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tv   Good Day DC  FOX  May 10, 2016 9:00am-11:00am EDT

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ity who need help. our energyshare program does just that, assisting with bill pay and providing free, energy-saving upgrades. it's more than helping customers, it's helping neighbors. ♪ stand by me ♪ straight ahead, what gives mother nature? we're 10 days d into may and it's rained every single day. so when will it actually startla to seem like spring? metro's general manageran making good on his promise to make safety a top priority.y. what he's doing today to helpo l the transit agency get back on
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track. facebook under fire from win. former programmers claim the cim social network is manipulatingin your top trends so blockbl conservative stories fromesrom showing up.. and later, living on the t edge. ed we'll show you the dwayne wadew layup that went up and never came down. dn. good day at 9a starts now. ♪ >> living on the seven. >> if you're not living on theot edge you're taking up too much c space. >> i love that. i lov >> we always say.>> good day d.c.go it is 9:01.:0 tuesday ma tenth i'm homilyil alongside of allison, steve andd wisdom.wisdom. maureen is off today.ur t >> also ahead this morningng singer meghan trainor saying non to her own music video. her song.g. no my name is no. my she says she deleted it because it used too much photo shop. sh. now she has message for thehe makers and her fans
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it's been out for a minute.e >> this is not knew.w. >> interesting. >> new video.ideo >> okay.y all 10 days into may bear al glimpsm of the sun 10 days in, 13, 143, days of rain it's rained everyid day. >> is that a glimpse.. >> today's rain marks two weeks straight our gray and rainyur g cycle it's not over yet foret f details tucker is back with a wa first check of the forecast. ths kind of like early into basebal season we have a streak going. >> keep it going, right. r >> every day in may we've hady e rain. >> including today. tomorrow,.. >> let's it over.'sve >> the next day, the next day.h. it's good for the garden muchga good for the vegetables.egetabs >> washes away the pollen.n. >> good for the farmers. fme >> there you go. >> hey -- >> not good for ire psyche.sych >> let's keep it coming muchin m absolutely right about that. maybe a glimpse of sun today bub for the most part the clouds ana rain showers and the very persistent pattern we've had tht last couple of week it's intactc here today unfortunately.nfortue 58 in washington.hing 60 quantico.60uantico. little bit milder thanha 57 dulles.57 d 59 this morning in manassas.
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activity continues across the area. ar cloud cover as well, and i thini the heaviest of the rain will bw for the next couple of hours and then this afternoon it will letl up a little bit with fewith scattered showers so keep an uma blame handy here for the mornine hours.ho this afternoon you might want tn bring it along just in case.ase. what we get later dashon shouldo be on the light side. s nationals game tonight i thinkit that game will get on without ot any issues i think it will start on time. maybe a scattered shower tonig tonight. 65, is that forecast lookas loo familiar? more clouds andound showers. winds out of the north and eastn at five to seven. sev all right. all ri on the seven day,g i have a day of sunshine.unin full sunshine.shin >> stop it! >> you already know which one,hi steve. >> you can't play.ou c >> the day furthest from day ana it's on the seven day. day >> they just spoil the wholet se thing. >> i'll be back at 9:30 and we'll talk about what dayac it . >> okay. >> thanks, tucker.uc >> i feel it's a day that shouls have some sun in it. >>
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let's talk news metro generalerl manager is making sure all ofll his top staff are on the samen m page when it comes to safety priorities.prio paul wiedefeld due to meet today with everyone of metro's 650 managers.gers wiedefeld announced the meetinge during wide ranging interview on fox5 news morning yesterday.rday the gm made the clear thosearhoe managers are at will employees o and will be held accountable for carrying out the maintenance ane safety vision of the transitrait system.em. >> also today another baltimoree police officer charged inicer connection with the death off freddie gray set to appear inppi court in just 30 minutes officer edward nero is facing severalg v charges including assault in i grace death.grace dea bob barnard is live in baltimorb now with more on how today's hearing could influence the rest of the trial. bob? >> reporter: hey, allison, allis good morning.orning this is a motions hearing. hring first thing we'll learn whethere the trial will start tomorrow or thursday.thursday. the prosecutors say they lost t days work over the weekend because of a power outage. oute so they'rgo
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barry williams to start thea t trial not tomorrow but on but o thursday.ur so we'll find out about that. t you mentioned his name edward dr nero. he was one of the bicycle officers who made the originalrl arrest of freddie gray back on o april 12th, 2015. 201 he's charged with misdemeanors only, second degree assault, misconduct in office, and wreckw less endangerment. of course, freddie gray at aget 25 died a week after his arrest. he suffered a spinal cord injurn on his way to the jail in police van which of course kicked off k several days of civil unrest. we'llly final out at this morning's motions hearingns whether this will be trial by juror whether judge barryud williams will decide officer nero's guilt or innocence. inn there's also a question whethere two other officers charged in gray's death will be compelledod to testify at trial.rial one of them is the other bicycle officer garrett miller who maded the initial arrest.t the second is william porter.te he's the officer who had thead first trial which e
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mistrial last december. decembe he was charged with manslaught ae hearing is at 9:30 this morning. of course, the city is watchingn they don't care as much abouthbt all these pretrial events asvens much as the verdict. verdict whether there will be a verdictr of guilt, innocence or anythinga at all and we may learn at this coming trial for edward neroder more of the details, answer somo of the questions about theions t initial arrest of freddie gray.g which are still out there.he some questioning whether therehe was probable cause to make theae arrest in the first place. place so we'll learn about that durin the trial today. tay we'll learn more about some ofus the mechanics of this trialhi t which should get underway, guys, this week here in baltimore.almo >> bob barnard reporting.eporti thank you, bngob.anyou, b all right. let's talk about politics now. o the road to the white househi h primaries are being held in botb west virginia and nebraska voters are heading to the polls there. bernie sanders is hoping to keeg the momentum going after last week's win in indiana.. the vermont senator is expectede to win today's west virginiagia primary..
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really put a dent in hillaryenin clinton's delegate lead.ead. meanwhile, the attacks betweenke donald trump and hillary clinton reached new levels as they fight over women. new beside clinton's team calling trump out over hisve comments about women. >> i'm run mike campaign, i'mami not running against him. him he's doing a fine job of doing i that himself. >> meanwhile trump is trying tog bring together the republicanuba party. house speaker paul ryan he's nos ready to endorse trump. ryan says if trump asked him to step down as co chairman of thef republican national conventionnn then he would. 90:00 our time right now.ow erin como is back with a checkwc of the other stories making min headlines this morning.thorni hey, err glenn good morning.leng thank you very much, hollyoo.ol let's go ahead and start thingsi off with the tornado threat in the great mains that has passedd for now but not before leavingea two people dead in oklahoma. a path of destruction in severas other states. states. in nebraska one man survived ad twister by hanging ton a tre
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outside his house which was completely destroyed.esoyed a total of 18 tornadoes havee been wore reported since monday. overnight in germany, a deadly stab tag train stationras outside of munich. mic police say a 27-year-old german national attacked four peopletto with a knife, killing at least l one of them. t witnesses say the suspectus expressed political motivationss during the attack and now thisoi all happen just before 5-a-m onm a platform at the end of the right near the end of theio of t commuter line.. and new at 9:00 president0 n obama making history again. ain the white house has just just announced he will visit hiroshima during upcoming visits to japan. to j that will make him the first sitting american president torei travel to the site where thehere u.s. dropped an atomic bomb. bom the trip is part of his plan to call for fewer newark collararco weapon in the world and to honoh the victims of the 1945 bombing that left 140,000 people dead. back here at home,
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accused of willing three peopleo and injuring three others in a shooting spree that spanned twod days and two counties will will remain locked up.d a judge has ored 62-year-old2-yd eulalio tordil to remain behindh bars. tordil is accused of of killingi his estranged wife thursdaythur night in prince george's county and two other people inple montgomery county on friday. thor dill did not speak during n his first court appearanceranc if he's convicted, tordil facesf live in prison without parole.. it's something a lot of of parents do. they swaddle their babies toabit help comfort them and help them sleep.slee but it's a practice that can beb deadly. swaddling babies may increasence the risk of sudden infant death syndrome.ndro. risks went up even more when a swaddled baby was placed once their stomach to sleep. s it is recommende recommended toe wearable blankets or sleep sackc instead. and finally, a $70,00000 mistake
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the show antiques road show rd filmed episode in spokane, ska washington last year where a man brought an odd looking piece ofe pottery with him.erwith found it in a barn. b it was old and dirty. dty the appraisor look at it and saw a bit of pablo picasso in it ant says it was probably made in the 19th or early 20th century. he appraised it for 40 to $70,000.$70. okay. so here's the twist and where w thing get raully good.y g it's not a picasso. it's not even an antique. antiq it was a high school art proje project. a woman watching recognized the piece her class project.ct. that dropped the resale priceale down to just five grand but ind would say it must be a big a compliment, right? >> high school art project five grant.t. >> and an actual appraisor mystique it for picasso.icas >> if it's five grand they grany didn't have yesterday i'll taker it. >> exactly. >> i think it's five grand forff the story.the sto do you think? i mean -- >> >> i think the
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appraisor had an accidentally given such a high value. >> appraisor needs to find a new job. >> there's picasso lovers outovu there.ther i've seen picassos and gone -- >> really?>> >> i think i could have cup c that. >> i know. we need a painting party to seeo what we can cup up with there.h. >> right. >> thank you so much erin. you still ahead, foul balls an foul mouth.outh bryce harper with choice wordsce for an ump after getting ejectee late in last night's game. so is a suspension on the way for the reigning mvp? first mvf though apologies from city leaders. after fox5 exclusive aboutbout elevated lead levels in thehe drinking water in some d.c.. schools. we'll have live report time right now 9:11.
