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tv   Good Day DC  FOX  May 6, 2016 9:00am-11:00am EDT

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♪ straight ahead, a shootinghg outsider of a maryland high h school leaves a mother dead. dea her estranged husband thehe suspected gunman still on thetil loose this morning.orni. we'll have a live report. metro melt down moren problems on the red line today.y 24 hours after an undergroundnd fire ball shut down service.erve the transit agency now setyn to announce major changes andnd that could mean more sacrificess from riders.. what is required is that wew unify this party. party >> donald trump may clinch thene republican presidentialdent nomination but he has long wayg to go to gain the party's trust. plus that controversial cinco dd mayo tweet and how this likely november rival respond the.. ♪ later, can't stop the the feeling.feel for the first time in almost alm three years justin timberlake
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your first listen. ln. good day at 9a starts right now. ♪ this summer an themselves whenth they come out the end of may okay i've heard this 11 million times.mes >> you jam out in your car. car >> it's good stuff. great to hear new music from justin timberlake. this is not his cd. cd. that's in the works right now.o. >> little something something.oi >> a little teaser. >> trolls fox movie coming out.. >> he's doing a voice in thece e movie and then music from it.. >> thanks for staying with us. this friday morning, may sixth.. headline being friday.. i'm steve alongside, annie, erii and wisdom. allison and maureen are both o off. >> we're celebrating mom.ti mom wanda durant mom of basketballkb star kevin durant will join uson live in the loft for a look atok this new movie based on her life. life.
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>> fascinating story about herbr relationship with kevin duran. d before we get to all of that a a weekend washout in the works.or friday is off to rainy start s just like a lot of other dayser have been in the past couple ofo days.da more could be on the way. details now tucker barnes first check of the forecast.ecast hey, tuck. t >> it won't be a weekendwon't w washout. friday washout. washout >> just friday washout. (applause).use) >> okay, all right. rht >> that's number one. o that's number two. >> my work is done.s do (laughter). >> wait, wait you got more.t mor >> i do? >> you got more.otore. yeah. >> what about right now?ou >> let's do right now.o righ 53 in washington.hiton. winds out of the north here athh 10. today is a was going to remain very cool out o with some very heavy raiern tha' been moving in from the eastheas yeah kind of unusual here this i time of year to get the rainhe i coming off the ocean but certainly have that and you cann see that very heavy batch off rain moving east across oros o moving west here from the easthe across the bay at this hour andd steady rain up and down the 95 corridor but we'll be dealinge with this over the next coupleco of hours. expect periods of moderate if oi not heavy rain
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upwards to about an inch of rain by the time we wrap things upngs late this afternoon and thisnd i evening. so it's going to be very veryry wet friday up and down theown t eastern seaboard you can see yos that rain all the way up towards philly area of low pressure ease of the ocean city very very slowly meander off to the northr and then fall apart over thevere next 24 hours so wash out todayy again potential for som urban flooding ponding on the roadwayy we'll gradually improve tonightg the rain will lighten up.l ten tomorrow just a few showers anda we may actually get a niceic period of sunshine by mother'so' day the forecast will get better from here. he. with day heim high of 58. yes, stay dry out there and again if you'll be on the on t roadways look out for ponding og the roadways there with someiths heavy rain over the neck cuffk c hours, guys. guy 58 your daytime high. hig we'll look at the weekendt the n forecast in just a minute. me. i'll toss it back to you.s it >> the ran was a nightmare for f the morning commute.te metro mayhem, metro mess, call l it what you want but the been be another rough morning for for riders. i've been reporting on it allonl morning long. there have been delays
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of metro six lines already.dy current issue still on the blueb and yellow lines because of a o signal problem.em it's outside braddock road andrd it has led to slow train speedsd repeat off loading of trains ana crowded platform.m. now, before that, it was the rer line the van ness station closee for about 90 minutes and that'sa because of a power van ness got back up and running around 7:45.:4 now that outage is on the heelse of a majoring -- another majorej issue at federal center cen this video is jutust crazy.. it almost looks like an explosion. this is one of the two trackwora fires from yesterday.este the incidents forced metro gm tt shut the station altogether fore emergency repairs.ncy reir he is due to make a major nounss many today. >> our fox5 melanie alnwick hass been top of this story allto all morning long.on >> she joins with the good morning to you, mel.u,el what can you tell us now?l us nw >> reporter: hey, good h, go so i can tell you that there's s lot of anticipation out therehe
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paul wiedefeld is going to say but we've had some previewsreviw little sneak peeks from him inri the past.t. some clues about what it is is going to mean.goin we'll talk about that in just aa minute but i want to show youhow some of the work that was donean overnight here.e. you see those gray pillars thost are all new insulators for the tracks and there were hundreds s of them replaced overnight in that shut down of two stationsos overnight that general manager g said had to be done after thatt fire yesterday. after he saw the video. saw vid said wow we got to do somethingg right away and also just thet t problem with the water intrusiou in the tunnels.nels you can see where it's leaking i in the tunnel and then back herh on the track bed, there's stilll water there this morning. that is the kind of thing that o they are trying to repair andnd really get on top of. o it's a persist 10 problem that'' been going on for decades.. again, let's go to that video from last night that -- riders r even said when they saw thisaw video it was absolutely shockinn and to
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pulling away as that insulato insulator,ed, sparked and caused such dramatic flash over there.. it's really is frightening andnd people know that it seems likeee every time it rapes now thesenoe are the kind of problems that t metro is having. havg. we did ask passengers what theya thought about yesterday. yesterd they said they could see anessable difference in theenn h tunnels this morning, and they e also said that they're givingivn paul wiedefeld pretty high markr for his stance on this so far.. >> i just think that blow up up took place at the rail -- as the rail was going by.y. it happened after they had gonee by. by i think the new general managerg is actually trying to make sure things are taking place quickly, and i appreciate that he is more hands on than the previousviou general manager. >> reporter: and she's not thehe only one that feels that way.ay. guys, i was talking to some ofso the maintenance crews as theywsh
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and one guy asked me what it i thought of general manager wiedefeld.efeld. i said seems like he's handlingl it so far. it s >> he said i love this guy. g. that he is on point and he ise doing what needs to be done.. what should have been done a bda long time ago. so again that anticipation fornr what it's going mean. mn. we do know based on what the general manager has said in hiss testimony to congress and also in some budget hearings that ita is going to require as he said i some more sacrifice from ridersr we know he talked about need tod go get help from the local l jurisdictions in terms off traffic mitigation, and buses that's where we think we can ben talking about some partial shutu downs on the lines but we'llut l find out in just a few shorthort hours. back to you. >> in my opinion i think the difference, mel, in the past wet have gone through years of weekends that have been single tracking, shut down and we'veand been told it's all to makellmak improve many to the system andma we still see more and moreor
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general manager who, yes, therer are still disruptions but seemst to be backing it up by doingy something about it that we cantn all see. >> reporter: yes, that's whats a we've seen here this morning.. these are actual things thats ta rider which is look at this t morning and say, yes, that's ana improvement. that is something that has beene done and i think, again, that visual evidence of what they'rer going through is going to go ano long way in supporting whatevere is going to come out of thisf plan this morning. >> tangible changes. thanks melanie.than we'll be live streaming thattrmt announce many it will be comingc up less than two hours at hours 11:00 o'clock this morning we'lw live stream it on the metro press conferenceferenc outlining the new maintenancentn plan in the meantime you want w answers from metro we know thatt we'll get as many as we can for you on monday morning.orng general manager paul wiedefeld e who just talking about will join us live on monday at 7:30am.:30. tweet us your questions but makt sure to use the #askmetrogm so s that we can find your questionss online.
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live 7:30 morning we'll stream r that on fox5 d.c. app and on ♪ happening right now, princew george's county police are stils looking for this man who theyhot say killed his estranged wifenge right in front of students at sa high point high school in bel ltbeltville, maryland yesterdayd now those students are heading a back to school after a traumatit incident. bob barnard joins us live withve more on the manhunt and what lee up yesterday's violence. bob?bo >> reporter: hey, good morning. i want to let you know, yes, ye, school is in session.eson. started at time at 7:45 thishis morning. the shooting happened at at 5:00 o'clock yesterday afterno afternoon. after school but there was a softball game. the rotc program had been b meeting here, and police still s at this hour now looking for for this gentleman, 62-year-oldld tordil. 62 years old a delphi, marylandn not far from here. her they say he works for theorhe federal protective service and d back in march, had been orderedr to stay away from his estranged
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wife gladys. gdys. she was a science teacher at park dale high school that's ini riverdale, maryland, aboutyld, o 10 miles southeast of here. she was here yesterday afternooo at high point high school pickle students here. here. prince county police say that aa man who happened to be here in the parking lot saw the couplee he stepped in to intervene andea he was shot in the shoulder.hou. and then police say after that,, tordil opened fire on his estranged wife gladys who was sitting in her suv. s she was shot dead. dea. he took off. o. we spoke to high school scene 88 here this morning who says thata people are very upset about thii and praying for the two classmates the daughter daughtee victim film why did a guy did it on school grounds. gro why didn't he wait somewhere not that public were underaged kidsk were there and probably going tt be trauma for anybody that saw that.that that's sad. sad that's very sad i feel. >> rep
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suspect is still on the loosehee just spoke to prince george'sce' county police.un they have not found him. him they're calling this an isolated murder that a case of domesticc violence but esche also beo b considered armed and dangerousus and has not been caught. caugh here at high point high school and also at park dale highigh school grief counselors to help the students and the school community here because of the crime that was committed in thei parking lot and there becausese beloved teacher has been has bn murdered.m a 44-year-old science teacher from park dale high schoolchoo murdered in the parking lot hert at high point high school in scl prince george's county, guys. >> bob, tragic story indeed.eed. 11 past the how far right now.ow still ahead this morning long road ahead for trump still after the highest elected leader of l the gop refuses to endorse him.e at least right now. least we'll tell you why.ll yhy first though we are going to sit down with the woman that nba ala star kevin durant called thele real mvp. his mom.s m it's fitting for mother' days iy
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wanda durant will join us live e next. we'll talk about how -- herut hh raising her super star son, a new movie based on her life, we'll chat mother' days and basketball as well. 9:12. back after this. ♪ with ingredients like roasted hazelnuts and cocoa, basketball as well. 9:12. back after this. the delicious taste of nutella takes pancakes
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nutella. spread the happy!
