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tv   Good Day DC  FOX  May 13, 2016 9:00am-11:00am EDT

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♪ >> put prince together with athh puppy and hearts go crazy allral around the world. >> sure is. is. >> take note guys.ake no guys. good day d.c. d 9:00 o'clock on this friday thea 13th of may. if you're superstitious it's th only friday the 13th thiss >> really. >> if we get through today we're good till 2017.7. >> okay. okay >> i'm instead of scenerytead oe alongside holly, maureen and wisdom. >> when you think of cell phonee and spying you usually think ofo nsa but it could be apps like facebook and twitter listening e in. coming up later we'll share thee stories that made us wouldn'toud are smart phones spying on usyig and what exactly were we do too stop that from happening? >> first though day 16 and cou counting or not? >> we broke the >> we broke the streak i thinkei it ended at 16. >> it ended at 15. at >> it ended at way too many da days. mother nature she did her bests to keep the streak alive s
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stuck around for a pretty longg time giving us gray skies andkid rain and she's going to be backb at it giving us one day break more inm store for the weekend exceptept sunday might be a bright spot,gs right tucker >> let's check in with you. in y you got all the details. dai >> a lot of information there, e holme here's the deal the streas is over as far as measurablesura precipitation or trace. t did he we do not do that not yesterday at reagan national.ata but as far as what we're wakingw up to, that streak is alive anda well as yet another morning witw cloud cover, drizzle and littled fog out there.ere. 64 degrees. we do have a lot of brightnessog in the forecasht. fas i'll show it to you here comingm up in just a second.ju a s winds out south at seven. a rain showers out to the west.est next cub of hours do not like nt bright and sunny.ight a sun in fact we'll likely see rain r showers break out shortly andrty the potential we could getld get thunderstorm activity as well. w so keep that in mine. in min there could be thunderstorms.ers kind of midday keep an umbrella handy here.y here. this front once it gets east of us by mid afternoon we are going to brighten things up. up. look what's going on back into n eastern ohio and west virginia i now. clearing skies.cleari
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late this afternoon and withit that temperatures will be in the mid 70s and winds out of theut o north and west we'll start tollo dry thing out.dring just hang in there.just hang again by four, 5:00 o'clock:00 l today, we'll start to see someem sunshine.nshine ? in time for happy hour, if h, you wanted to barbecuing latergr this afternoon out on the back b deck. go for it as it should be veryer nice. ni we'll do weekend forecast in just a minute guys.a mi g the streak is over.the stre back to you. back to you. >> it might end at one. (laughter). >> first at 9:00 let's get backb to metro drama right now earliee this morning firefighters had deal with another arcingther arg incident on the red line at a friendship heights.eights no smoke, no fire but the redhe line was single tracking anding there you see the emergency ergn response right aroundight aroun 5:00 o'clock this morning.orng caused delays for passengers. in the meantime metro says it will comply witness feds to movs up emergency rework. rewk there are three segments of thee transit system main focus pointt for the repairs. red, blue, orange and silveril metro will have to temporarilyem
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get that work done. happening today in the whita house taking bold new action inn the national controversy over transgender bathroom use.. >> telling public schools they e must let transgender students s use the bathroom of their chosen identity or face thece consequences. fox5co melanie alnwick is livese from the department of educatiou to explain what's going on here. mel?me >> reporter: hey good morning.og you know, this story actually al has some deep roots in virginiai we know there was a gloucesterlo county case where the student iu now being allowed to sue thehe school board for discriminationo that transgender student whotudw wants to be able to use bathroom of corresponding to the genderhe identity. and then of course we havee we h fairfax county and alexandrialei city city schools which recentll made changes to their nom discrimination policies to addod transgender students to thoseoho protections.prot we'll have little bit more on m that in just a bit. b it seems now the u.s. departmend of education is makin making its policy clear nationwide with w this letter that it is sending s
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basically that you need to treat transgender students according to their gender department atpa the. this is how u.s. attorneyy general loretta lynch explainedp her thoughts on it when then press -- she held pressel p conference on the white house'ss lawsuit against that northtor carolina law. >> we are seeking a court orderr oh declaring hb2 restroom restriction impermissibl impermy discriminatory as well statewide bar on its enforcement of this s is about the dignity and the respect that we accord our fellow citizens and the laws l that we as the people and as a country have enacted to protect them.em indeed to protect all of us. >> reporter: so this opinions oi now extends to bathrooms and locker rooms according to a directive that will be sent to s public school districts today. y it will be accompanied by 25 page document of questions andus answers about best practices and ways to make transgendertrsg students feel more comfortableom
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protect the privacy rights ofigo all students in bathrooms andnd locker rooms. rooms i know we're all looking forward to reading that.t. the controversy has caught firet since north carolina passed it'i law forcing students to use thee restroom that corresponds withh their birth gender and as weer a know there has been significantt backlash many performers ander a some companies have boycottede b the state in protest.ate inrote the obama administration callsto it a civil rights issue but thee governor of north carolina calll it government over reach andeand says this is about privacy. now, in this letter, it soundstu like this is not new law. l this is not new policy. this is the government, thenmt, department of education and the federal government the justicehs department reminding schools of the title nine protectionsrotct against sex discrimination ininn public schools and public school programs to get federal fundingi much lots of opinions on this.n we asked you guys to ring in onn it with facebook.ack. here's a couple of the first of all, stephanie saying,n my issue with this is about non-transgender children andsgee young adults. if it's u
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transgender person to use ther restroom of their birth gender,e it must be equally uncomfortablo for the non-transgender to shara with a transgender person.erso and then we have is a nick todat who says trance people have beeh using the bathrooms with wit everyone else for years and if f pervert wanted to dress as womam to gain access to the bathroom r does it not cross your mind than they can do that now without ant law in place? so hundreds of opinions from you guys coming tg us through social media.ia of course, we're choosing to share the ones that are thoughtt out and kind not the ones thatt frankly are a little scene knowk phobic. people just need to chill out al little bit on that.le bitn th now, we also want to let you ley guys know the way we understand it, there's no requirement for a medical diagnosis in thediag department of education'scaon's opinion simply a parent only has to notify the school districtt that their child is now respon responding to a different gendef or identifying with different de gender than what they may haveyv in previous school records. ror live at the department of depar education, i'm melanie alnwick.
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back to you. to you. >> mel, much more on thisch mort discussion coming outpatient c good day at 10a. empty meantime to the capitol hillomme now and along g awaited sit down between donaldl trump and house speaker paulak p ryan. the two men admit they havethey their differences.ferences but after meeting yesterday ther two said they are workingorki towards coming together to unifn the party.e pty ryan did stop short of endorsini the donald but says that may not be far off. off donald trump's former butler threatening president obama and the first family.. anthony senecal is under firendf for comments he made on facebo facebook. fox5's bob barnard i s live at live the white house now with more oo these threats.hrea. bob? >> reporter: hey, maureen,r:ey, yes, we'll tell you the secretec service says it is investigating these online threats made last year. we canye show who we're talkingg about. he's anthony senecal, 74 years old. zen genal with the 69-year-oldhr trump taken from facebook wheree senecal allegedly they'd policec threats last year to include inu writing that the military shouls hang president obama for highig
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he also said the president pre should be shot for gutting thehe america that he loves.oves he also used a religious slur s crit the muslim faith to faith t describe the president. preside. in an interview with motherr jones magazine mr. schenn genala admitted to making thesehe statements and said they wereye his statements alone not theents pins in donald trump.donaldrump in a statement put out by theute trump cal pain last night, onehn of their spokes people said,d, tony senecal has not worked at march rah largo that's the resort home mansion that donaldd trump owns in palm beach, florida, along the atlantiche ai ocean that he's not worked there for years but nevertheless weesw totally and completely disavow the horrible statements made by him regarding the president ande first family. fy now senecal work as a butler bue more recently as kind of an unofficial historian at that tha resort home down in florida, ana there a
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he's known drum many for 17 for1 years. years. some say they've been friends bf for 30 years. y but, again, the trump campaignpa is distancing themselves from mr. seneca he says he's made theseade statements. this is how he feels. i and the secret service says itcy is aware of the matter and conducting the appropriateroprie investigation.veat not saying whether they'veng w actually met with met interviewed him, plan to chargec him, arrest him we just don't know. but all this coming to lightg tl because of mother jones magazinn and its reporting yesterday.esrd guys? >> bob barnard, thank you.ha y let's get more on this story.ry yesterday gop meeting from fox55 political reporter ronica clearr who joins us now. first of all this is a former employee of donald ugly conditions about theons abe current administration and themi however, should donald trump be held accountable for what one of his associates former employerso had to -- had to say? >> i don't think he will be.'t t you look back at things donaldno trump has said during this this campaign taking on the pope, th, first instance taking on john mccain whether or not he's a war hero
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this is not even donald trump tu saying it. i and i think we can all agreeee comments are very ugly.. the campaign has diss avoid thee comments. they've separated themselvestms from it. i think that was the right response. and more than that, i think it falls on deaf ears, right, it guess people who don't likeon'tl trump more reason to not likeotk trump and those who support himt and believe in him will say itai wasn't -- it wasn't donald tru trump. >> would it be a mistake forbe a donald trump to -- since he'sinh trying to look more presidential, trying to be angoe little more of conciliatory, non really but he's trying to look t for presidential, would it not i be something for him to say, go a step further and say, absolutely not.tely n i don't support this.t support . we need to try to stop this typs of rhetoric? would that go a g long way in showing him to be to more of a presidential -- something like that can being le presidential. >> that's an interestingan question. there's been this talk of these twota trumps and will we see a different trump now he'se' transitioning into the general.n i don't expect it.erdon'expe i don't think -- certainly ierti don't think it would hurt him th come out and say something likek that but it brings morebrings m
