tv Teen Kids News FOX May 15, 2016 12:30pm-1:00pm EDT
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>> welcome to "teen kids news." i'm brandon. let's begin with our top story. >> this report is brought to you by the national road safety foundation. welcome to the new york international auto show. ♪ besides being the perfect place to see the latest cars and trucks, it's also the prefect place for the national road safety foundation to debut its very first teen driver safety >> we found a great way to have
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kids interact with the different things that are going on here. they're getting the education and the awareness about how to be a safe driver and make safe decisions on the road. >> this is the new york state police roll-over simulation. it demonstrates the importance of wearing seatbelt use. in this demonstration, it simulates what a 25-mile-per-hour crash with a pickup truck or suv-type vehicle would look like. >> people who don't wear seat belts are 30 times more likely to die in a car crash. luckily this is only a dummy. >> all right. here we go >> as part of the save a life tour, there are two simulators teens can drive. this one shows how alcohol or drugs affect your reaction time... >> oh, man, you crashed right into the wall. turned too much, crashed the vehicle. that's why you can't drink and drive. >> and if you think it's safe to text while you drive, watch this. >> what's your text message say? >> if i could be anywhere where
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>> where would that be? >> florida. >> florida? whoa! that's what happens when you're distracted driving, all right? >> all right. >> just remember -- don't text and drive. and here you go, bud. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> you got to, like, answer texts while trying to drive. it was really cool. it taught me not to text and drive. it is dangerous. it was scary. >> we have a spin to win wheel. we give out a series of prizes for people who come over here, teens especially, that can give us right answers to a series of dwi questions. >> this is the save a life tour table with the national road safety foundation, and what we're trying to do here is to have people sign a pledge to practice safe driving. >> look at all of the signatures that we have here. they promised to drive safely on the road. >> i signed a pledge to practice safe driving. >> what we're hoping to accomplish today is that someone, if it's just one person, will leave here with a changed mind, a changed attitude
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about how they're going to drive behind the wheel. and even how they're going to act as a passenger and they see someone else making the wrong decisions. >> for "teen kids news," i'm nicole. >> ...and just didn't see the bus. [ tires screech, crash ] >> there was a stop sign. [ tires screech, crash ] >> the light was red. [ loud crash ] >> the boy riding his bike... [ tires screech, thud ] >> the car in front of me had suddenly stopped. [ tires screech ] >> there was a mom with a stroller crossing the street. [ sirens wail ] >> what you don't see when you look down to text -- >> ...the stop sign... >> ...the red light... >> ...the boy... >> ...the car... >> ...the mom and stroller... >> ...can change your life and the lives of others forever. >> coming up, i'll have the buzz on the great bee mystery.
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scott tells us more. ♪ >> people, when they think about bees in general, they think insect, or, "it's a bug that stings me. so, you know, why do i care if it goes extinct?" >> but as zeke freeman explains, we need to care. zeke knows a lot about bees. his company, bee raw honey, works with beekeepers all across the country. >> but, you know, the reality is is that bees pollinate over 100 different fruits and vegetables. we're talking about strawberries, broccoli, apples, melons, pumpkins -- i mean, really basic fruits and vegetables that we eat every day. >> that's why what's happening in the bee world is causing alarm in the human world. bees are dying in droves and disappearing from hives. it's called "colony collapse disorder," or ccd. >> colony collapse disorder has affected over 10 million hives -- in fact, killed 10 million hives over the past six years.
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>> no one knows why this is happening. there are many theories. it could be a virus, or tiny insects called mites that attack the bees. or the problem may be man-made. >> we have pesticides that are put on everything, you know, from fruits and vegetables, beans, corn, soy. and bees fly around, and they collect pollen and nectar from these plants. and those pesticides, you know, either kill them or significantly lower the immune system of the bees, so they get sick easier. >> while research continues, people are working to protect bees. liane newton helped start the national honeybee conservancy. >> our goals are to raise awareness about bees, educate, and make it possible for many people to get involved in this activity, which has so many interesting aspect is tot. >> beekeeping isn't limited to farms and rural areas.
