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tv   Good Day DC  FOX  May 20, 2016 9:00am-11:00am EDT

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♪ straight ahead an act of terror, brand new developments in the search for a missinga mig egypt air flight thattt disappeared with more than 60n people on board. this morning authorities sayri they have found debris in thehe mediterranean but what brought it down is still a major myste mystery. myst kidnapping caught.> police out with new warning forr parents. a phone exam or caller tries tos convince you during your child i has been be a ducked and the a c only way to return them safelyaf with a big ransom.anso how to make sure you don't falll victim.. not hillary clinton taking a stand against donald why she says he's not fit for ff the white house.. >> bond, james bond.d >> and later, the $100 millionmi question. who will be the next james bondn new reports say daniel craig is done playing the british super spy, so who will take his place as 007? good day at 9:00 startr ♪
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i don't know if i buy into i that james bond thing or not. n we'll have to chat about that. you'll let us know what youwhat inink. we're missing two big thing.ig gary mcgrady just completelyom cutting a rug over there.overhe >> oh, my gosh. >> hysterical. hyste >> two you'll see in just ase js second much friday, may 20th. we made at this time friday. thi i'm steve alongside maureen ande wisdom kicking off good day andd the weekend with a battle in the streets of d.c. and some music. queue it up holly take ita itt way. wa >> listen it is friday.isn it mother nature is finally givingn us a gorgeous day.ay. so we thought we would indeednde take over the entire sidewalk sw here on wisconsin avenue witheit eastern high school band. band. they have a battle of the bandss going on tonight where they aree challenging their alumni to comm out and see play it best in an n evident to raise money to keepe music in the schools.hechoo we'll tell you how you can comeu out and enjoy the showdown in i bit but first right now, thanksa to the blue and white, marching
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d.c.! (whistle belows) ♪ >> hey, hey. hey, hey. ♪ >> holly morris. >> curious. >> closing out the march right r there. love to seat to se love to see it. to awesome. we've got much more on thisch mt amazing big event coming upin later on but first we want to wt
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ask for better start to the t t weekend.week >> finally. >> talking about sunnyun temperatures push the 70's likel that's been the case all month long -- >> don't do it? >> enjoy it. >> zip it. it >> live in the moment. >> i don't know if i'm more excited that it's friday k. >> yes. >> for some reason or it's just -- i'm almost saidlmt something bad. bad. almost. so great out there. tre >> it's beautiful for change. ca let's live in the moment. momen >> i know. >> but don't -- don't do that.t i'm not going to even talk abouo that. you know i am. sunny skies out there tisieout morning. clear skies now. you see the clouds back out todo the west.the wet. eventually they'll come across.. big storm system we're watchingn down through the deep south thunderstorms right now actually down through parts of alabama,, over towards georgia, the t panhandle of florida gettingda g them now and there's anotherno line forming behind that through new orleans, mobile and all of l that. th since we'reat the severe weather will be down in the deep southeh we'll get the northern extent of this storm coming in tonight ant then the brunt of it looks likel
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but today is beautiful.. mostly sunny, now, look,ook, afternoon clouds will come inomi high clouds will thicken up andp it will be muted sunshine lateie this afternoon.ernoon check on the numbers today.ay. 75 here in town.ow 75 for manassas.assas 75 for dulles and a couple of spots may make it up to 76 or 77 degrees.77 back to the 70s obviously laterr today. now more clouds come in too andd a hundred pun... 100% chance of rain tomorrow.omor everyone will get wet and some a of the showers will continuewerw into sunday as well. wl big storm tracking up from thero south of us. it looks like still we could sas right now that the heaviest of the rain the heavy rain stays aa little bit south of the city. c you know, fredericksburg yourisu might be in this heavier rain. i southern maryland, too.. but definitely looks like we ar going to get wet, and next weekw see i'm going to end you were i was good note here.was goot next week it's going to feel fee more like may.more l we're talking 80s. 80s come back next week.t w >> that's what we like to hear. >> thank you, gary.
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let's get to the breakinggee news right now this mornaking te egyptian armed forces foundou passenger belongings and actuala parts of the plane egypt air flight 804 that crash yesterdayy into the mediterranean.eran they found the debris field about 180 miles off the coast of alexandria now in the meantime there'sime e growing concern an act off terrorism may have been broughte down that flight. >> the search for the jet'nsdoft black box is underway right noww families of those on board asona well as us officials anxiouslyny await for answers. ars fox news correspondent doug dou luzader has more on this stillhi developing >> reporter: we've her these her reports before, but search crewc this morning indicate that they have found pieces of debris froo the aircraft which would beld be critical for any investigationea as more and more evidence seemse to point toward an intentional act. ac search aircraft scan the seas ia the eastern mediterranean asan ships below do the same. with the egyptian military now saying this morning that debrisn has been found including passengers belongings.ging family members of the missinghes wait for any updates fearing the worst
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>> i am very, um, >> reporter: greek radar dataart suggests the air bus 320 made erratic movements before bor plunging toward the sea. egyptian officials who arels are heading up the investigation are inclined to believe this was ans act of terror. >> the possibility of having a different action or -- having aa terror tack is higher than the possibility of having ain technical issue. >> reporter: white house said the president is keeping up on n developments and the us hasen ad offered to assist in the searcha and the investigation.ti but the administration hasion stopped short of any speculati speculation. >> i'm not aware of any sort of intelligencere assessment that t rule anything out.nything out i'm also not aware of any a intelligence assessment thatt ta ruled anything in at this pointp roar. >> reporter: for for others oer terrorism scenario is too plus p cybill. >> somewhere along this line, someone penn straigh ated secury got physical access to the airport -- airplane and was able to put some sort of device onic it. >> reporr:
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homeland security says there ara no plans for additional securitr here at but airports like lax have ramped up their efforts.ts all of this as the grim search c and the mediterranean continues. egyptian government this mornini meantime issue a statement ste expressing its deep sadness and extreme regret over the loss ofs the aircraft and the deaths ofts those on board. b in washingto washington, lul fox news. also overseas this morningsr the main suspect in the dead ala tax in paris back in november nm was transferred from a high a hg security prison to the main paris courthouse. he was supposed to answer t questions from a panel of judged but he refused. was sent back to jail. j authorities had hoped his hed testimony would identify othersh who might have been involved in the attack.. closer do home homicide hic investigation underway inn uerwa fairfax county. >> around 2am police respondingd to the shooting at the parking g lot in alexandria it happened he not far from the huntington metro station.tation fox5 melanie alnwick has been hb
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long. she joins us live from the scenr with details.withai mel? >> reporter: good morning.r:ood so despite the active homicideoc investigation that is going on well up the street here, the the property manager at the city t side apartments here on richmonn highway has asked all the media to leave the property. you can see the far reaches of the investigation area with that yellow crime tape that's justt's hyped now that is pretty close tose to where some of the evidence was found in this seen a lot of o activity going on here. we saw a couple of flat beds ada few minutes ago. a they took away a small motorcycle, also, took away awa vehicle and two other large toww trucks also just went up the hill a little bit ago. a let's take to you the video.eo when we first got here on the te scene, we weren't sure exactlyea what was going on. we saw one small area that wasat being guarded by police car.e c looked at it closer and realizei this was some sort of a bla
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one of those like personal safee deposit boxes or fireproof boxes someone might have valuablee documents and items in there ane it look like it been cracked open and left there in the in parking lot. certainly very odd. o then the police directed us d further up the hill to where the actual homicide scene was and w that is where we saw more than a dozen investigators and mobileie crime units in some cases that parking lot there backs up to ap wooded area and a path thatt takes people at this apartmentsa complex to the huntington metro if they wish to walk there sok s that was completely blocked offf that is where the homicide happened, and as far as we knowk we believe the body is still there on the scene.ce also helicopters overhead because they were searching the wooded areas in behind thend t buildings here and also along ao and in between these two apartment complexes usingsi technology that would let themot know if there was any other sort of evidence in the woods thatoos they needed to go and look at.ok so that is why it's a very w
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crime area. 2:20 in the morning when thenint gunshots were reported, and thee police said an adult male foundd deceased on the scene.ce they can't give usas any a information as far as whetherheh there were more than one suspe suspect. they do say they think only onee person was injured here or killed we should say. we sh no other victims that we know of. and so really is a quite the the history, and also, they areo, t still waiting to identify next of kin which is why we have note been given any information asman far as the victim's identification or where he -- whether he's a resident of thist area or not.ot so we are live here in alexandria for now, i'm melanie alnwick, fox5 local new >> mel, i know you have limitedu info. the number one thing people want to know about in residential area is random or targeted. tge based on the fact that that loct box was found there, anything an leaning toward rob bro at thisdr point? >> reporter: we really just jus don't know. kw. we've asked police several timet they can just give us some kind of information as to why they t think things are scattered allta over the place, and they r
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just said, they have some info i but nothing that they canhathey release to us at this point. >> we'll keep paying attention to it, mel will keep us posted.. thanks. thanks. let's check out what else is els making had he lines on this onhi friday >> the race for white house hillary clinton and donald trump accusing each other of not being qualified to be all this after trump escalatedat his personal attacks on former e president bill clinton itt happened during an interview with fox's sean hannity.anni. trump is slamming clinton for not using the term radical islam mcterrorism about the egyptegy airplane crash.rash major oklahoma highway shut dowd following a sudden brimdebr the image is incredible. emergency officials say it will likelyfi remain closed for r significant time for clean uptif and also for that bridge collapsed after a aa big rig hit it amazing followngo one was injured.ed. 26,000 drivers use that nowhaow collapsed bridge every day. and today tv news mourningug the loss of morley saver.ley he have died yesterday at his yt home in he was 84 years old hadn't just announced his retirement lastas week. safer haan
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career at cbs the longest runun ever on prime time television. if you're planning to hite l the road for memorial dayor mem weekend, we hope you don't hypeh some com aaa predicts 38 million8 llion americans will take road trip for the holiday weekend that's 700,000 more than last year. aaa a tributes the up tick tok t lower gas prices at 11 year low. finally, a mid forecast freak out.freak out. west virginia meteorologisteoroi brian hughes was in the middleew of a weaasther hit when the scrn behind him switches to live shos a avenue highway. highway >> he started to scream. he was startled by giant spideri >> there it is.. >> take the banner down so youed can see the sowpider. s >> giant spider that appeared oa the lense. len. after recovering and laughing an himself he admitted said he nearly lost his lunch as yous y hard him say right there. act crow know phobia is a realoi thing
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>> mag any any >> that is hysterical.rica >> love it. >> man. >> still ahead no offense, new poll delivers surprising news for everybody out therey out tre complaining about washington'shg football team name but alsols sparking social media backlash.h >> later allison, erin, tuckerr for today only they're not news anchors. they are pizza delivery men andd women and you can get a slice as from them all you have to do is your way down to dupont circle.r we'll check in with them ahem little 9:13 is our time right n. hey mom, i could use some basil. little 9:13 is our time right n. oh, sure thing, sweetie. life is eating out of a flower pot.
