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tv   Fox 5 News Ten  FOX  May 24, 2016 10:00pm-11:00pm EDT

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thisis isfox5 fox5nisis is localnewfos newsat at10.f.f rightnow nowat at10, 10,a a tookthe thelife lifeof ofa n teenager.why whyone oneof ofher herclassmn chargedin inherow herdeath.f.f imaginethe theobamas obamasmot yourneighborhoodo .f. therewill willbe bea alittlea changeto tothe theneighborhooi think.reaction reactionto tothe dc thefirst firstfamily familyman home.> how > howcan cana ahigh highschr vincea aredskins redskinscheeo behis hisprom promdate.fdate.f fox5local localnews newsat ar rightnow.ftsrightn > andwe wethank thankyou yon tonight,i'm i'mtony tonyperkir i'mshawn shawnyancy.f shaw webegin beginwith withan anan girland andanother anothermann insideof ofa awoodbridge wood apartment.tonight ar tonightpolice policehave havel saidhow howthey theydied.f.f we'relearning learningmore moe teengirl.f.f thatnear neara asimpson simpt graduatefrom fromhigh highschf formerco-workers co-workersande sayshe shehad hadhigh highaso arestill stilltrying tryingtoe
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gripswith withwhat whathappenf sarahsimmons simmonsis islifen apartmentwhere wherethe thetwn found.>>reporter: >>reporter: it itis isa aven storyhere.f 18year yearold oldde.f asimpson simpsonhad hadjust n apartmentat atbehind behindonn apartmentswith withher herboyp 29year yearold oldelse elsevd themedical medicalexaminer exn lookinginto intohow howexactln died,but butthey're they'renon foranyone anyoneelse elseat f thereis isnot nota athreat n community.but butwe wedo dohope hopeto ton aboutthose thosedet dettails n medicalexaminer examinerin inn days.f nowkinesha kineshaworked workn johnspizza pizzarestaurant ren waswell wellloved co-workerssay sayshe shewas n intelligentand andresponsible n thejob joband andshe shealwan forwork workand andwas wasa d employee.her herfather, father,a avery ven whowould wouldalways alwayscon herat atwork.f saturdaywas wasthe thelast ln juliusgray, gray,her herformen therestaurant restaurantsaw sf whenshe shedidn't didn'treporn onsunday sundayor;h orrespondn calls,friends friendsbecame bd
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itkind kindof ofconfirmed con alreadyfelt.f assoon soonas asgot gotoff n yesterdayat at5, 5,i iknews n somethingwas washorrifically n becausei icouldn't couldn'tgen herand andshe shenever nevern respondto tome.f shewanted wantedto togo gotof shewanted wantedto tobe bea f shewanted wantedto tobe beanf imean meanshe shewould wouldn queeredthose thosethings.f > nowher herco-worker, co-wod co-workeryou yousaw sawthere n saidthat thatkinesha kineshahn herfather fatherabout aboutthd relationshipshe shehad hadwitd abouta amonth monthago.f andthat thatshe shewas wasmon him.but buted relationshipbefore beforethen f alsoher herdescribe describehn bubbleperson personoutgoing.f noone onehad hadreally reallf atthis thispoint pointpeople n reallytrying tryingto tocome n withwhat whatexactly exactlyht
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her.she shewas wasset setto tograduan garfieldhigh highschool schoof that'sthe thelatest, latest,sd simmons,fox5 fox5local localnf > whennow nowturn turnto ton countywhere wherea ateenager n behindbars barstonight tonighd theaccidental accidentaldrug n afellow fellowclassmate.f fox5'smarina marinamaracco man centerville,virginia virginiawf >>reporter: since sinceher hn tonyit ithas hasbeen beena an monthlong longinvestigation.f policelookingd connectionwith withher herdead despiteit itbeing beinga adrn apowerful powerfulcocktail con butlate latelast lastweek, wen studentturned turnedhimself hn policeand andhe heis isnow d seriouscharges chargesin incon withalexia alexiaspringer's sf he'sbeing beingcharged manufacturing,possessing, possn distributingand andselling sen prohibitedcontrolled controllef 17year yearold oldalexia alen
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materialvillehome homein inean march.police policeinitially initiallysayinn studentdied diedof ofa aheron overdosesomething somethingthan laterretracted retractedby byd investigators.her hermother motherall allalong d statementby bypolice.f themedical medicalexaminer exn thatthe theteen's teen'sautopn shehad haddun dunconsumed cop containof ofdrugs drugswhich n opioidand andtonight tonightsn motherdid didnot notwant wann commentin inregards regardston inconnection connectionwith wd daughter'sdeath, death,but bud sayingthat thatthis thisstilln anopen openand andactive actd investigation.> life > lifetonight tonightin incen marinamaracco, maracco,fox5 ff > twomen menare arebehind bn tonightin inconnection connecn armedrobbery robberyof ofa an jewelrystore.f officersarrested arrestedjazz d acityand andwilliam williamfrf theyare arecharged involvedshooting shootingand d jackingthat thatstarted startn fieldplaza plazasaturday satuf citywas wasarrested arrestedan