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it draws more attention to theon conversation, and you know, he h can say look i separated myselfm from it and now let's move on. >> well, meanwhile, win the republicans it seems to be a kinder gentler feel as paul ryaa is now, you know, just stoppingo just short of endorsing him butb saying, you know, the potentiali >> yes. i mean it was very positive --- the energy at paul ryan's presse conference yesterday where heheh spoke about this, it's sot's interesting when you see these politicians. he opened that press conferencec speaking about the issue of opio yacht addiction in this countryu which is extremely we've seen it affect people here in maryland.yld so so much so and really acrossr the country, and then as soon as it opens for questions, i mean,a all the press is talking aboutao and asking him about is thatsha private meeting with donaldith trump.. and, you know, speaker ryan toot those questions. questions he said that it was -- he felt l encouraged by this meeting. mti but he also pointed out as a 45 minute meeting and they havey hv very real differences.. so i think that the speaker
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could argue it felt sincere. sie i think we expect an epp coursec many i would be very surprisedlb if we don't see it especially ec because he said the meeting wasg so positive but he didn't come out and say it right away.wa he said look it will take little more time than that. tt. give us a minute over here.ver h we'll try to make this as sincere unifying of the party and not just one where wee pretend and say we do.e >> if he does, give him the endorsement at some point is all forgive within the republicanepa party and everybody hugs and sings come by ya and gets up on the stage and now we're altogether and weewee beat hillary clinton and forget alln that other stuff we said aboutsa each other. is that all that's going tos gng happen if ryan says okay.ay >> you can answer in one word.n. >> or two. >> this is the interesting thi thing. i think a lot of people feelt like the speaker lostt republicans feel very concernedc right now. n what do i do? who do i vote v for. >> i think the fact that thenk t speaker is going through thisgh process openly, openly saying, s you know what, i'm not sure. nos i'm going to take it step bytepb step. i think that there are voterserr who are republicans who say, i'm going to go throu t
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with the speaker and take it a day at a time and maybe if the speaker can move forward, sayrds that we share thesese ideologically similarities as - and that we can support donaldpo trump, this may be a veryy beneficial thing for the party r and this may also be a be a beneficial thing for speakerpe ryan down the line.. >> great point. poi >> let me answer this way. me ar i think they'll be able to castc lot of shows with gop leadership you'll see great acting betweenn now and november.ber. >> yeah. >> and that's called politics. >> yeah. >> thanks ronica.>> >> george zimmerhaman gun auctii going off the rails now.thrails wait until you hear how high the bid has got before the listingtg disappear. we'll talk about it coming.boutc >> first though ever get the feeling your cell pope isyour ci listening to your conversationsn well, you are not coming up next, we're finding fi out how it works and how to stoo it more importantly.mporta time now 9:14. 9 back after this.back after this.
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mr. brady, we've been expecting you. will you be needing anything else? no. not a thing. beautyrest black. get your beautyrest.
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♪ >> our next topic has sparked real live experience for.e ex our co-workers. ever notice you have a conversation with a friend or a family member and suddenlouh y y see advertisements on yourr phone's facebook ad or sponsores posts on instagram feed? well,l this left us wonder
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phones eaves dropping on us.espp if so how do you turn the darnnd thing off we've got a tech t expert to explain these targetet ads how they work and how too protect your zestly real livey experiences we talk about checko some of them out.. >> earlier this week i'm talkint to my wife on my personal cellnc phone. we're talking about having toou book hotel room this weekend upd in new jersey. we're going there for my daughter's dance competition. that's all we d talk about it on this phone. p. four hours later checking myhecm facebook feed on this phone upne pops the exact city, exact hotet we're talking about and deals aa for that hotel. hotel that's crazy. >> my story is just as crazy.zy talking to my mom about totally random pink flamingos. pink lawn flamingos.ming >> talking on the phone --ngtheh >> no, walking down the dow t sidewalk. getting some coffee in town. t phone in high hasn't. hasn't. hours later, i'm on facebook anb it's like, here's where you can buy pink flamingos themed cups, glasses, it was so odd. o so >> we were talking about thishi yesterday.
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month and so i'm showing them om my computer where i'm going toot stay, and then later i see all a these ads for atlantis.. on my facebook, everything.very. it was crazy.. >> i wasn't even on my phone oro on facebook. faceboo i was over at her computer when we were talking about atlantis n and high my phone right here. h couple hours later i open up myy phone and my personal facebookk feed i have tastes to take ao t trip to atlantis.. >> yeah.. >> lottery winnings.inning lottery winnings.n >> i tried it at 7:30.t at 7 >> it didn't work.>> i >> it didn't work.t didnork. >> okay. okay >> being rich.>> being being >> join us to tackle this crazy topic is tech expert petexperpe erickson the founder of the tech company good morning to >> good mornin mg.d mo >> eighths talker.ker. >> how in the heck is this heck happening? that's the first th question. >> well, you know, we have beene giving computer as losts information for long right? so we've been doingoi google searches for long time,g and all of that information goes
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profile out there about who we are.are. now our voice is becoming one of those inputs and so markete mare are figured out thou get access to our voice.oice. it's really it's up to the t consumer to really understand un how to turn off these capabili capabilities so marketers can't just listen to everything thatte we're doing. >> you're doing something sohi s benign as you're talking or do whatever. again, is there imbeddededd software.soft i mean, i don't remember giving the permission.miion. >> that's right.>> that' i think what is really important and what people are going toe ng learn they'll figure out they have to look at the settings onn their devices they have toes t understand when they've a loudel somebody access to theirheir microphone.microp go into your settings, instagram or facebook or twitter do they have access to forty foury microphone if they do then youhn need to understand what thatthat really means. m >> can you go back a lot ofo ckl times it happens when we first download the app and then thosen options will come um and say,m s you know, twitter would likeould access to your microphone, etphe cetera. if you already said yes can you go back somehow and undo that? t >> yes, you can go into your io
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what really drove a lot of thist somebody here joining us amazona echo sitting in the middle on m the table here.. you know, over 3 million m families have bought amazon eche it's now in homes people are really becoming aware of thishi voice intact have the.ct hav the >> what is it. >> amazon echo, um, so alexa, tell a joke.ok >> what's the best christmas cim present in the world? a brokenn drum. you just can't beat it. (laughter).. >> she doesn't tell great jokesj but we get it.t get >> clean jokes. my kids are four and five.e fo they love her.he >> perfect. >> but here's the thing.ehi what do you use her for really?a >> my gosh, well, we come in thn morning we ask her what the newn is. we ask her what the weather is. does don't you just watch fox5?x >> we do watch fox5 y, we do. d. but, you know, she knows my knos schedule.sche she knows the metro schedule.ede so there's -- and these are tsea called skills.s. so and now third partyarty
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for amazon echo.o. really it's call the alexa what's happening is, with apple, serrie, google now, withith microsoft car tan in a, with, wi this new platform that gotha announced called viv thesese are -- ibm watson these are alla voice activated artificialrtifia intelligence in the backgroundac and that's going to become partm of our lives.of our lives. when we get into our car, we cac say, you know, turn on the rad radio, turn off the radio. >> i think that the thing thathg scares a lot of people we mightg understand if we're typingwe' something online into a search a engine they'll store that, and , we might see the ads. but the fact that any coveringer we might be having right now r everybody has got their phone ip their hasn't.their has >> i'm trying to figure out how the to turn it off on facebook.b i'm in the setting. >> here's a when i was thinking into e'thisi one of the thing it said the googles of the of the world areo saying we don't do this. >> right. >> some say this is transmitteds through wi-fi setti ings perhap. is it as simple if we can turnar o wi-fi we can protect our proct information a little bit more.lm
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the cell network turning offng o wi-fi in your home is not goingi to protect you from your phoneop because it's connected to the'st network.or but devices now like the alexa there's a mute button op top which turn her >> you think.hi >> amazon has told us that she's only listening after do you you awake word which is alexa. see her come up. right.. but so and if it's microsoft --o if it's google say okay google l that activates. samsung smart tv you say changea the channel, they pick that up as an on key and now it's >> pete, how do i turn it on on face bike.ike >> we're running out of >> go to on your iphone go toe o your settings look at yourtou microphone.hone it says you can see whose gotset access to your microphone.phon tell you exactly. exact >> under settings. >> under settings.>> u it will tell you exactly whose o got access to your microphoneich and you can turn that off.tuhat >> that will solve problem. pbl >> that will solve the problem. >> here's my microphone.roon
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i'll show that you just a minu minute. >> when we're done here.we'r >> settings microphone shut offu the ones you don't want't w listening to your conversation.e >> pete erickson --ete erkson >> it's new err a it's hard toar for people to get used to. >> us shows the good with w something like --mething li >> yeah right.>> >> you have to be aware of bad you don't want theology thaty th feeling somebody is listen to le everything we have to say. >> alexa can you tell me wherele the microphone is on >> i'll show in you a minute.a . i think it's about vigilance. vn people are going to understand terms of service.term if you look at the terms of service -- >> pete, they can do anything. >> that's right.>> that' >> if you look at the terms ofo service under facebook they havv access to the world. w >> your life. >> third party developers willtd tell you if you have to look att the third party developersy devs privacy policies in terms ofn to service. it's a reality of today that wea have to be vigilant.ant >> people aren't getting rid ofd facebook.. >> you're not crazy if it's n happening to you.ha that's what we want you to know, too. thank you pete. >> they're out there.pp >> thank you. >> thanks so much. it is 9:24 rigthheht ny'ow still on good day taking a break fromm the kids can be a good thing, right? one couple is under firr
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ditched the little ones everys single weekend.nd every weekend.kend we'll tell you all about itbout coming up.ming up. >> first why the website hostini the george zimmerman gun auctioc pulled that listing. l more signs the summer olympics y may be in jeopardy down in rio and prince harry wraps up the invictus game in adorabledorable fashion. we'll have a check on what elses is making headlines this morni morning. >> i found it.