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♪ want to get to fox5> exclusive root now we've beenwa reporting for weeks on the elevated levels of lead found at sootme water sources at d.c..c public school.oo >> city officials who are undere fire are speaking out exclusiv e toll fox5.ll f melanie alnwick joins us lives outside of minor elementary elee school in northeast.oln nort mel. >> reporter: good morning.ning. minor elementary school
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of those that had elevated lead levels.vels just a little bit above theve action level and another testtht was well above it and so it's i kind of a spotty and inconsistent and you might goht back one year and test and testd things are fine, go back another year and you'll find thatl find there's high lead, and i think that's where parents and the the school community really have lot of questions and looking foroong little bit more information andi that really is what caused a lot of the concern from parents anda the pta and the school system.m. so last night we did speak to t city officials who promised a change in protocol. >> we were testing and we wereer taking action.taki action. we were not reporting it, and we needed to do that. i apologize for that. apoze f that has been something we'veete focused on to correct.cud on >> what i'm focusing is how do h we never do this again? and an apology for making that failurei and for causing the panic and ad scare that the, some parents ars feeling about this.t this >> reporter: so that's d.c
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deputy mayor of education andon its director of general services apologizing for spottyy recordkeeping and pooroo communication with schools andla during the most recent round ofu water testing, elevated levelses of lead were discover at 17 a sources in a total of 12dc2d schools.ho that's out of 3700 tests.ests but department of generalener services records aren'tren't complete. some schools say they were never notified of the test results.thr the city has been testing school drinking water for lead since 2007. it's now expanded those tests to cover all possible sources ofeoc drinking water things likee faucets and sings and classrooms and spigots as city protocol is if the test tht comes back high they put onhe p filter and they do an meaderyde test. test if it is still high, then that device, that water fountain ornn faucet needs to be taken out ofo service until it can be replacep or repaired. depth pee nair niles saidle there's a new tagging and bargga code system that will betterlet track tests and retests.etes also d
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post to all washingtonians.hingi basically apologizing for notot being better as far as thefaas notification but also saying s that they plan to do this new t round of testing, testing all al possible water sources in theou schools in the next 30 days getting that done beforee b june 17th also testing water w sources in recreation centers as well and again that protocoltol guys is that they do meadery mey mediation or take something outo of service.ofervi also they'll be working with the charter school board as well tol make sure that those charterhose schools are also included ined rounds of testing and and remediation if necessary.sary live here in northeast, i'm, melanie alnwick, back to you. >> mel, are they testing just js like drinking water sources or just all water sources acrossoua the border? >> reporter: that's where ithe gets kind of tricky.d of tricky because i think initia initiallt were focusing on water fountain specifically.ically. and then for some reason theysot thought, okay, maybe we need tot
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it is possible in a classroom that kid could get a glass ofla water or fill a water bottle from a fountain -- faucet in ana classroom that sort of thing bug remember we had that issue at cap hold hill montgomery soreyer school. one of those tests came back waw a spigot in janitor's closet highly unlikely a child is usins that for drinking water but thet want to be ultra protective juss in case.inase >> better safe than sorry.r safn have i no problem with t thanks mel. m appreciate it. >> 9:18. coming up later.comi save your comments s baby talk t from a grown man a dating deal breaker? tweet us #gooddaydc. well done.e. >> okay. all right.ight first let's talk about duelingbo lawsuits the department ofts t justice well they're battlingren with the tar heel state a it's a standoff trance jent rights. we'll have an update on that coming up next.
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♪ all right.l rht welcome back. time now is 9:21. obama administration and theis state of north carolinaolina significantly escalating theirge legal battle over trance jentann public restroom access. there are now dueling lawsuits which could have a far reachingn up packet all around the count country. fox's doug luzader has the sto story. >> reporter: this legal battle e escalated very quickly. quickly there are now two federal courtu that are going to be lookin loog into this issue of transgendernr bathroom access it's somethingoi that in theory could go all thea way to the supreme court.ourt what did these signs
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mean? and can federal, state or local governments dictate who uses which bathrooms? >> today, we are filing a federal civil rights lawsuit lat against the state of northorth carolina.caroli >> reporter: u.s. attorney attne general loretta lynch now figh fighting what referred tosserreo north carolina house bill two which bans trance jent people from using bathrooms that don'ta match the gender on their birth certificates.rtif lynch even comparing it to jim crow era laws. era laws. >> let us reflect on the obvious but often neglected lesson thatt state sanked discriminationiminn never looks good and never works in hindsight. >> reporter: the public is the s deeply divided on this issue and it raises questions about evenbe school bathrooms. bthr the obama administration's actna came after north carolina'sa's governor filed his own suit owns against the federal government.t >> the obama administration iss bypassing congress by attempting to rewrite the law and set basic restroom policies locker room policies
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policies for public and privatee employers across the country. ct >> reporter: north carolinaorthn has faced boycotts over the neww law but the federal governmentnm has major leverage here with one federal agency after anotherther looking into with holdingding billions of tax dollars. drs but the legal battlegroundeg involving the civil rights act of 1964 is uncertain. >> it was written in an era where gay rights had not become -- not come to thee forefront, and the concept of transgender though it existed in '64 was so minimal it was not it the public consciousness.scious. >> reporter: the not clear c when or how this issue will besl resolve.resolv but the legal arguments couldtsu begin in coming week. in washington, doug luzader, fox news. news. still ahead on good day aeao full body workout shorter thanrt our neck commercial break. bak could it be the case.e. please say so. one minute workout.ko will it work though we'll put ii to the we'll find out.
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yesterday. today he's talking about a a different school for giftedifte that's all still ahead in thelli fox beat as he's sitting downitd with the star of new movie bases on the hit book miss, school for peculiar children.hild. >> wheelage another look at thek forecast today and where therehe might be that one day that itdat does not rain in this month ofoh may. we'll talk about why we've beene in this pattern for so long asog well. it's all coming up next. next.
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♪ all it is 9:27 on this tuesday. and we are stuck in a rut folksl >> yeah we are.>> yeah >> every day for two weeks now.s >> i know. know >> sooner or later it will end. >> in the words of wisdom. >> sooner or later it's goingt'i end. >> famous quote. sooner or >> we had a little break on thet weekend to be honest. be hot >> mother' days.r' days. >> saturday we had brilliant sunshine for certain part of tht day.da when you expect that it's dreary --ry >> i want sunshine and 75. and . is that too much to ask. a >> in mid may, it's not. i mean in a couple of weeks thee pools are opening.ols aropen exactly.actl >> people. >> get the rain out of the wayoe before the pools open. open >> there you go g by the time we get a day without rain it mighth be 20 straight days with rainit here in the d.c. area.
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>> easily, yeah.h we got at least three or fouree more days of rain maybe a breaka this weakened.eaked. >> i wonder what the record isde for consecutive days. >> it's funny you should ask, wisdom, currently we are workinr thon record.d. (laughter).ghte >> i thought you were going to g say knew it, tucker. >> i think today is number 14. >> uh-huh. uh- >> so we'll keep it >> okay. we set the record few days ago.s keep it going. gng most consecutive days in the washington area at reagan national of measurable rain.e r so, yes, not your imagination if you feel like it's been damp and wet out there. t all right.all right. current numbers looking at 58 i5 washington. 59 in leonardtown. 60 in quantico. off to the west 60 in culpeper. 59 in manassas.. these temperatures little milde overnight with cloud cover. c won't warm up a hole lot mid 600 force daytime highs and look atk your rain shower activity itityt continues, yes, sorry about yes that. the cloud cover as well. the damp humid conditions out there unfortunately set to continue for our
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here's the good news. we're not going to get brighteti although i think most of thehe measurable rain will kind ofn work its way through the nextghe couple of hours, and at least l this afternoon it will justl jut generally be cloudy we might get a peek or two of sunshine later this afternoon.noon keep our fingers crossed that cd happens. no real change in the overalle o pattern unfortunately.n unfortut we're kind of stuck in the muckt here for the time being. we have a frontal systemys waiverring right across the midd atlantic. this is unfortunately our set us last week. last wee doing it again this week and a honestly it looks like thehe pattern won't break down any time soon might get some breaksb from time to time with littlee e sunshine but as far as bringing back, you know, blue skies and a dry conditions that unfortunat unfortunately not in theunat forecast here over the near te term. all right. mid 60s. we keep that flow out of thelow east today.eaay we keep the clouds around the showers in the thees we have the front just to ourtor south and west.uth anst so no thunder in our forecast fr today as the atmosphere pretty stable in place here but as wesw get into the end of the week ofe with a frontal system an pusha
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thunderstorms by friday.y future cast a lot of questionsue about the game tonight. there we are at 2:00 o' i think the nats game or if o you've got a game yourself latel this afternoon should be in fini shape it won't be beautiful outl there at the park tonight but ii don't see enough measurable raie to cause any problems f you're y going to the park enjoy a greatt game. there's future cast atere' 9:00 o'clock.9:00 here we are kind of prime timepm during the game notice we'retice doing cloud cover. however, more showers off to out south and west.soutand west. guess where they're headed?d? >> where?>> where? >> yes, there we are by tomorrow in the early afternoon.arly aftr so another round of rain showers honestly i could past forward ic this to thursday and friday.. and guess what? wha >> more rain.e rain >> thank you allison. aon you are really -- you're like mk helper today. today >> well, we have a rebut tell oo facebook to talk about. >> we do? >> don't you remember 2005 it rained like township daysto straight she said. >> she's throwing down the factf >> is she married to a meteorologist?teologis >> i can't see that is the
