple of years, that incident took place this morning, the fire that took place here, about an hour ago, dc fire and ems tell us right now, they believe the cause of that fire to be trash on the tracks. however, make this very clear, your commute on the blue, orange and silver lines, through southwest dc, is going to be a mess right now. metro is trying to use these bus bridges to get you where you need to go. but it is complicated, and there is congestion, and there is traffic throughout this area. we should tell you, we contacted metro, the only thing they will say at this point right now is that they
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so the information we've got friend dc fire and ems has got a long way to clearing this up. but we're still wait to go hear from metro right now. as to exactly what's going none their station, we throw it back into you. >> thank you. a lot of questions, and we'll have the general manager on the air monday at 7:30 a.m., general manager paul weedfelled, so hashtag ask metro gm. let us know what your questions are, obviously people have a lot of them, because they want to know what's going on, we are waiting to hear from the latest incident, but be having a lot of questions fired their way on monday. >> just the lateness series of problems on metro, and will take your questions, you sends them our way. we will be right back with more right after this.
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people are taking charge of their type 2 diabetes with non-insulin victoza®. for a while, i took a pill to lower my blood sugar. but it didn't get me to my goal. so i asked my doctor about victoza®. he said victoza® works differently than pills. and comes in a pen. victoza® is proven to lower blood sugar and a1c. it's taken once a day, any time. victoza® is not for weight loss, but it may help you lose some weight. victoza® works with your body to lower blood sugar in 3 ways: in the stomach, the liver, and the pancreas. vo: victoza® is an injectable prescription medicine that may improve blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes
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may cause low blood sugar. the most common side effects are headache, nausea, diarrhea, and vomiting. side effects can lead to dehydration, which may cause kidney problems. if your pill isn't giving you the control you need ask your doctor about non-insulin victoza®. it's covered by most health plans.
5:51 pm
>> it is cinco de mayo. we have a lot of breaking news we're covering today, one includes a shooting, very serious shooting, left one man dead at high point high school in prince george's county. that is where fox5's marina morocco has been covering this story this afternoon. it happened just about less than hour ago, marine, a what's the latest? >> yes, we just saw the bridges george's county police chief, enter the school, he just arrived on the scene, more homicide detectives have been coming here, and you'll see behind me, no traffic, because they've shut down the road here. power mill road. which stands just in front of high point high here in beltsville. i want to show you a quick scene, again, unfortunately you can't see in front of our vantage point, but police chopper has landed here on the field. the blades are going strong, at any moment could take off yet again. you see the command unit still in place here at the school. again, just to recap, two
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school, one person dead, the second one injured, according to sources, it seems like it is domestic in nature. the injured victim, a man in his 40's, at this point, that's all we know, police have not given the media any sort of briefing. just minutes ago, though, we saw a large block of parents, fairly concerned, could you see it on their faces waiting for their children to come outside. we understand there are still students inside, classes were out, but there were after-school activities going on at the time of this shooting that's happened at about 5:00, these parents starting to make their way back. i spoke with one woman, who says she was here to pick up her sister, a 15 year old, who texted her saying i'm safe, i'm hiding but there has been a shooting, we hear one person is dead and they will not let us out. so of course you can imagine how scary it is, starting to seat parent here actually walking without their children, so seems like they've released some of the students who were inside school here when this all took place.
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shooting here in beltsville from high point high coming up after this break.
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>> all right, welcome back. we want to take another look at the werth out there, which it is dreary, what we know. >> dreary, gray, not very wet today. but after midnight, the rain starts to pick up. friday looks wet. we could get an inch of rain. >> and then saturday we begin to break out of it, it is not a perfect saturday, it will be brighter, should get little warmer, can't rule out few more showers, maybe an early shower mothers day, and then look at next week, everybody, oh, ya, we break the pattern. >> yahoo. >> begins breaking down saturday. >> light at the end of the tub. >> i definitely light and warm at the end of the tunnel. >> good, we like that, thanks, sue. thanks for watching the fox5 local news at 6:00 is coming up after the break.
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vo: for dominion, part of delivering affordable energy includes supporting those in our community who need help. our energyshare program does just that, assisting with bill pay and providing free, energy-saving upgrades. it's more than helping customers, it's helping neighbors. ♪ stand by me
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>> braking news out of prince george's count. >> i two people shot, one person died at high point high school in belt ville. fox5 marina morocco live on the scene, what's the latest? >> well, at this point, sources saying that police still looking for a suspect or suspect, in connection with this shooting. witnesses here saying they were walking in front of high point high, when they heard four gunshots go off in the back parking lot, now, we just spoke with a couple of students, they were here after school hours, softball game going on, about to begin, when this all took place, they were returned into an equipment room waiting for police to try to diffuse the situation, again, we under stands whomever is behind the shoot something still on the run. you can see, the street here has been shutdown. a school bus just arriving on the scene, and just behind that school bus, prince george's county command unit on the scene, as well aspirins


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