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♪ he's taking care of all oura phones. >> so concerned about ournc >> if you have --u ha >> he's working on marine'se' go to settings, and then privacy and then microphone and you might be surprised who you'veho given access to.. >> as we just found out.. >> allison back with a check ofe the other stories makingotheorie headlines this morning. hank onsetings, privacy,cy, microphone. >> somebody write that down.odwr thank you hi everybody. every we begin with breakingh breg developments in the story we've' been following all morning longn death investigation in princenc william county.ou take look.oo police investigators have been on the scene along brazil circll in dale city since before 9:00 last night.ig now, here's the shocking new the victim is a 14 ye-year-oldeo boy apparently that boy was murdered. we have just learned a person lr has been arrested and is now a homicide investigation.tigati we will have more to come ono cm this developing story throughouh the day..
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serious but bid, pistol used byu george zimmerman to kill trayvov march stun is now in the iw in millions.mi online auction is being hostedt by united gun group which pickcp it up after gun broker.comror. pulled the listing. lti by this morning the bidg the hemoglobin surpassed $65 million.$65 mi again it's not clear if these cs are serious bids or not.. facebook is letting users go behind the scenes a bit afterft facing criticism that it is bias when it comes to tren trending . tech giant says it uses softwarr formulas and human instinct tott make sure the stories in its its trending area are not biased.ia facebook put up a link to 288 page document that outlines juss how it is done. the president of brazil'ss olympic committee is reassuringr the world that the games will w proceed as scheduled this summ summer. his comments came amidst globalo fear potential public health h crisis posed by the zika virus. meantime the senate is due to do
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fund the fight against zika right here in the united states. and finally, to floridalo where the inn vick tum game juss wrapped up not before prince harry made a splash bite the invictus game use sports tot help wounded warriors recoveredv and many of those wound useounde service dogs.rv dogs. prince harry got ale wet playing around witness dogs and theirndt warriors after a swimming evente the dogs and people got hugs and pictures with arguably the wor world's most dreamy yesterday y prince. >> i'm sorry, we're stillll working on privacy setting on so our phones.. >> unbelievable. >> we heard every word.heard >> informative segment we've see ever done. settings, privacy, microphone.e. >> yes. we'll come take care of it forcf you. >> if you have an android youve know how to do it. a i'm the only one still like -- - >> we'll get it figure out. it e >> okay. let's check in with suckerke barnes and get a look at our gel forecast at 9:30. at 9:3 hi tuck. >> i appreciated your princelyrl prce
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for second, too.too showers and storms then sun,the, yes, sunshine! later today. t hang in there. i know it's gloomy out at the and we got the mist and, you ano know, remness sin of the last two weeks by later thisater afternoon at least partialst p sunshine maybe full sunshine ifn we can get this front clear ofao us. 64 now in washington.hingn. 63 up in leonardtown, good morning, 63.n. everybody is mild.evybod we've seen rain showers in thewe mountains out to the west.thees. 64 in hagerstown. 63 out in winchester. wincheste there's your rain shower raishow activity. most of it's fairly light.airlyt now pushing to the east of 81. and we'll be working through ouh immediate area right up and dowd 95 and the next couple of hoursh again most of this rain notain n amounting to whole lot but it's' possible that we could fire up a thunderstorm as we get into thee late morning early afternoon ann here's the good news in theews forecast that front will getil g east of us by late thinkat t afternoon and we'll good an d wa chance to clear things out.thint look what's happening in eastern ohio and west virginia startingn to break clouds a little bit ana like the last couple of weeksf w where the fronts have laid up lu across our are
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actually make enough progress tg the east we'll geth clearing ana the winds out of the north andor west. so things are looking promisingi as we get into the lateat afternoon. all right. let's talk weekend we'relkeeke starting mild and dry earlyarly saturday morning but we'll cloug up pretty quick and got a fast-moving frontal systemyste saturday afternoon.ayernoon much like today will bring us au round of showers andhowe thunderstorms early to mids y to so if you've got plans, i wasnsi getting tweeted earlier about a college graduations that kind oa thing if you've got plans earlyi to mid afternoon te ogomorrow bw prepared for round of showers and thunderstorms.d thunders and then that front, too, will be on the move it will clear oue of here by late afternoonon saturday and i think latenk l saturday afternoon should be dr perhaps even with the sun cominn back out and then breezy andezy cool i do want to mention theent cool for the day on sunday. but at least it will be dry. nice, dry air working in fromn f the north and west that will w deliver a nice looking sunday sa afternoon.te quick look at future there's that shower activity this afternoon at one.noon ane. look how quickly it makesak progress to the east we're w clearing it out by six could tonight.ght. another round of showe
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that's at 4:00 o'clock and that, too, should clear out by sunsets tomorrow night.. so couple rounds of showers.s. not going to be perfect but ictt think much of the weekend should be fairly pleasurable.. 75 today. today. 74 tomorrow. there's your cool weather onyo o sunday.nday and again it will be breezy outo there but bright sunshine and a dry day all day on sunday. guys, that's weather update. back to you. y >> all right. all thanks, tuck.ks, tu all right. still ahead, in the fox beat, yesterday we got some reaction. his reaction to tower version of can stop the feeling and todaynd we've got more from kevin fosses is the down with justin jti timberlake include wagon song -- what song of his he thinkss relates best to this new movie v trolls and how he hurt himselfim doing that voice over actingg thing. ♪
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>> right. this is where we lee dem ourer civil saying. it has everything we need. prepare -- fresh air, clean water and sweet accuse ticks, t accuse ticks, accuse ticks.ic >> meet the trolls.rolls. >> ♪ >> that's first trailer from thr new justin timberlake an 98ed comedy called trolls based ond s the tiny harry trolls that weree popular in the 1990's.s yesterday kevin mccarthy got a a chance to sit down with the sexe back singer
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kendrick to talk about the new movie hours before its pro p mirror. check it out. >> is there a song of yours from the >> okay. oka >> that you think spokes theink most to this character besides s the music in this >> to my character branch.cterrc >> yup. >> of mine? >> um-hmm.>> >> wow. >> what's your most pessimisticc song. song >> you know, right? i'm tryingt to think. to i don't know man. >> maybe like -- what goess around comes around or cry meme river.rive >> pretty -- those are bum mers, man. songs are bum mers. (laughter). >> you have to two bum mers of a yeah, maybe something like that. >> yeah. >> cry me a river. >> my favorite scene i sawvorit yesterday the moment you'reda saving anna's character from thm spiders and you're literally whipping your hair and we hearr you go hiya whatever soundou you're making it remained me the sound effect i heard in indian funny enough that was the notegh from the director. the d he goes, think
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like raters of the lot of arcf c something like >> when you were in a boothin a doing that moment, are you justj like banking your head and likel saying those sound effects. effc >> i am. i got whiplash from doing a a voice recording for a scene. actually happened.d no, because you want toed to feel -- you want it to be i audibly real, you know, and so,s yeah, i mean a lot of what we de in there, you know, is,. >> gets physical. p >> have a lot of blackmaillack material they release just out e takes because you physically aca the scenes out so that -- so-- that they can -- >> they're definitely times i'mf like i need to sit down, which , seems silly because you're juste in front of a microphone.. >> maybe instinct the, too, lik, you know that your voice is thes only thing they're going to be g able to use. >> i think that's absolutelynk t part of it. >> i think you physically, you physically actually exert more energy because -- because -- >> because you only get one part of your instrument to use sont e you're like this is it.u're i got to -- >>
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literally say something to youou without saying something to yous >> like >> you know so when you'reou doing -- when you're doing a d voice for movie you're like thi is -- >> i got to give it --t >> i got to translate thiste literally. you actually, i'm almost like, , like sleep like a champion aftet the night that you do one of those voice sessions.sessio >> yes. >> movie trolls opens inop november so you have a littleo bit of time foyor that.ime r hey, also, coming soon to thetoe d.c. area, ahead at 9:00 crazy z game of poker or blackjack orlaa craps. we're learning how to deal thiss morning so we've got the experte from mgm. from i don m't like that hand that hh or that hand. thad. let me see what i have here.ha i moved over to this spot. ahh! >> i don't want to stay on thatn one. come on guys. what do you got? okay.? oka i'll take that then. t we'll talk.'llk. we'll learn how to deal and how you can actually work at the mgm grand coming up if you want toou be a dealer. a dr i said stay but you hit me. ♪ z1zqjz
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look, i know you're a cow and all. and you may not know what i'm talking about, but, uh. the yogurt made from your milk, is delicious.