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>> well i will double check whae she says. >> 2005 it rained 21 days.21 da. >> she might have a super secres source, tuck. >> she may have a secret source. i can tell you officially they t national weather service saysere this is our longest streak ofk o measurable >> measurable rain is the key.rl how much rain has to be -- thes- fall for it to be measurable. 1,100th of an inch of rain.f r she might remember three weeks of rain but we might have had ha day off here and there so it didn't actually set a record.a r >> i'm sure she's watching andnd we'll probably get a response. r >> i would love a response.ld l i'm happy to have thise thi >> look it up. up. >> 2005. 25. >> meanwhile we're organizing our mean weather tweets and wea we're going to, you know, put on a -- a >> i love it. lov >> good. i like it. >> looking forward that.kingorwa >> okay. >> a lot of them have, you knowk words we can't use on air. >> bryce harper choice words.ce. >> exactly. >> doing the harper.oing t >> you're getting harperred. >> back to you. y >> thanks tuck. ♪
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>> right on time. delighted to meet you. >> she's invisible. >> who? >> peculiar. >> why aren't you eating. a >> she's embarrassed in front or jake. >> don't be. ♪ >> because herrables don't fit r in the outsidera world. w live in places like this. ts. where no one can find us. >> come play.. >> when you are born it's time t for to you learn what you can do. >> i'm just ordinary.'m j >> no, you're not.o, you you were born to protect us. promise me one thing. t look after them
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>> part of the >> is it a horror movie.. >> the new movie miss per grin'i home for peculiar children baseb on worldwide best selling book direct beside a man for the eyee with peculiar tim burton. tim kevin had chance to sit down sit with the star of the movie eva e green who plays the characterct best known for adult roles thiss was definitely a change of pacef for her. check it out. >> great shot in the trailer t also in the footage we just saws you step backwards and turn intt the bird and i know cgi is there obviously.ouy. >> clearly. >> yes. >> what are you doing? what'su tim telling you to do in that moment? >> well, he just -- he puts youy on wires and he is laughing lik this while you're like oh my god because i'm scared of i'm a bird i'm play a bird and a i'm scared of heights so it's a bit peerie docks si cal but it was -- i did the whole thing like a summe
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>> you actual dollar the summerm salt. >> i do the thing and at the end they kind of add cgi magic. >> awesome. >> yeah. yea >> do you have like motionn capture dots on your body. >> i do.>> i d yeah, i do. yeah yeah, yeah, yeah. yea >> really cool. really c when you worked with tim burtonr in dark shadows do you bring dog elements of work with darkk shadows into this, do you pickop up almost like a quick handledl with tim burton. >> yes. i mean, you know, in tim t burton's films the charactershat are quite extreme and intense,, and you want to do somethingoom quite big, but still kind of natural.ral. so, you know, on dark shadows is talk a lot to i send him lots of picturesictu because tim is very visual, so this is how we communicated andd on this one, you know, i -- you know, he always said it's scary mary poppins.. >> scary mary pop >> it was find a way to
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spoke, you know, she's obsess the with time, the children havh to be on , um, so my character speaks spk extremely fast in some scenes se quite a challenge and fun and i studied as well like birds misss per grin can transform herselfrh into a bird so i'd watched lotst of documentaries on birds. >> we know kevin loves tim burton he was excited to see hi in london much he'sex on his way to france right you have a little bit of a waitw before you catch this one on the big screen. big the movie miss per grin' home g' for peculiar children will notih be in theaters until september. >> wow!>> w >> i never heard of the >> i have.av i've heard it through the girlsr >> did they read it. they rea >> they'll probably want to seet it. i pose so.poseo i don't know why i know it orw n maybe it's in the house. h spencer favorite movie is caroline.caline. she likes that kind of creepy tim burton -- she'll like it. >> does she sleep with thes sleh lights on. >> sometimes she sleeps with mee which i love.. >> sam jackson was in there as w
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you know it will be craziness. e sam jackson is involved as theda bad guy. >> i wonder how many cuss wordsr he'll get out.get ou >> it looks peculiar.uliar >> peculiar.>> pulia >> still ahead at 9:00 this morning, speaking of adult themes, bryce harper provingrpe he's a hot head again. heaagai what he had to say to an umpireu that could cost him little bit t of his paycheck. pch >> plus the edge of glory.f glo wait until you see this ridiculous layup attempt by b dwayne wade during last in it's heat/raptors game. g ♪ ♪
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♪ that's not bryce harper's version. that's the version we can use on tv. let's take look at some today' y sports headlines we'll beginlleg with that f bomb sports fanss nationwide are all talking abo about. bryce harper losing his coolcool once again we could find out o actual daal if he'll be fined bb the league for yelling somegue choice words at an umpiryeeir following last night's win.'s it all started in the bottom of the ninth. nin game tied at four.our. danny espinosa strikes outloo outlooking. the nationals dug out does notos like the call.l. harper gets ejected. next batter, clint robinson.ob you know what he does? he hitse a walk off homerun.omun for the win. w. well harper's emotions wereons w still running high so he s h actually runs on to the field td celebrate.e.
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but also points at the ump to ut curse him out. o you can see he's using hissing choice words there.. harper was asked after the gamee if he thinks he'll be fined forr this comments and he said if heh does, he'll pay it. >> he doesn't have choice.e cho he has to pay it if they fine him. he can appeal but you still goti to pay. p >> i have to say, i think hee probably deserves to be fined. >> absolutely. >> because bryce you're a role y model. kids look up to you. y but i kind of like this fieryiey spirit. >> right. fire at the bat will be fire ini the dug out. >> steven strausburg will bestrg sporting his natitude for long longer. signed a seven year extension yx deal with the nats worth $175 million. new contract does have an opt out clause where he could becomm a free agent after the 2019-2020 season. >> i'll bet he had choice wordsr too. >> thank you. >> hallelujah. hallelu >> he was like, f bomb, yay! >> right. >> that's right. >> it will be good for the nats. shows commitment to keeping thee ys
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>> crunch time for the caps down three games to two.thre they're in pittsburgh this morning getting ready for hugeog game six tonight. brooks or pick will be back on c the ice tonight.thtonight he was suspended three games fos hit on penguins mat tow. t if the capitals within a deciding game seven will be bace here at home.heret h it will be played out at verizon center on thursday night. suddenly that deficit oficit o three-one not looking so bad. sd you get a win tonight tightig series back up and get a chancea kha* tons win it all at home.e. >> boom. >> all right. let's talk hoops now. steph curry does it again. a steph curry with the shot boy. (laughter). >> he's going the nba most m valuable player for the secondhn year in a o this will make himta the 11th player in nba historyiy to win back to back mvp awardswa joining lebron james, steve sve nash, and tim duncan as the players to accomplish that feate since 2,000.,000 seven curry doing his thing. t he had 40 points in the game.hem 17 in overtime.n oveime. this is coming off that knee injury that kept him out forim o
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amazing. >> he didn't open start, right. >> yeah. >> he came off the bench and tha scored 40.ed 40. >> amazing. azing >> wow! >> he's a bad dude. he' he's a bad dude.ud. >> i like him. h >> all right.>> aight finally, talk about a rim shot.o did you watch the miami heat h take on toronto last night? n maybe you saw this. this is dwayne wade's drivings i layup that actually did not falf into the basket.heaske it didn't fall out either.he so it kind of just hung up inp n there. it sat there on the back of thef rim. it came tikrit cal point in thee game with less than a minutee remaining in there was a jump ball and miamii converted to it two points eventually.eventu heat won this game by sevenme bn points. points. >> i don't think the i d globetrotters could do that ife they tried. >> i agree. i agree. i ag that's amazing. >> 9:42. let's get back to the brycehe be harper joining. j joining us now the sports srts junkies for their take on the situation and what could be co costly more mr. harper. har hey, guys what's going on.t's g >> good morning.>> good mo >> how is everybody.>> h >> good. >> what's your take on the bryce harper greeting to the umpire ur last night? is it a typeable
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offense is. is. >> suspendible offense? is it, um, too much of a hot head or o somebody very competitive in thi game of baseball making it fun f again? >> are you talking about the ent after the game after the walk tw off is hit? >> earlier.>> earlier. >> there's two thing i see. first of all at the end when hew look right at the ump and saidns something to him.some i thought when you were kick oui of the game you were in thee yo clubhouse for the rest of thefo game. so how is he still able to beblo out on the field to celebratete afterward?terw >> well, i mean the game washe e over, right? it's a walk off of homerun.ho. he hits home plate, game over ie think he can join in the the celebration.bratio >> i don't think so.'t think so. new york city i don't thinkit that's the way it works.y i think once you get the boot te you're not supposed to be ablepp to come back on to the field atd all. >> you're correct.'r did he break a rule.ak a r but apparently it's broken allke the time.ime. not sure if he'll be suspendedue because of that.bee of but this is the way i feel. f in the fourth inning umpiresingr will give you some leeway ifway you'll argue balls and strikesns there at home plate.ome pla but if you just keep chirpingeeg over the next five innings nextx couple of hours, you keep y k talking to the ump eventuallyvel he'll toss if you he's
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credibility. and, you know, bryce has h reputation.repution. he's been tossed before.eeor he's got to learn to keep it low after arguing witness ump in thn fourth inning and stay in the game. >> i want to know if he gotto kh suspended for running out on the field to celebrate with his wits teammates. >> i don't think it was thehinkt running out on the i think it was the looking was g directly at the ump and pointint at him and then, you know -- >> that didn't help.. >> i disagree with jason i'm pro bryce. he'll such a homer i can be a objective. as h far as i'm concerned f you in the dug out and you'rend you chirping that's fine. you're not showing anybody up. y now, when you come out on the on field and you tell him to blank off, now you've crossed the linn and done that in public.ublic. fine him. fine h maybe they'll suspend him. h i hope they don't. don't. i don't have a problem with himh running on the field andld a celebrating with his teammates t either. i think that's >> that might be break ago ruleb i'm not sure what the rule is.s. typically when manager gets toed in the third anding the team wins the game you don't see thet manager come back out there.thee >> the game is over.>> the gameo >> it was the neck batt
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great for the nationals the nexe batter hit the game winning win homerun. home so it happened, you know, minutes after the ejection. it wasn't something thatasn' happened an hour after the ejection.ejec >> i got to tell you, i got aot problem with this.hi not the whole getting kicked out during the game business, butneb once you get kick out, you're'r out.ou you don't get to come back andnd join the team on the field, anda on top of that, yell f bombs ata the ref. you got to get fined anded a suspended for that.for t that's my my opinio i'm not anti bryce i'm all about bryce harper and the natitude. love it. >> fine may be but he's not going to getet suspended for mouthing off at the umpire.thpire i would be stunned by that.ha >> i too am a total homer. her i think he's cute and he's good. so i'm cutting him some slack.. >> um-hmm. (laughter). >> we think he's cute too,. too >> what about the guy in thee gn crowd that looks just like brycc harper.ha >> he was allowed to stay thelo whole gamewe. >> i don't think he got kick o out. >> right. go back in the clubhouse with cu him.