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wait where's the? right. it's being a food paparazzi. honey, your rump roast just broke the internet. as it should. and a takeout romantic. dessert! happy anniversary. life is mucho, and grande. life is eating, laughing, loving and a place to enjoy it together.
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♪ >> 9:16. redskins name debate obviously has been going on for many, mann months, years even back in theae spotlight again today though buo not for a reason you mighton yot expect.expe >> new washington post pollaship finds that nine out of 10 native americans are not offended bydeb the team name. wisdom has all the details.etai >> all right. well listen to this.. the pole does raise eyebrowsyeow obviously.ob for one it questioned just overr 500 people who self identifiedde as native americans in all 50 states and dc. d that's only .0 1% of the total native american population inul the and tire united states.ed se now, not surprisingly, the polll was immediately denounced bync b prominent native americanmeri leaders. le however, majority of those t polled say they would not bee offensed if someone who was nott native american called them bynb the name of this football team.a back i
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ordered the redskins cancell their trademark saying the namen is offensive to nativeiv americans. the team is now appealing.ling. meanwhile team owner dan snyderr celebrated this poll saying thee washington redskins team, our fans and community have always a believed our name representse re honor, respect and pride.. today's washington post polling shows know tiff americans agree. we're gratified by thisatifd byt overwhelming support from thengo native american community andcat the team will proudly carry ther redskins name. the poll also garnered a lot of reaction from you on our o facebook page. trace is he seize being nativese american i'm not offensed it'sd' an honor. h but cj says i fine the logo ando name offensive and i personallya just wish they would change it to something that doesn'tha doe stereotype my race like i'veikev said before love the team just t hate the name and the logo.. and forrester says, schneider sh should keep the name but change the logo to redskins potatoes their new nickname can be thecat spuds and every monday fox5 d.c.'s steve and wisdom can talk about how the spuds were masheda the night before
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people also, you know, getting t on twitter talking about this doing a little showcase one on twitter about the small amountma of people who were actually aua polled in this. again, .0 1% of the entireire native american population theyo were using the hash tag, i am native american.merican. i was not asked.was not a so a lot of people sounding offf about this.out thi not liking the fact that they only asked .0 1% of the entire population and then put thet headline out there like the everybody is all on board withih this. >> that's the disturbing part o the whole story when you see ths headline you think that this wai some comprehensive study andtudd then you see that only .0 1%, that's incredibly small number.. >> a lot of studies are that w way. >> absolutely. >> they do it with health iea studies. we do it with everything. we put this big headline w out o there, then when you really sees the number -- nbe >> it's real limited. >> exactly.. >> be wary of those.hose >> average of less than 10 tn 1 people per state polled. polled. >> i was waiting for you to
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break it down mr. math. >> it's a crazy amount of thef small amount of people that wer surveyed and for everybody toory jump on board oh, it's okay now. well, you know.u know. all right. all the debate continues on. on. >> that's why next week you'llkl have poll that says the complete opposite. >> 9:19. coming up later this morning hog hat left one home depot worker e the target online death threatss >> first, though, a parent'st's worst nightmare.ightma exploited as part of a new phonp exam. ex you need to hear this, parents.. we'll check in with fox5 bossesb bob barnard to find out how youw can protect yourself from it. f. that's coming up next.ext. ♪
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jane loves to treat herself. so she loves new light & fit crunch. greek nonfat yogurt with delicious toppings like chocolate and almonds. now that's a treat! light & fit crunch. feel free to enjoy.
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♪ >> oh yeah the gang is allhe gan there. national pizza party day. >> ♪ >> okay.>> allison, tucker and i think erin is black somewhere. they are on the prowl looking for people to gin ve pizzas to. >> honestly they were just singg to go drake a couple secondsec ago. >> they are head to do duponthed circle and not going at thendotg beach. >> they should be doing that. >> it is national pizza day and they'll be handing out pizza inn dupont circle.irc we'll check back with them when they arrive hopefully safely tol the location.e loca >> meantime let's get you caughc on more news much this isuch is probably every pan's worst w nightmare to get phone callne cl saying your child has been kidnapped and then you hear your child screaming and >> fairfax county police say its is actually happening but it'st' part of awful exam. fox5's bob barnard is live ats e george mason university with w
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a child in school should hear.da and i just -- i just can'tus believe people are this evil, t, bob. >> reporter: you hope peoplee aren't this gullible either. eit a lot of people warning aboutarg this. the fbi, prince william countyoy police, fairfax county police, george mason employees, the, the archdiocese of washington.ashing here at george mason earlierer this month there were twotw victims what they call virtual kidnappings.kidnappi a student here and an employee.o the archdiocese of washingtonasg sent out a note to all of their families that a child in their r school system and his or heris r family were also victimized. basically, someone will call yol and say, we've got your child,h, don't hang up the phone. we weren't a wire us the money. they sometimes hear screaming ii the background.un and they're basically trying tot rip people off. o the authorities say, look, hangn up the phone, call your schoolco or wherever your loved one mayee be or you
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confirm that they're there.he call the police as well.l they believe perhaps this is ths happening a lot more often thann they hear about than then te authorities who are about much again it's happened in prince william county in fairfaxairf county, the archdiocese ofio washington had a victim and so s they're basically wanting peoplo to understand that there are are phone scammers out there usingri this virtual kidnappingidp sometimes they'll say, look, your child or your loved one hah been in car accident with a gang member. memb we're part of that gang.hat g give us money or we'll hurt your loved one. also, hey, your son or daughtert or brother, sister whoever has s gambling debt.ling d they need -- were need tod collect on it.t i you need to pay.ed to all kinds of ways they're the're going after people and again the authorities just want the word o out there that this is happennig and don't fall victim to it.o hang up, call the police. pic confirm where your loved one isi and don't be victimized.timi don't be ripped off.don't be ri because it's been happening anda it's happening at a fairly quick pace especially morning
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guys good bob dork we know if ii you of these guys or women haven actually been caught? >> reporter: no, we do noto believe and a lot of times thest calls are made from out of the e area.ea. you'll get a strange area code.c sometimes we're told these calls are coming from as far away asy puerto rico.rto ric so we don't believe anyone hasoe been caught. caut. we don't know of anyone whose actually wired money or given up the although, again, these are justa the cases that the authoritiesui have been alerted to thatha they're telling us about.llinusa perhaps other people have beenn ripped off and when they laterht on realize what had happened, he haven't gone to the police p because of being embarrassed ora what have you.. >> it's just as simple as they make this phone call and basically try to scare new sre n paying something. sething it's just that spl >> reporter: yeah. reporr: y they might have they may know, look, this persor has got kid in, you know, the fairfax county school district c or, you know, there's so much sh information online, and if theyh can put the pieces together, tot track down, all right, it's ahtt school
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be in school.l. connected to this home let'se l call that home.callt ho tell them we got charlie at at school. they hear screaming in thescrean background. people freak and that's whats w they're preying on is people'ss panicky state of mind, and when they say, wire us money or elses your loved one will be hurt,be they're hoping someone will snel actually do that. >> unbelievable.>>el bob barnard, thank you for thatt >> amaze wagon people will do. look, take screen and write down the caller id number.umbe try to stop these people fromeoe doing it to someone else.eonee. >> we have been waiting for spring and summer for months mth now. now. hopefully right around they ritr corner before you take a dip inp the pool to cool off what you'lu wanted to memorial weekend, we w have do have warning for from you federal officials.ia that you'll want to be aware ofa >> before we get to that,o tha though, beautiful day for pizzaz party which is perfect timingim because it's national pizzaza party day.y we're celebrating with some fref slices down in dupont circle. cr we'll check back in with our fox5 pizza delivery team. team they got total now.