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airporttrying tryingto toboard flight.when whenofficers officersrespondedn scene,a ashootout shootoutenjf thatperson personhas hasnon n threateninginjuries.f > weare arefollowing followin newsfrom fromnorth northcentrn virginia.a asingle singleengine enginepln aneighborhood neighborhoodin n afternoon.this thiswas wasthe thescene scenf youcan cansee seethe theplann grassyarea.f twopeople peopleon onboard bn noone onewas wason onthe thn hurt.federal federaland andstate stateinven arelookingd tryingto tofigure figureout n wrong.>> big >> bigpolicy policychanges chn tonight.from fromnow nowon onmetro metropn haveto topublicly publiclyrepn violentcrimes crimesthat thatn metroproperty.f thisstems stemsfrom fromthe n ofa aperson personaboard abon train.officials officialskilled killedpaul pan fieldearlier earliertoday todn learnedthe thesection sectionn happenedlast lastmonth, monthn publicwasn't wasn'tinformed in untilyesterday.f metromade madethe thedecisionn
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therewas wasno nothreat thren public.that thatdid didnot notsit sitweln localofficial.f iraised raisedit itas asi in becausei ihad hadthe theconcn because --> should > shouldthey theyhave haveand it.>> i >> ido dothink thinkso soandn iraised raisedit.f thecrime crimeoccurred.f thecrime crimehas hasoccurredn iswhat whatwe're we'redoing f > wedon't don'tkeep keepit n public.this thisman manright righthere hn metropolice policearrested, an hicksis isbeing beingheld hen montgomerycounty countyon onbn rainand andassault assaultchaf he'sscheduled scheduledto tobn courtsometime sometimenext nef abig bigproblem problemwith n andpower powercable cableat n centerstop stopled ledto toan commutethis thismorning.f noone onereported reportedactn anysmoke smokeor orfire, firn tomake makerepairs.f metrowas wasforced betweenthe thegrove groveinnen friendship shipheights heightf crewsdid didhave havethe then resolvedby bymidafternoon.f virginiagovernor governorterryn culllive liveunder underfedern
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investigationup upnext nexthen downwith withfox5d howa avirginia virginiateenagn promwith witha aredskins redd howdid didhe hepull pullthatf > teisha,what whatare areyoun reporterroar roarwe're we'rein it'sex exwhich whichis istitn couldbe bethe thefirst firstn homeafter afterthe theterm tf neighborsare aretelling tellin housethey theythink thinkthe n moveinto.f staywith withus.f i'msue suepalka.f guesswhat whathappened happenn hadour ourfirst first80-degren infact, fact,we wehave havetn theway wayto toapril 26 aprin warmerday.f itlooks lookslike liketomorron evenwarmer.f we'llgive giveyou youa afirsn thatforecast forecastand andgn plentymore morenews newsof on lookingat atthe theweekend wn's it'sa abig bigone.f we'llbe beright rightback.f
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potential new neighborhood for starters between california roma colonial homes are discrete walkways. we found one mostly to private parking. the northwest community alsomuni myelitis one of a kind sculptures, exquisite arm texture reminisce event of new orleans french quarter and a neighborhood seemingly so safe a dry cleaning service left a package in plane site on the front porch. this is where president barack obama and the first family could call homes. tree line streets rich with distinction are just well homese for sale here reportedly range from nearly 3 million to more than $7 million.7 m the obamas apparently plan to rent, which means they could pay as much as $15,000 a month or more. the drum circle in malcolm x park, also meridian health parkh is right up the