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that would have been dream.en de >> bryce harper is good forooor baseball. >> absolutely. >> here's what i'm happy guys. m he waited until the ninth inn ti go get kick out if he starts srt getting kicked out in the first inning that could help the teama >> bryce is good for baseball ib agree but not good for baseballl to scream at the ump sane if yoy to him at the end of the game. kids do see that. do see he's got to stop that.t. >> i agree. agr owe he he needs to be rolee r >> look at these words of wisdoo from the junkies this morning. r >> i know, right.>> i >> man. you guys must be getting readyey for a beg game tonight. >> we're a mature group.e that's all.thatll (laughter).te >> i'm sorry i thought we were t talking to the to >> see you tomorrow morning, to, guys many thanks for joining usu as always. >> go, caps.o, c just for the record, i meanea holly i think we're on border.w i like the passion he brings. bg he makes it interesting.ti. >> yes. y >> he did cross the line.oss th. >> yes. >> yes >> that's just before we get,ju you know, before you tweet me. m >> the fear is that all theset t kids that look up to him will go to little league games and stara pointing to the pump and call ad him out. you don't want to do that.ha has to be separation between the pros and the kids.
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>> but we like bill little badad boy from time to time. any way 9:46 is our time right t >> it's not going to happen ont wisdom's team eats coaching.oac. >> talk back to me and see whatd happens. >> coming up next should babyt talk be a relationship killer.. >> sarah fraser is weighing in and another edition of love andl order.or we'll be right right ba.
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♪ >> it's tuesday and that meanses it is time for a little loverda and order. we need a sound effect right there. >> we do need a sound effect. >> when i say love and orderor . >> bam. >> there you go.>> >> yes. >> there you go.>> >> that's sarah fraser comes ini and shares some messages shegess gets from the fans and we try tt offer little bit of advice. adv first up this morning we got we question from jessica and she writes, i've been dating a guygy for two months. mon i like effect about him exceptie he loves talking baby talk to me. me. i brought this up to him and h a told him it's annoying. but he says get used it to. my friends toll me that no one is perfect.fe
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should i just overlook this? >> no.>> no. >> sarah? >> no. >> i have updates on this one,ho too.too. >> you got an update. gt >> i do. >> what's the update? upd >> i know this whole story story because this is actually atualla friend of mine who said --mi who >> it's a friend of mine.. >> jessica is a friend.en >> right, right, right.ght, rht >> so they've been dating forg f about two months.onth she likes everything about himih but he does do the baby talk. t she's asked him to stop and he e just very kind of fun said you'll get used to it. i they are still dating by the waw and she's hoping he'll out growg is this. is this deal breaker for you. >> is she still baby talking. t. >> yes. >> she said i don't like it.aiio >> she needs to tell him to it can it out. >> grow up. >> would you break up with someone -- >> absolute.>>bsol >> going out with for two mont months. i don't think how love in they h are over two >> it's hard out there, steve. t the baby talk is minor scared to all other issues. >> when does do tuthel baby tal >> usually in the morning he m likes to feed her breakfast andt does a little baby talk
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>> he feeds her breakfast?fast >> go ahead.>> g >> oh, my gosh.>> my >> does he put a bib on her. onr >> he does the baby. >> this is a dear friend of fend mine. her name has been changed by thb way. >> okay. >> he likes to make herake breakfast don little baby talk. >> he feeds her. >> why doesn't she say i love'te the breakfast i can't do without the baby talk. >> she needs to say it's irritating, please don't do it.i i really like you but i cannot -- i cannot deal with dlw >> it sounds like he's doing itd because he likes doing it. doini >> right.>> r >> not that she likes it. it. >> maybe it's a fettish.s a et >> i think so, too. too i really think summer give it ge more time and see if she grows s to like le maybe they'll baby talkal together.together. >> she's not going to like it. i >> shut it down.>> >> she really needs to say,s s look, you know what, it botherse me more than you realize. you know war, it turns me off. f >> how about that?bouthat? >> how about that?>> >> it turns me off. >> there you go. >> can i when i get turned offhe there's no baby making.t you know what i's m snoaying.ayg >> or just say look, i don'tooki like it. li i'm going break up with you ifiu you don't stop it.don't it. i mean i'm
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kind of guy. ki >> i guess.. >> i'll leave you if you don'ton stop this because you've beene y warn. shut it down.ut it down. >> it's irritating to me.irritam please don't do it.ea d >> here's the problem.e'the you let this go and then fiven i years down the road and say you're married i'm just saying t couple years down the road sayoa you get married and then all of a sudden the baby talk is a babk problem.le >> five years i've been dealingn with this.hi you make me sick with all this t baby talk. (laughter). >> we want to know what you guyg think about it tweet us hash tah good day dc.od d >> make him a deal with him wit until there's a kid in the roomr no baby talk. babal >> i didn't even talk baby talk to my kid.. >> i'm an anti baby talk personr >> all the way -- holly and i ai had i talk the baby talk to thet kids. >> i remember that. >> i'm a no baby talk person. >> nope.>> ne >> from the time they come out of the womb. >> that's the way i was, too. come on get the dishes now.y diw we don't do baby the grass needs to be cut. be ct let's go. >> the kids like three weeks old that's right.that'sht >> i'm on island on that one. to i may tell her to wait a littl
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longer.longer. >> it's not going to get bettert >> do you what's best for you. (laughter).ghte. >> we like your boyfriend.boyied >> ears a good one. one all number two on our list. should i babysit for my my boyfriend.borien >> this one was -- >> ex boyfriend. boyfriend. >> this is an interesting e-ma e-mailly long story short womanw wrote to me broke up with a guya couple years split ended, it was okay, nobodb hated each other. other she runs into him a couple weeke ago. now he's married, has a littleie newborn baby. baby. she is always done babysittingyt on the side and he says to her,r would you be interested in come coming to babysit our kid? >> why? >> why not?>> why n >> are you kidding.. >> don't be a door mat, honey.. >> why would you want to leaveoe your child with his ex. e >> you think it's a bad idea. i >> you know for him to ask, i, think that's incentive.enve >> he's welcoming all that dramt back into his life. l >> wait a minute.>> wait a minute. you're the new wife why would you want to leave your c whild d with your hub's ex girlfriend? >> a power play.>> a >> it's like a m
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movie. >> yeah. >> no. >> you guys don't think that maybe they can be friends.riend. >> sure. you can go out and get coffeefee sometimes.some not with baby.not >> i'm friends with all my exes, wisdom, it but i'm not babysitting.babysittin >> neither am i.>>eith because that's not my child andd that would be a constantld be as reminder i don't know who brokeo up with whom, i'm not yourr babysitter. higher somebody else.else >> wow! >> i would have said if you were amicable you can work with ankia ex. like a business transaction. no ex had a baby with anothernoh person.peon >> there's no business trance act when it comes to your childd >> there will be a businessreile trance act much it's called cale divorce. >> oh, my gosh, really thaty goe would be suchal a deal breaker r you. >> are you kidding me. you g you're going to bring -- >> attorney an retainer. you pull the divorce card pretty quickly. i know people in low places. pce i'm a no bs kind of guy. guy. >> i expect tweets about both ot these topics. so good.d. >> don't do it,, do end do >> i guess the rule -- thinkingk about babysitting for your ex? e >> i would. i wou >> all of these topics are
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really -- >> i'm trying to think i reallyl would. >> i call he cans. you know, if it's friendly itdli just didn't work out. o. i'm always like saving them. tm hey, you know -- >> she has the injured birdnj b thing. she's a good person.od perso >> let it go. >> how about a facelift inift bottle we'll talk about breakbo through in the search for the ft fountain of youth why it may i m make you feel like cinderella.. >> i can't wait. i can >> i'll take case. il take c plus meghan trainor saying no tg her own music we'll tell you why coming up. u. >> coffee time.>> good day d.c., if you've beene b eyeing our cool good day we have new good day d.c.. dunkin' donuts nothing give iowo the per fact cup for that greatg done did you doughnuts coffee. e head to orest o facebook page at www.facebook d.c. to.c enter our mug contest.oumug cons one lucky winner will ber ll selected by random drawing. drag you need to hurry.o hur you only have from now until 111 a.m. to enter and don't forgetor if you win, please take a self
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>> yay. >> like this one. we love it lik.. >> thanks, dad. dad no it's not my dad.y d i'm just kidding. kdi this is terry we love you for sending that n t use the #gooddaydc when you send in your selfie 9:57 so our timet we will be right back. bac don't do it, sarah.