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home to thriving hives. and teens like jaxon help tend them. of course, it takes a whole lot of protective gear. ♪ when he was younger, jaxon was terrified of bees. perhaps that's why his dad suggested they give beekeeping a try. >> i thought he was insane, because it would freak me out. but it started to fascinate me. and once i knew that you're completely protected, it's just -- it's amazing to be around that many bees and have them flying around your head and to know that you're protected. it's a really cool experience, and it's fascinating. >> jaxon visits the hives on a regular basis, making sure the bees have the water they need. before opening the hive, he prepares a smoke pot.
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but it kind of -- they don't like it, so they will disperse if they're in a large clump, which makes them much easier to deal with. >> jaxon carefully takes out the frames. he checks each one to make sure everything is okay. if there's a healthy queen, and the bees are keeping busy, there's plenty of evidence. >> this -- the orangey, maple-looking blobs in the honeycomb -- that's pollen that and the almost water-colored substance around these bees here is honey that hasn't been capped yet, which they're still working on. and this is all capped honey which they've finished working on. and that's just storage for them. this is all capped brood, and that's bees being born. and the bees will crawl out of there when they're ready to be born. >> when "teen kids news"
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>> as we've reported, when it comes to pollinating fruits and vegetables, bees are the a-team. without them, we'd have a lot fewer foods to eat. bees also give us honey, which many say can be a healthier alternative to processed sugar. >> we have to remember that it's still a sugar, so we don't want to go crazy with it. >> since honey is sweeter than sugar, you can use less of it. and if you think all honey tastes the same, you're in for a surprise. zeke explains that honey can be varietal. that means there's different varieties, depending on where >> single varietal honeys are honeys that come from a specific floral source, whether it be wild raspberries or wild blueberries, buckwheat, wild sage, orange blossoms. and honey from that floral
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color, a particular texture, and a very particular flavor. so, you have a honey from new york, from an aster flower, and you'll see that it's very clear and amber-colored. and, so, this is buckwheat honey. it comes from washington state. and you'll find it has much more grainy consistency as it crystallizes and more of a molasses flavor. and then, lastly, we have a colorado star thistle. and again, this one, you'll find, is very buttery smooth as it crystallizes. it even has kind of flavors of nutmeg and cardamom and a very smooth, buttery texture. so, those are three different varieties of what we call single varietal honeys. ♪ >> so, what can we do to help save the bees? >> there are numerous things that consumers and you and me can do about it. one is buy organic produce, because the more organic produce that is produced, the less fungicides and the less pesticides are out there to harm our bees. >> another ide
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bee-friendly garden. >> something that has a lot of flowers that bloom from spring until fall. obviously, don't use pesticides in your own garden or fungicides. you can also, you know, buy local honey. buying local honey helps your local beekeepers. >> or maybe you might want to try your hand at becoming a beekeeper. >> it's a great hobby. you will be the coolest person on your block. and you'll be helping to save the honeybees. and you'll be learning something that will enrich your life forever. a great way to find out more is to go to website, where you can see lots of information. for kids, we recommend that you visit our kidsds page. >> the message is pretty clear. if we don't take steps now to combat colony collapse disorder, one day, we may be without bees.