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difference as you head outce towards the suburbs. dulles 63 although hagerstown still rather toasty tonight at 74-degrees. westminster 70 and annapolisnn 66-degrees. it should be a beautiful start to our we want you to know that ourhat temperature at the time of sunshine at 5:48 should be 64-degrees. an incredible photo buddy.budd make sure you tweet or facebooko your pictures and for the kidsfr at the bus stop we're delightedr that it will be so nice andnd comfortable in the morning. 62 to 69. nice and bright, the sunglasses and they'll definitely want thee shorts because after school 83hl to 88-degrees.88-d we're pretty excited becausecite wednesday looks warm and it's also our weather day out nats park. we'll talk a little bit more about weather day and memorial day. i would
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tell you there's been a tornadoo break out we have somee incredible video of that coming up a bit later. > thank you, sue. > are you excited about thehe weather? >> yes, i am.i me, too.o > when it comes to prom, many people say you got to go big,, right. >> that's what they say a senior at old million highigh school has some serious bragging rights after taking a redskinsek cheerleader to the prom. for years, steven bieber joked with his friends about asking an nfl cheerleader to the big dance in march when it came time to find a date he went for it. he asked krista akin via instagram. surprisingly. redskins cheerleader agreed tind to the prom. he had to get 10,000 retweets in one week.on and he did. despite having a professional cheerleader as his date bieber says he and akin had the typical prom experience. really
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pictures, tony and probably had a great time dangs.grea > that was very sweat of her to do that. >> that's fantastic. listen, that guy's year is made. >> major bragging rights. > the rock star that made ahat visit to the hospital to surprise one of her biggest fans. >> also ahead the local homeowner who watched a manan still pack right off of hishis front door step life through the security app on his home. tonight that homeowner is talking to fox5.
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> the u.s. justice departmentju plans to seek the death penalty in theth charleston church massacre case. dylan roof is killing with nineh black people inside of a south carolina church last year. attorney general loretta lynchyh says the decision came after considering the nature of the alleged crime and the harm it caused. roof is also awaiting trial. he is also facing murder
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state court. they also plan to seek the death penalty. bill cosby he will stand trialnd for sexual assault charges. a pennsylvania judge handed dowe the decision today. cosby is accused of drugging and molesting former temple university employee andrea constant at his home in 2004. cosby claims the sex was consensual. this morning the judge heard part of the statement thathat constant gave to police. she claims cosby gave her pills that put her in a daze and madem her unable to stop his advances. if a victim t is incapacitated, unconscious or conscious and unconscious and then conscious again, the victim is unable too consent. if convicted cosby faces up to 10 years in prison. he is expected back in court in july. > imagine watching this man steal packages right off yourff front door step as it wasit w happening through a security ap on your phone.
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juan sand involve moved into this montgomery county villagele neighborhood seven months ago. he installed security cameras to protect his family. an app on his cellphone alarms him when someone comes onto his property. he checked the camera and saw thieve steel the package. i opened the application and i saw the guy walking to the door. the last thing i see him open the glassdoor, take the package and starts walking away.way. i'm glad i recorded it. i called the police and they pol were able to be here within the hour to take a report. if you recognize the thieve, give police a call.e i would be really -- it's bold. the middle of the and then you can see him runim back to the car and a the car just takes off. still to come tonight, marylandi governor larry hogan one on onen
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can cancer.n i would sit in the hospitalpita reading them, tears of joy.of this is incredible. > coming up next he talks about what brought tiers to his eyes during his treatments and he talks about his new mission in life. and later check out this amazing video of a car going what investigators think led to this accident coming up.