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>> you
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you kept us off the put clothes on our backs, food on the table, when you didn't eat, you made sure we ate. you went to sleep hungry. you sacrificed for us.s. you the real mvp. (applause). >> two years ago not a dry eye e in the house not dry eye at homh for anybody who was watching.ath you want to talk about shout ouo that was nba super star and dmv native kevin duran praising hisg mom aft he was named the mvp. that story is come to goome to lifetime television this weekenw for mother's day.ay wanda duran the inspirationpiran behind the movie joins us now un talk all about it. i good to see you this >> thank you.>> thanks for having me. f >> i know you're still a local.l
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>> yes, i am. >> not a far commute for youmutu this morning.this great to have you stop by. by ma'am, tell us what you werehat thinkinthinking when he was sayn and just praising you in front of all of those eyes?yes? >> well, i wasn't expecting itti at first. i was really emotional because i had seen him work so hard to geg to that point and so i was was reallily happy for him and proup of him. but when he turned the attention me, i wasn't expecting it but then i started thinking aboutin the things that he was and how much it meant to me that it is a part of the foundationnn he's created for himself. himse. >> were you actually havingav those thoughts while you were ye hearing those words from kevinrk on stage?ta? you could see my response.espo i was just nodding my head andda saying, i remember that, yes.. >> getting all these flash backs to his youth and growing up.row. >> yes. >> let's talk now little bit. that's the focus of this moviefe that will be out and going tooio premier on sunday night on on lifetime.lifetime. it's really focuses on -- it i focuses on you as the mom. m >> yes.>> y >> raising your kids.ngour kids >> as single mom.>> asingle mom. it's a challenge that so manyo y people not just here in the district ith
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the country face.untr a lot of people might wonder won wanda how did you do it? good o just focused on them. t i knew that they looked to me me for everything, and i had to put my desires on the back burner and clearly focus on them and ad isaac chris faced them and i and have to resentment now nor did d then because i knew they neededd me and i wanted them to have aaa great start in life. life. >> give us some examples of you what.what. you're 21 years old. old. raising kids as single what did you make sure you did d for them so that, opening even if they didn't go on to get scholarships or in the nba you u knew these would be young menngm that would grow up to be greatre members of society.iety >> i wanted to instill values in them my family had instilled inn up together are the, hard work and determination that's what i' did and that's why i put the ini organized sports because i want them to learn how to get alongwa with others torque care foraror others and to to be a part of aa team and so that's some of the things i did, and i was always w present in their lives. liv
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i made many mistakes but i was constant and i made sure that they were my focus.ere myocus >> then how did that translatere now as the boys were getting older? there's always thoseho rough patches now.hes now. >> yes. >> boys become men. boybecome >> oh, yes. >> dealing with that.ling how did you maintain that beingi the mom in this relationshipiohi even in those years? >> well, now i'm better now butn it took a few years for me too understand that they wanted to d make their own decisions andio they wanted to live their livess and make the mistakes they nee needed to make for their maturity.maturity now i have this motto with them, i don't inject my opinion i jusj wait for the >> you made so many sacrificesai as they were growing up as youpo were >> yes. >> now especially with kevin'syk success you have the opportunity now to pay back things yourself. you must really embrace thatract tune. >> yes, i do.i d i am inspirational speaker now.w during the lock out season keviv had made generous donation andia they wanted him to present it to the recipients which were single
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parents, and he urged me to -- t they said they needed hear me ha rather than tn h that's how it started for me. m. i realized that was my passion i and my dream to help women whoen were in situations that i was n in. in to help good them hope and realize even though you want tot quit, there were times i wantede quit on myself and thereforehefo quitting on my children but i never knew what the future holdl i never thought something likehi this would happen, and so i i encouraged them to hold on andn keep going pressing forward.orrd >> so many selfless acts on youn part. now the movie comes out one comu sunday night.sunday n now here's the twist. twist. >> saturday night.urda >> saturday night just in timetu for mother's day.s the eve of mother's day. >> yes. >> when a movie is made about a and somebody else takes on thatn role how is that to watchoch somebody else be you in a movie? >> well, the actress playing me is cassandra free man she camehm to my house i really was takenan by her because she had a lot of energy, we spoke she wanted to get my voice and she did it well. but it was difficult because
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brought back a lot of emotions n that i had but it was a joy too see how she had absorbed by character. >> we can't wait to watch the movie o saturday night on lifete we also can't wait to watcho w kevin play again i have to askas you -- >> it's coming. i i knew it was coming. >> war the chances of him beingg here in d.c.? >> well, the jury still out onlo that. th right now and i miss sayingay these faux cuff on the playoffss this is a tough series for them. he feels that it would be the thunder april justice if he jus focuses on what where he's goini to go if he's going to stay ortr leave. so he just kind of wait untilitl the time is right for us to discuss it as family. as faly >> which is fair enough and wefr won't ask what he thinks aboutio being in d.c. but would you like to see him play in d.c.? >> i would like to see him playp wherever he's happiest. >> good answer from a mom. >> i ask can you about thisut t coach. do you think his coach is a gooo fit for d.c. d >> i love him.oveim he's a great he required the best of kevin kn all the time and that'
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want as a coach and so i'm happy for him.. i'm glad he's close.lo i'll definitely be down at theyt arena to see him. see him. >> you know the people willthe e start talking to you even more o when you start hanging out withw the >> i know, right.ig i better wait until after this i the decision is is made. >> there you go.>> t listen we're happy to have coac brooks in d.c. i we would love it even nor kevin was here. >> thank you.>> thank you >> i mean you hate to saytesay congratulations for raising aaia couple of great kids but you b u really did it. i >> thank you.>> t >> i'm glad you're getting the accolades you deserve.erve >> thank you so much. so muh >> a pleasure talking to you.e >> kudos to you.>> k i saw that jump shot in that tht video i saw your jump shot.p sho is that where it came >> year, but it was edited. (laughter). >> love it.ov >> happy mother' days to you. thank you for coming.coming. >> thank you so much g time nowe 9:21.9: coming up later on big shoes to phil disney has reportedly found its next hans solo.ns solo. we'll tell hugh will reportedlyr play the iconic harrison ford roll in the new star wars spin off.of
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in c the latest job numbers are out o and the shocking new report that could mean another stain on joe paterno's legacy.egac it is right now 9:22. we'll be back with a check ofheo some of the the on the stories making headlines next.
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>> ♪ >> 9:24 right now.>> it's friday though.'s >> that's true, steve. >> helps a little bit. >> find out what else is making
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morning. erin. >> thank you very much, first up, north of the border ii canada, that massive wildfire in fort mcmurray continues to torct home after home.e. last night, 8,000 people who had already fled to another part ofr the city had to to be vac be weighed again. aga. airlifted to edmonton andnd calgary and if it's safe,s saf thousands more will be moved back to large trucks today. tody so far the fire has consumed and area bigger than new york city. new reports claim joe joe paterno knew as early as 1976 that jerry sandusky may haveskya been abusing children. a judge says insures errs involved in a lawsuit with pennw state claim that decades ago a a boy told paterno he had been mom hefted by sandusky.ansk according to reports the orderrd also cites claims by unnamed uad assistant coaches that they witnessed inappropriate contacta between sandusky and children. and it look like p
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won't be getting a stipend to to not commit crimes. the proposal appears to be deadd after dc mayor muriel bowserow didn't include money for the program in her budge. council approved the sty penn ap part aft larger bill. also, the april jobs reportb is o. it looks like the us didn't don' much hiring in employers only added 160,00060 jobs last month.on that is far blow industrtry expectations. and the unemployment rate remair at 5%.. one bright spot, april actuallyl saw a nice bounce in wages which grew two-point 5% annually. a world war ii veteran whoer was the oldest known livingiv american man has died at the age of 110. frank livingston, jr. enlisted s in the army in october 1942. 194 that's less than year after japan's attack on pearl harbor.r there he served as private p during the allied invasion of italy w
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september 1943 to january 1944.1 so lots going on in the t headlines today, guys.. >> 110 years old. old all the stories he must have. >> that's huge. hug >> oh, man. all right.. >> history there. >> so many memories.. >> thanks, guys. guys >> still ahead on good day,ay reality tv overload.rloa no seriously we are sitting down with all the reality tv stars today from them braxton family values, the real housewives of potomac and love and lip hospital. hos you don't want to miss it.s >> we have a lot going on plus p donald trump facing more criticism for his cinco de mayo tweet.weet. we'll show you what it said andd why the house speaker is not ready to support the party'sarty likely presidential candidate.. >> plus tucker barnes back witht a check on the holiday weekendee and beyond which hopefullyly includes some sun. hopefully tucker will come gluee not looking promising now, though. >> yeah. ♪
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hey mom, i could use some basil. oh, sure thing, sweetie. life is eating out of a flower pot. wait where's the? right. it's being a food paparazzi.
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st just broke the internet. as it should. and a takeout romantic. dessert! happy anniversary. life is mucho, and grande. life is eating, laughing, loving and a place to enjoy it together.