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vo: for dominion, part of delivering affordable energy includes supporting those in our community who need help. our energyshare program does just that, assisting with bill pay and providing free, energy-saving upgrades. it's more than helping customers, it's helping neighbors. ♪ stand by me thank you so much. did you say honey? hey, try some? mmm that is tasty. is it real? of course... are you? nope animated you know i'm always looking for real honey for honey nut cheerios
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great, mind if i have another taste? not at all mmm you're all right bud? never better i don't know if he likes that. yeah part of the complete breakfast
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♪ >> don't let the dreary weather get you dow3 dre ♪ >> don't let the dreary weather get you down. we're here to cheer you up. >> trending right now on good day at 10a meghanart eeno tray saying no to her newing is vid video. a controversy brewing onrs facebook that could affect you. one man dropped a bombshelloppem about prince.t pr >> the one minute workout we'llk put it to the test plus the trainer showing up talks about o his time on >> and we talk live to
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twin sisters tia and tamara theh have a new children's book boo called the double trouble. trole >> wait, that's us.t' >> i can't wait. i't wai the 1you u starts now.. ♪ >> that could be a challenge get all the great rain songs. >> rainy days and mondays get me down. >> it never rains in southern sr californto p.. >> unfortunately mesa biga wedding month.inth you hate to see saturdays in thn rain. >> dancing in the rain. dan >> here come the rain again. aga hey, listen, this will brightene you up. take look at these amazingmazing wedding cakes. these are coume coume broken in a. she happens to be in the goode d day kitchen putting finishing touches on these custom couturee wedding it's not just cake.ustak it's an experience.xper >> it's an eturerience.t' e >> exactly. >> all right. we'll find out more about them.m >> very sharp.>> i like it.i like >> very gorgeous,
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gohem0aus my cake did not look like any of those. those >> mine didn't either. >> nilly vanilla. >> we should all be adlibbingdl right now.right w. >> exactly. >> pant tow miming. mg. >> lip syncing. lip that's what i was looking for.lg >> thanks for sticking with usg for the 1you u.for i'm steve alongside holly, allison and wisdom. >> let's find out what'ss trending. trending >> facebook accused of of havinc a political bto ps. former ee loyees of the socto ples of th met york known as news curators speaking out about what's abouts trending oh and oh n now they say they were told to stop the trend and bury stories that were about republican andn conservative issues.vess they say they were also told to inject partion alar stories intn the trending news section.. facebook spokesperson released e statement saying "we take t allegations of bias very seriously.seri facebook is a platform fororm people and perlpeople and perl across the political spectrum ". i think if they find that
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you know, it should be a placep where you share your ideas,ourde where you post what you want ton post as long as they're not as offensive. and if thebe a pre somebody bigb brothers up there changing or -- that's never good. history it's nlooker been good.o it's not good's not g that was the one place where itt was suoums goed to be really an algorithm so whatever is beings talked about most you could lool and find what was of interest to people.peop right? as opposed to in all honesty when we put the news n together here and we have staff that works point downstairs, it, is sject because we're deciding whichdeci stories we want to put in thehe there's so much news you have tc pick and chos goe went try to kt of guess what we think peoplehio will be interested in. >> right.>> right >> but one of tools we might o have used would hneave been >> right. >> because that should have beet anha objective these are the t thinhat c p0aple are talking abo >> what's trending. what's tren >> you want to have billion ofon people users on facebook theyeb should welcome all the pins. >> absolutely.. >> up next, singer
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nor is not happy with her musicc video editor.di she claims they photo shooumedm her waist without her knowing ai a result trainor has since a blled her me too music vid0a. i gand bss that's still from it. chris? ch >> because we were showing --see the song you're hearing that ong is out. she didn't have problem withro that one much it's this one.his estter the video was initially released yesterday, fans, fs l l touched to look thinner.hi tray nor pull the video off offf fifty two vo and youmeo and youe estter it debuted. deb there it is.. yeah, that's definitely a littlt photo shopped there reaction tor the unthorred touch ups she says i screamed in my hotel room i r had to try not to cry. to c people are still breaking me and photo shopping me and i'm sick i of it. i'm over it.overt. i am so done. now this isn't the first time te she's fallen victim to this. t last month fans accused 177 magazine of altering her image e on its cover tray nor says ss corrected version of the videone will be released today.. she'll aof go ps got side by sid
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fans can see the difference. dfe i say, yes, yes, yes. y >> i'm surprised they don't gety to look at these videos beforeeo they're released to the pre tlic wherlooker they release them.ele back in the days it used to be e mtv. mtv. >>'re producing your oo stuff or if you're an employee o of somebody eof gerl if you're e ewsplase ee of somebosy eof ge m can do with it what they want.y >> that's truerl too. she sells so many records thisrs song is like an anthem.n a my name is no. no as powerful as she is it's disaoumoint whomever is in charge, her management, whomeveo would thiver is a slimmer wastee would a se to her likeable or sales -- record sales.ord sales. >> she's okay with who she is.ts >> her whole thing is that.holeg >> i'm all about that base, wh3 oe about that base.t base. i difro't mean to do that when did that. you know what she's talking about.ab. >> the thing with bosy with b positivity reality star kendraa wilkinson basket shared a share toi
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is it a gram over the weekend. e in it, she rlookealed the side e herself the pre tlic rarely see. take a look. loo kendra took a picture of her bare stomach which she's had couple of children full of the stretch marks that the kids lver behind. she capidinged it look at what y two babies they ma ge me hkendpy. hkend this photo generated over 122,000 likes um sure it's more than that.thanhat. she ps goted picks wither twotw chil theyen, hank, jr. and aalil fans likely remember kendra asna former girlfriend of playbase counter hugh heffner she was on that reality show and also known for her hard rock abs and whilee motherhood may have softened sof those abs a bit it also seeger o have softened her. >> all good. she's proud of who she is.of who good for her. >> good for her. >> that's going to help so many people. people >> that's g. >> thatng to helrgso manyg people. >> definitely one of thehe alternates. they're just like us.'re >> now that we celebratedebte somebody bng
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are let's flip it over for aer r people who are trying to coverrn up a little bit.up if you want to be wrinkle freekr there may be a new way to do. td mit is testing a product calledl second skin.second now here you see lvert ei d verv riraint eye -- e >> remove the banner. ban >> it work by tightening your y y now there's the before and theen after the resullen as you can sc pretfan amazing. again mit researchers cheer ite comes in gel form it's kendplied in a two-step process. the tightens wrinkles and covers up other blemishes in the skin.e the y the y deliver medications to the bodyd treat burn victiger and two-e cc of other skin issand bs. issan cream is still on the testing t stage but researemhers say if it wins government aoumroval it could be on the market by the end of next year.. now here's one the skin only lasts for a day. d so it's only about 24 hours 2 h before it nee.t >> e to be reaoumlied. reaoum it's kind of like extra makeup that you would have to put on o stlooke correct me idom.i'm wroi read that there's something you' take and it just takes it o thi
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likeremh- like rewsover like remover and it feels almost likk a little overlay. >> wonder hoyou kmuch it will c. something you have to apply every day. >> it's on top of your skin. >> like a gel you put it here and it forms like a layer.a l >> i did aof go read that it cou be really good for people withee skin issues in terms of holdingl medicine in place like if youif have sore ri d is that so or is eczema.zema >> something like le th. >> burn victiger it would bebe amazing.. >> wow. that's really -- reall >> f3 olow surgical.ol >> yeah. >> yeah.>> >> all right. all >> ama cang if it helps. >> i'll be saving my money foran that. pretty good.d. anythingremh- >> then i'll try it.hen i'll t >> i was going to try it foror research. re any way. > eiall right.eial >> that's cool. let's talk about bryce harper h again.again brl.e harper and that big blow b up. did you see the it last night? it has nats fans still talkingti this morgazng he drooumed the fe bomb at the game last nightast n against the tigers and it all ia started in the bottom of theof t ninth game tied at four. four. danny
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'shis is the a as'shis is the as nats doug out doesn't like the call. hayeaer gets e rlcted. ro're nson hits a walk o this hh for the win. harper emotions ran high. he ran on to the field toie t celebrate.e he reasons up to the ump and curses him out ee could fine h be fined by the league for leagu yelling some choice wor.ho >> e at at as olowing last night'sg la win. harper was asked after the gamem if he thiver iss he'll be finedn his comments. he said if i dork i'll pay it. i maybe he'll get fined too. we'll see. cest hold up.ld u before you judge too soon listel to this. this. this other story. sto less viral story about bryceboub harper. a woman who was working securitt for the nats, the nats -- team t bus over the weekend at their at game against chicago cubs inubs chicriro said she witnessedne something amazing.g. the woman posted on facebook feb saying she saw bryce harper gote off the bus with ajar full oful money he ran acr fus the streett and gave it to a homeless woman who wa
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with a dog.og mayie even if he's a littakee co hea ged on the field as he is of the field.the field he's a class act.ct >> unforurgcrtely that story way just gaining to train tractionrt last niraint when the other stoo haoumened.oum 'shat was coming up big on socia media yesterday you got to balance the good and the ba g. i think bryce is a good i think he's a youycng he's 23 years he's the best player in the major leagues right now.right nw and i thiver is that while he we dverinitely has to keep hisely k emotions in check you cannot treat the umats that way.hat way you cannot showon sids that youh can treat the ump that is way. s you can't do can't i thiver is it'sdo just his pasi for the game and part of whatf a makes him so rirainy g iner i of what mdreem so good.oo he gets fired up and take it ala personally and he'sng kust in ts moment when he's in the game. im not saying it's okay. o i just -- i real d3 olar d3 inherently thiver is he's a go guy. >> he's learning everything inle front of >> i'd rather see an athleten below up on the field than offha the field.e fie >> right. >> the problem i have with thisi the rules -- rules are clear anr
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have ord you can't get kick out of a gamm and then come back and then don that and then look at the refat and start cursing.t csing. he's got to find a way to walkal that line but stay on the insids of that line because you can'ton just yell and occurs when you feel like it that's not the way' society that's not how sithat's not howi when you're on the field, put it all out but when you go to the doff ouo or geton siclowout of the gayeee handle it like a man, i know we're saying he's a kid but he's man. man. they're ineoryng him l thane a m act like a man.. do was you're supposed to stay win the walk off the feel. ohe f don't come back and curse the uu l umats out.ts out that's immature. you can't do t it hasn't nothing to do with too being a r3 oe mosel. be a man. be an athlete. alete walk off the field when you'reny suoum fued to go. stop with the cussing at thet refs. >> at least he's a good g't o the field.. >> and he's got cool hair. cl >> he's hitting homeruns.omer (l usrainter). >> 10:11. we got you bryce.we still ahead at 10:00 doubleouble trouble.trou celebrity sisters tee tosay andd ta
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children's book that will keep k youron sids entertained. one odom.the topic we'll talkhet about when they join us life.ins >> but first a as>> but first as el lecr tears out the hearts ofo those who want to hear her h reunite with the biebs. bie we got to talk about justin beiber again? one man's stun11ng claim about priheae and khloe opens up as why she photoo shopped one of her pictures. ptu her reidironel not what you mau think. we've got celebrity dish comingm up. ♪ ♪
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♪ ng upay celdreng upay ttle goodd irstirst u edition of the dish, kansas citu man is claiminxtto be priheae's son.n carlton williams filed a paternity claim in car vert c v counfan minnesota again the t puyeale reign singer's estate alleging the sole surviving svii legal hide.galid willwith e b is actually the first the firt to come forward with this claimc and he's reqpasting a dcr test. antie ineting siineting si minnesota judge authorized thehe use of priheae's bloos for dcr testing to determine parentageaa issues.. >> interesting that now pn yplew are coming out of the wood worgw >> he's asking for dna test.est. >> right. ee's not tryint >> se ence doesn't lie.ce d >> he's got nothing to loseng t there. there.