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>> cool. later just kidding,s? so smollett's message to fans after empire's second season finale. also the secret to success marcm rav. how to get ahead at work. wk new twist on a traditional preakness cocktail for the racee tomorrow an live performance by d.c.'s own shaye jennifer. jenfe that and more coming up on theon 10a. don't go anywhere.where ♪
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there's nothing like trying something new. especially when it comes to snacking. with the laughing cow's nine flavorful varieties of creamy cheese, there's no end to what you can discover. and once you get a taste for the new, chances are you won't stop there.
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vo: for dominion, pa of delivering affordable energy includes supporting those in our community who need help. our energyshare program does just that, assisting with bill pay and providing free, energy-saving upgrades. it's more than helping customers, it's helping neighbors. ♪ stand by me
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>> ♪ >> where they are going to bee e taking on some alumni that used to perform in the bandperf and they're going to have agog o fun thing tonight. tonht open to the public.ublic. all in an effort to raiseai money to keep music in the in t schools. it's making a difference inereni these kids' lives but they are y the blue and whitemarshingte machine. >> i love it. >> that's what they go by. >> so, i'm excited. exced >> the head of their band now,d he was the drum major and iajora can't remember the year, maybehy he said 2001 or 2011, i can't01n remember but i did a live shot with him way back when.khe >> that's awesome.t' >> now he's like leading the the band. >> w
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bit. bit. >> love the energy thisov morning. you can either use your energyog on your dance line or your band or your bikes this morning, whiz. what you doing. >> wisdom. >> went for a ride while inide e your commercial. crcial. >> just can't end well.t ca >> just park the bike. bik >> wait a minute. >> there you go. >> park the bike.k e bike >> got to twist it into park. >> what was this all about.was a >> what is this all about? bo what are you doing. doi. >> it's national bike to be workday. >> thank you holly. >> while that was a failedaailed attempt by wisdom in the loftof tucker did take part thise pt morning very early this early morning he hopped on a capitol t bikeshare and pedaled from tenleytown to our station. st >> three blocks.lo >> so far. it was all downhill. dnhill. if you too are biking to work tr today be sure to tweet yourr photos we want to see people who really bike to work today. #good day d.c. and if you haven't gotten outteo and biked yet there's stillheres
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>> don't do what he's doing. dog don't bob and weave in thethe road. >> whether you bike to work orer are just biking for fun garyun r it's the perfect day to bike.ayb >> it's perfect. it' it's perfect.'ser i mean the winds are going tore be light and it's not going to g be too hot, not going to be t b this is the day we have beenha n waiting for all week long. however, yesterday afternoon y and evening was so gorgeous once the skies brokeseg and tha clouds got out of here. high pressure is building in today. listens it's a one-day wonder, though, because work lurkingking back out of to the south and southwest and i almost hate toso say this and ruin it for us f but by tonight, late this, l afternoon and early eveningve clouds will come in. will me i they'll thicken up just apus little bit. i think we'll see the sun as it's setting but i think we'll w see a lot of clouds, too. t cloudiness comes in anddine com overnight tonight showers willol arrive and by tomorrow it just j turns into old fashioned rain. 100 percent chance of rain.ancer temperature tomorrow only inurto the upper 50 and the lower 60's. 60 it's just as bad tomorrow asorra it is good today. tay a little bit of sunshine ssh possible on sunday but
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showers in the forecast.or temperatures on sunday upper 60's to low 70's. tomorrow is a complete washout. sunday will not be the case it won't be a complete washoute was but we still have some showerses in the forecast. now, let's go to the good stuff, okay, because this persistent trough of low of lo pressure that has been aroundt n here it seem like for weeks f w and weeks and that's kepts things unsettled it is finallyiy going to get pushed out of the way. a pattern change will take use s into next week and that meansthm we have 70's and 80's coming back into the forecast.orecas by tuesday we're upper 70's. 7 by wednesday, we're lowere lowe 80's. and by thursday of next week,nee very warm as temperatures willil go right up into the middle 80's.80's so, we do have that to look forward to. clouds are trying to getoet closer to us but as the clouds get closer to us, they kind of get gobbled up by the highled u pressure that's sinking airhank and kind of dissipating mostings of these clouds, but later oner this afternoon clouds wills w overtake the high pressure asig high pressure continues toss kind of shift off to the eastoft of us and as that h
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more and more clouds will comeul back into the forecast.nto the o so, at 11:00 a.m., great,reat 68 degrees.68 deg a few clouds starting to penetrate the high pressure.high by 2 o'clock, 73 degrees.3 deee and then later on i think basically we become mostly cloudy. high thin clouds. they'll thicken up. we'llth be kind of muteded sunshine, if you may make for a gorgeous sunsetst for some of us.someus. 74 to 75 for a high hh temperature and just to showands you the next seven days, ofays, course tomorrow wet, ugly, rainy, 62. next week, though, we warm w right into the upper 70's and ad the lower to mid 80's. so, i leave you with somethinght to look forward to.o. that's how i want to leave to l you. >> and we like it. gary, you're all good. goo >> you could do no wrongo w today, gary.y, >> i'm sure i did somethingomet wrong. >> talking about saturday andatr rain but we not going to go there. >> live in the moment today.t td >> i know how are you. i khow >> here's what we wants wh everybody to do.everybod take gary's advice head outside right now especiallyll if you're in dupont circle.tir we here at fox5 are huge
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fans. fans some of us even bring it int i for breakfast every day . >> [laughter]>> [laughter >> why are you looking at me. >> and there's none in here today. >> when the calendar says may 20th is national pizza partyar day you better believe we arer going to celebrate.rate. but here's the cruel twist of tt fate. wisdom didn't bring enough for us so to be fair we're note're going celebrate here in the studio. i know. but we are going to share with w you. associatioso you benefit our far viewers.s. >> we sent allison erin andnd tucker down to dupont circle to kick off the weekend witheekt what else, a pizza party. par they're joining us live now with the party under way. hey, good morning, guys. g >> good morning.>> >> good g morning. >> we're out here sharing withng our viewers today. tod >> our friends at dupont.ent d it's a beautiful day to eat eat some pizza and it's never tooero early. >> nope. and the pizzas are here.e her >> they just arrived.rred >> yes. >> tucker bring it over.
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in the loft jealous but we but will be giving away slices of -- >> that looks so good. >> down good it smells soll s good. >> it smells good, >> we're ready. >> i've seen a large pooh largep group of people gather aroundth us. i don't think it's going to bek hard to give away free pizza.iz >> they're ready.dy everybody wants a slice.ce we're going to try to bring bri some back but no promises. prose >> we want to see you down here. he >> let's be honestly we're notnw bringing any pizza >> we'll sit and eat whatever wa is left. >> let's be real.eal. >> that sounds wonderful.ondeul >> anybody want a slice?? >> yeah. y >> come on over. you want a slice. alice. >> come on over. >> okay. >> there's a plate. a pla >> serve this up for you.s up f. >> that is so terrific.errifi >> yeah. >> it's national party pizza day, sir. s >> we have plates and napkins for you over here. h >> you have napkins.e napkin >> stand by as i just chunkedusu the pizza. th >> i have pizza gloves on >> we're glad t
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>> are you going to be here every morning.ou >> sir, we're happy to give're you a slice but you have to disavow your cowboy appw allegiance. >> what's your name. >> andre ingram. >> andre thanks for coming over.ov >> i was here this morning.orng >> he's been watching allch morning. >> oh, okay. o o >> thank you for that.ha you >> you'll come around on thatha cowboy thing. >> you're going to come can aroue nd. >> is that what's going toat happen. >> that's not going to happen.n. >> national pizza party day we w hope you enjoy it. i >> thank you for stopping by f o and saying hi. >> we're two pieces down.s d >> we're two pizzas down. >> thank you. you it's delicious. delicious >> is that cheese for me. m >> "eeeewwww." "eeeeww." >> we're giving away pizza. piz >> you can't eat it whileatt you're giving it away.u' giv >> why not. not >> here's miss kimberly. k she has been out here allere a morning. >> kimberly deserves a slice a system sharing is caring. >> i had on s the
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>> there's a napkin right napki >> we got to pace ourselvesou with this pizza give away.wa we love you come buying to sayny hi to us. >> i watch you guys every single morning. mor >> at any point in your lifey did you think you were goingpo get a slice of pizza from us. >> from you tucker i couldtuer i imagine this would havegi [laughter] >> awesome show. >> thank you so much. >> thanks for coming by and sayinghafo hi. >> good morning. morni >> we're giving away pizza allia morning come say hi until we run out. ot >> we're set up at dupontat d and we want to see y thanks for coming over. >> there's a napkin overre there. it's national pizza party day. >> tucker giving a pizza slice e from a side of a wok this a woki morning. >> you know what, that's a k good idea, steve.nogode we'll make that happen.pen. next year.xt year. i don't know when we'll be whe back. but we'll pace ourselves with the pizza. come down and say hi. >> looks like a lot of fun. >> still ahead daniel craigcr walking away from his role as 007 and reportedly nearly
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$100 million. >> are you$1 crazy.ou >> don't do it. >> we'll tell you why and tellwt hugh is in the running to replace him. >> a black family snail wisdom f i will start the biddingam at $7 million.$7 mil >> for me. >> for two movies. >> what are you going to do? ns? yep! and they're blowing up on instagram. honey, your rump roast just broke the internet!!!! flukes fami fluk e to tag your mr because she needs more followers. ok.