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>> in the air along the right field line. brandon murray near the seats. >> and -- >> aww. >> >> he got hurt, though.rtough >> that's a catch by brandonbran murray.murr what play. is he all right?l rit >> here the thing. tng don't be that guy right there. t see that? i'm going to get a selfie even though the player ii down. >> so not the time or place forf that one. that one. >> that was diamond backs playes who got hurt.o go he was making a diving catch in falter tow. t. >> excuse me, sir, can i just cn right get a picture real q
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picture of you cursing at me n now. >> oh, my gosh.h. >> great evident, wasn't it?asnt >> tollly inappropriate photo during steps moment in the game. >> you know what, those social,o media people they love that tha because now they're talkingw about it. >> here's the question wisdom im will pose this to you you are ya the self described selfie king. >> uh-huh. uh. >> he's our kid k. >> have you had a chance cnc encounter i'm not talking abouto coming on the show -- if i was w out and glow if you had a chance encounter with your number oneu crush or celebrity would you try take an selfie if it was ann awkward situation.uation. >> i wouldn't do that. i w if they fell or something likere that. >> you would help him ut up.elm >> what if you saw harry berry a restaurant. >> it depends what she was doina at that restaurant.taan >> what if she was having dinn dinner. here's the thank about selfies. even when people come in i'm very respectful of yourour personal as bad -- as much as i love tooe take selfies i always ask. i don't care if do you come in e here i always i a i don't want up to people and pl start doing if they're doing something thata you know, private, whatever, i'e
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>> creeping in.eping >> right. >> i don't do that. tt. that's a no-no. >> had to get advice from the k. >> tuck key barnes --s - >> the rules are different for f him. him before we get to tuck key let'sl get mom day shout outs we wantwn people to tweet your pictures #fox5moms or #gooddaydc.. just to prove that we are -- we're walking the walk andheal talking the talk, we're wre celebrating our moms today as t this is the closest we'll get tl mother's day. >> aww. t that's my mom.>> happy mother's day patco mow.. she's my little twi i love her. >> really is.s >> you look great together.eaet >> you look like >> can you believe she's s grandmom >> what? >> happy mother's day mrs. como. >> i believe who is up next? w? have a wisdom martin family photo. ph >> that's momma martin right there.e shirley martin bee man. man i said this on twitter.tter she taught me int
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taught me english in the tenth t >> she did. teacher in the tenthth grade. taught for long time and she ans teaches me still now in life. >> aww.>> a >> wisdom, we can see where you get style from as well. wel >> great picture of momma mart martin. (laughter).te. >> hold on. o hold up, steve. sve >> i always get the short end. >> what's up with that? >> we pick op tucker a lot but t no i always get the short end of thing. >> steve's parents are so cute. we havec to show mrs. chenevey.. mrs. chenevey is adorable. you look like your mom. m >> if you were just picking onwe me there, you're picking onre my m.m. it stops right now.ight. >> that's my mom sandy cheneveyy >> so adorable.doble. this was last thanksgiving downg in florida i went down to visits we got picture.ictu >> enjoyed the sunshine.ed t sun beautiful family photo. >> aww. >> how about you.>> h >> and that is my mom and tradition rolls on. she does not
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>> ever? >> she smiles occasionally buts in photos she doesn't likesh smiling i don't know why. >> serious face.doerio >> she's got -- >> thanks to your mom she gave v was wonderful smile annie.. >> absolutely. >> celebrate all the moms todayt >> we also celebrate people who are having birthdays today.daysd >> yeah.h. >> our own max in the studio. >> yeah! >> turn around max. point to him tuckeurr.imucke >> happy birthday, buddy g comem over here.ove. >> max, we love you so much.o mc >> walk over here. h come on, max, walk over here.r walk right here.lkight h >> be careful with that big thab camera. >> oh, lore. l >> can you get back up.k u >> probably not.ot. >> i'll leave you right there. >> you can awkwardly stand.ta happy birthday max. m we love you so much.uc nice man, max.. you won the best, baby. >> max is our expert in music im and italian cuisine. >> yes. >> all right. tucker barnes, go ahead take itk to you and hopefully you canly c
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you deli >> i have, steve. hav ste >> looking at a picture of yourr mom again.m agai >> that might have been thee bee highlight of my entire year. >> summer countdown has begun. 45 days until summer. sum queue the music. >> okay.>> o >> thank you.. >> this show is falling apart rapidly. stay tune it might get good her in minute. 53 in washington. washing 54 in quantico. 48 leonard town it's cool outn o there. we're just not going to get out of the 50's again today. tay jacket, umbrella i was just wasj outside.outs it's a light rain here in d.c. but very very steady rains inn fact heavy rains pushing acrossr the bay and this is just going to kind of pinwheel into ourl io immediate area here over theerhe next couple of hours the rain rn will pick up intensity laterer this morning.orni moderate if not heavy at times t through the afternoon hours. hou and then things will start to sa taper off tonight with some ofho think locally heavy rain we'ree' expecting we can get pondingon older roadways over the near nea term.rm remember last couple of dayst just kind of featuring clouds aa threatened rain.ed rai
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today is the real deal.y is a lot of rain maybe an inch plup of rain and that could causeld some issues.s. area of low pressure right about there. and it's going to me ant to thet north and eventually north and r west over the next 24 hours and kind of spin itself out. so that means for us a betterr forecast.focast gradually getting tomorrow we'll have a few we' sprinkles and showers around and then by sunday i think we will w break out in future cast.ture cast. there we are at 9:00 o'clockre there's that rain showeratain sr activity at 1:00.t 0 steady, heavy at times hereim h through the afternoon hours. h will taper off five,ff fiv 6:00 o'clock tonight and then ad overnight tonight, we'll keepe'k the drizzle and some light rain in the forecast through tomorrow morning with some cloud coverlor but by tomorrow afternoon,ftnoo, they'll be some breaks in thehe clouds.ouds and not expecting much rainuch r around here tomorrow and then be sunday, as quick moving cold c front comes through maybe agh me shower early sunday and theny tn clearing by afternoon fory afte mother's day that's realhat's a important. clearing afternoon for mother'sr day with some sunshine. so the gardens have been fed b with lofts water.with beautiful day to be out and about by sunda
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temperatures in the mid 70s.d 7s there's your seven day.s yo 58 today.. some showers early tomorrow and then i think it will be reducedl to a little drizzle and lightig sprinkle activity tomorrowity afternoon. quick shower sunday.icshow we'll get it out of here. pattern switches up by next week.we at least monday looking 75 with sunshine. se. we'll get a chance to dry out.rt we need to dry out.ut all right. rht. back to you guys.ckyou guys. >> thank you so much. tha >> yesterday was cinco de mayoo lot of people tweeting about ito inn clueing donald in hot water for sharing thisng image he posted to his social media in northern of may the fifth with the caption i love hispanics. on like people fired back.k. he didn't know cinco de mayo was a mexican holiday and not hispanic.sp. others claiming the photo was pandering.pander >> speaking to an audience at au rally in la hillary clinton saii trump wants to quote deportation force wants a quote deportatio force to round up millions of
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people. she also mentioned trump'smp's tweets in her own saying hours before his expression of loveov for hispanics he promised tosed deport them.he >> donald trump may have wrapper up gop nomination were you heiou still has long way to go too got unite the republican party.n pty that's because the most powerful elected republican isn't willing to support him just yet. y and holding out could make trump's job little bit moreitor difficult.diffic fox's doug luzader has theuzadet latest from the campaign trail. >> reporter: they both callal themselves republicans butcans donald trump and republicaneplia house speaker paul ryan are not exactly seeing eye to eye andyea it's something that party par leaders hope they can fix.ix. >> in november you're going toou go out and vote.go o that will be the greatest vote you ever cast. okay? >> reporter: donald trumpter: looking ahead to the general election in november. nembe while this may have been aa welcoming crowd in west virgin virginia, republican speaker spk house paul ryan says not so nots holding out on an endorsement. >> i'm just not ready to do thaa at this point.soint i'm not there right now
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and i hope to, though and i wanw to but i think what is requiredi is that we unify this party andy i think the bulk of the burden on unifying the party will haveh to come from our presumptive non know. >> reporter: trump quicklymp quy responding, i am not ready toeat support speaker ryan's a yen today. da and under scores the great gop divide.divi those who are backing trump andd the high level hold outs.d o like fmer presidents george w.s bush and his father and the moss recent gop nominee mitt romney. party chairman priebus trying tt play go between with trump and p ryan. >> i talk to him this afternoonn after he made his comments, and what -- what -- i talked to i tl donald trump, too, and they're ' both committed to sitting down w and working -- and actually aua talking this out. >> reporter: but someteut s republicans especially ryan have real concerns about the impact trump's nomination would have oo the gop majorities in congress. on the other hand, hillaryer hdh clinton is already latching onn to those gop divisions more ammunition for
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hillary clinton think that isk t she she has an opportunity to to pick up republican supporters. on the other hand, donald trumpd thinks some of these bernie sanders supporters willers wl ultimately turn around and backb him. in washington, doug luzader, fox news. all right.all right. nip 40:00 the time.nip still ahead to the fox beattohef justin timberlake is back. back. we'll show you a clip from hisis brand new music video, plus, the next hans solo kevin mccarthy mh will join us live to tell us who is taking over as the infamous space smuggler.l that's coming up next.up next.
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for exploring the world there's around you.o be said why should snacking be any different? discover all nine flavors of our creamy cheese and tap into your curiosity. the laughing cow. reinvent snacking.