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mmmm, yoplait. z1zqjz >> did you fine it? >> nope. >> check this out. ♪
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>> you don't have hal land's l skill to play cards it doesn'ttt hurt to have little trainingtlra either especially if you want tt win if you've ever wanted to learn blackjack, poker or anyaco other card games now is the time the brand new ngn kasee -- mgn s is looking for they're opening a school to train new employees and here to tell us all about and teach us a few tricks to the trade jeff tht vice-president of table games as the mgm national harbor and he brought along cornell evans thet manager of table >> good see both of youf y gentlemen.gentleme >> good morning.d morn >> we'll talk and play tame.ame. >> you guys all ready? >> teach me how to win because i got a long history of l
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this game.this >> good >> wait.>> wait. already?ad >> he's the boss. b >> thereou go.ou g. >> right out of the gate. >> who are you looking for askir far as dealers? who makes goodd dealer because you guys are g a getting ready to hire a lot off people. >> people with positivee attitudes.titu got bubbly outgoing ogo personalities what we lookingwel for for dealers.r deal >> now, here's the thinghe t especially with blackjack fromca what i understand for any tableb game you know to have blackjacka first as dealer. >> that's a pre requisite.te. >> yes. >> you have to know math skillss >> you have to be able to add and sub stack math skills. >> you need to do it quickly, dt right. >> very quickly.>> very quickly. >> i'm always impressed with the dee l dealers how fast they cany do this.his. >> you don't need experience.xp >> we'll give you all the giv technical you have to have thatni pervesonality. >> just in case you've been badd gap glory in the past thatory doesn't 19 you can't be aan be successful dealer. dea >> ukee working for the on thert >> the house always wins.lways >> go ahead. ahead let's teach people about the game as well you're sitting onin 14 much he's sitting on a six.ns what are you going to to .
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>> he's going to keep on rolli rolling. >> how many people are you man looking to hire?lo >> we're looking to higher tablt games alone around 700 and 7 combined with poker abouterbo thousand people. peo >> wow! >> how do people if they'ref the interested they want to get twat those applications in they wantw to work at the new mgm grand what's the >> monday we start our dealer sa school at 7100 addison avenue ie oxon hill. >> can people still get in that does absolute. we still he time. if they show up monday morning and interested in becoming a dealer we'll higher. hhe >> how long is the training. >> the blackjack is six you can say one or two tracks.ra if you go to roulette and back rack site that's 12 weeks. w. if you take craps an 12 weeks.e. in addition it's 18 weeks. 1 >> are these pretty good payingn >> great paying jobs absolutelya not just a job it'sbs a career.e >> can i ask a big picture.ictu i was down there i saw the s t cranes. when are we expecting the casinc to open >> the fourth quarter of thisrt year we'll be >> oh, this year. w oh,s >> absolutely. >> you get trained -- g >> tucker eyes it will up.l up. >> you get trained you'll be pue
9:46 am >> great.. >> i'm supposed to hold and thad he's showing six. >> this is the worse hand. h >> that you can >> what else is new? is >> all >> tucker, you're going stay.ta >> you got free drinks i'll havv hit. no, i'm going stay.. >> i'll double down. >> you'll double down, steve. se >> yeah, why not. >> when do you double down. >> nine, 10, 11. 11. >> holly.>> >> i'm staying.>> s >> you're staying.>> all right. >> ahh. a of course.. just like -- le >> are you kidding? >> take it on out.. >> listen, i want to say now now i've spent a few days in casin casinos. one thing that i have noticed ih when it comes to people who my want to be working and applyingg and let me know if you agreenowa with this you're looking forngor personality. >> yes. >> as somebody who just enjoys o being there. i'm in the high stakes player i just like to have fun sometimes the dealer makes huge difference because.cause. >> absolutely. >> dealers help you with theit e game. you can make the person feeln fe more comfortable.more comfortab i find that that dleealer hasle smile on their face and engaginn it
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>> absolutely.bsolutely. >> that's was want much mares mc more money on the table.e tabl >> absolutely. absoly >> how much dot dealers hate itl when the person playing doesn'te know what they're doing.t th >> not at all. >> sometimes i've been made too feel like -- >> can you move to a differentie table.ta >> you know what i'm talkingw about, right?out, rht >> a good dealer will actually t help you become a better player. >> absolutely.olutely >> what about like your wt ab background for this job.ground r you are dealing with real moneyy so do you have to have a totallt clean record to be a dealer?ler? >> , you have to go through ae o background check with theith company and also with theithhe maryland gaming you have to go through a to background check with marylandh gaming to be able to eligible el for employment.ploymen >> if somebody wants to come ouo on monday and start thick thisht process rolling you're not goini to open till the fourth quartera what happens between now andpens then? is it continuous process you really don't start as an employee until later in the untl year. >> you start as an employee later in the year. ar it's 18 week training course sos it doesn't finish up untilp unt september the 15th.ptembethe so after september the 15thhe we'll start doing our auditionsd and then we'll have to d
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background and gaming and take e few more weeks for that and thet you'll become an employee.. >> you have to do this courseo e first. that's not guarantee you'll getg hired.d. >> it's not guarantee you'll gee hired. if you come in here and show upu with a positive attitude anditua you'll be in front of ourfront f instructor that is will put yous i was hester curve.este >> a lot of this process whencee this first project was nounsedan at national harbor lot of localc interest in a lot of dedicationt to local. to are you looking to higher ashigs much local as you can.. >> absolutely. and that's what we're looking ig the dc and maryland and virginii area. we're looking to get as muchet c locals as we can to work. t >> chances of me getting thesene two guys to leave this table ise slim to none. n >> they'll stay and play.y and >> let's play.>> l's pla >> meanwhile you guys play.s within something if you can.etni >> real quick, is there a a website.e. mgn national >> for folks who want job.ob >> keep playing. i'll tell you about uniquequ festival going on this weekend.d they are serving up rocky mountain oysters and if you i don't know what they are, i'm ai just going to say if you prepare
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to go, you need to pro pair toai go ballistic. we'll figure it out on the ohhe the other side of the break.. you and me together. togethe good day don't go away.don't go away.