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introducing oikos crunch. greek nonfat yogurt with delicious crunchy toppings like chocolate and peanut butter chips. crunched it! new oikos crunch. be unstoppable.
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the roast looks good dad. how good? 162 likes. did i get any retweets on those green beans? yep! and they're blowing up on instagram. honey, your rump roast just broke the internet!!!! as it should. life is family mealtime and everything you need to make it picture perfect. now be sure to tag your mother because she needs more followers. ok. >> well, i can tell you the victims trust >> then you have impeccablempecl instincts. >> don't leave
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we'll die together. tet >> i can think of worst ways w to go. go. >> then you're obviouslybvus >> that's a clip from the movie specter the latest jamesea bond adventure.en for daniel craig reportedlyepte his last. l >> let's turn to kevinet mccarthy.carthy kevin joins us live from new york.yo it's kevin mccarthy time.thy kev i have a theory. i think daniel craig is crazyg to walk away from that kind oftd money talking in the ballpark of $100 million to pay james j bond. here's my my th he fell in love at the end ofnd the james bond movie.e jas bo >> you can't have that in theatt james bond you have to start fresh >> right. here's a couple things.'s a cou good morning to you yeah, i'm in new york city forif a bunch of interviewsntview including the rock as well asell kevin hart but this storysto about daniel craig is all reportedly happening, we don'ten know for sure nothing'shing's confirmed.conf this is a report from the daily mail and the story line is basically saying that daniel craig has reportedly turned down a almost alm $100 million deal to
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more james bond movies.d movs. now, here's the there's a bunch of differenth oe sides to this. there are stories that he only signed on for four films which he's already done.he there's also stories that say s he's signed on for fiveonor f movies. we never know. there might be one more outout there that he has to do buto but reportedly from the daily mail m they're saying that he couldha have turned down a $100 million deal to do just j two more james bond movies. now, the article also talkslso t about the idea that for the first four bond films, he made around 38 million pounds forn pr those movies so this will be a massive jump just for two movies to get that role.t r so, the question is, is hes crazy? i would say -- you say - know, i don't know.n't ow. apparently he did not n reportedly from all therom the stories and all the narratives i he did for this -- the press tore for specter he wasor s talking about how he wasas miserable essentially playing this character.haracter a lot of stories there that tha say did he not have a goodav time with the character.a. what's interesting to me is toe that sky fall as w
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casino royal were masterermaster pieces in the james bondon franchise.fran specter to me was a major disappointment. the beginning was amazing butzi as you said steve he fell inel i love at the end i did not like k the way spectre ended. end i don't know how he felt abouteb that but there were so many man press quotes from him that really show he that he justheus did not enjoy the now, everything's taken out ofan context. you never know if those werehosw taken out of context or not or t but this would be a big deal if he turned downow $100 million. >> i'm in denial.'m i don't believe it. >> here's what you don't want though. wau don't wander somebody whowh doesn't have their heart into ta the character who is going towht give you a lousy performance just for the sake of beingeing contractually connected to it.c >> he was miserable playing itbi and i was miserable watchingat it because it was that bad. >> really? i loved everyoved e minute of it.nute o. daniel come back.el come b >> you're talking aboutin something else.ginelse >> i loved it. it. >> that's what makes it so fascinating is that if thisifths is -- if this is true, which w it almost seems like it woulde be considering what he hashat hh sa
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i mean, that has to be one ofof the biggest paydays ever e turned down.rned i mean, he was also going too get a co-producing giggi apparently with this, profits, o shares. i mean, it was a lot of dealsfea there. here's the thing, though. thing. i think they need a new bond. now, he's played bond four times.tis pierce brosnan played bond b four connery played bond seven times and so did roger moore.oge now the big question is whoionso will be the next james b for many years i've beene saying it needs to be idrisdr elba. i know we had idris elba onlb the show for a movie he did a rsuple years afghanistan andea we told him he should play this role and he said i h'm shaken not stirred which was a s really funny line but he'sti really in the mix for this t conversation. the other person is tom huddleston who did amazing --ma- >> i heard a lot of buzz about him as of late it seems like about tom hid dell ton has the most buz
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bar and he put it on and wend joked about that but right now n holly i think he is thes current frontrunner.rr now, people are saying tomin hardy from the rev he meant.eeat i would be happy with idris elba or huddleston.udes >> when huddleston was in here r i didn't see the bopped't s connection but after meetingon t him in person he's so charmingon i totally see him taking over.o. i totally see him doing a dng great job. >> i love it when he gazed in gd into my >> when he was here he admitted that they haven't even called him. this is not even on the table. >> yeah. >> he was talking about --ta it's a hard thing for an actorn to talk it's a rumor, you don't wanton'w to say anything crazy aboutzy a i'm sure he's been approached ad and talked to about it but listen, i think idris elba, e maybe they should just like pair off. like have idrieys do one movie m and then do,, and then haven he tom do a movie.ov >> no. >> right now they're both inoth their prime and both amazing. >> it's not going t
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myers, right. >> no, no austin powers.tin we >> okay. >> just making sure.t maki >> look, i don't -- if you're not happy, you're not happyot and no amount of money isey i going to give you agoing performance if you're not intoe it. >> you know what i mean, it'sati not like -- >> i wouldn't hate him for walking away from it even i e though it's a ton of money. i would take that money.t i'm just saying. sayin >> good to see you kev have a good weekend. it is 9:47. ng up making the case fore for music education with a battlea t of the bands. b we are live this morning with the eastern senior high schoolch marching band and you won't what happened to miss theirtois performance coming up next.p >> ♪ >> ♪
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>> ♪ >> all right in an effort to raise awareness about the importance of music programsaw in schools a fundraiser is i taking place tonight atng p eastern senior high school.choo. >> the school's current bandred members have challenged past band it's a battle of music songic s and dance.and dance holly and wisdom outside with wh more. go ahead and cue t
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level now. >> let me tell you it is thelloi classic old versus new ins new n terms of the battle of the t bands but there are few things g that are more entertainingtainin than an awesome marching band. n >> right. one thing that would betht wo entertaining is if the old o actually came out here and tried to challenge the >> they're doing that >> they are? what.e?what >> hello. that's what's going wha >> they're going to do it. i >> want me to tell you about yoa what's happening. >> tell me what happened. hap >> would you like to go downld y the line and introduce yourself with the energy andgy a passion that we know you >> okay i'm tony aka mr. 24/7. 2 i will be your host tonight atia eastern senior high school for the battle of the bands. it's going down. >> it's going down.goindown >> james curry currenturrynt director of the blue and white marching machine at easternac senior high >> followed by. >> mr. douglas gilchrist dougl former band director and alumni director of the bluehe and >> you and i go way back. >> yes, we do. we d we have something from
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in 2001 holly came over to interview the band when we marched george bush in thegeor s inaugural parade.rarade. we want to give you this alumni blue and white shirt. >> and i will be one tonight. >> 15 years ago.ears ago. >> i want to know how the old od school cats are going too challenge these young folk.ou f. >> when you play music you'ren never too old. neve it never goes away. a if you know how to do it you y just dust it off. dit o the young band here they're t outstanding doing a real goodg d job and they decided we wante to bring the old heads and let d them know what we doing.oi and we said we're going toreoing come back and have a goodk and a party with you tonight.on >> we going to have a drumve dru line set up. li you ever seen the movie drumov u line. >> yeah. >> i'm going to be in the middle. g >> you're in the middle.e. >> imagine me being aj and a a free. alumni going to go. then the young ones going to go, then the alumni going to t go and then we'll let thell let crowd be the choice.heho >> >> tonight eastern high schoolht 7:30. >> 7:30 and i et'sol free.s fre
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[laughter]au >> it's not free.>> i >> we got to get some some donations.donat >> i tossed that o there's a reason why it's not is free and that's the real r picture.pi >> we're looking to raisectkingi funds. the alumni thought it would betd a great idea to raise funds f for the current group so it'scur going to be $10.10 please get there early. ear it's going to be at capacity. >> $10. that is nothing. nothi how much does music make a a difference in kids' lives. l >> it's crazy because itecse i changes your mood. it also gives you something too do. i think we have music back in our schools because they'reoolse trying to eliminate that ande ha we can't do that.ha because when we have music inicn your school it gives the kids something to do after schoolto o and also something to looklso sn forward to. >> right. >> so, you can do with musicith in high school, transition toion college and on to the biggerr stage. >> and don't forget theorget the physical aspect of it.ys not like you just roll out andlo start doing >> oh, yes, 'cause i used to march for shaw junior high shawr school. after marching with shaw 300haw deep for
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march for miles and lose a and l little i need to go back.goack. i need to get that >> all right. without p further adieu we've w got the young guns here. her they're the ones that have gottg the energy. e let's happened it over to the blue and white marching machine. >> all right. r >> one, two, one, two, three and. >> ♪ >> ♪
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>> what's and. one, two, one, two, ready and. >> ♪ >> ♪
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♪ >> all right.>> a r >> they're going to keep playing outside the fox5fox5 studios. stud just imagine how loud that istht going to be at the eastern the high school auditorium. audit show gets under way at 7:30. 7 our show continues.ontinu still ahead on the 10:today theo the secret to a successfulucce marriage and getting ahead athed work. and it might be the samee secret. we'll have those detailsse det coming up.coming up. >> national pizza party daynal i and allison erin and tuckerduc are giving away free slices sli down in dupont circle.cle. >> to each other. >> right. what are you guy
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sitting down on the job. j we'll check in with them again next hour. first, though, steve, it isits coffee time on good day d.c. day >> if you want one of our mugs r listen we have one to give away right now. perfect cup for that great thatt dunkin' donuts coffee. head to fox5 d.c./contest or our facebook page. td of the month contest. we'll pick one winner byne win random make sure you get your entryr e in by 11:00 a.m.. 9:57 now. the 10:00 a is n keep marching, guys. >> ♪
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nowwhich means it's the perfect time to create the perfect home. now through may 30th, take an extra hundred dollars off
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plus, enjoy 36-month, no-interest financing. with havertys, your home can be perfect. even when life isn't. sfx:nocking. we're early! the memorial day sale. from classic to contemporary. havertys.