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>> you guys ready. >> we're ready.>> >> on the edge of my seat, steve. >> kevin has announcements to make this morning. let's go live to london england right now. the one and only kevin mccarthy. >> world traveling kevin mccarthy. >> you better believe it.nn let's start with star wars, kevk good morning.or >> do i hear the awesome voicemv of erin como in this segment.met >> you better believe it. bette >> this is the greatest moment.n this is awesome. erin, how are you. how a steve, good morning.e, gd mo i'm completely jetlagged sorryld if i seem a little off. o i landed this morning in london. i'm here for bunch of films innn clueing x-men, sitting down d gentlemen jennifer lawrence, lre justin timberlake next week.eek. brand new news this morning,ni, hans so local everybody talkingr about this.out th. who is playing hans solo in thet origin film young
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alden ehrenreich.enreic you might not know the he's a 26-year-old actor.ld a he was actually found by steven spielberg he found him originally francis ford copyor p pole la put him in he was in beautiful creaturesat and move recent until haill caesar directed by cohen brothers he will playing theng t iconic role made famous byy harrison ford the movie will mow start shooting in january and jy schedule to be release the 218. now reports are saying that he a may have a cameo in the next n star wars movie coming out this december called rogue one a stas wars story. this is taking place betweenwe revenge of the sith and a new n hope. hope now, this actor is amazing. amai i mean he was really -- he was w the stand out role in hail caesar even though not lot ofotl people saw that movie he wase w fantastic in that film.t f i think he's a great choiceho though my number one choice for hans solo would have been bywoue name anthony in gruber he playee the younger harrison ford in tht blake
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of adaline. ali he was the best choice but i'mh looking forward to seeing whatia the director do's here.s he the guy who are directing thisti movie did the lego movie and 211 jump they're names philip lord and chris >> the best news this hans solo won't need walker in the movie.. >> he may be able to get inn action scenes good that's notne nice, steve. he did hurt -- millennial falcol door fell on his leg while theyt were shooting the force awakenss >> i stand correctly, kev., >> all right. >> yeah. >> speaking of new stuff --ff >> justin timber lack bran newaw song much this song is amazing.i i've been listening to -- listes to it like four times thisim t morning so far. it's called can't stop the feeling.fe the new video came out last l night/this morning essentially i the video has a lot of cameos. anna kendrick.k timberlake pogings mother is in the video. james corden and this is the ise first song he's released since 2013 in -- his new movie calledl trolls come out in october.ob this is for that film. fil h
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the movie and also the character, voice character inha the movie as well. i'mnd viewing him in ka* caa c inform nes i love him as an great in social network. nwo he's incredible.die real quick mentioning jamesg jes corden. corden is one of the best peopll late night right now. i think you can all agree withgw me late night television is is really all about the youtubebe video the next day. d what can they getting to viral?l and corden is so great at thesee car pull car yolk keys he bringg in big stars they drive around d los angeles trying to get this,t you know, these amaz amazing son being played and this now one oe has gwen stefani, george clooney and julia roberts and they are a just belting out these amazing songs but watching george grg clooney sing hollow back girl. g >> , it's one of the best. >> it's trial al min it's really good video if you iu haven't seen it.n't seen it. watch it on youtube but, yeah -- i need to
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that.that. >> i've seen scene georgen ene clooney. >> it's amazing.>> look at this.lookthis >> kev, we'll leave it there for now. we'll be watching on youtube asa well. thanks, kev. >> buy kev. >> by the way 10:15 a.m. the russ is he brothers are in bther studio with you guys.ith u gu >> can't wait. wt. >> have fun. tell wisdom that team cap is the >> all right.ight. >> we'll have our own civil war later. we'll deal with that. >> all right.ight 9:47 is the time.9:47 we got lost response the last t week's empire finale party givee away if you didn't win try again today. you could win admission for you an guest fox5 big empire seasonn finale party may 18th at the howard theater.. ♪ >> magic 102.3 donny sim sin,, little mo, holly morris will beb there, allison will be there. go to the contest page at up until 11:59 p.m. tonightonig enter for your chance to winceo much here's the thing. 250 winners shrek beside ran
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drawing may ninth.. we'll pack the howard theater hh all entrants and guests must bee ovóer 21.over 2 keep that in mine. min complete rules at fox5 . >> very still ahead at 9:00 singer and actress nicholas rod will heod w goes takes us back in time withw the '60s cocktail party.. time now 9:48.:4 be right back. bk. ♪ ♪
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♪ >> ♪ what can make me feel this way -- ♪ >> our neck guest is a soap ands theater star taking a trip backp in time and this weekend he'snd' performing here in dc with theht american pops orchestra as partt of a '60s themed cocktail partyp many sounds like lot of fun.ndst first though singer and actorndt nich
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the loft to tell us all about at it. good morning to you.good mornin >> good morning.>> goo >> this is the first thank i t k said to you but you wereuer flawless. >> you are too.>> >> look at his face, ya'll. >> i was shucks. i was shucks. >> super good g thank you for stopping by.r stng >> thank you.>> t >> this is really exciting.eit it sounds like lot of fun.of >> it's so much fun. i a whole evening of music just dedicated to the '60s. '60 played by the american pops which is incredible 30 piece 3pc orchestra and they're very firs season and we're closing it outt with fun tunes. fun tunes. >> we were just going through j the list so we her my girl and we have he california dreaming, puff the magic dragon. good vibrations these are songs we've heard so many different de versions and renditions. rditi >> yup. >> that's from the '60s.. >> these are all brand newra arrangement done by a trainers.r for instance you'll hear patsy klein with full 30 strings youtu know so it's, a do you steviete wonder tunes which is diana ross tunes much it's gre great. >> how long is the show and what's the set up? are you on stage the entire >> show is about an hour and 455 minutes. so, yes, and it's
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cocktail party on stage with set, projections, unlike any ono the pop and once we come on tapa we're there singing, drinking,n, dancing it's fun. >> now, singing is nothing newon to you but you're going fromm soap live to this big stage. sge i mean what's that like for you? is it totally >> it's absolutely different. de you know anywhere being broadwab play to singing with the symphony to being on t have youe adapt to what's around you. y being on tv it's so intimate ant so small and this is a huge auditorium with 30 amazingze strings.ri so you get to let it all hang ah out and sing out film were do you love best about being on the stage versus being, you know, yw energy soap oprah?engy soap >> hands down the audience.ud i mean, you know, it's awesome e being in studio as you know butb when you're on stage hopefullyef they clap for you.yo you get that immediateedte gratification as soon as you'ree done. >> all the faces you get to looo out on to stage and get to seeee them beaming.em. >> especially like this it taket people on trip down hem rownem lane. people hear songs tonightr ng remember their first k
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first their first wedding.r fi you never know.u neveknow >> yeah. >> you'll see the oohs and ahhx i remember that every song strikes somebody as little differently. diffe >> so i mean this is a bigmehis celebration for you being here h doing this play, but the album a that you just released aboutd a year ago this is a bigar ahi anniversary time for you. one year mark, right. >> it's huge. it's huge. so having an album was live lonn goal, you know, always beenlw something i wanted to do. and ps classics my labels my approached me and we did it man about year ago call the firsther time and it's all songs about my life's first times. again a lot like tonight songsit you may know but completely rematch jip. j. >> you always love sipping.ays s >> always. ever since i was a a k. (laughter).au >> but then you went into acting first. firs >> they kind of go hand in hand. they're story telling both ofot them that's what i love singingn selling stories through musichrm and reaching an audience thatnca wage the same as doing play or o tv or >> i know tickets stillkets stil available for the big show.for g >> yup tonight at 8:00.:00 gw auditorium.oriu
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that is a great auditorium.m >> it's so amazing. amazi >> not a bad seat in the house.u >> i'm there with like eric,ri from broadway, nova peyton right here in dc haley awesome singers. >> have you ever performed withr either one of them. t we did a concert at signature sa theater in arlington last yearea to release my new album. >> fantastic.>> fstic nicholas rod rouges the show is tonight at 8:00 o'clock at gw university auditorium.orium tickets still available.still av there you go right it's very >> can't wait.>>ai >> thank you so much.hank >> thank you.>> all right. all ri we still lots more still aheadie at 10:00 o'clock. >> looking forward it to thankso >> thank you first it is coffeei time on good day dc if you want one of our cool good day coffeef mugs we have the new one withnet the dunkin' donuts connection we'll give one away right now perfect cup for great dunkin'ati donuts coffee.donu coffe head to fox5 or d.c. one lucky winne
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random drawing. drawing. you have until 11:00 to end.nd it's 9:56. 9 we have a packed 10a coming upup next.. don't go anywhere. anywhere. ♪
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and you may not know what i'm talking about, but, uh. the yogurt made from your milk, is delicious. mmmm, yoplait. hey mom, i could use some basil. oh, sure thing, sweetie. life is eating out of a flower pot. wait where's the? right. it's being a food paparazzi. honey, your rump roast just broke the internet. as it should. and a takeout romantic. dessert! happy anniversary. life is mucho, and grande. life is eating, laughing, loving and a place to enjoy it together.
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♪ the guest list for thises morning's good dayt 10a off the hook. >> you said it wis much live inm the lot of you know them fromouh the hit reality show braxtonxton family values. beautiful to you wanda and tracd are here.are here. >> also here, live the directoro from what could be the biggest blockbuster this year captain cp america civil war. >> plus love and hiphop star peter guns dishing potomac housewives with one of the stara and we have few surprises inisei store. it's friday.. that should be good enough. >> right. >> let's hit it.