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♪ all right. dare i say you'd be nuts to miss this next event we're about to' preview.iew in fact the montana statena s society who is hosting it guarantees you will have a ball. and joining me in the good day g today of fay to tell us mores about the 12th annual testy fest members only where they wht will be serving up the authentic rocky mountain oysters is jane,n she happens to be the presidentp of the montana state society and this is chef frank mcgraw. m it actually says legendary chef frank mcgraw and major you'll see why that's funny inny second. all right.t. so let's just put it out there.e so you guys are -- this is yours 12th annual festival.val. >> twelfth annual festival. >> you do
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where do you have it.ere >> at the american legion ine al arlington from sick p.m. till.m. left p.m.eft.m >> and how many people come. coe >> last year we had about 700bo7 people come. c >> we're trig to get a thousands people to go ballistic.liic this weekend. and so you're serving up rocky mountain oysters.ys. chef tell us what isa rocky mountain oyster? >> it's mon upon bull wall.. >> really at what point didint d someone think this was goodasoo thing to eat.. >> the old ranchers. ranchers. when they were doing their cabin seasons when he started making m steers they didn't want to wastt anything. >> that's right.>> >> cowboys are legit.boys a >> you know what i'm saying. i'n >> i know. they don't waste. waste and they're hard core. >> let's talk about cooking the perfect bull ball. >> okay. how we do it, we go full testicle. you have to feel the membranes.. we hasn't slice them.e we hand bread them and quickndui freeze them. t that make it easier to fry. >> um-hmm.. >> they go in breading and 12,
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>> wow. what's it really taste like.ik >> they kind of have their ownvr little >> you shall have said likell hl chicken.ic (laughter).(lter) >> yeah. they're actually quite my favorite you dip them in cocktail sauce orange or barbecue.barbue >> this is had you you'll beis serving them up this weekend h,e right. right. >> yes. >> the chef recommends cocktail sauce which is so >> stop it. sto >> okay. >> my preference is ranch.cench. >> um-hmm. >> no one would be surprised if they knew me. but this is what we like to call a taste of montana literally. >> um-hmm.. >> we actually fly frank outra fort event. e he lives in rock kirk, montana m which is where --is where - >> all right major baller. bal >> he's a major baller. we're so happy to have him.. >> what's else is going on in o the festival.the festiv i know people are aren't goingeg to want to eat bull balls, and so, um, or fried testicles tti however you want to phrase itphe you'll have other things there for people.for le. >> absolutely. we have
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coming back for i think thenk te sixth or seventh year in a row.r we wouldn't have it without himh we also are having if balls aren't your bag --- (laughter).(l >> two different food truck.renr dc ballers coming and neat meat. >> well -->>ell -- >> something for everyone.veon >> little something fortl everyone. here the real deal. the rea no one else in the loft, in then lot of has pair of to try it soo i'm the only one that will do t it. let's see. >> what's your preference. >> i'm going with the cocktailit sauce. who are you kidding? all rightg and you know what, in order to get these first tucker you havev to be castrated.tred >> oh, no.. >> ooh, pretty tasty.. pretty tasty. cut them up and fry them up, bud you know what, i think this ishk perfect time for you to try onee tuck. >> i don't want to try one w holdly. >> come on. come >> the cocktail sauce was veryes good. come on. >> i don't want to try it. i >> no one will believe youbeli
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it. it come on. >> what sauce do you want? >> just -->> >> ranch. >> i'll take it like i just pass it over here. >> straight, no chaser.o cse >> perfect. >> i love it. >> you guys enjoy these.. >> yes. (laughter).auter) >> really? >> they're delicious. >> really.>> i'm on my third one. o >> what does that say about me? >> love it.>> l i tried all three sauces, guys., all right. we're getting the ball rolling. (laughter). >> i'm going for the jokes alo alone. >> yes. >> happening this dope miss it. all right. back to you guys. >> just when you think it think wouldn't get any weirder.y weier >> right. rig. >> okay. o michael strahan last show we'llw talk about it coming up. up >> couple take every weekend off for parenting to shoe the kidshk away.away oh, no.. >> in bull. >> no bull it's happening.appeng and of course we've got therse
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prforming in the 10a hour. hr they are getting cranked up inpn here. here. it will be so much in thel meantime it is wisdom >> coffee time on good day d.c.c you've been eyeing our cool good day d.c. mug. d.c. we have a new din din doughnutsh mug to give away. the great cup for that perfect done did you doughnuts coffee.oe head to fox5 or our facebook fao page to enter our mug contest. e one lucky winner selected byele random drawing. drawing you only have now until 11am to enter. war coming we got another hour.notherou no telling what may happen inn the next hour. >> no bull again. we invited women to a spa to dish soap. body wash. you may not feel it, but some body washes can contain cleansers found in dish soap.
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sh is different. it has only the gentlest cleansers. it just made me feel good. this is dove. ii can't believe it's made with real, simple ingredients.ter. i can't believe... we're on a whale. i can't believe my role isn't bigger. real ingredients. unbelievable taste. enjoy i can't believe it's not butter!
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♪ ♪ the 10a is sizzling hot this friday morning. >> first up the hottest stories right now. jussie knoll let leaving empire michael says bye-bye to kellyel and katie perry not happy. >> then live in the loft, two legends first up the one and only melba moore.. >> the junk yard band is here tt get this weekend party started.t >> that's not all.t's nol many more surprises ahead. >> let me up chunk right now.. the 10a starts right now. >> ♪ >> oh, yeah. y there you go. junk yard band in the loft tod today. >> we love it. >> ♪
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>> ♪ party! >> ♪ >> that's how we start good days on fridays.onri whoo, that is the junk yard bad band. we'll hear much more from them.t guys you guys are rocking itki hard. hard that's how we do it on good dayd dc. hello everybody. come on in >> i don't know where maureen ie going but we're over here in tht kitchen.tche >> why are we in the kitchen?en >> that's okay.t's o we'll give one more shout out to our testy fest.our testy fes which is going on members only. >> i do love the t-shirts.. listen fur the first hundreded people to come to the festivall this weekend you get a free t-shirt.. thumbs up or thumbs down do you have to eat ball to get thello e shirt.t. >> nope. n >> i'm just glad wisdom and idod finally manned up. >> do not believe them.m. neither one of them tried it. it >> don't believe it. don'telie neithe
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>> thank you guys. have fun at the festival.val >> have fun witness balls. b >> thanks for coming in. >> we got pies over >> i had my nuts now i'm ready'a for dessert. >> there you go.>> t you >> here you go much look atoo a this. tasty goodness.tao >> all right.>> >> we'll be talking about why these pies are of significance s and i can't wait to dive intode that. thanks for staying with us for a the tepp a. i'm steve alongside hollyongsid maureen and wisdom.maur are these all apples pies.les p >> yes.>>es >> apple pie day. >> they look scrumptious.umpt >> it is apple pie day. national apple pie day our great friend at the hidehe d dull berg paste tee shop ine te arlington sent us some apple app pies.pi we have a traditional apple pie. >> there we go. we have a deep dish pie withth apples. and -- and -- >> i believe that's this oneieve right her. >> yes. then we have one with caramelar and nuts.and >> i also believe that's thist's one right right here. >> that's the one i should haven i've got a nut theme going thist morning.rn then we have apple cranberry pie. >> that's this one right we're not sharing ours but b actually can get your own at tht he
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say hello to wolfgang and carlac when you go. >> cool. >> sweetest couple that ownt cot heidelberg.rg >> good stuff. thanks for zenning them over. >> i see forks but i don't see any knives.y kn he they for decoration. decor >> you like them for ice creamce on top or cheddar cheese.ddarhes >> hot apple by with brownwn sugar. ga >> we discovered yesterday the whole cheddar cheese on top of o the pie must be a midwesterna mt thing. >> chicago -- i never heard -- - not until i moved did i heard i about putting cheddar cheese.e. >> rollly? >> i'm not fan. >> i like ice cream. cream better mys >> i like it hot. >> with ice cream melting on iti >> ice cream better than cheesec >> let's check what's trendingte on this friday morning.or >> first up we're talking abouta australian couple who actuallyua take every single weekend offndo from parenting their two-year-old daughter. dgh now, every weekend they sendhe n their daughter to one of the o o grandmas it's the same grandmaea the dad's mother, and she
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on friday. frida she stays there till sunday.. there's the couple. coupl they met on actually australia'r dancing with the stars, the ladd there her name is rachel i rach believe she's like a model and d tv show host.os any way they posted on instagrar that they readily do this everye weekend so that when they come y back on sunday they can be a c e hundred% recharged and full oful energy and ready to parent monday through friday and then t they also said obviously their t daughter gets quality time withh grandma. so they got huge backlash about this. th a lot of people saying hey,sayig look, you know if you need thath much me time, you're just being selfish to do it every singlegl weekend.ekend >> that backlash they'reck the australian celebrities.riti going to the chrissy tee again a shade for going out right aftera she gave >> that's a good point. here's the there's no way that you shall bo telling other people how toothe parent.parent. >> exactly. >> if the parents or thes or t grandparents don't have probleml with it, i don't know why k anybody else would have probleml with it of let them do whatevero they need to do to get toto dtot
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there's there five days week.s if they want to let the child two days every weekend with thet grant parents. so be it. so >> let me say this, though.ugh >> whatever makes i was better parent. i would also say this.i wo s i maybe at this point fault thee for just putting it on socialn a media because they also aretheye putting it out there like, thisi is -- this is what we do. and this is so great. great you know what, not everybody hay the luxury of having a grand gra parent who can watch a child for free all weekend long.nd l there are a lot of parents outen there that would like to be able to go out and have a date nightg and maybe they just can't do ito so i think there's little bit -- do what's right for you but yout don't have to tell everybody.ry >> i don't have a problem withpw it. i mean -- during the year, we don't have date night and ie nht don't care what they do.n't i just don't care because that'a their life. thei >> right. >> i don't care. now in the summertime when i'm mine are gone for three months,n party all the time at the martii house hold.e h i'm all about that.hat. all about it. >> is your wife >> when i party sometimes.