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>> whole lot to gainth.le loto a >> a whole lot to gain. gai >> get an dcr testng kust in cac >> somdre his daddy. hi >> um-hmlan >> all right. >> his momma. >> his momma told him intimat>>e detadins.detas. we ha g to read them earlier. >> is that right, inmate detai detadins. >> she reteetebers something qus detail. >> that doesn't mean -- that at just means one that dide.with e't mean anything >> she said it was conceived inv hotel roolanhote i heard it. i heard the story.d th sto >> how would you possibly knows that? >> bec usel sometimes womenon n i've heard that. (laughtel. >> aasso shared they did not ue this birth control methods. >> okay.>> okay. >> continue.. um um >> up next, let's about -- >> you say there's a chance.e. um um >> let's talk about blac chyna c blac chyna plans on introducingi more than one newon sardashwithh into the world.ld tmz is reporting that she isha e already set the wheels in motion to becomeon sardashwith n and po off her new name. >> oops.>> o >> she fdined l al doc as>> >> h layn
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renee' kardashian which is her it'ven nayee coheaer11ng theert macouets for entertainingerin services television and movieie appearances lincing as a sdswith media celdremedia celdre hosting as well. china and robon sardashwith n ae alrea gy fielding sfan en figurr offers for their own reality rei show.ow >>encpast non. >> are they -- the >> catchy name whatever.whater >> blac chyna.. >> are they married yet? >> no. >> not to my knowledge. knoed >> they're having a child havg ain.toer. last name kardashian.ian >> didn't they get engaged? >> still dide.with e't mdree iti >> maybe she's anticipatingicipt getting married.ri they did get engnd med, rightt t wasn't that the whole thing the kardashian --an >> w youon snow the show s hairs. >> i feel a special soft spot ii my hear i for theon sardashwith. >> so does angela renee'. rob has through his trials andrs tribe ld ehl hooltians. h i want him to love him so mi his and not to try to gain anythingn ing to souto sou cael .
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every finger is crossed on 84 ain.tou. >> yeah. >> congratulations though are io order for eva mendez and boyfriend ryan gosling.os two welcomed their second baby it' op together on aprdin 29th. an w birthday. >> yay! >> what? what's that? i didn'd fan enon snow she was pregnant.t did you. >> had no clue.>> join the club apparently nobosyl d it was h3 old hiwoos's beston septont secret. goes to show celebrity canebty totally moolntooln a prie tte ll they n ree the baby a.m. adli gosling they already havee 20-year-3 od d usyatee eatee >> i wonder if sheon snows when conceivoned. conce >> in a hotel room and they didy not uel aotel aot o. >> we'll go with that. >> probably limyle more poshbly hotel room than -- aottel room t >> okay. oka that's a no selena gomezez yb as yb as the hands to myself singer to t marry her former boyfriendoyie justin bidebeein ebee el.ring th
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tour the 23-year-old motionedldo for the fan to hand over the sio t and then cd thmble it up u threw it to the ground. gro >> i l thane that.neha >> i l thane that. i l >> that's drama. that's not all, though. >> good for her. >> not all for theng kustin sela are you ready over the weekendyt justin p futed this photo of his ex wearing his purpose world w tour sweatshirt there.he you go. nowho wyou can see it which of w course sent fans into toll tailspin.. >> why dide.s heon seep plaee tong these g rees. gees. >> he's basically stalking her.r >> heence's bi fld hi delete thu it comes days a asomes days a as disney darling debuted her new song, feel me thaoolts believed be about the >> i just am like, because doecd you guys reteeteber she ha g toh take some time o this and actuay go to a place where she can get some this thing was really tey asy s why does he keep doing i >> he still loves her. >> yup. y. >> allison you soold thumbs dows on the love part. >> not even that. even
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why do we have to do this inthin public then? call her.l h are we going to be together.he no. no let me mre he on.let clearly he moved on.. with his life. l >> ime k sorry. k sor. justl. i not aess because i have bse i daughters. i don't want aotant aot tong with their emotion. emotion >> i understand. ierst >> um-hmm. i'm okay n, b.okay nb continpa. continpa >> let's talk about khloehl because khloe is having none off it realifan show star took to ho on.ela yeste this ay to set thee straight on this. this. an ioan d re p fut from two months ago.monthsgo. hotters accused of her of photof shopping the picture she admi a gmimyed to dppng and explained in horrific detail why she did it. she says 16 years oldon sealidew in ser nous car accident thatidn sent her through the windshields of her car and led to m hadine knee surgeries leaving one of their knees skinnier than theina other one she decided to photode shto b her knee to make it largr because she hates how skinny her legs are.lere. >> all theel c taplaints werecn about her photo shopping herin and stuff there.stf th >> because when i'm taking am kg arrycture of myon snee i tdree m inents and pull them down. >> right.
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>> what? what >> this story is cey zy. >> you don't take pictures likes that?that >> no. >> ime kng kust trying to mdreet we've got all this story right.g >> it seems a litel .e --el . >> oneon snee is bigger than the other. othe >> that poor girl.hapoor her knee is so ski re y she cana stand it. it >> i know -- i'm still surprises ya'll don't take pic4ake pic that. i thooncht it wasng kust me. was >> great news for one of ourur favorites. potomac natince linda carter wii be presented with a lifetimeifim achieve many award at the 41stt annual gey e e awa this ws galyeah gracie awards -- ard >> wonder woman! >> gey e e awa this s recela11zed --a11z- there she program created by for and all a about women in the medwith .th there she gide.s. >> yes! >> twirl, twirl g she starred ad fan eryone's feseorite wonder wn igg ta 1975 to '79 and the 2,000 she guess starred on tv shows s indy uding l& and o this er, l& and and order svu, smallville and two ad and a half men and of course tht actress abe teared in the 2e
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reboot of dukes of hazard. kick it. >> wonder w taan! >> dwith cr priheae i believe tt was her name. >> all the world is waiting forr you.u >> there's heron snees. she didn't need to photo shopp those. >> and the p, ber you p fuel gs. >> showho wyour strength, woman let's see it.sts see >> yes! and to thinkeci- this ws so, youon snowho w-- >> cheese ball.he >> we were all w all >> thawirs, guys.wirs i lre he thoel . >> you're welcome.. >> what a one minute workoute ac4 ac4 get physical fitness out of one minute a day? we'll put it to the test.theest. >> i hto be so. first a new home for some of tht national zoos other m fut pto br inendas.inend. & w. cute. we'll have the details .
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>> this is bizarre scene in neo3 ornuriyat notre this is live pic4this is new york city where window washers got s4li they're sca this3 oding broke. they were stranded on the side of a building. l.sche res3 l. now. new york firefighte firyou'ight s tae of the windows there tryie to work on it. it. working their way d, bn to try o get to the window washers.ashers not exactly clear how manyar h floors they are o this the groir much theel pic4e much theel p4 above courtes
10:26 am you can see the broken sca this3 o scaffolding and pokes have tog o repel down the side of the sidef ld dinding to get to them and ho ho save team i was watching windown washers in d.c. the other day. man, that is a job that i thinkk you have to of a really intenely el o el o >> and focus.ocus. >> yeah. y >> don't look d, bn.'t l fireston seep looking at what ik doing. >> just keep going. amazin, yin j hais ht is harrowing. wocouing their way right down to that scald following.. >> i hto be fan erything is oye. >> scary stuff there. all right.all we didn't know fl you wanted t pt3 hang on that shot or not. n. fairfax county police on theol hunt for this car scene in n& released survedinlance video. they say it's wanted in s i connection with series of tire t and rim thefts. now thisve cideo was taken lastt month 12,000 block of shadow oa lane. 20e c sandhing1 tobe p015 ford explorer i'm not sure which sur vehicle we're looking at.oki maybe the one driving b theah. i believe it's the vehicle driving by.driving
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10 tires and wheels stolen from gmc or chef remodels in herndon, chantilly, foolrfax inve cie rer in all of those cases the theftt occurred between sic day andbetw 4 4 2:00 and 4:30 a.m. a pattern pae behavior >> l haplighter ter n& right now. few of d.c. purchase yesterdayes residents are gewheeing a n& today.y. you're looking live at the read panda habitat at the nat nocrl halo her kno are linjoying the& home. it is includes four indoor endy fue inghtres for the red inenda equibe ted withui ut. t >> no umbrella though for theh rain.ra s3 abc those don v get the lhose ge that the giant panda gets. get >> they're so cute. so cut >> really cute. >> cute. love the red pandas. >> 10:27. still ahead on good day a double trouaxe wit maher knin sisters e and tamara we'll talk to themo t about bey nd n& in their twin tt stion series. r we'll talk about that coming upg next. ne
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♪ >> you know being a her knin isn about the greatest thin byin tht world. you see, most sisters who share a room --st >>hing0:31 time.e our next guests grew up right up before our eyes and rose to f rf sister even though they both gone to have successful s3 oo3 careers those share a share a s bond and together they are still entertaining families nat nonw w crtionwide. but now, they're doing it with i book series called her knin tt s those themust releael d the srfd book in that series called cle double trouble and it foll, bst the l> yes identical twio twio sisters, kathy and caitlyn waters and their s00 er naturalt bond for more on the n& and what else they're working on, tia and t reara l> ye from o angeles this mor11ng.. good morning to you. morniu. good to see you.od t thank you for themoi11ngl.moi11.