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the 10a starts now.. ♪ >> you guys are talking about reality stars we have coming inv this hour.this h the reality there's a huge evene coming up tomorrow.orw >> oh yeah.ea >> it is derby day.erby >> we nia few drinks. drink hear wisdom.dom. have cigar my friend.en >> thank you i'll tack this. ts. >> we have flowers for the ladies. >> i need sandwiches.sandwies. >> food.. >> making drinks a little later. jack rose tavern kentucky derby party. we'll be learning about drinkri specials want we can dols w celebrate.ce we have the true kentucky derbyd drink coming up.p we'll learn how to make the right way.ri >> we're ready.dy >> hidden behind here there's ar reason as well.el with all this fine glass wearea wisdom and i are rocking some awesome cap america.meca >> we're geeking out. >> the reason being in just feww minutes we'll be talking with tg the directors of the hottestot movie on the planet right now oo may i say in the universe? >> wisdom
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>> i'm flossing over here. her come up this hour. hou great show today folk. >> we got to come back over or here. we'll walk over here. he. >> bring our mug but leave thevt drinks behind for now. >> there's coffee in the allhe a morning lo >> i feel i shouldn't have thist cigar in my hand either. eithe >> it's friday, my friend. myen go ahead and celebrate however r you see fit.yosee thanks for staying with us fortw the 1 i'm steve along cidar erin como, annie yu, wisdom martin.n. holly maureen are both off todad getting early start on their weekends. >> all right.>> big weekend, too.weekend, t withoo mother' days.ays. >> on sunday. getting great pictures of peopll celebrating with their moms. >> i just scrolled that was tond still coming in. >> grit to see the love you sees pouring out don't need ad a caption. >> everyone is so proud of thei moms and the pictures and sweets captions i can read them ford tr hours.ho >> none us would be here withouw our moms.our mo >> that's true.>>hat's >> absolutely true.uteltru >> got another hour we can shara pictures of if you have a greatt photo of you and your mom orm your mom you want to celebrateea tweet them to us make sure toret use t
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#gooddaydc.#gooaydc we'll be able to find them andmd pick and show them on the screer and celebrate your moms with you today.da all right.>> it's 10:02.. let's check what is trending onn this friday >> first up, feeling lucky? y? tomorrow is the big powerballowa drawing. in the jackpot right now is worthor get this, $415 million.5 io but that is expected to go up aa more tickets are bought. bought. i know i'll be one of those o t people buying a ticket.. no one matched all six numbers s in wednesday night's drawing, dg but there were still a few winners in virginia. two tickets worth $50,000 sold0l in woodbridge and virginia bea beach. >> got do give me some tickets.e >> let's get them closer to d.c. you usual vol to go out in the sub burst and get one of thieves winning tickets.winng ti >> at one of those little tiny t mom and pop gas stations.ti >> these were bought at 7elevenv both of them. t >> woodbridge is kind of outdg there.e >> not really. it's right p m y backyard. >> i need to get tickets.kets >> i'm so spoiled by this id by didn't even buy a
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it was 350 million on wednesdaye i got the powerball i got four buck. ck >> doesn't that make you feelt f good?? >> i'll buy a couple and promise to share. >> yes, sure you will. >> if i hit it big.hit it >> or i'll just be out.e >> you'll be out. >> 400 million we'll all partyol somewhere. >> tone likely gop presidential nomineee and little hot water thistehi morning for a controversialal tweet yesterday.terday donald trump posted this image e on social media in nor of cincoo de mayo with the caption i love hispanics.anics comments called him a pandour po err some accused him of backtracking from previousis controversial comments aboutbout immigrants his likely opponentss ceased the opportunity to sharee off.of hillary clinton shared thisto message on twitter and latern criticized trauma tap rally in los angeles. his tweet also making had hehad lines for what's underneath hish zooming in on the pick a bit yob can see the donald has a bikinii picture of his ex-wife marla
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shoot she did. no word why trump may have beene looking at that particularr picture at the time. tim >> clearly he did that as at as stage photo op just to make the news. that's what i think.. >> there aren't enough words.ens >> there's too much going >> i can't take it. >> wow! >> let's talk about this.about . celebrity feud that's brewing. between two big-time stars. arsenio hall, remember him. remh >> yes.>> yes >> yes. >> he slapped singer shenade sna o'connor with a lawsuit for for libel.l. >> nothing compares the two. >> you know who wrote that,wh prince.o prin he file the suit over facebook o post in which o'connor cued him of giving drugs to prince. pri she wrote that investigatorstigo looking into prince's drug supplier should question hall.ul she also accused hall oflf drugging her. >> what? >> some amazing stuff here. arsenio clapped back calling her allegations fabricated lies. he wants over
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damage.damage that is just random andmnd bizarre that -- i don't even eve know what to say about that. tt you got shenade o'connor saying random stuff about arsenio hall. >> pretty heavy allegations. >> major allegations aft a guy g dice they shall investigate that guy because he's the one that te gave him the himhe d where do you think that's comink from. >> don't you thinkville to haveh proof because he'd show aw lawsuit would be coming her wayw >> i'd be on the phone with myh attorney.aty. >> i'd want more than thet mo millions of dollars he's askingg for. i' a lot of money i'd be asking for. >> great way to get you up andpa moving on this friday morning.og brand new single from jt just js dropped this morning. it's called can't fop stop thete feeling and we cannot stopd we listening to it the its it willl be featured in the upcoming animated movie troll. troll the fan took to twitter to sound off on the new jam. jam drum roll please. thank thank you, thank you. you everyone loves it. it most said they couldn't stopoulp listening just like us and theye are calling i
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calling jay-z a hit maker.ak we can all agree on that. t >> he's pretty talented. his style his dance moves his music.musi too early to tell if it will be the song of the summer.r >> we have a good feeling aboutg this one. i think it will. >> definitely the song of may. m >> what did we say earlier.arlir >> it's going to be on the radio every 30 seconds.on >> it has power in it.t powe winning formula. >> very catchy.chy. >> great.>> great. >> you're right justine timberlake whatever he touches.h magic touch. >> pool side listening to the tt side. >> as long as i got my suit and tie. ti >> look at you. >> thank you wisdom martin. mar. sticking with the music themeice the crowd in raleigh was on o their feet or were on their feer when beyonce' perform her hit song drunken love except for one person.on unimpressed with beyonce'' movev one man kept his eyes in his book.ok he's tollly not fazed withh beyonce'.e' >> what? >> he was apparently there with his wifee
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great show woman but not his style. saying he prefers music from thu '50's, '60's and '70's by they t way the book he was reading hedh read it seven or eight timesei before. >> come on.>> come on >> i giv.e him kudos for goingog with his wife.ife that's super sweet. >> don't hate on the guy. >> being a good husband.nd >> yes. the wife is having a good time. he's chilling and relaxing.axin. it's all good.d. you right.ight shout him out because he went through all of that.h >> it's not like he had ear had plugs in. he's just reading listening tont background music.ckgrou >> there are shows where theywst have parent lurches. some of the kids not your styles of music. so, you know.u kno find places for the parents cans hang out.hang out. >> stay in the car i guess. >> wisdom, you're going to be'ro the one you won't leave yourve u kids alone to the concert.onrt >> they're not going to go to the concert, steve. >> it's not cheap. cheap for him to bite, spent money and sit there and read a book sevene or eight times. times >> i'd give him a shout out. out she's done it taylor swift once againga shattering records.ecords queue the music..