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>> ♪ >> t.g.i.f.
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we're setting the record dcord straight.. >> after that cryptic tweet empire's jussi smollett setset the record straight or does h he he. >> that hat at home depot has one worker receiving deathea threats. why the store isn't backing them up. >> ladies happy in marriage and a successful job.ob. the advice is stay hot. h do you agree? we'll dishll dis about it.abou it. >> ain't no problem. a good motto going into thisnt s friday an hit single from an a upcoming artist. shade and jennifer>afm live in e loft. good day at 10:00 a starts a right now. >> ♪ >> my gosh. this song again. chris, you are an evil he plays it because he knows i o don't like this song.his song. >> you don't like this song. >> i hate this song. s >> really.>> r >> because i hear it a millionii times a day. >> oh, my gosh. o m >> okay,. >> and we're off. ae're o >> we're serving drinks today td because we're put -- put >> nesp
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preakness drink so we need aeea little bit of this and as little bit of this. >> not your typical black eyed susan. >> were actually we don't know o what any of this is. i we'll find out collectively. >> special kind of popcorn mix. >> has a fish sauce taste to it. >> steve and i would have maybe tried it. we might have stolen some ofn so the prop. >> there's no evidence at all. ev >> you know, this is whatiden ko happens when you don't give us g pizza, right. >> right. >> little upset about that.abou. >> speaking of -- o >> how can it be national natna pizza party day without anyhout pizza.zz >> yeah, wisdom.>> yea >> but we have some from pizza party to preakness this weekend it's about the black's eyed susan and there's the >> look at how he's looking at them. awww. >> look at that face.ook at tha >> that is so sweet . >> [laughter] [laughter] >> love talk about that.t t >> that's how you do it. do i
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too, now.ow. >> you're sharing the pizza.thea >> it's like spaghetti. how sweet. go down to dupont.go dow d we'll check in with these guys g in a second. head down to dupont circle right now, particula tucker alld erin are down there -- cloaking on the popcorn. popcor. >> would you like some >> i'm choked up because i c would rather have theho pizza.iz go check it out and enjoy aoy slice on us today.on us >> exactly. national pizza party i love it. >> let's check what's trending g on this friday morning besidesid the beautiful weayather.fu first up a new york home depotep employee sparked a viral uproar for wearing a hat. weari what does the hat say? heres t it is. it parodies donald trump's t campaign slogan make americamera great again by saying americabyn was never great. the 22-year-old was photographed by a customer atust the store's staten island location and the photo went phon viral. crystal lake told reporters ror that the point of the hat was to say america needs changing c
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i don't think it's a positivein message to say let's look to lko the past. lake says she was shocked thatct her hat got so much donald trump in thedold t headlines this morning forne allegedly also calling as ng a former miss universe contestant miss piggy after she gained weight. she won't the crown in 1996 in told inside edition trumpon tru called her miss piggy and missya housekeeping and is "not a andst good person." about the pageant trump told pau howard stern from my position off stage wasrn able to glanceoe up to the green room occasionally. i could just see alicia the the current miss universe sittinge g there plumply saying whatply sai problems i had with this woman. first, she wins, second she gains 50 pounds, third i urgedtu the committee not to fire hero r fore fourth i go to the gymrtgo with her in a show of support. o her allegations comes days day after the new york timesthe nerk published a scathing article chronicling the gop'sg th frontrunner of crossing the line with women.lineith that article has been refuted he by trump his daughter andter and several others.seveothe there's
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>> wow. wow >> no words. no wo >> wow. >> no words.>> no words. >> no, i will say this, i tol ss not like the hot -- i do not like the hatmerica has never been great. gat. that -- that offends some he soh because i'm like you know what, for all our faults,ur f we're a pretty great country c and you can choose to live to le somewhere else.else. >> yeah. all right.l ri 10:05 is the time. t let's talk about this. the redskins name debateat making headlines again all ain a thanks to a new washingtonhingto post poll that finds that ninedt out of 10 native americans arena not offended by the team now. n now it questioned just overust 500 people who self identify themselves as native americans in all 50 states and d.c. but that's only .01 percent of the total native americantivemeri population in the unitedla states.ti now, the majority of those t polled say they would not be be offended if someone who was not native american calls themm the team name. back in july the federal judge order said the name is offensive to native americans.m. team owner dan snyder
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celebrated that poll saying the washington redskins teamgt our fans and community havety hv always believed our name our nam represents honor respect and pride. today's washington post polling shows native americans we are gratified by thiss overwhelming support from the native american community and the team will proudly carryoudly the redskins name. the poll also garnered a lotredl of reaction on our facebookur fk page. be sure to share your thoughts o with us there or tweet us using #good day d.c. >> startling new informationnfoi you need to know before pool ton season begins which for mostoros people will be next weekend. >> the centers for disease control and preventionntio reviewed full inspection inspe reports from five states and st what they found was down rightow shocking.shoc nearly 80 percent of inspections found at least oneeo violation and one out of everyvy eight inspections prompted an immediate closure of the pool. p hot tub or water playgroundyg due to serious health and hlt safety violations. >> the most common violationst a involved improper water ph.mpro that's a measure of the water's acid d
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equipment also disinfecte disint concentration. >> you can protects yourself and kids by testing your poolstn waterg yourself by using poolsp est strips and making sureg sur drain covers are secured and that a lifeguard way safety saft equipment is on hand. han they also say if you can't see t the bottom of the pool thenl t something is wrong. wro >> that would be a good tip off.p an one woman says she has a key to successful amanda lauren says she's vowed s to stay hot for her husbandnd ethan. she says all you have to do isas look good. make sure his friends all wantan you and wait on your husband'shs every need to have a happy marriage.marria married, do you agree? sheou ar says in return for lookingoong good for her husband he isnd he very attentive to her needser n and buys her nice things. thi she also says she doesn'the understand why women let womenet themselves go once they get married.rr >> you shouldn't let yourself go. go new york you should always y take care of yourself.are ofou
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>> i think she's right thi she actually. i don't find what she's saying offensive.iv >> i think that was written sowo it could be. >> inflammatory. >> inflammatory. i think that you should alwaysdy wander to be attractive toracte your partner and you hope that h your partner always wants to wts be attractive for you. y >> as long as she gets nice getn things for from her husband hus she's happy, too. t. >> well, it's a win-win. win-w >> i think it was written -- wrn >> here's the thing.the t like you should give your bestue to the people around you that y you l you shouldn't save your bestr b for others.r ot she's absolutely right. r if i married you one way i think the expectation is please try to stay that way.haw. it's only fair. we're visual creatures so whytue not. >> it doesn't mean you don't get older and you don't changeyc and your body doesn't change't e after you have kids orr whatever. it just means t hat the effortffort is there, you make the effortff there to wander to, you know --know -- >> be attractive to your mate. >> i don't think that's crazy. a in the giving of things it's like, you know, it's nice tosic be made to felt special on speci your birthday.ur b
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this super expensive gift but gf to be acknowledged on aedged o special day, be it mother'st mor day christmas or whatever it'sve a nice thing and i think thehi bigger picture is you justus don't ever want the feel takenl for granted. grant >> there you go. >> people wander to feel fee special no matter how you'rer doing it. >> it's working for her marriage 5 apparently.ppartly. >> exactly. >> whatever works for you in your marriage dor you. y >> bravo. >> you didn't get us with there inflammatory.nfla when it comes to gettingt ahead at work could the secretu also be in how you look? lk? according to a new study thetu answer is is researchers found thaterfoun attractive people do better attr work than everyone else.els this is true for both gendersh d but especially true for women. m ly study also showed attractive people earn 20 percent more than lessha les pretty coworkers. coworkers. >> because that's a representative sample rightple g there. [laughter][laugh >> the dad who accidentally broadcasted his child's birthd live to the entire internet intt said, yeah, it was ann said the whole thing was a mi
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>> hm. >> the video was viewed over o 300,000 times since it wasimes i posted. the new dad said he thought he was sharing the special momentcm with close family and friends. s when asked why he would share it at all he explainedela that on the island of tonga ofon where he is from people used to give birth in public andnd that he sees sharing the experience as a positive. pitiv >> i'd be curious to know howriu he thought this was going tos gt be a private thing when he put w it out on social media.cialia >> was it a setting. >> sending a live directive re message perhaps. >> if you pick up the phone uthe unhit record, i mean, i don't understand -- >> you see live. >> you see live and then i don't ---- >> do they still give birth in public in tonga, that's what it wander to know.wander to know. >> there's a couple things we ah wander to know about here.e. >> or was that back in the day. >> dad just own up to it andow move on.move o >> people recorded it.ple reed >> finally it's friday andally after a long work week,k, hopefully you can find some time to wise itime relax and ifa to do it for more than 36n
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people.pele study find the average person is so stressed they can only thl relax for about 30 minutes every day not to mentiony no 70 percent of us feel perf us overworked and many of usrks never take a break at work at all but the nonstop work. 36 is taking its toll. itsol we make about three miss takes a week at work or 150 a year.ea. the main reason for it, tiredness and whenever we dos get time alone we spend itan watching the. v. >> so the 36 minutes minut relaxation that people caneo take is that because that's the only time that they haveat in the day to do it or because u they're just conditioned tooned always having to feel likeeeike they do something.s >> i don't know. kno if i get 36 minutes to relax6 i'm going to sleep.. [laughter] [laughte >> i'm with you. you >> if i get three minutes i'm going to sleep. sle >> people only make threeake mistakes a week at work. >> i make three since 10 o'clock. >> this is another study maybe. maybe. >> right, exact. >> polled like a hundred peel right around theke cor corner in some building.