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what if there was a paint that made you look at paint differently question everything you know and what you don't know what if it's built with better ingredients given super powers and even a secret base to test those powers. since benjamin moore reinvented paint, it makes you wonder is it still paint? find benjamin moore paint, only at one of our authorized retailers near you.
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> this is fox5 local newses at 10. welcome back. it's 10:30.0:30 here are some of tonight's top stories. two months after the deadly overdose of a centerville high school student, police have arrested a teenager. marina maracco is working that story. >>reporter: that's right, that's an 18 year old centerville high school studenth now charged in connection with the death of a fellow studenttue much that's 18 year old david hh evers who is now charged withha manufacturing and selling
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prohibitive controlled substancd that investigators believe led to the death of alexia springer, a student at the same high school who accidentally oh dosed on a cocktail power drugs thated include morphine, retinal and oxycodone. virginia governor terry mcauliffe says he's done nothing wrong. he spoke with ronica aboutonic reports he's undern investigation. feds are looking at campaign contributions a chinahina businessman gave to the mcauliffe campaign during his run for governor during 2013. > and now to a fox5 exclusive. itself been nearly a year since maryland governor was diagnoseig with he's now cancer free and inn remission but he's still under a doctor's care and receivingre fox5's laura evans saturday dowy with the governor. >>reporter: diagnosed with an n advanced and serious form of cancer only five months
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governor high pressure larry lar hogan let the public in on everything. he chronicalled his gurney onney facebook and wasn't afraid too attend press conferences and changing events despite his change appearance. while as aggressive the cancer was he was just as aggressive fighting it. what he did focus on were the thousands of get well letters he received. his staff put together binders.e from president obama, heads of state, even strangers. i would sit in the hospital and sometimes cry reading them, tiers of joy, though.hou it's wow, this is incredible and it made me feel like i'm not going through h this alone. it had a lot to do with meh getting better. i believe in the power of prayer. what the governor particularly loved was meeting others in then same boat that he was.wa the kids were really special. he told me about
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particular, five-year old andrer who had some advice. he said governor i know you're going through chemotherapy i've been doing it for two years so i wanted to give you some advice.i and he gave me a list of the toe ten things. make sure you have your huggingg person and the funniest one heo said make sure you get the number number cream before theyo give you the pokey.ey. i guess they rub something on on him before they gave him shots. i went to the hospital the nextt time and i said, hey, doctor, it don't get any number until cream. > does it make you look at politics in a different way in terms of putting things in perspective? it makes me realize that there are thingsre that are much more important. i had conversations with the the speaker of the house than a thea president and the senate who we sometimes have tough battles with. they were both very nice duringe the battle i was going through on a personal basis. i said to them, you know, all the things that we sometimes job over or we're having this disagreement on aren't really that important. with a
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governor hogan is now the second most popular governor in america. how much do you think yourthin health has contributed to your popularity. >> i don't think it's really the health. it's the way people seem to relate to me because they thinkk i'm a regular person and i tell it like it is. within five months before his first treatment governor hoganoa was back before the public again with another announcement. i am 100 percent cancer free ane in complete remission. he continues with what he calls his tuneup. >> i'm actually happy i had the experience to go through it anda i appreciate every day more than i ever did. i got closer to my family andam friends and i appreciate peoplee more and i think there are other things more important than the day-to-day, you know, nonsense that you have to deal with in politics. do you have aspirations beyond govern >> no, i'm just really focused on trying to solve the problems we have in maryland. he tells me he now has a new calling to take ona