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>> and nothing bad about thesebt headlines. swift now becomes the highestige earning musician bringing in 73 and a half million dollars lastt year.year. >> goodness. >> that means she earned moresh money than any ofe her pierce n double what the number twotwo musician earn last year that was kenny chesney. che the majority of that money camey from her successful 1989 tour.9u she bring it though. tho can't blame her for making thege >> she deserve it.he >> she delivers.iv >> she deserves all of that.erve >> that is an epic video that wa are seeing. super talented.en >> a lot of talent.t its a lot of money to go with tt ago along with that talent. >> we bring the guests thisshis we're getting real this morningg several stars from hit reality i shows are right here.e righere. >> from the braxton family values to you wanda and tracy, hey, plus charisse jordan hereer to dish the housewives of potomac it is renewed for second season which is great news new because d.c. didn't do well whee we had the dc1. >> right.>> r. this e
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well so far.ll s >> we go from reality on the small screen to wisdom geeking i out on the big screen.n it is the hottest movie in the universe. the russo brothers the forcehe r behind this, the directors oftos the movie are with us. captain america, civil war, how did they make the movie? you'lu fine out neck. 10:09.9. before we head to break, thoughg shout outs to more moms out mom there this morning. mor we'll let some of these rolehesr through it's 10:09. erin your saying you and taylor swift are both cat moms. mom >> yes, i, i a happy mother's day to you taylor swift. sw >> hash tag no shame.hame ♪
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>> how about our other recruit. >> he's raring to go. he' sip a little coffee and i'm good good. >> you should be good.. >> what time zone is this.hi >> come on. come on. captain america -- >> mr. lang.r. l >> it's app honor. >> i'm shake your happened tooky long. this is awesome. captain america. i know you too. youoo. you're great. jeez, look i want to say i knowk you know a lot of super people, so thanks for thinking of me. >> hey, man. m >> what's up tick tack? tac >> good to see you.. look, what happened last time -- >> gray great audition but iteat will never happen again.. >> did they tell was we're up against?ains >> something about some psycho h
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come with us you're a granted man. >> yeah, well, what else is new? >> good stuff last night.laig i watched this last night. nig thumbs up.humb the movie is out and reviews are in and captain america civil war is a bonafide hit. hit all week we've been celebratinga marvel super hero movies movs featuring kevin's interviewsntew with the cast and glowinglowing reviews saying it was mind blowing. that's way said, right, steve? e mind blowing much this morningur we wrap up captain america with two guys who made it happen.t h. made it the way it was and comec to the big screen. joining nouse live civil war directors anthony and joe russos good morning to you.or >> good morning. gd mo >> welcome but we start with tht way we're sitting --- >> i'm going to be team cap.. >> team iron man.on m. >> wow. >> in the interest of politics,e steve, look --ststeve, >> look at wism >> he's got -->>s got >> wow. >> both represented.reented >> man right here and captainp america right here.errigh you got to represent. represe >> you got to have political --t that's perfect.that's perfect that's perfect.ct. >> congratulations on the fil
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guys. guys. >> thank you very much.nk y >> i mean the reviews are great so kevin gave it a five out of five. five first five out of five so far so this year.thisear. >> kevin is is great.. we love kevin. >> kevin gets a little excited.t sometimes what kevin sees a five out of five we'll go see it seei maybe we will, you know, tamenot our expectations little bit. so we sent wisdom out, to get, g the real deal last night and yod also loved it.also >> five out of five.>>ive ou it was mazing. was >> all right.>> aight >> not because you're here iecai told them before you even camen in here it was five out of fivee the way the characters were we developed every got good g amount of time on the screen you didn't really have to follow tht whole thing to come in there and watch this move z you can come in there and sit down and watch this movie.ovie the action phenomenal act.ct >> who's your favorite charact character. >> panther and iron man. i'm team iron man. i understand what was going on. i'm not going to givt e it away the iron man and panther andth spiderman those are my threee ah >> love it. i >> when there's this many t characters and this many superer heroes in a film like this, dohi you try to keep t
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relationship as directors with w each one of them?each >> you have to.>> i mean we have to service every character, because somebody becm coming into that theater that'st going to be their favoriter orit character on screen and every actor, incredible cast. you want to make sure you take advantage and quantity of the aq cast. it's our job to make sure we keep the story going andoing and everybody gets their moment.ts m >> how do you make suree s everybody is happy like the lthe actors, acts can have egos.ave e how do you make sure everybody o is happy once -- when you'ren y doing this in the process ofro o makmaking sure everybody getsbos enough time.enough t >> that's a great question.t's all tha e actors your job asob s director is to figure out how tw pull the best performance out ot an actor and every actor worksor differently. some actors like to be very improvisational very spontaneouo never do the same thing some acts like to be very b ver specific on technical level and sort of almost like stage actora do's and be very faithful to tht page. so you have to figure out howigh you peak all those actors work together like for instance l robert downey,ik jr. very neverv does the same thing twice.. always says different linesre
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take to take.takeo t chris evans is the opposite.e. he's very precise.. >> let's get to the good stufftu one of things that kevin geeks v out the most in this movie theoe airport scene and i know this ih a huge hit with fans that go seo the movie, and kevin saying, look, i would watch this on looo for three or four hours straig straight. 17 minutes long. when you guys are drawing upwinu ideas are you just like nothingn is impossible here we're justres going to like throw everythingoh out there. >> it really is. >> marvel is a dream if you can dream it, you know,w, we'll figure out how the to getw it on screen.n. it's really like just being ang kid, having my action figuresn again and, you know, dreaming ug ways the characters can intactai and fight each other and ways ay they can use their powers thatoh are exciting.excin i've been collecting comicsing c since i was 10.nce was 1 so truly is -- working on police movies is fun. fun >> you've been doing thisoi thi forever on the small screen anda highly successful on the bigig screen.scre as brothers, t
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make sure you guys see eye toeee eye on thing. t >> flip a coin.p c >> is that how it works. it wor. >> is it that simple.ithat >> here's the we obviously often do see eye to eye but part of our process we like it when we don't because ww sort of are a you go out whatut our vision is. how we want to a heist much heit what's the best idea. i we always have this policy bests idea wins and we're veryy collaborative.llab we like ideas coming from everywhere amongst the crew we e like everybody contributing toit what the movie can be. >> are you surprised at theist t reaction that you get from these movies when can he come out, hoh big they are especially in super hero environment now, follow upl and the next movie is a prequela or a sequel to the last moviet e that type of stuff? are you a y surprised people are like here h comes another marvel. marve >> we've been taking the moviehv around now for about almost alms month around the world. w showing the movie audiences introducing it.g and it's amazing.mazing it's a global reach fan dom is i everywhere now it's really great that thesehate movies get released globallyloll almost in the same
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because on social media now now everybody can anticipate itipate together and communicate aboutco the film it's very sort of communal of mm experience these movies and thed fans are pretty intense. >> since seven kevin is not herr i'll ask one nerdy question quen because the effects in theseeffh movies are just off the charts and just unreal, the effort thet time that goes into them must bt insane as well.. so we'll dumb this now in simplm math. math. for every hour you spend filminm how much hours goes into post it product effects.t effec >> it usually takes about a yeay to complete all the specialhepe effects on the film.. >> wow. >> you start working on themrt w before you start shooting. shoot some sequences you lock andk and actually start turning over juss because they're fully cg. c iron man is a fully cg charactea the other stuff the minuteinut you're done shoot you have tot edit it together and hand it over. it can take from year to eight i months. >> you can't argue witness can'e results. >> i know. phenomenal.omen. >> smash. >> we know that kevin is in is i london right now working summons other movie projects he did wn
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to ask you guys a question.uest so through the magic ofagf technology, we wanted to give tv kevin a chance to ask you guys s >> fantastic. >> take it away, kev. kev. >> anthony and joe russ so it'so kevin mccarthy here um so bum us i'm not there in studio today tt see you guys.see you gu i'm in london but i'm rocking out my captain america tie bar,e of course, i've seen the filmhel twice i'm going for third time one sunday night at the bfii max the 17 minute airport action scenein is one of the greatest action at scenes i've ever seen in my my entire life. i had epic amounts of nerd teara while watching that.whilwa two quick questions for you gu guys. joe russo, you have a cameo inac this film and you hulls a cameo in the winter soldier.oldi talk about your cameo in bothn films and how that came aboutebt and also the 17 minute action at scene for anthony and joe, how j long does it take to you shootho that scene and edit that scene?? >> all right. r great questions from >> yes.>>es. >> exactly. >> take the -- >> w
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business we did a very small credit card movie oy played a pe part in that film. and i had to give up acting inin order to pursue direct focus ono one craft. so occasionally i will find an interesting role to take in onee of the movies, andnd coincidentally i play a doctortr in both winter soldier and a captain america civil war.icciv. look out for me.lout f i'm a little bit in >> i didn't even recognize.en re what? >> you address some of theof timetable.metabl to actually film the airportir scene. >> the airport scene was -- looo from the second we decided to dt the story of civil war, we kneww the scene where all the super sp heroes fight each other would b the center piece of the movie,hv and it would be what everybodyto was looking for, coming for. fo. so that -- we refer, that'sth's correct scene almost ate the a whole movie to be honest withest you. you we spent an immense amount of time both in prep and shooting in post making that sequence. sq in it's a two year sequence. see >> i can't estimate like howikeo long we actually shot it forly t because we s
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pieces throughout the wholeoughw product. >> 40 to 45 days of shooting sho something like that.hing lthat >> wow. real quick we got to let you gou in a simple answer sense you'reu a big comic guy which comic book character not had a featureea about them would you love toe to see? see? >> oh, man. that's a tough. so manyat features.eature i know.i know. if there's a character i can get my hands on that i loved from my childhood that's wolverine.olvee he has his own -- he has his own franchise right now but outsidei of spiderman he's my secondco favorite character.raer >> congratulations. love to see the movie i know you'll shatter records thistters weekend. always a pressure talking withkw you. >> thank you.>> >> good to see you thank ya'll k for coming in.for co >> by the way the genius behindd arrested development highnt h favorite tv shoeff all time. t shout out to that as well. aaron, back to you.. >> captain america civil war ini theaters now and i cannot waitaa to see it. 10:22 right now. n. coming up we are getting in thee kentucky derby spirit. only way we know now.ow with some food and some drinks.d we'll show you how to
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team d.c. jack rose are celebrating here with us a little bit later.ater. >> can't wait. can't wait. but first up more metro issuesss now the transit agency is age getting set to announce majorajr changes and we'll have a previee of that coming up next. next. sip up an afternoon pick-me-up at dunkin'. come in for a medium freshly brewed hot or iced coffee for 99 cents from 2:00 to 6:00 p.m. america runs on dunkin'.
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look, i know you're a cow and all. and you may not know what i'm talking about, but, uh. the yogurt made from your milk, is delicious. mmmm, yoplait. ♪ news around the area thisrei
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happening just a short time agoa a touching stribute to fallen e d.c. firefighter. this memorial call box was b was dedicated to fire lieutenantent kevin he died one year ago respondingg to an apartment fire att fire seventhth o streets northwest. mcrae's family was on hand forn the ceremony there you see we'rw mott going to let the rain stopo this ceremony and unveiling ofei that call bock dedicated in his honor short time ago here in i washington.gton huge turn out despite rain.r right now at 10:26 the commuteom on metro has been tough this morning for a number of reasonsr it was tough yesterday because of that track fire at federaled center southwest. >> challenging times for metro s and we're just about half anf hour away from hearing how met metro's gm plans to make some big fixes system wide. wid our fox5 melanie alnwick has has been top of all this all morning and joins us now from federaled center. good morning, mel.od m >> reporter: good morning. i think we have a pretty goodd idea of what this track plan is going to entail.o eai really just based on general gen manager paul wiedefeld's
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actions and his statements. sta. remember we had that unprecedented shut down then wet had the red line repair blitzaii last weekend aft the friendships heights incident.heig a lot of single tracking goingig on there.on tre and then last night, theig, t decision to shut down the system from about 7:00 o'clock lastocks night until 5:00 o'clock thisoci morning so they can get --, really get on this, clear outleo those tracks and row mace some s 500 insulators. one look at the video and it's i pretty easy to sigh why that sort of decisive action is nee needed. it was really frightening. the smoke, the arcing insulator here causing what almost lookosl like like an explosion just as metro train was pulling awayulla from the tracks at federalederal center southwest.we so really that is the kind ofind thing that they're trying to deal with and it's caused sod much trouble.rouble we know part of this the problem water inn filtration into then o tunnels. wiedefeld said it's on-goingn-in issue. there are decades of neglected e repair work that needs to be done. so he's really trying to get
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top of that.t really is something that is not easy, he said it's going to takt some more sacrifice from riders also, saying that this is what oy thought was really thoug interesting. when you go back you listen tott his statements when he talkslks about having to talk to the local jurisdictions about about traffic mitigation, when he say he's going to talk to the locall jurisdictions about them addingd more buses.uses. that tells me that this plan means he is expects at least ina the short term there to be moree commuters on the roads, ratherrh than on the rails as they lookoo to do this sort of intensive care for metro. metro we're going to hear all the a t dough tails from it. my colleague matt ackland isatt there getting set up and we'llpd be covering it for you y back to you. >> we'll also be streeping livel on our website, melanie, thankak you very much.yo 11am when everything startsta about that's right minutes froms knowledge you can watch lifeu ca online we know you want answers fromm metro it has been chall
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recently. we'll try to get as manyto g questions answered as we can onn monday morning because metro general manager paul wiedefeld e agreed to join us live on the air 7:30am monday. monda so if you have a question, tweet us your question make sure you u use the #askmetrogm and you canc watch the interview life 7:30amm monday morning or watch it oncho fox5 d.c. app or 10:29.10 the intersection of life, faithf and hiphop sitting down with tht stars of the new stage play flof based on the true story.e s we're back in a moment. moment.