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>> ain't no problem on good nobe day. not when singer shea jenniferni is here in the the h we'll have a live performance pm from his new hit single ain little bit >> first though jussi'sir thoug message to just kidding. kiddi kanye's epic ellen ranted and es rihanna flirt trapping lebronrta james. >> what does that mean? >> i don't know. coming up next.
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>> ♪ >> right now good dayhtow good celebrity tips. >> and first up he was lying. l jussi smollett -- i probably pba didn't do it right.didn'to it r. first up, he was lyon. w l you get it now.. allow me to explain. ela jussi smollett admits he's noten leaving "empire." "empire there are all sorts of rumors om that were out that were going around after empire season finale when jussi smollett smo wrote on twitter he enjoyed e his time on "empire" and it a was time for him to work onwo o music and movies.ov he was shot in the episodepi many people thought he wasn'tt e going to be on the show anym he tried to explain himself athm a video he posted on twitterwitt with hashtag anagoge nowhere. fellow "empire" star gaby sidr i bay was with him and tol
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his timing was wrong. wrong >> first of all, i said i thoroughly own joy my time att "empire" fox which is true. i said i love you all, which i do. do i said time to go make aak record and some movies, whichiei i am. >> okay. so we got that all cleared and after the season finale aired jussi smollett wrote onllo twitter and that's all folks.ol. thanks for rolling with us wh this season and see you in season three come september. seb love y' >> can we say promotional protil stunt. >> absolutely. >> watch the finale. >> anyway. >> it's apparently worked. wor >> yes, it worked.d >> cheap imperialistic trick.. ke$ha will be performingfo after sunday's billboards billb music awards after all.ll the singer has promised herd her label she'll not discuss heriscs lawsuit with her producer pduce dr. luke on stage during her
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performance. ke$ha will perform it ain't me't babe and posted this messagehiea to instagram saying good work. looks like our voices can beouvc heard after all. a >> all right. aight. think it will be a big ratingsit bump when she shows up onn there or everybody will knowil k she's not going to be able to ae say anything. athin >> now that they kind of knowkik what she's doing. >> not the same.>> n the >> let's talk about the betbe awards. they have been announced. annouc some of your favorites rackeditc up nominations but none moreut e than rapper drake. eats walking into the awards int with nine nominations nearlyrl double the nominations forions beyoncé and rihanna who received five nominations each. each. now, drake is nominated twicenae for video of the year with hotline bling and also worklso k with rihanna. rih >> pretty good song. >> other nominees for video ofe the year include beyoncé for formation kendrick lamar fork la all right and rising newcomer bryce son tiller's don'
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>> you heard the phrase -- or some people have heard thehe phrase thirst tracking. tckin it's when will women and menen post anti-subtle sexy pictures u on instagram just to get >> now i know those people. [laughter] i understand why i haven'tra heard that phrase but i dohra bt know what you're talking tal about.ab >> now we have a debate. de. is rihanna thirst trapping in tn this pic that you're about to see? >> yes.. >> ooh. >> ooh. >> rihanna. >> posted it on her instagram accounitt with t ohe number 233 written whipped creamedre underneath her chest but here's the thingly she tagged lebron james who is number 23. >> oh. >> picture was posted after james won his game agairenst the toronto so, is she just being a fan or n is she thirst trapping.ap >> i vote thirst trapping.apng. >> she might have meantave mean michael jordan two.wo she's kind of covering all a 23's in the nba. n >> i think she tagged who she
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>> lebron has too much heatoo mh already. he doesn't need this extra e headache. lebron has got too much to h worryas about. >> i think she's just saying juy congratulations. >> i think so, too, steve. >> they're 10 and oh in theh t playoffs. they're about to make history. o >> steve, i'm with you steve. se >> i don't believe it. i >> the d girl sends you with whipped cream on her stomachto and they're speechless.hless. >> how do we know that'snothat whipped cream.pedam. that could have been suntanld hn lotion. >> that's right. >> either way. >> it's the greatest area thate you could actually write theac i biggest number on right onn rigt that picture.ictu >> steve, you and i are on then same pitch with this. >> completely innocent. ioc >> lebron james is marriedro with a bunch of kids, too.n chfi >> like that matters. >> okay. ladies and gentlemen, happy friday. paramount pictures just released its first official cast photo for the new bay bay watch film. and it's just as sexy as you'd y expect.pect the movie drops today. today >> i didn't expect them toxpectm have their shirts on i'm not going to toie >> that's not what i thought t it was. it >> that's not wh
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really. >> 2017. now all the stars are there as a you can see including dwayneng the rock johnson zac effronn and alexandria siderio. >> who is the dude on the >> now, he should be coveredheue up. [laughter]aughter] >> don't tweet me.>> i'm just kidding. kid i'm not shaming.haming we're just being funny . >> [laughter] >> you know what they all had their sun shirts on for sunon fn protection because in this daysy and age we don't water main toai get sun burned.get surned. >> well, i'm pretty sure the i'm rock was just covering up the 23 that was writ tten on his chest. chest. >> there you go. i'm sure he likes lebronro james, too.ja lebron used to play in miami, mi the rock lived in miami.ia >> everybody is congratulatingat him. >> yeah, everybody isea eve congratulating.congratula >> listen don't thank me yetn dn because there's more. more. zac effron and all his ridiculously sculpted muscles graced the june 2016 cover of men's during magazine interviewervi effron joked he's theoned strongest he's ever been and a if
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happened right now he would be able to defend himself. hopefully he'll save me too. t issue hits stands may 23rd may zero and you're welcome.c >> he still has his shirt on. on >> hello. >> what's wrong with in. >> there was another shot of him and i thought i want tothou like this but i'm kind of i'min grossed >> i would hateos to have thatha problem, too. t >> the veins. >> i know, right.ig >> steve after i read this i'mft going to show you. >> oh, my goodnesers.dnes >> come on. on. >> from the remake to the original actor david actor d hasselhoff made hundreds ofe hud millions of dollars from bayarsy watch and other tv shows andho movies as well and now he says s he can't afford to support hisrt ex-wife anymore because he hasas less than $4,000 in cash toas >> don't believe it. it. >> tell that to the germans. gma >> david and his ex-wife arewi a currently locked in a spousalpos support she receives $250,000 a year. y >> wait a minute. >> and he wa
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lowered. >> if he'swa got grand then that math is not going to gng t happen. >> david claims he's grossing gs $112,000 a month and spends ands $66,000 before taxes and living expenses. eense court documents say he a has a total of $1.79 million in reall estate savings cars andgs cs jewelry but his ex-wife has a hs wilded different storytory claiming hov is worth more than $120 million.llion. >> well, i did see the story about how -- he's huge in germany.rm he's worth like 100 million.lio. >> okay. >> yeah. >> check the panama papers.. [laughter] >> okay. listen, finally we're all pretty familiar with kanyeamilih west and his twitter rants.ants yesterday he outkanyed himself with a rant on the ellen the eln degeneres show. the interview started with kanye talking about how there won't abteam reviewing hisiewi tweets and how he probably proba should have asked mark have ask zuckerberg for $53 million on mi facebook instead of twitterok and th c
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>> tell me about being -- he. h >> he went on a near five minute rant about how he wasan raised how het did not take iti as a joke he feels we live in a renaissance time and how he can can help more people if heo had mour more resources. resour. >> i thought he was becoming more raveled neff unraveled.nrel >> you remember erin andrews. ae that was that expression rightha there. >> andt that's your celebrity dish today. >> wow. >> you don't have anything to say about kanye.avabout kanye. >> you know what i see going goi on. >> kanye speaks for >> too much. >> i'm sure that underneathdeea that white kanye shirt he has number 23 because he's buddiessu with lebron l >> there you >> it's all support. spo >> kanye, you intoed need a huh sunshine and 70's today,, down right crappy tomorrow. [la
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>> can we say that. >> we c did. d >> gary is back with all details and take the blamee t next.xt. >> later two words guaranteed to get wisdom moving. pizza and free.dree. free pizza for you. you we're giving it away down atw dupont circle.pontcle. it is national pizza party day y and the party allison erin tucker all down don there make something new s friends and who doesn't want a slice of pea pizza. p enjoy that there young man.athee we'll check in with the pizzaiz party a little later.