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larger scale by raising money and spreading awareness. aw there are incredible breakthroughs that i think we're very close to governor hogan has met with vice-president biden to discuss biden's cancer moon shotn initiative and the governor said he's very glad he's been transparent about his health.hi several people have reached out to him saying they watched his journey they found out they had similar issues and have been treated for cancer themselves. in washington, laura evans, fox5 local news. > i'm so glad that he sharedh his story.his there are so am people out there who can gain inspiration andn strength from that. whenever someone is in a position to do. it's good for many others. he'll never know whose life heee touched. > still to come the emergencyer changes the tsa is making ahead of the busy travel holidayho weekend. we're going to hear from a girl fighting cancer who got a
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her favorite singer. > shacking up with your motherr and father instead of af significant other for the first time on record more youngyoun americans are living with theirh parents than with a spouse or partner. the two main reasons not surprisingly, still a softft economy and millenials who are putting of off hitched period. that is not help ing americans pay off their debt. now the biggest jump coming frog home mortgages and this may be i new home sales seeing their biggest monthly gain in 4 yearss with the median price of a new house in april hitting a record of 321,000 bucks. that helps housing stocks and the overall housing market. talk about taking extreme measures to avoid taxes, two ano three employees in a new serve say they cleaned the bathroom ao work everyçve
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their income taxes for the hough year. one in three said they'd give uv vacation days. really? that's business. i'm neil cavuto. (man) hmm. what do you think? ♪ (stranger) good mornin'! ♪ (store p.a.) attention shoppers, there's a lost couple in the men's department.
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ld out there. explore it in a subaru crosstrek. love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru.
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♪ they go ooh ooh. ♪ hey! ♪ they go oh-ooh-ooooh. ♪ sitting, watching, waiting, wishing. ♪ ♪ i tell you one thing, you never knew it. ♪ ♪ at the back of the bus ♪ there is so much to give, so dream big. ♪ ♪ yeah. ♪ and when they screaming get out, get out. ♪ ♪ll i wanna hear is t down, get down. ♪ ♪ yeah. ♪ and when they screaming get out, get out. ♪ ♪ll i wanna hear is t down, get down. ♪ ♪ get down, get down.
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a teenager batting cancer was too sick to go see her favorite band so the band brought the concert to her hospital room. r take a listen. (music playing) florence welsh of florence and the machineachi along with her guitarrest surprised the girl.
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carina chang was so glad to sync along with them. she sang several songs includinn shake it out. it's one of her favorites. to her it has a special meaning. it's always darks before the dawn. as a cancer patient you cannot he take things for granted.rant > the musicians brought correspond renne a bunch of t-shirts, poster and also signed ought graphs.ough >> that was so beat sweat. we wish her the best. > still ahead at 11 we will head back to prince william. as we deal with metro issues ans traffic jambs in our area engineers in china unvailed anva new mode of transportation that could erase
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problems. that story and more coming up at 11. that's very interesting. what is this?
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> this was really cool.s if you happened to look up in the sky this afternoon in the district or near dulles airport at just the right time you got quite a treat. these are the no birds. they are an air demonstrationdeo team from canada. nine jets fly in formation. they first flu over southwest d.c. then headed to ultimate t december. with the blue sky in then background this was an amazing site to see it says i'll be the judge of that.that more fallout tonight stemmingstm from tsa problems at airports across the country. look at the crowds. >> that's right. meantime those@w travelers over there are preparing for long lines at security checkpoints this holiday weekend.