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hey mom, i could use some basil. oh, sure thing, sweetie. life is eating out of a flower pot. wait where's the? right. it's being a food paparazzi. honey, your rump roast just broke the internet. as it should. and a takeout romantic. dessert! happy anniversary. life is mucho, and grande. life is eating, laughing, loving and a place to enjoy it together.
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♪ up town, baby, up town babyb next guest is starring in new stage with the prompter, please.le >> sorry, buddy., buddy >> it's all good.>>t's i understand.nd you get caught up in the music.. let me do it again. next guest starring in new s stage play at the warner theater that is based off real lifefe story.y. flow hiphop and the church focuses on aspiring hiphopiring artist attempt to change hisnge life but his past and poor deed catch up with him. the play features all star casts includes grammy nominated singer al be sure, r and b singer angie stones and reality star peter se guns joining us now in the loft,
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winstead who plays flow and love and hiphop star peter guns muchm welcome to the show.e to s >> thank you.>> >> welcome, welcome, welcome. >> good morning.>> >> i know it's early in theit'si morning. we'll get this thing kicked offc though. take about the play.he p tell us what it's all about. >> the play basically about a at time period in my life that, um, you know, that i was strugglingn with my mom, my mom is a pastors in a church. so working one for the one for the streets.treets. a balance trying to up hold.d. >> right, right.ig >> hiphop is my life. l >> i love the lord also.dls >> right. right. >> it was balance trying to, yoc know, my mom wanted me in the >> yes. >> that's not what i wanted towi do. >> right. >> so, you know, chose hiphopp way. . she had to try to accept it. >> right. >> what about you? >> i play character called trent moody which is really close to my -- >> why so. >> he's trying to convince this kid rap for the streets andsts leave the church thing alone. play his mom. >> he's being pull. he'being the mom is on o
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one way and you're on the otherh side pulling the other way. >> i understand.nder i >> it's so good. goo it's fun. it's challenging for me.. i do non scripped stuff. s whatever happens happens. hns >> right. >> to get the lines and learn l lines challenging the play is ss g it's fun and i -- i'm just excited about it. i >> so when you talk about hiph hiphop, free styling, you know,k with the lines and free stylingn you probable confidential make n up a rhyme right now if you wanu to do. >> right. >> why is it more difficult orfo more challenging to stick toti what you're supposed to say when you're doing these plays? plays >> well, for myself, not to cut you off, but for myself when ihi write it, you know i mean, it's, my wore, it's my >> you don't have to worry abouo forgeforgetting it and all this of stuff.. >> right but ken gave us thes t freedom the writer, producer pdu gave us the freedom to changeoha things around and norly thatly t doesn't happen with producers and stuff. they
10:35 am >> right. >> he's like, listen, feel freen if you wan, t to change it sot that's what made it easier forir me. normally it's hard because yout got to stick to the script.he s. when i right it i know -- kno >> you know what you said. kw wh >> right.>> >> you know what you said whatas can people expect to see wheneee they come see this.ehi >> they going to laugh? cry? ?y get mad.tad >> all of the above right there. you know, expect to see great music, upping, great acting.ctig great cast, you know, so it's si going to be great show.. >> how did ya'll go from -- isr- it natural go from hiphop and music to stage plays and wholehe acting thing?hi >> well, um, ken, you know, definitely a good friend of fri mine. i've epp known him for a longora time much he's been directing di plays forever. three other plays he directed. c we trying to do something.omhi i wanted to his hiphop stageta play. bring something so, um, gave him the idea. idea. he wrote and, um, he made it happen. it came together like it it's beautiful thing.. >> you still got hiphop left in you
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>> a lot of hiphop. >> when i signed on to do i wasw wondering about the music ande d his brother produced a lot of of music and he's such a talentedtd rapper even i was expecting, oh, no, but -- - >> right, right. >> he's good and the singers and actors around me so that's whyh' i'm fortunate.te i have talented people around me. . go back to love and lip hospitai and stop trying to ---- >> you mentioned love and hiph hiphop. is that a pleasant experience for you.ntfo >> no.. >> i'm just saying. sin reality tv lost people get famous off reality testimony tv you know they're names ofre reality tv in some cases it mayy not be the most flattering thing but they still get famous and fu make lot of money off of it. it. >> listen, i'm famous.ams let's just say that. tha i'm famous for all the wrong reasons.ons. (laughter).aughter). >> okay. all right. >> gotcha. >> it's a good thing. >> you know what, it'ss as a stepping
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not for love and hiphop i wouldn't know this fine talenten young man right here and met anm ken. this will send me in different e direction hopefully.ion ho >> gentlemen, thank you veryen, much. we appreciate it it. i there's the information right there on the screen.ere come out and support them. t gentlemen, thank you for comingc in and talking with wh us. there's the information the namm of the show is flow.low. i made a little rhyme rightrhe there.there >> that was lame. le >> that was >> on that note, go back over te the couch before they --he >> good try. good . >> i tried.ed. >> professionals here. pro leave it to the pros. pro >> thanks, with. >> thanks, guys still ahead atia 10:00 we are talking familyily values with two of the braxtonxn they'll join us live in the loft here with sneak peek of theirir new season of the hit reality ra show. time now 10:37.0: we'll be right right ba
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♪ all right.light the braxtons are some of theom hardest working women in shownho business and in fact betweent their music careers and tamar's gigs on the real and dancingnd d with the stars they can be hard to miss if you've been going through braxton family valuesily withdrawal or desperate for morf the wait is almost overt everybody.ev season five the hit reality shos is set to debut in just aboutus two weeks.o w let the countdown begin buteg first two of the lovely an
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loft with us to give us a littlt sneak peek of what to expect an where you'll be able to catche c them around town.ow. hello fabulous.s >> hello.>> hlo. >> hi. >> first of all, can i just says for the record, we don't havee smell vision but you ladiesou ld smell >> thank you. look lovely too.y t have a drink. drink. >> i don't know what this is but jack rose is providing us. >> we got to clinic first,, cling, cling, cling, cling. clig >> so a lot to tackle here in d.c. while you're it will be days of madness forne you all. let's start with this destinyti event.t. >> i'm so excited because myausm celebrity crush has always been hill harper. i spotted him and i'll be arouna him and speak.and s when i met him before i couldn'd talk. >> i understand.>> i u >> i'm excited. nyd and vote for me. me. >> give us a sense of what it i is. what can people expect. exp >> me dancing really w really really well.ll >> give us a little sample.eampl >> i need a >>o
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i'll do it. d >> will you be my partner?er? >> yeah.eah >> ready. oh! >> ♪ >> vote for her.or h all right. and then also there's also thehe big race in town susan g. komenk i've done it before.tef great event to get involved witl obviously for breast cancer i c know this is something near andg dear to both of you.bothf y >> yes. >> let's talk about your roll ib that. >> well, i will be performing at 7:30 -- >> yay! >> so please come out and it'snd >> yes.. >> my grandmother -- our - o grandmother passed away withy wt breast cancer.acer. >> yes. >> and our aunt my father's sister is going through chemotherapy for the third timet she had both breasts removed and everything.. so, you know, it hit home. >> right.ight >> it's like every -- everyone-y and everyone's family has cancee of some sort.ome s >> exactly.xact >> and you know speaking ofg o health, i was just kind of likef on the edge of my seat watch
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trailer for season five. congratulations by the way. t wy >> thank you. >> very exciting.. momma is she okay? >> she's pretty good.oo >> we're working on her nerves.n >> she's pretty good.oo her health of course when italto comes to your parents you getret really scared when they gethey sick. >> of course. >> but my mom she's doing soshe' much better. she's working on her diabetesiae and allowing it to go so high go all the time working on her diee as well. definitely a you'll have to see it.ll he to may 19th. >> absolutely. we're excited for it.'r the thing about youe all, you l seem to have such an awesome awo sisterly bond. bon i have an older sister. sis can't say that we have the tightest bond because we're so e different. >> right.>>ht >> but that makes families beautiful.. love, laughter, arguments what'' it look working with each othero >> you know, um, it has its prop and cons. c there's moments i love beingov around them.nd t i love not being around them. >> does it make you easier to e have sisters with you and doinga these events and the show? >> yeah, it a d
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sometimes i'm like i want to beb by myself. mysel but then that are moments youhae say okay i want to be my myselfs i'm lonely i want my sisters s here.he. >> exactly. >> we definitely go throughdefi those moments. >> we do. >> but we do have our times on n the song and watch our moviess our favorite black and whiteck w movies and everything like that it's great.'s gre. >> okay. so we want to make sure we gete the information out the manifess destiny event tickets stillketss available at the howard theaterw this weekend that's tomorrow tro actually. >> it is tomorrow.>> it i'm really excited. >> susan g. komen race for theee cure that's going on saturday aa well just a big jam packedke weekend but mother' day, yes, eighths braxton weekend here inr d.c. mother's day what are youte going for mother's day.hes >> we'll be with the wholell bet family. >> yeah.>> yeah. >> tony has concert so we goingw to be there with tony in new york and just having fun.. >> everyone else doing allryonea right. >> yeah. >> everything is doing >> thank you very much ladies. . >> thank you. >> fabulous. all right. wisdom and tucker, over to you.