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amazing sleep stays with you all day and all night. sleep number beds with sleepiq technology give you the knowledge to adjust for the best sleep ever. it's the semi-annual sale! save $500 on the memorial day special edition mattress with sleepiq technology. know better sleep. only at a sleep number store. jane likes to mix things up. that's why she loves new light & fit greek non-fat yogurt mousse. so fluffy and airy it's her new 80 calorie obsession. light & fit feel free to enjoy.
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>> ♪ >> okay. it is gorgeous right. >> how nice is that. iice tha >> t.g.i.f. for real. for >> it's been forever. it's been. >> what is that thing? blue skies? >> i know, right. r >> do we know you? y? >> hm? >> you know what this makes me want to did.nt toid >> what. >> go outside and ride my bikedi and come back and eat some eat pizza afterwards. afterward >> amen to that. >> that would be a brilliant day. >> it is national bike toionalik workday. >> uh-huh. >> and throw a pizza party pizzy day.da >> that's even better. >> finally gary a day in whichnw mother nature is on board with what's going down.own. >> yeah, one day. yea one day. we can't do more than 36 hours of great weather in this may, wh can we? listen here's what's going on. temps you're loving it leer. i l we're already up to 68 degrees e here in town. fredericksburg 66.icksburg 66. leonardtown 68. we're on our wayly we're sunnyle today. we're dry.'re listen, more high thin cloudscl kind of coming in this afternoon. but it really does look likes oe it's going to be a greatoing afternoon the win
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light at most, maybe 5 miles mam per hour later today comingodaym out of the south and southeast.sout high temperatures we're goingrae to touch 75 here in town. in t a little cooler back out o towards the water forr for annapolis. so with the 70's coming back today, well, one day, moreay clouds will arrive late day d thicken up into the evening eve hours. tonight, tomorrow it's aorrow ts 100 percent chance of rain. rai. it really does look like yourou saturday is just going to kindot of be an all day wet affair aff and those showers will w continue into sunday.un southern storm comes it will bring a lot ofngot of moisture up with it. how far can we get the the moisture you up here? can we an get the heavy rain in the d.c. area up to baltimore tomorrow? r i think the heaviest of the rain will stay just to theay the south of us. we'll still get good rain g though, maybe up to an inch an i before it's all said and done i in spots. locally a little bit more than i that. farther north you go intonto pennsylvania, new york you're just going to have showers upav there. forecast for today looks nice. a few clouds. certainly the clouds increasey u by later on this afternoon andod thicken up just a little bit.
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seven forecast. listen, et cetera get better, after the week. few showers possible oetnn monday. but next week we're goingeek weo upper 70's and even low to mid 80's.'s so, finally last week in may,n m it's actually going to feell like may around here. actually those numbers will numl feel a little bit like june. je. guys. >> all righty.>>ll rig thank you gary. still ahead on good dayoo d.c. d.c.'s own shea jenniferhee is here. he's going to perform his hitrmt song ain't no he's doing it live.oingt liv we're also going to talk tong tt him about his debut album onlb the way his unlikely start and how you helped kickstart hisart career in the music career.
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especially when it comes to snacking.g new. with the laughing cow's nine flavors of creamy cheese, there's no end to what you can discover. the laughing cow. reinvent snacking. sip up an afternoon pick-me-up at dunkin'. come in for a medium freshly brewed hot or iced coffee
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for 99 cents from 2:00 to 6:00 p.m. america runs on dunkin'. >> ♪ >> all right. last year our next guest wases just your average 18-year-old studying engineering partyingeer and playing football.ootb shade jenifer won pgc's pgc twitter tag for local artistrt winning free air play and theird rest as they say is history. hio joining us now is washington,sht d.c. native shade jenifer withet his new single that youhat pr
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the radio, ain't no problem.robl shade jenifer everyone. >> ♪ >> ♪ fox5 what up? >> ♪
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>> ♪ >> ♪
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>> ♪ >> ♪
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[cheers and applause] app >> shade jenifer. come on over here.e. >> nice. >> come on over here. come to the couch.o my goodness.oo >> nice job. >> nice, nice job. good to meet you. >> good to meet you, too. >> congrats on all your success. >> tell me where you got those shoes. >> i want to flo where you got the [laughter] >> it has been a big year for br you. you go from winning a radio contest to just blowing up onusg the radio. >> yeah. >> how amazing has that been.mah >> it's crazy. cra but i know i worked for it so s just seeing everything finally starting to pan out is reallyour a blessing for for me. >> i've heard your song a million'v times. tim just call me old. me o i never put two and two and t together. i actually thought it was ally chris brown song when i heard it. do a lot of people think that. t >> uh-huh. >> the comparison is that okayoa with you. >> oh, yeah, it's okay because c it let me know it's at a highata level so it's really cool toyoo be compared with people like.h e that i used to grow upo g listening to chris brown a lot l so it's really cool being me
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as people i grew up looking s up to. to >> any other. >> usher genuine r. kelly kel jackie wilson i found outou about them through chris c brown. >> what has been the biggestt se surprise for you in this years time where how fast your life has changed.has >> i didn't expect it to i happen this fast and thisst a ti crazy. we were doing the competition ci and they said hot new artist. a everybody started listening to me and they started tagging megm and it was like thousands ofef people trying to to the >> this is social media driven. >> yes. >> wow. >> so, it was thousands of people i was going up against gng u so you know i just center up a >> amen, amen. i heard that. >> what's it like when you're y in your car with your friendsca and you heawir your music on the radio.o. >> it's a dream. i was putting on snapchat.napc it's crazy hearing myself >> do you stop the car in traffic and get out and dance.nn i would. i >> i never stop the car yet but i wou
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>> can we talk about your you dancers.ncer >> they're amazing. ama shout out to my >> where did you get them. them. >> raw element. raw >> okay. >> i went and i picked them out and they have been great. >> they hype it up.he >> they are awesome.y the >> you might not stop the cartoc but the first time you heardou yourself on the radio what radio were you doing? what were youha thinking. >> it was crazy.>> it was c i was at wpgc with my mom and when my song played you a like l i can't believe it happened.t it's a good feeling.beood eeli now that my album just dropped d shade jenifer on itunes. itu >> pick it up. i >> d.c. we are doing such biguch things and you're yet another ao example of how d.c. is amazings with talent and blowing up allwu over the place. what's next for you after this album drops and we'll helpand 'l make it number one and it will w blow up as they same what'ssa w next for that you. >> entertain the world. >> i like that. >> got some shows coming up wpgc birthday bash a prom in all ban flee new york. >> did you go to your promou g yet. >> i didn'
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>> too busy being a >> my bad. >> you're going to albany newane york. york >> yes, al bonnie new york gotwo a prom up there and a prom inndo the area tonight.e area tonight i can't say who. >> oh. >> somebody going to be s surprised, right. >> oh, man, that's hot. >> that's cool.>> thaco >> wow. >> yes.>> shows, you know, yes, but shade jenifer and get musicet mc out to the world. the world. >> give us a twitter handle so o folks can follow you. you >> follow me at shade jenifer s-h-a-d-e j-e-n-i-f-e-r, shade like you sitting under a treende and jennifer with 1n. >> young and blowing up thisp ti fast.fa this is a is a ble >> remember us. >> oh, yeah. >> best new cast in the world.n >> that's what's up, that'scat's what's up. up. >> you'll always have a seatys s in the loft on the couch. >> congratulations. c >> do you. >> is that picture in d.c. >> nope. that was just a backdrop. bac >> all right. [laughter] >> but you look good. you look good. byo >> that's right.hat'sig >> that's what matters. that's t >> thanks.
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>> still ahead at 10 o'clocko'cl we're going to kick offer the t weekend with a pizza partyizza because it is national pizzal p party day and we invited everybody.od >> look at these guys. l >> look at these silly people. o i guarantee you tucker's boxkes is e we're going to go live tooive t dupont circle. cir >> that just means they found te lots of great viewers to gives v the pizza away to.way we'll get the scoop coming up nextel you where you can pleat w these guys and everybody hopefully will get out and gut d enjoy a beautiful day today. t >> that's right.ha ain't no problem. >> ♪ hey mom, i could use some basil. oh, sure thing, sweetie.
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life is eating out of a flower pot. wait where's the? right. it's being a food paparazzi. honey, your rump roast just broke the internet. as it should. and a takeout romantic. dessert! happy anniversary. life is mucho, and grande. life is eating, laughing, loving and a place to enjoy it together.