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>> let's test your knowledge of u.s. history. what's america's oldest city? >> chicago. [ boing! ] >> is it new york? [ crash! ] >> jamestown, virginia. [ toink! ] >> nope. but before i give you the answer, one more question. where was america's first thanksgiving celebrated? >> was it on plymouth -- not -- plymouth hill or something like that, on the rock? plymouth rock. [ laughs ] >> i think it's plymouth or somewhere in massachusetts. >> plymouth. >> plymouth, massachusetts. >> yes, we usually learn in school that the pilgrims celebrated the first
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thanksgiving in massachusetts in 1621. but the spanish beat them by more than 50 years. and that bring us back to our first question -- what's america's oldest city? the answer is found in sunny florida, at the city of st. augustine. and that's where kara franker is. she's a travel blogger. hi! >> hi. >> on september 8th, st. augustine celebrated its 450th anniversary, making it older than any permanent settlement on the u.s. mainland. but most people don't know that. why not? >> most people don't realize that st. augustine is the oldest city because we learn british and english traditions in school. so we learn about jamestown. we learn about plymouth. but st. augustine was actually founded in 1565, and that was 42 years before jamestown. >> the first european to arrive where you are was ponce de león. he called it "flowery land," giving the area the current
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name, florida. was he really looking for the fountain of youth? >> well, that's an interesting debate for the historians, because, you know, they tend to say he wasn't looking for the fountain of youth. there's not really a lot of evidence to actually come to that conclusion. but it is legend. it is folklore. it's something that we like to talk a lot about here in and that's actually what we are standing at today, is the fountain of youth, which is the site that pedro menéndez de avilés actually set foot on, on this day in 1565. >> wow. that's pretty cool. tell us about the founding of st. augustine and the first thanksgiving. >> well, the first thanksgiving was actually a decree from the king of spain. he wanted there to be a gathering of the locals here, which were native americans, and africans, as well, with the spaniards that had just come over. and so, on the same exact day that st. augustine was found, it was also the first thanksgiving, and it was also the founding of the first catholic parish.
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>> okay, st. augustine is called one of the best kid-friendly destinations in the u.s. what are some of the don't-miss attractions? >> there are so many things to do for kids in st. augustine. this entire city is an oyster for a child to come explore, or for teens, or any age, actually. one of the places that i like to go to in particular is the castillo de san marcos. it's this old fort, and it's great to kind of explore the historic walls, to look at the top and climb up and see the views that the spaniards saw at one point in time. and this fort is made of really interesting material. it's, like, a mix of limestone and also shells. so, they used to shoot cannonballs at this thing. the british did and pirates, to try to take it over. but nobody could do it, and it's because of the material. it would soak up the cannonball kind of like a sponge instead of busting through. so, it's a fascinating place to explore. >> that sounds great. i understand that you're so taken with st. augustine that you actually named your dog
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>> i did! i named my mini schnauzer, who i'm obsessed with, ponce de león after the big spanish explorer who came in 1513. i'm a big fan of florida history. i'm a sunshine state girl, and so, to me, that was a fun way to pay homage. >> quite a "tale." thanks, kara. it was great talking with you. >> thank you so much. >> in honor of st. augustine's big anniversary, they sent us an official bottle of water from the fountain of youth. i wonder if it works. let's see. [ twinkle! ] wow! amazing! for "teen kids news," i'm emily. >> coming up, another great recipe from miss teen usa. >> it's my take on a southwestern-inspired dish. >> we'll show you how to make it when "teen kids news" returns.
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a killer recipe straight out of the american southwest. nicole tells us more. >> looking for something different to make for lunch? miss teen usa, k. lee graham, is going to show us how to make a black bean wrap. so, what's first? >> well, first, we're gonna start with our tortilla. we have some low-carb tortillas here. i love this version because you can get, you know, that good wrap without having too many carbs at one time. >> okay. >> so, we're gonna start. we have our tortilla. put it on the plate. >> and this is a damp paper towel? >> yes, so we're just gonna put that on top and microwave this to heat it up. it only takes 15 seconds >> all right, so, while you do that, i should grab the black beans? >> yes, if you can rinse the black beans -- rinsing them actually helps take away some of the sodium from all the packaged black beans, so... >> and the whole can, right? >> yes, whole can. >> okay. >> we're just gonna use a little bit of that. >> all right. so, just rinse them nice and thoroughly? >> yep. >> yeah, i can see all that sodium coming off them.