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story. >>reporter: thousands have missed their flights due to long lines at the nation's airports. the transportation security blames it on the lack of a screeners. now the tsa is making personneln changes at chicago, oh hair and other major airports in an effort to reduce delays ahead of the new summer travel. it's unveiling a new plan to add more agents at liberty, nuke international airport.nal the flying public is our numberr one objective but people are sick and tired of waiting and we can do i do not want to see thisthis airport short changed by investments being made by congress and tsa thus pushingpuh customers away from here because it takes so long to deal with newark airport.port it's also replacing its head off security, kelly hogan. he received around $90,000 in bonuses from late 2013 to latee 2014. about a year later
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security general inspector's office revealed tsa employees failed to find dangerous itemsim in covert tests at multiple airports. the agency is replacing hogan with the official who oncee headed up security at lax and jfk. all ahead of high expected passenger this weekend for the if he moral day weekend. > from problems to the sky to problems on the ground here'sres what you don't do when you approach a round about. this driver in roam mania looked like he was performing a hollywood stunt.yw police cameras recorded the accident. you can see the driver approaching the round about. boom, airborne. the amazing part is he landed oe all four tires on the other side and he wasn't hurt h. police speculate the guy fell asleep at the wheel. > he would. really. can you imagine that. >> it looks like his back axlexe comes off his wheels.heel watch. something is going o
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there. that's a lot rain there. even though he survived officers will only charge him for damaging the round about. his bumper came objection to thm forme it's not the wheel. > he hydroplaned out of there.f you and i are talking about how l school it is and sue, thesue, weather person says. >> look at the > that's so funny. the first thing i look at whenhn the reporter start the reports, what's it doing out there. the first thing i do when i wali out is look up. > do you really.eall >> absolutely. > i'm sure tony does that, too. >> i look up when i come in. > finally we could look up andp not get hit with rain drops. >> it was nice. > a crazy night. i have to show you this video because our jaws are dropping. this is crazy.razy this was near dodge city kansas this evening. it started about 6:00. you know, there are
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chasers like crazy out there. look at how close they were to this. h h was six to ate miles southwest of dodge city.hw there was somees damage there wt side of the city but it's in ths as bad as you would expectould considering the magnitude ofagni this crazy monster to n.a.d.e. m on. iton often had the same stoe that seemed to produce six or ate tornado and sometimes two at a time from the same cell. crazy. there was also some damage near shamrock oklahoma. that is southwest of tulsa. altogether 28 reports of tornadoes and most of them inem western kansas and western sections of oklahoma. really dramatic.dram here's what's going out there now. they're still remaining under a tornado watch. what we're seeing is more of af line of storms as opposed to opp those individual super cells, but crazy night out there whilee we finally break out of our very gloomy weather pattern and get to enjoy a beautiful mild night ahead and a gorgeous day tomorrow.morr
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what is weather day? i'll explain that in just a moment. but we want you to join us ifn you can. the humidity was great today. it won't be bad to youre knowledge either. it sneaks back into town on thursday and it willç be noticeable if not just little uncomfortable. as the humidity increases a possibility of lake week storms floating around on thursday and friday. our weather team will be out att the nats game tomorrow. we go early because a lot oflo school kids come to hear the weather presentation that he we do at 10 in the morning and then we stay for the game. we meet and greet with them.them there will be other weatherher groups out there as well. wel the national weather will comeil and represent and we're excited that often there's weather on weather day like lightning and delays. this year we think we're going to have a nice sunny presentation for the kids at 10:00 a.m. with a temperature of 77. the game starts at 8:00. 82-degrees. we want you to come out to the the game, open to everybody, obviously, but one
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every ticket purchased will goil to leukemia and lymphoma andnd that's huge. it's one of our special causes here at fox5. we are greatful to the nats. consider coming out for a great afternoon for the 1:00 game.e. much cooler in the surroundingrn suburbs and a comfortable day, not that cold tonight. we should be able to get up to 86 tomorrow. one of our warmer days. certainly the warmest day we'vee had since way back p in, actually have to go back to last year to get an 86. it was 84 on april 26.pril meanwhile tomorrow as our high pressure gets off the coast itcs continues to up p p in the warm air, but the changeup foror thursday it's a little bit moret how mid, too, and that could lead to the development of onene or two thunderstorms around in afternoon. as we head into memorial dayal weekend it looks really good.ood but it doesn't look perfect anda we've had to make some changes to the forecast today based onbe some things we were seeing.