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>> ♪ [laughter] >> we're getting hungry theetti more we look at this pizza party. when the calendar says it's national pizza partyal day --- >> what.>> w >> come on.>> c >> bring it in. >> whew. >> yay! >> come on. p. mto hel come on up here. h >> come on up here. h don't be >> allow me to take a load ofd f off your hands. hds >> i knew you wouldn't let us down. >> devon. >> devon and chris sth. >> thank you to dominos >> eat while you work becauseau you're welcome to share aha slice. >> anything else in eli >> you can be a parter of ourn u pizza party.zza >> you probably don't want to'tn eat any pizza. >> he's like i work >> thank you very much. vy >> thank you.>> thank y >> that's what i'm talkingat i'm about. you made our day.made o >> you made our weekend. weeken. >> chris will give you a big tip. [laughter] >
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look for that dude.t du >> see that guy on on your you this guy right here with thehe man bun.bu >> i take cash, guys. th tank you very much. >> he takes cash. ch. >> thanks a lot.ot >> devon you're the man. >> thank you.ou >> thank you. >> okay, well keep talking. tkig >> cheese.>> >> you have a reason to ce hlebrate. a pizza party. if you're not here with use with this morning as we are doing,oi our resident pizza connoisseur erin como is treating our fansan to free how is it going guys. seems like had you a huge crowd earlier. earlier >> okay, it's still happening. happeng. >> what? >> who wants pizza. >> all right. all r >> they have a new location opening in georgetown justin about a month and everybody ery has been losing thloving the pip we have been having a good aoo
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>> we're working overtime out ot here all morning long. l ing what's not hard to give noth away is free pizza. >> really good free pizza. p >> high 5's and smiles.nd sle >> that's right allison. all >> would you like a piece of pizza ma'am. m >> we had a lot of people dropp by. by. >> he's on his bike. he's on his it's bike to workday. >> he's not working but he'swor enjoying this great whether you brought us >> thank you t.nk you. >> okay. o >> i'm actually like servinger so i can't talk. >> allison, two pizzas away.way. >> no, this is i >> this is the last. >> -- >> this is the last. >> looks thi like we'll have to wrestle for it, sir.. [laughter] >> what's your name.hayour name. >> thanks for coming down. d >> how is it coming down. d >> the pizza is fantastic withiw fox5. fo >> oh, yes, fantastic with fox5, that's the word of the wde day. >> wait, wait, wait. wai before we go on this gentlemanse can't be seen on tv.n' seen >> oh, yeah. yh. >> so come on . >> [laughter]>> [ug >> what do you mean? >> he's shielding him.ieg h >> i'm shielding him.
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>> i don't blame y >> i think we're done.on >> well, thank you sirly we your appreciate it. >> pizza was a hit out here. our >> oh, i'm so sorry.. >> we're giving hugs. >> selfies.fies >> this is a successful peecesse pizza party day. >> we have one last >> nice to meet you. y >> she wants a hug. h >> giving hugs out.s >> lots of hugs at fox5 out5 here.he >> do i get a hug. >> hugs for a >> we got -- i love that hat. h >> we got unlimited hugs to hug give a we've been down at dupontt all morning having a a greata time giving away pizza.y it's national party pizza dayay or something like that.hing l we're out of pizza, we're outzao of pizza.izza next time we'll get you a piece. great morning guys. down here atea dupont. don beautiful day.beautiful day get out and play. p we want to thank everybody --hay allison say goodbye
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we're tossing back inside. insid >> that's great the seehat' everybody coming out enjoyingin >> also great that chris looked us up.ed usp. >> chris with the man bunisith h thank you. >> you know what we need something to wash down thisto ws pizza with don't we.n't w >> i think we could use maybe a drink or two orwo hy can you help us help us >> we're going to the races, ras the preakness it's onprea saturday. coming up next we'll have a have new twist on traditional trati maryland cocktail just in timeji for your preakness stakes party.y. the team from fusion cafe showing us thousand make a one of a kind black eyed susan sus still loyal to the original.ya that's coming up next. jane loves to treat herself. so she loves new light & fit crunch. greek nonfat yogurt with delicious toppings like chocolate and almonds.
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now that's a treat! light & fit crunch. feel free to enjoy.
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>> ♪ saw american ari pharaoh win the preakness pre claiming the first two july twol wells of the triple crown.. while the american thoroughbred race horse went on to win the american triple ti crown and the the breeder's bed cup classic in 2014 winning all four races making him the t first horse to win the grandhe slam of american horse racing. tomorrow kentucky derby winnernr nyquist will face second leg
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of his quest for the crown when he hits the track at track preakness in baltimore but forrt some of its not -- it's not i about the horses for everybody the race or the hats, it's all i about the food and the t cocktails. i'm kind of all about all of it really. when it can comes to marylandard and cocktails you have to talks about the black eyed susan.blacs this morning a fun twist on t o the traditional out. o can to help us out from miso m fusion the team good morning. mi did you place your bets. youbets >> who did you place them on. >> feisty lonnie you might winit something. don't place it on nyquist. nyqut you won't win anything. anyth you can't talk about the preakness without a black eyed fusion.fu >> we're going an asian fusion twist on it. instead of using vodka we use saké and we put orange bidderser to put some of the sweetness that the saké delivers with avet little bit of gran manner yeah h for the.
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s and licci. >> you'll put it altogether.ltoe >> it's nicely blended cocktail.cock. aj while i do that.ha go ahead talk about the -- the >> i think he's cueing you toueo talk about something else.ut you'll have food i'm assuming a also at your preakness party. py >> absolutely. sing this drink is a really refreshing drink and what we wtw offer at our restaurant we have a ramen broth with meat wh and it's very hearty so at the end of the meal if you haveeal e this drink it's reallyly refreshing, feels more lights mg and it's -- >> if it's hearty i can drinkher more of those because it will w suck it up. u no, i'm just kidding.iddi can we talk about the noshes nos you have here. steve and i stole some of this t popcorn its not your usual usu popcorn mix.pc m >> correct correct. corre and i wanted to bring it outut for all you guys to try. this is fusion part of it.n of this is what makes it fun. we made popcorn but we traditional -- with some asiansn spices
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on top of the rice. r we have bits of pineapple,inpp some corn pops, we have -- we added some drizzled butter andbr we also added pepper flakesper l which makes it spicy so you get -- >> there was a little bit of kick. a little fish taste in there. ther >> that's where the furika canur comes in.mes i there's a bit of seaweed in. that you get sweet tangy all tan at once so your taste buds goted into overdrive.rd >> these are basic wasabi was peas. >> that's right. >> over here. >> that's a korean barbecue wea have. we use our own house made m marinade. it's from short ribs. rib and it's a very sweet and set a tangy type of meat and just makes your mouth water whener wn you eat >> i never liked to hold aer mixer up. can you go ahead and mix that t up. that's one of our favoritef ourv sounds
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goes straight with eitherithe asian fusion or pizza.fusi are you doing anything specialpe for the preakness. pness >> we're going tool celebrate theeb preakness by like you said you d we're going to take bets butaket not in the traditional sense.en we're going to let people pickpc a winner of a horse and a h and whoever wins we're going to give them a free black eyed susan on the house.ou >> oh, nice. n >> your version of the blackve eyed susan.rseyed s >> yes. we call it the black eyed e fusion. >> the black eyed fusion i getog it. while i think my fascinator is really cute this is what i'mthih going to have to wear when i go to the preakness tomorrow.kno see the problem ladies have. h how do i get this over my -- m you're not connecting with me at all.ll okay. >> trying to figure out, out what,. >> i'm going to do it 'cause tot i'm wearing it. >> oh, okay. o there we go. now, i'm ready to really go to the preakness tomorrow 'causes e it's going to rain. steve, can i do,, just --us >> my goodness.oodn >> maybe this. thi how does this look?s lo >> a little crazy but okay.craz >> it's a look.a >> excellent.>> excel
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if you're at the infield younfld still got to look good. goo >> it looks like a little bryce harper eyeglass.r egl >> wait and my black eyedd susan and i'm just saying garyyg i listen to the forecast andect so it's going to be raining heavy at times, black eyed susans heavy at times when it comes to the preakness. whew hello.ew hello. >> has a little bit of kick to it. >> pace your bets here. they'll be having a super funern preakness party come this saturday.rday what's the actual race time? ram little after 6:00. >> it's six-something yeah. i want to try more of this thi popcorn.n. >> gary you said it won't be a downpour probably during thedu actual race. >> but leading up to it i tt think there's a chance we'vencew have some pretty heavy rain.ain. >> so i'm ready. rea >> you're going to be ready.e i >> i have a feeling my m fascinator will be drooping though.ou >> looks
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>> i can't put the fascinatorasa in the poncho.onch >> weryou might want to wear tht in the infield for protection.rt >> good day to "good day" d.c. >> i'm glad dominos was was delivered to the loft and nott d papa john's. >> oh, no. >> papa john's.>> papa >> there's no pizza late inpizza the loft.e lof >> you don't hate on pizza. p >> shade jenifer killed it andld he's cute, too. t shade is not going to have a goa problem with the ladies, not the at all. all >> shout out to the youngster shade jenifer andshad congratulations.ngra stay humble.ay hum >> love them. >> okay. >> eastern marching band is so cool. >> here we go.e w g >> here we go with some more rivalry.ri >> 74 to 77 was great and ahead of its time. i was a flag girl and we werel r hot. >> maybe next year they caney open up city wide do a wholeho battle of the band >> think of how much moneyuch mn they would raise for musicse fom education. >> thank you so much forou so mh coming in. >> hey, you're hol
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>> happy friday.y. >> ♪ >> ♪
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coming up, you won't believe what i'm about to tell you. >> honey, let me tell you what he looks like now. my girls are always turned out. it's glam bam. >> now, here's wendy! ♪ [ cheers and applause ] [ cheers and applause ] >> wend


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