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>> the remote in one hand and hd glass of water in the other.n th >> there you go.>> >> a bag of cheetos. >> cheetos leaning back kickinga it talking about wisdom's party. >> greatest grandparents in the world. >> it's all good. >> gratz to you giving way to agreed for newlywed couple inoul the uk1 of their wedding guestse the bride e-mailed her to sayay the $100-pound check or about $145 us was not enough and did d the guest want to reconsider and zen more money the shock tohe sk guests as the bride made bd reference to her new position as the guest had recently come intn inheritance.inherita so there you go. you got bride and groom asking for more money after receiving --rece >> stupid. >> it's the rudest thing i thing i've ever heard. hea >> kick them to the curb.he c you don't need friends like th that. >> she put it on social mediant the people are getting shamedme for it. i think they should.y s they are just tacky.t tky >> which one is tacky. tac >> the couple that's asking fors money. >> yeah. i thought you were mad becausewe they put it on social media.iala >> no blast them. it's tacky. tac. >> get new fri
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move on with your life. >> get $145 to someone that wili appreciate it.t. >> like i'll appreciate it.appr >> i was just doing to say.asus >> give it to me. to >> i can give it to the martinsm when they go away for the summer. it comes full circle.ircl >> they'll say dad we need morem >> there's three of us. $145 --45 - >> it's a slippery slope.. >> speaking of financeingsin unfortunate you'll have to payyo more to park in dc soon all ofnl the meters across the city willy go up to $2.30 an hour. that change comes as metro planp to shut down portions of theortt blue, orange and silver linesilr this summer and that means more people will be hitting theti roads. now right now, depending on where meters ihey're in thosen high rent district areas, theya, cost little bit more now than nw some of the others but now d.c.. saying we'll make them all thell some some are going up significantly like over dollaryi an hour. >> i was going to say. w goi >> from where they are now. now. >> yeah. >> more cars on the road.ore more people looking for parking spaces and now more money whennn you do find one. >> this is so unfair. sai you already have problems withrl metro and people are complaininc
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will be shaken by this and then district does this? red lightre tickets we're getting isn't that covering multi-million oflion o dollars they claim they got frof that. that. >> do you get this. do >> the red light camera things?? >> well... >> i'm outrage.'m outrage. this is an outrage. >> here's my point, myoi suggestion. if you're going to charge over o $2 an hour make sure all those o meters will take a credit card.d >> oh yeah.h y >> thank you, city. tha >> they're working. >> carry an entire mi inform t f worth of change around me withew every team i go to find a spot.o >> this teams like bad pr to me. >> completely.>> completely. >> they're already having -- asa you just mentioned issues and ie now people have to be like whata now, i don't have to pay there p because i can't get it on it now i go to go downtown and drive my car i have to pay more. m it seems like bad pr, bad idea. >> it's happening starting in h june. >> all right. let's talk a little politics n now. ladies and gentlemen, we have, some big news from the campaignm check it out. >> i announced my candidacy forf the s
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united states, vice-presidentprt and since i am the only one thel running for vice-president, ipri think i have real shot att winning this thing.. (applause). >> that's right, we official vaa a candidate for vice-presidencyn it is abc late night host jimmyy kimmel he made the elaborate announce. anno last night during his show but t since it's not position you cano actually run for, his chances of winning are pretty slim.y but that didn't stop the tv vice-president julia louis l dreyfuss from sounding off. >> the actress tweeter jimmyer m kimmel to say good for it it's ' an incredible gig. >> ha, ha i like that. t >> that's hilarious show. hilarious. love it. >> he's got a love -- >> jimmy kimmel vp. >> whopper an schmitz sound appearing.appearin burger king restaurant inurt finland is offering up customers an opportunity to he john thinki whopper in sauna. you can sit back and relax inaxi
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towels. waits will bounce back and fortr between the main dining area and spa. you can play video games on tv's enjoy the steam from the stone e stoves. >> who wants a soggy whopper.. >> were those whoppers in thenhe white basket.ast. >> those were the stones.hose >> i was about to say.y. (laughter). >> the waiter brings you thegs e whopper. >> either way it's a stupid stu idea. you'll be there naked with towe and they'll bring you whoppers.. >> gooey cheese dripping alley c over you. >> are people naked in there? t >> well yeah.>> well y >> i mean you got to -- >> eating whoppers.pp >> a towel f you're not fully y clothed you don't need to bed tb eating hamburgers unless you'reu in your own kitchen.itch >> what happened to no shirt, nt shoes, no, >> there you go.ou go. disgusting. >> two legends in the buildinges as we speak. melba moore and the junk yardard band. we're bringing it on friday. >> but first, oh, the
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jussie smollett tweets shockingn empire fans are -- shockeded empire is he really leaving the hit show? >> minutes ago michael said mhai goodbye to kelly plus katieat perry not a happy camper thiss morning.rn we are dishing all of it next. . what happens when an all-encompassing brain scan is followed up with an all-embracing hug? what happens when the world's latest surgical technology is combined with caring for the world's newest mother? what happens when you match cutting-edge clinical trials with a gentle touch? you get extraordinary medicine and remarkable care. novant health and uva health system are proudly partnering to bring better care to every patient.
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especially when it comes to snacking.g new. with the laughing cow's nine flavors of creamy cheese, there's no end to what you can discover. the laughing cow. reinvent snacking.
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>> how about a little celebritya dish. l first up it's bye-bye for michael. .t'io see you later.see late minutes ago, this was his last l show with kelly ripa.llyip now the two walked out hand in hand and michael joke we did, we made -- we made it out here anda leave. leave. kelly told michael that everyony came to celebrate him and thatnd there is a run on this discoun discounted live with kelly and michael items in the gift shop.p michael look less than policeded with her shade calling themlinge collects item.m. he call his last day bittersweet send i didn't anticipate being here and still in the family ana it's happy to come back and and co-host whenever he's called cae upon. i won wait for that call if i'mi him probably unlikely since we w all remember the behind thein te scenes drama that has gone sincn michael nounsed he was leaving l live for gma.a >> and here's t
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you never need to watch them att 9:00 ever again.. >> good day d.c. is where yous y need to be.needo be >> we got pies and bands.ands >> exactly. and -- i won't go there.o tre >> that's not all, though.l, tho listen to this kelly ripaip stepped out wearing a very a telling jacket on her way to the final taping of life.fif as you can see, that jacket has the word freedom written acrossr the back. back. >> okay. o >> guess that woke off didn't od help her bitterness much.uch. wonder how that went with herher style >> just like wisdom martin she's a huge george michael fan.ic fa. >> there you go.>> t >> that's what i was going to t same that's all about georgeaboe mychal. mychal you were singing it freedom. >> i will be your father figuref put your tiny hand in mine andna walk away to gma. >> kelly --el >> i got it. i got i got thanks for not telling me i'm'm not bitter at all. a. >> yeah. >> okay. >> there you go. t >> george michael.>>ae that's what it's all about.hat let's talk about empire. ome. after this week's shockingin cliffhanger ending empire's
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second season jamal took a bullet meant for lucious. lucio jussie smollett who plays jamal sent fans -- felt certain way wy that their favorite character ca would survive into a frenzy witw one little sweet.weet. here's a bunch of words missingi from this scrip.crip. the actor seemingly confirmedon that he is moving on from therom hit fox show to make music andia movies.movies jussie has gone radio silent ono social mode ya since that tweet. hopefully this is just a is jt publicity stunt.tu >> yeah. i hope so too. t >> he enjoyed his time on empi empire. >> he wanting to make music andd movies.moes >> david caruso, dope do it. remember him. him >> david caruso. cus >> he was -- i forget the hit th she he was on doing well he quii because he thought he can do better.bett >> you remember him but youembei don't remember the show. >> csi miami. mmi he bounded back when he finallye did come back.mek. >> it happened with gray'sh gy' anatomy a couple of people thata left gray's anatomy never to be heard from before.e
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>> grays toes anatomy is doingod well. >> he bounded back knightight people were like dude you just murdered your career.areer. >> if i'm jussie i wouldn't i count on that music they know hw better get back on empire. david car russo. r >> , i'll be sad if jesse leav leaves. >> you won't. >> not really. >> you know how he feels about -- >> how he really feels aboutls o empire in general. >> katie perry has feelingsli putting them out out her boyfriend or license doughnu bloom they might be on thee outside.ts this after bloom was photographed getting a littleeti cozy with selena gomez in las vegas last the pop song stress tweeted a cryptic message yesterday sharing a lyric from peggy lee's single is that all there is. t a song which is all about about disappointment.oi this was perry's first socialia media post since may september. so while the 31-year-old could c be feeling disappointed aboutd a any number of things, signs do d point to bloom. bloom. >> yeah, yeah. >> so they say.ey >> let me tomorrow when itmo
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>> all right.>> say it saint so tie good anded a kelly jenn are in call it quitsi again break up segment of this t show. apparently this happened lasthia week. last night the 1884 old was seew out and about with scott diss d sick the first photo of kileyil since the break up and apparently kyla and tigga aren't speaking either.ither e news caught up with if i goodd and asked hem about the he said i'm good, you know, jusj another day working hard and h trying to get to that next level and achieve big things and evolve. >> this is the first time -- ti >> hottest picture ever. >> that is an odd picture. >> is that girl real next to h him? mannequin.anne >> i'm just saying it looks liki it's a department store mannequin. >> look -- >> that's the look she was goini for. >> is that what it >> they pay good money for that. what are you talking about.ut >> this isn't the first timen' they split and many people arete skeptical about how long this is actually going to last.t. >> like steve said tell me when it changes tomorrow. torrow. >> wake me up when it's over
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ozzie and sharon osbournerne appearing together last nighthe for the first time since they nounsed their split after 3030 0 years of marriage.ars marriage. she attend the event to t introduce ozzie and othernd members of for black sabbath for their perform man at ther pe upcoming of oz fest.z fes they embraced on stage and were actually both still wearingll w their wedding rings.ings now, earlier this week rumorsk r had surfaced that ozzie was w having an affair.r. now i actually did see sharonro osbourne on her show the talkal and she talk very openly aboutpo it. she said i through him out, anda i need a little time to decide where i want to go and what i wt want for my future.. >> so a day she need. >> that's all she she needed.e e >> may still be working throughr it. >> i guess. it's good for business. bines >> you know what, i just feelt f like we are the vehicle to be punked forelock all thesehese people. people they just feed us this stuff ana we're like yeah.. >> i go on. on. >> let's talk about drake.out d. drake has a hottest album in the country and to celebrate he's
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hosting and performing oning o saturday night life. now yesterday the show released some promos for the upcomingpcom show i think it's safe to say, s cast member lesley jones is a js big fan. check it out.ut. >> okay, i have an idea for 67 in which i thank you like a baby -- spank you like baby. >> i don't know about if i wantt to play baby. b >> then we two cops.ops. >> okay. >> we bust into the scene ando c catch the robbers, right.ght >> i like that.ike okay. ay >> and then i spank you like baby. >> yup. you're killing i you know you feeling it.t. >> it's good.oo listen, me and you it's good.oo it's good material. it's good material. you always have the best. have e >> you can do a song andon and everything. >> yeah. spanking like a baby. ♪ >> the move will catch on, too.. (laughter).au >> drake is actually pretty ptt funny.funny. >> funny. his delivery was good.liveryas g >> that's our celebrity dish foh
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>> that's our celebrity dish.ty >> we'll be talking about thatat on monday then after it airs onn saturday. >> spank you like baby.nk y >> do not go anywhere.t coming up later this hour muchr more music on the way.n th way the legendary melba moore is here with us.s. >> yes. >> that's in the all.has in >> york the junk yard band, they are live in the lot of standingn we've got breaking news also too tell you about we'll check in in with mel know alnwick next asex more good day at 10a continues.u stay with wit ♪ ♪ what are you doing?