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>> yeah, and then if you'll put those in the bowl. >> all right. >> let me get the wrap. [ microwave beeping ] >> and then i should move on to the corn after i've done this, and do the same thing? >> same thing. >> all right. i didn't know there was so much sodium in these canned -- >> yeah, it's a sneaky, little thing that happens. you think you're eating really healthy, but if you're getting tons of sodium, it's actually kind of -- it's not great. >> all right, so, just rinse them again. and all these, this whole can, is gonna go in to our burrito? >> we're just gonna use 1/4 of the can, so, using a lot less, we're just going to prep it. >> sounds good. >> all right. while you're doing that, i'm gonna add some of these fresh bell peppers. we chopped up some orange bell peppers. i'm gonna add it to our spinach. and we are gonna steam these in the microwave. >> excellent. >> we're just gonna add a little bit of water to this to get some good steam -- just a little splash. >> all right. >> that's good. and we're gonna pop this in the microwave for 2 1/2 minutes.
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>> wonderful. [ microwave beeping ] >> we just have to let that cook >> great. and then, what's left to do? >> next, we are going to... ...plate. we're gonna add some corn and the black beans to the actual wrap. so, we got a little bit of this. depending on how big your wrap is, you can put more or less if you'd like. black beans are a great source of protein, especially if you're vegetarian or vegan. and then corn also gives you some healthy carbs. >> what does vegan mean? >> vegan means that you don't eat any milk. no dairy, no eggs, no animal products, so no meat, either. and i've actually been eating vegan for a while, and this is one of my favorite meals. >> is it difficult to get enough protein into your diet when you're a vegan? >> yeah, sometimes. but if you have, like, lentils and beans like this, then it makes it a lot easier. >> excellent. >> so, we've got our beans, and we just need to wait for our spinach. >> wonderful
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[ microwave beeps ] >> all right. so, the spinach and the peppers are done.. i'm just gonna take it out with my oven mitt, 'cause it's very hot. >> okay. >> yum! they smell delicious. >> great. >> i love colorful bell peppers. so, i'm gonna toss this a little bit. everything's all nice and steamed. >> yeah, we definitely have a whole beautiful color palette going on here. >> it's like a little rainbow you get to eat for lunch. >> i'd love to eat a rainbow for lunch. >> oh, well, now you can. so, we're gonna add our spinach. i love lots of spinach. and spinach is so great. it's full of antioxidants, and it's just great and full of nutrients. >> so, do you have to steam the spinach, or can you eat it fresh if you want to? >> you can eat it fresh if you want to. i like steaming it, just because it gives it, like, a nice flavor. i'm just adding some bell peppers. and same with the bell peppers. you can eat it raw if you'd like. we are gonna add now some avocado, which is one of my favorite foods in the entire world. it's full of healthy fats an
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also fiber. so, fiber helps keep you full. >> i love avocado, so... >> oh, it's so yummy. i'm just gonna add a couple slices. all righty. and now, to top it all off, we're gonna add some pico de gallo. it's great. it gives that little -- >> southwestern. >> that's right. and now we have our little rainbow! >> beautiful. >> so yummy. you can fold it in half, and this is our wrap. sometimes, it gets really full, which is the best kind of wrap. so hopefully, we're gonna be able to fold this. >> the professionals at chipotle always make it look so easy. >> it is not that easy. so, we're gonna cut this in half and enjoy. >> maybe it's more of a taco now. >> yeah, i think it's more -- sometimes, if you get a bigger wrap, then you can kind of, obviously, you know, put more in there or fold it better. but it's also great to eat this
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way. so we cut it in half. >> so now do we get to enjoy? >> we do get to enjoy, enjoy the rainbow. >> great. maybe i'm gonna just kind of see if i can't get just a bite with a fork here. >> right. i think i'm gonna try and go for the actual wrap experience. >> you're braver than i. >> let's see if this is gonna work. it's spilling. oh, my gosh. >> cheers. >> cheers. [ both laugh ] >> mmm. quite a fan. >> lots of flavors going on there. >> but good flavors. >> yeah. >> so say adito boring lunches and make yourself a black bean wrap. muy bueno. the recipe is on our website. for "teen kids news," i'm nicole.
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