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>> good morning.>> g >> thank you. >> thawir you for . >> well, the book it's calleds l twin tuition.twin tuition my sister and i were actually a camel. camel. because we believe we have twin 4 4 and what's so cool about thisboi book these girls, you know, theo have these amazing magicalal powers.wers one can look into the future ane kind of tell all the positive things that can hrran hrr or hrror hrr one can look into the future ana tell all of the ba g things that habe ten. t but in the second installmentect they realize that not only themt el e negat> ye or pou kit> yes,e start to see a lot of things, and they want to themust get a 3 odt of it brfd inel it themust hrrh whenever they have any kind ofnd physical touch, whether thetheyh hugging a guy that they like or touching a friend.. but they rrfideve this real ioo co3 o that kind oft ki o
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their premo11tions and h, b, yoo kn, b, those can handle it but b only that, there's this really cool nrfklace in the pacyeah.gec that helps them see their premonition as little bit moreim clear. clear. you el e the girremo really cprr together, own their special gife and start doing some good withg it. it >> ime k interested in the writi process when it comes to you two wocouing on together and now series of nes gels. do you like one writes oneris chapter and then youon snow youy el nd it o this and the nhis got one does the next chapter or is itp really a c3re olaboey tive procegsoey rocegs the whole way throuya? >> they have twin ti they know what the other isat tr doing. >> it's defi11tely more of -- >> collaboration. collarati >> yeaause i mean whahei mean whahe tamara and i it's like when we come together, something mhave l habe tensti and whatever my weaknesses are, they're her her strengths and vise versa. et iheet ihe go we just kind of start spit spit balling ideas and t reara will e like, oh, thahe thahe
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versa. it's really cool and fun proce h e g isess. >> i think what we definitelyt wanted to do with this bookh tsb el ries is bring a lited bring d ourselves into the characterss and kind of, you know, write w >> tout the things that we went throitlh as twins in high school because right now our fans hesee d, bnl. d, bnl. it's really cool if they can ty share a little bit of that withw thideron sids. >> what are you hearing? what'a the feedback? so many girls and ly a by- tdmired you guys through to years. what's the feeme ack you've youv ewheeen about the book series.s >> thank you. tha >> they love it. >> they love it. i think i themust hesee this huh smile on my face when thesehe young - of, youon snow, of themselves wh the book and they're just so habe ty and they linjoy the boot makes me really happy that these girls are, you know, enjoyingg rea ging and heseing an a
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it's the feeling for me. >> it is. it is. it's a really liasy fat> read fd bothon sids and adults. >> thanks guys so much. so muc >> thawir you. >> thawir you.>> >> thawir you guys. >> tia and tamara.a >> they are so busy.. >> between them they must hesees like six projects, talking about they go to work livery day on i. >> hard working.orking >> yeah.>> >> acting. the whole reality tv books.ks >> talk shows.. >> finish others sentence.e. >> we do that, too.>> we do we're not related as far as i a kn, >> well -->> w >> who knows?>> >> there mhegir be spree mhegire goplool11ng to we might be. (laughter). room,in, y, y hotel >> lixact io.act io. >> yeah. >> still ahead at 10:00 don't 1d axinso one minute workout w, bnb over. does it work? we put it to the test. test look who is here. okay.ok hechar we also need to discuss yourour appearance on last week's limpie leo so we got lots to talkoal about. we'll be right back.ight b 3030 >> theusy >> theusy>> t theusys o
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♪ i saw that litedthat lited one of the popses ar lixcuses ff not exercising every day, sorrys don't have the t's te. t t >> for livedonone out there thaa too busy last week a new study u seemed to be the ao the ao e gayers. mine, too.oo here was the headline as ite as appeared on t's te.cof th t te.o the one mireally te worf theut.
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you do it right, it can be as in,e wsc> ye as a 45 minuteine moderate workout. basically, the study looks at three gro00 s of sedentadon menm one gro00 will did not exercising.exerci the other did 45 minutes oni muo and the other did three, 22nd2n ends have of pedf ped pogsible splitl.pogsible splitl. recovery periods of very slow both gro00 s work out tasiee t's week for 12 weeks and both a b showed nearly identicalal 's te gcanyou.en in their hea arh andnd finegse. so this morning we wanted to tro it out and fine out if ihe out e too good to be erin como joins us now with details. >> thahe>> thahe 's thave sine this.ha in the amount of time it justt s took to you read that intro,nt your worf theut was over. or. you didn't needing to back dotok gym what we're really talk abouo here hheh intensiit interval training which fit experts say r is really nothing n& n so here to showl. showl.
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personal tey iner leo froar crar fitness. >> thanks for joining us.s >> thanks for having me againfo. >> whahe>> whahe intensity interval training? ran how do you do it the corresc coe way? >> thing first onials.hing m you want to start off with high intensity integey l tey ining if you're twust stads ing o this ys have to try to aim for somethini more realistic.ealistic one minute, if you ever -- youvy never done it bin,ore, your goaa to at least tdon to oolm for twt minutes then break it down andao get to the point where you can u kn isk out this work out in one minute. >> wove been working out fororor ideyat weereally.ideyat weere in the be- everything really slow and lostl shar breatause b it gets liasier over t's te. ov. and york and yor wore wayl. >> to make it be realistic so s want to feel lel ne yo00 sve been din,eated.ea >> i'm out of breath fromth f practicing.practi you want to t's te me.e m we's thes. get rhe gir nheht. nhe. >> who got timer. tim let's time it.. >> what'll walk out.k
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>> ready? >> um had you. >> 8ll -d h3 od.ll3 then she's godng toon snoidey oo two push ups. one, two. two. repeat the mot non.n as th3 l. l. jump back.jump back. >> statement this is happening,g s gsh d, bn, one, two. t shhat's asc> yating shoses ders, chest, quads when she comes back one one m >> i w, bns. t y the burn y for me is like the hardest thint do you care to work out.. >> good. ing oo more push ups. one, two. t and then from that pat>cit non shhat's godng to drop back d, b. and hold that into a superman.n >> you can feel this on yourr ves idey. sure you protecting your back.a. actik ite your glutes, lithisenl your arms out and make sure that you're holding this in the rhegr position.poon so from that position she'son going to hold this for 100 seconds and when she r3 oremo over on her back.k >> let me get this way fort w we's thel do abs. >> a isk. a isk bicycleon sicreay.
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good. good. >> you can feel this in youreelo ei can feel my shoses ders, my a from the push ups. ♪ >> working for that summer body. >> all that motion that we justt executed worked every part off her bor st bor st awespree.awespr >> those had say they can't be b active and do a full blo re goermp el in minutnd there's no gocuse.gose >> i'm sweating i broke and i's thel tell was, i feel li wogood. out harder right now thi did from walking on thehe treadm, bnl there's dm e wrent it t >> that's right. g walk for 10.g walkor 1eaonshep >> riggir. >> on the bike there's allbike different wacom you caneren incorporate it into your day.ay. >> exactly. the goal to keep it going.. coo coo ein, y that way you can keep thean keet intensity up.inte like i soold in the bd iin11ng,f yo00 sve never done this before, make sure you try to aim foror somethin bya bit hk heank hhe not one minute.e minut she's work out before.e's wo out if you haven't, twust oolm foror ing oo, tasiee and breey l it dd you know,
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knoh, bcises youon snow h, b tod >> rk gir. >> so you're not hurtingu' do a rd ises ar pushrdi up nothing wrong with droppinghp ei do it too.knees. >> i did in the beginning untili i was able to do regular push 00 s you bgairsl. bgairsl. and yo00 sre not pulling yourotp shoulder and back.. >> form is i3 ortant. >> this is way better for meay o than walking on the treadmillhet for an hour and not really dodnd much.much t pum sure you get frustrated aa the gym being a trainer watcherw he >> i get why they're doing it dg but sometimes you twust got tout s gt a litúte ps w in your step. >> pep in the step is a motto, t hiya intensiitto interk il ier trool11ng. way the to go if you want to geg in summer shape and leo, aside a one one >> yes. >> you have made a guestavde a appeance on li3 ire for the el cond t's te.nd's t we got clip of that to showw everyone.everyo tell me about this t's te bidenn the show. you played lucious bodyguard,odd correct. >> the first t's tnd yeah, this, time aroat>d i was twust, youwuy know, just a guy seeing what was
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eing on at the s ree t's te. rt it was a good lixperience. lixp. they had -- they put knee in thn riyat spoon thet >> you lel ne bideng ooou lel >> i love being onset. (laughter).. >> thahe>> thahe anything you can tell us aboutos being onset we wouldn't expect? >>l. >>l. therhat's a whole lot.e lot i don't know where to but i guess the moment lixciting hends is twust seeing livedontn coming together.og >> because it's such a popses au sh, b and you lcane the stodone line. >> and i'm a part of that wholee mix. mi >> got it.. >> we will look forward to frd potential third appearance.eanc >>on seep my fingers cro and le. >> do yoas have any work out wok questions or empire questions. s luc nous mad because you se wile up dead.up d (lauyater). >> okay? your career will be cr over. >> my man is to keep him safe. >> oyou y.yo >> all rk gir. rk r. ak3 tyater). >> thank you erin g thank you.hy we's thes. e over to h3 oactl n, b. wedding teael . >> we've eaten cake.