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ings] ah, it's my brother. keep going... sara, will you marry... [phone rings again] what do you want, todd???? [crowd cheering] keep it going!!!! if you sit on your phone, you butt-dial people. it's what you do. todd! if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. it's what you do. i know we just met like, two months ago... yes! [crowd cheering] [crowd cheering over phone] what body aches?-gels, you'll ask what knee pain? what sore elbow? what joint pain? advil liqui-gels are so fast, they make pain a distant memory nothing works faster stronger or longer than advil liqui-gels the world's #1 choice what pain? advil.
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♪ >> 10:25. we're following breaking news a man apparently shot a little more than an hour ago happened in northeast d.c. just off new york avenue. melanie alnwick is there now. mel, what were you able to find outbrk ou? >> we can tell you that the victim we're told from dc policl was conscious and breathing butr we do not have update on his and it appears that it happened right there where you're seeingh a lot of police officers gathering and beginning theirhe investigation.inve many detectives still arriving a here on the scene. s also want to let you know, youn, see a metro bus here.. but we are told from d.c. police unequivocally that the bus was not involved in this. i t now, perhaps it's possible thatl the bus driver may have been a e witness to the scene or maybe some people on the bus not suree about that but in terms of the shooting or the victims, nothing to do with that metro bus theree we donow that dc
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canvassing the area. a we saw number of officers, some bicycle patrol officers take off little while ago and also we know that they are lookingoo around for surveillance camerasr there's number of buildings here in the area that do haveav surveillance so they'll be so th checking this cameras as wellmes trying to get information so at this point what we can tell youw sometime between 8:30 and:30nd 9:00 o'clock this morning adult male, mull pell gunshot wounds,w no suspect look out informationa at this time. t but d.c. police are working to i get that out as quickly as possible.le live on 16th street in northeast mel know alnwick fox5 local news.kncal ne >> more information as it becomes availaitble.s av okay.. good day d.c.,.c., fashion for good cause. we've got a former projectroct runway finalist in the housein h showing off her new collectionot and telling us all about the abt special event that brought hertt to d.c. d time now is tepp 26:00.epp 26:0.
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e.t. phone home. when you find something you love, you can never get enough of it. change the way you experience tv with xfinity x1.
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>> stylist make herring mark on women' wear and accessories coto, the season five finalist l from bravo project runway sincee then she'd ma made her mark onar the fashion world with boldold colorful clothes she's in townnt this week toned showcase her new collection and help raise money and awareness for the fightig lense lupus she's joining usoing
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project runway fashion show. >> welcome. w we are joined by also thishi lovely lady over here. creed doctor. doc >> you are the one who put thiss even together at least. lea wanting to bring awareness toss talk about the event where itntw is, what is it about?s a >> it's going to be tonight atet 8:00 at the silver springs civi building. >> okay.>> o >> downtown silver springs we're trying to raise money for thee h louis foundation of america the dmv chapter and to bring i wasness to fight so silent among so many. >> it's personal for you whichch spurred this enter.t >> absolutely in 2003 i lost onn of my best friends and she was young, vivacious, i mean she mea would be down for anything likek so hence the fashion showce the because she always rock it out.. >> right. >> we wanted to show our love to her and to her family to say wew never forgot.t >> why did you decide to geto gt involved with something likeethk this? >> i mean she just said it. saii i have family member just actu
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actually young 30 and it'snd something she shed it's quiets creeper. eeper. you never know when you have ita you never know when you'reou diagnose. this is great to bring awarenesb to it.. anything that bring awareness ae one thing i think universally ww all love is every woman, every man evenven though they won't admit it lovee fashion if it help to bring in g ticket sales and awareness i'm m this is a vehicle weavingle wea choosing to do. a loft people know you from peol project runway.t ruay you've gone on to do amazingg things.ings >> season five. fe. >> yeah, season five. i've don done all stars. sta i'm the nominated second place l winner.nner i don't believe know the truth. >> we've seen it.>> >> it's cool i tell people likel number one is where you are in your head. >> i'm number one i've doner on amazing things in my life. lif i thank the brand for giving meg my opening party to the world.o. >> right. peeking of that we want to shows some of your >> are we seeing these at thet t show.ow >> yes. sneak peek.sneapeek if you want to see more get these tickets and come out tome neat and celebrate with us. cra >> all rig
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>> let's start with the firstir model. mo ooh, wow look at this. t >> this is my fall 16 when i design things where woulw i love to wear this not in the e store this is what i want to t wear not in the store.n the stoe it's something you can wear thii all day every day you can bringc the pieces up and wear them separately.ra >> is the neck class yarn. y >> hand knitted all the pieceshe in this collection.ct instead of wearing necklace or a scarf you have a scarf necklace it adds extra elements it to. ee anybody can wear it.ybodcan it feels really great. gre >> that's soft. t >> when it gets colder pull it l closer to your neck. >> there you go. >> i love that.>> i lth >> anybody can wear this. >> is this letter or --r -- >> it's actually faux leather ih has a stretch in it.t. very sporty.ry you can wear this later to workw take this off and wear it with h your denim.yo >> how would you describe yourou style?? >> your collection? collectio >> it's little eccentric. funny, it's classic. >> this lady walk out like whoa.