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weekend it will be gorgeous,orge saturday mostly sunny and 85-degrees. there could be a few storms onon sunday, not a lot.lot. not a washout, 83 degrees.83 d that could still change just a c little bit. a 50/50 chance of storms on memorial day monday with ay wi temperature of 76-degrees the.h. here's what's happening as keepp the area off the coast there'sot going to be a little trough, a coastal low, if you will. how close does it get, maybe close he muff for some popup storms on sunday and then a better chance on monday. there could be some topical moisture associated with thatt thing, too. we will watch that closely and update you if we need to changeo the forecast in any way. your seven day forecast, what'st a zip trip? well, a zip trip is what our fox news morning does o every summer on fridays to takeo you to a new community. but guess what, shawn, tony and i are going to preview the zip trip at the
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thursday you better come out and say hi to us. we've lot to see you.ou you've got the weekend off. we've talked about the forecast, of course monday 76-degrees and tuesday 80. there could be a couple of o thunderstorms around on tuesdayr as well as the monday from the same system.stem that's your forecast. jim over to you. the cuisine he oh isn't open yet. let's take you back to 1994.994. princeton came home to the the mens and womens lacrosse. la maryland can duplicate the collegiate double. both interpret squads have reached the teams. fires, he scores. the mens team is riding a school record 15-game winning streak.ta last saturday they beat see cause to advance to the final te four against brown. maryland is seeking its first title since 1975.
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class lead by two time player of the year taylor cummings has not lost since may 2015.ay 2 last week they dominated you mass 18 to three to advance toto the eighth straight final four. they'll face syracuse, the womem are in pursuit of a third straight title. there is a lot of good positive on the womens and mens side.ide. we're both looking forward to getting up to philadelphia andad competing as hard as we can. it doesn't surprise me at all because they have so muchso surprise because i know what they're doing every day to makee it happen. we're pulling for them all the day. in the fall the mens team teamed up with team impact to welcome five-year old fin crime once to the lacrosse program. he was diagnosed in june 2014 with acute limb foe plastic leukemia. he'll continue receiving treatment until october 2017.17 he's joined the team
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practices and games, but lastlat week they showed their support by saving their heads.eads his correspond rage just fight has really put everything into perspective. to take some of that self-esteem away, maybe the confidence ofidn that hair and just shave it down and make a guy smile and let hit know we're behind him. i was really proud. it was great to experience what we were doing for him to let hil know that he's part of our team, part of our family.fami it made a lot of guys really happy. he has this crazy thing called cancer that kind of shocked us all and touched us all in somee way. and with him he's likes knee so much pain but so happy, so positive. this weekend the terps try to accomplish winning both lacrosse titles and the men with inspiration for fin crime once. > we wish him all the very luck. we're hoping fin makes it out tt the game. he lives in
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to be a part of it this hhis weekend. > win, win, win. we want to see fin get out.ut. thanks, jim. > stay with us. we'll be right back.
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> making it to the scriptso th national spelling bee is an amazing achievement, but 11 year old neil mace had a more difficult journey than most ofan his peers. he was born
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he now hears with the help of his cochlear implant in both of his ears. after years of speech therapy he is going to compete in the spelling bee with others. he got got quite the send offsed before he headed to d.c. they called me to go home. i opened the door and they started shouting. the rounds of the national the spelling bee kick off i believe wednesday. the only assistance that the bee's announcer will speak intoo an microphone that transfers a sick directly to his cochlear implants that allows him to to filter out noise and just focust on the word.ord. we wish him and all the other speelers the best.sp > stick with us, the news at 11 starts right now. this is fox5 local news at 11. right now at 11
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fairfax county. a high school student allegedly involved in the accidental in overdose of another student is now under arrest. open yourself up. a fox5 exclusive. virginia governor terry mcauliffe tells fox5 why he's not running from cameras or criticism in the midst of an fbi investigation into campaign contribution. and imagine the first family being your new neighbors.eigh we'll tell you where they'rehey planning to leave once they live the white house. ho fox5 local news at 11 starts sta right now. thank you for joining us at 11,, i'm tony perkins and i'm shawn yancy. a fairfax county teenager is in jail tonight. he told police he may have beene involved in the accidental drugc overdose of one of his classmates. fox5's marina maracco is life is tonight in centerville. cen she joins us now with the latest on this investigation. marina. >>reporter: tony and shawn


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