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we work out now we'll eat cey lc wealkie in theon sitchen with se awesome and i am not using thata word liely i mean awesomewe we thating cey le. we's thes. sh, b you the cakes that you'll see at summer weddings if yo00 sre invited that is. it's all cpreing up next afterea the bre don't go anywhere. anywhere. with advil liqui-gels, you'll ask what body aches? what knee pain? what sore elbow? what joint pain? advil liqui-gels are so fast, they make pain a distant memory nothing works faster stronger or longer than advil liqui-gels the world's #1 choice what pain? advil.
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♪ all right. rig we areenti0 days into may and ta means wealkieon sicking off peak wedding season, and just like jt most thing, there are trendsre that cpree and go with each e season.season and when it comes to saying i do, your dre and le isnp. the ol thing that can be couture. so can cakes. so this mor11ng what're lookingt some of the hottest cake trendsr for summer wedding here to helpp g which is a great phrase
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to every sense of the word andod foat>der of couture cey les s , sabrina. good morning to you. >> thaok you. >> theel really are masterpieces.ster >> thank you. >> i mean thsome are pieou gs of aron the to sarst of all tell me how yoy into the wedding cake business. >> well, i've always been a bee ves ker.ves ker i baked with my grandmother.moth i'm the girs.i' that wouirs bring wouirri the de and leert to the parit .r i can't cook but i can bake.ane. >> okay. >> ihe >> ihe that i did as hobby i decided td go culinary school to hone in oo that skill i stads ed couo c cakes by sabina in 2014.4. >> your slogan it's not twust as cey le ihe ce i erntebut i e.ernteb >> yes. >> explain that. we believe the pere whin desel enhabut i es the wedeeingi es we experiences.exrien we create cakes that not only ol look great but taste good also. the 01and thes are using wedding cakes to display their ownheirwn >> let's be honest iheet's be he the first thing people see whenw thsome walhendinto the rteas wtt area is the cey le.s thy le >> yes.>> >> people talk about the cake. o >> yes. thsome talk about what it looks like you're right they talk'rrih about whether it tastes good. to
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>> yeah. >> let's go through of that your designs here and talk about the inalkirat nons. >> here we have the cherry blossoahingtongt d.c. lcane l the cherdon blo and lepre.ern bl it's hand painted which is one of the trends riyat n, b a lot f 01and thes are gernng for. for the hasn't painted look. we have the sugar flowers heree which are handm3 see t wh l ador ofsee t wh l ado love which is something that iai do. g which is a b3r blaidey cey lee od color trend. >> that's interesting.t's int i can honesúty say ilete n outee el en a blaidey wedeeing cey le. >> you know that's becoming as g trend now. 01and thes are cho oneing b3 od c3 oorsb33 to lixpress themselves not justt white or ivory. it's, youon snow, n3 ay b3 trs by ihetrs by ihe gepreetric patterns dark colorsl >> then you have the be dazzledd >> yes the bling cey c l >> the bling cake. t i love i. >> here 01and thes are gernng fe te. >> theure. the sugar lace here which is her edible. >> reallst >> that is amazing sft is amazif amazing and the sugar ruffles.. >> um-hmm. we do thoel one by one and lidg them by hasn't. >> on average how about how long does it tey le you to do a cey l >> it depend on the sugar work.w this was done months in advanou.
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>> reall righ >> i wouirs say for this type oo cake at least a month for thente therotir flowers and then bey ll you do at least two days before the wedding. >> then hoher.n ho for you. >> for wedding cake min's tp>'st three months in aon sanou g. ing >> reareally?s will talk about e flavors.flor >> sure.. here tor ay we h3 ae brof ae bro the lemon singer. our motto it's not twust cake ta it's an li. i erntebut i e.i er so therefore our cakes are bases it's a moose a occurred anred covering hthe su we don want our cake to be plain per se we wantw to create interest.eres >> n, b obv nousactl people whee thider planning a wedding doingd so on budget. budge so if you want 's thcake like t, what's your budget youalkieudgey looking a 80.okg a 80. >> well, the average rk hs n, b is $7 per ser dong. rryt it's custom so therefore ie varies per client.en >> it can gol.gol. >> it can gol.>> it can gol. >> whatever you imagine it canne el. el. >> yes. >> it preeries because of the sugar work.suga w so every cey le is not the smaze
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>> i donp. see any lsome l porcelain cake toppers.oppe >> no. >> thahe >> spree p ple will get the initials. in they'll get the better togethere it it but a lot of times people areeo going with flowers or theirr t kes win whiit min's tal. >> whahe cake you've ever done forone fo we thating?hat >> oh w, b. i dand th seven tear cake att carnegie library last year thatt el rved over i 50 p ple and the t therotir flowers took months ans months and months.ths. >> reallst >> toohend's thtemaz onithree tm assemble. >> so where are you locate.ocat >> what're in washington, don the >> w fo the hint only. >> okay. look them up and pretty muc mayo can imangt ne aernnthinwhen a you can make it. >> when a client comes to us we's thel h3 ae a talk with them to t get an idea of their personall style, 67 something out, and a we's thes. wo with you. >> your perso how l f3 aorite flavorr writ that you make. me. lemon singer.lemon nger >> ihe>> ihe with lemon occurred with a candy
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e seam u >> you h3 ae to come over here. weaver not eating this cake wich 's thtst a forat' allison you can teaml. teaml. steve and get a piece. >> wisdoterdpo what'll do the we thatin whipo the feeeeing ofi >> ut-oh. nd first of all dand th you smaa the cake in your wifhat's facm f >> what do you think holly?? >> hechendto the no-no. theo-no. >> youalkie my partner.alkie >> you're my partner here.ere. you're my partner. >> i'm gernng to stand back ms. >> re m3 this is going to get >> this is going to get wideove. >> what're gernng to feed liachi other. >> just like -- l >> take a pieou g of cey le.g l otidon you get a whole pnteou gt >> i'm going to need a wholeaho piece. >> what maz i dernng. >> lemon singeankge >> i'm not familiar with thisili wedding tradition.ti aankoualkie not fmaze.oual >> you've never seen a wedding d photo in your life.r >> go ahe3 se. what are we gl, bin whieeid yo. >> ynot get married. t ve cake.t have cake. >> really twust a tv co00 leco that's all. >> ready. wait. thahe iento you the gla neves were doy that. i feed you. take bite.e. i pro leel it be gooand t
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no. i donp. belnteve in smashing the cake in the face.. (laughter).. >> hmm. hmm delicious. >> is it good.>> is it goo >> onicourel it's good. >> come on, >> come ongt steve. >> i donp. trust you for aor second.seco >> i won -- (laughter). >> n, b gary and wisdom do it. >> come on.. >> i'll eat my cake.. >> cpree on, n, b, go, gir go, r >> i dare you, steve. >> oh! (laughter). >> see thaon the see wi reapre and i were coreeial.or we'll be married a long time. t. >> yes, we we. ve .hepar we we. >> ihe >> thank you. thank you. >> good boy.d boy to sanger lon tking good.nger >> now i got to do my one minute workout. >> all rk hs.k hs. wealkie doing tweets.g twee >> yeah. >> s were as we liat our cey lel what's this say. say. >> she
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lady's training camp.amp. there you go. >> got a shoe on it.. >> that's so cool. cl. >> it's got a shoe the hint verr e seative.e seativ >> i lcane it.>> lca >> yeah.>> let's see. >> what does that say. say >> i think bdonou g har think bo benefit from someone on one counseling. acmd be happy to g tae h's t. >> i agree with you.h y >> somebody got crush. >> i sus i sus will be dbudanded before every y award show. before every day. >> rk hs.. ri ason theri a >> there's linda. the i love her. let me read it i totalactl a the acmm anti b ady talk my parentsy didn't do it with me and i don'd do it liitheankt liitheank >> thahe >> talk like a grown up.rown >> i like it.. >> for b ady.d. >>l. yom.yom >> all right. steve you got this one. >> depend h, b long we po this s ught fontevon the would you babysit for your ex's child. hoher. been brokenl. brokenl. i can see mcomelf b adysitting because i don't trust daycare
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>> better to trust the ex.he >> somebody you broke up with us. >> id a re l with allison and a wisdom shut down the baby talkat immediately if ihediately if ihe your neb.. no more baby talk.y talk. >> shut it down, boo, boo. >> gary you got weather. weaer into gude spree sun. >> i'm glad christa asked me to -- chris asked me to cpreel.r to finish the show.w >> he wants to talk about a weather. >> showers out there.ho not like we h3 se liarlier this mowerning. we'll have the showery forla ass tona, b, tona, this afternoon, too, mainly jusj cloudy. 65 today.ay shut the showers obe m, please. >> yeaause y >> am i going to be get basebalb practice in tor ay. t ay. >> maybe. maybe not. i don't know. >> thank you, thank you, tha h3 you s adindoayo for theel amaig eurmet cakes. >> don't do it. >> he's livi'vevi he's li3 (l this one. ghtghtghtgh >> aww. >> all right. >>
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is. live, the "wendy williams show." >> you won't believe what i'm about to fetell you. i'll always give it you to straight. >> now, here's wendy! >> very nice. xwl thank you so much. i love my


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