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really? >> yeah, right. >> what are we doing. >> what are we doing?t >> go. >> here you go.e yogo. >> i like how we don't have anyy music. >> i know right.>> i k that could have prompt addou little bit of movement here. h >> no music. ♪ >> really, that's it.s >> love this song. love s >> i love this song. >> >> ♪ >> watch the cable.atchhe c >> there you go. >> i'm terrible. >> what are we doing? >> hang on. >> wait, wait, hold on, hold on. >> one works.>> one boom,, bo >> wait a minute.ute. hold on. >> come on. on >> here we go.>> here here we go.e go. >> wait, wait.>> >> ya'll ready?>> y >> yeah. >> come on. >> here we go. ♪ >> watch this wisdom.m >> come on. on >> whoa, whoa, whoa. >> hilarious.>> h >> we'll have to work on these moves.move we'll be right rig bac wisdom, you are a sad case. ♪
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i'm lika small boxer. ring. you don't expect much... and then, wham! i hit 'em with huge creamy goodness! alright round two! bring it, girlfriend! rich, creamy, 100% natural cheese. mini babybel. snack a little bigger.
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>> 10:
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putting potomac on the map forop better or worse this is clip isl from season one of real rea housewives set right here in the d.c. area.a. and thanks to the popularity cast, season two is on the way.. but the drama doesn't end whende the camera here to talk about what tohat expect when you can catch theatt cameras rolling and what's going on in the meantime, reall housewives potomac cast member m charisse jordan.ordan good thank you so much for coming in googood day today. t >> good thanks for having me.e >> what can we look forward to d in season two.easo let's start right >> oh, my gosh.h, let's see. um, the usual, um, intrigue, funny, entertaining --ing -- >> you're filming right now? >> um -- do we know when seasonn two will start? >> two season should probablyldo start next year sometimext yr probably around the same timeam this one started possibly.. details haven't been outlinedeeu yet. >> i noticed there was someed t drama the last season.e lasteaso >> some. >> s >> we can go there. w just a littlee bit..
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the women?the >> who did i connect with.h >> friend hip ship who do you feel that you canu cn rely on and trust the most? m >> that's a good question. i'm still trying to figure that out. i'm pretty close with katie. >> um-hmm.>> um-hm >> karen and i used to be clos closer. >> right. theallyhend i are basically closest i would say.ld she and i have been friends forr the longer. lge we've been friends for manyds fn years. >> you consider a real friend on and off camera.d of >> i do.>> i actually -- robin. >> robin.>> robin. >> yes. >> always good to have ago confidant especially in realityi tv setting i noticed giselleedis made some comments that really r rubbed you the wrong way w regarding your husband.usnd. tell me a little bit about thatt and how you felt.elt. >> for some reason giselle has l me on her mind a lot. l i don't know why.i she just creates things that aren't necessary.eces in terms of my relationship, um, she doesn't know my husband. hba never met him. >> never hit him but she madehem strong comments alleging affairi and all sorts of differentnt things that you shouldn't sayyo that you don't knou w for sure.
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>> absolutely.. >> she got them from socialot t media you think justfr rumors.or >> probably. it's a lie. it's not true. t just her own little opportunityy to i guess --uess >> cash in on the spotlight some more. mo >> exactly. being a part of real ltv you ara such a socialite as it do you fine it different to sees yourself on camera and do youo feel they portray you the wayyo that your friends and familyndsn know you?ou >> you know, interesting enough i looked at the season and i see actually a different scharrnt sr reece. i see a sad scharr reece. and my life is different now. at that time we were filming i g was actually going through a loa of stuff and my personal life le and so it was different.ifferent >> long distance relationship.p >> long distance relationship.. had a very rocky situation iitun talk about it on camera. cer >> you were very open which iryh think viewers really connected c with on the show.. >> yeah. yeah. that's my goal in doing this ist to the connections to be my my genuine self and the things i dt going on in my life to share t s that part. par struggles, good times and
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one thing about me, i'm not i going to, you know, always be around throwing shade oning shad everybody. i don't get off on tht i'd rather, you know, the t viewers leave with something anm trust me, i do not expect to be see what i did talking about mym everywhere i go now, women are coming up to me, hugging me and thanking me for, you know,no sharing that and -- >> i think honesty they can connect with that. >> yeah. i have friends who are goingre g through things i didn't knowno they were going through it. so just opened up -- u-- >> the discussion and dialogue.u >> it really has and the been tb really interesting.eresting i feel like i'm a psychiatristcs and i'm not.and i' >> you have an important rolente there a lot of women watch youcu the show and connect with you wu and feel open to talk aboutk abo their relationships what's goinw on in their personal liveserna because you were able to go vocal about your own life in l such an honest and real way.. >> reality tv isn't always thels reality when you can portray ini such a way like you do peopleoeo appreciate that.apecia >> i try to be real.o beea i am real.
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actually going through thehe coming season interesting for me is those friendships you weredsy talking about, some of those tse friendships i kind of learned ld weren't the friendships idshi thought they were.thout th so how, um, that hope wholet hol thing is going to play out i'm really going to see how that hoa goes myself.goes >> in addition to your personala life and your marriage we'll gel a little taste of the behind the scenes of the friendships on th show? sh >> yes. >> a differ scharr reece, >> maybe nor strong scharr ree reece. >> scharr reece, you know, that, scharr reece was going throughgh it. this char risa whole different person. the hair color is different.iff. >> i love it and i love yournd y style. i'm looking a the your shoes ano your manicure severing on pointt >> a whole different charisse. i >> thank you so much for comingc in. i cannot wait to catch seasoncho and catch the new and improvedmp char reece.eece elevated.. >> char char. >> we have mint juleps beingints prepared.preped take a stroll over with me andhd join in the kentucky d
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>> guys. you've been keeping us waiting.. we got to gel to the celebrate.a kentucky derby is of course, the drink alwayslw seems to go with the mint julepj the folks at jack rose can i roa kind enough to come and show uss how to make one they have big party planned tomorrow tomorrowo as well. bennie, what are we doing.wh arw how do we make the perfect mint julep.p. classic mint julep very simple. fresh mint, simple syrup, bourbon crushed ice and littleil bit of magic.biof magic >> little bit of magic bytle bif chopping the mint lightly youlyu really dough want to over brew b it. >> you put liquid first. >> simple syrup equal part sugar and water mixture, fresh min2 ounces of bourbon we'll put crush ice in there which dilutee fast and allowing the -- >> liquid, min crushes it together. all those flavors in there weine need ice. i >> annie. >> we need a favor. we >> sure.
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old-fashioned way. we can scoop crush ice or put iu in a bag and get out the annie a muscles. >> is this okay to do it -- i-- >> smack the heck out of it. >> ahh steve. sve >> come on. this is for all the times -- >> it out on me. >> let's get the crushed ice ouh of here. >> all right. we muddled it first put in the e ice and give eight little stir. >> give it a stir.e sti start that dilution and it will do the rest on its own. >> wow!>> >> garnish it with a nice mint sprig and little bit of powderee sugar. r. >> the powdered sugar nice touct it >> while he's making this we'll' jack rose doing a special speci viewing party tomorrow for the e derby.. a lot of derby fans around.byaru they have the rooftop rain or rn shine they can cover it or openn if the sun shines. shi drink specials come out andls c watch the horses run. we're working on the mixed drink you got beer over there.verhe >> he has the beer. >> tucker is going for it.or going for it.go >> hasn't these out.t ese this is from our friends over frederick maryland this isthis flying dog brewery. so this is mint
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is brood with mint leavess honeysuckle and natural bourbonu flavors but you'll be able toe o have this two ways tomorrow. >> really good.>> >> because we also have aav collaboration we got from our friends from in nappiness npi maryland aged in barrels on tom of that we'll have a bunch of different bourbon barrel agedree beers it's kentucky bourbon.. and going to have grand old ti time. >> this is -- this is really- kind of a cool concept. mint julep in the beer.ulep in e i like it. >> it's really good.>>real >> what time does the partys par start tomorrow at jack rose. >> 3:00 p.m. opening the doors. specials are good till 7:00.l:0 about that time we'll have hatst >> dress up. >> we have sandwiches as well. a >> don't be late to the pear.te we got enough for everybody.dy >> cheers!>>s! >> have a fantastic weekend andd happy mother' days, everybody!ry we salute you this weekend. weed >> who wants to dance with me?
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come on.come on. ♪
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11:00 am
it's time on "the wendy williams show." [ cheers and applause ] >> the kids have come to play today. >> you won't believe what i'm about to tell you. >> all hot topics, all hour long, all week. i give it to you straight, no chaser. ♪ >> announcer: now, here's wendy! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> wendy: good to see you again. here we go. thank you for watching our show. these are my mother friends.


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