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>> everybody know i love a goodo braid. this actually the very first v f piece i did fort collection and i was like i'll put brid rightrr from that you have this >> i love that.e tt >> i thought it was really chic. pencil length fitted dress you y want to go to cocktail hour you can wear this to job. job depending on where your is. your don't get fired on my account. it's something different when youou walk in it's a statement.. >> you'll get notice.otic >> who do you design for. f >> i design for women who wanti to definitely walk into the rooa and tell a story without havingh to say anything.nyth i want that chic that walks to t walk in and people envy her butb for the rye reasons.ns. >> exactly. exaly >> i want her to clothes to sayt >> we've got the last model.. >> last but not least a sweaterr dress. in the winter i always want tors wear sweaters and dresses i wann to wear whole bunch of things og this is a mixture.s a xtu having something that, you knowu we don't really have fall anyall mr. or winter at least in thesti south where i live.ere i . but lots of spaces in here tonee give you some good air flow buto it's something really fun.lly you can wear this with youryo foots,
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you're pregnant, any size can se fit in this dress. >> you will get noticed in thata don't tell me i don't makeon't things for everybody.rybo you shore shdo >> ya'll can get up in her.p inr if you love what you see l definitely come out tonight have a 20 piece collection i'molle showing. >> 20 pieces that's mazing.piha >> all for the love of lupus. >> i dare you to go guy and --gy >> we can put up the informatiot for the show. you are spear heeding this. >> absolutely. abs >> tell people why it's sopeopli important to come out one lasto time. >> stand up for the women it effects women of color more that anybody else. ee i mean 90% of the people people affected are women so you don'td want to waste your time. t if you want to get these tickett show your love to these women.o. and of course, the show is goini to be >> eyes mag.>> eyes >> come out have good time and m we'll thank you so much. lupus foundation dmv thanks you. >> absolutelabsolutely. >> there's look for more time. . thank you so much, guys. gs. models you guys look amazing.zi >> don't they. t >> i'm telling
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>> come out and support this sut worthy cause tonight.wohy c >> guys, back over to you in thn studio. >> all right.ight 10:35 is the time. still ahead, can you feel itt friends? can you feel it? there's a will he end in oure d presence. r and b super star melba mooreem is here. hey, she's perform agnew song next. ne ♪
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♪ ♪ it's my time again
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♪ ♪ (applause). >> good to see you. y come on over and hang out with t us for a moment.. come on over.. how you >> good morning.>> good rnin >> good morning to you.d morng o >> welcome to the loft. l >> good morning
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>> how have you been? b >> really really really well. wl >> you got new album. aum. >> new album called foreverorev moore. i do have little cold thise cd morning. >> oh wow you wouldn't know. kw >> you still performing likeike that. that >> yes. >> still got that his note in ta you. >> the high notes.he higotes >> even with the cold. e >> that's my resting place.myese >> there you go.>> t >> that's your resting tell us about the new album. alb tell us is this more of the sams melba moore a little bitit different.ffen >> well, this song oy just sanks for you probably about the mostt you'll hear that sounds like the old melba moore i'm just holle hollering and whooping loud andd long and high. h the other songs are more more contemporary r and b. b one song called how sweet it ist it's very sweet and soft.of i don't know.i not the voice but the music is s sort of like an r kelly or veryy contemporary r and b love ballad.ball there's another dance song thatg people say ya'll know what stepp is. is. >> yeah. yea >> absolutely. >> i'm from >> she's from chicago. (laugher
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>> you know what that is peoplee moving and songs are very haveyv simple. i think the other recordingsdi maybe i felt like i had to keepk proving to you that i have thee range and stuff.rang. but these are just hit records that you can groove to and myndy voice sounds beautiful and nice. but -- >> i wanted to ask you aboutd tu that. we hear so many times artiststit having to take break or they'vet gotten, you know, their voiceshv tired. how throughout all these yearsla have you preserved your voice? >> well, i stay on diet.. >> keep changing diet the body changes and i can't eat, you eau know, ice cream and beer and -- >> and pie.>> andie. >> it has that -- >> broiled chicken and -- and >> you have to work for w >> exactly. >> not almost. >> it is.. >> you look amazing. azing you look amazing. a. >> thank you. did you feel the need to changeg the kind of music you're doingg to change it up a bit? did youy feel that need because you still have fans who love melba.el >>
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goes on and everything changesga so you want to stay part of thee community. and i'm not trying to beg to b something else but things are ti changing you want to stay relevant.rele >> i know you have had kno challenges in your life i admirm you so muchor talking openly opy about it and being an examplexa how you can turn the negatives s into positives. i want to applaud you for that f and everything i've seen or read about you. the highlight you have not shies away from the mistakes and move forward in very -- >> it's my time again. aga >> it's your time again. >> go buy it.o buit. >> i just want to melba mooreelm show is is l if you go back and we mentionedi four decades now and you go bacb to the r and b the early '70's and disco and dance scene.ce >> don't forget the broadway. >> exactly.>> exa what do folks come when they geg to see you.ou >> they get a little bit oftlbi everybody wants.ody wants you get my hit records. recds you get my hit broadway shows.. i do some tributes to wonderful people like lena horn and sarahh vaughn and
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love to because she can scatterr >> okay.. >> just maybe the actor in myn voice wants to do a variety so i do -- but my life and career has been very varied. vie and so i'm having to go back ana put some things in life fromm pearly. like i got love is so hokie ithi doesn't go with r and b show. >> right. you didn't sing i got love. lov >> no problem. >> yeah. yh >> it's very varied.very give them what they want.what t. >> if you want to see melba m moore do we have a graphic gra she'll be at blues alley may 13y through the 15th there it isret right there on the screen.hecree get the tickets. go put some money in her pocketc keep her going.. >> yes!! >> whole weekend. >> melba moore thank you verynk much for gracing us with yourcig beautiful voice and yourvoice yo presence. >> thank you. >> we appreciate i some folksoml that were moving and groovingovn while you were performinging they're right err over here. h we have more music for you.ou it's been four years since the e death of the legendary chuck chk brown and today the region'sios best go-go bands are
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new music to honor his memoryory and one of them in the junk yarr band. hit it guys.hit it guys. we'll be right back. ♪ ♪ what happens when an all-encompassing brain scan is followed up with an all-embracing hug? what happens when the world's latest surgical technology is combined with caring for the world's newest mother? what happens when you match cutting-edge clinical trials with a gentle touch? you get extraordinary medicine and remarkable care. novant health and uva health system are proudly partnering to bring better care to every patient.
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>> it's been four years sinceenf the death of chuck brown. four years now.four yea of course the city's music scens never dies. it still thriving and to honorah his memory of the region's bestt go-go bands are releasing neww music and throwing a concert.on part of the% annual go-go newo-n music day. when you think of go-go musicusc you think of the junk yard bandn going at it for many many yearss and this morning they're joinint us live in the loft. le in they have new single they'll the perform for us first we want to chat for the guys for littles ft bit. good to see everybody thiseve morning.rn >> can you believe it's beenou l four years since we lost chuck.u >> yeah. >> four years. right? >> you guys are still goingng strong which is -- going on aoin few decades now like what almosm four decades, right?? >> right.>> rht
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35. >> how do you keep the magicep t going over all these years. yea. >> it's practice. it's practi practice.prti practice and love.tice a lov that's all we love each otherth and we love to be around eachunc other. so practice and love. love >> now you guys have evolvedevve from, you know, the instruments and the gear that gave you the name in the back in the day to,y you know, rocking the good stuff now. now. >> right. >> but you still writing aboutll local you're still writing about the t local community, right. >> right. >> what are you going to beyou doing for us today? i think? k we'll get a two for from you guys. >> you'll get a two for.a o we'll give you a little bit of the single that we going to beoi doing at the howard theater called anacostia bay. >> what's the story behind behd anacostia bay.ay >> like a remix of an old song.n >> let's do that first and we'ld chat with you again for second.c all right?ig >> go ahead and kick it off. ♪
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♪ ♪ sitting on anacostia bay, watching the tide roll away ♪ >> ♪ sitting on anacostia bay, wasting time ♪ >> hold it now. >> ♪
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bay, watching the tide roll away ♪ >> ♪ yeah, yea, sitting on anacostia bay, just waiting for the tide ♪ (applause). >> i want to get information ina bout event tomorrow night you guys are doing a show chuckhow k brown band will be playingnd tomorrow >> yes. >> and then you guys are playinu as well. as sugar bear, eu everybody comingm together up on the stage.p on te this is the howard theater byat the way.the >> yes it is.>> yes i >> tickets are still availablere if folks want to come out s.toe how is that when everybody getsy together and does a big showigho like th
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>> one big old d.c. >> i was going to say if say anything d.c. knows how to throw party, right. >> yes, sir. >> what's next for you guys? g? are you going to keep on doinged this? keep writin writing new what's the plan?? >> get in the studio and keepndp writing new music trying to getg ahead trying to pull this wholew go-go community together and trd to take go-go nation ally that'a what we really trying to do. >> a lot of people have been saying for a long time has beenn the go. go-go getting lot of attention t here in d.c.he what's the future of go-go.of go >> right now it look good to me. >> yeah. looking pretty good back in i 1986. >> like old times again.ol the bands coming together. tethe and we trying, like i said wee trying to take on national on n level. like the rappers >> yeah you feel the love herehe in the district, right.istr >> yes, sir. >> hopeful gets beyond and that you guys take younger go-go g bands coming up looking up tokiu you guys. >> yes. >> you work with them trig toth keep that whole movement t goin. >> yes, sir., sir >> be on go-go rid y that's my station. my station. >> all right. you guys have been doing your y part for decades and we
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love seeing dc success stories.s you're one of them. onethe tickets are still available. they're the information rightath there. chuck brown band eu and off course the junk yard band.d ban can you play us out.n play >> y sir. >> let's get this friday started right, more of the junk yardunrd band. we'll see you all on monday morning. rnin more of good day dc and the junn yard band.d. ♪ ♪
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i'm lika small boxer. ring. you don't expect much... and then, wham! i hit 'em with huge creamy goodness! alright round two! bring it, girlfriend! rich, creamy, 100% natural cheese. mini babybel. snack a little bigger. what body aches?-gels, you'll ask what knee pain? what sore elbow? what joint pain? advil liqui-gels are so fast, they make pain a distant memory nothing works faster stronger or longer than advil liqui-gels the world's #1 choice what
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live like a star week live from the "wendy williams show." >> wendy: how you doin'? the kids have come to play today. you won't believe what i'm about to tell you. all due respect, have several seats. my girls are always turned out. i give it to you straight, no chaser. ♪ >> now, here's wendy! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> wendy: thanks for watching! say hello to my co-hosts, my studio audience.


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